diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/README b/src/LIB/RTTOV/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 209bccb9211642fbe3a238e83d77df9f804694fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/Makefile b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1081397d35b907ef25dd25644b1939e8079ca06f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# Script to compile all RTTOV-8.7 library and tests programs
-# You can either specifically give options in command line:
-# make FC=frt FFLAGS='-Ad -Am -O3 -M .'
-# or 
-# remove the comment '#' from the definitions you want to use
-# on your machine below. 
-# If this makefile is executed with options, like example above
-# they will be passed along to the other make files 
-# You can run make like "make basic" to just compile
-# the part of the code for clear air RTTOV or 
-# "make all" to compile all the code, options are:
-#    basic (default): classical RTTOV code
-#    cld: for cloud cases with input cloud profile
-#    scat: for scattering case
-#    all:  to make the code for all cases
-# P. Brunel 12 March 2004  
-# Select options below by removing # 
-# Compiler
-#SUN and HP compilers
-#FC = f90
-#FC77 = f90
-#Fujitsu compiler
-#FC = frt -X9
-#FC77=frt -Fixed
-#IBM compiler
-#FC = f90
-#FC77 = f77
-#Intel compiler
-#FC = ifc
-#FC77 = ifc
-#Met Office HP compiler
-#FC = /opt/fortran90/bin/f90
-#FC77 = f77
-#NEC compiler (additionally uncomment section in Makefile_lib)
-#FC = sxf90
-#FC77 = sxf90
-#Compiler options
-#HP compiler HP
-#FFLAGS = -O2 +check=all -I. +cpp=yes
-#VPP compiler Fujitsu
-#FFLAGS= -Am -Ad -O3 -M . 
-#SUN compiler Fujitsu
-#FFLAGS= -Am -O2 -M . 
-#FFLAGS= -Am -M . -H aesu -O2
-#FFLAGS=-Am -O1 -M . 
-#SUN compiler SUN
-#FFLAGS= -O3 -M. 
-#NAG compiler
-FC= f95
-FC77= f95 -dusty
-#FFLAGS= -gline -C=all -nan
-FFLAGS=-gline -nan -kind=byte
-#SGI compiler
-#FFLAGS= -trapuv -g 
-#IBM compiler
-#FFLAGS= -g -qmaxmem=8192 -qstrict \
-#         -qdpc=e -qsuffix=cpp=F90 -qfree=F90 -qspillsize=860
-# Intel compiler
-#FFLAGS= -g -cm -w95
-# Portland compiler
-# FC= pgf90
-# FC77= pgf77
-#NEC compiler (additionally uncomment section in Makefile_lib)
-#FFLAGS= -ew -sx6 -Chopt -Wf,-pvctl loopcnt=200000 -Wf,-pvctl nomsg -Wf,-O nomove,-O nomsg
-# Main targets
-all:   lib_basic lib_cld lib_scat
-basic: lib_basic main_basic
-cld:   lib_basic lib_cld main_cld
-scat:  lib_basic lib_scat main_scat
-#all:   lib_basic lib_cld lib_scat main_basic main_cld main_scat
-# Make main programs
-#	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=rttov_ascii2bin_coef" 
-#	mv rttov_ascii2bin_coef.out ../scripts
-#	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=test_2_coef"
-#	mv test_2_coef.out ../scripts
-#	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=test_coef"
-#	mv test_coef.out ../scripts
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=example_fwd"
-	#mv example_fwd.out ../scripts
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=tstrad"
-	#mv tstrad.out ../scripts
-#	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=tstrad_sx6"
-#	mv tstrad_sx6.out scripts
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=tstrad_rttov7"
-	#mv tstrad_rttov7.out ../scripts
-#	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=test_errorhandling"
-#	mv test_errorhandling.out ../scripts/test_errorhandling.out
-#	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=tstrad_indep"
-#	mv tstrad_indep.out ../scripts
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=rttovcld_test"
-	#mv rttovcld_test.out ../scripts
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main "FC=$(FC)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)" "PROG=rttovscatt_test"
-	#mv rttovscatt_test.out ../scripts
-# Make of RTTOV Library
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_lib  lib_basic "FC=${FC}" "FC77=$(FC77)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)"
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_lib  lib_cld "FC=${FC}" "FC77=$(FC77)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)"
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_lib  lib_scat "FC=${FC}" "FC77=$(FC77)" "FFLAGS=$(FFLAGS)"
-# Clean all
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_lib  clean
-	@ ${MAKE} -f Makefile_main clean
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/Makefile_lib b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/Makefile_lib
deleted file mode 100644
index 39de3e89239ce1773e9d54b523072ff62b1283b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/Makefile_lib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for RTTOV-8.7 library
-# Usage:  make -f Makefile_lib lib_basic FC=F90 FFLAGS=' -Am -O3 -M .'
-# P. Brunel 26 October 2001
-# split subroutines in 3 kinds (basic, cld, scat)
-# P. Brunel 12 March 2004
-#Includes or modules are in the current directory
-parkind1.F90 \
-rttov_const.F90 \
-rttov_types.F90 \
-rttov_global.F90 \
-mod_cparam.F90  \
-mod_tstrad.F90 \
-LIST_SUB_F=   \
-rttov_cmpuc.F90	\
-rttov_deletecomment.F90	\
-rttov_dealloc_coef.F90	\
-rttov_errorreport.F90	\
-rttov_errorhandling.F90	\
-rttov_q2v.F90           \
-rttov_v2q.F90           \
-rttov_coeffname.F90	\
-rttov_findnextsection.F90	\
-rttov_intext_prof.F90   \
-rttov_opencoeff.F90	\
-rttov_readcoeffs.F90	\
-rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.F90	\
-rttov_readcoeffs_binary.F90	\
-rttov_setpressure.F90		\
-rttov_setup.F90			\
-rttov_setupchan.F90		\
-rttov_setupindex.F90		\
-rttov_scatt_setupindex.F90	\
-rttov_skipcommentline.F90	\
-rttov_writecoef.F90	\
-rttov_initcoeffs.F90 \
-rttov_distribcoeffs.F90 \
-rttvi.F90               \
-rttov.F90		\
-rttov_direct.F90	\
-rttov_calcbt.F90	\
-rttov_calcpolarisation.F90 \
-rttov_calcemis_ir.F90	\
-rttov_calcemis_mw.F90	\
-rttov_calcrad.F90	\
-rttov_checkinput.F90	\
-rttov_integrate.F90	\
-rttov_profaux.F90	\
-rttov_setgeometry.F90	\
-rttov_setpredictors.F90	\
-rttov_transmit.F90	\
-rttov_tl.F90		\
-rttov_calcbt_tl.F90	\
-rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.F90	\
-rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.F90	\
-rttov_calcrad_tl.F90	\
-rttov_integrate_tl.F90	\
-rttov_profaux_tl.F90	\
-rttov_setpredictors_tl.F90 \
-rttov_transmit_tl.F90	\
-tstrad_tl.F90           \
-rttov_ad.F90		\
-rttov_calcbt_ad.F90	\
-rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.F90	\
-rttov_calcrad_ad.F90	\
-rttov_integrate_ad.F90  \
-rttov_profaux_ad.F90	\
-rttov_setpredictors_ad.F90 \
-rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.F90	\
-rttov_transmit_ad.F90   \
-tstrad_ad.F90		\
-rttov_k.F90		\
-rttov_calcrad_k.F90	\
-rttov_profout_k.F90	\
-rttov_cld_profout_k.F90	\
-rttov_profaux_k.F90     \
-rttov_integrate_k.F90  \
-rttov_calcemis_mw_k.F90	\
-rttov_setpredictors_k.F90 \
-rttov_transmit_k.F90   \
-tstrad_k.F90		\
-rttov_setpredictors_8.F90 \
-rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.F90 \
-rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.F90 \
-rttov_setpredictors_8_k.F90 \
-rttov_intex.F90		\
-rttov_intex_tl.F90  	\
-rttov_cld.F90		\
-rttov_aitosu.F90	\
-rttov_emiscld.F90	\
-rttov_intex.F90		\
-rttovcld.F90		\
-rttov_cld_tl.F90	\
-rttov_aitosu_tl.F90	\
-rttov_emiscld_tl.F90	\
-rttov_cld_ad.F90	\
-rttov_aitosu_ad.F90	\
-rttov_emiscld_ad.F90    \
-rttov_boundaryconditions.F90 \
-rttov_eddington.F90 \
-rttov_iniedd.F90 \
-rttov_iniscatt.F90 \
-rttov_integratesource.F90 \
-rttov_interpcubic.F90 \
-rttov_polcoe.F90 \
-rttov_mieproc.F90 \
-rttov_readscattcoeffs.F90 \
-rttov_scatt.F90 \
-rttov_scatt_test.F90 \
-lapack.f \
-rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.F90 \
-rttov_eddington_tl.F90 \
-rttov_iniedd_tl.F90 \
-rttov_iniscatt_tl.F90 \
-rttov_integratesource_tl.F90 \
-rttov_interpcubic_tl.F90 \
-rttov_mieproc_tl.F90 \
-rttov_scatt_tl.F90 \
-rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.F90 \
-rttov_eddington_ad.F90 \
-rttov_iniedd_ad.F90 \
-rttov_iniscatt_ad.F90 \
-rttov_integratesource_ad.F90 \
-rttov_interpcubic_ad.F90 \
-rttov_mieproc_ad.F90 \
-rttov_scatt_ad.F90 \
-rttov_boundaryconditions_k.F90 \
-rttov_eddington_k.F90 \
-rttov_iniedd_k.F90 \
-rttov_iniscatt_k.F90 \
-rttov_integratesource_k.F90 \
-rttov_mieproc_k.F90 \
-.SUFFIXES: .F90 .f
-.F90.o : 
-	$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.F90 -o $*.o
-	ar rv $(LIBRARY) $*.o
-.f.o : 
-	$(FC77) -c $*.f -o $*.o
-	ar rv $(LIBRARY) $*.o
-#.F90.mod : 
-#	$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.F90 -o $*.o
-#	ar rv $(LIBRARY) $*.o
-## ----- Start of NEC Section -----
-##NEC compiler
-## These over-ride above settings.
-## Note the addition of FFLAGS to the F77 section
-#.F90.o :
-#	$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.F90 -o $*.o
-#	sxar rv $(LIBRARY) $*.o
-#.f.o :
-#	$(FC77) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.f -o $*.o
-#	sxar rv $(LIBRARY) $*.o
-## ------ End of NEC Section ------
-# default target
-	@echo "library $(LIBRARY) is build"
-lib_basic: $(LIST_MOD) $(LIST_SUB) 
-	@echo "library $(LIBRARY) basic routines is build"
-lib_cld: $(LIST_MOD) $(LIST_SUB) $(LIST_SUB_CLD) 
-	@echo "library $(LIBRARY) with cloud routines is build"
-lib_scat: $(LIST_MOD) $(LIST_SUB) $(LIST_SUB_SCAT) 
-	@echo "library $(LIBRARY) with scattering routines is build"
-# Clean library subroutines and modules
-	\rm -f $(LIBRARY) *.o  *.mod *.MOD
-# Dependencies with modules and interfaces
-mod_cparam.o: mod_cparam.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-mod_tstrad.o: mod_tstrad.F90 parkind1.o
-parkind1.o: parkind1.F90
-rttov_const.o: rttov_const.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_global.o: rttov_global.F90 rttov_const.o parkind1.o
-rttov_types.o: rttov_types.F90 rttov_const.o parkind1.o
-rttov.o: rttov.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o mod_cparam.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_direct.o
-rttov_ad.o: rttov_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_checkinput.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_profaux.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_setpredictors.o rttov_setpredictors_8.o rttov_transmit.o rttov_calcemis_ir.o rttov_calcemis_mw.o rttov_integrate.o rttov_integrate_ad.o rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.o rttov_transmit_ad.o rttov_setpredictors_ad.o rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.o rttov_profaux_ad.o
-rttov_aitosu.o: rttov_aitosu.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_aitosu_ad.o: rttov_aitosu_ad.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_aitosu_tl.o: rttov_aitosu_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_boundaryconditions.o: rttov_boundaryconditions.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.o: rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.o: rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcbt.o: rttov_calcbt.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcbt_ad.o: rttov_calcbt_ad.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcbt_tl.o: rttov_calcbt_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcemis_ir.o: rttov_calcemis_ir.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcemis_mw.o: rttov_calcemis_mw.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.o: rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcemis_mw_k.o: rttov_calcemis_mw_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.o: rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcpolarisation.o: rttov_calcpolarisation.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.o: rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.o: rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcrad.o: rttov_calcrad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcrad_ad.o: rttov_calcrad_ad.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcrad_k.o: rttov_calcrad_k.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_calcrad_tl.o: rttov_calcrad_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_checkinput.o: rttov_checkinput.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_cld.o: rttov_cld.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_direct.o rttov_intex.o rttov_emiscld.o rttov_aitosu.o rttov_calcbt.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_calcpolarisation.o
-rttov_cld_ad.o: rttov_cld_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_direct.o rttov_intex.o rttov_emiscld.o rttov_aitosu.o rttov_calcbt.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_calcpolarisation.o rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.o rttov_calcbt_ad.o rttov_aitosu_ad.o rttov_emiscld_ad.o rttov_intex_ad.o rttov_ad.o
-rttov_cld_k.o: rttov_cld_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_cld_ad.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_cld_tl.o: rttov_cld_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_tl.o rttov_intex_tl.o rttov_emiscld_tl.o rttov_aitosu_tl.o rttov_calcbt.o rttov_calcbt_tl.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_calcpolarisation.o rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.o
-rttov_cmpuc.o: rttov_cmpuc.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_coeffname.o: rttov_coeffname.F90 rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_dealloc_coef.o: rttov_dealloc_coef.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_deletecomment.o: rttov_deletecomment.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_direct.o: rttov_direct.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_checkinput.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_profaux.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_setpredictors.o rttov_setpredictors_8.o rttov_transmit.o rttov_calcemis_ir.o rttov_calcemis_mw.o rttov_integrate.o
-rttov_distribcoeffs.o: rttov_distribcoeffs.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_eddington.o: rttov_eddington.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_boundaryconditions.o rttov_integratesource.o
-rttov_eddington_ad.o: rttov_eddington_ad.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_boundaryconditions.o rttov_integratesource.o rttov_integratesource_ad.o rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.o
-rttov_eddington_tl.o: rttov_eddington_tl.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.o rttov_integratesource_tl.o
-rttov_emiscld.o: rttov_emiscld.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_emiscld_ad.o: rttov_emiscld_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_emiscld_tl.o: rttov_emiscld_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_errorhandling.o: rttov_errorhandling.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_global.o parkind1.o
-rttov_errorreport.o: rttov_errorreport.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_global.o parkind1.o rttov_errorhandling.o
-rttov_findnextsection.o: rttov_findnextsection.F90 rttov_const.o parkind1.o
-rttov_iniedd.o: rttov_iniedd.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_iniedd_ad.o: rttov_iniedd_ad.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_iniedd_tl.o: rttov_iniedd_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_iniscatt.o: rttov_iniscatt.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_intex.o rttov_mieproc.o rttov_iniedd.o rttov_calcemis_mw.o
-rttov_iniscatt_ad.o: rttov_iniscatt_ad.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_intex.o rttov_mieproc.o rttov_iniedd.o rttov_calcemis_mw.o rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.o rttov_iniedd_ad.o rttov_mieproc_ad.o rttov_intex_ad.o
-rttov_iniscatt_tl.o: rttov_iniscatt_tl.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_intex_tl.o rttov_mieproc_tl.o rttov_iniedd_tl.o rttov_calcemis_mw.o rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.o
-rttov_initcoeffs.o: rttov_initcoeffs.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_distribcoeffs.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_q2v.o
-rttov_integrate.o: rttov_integrate.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_calcrad.o rttov_calcbt.o rttov_calcpolarisation.o
-rttov_integrate_ad.o: rttov_integrate_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.o rttov_calcbt_ad.o rttov_calcrad_ad.o
-rttov_integrate_k.o: rttov_integrate_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.o rttov_calcbt_ad.o rttov_calcrad_k.o
-rttov_integrate_tl.o: rttov_integrate_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_calcrad_tl.o rttov_calcbt_tl.o rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.o
-rttov_integratesource.o: rttov_integratesource.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_integratesource_ad.o: rttov_integratesource_ad.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_integratesource_tl.o: rttov_integratesource_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_interpcubic.o: rttov_interpcubic.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_polcoe.o
-rttov_interpcubic_ad.o: rttov_interpcubic_ad.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_polcoe.o
-rttov_interpcubic_tl.o: rttov_interpcubic_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_polcoe.o
-rttov_intex.o: rttov_intex.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_intex_ad.o: rttov_intex_ad.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_intex_tl.o: rttov_intex_tl.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_intext_prof.o: rttov_intext_prof.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_k.o: rttov_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_checkinput.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_profaux.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_setpredictors.o rttov_setpredictors_8.o rttov_transmit.o rttov_calcemis_ir.o rttov_calcemis_mw.o rttov_integrate.o rttov_integrate_k.o rttov_calcemis_mw_k.o rttov_transmit_k.o rttov_setpredictors_k.o rttov_setpredictors_8_k.o rttov_profaux_k.o rttov_profout_k.o
-rttov_mieproc.o: rttov_mieproc.F90 parkind1.o rttov_types.o
-rttov_mieproc_ad.o: rttov_mieproc_ad.F90 parkind1.o rttov_types.o
-rttov_mieproc_tl.o: rttov_mieproc_tl.F90 rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_opencoeff.o: rttov_opencoeff.F90 rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_polcoe.o: rttov_polcoe.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_profaux.o: rttov_profaux.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_profaux_ad.o: rttov_profaux_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_profaux_k.o: rttov_profaux_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_profaux_tl.o: rttov_profaux_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_profout_k.o: rttov_profout_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_q2v.o: rttov_q2v.F90 rttov_const.o parkind1.o
-rttov_readcoeffs.o: rttov_readcoeffs.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_coeffname.o rttov_opencoeff.o rttov_readcoeffs_binary.o rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.o
-rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.o: rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_findnextsection.o rttov_skipcommentline.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_deletecomment.o rttov_cmpuc.o rttov_opencoeff.o
-rttov_readcoeffs_binary.o: rttov_readcoeffs_binary.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_readscattcoeffs.o: rttov_readscattcoeffs.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_opencoeff.o rttov_findnextsection.o rttov_skipcommentline.o
-rttov_scatt.o: rttov_scatt.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_direct.o rttov_iniscatt.o rttov_eddington.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_calcpolarisation.o
-rttov_scatt_ad.o: rttov_scatt_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_direct.o rttov_iniscatt.o rttov_eddington.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.o rttov_eddington_ad.o rttov_iniscatt_ad.o rttov_ad.o
-rttov_scatt_k.o: rttov_scatt_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_scatt_ad.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttov_scatt_tl.o: rttov_scatt_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_tl.o rttov_iniscatt_tl.o rttov_eddington_tl.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_calcpolarisation.o rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.o
-rttov_setgeometry.o: rttov_setgeometry.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors.o: rttov_setpredictors.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors_8.o: rttov_setpredictors_8.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.o: rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors_8_k.o: rttov_setpredictors_8_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.o: rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors_ad.o: rttov_setpredictors_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors_k.o: rttov_setpredictors_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpredictors_tl.o: rttov_setpredictors_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setpressure.o: rttov_setpressure.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o
-rttov_setup.o: rttov_setup.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorhandling.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_readcoeffs.o rttov_initcoeffs.o
-rttov_setupchan.o: rttov_setupchan.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o
-rttov_setupindex.o: rttov_setupindex.F90 rttov_types.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o
-rttov_skipcommentline.o: rttov_skipcommentline.F90 parkind1.o
-rttov_tl.o: rttov_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_checkinput.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_profaux.o rttov_setgeometry.o rttov_setpredictors.o rttov_setpredictors_8.o rttov_transmit.o rttov_calcemis_ir.o rttov_calcemis_mw.o rttov_integrate.o rttov_profaux_tl.o rttov_setpredictors_tl.o rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.o rttov_transmit_tl.o rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.o rttov_integrate_tl.o
-rttov_transmit.o: rttov_transmit.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_transmit_ad.o: rttov_transmit_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_transmit_k.o: rttov_transmit_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_transmit_tl.o: rttov_transmit_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o
-rttov_v2q.o: rttov_v2q.F90 rttov_const.o parkind1.o
-rttov_writecoef.o: rttov_writecoef.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o
-rttovcld.o: rttovcld.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o mod_cparam.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_setupindex.o rttov_cld.o
-rttvi.o: rttvi.F90 mod_cparam.o rttov_const.o parkind1.o rttov_readcoeffs.o rttov_initcoeffs.o
-tstrad_ad.o: tstrad_ad.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o mod_tstrad.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_ad.o rttov_tl.o
-tstrad_k.o: tstrad_k.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o mod_tstrad.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_k.o
-tstrad_tl.o: tstrad_tl.F90 rttov_const.o rttov_types.o mod_tstrad.o parkind1.o rttov_errorreport.o rttov_tl.o rttov_direct.o
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/example_fwd.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/example_fwd.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 621bcd45032f6300923f192ae9f08fe1dc0649e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/example_fwd.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-Program example_fwd
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2004, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !     *************************************************************
-  !
-  !          RTTOV VERSION 8
-  ! To run this program you must have the following files
-  ! either resident in the same directory or set up as a
-  ! symbolic link:
-  !   prof.dat       --    input profile
-  !   rtcoef_platform_id_sensor.dat --  coefficient file to match
-  !   the sensor you request in the input dialogue
-  ! There are unix scripts available to set up the files above and
-  ! run this program (e.g. tstrad_full.scr)
-  ! The output is generated in a file called print.dat.
-  !
-  !
-  ! If the user wants to use this example to create his own
-  ! program he will have to modify the code between
-  ! comment lines of that kind:
-  !     !================================
-  !     !======Read =====start===========
-  !          code to be modified
-  !     !======Read ===== end ===========
-  !     !================================
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !  1.0    27/04/2004   orginal (based on tstrad) P. Brunel
-  !  1.1    09/08/2004   modified to allow for variable no. channels/per profile
-  !                       R. Saunders
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :  &
-       errorstatus_success,&
-       errorstatus_warning,&
-       errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type ,&
-       radiance_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  !
-  Implicit None
-  !
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupchan.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupindex.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_dealloc_coef.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! Commons
-  !
-  ! Functions
-  !--------------------------
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iup=20      ! unit for profile file
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout=21    ! unit for output
-  ! One profile per run
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: nprof = 1
-  ! RTTOV_errorhandling interface
-  !====================
-  Integer :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  ! RTTOV_readcoeffs interface
-  !====================
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: instrument(3)
-  Type( rttov_coef ) :: coef         ! coefficients
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lchan(:)
-  ! RTTOV interface
-  !====================
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: rttov_errorstatus(:)  ! rttov error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polarisations   (:,:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles  (:)
-  Type(profile_Type)  :: profiles(1)! ONE profile but need array
-  !Logical              :: addcloud = .True.
-  Logical              :: addcloud = .False.
-  Logical, Allocatable         :: calcemis(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: emissivity (:)
-  Type(transmission_Type)  :: transmission ! transmittances and layer optical depths
-  Type(radiance_Type)      :: radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: input_emissivity (:)
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=6)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'tstrad'
-  ! variables for input
-  !====================
-  ! Parameter for WV conversion used in all tstrad suite
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: mxchn = 9000 ! max number of channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: input_chan(mxchn)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: input_ems(mxchn)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable    :: ems(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: zenith
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: azimut
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ivch, ich
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: ems_val
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nchan(:) ! number of channels per profile
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: isurf
-  ! printing arrays
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_radcld(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_emis(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans_lev(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_upclr(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_dncld(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_refclr(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_ovcst(:,:)
-  ! loop variables
-  Integer :: j, jpol
-  Integer :: np
-  Integer :: ilev, nprint
-  Integer :: ios
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(40)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  !=====================================================
-  !========== Interactive inputs == start ==============
-  Write(0,*) 'enter platform number'
-  Read(*,*) instrument(1)
-  Write(0,*) 'enter satellite number '
-  Read(*,*) instrument(2)
-  Write(0,*) 'enter instrument number'
-  Read(*,*) instrument(3)
-  Write(0,*) 'enter surface type (0=land, 1=sea, 2=ice/snow)'
-  Read(*,*) isurf
-  Write(0,*) 'enter zenith angle in degrees'
-  Read(*,*) zenith
-  Write(0,*) 'enter azimut angle in degrees'
-  Read(*,*) azimut
-  !
-  Allocate (nchan(nprof))
-  nchan(:) = 0
-  Read(*,*,iostat=ios) ich, ivch, ems_val ! channel number, validity, emissivity
-  Do While (ios == 0 )
-     If( ivch /= 0 ) Then
-        nchan(nprof) = nchan(nprof) +1
-        input_chan(nchan(nprof)) = ich
-        input_ems(nchan(nprof)) = ems_val
-     Endif
-     Read(*,*,iostat=ios) ich, ivch, ems_val
-  End Do
-  !Pack channels and emmissivity arrays
-  Allocate(lchan(nchan(nprof))) ! Note these array sizes nchan can vary per profile
-  Allocate(ems(nchan(nprof)))      ! but for this example assume 1 profile/call with same channels
-  lchan(:) = input_chan(1:nchan(nprof))
-  ems(:)   = input_ems(1:nchan(nprof))
-  !
-  !========== Interactive inputs == end ==============
-  !===================================================
-  !Initialise error management with default value for
-  ! the error unit number and
-  ! Fatal error message output
-  Err_unit = -1
-  !verbosity_level = 1
-  ! All error message output
-  verbosity_level = 3
-  Call rttov_errorhandling(Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  !Read and initialise coefficients
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_readcoeffs (errorstatus, coef, instrument, channels = lchan(:))
-  If(errorstatus /= 0) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'error rttov_readcoeffs :',errorstatus
-     Stop "error rttov_readcoeffs"
-  Else
-     Write(*,*) 'rttov_readcoeffs OK:'
-  Endif
-  Call rttov_initcoeffs (errorstatus,coef)
-  If(errorstatus /= 0) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'error rttov_initcoeffs :',errorstatus
-     Stop "error rttov_initcoeffs"
-  Else
-     Write(*,*) 'rttov_initcoeffs OK:'
-  Endif
-  ! security if input number of channels is higher than number
-  ! stored in coeffs
-  If( nchan(nprof) > coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-     nchan(nprof) = coef % fmv_chn
-  Endif
-  !Open output file
-  Open(IOOUT,file='print.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted',iostat=ios)
-  If( ios /= 0 ) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'error opening the output file ios= ',ios
-     Stop
-  Endif
-  !===============================================
-  !========== Read profile == start ==============
-  Open(iup, file='prof.dat',status='old',iostat=ios)
-  If( ios /= 0 ) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'error opening profile file ios= ',ios
-     Stop
-  Endif
-  ! Do allocation of profile arrays with the number of levels.
-  ! Take care that the number and pressure levels should be
-  ! the same as the ones of the coefficient file.
-  profiles(1) % nlevels = coef % nlevels
-  Allocate(profiles(1) % p(coef % nlevels)  ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate(profiles(1) % t(coef % nlevels)  ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate(profiles(1) % q(coef % nlevels)  ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate(profiles(1) % o3(coef % nlevels) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate(profiles(1) % clw(coef % nlevels),stat= alloc_status(5))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error for profile")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  ! Presures are from reference profile
-  profiles(1) % p(:) = coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  ! read pressure, temp (K), WV (lnq), O3 (ppmv)
-  ! take care of doing the unit conversions to
-  ! hPa, K and ppmv
-  Read(iup,*) profiles(1) % t(:)
-  Read(iup,*) profiles(1) % q(:)
-  Read(iup,*) profiles(1) % o3(:)
-  Read(iup,*) profiles(1) % clw(:)
-  ! 2 meter air variables
-  Read(iup,*) profiles(1) % s2m % t ,&
-       & profiles(1) % s2m % q ,&
-       & profiles(1) % s2m % p ,&
-       & profiles(1) % s2m % u ,&
-       & profiles(1) % s2m % v
-  !  Convert lnq to q in ppmv for profile
-  profiles(1) %    q(:) = (Exp(profiles(1) %     q(:)) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  profiles(1) % s2m % q = (Exp(profiles(1) %  s2m % q) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  ! Skin variables
-  Read(iup,*) profiles(1) % skin % t ,&
-       & profiles(1) % skin % fastem
-  ! Cloud variables
-  Read(iup,*) profiles(1) % ctp,&
-       & profiles(1) % cfraction
-  ! we have an ozone profile
-  profiles(1) % ozone_Data =.True.
-  ! we do not have CO2 profile
-  profiles(1) % co2_Data   =.False.
-  ! check Cloud liquid water profile
-  profiles(1) % clw_Data   = profiles(1) % clw(1) >= 0.0_JPRB
-  ! Other variables from interactive inputs
-  profiles(1) % skin % surftype  = isurf
-  profiles(1) % zenangle   = zenith
-  profiles(1) % azangle    = azimut
-  !========== Read profile == end ==============
-  !=============================================
-  ! Setup default number of frequencies, channels , output BTs
-  !   for the coeff file. These are then used by rttov_setupindex
-  !   to set up channel and polarisation indices.
-  ! Take care that this routine is only valid if
-  !   the user has selected a list of channels (channels = )
-  !   for the rttov_readcoeffs or rttov_setup routine
-  Call rttov_setupchan(nprof,nchan,coef,nfrequencies, &
-       & nchannels,nbtout)
-  Allocate( rttov_errorstatus(1)           ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate( channels ( nfrequencies )      ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate( lprofiles  ( nfrequencies )    ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate( emissivity ( nchannels )       ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( input_emissivity ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels )        ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Allocate( polarisations(nchannels,3)     ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  ! allocate transmittance structure
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_surf      ( nchannels )                 ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_layer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels  ),stat= alloc_status(10))
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Allocate( radiance % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  Allocate( radiance % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Allocate( radiance % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Allocate( radiance % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Allocate( radiance % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  Allocate( radiance % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  Allocate( radiance % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  Allocate( radiance % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  Allocate( radiance % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-  ! allocate the cloudy radiances with full size even
-  ! if not used
-  Allocate( radiance % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-  Allocate( radiance % out      ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-  Allocate( radiance % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-  Allocate( radiance % total_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-  Allocate( radiance % clear_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error prior to rttov_direct")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  ! Build the list of channels/profiles indices
-  !   outputs are lprofiles,channels,polarisations,emissivity
-  ! Take care that this routine is only valid if
-  !   the user has selected a list of channels
-  !   for the rttov_readcoeffs or rttov_setup routine (channels = )
-  Call rttov_setupindex (nchan,nprof,nfrequencies,nchannels,nbtout,coef,&
-       & ems,lprofiles,channels,polarisations,emissivity)
-  ! save input values of emissivities for all calculations
-  ! calculate emissivity where the input emissivity value is less than 0.01
-  input_emissivity(:) = emissivity(:)
-  calcemis(:) = emissivity(:) < 0.01_JPRB
-  ! Call RTTOV forward model
-  Call rttov_direct( &
-       rttov_errorstatus, & ! out
-       nfrequencies,   & ! in
-       nchannels,      & ! in
-       nbtout,         & ! in
-       nprof,          & ! in
-       channels,       & ! in
-       polarisations,  & ! in
-       lprofiles,      & ! in
-       profiles,       & ! in
-       coef,           & ! in
-       addcloud,       & ! in
-       calcemis,       & ! in
-       emissivity,     & ! inout
-       transmission,   & ! out
-       radiance        ) ! inout
-  If ( Any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-     Write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_direct warning'
-  End If
-  If ( Any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write ( 0, * ) 'rttov_direct error'
-     Stop
-  End If
-  ! transfer data to printing arrays
-  Allocate(pr_radcld(nbtout)  ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate(pr_trans(nbtout)   ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate(pr_emis(nbtout)    ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate(pr_trans_lev(coef % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate(pr_upclr(nbtout)                    ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate(pr_dncld(coef % nlevels,nbtout)     ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Allocate(pr_refclr(nbtout)                   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Allocate(pr_ovcst(coef % nlevels,nbtout)     ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error for printing arrays")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  pr_radcld(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  pr_trans(:)  = 0.0_JPRB
-  pr_emis(:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  pr_trans_lev(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  pr_upclr(:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  pr_dncld(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  pr_refclr(:)  = 0.0_JPRB
-  pr_ovcst(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  !
-  Do j = 1 , nchannels
-     jpol = polarisations(j,2)
-     pr_radcld(jpol) = radiance % cloudy(j)
-     pr_trans(jpol)  = Transmission % tau_surf(J)
-     pr_emis(jpol)   = emissivity(j)
-     pr_upclr(jpol)  = radiance % upclear(J)
-     pr_refclr(jpol) = radiance % reflclear(J)
-     Do ilev = 1 , coef % nlevels
-        pr_trans_lev(ilev,jpol) = Transmission % tau_layer(ilev,J)
-        pr_dncld(ilev,jpol)     = radiance % downcld(ILEV,J)
-        pr_ovcst(ilev,jpol)     = radiance % overcast(ILEV,J)
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-  !
-  NPRINT = 1+ Int((nbtout-1)/10)
-  Write(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-  Write(IOOUT,*)' Instrument ', instrument(3)
-  Write(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-  Write(IOOUT,*)' '
-  Write(IOOUT,777)instrument(2), profiles(1)%zenangle,profiles(1)%azangle,profiles(1)%skin%surftype
-  Write(IOOUT,222) radiance % out(:)
-  Write(IOOUT,*)' '
-  Write(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED RADIANCES: SAT =', instrument(2)
-  Write(IOOUT,222) radiance % total_out(:)
-  Write(IOOUT,*)' '
-  Write(IOOUT,222) pr_radcld(:)
-  Write (IOOUT,*)' '
-       &      ,'AT =',instrument(2)
-  Write(IOOUT,4444) pr_trans(:)
-  Write (IOOUT,*)' '
-       &      ,'SAT =',instrument(2)
-  Write(IOOUT,444) pr_emis(:)
-  !
-  !
-  If(nchan(nprof) <= 20)Then
-     Do  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-        Write (IOOUT,*)' '
-        Write (IOOUT,*)'Level to space transmittances for channels'
-        Write(IOOUT,1115) (LCHAN(J),&
-             &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,Min(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout))
-        Do  ILEV = 1 , coef % NLEVELS
-           Write(IOOUT,4445)ILEV,(pr_trans_lev(ilev,J),&
-                &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,Min(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout))
-        End Do
-        Write(IOOUT,1115) (LCHAN(J),&
-             &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,Min(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout))
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  !
-  ! deallocate model profiles atmospheric arrays
-  Deallocate( profiles(1) % p   ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-  Deallocate( profiles(1) % t   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-  Deallocate( profiles(1) % q   ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate( profiles(1) % o3  ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate( profiles(1) % clw ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  ! number of channels per RTTOV call is only nchannels
-  Deallocate( channels   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-  Deallocate( lprofiles  ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate( emissivity ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate( calcemis   ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-  ! allocate transmittance structure
-  Deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Deallocate( radiance % clear    ,stat=alloc_status(9))
-  Deallocate( radiance % cloudy   ,stat=alloc_status(10))
-  Deallocate( radiance % total    ,stat=alloc_status(11))
-  Deallocate( radiance % bt       ,stat=alloc_status(12))
-  Deallocate( radiance % bt_clear ,stat=alloc_status(13))
-  Deallocate( radiance % upclear  ,stat=alloc_status(14))
-  Deallocate( radiance % dnclear  ,stat=alloc_status(15))
-  Deallocate( radiance % reflclear,stat=alloc_status(16))
-  Deallocate( radiance % overcast ,stat=alloc_status(17))
-  Deallocate( radiance % downcld  ,stat=alloc_status(18))
-  Deallocate( radiance % out       ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-  Deallocate( radiance % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-  Deallocate( radiance % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-  Deallocate( radiance % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-  Deallocate(pr_radcld ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-  Deallocate(pr_trans ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-  Deallocate(pr_emis ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-  Deallocate(pr_trans_lev ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  Call rttov_dealloc_coef (errorstatus, coef)
-  If(errorstatus /= errorstatus_success) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Endif
-  !Close output file
-  Close(IOOUT,iostat=ios)
-  If( ios /= 0 ) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'error closing the output file ios= ',ios
-     Stop
-  Endif
-1115 Format(3X,10I8)
-222  Format(1X,10F8.2)
-444  Format(1X,10F8.3)
-4444 Format(1X,10F8.4)
-4445 Format(1X,I2,10F8.4)
-       &' ZENITH ANGLE=',F6.2, &
-       &' AZIMUTH ANGLE=',F7.2,' SURFACE TYPE=',I2)
-End Program example_fwd
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/lapack.f b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/lapack.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 462af93a69ccdb80557859e5807a5ec9b503545d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/lapack.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9783 +0,0 @@
-C     REVISED 860623
-      CHARACTER *256 MESS(09) 
-      CHARACTER *256 M
-      DATA MESS(01)/
-     . - (J+1)*J*(J-1)/3, J=1 THRU 32.'/
-      DATA MESS(02)/
-      DATA MESS(03)/
-     .LES.'/
-      DATA MESS(04)/
-      DATA MESS(05)/
-      DATA MESS(06)/
-      DATA MESS(07)/
-     .ON THE SYSTEM.'/
-      DATA MESS(08)/
-      M = MESS(NMESS)
-      NL = 256
-      NS = 72
-      INQ = .TRUE.
-      DO 10 I = NL,1,-1
-         IF (ICHAR(M(I:I)).NE.ICHAR(' ')) GO TO 20
-      NL = 0
-      GO TO 30
-   20 NL = I
-      IS = 1
-      IE = MIN(NL,IS+NS)
-      IF (IS.GE.IE) GO TO 70
-      IF (ICHAR(M(IE:IE)).EQ.ICHAR(' ') .OR. NL-IS.LT.NS) GO TO 60
-      IE = IE - 1
-      IF (IE.GT.IS) GO TO 50
-      IF (INQ) THEN 
-      END IF
-      IF ( .NOT. OP .OR. .NOT. EX .OR. NUNIT(IP).EQ.0) THEN 
-          IF (IE.EQ.NL) THEN
-              WRITE (*,'(A,/)') M(IS:IE)
-          ELSE
-              WRITE (*,'(A)') M(IS:IE)
-          END IF
-          INQ = .FALSE.
-      ELSE
-          LUNIT = NUNIT(IP)
-          WRITE (LUNIT,'(A)') M(IS:IE)
-      END IF
-      IS = IE
-      GO TO 40
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      INTEGER INC(04),IDIM(08),NUNIT(2) 
-      REAL ALF(04),BET(04),SDIFF
-      CHARACTER *128 DOPE(2)
-      PARAMETER (LA=4096,LV=4096,LMN=2048)
-      REAL A(LA),AS(LA),X(LV),XS(LV)
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.E0,HALF=.5E0,ONE=1.E0)
-      DATA ALF/-1.E0,2.E0,.3E0,1.E0/
-      DATA BET/-1.E0,0.E0,.3E0,1.E0/
-      DATA INC/-2,-1,1,2/
-      DATA IDIM/1,2,4,8,64,128,2048,0/
-      DATA ICH/'NT/'/
-      FATAL = .FALSE.
-      IF (ISNUM.LT.0) GO TO 220
-      NC = 0
-      RESET = .TRUE.
-      AVIGR = ZERO
-      IX = 0
-   10 IX = IX + 1
-      IF (IX.GT.4) GO TO 200
-      INCX = INC(IX)
-      ALPHA = ALF(IX)
-      IY = 0
-   20 IY = IY + 1
-      IF (IY.GT.4) GO TO 190
-      INCY = INC(IY)
-      BETA = BET(IY)
-      MM = 0
-   30 MM = MM + 1
-      IF (MM.GT.8) GO TO 180
-      M = IDIM(MM)
-      NN = 0
-   40 NN = NN + 1
-      IF (NN.GT.8) GO TO 170
-      N = IDIM(NN)
-      IC = 0
-   50 IC = IC + 1
-      IF (IC.GT.3) GO TO 160
-      IF (FATAL) GO TO 210
-      KL = MAX(0,M-1)
-      KU = MAX(0,N-1)
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.1) THEN
-          LDA = MAX(M,1)
-          NARGS = 11
-          IYARG = 10
-          NARGS = 13
-          IYARG = 12
-          KL = MAX(0,MIN(M-1,M/2))
-          KU = MAX(0,MIN(N-1,N/2))
-          LDA = MAX(KL+KU+1,M)
-      END IF
-      ICI = ICH(IC:IC)
-          ML = N
-          NL = M
-          INCCA = 1 
-          INCRA = LDA
-      ELSE
-          ML = M
-          NL = N
-          INCCA = LDA
-          INCRA = 1 
-      END IF
-C     OPTION = 'A'
-C      M = IIII,     N = IIII,
-C     KL = IIII,    KU = IIII.
-      IF (NUNIT(1).GT.0) THEN 
-          ISTAT = 1 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.1) GO TO 60
-   60     CONTINUE
-          ISTAT = 2 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.0) GO TO 80
-          NMESS = 7 
-          CALL SMESSG(0,1,NMESS)
-          FATAL = .TRUE.
-          GO TO 210 
-   80     CONTINUE
-          CLOSE (UNIT=NUNIT(1))
-      END IF
-      ASSIGN 90 TO IGO3
-      GO TO 340
-      ASSIGN 100 TO IGO1
-      GO TO 280
-      IF (M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0 .OR. ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('/')) THEN
-          ASSIGN 110 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 240 
-  110     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 120 I = 1,NARGS
-             SAME = SAME .AND. ISAME(I) 
-             IF ( .NOT. ISAME(I)) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9011) SNAME,I,ICI,M,N,INCX,INCY,KL,KU
-             END IF 
-  120     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 210
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          ASSIGN 130 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 240 
-  130     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 140 I = 1,NARGS
-             NCHNG = (I.EQ.IYARG .OR. ISAME(I))
-             SAME = SAME .AND. NCHNG
-             IF ( .NOT. NCHNG) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9021) SNAME,I,ICI,M,N,INCX,INCY,KL,KU
-             END IF 
-  140     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 210
-          END IF
-          NC = NC + 1
-          ASSIGN 150 TO IGO4
-          GO TO 370 
-  150     CONTINUE
-          IF (FATAL) GO TO 200
-      END IF
-      GO TO 50
-      GO TO 40
-      GO TO 30
-      GO TO 20
-      GO TO 10
-      GO TO 230
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9041) ISNUM,SNAME 
-      GO TO 230
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9051) - ISNUM,SNAME
-      RETURN
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.1) THEN
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = MS .EQ. M
-          ISAME(3) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(4) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(5) = .TRUE.
-          IF (M.GT.0 .AND. N.GT.0) ISAME(5) = LSE(AS,A,M,N,LDA)
-          ISAME(6) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(7) = .TRUE.
-          IF (NL.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(7) = LSE(XS,X,1,NL,
-     .        ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(8) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(9) = BLS .EQ. BETA
-          ISAME(10) = .TRUE.
-          IF (ML.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(10) = LSE(YS,Y,1,ML,
-     .        ABS(INCY))
-          ISAME(11) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = MS .EQ. M
-          ISAME(3) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(4) = KLS .EQ. KL
-          ISAME(5) = KUS .EQ. KU
-          ISAME(6) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(7) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. M.GT.0) THEN 
-              DO 260 J = 1,N
-                 DO 250 I = MAX(1,J-KU),MIN(M,J+KL)
-                    IF (AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA).NE.
-     .                  A(1+ (KU+I-J)+ (J-1)*LDA)) THEN
-                        ISAME(7) = .FALSE.
-                        GO TO 270
-                    END IF
-  250            CONTINUE
-  260         CONTINUE
-  270         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-          ISAME(8) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(9) = .TRUE.
-          IF (NL.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(9) = LSE(XS,X,1,NL,
-     .        ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(10) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(11) = BLS .EQ. BETA
-          ISAME(12) = .TRUE.
-          IF (ML.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(12) = LSE(YS,Y,1,ML,
-     .        ABS(INCY))
-          ISAME(13) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO2
-      ICHS = ICI
-      MS = M
-      NS = N
-      KLS = KL
-      KUS = KU
-      ALS = ALPHA
-      DO 290 I = 1,LDA*N
-         AS(I) = A(I)
-      LDAS = LDA
-      IBX = 1
-      IF (INCX.LT.0) IBX = 1 + (1-NL)*INCX
-      DO 300 J = 1,NL
-         XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) = X(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) 
-      INCXS = INCX
-      BLS = BETA
-      IBY = 1
-      IF (INCY.LT.0) IBY = 1 + (1-ML)*INCY
-      DO 310 I = 1,ML
-         YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) = Y(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) 
-      INCYS = INCY
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.1) THEN
-          DO 330 J = 1,N
-             DO 320 I = MAX(1,J-KU),MIN(M,J+KL)
-                A(1+ (KU+I-J)+ (J-1)*LDA) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)
-  320        CONTINUE
-  330     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO1
-      IF (M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0) GO TO IGO3
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.2) THEN
-          DO 360 J = 1,N
-             DO 350 I = 1,M
-                T = A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)
-                IF (J.GT.I .AND. J-I.GT.KU) T = ZERO
-                IF (I.GT.J .AND. I-J.GT.KL) T = ZERO
-                A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) = T
-  350        CONTINUE
-  360     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      TRANSL = 500.E0
-      RESET = .FALSE.
-      IF (NL.GT.1 .AND. INCX.EQ.1) X(NL/2) = ZERO 
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      GO TO IGO3
-      IF (INCY.LT.0) THEN
-          IBY = (1-ML)*INCY + 1
-      ELSE
-          IBY = 1
-      END IF
-      DO 390 I = 1,ML
-         YT(I) = BETA*YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY)
-         XT(I) = YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY)**2 
-         IF (INCX.LT.0) THEN
-             IBX = (1-NL)*INCX + 1
-         ELSE
-             IBX = 1
-         END IF
-         DO 380 J = 1,NL
-            YT(I) = YT(I) + AS(1+ (I-1)*INCRA+ (J-1)*INCCA)*ALPHA*
-     .              XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) 
-            XT(I) = XT(I) + AS(1+ (I-1)*INCRA+ (J-1)*INCCA)**2
-  380    CONTINUE
-         XT(I) = SQRT(XT(I))
-      XN = BETA**2
-      DO 400 J = 1,NL
-         XN = XN + XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)**2
-      XN = SQRT(XN) 
-      DO 410 I = 1,ML
-         XT(I) = XT(I)*XN
-      DO 420 I = 1,ML
-         YT(I) = YT(I) - Y(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY)
-      IGR = 0
-      T = ONE
-      IF (IGR.GE.IG) GO TO 460
-      DO 440 I = 1,ML
-         IF (SDIFF(T*ABS(YT(I))+XT(I),XT(I)).EQ.ZERO) GO TO 440
-         T = T*HALF 
-         IGR = IGR + 1
-         GO TO 430
-      GO TO IGO4
-      FATAL = .TRUE.
-      GO TO 450
-     .  '  M =',I4,', N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2,/,' KL =',
-     .  I4,', KU =',I4)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WITH INVALID INPUT.',/,' OPTION = ',A,', M =',I4,
-     .  ', N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2,/,' KL =',I4,
-     .  ', KU =',I4)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WHILE COMPUTING',/,' OPTION = ',A,', M =',I4,
-     .  ', N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2,/,' KL =',I4,
-     .  ', KU =',I4)
-     .  F5.2,' OUT OF ',I3)
- 9041 FORMAT (1X,I2,' SUBPROGRAM ',A,T24,'FAILED.')
-      END 
-C     TEST SSYMV, 03, SSBMV, 04, AND SSPMV, 05.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      INTEGER INC(04),IDIM(06),NUNIT(2) 
-      REAL ALF(04),BET(04)
-      CHARACTER *128 DOPE(2)
-      PARAMETER (LA=4096,LV=4096,LMN=2048)
-      REAL A(LA),AS(LA),X(LV),XS(LV)
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.E0,HALF=.5E0,ONE=1.E0)
-      DATA ALF/-1.E0,2.E0,.3E0,1.E0/
-      DATA BET/-1.E0,0.E0,.3E0,1.E0/
-      DATA INC/-2,-1,1,2/
-      DATA IDIM/1,2,4,8,64,0/ 
-      DATA ICH/'LU/'/
-      FATAL = .FALSE.
-      IF (ISNUM.LT.0) GO TO 200
-      NC = 0
-      RESET = .TRUE.
-      AVIGR = ZERO
-      IX = 0
-   10 IX = IX + 1
-      IF (IX.GT.4) GO TO 180
-      INCX = INC(IX)
-      ALPHA = ALF(IX)
-      IY = 0
-   20 IY = IY + 1
-      IF (IY.GT.4) GO TO 170
-      INCY = INC(IY)
-      BETA = BET(IY)
-      NN = 0
-   30 NN = NN + 1
-      IF (NN.GT.6) GO TO 160
-      N = IDIM(NN)
-      IC = 0
-   40 IC = IC + 1
-      IF (IC.GT.3) GO TO 150
-      IF (FATAL) GO TO 190
-      ICI = ICH(IC:IC)
-      K = MAX(0,N-1)
-      LDA = MAX(N,1)
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.3) THEN
-          NARGS = 10
-          IYARG = 09
-          NARGS = 11
-          IYARG = 10
-          K = INT(SQRT(REAL(N))+HALF) - 1
-          NARGS = 9 
-          IYARG = 8 
-      END IF
-C     OPTION = 'A'
-C     N = IIII,
-C     K = IIII.
-      IF (NUNIT(1).GT.0) THEN 
-          ISTAT = 1 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.1) GO TO 50
-   50     CONTINUE
-          ISTAT = 2 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.0) GO TO 70
-   60     CONTINUE
-          NMESS = 7 
-          CALL SMESSG(0,1,NMESS)
-          FATAL = .TRUE.
-          GO TO 190 
-   70     CONTINUE
-          WRITE (NUNIT(1),9001) SNAME,ICI,N,INCX,INCY,K
-          CLOSE (UNIT=NUNIT(1))
-      END IF
-      ASSIGN 80 TO IGO3
-      GO TO 370
-      ASSIGN 90 TO IGO1
-      GO TO 290
-      IF (N.LE.0 .OR. ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('/')) THEN
-          ASSIGN 100 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 220 
-  100     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 110 I = 1,NARGS
-             SAME = SAME .AND. ISAME(I) 
-             IF ( .NOT. ISAME(I)) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9011) SNAME,I,ICI,N,INCX,INCY,K
-             END IF 
-  110     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 190
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          ASSIGN 120 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 220 
-  120     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 130 I = 1,NARGS
-             NCHNG = (I.EQ.IYARG .OR. ISAME(I))
-             SAME = SAME .AND. NCHNG
-             IF ( .NOT. NCHNG) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9021) SNAME,I,ICI,N,INCX,INCY,K
-             END IF 
-  130     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 190
-          END IF
-          NC = NC + 1
-          ASSIGN 140 TO IGO4
-          GO TO 420 
-  140     CONTINUE
-          IF (FATAL) GO TO 180
-      END IF
-      GO TO 40
-      GO TO 30
-      GO TO 20
-      GO TO 10
-      GO TO 210
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9041) ISNUM,SNAME 
-      GO TO 210
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9051) - ISNUM,SNAME
-      RETURN
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.3) THEN
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(3) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(4) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) ISAME(4) = LSE(AS,A,N,N,LDA)
-          ISAME(5) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(6) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(7) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(8) = BLS .EQ. BETA
-          ISAME(9) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(9) = LSE(YS,Y,1,N,ABS(INCY))
-          ISAME(10) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(3) = KS .EQ. K
-          ISAME(4) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(5) = .TRUE.
-          IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-              KOFF = K
-          ELSE
-              KOFF = 0
-          END IF
-          IF (N.GT.0) THEN
-              DO 240 J = 1,N
-                 DO 230 I = MAX(1,J-K),MIN(N,J+K) 
-                    IF (AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA).NE.
-     .                  A(1+ (KOFF+I-J)+ (J-1)*LDA)) THEN
-                        ISAME(5) = .FALSE.
-                        GO TO 250
-                    END IF
-  230            CONTINUE
-  240         CONTINUE
-  250         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-          ISAME(6) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(7) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(7) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(8) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(9) = BLS .EQ. BETA
-          ISAME(10) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(10) = LSE(YS,Y,1,N,
-     .        ABS(INCY))
-          ISAME(11) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(3) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(4) = .TRUE.
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 270 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 260 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                IF (A(IOFF).NE.AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)) THEN
-                    ISAME(4) = .FALSE.
-                    GO TO 280 
-                END IF
-  260        CONTINUE
-  270     CONTINUE
-  280     CONTINUE
-          ISAME(5) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(5) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(6) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(7) = BLS .EQ. BETA
-          ISAME(8) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(8) = LSE(YS,Y,1,N,ABS(INCY))
-          ISAME(9) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO2
-      ICHS = ICI
-      NS = N
-      KS = K
-      ALS = ALPHA
-      DO 300 I = 1,N*N
-         AS(I) = A(I)
-      LDAS = LDA
-      IBX = 1
-      IF (INCX.LT.0) IBX = 1 + (1-N)*INCX
-      DO 310 J = 1,N
-         XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) = X(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) 
-      INCXS = INCX
-      BLS = BETA
-      IBY = 1
-      IF (INCY.LT.0) IBY = 1 + (1-N)*INCY
-      DO 320 I = 1,N
-         YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) = Y(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) 
-      INCYS = INCY
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.3) THEN
-          IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-              KOFF = K
-          ELSE
-              KOFF = 0
-          END IF
-          DO 340 J = 1,N
-             DO 330 I = MAX(1,J-K),MIN(N,J+K)
-                A(1+ (KOFF+I-J)+ (J-1)*LDA) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) 
-  330        CONTINUE
-  340     CONTINUE
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 360 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 350 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                A(IOFF) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) 
-  350        CONTINUE
-  360     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO1
-      IF (N.LE.0) GO TO IGO3
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      DO 390 I = 1,N
-         DO 380 J = I,N
-            T = (A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)+A(1+ (J-1)+ (I-1)*LDA))*HALF
-            A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) = T
-            A(1+ (J-1)+ (I-1)*LDA) = T
-  380    CONTINUE
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.4) THEN
-          DO 410 J = 1,N
-             DO 400 I = 1,N
-                T = A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)
-                IF (J.GT.I .AND. J-I.GT.K) T = ZERO
-                IF (I.GT.J .AND. I-J.GT.K) T = ZERO
-                A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) = T
-  400        CONTINUE
-  410     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      TRANSL = 500.E0
-      RESET = .FALSE.
-      IF (N.GT.1 .AND. INCX.EQ.1) X(N/2) = ZERO
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      GO TO IGO3
-      IF (INCY.LT.0) THEN
-          IBY = (1-N)*INCY + 1
-      ELSE
-          IBY = 1
-      END IF
-      DO 440 I = 1,N
-         YT(I) = BETA*YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY)
-         XT(I) = YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY)**2 
-         IF (INCX.LT.0) THEN
-             IBX = (1-N)*INCX + 1
-         ELSE
-             IBX = 1
-         END IF
-         DO 430 J = 1,N
-            YT(I) = YT(I) + AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)*ALPHA*
-     .              XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) 
-            XT(I) = XT(I) + AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)**2
-  430    CONTINUE
-         XT(I) = SQRT(XT(I))
-      XN = BETA**2
-      DO 450 J = 1,N
-         XN = XN + XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)**2
-      XN = SQRT(XN) 
-      DO 460 I = 1,N
-         XT(I) = XT(I)*XN
-      DO 470 I = 1,N
-         YT(I) = YT(I) - Y(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY)
-      IGR = 0
-      T = ONE
-      IF (IGR.GT.IG) GO TO 510
-      DO 490 I = 1,N
-         IF (SDIFF(T*ABS(YT(I))+XT(I),XT(I)).EQ.ZERO) GO TO 490
-         T = T*HALF 
-         IGR = IGR + 1
-         GO TO 480
-      GO TO IGO4
-      FATAL = .TRUE.
-      GO TO 500
-     .  ' N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2,/,' K =',I4)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WITH INVALID INPUT.',/,' OPTION = ',A,/,' N = ',
-     .  I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2,/,' K = ',I4)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WHILE COMPUTING',/,' OPTION = ',A,/,' N = ',I4,/,
-     .  ' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2,/,' K = ',I4)
-     .  F5.2,' OUT OF ',I3)
- 9041 FORMAT (1X,I2,' SUBPROGRAM ',A,T24,'FAILED.')
-      END 
-C     TEST STRMV, 06, STBMV, 07, STPMV, 08,
-C     STRSV, 09, STBSV, 10, AND STPSV, 11.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      INTEGER INC(04),IDIM(06),NUNIT(2) 
-      CHARACTER *128 DOPE(2)
-      PARAMETER (LA=4096,LV=4096,LMN=2048)
-      REAL A(LA),AS(LA),X(LV),XS(LV)
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.E0,HALF=.5E0,ONE=1.E0)
-      DATA INC/-2,-1,1,2/
-      DATA IDIM/1,2,4,8,64,0/ 
-      DATA ICHI/'LU/'/,ICHJ/'NT/'/,ICHK/'NU/'/
-      FATAL = .FALSE.
-      IF (ISNUM.LT.0) GO TO 180
-      NC = 0
-      RESET = .TRUE.
-      AVIGR = ZERO
-      IX = 0
-   10 IX = IX + 1
-      IF (IX.GT.4) GO TO 160
-      INCX = INC(IX)
-      NN = 0
-   20 NN = NN + 1
-      IF (NN.GT.6) GO TO 150
-      N = IDIM(NN)
-      IC = 0
-   30 IC = IC + 1
-      IF (IC.GT.3) GO TO 140
-      IF (FATAL) GO TO 170
-      ICIU = ICHI(IC:IC)
-      ICIT = ICHJ(IC:IC)
-      ICID = ICHK(IC:IC)
-      K = MAX(0,N-1)
-      LDA = MAX(N,1)
-          INCRA = LDA
-          INCCA = 1 
-      ELSE
-          INCRA = 1 
-          INCCA = LDA
-      END IF
-          NARGS = 08
-          IXARG = 07
-          NARGS = 09
-          IXARG = 08
-          K = INT(SQRT(REAL(N))+HALF) - 1
-          NARGS = 07
-          IXARG = 06
-      END IF
-C     OPTIONS = 'A' 'A' 'A'
-C     N = IIII,
-C     INCX = IIII C K = IIII. 
-      IF (NUNIT(1).GT.0) THEN 
-          ISTAT = 1 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.1) GO TO 40
-   40     CONTINUE
-          ISTAT = 2 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.0) GO TO 60
-   50     CONTINUE
-          NMESS = 7 
-          CALL SMESSG(0,1,NMESS)
-          FATAL = .TRUE.
-          GO TO 170 
-   60     CONTINUE
-          CLOSE (UNIT=NUNIT(1))
-      END IF
-      ASSIGN 70 TO IGO3
-      GO TO 330
-      ASSIGN 80 TO IGO1
-      GO TO 260
-     .    ICHAR('/') .OR. ICHAR(ICID).EQ.ICHAR('/')) THEN
-          ASSIGN 90 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 200 
-   90     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 100 I = 1,NARGS
-             SAME = SAME .AND. ISAME(I) 
-             IF ( .NOT. ISAME(I)) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9011) SNAME,I,ICIU,ICIT,ICID,N,INCX,K
-             END IF 
-  100     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 170
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          ASSIGN 110 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 200 
-  110     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 120 I = 1,NARGS
-             NCHNG = (I.EQ.IXARG .OR. ISAME(I))
-             SAME = SAME .AND. NCHNG
-             IF ( .NOT. NCHNG) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9021) SNAME,I,ICIU,ICIT,ICID,N,INCX,K
-             END IF 
-  120     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 170
-          END IF
-          NC = NC + 1
-          ASSIGN 130 TO IGO4
-          GO TO 380 
-  130     CONTINUE
-          IF (FATAL) GO TO 160
-      END IF
-      GO TO 30
-      GO TO 20
-      GO TO 10
-      GO TO 190
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9041) ISNUM,SNAME 
-      GO TO 190
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9051) - ISNUM,SNAME
-      RETURN
-      ISAME(4) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(5) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) ISAME(5) = LSE(AS,A,N,N,LDA)
-          ISAME(6) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(7) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) ISAME(7) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(8) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(5) = KS .EQ. K
-          ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) THEN
-              DO 220 J = 1,N
-                 IF (ICHAR(ICIU).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                     ISTRT = MAX(1,J-K) 
-                     IEND = J 
-                 ELSE
-                     ISTRT = J
-                     IEND = MIN(N,J+K)
-                 END IF
-                 DO 210 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                    IF (AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA).NE.
-     .                  A(1+ (KOFF+I-J)+ (J-1)*LDA)) THEN
-                        ISAME(6) = .FALSE.
-                        GO TO 230
-                    END IF
-  210            CONTINUE
-  220         CONTINUE
-  230         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-          ISAME(7) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(8) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) ISAME(8) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(9) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(5) = .TRUE.
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 250 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICIU).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 240 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                IF (A(IOFF).NE.AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*
-     .              LDA)) ISAME(5) = .FALSE.
-  240        CONTINUE
-  250     CONTINUE
-          ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) ISAME(6) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(7) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO2
-      ICIUS = ICIU
-      ICITS = ICIT
-      ICIDS = ICID
-      NS = N
-      KS = K
-      DO 270 I = 1,N*N
-         AS(I) = A(I)
-      LDAS = LDA
-      IBX = 1
-      IF (INCX.LT.0) IBX = 1 + (1-N)*INCX
-      DO 280 J = 1,N
-         XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) = X(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) 
-      INCXS = INCX
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.6) THEN
-          IF (ICHAR(ICIU).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-              KOFF = K
-          ELSE
-              KOFF = 0
-          END IF
-          DO 300 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICIU).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = MAX(1,J-K)
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = MIN(N,J+K)
-             END IF 
-             DO 290 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                A(1+ (KOFF+I-J)+ (J-1)*LDA) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) 
-  290        CONTINUE
-  300     CONTINUE
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 320 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICIU).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 310 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                A(IOFF) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) 
-  310        CONTINUE
-  320     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO1
-      IF (N.LE.0) GO TO IGO3
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      DO 350 I = 1,N
-         DO 340 J = 1,N
-            T = A(1+INCRA* (I-1)+ (J-1)*INCCA)
-            S = A(1+INCRA* (J-1)+ (I-1)*INCCA)
-            S = S/1000.E0
-            T = T/1000.E0
-            IF (ICHAR(ICIU).EQ.ICHAR('L') .AND. I.LT.J) T = ZERO
-            IF (ICHAR(ICIU).EQ.ICHAR('U') .AND. I.GT.J) S = ZERO
-            IF (ICHAR(ICID).EQ.ICHAR('U') .AND. I.EQ.J) THEN
-                S = ONE
-                T = ONE
-            END IF
-            A(1+INCRA* (I-1)+ (J-1)*INCCA) = T
-            A(1+INCRA* (J-1)+ (I-1)*INCCA) = S
-  340    CONTINUE
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.7 .OR. ISNUM.EQ.10) THEN
-          DO 370 I = 1,N
-             DO 360 J = 1,N
-                T = A(1+INCRA* (I-1)+ (J-1)*INCCA)
-                IF (J.GT.I .AND. J-I.GT.K) T = ZERO
-                IF (I.GT.J .AND. I-J.GT.K) T = ZERO
-                A(1+INCRA* (I-1)+ (J-1)*INCCA) = T
-  360        CONTINUE
-  370     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      TRANSL = 500.E0
-      RESET = .FALSE.
-      IF (N.GT.1 .AND. INCX.EQ.1) X(N/2) = ZERO
-      GO TO IGO3
-      DO 400 I = 1,N
-         YT(I) = ZERO
-         XT(I) = ZERO
-         IF (INCX.LT.0) THEN
-             IBX = (1-N)*INCX + 1
-         ELSE
-             IBX = 1
-         END IF
-         DO 390 J = 1,N
-            T = XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)
-            IF (ISNUM.GE.9) T = X(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)
-            YT(I) = YT(I) + AS(1+ (I-1)*INCRA+ (J-1)*INCCA)*T
-            XT(I) = XT(I) + AS(1+ (I-1)*INCRA+ (J-1)*INCCA)**2
-  390    CONTINUE
-         XT(I) = SQRT(XT(I))
-      XN = ZERO
-      DO 410 J = 1,N
-         T = XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)
-         IF (ISNUM.GE.9) T = X(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)
-         XN = XN + T**2
-      XN = SQRT(XN) 
-      DO 420 I = 1,N
-         XT(I) = XT(I)*XN
-      DO 430 I = 1,N
-         T = X(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX)
-         IF (ISNUM.GE.9) T = XS(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX)
-         YT(I) = YT(I) - T
-      IGR = 0
-      T = ONE
-      IF (IGR.GE.IG) GO TO 470
-      DO 450 I = 1,N
-         IF (SDIFF(T*ABS(YT(I))+XT(I),XT(I)).EQ.ZERO) GO TO 450
-         T = T*HALF 
-         IGR = IGR + 1
-         GO TO 440
-      GO TO IGO4
-      FATAL = .TRUE.
-      GO TO 460
-     .  3 (A,2X),/,' N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,/,' K =',I4)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WITH INVALID INPUT.',/,' OPTIONS = ',3 (A,2X),/,
-     .  ' N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,/,' K = ',I4)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WHILE COMPUTING',/,' OPTIONS = ',3 (A,2X),/,
-     .  ' N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,/,' K = ',I4)
-     .  F5.2,' OUT OF ',I3)
- 9041 FORMAT (1X,I2,' SUBPROGRAM ',A,T24,'FAILED.')
-      END 
-C     TEST SGER, 12.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      INTEGER INC(04),IDIM(08),NUNIT(2) 
-      REAL ALF(04),SDIFF
-      CHARACTER *128 DOPE(2)
-      PARAMETER (LA=4096,LV=4096,LMN=2048)
-      REAL A(LA),AS(LA),X(LV),XS(LV)
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.E0,HALF=.5E0,ONE=1.E0)
-      DATA ALF/-1.E0,2.E0,.3E0,1.E0/
-      DATA INC/-2,-1,1,2/
-      DATA IDIM/1,2,4,8,64,128,2048,0/
-      FATAL = .FALSE.
-      IF (ISNUM.LT.0) GO TO 200
-      NC = 0
-      RESET = .TRUE.
-      AVIGR = ZERO
-      IX = 0
-   10 IX = IX + 1
-      IF (IX.GT.4) GO TO 180
-      INCX = INC(IX)
-      ALPHA = ALF(IX)
-      IY = 0
-   20 IY = IY + 1
-      IF (IY.GT.4) GO TO 170
-      INCY = INC(IY)
-      MM = 0
-   30 MM = MM + 1
-      IF (MM.GT.8) GO TO 160
-      M = IDIM(MM)
-      NN = 0
-   40 NN = NN + 1
-      IF (NN.GT.8) GO TO 150
-      N = IDIM(NN)
-      IF (FATAL) GO TO 190
-      ML = N
-      NL = M
-      INCCA = M
-      INCRA = 1
-      LDA = MAX(M,1)
-      NARGS = 09
-      IAARG = 08
-C      M = IIII,     N = IIII,
-      IF (NUNIT(1).GT.0) THEN 
-          ISTAT = 1 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.1) GO TO 50
-   50     CONTINUE
-          ISTAT = 2 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.0) GO TO 70
-   60     CONTINUE
-          NMESS = 7 
-          CALL SMESSG(0,1,NMESS)
-          FATAL = .TRUE.
-          GO TO 190 
-   70     CONTINUE
-          WRITE (NUNIT(1),9001) SNAME,M,N,INCX,INCY
-          CLOSE (UNIT=NUNIT(1))
-      END IF
-      ASSIGN 80 TO IGO3
-      GO TO 270
-      ASSIGN 90 TO IGO1
-      GO TO 230
-      IF (M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0) THEN
-          ASSIGN 100 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 220 
-  100     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 110 I = 1,NARGS
-             SAME = SAME .AND. ISAME(I) 
-             IF ( .NOT. ISAME(I)) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9011) SNAME,I,M,N,INCX,INCY
-             END IF 
-  110     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 190
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          ASSIGN 120 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 220 
-  120     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 130 I = 1,NARGS
-             NCHNG = (I.EQ.IAARG .OR. ISAME(I))
-             SAME = SAME .AND. NCHNG
-             IF ( .NOT. NCHNG) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9021) SNAME,I,M,N,INCX,INCY
-             END IF 
-  130     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 190
-          END IF
-          NC = NC + 1
-          ASSIGN 140 TO IGO4
-          GO TO 280 
-  140     CONTINUE
-          IF (FATAL) GO TO 180
-      END IF
-      GO TO 40
-      GO TO 30
-      GO TO 20
-      GO TO 10
-      GO TO 210
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9041) ISNUM,SNAME 
-      GO TO 210
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9051) - ISNUM,SNAME
-      RETURN
-      ISAME(1) = MS .EQ. M
-      ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-      ISAME(3) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-      ISAME(4) = .TRUE.
-      IF (NL.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(4) = LSE(XS,X,1,NL,ABS(INCX))
-      ISAME(5) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-      ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-      IF (ML.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(6) = LSE(YS,Y,1,ML,ABS(INCY))
-      ISAME(7) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-      ISAME(8) = .TRUE.
-      IF (M.GT.0 .AND. N.GT.0) ISAME(8) = LSE(AS,A,M,N,LDA) 
-      ISAME(9) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-      GO TO IGO2
-      MS = M
-      NS = N
-      ALS = ALPHA
-      DO 240 I = 1,M*N
-         AS(I) = A(I)
-      LDAS = LDA
-      IBX = 1
-      IF (INCX.LT.0) IBX = 1 + (1-NL)*INCX
-      DO 250 J = 1,NL
-         XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) = X(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) 
-      INCXS = INCX
-      IBY = 1
-      IF (INCY.LT.0) IBY = 1 + (1-ML)*INCY
-      DO 260 I = 1,ML
-         YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) = Y(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) 
-      INCYS = INCY
-      GO TO IGO1
-      IF (M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0) GO TO IGO3
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      TRANSL = 500.E0
-      RESET = .FALSE.
-      IF (NL.GT.1 .AND. INCX.EQ.1) X(NL/2) = ZERO 
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      GO TO IGO3
-      IF (INCY.LT.0) THEN
-          IBY = (1-ML)*INCY + 1
-      ELSE
-          IBY = 1
-      END IF
-      DO 340 J = 1,N
-         DO 290 I = 1,M
-            IF (INCX.LT.0) THEN
-                IBX = (1-NL)*INCX + 1
-            ELSE
-                IBX = 1
-            END IF
-            YT(I) = AS(1+ (I-1)*INCRA+ (J-1)*INCCA) +
-     .              ALPHA*XS(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX)*YS(IBY+ (J-1)*INCY)
-            XT(I) = AS(1+ (I-1)*INCRA+ (J-1)*INCCA)**2 +
-     .              ALPHA**2*XS(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX)**2*
-     .              YS(IBY+ (J-1)*INCY)**2
-            XT(I) = SQRT(XT(I))
-  290    CONTINUE
-         DO 300 I = 1,M
-            YT(I) = YT(I) - A(1+ (I-1)*INCRA+ (J-1)*INCCA)
-  300    CONTINUE
-         IGR = 0
-         T = ONE
-  310    CONTINUE
-         IF (IGR.GE.IG) GO TO 360
-         DO 320 I = 1,M
-            IF (SDIFF(T*ABS(YT(I))+XT(I),XT(I)).EQ.ZERO) GO TO 320
-            T = T*HALF
-            IGR = IGR + 1
-            GO TO 310
-  320    CONTINUE
-  330    CONTINUE
-      GO TO IGO4
-      FATAL = .TRUE.
-      GO TO 350
- 9001 FORMAT (' IN SUBPROGRAM ',A,/,'  M =',I4,', N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',
-     .  I2,', INCY = ',I2)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WITH INVALID INPUT.',/,' M =',I4,', N = ',I4,/, 
-     .  ' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WHILE COMPUTING',/,' M =',I4,', N = ',I4,/,
-     .  ' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2)
-     .  F5.2,' OUT OF ',I3)
- 9041 FORMAT (1X,I2,' SUBPROGRAM ',A,T24,'FAILED.')
-      END 
-C     TEST SSYR, 13, SSPR, 14, SSYR2, 15, AND SSPR2,16.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      INTEGER INC(04),IDIM(06),NUNIT(2) 
-      REAL ALF(04)
-      CHARACTER *128 DOPE(2)
-      PARAMETER (LA=4096,LV=4096,LMN=2048)
-      REAL A(LA),AS(LA),X(LV),XS(LV)
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.E0,HALF=.5E0,ONE=1.E0)
-      DATA ALF/-1.E0,2.E0,.3E0,1.E0/
-      DATA INC/-2,-1,1,2/
-      DATA IDIM/1,2,4,8,64,0/ 
-      DATA ICH/'LU/'/
-      FATAL = .FALSE.
-      IF (ISNUM.LT.0) GO TO 200
-      NC = 0
-      RESET = .TRUE.
-      AVIGR = ZERO
-      IX = 0
-   10 IX = IX + 1
-      IF (IX.GT.4) GO TO 180
-      INCX = INC(IX)
-      ALPHA = ALF(IX)
-      IY = 0
-   20 IY = IY + 1
-      IF (IY.GT.4) GO TO 170
-      INCY = INC(IY)
-      NN = 0
-   30 NN = NN + 1
-      IF (NN.GT.6) GO TO 160
-      N = IDIM(NN)
-      IC = 0
-   40 IC = IC + 1
-      IF (IC.GT.3) GO TO 150
-      IF (FATAL) GO TO 190
-      ICI = ICH(IC:IC)
-      LDA = MAX(N,1)
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.13) THEN
-          NARGS = 07
-          IAARG = 06
-          NARGS = 06
-          IAARG = 06
-          NARGS = 9 
-          IAARG = 8 
-          NARGS = 8 
-          IAARG = 8 
-      END IF
-C     OPTION = 'A'
-C     N = IIII,
-      IF (NUNIT(1).GT.0) THEN 
-          ISTAT = 1 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.1) GO TO 50
-   50     CONTINUE
-          ISTAT = 2 
-          IF (IERROR.EQ.0) GO TO 70
-   60     CONTINUE
-          NMESS = 7 
-          CALL SMESSG(0,1,NMESS)
-          FATAL = .TRUE.
-          GO TO 190 
-   70     CONTINUE
-          WRITE (NUNIT(1),9001) SNAME,ICI,N,INCX,INCY
-          CLOSE (UNIT=NUNIT(1))
-      END IF
-      ASSIGN 80 TO IGO3
-      GO TO 370
-      ASSIGN 90 TO IGO1
-      GO TO 290
-      IF (N.LE.0 .OR. ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('/')) THEN
-          ASSIGN 100 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 220 
-  100     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 110 I = 1,NARGS
-             SAME = SAME .AND. ISAME(I) 
-             IF ( .NOT. ISAME(I)) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9011) SNAME,I,ICI,N,INCX,INCY
-             END IF 
-  110     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 190
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          ASSIGN 120 TO IGO2
-          GO TO 220 
-  120     CONTINUE
-          SAME = .TRUE.
-          DO 130 I = 1,NARGS
-             NCHNG = (I.EQ.IAARG .OR. ISAME(I))
-             SAME = SAME .AND. NCHNG
-             IF ( .NOT. NCHNG) THEN
-                 WRITE (NUNIT(2),9021) SNAME,I,ICI,N,INCX,INCY
-             END IF 
-  130     CONTINUE
-          IF ( .NOT. SAME) THEN
-              FATAL = .TRUE.
-              GO TO 190
-          END IF
-          NC = NC + 1
-          ASSIGN 140 TO IGO4
-          GO TO 400 
-  140     CONTINUE
-          IF (FATAL) GO TO 180
-      END IF
-      GO TO 40
-      GO TO 30
-      IF (ISNUM.GE.15) GO TO 20
-      GO TO 10
-      GO TO 10
-      GO TO 210
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9041) ISNUM,SNAME 
-      GO TO 210
-      WRITE (NUNIT(2),9051) - ISNUM,SNAME
-      RETURN
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.13) THEN
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(3) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(4) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(4) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(5) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) ISAME(6) = LSE(AS,A,N,N,LDA)
-          ISAME(7) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(3) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(4) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(4) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(5) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 240 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 230 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                IF (A(IOFF).NE.AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)) THEN
-                    ISAME(6) = .FALSE.
-                    GO TO 250 
-                END IF
-  230        CONTINUE
-  240     CONTINUE
-  250     CONTINUE
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(3) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(4) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(4) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(5) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(6) = LSE(YS,Y,1,N,ABS(INCY))
-          ISAME(7) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-          ISAME(8) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0) ISAME(8) = LSE(AS,A,N,N,LDA)
-          ISAME(9) = LDAS .EQ. LDA
-          ISAME(1) = ICHAR(ICI) .EQ. ICHAR(ICHS)
-          ISAME(2) = NS .EQ. N
-          ISAME(3) = ALS .EQ. ALPHA
-          ISAME(4) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCX.NE.0) ISAME(4) = LSE(XS,X,1,N,ABS(INCX))
-          ISAME(5) = INCXS .EQ. INCX
-          ISAME(6) = .TRUE.
-          IF (N.GT.0 .AND. INCY.NE.0) ISAME(6) = LSE(YS,Y,1,N,ABS(INCY))
-          ISAME(7) = INCYS .EQ. INCY
-          ISAME(8) = .TRUE.
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 270 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 260 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                IF (A(IOFF).NE.AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)) THEN
-                    ISAME(8) = .FALSE.
-                    GO TO 280 
-                END IF
-  260        CONTINUE
-  270     CONTINUE
-  280     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO2
-      ICHS = ICI
-      NS = N
-      ALS = ALPHA
-      DO 300 I = 1,N*N
-         AS(I) = A(I)
-      LDAS = LDA
-      IBX = 1
-      IF (INCX.LT.0) IBX = 1 + (1-N)*INCX
-      DO 310 J = 1,N
-         XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) = X(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX) 
-      INCXS = INCX
-      IBY = 1
-      IF (INCY.LT.0) IBY = 1 + (1-N)*INCY
-      DO 320 I = 1,N
-         YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) = Y(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) 
-      INCYS = INCY
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.13) THEN
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 340 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 330 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                A(IOFF) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) 
-  330        CONTINUE
-  340     CONTINUE
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 360 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 350 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                A(IOFF) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) 
-  350        CONTINUE
-  360     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO1
-      IF (N.LE.0) GO TO IGO3
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      DO 390 I = 1,N
-         DO 380 J = I,N
-            T = (A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)+A(1+ (J-1)+ (I-1)*LDA))*HALF
-            A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) = T
-            A(1+ (J-1)+ (I-1)*LDA) = T
-  380    CONTINUE
-      TRANSL = 500.E0
-      RESET = .FALSE.
-      IF (N.GT.1 .AND. INCX.EQ.1) X(N/2) = ZERO
-      TRANSL = ZERO 
-      GO TO IGO3
-      IF (ISNUM.EQ.13 .OR. ISNUM.EQ.14) THEN
-          IF (INCX.LT.0) THEN 
-              IBX = (1-N)*INCX + 1
-          ELSE
-              IBX = 1
-          END IF
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 450 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 410 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                YT(I) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) + 
-     .                  ALPHA*XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)*XS(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX) 
-                XT(I) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)**2 +
-     .                  ALPHA**2*XS(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX)**2*
-     .                  XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)**2
-  410        CONTINUE
-             DO 420 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                XT(I) = SQRT(XT(I))
-                IF (ISNUM.EQ.13) THEN
-                    YT(I) = YT(I) - A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)
-                ELSE IF (ISNUM.EQ.14) THEN
-                    IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                    YT(I) = YT(I) - A(IOFF)
-                END IF
-  420        CONTINUE
-             IGR = 0
-             T = ONE
-             DO 440 I = ISTRT,IEND
-  430           CONTINUE
-                IF (IGR.GE.IG) GO TO 520
-                IF (SDIFF(T*ABS(YT(I))+XT(I),XT(I)).EQ.ZERO) GO TO 440
-                T = T*HALF
-                IGR = IGR + 1 
-                GO TO 430
-  440        CONTINUE
-  450     CONTINUE
-          IF (INCX.LT.0) THEN 
-              IBX = (1-N)*INCX + 1
-          ELSE
-              IBX = 1
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.LT.0) THEN 
-              IBY = (1-N)*INCY + 1
-          ELSE
-              IBY = 1
-          END IF
-          IOFF = 0
-          DO 500 J = 1,N
-             IF (ICHAR(ICI).EQ.ICHAR('U')) THEN
-                 ISTRT = 1
-                 IEND = J
-             ELSE
-                 ISTRT = J
-                 IEND = N
-             END IF 
-             DO 460 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                YT(I) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA) + 
-     .                  ALPHA*XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)*YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY) +
-     .                  ALPHA*XS(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX)*YS(IBY+ (J-1)*INCY) 
-                XT(I) = AS(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)**2 +
-     .                  ALPHA**2*XS(IBX+ (I-1)*INCX)**2*
-     .                  YS(IBY+ (J-1)*INCY)**2 +
-     .                  ALPHA**2*XS(IBX+ (J-1)*INCX)**2*
-     .                  YS(IBY+ (I-1)*INCY)**2
-  460        CONTINUE
-             DO 470 I = ISTRT,IEND
-                XT(I) = SQRT(XT(I))
-                IF (ISNUM.EQ.15) THEN
-                    YT(I) = YT(I) - A(1+ (I-1)+ (J-1)*LDA)
-                ELSE IF (ISNUM.EQ.16) THEN
-                    IOFF = IOFF + 1
-                    YT(I) = YT(I) - A(IOFF)
-                END IF
-  470        CONTINUE
-             IGR = 0
-             T = ONE
-             DO 490 I = ISTRT,IEND
-  480           CONTINUE
-                IF (IGR.GE.IG) GO TO 520
-                IF (SDIFF(T*ABS(YT(I))+XT(I),XT(I)).EQ.ZERO) GO TO 490
-                T = T*HALF
-                IGR = IGR + 1 
-                GO TO 480
-  490        CONTINUE
-  500     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      GO TO IGO4
-      FATAL = .TRUE.
-      GO TO 510
-     .  ' N = ',I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WITH INVALID INPUT.',/,' OPTION = ',A,/,' N = ',
-     .  I4,/,' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2)
-     .  ' WAS CHANGED WHILE COMPUTING',/,' OPTION = ',A,/,' N = ',I4,/,
-     .  ' INCX = ',I2,', INCY = ',I2)
-     .  F5.2,' OUT OF ',I3)
- 9041 FORMAT (1X,I2,' SUBPROGRAM ',A,T24,'FAILED.')
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.E0,HALF=.5E0,ONE=1.E0,THREE=3.E0)
-      IF (RESET) THEN
-          ANOISE = -ONE
-          ANOISE = SBEG(ANOISE)
-          ANOISE = ZERO
-      END IF
-      IC = 0
-      DO 20 I = 1,M 
-         DO 10 J = 1,N
-            IC = IC + 1
-            IF (MOD(IC,5).EQ.0) A(I,J) = SBEG(ANOISE)
-            A(I,J) = SBEG(ANOISE) - TRANS
-            A(I,J) = A(I,J) + ONE/THREE 
-            ANOISE = 0.E0
-   10    CONTINUE
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     ISTAT=1 FOR 'OLD', =2 FOR 'NEW', =3 FOR 'UNKNOWN'.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      CHARACTER * (*)  NAME
-     .                     ERR=10)
-      GO TO (20,20,20),ISTAT
-      IERROR = 1
-      GO TO 30
-      IERROR = 0
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      SDIFF = X - Y 
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      SAVE
-      IF (ANOISE) 10,30,20
-   10 MI = 891
-      MJ = 457
-      I = 7
-      J = 7
-      AJ = 0.
-      SBEG = 0.
-      RETURN
-   20 J = J*MJ
-      J = J - 997* (J/997)
-      AJ = J - 498
-C     IF INITIAL I = 1,2,3,6,7, OR 9,  THE PERIOD WILL BE 50
-C     IF INITIAL I = 5        THE PERIOD WILL BE 10
-   30 I = I*MI
-      I = I - 1000* (I/1000)
-      AI = I - 500
-      SBEG = AI + AJ*ANOISE
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL RI(LDI,*),RJ(LDI,*)
-      DO 20 I = 1,M 
-         DO 10 J = 1,N
-            IF (RI(I,J).NE.RJ(I,J)) THEN
-                LSE = .FALSE. 
-                GO TO 30
-            END IF
-   10    CONTINUE
-      LSE = .TRUE.
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL DI(LDI,*),DJ(LDI,*)
-      DO 20 I = 1,M 
-         DO 10 J = 1,N
-            IF (DI(I,J).NE.DJ(I,J)) THEN
-                LDE = .FALSE. 
-                GO TO 30
-            END IF
-   10    CONTINUE
-      LDE = .TRUE.
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      COMPLEX CI(LDI,*),CJ(LDI,*)
-      DO 20 I = 1,M 
-         DO 10 J = 1,N
-            IF (REAL(CI(I,J)).NE.REAL(CJ(I,J)) .OR. AIMAG(CI(I,J)).NE.
-     .          AIMAG(CJ(I,J))) THEN
-                LCE = .FALSE. 
-                GO TO 30
-            END IF
-   10    CONTINUE
-      LCE = .TRUE.
-      RETURN
-      END 
-C     File of the REAL              Level 2 BLAS routines:  
-C      SGER , SSYR , SSPR ,
-C      SSYR2, SSPR2,
-C     See: 
-C        Dongarra J. J., Du Croz J. J., Hammarling S. and Hanson R. J.. 
-C        A proposal for an extended set of Fortran Basic Linear Algebra
-C        Subprograms. Technical Memorandum No.41 (revision 1),
-C        Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argone National
-C        Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439,
-C        USA, or NAG Technical Report TR4/85, Numerical Algorithms Group
-C        Inc., 1101 31st Street, Suite 100, Downers Grove, Illinois
-C        60606-1263, USA.
-      REAL ALPHA,A(LDA,*),X(*),BETA,Y(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SGEMV  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
-*     y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y, 
-*  where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
-*  m by n matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N'  y := alpha*A*x + beta*y.
-*              TRANS = 'T'  y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.
-*              TRANS = 'C'  y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  M      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A.
-*           M must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must
-*           contain the matrix of coefficients.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the leading dimension of A as
-*           declared in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           max(m,1).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) when TRANS = 'N'
-*           and at least
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) otherwise.
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the 
-*           vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  BETA   - REAL
-*           On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is 
-*           supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) when TRANS = 'N'
-*           and at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) otherwise.
-*           Before entry with BETA non-zero, the incremented array Y
-*           must contain the vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the
-*           updated vector y.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Note that TRANS, M, N and LDA must be such that the value of the
-*  LOGICAL variable OK in the following statement is true.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 30-August-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      PARAMETER (ONE=1.0E+0,ZERO=0.0E+0)
-      REAL TEMP
-      OK = (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. ((M.GT.0) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND.
-     .     (LDA.GE.M))
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Set LENX and LENY, the lengths of the vectors x and y.
-          LENX = N
-          LENY = M
-      ELSE
-          LENX = M
-          LENY = N
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-*     First form  y := beta*y  and set up the start points in X and Y if
-*     the increments are not both unity.
-      IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 10,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(I) = ZERO
-   10             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 20,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(I) = BETA*Y(I)
-   20             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (LENX-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              KY = 1
-          ELSE
-              KY = 1 - (LENY-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IY = KY
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 30,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(IY) = ZERO
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   30             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 40,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(IY) = BETA*Y(IY) 
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-*        Form  y := alpha*A*x + y.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN 
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(J)
-                     DO 50,I = 1,M
-                        Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP*A(I,J) 
-   50                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(JX) 
-                     IY = KY
-                     DO 70,I = 1,M
-                        Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP*A(I,J)
-                        IY = IY + INCY
-   70                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  y := alpha*A'*x + y.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 100,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP = ZERO
-                 DO 90,I = 1,M
-                    TEMP = TEMP + A(I,J)*X(I)
-   90            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + ALPHA*TEMP
-  100         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JY = KY
-              DO 120,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP = ZERO
-                 IX = KX
-                 DO 110,I = 1,M
-                    TEMP = TEMP + A(I,J)*X(IX)
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-  110            CONTINUE
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + ALPHA*TEMP
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-  120         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SGEMV .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,A(LDA,*),X(*),BETA,Y(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SGBMV  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
-*     y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y, 
-*  where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
-*  m by n band matrix, with kl sub-diagonals and ku super-diagonals. 
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N'  y := alpha*A*x + beta*y.
-*              TRANS = 'T'  y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.
-*              TRANS = 'C'  y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  M      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A.
-*           M must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  KL     - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, KL specifies the number of sub-diagonals of the
-*           matrix A. KL must satisfy  0 .le. KL.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  KU     - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, KU specifies the number of super-diagonals of the
-*           matrix A. KU must satisfy   0 .le. KU. 
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Users may find that efficiency of their application is enhanced by
-*  adjusting the values of m and n so that KL .ge. max(0,m-n) and
-*  KU .ge. max(0,n-m) or KL and KU so that KL .lt. m and KU .lt. n.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry, the leading ( kl + ku + 1 ) by n part of the
-*           array A must contain the matrix of coefficients, supplied
-*           column by column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in
-*           row ( ku + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal
-*           starting at position 2 in row ku, the first sub-diagonal
-*           starting at position 1 in row ( ku + 2 ), and so on.
-*           This placement of the data can be realized with the
-*           following loops: 
-*               DO 20 J =1,N
-*                    K=KU+1-J 
-*                    DO 10 I =MAX(1,J-KU),MIN(M,J+KL)
-*                         A(K+I,J)=matrix entry of row I, column J. 
-*     10             CONTINUE 
-*     20        CONTINUE
-*           Elements in the array A that do not correspond to elements
-*           in the band matrix (such as the top left ku by ku triangle)
-*           are not referenced.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the leading dimension of A as
-*           declared in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           ( kl + ku + 1 ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) when TRANS = 'N'
-*           and at least
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) otherwise.
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the 
-*           vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  BETA   - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is 
-*           supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) when TRANS = 'N'
-*           and at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) otherwise.
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the 
-*           vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the updated vector y.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 27-Sept-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      PARAMETER (ONE=1.0E+0,ZERO=0.0E+0)
-      REAL TEMP
-      OK = (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. (M.GT.0) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND.
-     .     (KL.GE.0) .AND. (KU.GE.0) .AND.
-     .     (LDA.GE. (KL+KU+1))
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Set  LENX  and  LENY, the lengths of the vectors x and y.
-          LENX = N
-          LENY = M
-      ELSE
-          LENX = M
-          LENY = N
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through the band part of A.
-*     First form  y := beta*y  and set up the start points in  X  and  Y
-*     if the increments are not both unity.
-      IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 10,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(I) = ZERO
-   10             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 20,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(I) = BETA*Y(I)
-   20             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (LENX-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              KY = 1
-          ELSE
-              KY = 1 - (LENY-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IY = KY
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 30,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(IY) = ZERO
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   30             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 40,I = 1,LENY
-                     Y(IY) = BETA*Y(IY) 
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      KUP1 = KU + 1 
-*        Form  y := alpha*A*x + y.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN 
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(J)
-                     K = KUP1 - J
-                     DO 50,I = MAX(1,J-KU),MIN(M,J+KL)
-                        Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP*A(K+I,J)
-   50                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(JX) 
-                     IY = KY
-                     K = KUP1 - J
-                     DO 70,I = MAX(1,J-KU),MIN(M,J+KL)
-                        Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP*A(K+I,J)
-                        IY = IY + INCY
-   70                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 IF (J.GT.KU) KY = KY + INCY
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  y := alpha*A'*x + y.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 100,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP = ZERO
-                 K = KUP1 - J 
-                 DO 90,I = MAX(1,J-KU),MIN(M,J+KL)
-                    TEMP = TEMP + A(K+I,J)*X(I)
-   90            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + ALPHA*TEMP
-  100         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JY = KY
-              DO 120,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP = ZERO
-                 IX = KX
-                 K = KUP1 - J 
-                 DO 110,I = MAX(1,J-KU),MIN(M,J+KL)
-                    TEMP = TEMP + A(K+I,J)*X(IX)
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-  110            CONTINUE
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + ALPHA*TEMP
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-                 IF (J.GT.KU) KX = KX + INCX
-  120         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SGBMV .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,A(LDA,*),X(*),BETA,Y(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SSYMV  performs the matrix-vector  operation 
-*     y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
-*  where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and
-*  A is an n by n symmetric matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
-*           triangular part of the array A is to be referenced as
-*           follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U'          Only the upper triangular part of A
-*                                  is to be referenced.
-*              UPLO = 'L'          Only the lower triangular part of A
-*                                  is to be referenced.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the leading n by n 
-*           upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper 
-*           triangular part of the symmetric matrix and the strictly
-*           lower triangular part of A is not referenced.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading n by n
-*           lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower 
-*           triangular part of the symmetric matrix and the strictly
-*           upper triangular part of A is not referenced.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least max(n,1).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  BETA   - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is 
-*           supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n
-*           element vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the updated
-*           vector y.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 27-Sept-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      PARAMETER (ONE=1.0E+0,ZERO=0.0E+0)
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND.
-     .     (LDA.GE.N)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through the triangular part
-*     of A.
-*     First form  y := beta*y  and set up the start points in X and Y if
-*     the increments are not both unity.
-      IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 10,I = 1,N
-                     Y(I) = ZERO
-   10             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 20,I = 1,N
-                     Y(I) = BETA*Y(I)
-   20             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              KY = 1
-          ELSE
-              KY = 1 - (N-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IY = KY
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 30,I = 1,N
-                     Y(IY) = ZERO
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   30             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 40,I = 1,N
-                     Y(IY) = BETA*Y(IY) 
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-*        Form  y  when A is stored in upper triangle.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(J)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 DO 50,I = 1,J - 1
-                    Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP1*A(I,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(I,J)*X(I)
-   50            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + TEMP1*A(J,J) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              IX = KX - INCX
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(IX+INCX)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 IX = KX
-                 IY = KY
-                 DO 70,I = 1,J - 1
-                    Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*A(I,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(I,J)*X(IX)
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-                    IY = IY + INCY
-   70            CONTINUE
-                 Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*A(J,J) + ALPHA*TEMP2 
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  y  when A is stored in lower triangle.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 100,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(J)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + TEMP1*A(J,J)
-                 DO 90,I = J + 1,N
-                    Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP1*A(I,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(I,J)*X(I)
-   90            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-  100         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              JY = KY
-              DO 120,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(JX)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + TEMP1*A(J,J)
-                 IX = JX
-                 IY = JY
-                 DO 110,I = J + 1,N
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-                    IY = IY + INCY
-                    Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*A(I,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(I,J)*X(IX)
-  110            CONTINUE
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-  120         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SSYMV .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,A(LDA,*),X(*),BETA,Y(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SSBMV  performs the matrix-vector  operation 
-*     y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
-*  where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and
-*  A is an n by n symmetric band matrix, with k super-diagonals.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
-*           triangular part of the band matrix A is being supplied as
-*           follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U'          The upper triangular part of A is
-*                                  being supplied.
