diff --git a/Class_Mod/DxReader.py b/Class_Mod/DxReader.py
index 4d6d815d7cef7a6a77dacd50b7a241cd4d8b657f..d877ff2f2d43a995a51f660a6de5076343315352 100644
--- a/Class_Mod/DxReader.py
+++ b/Class_Mod/DxReader.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 from Packages import * 
+import jcamp as jc
-class DxReader:
+class DxRead:
     '''This module is designed to help retrieve spectral data as well as metadata of smaples  from jcamp file'''
     def __init__(self, path):
-        self.__path = path.replace('\\','/')
+        #self.__path = path.replace('\\','/')
+        self.__path = path
         self.__dxfile = jc.jcamp_readfile(self.__path)
         # Access samples data
@@ -23,25 +25,25 @@ class DxReader:
         for i in range(self.__nb): # Loop over the blocks
             specs[i] = self.__list_of_blocks[i]['y']
-            block_met = {   'name':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['title'],
-                            'origin':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['origin'],
-                            'date':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['date'],
-                            'time':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['time'],
-                            'spectrometer/data system':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['spectrometer/data system'],
-                            'instrumental parameters':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['instrumental parameters'],
-                            'xunits':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['xunits'],
-                            'yunits':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['yunits'],
-                            'xfactor':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['xfactor'],
-                            'yfactor':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['yfactor'],
-                            'firstx':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['firstx'],
-                            'lastx':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['lastx'],
-                            'firsty':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['firsty'],
-                            'miny': self.__list_of_blocks[i]['miny'],
-                            'maxy': self.__list_of_blocks[i]['maxy'],
-                            'npoints':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['npoints'],
-                            'concentrations':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['concentrations'],
-                            'deltax':self.__list_of_blocks[i]['deltax'],
+            block = self.__list_of_blocks[i]
+            block_met = {   'name': block['title'],
+                            'origin': block['origin'],
+                            'date': block['date'],
+                            'time': block['time'],
+                            'spectrometer/data system': block['spectrometer/data system'],
+                            'instrumental parameters': block['instrumental parameters'],
+                            'xunits': block['xunits'],
+                            'yunits': block['yunits'],
+                            'xfactor': block['xfactor'],
+                            'yfactor': block['yfactor'],
+                            'firstx': block['firstx'],
+                            'lastx': block['lastx'],
+                            'firsty':block['firsty'],
+                            'miny': block['miny'],
+                            'maxy': block['maxy'],
+                            'npoints': block['npoints'],
+                            'concentrations':block['concentrations'],
+                            'deltax':block['deltax']
             self.__met[f'{i}'] = block_met
         self.metadata_ = pd.DataFrame(self.__met).T
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ class DxReader:
             cc[df.index[i]] = self.conc(df[str(i)])
         ### dataframe conntaining chemical data
-        self.chem_data = pd.DataFrame(cc, index=elements_name).T
+        self.chem_data = pd.DataFrame(cc, index=elements_name).T.astype(float)
     ### Method for retrieving the concentration of a single sample
     def conc(self,sample):
diff --git a/Class_Mod/Kmedoids.py b/Class_Mod/Kmedoids.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/Class_Mod/PCA_.py b/Class_Mod/PCA_.py
index 1c4dbc6413a9157dd36a29e014bc9380c3698231..d0578f3942195b1f63f6bae355b56517b3b0e36d 100644
--- a/Class_Mod/PCA_.py
+++ b/Class_Mod/PCA_.py
