diff --git a/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_.py b/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_.py
index d16d187497284ba00860aa75ee9a6fd977954254..2e3d40b734429ef97fa7eb5cff1950279716c564 100644
--- a/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_.py
+++ b/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 from juliacall import Main as jl
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
-from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
 class LWPLSR:
     """The lwpls regression model from Jchemo (M. Lesnoff)
@@ -9,48 +8,26 @@ class LWPLSR:
         self.scores (DataFrame): various metrics and scores
         self.predicted_results_on_train (DataFrame):
-        self.predicted_results_on_cv (DataFrame):
         self.predicted_results_on_test (DataFrame):
         self.mod (Julia model): the prepared model
-    def __init__(self, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, x_train_cv1, y_train_cv1, x_test_cv1, y_test_cv1, x_train_cv2, y_train_cv2, x_test_cv2, y_test_cv2, x_train_cv3, y_train_cv3, x_test_cv3, y_test_cv3):
+    def __init__(self, dataset):
         """Initiate the LWPLSR and prepare data for Julia computing."""
-        self.x_train, self.y_train, self.x_test, self.y_test = x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
-        self.x_train_cv1, self.y_train_cv1, self.x_test_cv1, self.y_test_cv1 = x_train_cv1, y_train_cv1, x_test_cv1, y_test_cv1
-        self.x_train_cv2, self.y_train_cv2, self.x_test_cv2, self.y_test_cv2 = x_train_cv2, y_train_cv2, x_test_cv2, y_test_cv2
-        self.x_train_cv3, self.y_train_cv3, self.x_test_cv3, self.y_test_cv3 = x_train_cv3, y_train_cv3, x_test_cv3, y_test_cv3
+        self.x_train, self.y_train, self.x_test, self.y_test = [dataset[i] for i in range(len(dataset))]
         # prepare to send dataframes to julia and Jchemo
         jl.x_train, jl.y_train, jl.x_test, jl.y_test = self.x_train, self.y_train, self.x_test, self.y_test
-        jl.x_train_cv1, jl.y_train_cv1, jl.x_test_cv1, jl.y_test_cv1 = self.x_train_cv1, self.y_train_cv1, self.x_test_cv1, self.y_test_cv1
-        jl.x_train_cv2, jl.y_train_cv2, jl.x_test_cv2, jl.y_test_cv2 = self.x_train_cv2, self.y_train_cv2, self.x_test_cv2, self.y_test_cv2
-        jl.x_train_cv3, jl.y_train_cv3, jl.x_test_cv3, jl.y_test_cv3= self.x_train_cv3, self.y_train_cv3, self.x_test_cv3, self.y_test_cv3
-        # optimize lwplsr parameters with Jchemo
-        # jl.seval("""
-        # ntrain = nro(x_train)
-        # segm = segmkf(ntrain, 4; rep = 5)
-        # nlvdis = [5; 10; 15] ; metric = [:mah]
-        # h = [1; 2; 6; Inf] ; k = [10; 30; 100]
-        # nlv = 0:15
-        # pars = mpar(nlvdis = nlvdis, metric = metric, h = h, k = k)
-        # println(pars)
-        # """)
         # initialize vars from the class
-        y_shape = y_test.shape
-        y_shape_cv1 = y_test_cv1.shape
-        y_shape_cv2 = y_test_cv2.shape
-        y_shape_cv3 = y_test_cv3.shape
-        # self.scores = pd.DataFrame
+        y_shape = self.y_test.shape
         self.predicted_results_on_test = pd.DataFrame
         self.predicted_results_on_train = pd.DataFrame
         self.predicted_results_on_cv = pd.DataFrame
         self.pred_test = np.zeros(shape=(y_shape[0], 1))
         self.pred_train = np.zeros(shape=(y_shape[0], 1))
-        self.pred_cv1 = np.zeros(shape=(y_shape_cv1[0], 1))
-        self.pred_cv2 = np.zeros(shape=(y_shape_cv2[0], 1))
-        self.pred_cv3 = np.zeros(shape=(y_shape_cv3[0], 1))
         self.mod = ""
+        self.best_lwplsr_params = np.zeros(shape=(5, 1))
     def Jchemo_lwplsr_fit(self):
         """Send data to Julia to fit lwplsr.