-*              UPLO = 'L'          The lower triangular part of A is
-*                                  being supplied.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  K      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, K specifies the number of super-diagonals of the
-*           matrix A. K must satisfy  0 .le. K .lt. n.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'U', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the upper triangular
-*           band part of the symmetric matrix, supplied column by 
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row
-*           ( k + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal starting at
-*           position 2 in row k, and so on. The top left k by k triangle
-*           of the array A is not referenced.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the lower triangular
-*           band part of the symmetric matrix, supplied column by 
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row 1 of
-*           the array, the first sub-diagonal starting at position 1 in
-*           row 2, and so on. The bottom right k by k triangle of the 
-*           array A is not referenced.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the leading dimension of A as
-*           declared in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           ( k + 1 ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the 
-*           vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  BETA   - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the 
-*           vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the updated vector y.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 30-September-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      PARAMETER (ONE=1.0E+0,ZERO=0.0E+0)
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND.
-     .     (K.GE.0) .AND. (K.LT.N) .AND. (LDA.GE. (K+1))
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of the array A
-*     are accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-*     First form  y := beta*y  and set up the start points in X and Y if
-*     the increments are not both unity.
-      IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 10,I = 1,N
-                     Y(I) = ZERO
-   10             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 20,I = 1,N
-                     Y(I) = BETA*Y(I)
-   20             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              KY = 1
-          ELSE
-              KY = 1 - (N-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IY = KY
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 30,I = 1,N
-                     Y(IY) = ZERO
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   30             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 40,I = 1,N
-                     Y(IY) = BETA*Y(IY) 
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-*        Form  y  when upper triangle of A is stored.
-          KPLUS1 = K + 1
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(J)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 I = MAX(1,J-K)
-                 DO 50,L = KPLUS1 + I - J,K
-                    Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP1*A(L,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(L,J)*X(I)
-                    I = I + 1 
-   50            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + TEMP1*A(KPLUS1,J) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              IX = KX - INCX
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(IX+INCX)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 IX = KX
-                 IY = KY
-                 DO 70,L = 1 + MAX(KPLUS1-J,0),K
-                    Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*A(L,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(L,J)*X(IX)
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-                    IY = IY + INCY
-   70            CONTINUE
-                 Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*A(KPLUS1,J) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-                 IF (J.GT.K) THEN
-                     KX = KX + INCX
-                     KY = KY + INCY
-                 END IF
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  y  when lower triangle of A is stored.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 100,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(J)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + TEMP1*A(1,J)
-                 I = J + 1
-                 DO 90,L = 2,1 + MIN(K,N-J)
-                    Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP1*A(L,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(L,J)*X(I)
-                    I = I + 1 
-   90            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-  100         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              JY = KY
-              DO 120,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(JX)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + TEMP1*A(1,J)
-                 IX = JX
-                 IY = JY
-                 DO 110,L = 2,1 + MIN(K,N-J)
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-                    IY = IY + INCY
-                    Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*A(L,J)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + A(L,J)*X(IX)
-  110            CONTINUE
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-  120         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SSBMV .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,AP(*),X(*),BETA,Y(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SSPMV  performs the matrix-vector operation
-*     y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
-*  where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and
-*  A is an n by n symmetric matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
-*           triangular part of the matrix A is supplied in the packed
-*           array AP as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U'          The upper triangular part of A is
-*                                  supplied in AP.
-*              UPLO = 'L'          The lower triangular part of A is
-*                                  supplied in AP.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  AP     - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( ( n*( n + 1 ) )/2 ).
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'U', the array AP must
-*           contain the upper triangular part of the symmetric matrix
-*           packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 )
-*           contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 1, 2 ) 
-*           and a( 2, 2 ) respectively, and so on.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the array AP must
-*           contain the lower triangular part of the symmetric matrix
-*           packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 )
-*           contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 2, 1 ) 
-*           and a( 3, 1 ) respectively, and so on.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  BETA   - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is 
-*           supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n
-*           element vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the updated
-*           vector y.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 27-Sept-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      PARAMETER (ONE=1.0E+0,ZERO=0.0E+0)
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND. (N.GT.0)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of the array AP
-*     are accessed sequentially with one pass through AP.
-*     First form  y := beta*y  and set up the start points in X and Y if
-*     the increments are not both unity.
-      IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 10,I = 1,N
-                     Y(I) = ZERO
-   10             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 20,I = 1,N
-                     Y(I) = BETA*Y(I)
-   20             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              KY = 1
-          ELSE
-              KY = 1 - (N-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-          IF (BETA.NE.ONE) THEN
-              IY = KY
-              IF (BETA.EQ.ZERO) THEN
-                  DO 30,I = 1,N
-                     Y(IY) = ZERO
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   30             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  DO 40,I = 1,N
-                     Y(IY) = BETA*Y(IY) 
-                     IY = IY + INCY
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      K = 1
-      IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-*        Form  y  when AP contains the upper triangle.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(J)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 DO 50,I = 1,J - 1
-                    Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP1*AP(K)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + AP(K)*X(I)
-                    K = K + 1 
-   50            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + TEMP1*AP(K) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-                 K = K + 1
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              IX = KX - INCX
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(IX+INCX)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 IX = KX
-                 IY = KY
-                 KK = K
-                 DO 70,K = KK,KK + J - 2
-                    Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*AP(K)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + AP(K)*X(IX)
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-                    IY = IY + INCY
-   70            CONTINUE
-                 Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*AP(K) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-                 K = K + 1
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  y  when AP contains the upper triangle.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 100,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(J)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + TEMP1*AP(K)
-                 K = K + 1
-                 DO 90,I = J + 1,N
-                    Y(I) = Y(I) + TEMP1*AP(K)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + AP(K)*X(I)
-                    K = K + 1 
-   90            CONTINUE
-                 Y(J) = Y(J) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-  100         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              JY = KY
-              DO 120,J = 1,N
-                 TEMP1 = ALPHA*X(JX)
-                 TEMP2 = ZERO 
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + TEMP1*AP(K)
-                 IX = JX
-                 IY = JY
-                 KK = K + 1
-                 DO 110,K = KK,KK + N - (J+1)
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-                    IY = IY + INCY
-                    Y(IY) = Y(IY) + TEMP1*AP(K)
-                    TEMP2 = TEMP2 + AP(K)*X(IX)
-  110            CONTINUE
-                 Y(JY) = Y(JY) + ALPHA*TEMP2
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-  120         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SSPMV .
-      END 
-      REAL A(LDA,*),X(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  STRMV  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
-*     x := A*x,   or   x := A'*x, 
-*  where x is n element vector and A is an n by n unit, or non-unit,
-*  upper or lower triangular matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U'          A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L'          A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N' x := A*x.
-*              TRANS = 'T' x := A'*x. 
-*              TRANS = 'C' x := A'*x. 
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit
-*           triangular as follows: 
-*              DIAG = 'U'          A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N'          A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the leading n by n 
-*           upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper 
-*           triangular matrix and the strictly lower triangular part of
-*           A is not referenced.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading n by n
-*           lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower 
-*           triangular matrix and the strictly upper triangular part of
-*           A is not referenced.
-*           Note that when  DIAG = 'U', the diagonal elements of
-*           A are not referenced either, but are assumed to be unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least max(n,1).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x. On exit, X is overwritten with the
-*           tranformed vector x. 
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 30-September-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND.
-     .     (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. (LSAME(DIAG,'U') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(DIAG,'N')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND. (LDA.GE.N) 
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF ( .NOT. OK) RETURN
-*     Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This
-*     will be  ( N - 1 )*INCX  too small for descending loops.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-*        Form  x := A*x. 
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 20,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         DO 10,I = 1,J - 1
-                            X(I) = X(I) + X(J)*A(I,J)
-   10                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(J,J)
-                     END IF
-   20             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 40,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IX = KX
-                         DO 30,I = 1,J - 1
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) + X(JX)*A(I,J)
-                            IX = IX + INCX
-   30                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(J,J)
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 60,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         DO 50,I = N,J + 1,-1
-                            X(I) = X(I) + X(J)*A(I,J)
-   50                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(J,J)
-                     END IF
-   60             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 80,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IX = KX
-                         DO 70,I = N,J + 1,-1
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) + X(JX)*A(I,J)
-                            IX = IX - INCX
-   70                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(J,J)
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-   80             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  x := A'*x.
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 100,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(J,J)
-                     DO 90,I = J - 1,1,-1
-                        X(J) = X(J) + A(I,J)*X(I) 
-   90                CONTINUE 
-  100             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  DO 120,J = N,1,-1
-                     IX = JX
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(J,J)
-                     DO 110,I = J - 1,1,-1
-                        IX = IX - INCX
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) + A(I,J)*X(IX)
-  110                CONTINUE 
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-  120             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 140,J = 1,N
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(J,J)
-                     DO 130,I = J + 1,N 
-                        X(J) = X(J) + A(I,J)*X(I) 
-  130                CONTINUE 
-  140             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 160,J = 1,N
-                     IX = JX
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(J,J)
-                     DO 150,I = J + 1,N 
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) + A(I,J)*X(IX)
-  150                CONTINUE 
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-  160             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of STRMV .
-      END 
-      REAL A(LDA,*),X(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  STBMV  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
-*     x := A*x,   or   x := A'*x, 
-*  where x is n element vector and A is an n by n unit, or non-unit,
-*  upper or lower triangular band matrix, with ( k + 1 ) diagonals.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U' A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L' A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N' x := A*x.
-*              TRANS = 'T' x := A'*x. 
-*              TRANS = 'C' x := A'*x. 
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit
-*           triangular as follows: 
-*              DIAG = 'U' A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N' A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  K      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry with UPLO = 'U', K specifies the number of
-*           super-diagonals of the matrix A. 
-*           On entry with UPLO = 'L', K specifies the number of
-*           sub-diagonals of the matrix A.
-*           K must satisfy  0 .le. K.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'U', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the upper triangular
-*           band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row
-*           ( k + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal starting at
-*           position 2 in row k, and so on. The top left k by k triangle
-*           of the array A is not referenced.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the lower triangular
-*           band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row 1 of
-*           the array, the first sub-diagonal starting at position 1 in
-*           row 2, and so on. The bottom right k by k triangle of the 
-*           array A is not referenced.
-*           Note that when DIAG = 'U' the elements of the array A
-*           corresponding to the diagonal elements of the matrix are not
-*           referenced, but are assumed to be unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the leading dimension of A as
-*           declared in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           ( k + 1 ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x. On exit, X is overwritten with the
-*           tranformed vector x. 
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 5-November-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      INTEGER L
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND.
-     .     (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. (LSAME(DIAG,'U') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(DIAG,'N')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND. (K.GE.0) .AND.
-     .     (LDA.GE. (K+1))
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF ( .NOT. OK) RETURN
-*     Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This
-*     will be  ( N - 1 )*INCX   too small for descending loops.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-*         Form  x := A*x.
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              KPLUS1 = K + 1
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 20,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         I = MAX(1,J-K) 
-                         DO 10,L = KPLUS1 + I - J,K
-                            X(I) = X(I) + X(J)*A(L,J)
-                            I = I + 1
-   10                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(KPLUS1,J)
-                     END IF
-   20             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 40,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IX = KX
-                         DO 30,L = 1 + MAX(KPLUS1-J,0),K
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) + X(JX)*A(L,J)
-                            IX = IX + INCX
-   30                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(KPLUS1,J)
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-                     IF (J.GT.K) KX = KX + INCX
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 60,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         I = MIN(N,J+K) 
-                         DO 50,L = 1 + I - J,2,-1 
-                            X(I) = X(I) + X(J)*A(L,J)
-                            I = I - 1
-   50                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(1,J)
-                     END IF
-   60             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 80,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IX = KX
-                         DO 70,L = 1 + MIN(K,N-J),2,-1
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) + X(JX)*A(L,J)
-                            IX = IX - INCX
-   70                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(1,J)
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-                     IF ((N-J).GE.K) KX = KX - INCX
-   80             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  x := A'*x.
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              KPLUS1 = K + 1
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 100,J = N,1,-1
-                     I = J
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(KPLUS1,J)
-                     DO 90,L = K,1 + MAX(KPLUS1-J,0),-1
-                        I = I - 1
-                        X(J) = X(J) + A(L,J)*X(I) 
-   90                CONTINUE 
-  100             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 120,J = N,1,-1
-                     KX = KX - INCX
-                     IX = KX
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(KPLUS1,J)
-                     DO 110,L = K,1 + MAX(KPLUS1-J,0),-1
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) + A(L,J)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX - INCX
-  110                CONTINUE 
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-  120             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 140,J = 1,N
-                     I = J
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*A(1,J)
-                     DO 130,L = 2,1 + MIN(K,N-J)
-                        I = I + 1
-                        X(J) = X(J) + A(L,J)*X(I) 
-  130                CONTINUE 
-  140             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 160,J = 1,N
-                     KX = KX + INCX
-                     IX = KX
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*A(1,J)
-                     DO 150,L = 2,1 + MIN(K,N-J)
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) + A(L,J)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-  150                CONTINUE 
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-  160             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of STBMV .
-      END 
-      REAL AP(*),X(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  STPMV  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
-*     x := A*x,   or   x := A'*x, 
-*  where x is n element vector and A is an n by n unit, or non-unit,
-*  upper or lower triangular matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U'          A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L'          A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N' x := A*x.
-*              TRANS = 'T' x := A'*x. 
-*              TRANS = 'C' x := A'*x. 
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit
-*           triangular as follows: 
-*              DIAG = 'U'          A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N'          A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  AP     - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( ( n*( n + 1 ) )/2 ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the array AP must
-*           contain the upper triangular matrix packed sequentially,
-*           column by column, so that AP( 1 ) contains a( 1, 1 ),
-*           AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 1, 2 ) and a( 2, 2 )
-*           respectively, and so on.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the array AP must
-*           contain the lower triangular matrix packed sequentially,
-*           column by column, so that AP( 1 ) contains a( 1, 1 ),
-*           AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 2, 1 ) and a( 3, 1 )
-*           respectively, and so on.
-*           Note that when  DIAG = 'U', the diagonal elements of
-*           A are not referenced, but are assumed to be unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x. On exit, X is overwritten with the
-*           tranformed vector x. 
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Note that UPLO, TRANS, DIAG and N must be such that the value of the
-*  LOGICAL variable OK in the following statement is true.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 2-October-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND.
-     .     (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. (LSAME(DIAG,'U') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(DIAG,'N')) .AND. (N.GT.0)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF ( .NOT. OK) RETURN
-*     Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This
-*     will be  ( N - 1 )*INCX  too small for descending loops.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of AP are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through AP.
-*        Form  x:= A*x.
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              K = 1 
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 20,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         DO 10,I = 1,J - 1
-                            X(I) = X(I) + X(J)*AP(K)
-                            K = K + 1
-   10                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*AP(K)
-                         K = K + 1
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K + J
-                     END IF
-   20             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 40,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IX = KX
-                         KK = K
-                         DO 30,K = KK,KK + J - 2
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) + X(JX)*AP(K)
-                            IX = IX + INCX
-   30                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*AP(K)
-                         K = K + 1
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K + J
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              K = (N* (N+1))/2
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 60,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         DO 50,I = N,J + 1,-1
-                            X(I) = X(I) + X(J)*AP(K)
-                            K = K - 1
-   50                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*AP(K)
-                         K = K - 1
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K - (N-J+1)
-                     END IF
-   60             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 80,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IX = KX
-                         KK = K
-                         DO 70,K = KK,KK - (N- (J+1)),-1
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) + X(JX)*AP(K)
-                            IX = IX - INCX
-   70                    CONTINUE
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*AP(K)
-                         K = K - 1
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K - (N-J+1)
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-   80             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  x := A'*x.
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              K = (N* (N+1))/2
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 100,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*AP(K)
-                     K = K - 1
-                     DO 90,I = J - 1,1,-1
-                        X(J) = X(J) + AP(K)*X(I)
-                        K = K - 1
-   90                CONTINUE 
-  100             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  DO 120,J = N,1,-1
-                     IX = JX
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*AP(K)
-                     KK = K - 1
-                     DO 110,K = KK,KK - J + 2,-1
-                        IX = IX - INCX
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) + AP(K)*X(IX)
-  110                CONTINUE 
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-  120             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              K = 1 
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 140,J = 1,N
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)*AP(K)
-                     K = K + 1
-                     DO 130,I = J + 1,N 
-                        X(J) = X(J) + AP(K)*X(I)
-                        K = K + 1
-  130                CONTINUE 
-  140             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 160,J = 1,N
-                     IX = JX
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)*AP(K)
-                     KK = K + 1
-                     DO 150,K = KK,KK + N - (J+1) 
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) + AP(K)*X(IX)
-  150                CONTINUE 
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-  160             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of STPMV .
-      END 
-      REAL A(LDA,*),X(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  STRSV  solves one of the systems of equations
-*     A*x = b,   or   A'*x = b,
-*  where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
-*  non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix.
-*  No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this
-*  routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U'          A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L'          A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the equations to be solved as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N' A*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'T' A'*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'C' A'*x = b.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit
-*           triangular as follows: 
-*              DIAG = 'U'          A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N'          A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the leading n by n 
-*           upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper 
-*           triangular matrix and the strictly lower triangular part of
-*           A is not referenced.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading n by n
-*           lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower 
-*           triangular matrix and the strictly upper triangular part of
-*           A is not referenced.
-*           Note that when  DIAG = 'U', the diagonal elements of
-*           A are not referenced either, but are assumed to be unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least max(n,1).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element right-hand side vector b. On exit, X is overwritten
-*           with the solution vector x.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 30-September-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND.
-     .     (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. (LSAME(DIAG,'U') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(DIAG,'N')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND. (LDA.GE.N) 
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF ( .NOT. OK) RETURN
-*     Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This
-*     will be  ( N - 1 )*INCX  too small for descending loops.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-*        Form  x := inv( A )*x. 
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 20,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(J,J)
-                         DO 10,I = J - 1,1,-1
-                            X(I) = X(I) - X(J)*A(I,J)
-   10                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-   20             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  DO 40,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(J,J)
-                         IX = JX
-                         DO 30,I = J - 1,1,-1
-                            IX = IX - INCX
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) - X(JX)*A(I,J)
-   30                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 60,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(J,J)
-                         DO 50,I = J + 1,N
-                            X(I) = X(I) - X(J)*A(I,J)
-   50                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-   60             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 80,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(J,J)
-                         IX = JX
-                         DO 70,I = J + 1,N
-                            IX = IX + INCX
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) - X(JX)*A(I,J)
-   70                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-   80             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  x := inv( A' )*x.
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 100,J = 1,N
-                     DO 90,I = 1,J - 1
-                        X(J) = X(J) - A(I,J)*X(I) 
-   90                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(J,J)
-  100             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 120,J = 1,N
-                     IX = KX
-                     DO 110,I = 1,J - 1 
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) - A(I,J)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-  110                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(J,J)
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-  120             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 140,J = N,1,-1
-                     DO 130,I = N,J + 1,-1
-                        X(J) = X(J) - A(I,J)*X(I) 
-  130                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(J,J)
-  140             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 160,J = N,1,-1
-                     IX = KX
-                     DO 150,I = N,J + 1,-1
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) - A(I,J)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX - INCX
-  150                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(J,J)
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-  160             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of STRSV .
-      END 
-      REAL A(LDA,*),X(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  STBSV  solves one of the systems of equations
-*     A*x = b,   or   A'*x = b,
-*  where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
-*  non-unit, upper or lower triangular band matrix, with ( k + 1 )
-*  diagonals.
-*  No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this
-*  routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U'          A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L'          A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the equations to be solved as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N' A*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'T' A'*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'C' A'*x = b.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit
-*           triangular as follows: 
-*              DIAG = 'U' A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N' A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  K      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry with UPLO = 'U', K specifies the number of
-*           super-diagonals of the matrix A. 
-*           On entry with UPLO = 'L', K specifies the number of
-*           sub-diagonals of the matrix A.
-*           K must satisfy  0 .le. K.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'U', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the upper triangular
-*           band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row
-*           ( k + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal starting at
-*           position 2 in row k, and so on. The top left k by k triangle
-*           of the array A is not referenced.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the lower triangular
-*           band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row 1 of
-*           the array, the first sub-diagonal starting at position 1 in
-*           row 2, and so on. The bottom right k by k triangle of the 
-*           array A is not referenced.
-*           Note that when DIAG = 'U' the elements of the array A
-*           corresponding to the diagonal elements of the matrix are not
-*           referenced, but are assumed to be unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the leading dimension of A as
-*           declared in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           ( k + 1 ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element right-hand side vector b. On exit, X is overwritten
-*           with the solution vector x.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 7-November-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      INTEGER L
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND.
-     .     (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. (LSAME(DIAG,'U') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(DIAG,'N')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND. (K.GE.0) .AND.
-     .     (LDA.GE. (K+1))
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF ( .NOT. OK) RETURN
-*     Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This
-*     will be  ( N - 1 )*INCX  too small for descending loops.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed by sequentially with one pass through A.
-*        Form  x := inv( A )*x. 
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              KPLUS1 = K + 1
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 20,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(KPLUS1,J)
-                         I = J
-                         DO 10,L = K,1 + MAX(KPLUS1-J,0),-1 
-                            I = I - 1
-                            X(I) = X(I) - X(J)*A(L,J)
-   10                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-   20             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 40,J = N,1,-1
-                     KX = KX - INCX
-                     IX = KX
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(KPLUS1,J)
-                         DO 30 L = K,1 + MAX(KPLUS1-J,0),-1 
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) - X(JX)*A(L,J)
-                            IX = IX - INCX
-   30                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 60,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(1,J)
-                         I = J
-                         DO 50,L = 2,1 + MIN(K,N-J)
-                            I = I + 1
-                            X(I) = X(I) - X(J)*A(L,J)
-   50                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-   60             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 80,J = 1,N
-                     KX = KX + INCX
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(1,J)
-                         IX = KX
-                         DO 70,L = 2,1 + MIN(K,N-J)
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) - X(JX)*A(L,J)
-                            IX = IX + INCX
-   70                    CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-   80             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  x := inv( A')*x. 
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              KPLUS1 = K + 1
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 100,J = 1,N
-                     I = MAX(1,J-K)
-                     DO 90,L = KPLUS1 + I - J,K
-                        X(J) = X(J) - A(L,J)*X(I) 
-                        I = I + 1
-   90                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(KPLUS1,J)
-  100             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 120,J = 1,N
-                     IX = KX
-                     DO 110,L = 1 + MAX(KPLUS1-J,0),K
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) - A(L,J)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-  110                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(KPLUS1,J)
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-                     IF (J.GT.K) KX = KX + INCX
-  120             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 140,J = N,1,-1
-                     I = MIN(N,J+K)
-                     DO 130,L = 1 + I - J,2,-1
-                        X(J) = X(J) - A(L,J)*X(I) 
-                        I = I - 1
-  130                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/A(1,J)
-  140             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 160,J = N,1,-1
-                     IX = KX
-                     DO 150,L = 1 + MIN(K,N-J),2,-1
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) - A(L,J)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX - INCX
-  150                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/A(1,J)
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-                     IF ((N-J).GE.K) KX = KX - INCX
-  160             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of STBSV .
-      END 
-      REAL AP(*),X(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  STPSV  solves one of the systems of equations
-*     A*x = b,   or   A'*x = b,
-*  where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
-*  non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix.
-*  No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this
-*  routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U' A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L' A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the equations to be solved as
-*           follows: 
-*              TRANS = 'N' A*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'T' A'*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'C' A'*x = b.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit
-*           triangular as follows: 
-*              DIAG = 'U' A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N' A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  AP     - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( ( n*( n + 1 ) )/2 ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the array AP must
-*           contain the upper triangular matrix packed sequentially,
-*           column by column, so that AP( 1 ) contains a( 1, 1 ),
-*           AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 1, 2 ) and a( 2, 2 )
-*           respectively, and so on.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the array AP must
-*           contain the lower triangular matrix packed sequentially,
-*           column by column, so that AP( 1 ) contains a( 1, 1 ),
-*           AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 2, 1 ) and a( 3, 1 )
-*           respectively, and so on.
-*           Note that when  DIAG = 'U', the diagonal elements of
-*           A are not referenced, but are assumed to be unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element right-hand side vector b. On exit, X is overwritten
-*           with the solution vector x.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 11-November-1985. 
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND.
-     .     (LSAME(TRANS,'N') .OR. LSAME(TRANS,'T') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(TRANS,'C')) .AND. (LSAME(DIAG,'U') .OR.
-     .     LSAME(DIAG,'N')) .AND. (N.GT.0)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF ( .NOT. OK) RETURN
-*     Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This
-*     will be  ( N - 1 )*INCX  too small for descending loops.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of AP are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through AP.
-*        Form  x := inv( A )*x. 
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              K = (N* (N+1))/2
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 20,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/AP(K)
-                         K = K - 1
-                         DO 10,I = J - 1,1,-1
-                            X(I) = X(I) - X(J)*AP(K)
-                            K = K - 1
-   10                    CONTINUE
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K - J
-                     END IF
-   20             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  DO 40,J = N,1,-1
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/AP(K)
-                         IX = JX
-                         KK = K - 1
-                         DO 30,K = KK,KK - J + 2,-1
-                            IX = IX - INCX
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) - X(JX)*AP(K)
-   30                    CONTINUE
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K - J
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-   40             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              K = 1 
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 60,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/AP(K)
-                         K = K + 1
-                         DO 50,I = J + 1,N
-                            X(I) = X(I) - X(J)*AP(K)
-                            K = K + 1
-   50                    CONTINUE
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K + N - J + 1
-                     END IF
-   60             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 80,J = 1,N
-                     IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                         IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/AP(K)
-                         IX = JX
-                         KK = K + 1
-                         DO 70,K = KK,KK + N - (J+1)
-                            IX = IX + INCX
-                            X(IX) = X(IX) - X(JX)*AP(K)
-   70                    CONTINUE
-                     ELSE
-                         K = K + N - J + 1
-                     END IF
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-   80             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  x := inv( A' )*x.
-          IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-              K = 1 
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 100,J = 1,N
-                     DO 90,I = 1,J - 1
-                        X(J) = X(J) - AP(K)*X(I)
-                        K = K + 1
-   90                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/AP(K)
-                     K = K + 1
-  100             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 120,J = 1,N
-                     IX = KX
-                     KK = K
-                     DO 110,K = KK,KK + J - 2
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) - AP(K)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-  110                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/AP(K)
-                     K = K + 1
-                     JX = JX + INCX
-  120             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          ELSE
-              K = (N* (N+1))/2
-              IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN
-                  DO 140,J = N,1,-1
-                     DO 130,I = N,J + 1,-1
-                        X(J) = X(J) - AP(K)*X(I)
-                        K = K - 1
-  130                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(J) = X(J)/AP(K)
-                     K = K - 1
-  140             CONTINUE
-              ELSE
-                  KX = KX + (N-1)*INCX
-                  JX = KX
-                  DO 160,J = N,1,-1
-                     IX = KX
-                     KK = K
-                     DO 150,K = KK,KK - (N- (J+1)),-1
-                        X(JX) = X(JX) - AP(K)*X(IX)
-                        IX = IX - INCX
-  150                CONTINUE 
-                     IF (NOUNIT) X(JX) = X(JX)/AP(K)
-                     K = K - 1
-                     JX = JX - INCX
-  160             CONTINUE
-              END IF
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of STPSV .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,X(*),Y(*),A(LDA,*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SGER   performs the rank 1 operation
-*     A := alpha*x*y' + A,
-*  where alpha is a scalar, x is an m element vector, y is an n element
-*  vector and A is an m by n matrix. 
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*  M      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A.
-*           M must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the m
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n
-*           element vector y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must
-*           contain the matrix of coefficients. On exit, A is
-*           overwritten by the updated matrix.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least max(1,m).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 30-August-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      REAL TEMP
-      OK = (M.GT.0) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND. (LDA.GE.M)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-      IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN
-          DO 20,J = 1,N
-             IF (Y(J).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                 TEMP = ALPHA*Y(J)
-                 DO 10,I = 1,M
-                    A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(I)*TEMP
-   10            CONTINUE
-             END IF 
-   20     CONTINUE
-      ELSE
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (M-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              JY = 1
-          ELSE
-              JY = 1 - (N-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-          DO 40,J = 1,N
-             IF (Y(JY).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                 TEMP = ALPHA*Y(JY)
-                 IX = KX
-                 DO 30,I = 1,M
-                    A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(IX)*TEMP
-                    IX = IX + INCX
-   30            CONTINUE
-             END IF 
-             JY = JY + INCY
-   40     CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SGER  .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,X(*),A(LDA,*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SSYR   performs the symmetric rank 1 operation
-*     A := alpha*x*x' + A,
-*  where alpha is a real scalar, x is an n element vector and A is an
-*  n by n symmetric matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
-*           triangular part of the array A is to be referenced as
-*           follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U' Only the upper triangular part of A
-*                                  is to be referenced.
-*              UPLO = 'L' Only the lower triangular part of A
-*                                  is to be referenced.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the leading n by n 
-*           upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper 
-*           triangular part of the symmetric matrix and the strictly
-*           lower triangular part of A is not referenced. On exit, the
-*           upper triangular part of the array A is overwritten by the
-*           upper triangular part of the updated matrix.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading n by n
-*           lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower 
-*           triangular part of the symmetric matrix and the strictly
-*           upper triangular part of A is not referenced. On exit, the
-*           lower triangular part of the array A is overwritten by the
-*           lower triangular part of the updated matrix.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least max(1,n).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 27-September-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      REAL TEMP
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND.
-     .     (LDA.GE.N)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Set the start point in X if the increment is not unity.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through the triangular part
-*     of A.
-      IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-*        Form  A  when A is stored in upper triangle.
-          IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN 
-              DO 20,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN 
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(J)
-                     DO 10,I = 1,J
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(I)*TEMP
-   10                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-   20         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              DO 40,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(JX) 
-                     IX = KX
-                     DO 30,I = 1,J
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(IX)*TEMP
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-   30                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-   40         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  A  when A is stored in lower triangle.
-          IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN 
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(J)
-                     DO 50,I = J,N
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(I)*TEMP
-   50                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(JX) 
-                     IX = JX
-                     DO 70,I = J,N
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(IX)*TEMP
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-   70                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SSYR  .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,X(*),AP(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SSPR    performs the symmetric rank 1 operation
-*     A := alpha*x*x' + A,
-*  where alpha is a real scalar, x is an n element vector and A is an
-*  n by n symmetric matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
-*           triangular part of the matrix A is supplied in the packed
-*           array AP as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U' The upper triangular part of A is
-*                                  supplied in AP.
-*              UPLO = 'L' The lower triangular part of A is
-*                                  supplied in AP.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  AP     - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( ( n*( n + 1 ) )/2 ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the array AP must
-*           contain the upper triangular part of the symmetric matrix
-*           packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 )
-*           contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 1, 2 ) 
-*           and a( 2, 2 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array
-*           AP is overwritten by the upper triangular part of the
-*           updated matrix.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the array AP must
-*           contain the lower triangular part of the symmetric matrix
-*           packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 )
-*           contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 2, 1 ) 
-*           and a( 3, 1 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array
-*           AP is overwritten by the lower triangular part of the
-*           updated matrix.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 30-September-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      REAL TEMP
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND. (N.GT.0)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Set the start point in X if the increment is not unity.
-      IF (INCX.LE.0) THEN
-          KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX 
-          KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of the array AP
-*     are accessed sequentially with one pass through AP.
-      K = 1
-      IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-*        Form  A  when upper triangle is stored in AP.
-          IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN 
-              DO 20,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN 
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(J)
-                     DO 10,I = 1,J
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(I)*TEMP 
-                        K = K + 1
-   10                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + J
-                 END IF
-   20         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              DO 40,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(JX) 
-                     IX = KX
-                     KK = K
-                     DO 30,K = KK,KK + J - 1
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(IX)*TEMP
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-   30                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + J
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-   40         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  A  when lower triangle is stored in AP.
-          IF (INCX.EQ.1) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(J).NE.ZERO) THEN 
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(J)
-                     DO 50,I = J,N
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(I)*TEMP 
-                        K = K + 1
-   50                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + N - J + 1
-                 END IF
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 IF (X(JX).NE.ZERO) THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*X(JX) 
-                     IX = JX
-                     KK = K
-                     DO 70,K = KK,KK + N - J
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(IX)*TEMP
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-   70                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + N - J + 1
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SSPR  .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,X(*),Y(*),A(LDA,*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SSYR2  performs the symmetric rank 2 operation
-*     A := alpha*x*y' + alpha*y*x' + A,
-*  where alpha is a scalar, x and y are n element vectors and A is an n
-*  by n symmetric matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
-*           triangular part of the array A is to be referenced as
-*           follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U' Only the upper triangular part of A
-*                                  is to be referenced.
-*              UPLO = 'L' Only the lower triangular part of A
-*                                  is to be referenced.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n
-*           element vector y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL             array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the leading n by n 
-*           upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper 
-*           triangular part of the symmetric matrix and the strictly
-*           lower triangular part of A is not referenced. On exit, the
-*           upper triangular part of the array A is overwritten by the
-*           upper triangular part of the updated matrix.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the leading n by n
-*           lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower 
-*           triangular part of the symmetric matrix and the strictly
-*           upper triangular part of A is not referenced. On exit, the
-*           lower triangular part of the array A is overwritten by the
-*           lower triangular part of the updated matrix.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least max(1,n).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 27-September-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND. (N.GT.0) .AND.
-     .     (LDA.GE.N)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Set up the start points in X and Y if the increments are not both 
-*     unity.
-      IF ((INCX.NE.1) .OR. (INCY.NE.1)) THEN
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              KY = 1
-          ELSE
-              KY = 1 - (N-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through the triangular part
-*     of A.
-      IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-*        Form  A  when A is stored in the upper triangle.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 20,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(J).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(J).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(J) 
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(J) 
-                     DO 10,I = 1,J
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(I)*TEMP1 + Y(I)*TEMP2
-   10                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-   20         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              JY = KY
-              DO 40,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(JX).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(JY).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(JY)
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(JX)
-                     IX = KX
-                     IY = KY
-                     DO 30,I = 1,J
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(IX)*TEMP1 + Y(IY)*TEMP2
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-                        IY = IY + INCY
-   30                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-   40         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  A  when A is stored in the upper triangle.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(J).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(J).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(J) 
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(J) 
-                     DO 50,I = J,N
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(I)*TEMP1 + Y(I)*TEMP2
-   50                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              JY = KY
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(JX).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(JY).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(JY)
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(JX)
-                     IX = JX
-                     IY = JY
-                     DO 70,I = J,N
-                        A(I,J) = A(I,J) + X(IX)*TEMP1 + Y(IY)*TEMP2
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-                        IY = IY + INCY
-   70                CONTINUE 
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SSYR2 .
-      END 
-      REAL ALPHA,X(*),Y(*),AP(*)
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  SSPR2  performs the symmetric rank 2 operation
-*     A := alpha*x*y' + alpha*y*x' + A,
-*  where alpha is a scalar, x and y are n element vectors and A is an
-*  n by n symmetric matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
-*           triangular part of the matrix A is supplied in the packed
-*           array AP as follows: 
-*              UPLO = 'U' The upper triangular part of A is
-*                                  supplied in AP.
-*              UPLO = 'L' The lower triangular part of A is
-*                                  supplied in AP.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL            . 
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL             array of dimension at least 
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n
-*           element vector y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  AP     - REAL             array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( ( n*( n + 1 ) )/2 ).
-*           Before entry with  UPLO = 'U', the array AP must
-*           contain the upper triangular part of the symmetric matrix
-*           packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 )
-*           contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 1, 2 ) 
-*           and a( 2, 2 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array
-*           AP is overwritten by the upper triangular part of the
-*           updated matrix.
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L', the array AP must
-*           contain the lower triangular part of the symmetric matrix
-*           packed sequentially, column by column, so that AP( 1 )
-*           contains a( 1, 1 ), AP( 2 ) and AP( 3 ) contain a( 2, 1 ) 
-*           and a( 3, 1 ) respectively, and so on. On exit, the array
-*           AP is overwritten by the lower triangular part of the
-*           updated matrix.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 30-September-1985.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-C     REVISED 860623
-      REAL ZERO
-      PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0E+0) 
-      OK = (LSAME(UPLO,'U') .OR. LSAME(UPLO,'L')) .AND. (N.GT.0)
-*     Quick return if possible.
-*     Set up the start points in X and Y if the increments are not both 
-*     unity.
-      IF ((INCX.NE.1) .OR. (INCY.NE.1)) THEN
-          IF (INCX.GT.0) THEN 
-              KX = 1
-          ELSE
-              KX = 1 - (N-1)*INCX
-          END IF
-          IF (INCY.GT.0) THEN 
-              KY = 1
-          ELSE
-              KY = 1 - (N-1)*INCY
-          END IF
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of the array AP
-*     are accessed sequentially with one pass through AP.
-      K = 1
-      IF (LSAME(UPLO,'U')) THEN
-*        Form  A  when upper triangle is stored in AP.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 20,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(J).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(J).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(J) 
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(J) 
-                     DO 10,I = 1,J
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(I)*TEMP1 + Y(I)*TEMP2
-                        K = K + 1
-   10                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + J
-                 END IF
-   20         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              JY = KY
-              DO 40,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(JX).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(JY).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(JY)
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(JX)
-                     IX = KX
-                     IY = KY
-                     KK = K
-                     DO 30,K = KK,KK + J - 1
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(IX)*TEMP1 + Y(IY)*TEMP2
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-                        IY = IY + INCY
-   30                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + J
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-   40         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  A  when lower triangle is stored in AP.
-          IF ((INCX.EQ.1) .AND. (INCY.EQ.1)) THEN 
-              DO 60,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(J).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(J).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(J) 
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(J) 
-                     DO 50,I = J,N
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(I)*TEMP1 + Y(I)*TEMP2
-                        K = K + 1
-   50                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + N - J + 1
-                 END IF
-   60         CONTINUE
-          ELSE
-              JX = KX
-              JY = KY
-              DO 80,J = 1,N
-                 IF ((X(JX).NE.ZERO) .OR. (Y(JY).NE.ZERO)) THEN
-                     TEMP1 = ALPHA*Y(JY)
-                     TEMP2 = ALPHA*X(JX)
-                     IX = JX
-                     IY = JY
-                     KK = K
-                     DO 70,K = KK,KK + N - J
-                        AP(K) = AP(K) + X(IX)*TEMP1 + Y(IY)*TEMP2
-                        IX = IX + INCX
-                        IY = IY + INCY
-   70                CONTINUE 
-                 ELSE
-                     K = K + N - J + 1
-                 END IF
-                 JX = JX + INCX
-                 JY = JY + INCY
-   80         CONTINUE
-          END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of SSPR2 .
-      END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-      CHARACTER CA(*)
-      CHARACTER *1 CB
-      DATA ICIRFX/62/
-      LSAME = CA(1) .EQ. CB .AND. CA(1) .NE. CHAR(ICIRFX)
-      IVAL = ICHAR(CA(2))
-          LSAME = CA(1) .EQ. CHAR(ICIRFX) .AND. CA(2) .EQ. CB
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-C     END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-C     DATA IOFF/32/ 
-C     LSAME = CA .EQ. CB
-C     END IF
-C     END 
-C     REVISED 860623
-C     DATA IOFF/64/ 
-C     LSAME = CA .EQ. CB
-C     END IF
-C     END IF
-C     END IF
-C     END 
-      END 
-      subroutine  dcopy(n,dx,incx,dy,incy)
-c     copies a vector, x, to a vector, y.
-c     uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
-c     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
-c     modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
-      double precision dx(*),dy(*)
-      integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,mp1,n
-      if(n.le.0)return
-      if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20
-c        code for unequal increments or equal increments
-c          not equal to 1
-      ix = 1
-      iy = 1
-      if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
-      if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
-      do 10 i = 1,n
-        dy(iy) = dx(ix)
-        ix = ix + incx
-        iy = iy + incy
-   10 continue
-      return
-c        code for both increments equal to 1
-c        clean-up loop
-   20 m = mod(n,7)
-      if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
-      do 30 i = 1,m
-        dy(i) = dx(i)
-   30 continue
-      if( n .lt. 7 ) return
-   40 mp1 = m + 1
-      do 50 i = mp1,n,7
-        dy(i) = dx(i)
-        dy(i + 1) = dx(i + 1)
-        dy(i + 2) = dx(i + 2)
-        dy(i + 3) = dx(i + 3)
-        dy(i + 4) = dx(i + 4)
-        dy(i + 5) = dx(i + 5)
-        dy(i + 6) = dx(i + 6)
-   50 continue
-      return
-      end
-     $                   BETA, C, LDC )
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            M, N, K, LDA, LDB, LDC
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      REAL   A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), C( LDC, * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DGEMM  performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
-*     C := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C,
-*  where  op( X ) is one of
-*     op( X ) = X   or   op( X ) = X',
-*  alpha and beta are scalars, and A, B and C are matrices, with op( A )
-*  an m by k matrix,  op( B )  a  k by n matrix and  C an m by n matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, TRANSA specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in
-*           the matrix multiplication as follows:
-*              TRANSA = 'N' or 'n',  op( A ) = A.
-*              TRANSA = 'T' or 't',  op( A ) = A'.
-*              TRANSA = 'C' or 'c',  op( A ) = A'.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANSB specifies the form of op( B ) to be used in
-*           the matrix multiplication as follows:
-*              TRANSB = 'N' or 'n',  op( B ) = B.
-*              TRANSB = 'T' or 't',  op( B ) = B'.
-*              TRANSB = 'C' or 'c',  op( B ) = B'.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  M      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry,  M  specifies  the number  of rows  of the  matrix
-*           op( A )  and of the  matrix  C.  M  must  be at least  zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry,  N  specifies the number  of columns of the matrix
-*           op( B ) and the number of columns of the matrix C. N must be
-*           at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  K      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry,  K  specifies  the number of columns of the matrix
-*           op( A ) and the number of rows of the matrix op( B ). K must
-*           be at least  zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL.
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDA, ka ), where ka is
-*           k  when  TRANSA = 'N' or 'n',  and is  m  otherwise.
-*           Before entry with  TRANSA = 'N' or 'n',  the leading  m by k
-*           part of the array  A  must contain the matrix  A,  otherwise
-*           the leading  k by m  part of the array  A  must contain  the
-*           matrix A.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. When  TRANSA = 'N' or 'n' then
-*           LDA must be at least  max( 1, m ), otherwise  LDA must be at
-*           least  max( 1, k ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  B      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDB, kb ), where kb is
-*           n  when  TRANSB = 'N' or 'n',  and is  k  otherwise.
-*           Before entry with  TRANSB = 'N' or 'n',  the leading  k by n
-*           part of the array  B  must contain the matrix  B,  otherwise
-*           the leading  n by k  part of the array  B  must contain  the
-*           matrix B.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDB    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. When  TRANSB = 'N' or 'n' then
-*           LDB must be at least  max( 1, k ), otherwise  LDB must be at
-*           least  max( 1, n ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  BETA   - REAL.
-*           On entry,  BETA  specifies the scalar  beta.  When  BETA  is
-*           supplied as zero then C need not be set on input.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  C      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDC, n ).
-*           Before entry, the leading  m by n  part of the array  C must
-*           contain the matrix  C,  except when  beta  is zero, in which
-*           case C need not be set on entry.
-*           On exit, the array  C  is overwritten by the  m by n  matrix
-*           ( alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C ).
-*  LDC    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDC specifies the first dimension of C as declared
-*           in  the  calling  (sub)  program.   LDC  must  be  at  least
-*           max( 1, m ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 3 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 8-February-1989.
-*     Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory.
-*     Iain Duff, AERE Harwell.
-*     Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      LOGICAL            LSAME
-      EXTERNAL           LSAME
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-      EXTERNAL           XERBLA
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      LOGICAL            NOTA, NOTB
-      INTEGER            I, INFO, J, L, NCOLA, NROWA, NROWB
-      REAL   TEMP
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ONE         , ZERO
-      PARAMETER        ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 )
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     Set  NOTA  and  NOTB  as  true if  A  and  B  respectively are not
-*     transposed and set  NROWA, NCOLA and  NROWB  as the number of rows
-*     and  columns of  A  and the  number of  rows  of  B  respectively.
-      NOTA  = LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' )
-      NOTB  = LSAME( TRANSB, 'N' )
-      IF( NOTA )THEN
-         NROWA = M
-         NCOLA = K
-      ELSE
-         NROWA = K
-         NCOLA = M
-      END IF
-      IF( NOTB )THEN
-         NROWB = K
-      ELSE
-         NROWB = N
-      END IF
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      INFO = 0
-      IF(      ( .NOT.NOTA                 ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'C' ) ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'T' ) )      )THEN
-         INFO = 1
-      ELSE IF( ( .NOT.NOTB                 ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSB, 'C' ) ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSB, 'T' ) )      )THEN
-         INFO = 2
-      ELSE IF( M  .LT.0               )THEN
-         INFO = 3
-      ELSE IF( N  .LT.0               )THEN
-         INFO = 4
-      ELSE IF( K  .LT.0               )THEN
-         INFO = 5
-         INFO = 8
-         INFO = 10
-      ELSE IF( LDC.LT.MAX( 1, M     ) )THEN
-         INFO = 13
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 )THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DGEMM ', INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF( ( M.EQ.0 ).OR.( N.EQ.0 ).OR.
-     $    ( ( ( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ).OR.( K.EQ.0 ) ).AND.( BETA.EQ.ONE ) ) )
-     $   RETURN
-*     And if  alpha.eq.zero.
-         IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN
-            DO 20, J = 1, N
-               DO 10, I = 1, M
-                  C( I, J ) = ZERO
-   10          CONTINUE
-   20       CONTINUE
-         ELSE
-            DO 40, J = 1, N
-               DO 30, I = 1, M
-                  C( I, J ) = BETA*C( I, J )
-   30          CONTINUE
-   40       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations.
-      IF( NOTB )THEN
-         IF( NOTA )THEN
-*           Form  C := alpha*A*B + beta*C.
-            DO 90, J = 1, N
-               IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN
-                  DO 50, I = 1, M
-                     C( I, J ) = ZERO
-   50             CONTINUE
-               ELSE IF( BETA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                  DO 60, I = 1, M
-                     C( I, J ) = BETA*C( I, J )
-   60             CONTINUE
-               END IF
-               DO 80, L = 1, K
-                  IF( B( L, J ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*B( L, J )
-                     DO 70, I = 1, M
-                        C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) + TEMP*A( I, L )
-   70                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-   80          CONTINUE
-   90       CONTINUE
-         ELSE
-*           Form  C := alpha*A'*B + beta*C
-            DO 120, J = 1, N
-               DO 110, I = 1, M
-                  TEMP = ZERO
-                  DO 100, L = 1, K
-                     TEMP = TEMP + A( L, I )*B( L, J )
-  100             CONTINUE
-                  IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN
-                     C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP
-                  ELSE
-                     C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP + BETA*C( I, J )
-                  END IF
-  110          CONTINUE
-  120       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      ELSE
-         IF( NOTA )THEN
-*           Form  C := alpha*A*B' + beta*C
-            DO 170, J = 1, N
-               IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN
-                  DO 130, I = 1, M
-                     C( I, J ) = ZERO
-  130             CONTINUE
-               ELSE IF( BETA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                  DO 140, I = 1, M
-                     C( I, J ) = BETA*C( I, J )
-  140             CONTINUE
-               END IF
-               DO 160, L = 1, K
-                  IF( B( J, L ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*B( J, L )
-                     DO 150, I = 1, M
-                        C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) + TEMP*A( I, L )
-  150                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-  160          CONTINUE
-  170       CONTINUE
-         ELSE
-*           Form  C := alpha*A'*B' + beta*C
-            DO 200, J = 1, N
-               DO 190, I = 1, M
-                  TEMP = ZERO
-                  DO 180, L = 1, K
-                     TEMP = TEMP + A( L, I )*B( J, L )
-  180             CONTINUE
-                  IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN
-                     C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP
-                  ELSE
-                     C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP + BETA*C( I, J )
-                  END IF
-  190          CONTINUE
-  200       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DGEMM .
-      END
-     $                   BETA, Y, INCY )
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            INCX, INCY, LDA, M, N
-      CHARACTER*1        TRANS
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      REAL   A( LDA, * ), X( * ), Y( * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DGEMV  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
-*     y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y,
-*  where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
-*  m by n matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
-*           follows:
-*              TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   y := alpha*A*x + beta*y.
-*              TRANS = 'T' or 't'   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.
-*              TRANS = 'C' or 'c'   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  M      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A.
-*           M must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL.
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must
-*           contain the matrix of coefficients.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           max( 1, m ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n'
-*           and at least
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) otherwise.
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the
-*           vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X. INCX must not be zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  BETA   - REAL.
-*           On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is
-*           supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL array of DIMENSION at least
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n'
-*           and at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) otherwise.
-*           Before entry with BETA non-zero, the incremented array Y
-*           must contain the vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the
-*           updated vector y.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y. INCY must not be zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 22-October-1986.
-*     Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Lab.
-*     Jeremy Du Croz, Nag Central Office.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-*     Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs.
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ONE         , ZERO
-      PARAMETER        ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 )
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      REAL   TEMP
-      INTEGER            I, INFO, IX, IY, J, JX, JY, KX, KY, LENX, LENY
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      LOGICAL            LSAME
-      EXTERNAL           LSAME
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-      EXTERNAL           XERBLA
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      INFO = 0
-      IF     ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ).AND.
-     $         .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ).AND.
-     $         .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'C' )      )THEN
-         INFO = 1
-      ELSE IF( M.LT.0 )THEN
-         INFO = 2
-      ELSE IF( N.LT.0 )THEN
-         INFO = 3
-      ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) )THEN
-         INFO = 6
-         INFO = 8
-         INFO = 11
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 )THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DGEMV ', INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF( ( M.EQ.0 ).OR.( N.EQ.0 ).OR.
-     $    ( ( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ).AND.( BETA.EQ.ONE ) ) )
-     $   RETURN
-*     Set  LENX  and  LENY, the lengths of the vectors x and y, and set
-*     up the start points in  X  and  Y.
-      IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) )THEN
-         LENX = N
-         LENY = M
-      ELSE
-         LENX = M
-         LENY = N
-      END IF
-      IF( INCX.GT.0 )THEN
-         KX = 1
-      ELSE
-         KX = 1 - ( LENX - 1 )*INCX
-      END IF
-      IF( INCY.GT.0 )THEN
-         KY = 1
-      ELSE
-         KY = 1 - ( LENY - 1 )*INCY
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-*     First form  y := beta*y.
-         IF( INCY.EQ.1 )THEN
-            IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN
-               DO 10, I = 1, LENY
-                  Y( I ) = ZERO
-   10          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               DO 20, I = 1, LENY
-                  Y( I ) = BETA*Y( I )
-   20          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         ELSE
-            IY = KY
-            IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN
-               DO 30, I = 1, LENY
-                  Y( IY ) = ZERO
-                  IY      = IY   + INCY
-   30          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               DO 40, I = 1, LENY
-                  Y( IY ) = BETA*Y( IY )
-                  IY      = IY           + INCY
-   40          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      IF( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO )
-     $   RETURN
-      IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) )THEN
-*        Form  y := alpha*A*x + y.
-         JX = KX
-         IF( INCY.EQ.1 )THEN
-            DO 60, J = 1, N
-               IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                  TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX )
-                  DO 50, I = 1, M
-                     Y( I ) = Y( I ) + TEMP*A( I, J )
-   50             CONTINUE
-               END IF
-               JX = JX + INCX
-   60       CONTINUE
-         ELSE
-            DO 80, J = 1, N
-               IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                  TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX )
-                  IY   = KY
-                  DO 70, I = 1, M
-                     Y( IY ) = Y( IY ) + TEMP*A( I, J )
-                     IY      = IY      + INCY
-   70             CONTINUE
-               END IF
-               JX = JX + INCX
-   80       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  y := alpha*A'*x + y.
-         JY = KY
-         IF( INCX.EQ.1 )THEN
-            DO 100, J = 1, N
-               TEMP = ZERO
-               DO 90, I = 1, M
-                  TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( I )
-   90          CONTINUE
-               Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + ALPHA*TEMP
-               JY      = JY      + INCY
-  100       CONTINUE
-         ELSE
-            DO 120, J = 1, N
-               TEMP = ZERO
-               IX   = KX
-               DO 110, I = 1, M
-                  TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( IX )
-                  IX   = IX   + INCX
-  110          CONTINUE
-               Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + ALPHA*TEMP
-               JY      = JY      + INCY
-  120       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DGEMV .
-      END
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      REAL   ALPHA
-      INTEGER            INCX, INCY, LDA, M, N
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      REAL   A( LDA, * ), X( * ), Y( * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DGER   performs the rank 1 operation
-*     A := alpha*x*y' + A,
-*  where alpha is a scalar, x is an m element vector, y is an n element
-*  vector and A is an m by n matrix.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*  M      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A.
-*           M must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL.
-*           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL array of dimension at least
-*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the m
-*           element vector x.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X. INCX must not be zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Y      - REAL array of dimension at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n
-*           element vector y.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           Y. INCY must not be zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must
-*           contain the matrix of coefficients. On exit, A is
-*           overwritten by the updated matrix.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           max( 1, m ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 22-October-1986.
-*     Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Lab.
-*     Jeremy Du Croz, Nag Central Office.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-*     Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs.
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ZERO
-      PARAMETER        ( ZERO = 0.0D+0 )
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      REAL   TEMP
-      INTEGER            I, INFO, IX, J, JY, KX
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-      EXTERNAL           XERBLA
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      INFO = 0
-      IF     ( M.LT.0 )THEN
-         INFO = 1
-      ELSE IF( N.LT.0 )THEN
-         INFO = 2
-         INFO = 5
-         INFO = 7
-      ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) )THEN
-         INFO = 9
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 )THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DGER  ', INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF( ( M.EQ.0 ).OR.( N.EQ.0 ).OR.( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ) )
-     $   RETURN
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed sequentially with one pass through A.
-      IF( INCY.GT.0 )THEN
-         JY = 1
-      ELSE
-         JY = 1 - ( N - 1 )*INCY
-      END IF
-      IF( INCX.EQ.1 )THEN
-         DO 20, J = 1, N
-            IF( Y( JY ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-               TEMP = ALPHA*Y( JY )
-               DO 10, I = 1, M
-                  A( I, J ) = A( I, J ) + X( I )*TEMP
-   10          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-            JY = JY + INCY
-   20    CONTINUE
-      ELSE
-         IF( INCX.GT.0 )THEN
-            KX = 1
-         ELSE
-            KX = 1 - ( M - 1 )*INCX
-         END IF
-         DO 40, J = 1, N
-            IF( Y( JY ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-               TEMP = ALPHA*Y( JY )
-               IX   = KX
-               DO 30, I = 1, M
-                  A( I, J ) = A( I, J ) + X( IX )*TEMP
-                  IX        = IX        + INCX
-   30          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-            JY = JY + INCY
-   40    CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DGER  .
-      END
-      subroutine  dscal(n,da,dx,incx)
-c     scales a vector by a constant.
-c     uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one.
-c     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
-c     modified 3/93 to return if incx .le. 0.
-c     modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
-      double precision da,dx(*)
-      integer i,incx,m,mp1,n,nincx
-      if( n.le.0 .or. incx.le.0 )return
-      if(incx.eq.1)go to 20
-c        code for increment not equal to 1
-      nincx = n*incx
-      do 10 i = 1,nincx,incx
-        dx(i) = da*dx(i)
-   10 continue
-      return
-c        code for increment equal to 1
-c        clean-up loop
-   20 m = mod(n,5)
-      if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
-      do 30 i = 1,m
-        dx(i) = da*dx(i)
-   30 continue
-      if( n .lt. 5 ) return
-   40 mp1 = m + 1
-      do 50 i = mp1,n,5
-        dx(i) = da*dx(i)
-        dx(i + 1) = da*dx(i + 1)
-        dx(i + 2) = da*dx(i + 2)
-        dx(i + 3) = da*dx(i + 3)
-        dx(i + 4) = da*dx(i + 4)
-   50 continue
-      return
-      end
-      subroutine  dswap (n,dx,incx,dy,incy)
-c     interchanges two vectors.
-c     uses unrolled loops for increments equal one.
-c     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
-c     modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
-      double precision dx(*),dy(*),dtemp
-      integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,mp1,n
-      if(n.le.0)return
-      if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20
-c       code for unequal increments or equal increments not equal
-c         to 1
-      ix = 1
-      iy = 1
-      if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
-      if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
-      do 10 i = 1,n
-        dtemp = dx(ix)
-        dx(ix) = dy(iy)
-        dy(iy) = dtemp
-        ix = ix + incx
-        iy = iy + incy
-   10 continue
-      return
-c       code for both increments equal to 1
-c       clean-up loop
-   20 m = mod(n,3)
-      if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
-      do 30 i = 1,m
-        dtemp = dx(i)
-        dx(i) = dy(i)
-        dy(i) = dtemp
-   30 continue
-      if( n .lt. 3 ) return
-   40 mp1 = m + 1
-      do 50 i = mp1,n,3
-        dtemp = dx(i)
-        dx(i) = dy(i)
-        dy(i) = dtemp
-        dtemp = dx(i + 1)
-        dx(i + 1) = dy(i + 1)
-        dy(i + 1) = dtemp
-        dtemp = dx(i + 2)
-        dx(i + 2) = dy(i + 2)
-        dy(i + 2) = dtemp
-   50 continue
-      return
-      end
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            INCX, K, LDA, N
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      REAL   A( LDA, * ), X( * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DTBSV  solves one of the systems of equations
-*     A*x = b,   or   A'*x = b,
-*  where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
-*  non-unit, upper or lower triangular band matrix, with ( k + 1 )
-*  diagonals.
-*  No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this
-*  routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows:
-*              UPLO = 'U' or 'u'   A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L' or 'l'   A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANS specifies the equations to be solved as
-*           follows:
-*              TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   A*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'T' or 't'   A'*x = b.
-*              TRANS = 'C' or 'c'   A'*x = b.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit
-*           triangular as follows:
-*              DIAG = 'U' or 'u'   A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N' or 'n'   A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
-*           N must be at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  K      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', K specifies the number of
-*           super-diagonals of the matrix A.
-*           On entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', K specifies the number of
-*           sub-diagonals of the matrix A.
-*           K must satisfy  0 .le. K.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the upper triangular
-*           band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row
-*           ( k + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal starting at
-*           position 2 in row k, and so on. The top left k by k triangle
-*           of the array A is not referenced.
-*           The following program segment will transfer an upper
-*           triangular band matrix from conventional full matrix storage
-*           to band storage:
-*                 DO 20, J = 1, N
-*                    M = K + 1 - J
-*                    DO 10, I = MAX( 1, J - K ), J
-*                       A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J )
-*              10    CONTINUE
-*              20 CONTINUE
-*           Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading ( k + 1 )
-*           by n part of the array A must contain the lower triangular
-*           band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by
-*           column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row 1 of
-*           the array, the first sub-diagonal starting at position 1 in
-*           row 2, and so on. The bottom right k by k triangle of the
-*           array A is not referenced.
-*           The following program segment will transfer a lower
-*           triangular band matrix from conventional full matrix storage
-*           to band storage:
-*                 DO 20, J = 1, N
-*                    M = 1 - J
-*                    DO 10, I = J, MIN( N, J + K )
-*                       A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J )
-*              10    CONTINUE
-*              20 CONTINUE
-*           Note that when DIAG = 'U' or 'u' the elements of the array A
-*           corresponding to the diagonal elements of the matrix are not
-*           referenced, but are assumed to be unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least
-*           ( k + 1 ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  X      - REAL array of dimension at least
-*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
-*           Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n
-*           element right-hand side vector b. On exit, X is overwritten
-*           with the solution vector x.
-*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
-*           X. INCX must not be zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 2 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 22-October-1986.
-*     Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Lab.
-*     Jeremy Du Croz, Nag Central Office.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
-*     Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs.
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ZERO
-      PARAMETER        ( ZERO = 0.0D+0 )
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      REAL   TEMP
-      INTEGER            I, INFO, IX, J, JX, KPLUS1, KX, L
-      LOGICAL            NOUNIT
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      LOGICAL            LSAME
-      EXTERNAL           LSAME
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-      EXTERNAL           XERBLA
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX, MIN
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      INFO = 0
-      IF     ( .NOT.LSAME( UPLO , 'U' ).AND.
-     $         .NOT.LSAME( UPLO , 'L' )      )THEN
-         INFO = 1
-     $         .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ).AND.
-     $         .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'C' )      )THEN
-         INFO = 2
-      ELSE IF( .NOT.LSAME( DIAG , 'U' ).AND.
-     $         .NOT.LSAME( DIAG , 'N' )      )THEN
-         INFO = 3
-      ELSE IF( N.LT.0 )THEN
-         INFO = 4
-      ELSE IF( K.LT.0 )THEN
-         INFO = 5
-      ELSE IF( LDA.LT.( K + 1 ) )THEN
-         INFO = 7
-         INFO = 9
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 )THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DTBSV ', INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF( N.EQ.0 )
-     $   RETURN
-      NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG, 'N' )
-*     Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This
-*     will be  ( N - 1 )*INCX  too small for descending loops.
-      IF( INCX.LE.0 )THEN
-         KX = 1 - ( N - 1 )*INCX
-         KX = 1
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are
-*     accessed by sequentially with one pass through A.
-      IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) )THEN
-*        Form  x := inv( A )*x.
-         IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) )THEN
-            KPLUS1 = K + 1
-            IF( INCX.EQ.1 )THEN
-               DO 20, J = N, 1, -1
-                  IF( X( J ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                     L = KPLUS1 - J
-                     IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                  X( J ) = X( J )/A( KPLUS1, J )
-                     TEMP = X( J )
-                     DO 10, I = J - 1, MAX( 1, J - K ), -1
-                        X( I ) = X( I ) - TEMP*A( L + I, J )
-   10                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-   20          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               KX = KX + ( N - 1 )*INCX
-               JX = KX
-               DO 40, J = N, 1, -1
-                  KX = KX - INCX
-                  IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                     IX = KX
-                     L  = KPLUS1 - J
-                     IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                  X( JX ) = X( JX )/A( KPLUS1, J )
-                     TEMP = X( JX )
-                     DO 30, I = J - 1, MAX( 1, J - K ), -1
-                        X( IX ) = X( IX ) - TEMP*A( L + I, J )
-                        IX      = IX      - INCX
-   30                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  JX = JX - INCX
-   40          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         ELSE
-            IF( INCX.EQ.1 )THEN
-               DO 60, J = 1, N
-                  IF( X( J ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                     L = 1 - J
-                     IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                  X( J ) = X( J )/A( 1, J )
-                     TEMP = X( J )
-                     DO 50, I = J + 1, MIN( N, J + K )
-                        X( I ) = X( I ) - TEMP*A( L + I, J )
-   50                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-   60          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               JX = KX
-               DO 80, J = 1, N
-                  KX = KX + INCX
-                  IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                     IX = KX
-                     L  = 1  - J
-                     IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                  X( JX ) = X( JX )/A( 1, J )
-                     TEMP = X( JX )
-                     DO 70, I = J + 1, MIN( N, J + K )
-                        X( IX ) = X( IX ) - TEMP*A( L + I, J )
-                        IX      = IX      + INCX
-   70                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  JX = JX + INCX
-   80          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE
-*        Form  x := inv( A')*x.
-         IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) )THEN
-            KPLUS1 = K + 1
-            IF( INCX.EQ.1 )THEN
-               DO 100, J = 1, N
-                  TEMP = X( J )
-                  L    = KPLUS1 - J
-                  DO 90, I = MAX( 1, J - K ), J - 1
-                     TEMP = TEMP - A( L + I, J )*X( I )
-   90             CONTINUE
-                  IF( NOUNIT )
-     $               TEMP = TEMP/A( KPLUS1, J )
-                  X( J ) = TEMP
-  100          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               JX = KX
-               DO 120, J = 1, N
-                  TEMP = X( JX )
-                  IX   = KX
-                  L    = KPLUS1  - J
-                  DO 110, I = MAX( 1, J - K ), J - 1
-                     TEMP = TEMP - A( L + I, J )*X( IX )
-                     IX   = IX   + INCX
-  110             CONTINUE
-                  IF( NOUNIT )
-     $               TEMP = TEMP/A( KPLUS1, J )
-                  X( JX ) = TEMP
-                  JX      = JX   + INCX
-                  IF( J.GT.K )
-     $               KX = KX + INCX
-  120          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         ELSE
-            IF( INCX.EQ.1 )THEN
-               DO 140, J = N, 1, -1
-                  TEMP = X( J )
-                  L    = 1      - J
-                  DO 130, I = MIN( N, J + K ), J + 1, -1
-                     TEMP = TEMP - A( L + I, J )*X( I )
-  130             CONTINUE
-                  IF( NOUNIT )
-     $               TEMP = TEMP/A( 1, J )
-                  X( J ) = TEMP
-  140          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               KX = KX + ( N - 1 )*INCX
-               JX = KX
-               DO 160, J = N, 1, -1
-                  TEMP = X( JX )
-                  IX   = KX
-                  L    = 1       - J
-                  DO 150, I = MIN( N, J + K ), J + 1, -1
-                     TEMP = TEMP - A( L + I, J )*X( IX )
-                     IX   = IX   - INCX
-  150             CONTINUE
-                  IF( NOUNIT )
-     $               TEMP = TEMP/A( 1, J )
-                  X( JX ) = TEMP
-                  JX      = JX   - INCX
-                  IF( ( N - J ).GE.K )
-     $               KX = KX - INCX
-  160          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DTBSV .
-      END
-     $                   B, LDB )
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            M, N, LDA, LDB
-      REAL   ALPHA
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      REAL   A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DTRSM  solves one of the matrix equations
-*     op( A )*X = alpha*B,   or   X*op( A ) = alpha*B,
-*  where alpha is a scalar, X and B are m by n matrices, A is a unit, or
-*  non-unit,  upper or lower triangular matrix  and  op( A )  is one  of
-*     op( A ) = A   or   op( A ) = A'.
-*  The matrix X is overwritten on B.
-*  Parameters
-*  ==========
-*           On entry, SIDE specifies whether op( A ) appears on the left
-*           or right of X as follows:
-*              SIDE = 'L' or 'l'   op( A )*X = alpha*B.
-*              SIDE = 'R' or 'r'   X*op( A ) = alpha*B.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix A is an upper or
-*           lower triangular matrix as follows:
-*              UPLO = 'U' or 'u'   A is an upper triangular matrix.
-*              UPLO = 'L' or 'l'   A is a lower triangular matrix.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, TRANSA specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in
-*           the matrix multiplication as follows:
-*              TRANSA = 'N' or 'n'   op( A ) = A.
-*              TRANSA = 'T' or 't'   op( A ) = A'.
-*              TRANSA = 'C' or 'c'   op( A ) = A'.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*           On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit triangular
-*           as follows:
-*              DIAG = 'U' or 'u'   A is assumed to be unit triangular.
-*              DIAG = 'N' or 'n'   A is not assumed to be unit
-*                                  triangular.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  M      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, M specifies the number of rows of B. M must be at
-*           least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  N      - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, N specifies the number of columns of B.  N must be
-*           at least zero.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  ALPHA  - REAL.
-*           On entry,  ALPHA specifies the scalar  alpha. When  alpha is
-*           zero then  A is not referenced and  B need not be set before
-*           entry.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  A      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDA, k ), where k is m
-*           when  SIDE = 'L' or 'l'  and is  n  when  SIDE = 'R' or 'r'.
-*           Before entry  with  UPLO = 'U' or 'u',  the  leading  k by k
-*           upper triangular part of the array  A must contain the upper
-*           triangular matrix  and the strictly lower triangular part of
-*           A is not referenced.
-*           Before entry  with  UPLO = 'L' or 'l',  the  leading  k by k
-*           lower triangular part of the array  A must contain the lower
-*           triangular matrix  and the strictly upper triangular part of
-*           A is not referenced.
-*           Note that when  DIAG = 'U' or 'u',  the diagonal elements of
-*           A  are not referenced either,  but are assumed to be  unity.
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  LDA    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
-*           in the calling (sub) program.  When  SIDE = 'L' or 'l'  then
-*           LDA  must be at least  max( 1, m ),  when  SIDE = 'R' or 'r'
-*           then LDA must be at least max( 1, n ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  B      - REAL array of DIMENSION ( LDB, n ).
-*           Before entry,  the leading  m by n part of the array  B must
-*           contain  the  right-hand  side  matrix  B,  and  on exit  is
-*           overwritten by the solution matrix  X.
-*  LDB    - INTEGER.
-*           On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared
-*           in  the  calling  (sub)  program.   LDB  must  be  at  least
-*           max( 1, m ).
-*           Unchanged on exit.
-*  Level 3 Blas routine.
-*  -- Written on 8-February-1989.
-*     Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory.
-*     Iain Duff, AERE Harwell.
-*     Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
-*     Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      LOGICAL            LSAME
-      EXTERNAL           LSAME
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-      EXTERNAL           XERBLA
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      LOGICAL            LSIDE, NOUNIT, UPPER
-      INTEGER            I, INFO, J, K, NROWA
-      REAL   TEMP
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ONE         , ZERO
-      PARAMETER        ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 )
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      LSIDE  = LSAME( SIDE  , 'L' )
-      IF( LSIDE )THEN
-         NROWA = M
-      ELSE
-         NROWA = N
-      END IF
-      NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG  , 'N' )
-      UPPER  = LSAME( UPLO  , 'U' )
-      INFO   = 0
-      IF(      ( .NOT.LSIDE                ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( SIDE  , 'R' ) )      )THEN
-         INFO = 1
-      ELSE IF( ( .NOT.UPPER                ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( UPLO  , 'L' ) )      )THEN
-         INFO = 2
-      ELSE IF( ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' ) ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'T' ) ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'C' ) )      )THEN
-         INFO = 3
-      ELSE IF( ( .NOT.LSAME( DIAG  , 'U' ) ).AND.
-     $         ( .NOT.LSAME( DIAG  , 'N' ) )      )THEN
-         INFO = 4
-      ELSE IF( M  .LT.0               )THEN
-         INFO = 5
-      ELSE IF( N  .LT.0               )THEN
-         INFO = 6
-         INFO = 9
-      ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( 1, M     ) )THEN
-         INFO = 11
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 )THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DTRSM ', INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible.
-      IF( N.EQ.0 )
-     $   RETURN
-*     And when  alpha.eq.zero.
-         DO 20, J = 1, N
-            DO 10, I = 1, M
-               B( I, J ) = ZERO
-   10       CONTINUE
-   20    CONTINUE
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Start the operations.
-      IF( LSIDE )THEN
-         IF( LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' ) )THEN
-*           Form  B := alpha*inv( A )*B.
-            IF( UPPER )THEN
-               DO 60, J = 1, N
-                  IF( ALPHA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                     DO 30, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, J ) = ALPHA*B( I, J )
-   30                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  DO 50, K = M, 1, -1
-                     IF( B( K, J ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                        IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                     B( K, J ) = B( K, J )/A( K, K )
-                        DO 40, I = 1, K - 1
-                           B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - B( K, J )*A( I, K )
-   40                   CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-   50             CONTINUE
-   60          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               DO 100, J = 1, N
-                  IF( ALPHA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                     DO 70, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, J ) = ALPHA*B( I, J )
-   70                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  DO 90 K = 1, M
-                     IF( B( K, J ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                        IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                     B( K, J ) = B( K, J )/A( K, K )
-                        DO 80, I = K + 1, M
-                           B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - B( K, J )*A( I, K )
-   80                   CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-   90             CONTINUE
-  100          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         ELSE
-*           Form  B := alpha*inv( A' )*B.
-            IF( UPPER )THEN
-               DO 130, J = 1, N
-                  DO 120, I = 1, M
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*B( I, J )
-                     DO 110, K = 1, I - 1
-                        TEMP = TEMP - A( K, I )*B( K, J )
-  110                CONTINUE
-                     IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                  TEMP = TEMP/A( I, I )
-                     B( I, J ) = TEMP
-  120             CONTINUE
-  130          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               DO 160, J = 1, N
-                  DO 150, I = M, 1, -1
-                     TEMP = ALPHA*B( I, J )
-                     DO 140, K = I + 1, M
-                        TEMP = TEMP - A( K, I )*B( K, J )
-  140                CONTINUE
-                     IF( NOUNIT )
-     $                  TEMP = TEMP/A( I, I )
-                     B( I, J ) = TEMP
-  150             CONTINUE
-  160          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE
-         IF( LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' ) )THEN
-*           Form  B := alpha*B*inv( A ).
-            IF( UPPER )THEN
-               DO 210, J = 1, N
-                  IF( ALPHA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                     DO 170, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, J ) = ALPHA*B( I, J )
-  170                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  DO 190, K = 1, J - 1
-                     IF( A( K, J ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                        DO 180, I = 1, M
-                           B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - A( K, J )*B( I, K )
-  180                   CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-  190             CONTINUE
-                  IF( NOUNIT )THEN
-                     TEMP = ONE/A( J, J )
-                     DO 200, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, J ) = TEMP*B( I, J )
-  200                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-  210          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               DO 260, J = N, 1, -1
-                  IF( ALPHA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                     DO 220, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, J ) = ALPHA*B( I, J )
-  220                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  DO 240, K = J + 1, N
-                     IF( A( K, J ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                        DO 230, I = 1, M
-                           B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - A( K, J )*B( I, K )
-  230                   CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-  240             CONTINUE
-                  IF( NOUNIT )THEN
-                     TEMP = ONE/A( J, J )
-                     DO 250, I = 1, M
-                       B( I, J ) = TEMP*B( I, J )
-  250                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-  260          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         ELSE
-*           Form  B := alpha*B*inv( A' ).
-            IF( UPPER )THEN
-               DO 310, K = N, 1, -1
-                  IF( NOUNIT )THEN
-                     TEMP = ONE/A( K, K )
-                     DO 270, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, K ) = TEMP*B( I, K )
-  270                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  DO 290, J = 1, K - 1
-                     IF( A( J, K ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                        TEMP = A( J, K )
-                        DO 280, I = 1, M
-                           B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - TEMP*B( I, K )
-  280                   CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-  290             CONTINUE
-                  IF( ALPHA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                     DO 300, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, K ) = ALPHA*B( I, K )
-  300                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-  310          CONTINUE
-            ELSE
-               DO 360, K = 1, N
-                  IF( NOUNIT )THEN
-                     TEMP = ONE/A( K, K )
-                     DO 320, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, K ) = TEMP*B( I, K )
-  320                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-                  DO 340, J = K + 1, N
-                     IF( A( J, K ).NE.ZERO )THEN
-                        TEMP = A( J, K )
-                        DO 330, I = 1, M
-                           B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - TEMP*B( I, K )
-  330                   CONTINUE
-                     END IF
-  340             CONTINUE
-                  IF( ALPHA.NE.ONE )THEN
-                     DO 350, I = 1, M
-                        B( I, K ) = ALPHA*B( I, K )
-  350                CONTINUE
-                  END IF
-  360          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DTRSM .
-      END
-      integer function idamax(n,dx,incx)
-c     finds the index of element having max. absolute value.
-c     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
-c     modified 3/93 to return if incx .le. 0.
-c     modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
-      double precision dx(*),dmax
-      integer i,incx,ix,n
-      idamax = 0
-      if( n.lt.1 .or. incx.le.0 ) return
-      idamax = 1
-      if(n.eq.1)return
-      if(incx.eq.1)go to 20
-c        code for increment not equal to 1
-      ix = 1
-      dmax = dabs(dx(1))
-      ix = ix + incx
-      do 10 i = 2,n
-         if(dabs(dx(ix)).le.dmax) go to 5
-         idamax = i
-         dmax = dabs(dx(ix))
-    5    ix = ix + incx
-   10 continue
-      return
-c        code for increment equal to 1
-   20 dmax = dabs(dx(1))
-      do 30 i = 2,n
-         if(dabs(dx(i)).le.dmax) go to 30
-         idamax = i
-         dmax = dabs(dx(i))
-   30 continue
-      return
-      end
-*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (preliminary version) --
-*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
-*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
-*     February 29, 1992
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      CHARACTER*6        SRNAME
-      INTEGER            INFO
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  XERBLA  is an error handler for the LAPACK routines.
-*  It is called by an LAPACK routine if an input parameter has an
-*  invalid value.  A message is printed and execution stops.
-*  Installers may consider modifying the STOP statement in order to
-*  call system-specific exception-handling facilities.
-*  Arguments
-*  =========
-*  SRNAME  (input) CHARACTER*6
-*          The name of the routine which called XERBLA.
-*  INFO    (input) INTEGER
-*          The position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list
-*          of the calling routine.
-      WRITE( *, FMT = 9999 )SRNAME, INFO
-      STOP
- 9999 FORMAT( ' ** On entry to ', A6, ' parameter number ', I2, ' had ',
-     $      'an illegal value' )
-*     End of XERBLA
-      END
-*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) --
-*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
-*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
-*     February 29, 1992
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            INFO, KL, KU, LDAB, M, N
-*     ..
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            IPIV( * )
-      REAL   AB( LDAB, * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DGBTF2 computes an LU factorization of a real m-by-n band matrix A
-*  using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
-*  This is the unblocked version of the algorithm, calling Level 2 BLAS.
-*  Arguments
-*  =========
-*  M       (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0.
-*  N       (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
-*  KL      (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of subdiagonals within the band of A.  KL >= 0.
-*  KU      (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of superdiagonals within the band of A.  KU >= 0.
-*  AB      (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDAB,N)
-*          On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows KL+1 to
-*          2*KL+KU+1; rows 1 to KL of the array need not be set.
-*          The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the
-*          array AB as follows:
-*          AB(kl+ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(m,j+kl)
-*          On exit, details of the factorization: U is stored as an
-*          upper triangular band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in
-*          rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and the multipliers used during the
-*          factorization are stored in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1.
-*          See below for further details.
-*  LDAB    (input) INTEGER
-*          The leading dimension of the array AB.  LDAB >= 2*KL+KU+1.
-*  IPIV    (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N))
-*          The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the
-*          matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i).
-*  INFO    (output) INTEGER
-*          = 0: successful exit
-*          < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
-*          > 0: if INFO = +i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization
-*               has been completed, but the factor U is exactly
-*               singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used
-*               to solve a system of equations.
-*  Further Details
-*  ===============
-*  The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when
-*  M = N = 6, KL = 2, KU = 1:
-*  On entry:                       On exit:
-*      *    *    *    +    +    +       *    *    *   u14  u25  u36
-*      *    *    +    +    +    +       *    *   u13  u24  u35  u46
-*      *   a12  a23  a34  a45  a56      *   u12  u23  u34  u45  u56
-*     a11  a22  a33  a44  a55  a66     u11  u22  u33  u44  u55  u66
-*     a21  a32  a43  a54  a65   *      m21  m32  m43  m54  m65   *
-*     a31  a42  a53  a64   *    *      m31  m42  m53  m64   *    *
-*  Array elements marked * are not used by the routine; elements marked
-*  + need not be set on entry, but are required by the routine to store
-*  elements of U, because of fill-in resulting from the row
-*  interchanges.
-*  =====================================================================
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ONE, ZERO
-      PARAMETER          ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 )
-*     ..
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      INTEGER            I, J, JP, JU, KM, KV
-*     ..
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      INTEGER            IDAMAX
-      EXTERNAL           IDAMAX
-*     ..
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-*     ..
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX, MIN
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     KV is the number of superdiagonals in the factor U, allowing for
-*     fill-in.
-      KV = KU + KL
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      INFO = 0
-      IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -1
-      ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -2
-      ELSE IF( KL.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -3
-      ELSE IF( KU.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -4
-         INFO = -6
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DGBTF2', -INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible
-      IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. N.EQ.0 )
-     $   RETURN
-*     Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
-*     Set fill-in elements in columns KU+2 to KV to zero.
-      DO 20 J = KU + 2, MIN( KV, N )
-         DO 10 I = KV - J + 2, KL
-            AB( I, J ) = ZERO
-   10    CONTINUE
-*     JU is the index of the last column affected by the current stage
-*     of the factorization.
-      JU = 1
-      DO 40 J = 1, MIN( M, N )
-*        Set fill-in elements in column J+KV to zero.
-         IF( J+KV.LE.N ) THEN
-            DO 30 I = 1, KL
-               AB( I, J+KV ) = ZERO
-   30       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-*        Find pivot and test for singularity. KM is the number of
-*        subdiagonal elements in the current column.
-         KM = MIN( KL, M-J )
-         JP = IDAMAX( KM+1, AB( KV+1, J ), 1 )
-         IPIV( J ) = JP + J - 1
-         IF( AB( KV+JP, J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN
-            JU = MAX( JU, MIN( J+KU+JP-1, N ) )
-*           Apply interchange to columns J to JU.
-            IF( JP.NE.1 )
-     $         CALL DSWAP( JU-J+1, AB( KV+JP, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                     AB( KV+1, J ), LDAB-1 )
-            IF( KM.GT.0 ) THEN
-*              Compute multipliers.
-               CALL DSCAL( KM, ONE / AB( KV+1, J ), AB( KV+2, J ), 1 )
-*              Update trailing submatrix within the band.
-               IF( JU.GT.J )
-     $            CALL DGER( KM, JU-J, -ONE, AB( KV+2, J ), 1,
-     $                       AB( KV, J+1 ), LDAB-1, AB( KV+1, J+1 ),
-     $                       LDAB-1 )
-            END IF
-         ELSE
-*           If pivot is zero, set INFO to the index of the pivot
-*           unless a zero pivot has already been found.
-            IF( INFO.EQ.0 )
-     $         INFO = J
-         END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DGBTF2
-      END
-*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) --
-*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
-*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
-*     February 29, 1992
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            INFO, KL, KU, LDAB, M, N
-*     ..
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            IPIV( * )
-      REAL   AB( LDAB, * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DGBTRF computes an LU factorization of a real m-by-n band matrix A
-*  using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
-*  This is the blocked version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS.
-*  Arguments
-*  =========
-*  M       (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0.
-*  N       (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
-*  KL      (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of subdiagonals within the band of A.  KL >= 0.
-*  KU      (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of superdiagonals within the band of A.  KU >= 0.
-*  AB      (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDAB,N)
-*          On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows KL+1 to
-*          2*KL+KU+1; rows 1 to KL of the array need not be set.
-*          The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the
-*          array AB as follows:
-*          AB(kl+ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(m,j+kl)
-*          On exit, details of the factorization: U is stored as an
-*          upper triangular band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in
-*          rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and the multipliers used during the
-*          factorization are stored in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1.
-*          See below for further details.
-*  LDAB    (input) INTEGER
-*          The leading dimension of the array AB.  LDAB >= 2*KL+KU+1.
-*  IPIV    (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N))
-*          The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the
-*          matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i).
-*  INFO    (output) INTEGER
-*          = 0: successful exit
-*          < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
-*          > 0: if INFO = +i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization
-*               has been completed, but the factor U is exactly
-*               singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used
-*               to solve a system of equations.
-*  Further Details
-*  ===============
-*  The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when
-*  M = N = 6, KL = 2, KU = 1:
-*  On entry:                       On exit:
-*      *    *    *    +    +    +       *    *    *   u14  u25  u36
-*      *    *    +    +    +    +       *    *   u13  u24  u35  u46
-*      *   a12  a23  a34  a45  a56      *   u12  u23  u34  u45  u56
-*     a11  a22  a33  a44  a55  a66     u11  u22  u33  u44  u55  u66
-*     a21  a32  a43  a54  a65   *      m21  m32  m43  m54  m65   *
-*     a31  a42  a53  a64   *    *      m31  m42  m53  m64   *    *
-*  Array elements marked * are not used by the routine; elements marked
-*  + need not be set on entry, but are required by the routine to store
-*  elements of U because of fill-in resulting from the row interchanges.
-*  =====================================================================
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ONE, ZERO
-      PARAMETER          ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 )
-      INTEGER            NBMAX, LDWORK
-      PARAMETER          ( NBMAX = 64, LDWORK = NBMAX+1 )
-*     ..
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      INTEGER            I, I2, I3, II, IP, J, J2, J3, JB, JJ, JM, JP,
-     $                   JU, K2, KM, KV, NB, NW
-      REAL   TEMP
-*     ..
-*     .. Local Arrays ..
-      REAL   WORK13( LDWORK, NBMAX ),
-     $                   WORK31( LDWORK, NBMAX )
-*     ..
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      INTEGER            IDAMAX, ILAENV
-      EXTERNAL           IDAMAX, ILAENV
-*     ..
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-     $                   DSWAP, DTRSM, XERBLA
-*     ..
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX, MIN
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     KV is the number of superdiagonals in the factor U, allowing for
-*     fill-in
-      KV = KU + KL
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      INFO = 0
-      IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -1
-      ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -2
-      ELSE IF( KL.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -3
-      ELSE IF( KU.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -4
-         INFO = -6
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DGBTRF', -INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible
-      IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. N.EQ.0 )
-     $   RETURN
-*     Determine the block size for this environment
-      NB = ILAENV( 1, 'DGBTRF', ' ', M, N, KL, KU )
-*     The block size must not exceed the limit set by the size of the
-*     local arrays WORK13 and WORK31.
-      NB = MIN( NB, NBMAX )
-      IF( NB.LE.1 .OR. NB.GT.KL ) THEN
-*        Use unblocked code
-         CALL DGBTF2( M, N, KL, KU, AB, LDAB, IPIV, INFO )
-      ELSE
-*        Use blocked code
-*        Zero the superdiagonal elements of the work array WORK13
-         DO 20 J = 1, NB
-            DO 10 I = 1, J - 1
-               WORK13( I, J ) = ZERO
-   10       CONTINUE
-   20    CONTINUE
-*        Zero the subdiagonal elements of the work array WORK31
-         DO 40 J = 1, NB
-            DO 30 I = J + 1, NB
-               WORK31( I, J ) = ZERO
-   30       CONTINUE
-   40    CONTINUE
-*        Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
-*        Set fill-in elements in columns KU+2 to KV to zero
-         DO 60 J = KU + 2, MIN( KV, N )
-            DO 50 I = KV - J + 2, KL
-               AB( I, J ) = ZERO
-   50       CONTINUE
-   60    CONTINUE
-*        JU is the index of the last column affected by the current
-*        stage of the factorization
-         JU = 1
-         DO 180 J = 1, MIN( M, N ), NB
-            JB = MIN( NB, MIN( M, N )-J+1 )
-*           The active part of the matrix is partitioned
-*              A11   A12   A13
-*              A21   A22   A23
-*              A31   A32   A33
-*           Here A11, A21 and A31 denote the current block of JB columns
-*           which is about to be factorized. The number of rows in the
-*           partitioning are JB, I2, I3 respectively, and the numbers
-*           of columns are JB, J2, J3. The superdiagonal elements of A13
-*           and the subdiagonal elements of A31 lie outside the band.
-            I2 = MIN( KL-JB, M-J-JB+1 )
-            I3 = MIN( JB, M-J-KL+1 )
-*           J2 and J3 are computed after JU has been updated.
-*           Factorize the current block of JB columns
-            DO 80 JJ = J, J + JB - 1
-*              Set fill-in elements in column JJ+KV to zero
-               IF( JJ+KV.LE.N ) THEN
-                  DO 70 I = 1, KL
-                     AB( I, JJ+KV ) = ZERO
-   70             CONTINUE
-               END IF
-*              Find pivot and test for singularity. KM is the number of
-*              subdiagonal elements in the current column.
-               KM = MIN( KL, M-JJ )
-               JP = IDAMAX( KM+1, AB( KV+1, JJ ), 1 )
-               IPIV( JJ ) = JP + JJ - J
-               IF( AB( KV+JP, JJ ).NE.ZERO ) THEN
-                  JU = MAX( JU, MIN( JJ+KU+JP-1, N ) )
-                  IF( JP.NE.1 ) THEN
-*                    Apply interchange to columns J to J+JB-1
-                     IF( JP+JJ-1.LT.J+KL ) THEN
-                        CALL DSWAP( JB, AB( KV+1+JJ-J, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                              AB( KV+JP+JJ-J, J ), LDAB-1 )
-                     ELSE
-*                       The interchange affects columns J to JJ-1 of A31
-*                       which are stored in the work array WORK31
-                        CALL DSWAP( JJ-J, AB( KV+1+JJ-J, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                              WORK31( JP+JJ-J-KL, 1 ), LDWORK )
-                        CALL DSWAP( J+JB-JJ, AB( KV+1, JJ ), LDAB-1,
-     $                              AB( KV+JP, JJ ), LDAB-1 )
-                     END IF
-                  END IF
-*                 Compute multipliers
-                  CALL DSCAL( KM, ONE / AB( KV+1, JJ ), AB( KV+2, JJ ),
-     $                        1 )
-*                 Update trailing submatrix within the band and within
-*                 the current block. JM is the index of the last column
-*                 which needs to be updated.
-                  JM = MIN( JU, J+JB-1 )
-                  IF( JM.GT.JJ )
-     $               CALL DGER( KM, JM-JJ, -ONE, AB( KV+2, JJ ), 1,
-     $                          AB( KV, JJ+1 ), LDAB-1,
-     $                          AB( KV+1, JJ+1 ), LDAB-1 )
-               ELSE
-*                 If pivot is zero, set INFO to the index of the pivot
-*                 unless a zero pivot has already been found.
-                  IF( INFO.EQ.0 )
-     $               INFO = JJ
-               END IF
-*              Copy current column of A31 into the work array WORK31
-               NW = MIN( JJ-J+1, I3 )
-               IF( NW.GT.0 )
-     $            CALL DCOPY( NW, AB( KV+KL+1-JJ+J, JJ ), 1,
-     $                        WORK31( 1, JJ-J+1 ), 1 )
-   80       CONTINUE
-            IF( J+JB.LE.N ) THEN
-*              Apply the row interchanges to the other blocks.
-               J2 = MIN( JU-J+1, KV ) - JB
-               J3 = MAX( 0, JU-J-KV+1 )
-*              Use DLASWP to apply the row interchanges to A12, A22, and
-*              A32.
-               CALL DLASWP( J2, AB( KV+1-JB, J+JB ), LDAB-1, 1, JB,
-     $                      IPIV( J ), 1 )
-*              Adjust the pivot indices.
-               DO 90 I = J, J + JB - 1
-                  IPIV( I ) = IPIV( I ) + J - 1
-   90          CONTINUE
-*              Apply the row interchanges to A13, A23, and A33
-*              columnwise.
-               K2 = J - 1 + JB + J2
-               DO 110 I = 1, J3
-                  JJ = K2 + I
-                  DO 100 II = J + I - 1, J + JB - 1
-                     IP = IPIV( II )
-                     IF( IP.NE.II ) THEN
-                        TEMP = AB( KV+1+II-JJ, JJ )
-                        AB( KV+1+II-JJ, JJ ) = AB( KV+1+IP-JJ, JJ )
-                        AB( KV+1+IP-JJ, JJ ) = TEMP
-                     END IF
-  100             CONTINUE
-  110          CONTINUE
-*              Update the relevant part of the trailing submatrix
-               IF( J2.GT.0 ) THEN
-*                 Update A12
-                  CALL DTRSM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit',
-     $                        JB, J2, ONE, AB( KV+1, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                        AB( KV+1-JB, J+JB ), LDAB-1 )
-                  IF( I2.GT.0 ) THEN
-*                    Update A22
-                     CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', I2, J2,
-     $                           JB, -ONE, AB( KV+1+JB, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                           AB( KV+1-JB, J+JB ), LDAB-1, ONE,
-     $                           AB( KV+1, J+JB ), LDAB-1 )
-                  END IF
-                  IF( I3.GT.0 ) THEN
-*                    Update A32
-                     CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', I3, J2,
-     $                           JB, -ONE, WORK31, LDWORK,
-     $                           AB( KV+1-JB, J+JB ), LDAB-1, ONE,
-     $                           AB( KV+KL+1-JB, J+JB ), LDAB-1 )
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-               IF( J3.GT.0 ) THEN
-*                 Copy the lower triangle of A13 into the work array
-*                 WORK13
-                  DO 130 JJ = 1, J3
-                     DO 120 II = JJ, JB
-                        WORK13( II, JJ ) = AB( II-JJ+1, JJ+J+KV-1 )
-  120                CONTINUE
-  130             CONTINUE
-*                 Update A13 in the work array
-                  CALL DTRSM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit',
-     $                        JB, J3, ONE, AB( KV+1, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                        WORK13, LDWORK )
-                  IF( I2.GT.0 ) THEN
-*                    Update A23
-                     CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', I2, J3,
-     $                           JB, -ONE, AB( KV+1+JB, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                           WORK13, LDWORK, ONE, AB( 1+JB, J+KV ),
-     $                           LDAB-1 )
-                  END IF
-                  IF( I3.GT.0 ) THEN
-*                    Update A33
-                     CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', I3, J3,
-     $                           JB, -ONE, WORK31, LDWORK, WORK13,
-     $                           LDWORK, ONE, AB( 1+KL, J+KV ), LDAB-1 )
-                  END IF
-*                 Copy the lower triangle of A13 back into place
-                  DO 150 JJ = 1, J3
-                     DO 140 II = JJ, JB
-                        AB( II-JJ+1, JJ+J+KV-1 ) = WORK13( II, JJ )
-  140                CONTINUE
-  150             CONTINUE
-               END IF
-            ELSE
-*              Adjust the pivot indices.
