diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
index 654599da5b0c1dd146da53bc7046dd5d57c7422f..a7dc627f6d504a0598c133d09fe0974fd29b1096 100644
--- a/app.py
+++ b/app.py
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
 from Packages import *
 st.set_page_config(page_title="NIRS Utils", page_icon=":goat:", layout="wide")
 from Modules import *
+from Packages import * 
 from Class_Mod.DATA_HANDLING import * 
+# graphical delimiter
 # load images for web interface
 img_sselect = Image.open("images\sselect.JPG")
 img_general = Image.open("images\general.JPG")
@@ -21,199 +26,278 @@ with st.sidebar:
 with st.container():
     st.subheader("Plateforme d'Analyses Chimiques pour l'Ecologie-PACE :goat:")
     st.title("NIRS Utils")
-    st.write("Sample selection, Predictive Modelling & Predictions making using [Pinard](https://github.com/GBeurier/pinard) and PACE NIRS Database.")
-    st.image(img_general)
+    st.write("Samples selection, Predictive Modelling, and Predictions making using [Pinard](https://github.com/GBeurier/pinard) and PACE NIRS Database.")
+    #st.image(img_general)
-# graphical delimiter
-# Sample Selection module
-with st.container():
-    st.header("Sample Selection")
-    st.image(img_sselect)
-    st.write("Sample selection using PCA and K-Means algorithms")
-    # split 2 columns 4:1 ratio
-    scatter_column, settings_column = st.columns((4, 1))
-    scatter_column.write("**Multi-Dimensional Analysis**")
-    settings_column.write("**Settings**")
-    # loader for csv file containing NIRS spectra
-    sselectx_csv = settings_column.file_uploader("Select NIRS Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns", key=5)
+################################### Data Loading and Visualization ########################################
+container1 = st.container(border=True)
+col2, col1 = st.columns([3, 1])
+container2 = st.container(border=True)
+container2.header("Exploratory Data Analysis-Multivariable Data Analysis", divider='blue')
+scores, loadings, pc = st.columns([2, 2, 0.5])
+influence, hotelling, qexp = st.columns([2, 2, 1])
+with container1:
+    col1.header("NIRS Data Loading", divider='blue')
+    col2.header("Spectral Data Visualization", divider='blue')
+    with col1:
+        # loader for csv file containing NIRS spectra
+        sselectx_csv = st.file_uploader("Load NIRS Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns", key=5)
+        if sselectx_csv is not None:
+            # Select list for CSV delimiter
+            psep = st.selectbox("Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=9)
+            # Select list for CSV header True / False
+            phdr = st.selectbox("indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=31)
+            if phdr == 'yes':
+                col = 0
+            else:
+                col = False
+            data_import = pd.read_csv(sselectx_csv, sep=psep, index_col=col)
+            st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="✅")
+            ## Visualize spectra
+    if sselectx_csv is not None: 
+        with col2:
+            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (30,7))
+            data_import.T.plot(legend=False, ax = ax, color = 'blue')
+            ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength/Wavenumber', fontsize=18)
+            ax.set_ylabel('Signal', fontsize=18)
+            plt.margins(x = 0)
+            st.pyplot(fig)
+            st.write("Summary")
+            info = pd.DataFrame({'N':[data_import.shape[0]],
+                                    'Min': [np.min(data_import)],
+                                    'Max':[np.max(data_import)],}, index = ['Values']).T
+            info.rename_axis('information')
+            st.table(data=info)
+############################## Exploratory data analysis ###############################
+with container2:
     if sselectx_csv is not None:
-        # Select list for CSV delimiter
-        psep = settings_column.selectbox("Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=9)
-        # Select list for CSV header True / False
-        phdr = settings_column.selectbox("indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=31)
-        if phdr == 'yes':
-            col = 0
-        else:
-            col = False
-        data_import = pd.read_csv(sselectx_csv, sep=psep, index_col=col)
-        # Select type of plot
-        plot_type=['', 'pca','umap']
-        type_plot = settings_column.selectbox("Dimensional reduction: ", options=plot_type, key=37)
-        # compute UMAP - umap_maker in application_functions.py
-        if type_plot == 'umap':
-            pc_data, cat_cols, pc_cols = umap_maker(data_import)
-        # compute PCA - pca_maker function in application_functions.py
-        if type_plot == 'pca':
-            pc_data, cat_cols, pc_cols = pca_maker(data_import)
-        if type_plot == 'umap' or type_plot == 'pca':