@@ -73,47 +50,43 @@ class LWPLSR:
         y_train |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
         x_test |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
         y_test |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        x_train_cv1 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        y_train_cv1 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        x_test_cv1 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        y_test_cv1 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        x_train_cv2 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        y_train_cv2 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        x_test_cv2 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        y_test_cv2 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        x_train_cv3 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        y_train_cv3 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        x_test_cv3 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        y_test_cv3 |> Pandas.DataFrame |> DataFrames.DataFrame
-        # Create LWPLSR model and fit
+        print('LWPLSR - tuning')
+        # set tuning parameters
-        nlvdis = 5 ; metric = :mah
-        h = 1 ; k = 200 ; nlv = 15 #; scal = true
-        mod = Jchemo.model(Jchemo.lwplsr; nlvdis, metric, h, k, nlv)
-        # Fit model
-        Jchemo.fit!(mod, x_train, y_train)
+        nlvdis = [5; 10; 15] ; metric = [:eucl; :mah] 
+        h = [1; 2; 6; Inf] ; k = [30; 80; 200]  
+        nlv = 5:15
+        pars = Jchemo.mpar(nlvdis = nlvdis, metric = metric, h = h, k = k)
-        # CV model and fit
+        # split Train data into Cal/Val for tuning
-        nlvdis = 5 ; metric = :mah
-        h = 1 ; k = 200 ; nlv = 15 #; scal = true
-        mod_cv1 = mod
-        mod_cv2 = mod
-        mod_cv3 = mod
-        # Fit model
-        Jchemo.fit!(mod_cv1, x_train_cv1, y_train_cv1)
-        Jchemo.fit!(mod_cv2, x_train_cv2, y_train_cv2)
-        Jchemo.fit!(mod_cv3, x_train_cv3, y_train_cv3)
+        pct = .3
+        ntrain = Jchemo.nro(x_train)
+        nval = Int(round(pct * ntrain))
+        s = Jchemo.samprand(ntrain, nval)
+        Xcal = x_train[s.train, :]
+        ycal = y_train[s.train]
+        Xval = x_train[s.test, :]
+        yval = y_train[s.test]
+        ncal = ntrain - nval 
-        # jl.seval("""
-        # mod = Jchemo.model(Jchemo.lwplsr)
-        # res = Jchemo.gridcv(mod, x_train, y_train; segm, score = Jchemo.rmsep, pars, nlv, verbose = true).res
-        # # u = findall(res.y1 .== minimum(res.y1))[1]
-        # # mod = Jchemo.model(lwplsr; nlvdis = res.nlvdis[u], metric = res.metric[u], h = res.h[u], k = res.k[u], nlv = res.nlv[u]) ;
-        # # Jchemo.fit!(mod, x_train, y_train)
-        # """)
+        # Create LWPLSR model and tune
+        jl.seval("""
+        mod = Jchemo.model(Jchemo.lwplsr)
+        res = gridscore(mod, Xcal, ycal, Xval, yval; score = Jchemo.rmsep, pars, nlv, verbose = false)
+        u = findall(res.y1 .== minimum(res.y1))[1] #best parameters combination
+        """)
+        self.best_lwplsr_params = {'nlvdis' : jl.res.nlvdis[jl.u], 'metric' : str(jl.res.metric[jl.u]), 'h' : jl.res.h[jl.u], 'k' : jl.res.k[jl.u], 'nlv' : jl.res.nlv[jl.u]}
+        print('best lwplsr params' + str(self.best_lwplsr_params))
+        print('LWPLSR - best params ok')
+        # calculate LWPLSR model with best parameters
+        jl.seval("""
+        mod = Jchemo.model(Jchemo.lwplsr; nlvdis = res.nlvdis[u], metric = res.metric[u], h = res.h[u], k = res.k[u], nlv = res.nlv[u])
