rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initial stuff { ## Load libraries library(shiny) library(shinyjs) library(shinyBS) library(shinyMatrix) library(tidyverse) library(eolpop) library(popbio) ## Load species list species_data <- read.csv("./inst/ShinyApp/species_list.csv", sep = ",") species_list <- unique(as.character(species_data$NomEspece)) %>% sort species_list <- c(species_list, "Esp�ce g�n�rique") } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Pre-fill data { ## Data elicitation pre-fill data # fatalities eli_fatalities <- c(1.0, 2, 5, 8, 0.80, 0.2, 0, 3, 6, 0.90, 0.2, 2, 4, 10, 0.90, 0.1, 1, 3, 7, 0.70) # population size eli_pop_size <- c(1.0, 150, 200, 250, 0.80, 0.5, 120, 180, 240, 0.90, 0.8, 170, 250, 310, 0.90, 0.3, 180, 200, 230, 0.70) # carrying capacity eli_carrying_cap <- c(1.0, 500, 700, 1000, 0.80, 0.5, 1000, 1500, 2000, 0.90, 0.8, 800, 1200, 1600, 0.90, 0.3, 100, 1200, 1500, 0.70) # population growth rate eli_pop_growth <- c(1.0, -5, -2, 0, 0.95, 0.2, -3, 0, 1, 0.90, 0.5, -8, -4, -1, 0.90, 0.3, -10, -5, -2, 0.70) } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ## User Interface ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### # fluidPage {ui <- fluidPage( useShinyjs(), titlePanel("eolpop : Impact demographique des collisions aviaires avec les �oliennes"), ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### # Head Panel 1 : type of analysis and species {wellPanel( p("Choix d'analyse et esp�ce", style="font-size:28px"), {fluidRow( # Select type of analysis : cumulated impacted or not {column(width = 4, # Choose analysis type (radioButton) {radioButtons(inputId = "analysis_choice", label = h4(strong("Type d'analyse"), bsButton("Q_analysis_choice", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "Q_analysis_choice", title = "Choix du type d\\'analyse", content = HTML( "<b>Impacts non cumul�s</b> : pour analyser l\\'impact d\\'<b>un seul parc �olien</b>. <br><br> <b>Impact cumul�s</b> : pour analyser l\\'impact de <b>plusieurs parcs �oliens</b> (attention : il faudra fournir des valeurs de mortalit�s propres � chaque parc)." ), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) ), choices = c("Impacts non cumul�s" = "single_farm", "Impacts cumul�s" = "cumulated", "Multiple sc�narios" = "multi_scenario") )}, # Choose species (selectInput) {selectInput(inputId = "species_choice", selected = "Aigle de Bonelli", width = '80%', label = h4(strong("S�lectionner une esp�ce"), bsButton("Q_species_choice", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "Q_species_choice", title = "Choix de l\\'esp�ce", content = HTML( "N�cessaire pour fixer les valeurs de <b>param�tres d�mographiques</b> (survie, f�condit�). <br> La liste fournie correspond � une liste d\\'esp�ces prioritaires. Au besoin, une option \\'esp�ce g�n�rique\\' est disponible � la fin de la liste." ), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) ), choices = species_list)}, br(), # Show dispersal distances : mean and d = 5% h4(strong("Distances de dispersion"), bsButton("Q_dispersal_info", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "Q_dispersal_info", title = "Distances de dispersion", content = HTML( "(1) <b>Distance moyenne de dispersion</b> de l\\'esp�ce, estim�e � partir des relations allom�triques publi�es dans l\\'article de Claramunt (2021).<br><br> (2) Distance �quivalente � un <b>taux de dispersion relatif de 3%, 5% et 10%</b>, sous l\\'hypoth�se que la distance de dispersion suit une loi exponentielle.<br><br><u>Reference cit�e</u> : Claramunt, S. (2021). Flight efficiency explains differences in natal dispersal distances in birds. <i>Ecology</i>, e03442." ), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) ), #br(), span(textOutput(outputId = "dispersal_mean_info"), style="font-size:16px"), br(), span(textOutput(outputId = "dispersal_d03p_info"), style="font-size:16px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "dispersal_d05p_info"), style="font-size:16px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "dispersal_d10p_info"), style="font-size:16px"), )}, # close column # Show vital rate values (tableOutput) {column(width = 4, fluidRow( h4(strong("Param�tres d�mographiques"), bsButton("Q_vital_rates_info", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "Q_vital_rates_info", title = "Param�tres d�mographiques", content = HTML( "Valeurs de <b>survie et f�condit�s par classe d\\'�ge</b>, pour l\\'esp�ce s�lectionn�e. <br><br><b>L\\'�ge 0</b> (ex : Juv 0) correspond � un individu n� dans l\\'ann�e, n\\'ayant <u>pas encore</u> 1 an r�volu.