diff --git a/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py b/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
index 9e4ff7e6802f45a1808bc10c3830203c70118b60..0c06b2bb89ba531c8cd13ef2edeab4b65a8d5a3e 100644
--- a/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
+++ b/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ color_palette = None
 dr_model = None # dimensionality reduction model
 cl_model = None # clustering model
 selection = None
-selection_number = None
+selection_number = "None"
 # loader for datafile
 data_file = col1.file_uploader("Data file", type=["csv","dx"], help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns", key=5)
@@ -625,14 +625,12 @@ if not (sam.empty and sam1.empty):
     if 'htest' not in st.session_state:
         st.session_state.htest = '0'
         report.compile_latex(change =hash_data(a))
-        st.write(hash_data(a))
         if myfilepdf.is_file():
             download_res(file = data_file, sam = sam)
     elif st.session_state['htest'] != hash_data(a):
         st.session_state['htest'] = hash_data(a)
         report.compile_latex(change =hash_data(a))
-        st.write(hash_data(a))
         if myfilepdf.is_file():
             download_res(file = data_file, sam = sam)
@@ -650,5 +648,6 @@ if not (sam.empty and sam1.empty):
         zipname = json.load(f)
     if os.path.split(recent_file)[1] == os.path.split(zipname)[1]:
         with open("./temp/"+zipname, "rb") as fp:
+                st.write('Download the Analysis Results')
                 st.download_button('Download', data = fp, file_name=zipname, mime="application/zip",
                                 args=None, kwargs=None,type="primary",use_container_width=True)