+        plot_type=['', 'PCA','UMAP', 'NMF']
+        cluster_methods = ['', 'Kmeans','UMAP', 'AP']
+        with pc:
+            type_plot = st.selectbox("Dimensionality reduction techniques: ", options=plot_type, key=37)
+            type_cluster = st.selectbox("Clustering techniques: ", options=cluster_methods, key=38)
+            # compute UMAP - umap_maker in application_functions.py
+            if type_plot == 'PCA':
+                model = LinearPCA(data_import, Ncomp=5)
+            elif type_plot =='UMAP':
+                pass            
+        if type_plot in ['PCA', 'UMAP']:
             # add 2 select lists to choose which component to plot
-            pc_1 = settings_column.selectbox("First Principle Component", options=pc_cols, index=0)
-            pc_2 = settings_column.selectbox("Second Principle Component", options=pc_cols, index=1)
-            # if categorical variables exist, add 2 select lists to choose the categorical variables to color the PCA
-            if cat_cols[0] == "no categories":
-                plot_pc = scatter_column.plotly_chart(px.scatter(data_frame=pc_data, x=pc_1, y=pc_2, template="simple_white", height=800, hover_name=pc_data.index, title="PC plot of sample spectra"))
-            else:
-                categorical_variable = settings_column.selectbox("Variable Select", options = cat_cols)
-                categorical_variable_2 = settings_column.selectbox("Second Variable Select (hover data)", options = cat_cols)
-                plot_pc = scatter_column.plotly_chart(px.scatter(data_frame=pc_data, x=pc_1, y=pc_2, template="simple_white", height=800, color=categorical_variable, hover_data = [categorical_variable_2], hover_name=pc_data.index, title="PC plot of sample spectra"))
-            # Clustering method
-            cluster_type = ['', 'k-means', 'umap']
-            # cluster_type = ['k-means', 'umap'] # uncomment if more clustering algorithms available
-            type_cluster = settings_column.selectbox("Clustering method: ", options=cluster_type, key=38)
-            # clustering via K-Means
-            if type_cluster == 'k-means':
-                #K-Means
-                ## K-Means choose number of clusters
-                wcss_samples = []
-                cluster_max = settings_column.slider("Max clusters (K-Means)", min_value=2, max_value=100, value=50, format="%i")
-                clusters_sample = np.arange(2, cluster_max)
-                for i in clusters_sample:
-                    kmeans_samples = km(n_clusters = i, init = 'k-means++', random_state = 42)
-                    kmeans_samples.fit(pc_data.loc[:,[pc_1,pc_2]])
-                    wcss_samples.append(kmeans_samples.inertia_)
-                settings_column.plotly_chart(px.line(x=clusters_sample, y=wcss_samples, title="K-Means clusters nb sel", width=200))
-                ## Draw clustering
-                nb_select = settings_column.slider("Choose cluster number (K-Means)", min_value=2, max_value=cluster_max, value=5, format="%i")
-                kmeans_samples = km(n_clusters=nb_select, random_state=42)
-                kmeans_samples.fit(pc_data.loc[:,[pc_1,pc_2]])
-                # choose between cluster centered sample and n-random samples
-                selection = settings_column.select_slider('Centered samples or random ones', options=['center','random'])
-                export = []
-                scatter_column.write("Selected samples for chemical analysis:")
-                if selection == 'center':
-                    # list samples at clusters centers - Use sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances_argmin if you want more than 1 sample per cluster
-                    closest, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(kmeans_samples.cluster_centers_, pc_data.loc[:,[pc_1,pc_2]])
-                    scatter_column.dataframe(pc_data.loc[pc_data.index[closest],[pc_1,pc_2]].index, use_container_width=False)
-                    export.append(pc_data.loc[pc_data.index[closest],[pc_1,pc_2]].index.T)
-                    # list indexes of selected samples for colored plot
-                    te = pc_data.loc[pc_data.index[closest],[pc_1,pc_2]].index.values.tolist()
-                elif selection == 'random':
-                    selection_number = settings_column.number_input('How many samples per cluster?', step=1, value = 3)
-                    for i in np.unique(kmeans_samples.labels_):
-                        if len(pd.DataFrame(pc_data.loc[pc_data.index[kmeans_samples.labels_==i],[pc_1,pc_2]])) >= selection_number:
-                            # another k-means to cluster in 'selection_number' clusters and random to ensure the selected samples are far from each other in each cluster
-                            kmeans_selected_samples = km(n_clusters=selection_number, random_state=42)
-                            kmeans_selected_samples.fit(pc_data.loc[pc_data.index[kmeans_samples.labels_==i],[pc_1,pc_2]])