-               DO 160 I = J, J + JB - 1
-                  IPIV( I ) = IPIV( I ) + J - 1
-  160          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-*           Partially undo the interchanges in the current block to
-*           restore the upper triangular form of A31 and copy the upper
-*           triangle of A31 back into place
-            DO 170 JJ = J + JB - 1, J, -1
-               JP = IPIV( JJ ) - JJ + 1
-               IF( JP.NE.1 ) THEN
-*                 Apply interchange to columns J to JJ-1
-                  IF( JP+JJ-1.LT.J+KL ) THEN
-*                    The interchange does not affect A31
-                     CALL DSWAP( JJ-J, AB( KV+1+JJ-J, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                           AB( KV+JP+JJ-J, J ), LDAB-1 )
-                  ELSE
-*                    The interchange does affect A31
-                     CALL DSWAP( JJ-J, AB( KV+1+JJ-J, J ), LDAB-1,
-     $                           WORK31( JP+JJ-J-KL, 1 ), LDWORK )
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-*              Copy the current column of A31 back into place
-               NW = MIN( I3, JJ-J+1 )
-               IF( NW.GT.0 )
-     $            CALL DCOPY( NW, WORK31( 1, JJ-J+1 ), 1,
-     $                        AB( KV+KL+1-JJ+J, JJ ), 1 )
-  170       CONTINUE
-  180    CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DGBTRF
-      END
-     $                   INFO )
-*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) --
-*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
-*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
-*     March 31, 1993
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      CHARACTER          TRANS
-      INTEGER            INFO, KL, KU, LDAB, LDB, N, NRHS
-*     ..
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            IPIV( * )
-      REAL   AB( LDAB, * ), B( LDB, * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DGBTRS solves a system of linear equations
-*     A * X = B  or  A' * X = B
-*  with a general band matrix A using the LU factorization computed
-*  by DGBTRF.
-*  Arguments
-*  =========
-*  TRANS   (input) CHARACTER*1
-*          Specifies the form of the system of equations.
-*          = 'N':  A * X = B  (No transpose)
-*          = 'T':  A'* X = B  (Transpose)
-*          = 'C':  A'* X = B  (Conjugate transpose = Transpose)
-*  N       (input) INTEGER
-*          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
-*  KL      (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of subdiagonals within the band of A.  KL >= 0.
-*  KU      (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of superdiagonals within the band of A.  KU >= 0.
-*  NRHS    (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
-*          of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.
-*  AB      (input) REAL array, dimension (LDAB,N)
-*          Details of the LU factorization of the band matrix A, as
-*          computed by DGBTRF.  U is stored as an upper triangular band
-*          matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and
-*          the multipliers used during the factorization are stored in
-*          rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1.
-*  LDAB    (input) INTEGER
-*          The leading dimension of the array AB.  LDAB >= 2*KL+KU+1.
-*  IPIV    (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
-*          The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, row i of the matrix was
-*          interchanged with row IPIV(i).
-*  B       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDB,NRHS)
-*          On entry, the right hand side matrix B.
-*          On exit, the solution matrix X.
-*  LDB     (input) INTEGER
-*          The leading dimension of the array B.  LDB >= max(1,N).
-*  INFO    (output) INTEGER
-*          = 0:  successful exit
-*          < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
-*  =====================================================================
-*     .. Parameters ..
-      REAL   ONE
-      PARAMETER          ( ONE = 1.0D+0 )
-*     ..
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      LOGICAL            LNOTI, NOTRAN
-      INTEGER            I, J, KD, L, LM
-*     ..
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      LOGICAL            LSAME
-      EXTERNAL           LSAME
-*     ..
-*     .. External Subroutines ..
-*     ..
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-      INTRINSIC          MAX, MIN
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     Test the input parameters.
-      INFO = 0
-      NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' )
-     $    LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) THEN
-         INFO = -1
-      ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -2
-      ELSE IF( KL.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -3
-      ELSE IF( KU.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -4
-      ELSE IF( NRHS.LT.0 ) THEN
-         INFO = -5
-      ELSE IF( LDAB.LT.( 2*KL+KU+1 ) ) THEN
-         INFO = -7
-      ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN
-         INFO = -10
-      END IF
-      IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
-         CALL XERBLA( 'DGBTRS', -INFO )
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Quick return if possible
-      IF( N.EQ.0 .OR. NRHS.EQ.0 )
-     $   RETURN
-      KD = KU + KL + 1
-      LNOTI = KL.GT.0
-      IF( NOTRAN ) THEN
-*        Solve  A*X = B.
-*        Solve L*X = B, overwriting B with X.
-*        L is represented as a product of permutations and unit lower
-*        triangular matrices L = P(1) * L(1) * ... * P(n-1) * L(n-1),
-*        where each transformation L(i) is a rank-one modification of
-*        the identity matrix.
-         IF( LNOTI ) THEN
-            DO 10 J = 1, N - 1
-               LM = MIN( KL, N-J )
-               L = IPIV( J )
-               IF( L.NE.J )
-     $            CALL DSWAP( NRHS, B( L, 1 ), LDB, B( J, 1 ), LDB )
-               CALL DGER( LM, NRHS, -ONE, AB( KD+1, J ), 1, B( J, 1 ),
-     $                    LDB, B( J+1, 1 ), LDB )
-   10       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-         DO 20 I = 1, NRHS
-*           Solve U*X = B, overwriting B with X.
-            CALL DTBSV( 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', N, KL+KU,
-     $                  AB, LDAB, B( 1, I ), 1 )
-   20    CONTINUE
-      ELSE
-*        Solve A'*X = B.
-         DO 30 I = 1, NRHS
-*           Solve U'*X = B, overwriting B with X.
-            CALL DTBSV( 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Non-unit', N, KL+KU, AB,
-     $                  LDAB, B( 1, I ), 1 )
-   30    CONTINUE
-*        Solve L'*X = B, overwriting B with X.
-         IF( LNOTI ) THEN
-            DO 40 J = N - 1, 1, -1
-               LM = MIN( KL, N-J )
-               CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', LM, NRHS, -ONE, B( J+1, 1 ),
-     $                     LDB, AB( KD+1, J ), 1, ONE, B( J, 1 ), LDB )
-               L = IPIV( J )
-               IF( L.NE.J )
-     $            CALL DSWAP( NRHS, B( L, 1 ), LDB, B( J, 1 ), LDB )
-   40       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DGBTRS
-      END
-*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) --
-*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
-*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
-*     June 30, 1999
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            INCX, K1, K2, LDA, N
-*     ..
-*     .. Array Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            IPIV( * )
-      REAL   A( LDA, * )
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  DLASWP performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix A.
-*  One row interchange is initiated for each of rows K1 through K2 of A.
-*  Arguments
-*  =========
-*  N       (input) INTEGER
-*          The number of columns of the matrix A.
-*  A       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDA,N)
-*          On entry, the matrix of column dimension N to which the row
-*          interchanges will be applied.
-*          On exit, the permuted matrix.
-*  LDA     (input) INTEGER
-*          The leading dimension of the array A.
-*  K1      (input) INTEGER
-*          The first element of IPIV for which a row interchange will
-*          be done.
-*  K2      (input) INTEGER
-*          The last element of IPIV for which a row interchange will
-*          be done.
-*  IPIV    (input) INTEGER array, dimension (M*abs(INCX))
-*          The vector of pivot indices.  Only the elements in positions
-*          K1 through K2 of IPIV are accessed.
-*          IPIV(K) = L implies rows K and L are to be interchanged.
-*  INCX    (input) INTEGER
-*          The increment between successive values of IPIV.  If IPIV
-*          is negative, the pivots are applied in reverse order.
-*  Further Details
-*  ===============
-*  Modified by
-*   R. C. Whaley, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, USA
-* =====================================================================
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      INTEGER            I, I1, I2, INC, IP, IX, IX0, J, K, N32
-      REAL   TEMP
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-*     Interchange row I with row IPIV(I) for each of rows K1 through K2.
-      IF( INCX.GT.0 ) THEN
-         IX0 = K1
-         I1 = K1
-         I2 = K2
-         INC = 1
-      ELSE IF( INCX.LT.0 ) THEN
-         IX0 = 1 + ( 1-K2 )*INCX
-         I1 = K2
-         I2 = K1
-         INC = -1
-      ELSE
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      N32 = ( N / 32 )*32
-      IF( N32.NE.0 ) THEN
-         DO 30 J = 1, N32, 32
-            IX = IX0
-            DO 20 I = I1, I2, INC
-               IP = IPIV( IX )
-               IF( IP.NE.I ) THEN
-                  DO 10 K = J, J + 31
-                     TEMP = A( I, K )
-                     A( I, K ) = A( IP, K )
-                     A( IP, K ) = TEMP
-   10             CONTINUE
-               END IF
-               IX = IX + INCX
-   20       CONTINUE
-   30    CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      IF( N32.NE.N ) THEN
-         N32 = N32 + 1
-         IX = IX0
-         DO 50 I = I1, I2, INC
-            IP = IPIV( IX )
-            IF( IP.NE.I ) THEN
-               DO 40 K = N32, N
-                  TEMP = A( I, K )
-                  A( I, K ) = A( IP, K )
-                  A( IP, K ) = TEMP
-   40          CONTINUE
-            END IF
-            IX = IX + INCX
-   50    CONTINUE
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of DLASWP
-      END
-*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) --
-*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
-*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
-*     June 30, 1998
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      INTEGER            ISPEC
-      REAL               ONE, ZERO
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  IEEECK is called from the ILAENV to verify that Infinity and
-*  possibly NaN arithmetic is safe (i.e. will not trap).
-*  Arguments
-*  =========
-*  ISPEC   (input) INTEGER
-*          Specifies whether to test just for inifinity arithmetic
-*          or whether to test for infinity and NaN arithmetic.
-*          = 0: Verify infinity arithmetic only.
-*          = 1: Verify infinity and NaN arithmetic.
-*  ZERO    (input) REAL
-*          Must contain the value 0.0
-*          This is passed to prevent the compiler from optimizing
-*          away this code.
-*  ONE     (input) REAL
-*          Must contain the value 1.0
-*          This is passed to prevent the compiler from optimizing
-*          away this code.
-*          = 0:  Arithmetic failed to produce the correct answers
-*          = 1:  Arithmetic produced the correct answers
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      REAL               NAN1, NAN2, NAN3, NAN4, NAN5, NAN6, NEGINF,
-     $                   NEGZRO, NEWZRO, POSINF
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-      IEEECK = 1
-      POSINF = ONE / ZERO
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      NEGINF = -ONE / ZERO
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      NEGZRO = ONE / ( NEGINF+ONE )
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-*     Return if we were only asked to check infinity arithmetic
-      IF( ISPEC.EQ.0 )
-     $   RETURN
-      NAN6 = NAN5*0.0
-      IF( NAN1.EQ.NAN1 ) THEN
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      IF( NAN2.EQ.NAN2 ) THEN
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      IF( NAN3.EQ.NAN3 ) THEN
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      IF( NAN4.EQ.NAN4 ) THEN
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      IF( NAN5.EQ.NAN5 ) THEN
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      IF( NAN6.EQ.NAN6 ) THEN
-         IEEECK = 0
-         RETURN
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-      END
-     $                 N4 )
-*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) --
-*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
-*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
-*     June 30, 1999
-*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
-      CHARACTER*( * )    NAME, OPTS
-      INTEGER            ISPEC, N1, N2, N3, N4
-*     ..
-*  Purpose
-*  =======
-*  ILAENV is called from the LAPACK routines to choose problem-dependent
-*  parameters for the local environment.  See ISPEC for a description of
-*  the parameters.
-*  This version provides a set of parameters which should give good,
-*  but not optimal, performance on many of the currently available
-*  computers.  Users are encouraged to modify this subroutine to set
-*  the tuning parameters for their particular machine using the option
-*  and problem size information in the arguments.
-*  This routine will not function correctly if it is converted to all
-*  lower case.  Converting it to all upper case is allowed.
-*  Arguments
-*  =========
-*  ISPEC   (input) INTEGER
-*          Specifies the parameter to be returned as the value of
-*          ILAENV.
-*          = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is 1, an unblocked
-*               algorithm will give the best performance.
-*          = 2: the minimum block size for which the block routine
-*               should be used; if the usable block size is less than
-*               this value, an unblocked routine should be used.
-*          = 3: the crossover point (in a block routine, for N less
-*               than this value, an unblocked routine should be used)
-*          = 4: the number of shifts, used in the nonsymmetric
-*               eigenvalue routines
-*          = 5: the minimum column dimension for blocking to be used;
-*               rectangular blocks must have dimension at least k by m,
-*               where k is given by ILAENV(2,...) and m by ILAENV(5,...)
-*          = 6: the crossover point for the SVD (when reducing an m by n
-*               matrix to bidiagonal form, if max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds
-*               this value, a QR factorization is used first to reduce
-*               the matrix to a triangular form.)
-*          = 7: the number of processors
-*          = 8: the crossover point for the multishift QR and QZ methods
-*               for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems.
-*          = 9: maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the
-*               computation tree in the divide-and-conquer algorithm
-*               (used by xGELSD and xGESDD)
-*          =10: ieee NaN arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
-*          =11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
-*  NAME    (input) CHARACTER*(*)
-*          The name of the calling subroutine, in either upper case or
-*          lower case.
-*  OPTS    (input) CHARACTER*(*)
-*          The character options to the subroutine NAME, concatenated
-*          into a single character string.  For example, UPLO = 'U',
-*          TRANS = 'T', and DIAG = 'N' for a triangular routine would
-*          be specified as OPTS = 'UTN'.
-*  N1      (input) INTEGER
-*  N2      (input) INTEGER
-*  N3      (input) INTEGER
-*  N4      (input) INTEGER
-*          Problem dimensions for the subroutine NAME; these may not all
-*          be required.
-* (ILAENV) (output) INTEGER
-*          >= 0: the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC
-*          < 0:  if ILAENV = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value.
-*  Further Details
-*  ===============
-*  The following conventions have been used when calling ILAENV from the
-*  LAPACK routines:
-*  1)  OPTS is a concatenation of all of the character options to
-*      subroutine NAME, in the same order that they appear in the
-*      argument list for NAME, even if they are not used in determining
-*      the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC.
-*  2)  The problem dimensions N1, N2, N3, N4 are specified in the order
-*      that they appear in the argument list for NAME.  N1 is used
-*      first, N2 second, and so on, and unused problem dimensions are
-*      passed a value of -1.
-*  3)  The parameter value returned by ILAENV is checked for validity in
-*      the calling subroutine.  For example, ILAENV is used to retrieve
-*      the optimal blocksize for STRTRI as follows:
-*      NB = ILAENV( 1, 'STRTRI', UPLO // DIAG, N, -1, -1, -1 )
-*      IF( NB.LE.1 ) NB = MAX( 1, N )
-*  =====================================================================
-*     .. Local Scalars ..
-      LOGICAL            CNAME, SNAME
-      CHARACTER*1        C1
-      CHARACTER*2        C2, C4
-      CHARACTER*3        C3
-      CHARACTER*6        SUBNAM
-      INTEGER            I, IC, IZ, NB, NBMIN, NX
-*     ..
-*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
-*     ..
-*     .. External Functions ..
-      INTEGER            IEEECK
-      EXTERNAL           IEEECK
-*     ..
-*     .. Executable Statements ..
-      GO TO ( 100, 100, 100, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000,
-     $        1100 ) ISPEC
-*     Invalid value for ISPEC
-      ILAENV = -1
-      RETURN
-*     Convert NAME to upper case if the first character is lower case.
-      ILAENV = 1
-      SUBNAM = NAME
-      IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( 1:1 ) )
-      IZ = ICHAR( 'Z' )
-      IF( IZ.EQ.90 .OR. IZ.EQ.122 ) THEN
-*        ASCII character set
-         IF( IC.GE.97 .AND. IC.LE.122 ) THEN
-            SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC-32 )
-            DO 10 I = 2, 6
-               IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) )
-               IF( IC.GE.97 .AND. IC.LE.122 )
-     $            SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC-32 )
-   10       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( IZ.EQ.233 .OR. IZ.EQ.169 ) THEN
-*        EBCDIC character set
-         IF( ( IC.GE.129 .AND. IC.LE.137 ) .OR.
-     $       ( IC.GE.145 .AND. IC.LE.153 ) .OR.
-     $       ( IC.GE.162 .AND. IC.LE.169 ) ) THEN
-            SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC+64 )
-            DO 20 I = 2, 6
-               IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) )
-               IF( ( IC.GE.129 .AND. IC.LE.137 ) .OR.
-     $             ( IC.GE.145 .AND. IC.LE.153 ) .OR.
-     $             ( IC.GE.162 .AND. IC.LE.169 ) )
-     $            SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC+64 )
-   20       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( IZ.EQ.218 .OR. IZ.EQ.250 ) THEN
-*        Prime machines:  ASCII+128
-         IF( IC.GE.225 .AND. IC.LE.250 ) THEN
-            SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC-32 )
-            DO 30 I = 2, 6
-               IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) )
-               IF( IC.GE.225 .AND. IC.LE.250 )
-     $            SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC-32 )
-   30       CONTINUE
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      C1 = SUBNAM( 1:1 )
-      SNAME = C1.EQ.'S' .OR. C1.EQ.'D'
-      CNAME = C1.EQ.'C' .OR. C1.EQ.'Z'
-      IF( .NOT.( CNAME .OR. SNAME ) )
-     $   RETURN
-      C2 = SUBNAM( 2:3 )
-      C3 = SUBNAM( 4:6 )
-      C4 = C3( 2:3 )
-      GO TO ( 110, 200, 300 ) ISPEC
-*     ISPEC = 1:  block size
-*     In these examples, separate code is provided for setting NB for
-*     real and complex.  We assume that NB will take the same value in
-*     single or double precision.
-      NB = 1
-      IF( C2.EQ.'GE' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 64
-            ELSE
-               NB = 64
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'QRF' .OR. C3.EQ.'RQF' .OR. C3.EQ.'LQF' .OR.
-     $            C3.EQ.'QLF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 32
-            ELSE
-               NB = 32
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'HRD' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 32
-            ELSE
-               NB = 32
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'BRD' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 32
-            ELSE
-               NB = 32
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'TRI' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 64
-            ELSE
-               NB = 64
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'PO' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 64
-            ELSE
-               NB = 64
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'SY' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 64
-            ELSE
-               NB = 64
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN
-            NB = 32
-         ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'GST' ) THEN
-            NB = 64
-         END IF
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN
-            NB = 64
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN
-            NB = 32
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'GST' ) THEN
-            NB = 64
-         END IF
-         IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NB = 32
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NB = 32
-            END IF
-         END IF
-         IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NB = 32
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NB = 32
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'GB' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               IF( N4.LE.64 ) THEN
-                  NB = 1
-               ELSE
-                  NB = 32
-               END IF
-            ELSE
-               IF( N4.LE.64 ) THEN
-                  NB = 1
-               ELSE
-                  NB = 32
-               END IF
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'PB' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               IF( N2.LE.64 ) THEN
-                  NB = 1
-               ELSE
-                  NB = 32
-               END IF
-            ELSE
-               IF( N2.LE.64 ) THEN
-                  NB = 1
-               ELSE
-                  NB = 32
-               END IF
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'TR' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRI' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 64
-            ELSE
-               NB = 64
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'LA' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'UUM' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NB = 64
-            ELSE
-               NB = 64
-            END IF
-         END IF
-         IF( C3.EQ.'EBZ' ) THEN
-            NB = 1
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      ILAENV = NB
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 2:  minimum block size
-      NBMIN = 2
-      IF( C2.EQ.'GE' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'QRF' .OR. C3.EQ.'RQF' .OR. C3.EQ.'LQF' .OR.
-     $       C3.EQ.'QLF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            ELSE
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'HRD' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            ELSE
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'BRD' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            ELSE
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'TRI' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            ELSE
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'SY' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 8
-            ELSE
-               NBMIN = 8
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN
-            NBMIN = 2
-         END IF
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN
-            NBMIN = 2
-         END IF
-         IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         END IF
-         IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NBMIN = 2
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 3:  crossover point
-      NX = 0
-      IF( C2.EQ.'GE' ) THEN
-         IF( C3.EQ.'QRF' .OR. C3.EQ.'RQF' .OR. C3.EQ.'LQF' .OR.
-     $       C3.EQ.'QLF' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NX = 128
-            ELSE
-               NX = 128
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'HRD' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NX = 128
-            ELSE
-               NX = 128
-            END IF
-         ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'BRD' ) THEN
-            IF( SNAME ) THEN
-               NX = 128
-            ELSE
-               NX = 128
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'SY' ) THEN
-         IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN
-            NX = 32
-         END IF
-         IF( C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN
-            NX = 32
-         END IF
-         IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NX = 128
-            END IF
-         END IF
-         IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN
-            IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR.
-     $          C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN
-               NX = 128
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      ILAENV = NX
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 4:  number of shifts (used by xHSEQR)
-      ILAENV = 6
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 5:  minimum column dimension (not used)
-      ILAENV = 2
-      RETURN
-  600 CONTINUE 
-*     ISPEC = 6:  crossover point for SVD (used by xGELSS and xGESVD)
-      ILAENV = INT( REAL( MIN( N1, N2 ) )*1.6E0 )
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 7:  number of processors (not used)
-      ILAENV = 1
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 8:  crossover point for multishift (used by xHSEQR)
-      ILAENV = 50
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 9:  maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the
-*                 computation tree in the divide-and-conquer algorithm
-*                 (used by xGELSD and xGESDD)
-      ILAENV = 25
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 10: ieee NaN arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
-C     ILAENV = 0
-      ILAENV = 1
-      IF( ILAENV.EQ.1 ) THEN
-         ILAENV = IEEECK( 0, 0.0, 1.0 ) 
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     ISPEC = 11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
-C     ILAENV = 0
-      ILAENV = 1
-      IF( ILAENV.EQ.1 ) THEN
-         ILAENV = IEEECK( 1, 0.0, 1.0 ) 
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-*     End of ILAENV
-      END
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_cparam.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_cparam.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3b28f64ae7ebcd9a046e56e62bcdb5bbbc0fb3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_cparam.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-!+ Parameters used in RTTOV-7 suite
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  ! Description:
-  ! Set up parameters that define the maximum dimension of some arrays
-  !  used in the RTTOV suite.
-  !
-  ! Compatible with RTTOV8 library but only able to
-  ! run with coefficients created on RTTOV7 43 pressure levels
-  !
-  ! Owner:
-  ! SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version      Date        Comment
-  ! 1            01/05/2000  Original code. .
-  ! 2            21/08/2000  jpnssv increased from 1 to 6. Stephen English.
-  ! 3            12/02/2001  fundamental constants added Roger Saunders
-  ! 4            18/04/2001  new coefficient file Pascal Brunel
-  ! 5            08/08/2001  updated to include AIRS Roger Saunders
-  ! 6            20/09/2001  remove fileunit variable.  Andrew Collard.
-  ! 7            01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                               add pointer on coefficient structure
-  !
-  ! Code description:
-  ! Language:              Fortran 90.
-  ! Software Standards:    "European Standards for Writing and Documenting
-  !                              Exchangeable Fortran 90 code".
-  !
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  use rttov_types, only : &  ! for coefficient structure
-    rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Global parameters which users may want to edit to optimise
-  ! for their application
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jppf   =  3       ! Max no. profiles per RTTOV call
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpch   = 2378     ! Max. no. of channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpchus = 324      ! Max. no. of channels computed/call
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpnsat = 30       ! Max no sensors to be used
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !Global parameters normally not changed by users
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jplev  = 43       ! No. of pressure levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpnav  =  4       ! No. of profile variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpnsav =  5       ! No. of surface air variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpnssv =  6       ! No. of skin variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpncv  =  2       ! No. of cloud variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpchpf = jppf*jpchus ! Max no. of profs * chans used
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpcofm = 15       ! Mixed gas coeffs (max
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpcofw = 15       ! Water vapour coeffs (max
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpcofo = 15       ! Ozone coeffs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jpst   = 10       ! Max no. of surface types
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: iu1    = 10       ! Default Unit for rt coeff files
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: nulout = 0        ! Unit for error messages
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), PARAMETER :: jmwcldtop = 25    ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: jpplat=15         ! No of platforms
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: jpinst=30         ! No of instruments (starting at 0)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpgas=3           ! No of different gases
-  !
-  !
-  ! fundamental constants
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: pi   = 3.1415926535_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: deg2rad = PI/180.0_JPRB        ! Degrees to radians conversion factor
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: rcnv = 6.03504E+5_JPRB          ! kg/kg--> ppmv ozone
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: rcnw = 1.60771704E+6_JPRB       ! kg/kg--> ppmv water vapour
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: gravity = 9.81_JPRB            ! m/s^2
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: speedl = 29979245800.0_JPRB    ! speed of light cm/sec
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: plcon1 = 1.1910659E-05_JPRB    ! first plank constant mW/(m^2._JPRBster.cm^-4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), PARAMETER :: plcon2 = 1.438833_JPRB         ! second plank constant K/cm^-1
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_ppmv_to_mixratio  = 1.0_JPRB/1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: o3_mixratio_to_ppmv = 6.03504e+5_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: o3_ppmv_to_mixratio = 1.0_JPRB/6.03504e+5_JPRB
-  !
-  ! Module arguments:
-  ! Global scalars:F
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpnsat     ! Total max sats to be used
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njplev      ! No. of pressure levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpnav      ! No. of profile variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpnsav     ! No. of surface air variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpnssv     ! No. of skin variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpncv      ! No. of cloud variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njppf       ! Max no. profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpch       ! Max. no. of tovs channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpchus     ! Max. no. of channels used tovs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpchpf     ! Max no. of profs * chans used
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpcofm     ! Mixed gas coeffs (max)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpcofw     ! Water vapour coeffs (max)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpcofo     ! Ozone coeffs (max)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: njpst       ! Max no. of surface types
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nmwcldtop   ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-  ! list of allowed platforms
-  Character (len=8), Dimension(jpplat) :: platform_name =                &
-       & (/ 'noaa    ', 'dmsp    ', 'meteosat', 'goes    ', 'gms     ',  &
-       &    'fy2     ', 'trmm    ', 'ers     ', 'eos     ', 'metop   ',  &
-       &    'envisat ', 'msg     ', 'fy1     ', 'xxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx'   /)
-  ! List of instruments  !!!! HIRS is number 0
-  Character (len=8), Dimension(0:jpinst-1) :: inst_name  =                &
-       & (/ 'hirs    ', 'msu     ', 'ssu     ', 'amsua   ', 'amsub   ',  &
-       &    'avhrr   ', 'ssmi    ', 'vtpr1   ', 'vtpr2   ', 'tmi     ',  &
-       &    'ssmis   ', 'airs    ', 'hsb     ', 'modis   ', 'atsr    ',  &
-       &    'mhs     ', 'iasi    ', 'xxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx',  &
-       &    'mviri   ', 'seviri  ', 'imager  ', 'sounder ', 'imager  ',  &
-       &    'vissr   ', 'mvisr   ', 'xxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx'   /)
-  ! List of gases
-  Character (len=16), Dimension(jpgas) :: gas_name =    &
-       & (/ 'mixed_gases     ',&
-       &    'water_vapour    ',&
-       &    'ozone           ' /)
-  ! End of module arguments:
-  type( rttov_coef ), target :: coef(jpnsat)         ! coefficients
-  !-----End of header----------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_rttov_scatt_test.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_rttov_scatt_test.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 856094199901aaa2b7ed1bbef0ac487ea085f253..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_rttov_scatt_test.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-  module mod_rttov_scatt_test  
-  Use parkind1, only: jpim  ,jprb
-  Use rttov_types, only : rttov_coef, rttov_scatt_coef 
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: nulout = 5
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: nulerr = 6
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: kproma = 3
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: kflevg = 60
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: ioin  = 10
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: ioout = 20
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: inproc  = 1
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: imyproc = 1
-  integer (kind=jpim), parameter :: iioproc = 1
-!* from module /satrad/module/onedvar_const.F90
-  real    (kind=jprb), parameter :: fastem_land_coeff (5) = (/ 3.0_JPRB, 5.0_JPRB, 15.0_JPRB, 0.1_JPRB, 0.3_JPRB /)
-  real    (kind=jprb), parameter :: fastem_ocean          = 0.0_JPRB
-  real    (kind=jprb) :: zenangle
-  end module mod_rttov_scatt_test
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_tstrad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_tstrad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a6c98192696831148d61ff7317af572ed54b88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/mod_tstrad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Module mod_tstrad
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: xkbav(:,:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: xkradovu(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: xkradovd(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer ::  xkradov1(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer ::  xkradov2(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer ::  xkbsav(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer ::  xkbem(:)
-End Module mod_tstrad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/parkind1.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/parkind1.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 88599b2016acbe731265cd390d3883f4414bafb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/parkind1.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-!     *** Define usual kinds for strong typing ***
-!     Integer Kinds
-!     -------------
-INTEGER            :: JINT_DEF
-!Special integer type to be used for sensative adress calculations
-!should be *8 for a machine with 8byte adressing for optimum performance
-!ifdef ADDRESS64
-!     Real Kinds
-!     ----------
-REAL               :: REAL_DEF_JPRB
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 05262dd43993f5263db0b10c6e2209275a62036d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-!+ Fast radiative transfer model.
-     (knpf, klenpf, ppres, pangl, pangs, ksurf, ksat, knchpf,  &
-     kchan, kprof, pav, psav, pssv, pcv, pemis, ifail, prad, ptb, radov, &
-     rado, tau, tausfc, lcloud)
-!    This software was developed within the context of
-!    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-!    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-!    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-!    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-!    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-!    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-!    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-! Description:
-! to compute multi-channel level to space transmittances,
-! top of atmosphere radiances and brightness
-! temperatures for many profiles and Ir/Mw sensors.
-! Compatible with RTTOV8 library but only able to
-! run with coefficients created on RTTOV7 43 pressure levels
-! Method
-! see Matricardi et al QJ 2002
-! see Saunders et al QJ 1999
-! see: ECMWF Technical Memoranda 176/282/345 (Available from ECMWF)
-! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-! History:
-! Version   Date        Comment
-! -------   ----        -------
-!          13/8/92.  For version 2.
-!                    ksat added to argument list; ssu included;
-!                    internal changes to move big arrays from commons to
-!                    arguments and to introduce taskcommons
-!           8/7/97   added ozone and extended water vapour in control vector
-!        01/05/2000     F90 code
-!        21/08/2000  Interface to rtint changed to include pref (surface reflectivity).
-!                    (Stephen English)
-!        31/01/2001  More cloud computations. stored in radov (F. Chevallier)
-!        6/2/2001    pgrody and knav etc arrays removed from call (R Saunders)
-!        18/01/2002  Thread safe (D.Salmond)
-!        01/12/2002  Keep compatibility with RTTOV8 (P Brunel)
-! Code Description:
-!   Language:          Fortran 90.
-!   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-!     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-!     31/01/2001  More cloud computations. stored in radov (F. Chevallier)
-! Declarations:
-! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       npolar_return,       &
-       npolar_compute
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    rttov_coef     ,&
-    profile_type   ,&
-    transmission_type  ,&
-    radiance_type
-  ! Imported Scalar Variables with intent (in):
-  njpnsat  ,&   ! Total max sats to be used
-  njplev   ,&   ! No. of pressure levels
-  njpnav   ,&   ! No. of profile variables
-  njpnsav  ,&   ! No. of surface air variables
-  njpnssv  ,&   ! No. of skin variables
-  njpncv   ,&   ! No. of cloud variables
-  q_mixratio_to_ppmv  ,&
-  o3_mixratio_to_ppmv ,&
-  coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  ! Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knpf           ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: klenpf         ! Length of input  profile vectors
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksat           ! Satellite index (see rttvi)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knchpf         ! Number of output frequencies
-                                                    !    (= channels used * profiles)
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: lcloud          ! switch for cloud computations
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kchan(knchpf)    ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kprof(knchpf)    ! Profiles indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksurf(knpf)      ! Surface type index
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: ppres(njplev)    ! Pressure levels (hpa) of
-                                         !   atmospheric profile vectors
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pangl(knpf)    ! Satellite local zenith angle (deg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pangs(knpf)    ! Solar zenith angle at surface (deg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pav(njplev,njpnav,knpf)! Atmosp. profile variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: psav(njpnsav,knpf)    ! Surface air variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pssv(njpnssv,knpf)    ! Surface skin variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pcv(njpncv,knpf)      ! Cloud variables
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(inout):
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(inout) :: pemis(knchpf)         !  surface emissivities
-  ! Scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(out) :: ifail(knpf,njpnsat)  !  return flag
-              !     0 = input profile OK
-              ! 11-19 = outside profile limits
-              !    11 =  temp profile
-              !    12 =  specific humidity profile
-              !    13 =  ozone profile
-              !    14 =  surface temp profile
-              !    15 =  surface specific humidity profile
-              !    16 =  surface wind
-              ! 20-29 = unphysical profile
-              !    20 =  input pressure levels wrong
-              !    21 =  temp profile
-              !    22 =  specific humidity profile
-              !    23 =  ozone profile
-              !    24 =  surface temp profile
-              !    25 =  surface specific humidity profile
-              !    26 =  surface wind
-              !    27 =  surface pressure
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: prad(knchpf)         ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: ptb(knchpf)          ! brightness temperatures (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: rado(knchpf)         ! overcast radiance at given
-                                                !   cloud top in mw/m2/sr/cm-1
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: radov(knchpf,2*njplev+2)
-    ! RT quantities for possible cloud computations outside RTTOV,
-    !   in mw/m2/sr/cm-1 :
-    ! radov (:,1:njplev)          : overcast radiance at given cloud top
-    ! radov (:,njplev+1,2*njplev) : contribution to radiance of
-    !                               downward cloud emission at given cloud top
-    ! radov (:,2*njplev+1)        : clear-sky radiance without reflection term
-    ! radov (:,2*njplev+2)        : reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: tau(knchpf,njplev)  ! transmittance from each
-                                                !   standard pressure level
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: tausfc(knchpf)      ! transmittance from surface
-! Local arrays:
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: panga(knpf)    ! Satellite local azimuth angle (deg)
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nbtout
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nprofiles
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polarisations   (:,:)
-  !integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: frequencies   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: emissivity (:)
-    type( rttov_coef ), pointer :: coef_pointer         ! coefficients
-    type(profile_type)   :: profiles(knpf)
-    type(radiance_type)  :: radiance
-    type(transmission_type)  :: transmission
-    logical, Allocatable :: calcemis  (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)   :: errorstatus(knpf)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)   :: alloc_status(22)
-    Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-    Character (len=6)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov '
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j, jch, pol_id, ibtout, ichannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i, n, jpol
-!- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-    errorstatus(:)  = 0
-    alloc_status(:) = 0
-  !  The terms "constant" and "variable" are employed here in the sense used
-  !  in variational analysis, i.e. an input variable is a parameter with
-  !  respect to which a gradient will be calculated in the associated
-  !  tangent linear (TL) and adjoint (AD) routines.
-  !
-    coef_pointer => coef(ksat)
-     If( coef_pointer % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-        nchannels     = knchpf
-        nfrequencies  = knchpf
-        nbtout        = knchpf
-        nchannels     = knchpf
-        nprofiles     = knpf
-     End If
-     If( coef_pointer % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-        nfrequencies  = knchpf
-        nprofiles     = knpf
-        ichannels = 0
-        ibtout = 0
-        do  j = 1, nfrequencies
-           pol_id = coef_pointer % fastem_polar(j) + 1
-           ichannels=ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-           ibtout=ibtout+npolar_return(pol_id)
-        end do
-        nchannels = ichannels
-        nbtout = ibtout
-     End If
-     allocate( lprofiles ( nfrequencies ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( channels  ( nfrequencies ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     allocate( polarisations(nchannels,3) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     allocate( emissivity ( nchannels )   ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels )   ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        ifail(:,:) = 20
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation 1 error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     If( coef_pointer % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-        lprofiles (:) = kprof(:)
-        channels  (:) = kchan(:)
-        polarisations(:,1) = (/ (i, i=1,knchpf) /)
-        polarisations(:,2) = (/ (i, i=1,knchpf) /)
-        polarisations(:,3) = 1
-        emissivity(:) = pemis(polarisations(:,2))
-     End If
-     If( coef_pointer % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-        lprofiles (:) = kprof(:)
-        channels  (:) = kchan(:)
-        ichannels = 0
-        polarisations(:,:) = 0
-        do  j = 1, nfrequencies
-           jch = kchan(j)
-           pol_id = coef_pointer % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-           polarisations(j,1) = ichannels+1
-           polarisations(j,3) = npolar_compute(pol_id)
-           Do n = ichannels+1, ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-              polarisations(n,2)=j
-           End Do
-           ichannels=ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-        end do
-        emissivity(:) = pemis(polarisations(:,2))
-     End If
-!     write(6,*)' nfreq=',nfrequencies,' nchannels=',nchannels,' nbtout=',nbtout
-!     write(6,*)' Channels ',(channels(i),i=1,nfrequencies)
-!     write(6,*)(polarisations(i,1),i=1,nchannels)
-!     write(6,*)(polarisations(i,2),i=1,nchannels)
-!     write(6,*)(polarisations(i,3),i=1,nchannels)
-     do j = 1, knpf
-        ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-        profiles(j) % nlevels =  coef(ksat) % nlevels
-        allocate( profiles(j) % p  ( coef(ksat) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % t  ( coef(ksat) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % q  ( coef(ksat) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % o3 ( coef(ksat) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % clw( coef(ksat) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           ifail(:,:) = 20
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation 2 error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        profiles(j) % p    (:) = ppres(:)
-        profiles(j) % t    (:) = pav(:,1,j)
-        profiles(j) % q    (:) = pav(:,2,j) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-        profiles(j) % o3   (:) = pav(:,3,j) * o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-        profiles(j) % clw  (:) = pav(:,4,j)
-        profiles(j) % ozone_data = .true.
-        profiles(j) % co2_data   = .false.
-        profiles(j) % clw_data   = profiles(j) % clw(1) > 0.0_JPRB
-        profiles(j) % s2m % t = psav(1,j)
-        profiles(j) % s2m % q = psav(2,j) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-        profiles(j) % s2m % p = psav(3,j)
-        profiles(j) % s2m % u = psav(4,j)
-        profiles(j) % s2m % v = psav(5,j)
-        profiles(j) % skin % t       = pssv(1,j)
-        profiles(j) % skin % fastem  = pssv(2:6,j)
-        profiles(j) % skin % surftype= ksurf(j)
-        profiles(j) % ctp            = pcv(1,j)
-        profiles(j) % cfraction      = pcv(2,j)
-        profiles(j) % zenangle       = pangl(j)
-        profiles(j) % azangle        = 0.0_JPRB
-     end do
-     allocate( transmission % tau_surf (nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     allocate( transmission % tau_layer  (coef_pointer % nlevels , nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer  (coef_pointer % nlevels , nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-     allocate( radiance % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     allocate( radiance % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     allocate( radiance % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     allocate( radiance % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     allocate( radiance % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     allocate( radiance % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     allocate( radiance % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     allocate( radiance % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-     allocate( radiance % overcast ( coef_pointer % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-     allocate( radiance % downcld  ( coef_pointer % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-     allocate( radiance % out      ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-     allocate( radiance % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-     allocate( radiance % total_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-     allocate( radiance % clear_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        ifail(:,:) = 20
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation 3 error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     ! initialise downwelling radiance in case of
-     ! "not cloudy" calculation condition
-     radiance % downcld(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     where ( emissivity(:) < 0.001_JPRB )
-        calcemis(:) = .true.
-     elsewhere
-        calcemis(:) = .false.
-     endwhere
-     call rttov_direct(  &
-          errorstatus,  & ! out
-          nfrequencies, & ! in
-          nchannels,    & ! in
-          nbtout,       & ! in
-          nprofiles,    & ! in
-          channels,     & ! in
-          polarisations,& ! in
-          lprofiles,    & ! in
-          profiles,     & ! in
-          coef_pointer, & ! in
-          lcloud,       & ! in
-          calcemis,     & ! in
-          emissivity,   & ! inout
-          transmission, & ! out
-          radiance  ) ! inout
-     do j = 1, knpf
-        If( errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-           ifail(j,:) = 20 ! unphysical profile
-        Else If( errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_warning ) then
-           ifail(j,:) = 11 ! outside profile limits
-        Else
-           ifail(j,:) = 0
-        End If
-     End Do
-     !
-     prad(:)  = radiance % total_out(:)   ! radiance
-     ptb(:)   = radiance % out(:)     ! BT
-     do j = 1 , nchannels
-        jpol = polarisations(j,2)
-        pemis(jpol)            = emissivity(j)
-        tausfc(jpol)           = transmission % tau_surf(j)
-        rado(jpol)             = radiance % cloudy(j)
-        radov(jpol,2*njplev+1) = radiance % upclear  (j)
-        radov(jpol,2*njplev+2) = radiance % reflclear(j)
-        tau(jpol,:)                    = transmission % tau_layer(:,j)
-        radov(jpol,1:njplev)           = radiance % overcast (:,j)
-        radov(jpol,njplev+1:2*njplev)  = radiance % downcld  (:,j)
-     enddo
-     do j = 1, knpf
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % p  ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % t  ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % q  ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % o3 ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % clw,stat= alloc_status(5))
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           ifail(:,:) = 20
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-     end do
-     deallocate( lprofiles     ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     deallocate( channels      ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     deallocate( polarisations ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     deallocate( emissivity    ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     deallocate( calcemis      ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_surf  ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_layer ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     deallocate( radiance % clear    ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     deallocate( radiance % cloudy   ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     deallocate( radiance % total    ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt       ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt_clear ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-     deallocate( radiance % upclear  ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-     deallocate( radiance % dnclear  ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-     deallocate( radiance % reflclear,stat= alloc_status(16))
-     deallocate( radiance % overcast ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-     deallocate( radiance % downcld  ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-     deallocate( radiance % out      ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     deallocate( radiance % out_clear,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     deallocate( radiance % total_out,stat= alloc_status(21))
-     deallocate( radiance % clear_out,stat= alloc_status(22))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        ifail(:,:) = 20
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index c7087629c38d11f08a19ad53bf0aab6eb8e99340..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-!+ Fast radiative transfer model.
-     (knpf, klenpf, ppres, pangl, pangs, ksurf, ksat, knchpf,            &
-     kchan, kprof, pav, psav, pssv, pcv, pemis, ifail, prad, ptb, radov, &
-     rado, tau, tausfc, lcloud)
-!    This software was developed within the context of
-!    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-!    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-!    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-!    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-!    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-!    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-!    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-! Description:
-! to compute multi-channel level to space transmittances,
-! top of atmosphere radiances and brightness
-! temperatures for many profiles and Ir/Mw sensors.
-! Compatible with RTTOV8 library but only able to
-! run with coefficients created on RTTOV7 43 pressure levels
-! Method
-! see Matricardi et al QJ 2002
-! see Saunders et al QJ 1999
-! see: ECMWF Technical Memoranda 176/282/345 (Available from ECMWF)
-! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-! History:
-! Version   Date        Comment
-! -------   ----        -------
-!          13/8/92.  For version 2.
-!                    ksat added to argument list; ssu included;
-!                    internal changes to move big arrays from commons to
-!                    arguments and to introduce taskcommons
-!           8/7/97   added ozone and extended water vapour in control vector
-!        01/05/2000     F90 code
-!        21/08/2000  Interface to rtint changed to include pref (surface reflectivity).
-!                    (Stephen English)
-!        31/01/2001  More cloud computations. stored in radov (F. Chevallier)
-!        6/2/2001    pgrody and knav etc arrays removed from call (R Saunders)
-!        18/01/2002  Thread safe (D.Salmond)
-!        01/12/2002  Keep compatibility with RTTOV8 (P Brunel)
-! Code Description:
-!   Language:          Fortran 90.
-!   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-!     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-!     31/01/2001  More cloud computations. stored in radov (F. Chevallier)
-! Declarations:
-! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    rttov_coef     ,&
-    profile_type   ,&
-    transmission_type  ,&
-    radiance_type
-  ! Imported Scalar Variables with intent (in):
-  njpnsat  ,&   ! Total max sats to be used
-  njplev   ,&   ! No. of pressure levels
-  njpnav   ,&   ! No. of profile variables
-  njpnsav  ,&   ! No. of surface air variables
-  njpnssv  ,&   ! No. of skin variables
-  njpncv        ! No. of cloud variables
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  ! Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knpf           ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: klenpf         ! Length of input  profile vectors
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksat           ! Satellite index (see rttvi)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knchpf         ! Number of output frequencies
-                                                    !    (= channels used * profiles)
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: lcloud          ! switch for cloud computations
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kchan(knchpf)    ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kprof(knchpf)    ! Profiles indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksurf(knpf)      ! Surface type index
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: ppres(njplev)    ! Pressure levels (hpa) of
-                                         !   atmospheric profile vectors
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pangl(knpf)    ! Satellite local zenith angle (deg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pangs(knpf)    ! Solar zenith angle at surface (deg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pav(njplev,njpnav,knpf)! Atmosp. profile variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: psav(njpnsav,knpf)    ! Surface air variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pssv(njpnssv,knpf)    ! Surface skin variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pcv(njpncv,knpf)      ! Cloud variables
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(inout):
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(inout) :: pemis(knchpf)         !  surface emissivities
-  ! Scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(out) :: ifail(knpf,njpnsat)  !  return flag
-              !     0 = input profile OK
-              ! 11-19 = outside profile limits
-              !    11 =  temp profile
-              !    12 =  specific humidity profile
-              !    13 =  ozone profile
-              !    14 =  surface temp profile
-              !    15 =  surface specific humidity profile
-              !    16 =  surface wind
-              ! 20-29 = unphysical profile
-              !    20 =  input pressure levels wrong
-              !    21 =  temp profile
-              !    22 =  specific humidity profile
-              !    23 =  ozone profile
-              !    24 =  surface temp profile
-              !    25 =  surface specific humidity profile
-              !    26 =  surface wind
-              !    27 =  surface pressure
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: prad(knchpf)         ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: ptb(knchpf)          ! brightness temperatures (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: rado(knchpf)         ! overcast radiance at given
-                                                !   cloud top in mw/m2/sr/cm-1
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: radov(knchpf,2*njplev+2)
-    ! RT quantities for possible cloud computations outside RTTOV,
-    !   in mw/m2/sr/cm-1 :
-    ! radov (:,1:njplev)          : overcast radiance at given cloud top
-    ! radov (:,njplev+1,2*njplev) : contribution to radiance of
-    !                               downward cloud emission at given cloud top
-    ! radov (:,2*njplev+1)        : clear-sky radiance without reflection term
-    ! radov (:,2*njplev+2)        : reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: tau(knchpf,njplev)  ! transmittance from each
-                                                !   standard pressure level
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out)    :: tausfc(knchpf)      ! transmittance from surface
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b89a0c23d29dc4b070a2e08323759e4a544b84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_ad( &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout  direct model
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout  adjoint
-     & emissivity_ad,   &! inout  adjoint
-     & transmission,    &! inout  direct model
-     & transmission_ad, &! inout  adjoint input
-     & radiancedata,    &! inout  direct model   (input due to pointers alloc)
-     & radiancedata_ad ) ! inout  adjoint input  (output if converstion Bt -> rad)
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Adjoint of rttov_direct
-  ! to compute multi-channel level to space transmittances,
-  ! top of atmosphere and level to space radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures and optionally surface emissivities, for many
-  ! profiles in a single call, for satellite
-  ! infrared or microwave sensors. The code requires a coefficient file
-  ! for each sensor for which simulated radiances are requested.
-  !
-  ! Note that radiancedata_ad can be used for all its structure elements
-  ! In normal case the element total or bt is the only one initialised but
-  ! for some particular cases like for rttov_cld_ad some other elements
-  ! have been already init.
-  ! According to the argument switchrad the main input total or bt is used
-  ! switchrad == true    bt is the input, brightness temperature
-  ! switchrad == false   total is the input, radiance
-  !
-  ! The AD outputs profiles_ad and emissivity_ad should be allocated and
-  ! initialised before calling the subroutine
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: The methodology is described in the following:
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. and H.M. Woolf  1988 Transmittance of atmospheric gases
-  ! in the microwave region: a fast model. Applied Optics 27  3244-3249
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations.
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425.
-  !
-  ! Matricardi, M., F. Chevallier and S. Tjemkes 2001 An improved general
-  ! fast radiative transfer model for the assimilation of radiance
-  ! observations. ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 345
-  ! (available from the librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.1   01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.2   02/01/2003  More comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.3   24/01/2003  Error return code by input profile (P Brunel)
-  !  1.4               Add WV Continuum and CO2 capability
-  !  1.5   04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.6   02/06/2004  Change tests on id_comp_lvl == 7 by tests on fmv_model_ver (P. Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! A user guide and technical documentation is available at
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/index.html
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & max_optical_depth   ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & sensor_id_ir
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_checkinput.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_profaux.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_8.interface"
-#include "rttov_transmit.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_ir.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_integrate.interface"
-#include "rttov_profaux_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_transmit_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_integrate_ad.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_ad ! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata_ad ! in because of meme allocation
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i               ! loop index
-  Logical :: addcosmic          ! switch for adding temp of cosmic background
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)      ! surface reflectivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: reflectivity_ad(nchannels)   ! AD surface reflectivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: od_layer(coef%nlevels,nchannels) ! layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: opdp_ref(coef%nlevels,nfrequencies) ! layer optical depth before threshold
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=8)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_ad'
-  Type(geometry_Type)   :: angles(nprofiles)     ! geometry angles
-  Type(predictors_Type) :: predictors(nprofiles) ! predictors
-  Type(profile_aux)     :: aux_prof(nprofiles)   ! auxillary profiles informations
-  Type(predictors_Type) :: predictors_ad(nprofiles) ! AD of above predictors
-  Type(profile_aux)     :: aux_prof_ad(nprofiles)   ! AD of above aux_prof
-  Type(radiance_aux)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zdeb   (5,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zdeb_ad(5,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zmixed   (coef%nmixed,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zmixed_ad(coef%nmixed,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zwater   (coef%nwater,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zwater_ad(coef%nwater,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zlev   (coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zlev_ad(coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zozone   (coef%nozone,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zozone_ad(coef%nozone,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zwvcont   (coef%nwvcont,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zwvcont_ad(coef%nwvcont,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zc02   (coef%nco2,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: zc02_ad(coef%nco2,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: layer(coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: skin(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: cosmic(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: up(coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: down(coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  target :: down_cloud(coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jn
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------
-  !0. initialize
-  !-------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  !1. check input data is within suitable physical limits
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_checkinput( &
-          & profiles( i ),     &!in
-          & coef,              &!in
-          & errorstatus(i)    ) !out
-  End Do
-  ! 1.1 test check input return code
-  !-----------------------------_---
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_warning ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput warning error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End If
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           ! Some unphysical values; Do not run RTTOV
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput fatal error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     ! nothing processed so all profiles get the fatal error code
-     ! user will know which profile
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  End If
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !2. determine cloud top and surface levels
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-    jn=coef%nlevels
-    Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        aux_prof(i) % debye_prof => zdeb(1:5,1:jn,i)
-    End Do
-  Endif
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_profaux( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & aux_prof(i))    ! inout
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !3. set up common geometric variables for transmittance calculation
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & angles(i) )     ! out
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------
-  !5. calculate transmittance path predictors
-  !------------------------------------------
-  jn=coef%nlevels
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors(i) % nlevels  = coef % nlevels
-     predictors(i) % nmixed   = coef % nmixed
-     predictors(i) % nwater   = coef % nwater
-     predictors(i) % nozone   = coef % nozone
-     predictors(i) % nwvcont  = coef % nwvcont
-     predictors(i) % nco2     = coef % nco2
-     predictors(i) % ncloud   = 0 ! (can be set to 1 inside setpredictors)
-     predictors(i) % mixedgas    => zmixed(1:coef%nmixed, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors(i) % watervapour => zwater(1:coef%nwater, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors(i) % clw         => zlev(1:jn, i)
-     If( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-        predictors(i) % ozone    => zozone(1:coef%nozone, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        predictors(i) % wvcont    => zwvcont(1:coef%nwvcont, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        predictors(i) % co2    => zc02(1:coef%nco2, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-  End Do ! Profile loop
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 7) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 8) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_8( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage,&
-              & '( "Unexpected RTTOV compatibility version number" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do ! Profile loop
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  !6. calculate optical depths and transmittances
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_transmit( &
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & coef%nlevels,    &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & predictors,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,        &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & transmission,    &! inout
-       & od_layer,        &! out
-       & opdp_ref)         ! out
-  !--------------------------------------
-  !7. calculate channel emissivity values
-  !--------------------------------------
-  If ( Any(calcemis) ) Then
-     ! calculate surface emissivity for selected channels
-     ! and reflectivity
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir ) Then
-        !Infrared
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity  )   ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-        Elseif ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           !Microwave
-        Call rttov_calcemis_mw ( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nchannels,     &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & polarisations, &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & transmission,  &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity,    &! inout
-             & reflectivity,  &! out
-             & errorstatus   ) ! out
-        If ( Any( errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        End If
-     Else
-        ! Hires
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity  )   ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End If
-     ! reflectivity for other channels
-     Where( .Not. calcemis(:) )
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End Where
-  Else
-     ! reflectivity for all channels
-     reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-  End If
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  !8. integrate the radiative transfer equation
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  auxrad % layer   => layer(:,:)
-  auxrad % surfair => surfair(:)
-  auxrad % skin    => skin(:)
-  auxrad % cosmic  => cosmic(:)
-  auxrad % up      => up(:,:)
-  auxrad % down    => down(:,:)
-  If ( addcloud ) then
-     auxrad % down_cloud    => down_cloud(:,:)
-  End If
-  addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-  Call rttov_integrate( &
-       & addcloud,      &! in
-       & addcosmic,     &! in
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & nbtout,        &! in
-       & nprofiles,     &! in
-       & angles,        &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & lprofiles,     &! in
-       & emissivity,    &! in
-       & reflectivity,  &! in
-       & transmission,  &! in
-       & profiles,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,      &! in
-       & coef,          &! in
-       & radiancedata,  &! inout
-       & auxrad        ) ! inout
-  ! Adjoint
-  !----------------
-  !
-  ! allocate memory for intermediate variables
-  jn=coef%nlevels
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     aux_prof_ad(i) % nearestlev_surf = 0   ! no meaning
-     aux_prof_ad(i) % pfraction_surf  = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     aux_prof_ad(i) % nearestlev_ctp  = 0   ! no meaning
-     aux_prof_ad(i) % pfraction_ctp   = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     aux_prof_ad(i) % cfraction       = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        aux_prof_ad(i) % debye_prof => zdeb_ad(1:5,1:jn,i)
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        aux_prof_ad(i) % debye_prof(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  jn=coef%nlevels
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors_ad(i) % mixedgas    => zmixed_ad(1:coef%nmixed, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors_ad(i) % watervapour => zwater_ad(1:coef%nwater, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors_ad(i) % clw         => zlev_ad(1:jn, i)
-     predictors_ad(i) % nlevels  = predictors(i) % nlevels
-     predictors_ad(i) % nmixed   = predictors(i) % nmixed
-     predictors_ad(i) % nwater   = predictors(i) % nwater
-     predictors_ad(i) % nozone   = predictors(i) % nozone
-     predictors_ad(i) % nwvcont  = predictors(i) % nwvcont
-     predictors_ad(i) % nco2     = predictors(i) % nco2
-     predictors_ad(i) % ncloud   = predictors(i) % ncloud
-     If( predictors_ad(i) % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_ad(i) % ozone    => zozone_ad(1:coef%nozone, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( predictors_ad(i) % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_ad(i) % wvcont    => zwvcont_ad(1:coef%nwvcont, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( predictors_ad(i) % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_ad(i) % co2    => zc02_ad(1:coef%nco2, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors_ad(i) % mixedgas(:,:)    = 0._JPRB
-     predictors_ad(i) % watervapour(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     predictors_ad(i) % clw(:)           = 0._JPRB
-     If( predictors_ad(i) % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_ad(i) % ozone(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     End If
-     If( predictors_ad(i) % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_ad(i) % wvcont(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     End If
-     If( predictors_ad(i) % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_ad(i) % co2(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! emissivity_ad is init before calling
-  reflectivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  !8. integrate the radiative transfer equation
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-  Call rttov_integrate_ad( &
-       & addcloud,      &! in
-       & addcosmic,     &! in
-       & switchrad,     &! in
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & nbtout,        &! in
-       & nprofiles,     &! in
-       & angles,        &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & lprofiles,     &! in
-       & emissivity,    &! in
-       & emissivity_ad,    &! inout
-       & reflectivity,     &! in
-       & reflectivity_ad,  &! inout
-       & transmission,     &! in
-       & transmission_ad,  &! inout
-       & profiles,         &! in
-       & profiles_ad,      &! inout  (input only due to mem alloc)
-       & aux_prof,         &! in
-       & aux_prof_ad,      &! inout
-       & coef,             &! in
-       & radiancedata,     &! in
-       & auxrad ,          &! in
-       & radiancedata_ad  ) ! inout  (output if converstion Bt -> rad)
-  If ( Any(calcemis) ) Then
-     ! calculate surface emissivity for selected channels
-     ! and reflectivity
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir ) Then
-        !Infrared
-        emissivity_ad(:) = -reflectivity_ad(:) + emissivity_ad(:)
-        Elseif ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           !Microwave
-        Call rttov_calcemis_mw_ad ( &
-             & profiles,         &! in
-             & profiles_ad,      &! inout
-             & angles,           &! in
-             & coef,             &! in
-             & nfrequencies,     &! in
-             & nchannels,        &! in
-             & nprofiles,        &! in
-             & channels,         &! in
-             & polarisations,    &! in
-             & lprofiles,        &! in
-             & transmission,     &! in
-             & transmission_ad,  &! inout
-             & calcemis,         &! in
-             & emissivity_ad,    &! inout
-             & reflectivity_ad  ) ! inout
-     Else
-        ! Hires
-        emissivity_ad(:) = -reflectivity_ad(:) + emissivity_ad(:)
-     End If
-     ! reflectivity for other channels
-     Where( .Not. calcemis(:) )
-        emissivity_ad(:) = -reflectivity_ad(:) + emissivity_ad(:)
-     End Where
-  Else
-     ! reflectivity for all channels
-     emissivity_ad(:) = -reflectivity_ad(:) + emissivity_ad(:)
-  End If
-  !AD of optical depths and transmittances
-  Call rttov_transmit_ad( &
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & coef%nlevels,    &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & predictors,      &! in
-       & predictors_ad,   &! inout
-       & aux_prof,        &! in
-       & aux_prof_ad,     &! inout
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & od_layer,        &! in
-       & opdp_ref,        &! in
-       & transmission,    &! in
-       & transmission_ad ) ! inout
-  ! AD of Predictors RTTOV-7 RTTOV-8
-  If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 7) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_ad( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & profiles_ad(i),      &! inout
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i),       &! in
-             & predictors_ad(i) )    ! in
-     End Do
-  Else If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 8) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_8_ad( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & profiles_ad(i),      &! inout
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i),       &! in
-             & predictors_ad(i) )    ! in
-     End Do
-  End If
-  ! No AD on geometry
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_profaux_ad( &
-          & profiles(i),     &! in
-          & profiles_ad(i),  &! inout
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & aux_prof(i),     &! in
-          & aux_prof_ad(i))   ! inout
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 819a66e5da1eef45c0acd2a477a849d0c21ae8bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_ad( &
-     errorstatus,    & ! out
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nbtout,         & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     addcloud,       & ! in
-     switchrad,      & ! in
-     calcemis,       & ! in
-     emissivity,     & ! inout  direct model
-     profiles_ad,    & ! inout  adjoint
-     emissivity_ad,  & ! inout  adjoint
-     transmission,   & ! inout  direct model
-     transmission_ad,& ! inout  adjoint input
-     radiancedata,   & ! inout  direct model   (input due to pointers alloc)
-     radiancedata_ad ) ! inout  adjoint input  (output if converstion Bt -> rad)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       max_optical_depth   ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       sensor_id_ir
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_ad ! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata_ad ! in because of meme allocation
-End Subroutine rttov_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index d7cdf42749ebb984e8e05bfd96cb5931645498ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_aitosu (  &
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & nlevels,           &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & overlap_scheme,    &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  (cloud cover)
-      & radiance)           ! inout  (cldemis input and
-                           ! cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output)
-  ! Description:
-  ! To compute the weights of the black-body-derived radiances
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1         03/2000     Original code (F. Chevallier)
-  ! 2         03/2001     Fortran 90    (F. Chevallier)
-  ! 2.1       12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A  Smith)
-  ! 3         24/2/04   Added polarimetry option
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)      ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: overlap_scheme
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance
-  ! Local parameters:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   , Parameter :: repclc = 1.e-12_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   , Parameter :: unity = 1.0_JPRB
-  !
-  ! Local scalars:
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jk, jk1, jl, idp
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: zcadj, ztr1, ztr2
-  !
-  ! Local arrays:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(nchannels) :: zclear, zcloud, zcont, zsum
-  ! beware array shape zclm and zxxx is nchannels, nlevelsm+1
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zclm  (nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldfr(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldem(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zeffem(nlevels, nchannels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !All input NWP profiles have the same number of levels
-  radiance % cs_wtoa(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % cs_wsurf(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % wtoa(:,:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % wsurf(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels
-     Do jl = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-        idp = lprofiles(freq)
-        zcldem(jk,jl)= Min( Max( radiance % cldemis(jk,jl),repclc ) ,unity-repclc )
-        zcldfr(jk,jl)= Min( Max( profiles(idp)%cc(jk),repclc ) ,unity-repclc )
-        zeffem(jk,jl)= radiance % cldemis(jk,jl) * profiles(idp)%cc(jk)
-        zeffem(jk,jl)= Min( Max( zeffem(jk,jl),repclc) ,unity-repclc )
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! Effect of cloudiness on toa radiances
-  !
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  ! zclm(jk2) is the obscuration factor by cloud layers between
-  ! half-levels jk1 and jk2 as seen from jk1
-  ! jk1 is the top of the atmosphere (toa)
-  !
-  jk1 = 1 ! level of top of the atmosphere
-  zclm(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear(:) = 1._JPRB
-  zcloud(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont(:)  = zeffem(jk1,:)
-  zsum(:)   = zcont(:)
-  zclm(jk1+1,:) = zsum(:)
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = jk1 , nlevels       ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           zclear(jl) = zclear(jl)*(unity-Max(zeffem(jk,jl),zcloud(jl))) &
-                & /(unity-Min(zcloud(jl),unity-repclc))
-           zclm(jk+1,jl) = 1._JPRB - zclear(jl)
-           zcloud(jl) = zeffem(jk,jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = jk1 + 1 , nlevels  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           ztr1 = zcont(jl)/zeffem(jk-1,jl)
-           ztr2 = (1._JPRB-(zsum(jl)-zcont(jl))-ztr1*zcldfr(jk-1,jl)) &
-                & /(1._JPRB-zcldfr(jk-1,jl))
-           zcadj = Min(zcldfr(jk,jl),zcldfr(jk-1,jl))
-           zcont(jl) = zcldem(jk,jl)*(zcadj*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1  &
-                & +(zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj)*ztr2)
-           zsum(jl) = zsum(jl) + zcont(jl)
-           zclm(jk+1,jl) = zsum(jl)
-        Enddo
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  radiance % cs_wtoa(:) = 1._JPRB - zclm(nlevels+1,:)
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = jk1, nlevels  ! layer loop
-     radiance % wtoa( jk, : ) = zclm(jk+1,:) - zclm(jk,:)
-  End Do
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! Effect of cloudiness on surface radiances
-  !
-  !
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  ! zclm(jk) is now the obscuration factor by cloud layers between
-  ! surface and jk as seen from the surface
-  !
-  zclm(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear(:) = 1._JPRB
-  zcont(:)  = zeffem(nlevels,:)
-  zsum(:)   = zcont(:)
-  zclm(nlevels,:) = zsum(:)
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = nlevels, 1, -1       ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           zclear(jl)=zclear(jl)*(1._JPRB-Max(zeffem(jk,jl),zcloud(jl))) &
-                & /(1._JPRB-Min(zcloud(jl),unity-repclc))
-           zclm(jk,jl) = 1._JPRB - zclear(jl)
-           zcloud(jl) = zeffem(jk,jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = nlevels - 1, 1, -1  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           ztr1 = zcont(jl)/zeffem(jk+1,jl)
-           ztr2 = (1._JPRB-(zsum(jl)-zcont(jl))-ztr1*zcldfr(jk+1,jl)) &
-                & /(1._JPRB-zcldfr(jk+1,jl))
-           zcadj = Min(zcldfr(jk,jl),zcldfr(jk+1,jl))
-           zcont(jl) = zcldem(jk,jl)*(zcadj*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1  &
-                & +(zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj)*ztr2)
-           zsum(jl) = zsum(jl) + zcont(jl)
-           zclm(jk,jl) = zsum(jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  radiance % cs_wsurf(:) = 1._JPRB - zclm(1,:)
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels  ! layer loop
-     radiance % wsurf( jk, : ) = zclm(jk,:) - zclm(jk+1,:)
-  Enddo
-End Subroutine rttov_aitosu
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deleted file mode 100644
index 85b1460208ec387ea8e7970e30b4d1d525a7a0d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_aitosu (  &
-     & nfrequencies,   &   ! in
-     & nchannels,      &   ! in
-     & nprofiles,      &   ! in
-     & nlevels,        &   ! in
-     & polarisations,  &   ! in
-     & lprofiles,      &   ! in
-     & overlap_scheme, &   ! in
-     & profiles,       &   ! in  (cloud cover)
-     & radiance)           ! inout  (cldemis input and
-                           ! cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output)
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: overlap_scheme
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance
-End Subroutine rttov_aitosu
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a2165284fb71d85dbd039c1fdd56121b718111..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_aitosu_ad( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nlevels,           &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & overlap_scheme,    &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in
-        & profiles_ad,       &! inout
-        & radiance ,         &! inout
-        & radiance_ad  )      ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine to compute the weights of the black-body-derived radiances
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1      07/10/2004  Added history
-  ! 1.1    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)      ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: overlap_scheme
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance_ad
-  ! Local parameters:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   , Parameter :: repclc = 1.e-12_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   , Parameter :: unity = 1.0_JPRB
-  !
-  ! Local scalars:
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jk, jk1, jl, idp
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: zcadj_ad, ztr1_ad, ztr2_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: znum_ad, zden_ad
-  !
-  ! Local arrays:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(nchannels) :: zclear_ad, zcloud_ad, zcont_ad, zsum_ad
-  ! beware array shape zclm and zxxx is nchannels, nlevelsm+1
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zclm  (nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldfr(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldem(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zeffem(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zclm_ad  (nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldfr_ad(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldem_ad(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zeffem_ad(nlevels, nchannels)
-  ! arrays for tracing forward model
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcadj(nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: ztr1(nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: ztr2(nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zden(nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: znum(nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zclear(0:nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zcloud(0:nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zcont(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zsum (nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: test_1(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: test_2(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: test_3(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   :: value
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !All input NWP profiles have the same number of levels
-  radiance % cs_wtoa(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % cs_wsurf(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % wtoa(:,:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % wsurf(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  ! Init AD variables
-  zcldfr_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcldem_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zeffem_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels
-     Do jl = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-        idp = lprofiles(freq)
-        value = radiance % cldemis(jk,jl)
-        test_1(jk,jl) = value
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zcldem(jk,jl)    = unity - repclc
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zcldem(jk,jl)    = repclc
-        Else
-           zcldem(jk,jl)    = value
-        Endif
-        value = profiles(idp)%cc(jk)
-        test_2(jk,jl) = value
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zcldfr(jk,jl)    = unity - repclc
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zcldfr(jk,jl)    = repclc
-        Else
-           zcldfr(jk,jl)    = value
-        Endif
-        value = radiance % cldemis(jk,jl) * profiles(idp)%cc(jk)
-        test_3(jk,jl) = value
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zeffem(jk,jl)    = unity - repclc
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zeffem(jk,jl)    = repclc
-        Else
-           zeffem(jk,jl)    = value
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! Effect of cloudiness on toa radiances
-  !
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  ! zclm(jk2) is the obscuration factor by cloud layers between
-  ! half-levels jk1 and jk2 as seen from jk1
-  ! jk1 is the top of the atmosphere (toa)
-  !
-  jk1 = 1 ! level of top of the atmosphere
-  zclm(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear(1,:) = 1._JPRB
-  zcloud(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont(1,:)  = zeffem(jk1,:)
-  zsum(1,:)   = zcont(1,:)
-  zclm(jk1+1,:) = zsum(1,:)
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = jk1 , nlevels       ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           If( zeffem(jk,jl) > zcloud(jk,jl) ) Then
-              znum(jk,jl) = zclear(jk,jl) * (unity-zeffem(jk,jl))
-           Else
-              znum(jk,jl) = zclear(jk,jl) * (unity-zcloud(jk,jl))
-           End If
-           If ( zcloud(jk,jl) > unity-repclc ) Then
-              zden(jk,jl) = repclc
-           Else
-              zden(jk,jl) = unity - zcloud(jk,jl)
-           Endif
-           zclear(jk+1,jl)  = znum(jk,jl) / zden(jk,jl)
-           zclm(jk+1,jl)    = 1._JPRB - zclear(jk+1,jl)
-           zcloud(jk+1,jl)  = zeffem(jk,jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = jk1 + 1 , nlevels  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           zsum(jk,jl)  = zsum(jk-1,jl)
-           zcont(jk,jl) = zcont(jk-1,jl)
-           ztr1(jk,jl)  = zcont(jk,jl) / zeffem(jk-1,jl)
-           znum(jk,jl)    = 1._JPRB - (zsum(jk,jl)-zcont(jk,jl)) -&
-                  & ztr1(jk,jl)*zcldfr(jk-1,jl)
-           zden(jk,jl)    = (1._JPRB-zcldfr(jk-1,jl))
-           ztr2(jk,jl)    = znum(jk,jl) / zden(jk,jl)
-           If( zcldfr(jk,jl) > zcldfr(jk-1,jl) ) Then
-              zcadj(jk,jl) = zcldfr(jk-1,jl)
-           Else
-              zcadj(jk,jl) = zcldfr(jk,jl)
-           End If
-           zcont(jk,jl) = zcldem(jk,jl) * (zcadj(jk,jl) *&
-                 & (1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1(jk,jl)  +&
-                 & (zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj(jk,jl)) * ztr2(jk,jl))
-           zsum(jk,jl)   = zsum(jk,jl)    + zcont(jk,jl)
-           zclm(jk+1,jl) = zsum(jk,jl)
-        Enddo
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  radiance    % cs_wtoa(:) = 1._JPRB - zclm(nlevels+1,:)
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = jk1, nlevels  ! layer loop
-     radiance    % wtoa( jk, : ) = zclm(jk+1,:)    - zclm(jk,:)
-  End Do
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !  --- Adjoint computation for top of the atmosphere
-  !----------------------------------------
-  zclm_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont_ad(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  zsum_ad(:)   = 0
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = nlevels, jk1, -1  ! layer loop
-     zclm_ad(jk+1,:) = zclm_ad(jk+1,:) + radiance_ad % wtoa( jk,:)
-     zclm_ad(jk,:)   = zclm_ad(jk,:)   - radiance_ad % wtoa( jk,:)
-     radiance_ad % wtoa( jk, : ) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  zclm_ad(nlevels+1,:) = zclm_ad(nlevels+1,:) - radiance_ad % cs_wtoa(:)
-  radiance_ad % cs_wtoa(:) =   0._JPRB
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! Effect of cloudiness on toa radiances
-  !
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  ! zclm(jk2) is the obscuration factor by cloud layers between
-  ! half-levels jk1 and jk2 as seen from jk1
-  ! jk1 is the top of the atmosphere (toa)
-  jk1 = 1 ! level of top of the atmosphere
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = nlevels, jk1, -1      ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           zeffem_ad(jk,jl) = zeffem_ad(jk,jl) + zcloud_ad(jl)
-           zcloud_ad(jl)    = 0._JPRB
-           zclear_ad(jl)    = zclear_ad(jl) - zclm_ad(jk+1,jl)
-           zclm_ad(jk+1,jl) = 0._JPRB
-           znum_ad = zclear_ad(jl) / zden(jk,jl)
-           zden_ad =-zclear_ad(jl) * znum(jk,jl) / (zden(jk,jl)**2)
-           If ( zcloud(jk,jl) > unity-repclc ) Then
-              zden_ad = 0._JPRB
-           Else
-              zcloud_ad(jl) = zcloud_ad(jl) - zden_ad
-           Endif
-           If( zeffem(jk,jl) > zcloud(jk,jl) ) Then
-              zclear_ad(jl) = zclear_ad(jl) + znum_ad *&
-                    & (unity-zeffem(jk,jl))
-              zeffem_ad(jk,jl) = zeffem_ad(jk,jl) - znum_ad *&
-                    & zclear(jk,jl)
-           Else
-              zclear_ad(jl) = zclear_ad(jl) + znum_ad *&
-                    & (unity-zcloud(jk,jl))
-              zcloud_ad(jl) = zcloud_ad(jl) + znum_ad *&
-                    & zclear(jk,jl)
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = nlevels, jk1+1, -1  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           znum_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zden_ad = 0._JPRB
-           ztr1_ad = 0._JPRB
-           ztr2_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zcadj_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zsum_ad(jl)      = zsum_ad(jl) +  zclm_ad(jk+1,jl)
-           zclm_ad(jk+1,jl) = 0._JPRB
-           zcont_ad(jl)      = zcont_ad(jl) +  zsum_ad(jl)
-           zcldem_ad(jk,jl) = zcldem_ad(jk,jl) + zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & (zcadj(jk,jl)*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1(jk,jl)  + &
-                          & (zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj(jk,jl))*ztr2(jk,jl))
-           zcadj_ad = zcadj_ad + zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * ( (1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1(jk,jl) - ztr2(jk,jl)  )
-           zcldem_ad(jk-1,jl) = zcldem_ad(jk-1,jl) - zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                  & zcldem(jk,jl) * zcadj(jk,jl) * ztr1(jk,jl)
-           ztr1_ad = ztr1_ad +  zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * zcadj(jk,jl)  * (1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))
-           zcldfr_ad(jk,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)  +  zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * ztr2(jk,jl)
-           ztr2_ad = ztr2_ad +  zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * (zcldfr(jk,jl) -zcadj(jk,jl) )
-           zcont_ad(jl) = 0._JPRB
-           If( zcldfr(jk,jl) < zcldfr(jk-1,jl) ) Then
-              zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)   = zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)   + zcadj_ad
-           Else
-              zcldfr_ad(jk-1,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk-1,jl) + zcadj_ad
-           End If
-           znum_ad = znum_ad + ztr2_ad / zden(jk,jl)
-           zden_ad = zden_ad - ztr2_ad * znum(jk,jl) / zden(jk,jl)**2
-           zcldfr_ad(jk-1,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk-1,jl) - zden_ad
-           zsum_ad(jl)        = zsum_ad(jl)        - znum_ad
-           zcont_ad(jl)       = zcont_ad(jl)       + znum_ad
-           ztr1_ad            = ztr1_ad            - znum_ad * zcldfr(jk-1,jl)
-           zcldfr_ad(jk-1,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk-1,jl) - znum_ad * ztr1(jk,jl)
-           zcont_ad(jl)       = zcont_ad(jl)       + ztr1_ad / zeffem(jk-1,jl)
-           zeffem_ad(jk-1,jl) = zeffem_ad(jk-1,jl) - ztr1_ad * &
-                 & zcont(jk-1,jl) / (zeffem(jk-1,jl)**2)
-        Enddo
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  zsum_ad(:) = zsum_ad(:) + zclm_ad(jk1+1,:)
-  zclm_ad(jk1+1,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont_ad(:) = zcont_ad(:) + zsum_ad(:)
-  zsum_ad(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  zeffem_ad(jk1,:) = zeffem_ad(jk1,:) + zcont_ad(:)
-  zcont_ad(:)  = 0._JPRB
-!!  zclm_ad(:,:) = 0.
-!!  zclear_ad(:) = 0.
-!!  zcloud_ad(:) = 0.
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !  --- End of Adjoint computation for top of the atmosphere
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! Effect of cloudiness on surface radiances
-  !
-  !
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  ! zclm(jk) is now the obscuration factor by cloud layers between
-  ! surface and jk as seen from the surface
-  !
-  jk1 = nlevels   ! surface level
-  zclm(:,:)   = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear(:,:) = 1._JPRB
-  zcont(nlevels,:) = zeffem(nlevels,:)
-  zsum(nlevels,:)  = zcont(nlevels,:)
-  zclm(nlevels,:)  = zsum(nlevels,:)
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = nlevels, 1, -1       ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           If( zeffem(jk,jl) > zcloud(jk,jl) ) Then
-              znum(jk,jl) = zclear(jk,jl)*(1._JPRB-zeffem(jk,jl))
-           Else
-              znum(jk,jl) = zclear(jk,jl)*(1._JPRB-zcloud(jk,jl))
-           End If
-           If ( zcloud(jk,jl) > unity-repclc ) Then
-              zden(jk,jl) = repclc
-           Else
-              zden(jk,jl) = 1._JPRB - zcloud(jk,jl)
-           End If
-           zclear(jk-1,jl) = znum(jk,jl) / zden(jk,jl)
-           zclm(jk,jl)     = 1._JPRB - zclear(jk-1,jl)
-           zcloud(jk-1,jl) = zeffem(jk,jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = nlevels - 1, 1, -1  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           zcont(jk,jl) = zcont(jk+1,jl)
-           zsum(jk,jl)  = zsum(jk+1,jl)
-           ztr1(jk,jl)  = zcont(jk,jl) / zeffem(jk+1,jl)
-           znum(jk,jl)  = 1._JPRB-(zsum(jk,jl)-zcont(jk,jl))-ztr1(jk,jl)*zcldfr(jk+1,jl)
-           zden(jk,jl)  = (1._JPRB-zcldfr(jk+1,jl))
-           ztr2(jk,jl)  = znum(jk,jl) / zden(jk,jl)
-           If( zcldfr(jk,jl) > zcldfr(jk+1,jl) ) Then
-              zcadj(jk,jl) = zcldfr(jk+1,jl)
-           Else
-              zcadj(jk,jl) = zcldfr(jk,jl)
-           End If
-           zcont(jk,jl) = zcldem(jk,jl)*(zcadj(jk,jl)*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1(jk,jl)  &
-                & +(zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj(jk,jl))*ztr2(jk,jl))
-           zsum(jk,jl) = zsum(jk,jl) + zcont(jk,jl)
-           zclm(jk,jl) = zsum(jk,jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  radiance    % cs_wsurf(:) = 1._JPRB - zclm(1,:)
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels  ! layer loop
-     radiance    % wsurf( jk, : ) = zclm(jk,:)    - zclm(jk+1,:)
-  Enddo
-!  --- Adjoint computation for surface radiances
-  zclm_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont_ad(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  zsum_ad(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = nlevels, 1, -1  ! layer loop
-     zclm_ad(jk,:)   = zclm_ad(jk,:)   + radiance_ad % wsurf( jk, : )
-     zclm_ad(jk+1,:) = zclm_ad(jk+1,:) - radiance_ad % wsurf( jk, : )
-     radiance_ad % wsurf( jk, : ) = 0._JPRB
-  Enddo
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  zclm_ad(1,:) = zclm_ad(1,:) - radiance_ad % cs_wsurf(:)
-  radiance_ad % cs_wsurf(:) = 0._JPRB
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = 1, nlevels       ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           znum_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zden_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zeffem_ad(jk,jl) = zeffem_ad(jk,jl) + zcloud_ad(jl)
-           zcloud_ad(jl)    = 0._JPRB
-           zclear_ad(jl)  = zclear_ad(jl) - zclm_ad(jk,jl)
-           zclm_ad(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-           znum_ad = znum_ad + zclear_ad(jl) * zclear(jk,jl)/zden(jk,jl)
-           zden_ad = zden_ad - zclear_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zclear(jk,jl) * znum(jk,jl) / (zden(jk,jl)**2)
-           zclear_ad(jl) = zclear_ad(jl) * znum(jk,jl) / zden(jk,jl)
-           If ( zcloud(jk,jl) < unity-repclc ) Then
-              zcloud_ad(jl) = zcloud_ad(jl) - zden_ad
-           End If
-           If( zeffem(jk,jl) > zcloud(jk,jl) ) Then
-              zeffem_ad(jk,jl) = zeffem_ad(jk,jl) - znum_ad
-           Else
-              zcloud_ad(jl)    = zcloud_ad(jl)    - znum_ad
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = 1, nlevels - 1  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           znum_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zden_ad = 0._JPRB
-           ztr1_ad = 0._JPRB
-           ztr2_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zcadj_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zsum_ad(jl)    = zsum_ad(jl) +  zclm_ad(jk,jl)
-           zclm_ad(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-           zcont_ad(jl)    = zcont_ad(jl) +  zsum_ad(jl)
-           zcldem_ad(jk,jl) = zcldem_ad(jk,jl) + zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & (zcadj(jk,jl)*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1(jk,jl)  + &
-                          & (zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj(jk,jl))*ztr2(jk,jl))
-           zcadj_ad = zcadj_ad + zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * ( (1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1(jk,jl) - ztr2(jk,jl)  )
-           zcldem_ad(jk+1,jl) = zcldem_ad(jk+1,jl) - zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                  & zcldem(jk,jl) * zcadj(jk,jl) * ztr1(jk,jl)
-           ztr1_ad = ztr1_ad +  zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * zcadj(jk,jl)  * (1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))
-           zcldfr_ad(jk,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)  +  zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * ztr2(jk,jl)
-           ztr2_ad = ztr2_ad +  zcont_ad(jl) *&
-                 & zcldem(jk,jl) * (zcldfr(jk,jl) -zcadj(jk,jl) )
-           zcont_ad(jl) = 0._JPRB
-           If( zcldfr(jk,jl) < zcldfr(jk+1,jl) ) Then
-              zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)   = zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)   + zcadj_ad
-           Else
-              zcldfr_ad(jk+1,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk+1,jl) + zcadj_ad
-           End If
-           znum_ad = znum_ad + ztr2_ad / zden(jk,jl)
-           zden_ad = zden_ad - ztr2_ad * znum(jk,jl) / zden(jk,jl)**2
-           zcldfr_ad(jk+1,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk+1,jl) - zden_ad
-           zsum_ad(jl)        = zsum_ad(jl)        - znum_ad
-           zcont_ad(jl)       = zcont_ad(jl)       + znum_ad
-           ztr1_ad            = ztr1_ad            - znum_ad * zcldfr(jk+1,jl)
-           zcldfr_ad(jk+1,jl) = zcldfr_ad(jk+1,jl) - znum_ad * ztr1(jk,jl)
-           zcont_ad(jl)       = zcont_ad(jl)       + ztr1_ad / zeffem(jk+1,jl)
-           zeffem_ad(jk+1,jl) = zeffem_ad(jk+1,jl) - ztr1_ad * &
-                 & zcont(jk+1,jl) / (zeffem(jk+1,jl)**2)
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-! Cloud cover matrix
-  zsum_ad(:) = zsum_ad(:) + zclm_ad(jk1,:)
-  zcont_ad(:) = zcont_ad(:) + zsum_ad(:)
-  zeffem_ad(jk1,:) = zeffem_ad(jk1,:) + zcont_ad(:)
-  zclm_ad(jk1,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont_ad(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  zsum_ad(:)   = 0._JPRB
-!  --- End of Adjoint computation for surface radiances
-!  --- Adjoint computation for initialisations
-  Do jk = nlevels, 1, -1
-     Do jl = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-        idp = lprofiles(freq)
-        value = test_3(jk,jl)
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zeffem_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zeffem_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jl) = radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jl) +&
-                 & zeffem_ad(jk,jl) * profiles(idp)%cc(jk)
-           profiles_ad(idp)%cc(jk)      = profiles_ad(idp)%cc(jk)      +&
-                 & zeffem_ad(jk,jl) * radiance % cldemis(jk,jl)
-           zeffem_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Endif
-        value = test_2(jk,jl)
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           profiles_ad(idp)%cc(jk) = profiles_ad(idp)%cc(jk) + zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)
-           zcldfr_ad(jk,jl)        = 0._JPRB
-        Endif
-        value = test_1(jk,jl)
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zcldem_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zcldem_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jl) = radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jl) +&
-                 & zcldem_ad(jk,jl)
-           zcldem_ad(jk,jl)    = 0._JPRB
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine Rttov_aitosu_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index ad399a43b2079d3e926d4546a59cd762b959ae45..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_aitosu_ad( &
-       & nfrequencies, &   ! in
-       & nchannels,    &     ! in
-       & nprofiles,    &     ! in
-       & nlevels,      &     ! in
-       & polarisations,  &   ! in
-       & lprofiles,    &     ! in
-       & overlap_scheme,  &  ! in
-       & profiles,     &     ! in
-       & profiles_ad,  &     ! inout
-       & radiance ,    &     ! inout
-       & radiance_ad  )      ! inout
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: overlap_scheme
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance_ad
-End Subroutine Rttov_aitosu_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ea39c22d69359a10b427804f91e4ab785ce4d0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_aitosu_tl( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nlevels,           &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & overlap_scheme,    &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  (cloud cover)
-        & profiles_tl,       &! in  (cloud cover)
-        & radiance ,         &! inout (cldemis input and
-        & radiance_tl  )      ! inout  cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output)
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine to compute the weights of the black-body-derived radiances
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1      07/10/2004  Added history
-  ! 1.1    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit none
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)      ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: overlap_scheme
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance_tl
-  ! Local parameters:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   , Parameter :: repclc = 1.e-12_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   , Parameter :: unity = 1.0_JPRB
-  !
-  ! Local scalars:
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jk, jk1, jl, idp, freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: zcadj,    ztr1,    ztr2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: zcadj_tl, ztr1_tl, ztr2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: znum,    zden
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: znum_tl, zden_tl
-  !
-  ! Local arrays:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(nchannels) :: zclear, zcloud, zcont, zsum
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(nchannels) :: zclear_tl, zcloud_tl, zcont_tl, zsum_tl
-  ! beware array shape zclm and zxxx is nchannels, nlevelsm+1
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zclm  (nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldfr(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldem(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zeffem(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zclm_tl  (nlevels+1, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldfr_tl(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zcldem_tl(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: zeffem_tl(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   :: value
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !All input NWP profiles have the same number of levels
-  radiance % cs_wtoa(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % cs_wsurf(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % wtoa(:,:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance % wsurf(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_tl % cs_wtoa(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_tl % cs_wsurf(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_tl % wtoa(:,:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_tl % wsurf(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels
-     Do jl = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-        idp = lprofiles(freq)
-        value = radiance % cldemis(jk,jl)
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zcldem(jk,jl)    = unity - repclc
-           zcldem_tl(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zcldem(jk,jl)    = repclc
-           zcldem_tl(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           zcldem(jk,jl)    = value
-           zcldem_tl(jk,jl) = radiance_tl % cldemis(jk,jl)
-        Endif
-        value = profiles(idp)%cc(jk)
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zcldfr(jk,jl)    = unity - repclc
-           zcldfr_tl(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zcldfr(jk,jl)    = repclc
-           zcldfr_tl(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           zcldfr(jk,jl)    = value
-           zcldfr_tl(jk,jl) = profiles_tl(idp)%cc(jk)
-        Endif
-        value = radiance % cldemis(jk,jl) * profiles(idp)%cc(jk)
-        If( value > (unity-repclc) ) Then
-           zeffem(jk,jl)    = unity - repclc
-           zeffem_tl(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else If( value < repclc ) Then
-           zeffem(jk,jl)    = repclc
-           zeffem_tl(jk,jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           zeffem(jk,jl)    = value
-           zeffem_tl(jk,jl) = radiance_tl % cldemis(jk,jl) * profiles(idp)%cc(jk)   +&
-                             & radiance % cldemis(jk,jl)    * profiles_tl(idp)%cc(jk)
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! Effect of cloudiness on toa radiances
-  !
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  ! zclm(jk2) is the obscuration factor by cloud layers between
-  ! half-levels jk1 and jk2 as seen from jk1
-  ! jk1 is the top of the atmosphere (toa)
-  !
-  jk1 = 1 ! level of top of the atmosphere
-  zclm(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear(:) = 1._JPRB
-  zcloud(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont(:)  = zeffem(jk1,:)
-  zclm_tl(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont_tl(:)  = zeffem_tl(jk1,:)
-  zsum(:)   = zcont(:)
-  zclm(jk1+1,:) = zsum(:)
-  zsum_tl(:)       = zcont_tl(:)
-  zclm_tl(jk1+1,:) = zsum_tl(:)
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = jk1 , nlevels       ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           If( zeffem(jk,jl) > zcloud(jl) ) Then
-              znum    = zclear(jl) * (unity-zeffem(jk,jl))
-              znum_tl = zclear_tl(jl) * (unity-zeffem(jk,jl)) -&
-                       & zclear(jl)    * zeffem_tl(jk,jl)
-           Else
-              znum    = zclear(jl) * (unity-zcloud(jl))
-              znum_tl = zclear_tl(jl) * (unity-zcloud(jl)) -&
-                       & zclear(jl)    * zcloud_tl(jl)
-           End If
-           If ( zcloud(jl) > unity-repclc ) Then
-              zden    = repclc
-              zden_tl = 0._JPRB
-           Else
-              zden    = unity - zcloud(jl)
-              zden_tl = -zcloud_tl(jl)
-           Endif
-           zclear(jl)    = znum / zden
-           zclear_tl(jl) = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           zclm(jk+1,jl)    = 1._JPRB - zclear(jl)
-           zclm_tl(jk+1,jl) = -zclear_tl(jl)
-           zcloud(jl)    = zeffem(jk,jl)
-           zcloud_tl(jl) = zeffem_tl(jk,jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = jk1 + 1 , nlevels  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           znum    = zcont(jl)
-           znum_tl = zcont_tl(jl)
-           zden    = zeffem(jk-1,jl)
-           zden_tl = zeffem_tl(jk-1,jl)
-           ztr1    = znum / zden
-           ztr1_tl = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           znum    = 1._JPRB-(zsum(jl)-zcont(jl))-ztr1*zcldfr(jk-1,jl)
-           znum_tl = -zsum_tl(jl) + zcont_tl(jl) - &
-                     & ztr1_tl*zcldfr(jk-1,jl) - ztr1*zcldfr_tl(jk-1,jl)
-           zden    = (1._JPRB-zcldfr(jk-1,jl))
-           zden_tl = -zcldfr_tl(jk-1,jl)
-           ztr2    = znum / zden
-           ztr2_tl = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           If( zcldfr(jk,jl) > zcldfr(jk-1,jl) ) Then
-              zcadj    = zcldfr(jk-1,jl)
-              zcadj_tl = zcldfr_tl(jk-1,jl)
-           Else
-              zcadj    = zcldfr(jk,jl)
-              zcadj_tl = zcldfr_tl(jk,jl)
-           End If
-           zcont(jl) = zcldem(jk,jl)*(zcadj*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1  &
-                & +(zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj)*ztr2)
-           zcont_tl(jl) =&
-                 & zcldem_tl(jk,jl)*(zcadj*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1  + &
-                          & (zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj)*ztr2)               + &
-                  & zcldem(jk,jl)*&
-                   & (   zcadj_tl*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1    -  &
-                       & zcadj   * zcldem_tl(jk-1,jl) *ztr1    +  &
-                       & zcadj   *(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk-1,jl))*ztr1_tl +  &
-                      & (zcldfr_tl(jk,jl)-zcadj_tl)*ztr2       +  &
-                      & (zcldfr(jk,jl)   -zcadj   )*ztr2_tl    )
-           zsum(jl)    = zsum(jl)    + zcont(jl)
-           zsum_tl(jl) = zsum_tl(jl) + zcont_tl(jl)
-           zclm(jk+1,jl)    = zsum(jl)
-           zclm_tl(jk+1,jl) = zsum_tl(jl)
-        Enddo
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  radiance    % cs_wtoa(:) = 1._JPRB - zclm(nlevels+1,:)
-  radiance_tl % cs_wtoa(:) =    - zclm_tl(nlevels+1,:)
-!!$  Do jl = 1,nchannels
-!!$     radiance % cs_wtoa(jl) = 1. - zclm(nlevels+1,jl)
-!!$  Enddo
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = jk1, nlevels  ! layer loop
-     radiance    % wtoa( jk, : ) = zclm(jk+1,:)    - zclm(jk,:)
-     radiance_tl % wtoa( jk, : ) = zclm_tl(jk+1,:) - zclm_tl(jk,:)
-!!$     Do jl = 1,nchannels
-!!$        radiance % wtoa( jk, jl ) = zclm(jk+1,jl) - zclm(jk,jl)
-!!$     End Do
-  End Do
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! Effect of cloudiness on surface radiances
-  !
-  !
-  ! Cloud cover matrix
-  !
-  ! zclm(jk) is now the obscuration factor by cloud layers between
-  ! surface and jk as seen from the surface
-  !