+        # Fit model
+        Jchemo.fit!(mod, x_train, y_train)
+        """)
         self.mod = jl.mod
     def Jchemo_lwplsr_predict(self):
@@ -133,91 +106,29 @@ class LWPLSR:
         # Predictions on x_test and store in self.pred
         self.pred_test = jl.seval("""
-        println("start test predict")
+        println("LWPLSR - start test predict")
         res = Jchemo.predict(mod, x_test)
         self.pred_train = jl.seval("""
-        println("start train predict")
+        println("LWPLSR - start train predict")
         res = Jchemo.predict(mod, x_train)
-        self.pred_cv1 = jl.seval("""
-        println("start test_cv1 predict")
-        res = Jchemo.predict(mod_cv1, x_test_cv1)
-        res.pred
-        """)
-        self.pred_cv2 = jl.seval("""
-        println("start test_cv2 predict")
-        res = Jchemo.predict(mod_cv2, x_test_cv2)
-        res.pred
-        """)
-        self.pred_cv3 = jl.seval("""
-        println("start test_cv3 predict")
-        res = Jchemo.predict(mod_cv3, x_test_cv3)
-        res.pred
-        """)
+        print('LWPLSR - end')
     def pred_data_(self):
         # convert predicted data from x_test to Pandas DataFrame
         self.predicted_results_on_test = pd.DataFrame(self.pred_test)
         self.predicted_results_on_train = pd.DataFrame(self.pred_train)
-        self.predicted_results_on_cv1 = pd.DataFrame(self.pred_cv1)
-        self.predicted_results_on_cv2 = pd.DataFrame(self.pred_cv2)
-        self.predicted_results_on_cv3 = pd.DataFrame(self.pred_cv3)
-        return self.predicted_results_on_train, self.predicted_results_on_cv1, self.predicted_results_on_cv2, self.predicted_results_on_cv3, self.predicted_results_on_test
+        return self.predicted_results_on_train, self.predicted_results_on_test
     def model_(self):
         return self.mod
-    # @property
-    # def metrics_(self):
-    #     jl.pred_test = self.pred_test
-    #     jl.seval("""
-    #     using Jchemo
-    #     """)
-    #     scorermsep_test = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.rmsep(pred_test, y_test))
-    #         """)
-    #     scoremr2_test = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.r2(pred_test, y_test))
-    #         """)
-    #     scorerpd_test = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.rpd(pred_test, y_test))
-    #         """)
-    #     scoremsep_test = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.sep(pred_test, y_test))
-    #         """)
-    #     jl.pred_train = self.pred_train
-    #     scorermsep_train = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.rmsep(pred_train, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #     scoremr2_train = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.r2(pred_train, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #     scorerpd_train = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.rpd(pred_train, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #     scoremsep_train = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.sep(pred_train, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #     jl.pred_cv = self.pred_cv
-    #     scorermsep_cv = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.rmsep(pred_cv, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #     scoremr2_cv = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.r2(pred_cv, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #     scorerpd_cv = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.rpd(pred_cv, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #     scoremsep_cv = jl.seval("""