@@ -2,86 +2,74 @@ from Packages import *
 class LinearPCA:
     def __init__(self, X, Ncomp=10):
-        ## define color palette to use for plotting
-        #self.__palette = 'YlGn'
-        #numerical_data, categorical_data, scaled_values = col_cat(X)
-        #self.catdata = list(categorical_data.columns)
         ## input matrix
-        self.__x = X
-        self._varnames = X.columns
-        self._rownames = X.index
+        if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
+            self.__x = X.to_numpy()
+            self._rownames = X.index
+        else:
+            self.__x = X
         ## set the number of components to compute and fit the model
         self.__ncp = Ncomp
+        # Fit PCA model
         M = PCA(n_components = self.__ncp)
-        ######## results ########
-        # Explained variability
+        ######## results ########        
+        # Results
         self.__pcnames = [f'PC{i+1}({100 *  M.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)]
         self._Qexp_ratio = pd.DataFrame(100 *  M.explained_variance_ratio_, columns = ["Qexp"], index= [f'PC{i+1}' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
-        # Loadings and scores
-         #scores
-        s = M.transform(self.__x)
-        self.__t = s
-        self._t = s
-        self._r = pd.DataFrame(2*(s-s.min(axis=0))/(s.max(axis=0)-s.min(axis=0)) -1, index= self._rownames)
-        self._r.columns = self.__pcnames
-        # Normalize each loading vector to have unit length
-        self._p = (M.components_ / np.linalg.norm(M.components_, axis=0)).T
+        self._p = M.components_.T
+        self._t = M.transform(self.__x)
+        self.eigvals = M.singular_values_**2
+        self.Lambda = np.diag(self.eigvals)
         # Matrix reconstruction or prediction making
-        #
-        self.res = pd.DataFrame()
-        for i in range(self.__ncp):
-            self._xp = np.dot(self.__t[:,i].reshape((-1,1)), self._p[:,i].reshape((1,-1)))
-            # residuals
-            self._e = self.__x - self._xp
-            self.res[self.__pcnames[i]] = np.diag(self._e@self._e.T)
-            #self._res = pd.DataFrame( self._e, columns = self._varnames, index = self._rownames )
+        self.T2 = {}
+        self._xp = {}
+        self._qres = {}
+        self.leverage = {}
-        self._xp = self.__t @ self._p.T
+        # 
+        for i in range(self.__ncp):
+            # Matrix reconstruction- prediction
+            self._xp[i] = np.dot(self._t[:,:i+1], self._p.T[:i+1,:])
-        # Compute the cosine similarity between the normalized loading vectors
-        self.lev = {}
-        ## Laverage: leverage values range between 0 and 1
-        for i in range(self._t.shape[1]):
-            ti = self._t[:,i].reshape((-1,1))
-            Hat = ti @ np.linalg.pinv(np.transpose(ti) @ ti) @ np.transpose(ti)
-            self.lev[self._r.columns[i]] = ti.ravel()
-        self.leverage = pd.DataFrame(self.lev)
+            # Q residuals: Q residuals represent the magnitude of the variation remaining in each sample after projection through the model
+            self._qres[i] = np.diag(np.subtract(self.__x, self._xp[i])@ np.subtract(self.__x, self._xp[i]).T)
+            self.T2[i] = np.diag(self._t[:,:i+1] @ np.transpose(self._t[:,:i+1]))
+            # Laverage
+            Hat =  self._t[:,:i+1] @ np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(self._t[:,:i+1]) @ self._t[:,:i+1]) @ np.transpose(self._t[:,:i+1])
+            self.leverage[i] = np.diag(Hat) / np.trace(Hat)
-        ## Hotelling t2
-        self.eigvals = M.singular_values_**2
-        self.Lambda = np.diag(self.eigvals)
-        self.T2 = pd.DataFrame()
-        tt = self._r.to_numpy()
-        for i in range(self._t.shape[1]):
-           self.T2[self.__pcnames[i]] = np.diag(self.__t[:,i].reshape((-1,1)) @ np.linalg.inv(np.array(self.Lambda[i,i]).reshape((1,1))) @ np.transpose(self.__t[:,i].reshape((-1,1))))
     def scores_(self):
-        return pd.DataFrame(self._r)
+        return pd.DataFrame(self._t, columns= self.__pcnames)
     def loadings_(self):
-        return pd.DataFrame(self._p, columns=self.__pcnames, index=self._varnames)
+        return pd.DataFrame(self._p, columns=self.__pcnames)
     def leverage_(self):
-        return self.leverage
+        lev = pd.DataFrame(self.leverage)
+        lev.columns =self.__pcnames
+        return lev
-    def residuals(self):
-        return self.res
+    def residuals_(self):
+        res = pd.DataFrame(self._qres)
+        res.columns=self.__pcnames
+        return res