-  zclm(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear(:) = 1._JPRB
-  zcont(:)  = zeffem(nlevels,:)
-  zsum(:)   = zcont(:)
-  zclm(nlevels,:) = zsum(:)
-  zclm_tl(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcloud_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zclear_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  zcont_tl(:)  = zeffem_tl(nlevels,:)
-  zsum_tl(:)   = zcont_tl(:)
-  zclm_tl(nlevels,:) = zsum_tl(:)
-  If (overlap_scheme == 1) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Geleyn and Hollingsworth 1979)
-     Do jk = nlevels, 1, -1       ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           If( zeffem(jk,jl) > zcloud(jl) ) Then
-              znum    = zclear(jl)*(1._JPRB-zeffem(jk,jl))
-              znum_tl = zclear_tl(jl) -zeffem_tl(jk,jl)
-           Else
-              znum    = zclear(jl)*(1._JPRB-zcloud(jl))
-              znum_tl = zclear_tl(jl) - zcloud(jl)
-           End If
-           If ( zcloud(jl) > unity-repclc ) Then
-              zden    = repclc
-              zden_tl = 0._JPRB
-           Else
-              zden    = 1._JPRB - zcloud(jl)
-              zden_tl = - zcloud_tl(jl)
-           End If
-           zclear(jl)    = znum / zden
-           zclear_tl(jl) = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           zclm(jk,jl)    = 1._JPRB - zclear(jl)
-           zclm_tl(jk,jl) = - zclear_tl(jl)
-           zcloud(jl)    = zeffem(jk,jl)
-           zcloud_tl(jl) = zeffem_tl(jk,jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else If (overlap_scheme == 2) Then
-     !* maximum-random (Raisanen 1998)
-     Do jk = nlevels - 1, 1, -1  ! layer loop
-        Do jl = 1,nchannels
-           znum    = zcont(jl)
-           znum_tl = zcont_tl(jl)
-           zden    = zeffem(jk+1,jl)
-           zden_tl = zeffem_tl(jk+1,jl)
-           ztr1    = znum / zden
-           ztr1_tl = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           znum    = 1._JPRB-(zsum(jl)-zcont(jl))-ztr1*zcldfr(jk+1,jl)
-           znum_tl = -zsum_tl(jl) + zcont_tl(jl) - &
-                     & ztr1_tl*zcldfr(jk+1,jl) - ztr1*zcldfr_tl(jk+1,jl)
-           zden    = (1._JPRB-zcldfr(jk+1,jl))
-           zden_tl = -zcldfr_tl(jk+1,jl)
-           ztr2    = znum / zden
-           ztr2_tl = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           If( zcldfr(jk,jl) > zcldfr(jk+1,jl) ) Then
-              zcadj    = zcldfr(jk+1,jl)
-              zcadj_tl = zcldfr_tl(jk+1,jl)
-           Else
-              zcadj    = zcldfr(jk,jl)
-              zcadj_tl = zcldfr_tl(jk,jl)
-           End If
-           zcont(jl) = zcldem(jk,jl)*(zcadj*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1  &
-                & +(zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj)*ztr2)
-           zcont_tl(jl) =&
-                 & zcldem_tl(jk,jl)*(zcadj*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1  +&
-                          & (zcldfr(jk,jl)-zcadj)*ztr2)               +&
-                  & zcldem(jk,jl)*&
-                   & (   zcadj_tl*(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1    -  &
-                       & zcadj   * zcldem_tl(jk+1,jl) *ztr1    +  &
-                       & zcadj   *(1._JPRB-zcldem(jk+1,jl))*ztr1_tl +  &
-                      & (zcldfr_tl(jk,jl)-zcadj_tl)*ztr2       +  &
-                      & (zcldfr(jk,jl)   -zcadj   )*ztr2_tl    )
-           zsum(jl)    = zsum(jl)    + zcont(jl)
-           zsum_tl(jl) = zsum_tl(jl) + zcont_tl(jl)
-           zclm(jk,jl)    = zsum(jl)
-           zclm_tl(jk,jl) = zsum_tl(jl)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  ! Weight computation
-  !
-  ! Contribution from clear-sky fraction
-  radiance    % cs_wsurf(:) = 1._JPRB - zclm(1,:)
-  radiance_tl % cs_wsurf(:) = - zclm_tl(1,:)
-  ! Contribution from cloudy layers
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels  ! layer loop
-     radiance    % wsurf( jk, : ) = zclm(jk,:)    - zclm(jk+1,:)
-     radiance_tl % wsurf( jk, : ) = zclm_tl(jk,:) - zclm_tl(jk+1,:)
-  Enddo
-End Subroutine Rttov_aitosu_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 167e8b7c2506b10bb4bd6e2e884bc04ab252a336..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_aitosu_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_aitosu_tl( &
-       & nfrequencies,   &   ! in
-       & nchannels,    &     ! in
-       & nprofiles,    &     ! in
-       & nlevels,      &     ! in
-       & polarisations,  &   ! in
-       & lprofiles,    &     ! in
-       & overlap_scheme,  &  ! in
-       & profiles,     &     ! in  (cloud cover)
-       & profiles_tl,  &     ! in  (cloud cover)
-       & radiance ,    &     ! inout (cldemis input and
-       & radiance_tl  )      ! inout  cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output)
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit none
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: overlap_scheme
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: radiance_tl
-End Subroutine Rttov_aitosu_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ascii2bin_coef.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ascii2bin_coef.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 3457b7dcb419a8fe279fe7883343c7673eed9357..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_ascii2bin_coef.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-Program rttov_ascii2bin_coef
-  ! Description:
-  ! converts an ascii RTTOV coefficient file to binary format
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_coeffname.interface"
-#include "rttov_opencoeff.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_writecoef.interface"
-  ! Local variables
-  !-------------------
-  ! coeffiecnt structure
-  Type( rttov_coef ) :: coef        ! coefficients
-  ! Instrument triplet for "classical" creation of coefficient filename
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: instrument(3)
-  ! Logical units for input/output
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: file_id
-  ! error return code for subroutines
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  ! character string for file name
-  Character(len=128) :: coeffname
-  ! number of channels to prosess
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: channels(:)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! let the subroutine choose a logical unit for the file
-  file_id = 0
-  Write(*,*) 'enter platform, satid, instrument'
-  Read(*,*) instrument
-  Write(*,*) 'enter the number of channels (0 for all) '
-  Read(*,*) nchannels
-  If( nchannels /= 0 ) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'enter a list of channels '
-     Allocate ( channels( nchannels ) )
-     Read(*,*) channels(:)
-  Endif
-  ! get the file name from instrument triplet
-  Call rttov_coeffname ( errorstatus, instrument, coeffname)
-  Write(*,*) 'ASCII coefficient file ',coeffname
-  ! open the file in ASCII mode
-  Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, coeffname, file_id)
-  ! read the coefficients for all channels
-  If ( nchannels /= 0 ) Then
-     Call rttov_readcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef, file_id = file_id, channels = channels)
-     Call rttov_initcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef)
-  Else
-     Call rttov_readcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef, file_id = file_id)
-     Call rttov_initcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef)
-  Endif
-  Close ( unit = file_id )
-  ! get the binary file name from instrument triplet
-  ! open, write and close
-  Call rttov_coeffname ( errorstatus, instrument, coeffname, lbinary=.True.)
-  Write(*,*) 'Binary coefficient file ',coeffname
-  Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, coeffname, file_id, for_output=.True., lbinary=.True.)
-  Call Rttov_writecoef (errorstatus, coef,      file_id, lbinary=.True.)
-  Close ( unit = file_id )
-  Stop
-End Program rttov_ascii2bin_coef
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index e6bd44ff248bc531f2f80ffb69f626642d5a66e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & profiles ,     &! in
-     & ftop,          &! in
-     & dp,            &! out
-     & dm)             ! out 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute boundary conditions for Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_Type       ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit none
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux                          ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_Type)     , Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)               ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent  (in), dimension (nchannels)            :: ftop    ! Downward radiances at cloud top
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp, dm  ! Coefficients from boundary conditions
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: lh_p, lh_m, bh
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), allocatable                      :: a (:,:), b (:), dx (:)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb)                                   :: ztmp
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ilayer, jlayer, klayer, ilin, icol
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ndim, iprof, ichan, jj, ii, mcly
-!* Lapack/ESSL
-  Real      (Kind=jprb), allocatable :: ab   (:,:)         
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim), allocatable :: ipiv (:)          
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim)              :: kl, ku, ldab, info, nrhs                   
-  Character (len=1)                  :: trans                                                 
-  Logical                            :: ll_essl
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Init Math related variables
-  ll_essl = .false.
-  kl = 2
-  ku = 2
-  if (ll_essl) then
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 16    
-  else
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 1      
-  endif
-  trans = 'N'
-  nrhs  = 1
-  info  = 0
-!* Reset      
-  dp (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     bh   (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)
-     lh_p (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     lh_m (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:))
-     mcly = scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan)
-     ndim = 2 * (nwp_levels - mcly + 1)
-     allocate (a    (ndim,ndim))
-     allocate (b    (ndim     ))
-     allocate (dx   (ndim     ))
-     allocate (ab   (ldab,ndim))
-     allocate (ipiv (ndim     ))
-     a    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     b    (:  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ab   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ipiv (:)   = 0
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim - 2, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        klayer = jlayer - 1
-        ilin = ilayer
-        icol = ilayer - 1
-        ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,jlayer))
-!* From downward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a (ilin  ,icol  ) =             lh_p (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a (ilin  ,icol+1) =             lh_m (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a (ilin  ,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p (ichan,klayer) 
-        a (ilin  ,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m (ichan,klayer) 
-        b (ilin  ) = bh (ichan,klayer) - bh (ichan,jlayer)
-!* From upward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a (ilin+1,icol  ) =             lh_m (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a (ilin+1,icol+1) =             lh_p (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a (ilin+1,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m (ichan,klayer) 
-        a (ilin+1,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p (ichan,klayer) 
-        b (ilin+1) = bh (ichan,jlayer) - bh (ichan,klayer)
-     end do
-!* From boundary conditions at bottom of the atmosphere with r_sfc=1-e_sfc
-     ztmp = (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels)
-     a (1,1) = scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan) - ztmp
-     a (1,2) = scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan) + ztmp
-     b (1)   = scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan) * (profiles (iprof) % skin % t - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) &
-           & + (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * bh (ichan,nwp_levels)  
-!* From boundary conditions at top of the atmosphere 
-     ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,mcly) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,mcly))
-     a (ndim,ndim-1) = lh_p (ichan,mcly) * ztmp
-     a (ndim,ndim  ) = lh_m (ichan,mcly) / ztmp
-     b (ndim) = ftop (ichan) - scatt_aux % bn (iprof,mcly) - bh (ichan,mcly)
-!* Solve equations A * DX = B          
-     do jj = 1, ndim
-        do ii = max(1,jj-ku), min(ndim,jj+kl)
-           ab (kl+ku+ii-jj+1,jj) = a (ii,jj)
-        end do
-     end do
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbf   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv)                            
-!     else
-         call dgbtrf (ndim, ndim, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info)                  
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRF boundary_conditions: ', info
-     dx (:) = b (:)
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbs   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv, dx)                         
-!     else
-         call dgbtrs (trans, ndim, kl, ku, nrhs, ab, ldab, ipiv, dx, ndim, info)
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRS boundary_conditions: ', info
-!* Decompose D+ and D-
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        dp (ichan,jlayer) = dx (ilayer-1)
-        dm (ichan,jlayer) = dx (ilayer  )
-     end do
-     deallocate (a, b, dx, ab, ipiv)
-  end do
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index ffc2965906f9361ed8e98a5c3176907f999cd2e8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & profiles ,&
- & ftop,&
- & dp,&
- & dm) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_Type) , Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in), dimension (nchannels) :: ftop
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp, dm
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 05812dbed5962f41b657b2bd1405ce89340d45da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_ad (& 
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux_ad,  &! inout
-     & profiles ,     &! in
-     & profiles_ad ,  &! inout
-     & ftop,          &! in
-     & ftop_ad,       &! inout
-     & dp,            &! out
-     & dp_ad,         &! inout
-     & dm,            &! out
-     & dm_ad)          ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute boundary conditions for Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarationsta:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit none
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent    (in) :: scatt_aux                       ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad                    ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_Type),      Intent    (in) :: profiles    (nprofiles)         ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_Type),      Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad (nprofiles)         ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent    (in), dimension (nchannels)            :: ftop
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels)            :: ftop_ad
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent   (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp   , dm
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_ad, dm_ad
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: lh_p   , lh_m   , bh
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: lh_p_ad, lh_m_ad, bh_ad
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), allocatable                      :: a    (:,:), b    (:), dx    (:), ta(:,:)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), allocatable                      :: a_ad (:,:), b_ad (:), dx_ad (:)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb)                                   :: ztmp, ztmp_ad
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ilayer, jlayer, klayer, ilin, icol
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ndim, iprof, ichan, jj, ii, mcly
-!* Lapack/ESSL
-  Real      (Kind=jprb), allocatable :: ab   (:,:)         
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim), allocatable :: ipiv (:)          
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim)              :: kl, ku, ldab, info, nrhs                   
-  Character (len=1)                  :: trans                                                 
-  Logical                            :: ll_essl
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Init Math related variables
-  ll_essl = .false.
-  kl = 2
-  ku = 2
-  if (ll_essl) then
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 16    
-  else
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 1      
-  endif
-  trans = 'N'
-  nrhs  = 1
-  info  = 0
-!* Reset      
-  dp (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  lh_p_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-  lh_m_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-  bh_ad   = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Channels * Profiles  
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     bh   (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)
-     lh_p (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     lh_m (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:))
-     mcly = scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan)
-     ndim = 2 * (nwp_levels - mcly + 1)
-     allocate (a    (ndim,ndim))
-     allocate (b    (ndim     ))
-     allocate (dx   (ndim     ))
-     allocate (ta   (ndim,ndim))
-     allocate (ab   (ldab,ndim))
-     allocate (ipiv (ndim     ))
-     a    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     b    (:  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ab   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ta   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ipiv (:)   = 0
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim - 2, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        klayer = jlayer - 1
-        ilin =  ilayer
-        icol = (ilayer - 1)
-        ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,jlayer))
-!* From downward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a (ilin  ,icol  ) =             lh_p (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a (ilin  ,icol+1) =             lh_m (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a (ilin  ,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p (ichan,klayer) 
-        a (ilin  ,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m (ichan,klayer) 
-        b (ilin  ) = bh (ichan,klayer) - bh (ichan,jlayer)
-!* From upward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a (ilin+1,icol  ) =             lh_m (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a (ilin+1,icol+1) =             lh_p (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a (ilin+1,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m (ichan,klayer) 
-        a (ilin+1,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p (ichan,klayer) 
-        b (ilin+1) = bh (ichan,jlayer) - bh (ichan,klayer)
-     end do
-!* From boundary conditions at bottom of the atmosphere with r_sfc=1-e_sfc
-     ztmp = (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels)
-     a (1,1) = scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan) - ztmp
-     a (1,2) = scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan) + ztmp
-     b (1)   = scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan) * (profiles (iprof) % skin % t - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) + &
-               & (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * bh (ichan,nwp_levels)  
-!* From boundary conditions at top of the atmosphere 
-     ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,mcly) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,mcly))
-     a (ndim,ndim-1) = lh_p (ichan,mcly) * ztmp
-     a (ndim,ndim  ) = lh_m (ichan,mcly) / ztmp
-     b (ndim) = ftop (ichan) - scatt_aux % bn (iprof,mcly) - bh (ichan,mcly)
-!* Solve equations A * DX = B          
-     do jj = 1, ndim
-        do ii = max(1,jj-ku), min(ndim,jj+kl)
-           ab (kl+ku+ii-jj+1,jj) = a (ii,jj)
-        end do
-     end do
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbf   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv)                            
-!     else
-         call dgbtrf (ndim, ndim, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info)                  
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRF boundary_conditions: ', info
-     dx (:) = b (:)
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbs   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv, dx)                         
-!     else
-         call dgbtrs (trans, ndim, kl, ku, nrhs, ab, ldab, ipiv, dx, ndim, info)
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRS boundary_conditions: ', info
-!* Decompose D+ and D-
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        dp (ichan,jlayer) = dx (ilayer-1)
-        dm (ichan,jlayer) = dx (ilayer  )
-     end do
-     allocate (dx_ad (ndim     ))
-     dx_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-     allocate (a_ad  (ndim,ndim))
-     a_ad  = 0.0_JPRB
-     allocate (b_ad  (ndim     ))
-     b_ad  = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Decompose D+ and D-
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        dx_ad (ilayer  ) = dx_ad (ilayer  ) + dm_ad (ichan,jlayer)
-        dx_ad (ilayer-1) = dx_ad (ilayer-1) + dp_ad (ichan,jlayer)
-        dm_ad (ichan,jlayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-        dp_ad (ichan,jlayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     end do
-!* Solve equations A * DX = B          
-     ta (1:ndim,1:ndim) = transpose (a (1:ndim,1:ndim))
-     ab   (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     ipiv (:)   = 0
-     do jj = 1, ndim
-        do ii = max(1,jj-ku), min(ndim,jj+kl)
-           ab (kl+ku+ii-jj+1,jj) = ta (ii,jj)
-        end do
-     end do
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!        call dgbf   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv)                            
-!     else
-        call dgbtrf (ndim, ndim, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info)               
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRF boundary_conditions_ad_ad: ', info
-     b_ad (:) = dx_ad (:) 
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!        call dgbs   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv, b_ad)    
-!     else
-        call dgbtrs (trans, ndim, kl, ku, nrhs, ab, ldab, ipiv, b_ad, ndim, info) 
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRS boundary_conditions:_ad_ad ', info
-     deallocate (ab, ipiv)
-     do ilayer = 1, ndim
-        do jlayer = 1, ndim
-           a_ad (ilayer,jlayer) = -1.0_JPRB * b_ad (ilayer) * dx (jlayer)
-       enddo
-     enddo
-!* From boundary conditions at top of the atmosphere 
-     ftop_ad (ichan) = ftop_ad (ichan) + b_ad (ndim)
-     scatt_aux_ad % bn (iprof,mcly) = scatt_aux_ad % bn (iprof,mcly) - b_ad (ndim)
-     bh_ad (ichan,mcly) = bh_ad (ichan,mcly) - b_ad (ndim)
-     b_ad (ndim) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ztmp_ad = -1.0_JPRB * a_ad(ndim,ndim) * lh_m (ichan,mcly) / ztmp / ztmp
-     lh_m_ad (ichan,mcly) = lh_m_ad (ichan,mcly) + a_ad (ndim,ndim) / ztmp
-     a_ad (ndim,ndim) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ztmp_ad = ztmp_ad + a_ad (ndim,ndim-1) * lh_p (ichan,mcly) 
-     lh_p_ad (ichan,mcly) = lh_p_ad (ichan,mcly) + a_ad (ndim,ndim-1) * ztmp
-     a_ad (ndim,ndim-1) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,mcly) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,mcly) + ztmp_ad * scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,mcly) * ztmp
-     scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,mcly) = scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,mcly) + ztmp_ad * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,mcly) * ztmp
-     ztmp_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-!* From boundary conditions at bottom of the atmosphere with r_sfc=1-e_sfc
-     scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) + b_ad (1) * (profiles (iprof) % skin % t &
-                                  & - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) - b_ad (1) * bh (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     profiles_ad (iprof) % skin % t = profiles_ad (iprof) % skin % t + b_ad (1) * scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)
-     scatt_aux_ad % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels) = scatt_aux_ad % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels) - b_ad (1) * scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)
-     bh_ad (ichan,nwp_levels) = bh_ad (ichan,nwp_levels) + b_ad (1) * (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan))
-     b_ad (1) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ztmp = (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels)
-     scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) + a_ad (1,2)
-     ztmp_ad = a_ad (1,2)
-     a_ad (1,2) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) + a_ad (1,1)
-     ztmp_ad = ztmp_ad - a_ad (1,1)
-     a_ad (1,1) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (ichan) - ztmp_ad * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-                                  & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) + ztmp_ad &
-                                  & * (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan)) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % h (ichan,nwp_levels) = scatt_aux_ad % h (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-                                  & - ztmp_ad * (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-                                  & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     ztmp_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-     do ilayer = ndim - 2, 2, -2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        klayer = jlayer - 1
-        ilin =  ilayer
-        icol = (ilayer - 1)
-        ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,jlayer))
-!* From upward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        bh_ad (ichan,jlayer) = bh_ad (ichan,jlayer) + b_ad (ilin+1)
-        bh_ad (ichan,klayer) = bh_ad (ichan,klayer) - b_ad (ilin+1)
-        b_ad  (ilin+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_ad (ichan,klayer) = lh_p_ad (ichan,klayer) - a_ad (ilin+1,icol+3)
-        a_ad (ilin+1,icol+3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_m_ad (ichan,klayer) = lh_m_ad (ichan,klayer) - a_ad (ilin+1,icol+2)
-        a_ad (ilin+1,icol+2) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_ad (ichan,jlayer) = lh_p_ad (ichan,jlayer) + a_ad (ilin+1,icol+1) / ztmp
-        ztmp_ad = -1.0_JPRB * a_ad (ilin+1,icol+1) * lh_p (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp / ztmp
-        a_ad (ilin+1,icol+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_m_ad (ichan,jlayer) = lh_m_ad (ichan,jlayer) + a_ad (ilin+1,icol) * ztmp
-        ztmp_ad = ztmp_ad + a_ad (ilin+1,icol) * lh_m (ichan,jlayer) 
-        a_ad (ilin+1,icol  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* From downward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        bh_ad (ichan,klayer) = bh_ad (ichan,klayer) + b_ad (ilin  )
-        bh_ad (ichan,jlayer) = bh_ad (ichan,jlayer) - b_ad (ilin  )
-        b_ad  (ilin  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_m_ad (ichan,klayer) = lh_m_ad (ichan,klayer) - a_ad (ilin  ,icol+3)
-        a_ad (ilin  ,icol+3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_ad (ichan,klayer) = lh_p_ad (ichan,klayer) - a_ad (ilin  ,icol+2)
-        a_ad (ilin  ,icol+2) = 00._JPRB
-        lh_m_ad (ichan,jlayer) = lh_m_ad (ichan,jlayer) + a_ad (ilin  ,icol+1) / ztmp
-        ztmp_ad = ztmp_ad - a_ad (ilin  ,icol+1) * lh_m (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp / ztmp
-        a_ad (ilin  ,icol+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_ad (ichan,jlayer) = lh_p_ad (ichan,jlayer) + a_ad (ilin  ,icol) * ztmp
-        ztmp_ad = ztmp_ad + a_ad (ilin  ,icol  ) * lh_p (ichan,jlayer) 
-        a_ad (ilin  ,icol  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,jlayer) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,jlayer) & 
-	                                   & + ztmp_ad * ztmp * scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,jlayer)
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,jlayer) = scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,jlayer) & 
-	                                   & + ztmp_ad * ztmp * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,jlayer)
-        ztmp_ad = 0._JPRB
-     enddo
-     deallocate (a   , b   , dx   , ta)
-     deallocate (a_ad, b_ad, dx_ad)
-     scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) - lh_m_ad (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) + lh_m_ad (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:)&
-                                     / scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)
-     lh_m_ad (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) + lh_p_ad (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) - lh_p_ad (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                                   & / scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     lh_p_ad (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % b1 (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % b1 (iprof,:) + bh_ad (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h  (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_ad % h  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % h  (ichan,:) - bh_ad (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) &
-                               & / scatt_aux    % h  (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)
-     bh_ad   (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  end do 
-!* Reset      
-  dp_ad (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm_ad (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f9f6eee66b6d1bc445a75a9845fc97b8a413c0f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_ad (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_ad,&
- & profiles ,&
- & profiles_ad ,&
- & ftop,&
- & ftop_ad,&
- & dp,&
- & dp_ad,&
- & dm,&
- & dm_ad) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad (nprofiles)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in), dimension (nchannels) :: ftop
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels) :: ftop_ad
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp , dm
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_ad, dm_ad
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ca295a51472b8f34edb0b5d49f96c1a5af737c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_k (& 
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux_k,   &! inout
-     & profiles ,     &! in
-     & profiles_k ,   &! inout
-     & ftop,          &! in
-     & ftop_k,        &! inout
-     & dp,            &! out
-     & dp_k,          &! inout
-     & dm,            &! out
-     & dm_k)           ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute boundary conditions for Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !  1.5       02/2005   K-code              (A. Collard)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarationsta:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit none
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent    (in) :: scatt_aux                       ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k                     ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_Type),      Intent    (in) :: profiles    (nprofiles)         ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_Type),      Intent (inout) :: profiles_k  (nchannels)         ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent    (in), dimension (nchannels)            :: ftop
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels)            :: ftop_k
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent   (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp   , dm
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_k, dm_k
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: lh_p   , lh_m   , bh
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: lh_p_k, lh_m_k, bh_k
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), allocatable                      :: a    (:,:), b    (:), dx    (:), ta(:,:)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), allocatable                      :: a_k (:,:), b_k (:), dx_k (:)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb)                                   :: ztmp, ztmp_k
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ilayer, jlayer, klayer, ilin, icol
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ndim, iprof, ichan, jj, ii, mcly
-!* Lapack/ESSL
-  Real      (Kind=jprb), allocatable :: ab   (:,:)         
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim), allocatable :: ipiv (:)          
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim)              :: kl, ku, ldab, info, nrhs                   
-  Character (len=1)                  :: trans                                                 
-  Logical                            :: ll_essl
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Init Math related variables
-  ll_essl = .false.
-  kl = 2
-  ku = 2
-  if (ll_essl) then
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 16    
-  else
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 1      
-  endif
-  trans = 'N'
-  nrhs  = 1
-  info  = 0
-!* Reset      
-  dp (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  lh_p_k = 0.0_JPRB
-  lh_m_k = 0.0_JPRB
-  bh_k   = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Channels * Profiles  
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     bh   (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)
-     lh_p (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     lh_m (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:))
-     mcly = scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan)
-     ndim = 2 * (nwp_levels - mcly + 1)
-     allocate (a    (ndim,ndim))
-     allocate (b    (ndim     ))
-     allocate (dx   (ndim     ))
-     allocate (ta   (ndim,ndim))
-     allocate (ab   (ldab,ndim))
-     allocate (ipiv (ndim     ))
-     a    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     b    (:  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ab   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ta   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ipiv (:)   = 0
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim - 2, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        klayer = jlayer - 1
-        ilin =  ilayer
-        icol = (ilayer - 1)
-        ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,jlayer))
-!* From downward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a (ilin  ,icol  ) =             lh_p (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a (ilin  ,icol+1) =             lh_m (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a (ilin  ,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p (ichan,klayer) 
-        a (ilin  ,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m (ichan,klayer) 
-        b (ilin  ) = bh (ichan,klayer) - bh (ichan,jlayer)
-!* From upward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a (ilin+1,icol  ) =             lh_m (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a (ilin+1,icol+1) =             lh_p (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a (ilin+1,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m (ichan,klayer) 
-        a (ilin+1,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p (ichan,klayer) 
-        b (ilin+1) = bh (ichan,jlayer) - bh (ichan,klayer)
-     end do
-!* From boundary conditions at bottom of the atmosphere with r_sfc=1-e_sfc
-     ztmp = (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels)
-     a (1,1) = scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan) - ztmp
-     a (1,2) = scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan) + ztmp
-     b (1)   = scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan) * (profiles (iprof) % skin % t - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) + &
-               & (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * bh (ichan,nwp_levels)  
-!* From boundary conditions at top of the atmosphere 
-     ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,mcly) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,mcly))
-     a (ndim,ndim-1) = lh_p (ichan,mcly) * ztmp
-     a (ndim,ndim  ) = lh_m (ichan,mcly) / ztmp
-     b (ndim) = ftop (ichan) - scatt_aux % bn (iprof,mcly) - bh (ichan,mcly)
-!* Solve equations A * DX = B          
-     do jj = 1, ndim
-        do ii = max(1,jj-ku), min(ndim,jj+kl)
-           ab (kl+ku+ii-jj+1,jj) = a (ii,jj)
-        end do
-     end do
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbf   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv)                            
-!     else
-         call dgbtrf (ndim, ndim, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info)                  
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRF boundary_conditions: ', info
-     dx (:) = b (:)
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbs   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv, dx)                         
-!     else
-         call dgbtrs (trans, ndim, kl, ku, nrhs, ab, ldab, ipiv, dx, ndim, info)
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRS boundary_conditions: ', info
-!* Decompose D+ and D-
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        dp (ichan,jlayer) = dx (ilayer-1)
-        dm (ichan,jlayer) = dx (ilayer  )
-     end do
-     allocate (dx_k (ndim     ))
-     dx_k = 0.0_JPRB
-     allocate (a_k  (ndim,ndim))
-     a_k  = 0.0_JPRB
-     allocate (b_k  (ndim     ))
-     b_k  = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Decompose D+ and D-
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        dx_k (ilayer  ) = dx_k (ilayer  ) + dm_k (ichan,jlayer)
-        dx_k (ilayer-1) = dx_k (ilayer-1) + dp_k (ichan,jlayer)
-        dm_k (ichan,jlayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-        dp_k (ichan,jlayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     end do
-!* Solve equations A * DX = B          
-     ta (1:ndim,1:ndim) = transpose (a (1:ndim,1:ndim))
-     ab   (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     ipiv (:)   = 0
-     do jj = 1, ndim
-        do ii = max(1,jj-ku), min(ndim,jj+kl)
-           ab (kl+ku+ii-jj+1,jj) = ta (ii,jj)
-        end do
-     end do
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!        call dgbf   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv)                            
-!     else
-        call dgbtrf (ndim, ndim, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info)               
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRF boundary_conditions_k_k: ', info
-     b_k (:) = dx_k (:) 
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!        call dgbs   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv, b_k)    
-!     else
-        call dgbtrs (trans, ndim, kl, ku, nrhs, ab, ldab, ipiv, b_k, ndim, info) 
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRS boundary_conditions:_k_k ', info
-     deallocate (ab, ipiv)
-     do ilayer = 1, ndim
-        do jlayer = 1, ndim
-           a_k (ilayer,jlayer) = -1.0_JPRB * b_k (ilayer) * dx (jlayer)
-       enddo
-     enddo
-!* From boundary conditions at top of the atmosphere 
-     ftop_k (ichan) = ftop_k (ichan) + b_k (ndim)
-     scatt_aux_k % bn (ichan,mcly) = scatt_aux_k % bn (ichan,mcly) - b_k (ndim)
-     bh_k (ichan,mcly) = bh_k (ichan,mcly) - b_k (ndim)
-     b_k (ndim) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ztmp_k = -1.0_JPRB * a_k(ndim,ndim) * lh_m (ichan,mcly) / ztmp / ztmp
-     lh_m_k (ichan,mcly) = lh_m_k (ichan,mcly) + a_k (ndim,ndim) / ztmp
-     a_k (ndim,ndim) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ztmp_k = ztmp_k + a_k (ndim,ndim-1) * lh_p (ichan,mcly) 
-     lh_p_k (ichan,mcly) = lh_p_k (ichan,mcly) + a_k (ndim,ndim-1) * ztmp
-     a_k (ndim,ndim-1) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,mcly) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,mcly) + ztmp_k * scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,mcly) * ztmp
-     scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,mcly) = scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,mcly) + ztmp_k * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,mcly) * ztmp
-     ztmp_k = 0.0_JPRB
-!* From boundary conditions at bottom of the atmosphere with r_sfc=1-e_sfc
-     scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) + b_k (1) * (profiles (iprof) % skin % t &
-                                  & - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) - b_k (1) * bh (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     profiles_k (ichan) % skin % t = profiles_k (ichan) % skin % t + b_k (1) * scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)
-     scatt_aux_k % b0 (ichan,nwp_levels) = scatt_aux_k % b0 (ichan,nwp_levels) - b_k (1) * scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)
-     bh_k (ichan,nwp_levels) = bh_k (ichan,nwp_levels) + b_k (1) * (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan))
-     b_k (1) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ztmp = (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels)
-     scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) + a_k (1,2)
-     ztmp_k = a_k (1,2)
-     a_k (1,2) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) + a_k (1,1)
-     ztmp_k = ztmp_k - a_k (1,1)
-     a_k (1,1) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) = scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (ichan) - ztmp_k * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-                                  & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) + ztmp_k &
-                                  & * (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd(ichan)) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     scatt_aux_k % h (ichan,nwp_levels) = scatt_aux_k % h (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-                                  & - ztmp_k * (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-                                  & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     ztmp_k = 0.0_JPRB
-     do ilayer = ndim - 2, 2, -2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        klayer = jlayer - 1
-        ilin =  ilayer
-        icol = (ilayer - 1)
-        ztmp = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,jlayer))
-!* From upward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        bh_k (ichan,jlayer) = bh_k (ichan,jlayer) + b_k (ilin+1)
-        bh_k (ichan,klayer) = bh_k (ichan,klayer) - b_k (ilin+1)
-        b_k  (ilin+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_k (ichan,klayer) = lh_p_k (ichan,klayer) - a_k (ilin+1,icol+3)
-        a_k (ilin+1,icol+3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_m_k (ichan,klayer) = lh_m_k (ichan,klayer) - a_k (ilin+1,icol+2)
-        a_k (ilin+1,icol+2) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_k (ichan,jlayer) = lh_p_k (ichan,jlayer) + a_k (ilin+1,icol+1) / ztmp
-        ztmp_k = -1.0_JPRB * a_k (ilin+1,icol+1) * lh_p (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp / ztmp
-        a_k (ilin+1,icol+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_m_k (ichan,jlayer) = lh_m_k (ichan,jlayer) + a_k (ilin+1,icol) * ztmp
-        ztmp_k = ztmp_k + a_k (ilin+1,icol) * lh_m (ichan,jlayer) 
-        a_k (ilin+1,icol  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* From downward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        bh_k (ichan,klayer) = bh_k (ichan,klayer) + b_k (ilin  )
-        bh_k (ichan,jlayer) = bh_k (ichan,jlayer) - b_k (ilin  )
-        b_k  (ilin  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_m_k (ichan,klayer) = lh_m_k (ichan,klayer) - a_k (ilin  ,icol+3)
-        a_k (ilin  ,icol+3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_k (ichan,klayer) = lh_p_k (ichan,klayer) - a_k (ilin  ,icol+2)
-        a_k (ilin  ,icol+2) = 00._JPRB
-        lh_m_k (ichan,jlayer) = lh_m_k (ichan,jlayer) + a_k (ilin  ,icol+1) / ztmp
-        ztmp_k = ztmp_k - a_k (ilin  ,icol+1) * lh_m (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp / ztmp
-        a_k (ilin  ,icol+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        lh_p_k (ichan,jlayer) = lh_p_k (ichan,jlayer) + a_k (ilin  ,icol) * ztmp
-        ztmp_k = ztmp_k + a_k (ilin  ,icol  ) * lh_p (ichan,jlayer) 
-        a_k (ilin  ,icol  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,jlayer) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,jlayer) & 
-	                                   & + ztmp_k * ztmp * scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,jlayer)
-        scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,jlayer) = scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,jlayer) & 
-	                                   & + ztmp_k * ztmp * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,jlayer)
-        ztmp_k = 0._JPRB
-     enddo
-     deallocate (a   , b   , dx   , ta)
-     deallocate (a_k, b_k, dx_k)
-     scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) - lh_m_k (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) + lh_m_k (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:)&
-                                     / scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)
-     lh_m_k (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) + lh_p_k (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) - lh_p_k (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                                   & / scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     lh_p_k (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,:) + bh_k (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h  (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_k % h  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % h  (ichan,:) - bh_k (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) &
-                               & / scatt_aux    % h  (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)
-     bh_k   (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  end do 
-!* Reset      
-  dp_k (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm_k (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 53295c929af2f4f3c9605e4512cafefbbcf3d158..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_k (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_k,&
- & profiles ,&
- & profiles_k ,&
- & ftop,&
- & ftop_k,&
- & dp,&
- & dp_k,&
- & dm,&
- & dm_k) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_k (nchannels)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in), dimension (nchannels) :: ftop
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels) :: ftop_k
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp , dm
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_k, dm_k
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index deb37d4bb37a990c7f61b2d4eea6f7d57144b6d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_tl (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux_tl,  &! in
-     & profiles ,     &! in
-     & profiles_tl ,  &! in
-     & ftop,          &! in
-     & ftop_tl,       &! in
-     & dp,            &! out
-     & dp_tl,         &! out
-     & dm,            &! out
-     & dm_tl)          ! out 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute boundary conditions for Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version      (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible  (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Included polarimetry (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       11/2004   Clean-up             (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit none
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in)    :: scatt_aux                       ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in)    :: scatt_aux_tl                    ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_Type),      Intent (in)    :: profiles    (nprofiles)         ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_Type),      Intent (in)    :: profiles_tl (nprofiles)         ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent  (in), dimension (nchannels)            :: ftop
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent  (in), dimension (nchannels)            :: ftop_tl
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp   , dm
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_tl, dm_tl
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: lh_p   , lh_m   , bh
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: lh_p_tl, lh_m_tl, bh_tl
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), allocatable                      :: a    (:,:), b    (:), dx    (:)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), allocatable                      :: a_tl (:,:), b_tl (:), dx_tl (:)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb)                                   :: ztmp, ztmp_tl
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ilayer, jlayer, klayer, ilin, icol
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)                                   :: ndim, iprof, ichan, jj, ii, mcly
-!* Lapack/ESSL
-  Real      (Kind=jprb), allocatable :: ab   (:,:)         
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim), allocatable :: ipiv (:)          
-  Integer   (Kind=jpim)              :: kl, ku, ldab, info, nrhs                   
-  Character (len=1)                  :: trans                                                 
-  Logical                            :: ll_essl
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Init Math related variables
-  ll_essl = .false.
-  kl = 2
-  ku = 2
-  if (ll_essl) then
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 16     
-  else
-     ldab = 2 * kl + ku + 1      
-  endif
-  trans = 'N'
-  nrhs  = 1
-  info  = 0
-!* Reset      
-  dp_tl (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm_tl (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dp    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     bh_tl (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_tl % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) &
-                   & - scatt_aux    % b1 (iprof,:) * scatt_aux_tl % h (ichan,:) &
-                   & / scatt_aux    % h  (ichan,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) 
-     bh    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux    % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:)
-     lh_p_tl (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) &
-                     & - scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % h (ichan,:) &
-		     & / scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) 
-     lh_p    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     lh_m_tl (ichan,:) = - 1.0_JPRB * lh_p_tl (ichan,:)
-     lh_m    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:))
-     mcly = scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan)
-     ndim = 2 * (nwp_levels - mcly + 1)
-     allocate (a_tl  (ndim,ndim))
-     allocate (b_tl  (ndim     ))
-     allocate (dx_tl (ndim     ))
-     allocate (a     (ndim,ndim))
-     allocate (b     (ndim     ))
-     allocate (ab    (ldab,ndim))
-     allocate (ipiv  (ndim     ))
-     allocate (dx    (ndim     ))
-     a_tl (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     b_tl (:  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-     a    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     b    (:  ) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ab   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ipiv (:)   = 0
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim - 2, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        klayer = jlayer - 1
-        ilin =  ilayer
-        icol = (ilayer - 1)
-        ztmp    = exp (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,jlayer))
-        ztmp_tl =     (scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,jlayer) + &
-                     & scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,jlayer) * scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,jlayer)) * ztmp 
-!* From downward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a_tl (ilin  ,icol  ) = lh_p_tl (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp + lh_p (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp_tl
-        a    (ilin  ,icol  ) = lh_p    (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a_tl (ilin  ,icol+1) = lh_m_tl (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp - lh_m (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp_tl / ztmp / ztmp
-        a    (ilin  ,icol+1) = lh_m    (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a_tl (ilin  ,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p_tl (ichan,klayer) 
-        a    (ilin  ,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p    (ichan,klayer) 
-        a_tl (ilin  ,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m_tl (ichan,klayer) 
-        a    (ilin  ,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m    (ichan,klayer) 
-        b_tl (ilin  ) = bh_tl (ichan,klayer) - bh_tl (ichan,jlayer)
-        b    (ilin  ) = bh    (ichan,klayer) - bh    (ichan,jlayer)
-!* From upward fluxes at i-th interface (@ level=dz for jlayer == level=0 for klayer)
-        a_tl (ilin+1,icol  ) = lh_m_tl (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp + lh_m (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp_tl
-        a    (ilin+1,icol  ) = lh_m    (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp
-        a_tl (ilin+1,icol+1) = lh_p_tl (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp - lh_p (ichan,jlayer) * ztmp_tl / ztmp / ztmp
-        a    (ilin+1,icol+1) = lh_p    (ichan,jlayer) / ztmp
-        a_tl (ilin+1,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m_tl (ichan,klayer) 
-        a    (ilin+1,icol+2) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_m    (ichan,klayer) 
-        a_tl (ilin+1,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p_tl (ichan,klayer) 
-        a    (ilin+1,icol+3) = -1.0_JPRB * lh_p    (ichan,klayer) 
-        b_tl (ilin+1) = bh_tl (ichan,jlayer) - bh_tl (ichan,klayer)
-        b    (ilin+1) = bh    (ichan,jlayer) - bh    (ichan,klayer)
-     end do
-!* From boundary conditions at bottom of the atmosphere with r_sfc=1-e_sfc
-     ztmp    = (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels)
-     ztmp_tl =   -1.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_tl % ems_bnd (ichan)  * scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-             & / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-             & + (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-	     & / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-             & - (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % ems_bnd (ichan)) * scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-	     & * scatt_aux_tl % h (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-             & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     a_tl (1,1) = scatt_aux_tl % ems_bnd (ichan) - ztmp_tl
-     a    (1,1) = scatt_aux    % ems_bnd (ichan) - ztmp
-     a_tl (1,2) = scatt_aux_tl % ems_bnd (ichan) + ztmp_tl
-     a    (1,2) = scatt_aux    % ems_bnd (ichan) + ztmp
-     b_tl (1) = scatt_aux_tl % ems_bnd (ichan) * (profiles    (iprof) % skin % t - scatt_aux    % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) &
-            & + scatt_aux    % ems_bnd (ichan) * (profiles_tl (iprof) % skin % t - scatt_aux_tl % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) &
-            & - scatt_aux_tl % ems_bnd (ichan) * bh (ichan,nwp_levels) &
-            & + (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * bh_tl (ichan,nwp_levels) 
-     b (1)    = scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan) * (profiles (iprof) % skin % t - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,nwp_levels)) &
-            & + (2.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ems_bnd (ichan)) * bh    (ichan,nwp_levels)  
-!* From boundary conditions at top of the atmosphere 
-     ztmp    = exp (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,mcly) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,mcly))
-     ztmp_tl = (scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,mcly) * scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,mcly) &
-            & + scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,mcly) * scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,mcly)) * ztmp 
-     a_tl (ndim,ndim-1) = lh_p_tl (ichan,mcly) * ztmp + lh_p (ichan,mcly) * ztmp_tl
-     a    (ndim,ndim-1) = lh_p    (ichan,mcly) * ztmp
-     a_tl (ndim,ndim  ) = lh_m_tl (ichan,mcly) / ztmp - lh_m (ichan,mcly) * ztmp_tl / ztmp / ztmp
-     a    (ndim,ndim  ) = lh_m    (ichan,mcly) / ztmp
-     b_tl (ndim) = ftop_tl (ichan) - scatt_aux_tl % bn (iprof,mcly) - bh_tl (ichan,mcly)
-     b    (ndim) = ftop    (ichan) - scatt_aux    % bn (iprof,mcly) - bh    (ichan,mcly)
-!* Solve equations A * DX = B, forward          
-     do jj = 1, ndim
-        do ii = max(1,jj-ku), min(ndim,jj+kl)
-           ab (kl+ku+ii-jj+1,jj) = a (ii,jj)
-        end do
-     end do
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbf   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv)                            
-!     else
-         call dgbtrf (ndim, ndim, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info)                  
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRF boundary_conditions: ', info
-     dx (:) = b (:)
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbs   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv, dx)                         
-!     else
-         call dgbtrs (trans, ndim, kl, ku, nrhs, ab, ldab, ipiv, dx, ndim, info)
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRS boundary_conditions: ', info
-!* Solve equations A * DX = B, tangent-linear          
-     dx_tl (:) = b_tl (:) - matmul (a_tl, dx)
-!     if (ll_essl) then
-!         call dgbs   (ab, ldab, ndim, kl, ku, ipiv, dx_tl)                         
-!     else
-         call dgbtrs (trans, ndim, kl, ku, nrhs, ab, ldab, ipiv, dx_tl, ndim, info)
-!     endif
-     if (info /= 0) write (*,*) ' DGBTRS boundary_conditions: ', info
-!* Decompose D+ and D-
-     do ilayer = 2, ndim, 2
-        jlayer = nwp_levels - ilayer / 2 + 1
-        dp_tl (ichan,jlayer) = dx_tl (ilayer-1)
-        dp    (ichan,jlayer) = dx    (ilayer-1)
-        dm_tl (ichan,jlayer) = dx_tl (ilayer  )
-        dm    (ichan,jlayer) = dx    (ilayer  )
-     end do
-     deallocate (a, b, dx, a_tl, b_tl, dx_tl, ab, ipiv)
-  end do
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 36d9f61e486fb264ef43d446cc7c521b201bc915..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_tl (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_tl,&
- & profiles ,&
- & profiles_tl ,&
- & ftop,&
- & ftop_tl,&
- & dp,&
- & dp_tl,&
- & dm,&
- & dm_tl) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux_tl
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles_tl (nprofiles)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in), dimension (nchannels) :: ftop
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in), dimension (nchannels) :: ftop_tl
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp , dm
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (out), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_tl, dm_tl
-End subroutine rttov_boundaryconditions_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 16cd23bf8678f6c011ddee7fd32fe2856a4cc3d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcbt( &
-     & nfrequencies,   &! in
-     & nchannels,      &! in
-     & channels,       &! in
-     & polarisations,  &! in
-     & coeffs,         &! in
-     & rad            ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of radiances in many channels
-  ! to equivalent black body brightness temperatures.
-  ! Planck function is applied with a "central wave number"
-  ! Temperature is corrected by "band corrections" coefficients
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                      based on BRIGV of previous RTTOV versions
-  ! 1.1    02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  ! 1.2    08/01/2004  Polarisation added (S English)
-  ! 1.3    28/02/2004  Improved vectorisation (D Dent)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef        ,&
-       & radiance_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in) :: nchannels          ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in) :: nfrequencies       ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in) :: channels(nfrequencies)! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in) :: polarisations(nchannels, 3)! Array of channel indices.
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs             ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad       ! input radiances and output BT
-  ! radiances are expressed in mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-  ! and temperatures in Kelvin
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tstore1,tstore2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: radtotal, radclear
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,ipol,ipz,npol,signrad
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     ipol = polarisations(i, 1)
-     npol = polarisations(i, 3)
-  !total
-  !Note we must add average of 1st two elements of Stokes vector to differences in 3rd/4th before conversion and remove afterwards.
-!cdir nodep
-!cdir novector
-     Do ipz = 1, npol
-        radtotal = rad%total(ipol+ipz-1)
-   !clear
-        radclear = rad%clear(ipol+ipz-1)
-        if (ipz > 2) then
-          radtotal = radtotal + 0.5*(rad%total(ipol) + rad%total(ipol+1))
-          radclear = radclear + 0.5*(rad%clear(ipol) + rad%clear(ipol+1))
-        End If
-        tstore1 = coeffs%planck2(chan) / Log( 1+coeffs%planck1(chan)/radtotal )
-        tstore2 = coeffs%planck2(chan) / Log( 1+coeffs%planck1(chan)/radclear )
-        rad%bt(ipol+ipz-1) = ( tstore1 - coeffs%ff_bco(chan) ) / coeffs%ff_bcs(chan)
-        rad%bt_clear(ipol+ipz-1) = ( tstore2-coeffs%ff_bco(chan) ) / coeffs%ff_bcs(chan)
-        if (ipz > 2) then
-           rad%bt(ipol+ipz-1)    = rad%bt(ipol+ipz-1) - 0.5*(rad%bt(ipol) + rad%bt(ipol+1))
-          rad%bt_clear(ipol+ipz-1) = rad%bt_clear(ipol+ipz-1) - 0.5*(rad%bt_clear(ipol) + rad%bt_clear(ipol+1))
-        EndIf
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcbt
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index b6513796e3798cd838419375a7323002ba3a9160..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcbt( &
-          nfrequencies,  & ! in
-          nchannels,     & ! in
-          channels,      & ! in
-          polarisations, & ! in
-          coeffs,        & ! in
-          rad            ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef        ,&
-       radiance_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs   ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad      ! input radiances and output BT
-End Subroutine rttov_calcbt
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index df537b4bc54d65a6f4e252e892b5ff236c0f8a41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcbt_ad( &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & coeffs,          &! in
-     & rad,             &! in
-     & rad_ad          ) ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of radiances in many channels
-  ! to equivalent black body brightness temperatures.
-  ! Planck function is applied with a "central wave number"
-  ! Temperature is corrected by "band corrections" coefficients
-  ! derivative of inverse Planck function with respect to radiance is
-  !
-  !                             C1 * C2 * Nu**4
-  ! B-1'(R,Nu) = --------------------------------------------- dR
-  !                     (    C1 * Nu**3) (     C1 * Nu**3 )**2
-  !               R**2 *(1 + ----------) ( Ln( ---------- )
-  !                     (         R    ) (        R       )
-  !
-  ! which can be reduced to the following, with
-  !  C1 = C1 * Nu**3
-  !  C2 = C2 * Nu
-  !
-  !                  C1 * B-1(R,Nu)**2
-  ! B-1'(R,Nu) = ----------------------- dR
-  !                  C2 * R * (R + C1)
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                      based on BRIGV of previous RTTOV versions
-  ! 1.1    02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  ! 1.2    08/01/2004  Polarisation added (S English)
-  ! 1.3    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & radiance_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad  ! rad%total rad%clear
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad_ad
-    ! output rad_ad%total  only
-    ! input  rad_ad%bt
-      ! Clear BT and Rad are ignored in AD
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tstar
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tstar_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: radtotal
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,npol,ipol,ipz
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     ipol = polarisations(i, 1)
-     npol = polarisations(i, 3)
-     chan = channels(i)
-     !total
-     Do ipz = 1, npol
-        ! total radiance
-        ! T star for direct model
-        tstar = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * rad%bt(ipol+ipz-1)
-        radtotal = rad%total(ipol+ipz-1)
-        if (ipz > 2) then
-           tstar = tstar + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * 0.5*(rad%bt(ipol) + rad%bt(ipol+1))
-           radtotal = radtotal + 0.5*(rad%total(ipol) + rad%total(ipol+1))
-        EndIf
-        ! AD
-        tstar_ad = rad_ad%bt(ipol+ipz-1) / coeffs%ff_bcs(chan)
-        rad_ad%total(ipol+ipz-1) = coeffs%planck1(chan) * tstar**2      /&
-                   & ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * radtotal *     &
-                      & ( radtotal + coeffs%planck1(chan) ) )&
-                   & * tstar_ad
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcbt_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 1da2f199ca5d398a70ae5c647aadac9c9369b30a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcbt_ad( &
-        nfrequencies,   & ! in
-        nchannels,      & ! in
-        channels,       & ! in
-        polarisations,  & ! in
-        coeffs,         & ! in
-        rad,            & ! in
-        rad_ad          ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       radiance_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)  :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad  ! rad%total rad%clear
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad_ad
-      ! output rad_ad%total  only
-      ! input  rad_ad%bt
-      ! Clear BT and Rad are ignored in AD
-End Subroutine rttov_calcbt_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6a957c889f9868f0c9160363aee974bbdad05c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcbt_tl( &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & coeffs,          &! in
-     & rad,             &! in
-     & rad_tl          )
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of radiances in many channels
-  ! to equivalent black body brightness temperatures.
-  ! Planck function is applied with a "central wave number"
-  ! Temperature is corrected by "band corrections" coefficients
-  ! derivative of inverse Planck function with respect to radiance is
-  !
-  !                             C1 * C2 * Nu**4
-  ! B-1'(R,Nu) = --------------------------------------------- dR
-  !                     (    C1 * Nu**3) (     C1 * Nu**3 )**2
-  !               R**2 *(1 + ----------) ( Ln( ---------- )
-  !                     (         R    ) (        R       )
-  !
-  ! which can be reduced to the following, with
-  !  C1 = C1 * Nu**3
-  !  C2 = C2 * Nu
-  !
-  !                  C1 * B-1(R,Nu)**2
-  ! B-1'(R,Nu) = ----------------------- dR
-  !                  C2 * R * (R + C1)
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                      based on BRIGV of previous RTTOV versions
-  ! 1.1    02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  ! 1.2    08/01/2004  Polarisation added (S English)
-  ! 1.3    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & radiance_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)         :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad  ! rad%total rad%clear
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad_tl
-    ! input  rad_tl%total  and rad_tl%clear
-    ! output rad_tl%bt     and rad_tl%bt_clear
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tstar
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tstar_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: radtotal, radclear
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,npol,ipol,ipz
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     ipol = polarisations(i, 1)
-     npol = polarisations(i, 3)
-     Do ipz = 1, npol
-      ! total radiance
-      ! T star for direct model
-      tstar = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * rad%bt(ipol+ipz-1)
-      radtotal = rad%total(ipol+ipz-1)
-      if (ipz > 2) then
-          tstar = tstar + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * 0.5*(rad%bt(ipol) + rad%bt(ipol+1))
-          radtotal = radtotal + 0.5*(rad%total(ipol) + rad%total(ipol+1))
-      EndIf
-      ! TL
-      tstar_tl = coeffs%planck1(chan) * tstar**2 /&
-         & ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * radtotal * ( radtotal + coeffs%planck1(chan) ))&
-         & * rad_tl%total(ipol+ipz-1)
-      rad_tl%bt(ipol+ipz-1) = tstar_tl / coeffs%ff_bcs(chan)
-      !clear radiance
-      ! T star for direct model
-      tstar = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * rad%bt_clear(ipol+ipz-1)
-      radclear = rad%clear(ipol+ipz-1)
-      if (ipz > 2) then
-         tstar = tstar + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * 0.5*(rad%bt_clear(ipol) + rad%bt_clear(ipol+1))
-         radclear = radclear + 0.5*(rad%clear(ipol) + rad%clear(ipol+1))
-      EndIf
-      ! TL
-      tstar_tl = coeffs%planck1(chan) * tstar**2 /&
-         & ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * radclear * ( radclear + coeffs%planck1(chan) ))&
-         & * rad_tl%clear(ipol+ipz-1)
-      rad_tl%bt_clear(ipol+ipz-1) = tstar_tl / coeffs%ff_bcs(chan)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcbt_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 630c69887fc45e5df1d48d4c7b57b81eeaa895b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcbt_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcbt_tl( &
-         nfrequencies,  & ! in
-         nchannels,     & ! in
-         channels,      & ! in
-         polarisations, & ! in
-         coeffs,        & ! in
-         rad,           & ! in
-         rad_tl         ) ! inout
-   Use rttov_types, only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       radiance_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad  ! rad%total rad%clear
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad_tl
-      ! input  rad_tl%total  and rad_tl%clear
-      ! output rad_tl%bt     and rad_tl%bt_clear
-End Subroutine rttov_calcbt_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_ir.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_ir.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 375b33f437834ee9c8f1760438e9cdb94a478d6e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_ir.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & geometry,      &! in
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & channels,      &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & calcemis,      &! in
-     & emissivity    ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To compute IR surface emissivities for all channels and all
-  ! profiles if desired
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! RTTOV-6 IR surface emissivity report, V. Sherlock at:
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/papers/isem6.pdf
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       & surftype_land, &
-       & surftype_seaice
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nchannels)
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  !local variables:
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer   :: geom
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j, chan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Loop on all channels
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     If ( .Not. calcemis(j) ) Cycle
-     chan = channels(j)
-     ! point to corresponding profile and geometry structures
-     prof => profiles( lprofiles(j) )
-     geom => geometry( lprofiles(j) )
-     !-----------------------------------------
-     !1. Use a fixed value over land and seaice
-     !-----------------------------------------
-     If ( prof % skin % surftype == surftype_land ) Then
-        emissivity(j) = 0.98_JPRB
-     Else If ( prof % skin % surftype == surftype_seaice ) Then
-        emissivity(j) = 0.99_JPRB
-     Else
-        !------------------------------------------------------------------
-        !2. Over sea, emissivity is a polynomial in normalized zenith angle
-        ! ISEM6 model
-        !------------------------------------------------------------------
-        emissivity(j) =   coef % ssirem_a0  (chan) -  &
-                         & coef % ssirem_a1  (chan) *  &
-                                & geom % normzen ** coef % ssirem_xzn1(chan) - &
-                         & coef % ssirem_a2  (chan) *  &
-                                & geom % normzen ** coef % ssirem_xzn2(chan)
-     End If
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_ir
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_ir.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_ir.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index a6485c8a6a53d9100488bd1d236faddbae43c7da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_ir.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-     profiles,     & ! in
-     geometry,     & ! in
-     coef,         & ! in
-     nchannels,    & ! in
-     nprofiles,    & ! in
-     channels,     & ! in
-     lprofiles,    & ! in
-     calcemis,     & ! in
-     emissivity    ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       surftype_land, &
-       surftype_seaice
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nchannels)
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_ir
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e4d4478d0dddebd9a6930f0eff94087d3d7d7cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw ( &
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & geometry,         &! in
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & nfrequencies,     &! in
-     & nchannels,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,        &! in
-     & channels,         &! in
-     & polarisations,    &! in
-     & lprofiles,        &! in
-     & transmission,     &! in
-     & calcemis,         &! in
-     & emissivity,       &! inout
-     & reflectivity,     &! out
-     & errorstatus   )    ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To compute MW surface emissivities for all channels and all
-  ! profiles if desired
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! FASTEM-1 English and Hewison 1998.
-  ! FASTEM-2 Deblonde and English 2001.
-  ! FASTEM-3 English 2003.
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/evalfastems.pdf
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       24/01/2003  error return code changed to array size (P Brunel)
-  !                        No more test on negative values for  emissivity input
-  !  1.3       26/09/2003  Added polarimetric code and Fastem-3 (S English)
-  !  1.4       14/10/2005  Bug fix to wind10_direction calculation (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & pi                  ,&
-       & surftype_sea        ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(out)   :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(inout) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: quadcof(4,2) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 2.0_JPRB, &
-       & 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB  /), (/4,2/) )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: freqfixed(4) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 7.0_JPRB, 10.0_JPRB, 19.0_JPRB, 37.0_JPRB /), (/4/) )
-  !local variables:
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=18) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_calcemis_mw '
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_cu
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einf                  ! Debye parameter Epsilon infinity
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fen,fen_sq            ! intermediate Debye variable
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: del1,del2             ! intermediate Debye variable
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: den1,den2             ! intermediate Debye variable
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: f1,f2                 ! intermediate Debye variable
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_free             ! permittivity (space)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sigma                 ! saline water conductivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_real1,perm_real2 ! permittivity (real part)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_imag1,perm_imag2,perm_imag3 !    .... imaginary part
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_Real,perm_imag   ! permittivity (real, imaginary part)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_static           ! static land permittivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_infinite         ! infinite frequency land permittivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: freq_ghz,freq_ghz_sq  ! frequency in GHz , and squared
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_Real,fresnel_v_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_h_Real,fresnel_h_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v,fresnel_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_cor,foam_cor
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: large_rough_cor(2)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough,large_rough ! small and large scale roughness
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissstokes(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: reflectstokes(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: variance,varm
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_sq,windsec, windratio
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_direction, windangle ! Note wind azimuth is in radians
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdpsfc,freqr
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zrough_v,zrough_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zreflmod_v,zreflmod_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: delta,delta2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: qdepol,emissfactor
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_v,emissfactor_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zc(12)    ! large scale correction
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zx(9)     ! effective path coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azimuthal_emiss,u19,phi,dfreq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tbfixed(4,4,3)   ! Surface brightness temperature azimuthal variation terms for 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: efixed(4,4,3)     ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einterpolated(4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for interpolated to required frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: a1e,a2e,a3e    ! coefficients used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: c(:)   ! pointer to FASTEM coefs
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: perm1,perm2  ! permittivity
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: rhth,rvth    ! Fresnel reflectivity complex variables
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: permittivity ! permittivity
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,chan,istokes,ifreq,m
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iquadrant    ! Determines which quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW) the wind is blowing to
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: pol_id       ! polarisation indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i_freq,j_stokes,ich,ichannel   ! indices used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  ! == pol_id +1
-  !   1 average of vertical and horizontal
-  !   2 nominal vertical at nadir, rotating
-  !      with view angle
-  !   3 nominal horizontal at nadir, rotating
-  !      with view angle
-  !   4 vertical
-  !   5 horizontal
-  !   6 vertical and horizontal
-  !   7 full stokes vector
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jcof,jcofm1
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer    :: prof
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: wanted_fastem_ver  ! user fastem version request
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! If the coefficent file contains FASTEM 2 it contains also FASTEM 1 but
-  ! the version choosen is given by coef % fastem_ver value
-  wanted_fastem_ver = coef % fastem_ver
-  !Loop over channels
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     ichannel=polarisations(i,1)
-     If ( .Not. calcemis(ichannel) ) Cycle
-     chan        = channels(i)
-     prof        => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-     geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-     pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(chan) + 1_jpim
-     !-------------------------------
-     !0. Point to fastem coefficients
-     !-------------------------------
-     c => coef % fastem_coef
-     !---------------
-     !1. Sea surfaces
-     !---------------
-     If ( prof % skin % surftype == surftype_sea ) Then
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        !1.1 Calculate channel independent variables
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        wind10_sq        =   prof % s2m % u * prof % s2m % u +&
-                              & prof % s2m % v * prof % s2m % v
-        wind10           = Sqrt( wind10_sq )
-        if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=1
-        if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=2
-        if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=4
-        if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=3
-        if (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) then
-	   windratio=prof % s2m % u/prof % s2m % v
-        else
-	   windratio=0.0
-	   if (abs(prof % s2m % u) > 0.0001_JPRB) then
-	      windratio=999999.0*prof % s2m % u
-	   endif
-	endif
-	windangle=atan(windratio)
-        wind10_direction = quadcof(iquadrant,1)*pi+windangle*quadcof(iquadrant,2)
-        windsec          = wind10 * geom%seczen
-        !Set values for temperature polynomials (convert from kelvin to celsius)
-        tcelsius = prof % skin % t - 273.15_JPRB
-        tcelsius_sq = tcelsius * tcelsius     !quadratic
-        tcelsius_cu = tcelsius_sq * tcelsius  !cubic
-        !Define two relaxation frequencies, f1 and f2
-        f1 = c(1) + c(2) * tcelsius + c(3) * tcelsius_sq
-        f2 = c(4) + c(5) * tcelsius + c(6) * tcelsius_sq + c(7) * tcelsius_cu
-        !Static permittivity estatic = del1+del2+einf
-        del1 = c(8)  + c(9)  * tcelsius + c(10) * tcelsius_sq + c(11) * tcelsius_cu
-        del2 = c(12) + c(13) * tcelsius + c(14) * tcelsius_sq + c(15) * tcelsius_cu
-        einf = c(18) + c(19) * tcelsius
-        freq_ghz    = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        freq_ghz_sq = freq_ghz * freq_ghz
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        !1.2 calculate permittivity using double-debye formula
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        fen          = 2.0_JPRB * c(20) * freq_ghz * 0.001_JPRB
-        fen_sq       = fen*fen
-        den1         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f1 * f1
-        den2         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f2 * f2
-        perm_real1   = del1 / den1
-        perm_real2   = del2 / den2
-        perm_imag1   = del1 * fen * f1 / den1
-        perm_imag2   = del2 * fen * f2 / den2
-        ! perm_free = 8.854E-3_JPRB not 8.854E-12 as multiplied by 1E9 for GHz
-        perm_free    = 8.854E-3_JPRB
-        sigma        = 2.906_JPRB + 0.09437_JPRB * tcelsius
-        perm_imag3   = sigma / (2.0_JPRB * c(20) * perm_free * freq_ghz)
-        perm_Real    = perm_real1 + perm_real2 + einf
-        perm_imag    = perm_imag1 + perm_imag2 + perm_imag3
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3 calculate complex reflection coefficients and corrections
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        perm1          = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2          = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth           = (geom%coszen-perm1) / (geom%coszen+perm1)
-        rvth           = (perm2-perm1) / (perm2+perm1)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel_v      = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-             & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        fresnel_h_Real = Dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel_h      = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-             & fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        !1.3.2) Small scale correction to reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        If (freq_ghz >= 15.0_jprb) Then
-           small_rough_cor = Exp( c(21) * wind10 * geom % coszen_sq / (freq_ghz_sq) )
-        Else
-           small_rough_cor = 1.0_jprb
-        End If
-        !1.3.3) Large scale geometric correction
-        !------
-        !Point to correct coefficients for this version. There are 36 altogether.
-        !Those for FASTEM-2 are stored in section 24:59 of the array, those for
-        !FASTEM1 in section 60:95.
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 2 ) Then
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(24:59)
-        Else
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(60:95)
-        End If
-        Do j = 1, 12
-           zc(j) = c(j*3-2) + c(j*3-1)*freq_ghz + c(j*3)*freq_ghz_sq
-        End Do
-        !Point back to all coefficients again
-        c => coef%fastem_coef
-        large_rough_cor(1) = &
-             & zc(1)                  + &
-             & zc(2) * geom%seczen    + &
-             & zc(3) * geom%seczen_sq + &
-             & zc(4) * wind10         + &
-             & zc(5) * wind10_sq      + &
-             & zc(6) * windsec
-        large_rough_cor(2) = &
-             & zc(7)                   + &
-             & zc(8)  * geom%seczen    + &
-             & zc(9)  * geom%seczen_sq + &
-             & zc(10) * wind10         + &
-             & zc(11) * wind10_sq      + &
-             & zc(12) * windsec
-        large_rough_cor(:) = large_rough_cor(:) * 0.01_JPRB
-        ! For Fastem-3 do not compute rough surface effects if theta > 60 degrees
-        If (wanted_fastem_ver <= 2.0_JPRB .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) Then
-           emissstokes(i,1) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_v * small_rough_cor + large_rough_cor(1)
-           emissstokes(i,2) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_h * small_rough_cor + large_rough_cor(2)
-        Else
-           emissstokes(i,1) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_v
-           emissstokes(i,2) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_h
-        End If
-        emissstokes(i,3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes(i,4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        !Apply foam correction
-        foam_cor  = c(22) * ( wind10 ** c(23) )
-        emissstokes(i,1) = emissstokes(i,1) - foam_cor*emissstokes(i,1) + foam_cor
-        emissstokes(i,2) = emissstokes(i,2) - foam_cor*emissstokes(i,2) + foam_cor
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 3) then
-         ! Add azimuthal component from Fuzhong Weng (NOAA/NESDIS) based on work by Dr. Gene Poe (NRL)
-         ! Angle between wind direction and satellite azimuthal view angle
-         phi = pi-(wind10_direction-prof % azangle*pi/180.0_JPRB)
-         ! Assume 19m wind = 10m wind for now (fix later).
-         u19=wind10
-         Do ich = 0,15
-            a1e = c(141+ich*12) + u19*(c(142+ich*12)+ u19*(c(143+ich*12)+u19*c(144+ich*12)))
-            a2e = c(145+ich*12) + u19*(c(146+ich*12)+ u19*(c(147+ich*12)+u19*c(148+ich*12)))
-            a3e = c(149+ich*12) + u19*(c(150+ich*12)+ u19*(c(151+ich*12)+u19*c(152+ich*12)))
-            i_freq = int(ich/4_jpim) + 1   ! 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-            j_stokes = mod(ich,4_jpim) + 1
-            tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,1) = a1e !* prof % skin % t
-            tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,2) = a2e !* prof % skin % t
-            tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,3) = a3e !* prof % skin % t
-         End Do
-         Do M=1,3
-            Do istokes=1,4
-         efixed(1,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,4,M) !/prof % skin % t  ! 7  GHz
-         efixed(2,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,3,M) !/prof % skin % t  ! 10  GHz
-         efixed(3,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,2,M) !/prof % skin % t  ! 19  GHz
-         efixed(4,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,1,M) !/prof % skin % t  ! 37  GHz
-            End Do
-         ! Interpolate results to required frequency based on 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-            If (freq_ghz.le.freqfixed(1)) Then
-         Do istokes=1,4
-            einterpolated(istokes,M)=efixed(1,istokes,M)
-         End Do
-            Else If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(4)) then
-         Do istokes=1,4
-            einterpolated(istokes,M)=efixed(4,istokes,M)
-         End Do
-            Else
-         If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=2
-         If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(3).and.freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=3
-         If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(3)) ifreq=4
-         dfreq=(freq_ghz-freqfixed(ifreq-1))/(freqfixed(ifreq)-freqfixed(ifreq-1))
-         Do istokes=1,4
-            einterpolated(istokes,M)=efixed(ifreq-1,istokes,M)+dfreq*(efixed(ifreq,istokes,M)-efixed(ifreq-1,istokes,M))
-         End Do
-            End If
-         End Do
-         Do istokes = 1,4
-            azimuthal_emiss=0.0_JPRB
-            Do M=1,3
-         If(istokes.le.2) Then
-            azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*cos(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)&
-                  & /(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-         Else
-            azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*sin(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)&
-                   & /(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-         End If
-            End Do
-            emissstokes(i,istokes)=emissstokes(i,istokes)+azimuthal_emiss
-         End Do
-        End If
-        ! Only apply non-specular correction for Fastem-3 if theta < 60 degrees
-        If ((wanted_fastem_ver == 2 .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) .And. &
-             & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) < 0.9999_JPRB .And. &
-             & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) > 0.00001_JPRB ) Then
-           !Convert windspeed to slope variance using the Cox and Munk model
-           variance = 0.00512_JPRB * wind10 + 0.0030_JPRB
-           varm     = variance * c(138)
-           variance = varm * ( c(139) * freq_ghz + c(140) )
-           If ( variance > varm ) variance = varm
-           If ( variance < 0.0_JPRB  ) variance = 0.0_JPRB
-           !Compute surface to space optical depth
-           opdpsfc = -log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) / geom%seczen
-           !Define nine predictors for the effective angle calculation
-           zx(1) = 1.0_JPRB
-           zx(2) = variance
-           zx(4) = 1.0_JPRB / geom%coszen
-           zx(3) = zx(2) * zx(4)
-           zx(5) = zx(3) * zx(3)
-           zx(6) = zx(4) * zx(4)
-           zx(7) = zx(2) * zx(2)
-           zx(8) = log(opdpsfc)
-           zx(9) = zx(8) * zx(8)
-           zrough_v = 1.0_JPRB
-           zrough_h = 1.0_JPRB
-           Do jcof = 1,7
-              jcofm1 = jcof-1
-              !Switched h to v Deblonde SSMIS june 7, 2001
-              zrough_h = zrough_h + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(96+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(97+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-              zrough_v = zrough_v + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(117+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(118+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-           End Do
-           zreflmod_v = (1.0_JPRB-transmission %tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v)&
-              & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           zreflmod_h = (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h)&
-              & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           reflectstokes(i,1)  = zreflmod_v * (1.0_JPRB-emissstokes(i,1))
-           reflectstokes(i,2)  = zreflmod_h * (1.0_JPRB-emissstokes(i,2))
-           reflectstokes(i,3)  = -0.5_JPRB * (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * emissstokes(i,3)
-           reflectstokes(i,4)  = -0.5_JPRB * (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * emissstokes(i,4)
-        Else
-           reflectstokes(i,1) = 1.0_JPRB - emissstokes(i,1)
-           reflectstokes(i,2) = 1.0_JPRB - emissstokes(i,2)
-           reflectstokes(i,3) = 0.0_JPRB
-           reflectstokes(i,4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        End If
-        !--------------------
-        !2. Land/ice surfaces
-        !--------------------
-     Else
-!        If ( Any( c == 0.0_JPRB ) ) Then
-!           Write( errMessage, '( "some fastem coefs are 0.0 " )' )
-!           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!           Return
-!        End If
-        ! Test input FASTEM land coefficients
-        ! only coefs 1-3 are checked
-        If ( Any( prof % skin % fastem(1:3) == 0.0_JPRB ) ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "some profile fastem(1:3) values are 0.0 " )' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        End If
-        !Coherent surface scattering model coefficients (input with the profile)
-        perm_static   = prof % skin % fastem(1)
-        perm_infinite = prof % skin % fastem(2)
-        freqr         = prof % skin % fastem(3)
-        small_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(4)
-        large_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(5)
-        chan          = channels(i)
-        freq_ghz      = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        !Simple Debye + Fresnel model gives reflectivities
-        fen       = freq_ghz / freqr
-        fen_sq    = fen * fen
-        den1      = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq
-        perm_Real = (perm_static+perm_infinite*fen_sq) / den1
-        perm_imag = fen*(perm_static-perm_infinite)    / den1
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        perm1     = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2     = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth      = (geom%coszen - perm1) / (geom%coszen + perm1)
-        rvth      = (perm2 - perm1)/(perm2 + perm1)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel_v      = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-                        & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        fresnel_h_Real = Dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel_h      = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-                        & fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        !Small scale roughness correction
-        delta           = 4.0_JPRB * pi * coef % ff_cwn(chan) * 0.1_JPRB * small_rough
-        delta2          = delta * delta
-        small_rough_cor = Exp(-delta2*geom%coszen_sq)
-        !Large scale roughness correction
-        qdepol = 0.35_JPRB - 0.35_JPRB*Exp(-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*large_rough*large_rough)
-        emissfactor_v = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_v * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor_h = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_h * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor   = emissfactor_h - emissfactor_v
-        emissstokes(i,1) = emissfactor_v + qdepol * emissfactor
-        emissstokes(i,2) = emissfactor_h - qdepol * emissfactor
-        emissstokes(i,3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes(i,4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        reflectstokes(i,:)  = 1.0_JPRB - emissstokes(i,:)
-        ! End of if sea else land if else endif loop
-     End If
-     ! Now return only required polarisations - either the calculated vector (V, H, or full Stokes)
-     If (pol_id <= 3 .or. pol_id >= 6) then
-        Do ich=1,polarisations(i,3)
-           emissivity(ichannel+ich-1)=emissstokes(i,ich)
-           reflectivity(ichannel+ich-1)=reflectstokes(i,ich)
-        End Do
-     End If
-     ! Or V-pol only
-     If (pol_id == 4) then
-        emissivity(ichannel)=emissstokes(i,1)
-        reflectivity(ichannel)=reflectstokes(i,1)
-     End If
-     ! Or H-pol only
-     If (pol_id == 5) then
-        emissivity(ichannel)=emissstokes(i,2)
-        reflectivity(ichannel)=reflectstokes(i,2)
-     End If
-    ! End loop over channels
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 82dbee401fc3625407270aaf510c2167c596ee19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw ( &
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     geometry,       & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     transmission,   & ! in
-     calcemis,       & ! in
-     emissivity,     & ! inout
-     reflectivity,   & ! out
-     errorstatus   ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       pi                  ,&
-       surftype_sea        ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type),     Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in)    :: transmission
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(out)   :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(inout) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c46e2af265123222fc8e50c7dcca702a42b659..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,974 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_ad ( &
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & profiles_ad,      &! inout
-     & geometry,         &! in
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & nfrequencies,     &! in
-     & nchannels,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,        &! in
-     & channels,         &! in
-     & polarisations,    &! in
-     & lprofiles,        &! in
-     & transmission,     &! in
-     & transmission_ad,  &! inout
-     & calcemis,         &! in
-     & emissivity_ad,    &! inout
-     & reflectivity_ad  ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! Adjoint of rttov_calcemis_mw
-  ! To compute MW surface emissivities for all channels and all
-  ! profiles if desired
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! FASTEM-1 English and Hewison 1998.
-  ! FASTEM-2 Deblonde and English 2001.
-  ! FASTEM-3 English 2003.
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/evalfastems.pdf
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       26/09/2003  Polarimetric code and Fastem-3 (S. English)
-  !  1.3       18/08/2004  Fixed bug in adjoint (S English)
-  !  1.4       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !  1.5       14/10/2005  Reintroduce -r 122:123 changes, see -r 133:134).
-  !                        Fixing bug in azimuth angles > 270 (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & pi                  ,&
-       & surftype_sea
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type),     Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in)    :: transmission
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: reflectivity_ad(nchannels)
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: quadcof(4,2) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 2.0_JPRB, &
-       & 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB /), (/4,2/) )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: freqfixed(4) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 7.0_JPRB, 10.0_JPRB, 19.0_JPRB, 37.0_JPRB /), (/4/) )
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_cu
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: f1,f2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: del1,del2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einf
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fen,fen_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: den1,den2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_free
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sigma
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_real1,perm_real2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_imag1,perm_imag2,perm_imag3
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_Real,perm_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_static,perm_infinite
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: freq_ghz,freq_ghz_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_Real,fresnel_v_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_h_Real,fresnel_h_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_cor,foam_cor(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: large_rough_cor(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough,large_rough
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emiss_save(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: variance,varm
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_sq,windsec
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_direction, windangle, windratio ! Note wind azimuth is in radians
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissstokes(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissstokes_ad(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: reflectstokes_ad(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: u19,phi,dfreq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tbfixed(4,4,3)! Surface brightness temperature azimuthal variation terms for 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: efixed(4,4,3) ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einterpolated(4,3)! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for interpolated to required frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: a1e,a2e,a3e     ! coefficients used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zrough_v,zrough_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zreflmod_v,zreflmod_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: delta,delta2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: qdepol,emissfactor
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_v,emissfactor_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zc(12),zx(9)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdpsfc,freqr
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: c(:)
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: perm1,perm2
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: rhth,rvth
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: permittivity
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,chan,istokes,ifreq,m
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iquadrant    ! Determines which quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW) the wind is blowing to
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: pol_id  ! polarisation indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i_freq,j_stokes,ich,ichannel   ! indices used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jcof,jcofm1
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer    :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer    :: prof_ad
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_sq_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_cu_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: f1_ad, f2_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: del1_ad, del2_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einf_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fen_ad, fen_sq_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: den1_ad, den2_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sigma_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_real1_ad, perm_real2_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_imag1_ad, perm_imag2_ad, perm_imag3_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_Real_ad, perm_imag_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_static_ad, perm_infinite_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_Real_ad, fresnel_v_imag_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_h_Real_ad, fresnel_h_imag_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_ad, fresnel_h_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_cor_ad, foam_cor_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: large_rough_cor_ad(2)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_ad, large_rough_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: variance_ad, varm_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_sq_ad, windsec_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_direction_ad, windangle_ad, windratio_ad ! Note wind azimuth is in radians
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azimuthal_emiss_ad, azimuthal_emiss,u19_ad,phi_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tbfixed_ad(4,4,3)   ! Surface brightness temperature azimuthal variation terms for 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: efixed_ad(4,4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einterpolated_ad(4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for interpolated to required frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: a1e_ad,a2e_ad,a3e_ad     ! coefficients used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdpsfc_ad, freqr_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zrough_v_ad, zrough_h_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zreflmod_v_ad, zreflmod_h_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: delta_ad, delta2_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: qdepol_ad, emissfactor_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_v_ad, emissfactor_h_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zx_ad(9)
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: perm1_ad, perm2_ad
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: rhth_ad, rvth_ad
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: permittivity_ad
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: wanted_fastem_ver  ! user fastem version request
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: test_variance
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! If the coefficent file contains FASTEM 2 it contains also FASTEM 1 but
-  ! the version choosen is given by coef % fastem_ver value
-  wanted_fastem_ver = coef % fastem_ver
-  !If a TL value of emissivity is passed to the routine
-  !Loop over channels
-  phi_ad=0.0_JPRB
-  efixed_ad(:,:,:)=0.0_JPRB
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     ichannel=polarisations(i,1)
-     If ( .Not. calcemis(ichannel) ) Cycle
-     chan        = channels(i)
-     prof        => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-     prof_ad     => profiles_ad( lprofiles(i) )
-     geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-     !-------------------------------
-     !0. Point to fastem coefficients
-     !-------------------------------
-     c => coef % fastem_coef
-     pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-     reflectstokes_ad(i,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     emissstokes_ad(i,:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     If (pol_id <= 3 .or. pol_id >= 6) then
-        Do Ich=1, polarisations(i,3)
-           reflectstokes_ad(i,ich) = reflectivity_ad(ichannel+ich-1)
-           emissstokes_ad(i,ich)   = emissivity_ad(ichannel+ich-1)
-        End Do
-     End If
-     If (pol_id == 4) then
-        reflectstokes_ad(i,1) = reflectivity_ad(ichannel)
-        emissstokes_ad(i,1)   = emissivity_ad(ichannel)
-     End If
-     If (pol_id == 5) then
-        reflectstokes_ad(i,2) = reflectivity_ad(ichannel)
-        emissstokes_ad(i,2)   = emissivity_ad(ichannel)
-     End If
-     wind10_ad = 0._JPRB
-     wind10_direction_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-     !---------------
-     !1. Sea surfaces
-     !---------------
-     If ( prof % skin % surftype == surftype_sea ) Then
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        !1.1 Calculate channel independent variables
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        wind10_sq =   prof % s2m % u * prof % s2m % u +&
-              & prof % s2m % v * prof % s2m % v
-        wind10    = Sqrt( wind10_sq )
-        windsec   = wind10 * geom%seczen
-        if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=1
-        if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=2
-        if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=4
-        if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=3
-        if (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) then
-           windratio=prof % s2m % u/prof % s2m % v
-        else
-           windratio=0.0
-           if (abs(prof % s2m % u) > 0.0001_JPRB) then
-              windratio=999999.0*prof % s2m % u
-           endif
-        endif
-        windangle=atan(windratio)
-        wind10_direction = quadcof(iquadrant,1)*pi+windangle*quadcof(iquadrant,2)
-        !Set values for temperature polynomials (convert from kelvin to celsius)
-        tcelsius = prof % skin % t - 273.15_JPRB
-        tcelsius_sq = tcelsius * tcelsius     !quadratic
-        tcelsius_cu = tcelsius_sq * tcelsius  !cubic
-        !Define two relaxation frequencies, f1 and f2
-        f1 = c(1) + c(2) * tcelsius + c(3) * tcelsius_sq
-        f2 = c(4) + c(5) * tcelsius + c(6) * tcelsius_sq + c(7) * tcelsius_cu
-        !Static permittivity estatic = del1+del2+einf
-        del1 = c(8)  + c(9)  * tcelsius + c(10) * tcelsius_sq + c(11) * tcelsius_cu
-        del2 = c(12) + c(13) * tcelsius + c(14) * tcelsius_sq + c(15) * tcelsius_cu
-        einf = c(18) + c(19) * tcelsius
-        freq_ghz    = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        freq_ghz_sq = freq_ghz * freq_ghz
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        !1.2 calculate permittivity using double-debye formula
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        fen          = 2.0_JPRB * c(20) * freq_ghz * 0.001_JPRB
-        fen_sq       = fen*fen
-        den1         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f1 * f1
-        den2         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f2 * f2
-        perm_real1   = del1 / den1
-        perm_real2   = del2 / den2
-        perm_imag1   = del1 * fen * f1 / den1
-        perm_imag2   = del2 * fen * f2 / den2
-        perm_free    = 8.854E-03_JPRB
-        sigma        = 2.906_JPRB + 0.09437_JPRB * tcelsius
-        perm_imag3   = sigma / (2.0_JPRB * c(20) * perm_free * freq_ghz)
-        perm_Real    = perm_real1 + perm_real2 + einf
-        perm_imag    = perm_imag1 + perm_imag2 + perm_imag3
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3 calculate complex reflection coefficients and corrections
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        perm1          = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2          = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth           = (geom%coszen-perm1) / (geom%coszen+perm1)
-        rvth           = (perm2-perm1) / (perm2+perm1)
-        !    fresnel_v_real = dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Real(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel(1)     = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-             & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        !    fresnel_h_real = dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_Real = Real(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel(2)      = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-             & fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        fresnel(3)      = 0.0_JPRB
-        fresnel(4)      = 0.0_JPRB
-        !1.3.2) Small scale correction to reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        If (freq_ghz >= 15.0) Then
-           small_rough_cor = Exp( c(21) * wind10 * geom % coszen_sq / (freq_ghz_sq) )
-        Else
-           small_rough_cor = 1.0
-        End If
-        !1.3.3) Large scale geometric correction
-        !------
-        !Point to correct coefficients for this version. There are 36 altogether.
-        !Those for FASTEM-2 are stored in section 24:59 of the array, those for
-        !FASTEM1 in section 60:95.
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 2 ) Then
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(24:59)
-        Else
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(60:95)
-        End If
-        Do j = 1, 12
-           zc(j) = c(j*3-2) + c(j*3-1)*freq_ghz + c(j*3)*freq_ghz_sq
-        End Do
-        !Point back to all coefficients again
-        c => coef%fastem_coef
-        large_rough_cor(1) = &
-             & (zc(1)                  + &
-              & zc(2) * geom%seczen    + &
-              & zc(3) * geom%seczen_sq + &
-              & zc(4) * wind10         + &
-              & zc(5) * wind10_sq      + &
-              & zc(6) * windsec) / 100._JPRB
-        large_rough_cor(2) = &
-             & (zc(7)                   + &
-              & zc(8)  * geom%seczen    + &
-              & zc(9)  * geom%seczen_sq + &
-              & zc(10) * wind10         + &
-              & zc(11) * wind10_sq      + &
-              & zc(12) * windsec) / 100._JPRB
-        large_rough_cor(3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        large_rough_cor(4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        ! Introduce emiss_v_save and emiss_h_save arrays to be able
-        ! to simplify further AD code
-        emiss_save(:) = 1.0 - fresnel(:) * small_rough_cor + large_rough_cor(:)
-        !Apply foam correction
-        foam_cor(1)  = c(22) * ( wind10 ** c(23) )
-        foam_cor(2)  = c(22) * ( wind10 ** c(23) )
-        !Currently ignore foam effects on 3rd and 4th elements.
-        foam_cor(3)  = 0.0_JPRB
-        foam_cor(4)  = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes(i,:) = emiss_save(:) - foam_cor(:)*emiss_save(:) + foam_cor(:)
-        emissstokes(i,3) = 0.0
-        emissstokes(i,4) = 0.0
-        If ((wanted_fastem_ver == 2 .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) .And. &
-          & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) < 0.9999_JPRB .And.  &
-          & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) > 0.00001_JPRB ) Then
-           !Convert windspeed to slope variance using the Cox and Munk model
-           variance = 0.00512_JPRB * wind10 + 0.0030_JPRB
-           varm     = variance * c(138)
-           variance = varm * ( c(139) * freq_ghz + c(140) )
-           test_variance = variance
-           If ( variance > varm ) Then
-              variance    = varm
-           Endif
-           If ( variance < 0.0_JPRB  ) Then
-              variance    = 0.0_JPRB
-           Endif
-           !Compute surface to space optical depth
-           opdpsfc    = -log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) / geom%seczen
-           !Define nine predictors for the effective angle calculation
-           zx(1) = 1.0_JPRB
-           zx(2) = variance
-           zx(4) = 1.0_JPRB / geom%coszen
-           zx(3) = zx(2) * zx(4)
-           zx(5) = zx(3) * zx(3)
-           zx(6) = zx(4) * zx(4)
-           zx(7) = zx(2) * zx(2)
-           zx(8) = log(opdpsfc)
-           zx(9) = zx(8) * zx(8)
-           zrough_v = 1.0_JPRB
-           zrough_h = 1.0_JPRB
-           Do jcof = 1,7
-              jcofm1 = jcof-1
-              !Switched h to v Deblonde SSMIS june 7, 2001
-              zrough_h = zrough_h + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(96+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(97+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-              zrough_v = zrough_v + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(117+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(118+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-           End Do
-           zreflmod_v = (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v) / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           zreflmod_h = (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h) / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-        End If
-           !.......end of forward part....................................
-           !
-           ! * Now run adjoint code of fastem
-           !
-        ! Only apply non-specular correction for Fastem-3 if theta < 60 degrees
-        If ((wanted_fastem_ver == 2 .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) .And. &
-             & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) < 0.9999_JPRB .And. transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) > 0.00001_JPRB ) Then
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 3) then
-          ! Add azimuthal component from Fuzhong Weng (NOAA/NESDIS) based on work by Dr. Gene Poe (NRL)
-          ! Angle between wind direction and satellite azimuthal view angle
-          ! Assume 19m wind = 10m wind for now (fix later).
