server <- function(input, output, session){ ############################################## ## Hide/Show : level 1 ##-------------------------------------------- ## Fatalities output$hide_fatalities <- eventReactive({ input$button_fatalities },{ if(input$button_fatalities%%2 == 1) TRUE else FALSE }, ignoreInit = TRUE) outputOptions(output, "hide_fatalities", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE) ## Population Size output$hide_pop_size <- eventReactive({ input$button_pop_size },{ if(input$button_pop_size%%2 == 1) TRUE else FALSE }, ignoreInit = TRUE) outputOptions(output, "hide_pop_size", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE) ## Population Growth output$hide_pop_growth <- eventReactive({ input$button_pop_growth },{ if(input$button_pop_growth%%2 == 1) TRUE else FALSE }, ignoreInit = TRUE) outputOptions(output, "hide_pop_growth", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE) ## Carrying capacity output$hide_carrying_cap <- eventReactive({ input$button_carrying_cap },{ if(input$button_carrying_cap%%2 == 1) TRUE else FALSE }, ignoreInit = TRUE) outputOptions(output, "hide_carrying_cap", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE) # Display Carrying capacity Unit Info output$carrying_cap_unit_info <- renderText({ if(input$pop_size_unit == "Npair"){ paste0("Nombre de couple") } else { paste0("Effectif total") } }) ############################################## ## Hide/Show : level 2 ##-------------------------------------------- observe({ #------------ # Hide all #------------ shinyjs::hide("fatalities_mean") shinyjs::hide("fatalities_se") shinyjs::hide("fatalities_lower") shinyjs::hide("fatalities_upper") shinyjs::hide("fatalities_number_expert") shinyjs::hide("fatalities_mat_expert") shinyjs::hide("fatalities_run_expert") shinyjs::hide("farm_number_cumulated") shinyjs::hide("fatalities_mat_cumulated") shinyjs::hide("pop_size_lower") shinyjs::hide("pop_size_upper") shinyjs::hide("pop_size_mean") shinyjs::hide("pop_size_se") shinyjs::hide("pop_size_mat_expert") shinyjs::hide("pop_size_run_expert") shinyjs::hide("pop_growth_lower") shinyjs::hide("pop_growth_upper") shinyjs::hide("pop_growth_mean") shinyjs::hide("pop_growth_se") shinyjs::hide("pop_growth_mat_expert") shinyjs::hide("pop_growth_run_expert") shinyjs::hide("pop_trend") shinyjs::hide("pop_trend_strength") shinyjs::hide("carrying_capacity") shinyjs::hide("carrying_cap_mat_expert") shinyjs::hide("carrying_cap_run_expert") shinyjs::hide("mat_fill_vr") #------------ # Show some #------------ # Show inputs for fatalities part if(input$button_fatalities%%2 == 1){ #shinyjs::show("fatal_constant") # Show inputs for none cumulated impacts scenario if(input$analysis_choice == "scenario"){ shinyjs::show("fatalities_input_type") if(input$fatalities_input_type == "itvl"){ shinyjs::show("fatalities_lower") shinyjs::show("fatalities_upper") } if(input$fatalities_input_type == "val"){ shinyjs::show("fatalities_mean") shinyjs::show("fatalities_se") } if(input$fatalities_input_type == "eli_exp"){ shinyjs::show("fatalities_number_expert") shinyjs::show("fatalities_mat_expert") shinyjs::show("fatalities_run_expert") } } # Show inputs for cumulated scenario if(input$analysis_choice == "cumulated"){ shinyjs::hide("fatalities_input_type") shinyjs::show("farm_number_cumulated") shinyjs::show("fatalities_mat_cumulated") } } # Show inputs for population size part if(input$button_pop_size%%2 == 1){ shinyjs::show("pop_size_input_type") if(input$pop_size_input_type == "itvl"){ shinyjs::show("pop_size_lower") shinyjs::show("pop_size_upper") } if(input$pop_size_input_type == "val"){ shinyjs::show("pop_size_mean") shinyjs::show("pop_size_se") } if(input$pop_size_input_type == "eli_exp"){ shinyjs::show("pop_size_mat_expert") shinyjs::show("pop_size_run_expert") } } # Show inputs for population trend/growth part if(input$button_pop_growth%%2 == 1){ shinyjs::show("pop_growth_input_type") if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "itvl"){ shinyjs::show("pop_growth_lower") shinyjs::show("pop_growth_upper") } if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "val"){ shinyjs::show("pop_growth_mean") shinyjs::show("pop_growth_se") } if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "eli_exp"){ shinyjs::show("pop_growth_mat_expert") shinyjs::show("pop_growth_run_expert") } if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "trend"){ shinyjs::show("pop_trend") if(input$pop_trend != "stable"){ shinyjs::show("pop_trend_strength") } } } # Show inputs for carrying capacity part if(input$button_carrying_cap%%2 == 1){ shinyjs::show("carrying_cap_input_type") if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "val"){ shinyjs::show("carrying_capacity") } if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "eli_exp"){ shinyjs::show("carrying_cap_mat_expert") shinyjs::show("carrying_cap_run_expert") } } # Show inputs vital rates part if(input$button_vital_rates%%2 == 1){ shinyjs::show("mat_fill_vr") } }) # en observe show/hide ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ##### ############################################## ## Reactive values ##-------------------------------------------- out <- reactiveValues(run = NULL, msg = NULL) ready <- reactiveValues(fatalities = TRUE, pop_size = TRUE, pop_growth = TRUE, carrying_capacity = TRUE) param <- reactiveValues(N1 = NULL, nsim = NULL, cumulated_impacts = FALSE, fatalities_mean = NULL, fatalities_mean_nb = NULL, fatalities_se = NULL, fatalities_se_nb = NULL, onset_time = NULL, onset_year = NULL, out_fatal = NULL, pop_size_mean = NULL, pop_size_se = NULL, pop_size_unit = NULL, pop_growth_mean = NULL, pop_growth_se = NULL, fecundities = NULL, survivals = NULL, s_calibrated = NULL, f_calibrated = NULL, vr_calibrated = NULL, carrying_capacity = NULL, theta = NULL, rMAX_species = NULL, model_demo = NULL, time_horzion = NULL, coeff_var_environ = NULL, fatal_constant = NULL, fatalities_eli_result = NULL, pop_size_eli_result = NULL, pop_growth_eli_result = NULL, carrying_cap_eli_result = NULL ) ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ##### ############################################## ## Update matrix cumulated impact ##------------------------------------------- observeEvent({ input$farm_number_cumulated }, { req(input$farm_number_cumulated > 0) current_mat <- input$fatalities_mat_cumulated n_farm <- input$farm_number_cumulated if(n_farm > nrow(current_mat)){ fill_mat <- c(as.vector(t(current_mat)), rep(NA,(3*(n_farm-nrow(current_mat))))) }else{ fill_mat <- as.vector(t(current_mat[1:n_farm,])) } updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "fatalities_mat_cumulated", value = matrix(fill_mat, nrow = n_farm, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(paste("Parc", c(1:n_farm)), c("Moyenne", "Erreur-type", "Ann�e (d�but)")))) }) ##### ############################################## ## Update elicitation matrix : fatalities ##------------------------------------------- observeEvent({ input$fatalities_number_expert }, { req(input$fatalities_number_expert > 0) current_mat <- input$fatalities_mat_expert n_experts <- input$fatalities_number_expert if(n_experts > nrow(current_mat)){ fill_mat <- c(as.vector(t(current_mat)), rep(NA,(5*(n_experts-nrow(current_mat))))) }else{ fill_mat <- as.vector(t(current_mat[1:n_experts,])) } updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "fatalities_mat_expert", value = matrix(fill_mat, nrow = n_experts, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(paste0("#", 1:n_experts), c("Poids", "Min", "Best", "Max", "% IC" )) ) ) }) ##### ############################################## ## Define some functions ##------------------------------------------- ### # Get lambda from +/-X% growth rate make_lambda <- function(pop_growth) 1 + (pop_growth/100) ##### ##-------------------------------------------- ## Run expert elicitation ##-------------------------------------------- # Function to run the elication analysis func_eli <- function(mat_expert){ t_mat_expert <- t(mat_expert) vals <- t_mat_expert[2:4,] Cp <- t_mat_expert[5,] weights <- t_mat_expert[1,] out <- elicitation(vals, Cp, weights) return(list(out = out, mean = out$mean_smooth, SE = sqrt(out$var_smooth))) } # Function to plot the elication analysis output plot_expert <- function(out, show_se = TRUE, ...){ plot_elicitation(out, ylab = "", xlab = "Valeur du param�tre", cex.lab = 1.2, yaxt = "n") mtext(text = "Densit� de probabilit�", side = 2, line = 2, cex = 1.2) y2 <- dgamma(x = out$mean_smooth, shape = out$shape_smooth, rate = out$rate_smooth) xx <- qgamma(p = c(0.01,0.99), shape = out$shape_smooth, rate = out$rate_smooth) clip(xx[1], xx[2], -100, y2) abline(v = out$mean_smooth, lwd = 3, col = "darkblue") mtext(text = paste("Moyenne = ", round(out$mean_smooth,2)), side = 3, line = 2.5, cex = 1.2, adj = 0) if(show_se) mtext(text = paste("Erreur-type = ", round(sqrt(out$var_smooth), 2)), side = 3, line = 1, cex = 1.2, adj = 0) } ######################## ## Fatalities ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$fatalities_run_expert }, { if( all(!