-                            closest_selected_samples, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(kmeans_selected_samples.cluster_centers_, pc_data.loc[:,[pc_1,pc_2]])
-                            export.append(pc_data.loc[pc_data.index[closest_selected_samples],[pc_1,pc_2]].index)
-                        else:
-                            export.append(pc_data.loc[pc_data.index[kmeans_samples.labels_==i]].index)
-                    # list indexes of selected samples for colored plot
-                    te = []
-                    for sublist in export:
-                        for item in sublist:
-                            te.append(item)
-                    # display a matrix of selected samples
-                    scatter_column.write(pd.DataFrame(export).T)
-                # convert cluster number to text for optimized coloring
-                kmeans_samples.labels_ = kmeans_samples.labels_.astype(str)
-                for j in te:
-                    kmeans_samples.labels_[pc_data.index.get_loc(j)] = 'selected'
-                # plot de pc with colored clusters and selected samples
-                graph_selected = px.scatter(data_frame=pc_data, x=pc_1, y=pc_2, template="simple_white", height=800, color=kmeans_samples.labels_, hover_name=pc_data.index, title="PC projection with K-Means Clusters and selected samples")
-                plot = scatter_column.plotly_chart(graph_selected)
-                # button to export the names of selected samples - by cluster if random - in a csv
-                if scatter_column.button('Export'):
-                    pd.DataFrame(export).T.to_csv('./data/sample_selections/Samples_from_' + sselectx_csv.name + '_for_Chemical_Analysis.csv')
-            else:
-                scatter_column.write("_Please Choose a file_")
-            # clustering via UMAP / HDBSCAN -- TO BE DONE !!!
-            if type_cluster == 'hdbscan':
-                import hdbscan
-                # plot de pc with colored clusters and selected samples
-                # graph_selected = px.scatter(data_frame=pc_data, x=pc_1, y=pc_2, template="simple_white", height=800, color=kmeans_samples.labels_, hover_name=pc_data.index, title="PC projection with K-Means Clusters and selected samples")
-                # plot = scatter_column.plotly_chart(graph_selected)
-                scatter_column.dataframe(pc_data)
-                labels = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_samples=4, min_cluster_size=10,).fit_predict(pc_data.loc[:,[pc_1,pc_2]])
-                clustered = (labels >= 0)
-                graph_clustered = plt.scatter(standard_embedding[clustered, 0], standard_embedding[clustered, 1], c=labels[clustered], s=0.1, cmap='Spectral')
-                plot = scatter_column.plotly_chart(graph_selected)
-# graphical delimiter
+            axis1 = pc.selectbox("x-axis", options = model.scores_.columns, index=0)
+            axis2 = pc.selectbox("y-axis", options = model.scores_.columns, index=1)
+            axis3 = pc.selectbox("z-axis", options = model.scores_.columns, index=2)
+            if type_cluster == 'Kmeans':
+                 cl = Sk_Kmeans(pd.concat([model.scores_.loc[:,axis1], model.scores_.loc[:,axis2], model.scores_.loc[:,axis3]], axis = 1), max_clusters = 30)
+            with scores:
+                    t = model.scores_
+                    if type_cluster in ['Kmeans','UMAP', 'AP']:
+                        st.write('Scree plot')
+                        fig2 = px.scatter(cl.inertia_.T, y = 'inertia')
+                        st.plotly_chart(fig2)
+                        ncluster = st.number_input(min_value=2, max_value=30, value=3, label = 'Select the desired number of clusters')
+                        data, colors = cl.fit_optimal(nclusters=ncluster)
+                        #fig = px.scatter(data, x=axis1, y=axis2, color= colors)
+                        st.write('Scores plot')
+                        fig = px.scatter_3d(data, x=axis1, y=axis2, z = axis3, color=colors)
+                    else:
+                        fig = px.scatter_3d(t, x=axis1, y=axis2, z = axis3)
+                    st.plotly_chart(fig)
+            with loadings:
+                    st.write('Loadings plot')
+                    p = model.loadings_
+                    pp = pd.concat([p, pd.DataFrame(np.arange(p.shape[0]), index=p.index, columns=['wl'])], axis =1)
+                    df1 = pp.melt(id_vars="wl")
+                    fig = px.line(df1, x = 'wl', y = 'value', color='variable')
+                    fig.update_layout(
+                        legend=dict(x=1, y=0,
+                                     font=dict(
+                                          family="Courier", size=12, color="black"),
+                                          bordercolor="Black", borderwidth=2)
+                                          )
+                    st.plotly_chart(fig)
