From 24f50e2383ad0083841db9449874bfb183758e6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philippe WAUTELET <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 16:39:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Philippe 08/12/2020: budgets: merge budgets terms with
 different nbutshift in same group variables

 src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/mode_io_tools_nc4.f90 |  28 +-
 src/MNH/ini_budget.f90                      |   9 +
 src/MNH/modd_budget.f90                     |   7 +-
 src/MNH/write_budget.f90                    | 105 +++--
 src/MNH/write_diachro.f90                   | 423 ++++++++++++++++++--
 5 files changed, 504 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/mode_io_tools_nc4.f90 b/src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/mode_io_tools_nc4.f90
index 343f7125e..d1daa0105 100644
--- a/src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/mode_io_tools_nc4.f90
+++ b/src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/mode_io_tools_nc4.f90
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 !  P. Wautelet 14/09/2020: IO_Vdims_fill_nc4: use ndimlist when provided to fill dimensions ids
 !  P. Wautelet 10/11/2020: new data structures for netCDF dimensions
 !  P. Wautelet 26/11/2020: IO_Vdims_fill_nc4: support for empty kshape
+!  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: add nbutotwrite
 #ifdef MNH_IOCDF4
 module mode_io_tools_nc4
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE IO_Dimids_guess_nc4
-use modd_budget,        only: cbutype, lbu_icp, lbu_jcp, lbu_kcp, nbuimax_ll, nbujmax_ll, nbukmax, nbumask, nbuwrnb
+use modd_budget,        only: cbutype, lbu_icp, lbu_jcp, lbu_kcp, nbuimax_ll, nbujmax_ll, nbukmax, nbumask, nbutotwrite
 use modd_lbc_n,         only: clbcx, clbcy
 USE MODD_CONF,          ONLY: CPROGRAM, l2d, lpack
@@ -338,19 +339,20 @@ if ( tpfile%ctype == 'MNHDIACHRONIC' ) then
   !Dimensions for the budgets masks
   if ( cbutype == 'CART' .or. cbutype == 'SKIP' ) then
-    if ( .not. lbu_icp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI,      'cart_ni',      nbuimax_ll )
-    if ( .not. lbu_jcp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ,      'cart_nj',      nbujmax_ll )
-    if ( .not. lbu_icp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U,    'cart_ni_u',    nbuimax_ll )
-    if ( .not. lbu_jcp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U,    'cart_nj_u',    nbujmax_ll )
-    if ( .not. lbu_icp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V,    'cart_ni_v',    nbuimax_ll )
-    if ( .not. lbu_jcp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V,    'cart_nj_v',    nbujmax_ll )
-    if ( .not. lbu_kcp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL,   'cart_level',   nbukmax    )
-    if ( .not. lbu_kcp ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W, 'cart_level_w', nbukmax    )
+    if ( .not. lbu_icp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI,      'cart_ni',      nbuimax_ll  )
+    if ( .not. lbu_jcp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ,      'cart_nj',      nbujmax_ll  )
+    if ( .not. lbu_icp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U,    'cart_ni_u',    nbuimax_ll  )
+    if ( .not. lbu_jcp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U,    'cart_nj_u',    nbujmax_ll  )
+    if ( .not. lbu_icp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V,    'cart_ni_v',    nbuimax_ll  )
+    if ( .not. lbu_jcp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V,    'cart_nj_v',    nbujmax_ll  )
+    if ( .not. lbu_kcp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL,   'cart_level',   nbukmax     )
+    if ( .not. lbu_kcp )   call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W, 'cart_level_w', nbukmax     )
+    if ( nbutotwrite > 0 ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME,         'time_budget',  nbutotwrite )
   else if ( cbutype == 'MASK' ) then
-    if ( nbukmax > 0 ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL,   'mask_level',   nbukmax )
-    if ( nbukmax > 0 ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL_W, 'mask_level_w', nbukmax )
-    if ( nbuwrnb > 0 ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME,         'time_budget',  nbuwrnb )
-    if ( nbumask > 0 ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_NBUMASK, 'nbumask',      nbumask )
+    if ( nbukmax > 0 )     call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL,   'mask_level',   nbukmax     )
+    if ( nbukmax > 0 )     call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL_W, 'mask_level_w', nbukmax     )
+    if ( nbutotwrite > 0 ) call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME,         'time_budget',  nbutotwrite )
+    if ( nbumask > 0 )     call IO_Add_dim_nc4( tpfile, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_NBUMASK, 'nbumask',      nbumask     )
   end if
   !Dimension for the number of LES budget time samplings
diff --git a/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90
index 46cd0d5e2..0a1adcb42 100644
--- a/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ end subroutine Budget_preallocate
 !  P. Wautelet 30/06/2020: use NADVSV when possible