$fatalities_mat_expert)) ) { ## run elicitation analysis param$fatalities_eli_result <- func_eli(input$fatalities_mat_expert) ## plot distribution output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Mortalit�s annuelles" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$fatalities_eli_result$out) }) } else { print("missing value") } # end if }) # end observeEvent ######################## ## Population size ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$pop_size_run_expert }, { if(all(!$pop_size_mat_expert))) { ## run elicitation analysis param$pop_size_eli_result <- func_eli(input$pop_size_mat_expert) ## plot distribution output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Taille de population" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$pop_size_eli_result$out) }) } else { print("missing value") } # end if }) # end observeEvent ######################## ## Population growth ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$pop_growth_run_expert },{ if(all(!$pop_growth_mat_expert))){ lambda_mat_expert <- input$pop_growth_mat_expert lambda_mat_expert[,2:4] <- make_lambda(lambda_mat_expert[,2:4]) ## run elicitation analysis param$pop_growth_eli_result <- func_eli(lambda_mat_expert) ## plot distribution output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Taux de croissance de la population" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$pop_growth_eli_result$out) }) } else { print("missing value") } # end if }) # end observeEvent ######################## ## Carrying capacity ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$carrying_cap_run_expert },{ if(all(!$carrying_cap_mat_expert))) { ## run elicitation analysis param$carrying_cap_eli_result <- func_eli(input$carrying_cap_mat_expert) ## run elicitation analysis output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Capacit� de charge" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$carrying_cap_eli_result$out, show_se = FALSE) }) } else { print("missing value") } # end if }) # end observeEvent ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ##### ##### ##-------------------------------------------- ## Display parameter distribution ##-------------------------------------------- # Function to plot a gamma distribution plot_gamma <- function(mu, se, show_mode = TRUE, show_mean = TRUE, show_se = TRUE, ...){ ## Define shape and scale parameter of gamma distribution shape = (mu/se)^2 scale = se^2/mu ## Plot the curve par(mar = c(5, 4, 6, 2)) curve(dgamma(x, shape=shape, scale=scale), from = max(0,mu-3*se), to = mu+4*se, lwd = 3, col = "darkblue", yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "Valeur du param�tre", cex.lab = 1.2) mtext(text = "Densit� de probabilit�", side = 2, line = 2, cex = 1.2) # show mode MU <- (shape-1)*scale y_MU <- dgamma(x = MU, shape = shape, scale = scale) xx <- qgamma(p = c(0.01,0.99), shape = shape, scale = scale) clip(xx[1], xx[2], -100, y_MU) abline(v = MU, lwd = 3, col = "darkblue") # show mean y_mu <- dgamma(x = mu, shape = shape, scale = scale) clip(xx[1], xx[2], -100, y_mu) abline(v = mu, lwd = 2, col = "darkblue", lty = 2) if(show_mode) mtext(text = paste("Mode = ", round(MU, 2)), side = 3, line = 4, cex = 1.2, adj = 0) if(show_mean) mtext(text = paste("Moyenne = ", round(mu, 2)), side = 3, line = 2.5, cex = 1.2, adj = 0) if(show_se) mtext(text = paste("Erreur-type = ", round(se, 2)), side = 3, line = 1, cex = 1.2, adj = 0) } # end function plot_gamma plot_gamma_cumulated_impacts <- function(mu, se, nparc, ...){ ## Define shape and scale parameter of gamma distribution shape = (mu/se)^2 scale = se^2/mu ## Define x and y lim xx = yy = list() for(j in 1:nparc){ xx[[j]] = seq(from = max(0,mu[j]-4*se[j]), to = mu[j]+4*se[j], length.out = 1e3) yy[[j]] = dgamma(xx[[j]], shape=shape[j], scale=scale[j]) } ylim = c(min(unlist(yy)), max(unlist(yy))*1.4) xlim = c(min(unlist(xx)), max(unlist(xx))) ## Plot j=1 curve(dgamma(x, shape=shape[j], scale=scale[j]), from = max(0,mu[j]-4*se[j]), to = mu[j]+4*se[j], n = 1e4, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, lwd = 3, col = j, yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", #xaxp = c(round(xlim[1]), round(xlim[2]), n = 10), ylab = "", xlab = "Valeur du param�tre", cex.lab = 1.2) axis(side = 1, at = seq(round(xlim[1]), round(xlim[2]), by = max(round((round(xlim[2])-round(xlim[1]))/10),1) )) mtext(text = "Densit� de probabilit�", side = 2, line = 2, cex = 1.2) y1 <- dgamma(x = mu[j], shape = shape[j], scale = scale[j]) segments(x0 = mu[j], y0 = 0, y1 = y1, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = j) points(x = mu[j], y = y1, pch = 19, cex = 1.5, col = j) for(j in 2:nparc){ curve(dgamma(x, shape=shape[j], scale=scale[j]), from = max(0,mu[j]-4*se[j]), to = mu[j]+4*se[j], n = 1e4, lwd = 3, col = j, yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "Valeur du param�tre", cex.lab = 1.2, add = TRUE) y1 <- dgamma(x = mu[j], shape = shape[j], scale = scale[j]) segments(x0 = mu[j], y0 = 0, y1 = y1, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = j) points(x = mu[j], y = y1, pch = 19, cex = 1.5, col = j) } legend(x = xlim[1], y = ylim[2], legend = paste("Parc", 1:nparc), lwd = 3, col = 1:nparc, text.col = 1:nparc, cex = 1.5, bty = "n", horiz = TRUE) } # end function plot_gamma_cumulated_impacts ######################## ## Fatalities ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$analysis_choice input$button_fatalities input$fatalities_input_type input$fatalities_run_expert input$farm_number_cumulated input$fatalities_mat_cumulated },{ if(input$analysis_choice != "cumulated"){ # Show from input values: if button is ON and input_type is set on "value" or "itvl" (thus not "eli_exp") if(input$button_fatalities%%2 == 1 & input$fatalities_input_type != "eli_exp"){ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Mortalit�s annuelles" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ if(input$fatalities_input_type == "itvl"){ req(input$fatalities_lower, input$fatalities_upper) plot_gamma(mu = tail(param$fatalities_mean, -1), se = tail(param$fatalities_se, -1)) }else{ req(input$fatalities_mean, input$fatalities_se) plot_gamma(mu = tail(param$fatalities_mean, -1), se = tail(param$fatalities_se, -1)) } }) } else { # Show from elicitation expert: if button is ON and input_type is set on "expert elicitation" if(input$button_fatalities%%2 == 1 & input$fatalities_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!is.null(param$fatalities_eli_result)){ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Mortalit�s annuelles" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$fatalities_eli_result$out) }) } else { output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } # Hide otherwise (when button is OFF) }else{ output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } } # When analysis = cumulated impacts }else{ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Mortalit�s annuelles par parc (impacts cumul�s)" }) # Plot: note we use the "NULL + delay" sequence only to avoid error message in R console output$distri_plot <- NULL delay(5, output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_gamma_cumulated_impacts(mu = input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,1], se = input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,2], nparc = input$farm_number_cumulated) }) ) } # end "if" }, ignoreInit = FALSE) ######################## ## Population size ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$button_pop_size input$pop_size_input_type },{ # Show from input values: if button is ON and input_type is set on "value" if(input$button_pop_size%%2 == 1 & input$pop_size_input_type != "eli_exp"){ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Taille initiale de la population" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ req(param$pop_size_mean, param$pop_size_se) plot_gamma(mu = param$pop_size_mean, se = param$pop_size_se) }) } else { # Show from elicitation expert: if button is ON and input_type is set on "expert elicitation" if(input$button_pop_size%%2 == 1 & input$pop_size_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!is.null(param$pop_size_eli_result)){ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Taille initiale de la population" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$pop_size_eli_result$out) }) } else { output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } # Hide otherwise (when button is OFF) }else{ output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } } }, ignoreInit = FALSE) ######################## ## Population growth ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$pop_growth_input_type input$button_pop_growth },{ # Show from input values: if button is ON and input_type is set on "value" or "interval" if(input$button_pop_growth%%2 == 1 & input$pop_growth_input_type != "eli_exp" & input$pop_growth_input_type != "trend"){ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Taux de croissance de la population" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ req(param$pop_growth_mean, param$pop_growth_se > 0) plot_gamma(mu = param$pop_growth_mean, se = param$pop_growth_se) }) } else { # Show from elicitation expert: if button is ON and input_type is set on "expert elicitation" if(input$button_pop_growth%%2 == 1 & input$pop_growth_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!is.null(param$pop_growth_eli_result)){ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Taux