     def hotelling_(self):
-        #return pd.DataFrame(self.T2)
-        return self.T2
\ No newline at end of file
+        hot = pd.DataFrame(self.T2)
+        hot.columns=self.__pcnames
+        return hot
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Class_Mod/SK_PLSR_.py b/Class_Mod/SK_PLSR_.py
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0650112a0866cc38bef4ae71fc42e2118803b699 100644
--- a/Class_Mod/SK_PLSR_.py
+++ b/Class_Mod/SK_PLSR_.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from Packages  import *
+class PlsR:
+    def __init__(self, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test):
+        self.x_train = x_train
+        self.x_test = x_test 
+        self.y_train = y_train
+        self.y_test = y_test
+    def fit_(self):
+        nlv = 20
+        rmse = []
+        for i in range(nlv):
+            m = PLSRegression(n_components= 20)
+            ycv = cross_val_predict(m, self.x_train, self.y_train, cv = 5)
+            rmse.append(mean_squared_error(self.y_train, ycv))
+            print(rmse)
diff --git a/Class_Mod/__init__.py b/Class_Mod/__init__.py
index 03126eb8049680eedcdff3f7d44257561a93a67a..eb2dbb5b6b3a030cfa727730bf21e84ba9ed0948 100644
--- a/Class_Mod/__init__.py
+++ b/Class_Mod/__init__.py
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ from .LWPLSR_ import model_LWPLSR
 from .Regression_metrics import metrics
 from .VarSel import TpeIpls
 from .Miscellaneous import resid_plot, reg_plot
+from .DxReader import DxRead
diff --git a/Modules.py b/Modules.py
index d0a137e634c80b6caa18d8bfec8ffa02fc2bdbc5..54399173517fa1fbd82e19b0df1cca4a63e380a2 100644
--- a/Modules.py
+++ b/Modules.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from Class_Mod import LinearPCA, Umap, find_col_index, PinardPlsr, model_LWPLSR, list_files, metrics, TpeIpls, reg_plot, resid_plot, Sk_Kmeans
+from Class_Mod import LinearPCA, Umap, find_col_index, PinardPlsr, model_LWPLSR, list_files, metrics, TpeIpls, reg_plot, resid_plot, Sk_Kmeans, DxRead
 # find_col_index
 from Class_Mod.Miscellaneous import prediction, download_results
diff --git a/Packages.py b/Packages.py
index 18a2ede199cabb44cef6185660106ea8f912f6c3..68c0bf07020805e962eef9454f2fc2099f375727 100644
--- a/Packages.py
+++ b/Packages.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min
 ## Web app construction
 import streamlit as st
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
 # help on streamlit input https://docs.streamlit.io/library/api-reference/widgets
 #Library for connecting to SQL DB
diff --git a/pages/1-samples_selection.py b/pages/1-samples_selection.py
index 1b969c9b4a888b6e2f02d37f8d7da32b7676fd15..42ce38954bf94065543a8b1751f597b7bf04e7d1 100644
--- a/pages/1-samples_selection.py
+++ b/pages/1-samples_selection.py
@@ -15,40 +15,73 @@ influence, hotelling, qexp = st.columns([2, 2, 1])
 with container1:
-    col1.header("NIRS Data Loading", divider='blue')
+    col1.header("Data Loading", divider='blue')
     col2.header("Spectral Data Visualization", divider='blue')
-    with col1:
-        # loader for csv file containing NIRS spectra
-        sselectx_csv = st.file_uploader("Load NIRS Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns", key=5)
-        if sselectx_csv is not None:
-            # Select list for CSV delimiter
-            psep = st.selectbox("Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=9)
-            # Select list for CSV header True / False
-            phdr = st.selectbox("indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=31)
-            if phdr == 'yes':
-                col = 0
-            else:
-                col = False
-            data_import = pd.read_csv(sselectx_csv, sep=psep, index_col=col)
-            st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="✅")
-            ## Visualize spectra
+    # loader for csv file containing NIRS spectra
+    sselectx_csv = col1.file_uploader("Load NIRS Data", type=["csv","dx"], help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns", key=5)
     if sselectx_csv is not None:
-        with col2:
-            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (30,7))
-            data_import.T.plot(legend=False, ax = ax, color = 'blue')
-            ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength/Wavenumber', fontsize=18)
-            ax.set_ylabel('Signal', fontsize=18)
-            plt.margins(x = 0)
-            st.pyplot(fig)
-            st.write("Summary")
-            info = pd.DataFrame({'N':[data_import.shape[0]],
-                                 'Min': [np.min(data_import)],