 !  P. Wautelet 30/06/2020: add NNETURSV, NNEADVSV and NNECONSV variables
 !  P. Wautelet 06/07/2020: bugfix: add condition on HTURB for NETUR sources for SV budgets
+!  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: add nbusubwrite and nbutotwrite
 !*       0.    DECLARATIONS
@@ -345,6 +346,14 @@ if ( cbutype == 'CART' .or. cbutype == 'MASK' ) then
     NBUWRNB = NINT (XBUWRI / XBULEN)  ! only after NBUWRNB budget periods, we write the
                                       ! result on the FM_FILE
+  if ( cbutype == 'CART' ) then
+    nbusubwrite = 1                        !Number of budget time average periods for each write
+    nbutotwrite = Nint( xseglen / xbuwri ) !Total number of budget time average periods
+  else if ( cbutype == 'MASK' ) then
+    nbusubwrite = nbuwrnb                            !Number of budget time average periods for each write
+    nbutotwrite = nbuwrnb * Nint( xseglen / xbuwri ) !Total number of budget time average periods
+  end if
 end if
 IF (CBUTYPE=='CART') THEN              ! cartesian case only
diff --git a/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90
index 99154b8e0..aa5fbd9c1 100644
--- a/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
 !  P. Wautelet 30/06/2020: add NNETURSV, NNEADVSV and NNECONSV variables
 !  P. Wautelet 17/08/2020: add xtmplesstore in tbudgetdata datatype
 !  P. Wautelet 08/10/2020: add clessource in tbudgetdata datatype
+!  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: add nbusubwrite and nbutotwrite
 !*       0.   DECLARATIONS
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ type, extends( tfield_metadata_base ) :: tbusourcedata
   logical :: lenabled   = .false.
   logical :: ldonotinit = .false. ! if true, does not need a call to Budget_store_init
                                   ! It may be true only if the source term is in a group not containing other sources
-  logical :: loverwrite = .false. ! if true, source term values will overwrite the previuos ones
+  logical :: loverwrite = .false. ! if true, source term values will overwrite the previous ones
                                   ! It may be true only if the source term is in a group not containing other sources
 end type tbusourcedata
@@ -147,11 +148,13 @@ REAL, SAVE    :: XBULEN                    ! length in seconds of the budget
 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUSTEP                   ! number of model timesteps required 
                                            ! for the budget time average
-REAL, SAVE    :: XBUWRI                       ! period in seconds of
+REAL, SAVE    :: XBUWRI                    ! period in seconds of
                                            ! budget writing on FM-files
 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUWRNB                   ! number of budget periods when storage
                                            ! arrays are written on FM-files
 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUTSHIFT                 ! temporal shift for budgets writing
+integer, save :: nbusubwrite = 0           ! Number of budget time average periods for each write
+integer, save :: nbutotwrite = 0           ! Total number of budget time average periods
 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUKL, NBUKH              ! lowest and highest K indice values 
                                            ! of the budget box 
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
index c4364f06c..a50d7435f 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 !  P. Wautelet 14/10/2019: complete restructuration and deduplication of code
 !  P. Wautelet 10/03/2020: use the new data structures and subroutines for budgets
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: Write_diachro: use new datatype tpfields
+!  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: budgets: merge budgets terms with different nbutshift
@@ -100,14 +101,16 @@ subroutine Write_budget( tpdiafile, tpdtcur, ptstep, ksv )
                                  NBUDGET_RHO, NBUDGET_U, NBUDGET_V, NBUDGET_W, NBUDGET_TH, NBUDGET_TKE,                           &
                                  tbudgets, tburhodj
-  use modd_field,          only: tfielddata, TYPEREAL
+  use modd_field,          only: NMNHDIM_ONE, NMNHDIM_NI, NMNHDIM_NJ,                              &
+                                 tfielddata, TYPEREAL
   use modd_io,             only: tfiledata
   use modd_lunit_n,        only: tluout
   use modd_parameters,     only: NMNHNAMELGTMAX
   use modd_type_date,      only: date_time
   use mode_datetime,       only: datetime_distance
-  use mode_io_field_write, only: IO_Field_write
+  use mode_io_field_write, only: IO_Field_create, IO_Field_write
   use mode_menu_diachro,   only: Menu_diachro
   use mode_msg
   use mode_time,           only: tdtexp
@@ -127,6 +130,7 @@ subroutine Write_budget( tpdiafile, tpdtcur, ptstep, ksv )
   real,            dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: zrhodjn, zworkmask
   type(date_time), dimension(:),           allocatable :: tzdates
   type(tfielddata) :: tzfield
+  type(tfiledata)  :: tzfile
@@ -201,14 +205,6 @@ subroutine Write_budget( tpdiafile, tpdtcur, ptstep, ksv )
       allocate( tzdates(NBUWRNB) )
-  !