-    #         first(Jchemo.sep(pred_cv, y_train))
-    #         """)
-    #
-    #
-    #     self.scores = pd.DataFrame([[scoremr2_test, scorermsep_test, scoremsep_test, scorerpd_test]], columns=['r2', 'rmsep', 'msep', 'rpd'], index=['test'])
-    #     self.scores = pd.concat([self.scores, pd.DataFrame([[scoremr2_train, scorermsep_train, scoremsep_train, scorerpd_train]], columns=['r2', 'rmsep', 'msep', 'rpd'], index = ["train"]), pd.DataFrame([[scoremr2_cv, scorermsep_cv, scoremsep_cv, scorerpd_cv]], columns=['r2', 'rmsep', 'msep', 'rpd'], index = ["cv"])])#
-    #     return self.scores
+    @property
+    def best_lwplsr_params_(self):
+        return self.best_lwplsr_params
diff --git a/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_Call.py b/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_Call.py
index 9ecb74a33b9f5f24cc0a699f8679fc7805fe8be6..f8445d4b2930400cf0820fffab5804572beba60b 100644
--- a/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_Call.py
+++ b/src/Class_Mod/LWPLSR_Call.py
@@ -5,27 +5,24 @@ from LWPLSR_ import LWPLSR
 # loading the lwplsr_inputs.json
 temp_path = Path("temp/")
-for i in ['x_train_np', 'y_train_np', 'x_test_np', 'y_test_np','x_train_np_cv1', 'y_train_np_cv1', 'x_test_np_cv1', 'y_test_np_cv1', 'x_train_np_cv2', 'y_train_np_cv2', 'x_test_np_cv2', 'y_test_np_cv2', 'x_train_np_cv3', 'y_train_np_cv3', 'x_test_np_cv3', 'y_test_np_cv3',]:
-    globals()[i] = np.genfromtxt(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"), delimiter=',')
+data_to_work_with = ['x_train_np', 'y_train_np', 'x_test_np', 'y_test_np']
+dataset = []
+for i in data_to_work_with:
+    dataset.append(np.genfromtxt(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"), delimiter=','))
 print('CSV imported')
 print('start model creation')
-Reg = LWPLSR(x_train_np, y_train_np, x_test_np, y_test_np, x_train_np_cv1, y_train_np_cv1, x_test_np_cv1, y_test_np_cv1, x_train_np_cv2, y_train_np_cv2, x_test_np_cv2, y_test_np_cv2, x_train_np_cv3, y_train_np_cv3, x_test_np_cv3, y_test_np_cv3)
-print('model created. \n now fit')
+Reg = LWPLSR(dataset)
+print('model created. \nnow fit')
 print('now predict')
-pred = ['pred_data_train', 'pred_data_cv1', 'pred_data_cv2', 'pred_data_cv3', 'pred_data_test']
+print('export to json')
+pred = ['pred_data_train', 'pred_data_test']
 json_export = {}
 for i in pred:
     json_export[i] = Reg.pred_data_[pred.index(i)].to_dict()
-# json_export['pred_data_train'] = Reg.pred_data_[0].to_dict()
-# json_export['pred_data_cv1'] = Reg.pred_data_[1].to_dict()
-# json_export['pred_data_cv2'] = Reg.pred_data_[2].to_dict()
-# json_export['pred_data_cv3'] = Reg.pred_data_[3].to_dict()
-# json_export['pred_data_test'] = Reg.pred_data_[4].to_dict()
 json_export['model'] = str(Reg.model_)
-# json_export['metrics'] = Reg.metrics_.to_dict()
+json_export['best_lwplsr_params'] = Reg.best_lwplsr_params_
 with open(temp_path / "lwplsr_outputs.json", "w+") as outfile:
     json.dump(json_export, outfile)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Report/figures/.gitkeep b/src/Report/figures/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py b/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
index 8c9d6056ac06c2d6d463302a0b276bdd3db0fef4..59dabc1e5e120dc4a74a31aadaffcd25fb7ebd57 100644
--- a/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
+++ b/src/pages/1-samples_selection.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ selec_strategy = ['center','random']
 if st.session_state["interface"] == 'simple':
