diff --git a/src/common.py b/src/common.py
index 24e7991b1f99f245677ca80750f9a9bb7337f4aa..3d2b4897d3b2ae5c1841bf1a6b5dd58f211d6971 100644
--- a/src/common.py
+++ b/src/common.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
 import numpy as np
 from datetime import datetime
 import json
+from shutil import rmtree, move, make_archive
 from utils.data_parsing import JcampParser, CsvParser
 from style.layout import  UiComponents
diff --git a/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py b/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
index 80891e047da9447f9141e11b0fb30722c61b53dc..483f159d9e5ee8412a123e0b1c892317a8a4830b 100644
--- a/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
+++ b/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if Path('report/out/model').exists() and Path('report/out/model').is_dir():
 match st.session_state["interface"]:
     case 'simple':
         dim_red_methods = ['PCA']
-        cluster_methods = ['Kmeans'] # List of clustering algos
+        cluster_methods = ['KS'] # List of clustering algos
         selec_strategy = ['center']
     case 'advanced':
@@ -109,15 +109,16 @@ else:
                 data_str = str(stringio.read())
-                def csv_loader(file = file, change = None):
+                def read_csv(file = file, change = None):
                     from utils.data_parsing import CsvParser
                     par = CsvParser(file= file)
-                    float_data, non_float = par.parse(decimal = dec, separator = sep, index_col = names, header = hdr)
-                    return float_data, non_float
+                    par.parse(decimal = dec, separator = sep, index_col = names, header = hdr)
+                    return par.float, par.meta_data, par.meta_data_st_, par.df
+                spectra, meta_data, md_df_st_, imp = read_csv(file= file, change = hash_)
                 try :
-                    spectra, meta_data = csv_loader(file= file, change = hash_)
+                    spectra, meta_data, md_df_st_, imp = read_csv(file= file)
                     st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="✅")
@@ -147,7 +148,12 @@ else:
                     st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="✅")
 ################################################### END : I- Data loading and preparation ####################################################
+if not spectra.empty:
+    with c2:
+        st.write('Data summary:')
+        st.write(f'- the number of spectra:{spectra.shape[0]}')
+        st.write(f'- the number of wavelengths:{spectra.shape[1]}')
+        st.write(f'- the number of categorical variables:{meta_data.shape[1]}')
 ################################################### BEGIN : visualize and split the data ####################################################
 st.subheader("I - Spectral Data Visualization", divider='blue')
@@ -265,13 +271,16 @@ if not spectra.empty:
             elif sel_ratio < 1.00:
                 ratio = int(sel_ratio*spectra.shape[0])
+        if st.session_state["interface"] =='simple':
+            clus_method = 'KS'
-        if dr_model and not clus_method:
-            clus_method = st.radio('Select samples selection strategy:', options = ['RDM', 'KS'])
+        else:
+            if dr_model and not clus_method:
+                clus_method = st.radio('Select samples selection strategy:', options = ['RDM', 'KS'])
-        elif dr_model and clus_method:
-            disabled1 = False if clus_method in cluster_methods else True
-            selection = st.radio('Select samples selection strategy:', options = selec_strategy, disabled = disabled1)
+            elif dr_model and clus_method:
+                disabled1 = False if clus_method in cluster_methods else True
+                selection = st.radio('Select samples selection strategy:', options = selec_strategy, disabled = disabled1)
@@ -338,8 +347,10 @@ elif labels:
                 for i in np.unique(s):
                     C = np.where(np.array(labels) == i)[0]
                     if C.shape[0] >= selection_number:
+                        from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
                         km2 = KMeans(n_clusters = selection_number)
+                        from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min
                         clos, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(km2.cluster_centers_, tcr.iloc[C,:])
@@ -356,6 +367,18 @@ if not t.empty:
         filter = [''] + md_df_st_.columns.tolist()
     elif meta_data.empty and not clus_method in cluster_methods:
         filter = []
+    if st.session_state["interface"] =='simple':
+        desactivatelist = True
+        if meta_data.empty:
+            desactivatelist = True
+            filter = ['']
+        elif not meta_data.empty:
+            filter = [''] + md_df_st_.columns.tolist()
+            desactivatelist = False
+    else:
+        desactivatelist = False
     with c12:
         st.write('Scores plot')
@@ -363,7 +386,7 @@ if not t.empty:
         if len(axis)== 1:
             tcr_plot['1d'] = np.random.uniform(-.5, .5, tcr_plot.shape[0])
-        colfilter = st.selectbox('Color by:', options= filter,format_func = lambda x: x if x else "<Select>")
+        colfilter = st.selectbox('Color by:', options= filter,format_func = lambda x: x if x else "<Select>", disabled = desactivatelist)
         if colfilter in cluster_methods:
             tcr_plot[colfilter] = labels
@@ -500,14 +523,14 @@ if not spectra.empty:
             out3 = leverage > tresh3