-  ! local array
-        DO JT=1,NBUWRNB
-          ZWORKMASK(:,:,1,JT,JMASK,1) = XBUSURF(:,:,JMASK,JT)
-        END DO
-      END DO
@@ -230,20 +226,70 @@ subroutine Write_budget( tpdiafile, tpdtcur, ptstep, ksv )
   !*     3.1    storage of the masks  array
-      WRITE(TZFIELD%CMNHNAME,FMT="('MASK_',I4.4,'.MASK')" ) nbutshift
-      TZFIELD%CSTDNAME   = ''
-      TZFIELD%CUNITS     = ''
-      TZFIELD%CDIR       = 'XY'
-      WRITE(TZFIELD%CCOMMENT,FMT="('X_Y_MASK',I4.4)" ) nbutshift
-      TZFIELD%NGRID      = 1
-      TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 6
-      CALL IO_Field_write(TPDIAFILE,TZFIELD,ZWORKMASK(:,:,:,:,:,:))
-      WRITE(YRECFM,FMT="('MASK_',I4.4)" ) nbutshift
+      if ( Trim( tpdiafile%cformat ) == 'LFI' .or. Trim( tpdiafile%cformat ) == 'LFICDF4' ) then
+        Allocate( zworkmask(Size( xbusurf, 1 ), Size( xbusurf, 2 ), 1, nbuwrnb, nbumask,1) )
+        ! local array
+        do jmask = 1, nbumask
+          do jt = 1, nbuwrnb
+            zworkmask(:, :, 1, jt, jmask, 1) = xbusurf(:, :, jmask, jt)
+          end do
+        end do
+        tzfile = tpdiafile
+        tzfile%cformat = 'LFI'
+        Write( tzfield%cmnhname, fmt = "( 'MASK_', i4.4, '.MASK' )" ) nbutshift
+        tzfield%cstdname   = ''
+        tzfield%clongname  = Trim( tzfield%cmnhname )
+        tzfield%cunits     = ''
+        tzfield%cdir       = 'XY'
+        Write( tzfield%ccomment, fmt = "( 'X_Y_MASK', i4.4 )" ) nbutshift
+        tzfield%ngrid      = 1
+        tzfield%ntype      = TYPEREAL
+        tzfield%ndims      = 6
+        tzfield%ltimedep   = .FALSE.
