from Packages import * from Class_Mod import metrics class TpeIpls: ''' This framework is added to the clan of wavelengths selection algorithms.It was introduced as an improvement to the forward and backward intervall selection algorithms. This framework combines the partial least squares algorithm and the tree-parzen structed estimatior, which is a bayesian optimization algorithm that was first introduced in 2011. This combination provides a wrapper method for intervall-PLS. This work keeps the integrity of the spectral data. by treating the data as a sequential data rather than using descrete optimization (point to point selection) ''' '''Optimization algorithms can be used to find the subset of variables that optimize a certain criterion (e.g., maximize predictive performance, minimize overfitting)''' SCORE = 10000 index_export = pd.DataFrame() def __init__(self, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test, scale, Kfold, n_intervall): TpeIpls.SCORE = 10000 self.x_train = x_train self.x_test = x_test self.y_train= y_train self.y_test = y_test self.scale = scale self.Kfold = Kfold self.p = self.x_train.shape[1] self.n_intervall = n_intervall self.__n_arrets = self.n_intervall*2 self.PLS_params = {f'v{i}': hp.randint(f'v{i}', 0, self.p) for i in range(1,self.__n_arrets+1)} self.PLS_params['n_components'] = hp.randint("n_components", 1, 6) def _objective(self, params): self.idx = [params[f'v{i}'] for i in range(1,self.__n_arrets+1)] self.idx.sort() arrays = [np.arange(self.idx[2*i],self.idx[2*i+1]+1) for i in range(self.n_intervall)] id = np.unique(np.concatenate(arrays, axis=0), axis=0) # Train the model try: Model = PLSRegression(scale = self.scale,n_components = params['n_components'])[:,id], self.y_train) except ValueError as ve: params["n_components"] = 1 Model = PLSRegression(scale = self.scale,n_components = params['n_components'])[:,id], self.y_train) ## make prediction yc = Model.predict(self.x_train.iloc[:,id]).ravel() ycv = cross_val_predict(Model, self.x_train.iloc[:,id], self.y_train, cv=self.Kfold, n_jobs=-1).ravel() yt = Model.predict(self.x_test.iloc[:, id]).ravel() ### compute r-squared r2c = r2_score(self.y_train, yc) r2cv = r2_score(self.y_train, ycv) r2t = r2_score(self.y_test, yt) rmsecv = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(self.y_train, ycv)) rmsec = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(self.y_train, yc)) score = np.round(rmsecv/rmsec + rmsecv*100/self.y_train.mean()) if score < TpeIpls.SCORE-0.5: TpeIpls.SCORE = score self.nlv = params['n_components'] print('--**-------------##---------#~###~#---------##---------------**--') print(f'***** R²train : [{round(r2c * 100)}]**** R²cv : [{round(r2cv * 100)}]**** R²test : [{round(r2t * 100)}]*****') print(f'***** N Predictiors : [{len(id)}] ******** NLV : [{params["n_components"]}]*****') TpeIpls.index_export = pd.DataFrame() TpeIpls.index_export["Vars"] = self.x_test.columns[id] TpeIpls.index_export.index = id # Save model #TpeIpls.index_export.to_excel(path + 'variables.xlsx') ##3-performance metrics(train=(self.y_train, yc), cv=(self.y_train, ycv) , test=(self.y_test, yt)).round(2).to_excel(path + "performance.xlsx") self.segments = arrays print("''---------------------------- evolution noticed, hence a new model was saved-------------------------------''") self.idx = self.idx return score def tune(self, n_iter): print('------------------------------------------------ Optimization of the process has started ---------------------------------------------') trials = Trials() best_params = fmin(fn=self._objective, space=self.PLS_params, algo=tpe.suggest, # Tree of Parzen Estimators’ (tpe) which is a Bayesian approach max_evals=n_iter, trials=trials, verbose=2) @property def segments_(self): self.bands = {} for i in range(len(self.segments)): self.bands[f'band{i+1}'] = [self.segments[i][0], self.segments[i][self.segments[i].shape[0]-1]] bands = pd.DataFrame(self.bands).T bands.columns = ['from', 'to'] return bands @property def tpe_pls_performance(self): f = [] for i in range(self.segments_.shape[0]): f.extend(np.arange(self.segments_["from"][i], self.segments_["to"][i]+1)) variables_idx = list(set(f)) pls = PLSRegression(n_components=self.nlv, scale= self.scale)[:,variables_idx], self.y_train) self.yc = pls.predict(self.x_train.iloc[:,variables_idx]).ravel() self.ycv = cross_val_predict(pls, self.x_train.iloc[:,variables_idx], self.y_train, cv=self.Kfold, n_jobs=-1).ravel() = pls.predict(self.x_test.iloc[:,variables_idx]).ravel() perf = metrics(train=(self.y_train, self.yc), cv=(self.y_train, self.ycv) , test=(self.y_test, return perf @property def meas_vs_pred(self): fig, ax = plt.subplots() sns.regplot(x = self.y_train ,y = self.yc, ax = ax) sns.regplot(x = self.y_train ,y = self.ycv,ax = ax) sns.regplot(x = self.y_test,y =,ax = ax)