             out4 = residuals > tresh4
-            for i in range(n_samples):
-                if out3[i]:
-                    if not meta_data.empty:
-                        ann =  meta_data.loc[:,'name'][i]
-                    else:
-                        ann = t.index[i]
-                    influence_plot.add_annotation(dict(x = leverage[i], y = residuals[i], showarrow=True, text = str(ann),font= dict(color= "black", size= 15),
-                                xanchor = 'auto', yanchor = 'auto'))
+            # for i in range(n_samples):
+            #     if out3[i]:
+            #         if not meta_data.empty:
+            #             ann =  meta_data.loc[:,'name'][i]
+            #         else:
+            #             ann = t.index[i]
+            #         influence_plot.add_annotation(dict(x = leverage[i], y = residuals[i], showarrow=True, text = str(ann),font= dict(color= "black", size= 15),
+            #                     xanchor = 'auto', yanchor = 'auto'))
             influence_plot.update_traces(marker=dict(size= 6), showlegend= True)
             influence_plot.update_layout(font=dict(size=23), width=800, height=500)
@@ -623,7 +646,7 @@ if not sam.empty:
         # ## generate report
-        def export_report(variable):
+        def export_report(change):
             latex_report = report.report('Representative subset selection', file.name, dim_red_method,
                                         clus_method, Nb_ech, ncluster, selection, selection_number, nb_clu,tcr, sam)
@@ -638,7 +661,7 @@ if not sam.empty:
                     with open('report/out/dataset/'+file.name, 'w') as dd:
-            fig_spectra.savefig(report_path_rel/"out/figures/spectra_plot.png", dpi=400) ## Export report
+            fig_spectra.savefig(report_path_rel/"out/figures/spectra_plot.png", dpi = 400) ## Export report
             if len(axis) == 3:
                 for i in range(len(comb)):
@@ -650,6 +673,7 @@ if not sam.empty:
             # Export du graphique
             if dim_red_method in ['PCA','NMF']:
+                import plotly.io as pio
                 img = pio.to_image(loadingsplot, format="png")
                 with open(report_path_rel/"out/figures/loadings_plot.png", "wb") as f:
@@ -658,25 +682,27 @@ if not sam.empty:
                 influence_plot.write_image(report_path_rel/'out/figures/influence_plot.png', engine = 'kaleido')
             sam.to_csv(report_path_rel/'out/Selected_subset_for_calib_development.csv', sep = ';')
-            export_report(variable)
+            export_report(change = hash_)
             if Path(report_path_rel/"report.tex").exists():
-                report.generate_report(variable = 25)
+                report.generate_report(change = hash_)
             if Path(report_path_rel/"report.pdf").exists():
                 move(report_path_rel/"report.pdf", "./report/out/report.pdf")
             return change
-        preparing_results_for_downloading(variable = 25)
-        report.generate_report(variable = 25)
+        preparing_results_for_downloading(change = hash_)
+        report.generate_report(change = hash_)
         def tempdir(change):
+            from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
             with  TemporaryDirectory( prefix="results", dir="./report") as temp_dir:# create a temp directory
                 tempdirname = os.path.split(temp_dir)[1]
                 if len(os.listdir(report_path_rel/'out/figures/'))>=2:
                     make_archive(base_name= report_path_rel/"Results", format="zip", base_dir="out", root_dir = "./report")# create a zip file
                     move(report_path_rel/"Results.zip", f"./report/{tempdirname}/Results.zip")# put the inside the temp dir
                     with open(report_path_rel/f"{tempdirname}/Results.zip", "rb") as f:
diff --git a/src/utils/data_parsing.py b/src/utils/data_parsing.py
index 35e7790090a2b80ead55abd8b0f4c9b7ff6bd2a3..d408fc3ff95aec345df995b9268adc9fd4e33040 100644
--- a/src/utils/data_parsing.py
+++ b/src/utils/data_parsing.py
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class JcampParser:
     def specs_df_(self):
         return self.spectra
     def meta_data_st_(self):
         me = self.metadata_.drop("concentrations", axis = 1)
@@ -114,14 +115,22 @@ class CsvParser:
     def parse(self, decimal, separator, index_col, header):
         from pandas import read_csv
-        df = read_csv(self.file, decimal = decimal, sep = separator, index_col = index_col, header = header)
-        if len(set(df.index))<df.shape[0]:
-            df = read_csv(self.file, decimal = decimal, sep = separator, index_col = None, header = header)
+        self.df = read_csv(self.file, decimal = decimal, sep = separator, index_col = index_col, header = header)
+        if len(set(self.df.index))<self.df.shape[0]:
+            self.df = read_csv(self.file, decimal = decimal, sep = separator, index_col = None, header = header)
-        float, non_float = df.select_dtypes(include='float'), df.select_dtypes(exclude='float')
-        return float, non_float
+        self.float, self.non_float = self.df.select_dtypes(include='float'), self.df.select_dtypes(exclude='float')
+    @property
+    def meta_data_st_(self):
+        me = self.non_float.applymap(lambda x: x.upper() if isinstance(x, str) else x)  
+        meta_data_st = me.loc[:,me.nunique(axis=0) > 1]
+        return meta_data_st
+    @property
+    def meta_data(self):
+        return self.non_float
     # def parse(self):
     #     import pandas as pd