+        tzfield%ndimlist(1) = NMNHDIM_NI
+        tzfield%ndimlist(2) = NMNHDIM_NJ
+        tzfield%ndimlist(3) = NMNHDIM_ONE
+        tzfield%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+        tzfield%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_NBUMASK
+        tzfield%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_ONE
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zworkmask(:, :, :, :, :, :) )
+        Write( yrecfm, fmt = "( 'MASK_', i4.4 )" ) nbutshift
+        call Menu_diachro( tzfile, yrecfm )
+        Deallocate( zworkmask )
+      end if
+      if ( Trim( tpdiafile%cformat ) == 'LFICDF4' .or. Trim( tpdiafile%cformat ) == 'NETCDF4' ) then
+        tzfile = tpdiafile
+        tzfile%cformat = 'NETCDF4'
+        tzfield%cmnhname   = 'MASKS'
+        tzfield%cstdname   = ''
+        tzfield%clongname  = Trim( tzfield%cmnhname )
+        tzfield%cunits     = '1'
+        tzfield%cdir       = 'XY'
+        tzfield%ccomment   = 'Masks for budget areas'
+        tzfield%ngrid      = 1
+        tzfield%ntype      = TYPEREAL
+        tzfield%ndims      = 4
+        tzfield%ltimedep   = .false. !The time dependance is in the NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME dimension
+        tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = NMNHDIM_NI
+        tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = NMNHDIM_NJ
+        tzfield%ndimlist(3)  = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_NBUMASK
+        tzfield%ndimlist(4)  = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+        tzfield%ndimlist(5:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
+        !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+        if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+        !Write the data (partial write of the field with the given offset)
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, xbusurf(:,:,:,:), koffset= [ 0, 0, 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbuwrnb ] )
+        if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call Menu_diachro( tzfile, 'MASKS' )
+      end if
@@ -386,7 +432,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, tprhodj, kp, knocompress, p
   call Print_msg( NVERB_DEBUG, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho', 'called for '//trim( tprhodj%cmnhname ) )
-  if ( allocated( prhodjn ) ) deallocate( prhodjn )
+  !if ( allocated( prhodjn ) ) deallocate( prhodjn ) !Not necessary: if intent(out) => automatically deallocated
   ! pburhodj storage
   select case ( cbutype )
@@ -499,7 +545,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, tprhodj, kp, knocompress, p
   call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, [ tzfield ], ygroup_name, ybutype, tpdates, prhodjn,              &
                       oicp = lbu_icp, ojcp = lbu_jcp, okcp = lbu_kcp,                              &
-                      kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh )
+                      kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh, osplit = .true. )
 end subroutine Store_one_budget_rho
@@ -724,9 +770,10 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, knocompress,
     end if
   end do
-  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup_name, ybutype, tpdates, zworkt,                  &
-                      oicp = lbu_icp, ojcp = lbu_jcp, okcp = lbu_kcp,                              &
-                      kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh )
+  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup_name, ybutype, tpdates, zworkt,                   &
+                      oicp = lbu_icp, ojcp = lbu_jcp, okcp = lbu_kcp,                               &
+                      kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh, &
+                      osplit = .true. )
 end subroutine Store_one_budget
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90 b/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90
index 9803640e3..eb611be30 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ subroutine Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype,             &
 !  P. Wautelet 13/09/2019: remove never used PMASK optional dummy-argument
 !  P. Wautelet 28/08/2020: remove TPLUOUTDIA dummy argument
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: use new data type tpfields
+!  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: budgets: merge budgets terms with different nbutshift in same group variables
 !*       0.    DECLARATIONS
@@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ INTEGER,                                             INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: KKL
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJX
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJY
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJZ
+logical,                                             intent(in), optional :: osplit
 !*       0.1   Local variables
 !              ---------------
@@ -146,7 +148,8 @@ if ( tpdiafile%cformat == 'LFI' .or. tpdiafile%cformat == 'LFICDF4' ) &
 #ifdef MNH_IOCDF4
 if ( tpdiafile%cformat == 'NETCDF4' .or. tpdiafile%cformat == 'LFICDF4' ) &
-  call Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, tpdates, pvar, gicp, gjcp, gkcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+  call Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, tpdates, pvar, gicp, gjcp, gkcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh, &
+                          osplit )
 lpack = gpack
@@ -616,11 +619,13 @@ call Menu_diachro( tzfile, ygroup )
 end subroutine Write_diachro_lfi
 #ifdef MNH_IOCDF4
-subroutine Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, tpdates, pvar, oicp, ojcp, okcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+subroutine Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, tpdates, pvar, oicp, ojcp, okcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh, &
+                              osplit )
 use NETCDF,            only: NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_DEF_GRP, NF90_DEF_VAR, NF90_INQ_NCID, NF90_PUT_ATT, NF90_PUT_VAR, &
                              NF90_GLOBAL, NF90_NOERR, NF90_STRERROR
+use modd_budget,       only: nbutshift, nbusubwrite
