diff --git a/mnh_expand/parser_fortran_python.py b/mnh_expand/parser_fortran_python.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4bf4d66b9621308edf7d970b633c14fc2faa26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mnh_expand/parser_fortran_python.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Wed Mar 30 22:32:56 2022
+@author: Quentin
+def count_blank(text):
+    count=0
+    for t in text:
+        if t == " ":
+            count=count+1
+        else:
+            break
+    return count
+def check_indent(n,indent_score,worktext):
+    nblank=count_blank(worktext)
+    rawtext=worktext[nblank:]
+    correcttext=' '*((indent_score)*1) + rawtext
+    return correcttext
+filein = open('mode_tke_eps_sources.f90','r')
+fileout  = open('new.F90','w')
+contentbyline = filein.readlines()
+for i in contentbyline:
+    #Si la ligne est un commentaire (commence par !) : next (ne pas indenter)
+    #
+    # ligne de calcul sans ajout d'indentation (DO, ENDDDO, IF, ENDIF)
+    if indent_score > 0 and ("DO J" not in i and "ENDDO" not in i):
+        textwrite=check_indent(ncurrline,indent_score,i)
+    elif "DO J" in i:
+        textwrite=check_indent(ncurrline,indent_score,i)
+        indent_score = indent_score+1
+    elif "ENDDO" in i:
+        indent_score = indent_score-1
+        textwrite=check_indent(ncurrline,indent_score,i)
+    #Ajouter le case IF et ENDIF qui ajoute de lindentation
+    else:
+        textwrite=i
+    ncurrline=ncurrline+1
+    fileout.writelines(textwrite)
\ No newline at end of file