-          phi = pi - wind10_direction + prof % azangle*pi/180.0_JPRB
-          u19=wind10
-          Do ich = 0,15
-             a1e = c(141+ich*12) + u19*(c(142+ich*12)+ u19*(c(143+ich*12)+u19*c(144+ich*12)))
-             a2e = c(145+ich*12) + u19*(c(146+ich*12)+ u19*(c(147+ich*12)+u19*c(148+ich*12)))
-             a3e = c(149+ich*12) + u19*(c(150+ich*12)+ u19*(c(151+ich*12)+u19*c(152+ich*12)))
-             i_freq = int(ich/4) + 1    ! 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-             j_stokes = mod(ich,4) + 1
-             tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,1) = a1e
-             tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,2) = a2e
-             tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,3) = a3e
-          End Do
-          Do M=1,3
-             Do istokes=1,4
-                efixed(1,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,4,M)  ! 7   GHz
-                efixed(2,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,3,M)  ! 10  GHz
-                efixed(3,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,2,M)  ! 19  GHz
-                efixed(4,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,1,M)  ! 37  GHz
-             End Do
-             ! Interpolate results to required frequency based on 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-             If (freq_ghz.le.freqfixed(1)) Then
-               einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(1,:,M)
-             Else If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(4)) then
-               einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(4,:,M)
-             Else
-               If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=2
-               If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(3).and.freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=3
-               If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(3)) ifreq=4
-               dfreq=(freq_ghz-freqfixed(ifreq-1))/(freqfixed(ifreq)-freqfixed(ifreq-1))
-               einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(ifreq-1,:,M)+dfreq*(efixed(ifreq,:,M)-efixed(ifreq-1,:,M))
-             EndIf
-          EndDo
-          Do istokes = 1,4
-             azimuthal_emiss=0.0_JPRB
-             Do M=1,3
-                If(istokes.le.2) Then
-                   azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*cos(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)&
-                  &/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                Else
-                   azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*sin(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)&
-                  &/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                End If
-             End Do
-             emissstokes(i,istokes)=emissstokes(i,istokes)+azimuthal_emiss
-          End Do
-	EndIf
-	   zreflmod_v_ad = reflectstokes_ad(i,1) * (1.0_JPRB-emissstokes(i,1))
-           zreflmod_h_ad = reflectstokes_ad(i,2) * (1.0_JPRB-emissstokes(i,2))
-           zreflmod_v_ad = zreflmod_v_ad - 0.5_JPRB * reflectstokes_ad(i,3) * emissstokes(i,3) &
-	      & - 0.5_JPRB * reflectstokes_ad(i,4) * emissstokes(i,4)
-           zreflmod_h_ad = zreflmod_h_ad - 0.5_JPRB * reflectstokes_ad(i,3) * emissstokes(i,3) &
-	      & - 0.5_JPRB * reflectstokes_ad(i,4) * emissstokes(i,4)
-	   emissstokes_ad(i,4) = emissstokes_ad(i,4) - 0.5_JPRB * (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * reflectstokes_ad(i,4)
-           emissstokes_ad(i,3) = emissstokes_ad(i,3) - 0.5_JPRB * (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * reflectstokes_ad(i,3)
-           emissstokes_ad(i,2) = emissstokes_ad(i,2) - reflectstokes_ad(i,2) * zreflmod_h
-           emissstokes_ad(i,1) = emissstokes_ad(i,1) - reflectstokes_ad(i,1) * zreflmod_v
-           zrough_v_ad = -zreflmod_v_ad * &
-             & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) ) / &
-             & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           transmission_ad % tau_surf(ichannel) = transmission_ad % tau_surf(ichannel) + zreflmod_v_ad *&
-             & (-zrough_v * transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**(zrough_v-1.0_JPRB) * &
-                     & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) +  &
-             &    ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v)         ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))**2
-            zrough_h_ad = - zreflmod_h_ad * &
-                 & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) ) / &
-                 & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           transmission_ad % tau_surf(ichannel) = transmission_ad % tau_surf(ichannel) + zreflmod_h_ad *&
-             & (-zrough_h * transmission %tau_surf(ichannel)**(zrough_h-1.0_JPRB) * &
-                           & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) +  &
-             &     ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h)          ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))**2
-            zx_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-           Do jcof = 1,7
-              jcofm1 = jcof-1
-              !Switched h to v Deblonde SSMIS june 7, 2001
-              zx_ad(9) = zx_ad(9) + zrough_v_ad * zx(jcof) * c(119+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_ad(8) = zx_ad(8) + zrough_v_ad * zx(jcof) * c(118+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_ad(jcof) = zrough_v_ad *&
-                    & (          c(117+jcofm1*3)   &
-                     & + zx(8) * c(118+jcofm1*3)   &
-                     & + zx(9) * c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-              zx_ad(9) = zx_ad(9) + zrough_h_ad * zx(jcof) * c(98+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_ad(8) = zx_ad(8) + zrough_h_ad * zx(jcof) * c(97+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_ad(jcof) = zx_ad(jcof) + zrough_h_ad *&
-                    & (             c(96+jcofm1*3)   &
-                     & + zx(8)  *   c(97+jcofm1*3)   &
-                      & + zx(9)  *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-           End Do
-           zrough_v_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zrough_h_ad = 0._JPRB
-           !Define nine predictors for the effective angle calculation
-           zx_ad(8) = zx_ad(8) + zx_ad(9) * 2 * zx(8)
-           opdpsfc_ad = zx_ad(8) / opdpsfc
-           zx_ad(2) = zx_ad(2) + zx_ad(7) * 2 * zx(2)
-           zx_ad(4) = zx_ad(4) + zx_ad(6) * 2 * zx(4)
-           zx_ad(3) = zx_ad(3) + zx_ad(5) * 2 * zx(3)
-           zx_ad(2) = zx_ad(2) + zx_ad(3) * zx(4)
-           zx_ad(4) = 0._JPRB
-           variance_ad = zx_ad(2)
-           zx_ad(1) = 0._JPRB
-           !Compute surface to space optical depth
-           transmission_ad % tau_surf(ichannel) = transmission_ad % tau_surf(ichannel) - opdpsfc_ad /&
-                 & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-           If ( test_variance < varm ) Then
-              varm_ad = variance_ad * ( c(139) * freq_ghz + c(140) )
-           Else
-              varm_ad = variance_ad
-           Endif
-           variance_ad = varm_ad * c(138)
-           wind10_ad = wind10_ad + variance_ad * 0.00512_JPRB
-        Else
-           emissstokes_ad(i,:) =  emissstokes_ad(i,:) - reflectstokes_ad(i,:)
-        End If
-       If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 3) then
-          azimuthal_emiss_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-          phi_ad             = 0.0_JPRB
-          Do istokes=1,4
-             azimuthal_emiss_ad=emissstokes_ad(i,istokes)
-             Do M=1,3
-                If(istokes.le.2) Then
-                   einterpolated_ad(istokes,M)=azimuthal_emiss_ad*cos(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/&
-                  &(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                   phi_ad= phi_ad - azimuthal_emiss_ad*einterpolated(istokes,M)*m*sin(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/&
-                  &(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                Else
-                   einterpolated_ad(istokes,M)=azimuthal_emiss_ad*sin(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                   phi_ad= phi_ad + azimuthal_emiss_ad*einterpolated(istokes,M)*m*cos(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/&
-                  &(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                End If
-             Enddo
-          End Do
-          efixed_ad(:,:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-          Do M=1,3
-             If (freq_ghz.le.freqfixed(1)) Then
-                efixed_ad(1,:,M)=efixed_ad(1,:,M)+einterpolated_ad(:,M)
-             Else If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(4)) then
-                efixed_ad(4,:,M)=efixed_ad(4,:,M)+einterpolated_ad(:,M)
-             Else
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=2
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(3).and.freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=3
-                If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(3)) ifreq=4
-                dfreq=(freq_ghz-freqfixed(ifreq-1))/(freqfixed(ifreq)-freqfixed(ifreq-1))
-                efixed_ad(ifreq,:,M)=efixed_ad(ifreq,:,M)+einterpolated_ad(:,M)*dfreq
-                efixed_ad(ifreq-1,:,M)=efixed_ad(ifreq-1,:,M)+einterpolated_ad(:,M)*(1.0-dfreq)
-             End If
-             Do istokes=1,4
-                tbfixed_ad(istokes,4,M)= efixed_ad(1,istokes,M)  ! 7   GHz
-                tbfixed_ad(istokes,3,M)= efixed_ad(2,istokes,M)  ! 10  GHz
-                tbfixed_ad(istokes,2,M)= efixed_ad(3,istokes,M)  ! 19  GHz
-                tbfixed_ad(istokes,1,M)= efixed_ad(4,istokes,M)  ! 37  GHz
-             End Do
-          End Do
-          u19_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-          Do ich = 0,15_JPRB
-             i_freq = int(ich/4) + 1    ! 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-             j_stokes = mod(ich,4) + 1
-             a3e_ad = tbfixed_ad(j_stokes,i_freq,3)
-             a2e_ad = tbfixed_ad(j_stokes,i_freq,2)
-             a1e_ad = tbfixed_ad(j_stokes,i_freq,1)
-             u19_ad = u19_ad + a3e_ad*(c(150+ich*12)+u19*(2.0*c(151+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(152+ich*12)))
-             u19_ad = u19_ad + a2e_ad*(c(146+ich*12)+u19*(2.0*c(147+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(148+ich*12)))
-             u19_ad = u19_ad + a1e_ad*(c(142+ich*12)+u19*(2.0*c(143+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(144+ich*12)))
-          End Do
-          wind10_ad = wind10_ad + u19_ad
-          wind10_direction_ad = -1.0_JPRB * phi_ad
-        End If
-        ! Be careful do TL first because the next 2 lines of the direct model
-        ! have variables in input/output of the statement
-        foam_cor_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-        Do Ich=1,4
-           foam_cor_ad   = foam_cor_ad + emissstokes_ad(i,ich) * (1.0_JPRB - emiss_save(ich))
-           emissstokes_ad(i,Ich) = emissstokes_ad(i,ich) * (1.0_JPRB - foam_cor(ich))
-        End Do
-        !Apply foam correction
-        wind10_ad = wind10_ad + foam_cor_ad *&
-              & c(22) * c(23) * ( wind10 ** (c(23)-1.0_JPRB) )
-        !1.3.3) Large scale geometric correction
-        !------
-        fresnel_v_ad          = -emissstokes_ad(i,1) * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_ad    = -emissstokes_ad(i,1) * fresnel(1)
-        large_rough_cor_ad(1) =  emissstokes_ad(i,1)
-        fresnel_h_ad          = -emissstokes_ad(i,2) * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_ad    =  small_rough_cor_ad - emissstokes_ad(i,2) * fresnel(2)
-        large_rough_cor_ad(2) =  emissstokes_ad(i,2)
-        windsec_ad   =             large_rough_cor_ad(2) * zc(12) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_sq_ad =             large_rough_cor_ad(2) * zc(11) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_ad    = wind10_ad + large_rough_cor_ad(2) * zc(10) / 100._JPRB
-        windsec_ad   = windsec_ad   + large_rough_cor_ad(1) * zc(6) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_sq_ad = wind10_sq_ad + large_rough_cor_ad(1) * zc(5) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_ad    = wind10_ad    + large_rough_cor_ad(1) * zc(4) / 100._JPRB
-        !1.3.2) Small scale correction to reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        If (freq_ghz >= 15.0) Then
-           wind10_ad = wind10_ad + small_rough_cor_ad *&
-                & small_rough_cor * c(21) * geom % coszen_sq / (freq_ghz_sq)
-        End If
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        fresnel_h_real_ad = fresnel_h_ad * 2 * fresnel_h_real
-        fresnel_h_imag_ad = fresnel_h_ad * 2 * fresnel_h_imag
-        rhth_ad = CMPLX(fresnel_h_real_ad, -fresnel_h_imag_ad,jprb)
-        fresnel_v_real_ad = fresnel_v_ad * 2 * fresnel_v_real
-        fresnel_v_imag_ad = fresnel_v_ad * 2 * fresnel_v_imag
-        rvth_ad = CMPLX(fresnel_v_real_ad, -fresnel_v_imag_ad,jprb)
-        perm1_ad = - rvth_ad * 2 * perm2 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm2_ad =   rvth_ad * 2 * perm1 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm1_ad = perm1_ad - rhth_ad * 2 * geom%coszen / (geom%coszen+perm1)**2
-        permittivity_ad = perm2_ad * geom%coszen
-        permittivity_ad = permittivity_ad + perm1_ad * 0.5_JPRB / perm1
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        !1.2 calculate permittivity using double-debye formula
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        perm_Real_ad =  Real(  permittivity_ad )
-        perm_imag_ad = -Aimag( permittivity_ad )
-        perm_imag1_ad = perm_imag_ad
-        perm_imag2_ad = perm_imag_ad
-        perm_imag3_ad = perm_imag_ad
-        einf_ad       = perm_real_ad
-        perm_real1_ad = perm_real_ad
-        perm_real2_ad = perm_real_ad
-        sigma_ad = perm_imag3_ad / (2.0_JPRB * c(20) * perm_free * freq_ghz)
-        tcelsius_ad = 0.09437_JPRB * sigma_ad
-        del2_ad =  perm_imag2_ad * fen * den2 * f2  / (den2 * den2)
-        den2_ad = -perm_imag2_ad * fen * del2 * f2  / (den2 * den2)
-        f2_ad   =  perm_imag2_ad * fen * den2 * del2/ (den2 * den2)
-        del1_ad =  perm_imag1_ad * fen * den1 * f1  / (den1 * den1)
-        den1_ad = -perm_imag1_ad * fen * del1 * f1  / (den1 * den1)
-        f1_ad   =  perm_imag1_ad * fen * den1 * del1/ (den1 * den1)
-        del2_ad = del2_ad + perm_real2_ad * den2 / (den2 * den2)
-        den2_ad = den2_ad - perm_real2_ad * del2 / (den2 * den2)
-        del1_ad = del1_ad + perm_real1_ad * den1 / (den1 * den1)
-        den1_ad = den1_ad - perm_real1_ad * del1 / (den1 * den1)
-        f2_ad = f2_ad + den2_ad * 2 * fen_sq * f2
-        f1_ad = f1_ad + den1_ad * 2 * fen_sq * f1
-        !Static permittivity estatic = del1+del2+einf
-        tcelsius_ad    = tcelsius_ad + c(19) * einf_ad
-        tcelsius_ad    = tcelsius_ad + del2_ad * c(13)
-        tcelsius_sq_ad = del2_ad * c(14)
-        tcelsius_cu_ad = del2_ad * c(15)
-        tcelsius_ad    = tcelsius_ad    + del1_ad * c(9)
-        tcelsius_sq_ad = tcelsius_sq_ad + del1_ad * c(10)
-        tcelsius_cu_ad = tcelsius_cu_ad + del1_ad * c(11)
-        !Define two relaxation frequencies, f1 and f2
-        tcelsius_ad    = tcelsius_ad    + f2_ad * c(5)
-        tcelsius_sq_ad = tcelsius_sq_ad + f2_ad * c(6)
-        tcelsius_cu_ad = tcelsius_cu_ad + f2_ad * c(7)
-        tcelsius_ad    = tcelsius_ad    + f1_ad * c(2)
-        tcelsius_sq_ad = tcelsius_sq_ad + f1_ad * c(3)
-        !Set values for temperature polynomials (convert from kelvin to celsius)
-        tcelsius_ad    = tcelsius_ad + tcelsius_cu_ad * 3 * tcelsius_sq
-        tcelsius_ad    = tcelsius_ad + tcelsius_sq_ad * 2 * tcelsius
-        prof_ad % skin % t = prof_ad % skin % t + tcelsius_ad
-        wind10_ad = wind10_ad + windsec_ad * geom%seczen
-        windangle_ad = wind10_direction_ad *quadcof(iquadrant,2)
-        windratio_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-        if (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) windratio_ad = windangle_ad/(1.0_JPRB+windratio*windratio)
-!        prof_ad % s2m % u=0.0_JPRB
-!        prof_ad % s2m % v=0.0_JPRB
-        If (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) then
-           prof_ad % s2m % u = prof_ad % s2m % u + windratio_ad*prof % s2m % v /&
-              & (prof % s2m % v *prof % s2m % v)
-           prof_ad % s2m % v = prof_ad % s2m % v - windratio_ad*prof % s2m % u /&
-              & (prof % s2m % v *prof % s2m % v)
-        Else
-           If (abs(prof % s2m % u) > 0.0001_JPRB) then
-              prof_ad % s2m % u=999999.0*windratio_ad
-           Endif
-        Endif
-        wind10_ad = wind10_ad + wind10_sq_ad * 2 * wind10
-        If( wind10 > 0._JPRB ) Then
-           wind10_sq_ad  = 0.5_JPRB*wind10_ad/wind10
-        Else
-           wind10_sq_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-        Endif
-        prof_ad % s2m % u = prof_ad % s2m % u +&
-              & 2 * wind10_sq_ad * prof % s2m % u
-        prof_ad % s2m % v = prof_ad % s2m % v +&
-              & 2 * wind10_sq_ad * prof % s2m % v
-        prof_ad % skin % fastem(:) = 0._JPRB
-     Else
-        !--------------------
-        !2. Land/ice surfaces
-        !--------------------
-        !Coherent surface scattering model coefficients (input with the profile)
-        perm_static   = prof % skin % fastem(1)
-        perm_infinite = prof % skin % fastem(2)
-        freqr         = prof % skin % fastem(3)
-        small_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(4)
-        large_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(5)
-        chan          = channels(i)
-        freq_ghz      = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        !Simple Debye + Fresnel model gives reflectivities
-        fen       = freq_ghz / freqr
-        fen_sq    = fen * fen
-        den1      = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq
-        perm_Real = (perm_static+perm_infinite*fen_sq) / den1
-        perm_imag = fen*(perm_static-perm_infinite)    / den1
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        perm1     = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2     = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth      = (geom%coszen - perm1) / (geom%coszen + perm1)
-        rvth      = (perm2 - perm1)/(perm2 + perm1)
-        !    fresnel_v_real = dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Real(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel(1)      = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-             & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        !    fresnel_h_real = dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_Real = Real(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel(2)      = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-             & fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        !Small scale roughness correction
-        delta           = 4.0_JPRB * pi * coef % ff_cwn(chan) * 0.1_JPRB * small_rough
-        delta2          = delta * delta
-        small_rough_cor = Exp(-delta2*geom%coszen_sq)
-        !Large scale roughness correction
-        qdepol = 0.35_JPRB - 0.35_JPRB*Exp(-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*large_rough*large_rough)
-        emissfactor_v = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel(1) * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor_h = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel(2) * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor   = emissfactor_h - emissfactor_v
-        emissstokes(i,1)    = emissfactor_v + qdepol * emissfactor
-        emissstokes(i,2)    = emissfactor_h - qdepol * emissfactor
-        !reflect_v(i)  = 1.0_JPRB - emiss_v(i)
-        !reflect_h(i)  = 1.0_JPRB - emiss_h(i)
-        !.......end of forward part....................................
-        !
-        ! * Now run adjoint code of fastem
-        !
-        emissstokes_ad(i,2) = emissstokes_ad(i,2) - reflectstokes_ad(i,2)
-        emissstokes_ad(i,1) = emissstokes_ad(i,1) - reflectstokes_ad(i,1)
-        emissfactor_h_ad =  emissstokes_ad(i,2)
-        qdepol_ad        = -emissstokes_ad(i,2) * emissfactor
-        emissfactor_ad   = -emissstokes_ad(i,2) * qdepol
-        emissfactor_v_ad = emissstokes_ad(i,1)
-        qdepol_ad        = qdepol_ad      +emissstokes_ad(i,1) * emissfactor
-        emissfactor_ad   = emissfactor_ad +emissstokes_ad(i,1) * qdepol
-        emissfactor_v_ad = emissfactor_v_ad - emissfactor_ad
-        emissfactor_h_ad = emissfactor_h_ad + emissfactor_ad
-        fresnel_h_ad       = -emissfactor_h_ad * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_ad = -emissfactor_h_ad * fresnel(2)
-        fresnel_v_ad       =                    -emissfactor_v_ad * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_ad = small_rough_cor_ad -emissfactor_v_ad * fresnel(1)
-        !Large scale roughness correction
-        large_rough_ad = qdepol_ad * 0.35_JPRB * 0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*2*large_rough *&
-              & Exp(-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*large_rough*large_rough)
-        !Small scale roughness correction
-        delta2_ad = -small_rough_cor_ad * geom%coszen_sq * small_rough_cor
-        delta_ad  = delta2_ad* 2 * delta
-        small_rough_ad = 4.0_JPRB * pi * coef % ff_cwn(chan) * 0.1_JPRB * delta_ad
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !Simple Debye + Fresnel model gives reflectivities
-        !------
-        fresnel_h_real_ad = fresnel_h_ad * 2 * fresnel_h_real
-        fresnel_h_imag_ad = fresnel_h_ad * 2 * fresnel_h_imag
-        rhth_ad = CMPLX(fresnel_h_real_ad, -fresnel_h_imag_ad,jprb)
-        fresnel_v_real_ad = fresnel_v_ad * 2 * fresnel_v_real
-        fresnel_v_imag_ad = fresnel_v_ad * 2 * fresnel_v_imag
-        rvth_ad = CMPLX(fresnel_v_real_ad, -fresnel_v_imag_ad,jprb)
-        perm1_ad = - rvth_ad * 2 * perm2 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm2_ad =   rvth_ad * 2 * perm1 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm1_ad = perm1_ad - rhth_ad * 2 * geom%coszen / (geom%coszen+perm1)**2
-        permittivity_ad = perm2_ad * geom%coszen
-        permittivity_ad = permittivity_ad + perm1_ad * 0.5_JPRB / perm1
-        perm_Real_ad =  Real(  permittivity_ad )
-        perm_imag_ad = -Aimag( permittivity_ad )
-        fen_ad           =  perm_imag_ad *&
-              & (perm_static - perm_infinite)/ den1
-        perm_static_ad   =  perm_imag_ad *&
-              & fen / den1
-        perm_infinite_ad = -perm_imag_ad *&
-               & fen / den1
-        den1_ad          = -perm_imag_ad *&
-              & fen * (perm_static - perm_infinite)/ (den1*den1)
-        perm_static_ad   = perm_static_ad   + perm_real_ad / den1
-        perm_infinite_ad = perm_infinite_ad + perm_real_ad *&
-              & fen_sq / den1
-        fen_sq_ad        =                    perm_real_ad *&
-              & perm_infinite / den1
-        den1_ad          = den1_ad          - perm_real_ad *&
-               & (perm_static + perm_infinite * fen_sq) / (den1*den1)
-        fen_sq_ad = fen_sq_ad + den1_ad
-        fen_ad    = fen_ad + fen_sq_ad * 2* fen
-        freqr_ad  =  -fen_ad * freq_ghz / freqr**2
-        prof_ad % skin % fastem(1) = prof_ad % skin % fastem(1) +&
-              & perm_static_ad
-        prof_ad % skin % fastem(2) = prof_ad % skin % fastem(2) +&
-              & perm_infinite_ad
-        prof_ad % skin % fastem(3) = prof_ad % skin % fastem(3) +&
-              & freqr_ad
-        prof_ad % skin % fastem(4) = prof_ad % skin % fastem(4) +&
-              & small_rough_ad
-        prof_ad % skin % fastem(5) = prof_ad % skin % fastem(5) +&
-              & large_rough_ad
-     End If
-  End Do
-  emissivity_ad(:) = emissivity_ad(:)  - reflectivity_ad(:)
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index fedf65f7c641f33b2030d5bf0abb19d3e1eaf4a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_ad ( &
-     profiles,        & ! in
-     profiles_ad,     & ! inout
-     geometry,        & ! in
-     coef,            & ! in
-     nfrequencies,    & ! in
-     nchannels,       & ! in
-     nprofiles,       & ! in
-     polarisations,   & ! in
-     channels,        & ! in
-     lprofiles,       & ! in
-     transmission,    & ! in
-     transmission_ad, & ! inout
-     calcemis,        & ! in
-     emissivity_ad,   & ! inout
-     reflectivity_ad  ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       pi                  ,&
-       surftype_sea
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type),     Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in)    :: transmission
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: reflectivity_ad(nchannels)
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b2a902e33b0f46cb9d3c13374072c8ec9c13ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1156 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_k ( &
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & profiles_k,      &! inout
-     & geometry,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & transmission,    &! in
-     & transmission_k,  &! inout
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity_k,    &! inout
-     & reflectivity_k  ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! K matrix of rttov_calcemis_mw
-  ! To compute MW surface emissivities for all channels and all
-  ! profiles if desired
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! FASTEM-1 English and Hewison 1998.
-  ! FASTEM-2 Deblonde and English 2001.
-  ! FASTEM-3 English 2003
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/evalfastems.pdf
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       26/09/2003  Polarimetric code and Fastem-3 (S. English)!
-  !  1.3       18/08/2004  Corrected bug in K code (S English)
-  !  1.4       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !  1.5       14/10/2005  Reintroduce -r 122:123 changes, see -r 133:134
-  !                        Fixing bug in azimuith angles > 270. (J Cameron)
-  !  1.6       01/09/2006  Fix bug in if loop to generate K of u and v over sea
-  !                        added abs() (A Doherty)
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & pi                  ,&
-       & surftype_sea
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)            :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)            :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)            :: nchannels
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type),     Intent(in) ,Target    :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)            :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)            :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)            :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)            :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in)            :: transmission
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)            :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) ,Target :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout)         :: transmission_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout)         :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout)         :: reflectivity_k(nchannels)
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: quadcof(4,2) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 2.0_JPRB, &
-       & 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB  /), (/4,2/) )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: freqfixed(4) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 7.0_JPRB, 10.0_JPRB, 19.0_JPRB, 37.0_JPRB /), (/4/) )
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_cu
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: f1,f2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: del1,del2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einf
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fen,fen_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: den1,den2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_free
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sigma
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_real1,perm_real2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_imag1,perm_imag2,perm_imag3
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_Real,perm_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_static,perm_infinite
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: freq_ghz,freq_ghz_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_Real,fresnel_v_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_h_Real,fresnel_h_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_cor,foam_cor(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: large_rough_cor(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough,large_rough
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emiss_save(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: variance,varm
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_sq,windsec
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_direction, windangle, windratio ! Note wind azimuth is in radians
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissstokes(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissstokes_k(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: reflectstokes_k(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: u19,phi,dfreq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tbfixed(4,4,3)   ! Surface brightness temperature azimuthal variation terms for 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: efixed(4,4,3)    ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einterpolated(4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for interpolated to required frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: a1e,a2e,a3e !,ac,a2c,a3c     ! coefficients used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdpsfc,freqr
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zrough_v,zrough_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zreflmod_v,zreflmod_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: delta,delta2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: qdepol,emissfactor
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_v,emissfactor_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zc(12),zx(9)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: c(:)
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: perm1,perm2
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: rhth,rvth
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: permittivity
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,chan,istokes,ifreq,m
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iquadrant    ! Determines which quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW) the wind is blowing to
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: pol_id  ! polarisation indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i_freq,j_stokes,ich,ichannel   ! indices used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jcof,jcofm1
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer    :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer    :: prof_k
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_sq_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_cu_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: f1_k(4), f2_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: del1_k(4), del2_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einf_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fen_k(4), fen_sq_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: den1_k(4), den2_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sigma_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_real1_k(4), perm_real2_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_imag1_k(4), perm_imag2_k(4), perm_imag3_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_Real_k(4), perm_imag_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_static_k(4), perm_infinite_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_Real_k, fresnel_v_imag_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_h_Real_k, fresnel_h_imag_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_k, fresnel_h_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_cor_k(4), foam_cor_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: large_rough_cor_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_k(4), large_rough_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: variance_k(4), varm_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_sq_k(4), windsec_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_direction_k(4), windangle_k(4), windratio_k(4) ! Note wind azimuth is in radians
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azimuthal_emiss_k,azimuthal_emiss,u19_k(4),phi_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tbfixed_k(4,4,3)   ! Surface brightness temperature azimuthal variation terms for 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: efixed_k(4,4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einterpolated_k(4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for interpolated to required frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: a1e_k,a2e_k,a3e_k     ! coefficients used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdpsfc_k(4), freqr_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zrough_v_k, zrough_h_k, zrough_3v_k, zrough_4v_k, zrough_3h_k, zrough_4h_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zreflmod_v_k, zreflmod_h_k, zreflmod_3_k, zreflmod_4_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: delta_k(4), delta2_k(4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: qdepol_k(4), emissfactor_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_v_k, emissfactor_h_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zx_k(9,4)
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: perm1_k(4), perm2_k(4)
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: rhth_k, rvth_k
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: permittivity_k(4)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: wanted_fastem_ver  ! user fastem version request
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ipol, npol
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: test_variance
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! If the coefficent file contains FASTEM 2 it contains also FASTEM 1 but
-  ! the version choosen is given by coef % fastem_ver value
-  wanted_fastem_ver = coef % fastem_ver
-  !If a TL value of emissivity is passed to the routine
-  !Loop over channels
-  phi_k(:)=0.0_JPRB
-  efixed_k(:,:,:)=0.0_JPRB
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     ichannel=polarisations(i,1)
-     ipol = polarisations(i,1)
-     npol = polarisations(i,3)
-     If ( .Not. calcemis(ichannel) ) Cycle
-     chan        = channels(i)
-     prof        => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-     prof_k      => profiles_k( (i) )
-     geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-     !-------------------------------
-     !0. Point to fastem coefficients
-     !-------------------------------
-     c => coef % fastem_coef
-     pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-     Do Ich=1, 4
-        reflectstokes_k(i,ich) = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes_k(i,ich)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     End Do
-     If (pol_id <= 3 .or. pol_id >= 6) then
-        Do Ich=1, polarisations(i,3)
-           reflectstokes_k(i,ich) = reflectivity_k(ichannel+ich-1)
-           emissstokes_k(i,ich)   = emissivity_k(ichannel+ich-1)
-        End Do
-     End If
-     If (pol_id == 4) then
-        reflectstokes_k(i,1) = reflectivity_k(ichannel)
-        emissstokes_k(i,1)   = emissivity_k(ichannel)
-     End If
-     If (pol_id == 5) then
-        reflectstokes_k(i,2) = reflectivity_k(ichannel)
-        emissstokes_k(i,2)   = emissivity_k(ichannel)
-     End If
-     wind10_k(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     wind10_direction_k(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     !---------------
-     !1. Sea surfaces
-     !---------------
-     If ( prof % skin % surftype == surftype_sea ) Then
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        !1.1 Calculate channel independent variables
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        wind10_sq =   prof % s2m % u * prof % s2m % u +&
-              & prof % s2m % v * prof % s2m % v
-        wind10    = Sqrt( wind10_sq )
-        windsec   = wind10 * geom%seczen
-        if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=1
-        if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=2
-        if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=4
-        if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=3
-        If (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) then
-          windratio=prof % s2m % u/prof % s2m % v
-        Else
-          windratio=0.0_JPRB
-          If (abs(prof % s2m % u) > 0.0001_JPRB) then
-            windratio=999999.0_JPRB*prof % s2m % u
-          Endif
-        Endif
-        windangle=atan(windratio)
-        wind10_direction = quadcof(iquadrant,1)*pi+windangle*quadcof(iquadrant,2)
-        !Set values for temperature polynomials (convert from kelvin to celsius)
-        tcelsius = prof % skin % t - 273.15_JPRB
-        tcelsius_sq = tcelsius * tcelsius     !quadratic
-        tcelsius_cu = tcelsius_sq * tcelsius  !cubic
-        !Define two relaxation frequencies, f1 and f2
-        f1 = c(1) + c(2) * tcelsius + c(3) * tcelsius_sq
-        f2 = c(4) + c(5) * tcelsius + c(6) * tcelsius_sq + c(7) * tcelsius_cu
-        !Static permittivity estatic = del1+del2+einf
-        del1 = c(8)  + c(9)  * tcelsius + c(10) * tcelsius_sq + c(11) * tcelsius_cu
-        del2 = c(12) + c(13) * tcelsius + c(14) * tcelsius_sq + c(15) * tcelsius_cu
-        einf = c(18) + c(19) * tcelsius
-        freq_ghz    = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        freq_ghz_sq = freq_ghz * freq_ghz
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        !1.2 calculate permittivity using double-debye formula
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        fen          = 2.0_JPRB * c(20) * freq_ghz * 0.001_JPRB
-        fen_sq       = fen*fen
-        den1         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f1 * f1
-        den2         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f2 * f2
-        perm_real1   = del1 / den1
-        perm_real2   = del2 / den2
-        perm_imag1   = del1 * fen * f1 / den1
-        perm_imag2   = del2 * fen * f2 / den2
-        perm_free    = 8.854E-03_JPRB
-        sigma        = 2.906_JPRB + 0.09437_JPRB * tcelsius
-        perm_imag3   = sigma / (2.0_JPRB * c(20) * perm_free * freq_ghz)
-        perm_Real    = perm_real1 + perm_real2 + einf
-        perm_imag    = perm_imag1 + perm_imag2 + perm_imag3
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3 calculate complex reflection coefficients and corrections
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        perm1          = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2          = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth           = (geom%coszen-perm1) / (geom%coszen+perm1)
-        rvth           = (perm2-perm1) / (perm2+perm1)
-        !    fresnel_v_real = dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Real(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel(1)      = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-             & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        !    fresnel_h_real = dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_Real = Real(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel(2)      = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-             & fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        fresnel(3)      = 0.0_JPRB
-        fresnel(4)      = 0.0_JPRB
-        !1.3.2) Small scale correction to reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        If (freq_ghz >= 15.0) Then
-           small_rough_cor = Exp( c(21) * wind10 * geom % coszen_sq / (freq_ghz_sq) )
-        Else
-           small_rough_cor = 1.0
-        End If
-        !1.3.3) Large scale geometric correction
-        !------
-        !Point to correct coefficients for this version. There are 36 altogether.
-        !Those for FASTEM-2 are stored in section 24:59 of the array, those for
-        !FASTEM1 in section 60:95.
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 2 ) Then
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(24:59)
-        Else
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(60:95)
-        End If
-        Do j = 1, 12
-           zc(j) = c(j*3-2) + c(j*3-1)*freq_ghz + c(j*3)*freq_ghz_sq
-        End Do
-        !Point back to all coefficients again
-        c => coef%fastem_coef
-        large_rough_cor(1) = &
-             & (zc(1)                  + &
-              & zc(2) * geom%seczen    + &
-              & zc(3) * geom%seczen_sq + &
-              & zc(4) * wind10         + &
-              & zc(5) * wind10_sq      + &
-              & zc(6) * windsec) / 100._JPRB
-        large_rough_cor(2) = &
-             & (zc(7)                   + &
-              & zc(8)  * geom%seczen    + &
-              & zc(9)  * geom%seczen_sq + &
-              & zc(10) * wind10         + &
-              & zc(11) * wind10_sq      + &
-              & zc(12) * windsec) / 100._JPRB
-        large_rough_cor(3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        large_rough_cor(4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        ! Introduce emiss_v_save and emiss_h_save arrays to be able
-        ! to simplify further AD code
-        Do Ich=1,4
-           emiss_save(Ich) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel(Ich) * small_rough_cor + large_rough_cor(Ich)
-        End Do
-        !Apply foam correction
-        foam_cor(1)  = c(22) * ( wind10 ** c(23) )
-        foam_cor(2)  = c(22) * ( wind10 ** c(23) )
-        !Currently ignore foam effects on 3rd and 4th elements.
-        foam_cor(3)  = 0.0_JPRB
-        foam_cor(4)  = 0.0_JPRB
-        Do Ich=1,4
-           emissstokes(i,Ich) = emiss_save(Ich) - foam_cor(Ich)*emiss_save(Ich) + foam_cor(Ich)
-        End Do
-        emissstokes(i,3) = 0.0
-        emissstokes(i,4) = 0.0
-        ! Only apply non-specular correction for Fastem-3 if theta < 60 degrees
-        If ((wanted_fastem_ver == 2 .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) .And. &
-             & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) < 0.9999_JPRB .And. transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) > 0.00001_JPRB ) Then
-           !Convert windspeed to slope variance using the Cox and Munk model
-           variance = 0.00512_JPRB * wind10 + 0.0030_JPRB
-           varm     = variance * c(138)
-           variance = varm * ( c(139) * freq_ghz + c(140) )
-           test_variance = variance
-           If ( variance > varm ) Then
-              variance    = varm
-           Endif
-           If ( variance < 0.0_JPRB  ) Then
-              variance    = 0.0_JPRB
-           Endif
-           !Compute surface to space optical depth
-           opdpsfc    = -log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) / geom%seczen
-           !Define nine predictors for the effective angle calculation
-           zx(1) = 1.0_JPRB
-           zx(2) = variance
-           zx(4) = 1.0_JPRB / geom%coszen
-           zx(3) = zx(2) * zx(4)
-           zx(5) = zx(3) * zx(3)
-           zx(6) = zx(4) * zx(4)
-           zx(7) = zx(2) * zx(2)
-           zx(8) = log(opdpsfc)
-           zx(9) = zx(8) * zx(8)
-           zrough_v = 1.0_JPRB
-           zrough_h = 1.0_JPRB
-           Do jcof = 1,7
-              jcofm1 = jcof-1
-              !Switched h to v Deblonde SSMIS june 7, 2001
-              zrough_h = zrough_h + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(96+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(97+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-              zrough_v = zrough_v + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(117+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(118+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-           End Do
-           zreflmod_v = (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v) /&
-           & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           zreflmod_h = (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h) /&
-           & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           !reflect_v(i)  = zreflmod_v * (1.0-emiss_v(i))
-           !reflect_h(i)  = zreflmod_h * (1.0-emiss_h(i))
-        !Else
-           !reflect_v(i) = 1.0 - emiss_v(i)
-           !reflect_h(i) = 1.0 - emiss_h(i)
-        End If
-           !.......end of forward part....................................
-           !
-           ! * Now run K code of fastem
-           !
-        ! Only apply non-specular correction for Fastem-3 if theta < 60 degrees
-        If ((wanted_fastem_ver == 2 .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) .And. &
-             & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) < 0.9999_JPRB .And. transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) > 0.00001_JPRB ) Then
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 3) then
-          ! Add azimuthal component from Fuzhong Weng (NOAA/NESDIS) based on work by Dr. Gene Poe (NRL)
-          ! Angle between wind direction and satellite azimuthal view angle
-          ! Assume 19m wind = 10m wind for now (fix later).
-          phi = pi - wind10_direction + prof % azangle*pi/180.0_JPRB
-          u19=wind10
-          Do ich = 0,15
-             a1e = c(141+ich*12) + u19*(c(142+ich*12)+ u19*(c(143+ich*12)+u19*c(144+ich*12)))
-             a2e = c(145+ich*12) + u19*(c(146+ich*12)+ u19*(c(147+ich*12)+u19*c(148+ich*12)))
-             a3e = c(149+ich*12) + u19*(c(150+ich*12)+ u19*(c(151+ich*12)+u19*c(152+ich*12)))
-             i_freq = int(ich/4) + 1    ! 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-             j_stokes = mod(ich,4) + 1
-             tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,1) = a1e
-             tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,2) = a2e
-             tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,3) = a3e
-          End Do
-          Do M=1,3
-             Do ifreq=1,4
-                efixed(1,ifreq,M)= tbfixed(ifreq,4,M)  ! 7   GHz
-                efixed(2,ifreq,M)= tbfixed(ifreq,3,M)  ! 10  GHz
-                efixed(3,ifreq,M)= tbfixed(ifreq,2,M)  ! 19  GHz
-                efixed(4,ifreq,M)= tbfixed(ifreq,1,M)  ! 37  GHz
-             End Do
-             ! Interpolate results to required frequency based on 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-             If (freq_ghz.le.freqfixed(1)) Then
-                einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(1,:,M)
-             Else If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(4)) then
-                einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(4,:,M)
-             Else
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=2
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(3).and.freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=3
-                If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(3)) ifreq=4
-                dfreq=(freq_ghz-freqfixed(ifreq-1))/(freqfixed(ifreq)-freqfixed(ifreq-1))
-                einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(ifreq-1,:,M)+dfreq*(efixed(ifreq,:,M)-efixed(ifreq-1,:,M))
-             EndIf
-          EndDo
-          Do istokes = 1,4
-             azimuthal_emiss=0.0_JPRB
-             Do M=1,3
-                If(istokes.le.2) Then
-                   azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*cos(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)&
-                  &/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                Else
-                   azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*sin(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)&
-                  &/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                End If
-             End Do
-             emissstokes(i,istokes)=emissstokes(i,istokes)+azimuthal_emiss
-          End Do
-	EndIf  
-	   zreflmod_v_k = reflectstokes_k(i,1) * (1.0_JPRB-emissstokes(i,1))
-           zreflmod_h_k = reflectstokes_k(i,2) * (1.0_JPRB-emissstokes(i,2))
-           zreflmod_3_k = - 1.0_JPRB * reflectstokes_k(i,3) * emissstokes(i,3) 
-           zreflmod_4_k = - 1.0_JPRB * reflectstokes_k(i,4) * emissstokes(i,4) 
-           emissstokes_k(i,4) = emissstokes_k(i,4) - 0.5_JPRB * (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * reflectstokes_k(i,4)
-           emissstokes_k(i,3) = emissstokes_k(i,3) - 0.5_JPRB * (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * reflectstokes_k(i,3)
-           emissstokes_k(i,2) = emissstokes_k(i,2) - reflectstokes_k(i,2) * zreflmod_h
-           emissstokes_k(i,1) = emissstokes_k(i,1) - reflectstokes_k(i,1) * zreflmod_v
-           zrough_v_k = -zreflmod_v_k * &
-                 & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) ) / &
-                 & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           zrough_h_k = - zreflmod_h_k * &
-                 & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) ) / &
-                 & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-	   If (npol >= 2) Then
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) + zreflmod_v_k *&
-             & (-zrough_v * transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**(zrough_v-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)) +  &
-             &   ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**zrough_v)           ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol))**2
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+1) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+1) + zreflmod_h_k *&
-             & (-zrough_h * transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**(zrough_h-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)) +  &
-             &   ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**zrough_h)           ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol))**2
-	   EndiF
-	   If (npol >= 3) Then
-                  zrough_3v_k = - zreflmod_3_k * &
-            & (0.5* (transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+2)**zrough_v) &
-	     * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+2)) ) / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+2))
-                 zrough_4v_k = -zreflmod_4_k * &
-            & (0.5*(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+3)**zrough_v) &
-	    * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+3)) ) / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+3))
-                 zrough_3h_k = - zreflmod_3_k * &
-            & (0.5* (transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+2)**zrough_h) &
-	     * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+2)) ) / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+2))
-                 zrough_4h_k = -zreflmod_4_k * &
-            & (0.5*( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+3)**zrough_h) &
-	    * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+3)) ) / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel+3))
-                transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+2) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+2) + 0.5_JPRB * zreflmod_3_k *&
-             & (-zrough_h * transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**(zrough_h-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)) +  &
-             &   ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**zrough_h)           ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol))**2
-                 transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+2) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+2) + 0.5_JPRB * zreflmod_3_k *&
-             & (-zrough_v * transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**(zrough_v-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)) +  &
-             &   ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**zrough_v)           ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol))**2
-                 transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+3) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+3) + 0.5_JPRB * zreflmod_4_k *&
-             & (-zrough_h * transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**(zrough_h-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)) +  &
-             &   ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**zrough_h)           ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol))**2
-                 transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+3) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+3) + 0.5_JPRB * zreflmod_4_k *&
-             & (-zrough_v * transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**(zrough_v-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)) +  &
-             &   ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol)**zrough_v)           ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ipol))**2
-           End If
-           If (npol == 1 .and. pol_id == 5) Then
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) + zreflmod_h_k *&
-             & (-zrough_h * transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**(zrough_h-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) +  &
-             &   ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h)           ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))**2
-           End If
-           If (npol == 1 .and. pol_id == 4) Then
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) + zreflmod_v_k *&
-             & (-zrough_v * transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**(zrough_v-1.0_JPRB) * &
-             &                       (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) +  &
-             &      ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v)        ) &
-             & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))**2
-           End If
-          zx_k(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-           Do jcof = 1,7
-              jcofm1 = jcof-1
-              !Switched h to v Deblonde SSMIS june 7, 2001
-              zx_k(9,1) = zx_k(9,1) + zrough_v_k * zx(jcof) * c(119+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_k(8,1) = zx_k(8,1) + zrough_v_k * zx(jcof) * c(118+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_k(jcof,1) = zrough_v_k *&
-           & (    c(117+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(8) * c(118+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(9) * c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-              zx_k(9,2) = zx_k(9,2) + zrough_h_k * zx(jcof) * c(98+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_k(8,2) = zx_k(8,2) + zrough_h_k * zx(jcof) * c(97+jcofm1*3)
-              zx_k(jcof,2) = zrough_h_k *&
-           & (       c(96+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(8)  *   c(97+jcofm1*3)   &
-              + zx(9)  *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
- 	      If (npol >= 3) Then
-                 zx_k(9,3) = zx_k(9,3) +  zrough_3v_k * zx(jcof) * c(119+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(8,3) = zx_k(8,3) +  zrough_3v_k * zx(jcof) * c(118+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(jcof,3) =  zrough_3v_k *&
-           & (    c(117+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(8) * c(118+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(9) * c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-                 zx_k(9,3) = zx_k(9,3) +  zrough_3h_k * zx(jcof) * c(98+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(8,3) = zx_k(8,3) +  zrough_3h_k * zx(jcof) * c(97+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(jcof,3) = zx_k(jcof,3) + zrough_3h_k *&
-           & (       c(96+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(8)  *   c(97+jcofm1*3)   &
-              + zx(9)  *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-                 zx_k(9,4) = zx_k(9,4) +  zrough_4v_k * zx(jcof) * c(119+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(8,4) = zx_k(8,4) +  zrough_4v_k * zx(jcof) * c(118+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(jcof,4) =  zrough_4v_k *&
-           & (    c(117+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(8) * c(118+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(9) * c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-                 zx_k(9,4) = zx_k(9,4) +  zrough_4h_k * zx(jcof) * c(98+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(8,4) = zx_k(8,4) +  zrough_4h_k * zx(jcof) * c(97+jcofm1*3)
-                 zx_k(jcof,4) = zx_k(jcof,4) +  zrough_4h_k *&
-           & (       c(96+jcofm1*3)   &
-           &  + zx(8)  *   c(97+jcofm1*3)   &
-              + zx(9)  *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-	      EndIf   
-           End Do
-           zrough_v_k = 0.0_JPRB
-           zrough_h_k = 0.0_JPRB
-           !Define nine predictors for the effective angle calculation
-           zx_k(8,:) = zx_k(8,:) + zx_k(9,:) * 2 * zx(8)
-           opdpsfc_k(:) = zx_k(8,:) / opdpsfc
-           zx_k(2,:) = zx_k(2,:) + zx_k(7,:) * 2 * zx(2)
-           zx_k(4,:) = zx_k(4,:) + zx_k(6,:) * 2 * zx(4)
-           zx_k(3,:) = zx_k(3,:) + zx_k(5,:) * 2 * zx(3)
-           zx_k(2,:) = zx_k(2,:) + zx_k(3,:) * zx(4)
-           zx_k(4,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-           variance_k(:) = zx_k(2,:)
-           zx_k(1,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-           !Compute surface to space optical depth
-           If (npol >= 2) Then
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) - opdpsfc_k(1) /&
-              & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+1) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+1) - opdpsfc_k(2) /&
-              & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-           End If
-           If (npol >= 3) Then
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+2) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+2) - opdpsfc_k(3) /&
-              & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+3) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol+3) - opdpsfc_k(4) /&
-              & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-           End If
-           If (npol == 1 .and. pol_id == 5) Then
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) - opdpsfc_k(2) /&
-              & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-           End If
-           If (npol == 1 .and. pol_id == 4) Then
-              transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) = transmission_k % tau_surf(ipol) - opdpsfc_k(1) /&
-              & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-           End If
-           If ( test_variance < varm ) Then
-              varm_k(:) = variance_k(:) * ( c(139) * freq_ghz + c(140) )
-           Else
-              varm_k(:) = variance_k(:)
-           Endif
-           variance_k(:) = varm_k(:) * c(138)
-           wind10_k(:) = wind10_k(:) + variance_k(:) * 0.00512_JPRB
-        Else
-           emissstokes_k(i,:) =  emissstokes_k(i,:) - reflectstokes_k(i,:)
-        End If
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 3) then
-          einterpolated_k(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-          phi_k(:)=0.0_JPRB
-          Do istokes=1,4
-             azimuthal_emiss_k=emissstokes_k(i,istokes)
-             Do M=1,3
-                If(istokes.le.2) Then
-                   einterpolated_k(istokes,M)= azimuthal_emiss_k*cos(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                   phi_k(istokes)=phi_k(istokes) - azimuthal_emiss_k*einterpolated(istokes,M)*m*sin(m*phi)*&
-                    (1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                Else
-                   einterpolated_k(istokes,M)= azimuthal_emiss_k*sin(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                   phi_k(istokes)=phi_k(istokes) + azimuthal_emiss_k*einterpolated(istokes,M)*m*cos(m*phi)*&
-                    (1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                End If
-             Enddo
-          End Do
-          efixed_k(:,:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-          Do M=1,3
-             If (freq_ghz.le.freqfixed(1)) Then
-                efixed_k(1,:,M)=einterpolated_k(:,M)
-             Else If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(4)) then
-                efixed_k(4,:,M)=einterpolated_k(:,M)
-             Else
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=2
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(3).and.freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=3
-                If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(3)) ifreq=4
-                dfreq=(freq_ghz-freqfixed(ifreq-1))/(freqfixed(ifreq)-freqfixed(ifreq-1))
-                Do istokes=1,4
-                   efixed_k(ifreq,istokes,M)=einterpolated_k(istokes,M)*dfreq
-                   efixed_k(ifreq-1,istokes,M)=einterpolated_k(istokes,M)*(1.0_JPRB-dfreq)
-                End Do
-             End If
-             Do istokes=1,4
-                tbfixed_k(istokes,4,M)= efixed_k(1,istokes,M)  ! 7   GHz
-                tbfixed_k(istokes,3,M)= efixed_k(2,istokes,M)  ! 10  GHz
-                tbfixed_k(istokes,2,M)= efixed_k(3,istokes,M)  ! 19  GHz
-                tbfixed_k(istokes,1,M)= efixed_k(4,istokes,M)  ! 37  GHz
-             End Do
-          End Do
-          u19_k(:)=0.0_JPRB
-          Do ich = 0,15
-             i_freq = int(ich/4) + 1    ! 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-             j_stokes = mod(ich,4) + 1
-             a3e_k = tbfixed_k(j_stokes,i_freq,3)
-             a2e_k = tbfixed_k(j_stokes,i_freq,2)
-             a1e_k = tbfixed_k(j_stokes,i_freq,1)
-             u19_k(j_stokes) = u19_k(j_stokes) + a3e_k*(c(150+ich*12)+ u19*(2.0*c(151+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(152+ich*12)))
-             u19_k(j_stokes) = u19_k(j_stokes) + a2e_k*(c(146+ich*12)+ u19*(2.0*c(147+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(148+ich*12)))
-             u19_k(j_stokes) = u19_k(j_stokes) + a1e_k*(c(142+ich*12)+ u19*(2.0*c(143+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(144+ich*12)))
-          End Do
-          wind10_k(:) = wind10_k(:) + u19_k(:)
-          wind10_direction_k(:) = -1.0_JPRB * phi_k(:)
-        End If
-        foam_cor_k(:)         = emissstokes_k(i,:) * (1. - emiss_save(:))
-        emissstokes_k(i,:)    = emissstokes_k(i,:) * (1. - foam_cor(:))
-        !Apply foam correction
-         wind10_k(:) = wind10_k(:) + foam_cor_k(:) *&
-              & c(22) * c(23) * ( wind10 ** (c(23)-1.0_JPRB) )
-        !1.3.3) Large scale geometric correction
-        !------
-        small_rough_cor_k(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        large_rough_cor_k(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        windsec_k(:)         = 0.0_JPRB
-        wind10_sq_k(:)       = 0.0_JPRB
-        fresnel_v_k       = -emissstokes_k(i,1) * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_k(1) = -emissstokes_k(i,1) * fresnel(1)
-        large_rough_cor_k(1) =  emissstokes_k(i,1)
-        fresnel_h_k       = -emissstokes_k(i,2) * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_k(2) = -emissstokes_k(i,2) * fresnel(2)
-        large_rough_cor_k(2) =  emissstokes_k(i,2)
-        windsec_k(1)         =  large_rough_cor_k(1) * zc(6) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_sq_k(1)        =  large_rough_cor_k(1) * zc(5) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_k(1)          =  wind10_k(1)    + large_rough_cor_k(1) * zc(4) / 100._JPRB
-        windsec_k(2)         =  large_rough_cor_k(2) * zc(12) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_sq_k(2)        =  large_rough_cor_k(2) * zc(11) / 100._JPRB
-        wind10_k(2)          =  wind10_k(2) + large_rough_cor_k(2) * zc(10) / 100._JPRB
-        !1.3.2) Small scale correction to reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        If (freq_ghz >= 15.0) Then
-           wind10_k(:) = wind10_k(:) + small_rough_cor_k(:) *&
-                & small_rough_cor * c(21) * geom % coszen_sq / (freq_ghz_sq)
-        End If
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        fresnel_h_real_k = fresnel_h_k * 2 * fresnel_h_real
-        fresnel_h_imag_k = fresnel_h_k * 2 * fresnel_h_imag
-        rhth_k = CMPLX(fresnel_h_real_k, -fresnel_h_imag_k,jprb)
-        fresnel_v_real_k = fresnel_v_k * 2 * fresnel_v_real
-        fresnel_v_imag_k = fresnel_v_k * 2 * fresnel_v_imag
-        rvth_k = CMPLX(fresnel_v_real_k, -fresnel_v_imag_k,jprb)
-        perm1_k(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        perm2_k(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        perm1_k(1) = - rvth_k * 2 * perm2 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm2_k(1) =   rvth_k * 2 * perm1 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm1_k(2) = - rhth_k * 2 * geom%coszen / (geom%coszen+perm1)**2
-        permittivity_k(:) = perm2_k(:) * geom%coszen
-        permittivity_k(:) = permittivity_k(:) + perm1_k(:) * 0.5_JPRB / perm1
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        !1.2 calculate permittivity using double-debye formula
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        perm_Real_k(:) =  Real(  permittivity_k(:) )
-        perm_imag_k(:) = -Aimag( permittivity_k(:) )
-        perm_imag1_k(:) = perm_imag_k(:)
-        perm_imag2_k(:) = perm_imag_k(:)
-        perm_imag3_k(:) = perm_imag_k(:)
-        einf_k(:)       = perm_real_k(:)
-        perm_real1_k(:) = perm_real_k(:)
-        perm_real2_k(:) = perm_real_k(:)
-        sigma_k(:) = perm_imag3_k(:) / (2.0_JPRB * c(20) * perm_free * freq_ghz)
-        tcelsius_k(:) = 0.09437_JPRB * sigma_k(:)
-        del2_k(:) =  perm_imag2_k(:) * fen * den2 * f2  / (den2 * den2)
-        den2_k(:) = -perm_imag2_k(:) * fen * del2 * f2  / (den2 * den2)
-        f2_k(:)   =  perm_imag2_k(:) * fen * den2 * del2/ (den2 * den2)
-        del1_k(:) =  perm_imag1_k(:) * fen * den1 * f1  / (den1 * den1)
-        den1_k(:) = -perm_imag1_k(:) * fen * del1 * f1  / (den1 * den1)
-        f1_k(:)   =  perm_imag1_k(:) * fen * den1 * del1/ (den1 * den1)
-        del2_k(:) = del2_k(:) + perm_real2_k * den2 / (den2 * den2)
-        den2_k(:) = den2_k(:) - perm_real2_k * del2 / (den2 * den2)
-        del1_k(:) = del1_k(:) + perm_real1_k * den1 / (den1 * den1)
-        den1_k(:) = den1_k(:) - perm_real1_k * del1 / (den1 * den1)
-        f2_k(:) = f2_k(:) + den2_k(:) * 2 * fen_sq * f2
-        f1_k(:) = f1_k(:) + den1_k(:) * 2 * fen_sq * f1
-        !Static permittivity estatic = del1+del2+einf
-        tcelsius_k(:) = tcelsius_k(:) + c(19) * einf_k(:)
-        tcelsius_k(:)    = tcelsius_k(:) + del2_k(:) * c(13)
-        tcelsius_sq_k(:) = del2_k(:) * c(14)
-        tcelsius_cu_k(:) = del2_k(:) * c(15)
-        tcelsius_k(:)    = tcelsius_k(:)    + del1_k(:) * c(9)
-        tcelsius_sq_k(:) = tcelsius_sq_k(:) + del1_k(:) * c(10)
-        tcelsius_cu_k(:) = tcelsius_cu_k(:) + del1_k(:) * c(11)
-        !Define two relaxation frequencies, f1 and f2
-        tcelsius_k(:)    = tcelsius_k(:)    + f2_k(:) * c(5)
-        tcelsius_sq_k(:) = tcelsius_sq_k(:) + f2_k(:) * c(6)
-        tcelsius_cu_k(:) = tcelsius_cu_k(:) + f2_k(:) * c(7)
-        tcelsius_k(:)    = tcelsius_k(:)    + f1_k(:) * c(2)
-        tcelsius_sq_k(:) = tcelsius_sq_k(:) + f1_k(:) * c(3)
-        !Set values for temperature polynomials (convert from kelvin to celsius)
-        tcelsius_k(:)    = tcelsius_k(:) + tcelsius_cu_k(:) * 3 * tcelsius_sq
-        tcelsius_k(:)    = tcelsius_k(:) + tcelsius_sq_k(:) * 2 * tcelsius
-        wind10_k(:) = wind10_k(:) + windsec_k(:) * geom%seczen
-        windangle_k(:) = wind10_direction_k(:)*quadcof(iquadrant,2)
-        windratio_k(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        if (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) windratio_k(:) = windangle_k(:)/&
-                                    & (1.0_JPRB+windratio*windratio)
-        If (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) then
-           If (npol >= 2) Then
-              Do Istokes = 1, npol
-                       prof_k      => profiles_k( (ipol+istokes-1) )
-                 prof_k % s2m % u = prof_k % s2m % u + windratio_k(istokes)*prof % s2m % v /&
-                                  & (prof % s2m % v *prof % s2m % v)
-                 prof_k % s2m % v = prof_k % s2m % v - windratio_k(istokes)*prof % s2m % u /&
-                                  & (prof % s2m % v *prof % s2m % v)
-              End Do
-           End If
-           If (npol == 1) Then
-              prof_k      => profiles_k( (ipol) )
-              prof_k % s2m % u = prof_k % s2m % u + windratio_k(pol_id-3)*prof % s2m % v /&
-                & (prof % s2m % v *prof % s2m % v)
-              prof_k % s2m % v = prof_k % s2m % v - windratio_k(pol_id-3)*prof % s2m % u /&
-                & (prof % s2m % v *prof % s2m % v)
-           End If
-        Else
-          If (abs(prof % s2m % u) > 0.0001_JPRB) then
-            If (npol >= 2) Then
-                 Do Istokes = 1, npol
-                     prof_k      => profiles_k( (ipol+istokes-1) )
-                     prof_k % s2m % u=prof_k % s2m % u + 999999.0*windratio_k(istokes)
-                 End Do
-              End If
-              If (npol == 1) Then
-                 prof_k      => profiles_k( (ipol) )
-                 prof_k % s2m % u=prof_k % s2m % u + 999999.0*windratio_k(pol_id-3)
-            Endif
-          Endif
-        Endif
-        wind10_k(:) = wind10_k(:) + wind10_sq_k(:) * 2 * wind10
-        If( wind10 > 0. ) Then
-           wind10_sq_k(:)  = 0.5_JPRB*wind10_k(:)/wind10
-        Else
-           wind10_sq_k = 0.0_JPRB
-        Endif
-        If (npol >= 2) Then
-           Do Istokes = 1, npol
-               prof_k      => profiles_k( (ipol+istokes-1) )
-               prof_k % s2m % u = prof_k % s2m % u + 2 * wind10_sq_k(istokes) * prof % s2m % u
-               prof_k % s2m % v = prof_k % s2m % v + 2 * wind10_sq_k(istokes) * prof % s2m % v
-               prof_k % skin % t = prof_k % skin % t + tcelsius_k(istokes)
-           End Do
-        End If
-        If (npol == 1) Then
-            prof_k  => profiles_k( (ipol) )
-            prof_k % s2m % u = prof_k % s2m % u + 2 * wind10_sq_k(pol_id-3) * prof % s2m % u
-            prof_k % s2m % v = prof_k % s2m % v + 2 * wind10_sq_k(pol_id-3) * prof % s2m % v
-            prof_k % skin % t = prof_k % skin % t + tcelsius_k(pol_id-3)
-        End If
-        prof_k % skin % fastem(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Else
-        !--------------------
-        !2. Land/ice surfaces
-        !--------------------
-        !Coherent surface scattering model coefficients (input with the profile)
-        perm_static   = prof % skin % fastem(1)
-        perm_infinite = prof % skin % fastem(2)
-        freqr        = prof % skin % fastem(3)
-        small_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(4)
-        large_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(5)
-        chan        = channels(i)
-        freq_ghz      = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        !Simple Debye + Fresnel model gives reflectivities
-        fen    = freq_ghz / freqr
-        fen_sq    = fen * fen
-        den1    = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq
-        perm_Real = (perm_static+perm_infinite*fen_sq) / den1
-        perm_imag = fen*(perm_static-perm_infinite)    / den1
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        perm1    = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2    = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth    = (geom%coszen - perm1) / (geom%coszen + perm1)
-        rvth    = (perm2 - perm1)/(perm2 + perm1)
-        !    fresnel_v_real = dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Real(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel(1)  = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-             & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        !    fresnel_h_real = dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_Real = Real(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel(2)  = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-      &        fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        !Small scale roughness correction
-        delta    = 4.0_JPRB * pi * coef % ff_cwn(chan) * 0.1_JPRB * small_rough
-        delta2    = delta * delta
-        small_rough_cor = Exp(-delta2*geom%coszen_sq)
-        !Large scale roughness correction
-        qdepol = 0.35_JPRB - 0.35_JPRB*Exp(-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*large_rough*large_rough)
-        emissfactor_v = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel(1) * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor_h = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel(2) * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor   = emissfactor_h - emissfactor_v
-        emissstokes(i,1)    = emissfactor_v + qdepol * emissfactor
-        emissstokes(i,2)    = emissfactor_h - qdepol * emissfactor
-        !.......end of forward part....................................
-        !
-        ! * Now run K code of fastem
-        !
-        emissstokes_k(i,2) = emissstokes_k(i,2) - reflectstokes_k(i,2)
-        emissstokes_k(i,1) = emissstokes_k(i,1) - reflectstokes_k(i,1)
-        emissfactor_h_k =  emissstokes_k(i,2)
-        qdepol_k(2)  = -emissstokes_k(i,2) * emissfactor
-        emissfactor_k  = -emissstokes_k(i,2) * qdepol
-        emissfactor_v_k = emissstokes_k(i,1)
-        qdepol_k(1)  = emissstokes_k(i,1) * emissfactor
-        emissfactor_k  = emissfactor_k +emissstokes_k(i,1) * qdepol
-        qdepol_k(3)     = 0.0_JPRB
-        qdepol_k(4)     = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissfactor_v_k = emissfactor_v_k - emissfactor_k
-        emissfactor_h_k = emissfactor_h_k + emissfactor_k
-        fresnel_h_k    = -emissfactor_h_k * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_k(2) = -emissfactor_h_k * fresnel(2)
-        fresnel_v_k    = -emissfactor_v_k * small_rough_cor
-        small_rough_cor_k(1) = -emissfactor_v_k * fresnel(1)
-        small_rough_cor_k(4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        small_rough_cor_k(3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        !Large scale roughness correction
-        large_rough_k(:) = qdepol_k(:) * 0.35_JPRB * 0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*2*large_rough *&
-           & Exp(-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*large_rough*large_rough)
-        !Small scale roughness correction
-        delta2_k(:) = -small_rough_cor_k(:) * geom%coszen_sq * small_rough_cor
-        delta_k(:)  = delta2_k(:)* 2 * delta
-        small_rough_k(:) = 4.0_JPRB * pi * coef % ff_cwn(chan) * 0.1_JPRB * delta_k(:)
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !Simple Debye + Fresnel model gives reflectivities
-        !------
-        fresnel_h_real_k = fresnel_h_k * 2 * fresnel_h_real
-        fresnel_h_imag_k = fresnel_h_k * 2 * fresnel_h_imag
-        rhth_k = CMPLX(fresnel_h_real_k, -fresnel_h_imag_k, jprb)
-        fresnel_v_real_k = fresnel_v_k * 2 * fresnel_v_real
-        fresnel_v_imag_k = fresnel_v_k * 2 * fresnel_v_imag
-        rvth_k = CMPLX(fresnel_v_real_k, -fresnel_v_imag_k, jprb)
-        perm1_k(1) = - rvth_k * 2 * perm2 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm2_k(1) =   rvth_k * 2 * perm1 / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        perm1_k(2) = - rhth_k * 2 * geom%coszen / (geom%coszen+perm1)**2
-        perm2_k(2) = 0.0_JPRB
-        perm1_k(3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        perm1_k(4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        perm2_k(3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        perm2_k(4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        permittivity_k(:) = perm2_k(:) * geom%coszen
-        permittivity_k(:) = permittivity_k(:) + perm1_k(:) * 0.5_JPRB / perm1
-        perm_Real_k(:) =  Real(  permittivity_k(:) )
-        perm_imag_k(:) = -Aimag( permittivity_k(:) )
-        fen_k(:)    =  perm_imag_k(:) *&
-              & (perm_static - perm_infinite)/ den1
-        perm_static_k(:)  =  perm_imag_k(:) *&
-              & fen / den1
-        perm_infinite_k(:)   = -perm_imag_k(:) *&
-               & fen / den1
-        den1_k(:)      = -perm_imag_k(:) *&
-           & fen * (perm_static - perm_infinite)/ (den1*den1)
-        perm_static_k(:)  = perm_static_k(:)   + perm_real_k(:) / den1
-        perm_infinite_k(:)   = perm_infinite_k(:) + perm_real_k(:) *&
-              & fen_sq / den1
-        fen_sq_k(:)  =         perm_real_k(:) *&
-              & perm_infinite / den1
-        den1_k(:)    = den1_k(:)    - perm_real_k(:) *&
-           &  (perm_static + perm_infinite * fen_sq) / (den1*den1)
-        fen_sq_k(:)   = fen_sq_k(:) + den1_k(:)
-        fen_k(:)   = fen_k(:) + fen_sq_k(:) * 2* fen
-        freqr_k(:)    =  -fen_k(:) * freq_ghz / freqr**2
-        If (npol >= 2) Then
-            Do Istokes = 1, npol
-                prof_k      => profiles_k( (ipol+istokes-1) )
-                prof_k % skin % fastem(1) = prof_k % skin % fastem(1) +&
-                     & perm_static_k(Istokes)
-                prof_k % skin % fastem(2) = prof_k % skin % fastem(2) +&
-                     & perm_infinite_k(Istokes)
-                prof_k % skin % fastem(3) = prof_k % skin % fastem(3) +&
-                     & freqr_k(Istokes)
-                prof_k % skin % fastem(4) = prof_k % skin % fastem(4) +&
-                     & small_rough_k(Istokes)
-                prof_k % skin % fastem(5) = prof_k % skin % fastem(5) +&
-                     & large_rough_k (Istokes)
-            End Do
-        End If
-        If (npol == 1) Then
-            prof_k  => profiles_k( (ipol) )
-            prof_k % skin % fastem(1) = prof_k % skin % fastem(1) +&
-           & perm_static_k(1) + perm_static_k(2)
-            prof_k % skin % fastem(2) = prof_k % skin % fastem(2) +&
-               & perm_infinite_k(1) + perm_infinite_k(2)
-            prof_k % skin % fastem(3) = prof_k % skin % fastem(3) +&
-               & freqr_k(1) +  freqr_k(2)
-            prof_k % skin % fastem(4) = prof_k % skin % fastem(4) +&
-               & small_rough_k(1) +  small_rough_k(2)
-            prof_k % skin % fastem(5) = prof_k % skin % fastem(5) +&
-               & large_rough_k (1) + large_rough_k (2)
-        End If
-     End If
-  End Do
-  emissivity_k(:) = emissivity_k(:)  - reflectivity_k(:)
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f210a15ecf99f1d24fb2ca745be18ef59689161..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_k ( &
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     profiles_k,     & ! inout
-     geometry,       & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     transmission,   & ! in
-     transmission_k, & ! inout
-     calcemis,       & ! in
-     emissivity_k,   & ! inout
-     reflectivity_k  ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       pi                  ,&
-       surftype_sea
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type),     Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: reflectivity_k(nchannels)
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ece5e472d31077ba55120e222186845547def1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_tl ( &
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & profiles_tl,      &! in
-     & geometry,         &! in
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & nfrequencies,     &! in
-     & nchannels,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,        &! in
-     & channels,         &! in
-     & polarisations,    &! in
-     & lprofiles,        &! in
-     & transmission,     &! in
-     & transmission_tl,  &! in
-     & calcemis,         &! in
-     & emissivity_tl,    &! inout
-     & reflectivity_tl  ) ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! Tangent Linear of rttov_calcemis_mw
-  ! To compute MW surface emissivities for all channels and all
-  ! profiles if desired
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! FASTEM-1 English and Hewison 1998.
-  ! FASTEM-2 Deblonde and English 2001.
-  ! FASTEM-3 English 2003.
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/evalfastems.pdf
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       26/09/2003  Polarimetric code and Fastem-3 (S English)
-  !  1.3       18/08/2004  Added some _JPRB to constants (S English)
-  !  1.4       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !  1.5       14/10/2005  Reintroduce -r 121:122 changes, see -r 133:134
-  !                        Fixing bug in azimuth angles > 270 (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & pi                  ,&
-       & surftype_sea
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in)    :: transmission_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(out)   :: reflectivity_tl(nchannels)
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: quadcof(4,2) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 2.0_JPRB, &
-       & 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, -1.0_JPRB  /), (/4,2/) )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: freqfixed(4) = Reshape( &
-       & (/ 7.0_JPRB, 10.0_JPRB, 19.0_JPRB, 37.0_JPRB /), (/4/) )
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_cu
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: f1,f2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: del1,del2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einf
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fen,fen_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: den1,den2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_free
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sigma
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_real1,perm_real2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_imag1,perm_imag2,perm_imag3
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_Real,perm_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_static,perm_infinite
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: freq_ghz,freq_ghz_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_Real,fresnel_v_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_h_Real,fresnel_h_imag
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v,fresnel_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_cor,foam_cor
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: large_rough_cor(2)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough,large_rough
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: variance,varm
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_sq,windsec
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_direction, windangle, windratio ! Note wind azimuth is in radians
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdpsfc,freqr
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zrough_v,zrough_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zreflmod_v,zreflmod_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: delta,delta2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: qdepol,emissfactor
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_v,emissfactor_h
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissstokes(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissstokes_tl(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: reflectstokes_tl(nfrequencies,4)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zc(12),zx(9)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azimuthal_emiss,u19,phi,dfreq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tbfixed(4,4,3)   ! Surface brightness temperature azimuthal variation terms for 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: efixed(4,4,3)     ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einterpolated(4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for interpolated to required frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: a1e,a2e,a3e    ! coefficients used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: c(:)
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: perm1,perm2
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: rhth,rvth
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: permittivity
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,chan,istokes,ifreq,m
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iquadrant    ! Determines which quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW) the wind is blowing to
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: pol_id    ! polarisation indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i_freq,j_stokes,ich,ichannel   ! indices used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jcof,jcofm1
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer    :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer    :: prof_tl
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_sq_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tcelsius_cu_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: f1_tl, f2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: del1_tl, del2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einf_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fen_tl, fen_sq_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: den1_tl, den2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sigma_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_real1_tl, perm_real2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_imag1_tl, perm_imag2_tl, perm_imag3_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_Real_tl, perm_imag_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: perm_static_tl, perm_infinite_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_Real_tl, fresnel_v_imag_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_h_Real_tl, fresnel_h_imag_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fresnel_v_tl, fresnel_h_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_cor_tl, foam_cor_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: large_rough_cor_tl(2)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: small_rough_tl, large_rough_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: variance_tl, varm_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_sq_tl, windsec_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wind10_direction_tl, windangle_tl, windratio_tl ! Note wind azimuth is in radians
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdpsfc_tl, freqr_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zrough_v_tl, zrough_h_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zreflmod_v_tl, zreflmod_h_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: delta_tl, delta2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: qdepol_tl, emissfactor_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_v_tl, emissfactor_h_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zx_tl(9)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azimuthal_emiss_tl,u19_tl,phi_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tbfixed_tl(4,4,3)   ! Surface brightness temperature azimuthal variation terms for 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: efixed_tl(4,4,3)     ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: einterpolated_tl(4,3)   ! Emissivity azimuthal variation terms for interpolated to required frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: a1e_tl,a2e_tl,a3e_tl,atot     ! coefficients used in azimuthal emissivity model
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: perm1_tl, perm2_tl
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: rhth_tl, rvth_tl
-  Complex(Kind=jprb) :: permittivity_tl
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: wanted_fastem_ver,iii  ! user fastem version request
-!- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! If the coefficent file contains FASTEM 2 it contains also FASTEM 1 but
-  ! the version choosen is given by coef % fastem_ver value
-  wanted_fastem_ver = coef % fastem_ver
-  !If a TL value of emissivity is passed to the routine
-  ! this means that there is no need to compute it
-  Where(emissivity_tl(:) /= 0.0_JPRB)
-     reflectivity_tl(:) = - emissivity_tl(:)
-  End Where
-  !Loop over channels
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     ichannel=polarisations(i,1)
-     If ( .Not. (calcemis(ichannel) .And. emissivity_tl(ichannel) == 0.0_JPRB) ) Cycle
-     chan        = channels(i)
-     prof        => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-     prof_tl     => profiles_tl( lprofiles(i) )
-     geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-     pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-     !-------------------------------
-     !0. Point to fastem coefficients
-     !-------------------------------
-     c => coef % fastem_coef
-     !---------------
-     !1. Sea surfaces
-     !---------------
-     If ( prof % skin % surftype == surftype_sea ) Then
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        !1.1 Calculate channel independent variables
-        !-------------------------------------------
-        ! no TL on wind direction, but TL on wind speed
-        wind10_sq =   prof % s2m % u * prof % s2m % u +&
-              & prof % s2m % v * prof % s2m % v
-        wind10    = Sqrt( wind10_sq )
-        windsec   = wind10 * geom%seczen
-        wind10_sq_tl = 2.0_JPRB * prof % s2m %u * prof_tl % s2m % u + 2.0_JPRB * prof % s2m %v * prof_tl % s2m % v
-        If( wind10 > 0._JPRB ) Then
-           wind10_tl  = 0.5_JPRB * wind10_sq_tl/wind10
-        Else
-           wind10_tl = 0.0_JPRB
-        Endif
-        windsec_tl   = wind10_tl * geom%seczen
-        !Set values for temperature polynomials (convert from kelvin to celsius)
-        tcelsius = prof % skin % t - 273.15_JPRB
-        tcelsius_sq = tcelsius * tcelsius     !quadratic
-        tcelsius_cu = tcelsius_sq * tcelsius  !cubic
-        tcelsius_tl    = prof_tl % skin % t
-        tcelsius_sq_tl = 2 * tcelsius * tcelsius_tl
-        tcelsius_cu_tl = 3 * tcelsius_sq * tcelsius_tl
-        !Define two relaxation frequencies, f1 and f2
-        f1 = c(1) + c(2) * tcelsius + c(3) * tcelsius_sq
-        f2 = c(4) + c(5) * tcelsius + c(6) * tcelsius_sq + c(7) * tcelsius_cu
-        f1_tl =  c(2) * tcelsius_tl + c(3) * tcelsius_sq_tl
-        f2_tl =  c(5) * tcelsius_tl + c(6) * tcelsius_sq_tl + c(7) * tcelsius_cu_tl
-        !Static permittivity estatic = del1+del2+einf
-        del1 = c(8)  + c(9)  * tcelsius + c(10) * tcelsius_sq + c(11) * tcelsius_cu
-        del2 = c(12) + c(13) * tcelsius + c(14) * tcelsius_sq + c(15) * tcelsius_cu
-        einf = c(18) + c(19) * tcelsius
-        del1_tl = c(9)  * tcelsius_tl + c(10) * tcelsius_sq_tl + c(11) * tcelsius_cu_tl
-        del2_tl = c(13) * tcelsius_tl + c(14) * tcelsius_sq_tl + c(15) * tcelsius_cu_tl
-        einf_tl = c(19) * tcelsius_tl
-        freq_ghz    = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        freq_ghz_sq = freq_ghz * freq_ghz
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        !1.2 calculate permittivity using double-debye formula
-        !-----------------------------------------------------
-        fen          = 2.0_JPRB * c(20) * freq_ghz * 0.001_JPRB
-        fen_sq       = fen*fen
-        den1         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f1 * f1
-        den2         = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq * f2 * f2
-        perm_real1   = del1 / den1
-        perm_real2   = del2 / den2
-        perm_imag1   = del1 * fen * f1 / den1
-        perm_imag2   = del2 * fen * f2 / den2
-        perm_free    = 8.854E-03_JPRB
-        sigma        = 2.906_JPRB + 0.09437_JPRB * tcelsius
-        perm_imag3   = sigma / (2.0_JPRB * c(20) * perm_free * freq_ghz)
-        perm_Real    = perm_real1 + perm_real2 + einf
-        perm_imag    = perm_imag1 + perm_imag2 + perm_imag3
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        den1_tl         = 2 * fen_sq * f1 * f1_tl
-        den2_tl         = 2 * fen_sq * f2 * f2_tl
-        perm_real1_tl   = (den1 * del1_tl - del1 * den1_tl) / (den1 * den1)
-        perm_real2_tl   = (den2 * del2_tl - del2 * den2_tl) / (den2 * den2)
-        perm_imag1_tl   = fen * ( den1 * ( del1_tl * f1 + del1 * f1_tl)&
-              & - (del1 * f1 * den1_tl) )  / (den1 * den1)
-        perm_imag2_tl   = fen * ( den2 * ( del2_tl * f2 + del2 * f2_tl)&
-              & - (del2 * f2 * den2_tl) )  / (den2 * den2)
-        sigma_tl        = 0.09437_JPRB * tcelsius_tl
-        perm_imag3_tl   = sigma_tl / (2.0_JPRB * c(20) * perm_free * freq_ghz)
-        perm_Real_tl    = perm_real1_tl + perm_real2_tl + einf_tl
-        perm_imag_tl    = perm_imag1_tl + perm_imag2_tl + perm_imag3_tl
-        permittivity_tl = Cmplx(perm_Real_tl,perm_imag_tl,jprb)
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3 calculate complex reflection coefficients and corrections
-        !-------------------------------------------------------------
-        !1.3.1) Fresnel reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        perm1          = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2          = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth           = (geom%coszen-perm1) / (geom%coszen+perm1)
-        rvth           = (perm2-perm1) / (perm2+perm1)
-        !    fresnel_v_real = dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Real(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel_v      = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-             & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        !    fresnel_h_real = dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_Real = Real(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel_h      = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-             & fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        perm1_tl          = 0.5_JPRB * permittivity_tl / perm1
-        perm2_tl          = permittivity_tl * geom%coszen
-        rhth_tl           = - 2 * geom%coszen * perm1_tl / (geom%coszen+perm1)**2
-        rvth_tl           = 2 * (perm1 * perm2_tl - perm1_tl * perm2) / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        !    fresnel_v_real_tl = dble(rvth_tl)
-        fresnel_v_Real_tl = Real(rvth_tl)
-        fresnel_v_imag_tl = Aimag(rvth_tl)
-        fresnel_v_tl      = 2 * fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real_tl + &
-              & 2 * fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag_tl
-        !    fresnel_h_real_tl = dble(rhth_tl)
-        fresnel_h_Real_tl = Real(rhth_tl)
-        fresnel_h_imag_tl = Aimag(rhth_tl)
-        fresnel_h_tl      = 2 * fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real_tl + &
-              & 2 * fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag_tl
-        !1.3.2) Small scale correction to reflection coefficients
-        !------
-        If (freq_ghz >= 15.0) Then
-           small_rough_cor = Exp( c(21) * wind10 * geom % coszen_sq / (freq_ghz_sq) )
-           small_rough_cor_tl = small_rough_cor * c(21) * wind10_tl * geom % coszen_sq / (freq_ghz_sq)
-        Else
-           small_rough_cor    = 1.0
-           small_rough_cor_tl = 0.0
-        End If
-        !1.3.3) Large scale geometric correction
-        !------
-        !Point to correct coefficients for this version. There are 36 altogether.
-        !Those for FASTEM-2 are stored in section 24:59 of the array, those for
-        !FASTEM1 in section 60:95.
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 2 ) Then
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(24:59)
-        Else
-           c => coef%fastem_coef(60:95)
-        End If
-        Do j = 1, 12
-           zc(j) = c(j*3-2) + c(j*3-1)*freq_ghz + c(j*3)*freq_ghz_sq
-        End Do
-        !Point back to all coefficients again
-        c => coef%fastem_coef
-        large_rough_cor(1) = &
-             & (zc(1)                  + &
-              & zc(2) * geom%seczen    + &
-              & zc(3) * geom%seczen_sq + &
-              & zc(4) * wind10         + &
-              & zc(5) * wind10_sq      + &
-              & zc(6) * windsec) / 100._JPRB
-        large_rough_cor(2) = &
-             & (zc(7)                   + &
-              & zc(8)  * geom%seczen    + &
-              & zc(9)  * geom%seczen_sq + &
-              & zc(10) * wind10         + &
-              & zc(11) * wind10_sq      + &
-              & zc(12) * windsec) / 100._JPRB
-        !    large_rough_cor(:) = large_rough_cor(:) * 0.01
-        large_rough_cor_tl(1) =   &
-             & (zc(4) * wind10_tl     + &
-              & zc(5) * wind10_sq_tl  + &
-              & zc(6) * windsec_tl ) /100._JPRB
-        large_rough_cor_tl(2) =      &
-             & (zc(10) * wind10_tl    + &
-              & zc(11) * wind10_sq_tl + &
-              & zc(12) * windsec_tl) /100._JPRB
-        ! For Fastem-3 do not compute rough surface effects if theta > 60 degrees
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver <= 2.0_JPRB .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) then
-           emissstokes(i,1) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_v * small_rough_cor + large_rough_cor(1)
-           emissstokes(i,2) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_h * small_rough_cor + large_rough_cor(2)
-           emissstokes_tl(i,1) = - fresnel_v_tl * small_rough_cor    &
-                 & - fresnel_v    * small_rough_cor_tl &
-                 & + large_rough_cor_tl(1)
-           emissstokes_tl(i,2) = - fresnel_h_tl * small_rough_cor    &
-                 & - fresnel_h    * small_rough_cor_tl &
-                 & + large_rough_cor_tl(2)
-        Else
-           emissstokes(i,1) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_v
-                 emissstokes(i,2) = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_h
-                 emissstokes_tl(i,1) = - fresnel_v_tl
-                 emissstokes_tl(i,2) = - fresnel_h_tl
-        End If
-        emissstokes(i,3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes(i,4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes_tl(i,3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes_tl(i,4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        !Apply foam correction
-        foam_cor  = c(22) * ( wind10 ** c(23) )
-        foam_cor_tl  =  c(22) * c(23) * wind10_tl * ( wind10 ** (c(23)-1.0_JPRB) )
-        ! Be careful do TL first because the next 2 lines of the direct model
-        ! have variables in input/output of the statement
-        emissstokes_tl(i,1) = emissstokes_tl(i,1)-foam_cor_tl*emissstokes(i,1)-foam_cor*emissstokes_tl(i,1)+foam_cor_tl
-        emissstokes_tl(i,2) = emissstokes_tl(i,2)-foam_cor_tl*emissstokes(i,2)-foam_cor*emissstokes_tl(i,2)+foam_cor_tl
-        emissstokes(i,1) = emissstokes(i,1) - foam_cor*emissstokes(i,1) + foam_cor
-        emissstokes(i,2) = emissstokes(i,2) - foam_cor*emissstokes(i,2) + foam_cor
-        If ( wanted_fastem_ver == 3) then
-           ! Add azimuthal component from Fuzhong Weng (NOAA/NESDIS) based on work by Dr. Gene Poe (NRL)
-           ! Assume 19m wind = 10m wind for now (fix later)
-           u19=wind10
-           if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=1
-           if (prof % s2m % u >= 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=2
-           if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v >= 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=4
-           if (prof % s2m % u < 0.0_JPRB .AND. prof % s2m % v < 0.0_JPRB) iquadrant=3
-           if (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) then
-              windratio=prof % s2m % u/prof % s2m % v
-           else
-              windratio=0.0_JPRB
-              if (abs(prof % s2m % u) > 0.0001_JPRB) then
-                 windratio=999999.0_JPRB*prof % s2m % u
-              endif
-           endif
-           windangle=atan(windratio)
-           wind10_direction = quadcof(iquadrant,1)*pi+windangle*quadcof(iquadrant,2)
-           windratio_tl = 0.0_JPRB
-           If (abs(prof % s2m % v) >= 0.0001_JPRB) then
-              windratio_tl=(prof%s2m%v * prof_tl%s2m%u - prof_tl%s2m%v * prof%s2m%u)/&
-                         & (prof % s2m % v *prof % s2m % v)
-           Else
-              windratio_tl=0.0_JPRB
-              if (abs(prof % s2m % u) > 0.0001_JPRB) then
-                 windratio_tl=999999.0_JPRB*prof_tl % s2m % u
-              endif
-           Endif
-           windangle_tl = windratio_tl/(1.0_JPRB+windratio*windratio)
-           wind10_direction_tl = windangle_tl*quadcof(iquadrant,2)
-           ! Angle between wind direction and satellite azimuthal view angle
-           phi = pi - wind10_direction + prof % azangle*pi/180.0_JPRB
-           phi_tl = -1.0_JPRB * wind10_direction_tl
-           u19_tl = wind10_tl
-           tbfixed(:,:,:)=0.0_JPRB
-           tbfixed_tl(:,:,:)=0.0_JPRB
-           Do ich = 0,15
-              a1e = c(141+ich*12) + u19*(c(142+ich*12)+ u19*(c(143+ich*12)+u19*c(144+ich*12)))
-              a2e = c(145+ich*12) + u19*(c(146+ich*12)+ u19*(c(147+ich*12)+u19*c(148+ich*12)))
-              a3e = c(149+ich*12) + u19*(c(150+ich*12)+ u19*(c(151+ich*12)+u19*c(152+ich*12)))
-              a1e_tl = u19_tl*(c(142+ich*12)+u19*(2.0*c(143+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(144+ich*12)))
-              a2e_tl = u19_tl*(c(146+ich*12)+u19*(2.0*c(147+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(148+ich*12)))
-              a3e_tl = u19_tl*(c(150+ich*12)+u19*(2.0*c(151+ich*12)+3.0*u19*c(152+ich*12)))
-              i_freq = int(ich/4) + 1   ! 37, 19, 10, 7 GHz
-              j_stokes = mod(ich,4) + 1
-              tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,1) = a1e
-              tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,2) = a2e
-              tbfixed(j_stokes,i_freq,3) = a3e
-              tbfixed_tl(j_stokes,i_freq,1) = a1e_tl
-              tbfixed_tl(j_stokes,i_freq,2) = a2e_tl
-              tbfixed_tl(j_stokes,i_freq,3) = a3e_tl
-           End Do
-           efixed_tl(:,:,:)=0.0_JPRB
-           einterpolated_tl(:,:)=0.0_JPRB
-           Do M=1,3
-              Do istokes=1,4
-                efixed(1,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,4,M)  ! 7   GHz
-                efixed(2,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,3,M)  ! 10  GHz
-                efixed(3,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,2,M)  ! 19  GHz
-                efixed(4,istokes,M)= tbfixed(istokes,1,M)  ! 37  GHz
-                efixed_tl(1,istokes,M)= tbfixed_tl(istokes,4,M)  ! 7  GHz
-                efixed_tl(2,istokes,M)= tbfixed_tl(istokes,3,M)  ! 10  GHz
-                efixed_tl(3,istokes,M)= tbfixed_tl(istokes,2,M)  ! 19  GHz
-                efixed_tl(4,istokes,M)= tbfixed_tl(istokes,1,M)  ! 37  GHz
-              End Do
-              ! Interpolate results to required frequency based on 7, 10, 19, 37 GHz
-              If (freq_ghz.le.freqfixed(1)) Then
-                einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(1,:,M)
-                einterpolated_tl(:,M)=efixed_tl(1,:,M)
-              Else If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(4)) then
-                einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(4,:,M)
-                einterpolated_tl(:,M)=efixed_tl(4,:,M)
-              Else
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=2
-                If(freq_ghz.lt.freqfixed(3).and.freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(2)) ifreq=3
-                If(freq_ghz.ge.freqfixed(3)) ifreq=4
-                dfreq=(freq_ghz-freqfixed(ifreq-1))/(freqfixed(ifreq)-freqfixed(ifreq-1))
-                einterpolated(:,M)=efixed(ifreq-1,:,M)+dfreq*(efixed(ifreq,:,M)-efixed(ifreq-1,:,M))
-                einterpolated_tl(:,M)=efixed_tl(ifreq-1,:,M)+dfreq*(efixed_tl(ifreq,:,M)-efixed_tl(ifreq-1,:,M))
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Do istokes = 1,4
-              azimuthal_emiss=0.0_JPRB
-              azimuthal_emiss_tl=0.0_JPRB
-              Do M=1,3
-                 If(istokes.le.2) Then
-                    azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*cos(m*phi)*&
-                    &(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                    azimuthal_emiss_tl=azimuthal_emiss_tl+(einterpolated_tl(istokes,M)*cos(m*phi) -&
-                      & einterpolated(istokes,M)*m*sin(m*phi)*phi_tl)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                 Else
-                    azimuthal_emiss=azimuthal_emiss+einterpolated(istokes,M)*sin(m*phi)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/&
-                    &(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                    azimuthal_emiss_tl=azimuthal_emiss_tl+(einterpolated_tl(istokes,M)*sin(m*phi) +&
-                      & einterpolated(istokes,M)*m*cos(m*phi)*phi_tl)*(1.0_JPRB-geom%coszen)/(1.0_JPRB - 0.6018_JPRB)
-                 End If
-              End Do
-              emissstokes(i,istokes)=emissstokes(i,istokes)+azimuthal_emiss
-              emissstokes_tl(i,istokes)=emissstokes_tl(i,istokes)+azimuthal_emiss_tl
-           End Do
-        End If
-! Only apply non-specular correction for Fastem-3 if theta < 60 degrees
-        If ((wanted_fastem_ver == 2 .or. (wanted_fastem_ver == 3 .And. geom%seczen <= 2.0_JPRB)) .And. &
-             & transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) < 0.9999_JPRB .And. transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) > 0.00001_JPRB ) Then
-           !Convert windspeed to slope variance using the Cox and Munk model
-           variance = 0.00512_JPRB * wind10 + 0.0030_JPRB
-           varm     = variance * c(138)
-           variance = varm * ( c(139) * freq_ghz + c(140) )
-           variance_tl = 0.00512_JPRB * wind10_tl
-           varm_tl     = variance_tl * c(138)
-           variance_tl = varm_tl * ( c(139) * freq_ghz + c(140) )
-           If ( variance > varm ) Then
-              variance    = varm
-              variance_tl = varm_tl
-           Endif
-           If ( variance < 0.0_JPRB  ) Then
-              variance    = 0.0_JPRB
-              variance_tl = 0.0_JPRB
-           Endif
-           !Compute surface to space optical depth
-           opdpsfc    = -log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) / geom%seczen
-           opdpsfc_tl = -transmission_tl % tau_surf(ichannel) / ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel) * geom%seczen )
-           !Define nine predictors for the effective angle calculation
-           zx(1) = 1.0_JPRB
-           zx(2) = variance
-           zx(4) = 1.0_JPRB / geom%coszen
-           zx(3) = zx(2) * zx(4)
-           zx(5) = zx(3) * zx(3)
-           zx(6) = zx(4) * zx(4)
-           zx(7) = zx(2) * zx(2)
-           zx(8) = log(opdpsfc)
-           zx(9) = zx(8) * zx(8)
-           zx_tl(1) = 0._JPRB
-           zx_tl(2) = variance_tl
-           zx_tl(4) = 0._JPRB
-           zx_tl(3) = zx_tl(2) * zx(4)
-           zx_tl(5) = 2 * zx_tl(3) * zx(3)
-           zx_tl(6) = 2 * zx_tl(4) * zx(4)
-           zx_tl(7) = 2 * zx_tl(2) * zx(2)
-           zx_tl(8) = opdpsfc_tl / opdpsfc
-           zx_tl(9) = 2 * zx_tl(8) * zx(8)
-           zrough_v = 1.0_JPRB
-           zrough_h = 1.0_JPRB
-           zrough_v_tl = 0._JPRB
-           zrough_h_tl = 0._JPRB
-           Do jcof = 1,7
-              jcofm1 = jcof-1
-              !Switched h to v Deblonde SSMIS june 7, 2001
-              zrough_h = zrough_h + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(96+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(97+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-              zrough_v = zrough_v + &
-                   & zx(jcof) * ( c(117+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(8)    *   c(118+jcofm1*3) &
-                   & + zx(9)    *   c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-              zrough_h_tl = zrough_h_tl +         &
-                   & zx(jcof)     * (                  &
-                   & zx_tl(8)  *   c(97+jcofm1*3)   &
-                   & + zx_tl(9)  *   c(98+jcofm1*3) ) &
-                   & +  zx_tl(jcof) * ( c(96+jcofm1*3)   &
-                   & + zx(8)  *   c(97+jcofm1*3)   &
-                   & + zx(9)  *   c(98+jcofm1*3) )
-              zrough_v_tl = zrough_v_tl +          &
-                   & zx(jcof)     * (                   &
-                   & zx_tl(8)  *   c(118+jcofm1*3)   &
-                   & + zx_tl(9)  *   c(119+jcofm1*3) ) &
-                   & +  zx_tl(jcof) * ( c(117+jcofm1*3)   &
-                   & + zx(8)  *   c(118+jcofm1*3)   &
-                   & + zx(9)  *   c(119+jcofm1*3) )
-           End Do
-           zreflmod_v = (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v)/(1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           zreflmod_h = (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h)/(1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           zreflmod_v_tl = transmission_tl % tau_surf(ichannel) *&
-                 & (-zrough_v * transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**(zrough_v-1.0_JPRB) * &
-                 & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))+&
-                          & ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v)) &
-                 & / (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))**2
-           zreflmod_v_tl = zreflmod_v_tl - &
-                & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_v * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) * zrough_v_tl ) / &
-                & (1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           zreflmod_h_tl = transmission_tl % tau_surf(ichannel) *&
-                & (-zrough_h * transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**(zrough_h-1.0) * (1.0-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) +  &
-                &   ( 1.0-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h)    ) &
-                & / (1.0-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))**2
-           zreflmod_h_tl = zreflmod_h_tl - &
-                & ( transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)**zrough_h * Log(transmission % tau_surf(ichannel)) * zrough_h_tl ) / &
-                & (1.0-transmission % tau_surf(ichannel))
-           reflectstokes_tl(i,1)  = zreflmod_v_tl * (1.0-emissstokes(i,1)) - zreflmod_v * emissstokes_tl(i,1)
-           reflectstokes_tl(i,2)  = zreflmod_h_tl * (1.0-emissstokes(i,2)) - zreflmod_h * emissstokes_tl(i,2)
-!	   zreflmod_v_tl = 0.0
-!	   zreflmod_h_tl = 0.0
-           reflectstokes_tl(i,3)  = -0.5_JPRB * ((zreflmod_v_tl + zreflmod_h_tl) * emissstokes(i,3) + &
-	        & (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * emissstokes_tl(i,3))
-           reflectstokes_tl(i,4)  = -0.5_JPRB * ((zreflmod_v_tl + zreflmod_h_tl) * emissstokes(i,4) + &
-	        & (zreflmod_v + zreflmod_h) * emissstokes_tl(i,4))
-!           reflectstokes_tl(i,3)  =	 -emissstokes_tl(i,3)   
-!           reflectstokes_tl(i,4)  =      -emissstokes_tl(i,4)
-       Else
-           reflectstokes_tl(i,:) = - emissstokes_tl(i,:)
-       End If
-        !--------------------
-        !2. Land/ice surfaces
-        !--------------------
-     Else
-        !Coherent surface scattering model coefficients (input with the profile)
-        perm_static   = prof % skin % fastem(1)
-        perm_infinite = prof % skin % fastem(2)
-        freqr         = prof % skin % fastem(3)
-        small_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(4)
-        large_rough   = prof % skin % fastem(5)
-        chan          = channels(i)
-        freq_ghz      = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-        perm_static_tl   = prof_tl % skin % fastem(1)
-        perm_infinite_tl = prof_tl % skin % fastem(2)
-        freqr_tl         = prof_tl % skin % fastem(3)
-        small_rough_tl   = prof_tl % skin % fastem(4)
-        large_rough_tl   = prof_tl % skin % fastem(5)
-        !Simple Debye + Fresnel model gives reflectivities
-        fen       = freq_ghz / freqr
-        fen_sq    = fen * fen
-        den1      = 1.0_JPRB + fen_sq
-        perm_Real = (perm_static+perm_infinite*fen_sq) / den1
-        perm_imag = fen*(perm_static-perm_infinite)    / den1
-        permittivity = Cmplx(perm_Real,perm_imag,jprb)
-        perm1     = sqrt(permittivity - geom%sinzen_sq)
-        perm2     = permittivity * geom%coszen
-        rhth      = (geom%coszen - perm1) / (geom%coszen + perm1)
-        rvth      = (perm2 - perm1)/(perm2 + perm1)
-        !    fresnel_v_real = dble(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_Real = Real(rvth)
-        fresnel_v_imag = Aimag(rvth)
-        fresnel_v      = fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real + &
-             & fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag
-        !    fresnel_h_real = dble(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_Real = Real(rhth)
-        fresnel_h_imag = Aimag(rhth)
-        fresnel_h      = fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real + &
-             & fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag
-        fen_tl       = -freq_ghz * freqr_tl / freqr**2
-        fen_sq_tl    = 2 * fen_tl * fen
-        den1_tl      = fen_sq_tl
-        perm_Real_tl = &
-              & ( den1 * (perm_static_tl + perm_infinite_tl*fen_sq + perm_infinite*fen_sq_tl) -&
-                & den1_tl * (perm_static + perm_infinite * fen_sq)) / (den1*den1)
-        perm_imag_tl = ( den1 * ( fen_tl * (perm_static - perm_infinite)      + &
-                                 & fen * (perm_static_tl - perm_infinite_tl))  - &
-                       & den1_tl *  fen * (perm_static - perm_infinite)      ) / &
-                       & (den1*den1)
-        permittivity_tl   = Cmplx(perm_Real_tl, perm_imag_tl,jprb)
-        perm1_tl          = 0.5_JPRB * permittivity_tl / perm1
-        perm2_tl          = permittivity_tl * geom%coszen
-        rhth_tl           = - 2 * geom%coszen * perm1_tl / (geom%coszen+perm1)**2
-        rvth_tl           = 2 * (perm1 * perm2_tl - perm1_tl * perm2) / (perm2+perm1)**2
-        !    fresnel_v_real_tl = dble(rvth_tl)
-        fresnel_v_Real_tl = Real(rvth_tl)
-        fresnel_v_imag_tl = Aimag(rvth_tl)
-        fresnel_v_tl      = 2 * fresnel_v_Real * fresnel_v_Real_tl + &
-              & 2 * fresnel_v_imag * fresnel_v_imag_tl
-        !    fresnel_h_real_tl = dble(rhth_tl)
-        fresnel_h_Real_tl = Real(rhth_tl)
-        fresnel_h_imag_tl = Aimag(rhth_tl)
-        fresnel_h_tl      = 2 * fresnel_h_Real * fresnel_h_Real_tl + &
-              & 2 * fresnel_h_imag * fresnel_h_imag_tl
-        !Small scale roughness correction
-        delta           = 4.0_JPRB * pi * coef % ff_cwn(chan) * 0.1_JPRB * small_rough
-        delta2          = delta * delta
-        small_rough_cor = Exp(-delta2*geom%coszen_sq)
-        delta_tl           = 4.0_JPRB * pi * coef % ff_cwn(chan) * 0.1_JPRB * small_rough_tl
-        delta2_tl          = 2 * delta * delta_tl
-        small_rough_cor_tl = -delta2_tl*geom%coszen_sq * small_rough_cor
-        !Large scale roughness correction
-        qdepol = 0.35_JPRB - 0.35_JPRB*Exp(-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*large_rough*large_rough)
-        qdepol_tl =  -0.35_JPRB * (-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*2*large_rough_tl*large_rough) *&
-              & Exp(-0.60_JPRB*freq_ghz*large_rough*large_rough)
-        emissfactor_v = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_v * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor_h = 1.0_JPRB - fresnel_h * small_rough_cor
-        emissfactor   = emissfactor_h - emissfactor_v
-        emissstokes(i,1)    = emissfactor_v + qdepol * emissfactor
-        emissstokes(i,2)    = emissfactor_h - qdepol * emissfactor
-        emissstokes(i,3) = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes(i,4) = 0.0_JPRB
-        !reflect_v(i)  = 1.0_JPRB - emiss_v(i)
-        !reflect_h(i)  = 1.0_JPRB - emiss_h(i)
-        emissfactor_v_tl = - fresnel_v_tl * small_rough_cor - fresnel_v * small_rough_cor_tl
-        emissfactor_h_tl = - fresnel_h_tl * small_rough_cor - fresnel_h * small_rough_cor_tl
-        emissfactor_tl   = emissfactor_h_tl - emissfactor_v_tl
-        emissstokes_tl(i,1)    = emissfactor_v_tl + qdepol_tl * emissfactor + qdepol * emissfactor_tl
-        emissstokes_tl(i,2)    = emissfactor_h_tl - qdepol_tl * emissfactor - qdepol * emissfactor_tl
-        emissstokes_tl(i,3)    = 0.0_JPRB
-        emissstokes_tl(i,4)    = 0.0_JPRB
-        reflectstokes_tl(i,:)  = - emissstokes_tl(i,:)
-      End If
-     ! Now return only required polarisations - either the calculated vector (V, H, or full Stokes)
-     If (pol_id <= 3 .or. pol_id >= 6) then
-        Do ich=1,polarisations(i,3)
-           emissivity_tl(ichannel+ich-1)=emissstokes_tl(i,ich)
-           reflectivity_tl(ichannel+ich-1)=reflectstokes_tl(i,ich)
-         End Do
-     End If
-     ! Or V-pol only
-     If (pol_id == 4) then
-        emissivity_tl(ichannel)=emissstokes_tl(i,1)
-        reflectivity_tl(ichannel)=reflectstokes_tl(i,1)
-     End If
-     ! Or H-pol only
-     If (pol_id == 5) then
-        emissivity_tl(ichannel)=emissstokes_tl(i,2)
-        reflectivity_tl(ichannel)=reflectstokes_tl(i,2)
-     End If
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b2711effb4c996594542038924aa92256025c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_tl ( &
-     profiles,        & ! in
-     profiles_tl,     & ! in
-     geometry,        & ! in
-     coef,            & ! in
-     nfrequencies,    & ! in
-     nchannels,       & ! in
-     nprofiles,       & ! in
-     channels,        & ! in
-     polarisations,   & ! in
-     lprofiles,       & ! in
-     transmission,    & ! in
-     transmission_tl, & ! in
-     calcemis,        & ! in
-     emissivity_tl,   & ! inout
-     reflectivity_tl  ) ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       pi                  ,&
-       surftype_sea
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type),     Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in)    :: transmission_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(out)   :: reflectivity_tl(nchannels)
-End Subroutine rttov_calcemis_mw_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0091a4412ef67eb210cbbd86c2fa7ae3ed0594ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-    & nfrequencies,  & ! in
-    &  nchannels,    & ! in
-    &  nprofiles,    & ! in
-    &  geometry,     & ! in
-    &  channels,     & ! in
-    &  polarisations,& ! in
-    &  lprofiles,    & ! in
-    &  coeffs,       & ! in
-    &  rad        )    ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :     &
-     &   npolar_return,       &
-     &   pol_v,               &
-     &   pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-     &   rttov_coef      ,&
-     &   radiance_Type   ,&
-     &   geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: nprofiles
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)           :: coeffs  ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout)        :: rad     ! input radiances and output BT
-  ! radiances are expressed in mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-  ! and temperatures in Kelvin
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_h,emissfactor_v
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,j,ich,ich2,pol_id
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  ich2=1
-  Do i=1,nfrequencies
-     chan        = channels(i)
-     pol_id      = 0
-     pol_id = coeffs % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-     ich = polarisations(i,1)
-     If (pol_id >= 4) then
-        ! Return all calculated polarisations (or just computed TB for IR channels)
-        Do j=1,polarisations(i,3)
-           rad%out(ich2+j-1) = rad%bt(ich+j-1)
-           rad%out_clear(ich2+j-1) = rad%bt_clear(ich+j-1)
-           rad%total_out(ich2+j-1) = rad%total(ich+j-1)
-           rad%clear_out(ich2+j-1) = rad%clear(ich+j-1)
-        End Do
-     Else If (pol_id == 1) then
-        ! Return average of V and H polarisation
-        rad%out(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad%bt(ich)+rad%bt(ich+1))
-        rad%out_clear(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad%bt_clear(ich)+ rad%bt_clear(ich+1))
-        rad%total_out(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad%total(ich)+rad%total(ich+1))
-        rad%clear_out(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad%clear(ich)+ rad%clear(ich+1))
-     Else
-        geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-        emissfactor_v = pol_v(1,pol_id) + &
-         & pol_v(2,pol_id)*geom%sinview_sq + &
-         & pol_v(3,pol_id)*geom%cosview_sq
-        emissfactor_h = pol_h(1,pol_id) + &
-         & pol_h(2,pol_id)*geom%sinview_sq + &
-         & pol_h(3,pol_id)*geom%cosview_sq
-        rad%out(ich2) = rad%bt(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad%bt(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-        rad%out_clear(ich2) = rad%bt_clear(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad%bt_clear(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-        rad%total_out(ich2) = rad%total(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad%total(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-        rad%clear_out(ich2) = rad%clear(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad%clear(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-     End If
-     ich2 = ich2 + npolar_return(pol_id)
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 19d9a8bcab3e8ca865c0a357faa6f3111dda9839..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-     nfrequencies,  & ! in
-     nchannels,     & ! in
-     nprofiles,     & ! in
-     geometry,      & ! in
-     channels,      & ! in
-     polarisations, & ! in
-     lprofiles,     & ! in
-     coeffs,        & ! in
-     rad           )  ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       npolar_return,       &
-       npolar_compute,      &
-       pol_v,               &
-       pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs      ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad         ! input radiances and output BT
-End Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 308c5542b769299773a2a5c427863515711cf7cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_ad( &
-     & nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     & nchannels,      & ! in
-     & nbtout,         & ! in
-     & profiles,       & ! in
-     & nprofiles,      & ! in
-     & geometry,       & ! in
-     & channels,       & ! in
-     & polarisations,  & ! in
-     & lprofiles,      & ! in
-     & coeffs,         & ! in
-     & rad_ad          ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & npolar_return,       &
-       & pol_v,               &
-       & pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)           :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)           :: coeffs             ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout)        :: rad_ad             ! input radiances and output BT
-  ! radiances are expressed in mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-  ! and temperatures in Kelvin
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_h,emissfactor_v
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,j,ich,ich2,pol_id
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  ich2=1
-  Do i=1,nfrequencies
-     chan        = channels(i)
-     pol_id      = 0
-     pol_id = coeffs % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-     ich = polarisations(i,1)
-     If (pol_id >= 4) then
-        ! Return all calculated polarisations (or just computed TB for IR channels)
-        Do j=1,polarisations(i,3)
-           rad_ad%bt(ich+j-1)       = rad_ad%bt(ich+j-1) + rad_ad%out(ich2+j-1)
-           rad_ad%bt_clear(ich+j-1) = rad_ad%bt_clear(ich+j-1) + rad_ad%out_clear(ich2+j-1)
-           rad_ad%total(ich+j-1)    = rad_ad%total(ich+j-1) + rad_ad%total_out(ich2+j-1)
-           rad_ad%clear(ich+j-1)    = rad_ad%clear(ich+j-1) + rad_ad%clear_out(ich2+j-1)
-        End Do
-     Else If (pol_id == 1) then
-        ! Return average of V and H polarisation
-        rad_ad%bt(ich)         = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%out(ich2)
-        rad_ad%bt(ich+1)       = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%out(ich2)
-        rad_ad%bt_clear(ich)   = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%out_clear(ich2)
-        rad_ad%bt_clear(ich+1) = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%out_clear(ich2)
-        rad_ad%total(ich)      = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%total_out(ich2)
-        rad_ad%total(ich+1)    = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%total_out(ich2)
-        rad_ad%clear(ich)      = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%clear_out(ich2)
-        rad_ad%clear(ich+1)    = 0.5_JPRB*rad_ad%clear_out(ich2)
-     Else
-        geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-        emissfactor_v = pol_v(1,pol_id) + &
-         & pol_v(2,pol_id)*geom%sinview_sq + &
-         & pol_v(3,pol_id)*geom%cosview_sq
-        emissfactor_h = pol_h(1,pol_id) + &
-         & pol_h(2,pol_id)*geom%sinview_sq + &
-         & pol_h(3,pol_id)*geom%cosview_sq
-        rad_ad%bt(ich)         = rad_ad%bt(ich) + rad_ad%out(ich2)*emissfactor_v
-        rad_ad%bt(ich+1)       = rad_ad%bt(ich+1) + rad_ad%out(ich2)*emissfactor_h
-        rad_ad%bt_clear(ich)   = rad_ad%bt_clear(ich) + rad_ad%out_clear(ich2)*emissfactor_v
-        rad_ad%bt_clear(ich+1) = rad_ad%bt_clear(ich+1) + rad_ad%out_clear(ich2)*emissfactor_h
-        rad_ad%total(ich)         = rad_ad%total(ich) + rad_ad%total_out(ich2)*emissfactor_v
-        rad_ad%total(ich+1)       = rad_ad%total(ich+1) + rad_ad%total_out(ich2)*emissfactor_h
-        rad_ad%clear(ich)   = rad_ad%clear(ich) + rad_ad%clear_out(ich2)*emissfactor_v
-        rad_ad%clear(ich+1) = rad_ad%clear(ich+1) + rad_ad%clear_out(ich2)*emissfactor_h
-     End If
-     ich2 = ich2 + npolar_return(pol_id)
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 1101068a6c33e750adaa41712c907862b17cf445..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_ad( &
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nbtout,         & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     geometry,       & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     coeffs,         & ! in
-     rad_ad        )   ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       npolar_return,       &
-       npolar_compute,      &
-       pol_v,               &
-       pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs   ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad_ad   ! input radiances and output BT
-End Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 13806e92e3660bbf8d9f63fc87ab68effe8e81a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_tl( &
-     & nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     & nchannels,      & ! in
-     & nprofiles,      & ! in
-     & geometry,       & ! in
-     & channels,       & ! in
-     & polarisations,  & ! in
-     & lprofiles,      & ! in
-     & coeffs,         & ! in
-     & rad_tl         )  ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & npolar_return,     &
-       & pol_v ,            &
-       & pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs             ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad_tl             ! input radiances and output BT
-  ! radiances are expressed in mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-  ! and temperatures in Kelvin
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_h,emissfactor_v
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,j,ich,ich2,pol_id
-  Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  ich2=1
-  Do i=1,nfrequencies
-     chan        = channels(i)
-     pol_id      = 0
-     pol_id = coeffs % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-     ich = polarisations(i,1)
-     If (pol_id >= 4) then
-        ! Return all calculated polarisations (or just computed TB for IR channels)
-        Do j=1,polarisations(i,3)
-           rad_tl%out(ich2+j-1) = rad_tl%bt(ich+j-1)
-           rad_tl%out_clear(ich2+j-1) = rad_tl%bt_clear(ich+j-1)
-           rad_tl%total_out(ich2+j-1) = rad_tl%total(ich+j-1)
-           rad_tl%clear_out(ich2+j-1) = rad_tl%clear(ich+j-1)
-        End Do
-     Else If (pol_id == 1) then
-        ! Return average of V and H polarisation
-        rad_tl%out(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad_tl%bt(ich)+rad_tl%bt(ich+1))
-        rad_tl%out_clear(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad_tl%bt_clear(ich)+ rad_tl%bt_clear(ich+1))
-        rad_tl%total_out(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad_tl%total(ich)+rad_tl%total(ich+1))
-        rad_tl%clear_out(ich2) = 0.5_JPRB*(rad_tl%clear(ich)+ rad_tl%clear(ich+1))
-     Else
-        geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-        emissfactor_v = pol_v(1,pol_id) + &
-         & pol_v(2,pol_id)*geom%sinview_sq + &
-         & pol_v(3,pol_id)*geom%cosview_sq
-        emissfactor_h = pol_h(1,pol_id) + &
-         & pol_h(2,pol_id)*geom%sinview_sq + &
-         & pol_h(3,pol_id)*geom%cosview_sq
-        rad_tl%out(ich2) = rad_tl%bt(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad_tl%bt(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-        rad_tl%out_clear(ich2) = rad_tl%bt_clear(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad_tl%bt_clear(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-        rad_tl%total_out(ich2) = rad_tl%total(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad_tl%total(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-        rad_tl%clear_out(ich2) = rad_tl%clear(ich)*emissfactor_v + rad_tl%clear(ich+1)*emissfactor_h
-     End If
-     ich2 = ich2 + npolar_return(pol_id)
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f82652f68588a1392187bea7d9e40696cbdff1f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_tl( &
-     nfrequencies,  & ! in
-     nchannels,     & ! in
-     nprofiles,     & ! in
-     geometry,      & ! in
-     channels,      & ! in
-     polarisations, & ! in
-     lprofiles,     & ! in
-     coeffs,        & ! in
-     rad_tl        )  ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       npolar_return,       &
-       npolar_compute,      &
-       pol_v ,              &
-       pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs       ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad_tl       ! input radiances and output BT
-End Subroutine rttov_calcpolarisation_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f0691a43fabe7f07f52a730422b924ce1952f941..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad( &
-     & addcosmic,      &! in
-     & nchannels,      &! in
-     & nfrequencies,   &! in
-     & nprofiles,      &! in
-     & channels,       &! in
-     & polarisations,  &! in
-     & lprofiles,      &! in
-     & profiles,       &! in
-     & coeffs,         &! in
-     & rad_cosmic,     &! out
-     & rad_skin,       &! out
-     & rad_surfair,    &! out
-     & rad_layer      ) ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an array of atmospheric temperatures
-  !   to planck radiances in many channels
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction factors to convert T to radiance
-  !         which have been precomputed for each channel and are read from
-  !         the RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                      based on PLNCX of previous RTTOV versions
-  ! 1.1    02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  ! 1.2    26/09/2003  Multiple polarisations (S English)
-  ! 1.3    11/02/2005  Code vectorisation improved (D Dent)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       & tcosmic
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: nprofiles   ! number of profiles
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)! profiles
-  Type(rttov_coef),   Intent(in)   :: coeffs   ! coefficients (Planck)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: nfrequencies  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: nchannels  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: channels(nfrequencies)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: lprofiles(nfrequencies) ! Array of profile indices.