 use modd_field
 use modd_io,           only: isp, tfiledata
 use modd_les,          only: nles_masks
@@ -628,7 +633,7 @@ use modd_parameters,   only: jphext
 use modd_precision,    only: CDFINT, MNHREAL_NF90
 use modd_type_date,    only: date_time
-use mode_io_field_write, only: IO_Field_write, IO_Field_write_box
+use mode_io_field_write, only: IO_Field_create, IO_Field_write, IO_Field_write_box
 use mode_io_tools_nc4,   only: IO_Err_handle_nc4
 use mode_menu_diachro,   only: Menu_diachro
 use mode_msg
@@ -642,6 +647,7 @@ logical,                                             intent(in)           :: oic
 integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kil, kih
 integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kjl, kjh
 integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kkl, kkh
+logical,                                             intent(in), optional :: osplit
 character(len=3)                          :: ynum
 integer                                   :: icompx, icompy, icompz
@@ -654,6 +660,7 @@ integer(kind=CDFINT)                      :: idimid
 integer(kind=CDFINT)                      :: igrpid
 integer(kind=CDFINT)                      :: istatus
 integer(kind=CDFINT)                      :: idimtimeid
+logical                                   :: gsplit
 real                                      :: zdata0d
 real, dimension(:),           allocatable :: zdata1d
 real, dimension(:,:),         allocatable :: zdata2d
@@ -694,6 +701,12 @@ else
   icompz = 0
+if ( Present( osplit ) ) then
+  gsplit = osplit
+  gsplit = .false.
+end if
 MASTER: if ( isp == tzfile%nmaster_rank) then
   istatus = NF90_INQ_NCID( tzfile%nncid, trim( hgroup ), igrpid )
   if ( istatus == NF90_NOERR ) then
@@ -817,6 +830,12 @@ end if
 select case ( idims )
   case (0)
+    if ( gsplit ) then
+        call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                        ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+    end if
     zdata0d = pvar(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
     TZFIELD%CMNHNAME   = tpfields(1)%cmnhname
@@ -832,10 +851,16 @@ select case ( idims )
     CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata0d )
   case (1)
     if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                  'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
     if ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                        ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
@@ -862,6 +887,11 @@ select case ( idims )
               .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI   &
               .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U &
               .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                        ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1) = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
@@ -888,6 +918,11 @@ select case ( idims )
               .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ   &
               .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U &
               .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                        ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
@@ -929,16 +964,39 @@ select case ( idims )
       TZFIELD%NTYPE      = tpfields(1)%ntype
       TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 1
-      CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata1d )
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        if ( htype /= 'CART' ) call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                    ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //': gsplit=T not implemented for these dimensions and htype/=CART' )
+        !Add budget time dimension
+        tzfield%ndims = 2
+        tzfield%ndimlist(2) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+        !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+        if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, Reshape( zdata1d, [ Size(zdata1d,1), 1 ] ), &
+                             koffset= [ 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ] )
+      else
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata1d )
+      end if
       deallocate( zdata1d )
       call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                       'case not yet implemented (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                        ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
     end if
   case (2)
     if (       ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_NI .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_NI_U .or. &
                  tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_NI_V .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI &
                  .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U &
@@ -947,6 +1005,11 @@ select case ( idims )
                   tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_NJ_V .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ .or. &
                   tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U &
                  .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ) ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -979,6 +1042,7 @@ select case ( idims )
        .and.  ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL_W &
            .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL &
            .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1000,7 +1064,23 @@ select case ( idims )
       TZFIELD%NTYPE      = tpfields(1)%ntype
       TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 2
-      CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata2d )
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        if ( htype /= 'CART' ) call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                    ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //': gsplit=T not implemented for these dimensions and htype/=CART' )
+        !Add budget time dimension
+        tzfield%ndims = 3
+        tzfield%ndimlist(3) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+        !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+        if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, Reshape( zdata2d, [ Size(zdata2d,1), Size(zdata2d,2), 1 ] ), &