-                                 'Max':[np.max(data_import)],}, index = ['Values']).T
-            info.rename_axis('information')
-            st.table(data=info)
+        test = sselectx_csv.name[sselectx_csv.name.find('.'):]
+        if test== '.csv':
+            with col1:
+                # Select list for CSV delimiter
+                psep = st.selectbox("Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=9)
+                # Select list for CSV header True / False
+                phdr = st.selectbox("indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name)), options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/'+sselectx_csv.name))), key=31)
+                if phdr == 'yes':
+                    col = 0
+                else:
+                    col = False
+                data_import = pd.read_csv(sselectx_csv, sep=psep, index_col=col)
+                st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="✅")
+                ## Visualize spectra
+            with col2:
+                fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (30,7))
+                data_import.T.plot(legend=False, ax = ax, color = 'blue')
+                ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength/Wavenumber', fontsize=18)
+                ax.set_ylabel('Signal', fontsize=18)
+                plt.margins(x = 0)
+                st.pyplot(fig)
+                st.write("Summary")
+                info = pd.DataFrame({'N':[data_import.shape[0]],
+                                    'Min': [np.min(data_import)],
+                                    'Max':[np.max(data_import)],}, index = ['Values']).T
+                info.rename_axis('information')
+                st.table(data=info)
+        elif test == '.dx':
+            # Create a temporary file to save the uploaded file
+            with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".dx") as tmp:
+                tmp.write(sselectx_csv.read())
+                tmp_path = tmp.name
+                with col1:
+                        data = DxRead(path = tmp_path)
+                        data_import = data.specs_df_
+                        st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="✅")
+                    ## Visualize spectra
+                with col2:
+                    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (30,7))
+                    data_import.T.plot(legend=False, ax = ax, color = 'blue')
+                    ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength/Wavenumber', fontsize=18)
+                    ax.set_ylabel('Signal', fontsize=18)
+                    plt.margins(x = 0)
+                    st.pyplot(fig)
+                    st.write("Summary")
+                    info = pd.DataFrame({'N':[data_import.shape[0]],
+                                        'Min': [np.min(data_import)],
+                                        'Max':[np.max(data_import)],}, index = ['Values']).T
+                    info.rename_axis('information')
+                    st.table(data=info)
+            os.unlink(tmp_path)
 ############################## Exploratory data analysis ###############################
@@ -116,30 +149,24 @@ with container2:
                     st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width = True)
                 with influence:
                     st.write('Influence plot')
                     ax1 = st.selectbox("Component", options=model.scores_.columns, index=3)
                     leverage = model.leverage_
-                    residuals = model.residuals
-                    fig = px.scatter(x=leverage[ax1], y=residuals[ax1], color = leverage[ax1]*residuals[ax1])
+                    residuals = model.residuals_
+                    fig = px.scatter(x=leverage[ax1], y=residuals[ax1], color = leverage[ax1]*residuals[ax1]).update_layout(xaxis_title="Leverage",yaxis_title="Residuals")
                 with hotelling:
                     st.write('T²-Hotelling vs Q residuals plot')
+                    hotelling = model.hotelling_
                     ax2 = st.selectbox("Component", options=model.scores_.columns, index=4)
-                    t = model.hotelling_
-                    fig = px.scatter(t, x=t[ax2], y=t[ax2])
+                    hotelling = model.hotelling_
+                    fig = px.scatter(t, x=hotelling[ax2], y=residuals[ax2]).update_layout(xaxis_title="T²",yaxis_title="Residuals")
-                with qexp:
-                    pass
                 st.markdown('Select a dimensionality reduction technique from the dropdown list')