-  Logical,            Intent(in)   :: addcosmic            ! switch for adding cosmic background
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_cosmic(nchannels)  ! cosmic background radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_skin(nchannels)    ! surface skin radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_surfair(nchannels) ! 2m air radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels ) ! layer radiances
-  ! radiances are expressed in mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-  ! and temperatures in Kelvin
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective    ! effective temperature
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective_1(nfrequencies)    ! effective temperature
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective_2(nfrequencies)  ! effective temperature
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective_3(coeffs%nlevels,nfrequencies)    ! effective temperature
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_freq, rad_surfair_freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_f(nfrequencies), rad_surfair_f(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_layer_f(coeffs%nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_layer_freq(coeffs%nlevels),rad_cosmic_freq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,lev,jpol,npol,ipol  ! loop indices
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof ! pointer on profile structures
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  If ( addcosmic ) Then
-!cdir nodep
-     Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(i)
-        t_effective = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * tcosmic
-        rad_cosmic_freq = coeffs%planck1(chan) / &
-             & ( Exp( coeffs%planck2(chan)/t_effective ) - 1.0_JPRB )
-        ipol = polarisations(i,1)
-        npol = polarisations(i,3)
-        Do jpol=ipol, ipol+npol-1
-           rad_cosmic(jpol) = rad_cosmic_freq
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else
-     rad_cosmic(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  End If
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     ! point to corresponding profile (temp. for pressure levels, 2m, skin)
-     prof => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-     t_effective_1(i) = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % skin % t
-     t_effective_2(i) = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % s2m % t
-     Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-        t_effective_3(lev,i) = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % t(lev)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-!cdir nodep
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     rad_skin_f(i) = coeffs%planck1(chan) / &
-          & ( Exp( coeffs%planck2(chan)/t_effective_1(i) ) - 1.0_JPRB )
-     rad_surfair_f(i) = coeffs%planck1(chan) / &
-          & ( Exp( coeffs%planck2(chan)/t_effective_2(i) ) - 1.0_JPRB )
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-        rad_layer_f(lev,i) = coeffs%planck1(chan) / &
-        & ( Exp( coeffs%planck2(chan)/t_effective_3(lev,i)  ) - 1.0_JPRB )
-     End Do
-  End Do
-     !
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     ipol = polarisations(i,1)
-     npol = polarisations(i,3)
-     Do jpol=ipol, ipol+npol-1
-        rad_skin(jpol) = rad_skin_f(i)
-        rad_surfair(jpol) = rad_surfair_f(i)
-        Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-           rad_layer(lev,jpol)=rad_layer_f(lev,i)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 28772bd9145d0c68d2de370b030bc5bdd0412cfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad( &
-     addcosmic,      & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     coeffs,         & ! in
-     rad_cosmic,     & ! out
-     rad_skin,       & ! out
-     rad_surfair,    & ! out
-     rad_layer      )  ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       tcosmic
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: nprofiles     ! number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in)   :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),   Intent(in)   :: coeffs   ! coefficients (Planck)
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)! profiles
-  Logical,            Intent(in)   :: addcosmic            ! switch for adding cosmic background
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_cosmic(nchannels)  ! cosmic background radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_skin(nchannels)    ! surface skin radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_surfair(nchannels) ! 2m air radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels ) ! layer radiances
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 8620e960fc09f8328dd4d1a522dd52bf03039feb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad_ad( &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout
-     & coeffs,          &! in
-     & rad_skin,        &! in
-     & rad_surfair,     &! in
-     & rad_layer,       &! in
-     & rad_skin_ad,     &! in
-     & rad_surfair_ad,  &! in
-     & rad_layer_ad    ) ! in
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD code to convert an array of atmospheric temperatures
-  !   to planck radiances in many channels
-  ! No AD on Rad Cosmic, ad = 0.
-  !
-  ! derivative of Planck function with respect to temperature is
-  !
-  !                                     C2 * Nu
-  !              C1 * C2 * Nu**4 * Exp( ------- )
-  !                                        T
-  ! B'(T,Nu) = ------------------------------------- dT
-  !                     (      C2 * Nu       )**2
-  !               T**2 *( Exp( ------- ) - 1 )
-  !                     (         T          )
-  !
-  !
-  ! which can be reduced to the following, with
-  !  C1 = C1 * Nu**3
-  !  C2 = C2 * Nu
-  !
-  !              C2 * B(T,Nu) * (C1 + B(T,Nu))
-  !  B'(T,Nu) =  ----------------------------- dT
-  !                        C1 * T**2
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction factors to convert T to radiance
-  !         which have been precomputed for each channel and are read from
-  !         the RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                      based on PLNCX of previous RTTOV versions
-  ! 1.1    02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  ! 1.2    26/09/2003  Multiple polarisations (S English)
-  ! 1.3    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    & rttov_coef     ,&
-    & profile_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer_ad( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_freq_ad, rad_surfair_freq_ad, rad_layer_freq_ad(coeffs%nlevels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,lev,jpol,kpol,npol,ipol  ! loop indices
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof_ad
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     ! point to corresponding profile and geometry structures
-     prof    => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-     prof_ad => profiles_ad( lprofiles(i) )
-     ipol = polarisations(i,1)
-     npol = polarisations(i,3)
-     rad_skin_freq_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-     rad_surfair_freq_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do lev=1,coeffs%nlevels
-        rad_layer_freq_ad(lev) = 0.0_JPRB
-     End Do
-     Do jpol=ipol, ipol+npol-1
-        rad_skin_freq_ad = rad_skin_freq_ad + rad_skin_ad(jpol)
-        rad_surfair_freq_ad = rad_surfair_freq_ad + rad_surfair_ad(jpol)
-        Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-           rad_layer_freq_ad(lev) = rad_layer_freq_ad(lev) + rad_layer_ad(lev,jpol)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     t_effective    = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % skin % t
-     t_effective_ad = ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_skin(ipol)         * &
-                     & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_skin(ipol) )       / &
-                     & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-                     & rad_skin_freq_ad
-     prof_ad % skin % t = prof_ad % skin % t + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * t_effective_ad
-     t_effective       = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % s2m % t
-     t_effective_ad = ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_surfair(ipol)         * &
-                     & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_surfair(ipol) )       / &
-                     & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-                     & rad_surfair_freq_ad
-     prof_ad % s2m % t = prof_ad % s2m % t + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * t_effective_ad
-     Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-        t_effective    = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % t(lev)
-        t_effective_ad = ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_layer(lev,ipol)         * &
-                        & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_layer(lev,ipol) )       / &
-                        & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-                        & rad_layer_freq_ad(lev)
-         prof_ad % t(lev) = prof_ad % t(lev) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * t_effective_ad
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 008f3c52ca5cc12cf3a834428b345710c1a86399..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad_ad( &
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     profiles_ad,    & ! inout
-     coeffs,         & ! in
-     rad_skin,       & ! in
-     rad_surfair,    & ! in
-     rad_layer,      & ! in
-     rad_skin_ad,    & ! in
-     rad_surfair_ad, & ! in
-     rad_layer_ad    ) ! in
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    rttov_coef     ,&
-    profile_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer_ad( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c7471b4de21ef2d8dd53cb4d6c2c320ba323ae5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,   &! in
-     & nchannels,      &! in
-     & nprofiles,      &! in
-     & channels,       &! in
-     & polarisations,  &! in
-     & lprofiles,      &! in
-     & profiles,       &! in
-     & profiles_k,     &! inout
-     & coeffs,         &! in
-     & rad_skin,       &! in
-     & rad_surfair,    &! in
-     & rad_layer,      &! in
-     & rad_skin_k,     &! in
-     & rad_surfair_k,  &! in
-     & rad_layer_k    ) ! in
-  ! Description:
-  ! K code to convert an array of atmospheric temperatures
-  !   to planck radiances in many channels
-  ! No K on Rad Cosmic, k = 0.
-  !
-  ! derivative of Planck function with respect to temperature is
-  !
-  !                                     C2 * Nu
-  !              C1 * C2 * Nu**4 * Exp( ------- )
-  !                                        T
-  ! B'(T,Nu) = ------------------------------------- dT
-  !                     (      C2 * Nu       )**2
-  !               T**2 *( Exp( ------- ) - 1 )
-  !                     (         T          )
-  !
-  !
-  ! which can be reduced to the following, with
-  !  C1 = C1 * Nu**3
-  !  C2 = C2 * Nu
-  !
-  !              C2 * B(T,Nu) * (C1 + B(T,Nu))
-  !  B'(T,Nu) =  ----------------------------- dT
-  !                        C1 * T**2
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction factors to convert T to radiance
-  !         which have been precomputed for each channel and are read from
-  !         the RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                      based on PLNCX of previous RTTOV versions
-  ! 1.1    02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  ! 1.2    26/09/2003  Multiple polarisations (S English)
-  ! 1.3    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    & rttov_coef     ,&
-    & profile_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer_k( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_freq_k, rad_surfair_freq_k, rad_layer_freq_k(coeffs%nlevels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,lev,jpol,kpol,npol,ipol  ! loop indices
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof_k
-!- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
- Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     ipol = polarisations(i,1)
-     npol = polarisations(i,3)
-     Do jpol=ipol, ipol+npol-1
-       rad_skin_freq_k = rad_skin_k(jpol)
-       rad_surfair_freq_k = rad_surfair_k(jpol)
-       Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-          rad_layer_freq_k(lev) = rad_layer_k(lev,jpol)
-       End Do
-       ! point to corresponding profile and geometry structures
-       prof    => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-       prof_k => profiles_k( jpol )
-       t_effective    = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % skin % t
-       t_effective_k = ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_skin(ipol)         * &
-          &           ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_skin(ipol) )       / &
-          &           ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-          &           rad_skin_freq_k
-       prof_k % skin % t = prof_k % skin % t + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * t_effective_k
-       t_effective       = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % s2m % t
-       t_effective_k = ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_surfair(ipol)         * &
-          &           ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_surfair(ipol) )       / &
-          &           ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-          &           rad_surfair_freq_k
-       prof_k % s2m % t = prof_k % s2m % t + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * t_effective_k
-       Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-           t_effective    = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % t(lev)
-           t_effective_k = ( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_layer(lev,ipol)         * &
-                           & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_layer(lev,ipol) )       / &
-                           & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-                           & rad_layer_freq_k(lev)
-            prof_k % t(lev) = prof_k % t(lev) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * t_effective_k
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index fc3ca0f7bb2dec85c08998e8a798902831109b2f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad_k( &
-    nfrequencies,   & ! in
-    nchannels,      & ! in
-    nprofiles,      & ! in
-    channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations, & ! in
-     lprofiles,     & ! in
-     profiles,      & ! in
-     profiles_k,    & ! inout
-     coeffs,        & ! in
-     rad_skin,      & ! in
-     rad_surfair,   & ! in
-     rad_layer,     & ! in
-     rad_skin_k,    & ! in
-     rad_surfair_k, & ! in
-     rad_layer_k    ) ! in
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    rttov_coef     ,&
-    profile_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer_k( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 26213dfff63884f87470cbce2c7fb90a92cc6b00..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad_tl( &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & profiles_tl,     &! in
-     & coeffs,          &! in
-     & rad_skin,        &! in
-     & rad_surfair,     &! in
-     & rad_layer,       &! in
-     & rad_skin_tl,     &! out
-     & rad_surfair_tl,  &! out
-     & rad_layer_tl    ) ! out
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! TL code to convert an array of atmospheric temperatures
-  !   to planck radiances in many channels
-  ! No TL on Rad Cosmic, tl = 0.
-  !
-  ! derivative of Planck function with respect to temperature is
-  !
-  !                                     C2 * Nu
-  !              C1 * C2 * Nu**4 * Exp( ------- )
-  !                                        T
-  ! B'(T,Nu) = ------------------------------------- dT
-  !                     (      C2 * Nu       )**2
-  !               T**2 *( Exp( ------- ) - 1 )
-  !                     (         T          )
-  !
-  !
-  ! which can be reduced to the following, with
-  !  C1 = C1 * Nu**3
-  !  C2 = C2 * Nu
-  !
-  !              C2 * B(T,Nu) * (C1 + B(T,Nu))
-  !  B'(T,Nu) =  ----------------------------- dT
-  !                        C1 * T**2
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction factors to convert T to radiance
-  !         which have been precomputed for each channel and are read from
-  !         the RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !                      based on PLNCX of previous RTTOV versions
-  ! 1.1    02/01/2003  Comments added (R Saunders)
-  ! 1.2    26/09/2003  Multiple polarisations (S English)
-  ! 1.3    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    & rttov_coef     ,&
-    & profile_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(out) :: rad_skin_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(out) :: rad_surfair_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(out) :: rad_layer_tl( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_effective_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_freq_tl, rad_surfair_freq_tl, rad_layer_freq_tl(coeffs%nlevels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,lev,jpol,kpol,npol,ipol  ! loop indices
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer   :: prof_tl
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(i)
-     ipol=polarisations(i,1)
-     npol = polarisations(i,3)
-      ! point to corresponding profile and geometry structures
-     prof    => profiles( lprofiles(i) )
-     prof_tl => profiles_tl( lprofiles(i) )
-     t_effective    = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % skin % t
-     t_effective_tl = coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof_tl % skin % t
-     rad_skin_freq_tl =( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_skin(ipol)          * &
-                     & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_skin(ipol) )       / &
-                     & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-                    & t_effective_tl
-     t_effective       = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % s2m % t
-     t_effective_tl    = coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof_tl % s2m % t
-     rad_surfair_freq_tl =( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_surfair(ipol)       * &
-                        & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_surfair(ipol) )    / &
-                        & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ))   * &
-                      & t_effective_tl
-     Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-        t_effective    = coeffs%ff_bco(chan) + coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof % t(lev)
-        t_effective_tl = coeffs%ff_bcs(chan) * prof_tl % t(lev)
-        rad_layer_freq_tl(lev) =( coeffs%planck2(chan) * rad_layer(lev,ipol)    * &
-                               & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) + rad_layer(lev,ipol) ) / &
-                               & ( coeffs%planck1(chan) * t_effective**2 ) ) * &
-                             & t_effective_tl
-     End Do
-     !
-     Do jpol=ipol, ipol+npol-1
-       rad_skin_tl(jpol) = rad_skin_freq_tl
-       rad_surfair_tl(jpol) = rad_surfair_freq_tl
-       Do lev = 1, coeffs%nlevels
-          rad_layer_tl(lev,jpol)=rad_layer_freq_tl(lev)
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index ee4e0750c58c37938cf8998de1305fa54497f83f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_calcrad_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_calcrad_tl( &
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,   & ! in
-     nprofiles,   & ! in
-     channels,    & ! in
-     polarisations,    & ! in
-     lprofiles,   & ! in
-     profiles,    & ! in
-     profiles_tl, & ! in
-     coeffs,      & ! in
-     rad_skin,    & ! in
-     rad_surfair, & ! in
-     rad_layer,   & ! in
-     rad_skin_tl,    & ! out
-     rad_surfair_tl, & ! out
-     rad_layer_tl    ) ! out
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    rttov_coef     ,&
-    profile_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coeffs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of processed radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Array of channel indices.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_skin(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(in) :: rad_layer( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(out) :: rad_skin_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(out) :: rad_surfair_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Intent(out) :: rad_layer_tl( coeffs%nlevels , nchannels )
-End Subroutine rttov_calcrad_tl
-End Interface
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deleted file mode 100644
index e5359f7df70ddf6693fec8d03a392707cc2f20d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_checkinput.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_checkinput( &
-     & prof,        &! in
-     & coef,        &! in
-     & errorstatus ) ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! Check input profile/angles
-  ! (i)  Are physically realistic
-  ! (ii) Profile values are within the basis set used to
-  !      generate the coefficients
-  ! Unphysical values return a fatal error status
-  ! Profile values outside the basis set return a warning status
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Check input profiles with fixed limits specified
-  !         in constants and coeff file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  More comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       29/01/2003  More tests and add CO2 (P Brunel)
-  !  1.3       27/06/2005  Uncommented water vapor and ozone profile checks  (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & nsurftype           ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & tmax                ,&
-       & tmin                ,&
-       & qmax                ,&
-       & qmin                ,&
-       & o3max               ,&
-       & o3min               ,&
-       & co2max              ,&
-       & co2min              ,&
-       & clwmax              ,&
-       & clwmin              ,&
-       & pmax                ,&
-       & pmin                ,&
-       & wmax                ,&
-       & zenmax              ,&
-       & ctpmax              ,&
-       & ctpmin
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent (in) :: prof    ! input profiles
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (in) :: coef    ! coefficients
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: wind
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: dp( coef % nlevels )
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_checkinput'
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: firstlevel,ilev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ig          ! gas number
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------
-  !0. Initialize
-  !-------------
-  errorstatus = errorstatus_success
-  !determine first pressure level above the surface (note levels are top down)
-  Do firstlevel = coef % nlevels, 1, -1
-     If ( coef % ref_prfl_p(firstlevel) <= prof % s2m % p ) Exit
-  End Do
-  ! Compare Profile Levels and Model Levels
-  If ( prof % nlevels /= coef % nlevels ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid profile number of levels" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  dp(:) = abs ( coef % ref_prfl_p(:) - prof % p(:) ) / coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  If ( Any( dp > 0.01_JPRB ) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid profile pressure levels" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  !------------------------------
-  !1. Check for unphysical values
-  !------------------------------
-  ! zenith angle
-  If ( prof % zenangle > zenmax .Or. &
-       & prof % zenangle < 0._JPRB          ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid zenith angle" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! Cloud Top Pressure
-  If ( prof % ctp > ctpmax .Or. &
-       & prof % ctp < ctpmin      ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid cloud top pressure" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! Cloud Fraction
-  If ( prof % cfraction > 100._JPRB .Or. &
-       & prof % cfraction < 0._JPRB        ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid cloud fraction" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  !1.1 surface variables
-  !---------------------
-  ! Pressure
-  If ( prof % s2m % p > pmax .Or. &
-       & prof % s2m % p < pmin      ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid surface pressure" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! 2m air temperature
-  If ( prof % s2m % t    > tmax .Or. &
-       & prof % s2m % t    < tmin ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid 2m air temperature" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! 2m water vapour
-  If ( prof % s2m % q > qmax .Or. &
-       & prof % s2m % q < qmin      ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid 2m water vapour" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  !  surface wind speed
-  wind = sqrt(&
-        & prof % s2m % u * prof % s2m % u + &
-        & prof % s2m % v * prof % s2m % v   )
-  If ( wind > wmax .Or. &
-       & wind < 0._JPRB      ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid 2m wind speed" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! surface skin temperature
-  If ( prof % skin % t > tmax .Or. &
-       & prof % skin % t < tmin      ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "invalid skin surface temperature" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! surface type
-  If ( prof % skin % surftype < 0 .Or. prof % skin % surftype > nsurftype ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "some invalid surface type" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  !1.2 atmospheric variables
-  !-------------------------
-  ! temperature
-  If ( Any( prof % t(1:firstlevel) > tmax ) .Or. &
-       & Any( prof % t(1:firstlevel) < tmin )      ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "some invalid atmospheric temperature" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! water vapour
-  If ( Any( prof % q(1:firstlevel) > qmax ) .Or. &
-       Any( prof % q(1:firstlevel) < qmin )      ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "some invalid atmospheric water vapour" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  ! ozone
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0) Then
-     If ( Any( prof % o3(1:firstlevel) > o3max ) .Or. &
-          Any( prof % o3(1:firstlevel) < o3min )      ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "some invalid atmospheric ozone" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     End If
-  Endif
-  ! CO2
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0) Then
-     If ( Any( prof % co2(1:firstlevel) > co2max ) .Or. &
-          & Any( prof % co2(1:firstlevel) < co2min )      ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "some invalid atmospheric CO2" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     End If
-  Endif
-  ! cloud liquid water
-  If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-     If ( Any( prof % clw(1:firstlevel) > clwmax ) .Or. &
-          & Any( prof % clw(1:firstlevel) < clwmin )      ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "some invalid cloud liquid water" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     End If
-  Endif
-  !-----------------------------
-  !2. Check against basis values
-  !-----------------------------
-  If ( errorstatus /= errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-     If ( Any( prof % t(1:firstlevel) > coef % lim_prfl_tmax(1:firstlevel) ) .Or. &
-          & Any( prof % t(1:firstlevel) < coef % lim_prfl_tmin(1:firstlevel) ) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_warning
-        Write( errMessage, '( "some atmospheric temperature outside coef. limits" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     End If
-     ig = coef % fmv_gas_pos( gas_id_watervapour )
-     If ( Any( prof % q(1:firstlevel) > coef % lim_prfl_gmax(1:firstlevel, ig) ) .Or. &
-          Any( prof % q(1:firstlevel) < coef % lim_prfl_gmin(1:firstlevel, ig) ) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_warning
-        Write( errMessage, '( "some atmospheric water vapour outside coef. limits" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     End If 
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0) Then
-        ig = coef % fmv_gas_pos( gas_id_ozone )
-        If ( Any( prof % o3(1:firstlevel) > coef % lim_prfl_gmax(1:firstlevel, ig) ) .Or. &
-             Any( prof % o3(1:firstlevel) < coef % lim_prfl_gmin(1:firstlevel, ig) ) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_warning
-           Write( errMessage, '( "some atmospheric ozone outside coef. limits" )' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End If
-     If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0) Then
-        ig = coef % fmv_gas_pos( gas_id_co2 )
-        If ( Any( prof % co2(1:firstlevel) > coef % lim_prfl_gmax(1:firstlevel, ig) ) .Or. &
-             & Any( prof % co2(1:firstlevel) < coef % lim_prfl_gmin(1:firstlevel, ig) ) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_warning
-           Write( errMessage, '( "some atmospheric CO2 outside coef. limits" )' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End If
-  End If
-End Subroutine rttov_checkinput
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deleted file mode 100644
index b5f6369e75f49e08572bede9ed17bbf4a8bfbbfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_checkinput.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_checkinput( &
-     prof,       & ! in
-     coef,       & ! in
-     errorstatus ) ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       nsurftype           ,&
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_id_co2          ,&
-       tmax                ,&
-       tmin                ,&
-       qmax                ,&
-       qmin                ,&
-       o3max               ,&
-       o3min               ,&
-       co2max              ,&
-       co2min              ,&
-       clwmax              ,&
-       clwmin              ,&
-       pmax                ,&
-       pmin                ,&
-       wmax                ,&
-       zenmax              ,&
-       ctpmax              ,&
-       ctpmin
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent (in) :: prof    ! input profiles
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (in) :: coef    ! coefficients
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-End Subroutine rttov_checkinput
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b343d7392f5a3b60117d7482e68ff0cb90228f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_cld( &
-     & errorstatus,    &! out
-     & nfrequencies,   &! in
-     & nchannels,      &! in
-     & nbtout,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,      &! in
-     & channels,       &! in
-     & polarisations,  &! in
-     & lprofiles,      &! in
-     & profiles,       &! inout  (to invalid clw absorption)
-     & cld_profiles,   &! in
-     & coef,           &! in
-     & calcemis,       &! in
-     & emissivity,     &! inout
-     & cld_radiance )   ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy sky.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! See Chevallier, F., P. Bauer, G. A. Kelly, C. Jakob,
-  ! and T. McNally, 2001 Model clouds over oceans as seen
-  ! from space: comparison with HIRS/2 and MSU radiances.
-  ! J. Climate 14 4216-4229.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       03/2001   Initial version (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.1     19/7/2001   Version for testing RTTOV-7 (R. Saunders)
-  !  2.0    01/12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  2.1    02/01/2002   Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  2.2    08/01/04     Added polarisation (S English)
-  !  2.3    06/10/04     Add errorstatus to rttov_emiscld call (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & overlap_scheme
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-#include "rttov_emiscld.interface"
-#include "rttov_aitosu.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcbt.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels  ! Number of output radiances
-                                                           !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles  ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)      ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)      ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)     ! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles) ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef  ! Coefficients
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)  ! switch for emmissivity calc.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels) ! surface emmissivity
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance    ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)  ! return flag
-  !local variables:
-  Logical :: addcloud
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nwp_levels  ! number of levels for NWP profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nrt_levels  ! number of levels for RTTOV_direct integration
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jl     ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jk     ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ipf    ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(10)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Type(geometry_Type)   :: angles(nprofiles)    ! geometry angles
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=10) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_cld '
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiance
-  Type(transmission_Type)  :: transmission
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  radiance % clear     => cld_radiance % clear
-  radiance % clear_out => cld_radiance % clear_out
-  radiance % cloudy    => cld_radiance % cloudy
-  radiance % total     => cld_radiance % total
-  radiance % total_out => cld_radiance % total_out
-  radiance % bt        => cld_radiance % bt
-  radiance % bt_clear  => cld_radiance % bt_clear
-  radiance % out       => cld_radiance % out
-  radiance % out_clear => cld_radiance % out_clear
-  radiance % upclear   => cld_radiance % upclear
-  radiance % dnclear   => cld_radiance % dnclear
-  radiance % reflclear => cld_radiance % reflclear
-  Allocate( radiance % overcast(coef % nlevels, nchannels) ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate( radiance % downcld (coef % nlevels, nchannels) ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-  ! allocate transmission structure
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_layer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !*         1.   Gas absorption
-  addcloud = .True.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  If ( Any(.Not.profiles(:)%clw_Data) ) Then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles(:)%clw_Data = .False.
-  End If
-  Call rttov_direct( &
-        & errorstatus,    &! out
-        & nfrequencies,   &! in
-        & nchannels,      &! in
-        & nbtout,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,      &! in
-        & channels,       &! in
-        & polarisations,  &! in
-        & lprofiles,      &! in
-        & profiles,       &! in
-        & coef,           &! in
-        & addcloud,       &! in
-        & calcemis,       &! in
-        & emissivity,     &! inout
-        & transmission,   &! inout
-        & radiance     )   ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_direct")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  ! In order to make minimum changes inside the Cloud code
-  ! we will pass some structure elements as arguments to the
-  ! routines
-  ! For example: number of levels   cld_profiles(1)%nlevels
-  ! Be carefull that inside routines local arrays have a different
-  ! shape as structures (see rttov_types)
-  ! For RTTOV8 all arrays with channels and levels dimensions have the
-  ! following shape (nlevels, nchannels). This is the reverse
-  ! for local arrays of cloud routines.
-  !*  2.   Interpolate cloud contribution to model levels
-  ! compute arrays overcast, downcld of type cld_radiancedata
-  nwp_levels   = cld_profiles(1) % nlevels
-  nrt_levels   = profiles(1)     % nlevels
-  Do jl = 1, nchannels
-     freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-     ipf = lprofiles(freq)
-     Call rttov_intex( &
-           & nrt_levels,        &! in
-           & nwp_levels,        &! in
-           & profiles(ipf)     % p,      &! in
-           & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,      &! in
-           & radiance     % overcast(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-           & cld_radiance % overcast(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! inout
-     Call rttov_intex( &
-           & nrt_levels,        &! in
-           & nwp_levels,        &! in
-           & profiles(ipf)     % p,      &! in
-           & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,      &! in
-           & radiance     % downcld(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-           & cld_radiance % downcld(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! inout
-  End Do
-  !* 3.   Calculate cloud emissivity
-  Call rttov_emiscld(  &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-        & coef,              &! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_radiance)       ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_emiscld")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !*  4.   Compute the weights of the cloud layers
-  !   ---------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_aitosu( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & overlap_scheme,    &! in
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  (cloud cover)
-        & cld_radiance  )     ! inout  (cldemis input and
-  ! cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output)
-  !*  5.   Integrate *rt* equation.
-  !         --------- ---- --------
-  ! clear-sky contribution
-  ! without the surface reflection
-  cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:) * cld_radiance % upclear (:)
-  ! with the surface-reflected clear-sky downward radiance
-  cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % total (:) +&
-        & cld_radiance % cs_wsurf(:) * cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:) *&
-        & cld_radiance % reflclear (:)
-  !
-  ! cloud contribution
-  Do jk = 1, nwp_levels
-     ! cloud upward emission
-     cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % total (:) +&
-           & cld_radiance % wtoa(jk,:) * cld_radiance % overcast(jk,:)
-     ! cloud downward emission, reflected at the surface
-     cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % total (:) +&
-           & cld_radiance % wsurf(jk,:) * cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:) *&
-           & cld_radiance % downcld(jk,:)
-  End Do
-  ! Remember that radiance struture is mainly pointing on cld_radiance
-  ! so we can use radiance struture for conversion of radiance to brightness temperatue.
-  Call rttov_calcbt( &
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & coef,          &! in
-       & radiance      ) ! inout
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     Do ipf = 1, nprofiles
-       Call rttov_setgeometry( &
-          & profiles(ipf),   &! in
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & angles(ipf) )     ! out
-     End Do
-     !
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-        & nfrequencies,   &! in
-        & nchannels,      &! in
-        & nprofiles,      &! in
-        & angles,         &! in
-        & channels,       &! in
-        & polarisations,  &! in
-        & lprofiles,      &! in
-        & coef,           &! in
-        & radiance       ) ! inout
-  Else
-  radiance%out       = radiance%bt
-        radiance%out_clear = radiance%bt_clear
-  radiance%total_out = radiance%total
-        radiance%clear_out = radiance%clear
-  End If
-  ! deallocate radiance structure for overcast and dowcld arrays
-  Deallocate( radiance % overcast ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Deallocate( radiance % downcld  ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  ! deallocate transmission structure
-  Deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % clear )
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % cloudy  )
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % total )
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % bt )
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % bt_clear )
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % upclear )
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % dnclear )
-!!$  nullify ( radiance % reflclear )
-  !
-End Subroutine rttov_cld
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index dfe9d6d7331b16581b778ba5f87208586f5e8e40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_cld( &
-     errorstatus,     & ! out
-     nfrequencies,    & ! in
-     nchannels,       & ! in
-     nbtout,          & ! in
-     nprofiles,       & ! in
-     channels,        & ! in
-     polarisations,   & ! in
-     lprofiles,       & ! in
-     profiles,        & ! inout  (to invalid clw absorption)
-     cld_profiles,    & ! in
-     coef,            & ! in
-     calcemis,        & ! in
-     emissivity,      & ! inout
-     cld_radiance )     ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       overlap_scheme
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       rttov_coef           ,&
-       geometry_Type        ,&
-       profile_Type         ,&
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type    ,&
-       radiance_Type        ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)      ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles) ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef  ! Coefficients
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)  ! switch for emmissivity calc.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels) ! surface emmissivity
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance    ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)  ! return flag
-End Subroutine rttov_cld
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b9778cef3be9dde196512eb7718ae3820204aa4f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_cld_ad ( &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_ad, &! inout
-     & emissivity_ad,   &! inout
-     & cld_radiance,    &! inout
-     & cld_radiance_ad ) ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy sky.
-  ! Note that cld_radiance_ad can be used for all its structure elements
-  ! In normal case the element total or bt is the only one initialised but
-  ! for some particular cases like for rttov_cld_ad some other elements
-  ! have been already init.
-  ! According to the argument switchrad the main input total or bt is used
-  ! switchrad == true    bt is the input, brightness temperature
-  ! switchrad == false   total is the input, radiance
-  !
-  ! The AD outputs cld_profiles_ad, profiles_ad and emissivity_ad should be
-  ! allocated and initialised before calling the subroutine
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! See Chevallier, F., P. Bauer, G. A. Kelly, C. Jakob,
-  ! and T. McNally, 2001 Model clouds over oceans as seen
-  ! from space: comparison with HIRS/2 and MSU radiances.
-  ! J. Climate 14 4216-4229.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       03/2001   Initial version (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.1     19/7/2001   Version for testing RTTOV-7 (R. Saunders)
-  !  2.0    01/12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  2.1    02/01/2002   Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  2.2    08/01/04     Added polarisation (S English)
-  !  2.3    06/10/04     Add errorstatus to rttov_emiscld_ad call (J Cameron)
-  !  2.4    29/03/2005   Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & overlap_scheme
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-#include "rttov_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_emiscld.interface"
-#include "rttov_emiscld_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_aitosu.interface"
-#include "rttov_aitosu_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcbt.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcbt_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: cld_profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_ad
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  !local variables:
-  Logical :: addcloud
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nwp_levels  ! number of levels for NWP profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nrt_levels  ! number of levels for RTTOV_direct integration
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jl     ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jk     ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ipf    ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(20)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Type(geometry_Type)   :: angles(nprofiles)    ! geometry angles
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=12) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_cld_ad'
-  Real(Kind=jprb)     :: null_press(coef%nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)     :: total_ref(nchannels), bt_ref(nchannels)
-  !Real(Kind=jprb)     :: tau_surf(nchannels)
-  !Real(Kind=jprb)     :: tau_layer(coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiance
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiance_ad
-  Type(transmission_Type) :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type) :: transmission_ad
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  radiance % clear     => cld_radiance % clear
-  radiance % clear_out => cld_radiance % clear_out
-  radiance % cloudy    => cld_radiance % cloudy
-  radiance % total     => cld_radiance % total
-  radiance % total_out => cld_radiance % total_out
-  radiance % bt        => cld_radiance % bt
-  radiance % bt_clear  => cld_radiance % bt_clear
-  radiance % out       => cld_radiance % out
-  radiance % out_clear => cld_radiance % out_clear
-  radiance % upclear   => cld_radiance % upclear
-  radiance % dnclear   => cld_radiance % dnclear
-  radiance % reflclear => cld_radiance % reflclear
-  allocate( radiance % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate( radiance % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
- ! allocate transmission arrays
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_layer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  ! Repeat Direct Code
-  !*         1.   Gas absorption
-  addcloud = .true.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  if ( any(.not.profiles(:)%clw_data) ) then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles(:)%clw_data = .false.
-  End If
-  ! inside "classical" RTTOV profile should be considered clear
-  if ( any(profiles(:)%cfraction > 0._JPRB) ) then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles(:)%cfraction = 0._JPRB
-  End If
-  Call rttov_direct( &
-        & errorstatus,    &! out
-        & nfrequencies,   &! in
-        & nchannels,      &! in
-        & nbtout,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,      &! in
-        & channels,       &! in
-        & polarisations,  &! in
-        & lprofiles,      &! in
-        & profiles,       &! in
-        & coef,           &! in
-        & addcloud,       &! in
-        & calcemis,       &! in
-        & emissivity,     &! inout
-        & transmission,   &! inout
-        & radiance     )   ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_direct")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  ! In order to make minimum changes inside the Cloud code
-  ! we will pass some structure elements as arguments to the
-  ! routines
-  ! For example: number of levels   cld_profiles(1)%nlevels
-  ! Be carefull that inside routines local arrays have a different
-  ! shape as structures (see rttov_types)
-  ! For RTTOV8 all arrays with channels and levels dimensions have the
-  ! following shape (nlevels, nchannels). This is the reverse
-  ! for local arrays of cloud routines.
-  !*         2.   Interpolate cloud contribution to model levels
-  ! compute arrays overcast, downcld of type cld_radiancedata
-  nwp_levels   = cld_profiles(1) % nlevels
-  nrt_levels   = profiles(1)     % nlevels
-  DO jl = 1, nchannels
-     freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-     ipf = lprofiles(freq)
-     call rttov_intex( &
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & profiles(ipf)     % p,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,      &! in
-        & radiance     % overcast(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-        & cld_radiance % overcast(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! inout
-     call rttov_intex( &
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & profiles(ipf)     % p,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,      &! in
-        & radiance     % downcld(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-        & cld_radiance % downcld(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! inout
-  End Do
-  !*         3.   Calculate cloud emissivity
-  call rttov_emiscld(  &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-        & coef,              &! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_radiance)       ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_emiscld")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !*         4.   Compute the weights of the cloud layers
-  !               ---------------------------------------
-  call rttov_aitosu( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & overlap_scheme,    &! in
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  (cloud cover)
-        & cld_radiance  )     ! inout  (cldemis input and
-           ! cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output)
-  !*         5.   Integrate *rt* equation.
-  !               --------- ---- --------
-  ! clear-sky contribution
-  ! without the surface reflection
-  cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:) *&
-        & cld_radiance % upclear (:)
-  ! with the surface-reflected clear-sky downward radiance
-  cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % total (:) +&
-        & cld_radiance % cs_wsurf(:) *&
-        & cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:)  *&
-        & cld_radiance % reflclear (:)
-  !
-  ! cloud contribution
-  DO jk = 1, nwp_levels
-     ! cloud upward emission
-     cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % total (:) +&
-           & cld_radiance % wtoa(jk,:)  *&
-           & cld_radiance % overcast(jk,:)
-     ! cloud downward emission, reflected at the surface
-     cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % total (:) +&
-           & cld_radiance % wsurf(jk,:)  *&
-           & cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:)   *&
-           & cld_radiance % downcld(jk,:)
-  ! Remember that radiance struture is mainly pointing on cld_radiance
-  ! so we can use radiance struture for conversion of radiance to brightness temperatue.
-  Call rttov_calcbt( &
-    &    nfrequencies,    &! in
-    &    nchannels,       &! in
-    &    channels,        &! in
-    &    polarisations,   &! in
-         & coef,            &! in
-         & radiance        ) ! inout
-  ! Save cloudy radiance/brightness temperature since they are overwritten in rttov_ad
-  total_ref(:) = cld_radiance % total (:)
-  bt_ref   (:) = cld_radiance % bt    (:)
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------
-  ! AD code
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Initialise AD variables
-  ! allocate radiance AD results arrays with number of channels
-  radiance_ad % clear     => cld_radiance_ad % clear
-  radiance_ad % clear_out => cld_radiance_ad % clear_out
-  radiance_ad % cloudy    => cld_radiance_ad % cloudy
-  radiance_ad % total     => cld_radiance_ad % total
-  radiance_ad % total_out => cld_radiance_ad % total_out
-  radiance_ad % bt        => cld_radiance_ad % bt
-  radiance_ad % out    => cld_radiance_ad % out
-  radiance_ad % out_clear => cld_radiance_ad % out_clear
-  radiance_ad % bt_clear  => cld_radiance_ad % bt_clear
-  radiance_ad % upclear   => cld_radiance_ad % upclear
-  radiance_ad % reflclear => cld_radiance_ad % reflclear
-  allocate( radiance_ad % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate( radiance_ad % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  allocate( transmission_ad % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  allocate( transmission_ad % tau_layer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate( transmission_ad % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  radiance_ad % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad % downcld  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_ad % tau_surf       (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_ad % tau_layer      (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_ad % od_singlelayer (:,:) = 0._JPRB
- If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     Do ipf = 1, nprofiles
-       Call rttov_setgeometry( &
-          & profiles(ipf),   &! in
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & angles(ipf) )     ! out
-     End Do
-     !
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & coef,              &! in
-        & radiance        )   ! inout
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation_ad( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nbtout,            &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & coef,              &! in
-        & radiance_ad     )   ! inout
-  Else
-  radiance%out         = radiance%bt
-        radiance%out_clear   = radiance%bt_clear
-  radiance%total_out   = radiance%total
-        radiance%clear_out   = radiance%clear
-  radiance_ad%bt       = radiance_ad%out
-        radiance_ad%bt_clear = radiance_ad%out_clear
-  radiance_ad%total    = radiance_ad%total_out
-        radiance_ad%clear    = radiance_ad%clear_out
-  End If
-! if input AD unit is temperature, convert it in radiance
-  if ( switchrad )  then
-     Call rttov_calcbt_ad( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & coef,              &! in
-        & radiance,          &! in
-        & radiance_ad     )   ! inout   output is only radiance_ad%total
-  endif
-  !*         5.   Integrate *rt* equation.
-  !               --------- ---- --------
-  ! cloud contribution
-  DO jk = 1, nwp_levels
-     ! cloud downward emission, reflected at the surface
-     cld_radiance_ad%downcld(jk,:) = cld_radiance_ad%downcld(jk,:) +&
-           & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-           & cld_radiance %wsurf(jk,:) *&
-           & cld_radiance %cs_wtoa(:)
-     cld_radiance_ad%cs_wtoa(:)    = cld_radiance_ad%cs_wtoa(:)    +&
-           & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-           & cld_radiance %wsurf(jk,:)   *&
-           & cld_radiance %downcld(jk,:)
-     cld_radiance_ad%wsurf(jk,:)   = cld_radiance_ad%wsurf(jk,:)   +&
-           & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-           & cld_radiance %cs_wtoa(:)    *&
-           & cld_radiance %downcld(jk,:)
-     ! cloud upward emission
-     cld_radiance_ad % wtoa(jk,:) = cld_radiance_ad % wtoa(jk,:) +&
-           & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-           & cld_radiance    % overcast(jk,:)
-     cld_radiance_ad % overcast(jk,:) = cld_radiance_ad % overcast(jk,:) +&
-           & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-           & cld_radiance    % wtoa(jk,:)
-  ! with the surface-reflected clear-sky downward radiance
-  cld_radiance_ad%cs_wsurf(:) = cld_radiance_ad%cs_wsurf(:) +&
-        & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-        & cld_radiance %cs_wtoa(:)    *&
-        & cld_radiance %reflclear(:)
-  cld_radiance_ad%cs_wtoa(:)  = cld_radiance_ad%cs_wtoa(:)  +&
-        & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-        & cld_radiance %cs_wsurf(:)   *&
-        & cld_radiance %reflclear(:)
-  cld_radiance_ad%reflclear(:) = cld_radiance_ad%reflclear(:) +&
-        & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-        & cld_radiance %cs_wsurf(:)   *&
-        & cld_radiance %cs_wtoa(:)
-  ! clear-sky contribution
-  ! without the surface reflection
-  cld_radiance_ad % cs_wtoa(:)  = cld_radiance_ad % cs_wtoa(:)  +&
-        & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-        & cld_radiance % upclear (:)
-  cld_radiance_ad % upclear (:) = cld_radiance_ad % upclear (:) +&
-        & cld_radiance_ad % total (:) *&
-        & cld_radiance    % cs_wtoa(:)
-  cld_radiance_ad % total (:) = 0._JPRB
-  !*         4.   Compute the weights of the cloud layers
-  !               ---------------------------------------
-  call rttov_aitosu_ad( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & overlap_scheme,    &! in
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  (cloud cover)
-        & cld_profiles_ad,   &! inout  (cloud cover updated)
-        & cld_radiance ,     &! inout  (cldemis in input and
-                              !   cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output are zeroed)
-        & cld_radiance_ad  )  ! inout  (cldemis updated and
-                              !   cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output are zeroed)
-  !*         3.   Calculate cloud emissivity
-  call rttov_emiscld_ad(  &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-        & coef,              &! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles_ad,   &! inout
-        & cld_radiance,      &! inout  (cldemis part only)
-        & cld_radiance_ad)    ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_emiscld")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !*         2.   Interpolate cloud contribution to model levels
-  ! compute arrays overcast, downcld of type cld_radiancedata
-  DO jl = 1, nchannels
-     freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-     ipf = lprofiles(freq)
-     null_press(:) = 0._JPRB
-     call rttov_intex_ad( &
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & null_press,        &! inout
-        & cld_profiles_ad(ipf) % p,                     &! inout
-        & radiance_ad     % downcld(1:nrt_levels,jl),   &! inout
-        & cld_radiance_ad % downcld(1:nwp_levels,jl),   &! inout
-        & profiles(ipf)     % p,                        &! in
-        & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,                        &! in
-        & radiance     % downcld(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-        & cld_radiance % downcld(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! out
-     null_press(:) = 0._JPRB
-     call rttov_intex_ad( &
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & null_press,        &! inout
-        & cld_profiles_ad(ipf) % p,                      &! inout
-        & radiance_ad     % overcast(1:nrt_levels,jl),   &! inout
-        & cld_radiance_ad % overcast(1:nwp_levels,jl),   &! inout
-        & profiles(ipf)     % p,                         &! in
-        & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,                         &! in
-        & radiance     % overcast(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-        & cld_radiance % overcast(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! out
-  End Do
-  ! Input of CLD_AD code are Bt increments for "total" (cloudy) and
-  ! "clear" arrays
-  ! Cloudy part has been considered above, now just consider the gas absorption
-  ! and run rttov_ad in clear conditions
-  ! Overcast arrays have been interpolated to rttov levels and are part on the
-  ! input of rttov_ad. They are represented by structure elements
-  ! upclear, reflclear, overcast and downcld
-  if( switchrad ) then
-     radiance_ad%out(:)    = radiance_ad%out_clear(:)
-     radiance_ad%total(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%cloudy(:)= 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%out_clear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%bt_clear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%bt(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  Else
-     radiance_ad%total_out(:) = radiance_ad%clear_out(:)
-     radiance_ad%out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%cloudy(:)= 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%out_clear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%bt_clear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad%bt(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  End If
-  !*         1.   Gas absorption
-  addcloud = .true.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  if ( any(.not.profiles(:)%clw_data) ) then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles(:)%clw_data = .false.
-  End If
-  Call rttov_ad( &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout
-     & emissivity_ad,   &! inout
-     & transmission,    &! inout
-     & transmission_ad, &! inout
-     & radiance,        &! inout
-     & radiance_ad     ) ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_ad")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  ! Get correct values of cloudy radiance/brightness temperature
-  cld_radiance % total (:) = total_ref(:)
-  cld_radiance % bt    (:) = bt_ref   (:)
-  ! deallocate radiance structure for overcast and dowcld arrays
-  deallocate( radiance % overcast    ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  deallocate( radiance % downcld     ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  deallocate( radiance_ad % overcast ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  deallocate( radiance_ad % downcld  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  deallocate( transmission_ad % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  deallocate( transmission_ad % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  deallocate( transmission_ad % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-End Subroutine Rttov_cld_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index a8410243a78ce110dd8cc39de71c9ad9e88d5fb0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_cld_ad ( &
-     errorstatus,    & ! out
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nbtout,         & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     cld_profiles,   & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     switchrad,      & ! in
-     calcemis,       & ! in
-     emissivity,     & ! inout
-     profiles_ad,    & ! inout
-     cld_profiles_ad,& ! inout
-     emissivity_ad,  & ! inout
-     cld_radiance,   & ! inout
-     cld_radiance_ad ) ! inout
-! Note that cld_radiance_ad can be used for all its structure elements
-! In normal case the element total or bt is the only one initialised but
-! for some particular cases like for rttov_cld_ad some other elements
-! have been already init.
-! According to the argument switchrad the main input total or bt is used
-! switchrad == true    bt is the input, brightness temperature
-! switchrad == false   total is the input, radiance
-! The AD outputs cld_profiles_ad, profiles_ad and emissivity_ad should be
-! allocated and initialised before calling the subroutine
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       overlap_scheme
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       rttov_coef           ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       profile_Type         ,&
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type    ,&
-       radiance_Type        ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: cld_profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_ad
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-End Subroutine Rttov_cld_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdd6dae0bea953bfb603e76b3de01a04982138e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_cld_k  ( &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_k ,     &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_k , &! inout
-     & emissivity_k ,   &! inout
-     & cld_radiance)     ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute microwave multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy sky.
-  !
-  ! According to the argument switchrad the main input total or bt is used
-  ! switchrad == true    bt is the input, brightness temperature
-  ! switchrad == false   total is the input, radiance
-  ! The AD outputs cld_profiles_ad, profiles_ad and emissivity_ad should be
-  ! allocated and initialised before calling the subroutine
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method :
-  ! ------
-  ! According to the argument switchrad the main input total or bt is used
-  ! switchrad == true    bt is the input, brightness temperature
-  ! switchrad == false   total is the input, radiance
-  !
-  ! The K outputs cld_profiles_k , profiles_k  and emissivity_k  should be
-  ! allocated and initialised before calling the subroutine
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2003   Initial version (F. Chevallier) Note not based on RTTOV-7 code
-  !  1.1       08/01/04  Added polarisation (S English)
-  !  1.2       06/10/04  Change stop to return (J Cameron)
-  !  1.3       29/03/05  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! Declarations:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & overlap_scheme
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_cld_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: cld_profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i, j, jj, k, istart, istop, nchan, nprof ,nfreq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: kchan, kstart, kstop, kemis
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: kbtout, jstart, jstop, jcount
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)         :: kpol(nchannels/nprofiles,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: kchannels(nfrequencies/nprofiles)
-  Logical            :: kcalcemis(nchannels/nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: kemissivity(nchannels/nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Type(geometry_Type)   :: angles(nprofiles)    ! geometry angles
-  Type(profile_Type)         :: profiles_ad(1)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type)   :: cld_profiles_ad(1)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type)  :: cld_rad
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type)  :: cld_radiance_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)            :: emissivity_ad(nchannels/nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)         :: lprof(nfrequencies/nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)            :: total_ref(nchannels), bt_ref(nchannels)
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=11) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_cld_k'
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  nprof = 1
-  nfreq = nfrequencies/nprofiles
-  kbtout = nbtout/nprofiles
-  kchan = nchannels/nprofiles
-  Do j = 1, nprof
-     profiles_ad(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-  End do
-  Do j = 1, nprof
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % nlevels =  cld_profiles(1) % nlevels
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % p  ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % ph ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels+1 ) )
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % t  ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % cc ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % clw( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels ) )
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % ciw( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels ) )
-  End do
-  istop = 0
-  kstop = 0
-  jstop = 0
-  lprof(:) = 1
-  kpol(:,:) = 0
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-    istart  = istop + 1
-    istop = istart + kchan - 1
-    kstart = kstop + 1
-    kstop = kstart + nfreq - 1
-    nchan = kchan
-    jstart = jstop + 1
-    jstop = jstart + kbtout -1
-    ! transfer arrays to single profile arrays
-    kpol(1:nchan,:) = polarisations(1:nchan,:) ! Note assumes first array is same for every prof
-    kchannels(1:nfreq) = channels(kstart:kstop)
-    kemissivity(1:nchan) = emissivity(istart:istop)
-    kcalcemis(1:nchan) = calcemis(istart:istop)
-    ! Allocate structure with arrays dimensioned to nchan
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % clear    ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % clear_out( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % cloudy   ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % total    ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % total_out( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % bt       ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % bt_clear ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % out_clear( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % out      ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % upclear  ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % reflclear( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % overcast ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % downcld  ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % cldemis  ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % wtoa     ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % wsurf    ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % cs_wtoa  ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_radiance_ad % cs_wsurf ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % clear    ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % clear_out( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % cloudy   ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % total    ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % total_out( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % bt       ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % bt_clear ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % out      ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % out_clear( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % upclear  ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % dnclear  ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % reflclear( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % overcast ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % downcld  ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % cldemis  ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % wtoa     ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % wsurf    ( cld_profiles(1) % nlevels, nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % cs_wtoa  ( nchan ) )
-    Allocate( cld_rad % cs_wsurf ( nchan ) )
-    jcount = jstart-1
-    kemis = istart
-    Do j = istart, istop
-      jcount = jcount + 1
-      !
-      ! Initialise AD input
-      !
-      cld_radiance_ad % clear    (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % clear_out(:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % cloudy   (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % total    (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % total_out(:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % bt       (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % bt_clear (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % out      (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % out_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % upclear  (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % reflclear(:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % downcld  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % cldemis  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % wtoa     (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % wsurf    (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % cs_wtoa  (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_radiance_ad % cs_wsurf (:) = 0._JPRB
-      If ( switchrad ) Then
-        cld_radiance_ad % out    (j - istart + 1) = 1._JPRB
-      Else
-        cld_radiance_ad % total_out (j - istart + 1) = 1._JPRB
-      Endif
-      !
-      ! Initialise AD output
-      !
-      profiles_ad(1) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-      profiles_ad(1) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-      profiles_ad(1) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-      profiles_ad(1) % zenangle   = -1       ! no meaning
-      ! increments for atmospheric variables
-      profiles_ad(1) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-      profiles_ad(1) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-      profiles_ad(1) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-      profiles_ad(1) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-      profiles_ad(1) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-      ! increments for air surface variables
-      profiles_ad(1) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB!  temperarure
-      profiles_ad(1) % s2m % q = 0._JPRB !  WV
-      profiles_ad(1) % s2m % o = 0._JPRB !  O3
-      profiles_ad(1) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB!  pressure
-      profiles_ad(1) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-      profiles_ad(1) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-      ! increments for skin variables
-      profiles_ad(1) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-      profiles_ad(1) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-      profiles_ad(1) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB
-      ! increments for cloud variables
-      profiles_ad(1) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! pressure
-      profiles_ad(1) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-      ! Cloud profiles
-      cld_profiles_ad(1) % p  (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_profiles_ad(1) % ph (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_profiles_ad(1) % t  (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_profiles_ad(1) % cc (:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_profiles_ad(1) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-      cld_profiles_ad(1) % ciw(:) = 0._JPRB
-      ! surface emissivity
-      emissivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-      Call Rttov_cld_ad  ( &
-         & errorstatus(i),       &! out
-         & nfreq,                &! in
-         & nchan,                &! in
-         & kbtout,               &! in
-         & nprof,                &! in
-         & kchannels,            &! in
-         & kpol,                 &! in
-         & lprof,                &! in
-         & profiles(i),          &! in
-         & cld_profiles(i),      &! in
-         & coef,                 &! in
-         & switchrad,            &! in
-         & kcalcemis,            &! in
-         & kemissivity,          &! inout
-         & profiles_ad,          &! inout
-         & cld_profiles_ad,      &! inout
-         & emissivity_ad,        &! inout
-         & cld_rad,              &! inout
-         & cld_radiance_ad )      ! inout
-      If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-         Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_cld_ad")' )
-         Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-         Return
-      End If
-      !
-      ! Save derivatives for that profile and that channel in K matrix
-      !
-      If (jcount <= jstop) Then
-       ! increments for atmospheric variables
-       profiles_k(jcount) % t(:)   = profiles_ad(1) % t(:)
-       profiles_k(jcount) % o3(:)  = profiles_ad(1) % o3(:)
-       profiles_k(jcount) % q(:)   = profiles_ad(1) % q(:)
-       ! increments for air surface variables
-       profiles_k(jcount) % s2m % t = profiles_ad(1) % s2m % t
-       profiles_k(jcount) % s2m % q = profiles_ad(1) % s2m % q
-       profiles_k(jcount) % s2m % o = profiles_ad(1) % s2m % o
-       profiles_k(jcount) % s2m % p = profiles_ad(1) % s2m % p
-       profiles_k(jcount) % s2m % u = profiles_ad(1) % s2m % u
-       profiles_k(jcount) % s2m % v = profiles_ad(1) % s2m % v
-       ! increments for skin variables
-       profiles_k(jcount) % skin % t        = profiles_ad(1) % skin % t
-       profiles_k(jcount) % skin % fastem   = profiles_ad(1) % skin % fastem
-      ! Cloud profiles
-       cld_profiles_k(jcount) % p  (:) = cld_profiles_ad(1) % p  (:)
-       cld_profiles_k(jcount) % ph (:) = cld_profiles_ad(1) % ph (:)
-       cld_profiles_k(jcount) % t  (:) = cld_profiles_ad(1) % t  (:)
-       cld_profiles_k(jcount) % cc (:) = cld_profiles_ad(1) % cc (:)
-       cld_profiles_k(jcount) % clw(:) = cld_profiles_ad(1) % clw(:)
-       cld_profiles_k(jcount) % ciw(:) = cld_profiles_ad(1) % ciw(:)
-      Endif
-       ! increments for surface emissivity
-       If ( kemis <= istop )Then
-         jj = kpol(j-istart+1,2)
-         Do k = 1 , kpol(jj,3)
-           emissivity_k(kemis) = emissivity_ad(kemis-istart+1)
-           kemis = kemis + 1
-         Enddo
-       Endif
-       ! Save cloudy radiance/brightness temperature
-       total_ref(istart:istop) = cld_rad % total (1:nchan)
-       bt_ref   (istart:istop) = cld_rad % bt    (1:nchan)
-    Enddo
-    ! Deallocate structure with arrays dimensioned to nchan
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % clear     )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % clear_out )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % cloudy    )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % total     )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % total_out )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % bt        )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % bt_clear  )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % out       )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % out_clear )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % upclear   )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % reflclear )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % overcast  )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % downcld   )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % cldemis   )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % wtoa      )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % wsurf     )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % cs_wtoa   )
-    Deallocate( cld_radiance_ad % cs_wsurf  )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % clear     )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % clear_out )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % cloudy    )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % total     )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % total_out )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % bt        )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % bt_clear  )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % out       )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % out_clear )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % upclear   )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % dnclear   )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % reflclear )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % overcast  )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % downcld   )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % cldemis   )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % wtoa      )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % wsurf     )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % cs_wtoa   )
-    Deallocate( cld_rad % cs_wsurf  )
-  Enddo
-  Do j = 1, nchan
-    profiles_k(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB
-    profiles_k(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-    profiles_k(j) % ctp       = 0._JPRB
-    profiles_k(j) % cfraction = 0._JPRB
-  Enddo
-  ! Get correct values of cloudy radiance/brightness temperature
-  cld_radiance % total (:) = total_ref(:)
-  cld_radiance % bt    (:) = bt_ref   (:)
-  Do j = 1, nprof
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % p  )
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % t  )
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % q  )
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % o3 )
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % clw)
-  End do
-  Do j = 1, nprof
-     Deallocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % p  )
-     Deallocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % ph )
-     Deallocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % t  )
-     Deallocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % cc )
-     Deallocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % clw)
-     Deallocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % ciw)
-  End do
-End Subroutine Rttov_cld_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f38da1e1d3a0272f5d3103245009b1057fcb92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_cld_k  ( &
-     errorstatus,    & ! out
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nbtout,         & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     cld_profiles,   & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     switchrad,      & ! in
-     calcemis,       & ! in
-     emissivity,     & ! inout
-     profiles_k ,    & ! inout
-     cld_profiles_k ,& ! inout
-     emissivity_k ,  & ! inout
-     cld_radiance)     ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       overlap_scheme
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       rttov_coef           ,&
-       geometry_Type        ,&
-       profile_Type         ,&
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: cld_profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-End Subroutine Rttov_cld_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_profout_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_profout_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 440182369ed1b5277bf44bf7dc9fd490822088f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_profout_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_cld_profout_k( &
-            nfrequencies, &       ! in
-            nchannels, &          ! in
-            nbtout, &             ! in
-            nprofiles, &          ! in
-            channels, &           ! in
-            lprofiles, &          ! in
-            polarisations, &      ! in
-            coef, &               ! in
-            geometry, &           ! in
-            cld_profiles_k_all, & ! in
-            cld_profiles_k)       ! Out
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an K-matrix brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  ! 1.1    13/10/2006  Corrected bug in pol_id (R Saunders)
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       npolar_return,       &
-       npolar_compute,      &
-       pol_v ,              &
-       pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only :  &
-       rttov_coef,         &
-       profile_cloud_Type, &
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nprofiles
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target    :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)            :: coef           ! Coefficients
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: cld_profiles_k(nbtout)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: cld_profiles_k_all(nchannels)
-  ! radiances are expressed in mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-  ! and temperatures in Kelvin
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_h,emissfactor_v
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,j,ich,ich2,pol_id,ii,nwp_levels
-  !Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-   nwp_levels = cld_profiles_k(1)%nlevels
-   ich2=1
-   Do i=1,nfrequencies
-      chan        = channels(i)
-      pol_id      = 0
-      pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-      ich = polarisations(i,1)
-      If (pol_id >= 4) then
-         ! Return all calculated polarisations (or just computed TB for IR channels)
-         Do j=1,polarisations(i,3)
-            Do  ii=1,nwp_levels
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % p(ii)    = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % p(ii)
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % ph(ii)   = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % ph(ii)
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % t(ii)    = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % t(ii)
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % cc(ii)   = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % cc(ii)
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % clw(ii)  = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % clw(ii)
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % ciw(ii)  = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % ciw(ii)
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % rain(ii) = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % rain(ii)
-               cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % sp(ii)   = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % sp(ii)
-            enddo
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % ph(nwp_levels+1)  = cld_profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % ph(nwp_levels+1)
-         End Do
-      Else If (pol_id == 1) then
-         ! Return average of V and H polarisation
-         Do  ii=1,nwp_levels
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % p(ii)        = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % p(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % p(ii)
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % ph(ii)       = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % ph(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ph(ii)
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % t(ii)        = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % t(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % t(ii)
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % cc(ii)       = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % cc(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % cc(ii)
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % clw(ii)      = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % clw(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % clw(ii)
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % ciw(ii)      = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % ciw(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ciw(ii)
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % rain(ii)     = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % rain(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % rain(ii)
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % sp(ii)       = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % sp(ii) + cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % sp(ii)
-         enddo
-         cld_profiles_k(ich2) % ph(nwp_levels+1)  = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % ph(nwp_levels+1) + &
-              cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ph(nwp_levels+1)
-      Else
-         !geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-         emissfactor_v = pol_v(1,pol_id)+pol_v(2,pol_id)+pol_v(3,pol_id)
-         emissfactor_h = pol_h(1,pol_id)+pol_h(2,pol_id)+pol_h(3,pol_id)
-         Do  ii=1,nwp_levels
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % p(ii)        = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % p(ii)*emissfactor_v +&
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % p(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % ph(ii)       = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % ph(ii)*emissfactor_v +&
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ph(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % t(ii)        = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % t(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % t(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % cc(ii)       = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % cc(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % cc(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % clw(ii)      = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % clw(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % clw(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % ciw(ii)      = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % ciw(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ciw(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % rain(ii)     = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % rain(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % rain(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            cld_profiles_k(ich2) % sp(ii)       = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % sp(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % sp(ii)*emissfactor_h
-         enddo
-         cld_profiles_k(ich2) % ph(nwp_levels+1) = cld_profiles_k_all(ich) % ph(nwp_levels+1)*emissfactor_v +&
-                                                cld_profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ph(nwp_levels+1)*emissfactor_h
-      End If
-      ich2 = ich2 + npolar_return(pol_id)
-   End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_cld_profout_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_profout_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_profout_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index d13d1b4c1b0dcf0e76affb8af4c743dd995acfd0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_profout_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_cld_profout_k( &
-            nfrequencies, &       ! in
-            nchannels, &          ! in
-            nbtout, &             ! in
-            nprofiles, &          ! in
-            channels, &           ! in
-            lprofiles, &          ! in
-            polarisations, &      ! in
-            coef, &               ! in
-            geometry, &           ! in
-            cld_profiles_k_all, & ! in
-            cld_profiles_k)       ! Out
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       npolar_return,       &
-       npolar_compute,      &
-       pol_v ,              &
-       pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only :  &
-       rttov_coef,         &
-       profile_cloud_Type, &
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nprofiles
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target    :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)            :: coef           ! Coefficients
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: cld_profiles_k(nbtout)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: cld_profiles_k_all(nchannels)
-End Subroutine rttov_cld_profout_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f4db30ea748fd88134aafa238f764deac9786376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_cld_tl ( &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_tl,     &! in
-     & cld_profiles_tl, &! in
-     & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-     & cld_radiance,    &! inout
-     & cld_radiance_tl ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy sky.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! See Chevallier, F., P. Bauer, G. A. Kelly, C. Jakob,
-  ! and T. McNally, 2001 Model clouds over oceans as seen
-  ! from space: comparison with HIRS/2 and MSU radiances.
-  ! J. Climate 14 4216-4229.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       03/2001   Initial version (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.1     19/7/2001   Version for testing RTTOV-7 (R. Saunders)
-  !  2.0    01/12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  2.1    02/01/2002   Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  2.2    08/01/04     Added polarisation (S English)
-  !  2.3    06/10/04     Add errorstatus to rttov_emiscld_tl call (J Cameron)
-  !  2.4    29/03/2005   Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & overlap_scheme
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_tl.interface"
-!  include "rttov_intradov_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_emiscld_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_aitosu_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcbt.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcbt_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(in)    :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_tl ! in because of meme allocation
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  !local variables:
-  Logical :: addcloud
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nwp_levels  ! number of levels for NWP profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nrt_levels  ! number of levels for RTTOV_direct integration
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jl     ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jk    ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ipf    ! loop indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(20)
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=12) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_cld_tl'
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: null_press(coef%nlevels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Type(geometry_Type):: angles(nprofiles)    ! geometry angles
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiance
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiance_tl
-  Type(transmission_Type)    :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type)    :: transmission_tl
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  radiance % clear     => cld_radiance % clear
-  radiance % clear_out => cld_radiance % clear_out
-  radiance % cloudy    => cld_radiance % cloudy
-  radiance % total     => cld_radiance % total
-  radiance % total_out => cld_radiance % total_out
-  radiance % bt        => cld_radiance % bt
-  radiance % bt_clear  => cld_radiance % bt_clear
-  radiance % out       => cld_radiance % out
-  radiance % out_clear => cld_radiance % out_clear
-  radiance % upclear   => cld_radiance % upclear
-  radiance % dnclear   => cld_radiance % dnclear
-  radiance % reflclear => cld_radiance % reflclear
-  allocate( radiance % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate( radiance % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  ! allocate radiance TL results arrays with number of channels
-  radiance_tl % clear     => cld_radiance_tl % clear
-  radiance_tl % clear_out => cld_radiance_tl % clear_out
-  radiance_tl % cloudy    => cld_radiance_tl % cloudy
-  radiance_tl % total     => cld_radiance_tl % total
-  radiance_tl % total_out => cld_radiance_tl % total_out
-  radiance_tl % bt        => cld_radiance_tl % bt
-  radiance_tl % bt_clear  => cld_radiance_tl % bt_clear
-  radiance_tl % out        => cld_radiance_tl % out
-  radiance_tl % out_clear  => cld_radiance_tl % out_clear
-  radiance_tl % upclear   => cld_radiance_tl % upclear
-  radiance_tl % reflclear => cld_radiance_tl % reflclear
-  allocate( radiance_tl % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  allocate( radiance_tl % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  ! allocate transmission arrays
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_layer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % tau_layer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !*         1.   Gas absorption
-  addcloud = .true.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  if ( any(.not.profiles(:)%clw_data) ) then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles(:)%clw_data = .false.
-  End If
-  Call rttov_tl( &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_tl,     &! in
-     & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-     & transmission,    &! inout
-     & transmission_tl, &! inout
-     & radiance,        &! inout
-     & radiance_tl     ) ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_tl")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !*         2.   Interpolate cloud contribution to model levels
-  ! compute arrays overcast, downcld of type cld_radiancedata
-  nwp_levels   = cld_profiles(1) % nlevels
-  nrt_levels   = profiles(1)     % nlevels
-  null_press(:) = 0._JPRB
-  DO jl = 1, nchannels
-     freq = polarisations(jl,2)
-     ipf = lprofiles(freq)
-     call rttov_intex_tl( &
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & null_press,        &! in
-        & cld_profiles_tl(ipf) % p,                      &! in
-        & radiance_tl     % overcast(1:nrt_levels,jl),   &! in
-        & cld_radiance_tl % overcast(1:nwp_levels,jl),   &! inout
-        & profiles(ipf)     % p,                         &! in
-        & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,                         &! in
-        & radiance     % overcast(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-        & cld_radiance % overcast(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! out
-     call rttov_intex_tl( &
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & null_press,        &! in
-        & cld_profiles_tl(ipf) % p,                     &! in
-        & radiance_tl     % downcld(1:nrt_levels,jl),   &! in
-        & cld_radiance_tl % downcld(1:nwp_levels,jl),   &! inout
-        & profiles(ipf)     % p,                        &! in
-        & cld_profiles(ipf) % p,                        &! in
-        & radiance     % downcld(1:nrt_levels,jl),      &! in
-        & cld_radiance % downcld(1:nwp_levels,jl)  )     ! out
-  End Do
-  !*         3.   Calculate cloud emissivity
-  call rttov_emiscld_tl(  &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-        & coef,              &! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles_tl,   &! in
-        & cld_radiance,      &! inout  (cldemis part only)
-        & cld_radiance_tl)    ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_emiscld_tl")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !*         4.   Compute the weights of the cloud layers
-  !               ---------------------------------------
-  call rttov_aitosu_tl( &
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & overlap_scheme,    &! in
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  (cloud cover)
-        & cld_profiles_tl,   &! in  (cloud cover)
-        & cld_radiance ,     &! inout  (cldemis input and
-        & cld_radiance_tl  )  ! inout   cs_wtao, cs_wsurf, wtao, wsurf in output)
-  !*         5.   Integrate *rt* equation.
-  !               --------- ---- --------
-  ! clear-sky contribution
-  ! without the surface reflection
-  cld_radiance    % total (:) = cld_radiance    % cs_wtoa(:) * cld_radiance    % upclear (:)
-  cld_radiance_tl % total (:) = cld_radiance_tl % cs_wtoa(:) * cld_radiance    % upclear (:) +&
-                               & cld_radiance    % cs_wtoa(:) * cld_radiance_tl % upclear (:)
-  ! with the surface-reflected clear-sky downward radiance
-  cld_radiance    % total (:) = cld_radiance    % total (:) +&
-        & cld_radiance % cs_wsurf(:) * cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:) *&
-        & cld_radiance % reflclear (:)
-  cld_radiance_tl % total (:) = cld_radiance_tl % total (:) +&
-     & cld_radiance_tl%cs_wsurf(:) * cld_radiance   %cs_wtoa(:) * cld_radiance  %reflclear(:) +&
-     & cld_radiance   %cs_wsurf(:) * cld_radiance_tl%cs_wtoa(:) * cld_radiance  %reflclear(:) +&
-     & cld_radiance   %cs_wsurf(:) * cld_radiance   %cs_wtoa(:) * cld_radiance_tl%reflclear(:)
-  ! cloud contribution
-  DO jk = 1, nwp_levels
-     ! cloud upward emission
-     cld_radiance    % total (:) = cld_radiance    % total (:) +&
-           & cld_radiance % wtoa(jk,:) * cld_radiance % overcast(jk,:)
-     cld_radiance_tl % total (:) = cld_radiance_tl % total (:)              +&
-           & cld_radiance_tl % wtoa(jk,:) * cld_radiance    % overcast(jk,:) +&
-           & cld_radiance    % wtoa(jk,:) * cld_radiance_tl % overcast(jk,:)
-     ! cloud downward emission, reflected at the surface
-     cld_radiance % total (:) = cld_radiance % total (:) +&
-           & cld_radiance % wsurf(jk,:) * cld_radiance % cs_wtoa(:) *&
-           & cld_radiance % downcld(jk,:)
-     cld_radiance_tl % total (:) = cld_radiance_tl % total (:)        +&
-         & cld_radiance_tl%wsurf(jk,:) * cld_radiance   %cs_wtoa(:) *&
-         & cld_radiance   %downcld(jk,:)                               +&
-         & cld_radiance   %wsurf(jk,:) * cld_radiance_tl%cs_wtoa(:) *&
-         & cld_radiance   %downcld(jk,:)                               +&
-         & cld_radiance   %wsurf(jk,:) * cld_radiance   %cs_wtoa(:) *&
-         & cld_radiance_tl%downcld(jk,:)
-  ! Remember that radiance struture is mainly pointing on cld_radiance
-  ! so we can use radiance struture for conversion of radiance to brightness temperatue.
-  Call rttov_calcbt( &
-    &    nfrequencies,    &! in
-    &    nchannels,       &! in
-    &    channels,        &! in
-    &    polarisations,   &! in
-         & coef,          &! in
-         & radiance      ) ! inout
-  Call rttov_calcbt_tl( &
-     &    nfrequencies,   &! in
-    &    nchannels,       &! in
-    &    channels,        &! in
-    &    polarisations,   &! in
-         & coef,          &! in
-         & radiance,      &! in
-         & radiance_tl   ) ! inout
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     Do ipf = 1, nprofiles
-       Call rttov_setgeometry( &
-          & profiles(ipf), &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & angles(ipf) )   ! out
-     End Do
-     !
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-        & nfrequencies,  &! in
-        & nchannels,     &! in
-        & nprofiles,     &! in
-        & angles,        &! in
-        & channels,      &! in
-        & polarisations, &! in
-        & lprofiles,     &! in
-        & coef,          &! in
-        & radiance      ) ! inout
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation_tl( &
-        & nfrequencies,  &! in
-        & nchannels,     &! in
-        & nprofiles,     &! in
-        & angles,        &! in
-        & channels,      &! in
-        & polarisations, &! in
-        & lprofiles,     &! in
-        & coef,          &! in
-        & radiance_tl   ) ! inout
-  Else
-  radiance%out          = radiance%bt
-        radiance%out_clear    = radiance%bt_clear
-  radiance%total_out    = radiance%total
-        radiance%clear_out    = radiance%clear
-  radiance_tl%out       = radiance_tl%bt
-        radiance_tl%out_clear = radiance_tl%bt_clear
-  radiance_tl%total_out = radiance_tl%total
-        radiance_tl%clear_out = radiance_tl%clear
-  End If
-  ! deallocate radiance structure for overcast and dowcld arrays
-  deallocate( radiance % overcast    ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  deallocate( radiance % downcld     ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  deallocate( radiance_tl % overcast ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  deallocate( radiance_tl % downcld  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  ! deallocate transmission structure
-  deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  deallocate( transmission_tl % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  deallocate( transmission_tl % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  deallocate( transmission_tl % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-End Subroutine Rttov_cld_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 486e30363e3279bd0d17ec6de520a26967eac87d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cld_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_cld_tl ( &
-     errorstatus,    & ! out
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nbtout,         & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     cld_profiles,   & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     calcemis,       & ! in
-     emissivity,     & ! inout
-     profiles_tl,    & ! in
-     cld_profiles_tl,& ! in
-     emissivity_tl,  & ! inout
-     cld_radiance,   & ! inout
-     cld_radiance_tl ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       overlap_scheme
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       rttov_coef           ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       profile_Type         ,&
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type    ,&
-       radiance_Type        ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!  include "rttov_intradov_tl.h"
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(inout) :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                   Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(in)    :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),           Intent(inout) :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_tl ! in because of meme allocation
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-End Subroutine Rttov_cld_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cmpuc.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cmpuc.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 049c34b08551191384bf9ee9493d81d4f595f804..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cmpuc.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Function rttov_cmpuc (String1, String2)
-  ! Description:
-  !   compare 2 strings after removing all spaces, and upcase characters
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !   reduce string 1 , upcase string 1
-  !   same for string 2
-  !   compare strings
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: P. Brunel
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version  Date      Comment
-  !
-  !  1.0    08/03/01  F90 Original P. Brunel
-  !  1.1    01/12/02  Change name  P. Brunel
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  !
-  ! Function arguments
-  !   Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: string1
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: string2
-  Logical :: rttov_cmpuc
-  ! Local variables
-  Character (len = Len(string1)) :: wstr1  ! working string 1
-  Character (len = Len(string2)) :: wstr2  ! working string 2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: pos                ! position of space character
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: cur_char           ! ASCII indice for current character
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: amin               ! ASCII indice for 'a'
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: amaj               ! ASCII indice for 'A'
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: zmin               ! ASCII indice for 'z'
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i                  ! loop indice
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  amin = Ichar('a')
-  zmin = Ichar('z')
-  amaj = Ichar('A')
-  ! reduce string 1
-  wstr1 = string1
-  ! remove all spaces
-  Do
-     pos = Index (wstr1(1:len_Trim(wstr1)) , ' ')
-     If( pos == 0 ) Exit
-     wstr1(pos:) = wstr1(pos+1:)
-  End Do
-  ! reduce string 2
-  wstr2 = string2
-  ! remove all spaces
-  Do
-     pos = Index (wstr2(1:len_Trim(wstr2)), ' ')
-     If( pos == 0 ) Exit
-     wstr2(pos:) = wstr2(pos+1:)
-  End Do
-  ! upcase string 1
-  Do i = 1, Len(wstr1)
-     cur_char = Ichar(wstr1(i:i))
-     If( cur_char >= amin .And. cur_char <= zmin ) Then
-        wstr1(i:i) = Char(cur_char + amaj-amin)
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  ! upcase string 2
-  Do i = 1, Len(wstr2)
-     cur_char = Ichar(wstr2(i:i))
-     If( cur_char >= amin .And. cur_char <= zmin ) Then
-        wstr2(i:i) = Char(cur_char + amaj-amin)
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  ! compare the 2 working strings
-  rttov_cmpuc = wstr2 .Eq. wstr1
-End Function rttov_cmpuc
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deleted file mode 100644
index a35bd9dffd1a9cc561043ed0a1000b0293506c5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_cmpuc.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Function rttov_cmpuc (String1, String2)
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: string1
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: string2
-  Logical :: rttov_cmpuc
-End Function rttov_cmpuc
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_coeffname.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_coeffname.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index ada93263e5a50b949d1d6a2d45ed1e6c9f984335..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_coeffname.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_coeffname (errorstatus, instrument, coeffname, lbinary)
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Returns the file name of a coefficent file for the instrument given
-  ! in argument.
-  ! Instrument refers to an array of 3 integers defining the satellite platform,
-  ! satellite number and instrument number.
-  ! The optional logical argument lbinary determines the filename extension
-  ! and expected data storage. If lbinary is false or not present the file
-  ! is assumed as a sequential formatted, in other case it is sequential
-  ! unformatted. The default option is ASCII file.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & nplatforms          ,&
-       & ninst               ,&
-       & inst_name           ,&
-       & platform_name
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: instrument(3)  ! (platform, sat_id, inst) numbers
-  Logical, Optional, Intent (in) :: lbinary         ! if binary file wanted
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out)       :: errorstatus! return code
-  Character (*), Intent (out) :: coeffname  ! filename of the coefficient file
-  ! Local Scalars:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: platform
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: sat_id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: inst
-  Character (len=4)  :: ext         ! filename extension
-  Character (len=2)  :: ch_sat_id
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_coeffname '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  coeffname  = 'no_name'
-  errorstatus       = errorstatus_success
-  ! Consider lbinary option to create the extension character string
-  If(Present(lbinary)) Then
-     If(lbinary) Then
-        ext = '.bin'
-     Else
-        ext = '.dat'
-     Endif
-  Else
-     ext = '.dat'
-  Endif
-  ! expand instrument triplet
-  platform = instrument(1)
-  sat_id   = instrument(2)
-  inst     = instrument(3)
-  ! Test sat_id and convert to string
-  If( sat_id < 10 .And. sat_id > 0 ) Then
-     ! one digit
-     Write(ch_sat_id,'(i1)') sat_id
-  Else If( sat_id >= 10 .And. sat_id < 99 ) Then
-     ! two digits
-     Write(ch_sat_id,'(i2)') sat_id
-  Else
-     ! ERROR and exit
-     Write(errMessage,"('invalid sat_id: ', i4)") sat_id
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  Endif
-  ! Test platform number
-  If( platform <= 0 .Or. platform > nplatforms ) Then
-     ! ERROR and exit
-     Write(errMessage,"('invalid platform number: ', i4)") platform
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  Endif
-  ! Test instrument number  (0 is HIRS)
-  If( inst < 0 .Or. inst > ninst) Then
-     ! ERROR and exit
-     Write(errMessage,"('invalid instrument number: ', i4)") inst
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  Endif
-  ! create the file name "rtcoef_platform_satellite_inst.dat"
-  coeffname = 'rtcoef_'                // &
-        & Trim(platform_name(platform)) // &
-        & '_'                           // &
-        & Trim(ch_sat_id)               // &
-        & '_'                           // &
-        & Trim(inst_name(inst))         // &
-        & ext
- ! write(0,'("RTTOV_COEFFNAME: ",A)')coeffname
-End Subroutine rttov_coeffname
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1d565c36e37d2c9d9ed472c633e4c1816581658e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_coeffname.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_coeffname (errorstatus, instrument, coeffname, lbinary)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       nplatforms          ,&
-       ninst               ,&
-       inst_name           ,&
-       platform_name
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: instrument(3)  ! (platform, sat_id, inst) numbers
-  Logical, Optional, Intent (in) :: lbinary        ! if binary file wanted
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out)       :: errorstatus! return code
-  Character (*), Intent (out) :: coeffname  ! filename of the coefficient file
-End Subroutine rttov_coeffname
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_const.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_const.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 834681f54d26c93a978d77ce2ec38175742ef106..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_const.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,724 +0,0 @@
-Module rttov_const
-  ! Description:
-  ! Definition of all parameters (constants) for RTTOV
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0   01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1   29/01/2003  New platforms and instruments (P Brunel)
-  !                    Hard limits for input profiles
-  !  1.2   19/02/2003  Some changes to limits and comments (R Saunders)
-  !  1.3   06/05/2003  Change version number to 7.3.1
-  !                    and add references for physical constants (P Brunel)
-  !  1.4      08/2003  Added variables for MW scattering (F Chevallier)
-  !  1.5   18/09/2003  Added coefficients for cloud absorption properties (P Francis)
-  !  1.6   15/10/2003  Added new sections in parameter files for scatt   (F Chevallier)
-  !  1.7   23/11/2003  Added new definitions of polarisations 2.1 (S English)
-  !  1.8   25/08/2005  Made inst_name a parameter (R Saunders)
-  !  1.9   11/01/2006  Added logical flag for surface humidity use (R Saunders)
-  !  1.10  06/04/2006  Added Meghatropiques (R. Saunders)
-  !