+                             koffset= [ 0, 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ] )
+      else
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata2d )
+      end if
       deallocate( zdata2d )
@@ -1011,6 +1091,7 @@ select case ( idims )
        .and.  ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL_W &
            .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL &
            .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1032,13 +1113,34 @@ select case ( idims )
       TZFIELD%NTYPE      = tpfields(1)%ntype
       TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 2
-      CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata2d )
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        if ( htype /= 'CART' ) call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                    ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //': gsplit=T not implemented for these dimensions and htype/=CART' )
+        !Add budget time dimension
+        tzfield%ndims = 3
+        tzfield%ndimlist(3) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+        !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+        if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, Reshape( zdata2d, [ Size(zdata2d,1), Size(zdata2d,2), 1 ] ), &
+                             koffset= [ 0, 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ] )
+      else
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata2d )
+      end if
       deallocate( zdata2d )
     else if (       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL     &
        .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1064,9 +1166,53 @@ select case ( idims )
       deallocate( zdata2d )
+    else if ( Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ] ) &
+              .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS ) then
+      tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3)
+      tzfield%ndimlist(2:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
+      allocate( zdata1d( size(pvar,3) ) )
+      ! Loop on the processes (1 written variable per process)
+      do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
+        zdata1d(:) = pvar(1, 1, :, 1, 1, ji)
+        tzfield%cmnhname   = tpfields(ji)%cmnhname
+        tzfield%cstdname   = tpfields(ji)%cstdname
+        tzfield%clongname  = tpfields(ji)%clongname
+        tzfield%cunits     = tpfields(ji)%cunits
+        tzfield%cdir       = '--'
+        tzfield%ccomment   = tpfields(ji)%ccomment
+        tzfield%ngrid      = tpfields(ji)%ngrid
+        tzfield%ntype      = tpfields(ji)%ntype
+        tzfield%ndims      = 1
+        tzfield%ltimedep   = .FALSE.
+        if ( gsplit ) then
+          !Add budget time dimension
+          tzfield%ndims = 2
+          tzfield%ndimlist(2) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+          !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+          if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, Reshape( zdata1d, [ Size(zdata1d,1), 1 ] ), &
+                               koffset= [ 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ] )
+        else
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata1d )
+        end if
+      end do
+      deallocate( zdata1d )
     else if (  (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_SV       ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1094,6 +1240,10 @@ select case ( idims )
     else if (  tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to FLYER_DIACHRO
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       !Create local time dimension
       if ( isp == tzfile%nmaster_rank) then
@@ -1128,6 +1278,10 @@ select case ( idims )
     else if (  tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_STATION_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_STATION_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to STATION_DIACHRO_n
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
@@ -1155,6 +1309,10 @@ select case ( idims )
     else if (  tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to WRITE_SERIES_n
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
@@ -1182,6 +1340,12 @@ select case ( idims )
       call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                       'case not yet implemented (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
     end if
@@ -1218,18 +1382,124 @@ select case ( idims )
       TZFIELD%NTYPE      = tpfields(1)%ntype
       TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 3
-      if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
-        !Data is distributed between all the processes
-        TZFIELD%CDIR     = 'XY'
-        CALL IO_Field_write_BOX( tzfile, tzfield, 'BUDGET', zdata3d, &
-                                 KIL + JPHEXT, KIH + JPHEXT, KJL + JPHEXT, KJH + JPHEXT )
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        if ( htype /= 'CART' ) call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                    ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //': gsplit=T not implemented for these dimensions and htype/=CART' )
+        if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
+          !Data is distributed between all the processes
+          tzfield%cdir = 'XY'
+          !Add budget time dimension
+          tzfield%ndims = 4
+          tzfield%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+          !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+          if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+          call IO_Field_write_box( tzfile, tzfield, 'BUDGET',                                                     &
+                                   Reshape( zdata3d, [ Size(zdata3d,1), Size(zdata3d,2), Size(zdata3d,3), 1 ] ) , &
+                                   kil + jphext, kih + jphext, kjl + jphext, kjh + jphext,                        &
+                                   koffset= [ 0, 0, 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ]                          )
+        else
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+        end if
-        !Data is already collected on the master process