     st.write(':red[Automated Simple Interface]')
-    hide_pages("Predictions")
+    # hide_pages("Predictions")
     if 37 not in st.session_state:
         default_reduction_option = 1
diff --git a/src/pages/2-model_creation.py b/src/pages/2-model_creation.py
index c5e24976f12c61db947aebacf3ffba0623ab310c..bf4dd10f84148e940b7ed3c1bd26cc1941c2591b 100644
--- a/src/pages/2-model_creation.py
+++ b/src/pages/2-model_creation.py
@@ -167,24 +167,25 @@ if not spectra.empty and not y.empty:
         reg_model = Reg.model_
     elif regression_algo == reg_algo[2]:
-        data_to_work_with = ['x_train_np', 'y_train_np', 'x_test_np', 'y_test_np']#,'x_train_np_cv1', 'y_train_np_cv1', 'x_test_np_cv1', 'y_test_np_cv1', 'x_train_np_cv2', 'y_train_np_cv2', 'x_test_np_cv2', 'y_test_np_cv2', 'x_train_np_cv3', 'y_train_np_cv3', 'x_test_np_cv3', 'y_test_np_cv3',]
+        # export data to csv for Julia
+        data_to_work_with = ['x_train_np', 'y_train_np', 'x_test_np', 'y_test_np']
         x_train_np, y_train_np, x_test_np, y_test_np = X_train.to_numpy(), y_train.to_numpy(), X_test.to_numpy(), y_test.to_numpy()
-        # x_train_np_cv1, y_train_np_cv1, x_test_np_cv1, y_test_np_cv1, x_train_np_cv2, y_train_np_cv2, x_test_np_cv2, y_test_np_cv2, x_train_np_cv3, y_train_np_cv3, x_test_np_cv3, y_test_np_cv3, = X_train_cv1.to_numpy(), y_train_cv1.to_numpy(), X_test_cv1.to_numpy(), y_test_cv1.to_numpy(), X_train_cv2.to_numpy(), y_train_cv2.to_numpy(), X_test_cv2.to_numpy(), y_test_cv2.to_numpy(), X_train_cv3.to_numpy(), y_train_cv3.to_numpy(), X_test_cv3.to_numpy(), y_test_cv3.to_numpy()
         temp_path = Path('temp/')
         for i in data_to_work_with: np.savetxt(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"), vars()[i], delimiter=",")
+        # run Julia Jchemo
         import subprocess
         subprocess_path = Path("Class_Mod/")
         subprocess.run([f"{sys.executable}", subprocess_path / "LWPLSR_Call.py"])
+        # retrieve json results from Julia JChemo
         with open(temp_path / "lwplsr_outputs.json", "r") as outfile:
-                Reg_json = json.load(outfile)
-                for i in data_to_work_with: os.unlink(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"))
+            Reg_json = json.load(outfile)
+            for i in data_to_work_with: os.unlink(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"))
         os.unlink(temp_path / "lwplsr_outputs.json")
-        # Reg = type('obj', (object,), {'model' : pd.json_normalize(Reg_json['model']), 'pred_data_' : [pd.json_normalize(Reg_json['pred_data_train']), pd.json_normalize(Reg_json['pred_data_cv1']), pd.json_normalize(Reg_json['pred_data_cv2']), pd.json_normalize(Reg_json['pred_data_cv3']), pd.json_normalize(Reg_json['pred_data_test'])]})
-        pred = ['pred_data_train', 'pred_data_cv1', 'pred_data_cv2', 'pred_data_cv3', 'pred_data_test']
-        Reg = type('obj', (object,), {'model' : pd.json_normalize(Reg_json['model']), 'pred_data_' : [pd.json_normalize(Reg_json[i]) for i in pred]})
+        pred = ['pred_data_train', 'pred_data_test']
+        Reg = type('obj', (object,), {'model' : Reg_json['model'], 'best_lwplsr_params' : Reg_json['best_lwplsr_params'], 'pred_data_' : [pd.json_normalize(Reg_json[i]) for i in pred]})
         for i in range(len(pred)):
             Reg.pred_data_[i] = Reg.pred_data_[i].T.reset_index().drop(columns = ['index'])
-            if i != 4:
+            if i != 1: # if not pred_data_test
                 Reg.pred_data_[i].index = list(y_train.index)
                 Reg.pred_data_[i].index = list(y_test.index)