From 4d335472926de1f39908990d4e2c121ffc5a08ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Philippe WAUTELET <> Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 14:49:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Philippe 04/02/2021: budgets: bugfixes for LDRAGTREE if LIMA + small optimisations and verifications --- src/MNH/drag_veg.f90 | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 | 15 ++++++--- 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/MNH/drag_veg.f90 b/src/MNH/drag_veg.f90 index 30c901a69..453bf94c2 100644 --- a/src/MNH/drag_veg.f90 +++ b/src/MNH/drag_veg.f90 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -!MNH_LIC Copyright 2009-2020 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier +!MNH_LIC Copyright 2009-2021 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ SUBROUTINE DRAG_VEG(PTSTEP,PUT,PVT,PTKET,ODEPOTREE, PVDEPOTREE, & ! C. Lac 11/2019: correction in the drag formula and application to building in addition to tree ! P. Wautelet 28/01/2020: use the new data structures and subroutines for budgets for U ! C. Lac 02/2020: correction missing condition for budget on RC and SV +! P. Wautelet 04/02/2021: budgets: bugfixes for LDRAGTREE if LIMA + small optimisations and verifications !!--------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! @@ -88,10 +89,13 @@ USE MODD_DYN_n USE MODD_GROUND_PAR USE MODD_NSV USE MODD_PARAM_C2R2 +USE MODD_PARAM_LIMA, ONLY: LWARM_LIMA => LWARM +USE MODD_PARAM_n, only: CSURF, CTURB USE MODD_PGDFIELDS USE MODD_VEG_n use mode_budget, only: Budget_store_init, Budget_store_end +use mode_msg USE MODI_MNHGET_SURF_PARAM_n USE MODI_SHUMAN @@ -125,8 +129,6 @@ INTEGER :: IIU,IJU,IKU,IKV ! array size along the k direction INTEGER :: JI, JJ, JK ! loop index ! ! -REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZH_TREE_PGD ! surface cover types -REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZLAI_PGD ! surface cover types REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PUT,1),SIZE(PUT,2),SIZE(PUT,3)) :: & ZWORK1, ZWORK2, ZWORK3, ZUT_SCAL, ZVT_SCAL, & ZUS, ZVS, ZTKES, ZTKET @@ -139,7 +141,10 @@ LOGICAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PUT,1),SIZE(PUT,2),SIZE(PUT,3)) & :: GDEP REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PZZ,1),SIZE(PZZ,2),SIZE(PZZ,3)):: ZWDEPR,ZWDEPS -! +IF ( CSURF /= 'EXTE' ) CALL PRINT_MSG( NVERB_FATAL, 'GEN', 'DRAG_VEG', 'CSURF/=EXTE not allowed' ) + +!Condition necessary because PTKET is used (and must be allocated) +IF ( CTURB /= 'TKEL' ) CALL PRINT_MSG( NVERB_FATAL, 'GEN', 'DRAG_VEG', 'CTURB/=TKEL not allowed' ) ! if ( lbudget_u ) call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_U ), 'DRAG', prus (:, :, :) ) if ( lbudget_v ) call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_V ), 'DRAG', prvs (:, :, :) ) @@ -147,8 +152,10 @@ if ( lbudget_tke ) call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TKE), 'DRAG', prtkes if ( odepotree ) then if ( lbudget_rc ) call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), 'DEPOTR', prrs(:, :, :, 2) ) - if ( lbudget_sv .and. ( hcloud=='C2R2' .or. hcloud=='KHKO' .or. hcloud=='LIMA' ) ) & + if ( lbudget_sv .and. ( hcloud=='C2R2' .or. hcloud=='KHKO' ) ) & call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1-1+(NSV_C2R2BEG+1)), 'DEPOTR', psvs(:, :, :, NSV_C2R2BEG+1) ) + if ( lbudget_sv .and. hcloud=='LIMA' ) & + call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1-1+NSV_LIMA_NC), 'DEPOTR', psvs(:, :, :, NSV_LIMA_NC) ) end if IIU = SIZE(PUT,1) @@ -159,28 +166,16 @@ ZUS (:,:,:) = 0.0 ZVS (:,:,:) = 0.0 ZTKES (:,:,:) = 0.0 ! -ZH (:,:) = 0. -ZLAI (:,:) = 0. +ZH (:,:) = XUNDEF +ZLAI(:,:) = XUNDEF ! ZCDRAG (:,:,:) = 0. ZDENSITY (:,:,:) = 0. ! -ALLOCATE(ZH_TREE_PGD(IIU,IJU)) -ALLOCATE(ZLAI_PGD(IIU,IJU)) -! -ZH_TREE_PGD (:,:) = XUNDEF -ZLAI_PGD (:,:) = XUNDEF -! -CALL MNHGET_SURF_PARAM_n(PH_TREE=ZH_TREE_PGD,PLAI_TREE=ZLAI_PGD) +CALL MNHGET_SURF_PARAM_n( PH_TREE = ZH, PLAI_TREE = ZLAI ) ! -ZH (:,:) = ZH_TREE_PGD(:,:) -ZLAI(:,:) = ZLAI_PGD(:,:) -! -WHERE ( ZH (:,:).GT.998.0 ) ZH (:,:) = 0.0 -WHERE ( ZLAI (:,:).GT.998.0 ) ZLAI (:,:) = 0.0 -! -DEALLOCATE(ZH_TREE_PGD) -DEALLOCATE(ZLAI_PGD) +WHERE ( ZH (:,:) > (XUNDEF-1.) ) ZH (:,:) = 0.0 +WHERE ( ZLAI (:,:) > (XUNDEF-1.) ) ZLAI (:,:) = 0.0 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @@ -264,6 +259,10 @@ PRUS(:,:,:) = PRUS(:,:,:) + (ZUS(:,:,:)-PUT(:,:,:)) * MXM(PRHODJ(:,:,:)) / PTSTE PRVS(:,:,:) = PRVS(:,:,:) + (ZVS(:,:,:)-PVT(:,:,:)) * MYM(PRHODJ(:,:,:)) / PTSTEP ! IF (ODEPOTREE) THEN + IF ( HCLOUD == 'NONE' ) CALL PRINT_MSG( NVERB_FATAL, 'GEN', 'DRAG_VEG', 'LDEPOTREE=T not allowed if CCLOUD=NONE' ) + IF ( HCLOUD == 'LIMA' .AND. .NOT. LWARM_LIMA ) & + CALL PRINT_MSG( NVERB_FATAL, 'GEN', 'DRAG_VEG', 'LDEPOTREE=T not allowed if CCLOUD=LIMA and LWARM=F' ) + ZEXN(:,:,:)= (PPABST(:,:,:)/XP00)**(XRD/XCPD) ZT(:,:,:)= PTHT(:,:,:)*ZEXN(:,:,:) ZLV(:,:,:)=XLVTT +(XCPV-XCL) *(ZT(:,:,:)-XTT) @@ -273,20 +272,27 @@ IF (ODEPOTREE) THEN WHERE (GDEP) ZWDEPR(:,:,:)= PVDEPOTREE * PRT(:,:,:,2) * PRHODJ(:,:,:) END WHERE - IF ((HCLOUD=='C2R2') .OR. (HCLOUD=='KHKO') .OR. (HCLOUD=='LIMA')) THEN - WHERE (GDEP) - ZWDEPS(:,:,:)= PVDEPOTREE * PSVT(:,:,:,NSV_C2R2BEG+1) * PRHODJ(:,:,:) - END WHERE + IF ( HCLOUD == 'C2R2' .OR. HCLOUD == 'KHKO' ) THEN + WHERE (GDEP) + ZWDEPS(:,:,:)= PVDEPOTREE * PSVT(:,:,:,NSV_C2R2BEG+1) * PRHODJ(:,:,:) + END WHERE + ELSE IF ( HCLOUD == 'LIMA' ) THEN + WHERE (GDEP) + ZWDEPS(:,:,:)= PVDEPOTREE * PSVT(:,:,:,NSV_LIMA_NC) * PRHODJ(:,:,:) + END WHERE END IF DO JJ=2,(IJU-1) DO JI=2,(IIU-1) DO JK=2,(IKU-2) IF (GDEP(JI,JJ,JK)) THEN - PRRS(JI,JJ,JK,2) = PRRS(JI,JJ,JK,2) + (ZWDEPR(JI,JJ,JK+1)-ZWDEPR(JI,JJ,JK))/ & - (PZZ(JI,JJ,JK+1)-PZZ(JI,JJ,JK)) - IF ((HCLOUD=='C2R2') .OR. (HCLOUD=='KHKO').OR. (HCLOUD=='LIMA')) THEN - PSVS(JI,JJ,JK,NSV_C2R2BEG+1) = PSVS(JI,JJ,JK,NSV_C2R2BEG+1) + & - (ZWDEPS(JI,JJ,JK+1)-ZWDEPS(JI,JJ,JK))/(PZZ(JI,JJ,JK+1)-PZZ(JI,JJ,JK)) + PRRS(JI,JJ,JK,2) = PRRS(JI,JJ,JK,2) + (ZWDEPR(JI,JJ,JK+1)-ZWDEPR(JI,JJ,JK))/ & + (PZZ(JI,JJ,JK+1)-PZZ(JI,JJ,JK)) + IF ( HCLOUD == 'C2R2' .OR. HCLOUD == 'KHKO' ) THEN + PSVS(JI,JJ,JK,NSV_C2R2BEG+1) = PSVS(JI,JJ,JK,NSV_C2R2BEG+1) + & + (ZWDEPS(JI,JJ,JK+1)-ZWDEPS(JI,JJ,JK))/(PZZ(JI,JJ,JK+1)-PZZ(JI,JJ,JK)) + ELSE IF ( HCLOUD == 'LIMA' ) THEN + PSVS(JI,JJ,JK,NSV_LIMA_NC) = PSVS(JI,JJ,JK,NSV_LIMA_NC) + & + (ZWDEPS(JI,JJ,JK+1)-ZWDEPS(JI,JJ,JK))/(PZZ(JI,JJ,JK+1)-PZZ(JI,JJ,JK)) END IF END IF END DO @@ -323,8 +329,10 @@ if ( lbudget_tke ) call Budget_store_end( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TKE), 'DRAG', prtkes( if ( odepotree ) then if ( lbudget_rc ) call Budget_store_end( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), 'DEPOTR', prrs(:, :, :, 2) ) - if ( lbudget_sv .and. ( hcloud=='C2R2' .or. hcloud=='KHKO' .or. hcloud=='LIMA' ) ) & + if ( lbudget_sv .and. ( hcloud=='C2R2' .or. hcloud=='KHKO' ) ) & call Budget_store_end( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1-1+(NSV_C2R2BEG+1)), 'DEPOTR', psvs(:, :, :, NSV_C2R2BEG+1) ) + if ( lbudget_sv .and. hcloud=='LIMA' ) & + call Budget_store_end( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1-1+NSV_LIMA_NC), 'DEPOTR', psvs(:, :, :, NSV_LIMA_NC) ) end if END SUBROUTINE DRAG_VEG diff --git a/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 index 7955cbdbb..27afc1fd6 100644 --- a/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 +++ b/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 @@ -2781,11 +2781,6 @@ SV_BUDGETS: do jsv = 1, ksv tzsource%clongname = 'KAFR convection' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(ibudget), tzsource, gcond, ndconvsv ) - gcond = odragtree .and. odepotree .and. ( hcloud=='C2R2' .or. hcloud=='KHKO' .or. hcloud=='LIMA' ) - tzsource%cmnhname = 'DEPOTR' - tzsource%clongname = 'tree droplet deposition' - call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(ibudget), tzsource, gcond, ndepotrsv ) - gcond = hturb == 'TKEL' tzsource%cmnhname = 'VTURB' tzsource%clongname = 'vertical turbulent diffusion' @@ -2862,6 +2857,11 @@ SV_BUDGETS: do jsv = 1, ksv case ( 2 ) SV_C2R2 ! Concentration of cloud droplets + gcond = odragtree .and. odepotree + tzsource%cmnhname = 'DEPOTR' + tzsource%clongname = 'tree droplet deposition' + call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(ibudget), tzsource, gcond, ndepotrsv ) + gtmp = cactccn == 'ABRK' .and. (lorilam .or. ldust .or. lsalt ) gcond = gtmp .or. ( .not.gtmp .and. .not.lsupsat_c2r2 ) tzsource%cmnhname = 'HENU' @@ -2957,6 +2957,11 @@ SV_BUDGETS: do jsv = 1, ksv ! Source terms specific to each budget SV_LIMA: if ( jsv == nsv_lima_nc ) then ! Cloud droplets concentration + gcond = odragtree .and. odepotree + tzsource%cmnhname = 'DEPOTR' + tzsource%clongname = 'tree droplet deposition' + call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(ibudget), tzsource, gcond, ndepotrsv ) + gcond = lptsplit .and. lwarm_lima .and. lrain_lima tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' -- GitLab