de croissance de la population" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$pop_growth_eli_result$out) }) } else { output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } # Hide otherwise (when button is OFF) }else{ output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } } }, ignoreInit = FALSE) ######################## ## Carrying capacity ##---------------------- observeEvent({ input$carrying_cap_input_type input$button_carrying_cap },{ # Show from elicitation expert: if button is ON and input_type is set on "expert elicitation" if(input$button_carrying_cap%%2 == 1 & input$carrying_cap_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!is.null(param$carrying_cap_eli_result)){ output$title_distri_plot <- renderText({ "Capacit� de charge" }) output$distri_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_expert(param$carrying_cap_eli_result$out) }) } else { output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } # Hide otherwise (when button is OFF) }else{ output$title_distri_plot <- NULL output$distri_plot <- NULL } }, ignoreInit = FALSE) ##### ##### ##------------------------------------------------- ## Display parameter values (on the side panel) ##------------------------------------------------- ################################# ## Fatalities ##------------------------------- ## UNIT output$fatalities_unit_info <- renderText({ if(!is.null(input$fatalities_unit)){ if(input$fatalities_unit == "h"){ paste0("Taux de mortalit�") } else { paste0("Nombre de mortalit�s") } } }) ## Values output$fatalities_mean_info <- renderText({ if(input$fatalities_unit == "h") add_perc <- "%" else add_perc <- "" paste0(c("Moyenne : ", paste0(tail(param$fatalities_mean, -1), add_perc, collapse = ", ") ), collapse = "") }) output$fatalities_se_info <- renderText({ if(input$fatalities_unit == "h") add_perc <- "%" else add_perc <- "" paste0(c("Erreur-type : ", paste0(tail(param$fatalities_se, -1), add_perc, collapse = ", ") ), collapse = "") }) ################################# ## Poplutation size ##------------------------------- ## UNIT output$pop_size_unit_info <- renderText({ if(!is.null(param$pop_size_unit)){ if(param$pop_size_unit == "Npair"){ paste0("Nombre de couple") } else { paste0("Effectif total") } } }) ## VALUES output$pop_size_mean_info <- renderText({ paste0("Moyenne : ", param$pop_size_mean) }) output$pop_size_se_info <- renderText({ paste0("Erreur-type : ", param$pop_size_se) }) ## Show Popsize by age (table) # Function to create the table make_mat_popsizes <- function(data_sf, species, pop_size, pop_size_unit, survivals, fecundities){ nam <- data_sf %>% filter(Nom_espece == species) %>% select(classes_age) %>% unlist %>% as.vector matrix(round(pop_vector(pop_size = pop_size, pop_size_type = pop_size_unit, s = survivals, f = fecundities)), nrow = 1, dimnames = list("Effectifs", nam) ) } # Display the table (Note the delay : piece is just there to avoid an error message - time for parameters to be "loaded in") delay(ms = 200, output$pop_size_by_age <- renderTable({ if(any($survivals)) | any($fecundities))){ matrix("Valeurs de survies et/ ou de f�condit�s manquantes", nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "Erreur")) }else{ make_mat_popsizes(data_sf = data_sf, species = input$species_choice, pop_size = param$pop_size_mean, pop_size_unit = input$pop_size_unit, s = param$survivals, f = param$fecundities) } # end if }, width = "500px", rownames = FALSE, digits = 0) ) ################################# ## Population growth ##------------------------------- output$pop_growth_mean_info <- renderText({ paste0("Moyenne : ", param$pop_growth_mean) }) output$pop_growth_se_info <- renderText({ paste0("Erreur-type : ", param$pop_growth_se) }) ################################# ## Carrying capacity ##------------------------------- # UNIT (like pop size) output$carrying_capacity_info <- renderText({ # Source info "unit" if(is.null(param$pop_size_unit)){ unit1 <- input$pop_size_unit }else{ unit1 <- param$pop_size_unit } # UNIT information if(unit1 == "Npair"){ info1 <- paste0("Nombre de couple") } else { info1 <- paste0("Effectif total") } # paste for printing paste0(info1, " : ", param$carrying_capacity) }) ################################# ## Vital rates ##------------------------------- # Function to create the matrix make_mat_vr <- function(data_sf, species){ out_mat <- data_sf %>% filter(Nom_espece == species) %>% select(classes_age, survie, fecondite) return(out_mat) } # Update the vital rate matrix (mat_fill_vr) when changing species in