extends ../layout block content h1.text-terracotta= title div.card.w-75.mx-auto.border-salmon.my-3 div.card-body.text-center p | #[b CSSP 2023] br | The 15th Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris br | December 7-9, 2023 br | #[a.text-terracotta(href="http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/cssp-2023") http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/cssp-2023] p | #[b Submission deadline:] May 15, 2023 p | The 15th Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris (CSSP 2023) will take place on December 7-9, 2023 in Paris, and will be organized by the Jean-Nicod Institute (ENS, PSL, EHESS, CNRS). It will be preceded by a thematic workshop on “Moral Language” on December 11, 2023, organized by Tess Feyen, Alda Mari & Paul Portner (separate call for papers). p | CSSP invites papers combining empirical inquiry and formal explicitness, and favours comparisons between different theoretical frameworks. We welcome submissions using theoretical, experimental or computational methods in: ul li= "syntax," li= "semantics," li= "pragmatics," li= "the syntax-semantics interface," li= "the semantics-pragmatics interface," li= "language acquisition: syntax-semantics-pragmatics." p | #[b Submission:] We invite submissions for 40 minute presentations (including 10 minutes for discussion). Submissions are expected to describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work, hence submissions should be up to 5 pages plus an extra page for references. The submission must be anonymous. The same person can submit one abstract as author, and one as co-author, or two with different co-authors. p | #[a.text-terracotta(href="/submission") Instructions for submissions], style templates for abstracts, and details on the selection procedure are available. p | #[b Invited Speakers:] ul li= "Heather Burnett (CNRS et U Paris Cité)" li= "Adam Przepiórkowski (Varsovie)" li= "Andras Kornai (Budapest)"