<br><b>L\\'�ge 1</b> correspond � un individu ayant 1 an r�volu, donc dans sa 2<sup>e</sup> ann�e de vie.<br>Etc." #"Valeurs de <b>survie et f�condit�s par classe d\\'�ge</b>, pour l\\'esp�ce s�lectionn�e. <br><br><b>Juv 0</b> correspond � un individu n� dans l\\'ann�e, n\\'ayant <u>pas encore</u> 1 an r�volu.<br><b>Juv 1</b> correspond � un individu ayant 1 an r�volu, donc dans sa 2<sup>e</sup> ann�e de vie.<br>Etc." ), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) ), tableOutput(outputId = "vital_rates_info"), ), # close fluidRow # Display the intrinsic lambda(i.e., based solely on the Leslie matrix) # Output display (intrinsic lambda) h5(strong("Taux de croissance intrins�que"), bsButton("Q_lambda0_info", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "Q_lambda0_info", title = "Taux de croissance intrins�que", content = HTML( "Taux de croissance bas� seulement sur la matrice de Leslie (survies et f�condit�s de l\\'esp�ce), <b> avant consid�ration de la tendance de population locale</b>. <br><br>Ce taux de croissance est fourni simplement � titre informatif. La valeur qui sera utilis�e dans les simulations correspond au taux de croissance fourni dans la partie \\'Taux de croissance\\'." ), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) ), span(textOutput(outputId = "lambda0_info", inline = TRUE), style = "color:black; font-size:16px"), )}, # close column ## Modify vital rates, if needed (actionButton and matrixInput) {column(width = 4, tags$style(HTML('#button_vital_rates{background-color:#C2C8D3}')), actionButton(inputId = "button_vital_rates", label = tags$span("Modifier les param�tres d�mographiques", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;") ), br(" "), numericInput(inputId = "vr_mat_number_age_classes", label = "Nombre de classes d'age", value = 3, min = 2, max = Inf, step = 1), #br(), matrixInput(inputId = "mat_fill_vr", label = "", value = matrix(data = NA, 3, 2, dimnames = list(c("Juv 0", "Sub 1", "Adulte"), c("Survie", "F�condit�"))), class = "numeric", rows = list(names = TRUE), cols = list(names = TRUE) ) )}, # close column )}, # End fluidRow )}, # End wellPanel ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### # Head Panel 2 : Model parameters {wellPanel( ## Enter parameter values (TITLE) {p("Saisie des param�tres", style="font-size:28px", bsButton("Q_param_enter", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "Q_param_enter", title = "Saisie des param�tres pour l\\'analyse", content = HTML( "Cliquer sur les boutons ci-dessous pour saisir les valeurs des quatre param�tres requis pour l\\'analyse : <br>(1) Mortalit�s annuelles, <br>(2) Taille de la population, <br>(3) Tendance de la population, <br>(4) Capacit� de charge." ), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) )}, {fluidRow( ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## 1. Fatalities ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {column(width = 3, tags$style(HTML('#button_fatalities{background-color:#C2C8D3}')), actionButton(inputId = "button_fatalities", width = '100%', label = tags$span("Mortalit�s annuelles", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;") ), bsPopover(id = "button_fatalities", title = "Mortalit�s annuelles", content = HTML( "Nombre de mortalit�s totales <b><u>annuelles</u> (cad. sur 12 mois) </b> attendues, pour l\\'esp�ce s�lectionn�e, sur chaque parc �olien concern� (somme des mortalit�s attendues sur toutes les �oliennes d\\'un parc)." ), placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = list(container='body') ), ### Part for non-cumulated impacts # Input type {conditionalPanel("output.hide_fatalities", br(), {wellPanel(style = "background:#FFF8DC", radioButtons(inputId = "fatalities_unit", inline = FALSE, label = "Unit�", choices = c("Nombre de mortalit�s" = "M", "Taux de mortalit� (%)" = "h"), selected = "M"), )}, # close wellPanel 1 {wellPanel(style = "background:#F0F8FF", radioButtons(inputId = "fatalities_input_type", label = "Type de saisie", choices = c("Intervalle" = "itvl", "Valeurs" = "val", "Elicitation d'expert" = "eli_exp"), selected = "itvl"), # Interval numericInput(inputId = "fatalities_lower", label = "Borne inf�rieure (mortalit�s annuelles)", value = 1.5, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 0.5), numericInput(inputId = "fatalities_upper", label = "Borne sup�rieure (mortalit�s annuelles)", value = 4.5, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 0.5), # Values numericInput(inputId = "fatalities_mean", label = "Moyenne (mortalit�s annuelles)", value = 3.0, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 0.5), numericInput(inputId = "fatalities_se", label = "Erreur-type (mortalit�s annuelles)", value = 0.5, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 0.1), # Matrix for expert elicitation numericInput(inputId = "fatalities_number_expert", label = "Nombre d'experts", value = 4, min = 1, max = Inf, step = 1), matrixInput(inputId = "fatalities_mat_expert", value = matrix(data = eli_fatalities, nrow = 4, ncol = 5, dimnames = list(c("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4"), c("Poids", "Min", "Best", "Max", "% IC" )), byrow = TRUE), class = "numeric", rows = list(names = TRUE), cols = list(names = TRUE)), actionButton(inputId = "fatalities_run_expert", label = "Utiliser valeurs experts"), ### Part for cumulated impacts numericInput(inputId = "farm_number_cumulated", label = "Nombre de parcs �oliens", value = 3, min = 2, max = Inf, step = 1), matrixInput(inputId = "fatalities_mat_cumulated", label = span("Mortalit�s dans chaque parc", bsButton("Q_fatalities_mat_cumulated", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "Q_fatalities_mat_cumulated", title = "Mortalit�s cumul�es", content = HTML( "1 ligne = 1 parc <br><br>Les parcs doivent �tre fournis dans l\\'<b>ordre chronologique</b> de leur mise en service (\\'Ann�e d�but\\'). <br><br>Pour chaque parc, veuillez indiquer la <u>moyenne</u> et l\\'<u>erreur-type</u> du nombre de mortalit�s estim�es, ainsi que son <u>ann�e de mise en service</u>." ), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) ), value = matrix(c(2, 0.5, 2010, 5, 0.5, 2015, 3, 0.5, 2018), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(c(paste0("Parc num.", c(1:3))), c("Moyenne", "Erreur-type", "Ann�e de mise en service du parc"))), class = "numeric", rows = list(names = TRUE), cols = list(names = TRUE)), ### Part for "scenarios option" selectizeInput(inputId = "fatalities_vec_scenario", label = HTML( "Saisir chaque valeur de mortalit�<br> (s�parer par un espace)" ), choices = NULL, multiple = TRUE, options = list( create = TRUE, delimiter = ' ', create = I("function(input, callback){ return { value: input, text: input }; }") ) ), )}, # close wellPanel )}, # close conditional panel )}, # end column "fatalities" ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## 2. Population Size ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {column(width = 3, tags$style(HTML('#button_pop_size{background-color:#C2C8D3}')), actionButton(inputId = "button_pop_size", width = '100%', label = tags$span("Taille de la population", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;") ), bsPopover(id = "button_pop_size", title = "Taille de la population", content = HTML( "Effectif de la population cible pour l\\'analyse d\\'impact. <br> Il peut s\\'agir soit du <b>nombre de couples</b>, soit de l\\'<b>effectif total</b> de la population (cad. toutes classes d\\'�ge incluses)." ), placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = list(container='body') ), {conditionalPanel("output.hide_pop_size", br(), {wellPanel(style = "background:#FFF8DC", radioButtons(inputId = "pop_size_unit", inline = TRUE, label = "Unit�", choices = c("Nombre de couples" = "Npair", "Effectif total" = "Ntotal"), selected = "Npair"), )}, # close wellPanel 1 {wellPanel(style = "background:#F0F8FF", radioButtons(inputId = "pop_size_input_type", label = "Type de saisie", choices = c("Intervalle" = "itvl", "Valeurs" = "val", "Elicitation d'expert" = "eli_exp")), # Interval numericInput(inputId = "pop_size_lower", label = "Borne inf�rieure (taille population)", value = 750, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 10), numericInput(inputId = "pop_size_upper", label = "Borne sup�rieure (taille population)", value = 850, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 10), # Values numericInput(inputId = "pop_size_mean", label = "Moyenne de la taille de la population", value = 800, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 50), numericInput(inputId = "pop_size_se", label = "Erreur-type de la taille de la population", value = 30, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 1), # Matrix for expert elicitation numericInput(inputId = "pop_size_number_expert", label = "Nombre d'experts", value = 4, min = 1, max = Inf, step = 1), matrixInput(inputId = "pop_size_mat_expert", value = matrix(data = eli_pop_size, nrow = 4, ncol = 5, dimnames = list(c("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4"), c("Poids", "Min", "Best", "Max", "% IC" )), byrow = TRUE), class = "numeric", rows = list(names = TRUE), cols = list(names = TRUE)), actionButton(inputId = "pop_size_run_expert", label = "Utiliser valeurs experts"), )}, # close wellPanel 2 # Display matrix for stable age distribution h5(strong("Effectifs par classe d'�ge")), tableOutput("pop_size_by_age"), )}, # close conditional panel )}, # end column "pop size" ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## 3. Population Growth ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {column(width = 3, tags$style(HTML('#button_pop_growth{background-color:#C2C8D3}')), actionButton(inputId = "button_pop_growth", width = '100%', label = tags$span("Taux de croissance", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;") ), bsPopover(id = "button_pop_growth", title = "Taux de croissance", content = HTML( "Taux d\\'accroissement annuel de la population <b>en %</b> : valeur positive pour une population en croissance; valeur <b>n�gative</b> pour une population en <b>d�clin</b> (ex : � -4 � pour un d�clin de 4% par an) ; 0 pour une population stable.<br><br>A d�faut, on pourra juste cocher la <b>tendance globale</b> (d�clin, stabilit� ou croissance) et l\\'intensit� de cette tendance (faible, moyenne, forte)." ), placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = list(container='body') ), {conditionalPanel("output.hide_pop_growth", br(), {wellPanel(style = "background:#F0F8FF", radioButtons(inputId = "pop_growth_input_type", label = "Type de saisie", choices = c("Intervalle" = "itvl", "Valeurs" = "val", "Elicitation d'expert" = "eli_exp", "Tendance population" = "trend")), # Interval numericInput(inputId = "pop_growth_lower", label = HTML("Borne inf�rieure<br>(taux d'accroissement en %)"), value = -6, min = -100, max = Inf, step = 1), numericInput(inputId = "pop_growth_upper", label = HTML("Borne sup�rieure<br>(taux d'accroissement en %)"), value = -6, min = -100, max = Inf, step = 1), ## Input values: mean and se numericInput(inputId = "pop_growth_mean", label = "Moyenne (taux d'accroissement en %)", value = -7.5, min = -100, max = Inf, step = 1), numericInput(inputId = "pop_growth_se", label = "Erreur-type (aussi en %)", value = 0.1, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 0.5), ## Input expert elicitation: table numericInput(inputId = "pop_growth_number_expert", label = "Nombre d'experts", value = 4, min = 1, max = Inf, step = 1), matrixInput(inputId = "pop_growth_mat_expert", value = matrix(data = eli_pop_growth, nrow = 4, ncol = 5, dimnames = list(c("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4"), c("Poids", "Min", "Best", "Max", "% IC" )), byrow = TRUE), class = "numeric", rows = list(names = TRUE), cols = list(names = TRUE)), actionButton(inputId = "pop_growth_run_expert", label = "Utiliser valeurs experts"), ## Input trend: radio buttons {fluidRow( # Trend column(6, radioButtons(inputId = "pop_trend", label = "Tendance", choices = c("En croissance" = "growth", "Stable" = "stable", "En d�clin" = "decline")), ), # Strength of trend column(6, radioButtons(inputId = "pop_trend_strength", label = "Intensit�", choices = c("Faible" = "weak", "Moyenne" = "average", "Forte" = "strong")), ), )}, # close fluidRow br(), actionButton(inputId = "button_calibrate_vr", label = "Calibrer survies et f�condit�s"), )}, # close wellPanel )}, # close conditional panel )}, # end column "pop growth" ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## 4. Carrying capacity ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {column(width = 3, tags$style(HTML('#button_carrying_cap{background-color:#C2C8D3}')), actionButton(inputId = "button_carrying_cap", width = '100%', label = tags$span("Capacit� de charge", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;") ), bsPopover(id = "button_carrying_cap", title = "Capacit� de charge (K)", content = HTML( "La capacit� de charge (K) correspond � la <b>taille maximale que peut atteindre la population</b> dans son environnement et les limites spatiales consid�r�es. <br><br><u>Note:</u> Ce chiffre sera exprim� dans la <b>m�me unit�</b> que la taille de population (cad. nombre de couples ou effectif total). <br>Il n\\'a pas besoin d\\'�tre tr�s pr�cis ; il doit simplement fournir un ordre de grandeur de la taille limite au-del� de laquelle la population ne peut plus cro�tre (environnement local �satur�)." ), placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = list(container='body') ), {conditionalPanel("output.hide_carrying_cap", br(), {wellPanel(style = "background:#FFF8DC", span(textOutput(outputId = "carrying_cap_unit_info"), style="font-size:16px"), )}, # close wellPanel 1 {wellPanel(style = "background:#F0F8FF", radioButtons(inputId = "carrying_cap_input_type", label = "Type de saisie", choices = c("Intervalle" = "itvl", "Valeur" = "val", "Elicitation d'expert" = "eli_exp", "Absence de K" = "no_K")), # Interval numericInput(inputId = "carrying_capacity_lower", label = "Borne inf�rieure (capacit� de charge)", value = 850, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 100), numericInput(inputId = "carrying_capacity_upper", label = "Borne sup�rieure (capacit� de charge)", value = 1250, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 100), # Values numericInput(inputId = "carrying_capacity_mean", label = "Moyenne de la capacit� de charge", value = 1000, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 100), numericInput(inputId = "carrying_capacity_se", label = "Erreur-type de la capacit� de charge", value = 100, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 50), # Expert Elicitation Matrix numericInput(inputId = "carrying_cap_number_expert", label = "Nombre d'experts", value = 4, min = 1, max = Inf, step = 1), matrixInput(inputId = "carrying_cap_mat_expert", value = matrix(data = eli_carrying_cap, nrow = 4, ncol = 5, dimnames = list(c("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4"), c("Poids", "Min", "Best", "Max", "% IC" )), byrow = TRUE), class = "numeric", rows = list(names = TRUE), cols = list(names = TRUE)), actionButton(inputId = "carrying_cap_run_expert", label = "Utiliser valeurs experts"), )}, # close wellPanel 2 )}, # close conditional panel )}, # end column "carrying capacity" ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### )}, # # End fluidRow )}, # # End wellPanel ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### {sidebarLayout( ## Side Panel : Parameter information {sidebarPanel( p("Valeurs s�lectionn�es", style="font-size:24px", bsButton("Q_selected_values", label = "", icon = icon("question"), size = "extra-small"), bsTooltip(id = "Q_selected_values", title = "Rappel des valeurs de param�tres actuellement s�lectionn�es.", placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container='body') ) ), # Mortalites annuelles span("Mortalit�s annuelles", style="font-size:18px; font-weight: bold"), shiny::tags$i(textOutput(outputId = "fatalities_unit_info"), style="font-size:15px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "fatalities_mean_info"), style="font-size:15px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "fatalities_se_info"), style="font-size:15px"), br(), # Taille de population span("Taille de la population", style="font-size:18px; font-weight: bold"), shiny::tags$i(textOutput(outputId = "pop_size_unit_info"), style="font-size:15px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "pop_size_mean_info"), style="font-size:15px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "pop_size_se_info"), style="font-size:15px"), br(), # Tendance de la population span(HTML("Taux de croissance (λ)"), style="font-size:18px; font-weight: bold"), span(textOutput(outputId = "pop_growth_mean_info"), style="font-size:15px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "pop_growth_se_info"), style="font-size:15px"), br(), # Capacite de charge span("Capacit� de charge", style="font-size:18px; font-weight: bold"), shiny::tags$i(textOutput(outputId = "carrying_capacity_unit_info"), style="font-size:15px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "carrying_capacity_mean_info"), style="font-size:15px"), span(textOutput(outputId = "carrying_capacity_se_info"), style="font-size:15px"), )}, # End sidebarPanel #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Main Panel {mainPanel( tabsetPanel( ## Parameter distribution {tabPanel(title = "Distribution param�tres", br(), hr(), span(textOutput(outputId = "title_distri_plot"), style="font-size:24px; font-weight:bold"), plotOutput(outputId = "distri_plot"), )}, # End tabPanel ## Population Impact : simulations {tabPanel(title = "Impact population", br(), numericInput(inputId = "time_horizon", label = "Nombre d'ann�es", value = 30, min = 5, max = Inf, step = 10), br(), numericInput(inputId = "nsim", label = "Nombre de simulations", value = 10, min = 0, max = Inf, step = 10), br(), actionButton(inputId = "run", label = "Lancer l'analyse"), br(" "), br(" "), span(textOutput("run_time"), align = "left", style = "font-weight: normal; font-size: 16px;"), #hr(), #br(), #actionButton(inputId = "show_results", label = "R�sultats"), #p("R�sultats", style="font-size:28px"), )}, # End tabPanel ## Report {tabPanel(title = "Rapport", br(" "), textAreaInput("intro_report", label = "Contexte de l'�tude", value = "Analyse r�alis�e dans le cadre de ...", width = "1000px"), br(" "), textAreaInput("def_pop_text", label = "D�limitation de la population", value = "Veuillez d�crire ici l'approche et les informations utilis�es pour d�limiter la population concern�e par cette �tude d'impact d�mographique", width = "1000px"), br(" "), downloadButton("report", "Generate report") )} # End tabPanel ) # End tabSetPanel )} # End mainPanel )}, # sidebarLayout ############################################################################################################################### hr(), ## Results : text {sidebarLayout( ## Side Panel {conditionalPanel("output.hide_show_CI", {sidebarPanel( ## ## Choose CI sliderInput("show_CI", label = "Intervalle de confiance (%)", min = 0, max = 100, value = 95, step = 1), hr(), )}, # End sidebarPanel )}, # close conditional panel ####################################################### {mainPanel( ## Outputs {conditionalPanel("output.hide_results", ## # Text : Global impact {column( width = 7, span(textOutput("title_impact_result"), align = "left", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;"), strong(span(tableOutput("impact_table"), style="color:blue; font-size:18px", align = "left")), )}, {column( width = 5, span(textOutput("title_PrExt_result"), align = "left", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;"), strong(span(tableOutput("PrExt_table"), style="color:orange; font-size:18px", align = "left")), )}, ## )}, # close conditional panel )}, # End mainPanel )}, # sidebarLayout ############################################################################################################################### hr(), ## Results : Graphs {sidebarLayout( ## Side Panel {conditionalPanel("output.hide_graph_choice", {sidebarPanel( ## ## Choose which graph to show radioButtons("choose_graph", label = h5(strong("Graphique (choix)")), choices = c( "Impact final : densit� de probabilit�" = "show_PDF", "Impact final : probabilit� cumul�e" = "show_ECDF", "Impact relatif au cours du temps" = "show_impact_time", "Projections d�mographiques" = "show_demog_proj" )), br(), ## Choose "scenario" to show radioButtons("show_scenario", label = h5(strong("Choix du sc�nario")), choices = c("all")), br(), hr(), br(), ## Choose "quantile" : level of under-estimation risk (1 - QT) conditionalPanel("output.hide_risk_A", wellPanel(style = "background:#F0F8FF", sliderInput("risk_A", label = "Risque (%) de sous-estimation de l'impact", min = 0, max = 100, value = 5, step = 0.5), br(), h5(strong("Valeur (quantile) de l'impact")), #, style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;") span(verbatimTextOutput("quantile_impact_result"), align = "left", style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;"), ) ), # close conditional panel ## )}, # End sidebarPanel )}, # close conditional panel ####################################################### {mainPanel( ## Graph : Probability Density (PDF) {conditionalPanel("output.hide_graph_PDF", tags$h4(textOutput("title_PDF_plot"), align = "center"), plotOutput("PDF_plot", width = "100%", height = "550px"), )}, # close conditional panel ## Graph : Cumulative Distibution (ECDF) {conditionalPanel("output.hide_graph_ECDF", tags$h4(textOutput("title_ECDF_plot"), align = "center"), plotOutput("ECDF_plot", width = "100%", height = "550px"), )}, # close conditional panel ## Graph : Relative Impact over time {conditionalPanel("output.hide_graph_impact_time", tags$h4(textOutput("title_impact_plot"), align = "center"), plotOutput("impact_plot", width = "100%", height = "550px"), )}, # close conditional panel ## Graph : Population trajectory (pop size over time) {conditionalPanel("output.hide_graph_demog_proj", tags$h4(textOutput("title_traj_plot"), align = "center"), br(), wellPanel( span(textOutput("warning_traj_plot"), align = "left", style = "font-size: 14px;"), ), br(" "), radioButtons(inputId = "age_class_show", label = "Classes d'�ge � inclure sur le graphe", choices = c("Tous �ges sauf juv�niles" = "NotJuv0", "Tous �ges, y compris juv�niles" = "all", "Nombre de couples" = "pairs"), inline = TRUE ), plotOutput("traj_plot", width = "100%", height = "550px") ## )}, # close conditional panel )}, # End mainPanel )}, # sidebarLayout )} # FluidPage # End UI #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###