the list observeEvent({ input$species_choice }, { if(input$species_choice == "Esp�ce g�n�rique") {} else { tab_species <- make_mat_vr(data_sf = data_sf, species = input$species_choice) if(all( { updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "mat_fill_vr", value = matrix(data = NA, nrow = 4, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("Juv 0", "Sub 1", "Sub 2", "Adulte"), c("Survie", "F�condit�")))) } else { number_age_class <- nrow(tab_species) ages <- tab_species$classes_age survivals <- tab_species$survie fecundities <- tab_species$fecondite updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "mat_fill_vr", value = matrix(data = c(survivals, fecundities), nrow = number_age_class, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(ages, c("Survie", "F�condit�")))) } # end if 2 } # end if 1 }) # end observeEvent species_list # Display vital rates output table output$vital_rates_info <- renderTable({ input$mat_fill_vr }, rownames = TRUE) # Display intrinsic lambda (based solely on Leslie matrix) delay(ms = 300, output$lambda0_info <- renderUI({ lam <- lambda(build_Leslie(s = input$mat_fill_vr[,1], f = input$mat_fill_vr[,2])) withMathJax(sprintf("$$\\lambda = %.02f$$", lam)) }) ) ##### ##### ##-------------------------------------------- ## Select parameter values for simulations ##-------------------------------------------- # Functions to calculate mean and SD from lower & upper values get_mu <- function(lower, upper) (lower + upper)/2 get_sd <- function(lower, upper, coverage) ((abs(upper - lower)/2))/qnorm(1-((1-coverage)/2)) ################################# ## Cumulated impacts or not ? ##------------------------------- observeEvent({ input$run }, { if(input$analysis_choice == "scenario"){ param$cumulated_impacts = FALSE } else { param$cumulated_impacts = TRUE } # end if }) # end observeEvent ################################# ## Fatalities ##------------------------------- observe({ # Case 1 : Not cumulated effects (if1) if(input$analysis_choice == "scenario"){ # Case 1.1 : Values from expert elicitation (if2) if(input$fatalities_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!(is.null(param$fatalities_eli_result))){ param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, round(param$fatalities_eli_result$mean, 2)) param$onset_time <- NULL param$fatalities_se <- c(0, round(param$fatalities_eli_result$SE, 3)) ready$fatalities <- TRUE } else { ready$fatalities <- FALSE } } else { if(input$fatalities_input_type == "val"){ # Case 1.2 : Values directly provided as mean & SE param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, input$fatalities_mean) param$onset_time <- NULL param$fatalities_se <- c(0, input$fatalities_se) ready$fatalities <- TRUE }else{ # Case 1.3 : Values directly provided as lower/upper interval param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, round(get_mu(lower = input$fatalities_lower, upper = input$fatalities_upper), 2)) param$onset_time <- NULL param$fatalities_se <- c(0, round(get_sd(lower = input$fatalities_lower, upper = input$fatalities_upper, coverage = CP), 3)) ready$fatalities <- TRUE } # end (if3) } # end (if2) # Case 2 : Cumulated effects (if-else 1) } else { ready$fatalities <- TRUE param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,1]) param$fatalities_se <- c(0, input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,2]) param$onset_year <- c(min(input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,3]), input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,3]) param$onset_time <- param$onset_year - min(param$onset_year) + 1 } # end (if1) }) # end observe ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### # Make sure fatalities are expressed as "number" (not rate) for the run_simul function se_prod2 <- function(mu1, se1, mu2, se2) sqrt((se1^2 * se2^2) + (se1^2 * mu2^2) + (mu1^2 * se2^2)) observeEvent({ input$run },{ if(input$fatalities_unit == "h"){ pop_size_tot <- sum(pop_vector(pop_size = param$pop_size_mean, pop_size_type = param$pop_size_type, s = param$survivals, f = param$fecundities)[-1]) param$fatalities_mean_nb <- (param$fatalities_mean/100) * pop_size_tot param$fatalities_se_nb <- se_prod2(mu1 = param$fatalities_mean/100, se1 = param$fatalities_se/100, mu2 = pop_size_tot, se2 = (pop_size_tot/param$pop_size_mean) * param$pop_size_se) }else{ param$fatalities_mean_nb <- param$fatalities_mean param$fatalities_se_nb <- param$fatalities_se } }) ################################# ## Population size ##------------------------------- observe({ # Case 1 : Values from expert elicitation if(input$pop_size_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!