diff --git a/src/pages/4-inputs.py b/src/pages/4-inputs.py
index 5b3369fd37768eef214e320b5c13ca247159fa2d..472cde4c26eb1bab5462aec87a568e9d260fd499 100644
--- a/src/pages/4-inputs.py
+++ b/src/pages/4-inputs.py
@@ -17,62 +17,45 @@ pages_folder = Path("pages/")
 if 'form_submitted' not in st.session_state:
     st.session_state['form_submitted'] = False
-# Page header
 with st.container():
     # Text input fields
-    with st.form(key='my_form'):
-        st.header("Complete and send the following form with the data context:",divider="blue")
-        st.warning('Make sure that the form is well completed, because the reliability of the results depends mainly on it !', icon="⚠️")
-        col1, col3,col2 = st.columns((2,0.5,2))
+    st.header("Complete and save the following form with the data context:",divider="blue")
+    st.warning('Make sure that the form is well completed, because the reliability of the results depends mainly on it !', icon="⚠️")
+    with st.form(key = 'my_form'):
+        _,col1, col3,col2 = st.columns((0.1, 1.4,0.5,2))
         with col1:
-            st.header("Groupe 2",divider="blue")
-            meta_project = st.text_input('Project name :', 'Life of Brian')
-            meta_machine_ID = st.text_input('NIRS ID :', 'Life of Brian')
+            ##############   Project information ###########
+            st.subheader("Project information", divider="blue")
+            meta_project = st.text_input('Project name :')
+            meta_machine_ID = st.text_input('NIRS ID :',)
             meta_scan_place_options = ["Pace", "Other"]
-            meta_scan_place = st.radio("If relevant, sample species :", meta_scan_place_options)
-            meta_sample_species = st.text_input('If relevant, sample species :', 'Life of Brian')
+            meta_scan_place = st.radio("Analysis Laboratory :", meta_scan_place_options)
+            meta_sample_species = st.text_input('Samples species (If relevant, provide the sample species; otherwise insert No):')
         with col2:
-            st.header("Groupe 3",divider="blue")
-            meta_sample_category_options = ["Soil", "Plant", "Animal", "Other"]
-            meta_sample_category = st.radio("Sample category description :", meta_sample_category_options)
-            meta_sample_sub_category_options = ["Green leave", "Leaf litter", "Litter", "Humus", "Soil", "Animal part", "Animal Powder", "Fungal sample", "Other"]
-            meta_sample_sub_category = st.radio("Sample category description :", meta_sample_sub_category_options)
-            meta_sample_humidity_options = ["Dry", "Fresh", "Wet"]
-            meta_sample_humidity = st.radio("Humidity state of the sample:", meta_sample_humidity_options)
-            meta_sample_pretreatment_options = ["Powder", "Pastile", "Liquid"]
-            meta_sample_pretreatment = st.radio("Type of sample pre-treatment :", meta_sample_pretreatment_options)
-        submitted = st.form_submit_button(label='Send')
-    if submitted:
-            # Save the form data here
-            st.session_state['form_submitted'] = True
-            st.success('Form sent successfully!', icon="✅")
+            clo3,_, col4,_ = st.columns([1,0.2,1,0.3])
+            with clo3:
+                ##############   The Nature of the Samples ###########
+                if '' in [meta_project, meta_machine_ID,meta_sample_species]: disabled1 = True                 
+                else: disabled1 = False
+                st.subheader("The Nature of the Samples",divider="blue")
+                meta_sample_category_options = ["Soil", "Plant", "Animal", "Other"]
+                meta_sample_category = st.radio("Samples category :", [""] + meta_sample_category_options)
+                meta_sample_sub_category_options = ["Green leaves", "Leaf litter", "Litter", "Humus", "Soil", "Animal part", "Animal Powder", "Fungal sample", "Other"]
+                meta_sample_sub_category = st.radio("Sample category description :", [""] + meta_sample_sub_category_options)
+            with col4:
+                st.subheader("The Physical State of the Samples",divider="blue")
+                meta_sample_humidity_options = ["Dry", "Fresh", "Wet"]
+                meta_sample_humidity = st.radio("Humidity state of the sample :", [""] + meta_sample_humidity_options)
+                meta_sample_pretreatment_options = ["Powder", "Pastile", "Liquid"]
+                meta_sample_pretreatment = st.radio("Type of sample pre-treatment :", [""] + meta_sample_pretreatment_options)
             # Création du dictionnaire avec les données du formulaire
             form_data = {
                 "meta_project": meta_project,
@@ -85,22 +68,31 @@ with st.container():
                 "meta_scan_place": meta_scan_place
-            # Enregistrement des données dans un fichier JSON
-            with open('form_data.json', 'w') as json_file:
-                json.dump(form_data, json_file)
-            with st.container():
-                        if st.session_state['interface'] == 'simple':
-                            header3, header4 = st.columns(2)
-                            if header3.button("Samples Selection"):
-                                st.switch_page(pages_folder / '1-samples_selection.py')
-                            if header4.button("Model Creation"):
-                                st.switch_page(pages_folder / '2-model_creation.py')
-                        elif st.session_state['interface'] == 'advanced':
-                            header3, header4, header5 = st.columns(3)
-                            if header3.button("Samples Selection"):
-                                st.switch_page(pages_folder / '1-samples_selection.py')
-                            if header4.button("Model Creation"):
-                                st.switch_page(pages_folder / '2-model_creation.py')
-                            if header5.button("Prediction"):
-                                st.switch_page(pages_folder / '3-prediction.py')
\ No newline at end of file
+        submitted = st.form_submit_button(label='Save')
+        if submitted:
+            if '' not in form_data.values(): 
+                # Save the form data here
+                st.session_state['form_submitted'] = True
+                st.success('Form was saved successfully!', icon="✅")
+                # Enregistrement des données dans un fichier JSON
+                with open('form_data.json', 'w') as json_file:
+                    json.dump(form_data, json_file)
+                with st.container():
+                    if st.session_state['interface'] == 'simple':
+                        header3, header4 = st.columns(2)
+                        if header3.button("Samples Selection"):
+                            st.switch_page(pages_folder / '1-samples_selection.py')
+                        if header4.button("Model Creation"):
+                            st.switch_page(pages_folder / '2-model_creation.py')
+                    elif st.session_state['interface'] == 'advanced':
+                        header3, header4, header5 = st.columns(3)
+                        if header3.button("Samples Selection"):
+                            st.switch_page(pages_folder / '1-samples_selection.py')
+                        if header4.button("Model Creation"):
+                            st.switch_page(pages_folder / '2-model_creation.py')
+                        if header5.button("Prediction"):
+                            st.switch_page(pages_folder / '3-prediction.py')
+            else:
+                st.error('Error: The form was not saved, please ensure the required fields are filled!')
\ No newline at end of file