+            with influence:
+                    st.write('Influence plot')
+                    ax1 = st.selectbox("Component", options=model.scores_.columns, index=3)
+                    leverage = model.leverage_
+                    residuals = model.residuals
+                    fig = px.scatter(x=leverage[ax1], y=residuals[ax1], color = leverage[ax1]*residuals[ax1])
+                    st.plotly_chart(fig)
+            with hotelling:
+                    st.write('T²-Hotelling vs Q residuals plot')
+                    ax2 = st.selectbox("Component", options=model.scores_.columns, index=4)
+                    t = model.scores_
+                    fig = px.scatter(t, x=axis1, y=t.columns[1])
+                    st.plotly_chart(fig)
+            with qexp:
+                    pass
+        else:
+                st.markdown('Select a dimensionality reduction technique from the dropdown list')
 # Model creation module
-with st.container():
-    st.header("Create a model")
-    st.image(img_predict)
-    st.write("Create a model to then predict chemical values from NIRS spectra")
-    available_regression_algo = ["","SciKitLearn PLSR", "Jchemo Local Weighted PLSR"]
+container2 = st.container(border=True)
+M1, M2, M3 = st.columns([2,2,2])
+M4, M5 = st.columns([6,2])
+container3 = st.container(border=True)
+M7, M8 = st.columns([2,2])
+available_regression_algo = ["","SciKitLearn PLSR", "Jchemo Local Weighted PLSR", "Intervalle Selection PLSR"]
+with container2:
+    st.header("Calibration Model Development", divider='blue')
+    st.write("Create a predictive model, then use it for predicting your target variable(chemical values) from NIRS spectra")
     # CSV files loader
-    xcal_csv = st.file_uploader("Select NIRS Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns")
-    ycal_csv = st.file_uploader("Select corresponding Chemical Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and chemical values as a column")
+    xcal_csv = M3.file_uploader("Select NIRS Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns")
+    ycal_csv = M3.file_uploader("Select corresponding Chemical Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and chemical values as a column")
     if xcal_csv is not None and ycal_csv is not None:
         # Select list for CSV delimiter
-        sep = st.selectbox("Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/'+xcal_csv.name)), options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/'+xcal_csv.name))), key=0)
+        sep = M3.selectbox("Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/'+xcal_csv.name)), options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/'+xcal_csv.name))), key=0)
         # Select list for CSV header True / False
-        hdr = st.selectbox("indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/'+xcal_csv.name)), options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/'+xcal_csv.name))), key=1)
-        regression_algo = st.selectbox("Choose the algorithm for regression", options=available_regression_algo, key = 12)
+        hdr = M3.selectbox("indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/'+xcal_csv.name)), options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/'+xcal_csv.name))), key=1)
+        if hdr == 'yes':
+             col = 0
+        else:
+             col = False
+        rd_seed = M1.slider("Choose seed", min_value=1, max_value=1212, value=42, format="%i")
+        x, y = utils.load_csv(xcal_csv, ycal_csv, autoremove_na=True, sep=sep, x_hdr=0, y_hdr=0, x_index_col=col, y_index_col=col)
+            # Split data into training and test sets using the kennard_stone method and correlation metric, 25% of data is used for testing
+        train_index, test_index = train_test_split_idx(x, y=y, method="kennard_stone", metric="correlation", test_size=0.25, random_state=rd_seed)
+            # Assign data to training and test sets
+        X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = pd.DataFrame(x[train_index]), pd.DataFrame(y[train_index]), pd.DataFrame(x[test_index]), pd.DataFrame(y[test_index])
+        #############################
+        regression_algo = M1.selectbox("Choose the algorithm for regression", options=available_regression_algo, key = 12)
         if regression_algo == 'SciKitLearn PLSR':
-            rd_seed = st.slider("Choose seed", min_value=1, max_value=1212, value=42, format="%i")
             # Train model with model function from application_functions.py
-            trained_model = model_PLSR(xcal_csv, ycal_csv, sep, hdr, rd_seed)
+            Reg = PinardPlsr(x_train=X_train, x_test=X_test,y_train=y_train, y_test=y_test)
+            reg_model = Reg.model_
+            #M2.dataframe(Pin.pred_data_)
         elif regression_algo == 'Jchemo Local Weighted PLSR':
-            trained_model = model_LWPLSR(xcal_csv, ycal_csv, sep, hdr)
+            reg_model = model_LWPLSR(xcal_csv, ycal_csv, sep, hdr)