-        TZFIELD%CDIR     = '--'
-        CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+        if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
+          !Data is distributed between all the processes
+          tzfield%cdir = 'XY'
+          call IO_Field_write_box( tzfile, tzfield, 'BUDGET', zdata3d, &
+                                  kil + jphext, kih + jphext, kjl + jphext, kjh + jphext )
+        else
+          !Data is already collected on the master process
+          tzfield%cdir = '--'
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+        end if
       end if
       deallocate( zdata3d )
+    else if ( Any ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V ] ) &
+              .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL &
+              .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS    ) then
+      tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1)
+      tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3)
+      tzfield%ndimlist(3:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
+      Allocate( zdata2d(Size( pvar, 1 ), Size( pvar, 3 )) )
+      ! Loop on the processes
+      do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
+        zdata2d(:, :) = pvar(:, 1, :, 1, 1, ji)
+        tzfield%cmnhname   = tpfields(ji)%cmnhname
+        tzfield%cstdname   = tpfields(ji)%cstdname
+        tzfield%clongname  = tpfields(ji)%clongname
+        tzfield%cunits     = tpfields(ji)%cunits
+        tzfield%cdir       = '--'
+        tzfield%ccomment   = tpfields(ji)%ccomment
+        tzfield%ngrid      = tpfields(ji)%ngrid
+        tzfield%ntype      = tpfields(ji)%ntype
+        tzfield%ndims      = 2
+        tzfield%ltimedep   = .false.
+        if ( gsplit ) then
+          !Add budget time dimension
+          tzfield%ndims = 3
+          tzfield%ndimlist(3) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+          !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+          if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield,                                             &
+                               Reshape( zdata2d, [ Size(zdata2d,1), Size(zdata2d,2), 1 ] ), &
+                               koffset= [ 0, 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ]           )
+        else
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata2d )
+        end if
+      end do
+      Deallocate( zdata2d )
+    else if ( Any ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ] ) &
+              .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL &
+              .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS    ) then
+      tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2)
+      tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3)
+      tzfield%ndimlist(3:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
+      Allocate( zdata2d(Size( pvar, 2 ), Size( pvar, 3 )) )
+      ! Loop on the processes
+      do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
+        zdata2d(:, :) = pvar(1, :, :, 1, 1, ji)
+        tzfield%cmnhname   = tpfields(ji)%cmnhname
+        tzfield%cstdname   = tpfields(ji)%cstdname
+        tzfield%clongname  = tpfields(ji)%clongname
+        tzfield%cunits     = tpfields(ji)%cunits
+        tzfield%cdir       = '--'
+        tzfield%ccomment   = tpfields(ji)%ccomment
+        tzfield%ngrid      = tpfields(ji)%ngrid
+        tzfield%ntype      = tpfields(ji)%ntype
+        tzfield%ndims      = 2
+        tzfield%ltimedep   = .false.
+        if ( gsplit ) then
+          !Add budget time dimension
+          tzfield%ndims = 3
+          tzfield%ndimlist(3) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+          !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+          if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield,                                             &
+                               Reshape( zdata2d, [ Size(zdata2d,1), Size(zdata2d,2), 1 ] ), &
+                               koffset= [ 0, 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ]           )
+        else
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata2d )
+        end if
+      end do
+      Deallocate( zdata2d )
     else if (  ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL &
                   .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL_W ) &
        .and.    tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME &
@@ -1257,13 +1527,24 @@ select case ( idims )
       TZFIELD%NTYPE      = tpfields(1)%ntype
       TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 3
-      CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+        !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+        if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d(:,:,:), koffset= [ 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite, 0 ] )
+      else
+        call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+      end if
       deallocate( zdata3d )
     else if (       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL     &
        .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_MASK      ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( nles_masks /= Size( pvar, 6 ) ) &
         call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4',                             &
                         'last dimension size of pvar is not equal to nles_masks (variable ' &
@@ -1297,6 +1578,11 @@ select case ( idims )
        .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TERM      ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
       tzfield%ndimlist(3:) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
@@ -1325,6 +1611,11 @@ select case ( idims )
        .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_SV      ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1355,6 +1646,11 @@ select case ( idims )
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_LEVEL                &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
                       .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1384,6 +1680,11 @@ select case ( idims )
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_LEVEL                &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