(is.null(param$pop_size_eli_result))){ param$pop_size_mean <- round(param$pop_size_eli_result$mean) param$pop_size_se <- round(param$pop_size_eli_result$SE) ready$pop_size <- TRUE } else { ready$pop_size <- FALSE } } else { if(input$pop_size_input_type == "val"){ # Case 2 : Values directly provided as mean & SE ready$pop_size <- TRUE param$pop_size_mean <- input$pop_size_mean param$pop_size_se <- input$pop_size_se }else{ # Case 3 : Values directly provided as lower/upper interval ready$pop_size <- TRUE param$pop_size_mean <- round(get_mu(lower = input$pop_size_lower, upper = input$pop_size_upper), 2) param$pop_size_se <- round(get_sd(lower = input$pop_size_lower, upper = input$pop_size_upper, coverage = CP), 3) } # end (if3) } param$pop_size_unit <- input$pop_size_unit }) ################################# ## Population growth ##------------------------------- observe({ # Case 1 : Values from expert elicitation if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!(is.null(param$pop_growth_eli_result))){ param$pop_growth_mean <- round(min(1 + param$rMAX_species, round(param$pop_growth_eli_result$mean, 2)), 2) param$pop_growth_se <- round(param$pop_growth_eli_result$SE, 2) ready$pop_growth <- TRUE } else { ready$pop_growth <- FALSE } } else { # Case 2 : Trend information if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "trend"){ ready$pop_growth <- TRUE if(input$pop_trend == "growth") { if(input$pop_trend_strength == "weak") { param$pop_growth_mean <- 1.01 } else if(input$pop_trend_strength == "average"){ param$pop_growth_mean <- 1.03 } else { param$pop_growth_mean <- 1.06 } } else if(input$pop_trend == "decline"){ if(input$pop_trend_strength == "weak") { param$pop_growth_mean <- 0.99 } else if(input$pop_trend_strength == "average"){ param$pop_growth_mean <- 0.97 } else { param$pop_growth_mean <- 0.94 } } else { param$pop_growth_mean <- 1 } param$pop_growth_se <- 0 # Case 3 : Values directly provided (i.e., not from expert elicitation) } else { if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "val"){ # Case 2 : Values directly provided as mean & SE ready$pop_growth <- TRUE param$pop_growth_mean <- round(min(1 + param$rMAX_species, make_lambda(input$pop_growth_mean)), 3) param$pop_growth_se <- input$pop_growth_se/100 }else{ # Case 3 : Values directly provided as lower/upper interval ready$pop_growth <- TRUE param$pop_growth_mean <- round(min(1 + param$rMAX_species, round(get_mu(lower = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_lower), upper = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_upper)), 2) ), 3) param$pop_growth_se <- round(get_sd(lower = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_lower), upper = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_upper), coverage = CP), 3) } # end (if3) } } }) ################################# ## Carrying capacity ##------------------------------ observe({ if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "eli_exp"){ if(!(is.null(param$carrying_cap_eli_result))){ param$carrying_capacity <- round(param$carrying_cap_eli_result$mean) ready$carrying_capacity <- TRUE } else { ready$carrying_capacity <- FALSE } } else { if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "unknown"){ ready$carrying_capacity <- TRUE param$carrying_capacity <- max(param$pop_size_mean*100, 1e8) # use a very large K }else{ ready$carrying_capacity <- TRUE param$carrying_capacity <- input$carrying_capacity } } }) ############################################# ## Survivals, fecundities ##------------------------------------------- observe({ param$survivals <- input$mat_fill_vr[,1] param$fecundities <- input$mat_fill_vr[,2] }) # end observeEvent ##### ############################################# ## Calibration of survivals & fecundities ##------------------------------------------- observeEvent({ input$run },{ # we also define rMAX here param$rMAX_species <- rMAX_spp(surv = tail(param$survivals,1), afr = min(which(param$fecundities != 0))) param$vr_calibrated <- calibrate_params( inits = init_calib(s = param$survivals, f = param$fecundities, lam0 = param$pop_growth_mean), f = param$fecundities, s = param$survivals, lam0 = param$pop_growth_mean ) param$s_calibrated <- head(param$vr_calibrated, length(param$survivals)) param$f_calibrated <- tail(param$vr_calibrated, length(param$fecundities)) }) ##### ############################################################ ## Observe parameter values to be used in simulations run ##---------------------------------------------------------- observe({ param # required to ensure up-to-date values are run # simple inputs