+        elif regression_algo == "Intervalle Selection PLSR":
+             s = M2.number_input(label='Enter the maximum number of intervalls', min_value=1, max_value=6, value="min")
+             reg_model = TpeIpls(x_train= X_train, y_train= y_train, x_test=X_test, y_test= y_test,Kfold= 3,scale= True, n_intervall = 3)
+             reg_model.tune(n_iter=10)
+        if regression_algo in ["SciKitLearn PLSR", "Jchemo Local Weighted PLSR", "Intervalle Selection PLSR"]:
+             with container3:
+                st.header("Model Diagnosis", divider='blue')
+                yc = Reg.pred_data_[0]
+                ycv = Reg.pred_data_[1]
+                yt = Reg.pred_data_[2]
+                M7.write('Predicted vs Measured values')
+                M7.pyplot(reg_plot([y_train, y_train, y_test],[yc, ycv, yt]))
+                M8.write('Residuals plot')
+                M8.pyplot(resid_plot([y_train, y_train, y_test],[yc, ycv, yt]))
         # Export the model with pickle or joblib
         if regression_algo != '':
-            st.write("-- Save the model --")
-            model_export = st.selectbox("Choose way to export", options=["pickle", "joblib"], key=20)
-            model_name = st.text_input('Give it a name')
-            if st.button('Export Model'):
-                export_package = __import__(model_export)
-                with open('data/models/model_' + model_name + '_on_' + xcal_csv.name + '_and_' + ycal_csv.name + '_data_' + model_export + '.pkl','wb') as f:
-                    export_package.dump(trained_model,f)
+            M1.write("-- Performance metrics --")
+            M1.dataframe(Reg.metrics_)
+            M1.write("-- Save the model --")
+            #model_export = M1.selectbox("Choose way to export", options=["pickle", "joblib"], key=20)
+            model_name = M1.text_input('Give it a name')
+            if M1.button('Export Model'):
+                #export_package = __import__(model_export)
+                with open('data/models/model_' + model_name + '_on_' + xcal_csv.name + '_and_' + ycal_csv.name + '_data_' + '.pkl','wb') as f:
+                    joblib.dump(reg_model,f)
                 st.write('Model Exported')
                 # create a report with information on the model
                 ## see https://stackoverflow.com/a/59578663
+        #M4.pyplot(reg_plot(meas==(ycal_csv,ycal_csv,ycal_csv], pred=[ycal_csv,ycal_csv,ycal_csv]))
 # graphical delimiter
+#M9, M10, M11 = st.columns([2,2,2])
 # Prediction module - TO BE DONE !!!!!
 with st.container():
-    st.header("Predict")
+    st.header("Predictions making")
     st.write("Predict chemical values from NIRS")
-    file_column, space, model_column = st.columns((3, 1, 3))
+    model_column, space, file_column= st.columns((2, 1, 1))
     NIRS_csv = file_column.file_uploader("Select NIRS Data to predict", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns")
     export_name = './data/predictions/Predictions_of_'
     if NIRS_csv:
         export_name += str(NIRS_csv.name[:-4])
         qsep = file_column.selectbox("Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/'+NIRS_csv.name)), options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/'+NIRS_csv.name))), key=2)
         qhdr = file_column.selectbox("indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/'+NIRS_csv.name)), options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/'+NIRS_csv.name))), key=3)
         # Load the model with pickle or joblib
-        model_column.write("Load a saved model")
-        model_import = model_column.selectbox("Choose a way to import", options=["pickle", "joblib"], key=22)
-        model_name_import = model_column.selectbox('Choose file:', options=[' '] + list_files('data/models/', model_import), key = 21)
+        model_column.write("Load your saved predictive model")
+        model_name_import = model_column.selectbox('Choose file:', options=os.listdir('data/models/'), key = 21)
         if model_name_import != ' ':
             export_name += '_with_' + str(model_name_import[:-4])
-            export_package = __import__(model_import)
             with open('data/models/'+ model_name_import,'rb') as f:
-                model_loaded = export_package.load(f)
+                model_loaded = joblib.load(f)
             if model_loaded:
-                model_column.write('Model Imported')
+                model_column.success("The model has been loaded successfully", icon="✅")
     result = ''
     if st.button("Predict"):
         # use prediction function from application_functions.py to predict chemical values
         result = prediction(NIRS_csv, qsep, qhdr, model_loaded)
         st.write('Predicted values are: ')
-        st.dataframe(result)
+        st.dataframe(result.T)
         pd.DataFrame(result).to_csv(export_name + '.csv')
         st.write('Predictions exported to ' + export_name + '.csv')
         # export to local drive