-  !1.1 general
-  !-----------
-  ! Version number of the current code
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: version = 8
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: release = 8
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: minor_version = 0
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: version_compatible_min = 7 ! minimum version number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: version_compatible_max = 8 ! maximum version number
-          ! compatible for coefficients.
-          ! coef files with "id_comp_lvl" outside range will be rejected
-  Character (len=16), Parameter :: rttov_magic_string = '%RTTOV_COEFF    '
-  Real(Kind=jprb),               Parameter :: rttov_magic_number = 1.2345E+12_JPRB
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: default_err_unit = 0  ! standard error unit number
-                              ! standard error unit number is 7 for HPUX
-  Logical , Parameter :: use_q2m = .false.  ! set to true to activate use of surface humidity
-  !1.2 physical constants
-  !----------------------
-  ! Molecular weights  (g/mole) are calculated by adding NIST Standard Atomic Weights
-  ! Molecular weight of dry air refers to US standard atmosphere 1976
-  ! NIST  Standard Atomic Weight are:
-  ! H    1.00794   (7)
-  ! C   12.0107    (8)
-  ! N   14.0067    (2)
-  ! O   15.9994    (3)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: mair = 28.9644_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: mh2o = 18.01528_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: mo3  = 47.9982_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: mco2 = 44.0095_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: mch4 = 16.04246_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: mn2o = 44.0128_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: mco  = 28.0101_JPRB
-  ! Gravity from NIST 9.80665 ms-1 (exact)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: gravity = 9.80665_JPRB
-  !
-  ! Kaye & Laby latest library edition is 16e 1995, and gives
-  ! * standard value  g = 9.80665 ms-1 exactly (p.191)
-  ! * earth mean radius r= 6371.00 km (p191)
-  !    [defined as [(r_equator)^2 (r_pole)]^1/3]
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: pi      = 3.1415926535_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: deg2rad = pi/180.0_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: earthradius = 6371.00_JPRB
-  ! The Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum from the Full COBE FIRAS Data Set
-  ! Fixsen D.J. et all
-  ! Astrophysical Journal v.473, p.576 December 1996
-  ! CMBR = 2.728 +- 0.004K
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: tcosmic     = 2.728_JPRB
-  !  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: tcosmic     = 0.1_JPRB !used for ECMWF tests
-  ! Universal gas constant R = 8.314510 J/mol/K
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: rgp = 8.314510_JPRB
-  ! mean molar mass of dry air rm = 0.0289644 kg.mol^-1
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: rm = 0.0289644_JPRB
-  !1.3 satellite and instrument information
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !platform id codes
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: nplatforms = 20
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: &
-       platform_id_noaa     = 1, &
-       platform_id_dmsp     = 2, &
-       platform_id_meteosat = 3, &
-       platform_id_goes     = 4, &
-       platform_id_gms      = 5, &
-       platform_id_fy2      = 6, &
-       platform_id_trmm     = 7, &
-       platform_id_ers      = 8, &
-       platform_id_eos      = 9, &
-       platform_id_metop    = 10, &
-       platform_id_envisat  = 11, &
-       platform_id_msg      = 12, &
-       platform_id_fy1      = 13, &
-       platform_id_adeos    = 14, &
-       platform_id_mtsat    = 15, &
-       platform_id_coriolis = 16, &
-       platform_id_npoess   = 17, &
-       platform_id_gifts    = 18, &
-       platform_id_xxxxx    = 19, &
-       platform_id_meghatr  = 20
-  !platform names
-  Character (len=8), Parameter :: platform_name(nplatforms) = &
-       (/ 'noaa    ', 'dmsp    ', 'meteosat', 'goes    ', 'gms     ', &
-          'fy2     ', 'trmm    ', 'ers     ', 'eos     ', 'metop   ', &
-          'envisat ', 'msg     ', 'fy1     ', 'adeos   ', 'mtsat   ', &
-          'coriolis', 'npoess  ', 'gifts   ', 'xxxxxxxx', 'meghatr '/)
-  !instrument id codes
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: &
-       inst_id_hirs   =  0, &
-       inst_id_msu    =  1, &
-       inst_id_ssu    =  2, &
-       inst_id_amsua  =  3, &
-       inst_id_amsub  =  4, &
-       inst_id_avhrr  =  5, &
-       inst_id_ssmi   =  6, &
-       inst_id_vtpr1  =  7, &
-       inst_id_vtpr2  =  8, &
-       inst_id_tmi    =  9, &
-       inst_id_ssmis  = 10, &
-       inst_id_airs   = 11, &
-       inst_id_hsb    = 12, &
-       inst_id_modis  = 13, &
-       inst_id_atsr   = 14, &
-       inst_id_mhs    = 15, &
-       inst_id_iasi   = 16, &
-       inst_id_amsr   = 17, &
-       inst_id_mtsatim= 18, &
-       inst_id_atms   = 19, &
-       inst_id_mviri  = 20, &
-       inst_id_seviri = 21, &
-       inst_id_goesim = 22, &
-       inst_id_goessd = 23, &
-       inst_id_gmsim  = 24, &
-       inst_id_vissr  = 25, &
-       inst_id_mvisr  = 26, &
-       inst_id_cris   = 27, &
-       inst_id_cmis   = 28, &
-       inst_id_viirs  = 29, &
-       inst_id_windsat= 30, &
-       inst_id_gifts  = 31, &
-       inst_id_xxxx1  = 32, &
-       inst_id_xxxx2  = 33, &
-       inst_id_saphir = 34, &
-       inst_id_madras = 35
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: ninst = 36
-  ! List of instruments  !!!! HIRS is number 0
-  Character (len=8), Dimension(0:ninst-1),parameter :: inst_name =       &
-       & (/ 'hirs    ', 'msu     ', 'ssu     ', 'amsua   ', 'amsub   ',  &
-       &    'avhrr   ', 'ssmi    ', 'vtpr1   ', 'vtpr2   ', 'tmi     ',  &
-       &    'ssmis   ', 'airs    ', 'hsb     ', 'modis   ', 'atsr    ',  &
-       &    'mhs     ', 'iasi    ', 'amsr    ', 'imager  ', 'atms    ',  &
-       &    'mviri   ', 'seviri  ', 'imager  ', 'sounder ', 'imager  ',  &
-       &    'vissr   ', 'mvisr   ', 'cris    ', 'cmis    ', 'viirs   ',  &
-       &    'windsat ', 'gifts   ', 'xxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx', 'saphir  ',  &
-       &    'madras  '   /)
-  !1.4 Coefficient file Section names
-  !----------------------------------
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: nsections = 19
-  Character(len=21), Parameter :: section_types(nsections) = &
-    (/ 'IDENTIFICATION       ', 'LINE-BY-LINE         ', &
-       'FUNDAMENTAL_CONSTANTS', 'SSIREM               ', &
-       'FASTEM               ', 'REFERENCE_PROFILE    ', &
-       'PROFILE_LIMITS       ', 'FAST_COEFFICIENTS    ', &
-       'COEF_SUB_FILES       ', 'GAZ_UNITS            ', &
-       'DIMENSIONS           ', 'FREQUENCIES          ', &
-       'HYDROMETEOR          ', 'CONVERSIONS          ', &
-       'EXTINCTION           ', 'ALBEDO               ', &
-       'ASYMMETRY            ' /)
-  !sensors id codes
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: nsensors = 3
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: &
-       sensor_id_ir     = 1, &
-       sensor_id_mw     = 2, &
-       sensor_id_hi     = 3
-  !sensors names
-  Character (len=2), Parameter :: sensor_name(nsensors) = &
-       (/ 'ir', 'mw', 'hi' /)
-  !gas id codes
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: ngases_max = 8
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: &
-       & gas_id_mixed       = 1, &
-       & gas_id_watervapour = 2, &
-       & gas_id_ozone       = 3, &
-       & gas_id_wvcont      = 4, &
-       & gas_id_co2         = 5, &
-       & gas_id_n2o         = 6, &
-       & gas_id_co          = 7, &
-       & gas_id_ch4         = 8
-  !gas names
-  Character (len=12), Parameter :: gas_name(ngases_max) = &
-       & (/ 'Mixed_gases ', &
-       &    'Water_vapour', &
-       &    'Ozone       ', &
-       &    'WV_Continuum', &
-       &    'CO2         ', &
-       &    'N2O         ', &
-       &    'CO          ', &
-       &    'CH4         ' /)
-  !gas units
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: ngases_unit = 2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: &
-       & gas_unit_specconc  = 1, &
-       & gas_unit_ppmv      = 2
-  Character (len=12), Parameter :: gas_unit_name(ngases_unit) = &
-       & (/ 'spec. concen', &
-       &    'ppmv        '  /)
-  !1.5 error reporting
-  !-------------------
-  !error status values
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: nerrorstatus = 3
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: errorstatus_success = 0
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: errorstatus_warning = 1
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: errorstatus_fatal   = 2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: errorstatus_info    = 3
-  Character(len=*), Parameter :: errorstatus_text(0:nerrorstatus) = &
-       (/ 'success', &
-       'warning', &
-       'fatal  ', &
-       'info   '  /)
-  !1.6 surface types
-  !-----------------
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: nsurftype = 2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: surftype_land = 0
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: surftype_sea = 1
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: surftype_seaice = 2
-  !1.7 cloud emissivity
-  !---------------------
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: overlap_scheme = 2    ! overlap scheme
-  ! 1 => Geleyn and Hollingsworth (1979)
-  ! 2 => Raisanen (1998)
-  !
-  ! Water cloud coefficients
-  ! from Hu and Stamnes, 1993, J. Climate, Vol. 6, pp. 728-742
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter  :: nvalhusta = 53   ! No. of wavelengths for tabulated Hu & Stamnes (droplet) data
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustaom(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ 3819.71_JPRB, 3179.65_JPRB, 2710.03_JPRB, 2564.10_JPRB, 2439.02_JPRB, &
-       &     2325.58_JPRB, 2222.22_JPRB, 2127.66_JPRB, 2040.82_JPRB, 1960.78_JPRB, &
-       &     1886.79_JPRB, 1851.85_JPRB, 1818.18_JPRB, 1754.39_JPRB, 1694.92_JPRB, &
-       &     1666.67_JPRB, 1639.34_JPRB, 1612.90_JPRB, 1587.30_JPRB, 1538.46_JPRB, &
-       &     1492.54_JPRB, 1428.57_JPRB, 1408.45_JPRB, 1369.86_JPRB, 1315.79_JPRB, &
-       &     1250.00_JPRB, 1162.79_JPRB, 1111.11_JPRB, 1041.67_JPRB, 1000.00_JPRB, &
-       &     952.381_JPRB, 909.091_JPRB, 869.565_JPRB, 800.000_JPRB, 740.741_JPRB, &
-       &     714.286_JPRB, 689.655_JPRB, 666.667_JPRB, 645.161_JPRB, 606.061_JPRB, &
-       &     588.235_JPRB, 571.429_JPRB, 555.556_JPRB, 526.316_JPRB, 500.000_JPRB, &
-       &     400.000_JPRB, 312.500_JPRB, 250.000_JPRB, 200.000_JPRB, 166.667_JPRB, &
-       &     125.000_JPRB, 100.000_JPRB, 66.6667_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustaa1(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  4.56E+03_JPRB,  2.71E+03_JPRB,  5.29E+03_JPRB,  6.40E+03_JPRB,  5.42E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      4.30E+03_JPRB,  3.32E+03_JPRB,  2.69E+03_JPRB,  2.29E+03_JPRB,  2.03E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      2.52E+03_JPRB, -4.31E+04_JPRB, -1.10E+03_JPRB, -2.61E+02_JPRB, -1.84E+02_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.93E+02_JPRB, -3.15E+04_JPRB,  1.95E+03_JPRB,  2.41E+03_JPRB, -1.14E+03_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.87E+02_JPRB, -4.36E+01_JPRB, -1.76E+01_JPRB, -7.13E+00_JPRB, -1.97E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.89E-01_JPRB, -1.29E-02_JPRB, -2.60E-04_JPRB, -7.62E-02_JPRB, -9.91E-06_JPRB, &
-       &     -5.91E+04_JPRB, -3.88E-05_JPRB, -1.79E+00_JPRB, -8.34E+01_JPRB, -4.90E+02_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.78E+02_JPRB, -7.47E+02_JPRB, -6.18E+02_JPRB, -4.56E+02_JPRB, -2.83E+02_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.82E+02_JPRB, -1.23E+02_JPRB, -7.98E+01_JPRB, -3.52E+01_JPRB, -9.86E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.22E-01_JPRB, -7.27E-06_JPRB, -2.93E+04_JPRB, -3.93E+03_JPRB, -4.00E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      8.63E+01_JPRB,  1.71E+00_JPRB,  3.93E-02_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustab1(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -1.61E+00_JPRB, -1.27E+00_JPRB, -1.73E+00_JPRB, -1.79E+00_JPRB, -1.63E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.42E+00_JPRB, -1.19E+00_JPRB, -9.84E-01_JPRB, -7.86E-01_JPRB, -5.46E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.26E-01_JPRB,  8.00E-03_JPRB,  2.04E-01_JPRB,  4.58E-01_JPRB,  5.00E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      2.70E-01_JPRB,  8.00E-03_JPRB, -2.50E-01_JPRB, -1.86E-01_JPRB,  1.86E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.32E-01_JPRB,  9.24E-01_JPRB,  1.20E+00_JPRB,  1.49E+00_JPRB,  1.91E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      2.57E+00_JPRB,  3.65E+00_JPRB,  5.06E+00_JPRB,  3.00E+00_JPRB,  6.00E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.00E+00_JPRB,  5.24E+00_JPRB,  1.36E+00_JPRB,  4.12E-01_JPRB,  1.66E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.28E-01_JPRB,  1.38E-01_JPRB,  1.64E-01_JPRB,  2.08E-01_JPRB,  2.90E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      3.78E-01_JPRB,  4.66E-01_JPRB,  5.70E-01_JPRB,  7.86E-01_JPRB,  1.16E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      2.61E+00_JPRB,  6.00E+00_JPRB, -5.18E+00_JPRB, -3.69E+00_JPRB, -1.60E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      2.92E-01_JPRB,  1.36E+00_JPRB,  2.35E+00_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustac1(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  5.74E+01_JPRB,  2.35E+01_JPRB,  7.34E+01_JPRB,  7.03E+01_JPRB,  4.78E+01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.52E+01_JPRB, -3.31E+01_JPRB, -9.66E+01_JPRB, -1.89E+02_JPRB, -3.88E+02_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.30E+03_JPRB,  4.41E+04_JPRB,  1.96E+03_JPRB,  9.55E+02_JPRB,  7.83E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.11E+03_JPRB,  3.23E+04_JPRB, -9.02E+02_JPRB, -1.38E+03_JPRB,  1.95E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      8.45E+02_JPRB,  5.82E+02_JPRB,  4.99E+02_JPRB,  4.43E+02_JPRB,  3.87E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      3.35E+02_JPRB,  2.84E+02_JPRB,  2.48E+02_JPRB,  3.02E+02_JPRB,  1.95E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.55E+02_JPRB,  1.40E+02_JPRB,  1.66E+02_JPRB,  3.51E+02_JPRB,  8.69E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.20E+03_JPRB,  1.19E+03_JPRB,  1.07E+03_JPRB,  9.07E+02_JPRB,  7.28E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      6.15E+02_JPRB,  5.41E+02_JPRB,  4.81E+02_JPRB,  4.02E+02_JPRB,  3.30E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      2.37E+02_JPRB,  1.76E+02_JPRB,  1.44E+02_JPRB,  1.35E+02_JPRB,  1.39E+02_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.76E+01_JPRB,  2.87E+01_JPRB,  1.90E+01_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustaa2(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  2.05E+03_JPRB,  2.02E+03_JPRB,  2.17E+03_JPRB,  2.24E+03_JPRB,  2.26E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      2.28E+03_JPRB,  2.28E+03_JPRB,  2.28E+03_JPRB,  2.28E+03_JPRB,  2.28E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      2.30E+03_JPRB,  2.34E+03_JPRB,  2.41E+03_JPRB,  2.76E+03_JPRB,  3.12E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      2.92E+03_JPRB,  2.74E+03_JPRB,  2.61E+03_JPRB,  2.62E+03_JPRB,  2.76E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      3.03E+03_JPRB,  3.56E+03_JPRB,  4.06E+03_JPRB,  4.74E+03_JPRB,  5.98E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      8.00E+03_JPRB,  9.63E+03_JPRB,  8.53E+03_JPRB,  7.52E+03_JPRB,  2.37E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      8.17E+02_JPRB,  7.94E+02_JPRB,  5.38E+02_JPRB,  7.11E+02_JPRB,  1.07E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.28E+03_JPRB,  1.40E+03_JPRB,  1.50E+03_JPRB,  1.59E+03_JPRB,  1.73E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.82E+03_JPRB,  1.89E+03_JPRB,  1.95E+03_JPRB,  2.02E+03_JPRB,  2.03E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.69E+03_JPRB,  9.38E+02_JPRB,  1.19E+03_JPRB, -7.38E+02_JPRB, -9.44E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.07E-01_JPRB, -1.90E-07_JPRB, -4.49E+03_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter :: zhustab2(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -1.09E+00_JPRB, -1.08E+00_JPRB, -1.10E+00_JPRB, -1.11E+00_JPRB, -1.12E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.12E+00_JPRB, -1.11E+00_JPRB, -1.11E+00_JPRB, -1.11E+00_JPRB, -1.11E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.11E+00_JPRB, -1.12E+00_JPRB, -1.13E+00_JPRB, -1.19E+00_JPRB, -1.24E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.22E+00_JPRB, -1.19E+00_JPRB, -1.16E+00_JPRB, -1.16E+00_JPRB, -1.18E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.22E+00_JPRB, -1.29E+00_JPRB, -1.34E+00_JPRB, -1.40E+00_JPRB, -1.49E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.60E+00_JPRB, -1.66E+00_JPRB, -1.59E+00_JPRB, -1.55E+00_JPRB, -1.02E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.24E-01_JPRB, -1.48E-01_JPRB, -2.88E-01_JPRB, -6.06E-01_JPRB, -7.94E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.62E-01_JPRB, -8.94E-01_JPRB, -9.18E-01_JPRB, -9.38E-01_JPRB, -9.66E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -9.82E-01_JPRB, -9.94E-01_JPRB, -1.00E+00_JPRB, -1.01E+00_JPRB, -1.00E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.92E-01_JPRB, -5.44E-01_JPRB, -9.20E-02_JPRB,  8.00E-02_JPRB,  3.06E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.48E+00_JPRB,  5.41E+00_JPRB, -1.84E+00_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter :: zhustac2(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  2.66E+00_JPRB,  2.24E+00_JPRB,  3.01E+00_JPRB,  3.32E+00_JPRB,  3.29E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      3.16E+00_JPRB,  2.91E+00_JPRB,  2.66E+00_JPRB,  2.42E+00_JPRB,  2.19E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      2.25E+00_JPRB,  2.60E+00_JPRB,  3.47E+00_JPRB,  6.82E+00_JPRB,  9.51E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      8.24E+00_JPRB,  6.86E+00_JPRB,  5.49E+00_JPRB,  5.36E+00_JPRB,  6.34E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      8.35E+00_JPRB,  1.16E+01_JPRB,  1.40E+01_JPRB,  1.65E+01_JPRB,  1.96E+01_JPRB, &
-       &      2.25E+01_JPRB,  2.26E+01_JPRB,  1.83E+01_JPRB,  1.91E+01_JPRB, -1.69E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.35E+02_JPRB, -4.23E+02_JPRB, -1.48E+02_JPRB, -3.72E+01_JPRB, -1.73E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.27E+01_JPRB, -1.08E+01_JPRB, -9.58E+00_JPRB, -8.61E+00_JPRB, -7.26E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.67E+00_JPRB, -6.18E+00_JPRB, -6.07E+00_JPRB, -6.14E+00_JPRB, -7.63E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.02E+01_JPRB, -8.44E+01_JPRB, -8.08E+02_JPRB,  1.03E+03_JPRB,  3.34E+02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.32E+02_JPRB,  8.89E+01_JPRB,  7.12E+01_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter :: zhustaa3(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  1.12E+03_JPRB,  1.12E+03_JPRB,  1.17E+03_JPRB,  1.20E+03_JPRB,  1.22E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.23E+03_JPRB,  1.24E+03_JPRB,  1.26E+03_JPRB,  1.27E+03_JPRB,  1.28E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.30E+03_JPRB,  1.31E+03_JPRB,  1.31E+03_JPRB,  1.32E+03_JPRB,  1.30E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.27E+03_JPRB,  1.28E+03_JPRB,  1.30E+03_JPRB,  1.32E+03_JPRB,  1.35E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.37E+03_JPRB,  1.39E+03_JPRB,  1.40E+03_JPRB,  1.41E+03_JPRB,  1.42E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.44E+03_JPRB,  1.46E+03_JPRB,  1.50E+03_JPRB,  1.52E+03_JPRB,  1.96E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      2.45E+03_JPRB,  1.68E+03_JPRB,  9.77E+02_JPRB,  8.92E+02_JPRB,  1.03E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.13E+03_JPRB,  1.19E+03_JPRB,  1.24E+03_JPRB,  1.28E+03_JPRB,  1.35E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.40E+03_JPRB,  1.44E+03_JPRB,  1.47E+03_JPRB,  1.53E+03_JPRB,  1.61E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.81E+03_JPRB,  2.13E+03_JPRB,  1.86E+03_JPRB,  1.52E+03_JPRB,  1.54E+03_JPRB, &
-       &      1.36E+03_JPRB,  6.85E+02_JPRB, -2.26E-01_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter :: zhustab3(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -8.52E-01_JPRB, -8.52E-01_JPRB, -8.64E-01_JPRB, -8.70E-01_JPRB, -8.74E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.76E-01_JPRB, -8.78E-01_JPRB, -8.82E-01_JPRB, -8.84E-01_JPRB, -8.88E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.92E-01_JPRB, -8.94E-01_JPRB, -8.94E-01_JPRB, -8.96E-01_JPRB, -8.92E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.84E-01_JPRB, -8.86E-01_JPRB, -8.90E-01_JPRB, -8.94E-01_JPRB, -9.00E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -9.04E-01_JPRB, -9.08E-01_JPRB, -9.10E-01_JPRB, -9.12E-01_JPRB, -9.14E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -9.16E-01_JPRB, -9.20E-01_JPRB, -9.28E-01_JPRB, -9.30E-01_JPRB, -1.02E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.09E+00_JPRB, -9.66E-01_JPRB, -7.88E-01_JPRB, -7.62E-01_JPRB, -8.08E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.36E-01_JPRB, -8.50E-01_JPRB, -8.62E-01_JPRB, -8.72E-01_JPRB, -8.86E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.96E-01_JPRB, -9.04E-01_JPRB, -9.10E-01_JPRB, -9.20E-01_JPRB, -9.34E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -9.66E-01_JPRB, -1.01E+00_JPRB, -9.52E-01_JPRB, -8.72E-01_JPRB, -8.62E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.90E-01_JPRB, -4.68E-01_JPRB,  1.29E+00_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustac3(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -8.94E+00_JPRB, -8.99E+00_JPRB, -8.67E+00_JPRB, -8.51E+00_JPRB, -8.38E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.35E+00_JPRB, -8.32E+00_JPRB, -8.19E+00_JPRB, -8.16E+00_JPRB, -8.03E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.90E+00_JPRB, -7.86E+00_JPRB, -7.90E+00_JPRB, -7.82E+00_JPRB, -7.94E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.20E+00_JPRB, -8.14E+00_JPRB, -8.04E+00_JPRB, -7.92E+00_JPRB, -7.76E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.66E+00_JPRB, -7.56E+00_JPRB, -7.52E+00_JPRB, -7.48E+00_JPRB, -7.47E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.48E+00_JPRB, -7.42E+00_JPRB, -7.15E+00_JPRB, -7.13E+00_JPRB, -3.73E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.57E+00_JPRB, -5.84E+00_JPRB, -1.28E+01_JPRB, -1.35E+01_JPRB, -1.15E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.05E+01_JPRB, -1.01E+01_JPRB, -9.66E+00_JPRB, -9.37E+00_JPRB, -8.97E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.67E+00_JPRB, -8.42E+00_JPRB, -8.28E+00_JPRB, -8.01E+00_JPRB, -7.58E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.71E+00_JPRB, -5.72E+00_JPRB, -8.68E+00_JPRB, -1.30E+01_JPRB, -1.45E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.17E+01_JPRB, -6.75E+01_JPRB,  8.10E+01_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustad1(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  2.00E+00_JPRB, -1.22E+00_JPRB, -5.94E-01_JPRB,  1.69E-01_JPRB,  1.40E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.50E-01_JPRB,  1.40E-01_JPRB,  7.89E-02_JPRB,  3.83E-02_JPRB,  1.77E-02_JPRB, &
-       &      6.96E-03_JPRB,  3.68E-03_JPRB,  2.29E-03_JPRB,  1.92E-03_JPRB,  9.32E-04_JPRB, &
-       &      1.32E-04_JPRB,  2.13E-03_JPRB,  3.83E-02_JPRB,  3.56E-02_JPRB,  7.68E-03_JPRB, &
-       &      2.28E-03_JPRB,  6.59E-04_JPRB,  2.80E-04_JPRB,  1.13E-04_JPRB,  2.67E-05_JPRB, &
-       &      1.96E-06_JPRB,  1.91E-08_JPRB,  1.35E+02_JPRB,  2.69E-08_JPRB,  7.67E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      1.70E+00_JPRB,  1.07E+00_JPRB,  9.80E-01_JPRB,  9.43E-01_JPRB,  8.57E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      8.38E-01_JPRB,  8.36E-01_JPRB,  8.41E-01_JPRB,  8.53E-01_JPRB,  8.82E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      9.18E-01_JPRB,  9.54E-01_JPRB,  1.00E+00_JPRB,  1.10E+00_JPRB,  1.22E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      1.39E+00_JPRB,  1.38E+00_JPRB,  1.27E+00_JPRB,  1.92E+00_JPRB, -1.05E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -3.03E-01_JPRB, -3.95E-02_JPRB, -1.37E-03_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustae1(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  4.60E-02_JPRB, -1.90E+00_JPRB, -5.24E-01_JPRB,  2.84E-01_JPRB,  3.60E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.04E-01_JPRB,  4.70E-01_JPRB,  6.28E-01_JPRB,  8.28E-01_JPRB,  1.06E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      1.36E+00_JPRB,  1.57E+00_JPRB,  1.73E+00_JPRB,  1.87E+00_JPRB,  2.07E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      2.61E+00_JPRB,  1.62E+00_JPRB,  7.74E-01_JPRB,  8.60E-01_JPRB,  1.41E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      1.83E+00_JPRB,  2.26E+00_JPRB,  2.56E+00_JPRB,  2.87E+00_JPRB,  3.38E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      4.33E+00_JPRB,  6.00E+00_JPRB, -6.00E+00_JPRB,  5.93E+00_JPRB, -3.08E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.50E+00_JPRB, -8.10E-01_JPRB, -4.36E-01_JPRB, -3.90E-01_JPRB, -5.22E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.18E-01_JPRB, -6.76E-01_JPRB, -7.32E-01_JPRB, -7.86E-01_JPRB, -8.72E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -9.46E-01_JPRB, -1.01E+00_JPRB, -1.07E+00_JPRB, -1.17E+00_JPRB, -1.25E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.23E+00_JPRB, -9.68E-01_JPRB, -5.24E-01_JPRB, -1.90E-01_JPRB,  2.40E-02_JPRB, &
-       &      4.12E-01_JPRB,  9.70E-01_JPRB,  2.03E+00_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustaf1(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -2.06E+00_JPRB,  4.93E-01_JPRB,  4.22E-01_JPRB, -2.17E-01_JPRB, -1.90E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.07E-01_JPRB, -1.93E-01_JPRB, -1.08E-01_JPRB, -4.42E-02_JPRB, -3.46E-03_JPRB, &
-       &      2.61E-02_JPRB,  3.91E-02_JPRB,  4.96E-02_JPRB,  1.16E-01_JPRB,  2.70E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      3.96E-01_JPRB,  3.72E-01_JPRB,  2.31E-01_JPRB,  1.74E-01_JPRB,  1.63E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.59E-01_JPRB,  1.67E-01_JPRB,  1.69E-01_JPRB,  1.72E-01_JPRB,  1.82E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.96E-01_JPRB,  2.21E-01_JPRB,  2.47E-01_JPRB,  2.38E-01_JPRB,  2.96E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      3.23E-01_JPRB,  3.27E-01_JPRB,  2.31E-01_JPRB,  2.32E-01_JPRB,  3.42E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      3.88E-01_JPRB,  4.08E-01_JPRB,  4.25E-01_JPRB,  4.38E-01_JPRB,  4.55E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.66E-01_JPRB,  4.73E-01_JPRB,  4.80E-01_JPRB,  4.86E-01_JPRB,  4.88E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.71E-01_JPRB,  4.13E-01_JPRB,  2.35E-01_JPRB, -5.67E-01_JPRB,  1.18E+01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.49E+00_JPRB,  1.12E+00_JPRB,  1.01E+00_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustad2(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  5.92E-01_JPRB, -9.00E-05_JPRB, -2.76E+00_JPRB,  6.57E-02_JPRB,  1.44E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.29E+00_JPRB, -1.27E+00_JPRB, -1.19E+00_JPRB, -1.27E+00_JPRB, -1.39E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.48E+00_JPRB, -1.50E+00_JPRB, -1.35E+00_JPRB, -3.34E+00_JPRB, -1.59E+03_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.31E+04_JPRB, -1.05E-11_JPRB, -6.06E-10_JPRB, -6.27E+04_JPRB, -9.39E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.36E+01_JPRB, -1.95E+01_JPRB, -1.79E+01_JPRB, -1.78E+01_JPRB, -2.00E+01_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.97E+01_JPRB, -1.40E+01_JPRB, -6.68E+00_JPRB, -1.55E+01_JPRB, -1.68E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      8.00E-03_JPRB,  3.01E-08_JPRB,  4.73E+01_JPRB,  1.96E+00_JPRB,  1.09E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      8.47E-01_JPRB,  7.25E-01_JPRB,  6.30E-01_JPRB,  5.55E-01_JPRB,  4.70E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.34E-01_JPRB,  4.48E-01_JPRB,  6.34E-01_JPRB, -2.97E-01_JPRB, -2.33E-02_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.04E-04_JPRB,  6.00E+04_JPRB,  1.18E+02_JPRB,  9.23E+00_JPRB,  9.92E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      4.12E+01_JPRB,  3.91E+01_JPRB,  1.06E+01_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustae2(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  1.06E-01_JPRB,  1.40E+00_JPRB, -4.00E-02_JPRB,  4.66E-01_JPRB,  3.40E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      8.80E-02_JPRB, -2.24E-01_JPRB, -2.94E-01_JPRB, -2.34E-01_JPRB, -1.92E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.74E-01_JPRB, -1.74E-01_JPRB, -2.30E-01_JPRB, -1.14E+00_JPRB, -3.99E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.00E+00_JPRB,  6.00E+00_JPRB,  4.87E+00_JPRB, -6.00E+00_JPRB, -2.84E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.12E+00_JPRB, -1.96E+00_JPRB, -1.87E+00_JPRB, -1.83E+00_JPRB, -1.84E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.79E+00_JPRB, -1.59E+00_JPRB, -1.23E+00_JPRB, -1.69E+00_JPRB, -2.14E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      9.36E-01_JPRB,  4.04E+00_JPRB, -2.67E+00_JPRB, -1.16E+00_JPRB, -8.90E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.82E-01_JPRB, -7.08E-01_JPRB, -6.34E-01_JPRB, -5.60E-01_JPRB, -4.34E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -3.24E-01_JPRB, -2.24E-01_JPRB, -1.06E-01_JPRB,  1.08E-01_JPRB,  4.34E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.05E+00_JPRB, -6.00E+00_JPRB, -3.02E+00_JPRB, -1.75E+00_JPRB, -1.74E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.28E+00_JPRB, -2.12E+00_JPRB, -1.31E+00_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustaf2(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -5.89E-01_JPRB,  4.85E-01_JPRB,  2.76E+00_JPRB, -8.47E-02_JPRB, -1.86E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.41E+00_JPRB,  9.81E-01_JPRB,  8.33E-01_JPRB,  9.60E-01_JPRB,  1.10E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      1.19E+00_JPRB,  1.19E+00_JPRB,  9.83E-01_JPRB,  5.09E-01_JPRB,  4.93E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.02E-01_JPRB,  5.02E-01_JPRB,  5.00E-01_JPRB,  4.93E-01_JPRB,  4.87E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.90E-01_JPRB,  4.91E-01_JPRB,  4.92E-01_JPRB,  4.93E-01_JPRB,  4.95E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.01E-01_JPRB,  5.23E-01_JPRB,  5.66E-01_JPRB,  5.19E-01_JPRB,  1.28E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      2.74E-01_JPRB,  4.57E-01_JPRB,  5.07E-01_JPRB,  4.82E-01_JPRB,  4.58E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.47E-01_JPRB,  4.39E-01_JPRB,  4.31E-01_JPRB,  4.21E-01_JPRB,  3.95E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      3.59E-01_JPRB,  2.94E-01_JPRB,  6.19E-02_JPRB,  9.35E-01_JPRB,  6.10E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.44E-01_JPRB,  5.21E-01_JPRB,  5.23E-01_JPRB,  5.15E-01_JPRB,  5.15E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.18E-01_JPRB,  5.02E-01_JPRB,  4.12E-01_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustad3(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -1.13E+00_JPRB,  2.17E-01_JPRB, -1.17E+00_JPRB, -1.68E+00_JPRB, -1.55E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.84E+00_JPRB, -8.65E+00_JPRB, -1.15E+01_JPRB, -8.50E+00_JPRB, -6.49E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -5.09E+00_JPRB, -4.41E+00_JPRB, -4.50E+00_JPRB, -4.19E+01_JPRB, -1.15E-04_JPRB, &
-       &      3.19E-01_JPRB,  4.34E-01_JPRB,  4.03E-01_JPRB,  1.82E-01_JPRB, -1.93E-12_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.01E+06_JPRB, -2.54E+04_JPRB, -2.77E+03_JPRB, -9.06E+02_JPRB, -5.94E+02_JPRB, &
-       &     -5.23E+02_JPRB, -1.45E+03_JPRB, -5.13E+03_JPRB, -4.70E+04_JPRB, -1.79E+05_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.31E+04_JPRB, -1.82E+04_JPRB, -3.52E-04_JPRB,  8.68E-01_JPRB,  1.05E+00_JPRB, &
-       &      9.69E-01_JPRB,  9.26E-01_JPRB,  8.83E-01_JPRB,  8.43E-01_JPRB,  7.97E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      7.58E-01_JPRB,  7.25E-01_JPRB,  6.95E-01_JPRB,  6.35E-01_JPRB,  5.41E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.33E-01_JPRB, -1.42E-03_JPRB, -2.62E-04_JPRB, -9.94E-02_JPRB, -1.26E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.56E-04_JPRB,  1.16E-01_JPRB,  1.62E+07_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustae3(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/ -1.34E-01_JPRB, -7.48E-01_JPRB, -5.40E-01_JPRB, -1.64E-01_JPRB, -3.58E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.66E-01_JPRB, -1.29E+00_JPRB, -1.41E+00_JPRB, -1.28E+00_JPRB, -1.16E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.04E+00_JPRB, -9.76E-01_JPRB, -9.88E-01_JPRB, -2.02E+00_JPRB,  1.15E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.20E-01_JPRB, -7.44E-01_JPRB, -7.22E-01_JPRB, -3.40E-01_JPRB,  5.20E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.00E+00_JPRB, -4.21E+00_JPRB, -3.47E+00_JPRB, -3.09E+00_JPRB, -2.93E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.87E+00_JPRB, -3.18E+00_JPRB, -3.55E+00_JPRB, -4.33E+00_JPRB, -4.55E+00_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.19E+00_JPRB, -3.99E+00_JPRB,  9.38E-01_JPRB, -8.10E-01_JPRB, -8.48E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.14E-01_JPRB, -7.92E-01_JPRB, -7.68E-01_JPRB, -7.44E-01_JPRB, -7.12E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.84E-01_JPRB, -6.60E-01_JPRB, -6.36E-01_JPRB, -5.86E-01_JPRB, -4.94E-01_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.28E-01_JPRB,  8.88E-01_JPRB,  1.22E+00_JPRB,  2.04E-01_JPRB,  1.86E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.09E+00_JPRB, -3.16E-01_JPRB, -6.00E+00_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: zhustaf3(nvalhusta) = &
-       &  (/  9.75E-01_JPRB,  4.57E-01_JPRB,  5.37E-01_JPRB,  1.20E+00_JPRB,  7.30E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.42E-01_JPRB,  4.93E-01_JPRB,  4.90E-01_JPRB,  4.96E-01_JPRB,  5.03E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.13E-01_JPRB,  5.20E-01_JPRB,  5.19E-01_JPRB,  4.82E-01_JPRB,  4.97E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.59E-01_JPRB,  4.61E-01_JPRB,  4.57E-01_JPRB,  4.33E-01_JPRB,  4.82E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.80E-01_JPRB,  4.80E-01_JPRB,  4.81E-01_JPRB,  4.82E-01_JPRB,  4.83E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.85E-01_JPRB,  4.87E-01_JPRB,  4.89E-01_JPRB,  4.85E-01_JPRB,  4.96E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.03E-01_JPRB,  5.05E-01_JPRB,  5.21E-01_JPRB,  4.64E-01_JPRB,  4.52E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.45E-01_JPRB,  4.42E-01_JPRB,  4.39E-01_JPRB,  4.36E-01_JPRB,  4.32E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      4.29E-01_JPRB,  4.27E-01_JPRB,  4.24E-01_JPRB,  4.19E-01_JPRB,  4.08E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      1.71E-01_JPRB,  5.51E-01_JPRB,  5.44E-01_JPRB,  7.38E-01_JPRB,  7.78E-01_JPRB, &
-       &      5.54E-01_JPRB,  4.91E-01_JPRB,  5.13E-01_JPRB /)
-  !
-  ! Lower and upper r_e limits (in microns) for the Hu & Stamnes water cloud scheme
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: low_re(3) = &
-       &  (/  2.5_JPRB, 12.5_JPRB, 30.0_JPRB /)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: upp_re(3) = &
-       &  (/ 12.5_JPRB, 30.0_JPRB, 60.0_JPRB /)
-  !
-  ! Ice cloud coefficients for hexagonal columns and aggregates (Baran et al. references, etc.)
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter  :: nvalice = 52   ! No. of wavelengths for tabulated ice cloud data (columns & aggregates)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceom(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/ 3030.30_JPRB, 2941.18_JPRB, 2857.14_JPRB, 2739.73_JPRB, 2631.58_JPRB, 2500.00_JPRB, &
-       &     2352.94_JPRB, 2222.22_JPRB, 2105.26_JPRB, 2000.00_JPRB, 1904.76_JPRB, 1818.18_JPRB, &
-       &     1739.13_JPRB, 1666.67_JPRB, 1600.00_JPRB, 1538.46_JPRB, 1481.48_JPRB, 1428.57_JPRB, &
-       &     1379.31_JPRB, 1333.33_JPRB, 1290.32_JPRB, 1250.00_JPRB, 1212.12_JPRB, 1176.47_JPRB, &
-       &     1142.86_JPRB, 1111.11_JPRB, 1081.08_JPRB, 1052.63_JPRB, 1025.64_JPRB, 1000.00_JPRB, &
-       &     975.610_JPRB, 952.381_JPRB, 930.233_JPRB, 909.091_JPRB, 888.889_JPRB, 869.565_JPRB, &
-       &     851.064_JPRB, 833.333_JPRB, 816.327_JPRB, 800.000_JPRB, 784.314_JPRB, 769.231_JPRB, &
-       &     754.717_JPRB, 740.741_JPRB, 727.273_JPRB, 714.286_JPRB, 701.754_JPRB, 689.655_JPRB, &
-       &     677.966_JPRB, 666.667_JPRB, 645.161_JPRB, 625.000_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceclmna(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/ -2.730E-04_JPRB,  2.955E-03_JPRB,  8.551E-03_JPRB,  1.104E-02_JPRB,  1.142E-02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.063E-02_JPRB,  6.645E-03_JPRB,  4.585E-03_JPRB,  7.438E-03_JPRB,  1.153E-02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.118E-02_JPRB,  8.874E-03_JPRB,  4.290E-03_JPRB,  7.193E-05_JPRB, -2.919E-04_JPRB, &
-       &      1.430E-03_JPRB,  1.499E-03_JPRB,  2.203E-03_JPRB,  2.854E-03_JPRB,  3.659E-03_JPRB, &
-       &      4.395E-03_JPRB,  5.954E-03_JPRB,  8.233E-03_JPRB,  8.613E-03_JPRB,  8.671E-03_JPRB, &
-       &      8.635E-03_JPRB,  8.579E-03_JPRB,  8.933E-03_JPRB,  9.294E-03_JPRB,  9.194E-03_JPRB, &
-       &      6.983E-03_JPRB,  4.237E-03_JPRB,  8.328E-04_JPRB, -1.586E-03_JPRB, -3.119E-03_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.084E-03_JPRB, -4.778E-03_JPRB, -5.424E-03_JPRB, -5.775E-03_JPRB, -6.258E-03_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.650E-03_JPRB, -7.006E-03_JPRB, -7.293E-03_JPRB, -7.489E-03_JPRB, -7.606E-03_JPRB, &
-       &     -7.604E-03_JPRB, -7.290E-03_JPRB, -6.789E-03_JPRB, -6.010E-03_JPRB, -5.113E-03_JPRB, &
-       &     -3.079E-03_JPRB, -1.319E-03_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceclmnb(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/ 1.15507_JPRB, 0.998864_JPRB, 0.648575_JPRB, 0.413856_JPRB, 0.357719_JPRB, 0.477263_JPRB, &
-       &    0.801942_JPRB, 0.929286_JPRB, 0.748354_JPRB, 0.484662_JPRB, 0.532899_JPRB, 0.756074_JPRB, &
-       &     1.06101_JPRB,  1.29158_JPRB,  1.31124_JPRB,  1.22431_JPRB,  1.22406_JPRB,  1.18912_JPRB, &
-       &     1.15642_JPRB,  1.11504_JPRB,  1.06638_JPRB, 0.975032_JPRB, 0.839719_JPRB, 0.820845_JPRB, &
-       &    0.817312_JPRB, 0.822945_JPRB, 0.824715_JPRB, 0.803417_JPRB, 0.776200_JPRB, 0.779677_JPRB, &
-       &    0.905234_JPRB,  1.05443_JPRB,  1.22364_JPRB,  1.33783_JPRB,  1.41295_JPRB,  1.46198_JPRB, &
-       &     1.49971_JPRB,  1.53374_JPRB,  1.56394_JPRB,  1.59190_JPRB,  1.61783_JPRB,  1.64190_JPRB, &
-       &     1.66343_JPRB,  1.68113_JPRB,  1.69468_JPRB,  1.70311_JPRB,  1.70024_JPRB,  1.68537_JPRB, &
-       &     1.65613_JPRB,  1.61908_JPRB,  1.52735_JPRB,  1.44473_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceclmnc(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/ -1.26793_JPRB, -2.27565_JPRB, -1.96593_JPRB, -1.35472_JPRB, -1.18284_JPRB, -1.54074_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.25679_JPRB, -2.36525_JPRB, -2.17367_JPRB, -1.82730_JPRB, -2.00055_JPRB, -2.66083_JPRB, &
-       &     -3.22855_JPRB, -3.10677_JPRB, -3.16384_JPRB, -3.33039_JPRB, -3.34724_JPRB, -3.37792_JPRB, &
-       &     -3.39756_JPRB, -3.38943_JPRB, -3.22239_JPRB, -3.14114_JPRB, -2.88840_JPRB, -2.85444_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.85180_JPRB, -2.85761_JPRB, -2.86914_JPRB, -2.80742_JPRB, -2.72661_JPRB, -2.69076_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.82381_JPRB, -2.82896_JPRB, -2.48929_JPRB, -1.97028_JPRB, -1.58561_JPRB, -1.34155_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.19335_JPRB, -1.12488_JPRB, -1.14122_JPRB, -1.19303_JPRB, -1.34383_JPRB, -1.52861_JPRB, &
-       &     -1.76771_JPRB, -2.04851_JPRB, -2.34234_JPRB, -2.67892_JPRB, -3.03952_JPRB, -3.42093_JPRB, &
-       &     -3.78222_JPRB, -4.04325_JPRB, -4.34446_JPRB, -4.42520_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceclmnd(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/  1.999E-06_JPRB, -1.308E-05_JPRB, -3.710E-05_JPRB, -4.492E-05_JPRB, -4.540E-05_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.410E-05_JPRB, -2.943E-05_JPRB, -2.046E-05_JPRB, -3.272E-05_JPRB, -4.888E-05_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.826E-05_JPRB, -4.139E-05_JPRB, -2.206E-05_JPRB, -2.334E-06_JPRB, -7.321E-07_JPRB, &
-       &     -9.059E-06_JPRB, -9.474E-06_JPRB, -1.289E-05_JPRB, -1.603E-05_JPRB, -1.986E-05_JPRB, &
-       &     -2.281E-05_JPRB, -2.979E-05_JPRB, -3.992E-05_JPRB, -4.159E-05_JPRB, -4.172E-05_JPRB, &
-       &     -4.155E-05_JPRB, -4.107E-05_JPRB, -4.245E-05_JPRB, -4.362E-05_JPRB, -4.273E-05_JPRB, &
-       &     -3.247E-05_JPRB, -1.948E-05_JPRB, -3.936E-06_JPRB,  6.769E-06_JPRB,  1.342E-05_JPRB, &
-       &      1.751E-05_JPRB,  2.041E-05_JPRB,  2.323E-05_JPRB,  2.422E-05_JPRB,  2.637E-05_JPRB, &
-       &      2.814E-05_JPRB,  2.976E-05_JPRB,  3.107E-05_JPRB,  3.195E-05_JPRB,  3.244E-05_JPRB, &
-       &      3.234E-05_JPRB,  3.050E-05_JPRB,  2.792E-05_JPRB,  2.396E-05_JPRB,  1.944E-05_JPRB, &
-       &      9.359E-06_JPRB,  6.752E-07_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceaggra(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/ -5.185e-05_JPRB,  4.493e-03_JPRB,  9.876e-03_JPRB,  1.049e-02_JPRB,  1.053e-02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.069e-02_JPRB,  1.015e-02_JPRB,  7.414e-03_JPRB,  1.021e-02_JPRB,  1.086e-02_JPRB, &
-       &      1.067e-02_JPRB,  9.625e-03_JPRB,  6.808e-03_JPRB,  2.553e-03_JPRB,  2.433e-03_JPRB, &
-       &      4.034e-03_JPRB,  4.089e-03_JPRB,  4.599e-03_JPRB,  5.161e-03_JPRB,  5.677e-03_JPRB, &
-       &      6.128e-03_JPRB,  7.258e-03_JPRB,  7.541e-03_JPRB,  7.768e-03_JPRB,  7.849e-03_JPRB, &
-       &      7.810e-03_JPRB,  7.874e-03_JPRB,  8.063e-03_JPRB,  8.300e-03_JPRB,  8.178e-03_JPRB, &
-       &      6.610e-03_JPRB,  4.199e-03_JPRB,  5.587e-05_JPRB, -3.759e-03_JPRB, -5.227e-03_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.710e-03_JPRB, -7.729e-03_JPRB, -8.106e-03_JPRB, -8.477e-03_JPRB, -8.424e-03_JPRB, &
-       &     -8.372e-03_JPRB, -8.584e-03_JPRB, -8.162e-03_JPRB, -7.566e-03_JPRB, -6.899e-03_JPRB, &
-       &     -6.173e-03_JPRB, -5.201e-03_JPRB, -3.949e-03_JPRB, -2.594e-03_JPRB, -1.514e-03_JPRB, &
-       &      7.812e-04_JPRB,  2.239e-03_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceaggrb(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/  1.11934_JPRB, 0.847526_JPRB, 0.463047_JPRB, 0.259500_JPRB, 0.203728_JPRB, 0.279832_JPRB, &
-       &     0.403984_JPRB, 0.650849_JPRB, 0.397133_JPRB, 0.264136_JPRB, 0.288991_JPRB, 0.422823_JPRB, &
-       &     0.640145_JPRB, 0.877570_JPRB, 0.884022_JPRB, 0.789077_JPRB, 0.787059_JPRB, 0.755748_JPRB, &
-       &     0.724099_JPRB, 0.689130_JPRB, 0.663811_JPRB, 0.587901_JPRB, 0.509921_JPRB, 0.498516_JPRB, &
-       &     0.492339_JPRB, 0.498351_JPRB, 0.496686_JPRB, 0.488979_JPRB, 0.472445_JPRB, 0.482186_JPRB, &
-       &     0.595324_JPRB, 0.757605_JPRB,  1.00574_JPRB,  1.21263_JPRB,  1.29811_JPRB,  1.38007_JPRB, &
-       &      1.44194_JPRB,  1.46135_JPRB,  1.47735_JPRB,  1.48062_JPRB,  1.48395_JPRB,  1.49712_JPRB, &
-       &      1.47944_JPRB,  1.45448_JPRB,  1.40992_JPRB,  1.37143_JPRB,  1.32063_JPRB,  1.25652_JPRB, &
-       &      1.17969_JPRB,  1.11374_JPRB, 0.986506_JPRB, 0.896953_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceaggrc(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/ -0.402978_JPRB, -0.993241_JPRB, -0.761126_JPRB, -0.510089_JPRB, -0.398976_JPRB, -0.560947_JPRB, &
-       &     -0.801117_JPRB,  -1.17222_JPRB, -0.799439_JPRB, -0.543211_JPRB, -0.598025_JPRB, -0.851190_JPRB, &
-       &      -1.16924_JPRB,  -1.39290_JPRB,  -1.40250_JPRB,  -1.38837_JPRB,  -1.39815_JPRB,  -1.38553_JPRB, &
-       &      -1.35820_JPRB,  -1.32358_JPRB,  -1.29793_JPRB,  -1.19598_JPRB,  -1.10910_JPRB,  -1.09096_JPRB, &
-       &      -1.07515_JPRB,  -1.08374_JPRB,  -1.07629_JPRB,  -1.06212_JPRB,  -1.02335_JPRB,  -1.02745_JPRB, &
-       &      -1.19042_JPRB,  -1.38410_JPRB,  -1.55130_JPRB,  -1.55680_JPRB,  -1.40604_JPRB,  -1.38190_JPRB, &
-       &      -1.40931_JPRB,  -1.33680_JPRB,  -1.31955_JPRB,  -1.38799_JPRB,  -1.45670_JPRB,  -1.58177_JPRB, &
-       &      -1.67483_JPRB,  -1.78235_JPRB,  -1.80958_JPRB,  -1.90786_JPRB,  -1.99872_JPRB,  -2.06038_JPRB, &
-       &      -2.06921_JPRB,  -2.04467_JPRB,  -1.96709_JPRB,  -1.87323_JPRB /)
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ziceaggrd(nvalice) = &
-       &  (/ 1.268e-06_JPRB, -1.567e-05_JPRB, -3.467e-05_JPRB, -3.147e-05_JPRB, -3.023e-05_JPRB, &
-       &    -3.283e-05_JPRB, -3.331e-05_JPRB, -2.502e-05_JPRB, -3.346e-05_JPRB, -3.312e-05_JPRB, &
-       &    -3.254e-05_JPRB, -3.033e-05_JPRB, -2.041e-05_JPRB, -2.780e-06_JPRB, -2.405e-06_JPRB, &
-       &    -8.877e-06_JPRB, -9.126e-06_JPRB, -1.115e-05_JPRB, -1.350e-05_JPRB, -1.542e-05_JPRB, &
-       &    -1.731e-05_JPRB, -2.160e-05_JPRB, -2.077e-05_JPRB, -2.169e-05_JPRB, -2.191e-05_JPRB, &
-       &    -2.180e-05_JPRB, -2.207e-05_JPRB, -2.286e-05_JPRB, -2.362e-05_JPRB, -2.300e-05_JPRB, &
-       &    -1.709e-05_JPRB, -7.907e-06_JPRB,  8.274e-06_JPRB,  2.344e-05_JPRB,  2.856e-05_JPRB, &
-       &     3.424e-05_JPRB,  3.794e-05_JPRB,  3.926e-05_JPRB,  4.080e-05_JPRB,  4.030e-05_JPRB, &
-       &     3.980e-05_JPRB,  4.075e-05_JPRB,  3.888e-05_JPRB,  3.623e-05_JPRB,  3.382e-05_JPRB, &
-       &     3.086e-05_JPRB,  2.682e-05_JPRB,  2.155e-05_JPRB,  1.606e-05_JPRB,  1.188e-05_JPRB, &
-       &     2.402e-06_JPRB, -3.311e-06_JPRB /)
-  !
-  !1.8 Hard limits for control of input profile
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  ! Temperature
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: tmax   = 400.0_JPRB       ! degK
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: tmin   = 90.0_JPRB        ! degK
-  ! Water Vapour
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: qmax   = 0.60E+06_JPRB    ! ppmv 0.373_JPRB kg/kg
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: qmin   = 0.00_JPRB        ! ppmv
-  ! Ozone
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: o3max  = 1000.0_JPRB      ! ppmv  1.657E-3_JPRB kg/kg
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: o3min  = 0.0_JPRB         ! ppmv
-  ! CO2
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: co2max = 1000.0_JPRB      ! ppmv
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: co2min = 0.0_JPRB         ! ppmv
-  ! Cloud Liquid Water
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: clwmax = 1.0_JPRB         ! kg/kg
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: clwmin = 0.0_JPRB         ! kg/kg
-  ! Surface Pressure
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: pmax   = 1100.0_JPRB      ! surface pressure hPa
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: pmin   = 400.0_JPRB       ! hPa
-  ! Surface Wind
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: wmax   =  100.0_JPRB      ! surface wind speed (m/s)
-  ! Zenith Angle
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: zenmax = 75.0_JPRB        ! zenith angle (Deg) = secant 3.86_JPRB
-  ! Cloud Top Pressure
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: ctpmax = 1100.0_JPRB      ! (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: ctpmin =   50.0_JPRB      ! (hPa)
-  !1.9  Maximum Optical Depth
-  !--------------------------
-  ! maximum value of optical depth for transmittance calculation
-  ! e(-30) -> 10**-14
-  ! e(-50) -> 10**-22
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter  :: max_optical_depth = 50._JPRB
-  !2 RTTOV7 aux parameters
-  !-------------------------
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: fastem_sp = 5  ! max. number of fastem surface parameters
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: mwcldtop = 25  ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter    :: pressure_top = 0.004985_JPRB ! Pressure of top level for
-                                                ! Line/Line calculations (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , Dimension(8), Parameter :: dcoeff =      &  ! Debye coefs
-       & (/ 17.1252_JPRB, 134.2450_JPRB, 310.2125_JPRB,  5.667_JPRB,   &
-       &   188.7979_JPRB,  80.5419_JPRB,   0.1157_JPRB,  4.8417_JPRB/)
-  !2.1 Polarisation definitions
-  !----------------------------
-  ! 1 = 0.5 (V+H)
-  ! 2 = QV
-  ! 3 = QH
-  ! 4 = V
-  ! 5 = H
-  ! 6 = V , H
-  ! 7 = Stokes (i.e. V , H , U, RHC)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Dimension(7), Parameter :: npolar_compute = &
-  & (/ 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4/)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Dimension(7), Parameter :: npolar_return = &
-  & (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4/)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: pol_v(3,5) = Reshape( &
-  &  (/ 0.5_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, &
-  &     0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, &
-  &     0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, &
-  &     1.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, &
-  &     0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB  /), (/3,5/) )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: pol_h(3,5) = Reshape( &
-  &  (/ 0.5_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, &
-  &     0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, &
-  &     0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 1.0_JPRB, &
-  &     0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, &
-  &     1.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB, 0.0_JPRB  /), (/3,5/) )
-  !3 RTTOVSCATT aux parameters
-  !---------------------------
-  ! Minimum cloud cover processed by rttov_scatt
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Parameter  :: ccthres = 0.05_JPRB
-  ! Rain density (g.cm-1)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: rho_rain = 1.0_JPRB
-  ! Snow density (g.cm-1)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: rho_snow = 0.1_JPRB
-End Module rttov_const
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_dealloc_coef.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_dealloc_coef.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e3f065d5ffee728b94e3b561ccc4ce6da00eed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_dealloc_coef.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_dealloc_coef (errorstatus, coef)
-  ! Description:
-  ! de-allocation of a coefficient structure
-  ! The allocation is done by the readcoef subroutine called by the user
-  ! this subroutine should be called once per coef structure when
-  ! all rttov calls are completed.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       03/05/2004  Add specific RTTOV8 CO2 variable (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.2       02/06/2004  Update for RTTOV8 coefS (P. Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :     &
-        & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-        & errorstatus_info    ,&
-        & errorstatus_success ,&
-        & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-        & errorstatus_warning
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out)   :: errorstatus    ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef           ! coefficients
-  ! Local Arrays and Scalars:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: n_ios = 45
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)            :: io_status(n_ios)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)            :: ios
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=18) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_dealloc_coef'
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  io_status(:) = 0
-  errorstatus = errorstatus_success
-  Deallocate ( coef % fmv_gas_id , stat=io_status( 1) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % fmv_gas_pos, stat=io_status( 2) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % fmv_var    , stat=io_status( 3) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % fmv_lvl    , stat=io_status( 4) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ff_ori_chn , stat=io_status( 5) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ff_val_chn , stat=io_status( 6) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ff_cwn     , stat=io_status( 7) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ff_bco     , stat=io_status( 8) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ff_bcs     , stat=io_status( 9) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ff_gam     , stat=io_status(10) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % gaz_units  , stat=io_status(11) )
-  If( coef % fastem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % fastem_coef   , stat=io_status(12) )
-     Deallocate ( coef % fastem_polar  , stat=io_status(13) )
-  End If
-  If( coef % ssirem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % ssirem_chn , stat=io_status(14) )
-     Deallocate ( coef % ssirem_a0  , stat=io_status(15) )
-     Deallocate ( coef % ssirem_a1  , stat=io_status(16) )
-     Deallocate ( coef % ssirem_a2  , stat=io_status(17) )
-     Deallocate ( coef % ssirem_xzn1, stat=io_status(18) )
-     Deallocate ( coef % ssirem_xzn2, stat=io_status(19) )
-  End If
-  Deallocate ( coef % ref_prfl_p , stat=io_status(20) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ref_prfl_t , stat=io_status(21) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ref_prfl_mr, stat=io_status(22) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % lim_prfl_p   , stat=io_status(23) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % lim_prfl_tmax, stat=io_status(24) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % lim_prfl_tmin, stat=io_status(25) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % lim_prfl_gmin, stat=io_status(26) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % lim_prfl_gmax, stat=io_status(27) )
-  If ( coef % nmixed > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % mixedgas , stat= io_status(28) )
-  End If
-  If ( coef % nwater > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % watervapour, stat= io_status(29) )
-  End If
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % ozone , stat= io_status(30) )
-  End If
-  If ( coef % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % wvcont , stat= io_status(31) )
-  End If
-  If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % co2 , stat= io_status(32) )
-  End If
-  If ( coef % nn2o > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % n2o , stat= io_status(33) )
-  End If
-  If ( coef % nco > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % co , stat= io_status(34) )
-  End If
-  If ( coef % nch4 > 0 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % ch4 , stat= io_status(35) )
-  End If
-  ! planck variables
-  Deallocate ( coef % planck1 , stat= io_status(36) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % planck2 , stat= io_status(37) )
-  ! frequency in GHz for MicroWaves
-  If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % frequency_ghz , stat= io_status(38) )
-  Endif
-  ! Compute specific variables for RTTOV7/8
-  Deallocate ( coef % dp      , stat= io_status(39) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % dpp     , stat= io_status(40) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % tstar   , stat= io_status(41) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % to3star , stat= io_status(42) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % wstar   , stat= io_status(43) )
-  Deallocate ( coef % ostar   , stat= io_status(44) )
-  ! Specific variables for RTTOV8
-  If( coef % fmv_model_ver == 8 ) Then
-     Deallocate ( coef % co2star   , stat= io_status(45) )
-  End If
-  ! reinitialize coef structure for all single types
-  coef % id_platform       = 0
-  coef % id_sat            = 0
-  coef % id_inst           = 0
-  coef % id_sensor         = 0
-  coef % id_comp_lvl       = 0
-  coef % id_creation_date  = (/ 0, 0, 0 /)
-  coef % id_creation       = 'xxxx'
-  coef % id_Common_name    = 'xxxx'
-  coef % fmv_model_def     = 'xxxx'
-  coef % fmv_model_ver     = 0
-  coef % fmv_chn           = 0
-  coef % fmv_gas           = 0
-  coef % nmixed            = 0
-  coef % nwater            = 0
-  coef % nozone            = 0
-  coef % nwvcont           = 0
-  coef % nco2              = 0
-  coef % nn2o              = 0
-  coef % nco               = 0
-  coef % nch4              = 0
-  coef % nlevels           = 0
-  coef % fc_speedl         = 0._JPRB
-  coef % fc_planck_c1      = 0._JPRB
-  coef % fc_planck_c2      = 0._JPRB
-  coef % fc_sat_height     = 0._JPRB
-  coef % fastem_ver        = 0
-  coef % fastem_coef_nb    = 0
-  coef % ssirem_ver        = 0
-  coef % ratoe             = 0._JPRB
-  ! Check if any deallocation statement failed
-  ! In case of failure send an error report for each case
-  ! If more than 2 cases then the error is "Fatal"
-  If( Any(io_status /= errorstatus_success) ) Then
-     Do ios = 1, n_ios
-        If( io_status(ios) /= errorstatus_success ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_info
-           Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of coefficent structure number",i3 )' ) ios
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     If ( Count(io_status /= errorstatus_success) <= 2 ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_warning
-     Else
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     End If
-     Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of coefficent structure" )' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  End If
-  Nullify(coef % gaz_units)
-  Nullify(coef % mixedgas)
-  Nullify(coef % watervapour)
-  Nullify(coef % ozone)
-  Nullify(coef % wvcont)
-  Nullify(coef % co2)
-  Nullify(coef % n2o)
-  Nullify(coef % co)
-  Nullify(coef % ch4)
-End Subroutine rttov_dealloc_coef
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_dealloc_coef.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_dealloc_coef.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index e0857ef2f91a3a523adc415649665062388aff2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_dealloc_coef.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_dealloc_coef (errorstatus, coef)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :     &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_info    ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out)   :: errorstatus    ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef           ! coefficients
-End Subroutine rttov_dealloc_coef
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_deletecomment.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_deletecomment.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f761c88ed25b3ce374504fd733fe3a8a2d13cbfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_deletecomment.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_DeleteComment (String)
-  ! Description:
-  ! Routine delete comments from string
-  !
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Purpose:
-  !   Delete comments and adjust left inside a character string
-  !   Comments are starting by a '!' sign
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !   Check position of character !
-  !   If found, change all characters starting at! position to the lenght
-  !   of string by a space.
-  !   Returns modifyed string adjusted left
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: P. Brunel
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version  Date      Comment
-  !  1.0    08/03/01  F90 Original P. Brunel
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  Use parkind1 , Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !   Scalar arguments with intent(in/out):
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (inout) :: string    ! ..to check
-  ! Local variables
-  Character (len=1) :: comment = '!'  ! character for starting comment
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: pos_mark      ! position of character '!' in current string
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lenght        ! lenght of string
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i             ! loop indice
-  !- End of header
-  ! find position of comment character in string
-  pos_mark = Scan(string,comment)
-  lenght = Len(string)
-  ! if comment is present, replace comment by spaces
-  If(pos_mark > 0) Then
-     Do i = pos_mark, lenght
-        string(i:i) = ' '
-     End Do
-  End If
-  ! Adjust left string
-  string = Adjustl(string)
-End Subroutine rttov_DeleteComment
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_deletecomment.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_deletecomment.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f27640e8580cc34341c8f437e2f95128a00569..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_deletecomment.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_DeleteComment (String)
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (inout) :: string    ! ..to check
-End Subroutine rttov_DeleteComment
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_direct.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_direct.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 5493bdaa4c240f880f4a2110b674377b8c60905c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_direct.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_direct( &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & transmission,    &! inout
-     & radiancedata )    ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute multi-channel level to space transmittances,
-  ! top of atmosphere and level to space radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures and optionally surface emissivities, for many
-  ! profiles in a single call, for satellite
-  ! infrared or microwave sensors. The code requires a coefficient file
-  ! for each sensor for which simulated radiances are requested.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: The methodology is described in the following:
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. and H.M. Woolf  1988 Transmittance of atmospheric gases
-  ! in the microwave region: a fast model. Applied Optics 27  3244-3249
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations.
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425.
-  !
-  ! Matricardi, M., F. Chevallier and S. Tjemkes 2001 An improved general
-  ! fast radiative transfer model for the assimilation of radiance
-  ! observations. ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 345
-  ! (available from the librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !          13/8/92.  For version 2.
-  !                    ksat added to argument list; ssu included;
-  !                    internal changes to move big arrays from commons to
-  !                    arguments and to introduce taskcommons
-  !           8/7/97   added ozone and extended water vapour in control vector
-  !        01/05/2000  F90 code
-  !        21/08/2000  Interface to rtint changed to include pref (surface reflectivity).
-  !                    (Stephen English)
-  !        31/01/2001  More cloud computations. stored in radov (F. Chevallier)
-  !        6/2/2001    pgrody and knav etc arrays removed from call (R Saunders)
-  !        18/01/2002  Thread safe (D.Salmond)
-  !        01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !        02/01/2003  More comments added (R Saunders)
-  !        24/01/2003  Error return code by input profile (P Brunel)
-  !                    Add WV Continuum and CO2 capability
-  !        02/06/2004  Change tests on id_comp_lvl == 7 by tests on fmv_model_ver (P. Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! A user guide and technical documentation is available at
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/index.html
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & max_optical_depth   ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & sensor_id_ir
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_type ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_checkinput.interface"
-#include "rttov_profaux.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_8.interface"
-#include "rttov_transmit.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_ir.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_integrate.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels  ! Number of radiances computed
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of frequencies
-                                                            !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout          ! Number of BTs returned
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles  ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)    ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)   !#Profiles indices
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud  ! switch for cloud computations
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef                ! RT Coefficients
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)! switch for emmissivity calc.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels) ! surface emmissivity
-  Type(transmission_type), Intent(inout) :: transmission ! transmittances and layer optical depths
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata   ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m) and degK
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)  ! return flag
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i      ! loop index
-  Logical :: addcosmic    ! switch for adding temp of cosmic background
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(10)  ! memory allocation status
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: reflectivity(nchannels) ! surface reflectivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: od_layer(coef%nlevels,nchannels) ! layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: opdp_ref(coef%nlevels,nfrequencies) ! layer optical depth before threshold
-                                                            ! from each standard pressure level
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=12) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_direct'
-  Type(geometry_Type)   :: angles(nprofiles)  ! geometry angles
-  Type(predictors_Type) :: predictors(nprofiles)! predictors
-  Type(profile_aux)     :: aux_prof(nprofiles)  ! auxillary profiles informations
-  Type(radiance_aux)    :: auxrad               ! auxillary radiances
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------
-  !0. initialize
-  !-------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  !1. check input data is within suitable physical limits
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_checkinput( &
-          & profiles( i ),     &!in
-          & coef,              &!in
-          & errorstatus(i)    ) !out
-  End Do
-  ! 1.1 test check input return code
-  !-----------------------------_---
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_warning ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput warning error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End If
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           ! Some unphysical values; Do not run RTTOV
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput fatal error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     ! nothing processed so all profiles get the fatal error code
-     ! user will know which profile
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  End If
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !2. determine cloud top and surface levels
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        Allocate( aux_prof(i) % debye_prof( 5 , coef%nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(1)  )
-        If( alloc_status(1) /= 0 ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of debye_prof")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-     Endif
-     Call rttov_profaux( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & aux_prof(i))    ! inout
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !3. set up common geometric variables for transmittance calculation
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & angles(i) )     ! out
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------
-  !5. calculate transmittance path predictors
-  !------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors(i) % nlevels  = coef % nlevels
-     predictors(i) % nmixed   = coef % nmixed
-     predictors(i) % nwater   = coef % nwater
-     predictors(i) % nozone   = coef % nozone
-     predictors(i) % nwvcont  = coef % nwvcont
-     predictors(i) % nco2     = coef % nco2
-     predictors(i) % ncloud   = 0 ! (can be set to 1 inside setpredictors)
-     Allocate( predictors(i) % mixedgas&
-           & ( coef%nmixed , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( predictors(i) % watervapour&
-           & ( coef%nwater , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( predictors(i) % clw&
-           & ( coef%nlevels )  ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     If( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors(i) % ozone&
-              & ( coef%nozone , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     End If
-     If( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors(i) % wvcont&
-              & ( coef%nwvcont , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     End If
-     If( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors(i) % co2&
-              & ( coef%nco2 , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     End If
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of predictors")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 7) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 8) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_8( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage,&
-              & '( "Unexpected RTTOV compatibility version number" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do ! Profile loop
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  !6. calculate optical depths and transmittances
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_transmit( &
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & coef%nlevels,    &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & predictors,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,        &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & transmission,    &! out
-       & od_layer,        &! out
-       & opdp_ref)         ! out
-  !--------------------------------------
-  !7. calculate channel emissivity values
-  !--------------------------------------
-  If ( Any(calcemis) ) Then
-     ! calculate surface emissivity for selected channels
-     ! and reflectivity
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir ) Then
-        !Infrared
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,         &! in
-             & angles,           &! in
-             & coef,             &! in
-             & nfrequencies,     &! in
-             & nprofiles,        &! in
-             & channels,         &! in
-             & lprofiles,        &! in
-             & calcemis,         &! in
-             & emissivity  )      ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     Elseif ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        !Microwave
-        Call rttov_calcemis_mw ( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nchannels,     &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & polarisations, &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & transmission,  &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity,    &! inout
-             & reflectivity,  &! out
-             & errorstatus   ) ! inout
-        If ( Any( errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        End If
-     Else
-        ! Hires
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity  )   ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End If
-     ! reflectivity for other channels
-     Where( .Not. calcemis(:) )
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End Where
-  Else
-     ! reflectivity for all channels
-     reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-  End If
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  !8. integrate the radiative transfer equation
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  Allocate(auxrad % layer   (coef % nlevels, nchannels) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate(auxrad % surfair (nchannels) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate(auxrad % skin    (nchannels) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate(auxrad % cosmic  (nchannels) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate(auxrad % up      (coef % nlevels, nchannels) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate(auxrad % down    (coef % nlevels, nchannels) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Allocate(auxrad % down_cloud    (coef % nlevels, nchannels),stat= alloc_status(7))
-  End If
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of aux radiances")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-  Call rttov_integrate( &
-       & addcloud,      &! in
-       & addcosmic,     &! in
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & nbtout,        &! in
-       & nprofiles,     &! in
-       & angles,        &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & lprofiles,     &! in
-       & emissivity,    &! in
-       & reflectivity,  &! in
-       & transmission,  &! in
-       & profiles,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,      &! in
-       & coef,          &! in
-       & radiancedata,  &! inout
-       & auxrad        ) ! inout
-  !--------------------
-  !9. deallocate memory
-  !--------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Deallocate( predictors(i) % mixedgas    ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Deallocate( predictors(i) % watervapour ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Deallocate( predictors(i) % clw         ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     If( predictors(i) % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors(i) % ozone    ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     End If
-     If( predictors(i) % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors(i) % wvcont    ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     End If
-     If( predictors(i) % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors(i) % co2    ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     End If
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of predictors")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Deallocate(auxrad % layer   ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % surfair ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % skin    ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % cosmic  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % up      ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % down    ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Deallocate(auxrad % down_cloud ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  End If
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of aux radiances")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If( Associated( aux_prof(i) % debye_prof) ) Then
-           Deallocate( aux_prof(i) % debye_prof ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of debye profile")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              Return
-           End If
-        End If
-     End Do
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_direct
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_direct.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_direct.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 00188ea061d6e9cea58d412d73f1a981125c9d3e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_direct.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_direct( &
-     errorstatus,      & ! out
-     nfrequencies,     & ! in
-     nchannels,        & ! in
-     nbtout,           & ! in
-     nprofiles,        & ! in
-     channels,         & ! in
-     polarisations,    & ! in
-     lprofiles,        & ! in
-     profiles,         & ! in
-     coef,             & ! in
-     addcloud,         & ! in
-     calcemis,         & ! in
-     emissivity,       & ! inout
-     transmission,     & ! inout
-     radiancedata )      ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       max_optical_depth   ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       sensor_id_ir
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_type ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels  ! Number of output radiances
-                                                       !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud  ! switch for cloud computations
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef                ! RT Coefficients
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)! switch for emmissivity calc.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels) ! surface emmissivity
-  Type(transmission_type), Intent(inout) :: transmission ! transmittances and layer optical depths
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata   ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m) and degK
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles) ! return flag
-End Subroutine rttov_direct
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_distribcoeffs.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_distribcoeffs.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index e3af17a70d05a7d55f128f987503ddef40f8361e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_distribcoeffs.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_distribcoeffs  (&
-      & kmyproc,       &! id proc
-      & kioproc,       &! proc for io
-      & coef           )! inout
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Communicate the coefficient reading by proc 1 to other procs
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       13/05/2004  Original
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :  gas_id_mixed, ngases_max
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: kmyproc  ! logical processor id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: kioproc  ! processor  dedicated for io
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(inout):
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef   ! coefficients
-  ! Local Scalars:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)  :: kcoef(57)
-  Real(Kind=JPRB)     :: zcoef(4)
-  Character (len=144) :: ccoef
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)  :: kdim,itag
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)  :: i
-  Logical             :: lallo
-  ! Functions:
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 0 Initialise variables
-  !---------------------------------------------
-  kcoef(:) = 0
-  zcoef(:) = 0.0
-  ccoef =  'xxxx'
-  lallo = kmyproc.ne.kioproc
-  If (kmyproc == kioproc) Then
-    kcoef(1)= coef % id_platform
-    kcoef(2)= coef % id_sat
-    kcoef(3)= coef % id_inst
-    kcoef(4)= coef % id_sensor
-    kcoef(5)= coef % id_comp_lvl
-    kcoef(6:8)= coef % id_creation_date
-    kcoef(9)= coef % fmv_chn
-    kcoef(10)= coef % fmv_gas
-    kcoef(11)= coef % nmixed
-    kcoef(12)= coef % nwater
-    kcoef(13)= coef % nozone
-    kcoef(14)= coef % nwvcont
-    kcoef(15)= coef % nco2
-    kcoef(16)= coef % nn2o
-    kcoef(17)= coef % nco
-    kcoef(18)= coef % nch4
-    kcoef(19)= coef % nlevels
-    kcoef(20)= coef % fastem_ver
-    kcoef(21)= coef % fastem_coef_nb
-    kcoef(22)= coef % ssirem_ver
-! Check if array are associated in PE1 to send the information to other PEs
-    kcoef(23:57)=0
-    If (Associated( coef % fmv_gas_id))  kcoef(23)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % fmv_gas_pos)) kcoef(24)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % fmv_var))     kcoef(25)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % fmv_lvl))     kcoef(26)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ff_ori_chn))  kcoef(27)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ff_val_chn))  kcoef(28)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ff_cwn))      kcoef(29)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ff_bco))      kcoef(30)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ff_bcs))      kcoef(31)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ff_gam))      kcoef(32)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % fastem_polar)) kcoef(33)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ssirem_chn))  kcoef(34)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ssirem_a0))   kcoef(35)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ssirem_a1))   kcoef(36)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ssirem_a2))   kcoef(37)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ssirem_xzn1)) kcoef(38)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ssirem_xzn2)) kcoef(39)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % fastem_coef)) kcoef(40)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % gaz_units))   kcoef(41)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ref_prfl_t))  kcoef(42)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ref_prfl_mr)) kcoef(43)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % lim_prfl_p))  kcoef(44)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % lim_prfl_tmax)) kcoef(45)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % lim_prfl_tmin)) kcoef(46)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % lim_prfl_gmax)) kcoef(47)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % lim_prfl_gmin)) kcoef(48)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % mixedgas))    kcoef(49)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % watervapour)) kcoef(50)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ozone))       kcoef(51)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % wvcont))      kcoef(52)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % co2))         kcoef(53)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % n2o))         kcoef(54)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % co))          kcoef(55)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ch4))         kcoef(56)=1
-    If (Associated( coef % ref_prfl_p))  kcoef(57)=1
-    ccoef= coef % id_creation//coef % id_Common_name//coef % fmv_model_def
-    zcoef(1)= coef % fc_speedl
-    zcoef(2)= coef % fc_planck_c1
-    zcoef(3)= coef % fc_planck_c2
-    zcoef(4)= coef % fc_sat_height
-  End If
-! Send 'constant' information to other PEs
-    itag=7000
-!    Call broadcint(kcoef,57,kioproc,ITAG+1)
-!    Call broadcreal(zcoef,4,kioproc,ITAG+2)
-!    Call broadcchar(ccoef,144,kioproc,ITAG+3)
-    If (kmyproc.ne.kioproc) Then
-      coef % id_platform=kcoef(1)
-      coef % id_sat=kcoef(2)
-      coef % id_inst=kcoef(3)
-      coef % id_sensor=kcoef(4)
-      coef % id_comp_lvl=kcoef(5)
-      coef % id_creation_date=kcoef(6:8)
-      coef % fmv_chn=kcoef(9)
-      coef % fmv_gas=kcoef(10)
-      coef % nmixed=kcoef(11)
-      coef % nwater=kcoef(12)
-      coef % nozone=kcoef(13)
-      coef % nwvcont=kcoef(14)
-      coef % nco2=kcoef(15)
-      coef % nn2o=kcoef(16)
-      coef % nco=kcoef(17)
-      coef % nch4=kcoef(18)
-      coef % nlevels=kcoef(19)
-      coef % fastem_ver=kcoef(20)
-      coef % fastem_coef_nb=kcoef(21)
-      coef % ssirem_ver=kcoef(22)
-      coef % id_creation=ccoef(1:80)
-      coef % id_Common_name=ccoef(81:112)
-      coef % fmv_model_def=ccoef(113:144)
-      coef % fc_speedl=zcoef(1)
-      coef % fc_planck_c1=zcoef(2)
-      coef % fc_planck_c2=zcoef(3)
-      coef % fc_sat_height=zcoef(4)
-    End If
-! Send 'arrays' information if associated to other PEs
-  If( kcoef(23) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % fmv_gas_id ( coef % fmv_gas ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % fmv_gas_id,coef % fmv_gas,kioproc,ITAG+23)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(24) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % fmv_gas_pos (  ngases_max ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % fmv_gas_pos, ngases_max,kioproc,ITAG+24)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(25) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % fmv_var ( coef % fmv_gas ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % fmv_var,coef % fmv_gas,kioproc,ITAG+25)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(26) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % fmv_lvl ( coef % fmv_gas ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % fmv_lvl,coef % fmv_gas,kioproc,ITAG+26)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(27) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ff_ori_chn ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % ff_ori_chn,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+27)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(28) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ff_val_chn ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % ff_val_chn,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+28)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(29) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ff_cwn ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ff_cwn,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+29)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(30) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ff_bco ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ff_bco,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+30)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(31) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ff_bcs ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ff_bcs,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+31)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(32) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ff_gam ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ff_gam,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+32)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(33) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % fastem_polar ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % fastem_polar,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+33)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(34) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ssirem_chn ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % ssirem_chn,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+34)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(35) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ssirem_a0 ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ssirem_a0,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+35)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(36) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ssirem_a1 ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ssirem_a1,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+36)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(37) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ssirem_a2 ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ssirem_a2,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+37)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(38) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ssirem_xzn1 ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ssirem_xzn1,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+38)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(39) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ssirem_xzn2 ( coef % fmv_chn ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ssirem_xzn2,coef % fmv_chn,kioproc,ITAG+39)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(40) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % fastem_coef ( coef % fastem_coef_nb ))
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % fastem_coef,coef % fastem_coef_nb,kioproc,ITAG+40)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(41) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % gaz_units ( coef % fmv_gas ))
-  !  Call broadcint(coef % gaz_units,coef % fmv_gas,kioproc,ITAG+41)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(42) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ref_prfl_t ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed),coef % fmv_gas ) )
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)*coef % fmv_gas
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ref_prfl_t,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+42)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(43) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ref_prfl_mr ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed),coef % fmv_gas ) )
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)*coef % fmv_gas
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ref_prfl_mr,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+43)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(44) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % lim_prfl_p ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)))
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % lim_prfl_p,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+44)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(45) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % lim_prfl_tmax ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)))
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % lim_prfl_tmax,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+45)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(46) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % lim_prfl_tmin ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)))
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % lim_prfl_tmin,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+46)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(47) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % lim_prfl_gmax ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed),coef % fmv_gas ) )
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)*coef % fmv_gas
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % lim_prfl_gmax,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+47)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(48) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % lim_prfl_gmin ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed),coef % fmv_gas ) )
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)*coef % fmv_gas
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % lim_prfl_gmin,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+48)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(49) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % mixedgas ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nmixed))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nmixed
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % mixedgas,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+49)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(50) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % watervapour ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nwater))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nwater
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % watervapour,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+50)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(51) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ozone ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nozone))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nozone
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ozone,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+51)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(52) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % wvcont ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nwvcont))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nwvcont
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % wvcont,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+52)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(53) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % co2 ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nco2))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nco2
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % co2,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+53)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(54) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % n2o ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nn2o))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nn2o
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % n2o,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+54)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(55) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % co ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nco))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nco
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % co,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+55)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(56) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ch4 ( coef % nlevels, &
-                     & coef % fmv_chn, coef % nch4))
-    Kdim=  coef % nlevels*coef % fmv_chn*coef % nch4
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ch4,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+56)
-  End If
-  If( kcoef(57) == 1 ) Then
-    if (lallo) Allocate(coef % ref_prfl_p ( &
-                     & coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)))
-    Kdim= coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed)
-  !  Call broadcreal(coef % ref_prfl_p,kdim,kioproc,ITAG+57)
-  End If
-End Subroutine rttov_distribcoeffs
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_distribcoeffs.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_distribcoeffs.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 297c7e485ee57b91772c755a60833f1c934d4462..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_distribcoeffs.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_distribcoeffs  (&
-      & kmyproc,       &! id proc
-      & kioproc,       &! io proc
-      & coef           )! inout
-Use rttov_const, Only :  gas_id_mixed
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: kmyproc  ! logical processor id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: kioproc  ! processor  dedicated for io
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(inout):
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef   ! coefficients
-End Subroutine rttov_distribcoeffs
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 2871affdf90d62b2fd2e9641d17315a5b4529f9e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington ( &
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & angles,            &! in
-     & profiles,          &! in
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & scatt_aux,         &! in
-     & cld_radiance)       ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :      &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use rttov_const, Only:       &
-       & tcosmic 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_boundaryconditions.interface"
-#include "rttov_integratesource.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of NWP levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (in)    :: angles       (nprofiles)      ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles     (nprofiles)      ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)      ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (in)    :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                  ! Radiances
-!* Local variables
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp                    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm                    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up                  ! Upward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do                  ! Downward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_do, ftop                    ! Downward radiances
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_up                          ! Upward radiances
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_sfc                         ! Inward radiances at surface
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_space                       ! Inward radiances from space
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: tau_t                            ! Total transmittancs
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)  :: ilayer, jlayer, iprof, ichan
-   !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  cld_radiance % bt (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Top/bottom
-     irad_sfc   (ichan) = scatt_aux % ems_cld (ichan) * profiles(iprof) % skin % t
-     irad_space (ichan) = tcosmic
-!* Clear-sky source terms
-     j_up (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-     j_do (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-!* Downward radiance at cloud top
-     irad_do (ichan) = irad_space (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1
-        irad_do (ichan) = irad_do (ichan) * scatt_aux % tau (ichan,ilayer) + j_do (ichan,ilayer)
-     End do
-     ftop (ichan) = irad_do (ichan)
-  End do
-  If (maxval (scatt_aux % mclayer) > 0) Then
-!* Get D+, D- from boundary conditions
-     Call rttov_boundaryconditions (&
-&     nwp_levels,    &! in
-&     nchannels,     &! in
-&     nprofiles,     &! in
-&     lprofiles,     &! in
-&     scatt_aux,     &! in
-&     profiles ,     &! in
-&     ftop,          &! in
-&     dp,            &! out
-&     dm)             ! out 
-!* Integrate radiance source terms
-     Call rttov_integratesource (&
-&     nwp_levels,    &! in
-&     nchannels,     &! in
-&     nprofiles,     &! in
-&     lprofiles,     &! in
-&     angles,        &! in
-&     scatt_aux,     &! in
-&     dp,            &! in
-&     dm,            &! in
-&     j_do,          &! inout
-&     j_up)           ! inout 
-  Endif
-!* Integrate downward radiances/transmittance
-  irad_do (:) = irad_space (:)
-  irad_up (:) = irad_sfc   (:)
-  tau_t   (:) = 1.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     jlayer = nwp_levels + 1 - ilayer
-     irad_do (:) = irad_do (:) * scatt_aux % tau (:,ilayer) + j_do (:,ilayer)
-     irad_up (:) = irad_up (:) * scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer) + j_up (:,jlayer)
-     tau_t   (:) = tau_t   (:) * scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer)
-  Enddo
-  cld_radiance % bt (:) = irad_up (:) + scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) * irad_do (:) * tau_t (:)
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f79fd5766b39134b6b0a4d29f0beda9519c3f66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & profiles,&
- & cld_profiles,& 
- & scatt_aux,&
- & cld_radiance) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & radiance_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles) 
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index d5c8395f5c3149ff6a2958b0967fec443adbefe0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington_ad ( & 
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & angles,            &! in
-     & profiles,          &! in
-     & profiles_ad,       &! inout
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & scatt_aux,         &! in
-     & scatt_aux_ad,      &! inout
-     & cld_radiance,      &! inout
-     & cld_radiance_ad)    ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine 
-  ! to compute Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !  1.5       11/2005   Limit lines to 132 characters (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :      &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use rttov_const, Only:       &
-       & tcosmic 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_boundaryconditions.interface"
-#include "rttov_integratesource.interface"
-#include "rttov_boundaryconditions_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_integratesource_ad.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of NWP-levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (in)    :: angles       (nprofiles)      ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles     (nprofiles)      ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad  (nprofiles)      ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)      ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout)    :: scatt_aux                  ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad                  ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                  ! Radiances
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_ad               ! Radiances
-!* Local variables
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp                    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm                    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up                  ! Upward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do                  ! Downward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_ad                 ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_ad                 ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_ad               ! Upward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_ad               ! Downward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do1            ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do2            ! Downward radiances
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: irad_up             ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_sfc            ! Inward radiances at surface
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_space          ! Inward radiances from space
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: tau_t               ! Transmittances integrated over all levels
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: ftop, ftop_ad       ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do2_ad         ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do1_ad         ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: irad_up_ad          ! Upward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_sfc_ad         ! Inward radiances at surface
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_space_ad       ! Inward radiances from space
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: tau_t_ad            ! Transmittances integrated over all levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, jlayer, iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Top/bottom
-     irad_sfc   (ichan) = scatt_aux % ems_cld (ichan) * profiles (iprof) % skin % t
-     irad_space (ichan) = tcosmic
-!* Clear-sky source terms
-     j_up (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-     j_do (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-!* Downward radiance at cloud top
-     irad_do1 (ichan,0) = irad_space (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1
-        irad_do1 (ichan,ilayer) = irad_do1 (ichan,ilayer-1) * scatt_aux % tau (ichan,ilayer) + j_do (ichan,ilayer)
-     End do
-     ftop (ichan) = irad_do1 (ichan,scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1)
-  End do
-  If (maxval(scatt_aux % mclayer) > 0) Then
-!* Get D+, D- from boundary conditions
-     Call rttov_boundaryconditions (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & profiles,              &! in
-      & ftop,                  &! in
-      & dp,                    &! out
-      & dm)                     ! out 
-!* Integrate radiance source terms
-     Call rttov_integratesource (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & angles,                &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & dp,                    &! in
-      & dm,                    &! in
-      & j_do,                  &! inout
-      & j_up)                   ! inout 
-  Endif
-!* Integrate downward radiances/transmittance
-  irad_do2 (:,0)            = irad_space (:)
-  irad_up  (:,nwp_levels+1) = irad_sfc   (:)
-  tau_t    (:,nwp_levels+1) = 1.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     jlayer = nwp_levels + 1 - ilayer
-     irad_do2 (:,ilayer) = irad_do2 (:,ilayer-1) * scatt_aux % tau (:,ilayer) + j_do (:,ilayer)
-     irad_up  (:,jlayer) = irad_up  (:,jlayer+1) * scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer) + j_up (:,jlayer)
-     tau_t    (:,jlayer) = tau_t    (:,jlayer+1) * scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer)
-  Enddo
-  cld_radiance % bt (:) = irad_up (:,1) + scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) * irad_do2 (:,nwp_levels) * tau_t (:,1)
-  irad_up_ad    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_do1_ad   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_do2_ad   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  tau_t_ad      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  j_up_ad       (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  j_do_ad       (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  irad_sfc_ad   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_space_ad (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  dp_ad         (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm_ad         (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  ftop_ad       (:)   = 0.0_JPRB 
-!* Integrate downward radiances/transmittance
-  irad_up_ad (:,1) = irad_up_ad (:,1) + cld_radiance_ad % bt (:) 
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld (:) = scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld (:) + &
-      irad_do2 (:,nwp_levels) * tau_t (:,1) * cld_radiance_ad % bt (:) 
-  irad_do2_ad (:,nwp_levels) = irad_do2_ad (:,nwp_levels) + &
-      scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) * tau_t (:,1) * cld_radiance_ad % bt (:)
-  tau_t_ad (:,1)             = tau_t_ad (:,1)             + &
-      scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) * irad_do2 (:,nwp_levels) * cld_radiance_ad % bt (:)
-  cld_radiance_ad % bt (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     jlayer = nwp_levels + 1 - ilayer
-     tau_t_ad           (:,jlayer+1) = tau_t_ad (:,jlayer+1) + scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer) * tau_t_ad (:,jlayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % tau (:,jlayer)   = scatt_aux_ad % tau (:,jlayer) + tau_t (:,jlayer+1) * tau_t_ad (:,jlayer)
-     tau_t_ad           (:,jlayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     irad_up_ad         (:,jlayer+1) = irad_up_ad (:,jlayer+1) + scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer) * irad_up_ad (:,jlayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % tau (:,jlayer)   = scatt_aux_ad % tau (:,jlayer) + irad_up  (:,jlayer+1) * irad_up_ad (:,jlayer)
-     j_up_ad            (:,jlayer)   = j_up_ad (:,jlayer) + irad_up_ad (:,jlayer)
-     irad_up_ad         (:,jlayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     irad_do2_ad        (:,ilayer-1) = irad_do2_ad (:,ilayer-1) + scatt_aux % tau (:,ilayer) * irad_do2_ad (:,ilayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % tau (:,ilayer)   = scatt_aux_ad % tau (:,ilayer) + irad_do2 (:,ilayer-1) * irad_do2_ad (:,ilayer)
-     j_do_ad            (:,ilayer)   = j_do_ad (:,ilayer) + irad_do2_ad (:,ilayer)
-     irad_do2_ad        (:,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB     
-  Enddo
-  tau_t_ad (:,nwp_levels+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_sfc_ad (:)              = irad_sfc_ad (:) + irad_up_ad (:,nwp_levels+1)
-  irad_up_ad  (:,nwp_levels+1) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  irad_space_ad (:)   = irad_space_ad (:) + irad_do2_ad (:,0) 
-  irad_do2_ad   (:,0) = 0.0_JPRB
-  If (maxval(scatt_aux % mclayer) > 0) Then
-!* Get D+, D- from boundary conditions
-     Call rttov_integratesource_ad (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & angles,                &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux_ad,          &! in
-      & dp,                    &! in
-      & dp_ad,                 &! in
-      & dm,                    &! in
-      & dm_ad,                 &! in
-      & j_do,                  &! inout
-      & j_do_ad,               &! inout
-      & j_up,                  &! inout
-      & j_up_ad)                ! inout 
-     Call rttov_boundaryconditions_ad (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux_ad,          &! in
-      & profiles,              &! in
-      & profiles_ad ,          &! in
-      & ftop,                  &! in
-      & ftop_ad,               &! in
-      & dp,                    &! out
-      & dp_ad,                 &! out
-      & dm,                    &! out
-      & dm_ad)                  ! out 
-  Endif
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Downward radiance at cloud top
-     irad_do1_ad (ichan,scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1) = irad_do1_ad (ichan,scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1) + ftop_ad (ichan)
-     ftop_ad (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1, 1, -1
-        irad_do1_ad        (ichan,ilayer-1) = irad_do1_ad (ichan,ilayer-1) + scatt_aux % tau (ichan,ilayer) & 
-	                                    & * irad_do1_ad (ichan,ilayer)
-	scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,ilayer)   = scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,ilayer) + irad_do1 (ichan,ilayer-1) & 
-	                                    & * irad_do1_ad (ichan,ilayer)
-	j_do_ad            (ichan,ilayer)   = j_do_ad (ichan,ilayer) + irad_do1_ad (ichan,ilayer)
-	irad_do1_ad (ichan,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     End do
-     irad_space_ad (ichan) = irad_space_ad (ichan) + irad_do1_ad (ichan,0)
-     irad_do1_ad (ichan,0) = 0.0_JPRB         
-!* Clear-sky source terms
-     j_up_ad (ichan,:) = j_up_ad (ichan,:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:)
-     j_do_ad (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % b0  (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % b0  (iprof,:) + (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,:)) * j_up_ad (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * j_up_ad (ichan,:)
-     j_up_ad (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Top/bottom
-     irad_space_ad (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld (ichan) = scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld (ichan) + profiles (iprof) % skin % t * irad_sfc_ad (ichan)
-     profiles_ad (iprof) % skin % t = profiles_ad (iprof) % skin % t + scatt_aux % ems_cld (ichan) * irad_sfc_ad (ichan)
-     irad_sfc_ad (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-  End do
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f906ede1730b1102dfdf92d275338f635cde2f51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington_ad (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & profiles,&
- & profiles_ad,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_ad,&
- & cld_radiance,&
- & cld_radiance_ad) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & radiance_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)    
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 2441d2724c32d81fc9c77e80c2aa7ad04156da47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington_k ( & 
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & angles,            &! in
-     & profiles,          &! in
-     & profiles_k,        &! inout
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & scatt_aux,         &! in
-     & scatt_aux_k,       &! inout
-     & cld_radiance,      &! inout
-     & cld_radiance_k)    ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine 
-  ! to compute Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !  1.5       02/2005   K-code              (A. Collard)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :      &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use rttov_const, Only:       &
-       & tcosmic 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_boundaryconditions.interface"
-#include "rttov_integratesource.interface"
-#include "rttov_boundaryconditions_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_integratesource_k.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of NWP-levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (in)    :: angles       (nprofiles)      ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles     (nprofiles)      ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_k   (nchannels)      ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)      ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout)    :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k                  ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                  ! Radiances
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_k               ! Radiances
-!* Local variables
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp                    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm                    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up                  ! Upward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do                  ! Downward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_k                 ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_k                 ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_k               ! Upward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_k               ! Downward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do1            ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do2            ! Downward radiances
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: irad_up             ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_sfc            ! Inward radiances at surface
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_space          ! Inward radiances from space
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: tau_t               ! Transmittances integrated over all levels
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: ftop, ftop_k       ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do2_k         ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,0:nwp_levels) :: irad_do1_k         ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: irad_up_k          ! Upward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_sfc_k         ! Inward radiances at surface
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: irad_space_k       ! Inward radiances from space
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: tau_t_k            ! Transmittances integrated over all levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, jlayer, iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Top/bottom
-     irad_sfc   (ichan) = scatt_aux % ems_cld (ichan) * profiles (iprof) % skin % t
-     irad_space (ichan) = tcosmic
-!* Clear-sky source terms
-     j_up (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-     j_do (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-!* Downward radiance at cloud top
-     irad_do1 (ichan,0) = irad_space (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1
-        irad_do1 (ichan,ilayer) = irad_do1 (ichan,ilayer-1) * scatt_aux % tau (ichan,ilayer) + j_do (ichan,ilayer)
-     End do
-     ftop (ichan) = irad_do1 (ichan,scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1)
-  End do
-  If (maxval(scatt_aux % mclayer) > 0) Then
-!* Get D+, D- from boundary conditions
-     Call rttov_boundaryconditions (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & profiles,              &! in
-      & ftop,                  &! in
-      & dp,                    &! out
-      & dm)                     ! out 
-!* Integrate radiance source terms
-     Call rttov_integratesource (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & angles,                &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & dp,                    &! in
-      & dm,                    &! in
-      & j_do,                  &! inout
-      & j_up)                   ! inout 
-  Endif
-!* Integrate downward radiances/transmittance
-  irad_do2 (:,0)            = irad_space (:)
-  irad_up  (:,nwp_levels+1) = irad_sfc   (:)
-  tau_t    (:,nwp_levels+1) = 1.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     jlayer = nwp_levels + 1 - ilayer
-     irad_do2 (:,ilayer) = irad_do2 (:,ilayer-1) * scatt_aux % tau (:,ilayer) + j_do (:,ilayer)
-     irad_up  (:,jlayer) = irad_up  (:,jlayer+1) * scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer) + j_up (:,jlayer)
-     tau_t    (:,jlayer) = tau_t    (:,jlayer+1) * scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer)
-  Enddo
-  cld_radiance % bt (:) = irad_up (:,1) + scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) * irad_do2 (:,nwp_levels) * tau_t (:,1)
-  irad_up_k    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_do1_k   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_do2_k   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  tau_t_k      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  j_up_k       (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  j_do_k       (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  irad_sfc_k   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_space_k (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  dp_k         (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  dm_k         (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  ftop_k       (:)   = 0.0_JPRB 
-!* Integrate downward radiances/transmittance
-  irad_up_k (:,1) = irad_up_k (:,1) + cld_radiance_k % bt (:) 
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:) = scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:) + irad_do2 (:,nwp_levels) * tau_t (:,1) * cld_radiance_k % bt (:) 
-  irad_do2_k (:,nwp_levels) = irad_do2_k (:,nwp_levels) + scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) * tau_t (:,1) * cld_radiance_k % bt (:)
-  tau_t_k (:,1)             = tau_t_k (:,1)             + scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) & 
-                             & * irad_do2 (:,nwp_levels) * cld_radiance_k % bt (:)
-  cld_radiance_k % bt (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     jlayer = nwp_levels + 1 - ilayer
-     tau_t_k           (:,jlayer+1) = tau_t_k (:,jlayer+1) + scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer) * tau_t_k (:,jlayer)
-     scatt_aux_k % tau (:,jlayer)   = scatt_aux_k % tau (:,jlayer) + tau_t (:,jlayer+1) * tau_t_k (:,jlayer)
-     tau_t_k           (:,jlayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     irad_up_k         (:,jlayer+1) = irad_up_k (:,jlayer+1) + scatt_aux % tau (:,jlayer) * irad_up_k (:,jlayer)
-     scatt_aux_k % tau (:,jlayer)   = scatt_aux_k % tau (:,jlayer) + irad_up  (:,jlayer+1) * irad_up_k (:,jlayer)
-     j_up_k            (:,jlayer)   = j_up_k (:,jlayer) + irad_up_k (:,jlayer)
-     irad_up_k         (:,jlayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     irad_do2_k        (:,ilayer-1) = irad_do2_k (:,ilayer-1) + scatt_aux % tau (:,ilayer) * irad_do2_k (:,ilayer)
-     scatt_aux_k % tau (:,ilayer)   = scatt_aux_k % tau (:,ilayer) + irad_do2 (:,ilayer-1) * irad_do2_k (:,ilayer)
-     j_do_k            (:,ilayer)   = j_do_k (:,ilayer) + irad_do2_k (:,ilayer)
-     irad_do2_k        (:,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB     
-  Enddo
-  tau_t_k (:,nwp_levels+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_sfc_k (:)              = irad_sfc_k (:) + irad_up_k (:,nwp_levels+1)
-  irad_up_k  (:,nwp_levels+1) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  irad_space_k (:)   = irad_space_k (:) + irad_do2_k (:,0) 
-  irad_do2_k   (:,0) = 0.0_JPRB
-  If (maxval(scatt_aux % mclayer) > 0) Then
-!* Get D+, D- from boundary conditions
-     Call rttov_integratesource_k (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & angles,                &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux_k,           &! in
-      & dp,                    &! in
-      & dp_k,                  &! in
-      & dm,                    &! in
-      & dm_k,                  &! in
-      & j_do,                  &! inout
-      & j_do_k,                &! inout
-      & j_up,                  &! inout
-      & j_up_k)                 ! inout 
-     Call rttov_boundaryconditions_k (&
-      & nwp_levels,            &! in
-      & nchannels,             &! in
-      & nprofiles,             &! in
-      & lprofiles,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux,             &! in
-      & scatt_aux_k,           &! in
-      & profiles,              &! in
-      & profiles_k ,           &! in
-      & ftop,                  &! in
-      & ftop_k,                &! in
-      & dp,                    &! out
-      & dp_k,                  &! out
-      & dm,                    &! out
-      & dm_k)                   ! out 
-  Endif
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Downward radiance at cloud top
-     irad_do1_k (ichan,scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1) = irad_do1_k (ichan,scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1) + ftop_k (ichan)
-     ftop_k (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1, 1, -1
-        irad_do1_k        (ichan,ilayer-1) = irad_do1_k (ichan,ilayer-1) & 
-	                                   &  + scatt_aux % tau (ichan,ilayer) * irad_do1_k (ichan,ilayer)
-	scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,ilayer)   = scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,ilayer) & 
-	                                   & + irad_do1 (ichan,ilayer-1) * irad_do1_k (ichan,ilayer)
-	j_do_k            (ichan,ilayer)   = j_do_k (ichan,ilayer) + irad_do1_k (ichan,ilayer)
-	irad_do1_k (ichan,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     End do
-     irad_space_k (ichan) = irad_space_k (ichan) + irad_do1_k (ichan,0)
-     irad_do1_k (ichan,0) = 0.0_JPRB         
-!* Clear-sky source terms
-     j_up_k (ichan,:) = j_up_k (ichan,:) + j_do_k (ichan,:)
-     j_do_k (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % b0  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % b0  (ichan,:) + (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,:)) * j_up_k (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) * j_up_k (ichan,:)
-     j_up_k (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Top/bottom
-     irad_space_k (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (ichan) = scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (ichan) + profiles (iprof) % skin % t * irad_sfc_k (ichan)
-     profiles_k (ichan) % skin % t = profiles_k (ichan) % skin % t + scatt_aux % ems_cld (ichan) * irad_sfc_k (ichan)
-     irad_sfc_k (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-  End do
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index b5346d3e058c47a8d7fcc527728f77cbd1fec9ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington_k (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & profiles,&
- & profiles_k,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_k,&
- & cld_radiance,&
- & cld_radiance_k) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & radiance_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_k (nchannels)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)    
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_k
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df2672bf94f18fb3f728743b249fa1fa4b72be7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington_tl ( &
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & angles,            &! in
-     & profiles,          &! in
-     & profiles_tl,       &! in
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & scatt_aux,         &! in
-     & scatt_aux_tl,      &! in
-     & cld_radiance,      &! inout
-     & cld_radiance_tl)    ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :      &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use rttov_const, Only:       &
-       & tcosmic 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_boundaryconditions_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_integratesource_tl.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of NWP-levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (in)    :: angles       (nprofiles)      ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles     (nprofiles)      ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles_tl  (nprofiles)      ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)      ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout)    :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout)    :: scatt_aux_tl                  ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                  ! Radiances
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_tl               ! Radiances
-!* Local variables
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp                    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm                    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up                  ! Upward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do                  ! Downward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_tl                 ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_tl                 ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_tl               ! Upward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_tl               ! Downward radiance source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_do, ftop                    ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_up                          ! Upward radiances   
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_sfc                         ! Inward radiances at surface
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_space                       ! Inward radiances from space
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: tau_t                            ! Transmittances integrated over all levels
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_do_tl, ftop_tl              ! Downward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_up_tl                       ! Upward radiances 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_sfc_tl                      ! Inward radiances at surface
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: irad_space_tl                    ! Inward radiances from space
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels) :: tau_t_tl                         ! Transmittances integrated over all levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)  :: ilayer, jlayer, iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  cld_radiance_tl % bt (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  cld_radiance    % bt (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Top/bottom
-     irad_sfc_tl (ichan) = scatt_aux_tl % ems_cld (ichan) * profiles    (iprof) % skin % t &
-                       & + scatt_aux    % ems_cld (ichan) * profiles_tl (iprof) % skin % t
-     irad_sfc    (ichan) = scatt_aux    % ems_cld (ichan) * profiles    (iprof) % skin % t
-     irad_space_tl (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     irad_space    (ichan) = tcosmic
-!* Clear-sky source terms
-     j_up_tl (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_tl % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,:)) &
-                     & - scatt_aux    % b0 (iprof,:) *             scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:)
-     j_up    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux    % b0 (iprof,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,:)) 
-     j_do_tl (ichan,:) = j_up_tl (ichan,:)
-     j_do    (ichan,:) = j_up    (ichan,:)
-!* Downward radiance at cloud top
-     irad_do_tl (ichan) = irad_space_tl (ichan)
-     irad_do    (ichan) = irad_space    (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) - 1
-        irad_do_tl (ichan) = irad_do_tl (ichan) * scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,ilayer) &
-	                 & + irad_do    (ichan) * scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,ilayer) + j_do_tl (ichan,ilayer)
-        irad_do    (ichan) = irad_do    (ichan) * scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,ilayer) + j_do    (ichan,ilayer)
-     End do
-     ftop    (ichan) = irad_do    (ichan)
-     ftop_tl (ichan) = irad_do_tl (ichan)
-  End do 
-  If (maxval(scatt_aux % mclayer) > 0) Then
-!* Get D+, D- from boundary conditions
-     Call rttov_boundaryconditions_tl (&
-      & nwp_levels,       &! in
-      & nchannels,        &! in
-      & nprofiles,        &! in
-      & lprofiles,        &! in
-      & scatt_aux,        &! in
-      & scatt_aux_tl,     &! in
-      & profiles,         &! in
-      & profiles_tl ,     &! in
-      & ftop,             &! in
-      & ftop_tl,          &! in
-      & dp,               &! out
-      & dp_tl,            &! out
-      & dm,               &! out
-      & dm_tl)             ! out 
-!* Integrate radiance source terms 
-     Call rttov_integratesource_tl (&
-      & nwp_levels,       &! in
-      & nchannels,        &! in
-      & nprofiles,        &! in
-      & lprofiles,        &! in
-      & angles,           &! in
-      & scatt_aux,        &! in
-      & scatt_aux_tl,     &! in
-      & dp,               &! in
-      & dp_tl,            &! in
-      & dm,               &! in
-      & dm_tl,            &! in
-      & j_do,             &! inout
-      & j_do_tl,          &! inout
-      & j_up,             &! inout
-      & j_up_tl)           ! inout 
-  Endif
-!* Integrate downward radiances/transmittance
-  irad_do_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  irad_do    (:) = irad_space (:)
-  irad_up_tl (:) = irad_sfc_tl (:)
-  irad_up    (:) = irad_sfc    (:)
-  tau_t_tl   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  tau_t      (:) = 1.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     jlayer = nwp_levels + 1 - ilayer
-     irad_do_tl (:) = irad_do_tl (:) * scatt_aux    % tau (:,ilayer) &
-                  & + irad_do    (:) * scatt_aux_tl % tau (:,ilayer) + j_do_tl (:,ilayer)
-     irad_do    (:) = irad_do    (:) * scatt_aux    % tau (:,ilayer) + j_do    (:,ilayer)
-     irad_up_tl (:) = irad_up_tl (:) * scatt_aux    % tau (:,jlayer) &
-                  & + irad_up    (:) * scatt_aux_tl % tau (:,jlayer) + j_up_tl (:,jlayer)
-     irad_up    (:) = irad_up    (:) * scatt_aux    % tau (:,jlayer) + j_up    (:,jlayer)
-     tau_t_tl   (:) = tau_t_tl   (:) * scatt_aux    % tau (:,jlayer) &
-                  & + tau_t      (:) * scatt_aux_tl % tau (:,jlayer)
-     tau_t      (:) = tau_t      (:) * scatt_aux    % tau (:,jlayer)
-  Enddo
-  cld_radiance_tl % bt (:) = irad_up_tl (:) + (scatt_aux_tl % ref_cld (:) * irad_do    (:) &
-                                          & +  scatt_aux    % ref_cld (:) * irad_do_tl (:)) * tau_t    (:) &
-					  & + (scatt_aux    % ref_cld (:) * irad_do    (:)) * tau_t_tl (:)
-  cld_radiance    % bt (:) = irad_up    (:) +  scatt_aux    % ref_cld (:) * irad_do    (:)  * tau_t    (:)
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9c56237eea4aefda594584a0296fe4f37ccd1d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_eddington_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_eddington_tl (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & profiles,&
- & profiles_tl,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_tl,&
- & cld_radiance,&
- & cld_radiance_tl) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & radiance_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles_tl (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)  
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux_tl
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_tl
-End Subroutine rttov_eddington_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d67303ea949fb0a71c19bf23734d47705e5dc6f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_emiscld(  &
-      & errorstatus,       &! out
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & nlevels ,          &! in
-      & channels,          &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-      & coef,              &! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-      & cld_profiles,      &! in
-      & cld_radiance)       ! inout  (only cldemis calculated)
-  ! Description:
-  ! To compute cloud emissivity in the micro-wave (0-200 GHz)
-  !                         and in the infrared   (50-2860 cm-1)
-  !                                               spectral ranges
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! See references in the comments
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1         03/2000     Original code (F. Chevallier and P. Bauer)
-  ! 2         03/2001     Fortran 90    (F. Chevallier)
-  ! 2.1       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  ! 3         18/9/2003   New absorption properties for water and ice clouds added (P. Francis)
-  ! 4         24/2/04     Polarimetry options added
-  ! 5         06/10/04    Added errorstatus to arguments.