                       .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1413,6 +1714,10 @@ select case ( idims )
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to FLYER_DIACHRO
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       !Create local time dimension
       if ( isp == tzfile%nmaster_rank) then
@@ -1449,6 +1754,10 @@ select case ( idims )
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_PROFILER_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_PROFILER_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to PROFILER_DIACHRO_n
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
@@ -1478,6 +1787,10 @@ select case ( idims )
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to PROFILER_DIACHRO_n
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
@@ -1507,6 +1820,10 @@ select case ( idims )
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to PROFILER_DIACHRO_n
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
@@ -1566,15 +1883,41 @@ select case ( idims )
         TZFIELD%NTYPE      = tpfields(ji)%ntype
         TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 3
-        if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
-          !Data is distributed between all the processes
-          TZFIELD%CDIR     = 'XY'
-          CALL IO_Field_write_BOX( tzfile, tzfield, 'BUDGET', zdata3d, &
-                                   KIL + JPHEXT, KIH + JPHEXT, KJL + JPHEXT, KJH + JPHEXT )
+        if ( gsplit ) then
+          if ( htype /= 'CART' ) call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                      ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented for these dimensions and htype/=CART' )
+          if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
+            !Data is distributed between all the processes
+            tzfield%cdir = 'XY'
+            !Add budget time dimension
+            tzfield%ndims = 4
+            tzfield%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME
+            !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+            if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+            call IO_Field_write_box( tzfile, tzfield, 'BUDGET',                                                     &
+                                     Reshape( zdata3d, [ Size(zdata3d,1), Size(zdata3d,2), Size(zdata3d,3), 1 ] ) , &
+                                     kil + jphext, kih + jphext, kjl + jphext, kjh + jphext,                        &
+                                     koffset= [ 0, 0, 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite ]                          )
+          else
+            call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                            ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+          end if
-          !Data is already collected on the master process
-          TZFIELD%CDIR     = '--'
-          CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+          if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
+            !Data is distributed between all the processes
+            tzfield%cdir = 'XY'
+            call IO_Field_write_box( tzfile, tzfield, 'BUDGET', zdata3d, &
+                                    kil + jphext, kih + jphext, kjl + jphext, kjh + jphext )
+          else
+            !Data is already collected on the master process
+            tzfield%cdir = '--'
+            call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+          end if
         end if
       end do
@@ -1607,7 +1950,14 @@ select case ( idims )
         TZFIELD%NTYPE      = tpfields(ji)%ntype
         TZFIELD%NDIMS      = 3
-        CALL IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+        if ( gsplit ) then
+        !Create the metadata of the field (has to be done only once)
+          if ( nbutshift == 1 ) call IO_Field_create( tzfile, tzfield )
+!           call IO_Field_partial_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d(:,:,:), koffset= [ 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite, 0 ] )
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d(:,:,:), koffset= [ 0, ( nbutshift - 1 ) * nbusubwrite, 0 ] )
+        else
+          call IO_Field_write( tzfile, tzfield, zdata3d )
+        end if
       end do
       deallocate( zdata3d )
@@ -1616,6 +1966,11 @@ select case ( idims )
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_SV      &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_MASK      ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( nles_masks /= Size( pvar, 6 ) ) &
         call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4',                             &
                         'last dimension size of pvar is not equal to nles_masks (variable ' &
@@ -1651,6 +2006,11 @@ select case ( idims )
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_SV      &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TERM      ) then
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4)
       tzfield%ndimlist(3)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5)
@@ -1682,6 +2042,11 @@ select case ( idims )
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_COMPLEX      ) then
       !Correspond to LES_DIACHRO_SPEC
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1714,6 +2079,11 @@ select case ( idims )
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_COMPLEX      ) then
       !Correspond to LES_DIACHRO_SPEC
+      if ( gsplit ) then
+          call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                          ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+      end if
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1750,6 +2120,11 @@ select case ( idims )
 !   case (6)
   case default
+    if ( gsplit ) then
+        call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', Trim( tzfile%cname ) // &
+                        ': group ' // Trim( hgroup ) //' gsplit=T not implemented' )
+    end if
     if ( All( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(:) /= NMNHDIM_UNKNOWN ) ) then
       tzfield%ndimlist(1)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1)
       tzfield%ndimlist(2)  = tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2)