param$nsim <- input$nsim param$fatal_constant <- "h" # input$fatalities_unit # fixed in global environment (for now) param$theta = theta param$time_horzion = time_horzion param$coeff_var_environ = coeff_var_environ }) # end observe ##### ##### ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## RUN SIMULATIONS ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- observeEvent({ input$run }, { if(ready$fatalities & ready$pop_size & ready$pop_growth & ready$carrying_capacity){ withProgress(message = 'Simulation progress', value = 0, { out$run <- run_simul_shiny(nsim = param$nsim, cumulated_impacts = param$cumulated_impacts, fatalities_mean = param$fatalities_mean_nb, fatalities_se = param$fatalities_se_nb, onset_time = param$onset_time, pop_size_mean = param$pop_size_mean, pop_size_se = param$pop_size_se, pop_size_type = param$pop_size_unit, pop_growth_mean = param$pop_growth_mean, pop_growth_se = param$pop_growth_se, survivals = param$s_calibrated, fecundities = param$f_calibrated, carrying_capacity = param$carrying_capacity, theta = param$theta, rMAX_species = param$rMAX_species, model_demo = NULL, time_horzion = param$time_horzion, coeff_var_environ = param$coeff_var_environ, fatal_constant = param$fatal_constant) }) # Close withProgress }else{ out$run <- NULL out$msg <- "error_not_ready" } }) # Close observEvent ##### ##### ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## OUTPUTS ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##------------------------------------------- ## Impact text ##------------------------------------------- ## Functions to print the output as text (non cumulated impacts) print_impact_text <- function(impact, lci, uci){ paste0("Impact : ", round(impact, 2)*100, "%", "[", round(lci, 2)*100, "% ; ", round(uci, 2)*100, "%]") } # end function print_impact_text ## Functions to print the output as text (non cumulated impacts) print_impact_table <- function(res){ n_farm <- (dim(res$indiv_farm$impact)[3]-1) fil <- paste0(round(t(res$indiv_farm$impact[time_horzion, -2, -1]),2)*100, "%") matrix(fil, nrow = n_farm, dimnames = list(paste("Parc",1:n_farm), c("Impact", "IC (min)", "IC (max)")) ) } # end function print_impact_table print_out <- function(){ if(!is.null(out$run)) { # Print the result if(param$cumulated_impacts){ # cumulated impact ==> Table print_impact_table(res = get_metrics(N = out$run$N, cumulated_impacts = TRUE)) }else{ # non cumulated impact ==> Text print_impact_text(impact = get_metrics(N = out$run$N)$scenario$impact[time_horzion, "avg",-1], lci = get_metrics(N = out$run$N)$scenario$impact[time_horzion, "lci",-1], uci = get_metrics(N = out$run$N)$scenario$impact[time_horzion, "uci",-1]) } } else { # When run is NULL if(!is.null(out$msg)){ # Print the error msg, if there is one if(out$msg == "error_not_ready"){ paste0("Erreur: Vous n'avez pas lancer l'analyse 'valeurs experts'") }else{ paste0("Some other error occurred") } }else{ # When no error msg : nothing happens } # if "msg" } # if "run } # end function print_out # Display title output$title_impact_result <- renderText({ if(input$run > 0){ "R�sultat : Impact estim� au bout de 30 ans" } }) # Display result (text for non cumulated impacts) output$impact_text <- renderText({ if(input$run == 0){ NULL }else{ if(!param$cumulated_impacts){ print_out() } else{ NULL } } }) # Display result (table for cumulated impacts) output$impact_table <- renderTable({ if(input$run == 0){ NULL }else{ if(param$cumulated_impacts){ print_out() } else{ NULL } } }, rownames = TRUE) ##------------------------------------------- ## Plot Impacts ##------------------------------------------- ## Function to plot the impact plot_out_impact <- function(){ if(is.null(out$run)) {} else { plot_impact(N = out$run$N, onset_year = param$onset_year, percent = TRUE, xlab = "\nAnn�e", ylab = "Impact relatif (%)\n") } } output$title_impact_plot <- renderText({ if(input$run > 0){ "R�sultat : Impact relatif au cours du temps" } }) output$impact_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_out_impact() }) ##------------------------------------------- ## Plot Demographic Trajectories ##------------------------------------------- # Function to plot trajectories plot_out_traj <- function(){ if(is.null(out$run)) { } else { plot_traj(N = out$run$N, xlab = "Ann�e", ylab = "Taille de population (toutes classes d'�ges)")} } output$title_traj_plot <- renderText({ if(input$run > 0){ "Graphique : Trajectoire d�mographique" } }) output$traj_plot <- renderPlot({ plot_out_traj() }) ##### ################################################################################### } # End server