-  !                       Changed stop statements to returns. (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :    &
-       & pi                   ,&
-       & gravity              ,&
-       & surftype_land        ,&
-       & nvalhusta            ,&
-       & zhustaom             , &
-       & zhustaa1             , &
-       & zhustaa2             , &
-       & zhustaa3             , &
-       & zhustab1             , &
-       & zhustab2             , &
-       & zhustab3             , &
-       & zhustac1             , &
-       & zhustac2             , &
-       & zhustac3             , &
-       & zhustad1             , &
-       & zhustad2             , &
-       & zhustad3             , &
-       & zhustae1             , &
-       & zhustae2             , &
-       & zhustae3             , &
-       & zhustaf1             , &
-       & zhustaf2             , &
-       & zhustaf3             , &
-       & low_re               , &
-       & upp_re               , &
-       & nvalice              , &
-       & ziceom               , &
-       & ziceclmna            , ziceclmnb            , &
-       & ziceclmnc            , ziceclmnd            , &
-       & ziceaggra            , ziceaggrb            , &
-       & ziceaggrc            , ziceaggrd            , &
-       & sensor_id_ir         ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw         ,&
-       & sensor_id_hi         ,&
-       & errorstatus_success  ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies       ! Number of chans*profs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels          ! Number of output radiances
-                                                       !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles           ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels              ! Number of levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)  ! Error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies) ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef          ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance  ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m)
-  ! Local parameters:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtt   = 273.15_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rgp   = 8.314510_JPRB, rm = 0.0289644_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: repsc = 1.e-12_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: hundred = 100.0_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtou_upp=-20._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtou_low=-60._JPRB
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)                       :: jc, jk, jl, jo, ido, idp, idq, idh
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)                       :: freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zomega, zfreq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zlwgkg, ziwgkg, ztempc, zdp, p1, p2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zmsaiu, zdom, zmin, zmultl, zmsalu
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdz, zodw, zodi, zhelp, zbeta
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: fac1, fac2, fac3, fac4, fac5, fac6
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: eps0, eps1, eps2, fp, fs, theta
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: a, b, tk
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zeps_r, zeps_i
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: co_ssa_1, kext_hu_1, kabs_hu_1
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: co_ssa_2, kext_hu_2, kabs_hu_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: kabs_ice_1, kabs_ice_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zradipou_upp, zradipou_low
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: bwyser, nft
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: amcfarq, bmcfarq, cmcfarq, zmcfarq
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=13) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_emiscld'
-  !
-  ! Local arrays:
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Dimension(nchannels) :: indh
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Dimension(nchannels) :: indi
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(nprofiles)    :: zradlp, zradip
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(nprofiles)    :: zflwp, zfiwp, zlwc, ziwc
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(nprofiles)    :: zview
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdzst(nprofiles, nlevels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !All input NWP profiles have the same number of levels
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  ! All channels are IR or MW according to the coefficient
-  ! structure information
-  !
-  ! Calculate upper and lower limits for Ou-Liou effective size
-  !
-  zradipou_upp=326.3_JPRB + rtou_upp*(12.42_JPRB + rtou_upp*(0.197_JPRB + rtou_upp*0.0012_JPRB))
-  zradipou_low=326.3_JPRB + rtou_low*(12.42_JPRB + rtou_low*(0.197_JPRB + rtou_low*0.0012_JPRB))
-  !
-  ! and convert these to the "generalized" effective size used here (using McFarquhar et al 2003 equation),
-  ! not forgetting the factor of 2 to convert from McFarquhar's radius to a diameter
-  !
-  zradipou_upp=-1.56_JPRB + zradipou_upp*(0.388_JPRB + zradipou_upp*0.00051_JPRB)
-  zradipou_upp=2.0_JPRB*zradipou_upp
-  zradipou_low=-1.56_JPRB + zradipou_low*(0.388_JPRB + zradipou_low*0.00051_JPRB)
-  zradipou_low=2.0_JPRB*zradipou_low
-  !
-  ! nearest Hu & Stamnes and ice cloud coefficients
-  ! For IR and Hires only
-  If(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir  .Or. &
-        & coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_hi ) Then
-     Do jc = 1, nfrequencies
-        ido = channels(jc)
-        zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-        zmin = 1.e+06_JPRB
-        Do jo = 1, nvalhusta
-           zdom = Abs( zomega - zhustaom(jo) )
-           If (zdom < zmin) Then
-              indh(jc) = jo
-              zmin = zdom
-           End If
-        End Do
-        zmin = 1.e+06_JPRB
-        Do jo = 1, nvalice
-           zdom = Abs( zomega - ziceom(jo) )
-           If (zdom < zmin) Then
-              indi(jc) = jo
-              zmin = zdom
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  ! secant of zenith angle
-  !
-  zview(:) = 1._JPRB / Cos( profiles(:)%zenangle /180._JPRB * pi )
-  ! pressure layering (Pa)
-  !
-  Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-     Do jk = 1, nlevels
-        p1 = Max( cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)  *hundred, repsc )
-        p2 = Max( cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1)*hundred, repsc )
-        zdzst(jl,jk) = -1._JPRB *rgp /gravity /rm *Log(p1/p2)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels
-     Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-        zlwgkg = Max(cld_profiles(jl)%clw(jk)*1000._JPRB,0._JPRB)
-        ziwgkg = Max(cld_profiles(jl)%ciw(jk)*1000._JPRB,0._JPRB)
-        If (cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk) > (2._JPRB*repsc)) Then
-           zlwgkg = zlwgkg / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-           ziwgkg = ziwgkg / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-        Else
-           zlwgkg=0._JPRB
-           ziwgkg=0._JPRB
-        End If
-        ! Liquid and ice water paths (g.m-2)
-        zdp = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1) - cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)
-        zdp = zdp * 100._JPRB
-        zflwp(jl) = zlwgkg*zdp / gravity
-        zfiwp(jl) = ziwgkg*zdp / gravity
-        ! Liquid and ice water contents (kg.m-3)
-        zlwc(jl) = (zlwgkg/1000._JPRB) * (cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm) /&
-              & (rgp *cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))
-        ziwc(jl) = (ziwgkg/1000._JPRB) * (cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm) /&
-              & (rgp *cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))
-        zradip(jl) = 1._JPRB
-        zradlp(jl) = 1._JPRB
-        zmultl     = 0._JPRB
-        If (zflwp(jl) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           ! Liquid particle radius (micro-meters)
-           If ( profiles(jl)%skin%surftype == surftype_land ) Then
-              zradlp(jl)=10._JPRB
-           Else
-              zradlp(jl)=13._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Extra check that droplet r_e goes neither below 2.5 microns nor above 60 microns (Hu & Stamnes limits)
-           !
-           zradlp(jl)=Max(zradlp(jl),low_re(1))
-           zradlp(jl)=Min(zradlp(jl),upp_re(3))
-        Endif
-        If (zfiwp(jl) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           ! Ice particle radius (micro-meters)
-           !
-           If (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 0) Then ! Ou-Liou
-             !
-             ! Ou and Liou, 1995, Atmos. Res., 35, 127-138.
-             !
-             ztempc = cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk) - rtt
-             zradip(jl)=326.3_JPRB+ &
-                       & ztempc*(12.42_JPRB + ztempc*(0.197_JPRB + ztempc*0.0012_JPRB))
-             ! and convert this to the "generalized" effective diameter (see McFarquhar et al 2003)
-             zradip(jl)=-1.56_JPRB + zradip(jl)*(0.388_JPRB + zradip(jl)*0.00051_JPRB)
-             zradip(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip(jl)
-             !
-             ! Take Ou-Liou scheme as being valid only between -20C and -60C
-             !
-             zradip(jl)=max(zradip(jl),zradipou_low)
-             zradip(jl)=min(zradip(jl),zradipou_upp)
-             !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 1) Then ! Wyser
-             !
-             ! Wyser et al., reference details here..., McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             ! Note two typos in McFarquhar paper:
-             ! (a) reference to "r" should be "4" in final equation
-             ! (b) T_k should be (273-T_k) (see original Wyser paper)
-             !
-             bwyser=-2.0_JPRB
-             ! Wyser's IWC is in g.m-3
-             if (cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk) < 273._JPRB) bwyser = bwyser &
-               & +(0.001_JPRB*((273._JPRB-cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))**1.5_JPRB)*Log10(1000._JPRB*ziwc(jl)/50._JPRB))
-             zradip(jl)=377.4_JPRB + bwyser*(203.3_JPRB + bwyser*(37.91_JPRB + bwyser*2.3696_JPRB)) ! Wyser definition
-             nft=(sqrt(3._JPRB)+4._JPRB)/(3._JPRB*sqrt(3._JPRB))
-             zradip(jl)=zradip(jl)/nft ! convert to intermediate definition (see Table 1 of McFarquhar et al.)
-             zradip(jl)=2._JPRB*4._JPRB*zradip(jl)*sqrt(3._JPRB)/9._JPRB ! includes factor of 2 to convert McFarquhar"s r_ge to D_ge
-            !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 2) Then ! Boudala et al.
-             !
-             ! Boudala et al., 2002, Int. J. Climatol., 22, 1267-1284.
-             !
-             ztempc=cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk)-rtt
-             zradip(jl)=53.005_JPRB*((ziwc(jl)*1000._JPRB)**0.06_JPRB)*exp(0.013_JPRB*ztempc)
-             !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 3) Then ! McFarquhar
-             !
-             ! McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             !
-             amcfarq=1.78449_JPRB
-             bmcfarq=0.281301_JPRB
-             cmcfarq=0.0177166_JPRB
-             zmcfarq=1000.0_JPRB*ziwc(jl) ! Put IWC in g.m-3
-             zradip(jl)=10.0_JPRB**(amcfarq+(bmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq))+&
-                                    & (cmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq)*Log10(zmcfarq)))
-             zradip(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip(jl) ! Includes factor of 2 to convert McFarquhar's r_ge to D_ge
-             !
-!           Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kradip'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-           End If
-           !
-        End If
-     End Do  ! profiles
-     Do jc = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jc,2)
-        ido = channels(freq)
-        idp = lprofiles(freq)
-        ! Micro Waves
-        If(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           zdz    = zdzst(idp,jk) * cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           zfreq  = coef%frequency_ghz (ido)
-           ! Water
-           ! Liebe et al., 1989, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 37, 1617-1623.
-           theta = 300.0_JPRB / cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           fac1  = theta - 1.0_JPRB
-           fac2  = fac1 * fac1
-           eps0 = 77.66_JPRB + 103.3_JPRB * fac1
-           eps1 = 5.48_JPRB
-           eps2 = 3.51_JPRB
-           fp   = 20.09_JPRB -  142.0_JPRB * fac1 + 294.0_JPRB * fac2
-           fs   = 590.0_JPRB - 1500.0_JPRB * fac1
-           fac3 = zfreq / fp
-           fac4 = 1.0_JPRB + fac3 * fac3
-           fac5 = zfreq / fs
-           fac6 = 1.0_JPRB + fac5 * fac5
-           zeps_r = (eps0 - eps1) / fac4 + (eps1 - eps2) / fac6 + eps2
-           zeps_i = (eps0 - eps1) * fac3 / fac4 + (eps1 - eps2) * fac5 / fac6
-           zhelp = zeps_i / ( (zeps_r + 2.0_JPRB)**2 + zeps_i**2 )
-           zbeta = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * zlwc(idp) * zhelp
-           zodw = zbeta * zview(idp) * zdz
-           ! Ice
-           ! Hufford, 1991, Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, 12, 677-681.
-           zeps_r = 3.15_JPRB
-           tk = cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           If (tk > 273.16_JPRB) tk = 273.16_JPRB
-           theta = 300.0_JPRB / tk
-           a     = 1.0e-04_JPRB * (50.4_JPRB + 62.0_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                & * Exp (-22.1_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB))
-           b     = 1.0e-04_JPRB * (0.633_JPRB / theta - 0.131_JPRB) &
-                & + (7.36e-04_JPRB * theta / (theta - 0.9927_JPRB)) ** 2
-           zeps_i = a / zfreq + b * zfreq
-           zhelp = zeps_i / ( (zeps_r + 2.0_JPRB)**2 + zeps_i**2 )
-           zbeta = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * ziwc(idp) * zhelp
-           zodi = zbeta * zview(idp) * zdz
-           cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc) = 1._JPRB - Exp( - zodw - zodi )
-           ! Infra Red
-        Elseif(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir  .Or. &
-              & coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_hi ) Then
-           If (zflwp(idp) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           !
-           ! Water cloud coefficients
-           ! from Hu and Stamnes, 1993, J. Climate, Vol. 6, pp. 728-742
-           !
-           idh = indh(jc)
-           zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-           zdom = zomega - zhustaom(idh)
-           !
-           If (zdom >= 0.0_JPRB) Then                ! Better to interpolate the single-scattering properties
-            If (zradlp(idp) < upp_re(1)) Then   ! themselves rather than the coefficients
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh)))+zhustac1(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh)))+zhustaf1(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa1(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh-1)))+zhustac1(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad1(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh-1)))+zhustaf1(idh-1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(2) .AND. zradlp(idp) < upp_re(2)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh)))+zhustac2(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh)))+zhustaf2(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa2(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh-1)))+zhustac2(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad2(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh-1)))+zhustaf2(idh-1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(3)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh)))+zhustac3(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh)))+zhustaf3(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa3(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh-1)))+zhustac3(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad3(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh-1)))+zhustaf3(idh-1)
-            End If
-            kabs_hu_1=kext_hu_1*co_ssa_1
-            kabs_hu_2=kext_hu_2*co_ssa_2
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsalu = ((zdom)*(kabs_hu_2-kabs_hu_1)/(zhustaom(idh-1)-zhustaom(idh))) + kabs_hu_1
-            !
-           Elseif (zdom < 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (zradlp(idp) < upp_re(1)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh)))+zhustac1(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh)))+zhustaf1(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa1(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh+1)))+zhustac1(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad1(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh+1)))+zhustaf1(idh+1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(2) .AND. zradlp(idp) < upp_re(2)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh)))+zhustac2(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh)))+zhustaf2(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa2(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh+1)))+zhustac2(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad2(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh+1)))+zhustaf2(idh+1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(3)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh)))+zhustac3(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh)))+zhustaf3(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa3(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh+1)))+zhustac3(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad3(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh+1)))+zhustaf3(idh+1)
-            End If
-            kabs_hu_1=kext_hu_1*co_ssa_1
-            kabs_hu_2=kext_hu_2*co_ssa_2
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsalu = ((zdom)*(kabs_hu_2-kabs_hu_1)/(zhustaom(idh+1)-zhustaom(idh))) + kabs_hu_1
-           End If
-           !
-           zmsalu = zview(idp) * (0.001_JPRB*zmsalu) ! Convert Hu/Stamnes to m^2g^-1 and put in viewing angle dependence
-           Else
-           zmsalu = 0._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Ice cloud emissivity
-           ! See Baran et al. JAS, 417-427, 2003; Baran et al. JQSRT, 549-567, 2003; Baran & Francis QJRMS, 2004.
-           If (zfiwp(idp) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           idq = indi(jc)
-           zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-           zdom = zomega - ziceom(idq)
-           If (zdom >= 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceclmna(idq)+(ziceclmnb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceclmna(idq-1)+(ziceclmnb(idq-1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq-1)*zradip(idp))
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceaggra(idq)+(ziceaggrb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceaggra(idq-1)+(ziceaggrb(idq-1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq-1)*zradip(idp))
-!            Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kice'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-            End If
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsaiu = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2-kabs_ice_1)/(ziceom(idq-1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1
-            !
-           Elseif (zdom < 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceclmna(idq)+(ziceclmnb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceclmna(idq+1)+(ziceclmnb(idq+1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq+1)*zradip(idp))
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceaggra(idq)+(ziceaggrb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceaggra(idq+1)+(ziceaggrb(idq+1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq+1)*zradip(idp))
-!            Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kice'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-            End If
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsaiu = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2-kabs_ice_1)/(ziceom(idq+1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1
-           End If
-           zmsaiu = zview(idp) * zmsaiu ! Add in viewing angle dependence
-           Else
-            zmsaiu = 0._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Cloud layer emissivity
-           if(zflwp(idp) > 1200._JPRB)zflwp(idp)=1200._JPRB
-            if(zflwp(idp) < 0._JPRB)zflwp(idp)=0._JPRB
-           if(zfiwp(idp) > 1200._JPRB)zfiwp(idp)=1200._JPRB
-            if(zfiwp(idp) < 0._JPRB)zfiwp(idp)=0._JPRB
-            if(zmsalu    < 0._JPRB )zmsalu = 0._JPRB
-            if(zmsalu    > 10._JPRB )zmsalu = 10._JPRB
-            if(zmsaiu    < 0._JPRB )zmsaiu = 0._JPRB
-            if(zmsaiu    > 10._JPRB )zmsaiu = 10._JPRB
-            cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc)  =&
-                 & 1._JPRB - Exp( -zmsalu*zflwp(idp) -zmsaiu*zfiwp(idp) )
- !           if(cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc)  > 1._JPRB )cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc)=1._JPRB
- !           if(cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc)  < 0._JPRB )cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc)=0._JPRB
-        Else
-           cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc) = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-     End Do ! channels
-     !
-  End Do ! Levels
-End Subroutine rttov_emiscld
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 8896fe93baaeee3deb96afc5eb5a87b39c4b6de5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_emiscld(  &
-     & errorstatus,       &! out
-     & nfrequencies,   &   ! in
-     & nchannels,    &     ! in
-     & nprofiles,    &     ! in
-     & nlevels ,     &     ! in
-     & channels,     &     ! in
-     & polarisations,  &   ! in
-     & lprofiles,    &     ! in
-     & profiles,     &     ! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-     & coef,         &     ! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-     & cld_profiles, &     ! in
-     & cld_radiance)       ! inout  (only cldemis calculated)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :    &
-       pi                   ,&
-       gravity              ,&
-       surftype_land        ,&
-       nvalhusta            ,&
-       zhustaom             ,&
-       zhustaa1             ,&
-       zhustaa2             ,&
-       zhustaa3             ,&
-       zhustab1             ,&
-       zhustab2             ,&
-       zhustab3             ,&
-       zhustac1             ,&
-       zhustac2             ,&
-       zhustac3             ,&
-       zhustad1             ,&
-       zhustad2             ,&
-       zhustad3             ,&
-       zhustae1             ,&
-       zhustae2             ,&
-       zhustae3             ,&
-       zhustaf1             ,&
-       zhustaf2             ,&
-       zhustaf3             ,&
-       low_re               ,&
-       upp_re               ,&
-       nvalice              ,&
-       ziceom               ,&
-       ziceclmna            ,&
-       ziceclmnb            ,&
-       ziceclmnc            ,&
-       ziceclmnd            ,&
-       ziceaggra            ,&
-       ziceaggrb            ,&
-       ziceaggrc            ,&
-       ziceaggrd            ,&
-       sensor_id_ir         ,&
-       sensor_id_mw         ,&
-       sensor_id_hi
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       rttov_coef           ,&
-       profile_Type         ,&
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies        ! Number of freqs*profs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels! Number of computed radiances
-                                                       !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles           ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels                ! Number of levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)  ! Error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies) ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)! Profiles indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)      ! Channel indices
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Profiles on RTTOV levels
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef          ! Coefficients
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance  ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m)
-End Subroutine rttov_emiscld
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index fda827661fce54abe7c5551e777795089b38ab86..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1009 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_emiscld_ad(  &
-      & errorstatus,       &! out
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & nlevels,           &! in
-      & channels,          &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-      & coef,              &! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-      & cld_profiles,      &! in
-      & cld_profiles_ad,   &! inout
-      & cld_radiance,      &! inout  (cldemis part only)
-      & cld_radiance_ad)    ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To compute adjoint of cloud emissivity in the micro-wave (0-200 GHz)
-  !                                    and in the infrared   (50-2860 cm-1)
-  !                                                          spectral ranges
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! See references in the comments
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  ?+0.1   06/10/04  Added errorstatus to the arguments.
-  !                    Changed stop statements to returns.
-  !                    Added description/method/history header. (J Cameron)
-  !  1.2   29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! A user guide and technical documentation is available at
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/index.html
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :    &
-       & pi                   ,&
-       & gravity              ,&
-       & surftype_land        ,&
-       & nvalhusta            ,&
-       & zhustaom             ,&
-       & zhustaa1             ,&
-       & zhustaa2             ,&
-       & zhustaa3             ,&
-       & zhustab1             ,&
-       & zhustab2             ,&
-       & zhustab3             ,&
-       & zhustac1             ,&
-       & zhustac2             ,&
-       & zhustac3             ,&
-       & zhustad1             ,&
-       & zhustad2             ,&
-       & zhustad3             ,&
-       & zhustae1             ,&
-       & zhustae2             ,&
-       & zhustae3             ,&
-       & zhustaf1             ,&
-       & zhustaf2             ,&
-       & zhustaf3             ,&
-       & low_re               ,&
-       & upp_re               ,&
-       & nvalice              ,&
-       & ziceom               ,&
-       & ziceclmna            , ziceclmnb            ,&
-       & ziceclmnc            , ziceclmnd            ,&
-       & ziceaggra            , ziceaggrb            ,&
-       & ziceaggrc            , ziceaggrd            ,&
-       & sensor_id_ir         ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw         ,&
-       & sensor_id_hi         ,&
-       & errorstatus_success  ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: cld_profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_ad
-  ! Local parameters:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtt=273.15_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rgp = 8.314510_JPRB, rm = 0.0289644_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: repsc=1.e-12_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtice=rtt-23._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: hundred=100.0_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtou_upp=-20._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtou_low=-60
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)                       :: jc, jk, jl, jo, ido, idp, idq, idh, freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zomega, zfreq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: p1, p2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zmsaiu, zdom, zmin, zmultl, zmsalu
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdz, zodw, zodi
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: fac1, fac2, fac3, fac4, fac5, fac6
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: eps0, eps1, eps2, fp, fs, theta
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: a, b, tk
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zlwgkg_ad, ziwgkg_ad, ztempc_ad, zdp_ad, p1_ad, p2_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zmsaiu_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdz_ad, zodw_ad, zodi_ad, zhelp_ad, zbeta_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: fac1_ad, fac2_ad, fac3_ad, fac4_ad, fac5_ad, fac6_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: eps0_ad, fp_ad, fs_ad, theta_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: a_ad, b_ad, tk_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zeps_r_ad, zeps_i_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: kabs_ice_1_ad, kabs_ice_2_ad, bwyser_ad, zmcfarq_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: znum_ad, zden_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: value, value1, value2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: co_ssa_1, kext_hu_1, kabs_hu_1
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: co_ssa_2, kext_hu_2, kabs_hu_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: kabs_ice_1, kabs_ice_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zradipou_upp, zradipou_low
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: nft
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: amcfarq, bmcfarq, cmcfarq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zeps_r_1, zeps_i_1
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zeps_r_2, zeps_i_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: znum_3, zden_3
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: znum_4, zden_4
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zhelp_1, zbeta_1
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zhelp_2, zbeta_2
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_emiscld_ad'
-  !
-  ! Local arrays:
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), DIMENSION(nchannels) :: indh
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), DIMENSION(nchannels) :: indi
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zradlp, zradip
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zlwgkg, ziwgkg, ztempc, zdp
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zflwp, zfiwp, zlwc, ziwc
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zview, bwyser, zmcfarq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdzst(nprofiles, nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: znum_1, zden_1, znum_2, zden_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zradip_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zflwp_ad, zfiwp_ad, zlwc_ad, ziwc_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles,nlevels) :: zdzst_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zradip0, zradip1
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !All input NWP profiles have the same number of levels
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  ! All channels are IR or MW according to the coefficient
-  ! structure information
-  ! repeat direct code
-  !
-  ! Calculate upper and lower limits for Ou-Liou effective size
-  !
-  zradipou_upp=326.3_JPRB + rtou_upp*(12.42_JPRB + rtou_upp*(0.197_JPRB + rtou_upp*0.0012_JPRB))
-  zradipou_low=326.3_JPRB + rtou_low*(12.42_JPRB + rtou_low*(0.197_JPRB + rtou_low*0.0012_JPRB))
-  !
-  ! and convert these to the "generalized" effective size used here (using McFarquhar et al 2003 equation),
-  ! not forgetting the factor of 2 to convert from McFarquhar's radius to a diameter
-  !
-  zradipou_upp=-1.56_JPRB + zradipou_upp*(0.388_JPRB + zradipou_upp*0.00051_JPRB)
-  zradipou_upp=2.0_JPRB*zradipou_upp
-  zradipou_low=-1.56_JPRB + zradipou_low*(0.388_JPRB + zradipou_low*0.00051_JPRB)
-  zradipou_low=2.0_JPRB*zradipou_low
-  !
-  ! nearest Hu & Stamnes and ice cloud coefficients
-  ! For IR and Hires only
-  If(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir  .Or. &
-        & coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_hi ) Then
-     Do jc = 1, nchannels
-        ido = channels(jc)
-        zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-        zmin = 1.e+06_JPRB
-        Do jo = 1, nvalhusta
-           zdom = Abs( zomega - zhustaom(jo) )
-           If (zdom < zmin) Then
-              indh(jc) = jo
-              zmin = zdom
-           End If
-        End Do
-        zmin = 1.e+06_JPRB
-        Do jo = 1, nvalice
-           zdom = Abs( zomega - ziceom(jo) )
-           If (zdom < zmin) Then
-              indi(jc) = jo
-              zmin = zdom
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  ! secant of zenith angle
-  !
-  zview(:) = 1._JPRB / Cos( profiles(:)%zenangle /180._JPRB * pi )
-  ! pressure layering (Pa)
-  !
-  Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-     Do jk = 1, nlevels
-        ! For TL coding replace Min/Max functions by tests
-        !p1 = Max( cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)  *hundred, repsc )
-        !p2 = Max( cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1)*hundred, repsc )
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)  *hundred
-        If ( value < repsc ) Then
-           p1    = repsc
-        Else
-           p1    = value
-        End if
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1)  *hundred
-        If ( value < repsc ) Then
-           p2    = repsc
-        Else
-           p2    = value
-        End if
-        zdzst(jl,jk)    = -1._JPRB *rgp /gravity /rm *Log(p1/p2)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  ! Loop on levels is external to direct and AD codes
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels
-     !
-     ! -- Direct computation for jk
-     !
-     Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%clw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-        If( value < 0._JPRB ) Then
-           zlwgkg(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           zlwgkg(jl) = value
-        End If
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%ciw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-        If( value < 0._JPRB ) Then
-           ziwgkg(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           ziwgkg(jl) = value
-        End If
-        If (cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk) > (2._JPRB*repsc)) Then
-           zlwgkg(jl) = zlwgkg(jl) / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-           ziwgkg(jl) = ziwgkg(jl) / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-        Else
-           zlwgkg(jl) = 0._JPRB
-           ziwgkg(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-        ! Liquid and ice water paths (g.m-2)
-        zdp(jl) = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1)    - cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)
-        zdp(jl) = zdp(jl) * 100._JPRB
-        zflwp(jl) = zlwgkg(jl)*zdp(jl) / gravity
-        zfiwp(jl) = ziwgkg(jl)*zdp(jl) / gravity
-        ! Liquid and ice water contents (kg.m-3)
-        znum_1(jl) =  zlwgkg(jl)/1000._JPRB    * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        zden_1(jl) =  rgp *cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk)
-        zlwc(jl)   =  znum_1(jl) / zden_1(jl)
-        znum_2(jl) =  ziwgkg(jl)/1000._JPRB    * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        zden_2(jl) =  rgp *cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk)
-        ziwc(jl)   =  znum_2(jl) / zden_2(jl)
-        zradip(jl) = 1._JPRB
-        zradlp(jl) = 1._JPRB
-        zmultl     = 0._JPRB
-        If (zflwp(jl) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           ! Liquid particle radius (micro-meters)
-           If ( profiles(jl)%skin%surftype == surftype_land ) Then
-              zradlp(jl)=10._JPRB
-           Else
-              zradlp(jl)=13._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Extra check that droplet r_e goes neither below 2.5 microns nor above 60 microns (Hu & Stamnes limits)
-           !
-           zradlp(jl)=Max(zradlp(jl),low_re(1))
-           zradlp(jl)=Min(zradlp(jl),upp_re(3))
-        Endif
-        If (zfiwp(jl) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           ! Ice particle radius (micro-meters)
-           !
-           If (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 0) Then ! Ou-Liou
-             !
-             ! Ou and Liou, 1995, Atmos. Res., 35, 127-138.
-             !
-             ztempc(jl) = cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk) - rtt
-             zradip(jl)=326.3_JPRB+ &
-                       & ztempc(jl)*(12.42_JPRB + ztempc(jl)*(0.197_JPRB + ztempc(jl)*0.0012_JPRB))
-             ! and convert this to the "generalized" effective diameter (see McFarquhar et al 2003)
-             zradip0(jl) = zradip(jl)
-             zradip(jl)=-1.56_JPRB + zradip(jl)*(0.388_JPRB + zradip(jl)*0.00051_JPRB)
-             zradip(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip(jl)
-             !
-             ! Take Ou-Liou scheme as being valid only between -20C and -60C
-             !
-             zradip1(jl) = zradip(jl)
-             zradip(jl)=max(zradip(jl),zradipou_low)
-             zradip(jl)=min(zradip(jl),zradipou_upp)
-             !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 1) Then ! Wyser
-             !
-             ! Wyser et al., reference details here..., McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             ! Note two typos in McFarquhar paper:
-             ! (a) reference to "r" should be "4" in final equation
-             ! (b) T_k should be (273-T_k) (see original Wyser paper)
-             !
-             bwyser(jl)=-2.0_JPRB
-             ! Wyser's IWC is in g.m-3
-             if (cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk) < 273._JPRB) bwyser(jl) = bwyser(jl) &
-               & +(0.001_JPRB*((273._JPRB-cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))**1.5_JPRB)*Log10(1000._JPRB*ziwc(jl)/50._JPRB))
-             zradip(jl)=377.4_JPRB + bwyser(jl)*(203.3_JPRB + bwyser(jl)*(37.91_JPRB + bwyser(jl)*2.3696_JPRB)) ! Wyser definition
-             nft=(sqrt(3._JPRB)+4._JPRB)/(3._JPRB*sqrt(3._JPRB))
-             zradip(jl)=zradip(jl)/nft ! convert to intermediate definition (see Table 1 of McFarquhar et al.)
-             zradip(jl)=2._JPRB*4._JPRB*zradip(jl)*sqrt(3._JPRB)/9._JPRB ! includes factor of 2 to convert McFarquhar"s r_ge to D_ge
-            !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 2) Then ! Boudala et al.
-             !
-             ! Boudala et al., 2002, Int. J. Climatol., 22, 1267-1284.
-             !
-             ztempc(jl)=cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk)-rtt
-             zradip(jl)=53.005_JPRB*((ziwc(jl)*1000._JPRB)**0.06_JPRB)*exp(0.013_JPRB*ztempc(jl))
-             !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 3) Then ! McFarquhar
-             !
-             ! McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             !
-             amcfarq=1.78449_JPRB
-             bmcfarq=0.281301_JPRB
-             cmcfarq=0.0177166_JPRB
-             zmcfarq(jl) =1000.0_JPRB*ziwc(jl) ! Put IWC in g.m-3
-             zradip(jl)=10.0_JPRB**(amcfarq+(bmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq(jl) ))+&
-                                    & (cmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq(jl) )*Log10(zmcfarq(jl) )))
-             zradip(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip(jl) ! Includes factor of 2 to convert McFarquhar's r_ge to D_ge
-             !
-!           Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kradip'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-           End If
-           !
-        End If
-     End Do ! profiles
-     zradip_ad(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     zflwp_ad(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     zfiwp_ad(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     ziwc_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-     zlwc_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-     zdzst_ad(:,jk) = 0._JPRB
-     !
-     ! -- Direct computation for jk and jc
-     !
-     Do jc = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jc,2)
-        ido = channels(freq)
-        idp = lprofiles(freq)
-        ! Micro Waves
-        If(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           zdz    = zdzst(idp,jk)    * cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           zfreq  = coef%frequency_ghz (ido)
-           ! Water
-           ! Liebe et al., 1989, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 37, 1617-1623.
-           theta = 300.0_JPRB / cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           fac1  = theta - 1.0_JPRB
-           fac2  = fac1 * fac1
-           eps0  = 77.66_JPRB + 103.3_JPRB * fac1
-           eps1  = 5.48_JPRB
-           eps2  = 3.51_JPRB
-           fp    = 20.09_JPRB -  142.0_JPRB * fac1 + 294.0_JPRB * fac2
-           fs    = 590.0_JPRB - 1500.0_JPRB * fac1
-           fac3    =  zfreq / fp
-           fac4    = 1.0_JPRB + fac3 * fac3
-           fac5    =  zfreq / fs
-           fac6    = 1.0_JPRB + fac5 * fac5
-           zeps_r_1 = (eps0 - eps1) / fac4 + (eps1 - eps2) / fac6 + eps2
-           zeps_i_1 = (eps0 - eps1) * fac3 / fac4 +&
-                 & (eps1 - eps2) * fac5 / fac6
-           znum_3  = zeps_i_1
-           zden_3  = (zeps_r_1 + 2.0_JPRB)**2 + zeps_i_1**2
-           zhelp_1 = znum_3 / zden_3
-           zbeta_1 = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * zlwc(idp) * zhelp_1
-           zodw    = zbeta_1 * zview(idp) * zdz
-           ! Ice
-           ! Hufford, 1991, Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, 12, 677-681.
-           zeps_r_2 = 3.15_JPRB
-           tk       = cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           If (tk > 273.16_JPRB) Then
-              tk    = 273.16_JPRB
-           End if
-           theta    =  300.0_JPRB / tk
-           a     = 1.0e-04_JPRB * (50.4_JPRB + 62.0_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                & * Exp (-22.1_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB))
-           b     = 1.0e-04_JPRB * (0.633_JPRB / theta - 0.131_JPRB) &
-                & + (7.36e-04_JPRB * theta / (theta - 0.9927_JPRB)) ** 2
-           zeps_i_2  = a / zfreq    + b * zfreq
-           znum_4  = zeps_i_2
-           zden_4  = (zeps_r_2 + 2.0_JPRB)**2 + zeps_i_2**2
-           zhelp_2 = znum_4 / zden_4
-           zbeta_2 = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * ziwc(idp) * zhelp_2
-           zodi    = zbeta_2 * zview(idp) * zdz
-           cld_radiance %    cldemis(jk,jc) = 1._JPRB - Exp( - zodw - zodi )
-           ! Infra Red
-        Elseif(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir  .Or. &
-              & coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_hi ) Then
-           If (zflwp(idp) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           !
-           ! Water cloud coefficients
-           ! from Hu and Stamnes, 1993, J. Climate, Vol. 6, pp. 728-742
-           !
-           idh = indh(jc)
-           zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-           zdom = zomega - zhustaom(idh)
-           !
-           If (zdom >= 0.0_JPRB) Then                ! Better to interpolate the single-scattering properties
-            If (zradlp(idp) < upp_re(1)) Then   ! themselves rather than the coefficients
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh)))+zhustac1(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh)))+zhustaf1(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa1(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh-1)))+zhustac1(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad1(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh-1)))+zhustaf1(idh-1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(2) .AND. zradlp(idp) < upp_re(2)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh)))+zhustac2(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh)))+zhustaf2(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa2(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh-1)))+zhustac2(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad2(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh-1)))+zhustaf2(idh-1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(3)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh)))+zhustac3(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh)))+zhustaf3(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa3(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh-1)))+zhustac3(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad3(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh-1)))+zhustaf3(idh-1)
-            End If
-            kabs_hu_1=kext_hu_1*co_ssa_1
-            kabs_hu_2=kext_hu_2*co_ssa_2
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsalu = ((zdom)*(kabs_hu_2-kabs_hu_1)/(zhustaom(idh-1)-zhustaom(idh))) + kabs_hu_1
-            !
-           Elseif (zdom < 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (zradlp(idp) < upp_re(1)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh)))+zhustac1(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh)))+zhustaf1(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa1(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh+1)))+zhustac1(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad1(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh+1)))+zhustaf1(idh+1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(2) .AND. zradlp(idp) < upp_re(2)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh)))+zhustac2(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh)))+zhustaf2(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa2(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh+1)))+zhustac2(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad2(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh+1)))+zhustaf2(idh+1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(3)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh)))+zhustac3(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh)))+zhustaf3(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa3(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh+1)))+zhustac3(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad3(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh+1)))+zhustaf3(idh+1)
-            End If
-            kabs_hu_1=kext_hu_1*co_ssa_1
-            kabs_hu_2=kext_hu_2*co_ssa_2
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsalu = ((zdom)*(kabs_hu_2-kabs_hu_1)/(zhustaom(idh+1)-zhustaom(idh))) + kabs_hu_1
-           End If
-           !
-           zmsalu = zview(idp) * (0.001_JPRB*zmsalu) ! Convert Hu/Stamnes to m^2g^-1 and put in viewing angle dependence
-           Else
-           zmsalu = 0._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Ice cloud emissivity
-           ! See Baran et al. JAS, 417-427, 2003; Baran et al. JQSRT, 549-567, 2003.
-           If (zfiwp(idp) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           idq = indi(jc)
-           zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-           zdom = zomega - ziceom(idq)
-           If (zdom >= 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceclmna(idq)+(ziceclmnb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceclmna(idq-1)+(ziceclmnb(idq-1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq-1)*zradip(idp))
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceaggra(idq)+(ziceaggrb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceaggra(idq-1)+(ziceaggrb(idq-1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq-1)*zradip(idp))
-!            Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kice'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-            End If
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsaiu = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2-kabs_ice_1)/(ziceom(idq-1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1
-            !
-           Elseif (zdom < 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceclmna(idq)+(ziceclmnb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceclmna(idq+1)+(ziceclmnb(idq+1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq+1)*zradip(idp))
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceaggra(idq)+(ziceaggrb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceaggra(idq+1)+(ziceaggrb(idq+1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq+1)*zradip(idp))
-!            Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kice'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-            End If
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsaiu = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2-kabs_ice_1)/(ziceom(idq+1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1
-           End If
-           zmsaiu = zview(idp) * zmsaiu ! Add in viewing angle dependence
-           Else
-            zmsaiu = 0._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Cloud layer emissivity
-           cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc)  =&
-                 & 1._JPRB - Exp( -zmsalu*zflwp(idp) -zmsaiu*zfiwp(idp) )
-           !
-        Else
-           cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc) = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-        !
-        ! -- Adjoint computation for jk and jc
-        !
-        ! Micro Waves
-        If(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           ! Ice
-           ! Hufford, 1991, Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, 12, 677-681.
-           zodw_ad = cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc) * Exp( - zodw - zodi )
-           zodi_ad = cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc) * Exp( - zodw - zodi )
-           cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc) = 0._JPRB
-           zbeta_ad = zodi_ad * zview(idp) * zdz
-           zdz_ad   = zodi_ad * zbeta_2    * zview(idp)
-           zodi_ad  = 0._JPRB
-           ziwc_ad(idp) = ziwc_ad(idp) + zbeta_ad * 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * zhelp_2
-           zhelp_ad     = zbeta_ad * 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * ziwc(idp)
-           znum_ad =  zhelp_ad / zden_4
-           zden_ad = -zhelp_ad * znum_4 / zden_4**2
-           zhelp_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zeps_i_ad = zden_ad * 2._JPRB * zeps_i_2
-           zden_ad   = 0._JPRB
-           zeps_i_ad = zeps_i_ad + znum_ad
-           znum_ad   = 0._JPRB
-           a_ad      = zeps_i_ad / zfreq
-           b_ad      = zeps_i_ad * zfreq
-           zeps_i_ad = 0._JPRB
-           theta_ad = &
-                 & - 1.0e-04_JPRB * 0.633_JPRB / (theta**2) * b_ad &
-                 & - 2*(7.36e-04_JPRB * theta / (theta - 0.9927_JPRB)) &
-                 & * 7.36e-04_JPRB * 0.9927_JPRB / ((theta - 0.9927_JPRB)**2) * b_ad
-           b_ad     = 0._JPRB
-           theta_ad = theta_ad &
-                 & + 1.0e-04_JPRB * 62.0_JPRB * exp (-22.1_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) * a_ad &
-                 & - 22.1_JPRB * 1.0e-04_JPRB * (50.4_JPRB + 62.0_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                 & * exp (-22.1_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) * a_ad
-           a_ad     = 0._JPRB
-           If (cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk) > 273.16_JPRB) Then
-              tk_ad = 0._JPRB
-           Else
-              tk    = cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-              tk_ad = -300.0_JPRB * theta_ad / tk**2
-           End if
-           theta_ad = 0._JPRB
-           cld_profiles_ad(idp)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(idp)%t(jk) + tk_ad
-           ! Water
-           ! Liebe et al., 1989, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 37, 1617-1623.
-           zbeta_ad = zodw_ad * zview(idp) * zdz
-           zdz_ad   = zdz_ad + zodw_ad * zview(idp) * zbeta_1
-           zodw_ad  = 0._JPRB
-           zlwc_ad(idp) = zlwc_ad(idp) + zbeta_ad * 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * zhelp_1
-           zhelp_ad     = zbeta_ad *  0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * zlwc(idp)
-           znum_ad  =  zhelp_ad / zden_3
-           zden_ad  = -zhelp_ad * znum_3/ zden_3**2
-           zhelp_ad = 0._JPRB
-           zeps_r_ad = zden_ad * 2._JPRB * (zeps_r_1 + 2.0_JPRB)
-           zeps_i_ad = zden_ad * 2._JPRB * zeps_i_1
-           zden_ad   = 0._JPRB
-           zeps_i_ad = zeps_i_ad + znum_ad
-           znum_ad   = 0._JPRB
-           eps0_ad   = zeps_i_ad * fac3 / fac4
-           fac3_ad   = zeps_i_ad * (eps0 - eps1) / fac4
-           fac4_ad   =-zeps_i_ad * (eps0 - eps1) * fac3 / fac4**2
-           fac5_ad   = zeps_i_ad * (eps1 - eps2) / fac6
-           fac6_ad   =-zeps_i_ad * (eps1 - eps2) * fac5 / fac6**2
-           zeps_i_ad = 0._JPRB
-           eps0_ad   = eps0_ad + zeps_r_ad / fac4
-           fac4_ad   = fac4_ad - zeps_r_ad * (eps0 - eps1) / fac4**2
-           fac6_ad   = fac6_ad - zeps_r_ad * (eps1 - eps2) / fac6**2
-           zeps_r_ad = 0._JPRB
-           fac5_ad = fac5_ad +  2._JPRB * fac6_ad * fac5
-           fac6_ad = 0._JPRB
-           fs_ad   = -zfreq * fac5_ad / fs**2
-           fac5_ad = 0._JPRB
-           fac3_ad = fac3_ad + 2._JPRB * fac4_ad * fac3
-           fac4_ad = 0._JPRB
-           fp_ad   = -zfreq * fac3_ad / fp**2
-           fac3_ad = 0._JPRB
-           fac1_ad = - 1500.0_JPRB * fs_ad
-           fs_ad   = 0._JPRB
-           fac1_ad = fac1_ad - 142.0_JPRB * fp_ad
-           fac2_ad =           294.0_JPRB * fp_ad
-           fp_ad   = 0._JPRB
-           fac1_ad = fac1_ad + 103.3_JPRB * eps0_ad
-           eps0_ad = 0._JPRB
-           fac1_ad = fac1_ad + 2._JPRB * fac2_ad * fac1
-           fac2_ad = 0._JPRB
-           theta_ad = fac1_ad
-           cld_profiles_ad(idp)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(idp)%t(jk)  -&
-                 & 300.0_JPRB * theta_ad / cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)**2
-           theta_ad = 0._JPRB
-           cld_profiles_ad(idp)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(idp)%t(jk) +&
-                 & zdz_ad * zdzst(idp,jk)
-           zdzst_ad(idp,jk) = zdzst_ad(idp,jk) + zdz_ad * cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-        Elseif(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir  .Or. &
-              & coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_hi ) Then
-              !
-              ! Cloud layer emissivity
-              !
-           zmsaiu_ad     = cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc) * zfiwp(idp) * &
-                 & (1 - cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc))
-           zflwp_ad(idp) = zflwp_ad(idp) + &
-                 & cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc) * zmsalu * &
-                 & (1 - cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc))
-           zfiwp_ad(idp) = zfiwp_ad(idp) + &
-                 & cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc) * zmsaiu * &
-                 & (1 - cld_radiance % cldemis(jk,jc))
-           cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc)  = 0._JPRB
-           !
-           ! Ice cloud emissivity
-           ! See Baran et al. JAS, 417-427, 2003; Baran et al. JQSRT, 549-567, 2003.
-           If (zfiwp(idp) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           idq = indi(jc)
-           zdom = zomega - ziceom(idq)
-           zmsaiu_ad = zview(idp) * zmsaiu_ad ! Add in viewing angle dependence
-           If (zdom >= 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            kabs_ice_2_ad = zdom/(ziceom(idq-1)-ziceom(idq))*zmsaiu_ad
-            kabs_ice_1_ad = (1-zdom/(ziceom(idq-1)-ziceom(idq)))*zmsaiu_ad
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             zradip_ad(idp) = zradip_ad(idp) + &
-              & (  ziceclmnd(idq) &
-               & - ziceclmnb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_1_ad + &
-              & (  ziceclmnd(idq-1) &
-               & - ziceclmnb(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_2_ad
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             zradip_ad(idp) = zradip_ad(idp) + &
-              & (  ziceaggrd(idq) &
-               & - ziceaggrb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_1_ad + &
-              & (  ziceaggrd(idq-1) &
-               & - ziceaggrb(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_2_ad
-            End If
-            !
-           Elseif (zdom < 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            kabs_ice_2_ad = zdom/(ziceom(idq+1)-ziceom(idq))*zmsaiu_ad
-            kabs_ice_1_ad = (1-zdom/(ziceom(idq+1)-ziceom(idq)))*zmsaiu_ad
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             zradip_ad(idp) = zradip_ad(idp) + &
-              & (  ziceclmnd(idq) &
-               & - ziceclmnb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_1_ad + &
-              & (  ziceclmnd(idq+1) &
-               & - ziceclmnb(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_2_ad
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             zradip_ad(idp) = zradip_ad(idp) + &
-              & (  ziceaggrd(idq) &
-               & - ziceaggrb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_1_ad + &
-              & (  ziceaggrd(idq+1) &
-               & - ziceaggrb(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-               & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) ) * kabs_ice_2_ad
-            End If
-           End If
-           !
-           ! zradlp_ad = 0. since zradlp is constant for each geotype
-           !
-           End If
-        Else
-           cld_radiance_ad % cldemis(jk,jc)  = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-     End Do ! channels
-     ! -- Adjoint computation for jk (remaining)
-     !
-     Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-        If (zfiwp(jl) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           ! Ice particle radius (micro-meters)
-           !
-           If (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 0) Then ! Ou-Liou
-             !
-             ! Ou and Liou, 1995, Atmos. Res., 35, 127-138.
-             !
-             If (zradip1(jl) > zradipou_upp .or. zradip1(jl) < zradipou_low) zradip_ad(jl) = 0._JPRB
-             ! and convert this to the "generalized" effective diameter (see McFarquhar et al 2003)
-             zradip_ad(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip_ad(jl)
-             zradip_ad(jl)=0.388_JPRB*zradip_ad(jl)+2._JPRB*0.00051_JPRB*zradip0(jl)*zradip_ad(jl)
-             ztempc_ad = ( 12.42_JPRB + 2._JPRB*0.197_JPRB*ztempc(jl) + 3._JPRB*0.0012_JPRB*ztempc(jl)*ztempc(jl) )*zradip_ad(jl)
-             cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) + ztempc_ad
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 1) Then ! Wyser
-             !
-             ! Wyser et al., reference details here..., McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             ! Note two typos in McFarquhar paper:
-             ! (a) reference to "r" should be "4" in final equation
-             ! (b) T_k should be (273-T_k) (see original Wyser paper)
-             !
-             zradip_ad(jl) = 2._JPRB*4._JPRB*zradip_ad(jl)*sqrt(3._JPRB)/9._JPRB
-             zradip_ad(jl)=zradip_ad(jl)/nft
-             bwyser_ad = ( 203.3_JPRB + 2*bwyser(jl)*37.91_JPRB + 3*bwyser(jl)*bwyser(jl)*2.3696_JPRB ) * zradip_ad(jl)
-             If (cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk) < 273._JPRB) Then
-               cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) &
-                 & - 1.5_JPRB * 0.001_JPRB*((273._JPRB-cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))**0.5_JPRB)*&
-               & Log10(1000._JPRB*ziwc(jl)/50._JPRB) * bwyser_ad
-               ziwc_ad(jl) = ziwc_ad(jl) &
-                 & + 0.001_JPRB*((273._JPRB-cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))**1.5_JPRB) / ziwc(jl) / log(10._JPRB) &
-                      & * bwyser_ad
-             Endif
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 2) Then ! Boudala et al.
-             !
-             ! Boudala et al., 2002, Int. J. Climatol., 22, 1267-1284.
-             !
-             ziwc_ad(jl) = ziwc_ad(jl) &
-                & + 53.005_JPRB*(1000._JPRB**0.06_JPRB)*(ziwc(jl)**(0.06_JPRB-1._JPRB))*exp(0.013_JPRB*ztempc(jl))*zradip_ad(jl)
-             ztempc_ad = 53.005_JPRB*((ziwc(jl)*1000._JPRB)**0.06_JPRB)*exp(0.013_JPRB*ztempc(jl))*0.013_JPRB*zradip_ad(jl)
-             cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) + ztempc_ad
-             !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 3) Then ! McFarquhar
-             !
-             ! McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             !
-             zradip_ad(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip_ad(jl)
-             zmcfarq_ad = 10.0_JPRB**(amcfarq+(bmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq(jl) ))+ cmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq(jl))*Log10(zmcfarq(jl)) ) &
-                          & * (bmcfarq + 2._JPRB*cmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq(jl))) / zmcfarq(jl) *zradip_ad(jl)
-             ziwc_ad(jl) = ziwc_ad(jl) + 1000._JPRB*zmcfarq_ad
-           End If
-        End If
-        ! Liquid and ice water contents (kg.m-3)
-        znum_ad =  ziwc_ad(jl) / zden_2(jl)
-        zden_ad = -ziwc_ad(jl) * znum_2(jl) / zden_2(jl)**2
-        ziwc_ad(jl) =  0._JPRB
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) + zden_ad * rgp
-        zden_ad = 0._JPRB
-        ziwgkg_ad = znum_ad/1000._JPRB * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%p(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%p(jk) + znum_ad *&
-              & ziwgkg(jl)/1000._JPRB * 100._JPRB * rm
-        znum_ad     =  0._JPRB
-        znum_ad =  zlwc_ad(jl) / zden_1(jl)
-        zden_ad = -zlwc_ad(jl) * znum_1(jl) / zden_1(jl)**2
-        zlwc_ad(jl) =  0._JPRB
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%t(jk) + zden_ad * rgp
-        zden_ad = 0._JPRB
-        zlwgkg_ad = znum_ad/1000._JPRB * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%p(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%p(jk) +&
-              & znum_ad * zlwgkg(jl)/1000._JPRB *100._JPRB * rm
-        znum_ad =  0._JPRB
-        ! Liquid and ice water paths (g.m-2)
-        zdp_ad    = 0._JPRB
-        zdp_ad    = zdp_ad    + zfiwp_ad(jl) * ziwgkg(jl) / gravity
-        ziwgkg_ad = ziwgkg_ad + zfiwp_ad(jl) * zdp(jl) / gravity
-        zfiwp_ad(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        zdp_ad    = zdp_ad    + zflwp_ad(jl) * zlwgkg(jl) / gravity
-        zlwgkg_ad = zlwgkg_ad + zflwp_ad(jl) * zdp(jl) / gravity
-        zflwp_ad(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        zdp_ad    = zdp_ad  * 100._JPRB
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk+1) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk+1) + zdp_ad
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk)   = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk)   - zdp_ad
-        zdp_ad = 0._JPRB
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%clw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-        If( value < 0._JPRB ) Then
-           zlwgkg(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           zlwgkg(jl) = value
-        End If
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%ciw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-        If( value < 0._JPRB ) Then
-           ziwgkg(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           ziwgkg(jl) = value
-        End If
-        If (cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk) > (2._JPRB*repsc)) Then
-           cld_profiles_ad(jl)%cc(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%cc(jk) -&
-                 & zlwgkg_ad * zlwgkg(jl) / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)**2
-           zlwgkg_ad = zlwgkg_ad / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-           cld_profiles_ad(jl)%cc(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%cc(jk) -&
-                 & ziwgkg_ad * ziwgkg(jl) / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)**2
-           ziwgkg_ad = ziwgkg_ad / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-        Else
-           zlwgkg_ad = 0._JPRB
-           ziwgkg_ad = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ciw(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ciw(jk) + ziwgkg_ad * 1000._JPRB
-        cld_profiles_ad(jl)%clw(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%clw(jk) + zlwgkg_ad * 1000._JPRB
-     End Do  ! profiles
-  End Do ! Levels
-  ! pressure layering (Pa)
-  !
-  Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-     Do jk = nlevels, 1, -1
-        value1 = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)  *hundred
-        If ( value1 < repsc ) Then
-           p1    = repsc
-        Else
-           p1    = value1
-        End if
-        value2 = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1)  *hundred
-        If ( value2 < repsc ) Then
-           p2    = repsc
-        Else
-           p2    = value2
-        End if
-        p1_ad = -zdzst_ad(jl,jk) * rgp /gravity /rm /p1
-        p2_ad =  zdzst_ad(jl,jk) * rgp /gravity /rm /p2
-        zdzst_ad(jl,jk) = 0._JPRB
-        If ( value2 >= repsc ) Then
-           cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk+1) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk+1) +&
-                 & p2_ad * hundred
-        End if
-        If ( value1 >= repsc ) Then
-           cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk) = cld_profiles_ad(jl)%ph(jk) +&
-                 & p1_ad * hundred
-        End if
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_emiscld_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ed11df171befff0eeaa4a78df6cbc7c6f334e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_emiscld_ad(  &
-     & errorstatus,  &     ! out
-     & nfrequencies, &     ! in
-     & nchannels,    &     ! in
-     & nprofiles,    &     ! in
-     & nlevels,      &     ! in
-     & channels,     &     ! in
-     & polarisations,&     ! in
-     & lprofiles,    &     ! in
-     & profiles,     &     ! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-     & coef,         &     ! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-     & cld_profiles, &     ! in
-     & cld_profiles_ad, &  ! inout
-     & cld_radiance,    &  ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-     & cld_radiance_ad)    ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :    &
-       pi                   ,&
-       gravity              ,&
-       surftype_land        ,&
-       nvalhusta            ,&
-       zhustaom             ,&
-       zhustaa1             ,&
-       zhustaa2             ,&
-       zhustaa3             ,&
-       zhustab1             ,&
-       zhustab2             ,&
-       zhustab3             ,&
-       zhustac1             ,&
-       zhustac2             ,&
-       zhustac3             ,&
-       zhustad1             ,&
-       zhustad2             ,&
-       zhustad3             ,&
-       zhustae1             ,&
-       zhustae2             ,&
-       zhustae3             ,&
-       zhustaf1             ,&
-       zhustaf2             ,&
-       zhustaf3             ,&
-       low_re               ,&
-       upp_re               ,&
-       nvalice              ,&
-       ziceom               ,&
-       ziceclmna            ,&
-       ziceclmnb            ,&
-       ziceclmnc            ,&
-       ziceclmnd            ,&
-       ziceaggra            ,&
-       ziceaggrb            ,&
-       ziceaggrc            ,&
-       ziceaggrd            ,&
-       sensor_id_ir         ,&
-       sensor_id_mw         ,&
-       sensor_id_hi
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       rttov_coef           ,&
-       profile_Type         ,&
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(inout) :: cld_profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_emiscld_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 97ea684b73f824b956458bee5edde34e9dc9f763..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,748 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_emiscld_tl(  &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & nlevels,           &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-        & coef,              &! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles_tl,   &! in
-        & cld_radiance,      &! inout  (cldemis part only)
-        & cld_radiance_tl)    ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To compute tangent linear of cloud emissivity
-  !                          in the micro-wave (0-200 GHz)
-  !                      and in the infrared   (50-2860 cm-1)
-  !                                            spectral ranges
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! See references in the comments
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  ?+0.1   06/10/04  Added errorstatus to the arguments.
-  !                    Changed stop statements to returns.
-  !                    Added description/method/history header. (J Cameron)
-  !  1.2   29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! A user guide and technical documentation is available at
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/index.html
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :    &
-       & pi                   ,&
-       & gravity              ,&
-       & surftype_land        ,&
-       & nvalhusta            ,&
-       & zhustaom             ,&
-       & zhustaa1             ,&
-       & zhustaa2             ,&
-       & zhustaa3             ,&
-       & zhustab1             ,&
-       & zhustab2             ,&
-       & zhustab3             ,&
-       & zhustac1             ,&
-       & zhustac2             ,&
-       & zhustac3             ,&
-       & zhustad1             ,&
-       & zhustad2             ,&
-       & zhustad3             ,&
-       & zhustae1             ,&
-       & zhustae2             ,&
-       & zhustae3             ,&
-       & zhustaf1             ,&
-       & zhustaf2             ,&
-       & zhustaf3             ,&
-       & low_re               ,&
-       & upp_re               ,&
-       & nvalice              ,&
-       & ziceom               ,&
-       & ziceclmna            , ziceclmnb            ,&
-       & ziceclmnc            , ziceclmnd            ,&
-       & ziceaggra            , ziceaggrb            ,&
-       & ziceaggrc            , ziceaggrd            ,&
-       & sensor_id_ir         ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw         ,&
-       & sensor_id_hi         ,&
-       & errorstatus_success  ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),             Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Channel indices
-  Type(profile_Type),             Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_tl
-  ! Local parameters:
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtt=273.15_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rgp = 8.314510_JPRB, rm = 0.0289644_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: repsc=1.e-12_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtice=rtt-23._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: hundred=100.0_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtou_upp=-20._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter               :: rtou_low=-60._JPRB
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)                       :: jc, jk, jl, jo, ido, idp, idq, idh
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)                       :: freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zomega, zfreq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zlwgkg, ziwgkg, ztempc, zdp, p1, p2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zmsaiu, zdom, zmin, zmultl, zmsalu, zmsalu_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdz, zodw, zodi, zhelp, zbeta
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: fac1, fac2, fac3, fac4, fac5, fac6
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: eps0, eps1, eps2, fp, fs, theta
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: a, b, tk
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zeps_r, zeps_i
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: co_ssa_1, kext_hu_1, kabs_hu_1
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: co_ssa_2, kext_hu_2, kabs_hu_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: kabs_ice_1, kabs_ice_2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: kabs_ice_1_tl, kabs_ice_2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zradipou_upp, zradipou_low
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: bwyser, bwyser_tl, nft
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: amcfarq, bmcfarq, cmcfarq, zmcfarq, zmcfarq_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zlwgkg_tl, ziwgkg_tl, ztempc_tl, zdp_tl, p1_tl, p2_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zmsaiu_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdz_tl, zodw_tl, zodi_tl, zhelp_tl, zbeta_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: fac1_tl, fac2_tl, fac3_tl, fac4_tl, fac5_tl, fac6_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: eps0_tl, fp_tl, fs_tl, theta_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: a_tl, b_tl, tk_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zeps_r_tl, zeps_i_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: znum,    zden
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: znum_tl, zden_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: value
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_emiscld_tl'
-  !
-  ! Local arrays:
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Dimension(nchannels) :: indh
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Dimension(nchannels) :: indi
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zradlp, zradip
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zflwp, zfiwp, zlwc, ziwc
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zview
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdzst(nprofiles, nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zradip_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb), DIMENSION(nprofiles)    :: zflwp_tl, zfiwp_tl, zlwc_tl, ziwc_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                          :: zdzst_tl(nprofiles, nlevels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !All input NWP profiles have the same number of levels
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  ! All channels are IR or MW according to the coefficient
-  ! structure information
-  !
-  ! Calculate upper and lower limits for Ou-Liou effective size
-  !
-  zradipou_upp=326.3_JPRB + rtou_upp*(12.42_JPRB + rtou_upp*(0.197_JPRB + rtou_upp*0.0012_JPRB))
-  zradipou_low=326.3_JPRB + rtou_low*(12.42_JPRB + rtou_low*(0.197_JPRB + rtou_low*0.0012_JPRB))
-  !
-  ! and convert these to the "generalized" effective size used here (using McFarquhar et al 2003 equation),
-  ! not forgetting the factor of 2 to convert from McFarquhar's radius to a diameter
-  !
-  zradipou_upp=-1.56_JPRB + zradipou_upp*(0.388_JPRB + zradipou_upp*0.00051_JPRB)
-  zradipou_upp=2.0_JPRB*zradipou_upp
-  zradipou_low=-1.56_JPRB + zradipou_low*(0.388_JPRB + zradipou_low*0.00051_JPRB)
-  zradipou_low=2.0_JPRB*zradipou_low
-  !
-  ! nearest Hu & Stamnes and ice cloud coefficients
-  ! For IR and Hires only
-  If(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir  .Or. &
-        & coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_hi ) Then
-     Do jc = 1, nchannels
-        ido = channels(jc)
-        zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-        zmin = 1.e+06_JPRB
-        Do jo = 1, nvalhusta
-           zdom = Abs( zomega - zhustaom(jo) )
-           If (zdom < zmin) Then
-              indh(jc) = jo
-              zmin = zdom
-           End If
-        End Do
-        zmin = 1.e+06_JPRB
-        Do jo = 1, nvalice
-           zdom = Abs( zomega - ziceom(jo) )
-           If (zdom < zmin) Then
-              indi(jc) = jo
-              zmin = zdom
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !
-  ! secant of zenith angle
-  !
-  zview(:) = 1._JPRB / Cos( profiles(:)%zenangle /180._JPRB * pi )
-  ! pressure layering (Pa)
-  !
-  Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-     Do jk = 1, nlevels
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)  *hundred
-        If ( value < repsc ) Then
-           p1_tl = 0._JPRB
-           p1    = repsc
-        Else
-           p1_tl = cld_profiles_tl(jl)%ph(jk)  *hundred
-           p1    = value
-        End if
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1)  *hundred
-        If ( value < repsc ) Then
-           p2_tl = 0._JPRB
-           p2    = repsc
-        Else
-           p2_tl = cld_profiles_tl(jl)%ph(jk+1)  *hundred
-           p2    = value
-        End if
-        zdzst_tl(jl,jk) = -1._JPRB *rgp /gravity /rm * ( p1_tl/p1 - p2_tl/p2 )
-        zdzst(jl,jk)    = -1._JPRB *rgp /gravity /rm *Log(p1/p2)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  Do jk = 1, nlevels
-     Do jl = 1, nprofiles
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%clw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-        If( value < 0._JPRB ) Then
-           zlwgkg_tl = 0._JPRB
-           zlwgkg    = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           zlwgkg_tl = cld_profiles_tl(jl)%clw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-           zlwgkg    = value
-        End If
-        value = cld_profiles(jl)%ciw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-        If( value < 0._JPRB ) Then
-           ziwgkg_tl = 0._JPRB
-           ziwgkg    = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           ziwgkg_tl = cld_profiles_tl(jl)%ciw(jk)*1000._JPRB
-           ziwgkg    = value
-        End If
-        If (cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk) > (2._JPRB*repsc)) Then
-           zlwgkg_tl = (zlwgkg_tl * cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)  -&
-                       & zlwgkg    * cld_profiles_tl(jl)%cc(jk)  ) /&
-                      & cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)**2
-           ziwgkg_tl = (ziwgkg_tl * cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)  -&
-                       & ziwgkg    * cld_profiles_tl(jl)%cc(jk)  ) /&
-                      & cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)**2
-           zlwgkg = zlwgkg / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-           ziwgkg = ziwgkg / cld_profiles(jl)%cc(jk)
-        Else
-           zlwgkg_tl = 0._JPRB
-           ziwgkg_tl = 0._JPRB
-           zlwgkg    = 0._JPRB
-           ziwgkg    = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-        ! Liquid and ice water paths (g.m-2)
-        zdp_tl = cld_profiles_tl(jl)%ph(jk+1) - cld_profiles_tl(jl)%ph(jk)
-        zdp    = cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk+1)    - cld_profiles(jl)%ph(jk)
-        zdp_tl = zdp_tl * 100._JPRB
-        zdp    = zdp * 100._JPRB
-        zflwp_tl(jl) = ( zlwgkg_tl*zdp + zlwgkg*zdp_tl ) / gravity
-        zflwp(jl)    =   zlwgkg*zdp / gravity
-        zfiwp_tl(jl) = ( ziwgkg_tl*zdp + ziwgkg*zdp_tl ) / gravity
-        zfiwp(jl)    = ziwgkg*zdp / gravity
-        ! Liquid and ice water contents (kg.m-3)
-        znum_tl =  zlwgkg_tl/1000._JPRB * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm + &
-                  & zlwgkg/1000._JPRB    * cld_profiles_tl(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        znum    =  zlwgkg/1000._JPRB    * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        zden_tl =  rgp *cld_profiles_tl(jl)%t(jk)
-        zden    =  rgp *cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk)
-        zlwc_tl(jl) =  (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-        zlwc(jl)    =  znum / zden
-        znum_tl     =  ziwgkg_tl/1000._JPRB * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm + &
-                  & ziwgkg/1000._JPRB    * cld_profiles_tl(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        znum        =  ziwgkg/1000._JPRB    * cld_profiles(jl)%p(jk)*100._JPRB * rm
-        ziwc_tl(jl) =  (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-        ziwc(jl)    =  znum / zden
-        zradip(jl) = 1._JPRB
-        zradlp(jl) = 1._JPRB
-        zmultl     = 0._JPRB
-        zmsalu     = 0._JPRB
-        zradip_tl(jl) = 0._JPRB
-        If (zflwp(jl) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           ! Liquid particle radius (micro-meters)
-           If ( profiles(jl)%skin%surftype == surftype_land ) Then
-              zradlp(jl)=10._JPRB
-           Else
-              zradlp(jl)=13._JPRB
-           End If
-        End If
-        If (zfiwp(jl) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           ! Ice particle radius (micro-meters)
-           !
-           If (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 0) Then ! Ou-Liou
-             !
-             ! Ou and Liou, 1995, Atmos. Res., 35, 127-138.
-             !
-             ztempc_tl = cld_profiles_tl(jl)%t(jk)
-             ztempc = cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk) - rtt
-             zradip_tl(jl)= ( 12.42_JPRB + 2._JPRB*0.197_JPRB*ztempc + 3._JPRB*0.0012_JPRB*ztempc*ztempc )*ztempc_tl
-             zradip(jl)=326.3_JPRB+ &
-                       & ztempc*(12.42_JPRB + ztempc*(0.197_JPRB + ztempc*0.0012_JPRB))
-             ! and convert this to the "generalized" effective diameter (see McFarquhar et al 2003)
-             zradip_tl(jl)=0.388_JPRB*zradip_tl(jl) + 0.00051_JPRB*2*zradip(jl)*zradip_tl(jl)
-             zradip(jl)=-1.56_JPRB + zradip(jl)*(0.388_JPRB + zradip(jl)*0.00051_JPRB)
-             zradip_tl(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip_tl(jl)
-             zradip(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip(jl)
-             !
-             ! Take Ou-Liou scheme as being valid only between 20C and 60C
-             !
-             If (zradip(jl) < zradipou_low .or. zradip(jl) > zradipou_upp) zradip_tl(jl) = 0._JPRB
-             zradip(jl)=max(zradip(jl),zradipou_low)
-             zradip(jl)=min(zradip(jl),zradipou_upp)
-             !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 1) Then ! Wyser
-             !
-             ! Wyser et al., reference details here..., McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             ! Note two typos in McFarquhar paper:
-             ! (a) reference to "r" should be "4" in final equation
-             ! (b) T_k should be (273-T_k) (see original Wyser paper)
-             !
-             bwyser_tl = 0._JPRB
-             bwyser=-2.0_JPRB
-             If (cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk) < 273._JPRB) Then
-               bwyser_tl = - 0.001_JPRB*1.5_JPRB*((273._JPRB-cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))**0.5_JPRB)*cld_profiles_tl(jl)%t(jk) &
-                                    & *Log10(1000._JPRB*ziwc(jl)/50._JPRB) &
-                             & + 0.001_JPRB*((273._JPRB-cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))**1.5_JPRB)*ziwc_tl(jl) / ziwc(jl) / log(10._JPRB)
-               ! Wyser's IWC is in g.m-3
-               bwyser=bwyser+(0.001_JPRB*((273._JPRB-cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk))**1.5_JPRB)*Log10(1000._JPRB*ziwc(jl)/50._JPRB))
-             Endif
-             zradip_tl(jl)=( 203.3_JPRB + 2*bwyser*37.91_JPRB + 3*bwyser*bwyser*2.3696_JPRB ) *bwyser_tl
-             zradip(jl)=377.4_JPRB + bwyser*(203.3_JPRB + bwyser*(37.91_JPRB + bwyser*2.3696_JPRB)) ! Wyser definition
-             nft=(sqrt(3._JPRB)+4._JPRB)/(3._JPRB*sqrt(3._JPRB))
-             zradip_tl(jl)=zradip_tl(jl)/nft
-             zradip(jl)=zradip(jl)/nft ! convert to intermediate definition (see Table 1 of McFarquhar et al.)
-             zradip_tl(jl)=2._JPRB*4._JPRB*zradip_tl(jl)*sqrt(3._JPRB)/9._JPRB
-             zradip(jl)=2._JPRB*4._JPRB*zradip(jl)*sqrt(3._JPRB)/9._JPRB ! includes factor of 2 to convert McFarquhar"s r_ge to D_ge
-            !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 2) Then ! Boudala et al.
-             !
-             ! Boudala et al., 2002, Int. J. Climatol., 22, 1267-1284.
-             !
-             ztempc_tl=cld_profiles_tl(jl)%t(jk)
-             ztempc=cld_profiles(jl)%t(jk)-rtt
-             zradip_tl(jl)=53.005_JPRB*(1000._JPRB**0.06_JPRB)*(ziwc(jl)**(0.06_JPRB-1))*ziwc_tl(jl)*exp(0.013_JPRB*ztempc)&
-                          & +53.005_JPRB*((ziwc(jl)*1000._JPRB)**0.06_JPRB)*0.013_JPRB*ztempc_tl*exp(0.013_JPRB*ztempc)
-             zradip(jl)=53.005_JPRB*((ziwc(jl)*1000._JPRB)**0.06_JPRB)*exp(0.013_JPRB*ztempc)
-             !
-           Elseif (cld_profiles(jl)%kradip == 3) Then ! McFarquhar
-             !
-             ! McFarquhar et al. (2003)
-             !
-             amcfarq=1.78449_JPRB
-             bmcfarq=0.281301_JPRB
-             cmcfarq=0.0177166_JPRB
-             zmcfarq_tl=1000.0_JPRB*ziwc_tl(jl)
-             zmcfarq=1000.0_JPRB*ziwc(jl) ! Put IWC in g.m-3
-             zradip_tl(jl)= 10.0_JPRB**(amcfarq+bmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq)+cmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq)*Log10(zmcfarq) ) &
-                            & * ( bmcfarq + 2._JPRB*cmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq) ) / zmcfarq * zmcfarq_tl
-             zradip(jl)=10.0_JPRB**(amcfarq+(bmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq))+&
-                                    & (cmcfarq*Log10(zmcfarq)*Log10(zmcfarq)))
-             zradip_tl(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip_tl(jl)
-             zradip(jl)=2.0_JPRB*zradip(jl) ! Includes factor of 2 to convert McFarquhar's r_ge to D_ge
-             !
-!           Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kradip'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-           End If
-           !
-        End If
-     End Do  ! profiles
-     Do jc = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jc,2)
-        ido = channels(freq)
-        idp = lprofiles(freq)
-        ! Micro Waves
-        If(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           zdz    = zdzst(idp,jk)    * cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           zdz_tl = zdzst_tl(idp,jk) * cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk) +&
-                   & zdzst(idp,jk)    * cld_profiles_tl(idp)%t(jk)
-           zfreq  = coef%frequency_ghz (ido)
-           ! Water
-           ! Liebe et al., 1989, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 37, 1617-1623.
-           theta    = 300.0_JPRB / cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           theta_tl =-300.0_JPRB * cld_profiles_tl(idp)%t(jk) /&
-                          & cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)**2
-           fac1     = theta - 1.0_JPRB
-           fac1_tl  = theta_tl
-           fac2     = fac1 * fac1
-           fac2_tl  = 2._JPRB * fac1_tl * fac1
-           eps0    = 77.66_JPRB + 103.3_JPRB * fac1
-           eps0_tl = 103.3_JPRB * fac1_tl
-           eps1 = 5.48_JPRB
-           eps2 = 3.51_JPRB
-           fp    = 20.09_JPRB -  142.0_JPRB * fac1 + 294.0_JPRB * fac2
-           fp_tl = -142.0_JPRB * fac1_tl + 294.0_JPRB * fac2_tl
-           fs    = 590.0_JPRB - 1500.0_JPRB * fac1
-           fs_tl = - 1500.0_JPRB * fac1_tl
-           fac3    =  zfreq / fp
-           fac3_tl = -zfreq * fp_tl / fp**2
-           fac4    = 1.0_JPRB + fac3 * fac3
-           fac4_tl = 2._JPRB * fac3_tl * fac3
-           fac5    =  zfreq / fs
-           fac5_tl = -zfreq * fs_tl / fs**2
-           fac6    = 1.0_JPRB + fac5 * fac5
-           fac6_tl = 2._JPRB * fac5_tl * fac5
-           zeps_r    = (eps0 - eps1) / fac4 + (eps1 - eps2) / fac6 + eps2
-           zeps_r_tl = (eps0_tl * fac4 - (eps0 - eps1) * fac4_tl) / fac4**2 - &
-                        & (eps1 - eps2) * fac6_tl / fac6**2
-           zeps_i    = (eps0 - eps1) * fac3 / fac4 +&
-                      & (eps1 - eps2) * fac5 / fac6
-           zeps_i_tl = ((eps0_tl*fac3 + (eps0 - eps1)*fac3_tl)* fac4 - &
-                       & (eps0 - eps1) * fac3 * fac4_tl )  / fac4**2       &
-                                  & +                                      &
-                       & (eps1 - eps2) * (fac5_tl * fac6 -  fac5 * fac6_tl ) /&
-                        & fac6**2
-           znum    = zeps_i
-           znum_tl = zeps_i_tl
-           zden    = (zeps_r + 2.0_JPRB)**2 + zeps_i**2
-           zden_tl = 2._JPRB * zeps_r_tl * (zeps_r + 2.0_JPRB) + &
-                    & 2._JPRB * zeps_i_tl * zeps_i
-           zhelp    = znum / zden
-           zhelp_tl = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           zbeta    = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * zlwc(idp) * zhelp
-           zbeta_tl = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq *&
-                      & (zlwc_tl(idp) * zhelp + zlwc(idp) * zhelp_tl)
-           zodw     = zbeta * zview(idp) * zdz
-           zodw_tl  = zbeta_tl * zview(idp) * zdz   +&
-                     & zbeta    * zview(idp) * zdz_tl
-           ! Ice
-           ! Hufford, 1991, Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, 12, 677-681.
-           zeps_r    = 3.15_JPRB
-           zeps_r_tl =0._JPRB
-           tk    = cld_profiles(idp)%t(jk)
-           tk_tl = cld_profiles_tl(idp)%t(jk)
-           If (tk > 273.16_JPRB) Then
-              tk    = 273.16_JPRB
-              tk_tl = 0._JPRB
-           End if
-           theta    =  300.0_JPRB / tk
-           theta_tl = -300.0_JPRB * tk_tl / tk**2
-           a     = 1.0e-04_JPRB * (50.4_JPRB + 62.0_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                & * Exp (-22.1_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB))
-           a_tl  = 1.0e-04_JPRB * Exp (-22.1_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) * &
-                  & ( 62.0_JPRB * theta_tl +&
-                     & (50.4_JPRB + 62.0_JPRB * (theta - 1.0_JPRB)) *  (-22.1_JPRB * theta_tl) )
-           b     = 1.0e-04_JPRB * (0.633_JPRB / theta - 0.131_JPRB) &
-                & + (7.36e-04_JPRB * theta / (theta - 0.9927_JPRB)) ** 2
-           b_tl  = - 1.0e-04_JPRB * 0.633_JPRB * theta_tl / (theta **2)  &
-                 & - 7.36e-04_JPRB**2 * 2 * theta / (theta - 0.9927_JPRB) &
-                 & * 0.9927_JPRB / ((theta - 0.9927_JPRB)**2) * theta_tl
-           zeps_i    = a / zfreq    + b * zfreq
-           zeps_i_tl = a_tl / zfreq + b_tl * zfreq
-           znum    = zeps_i
-           znum_tl = zeps_i_tl
-           zden    = (zeps_r + 2.0_JPRB)**2 + zeps_i**2
-           ! note that zeps_r_tl is 0.
-           zden_tl = 2._JPRB * zeps_r_tl * (zeps_r + 2.0_JPRB) +&
-                    & 2._JPRB * zeps_i_tl * zeps_i
-           zhelp    = znum / zden
-           zhelp_tl = (znum_tl * zden -  znum * zden_tl) / zden**2
-           zbeta    = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq * ziwc(idp) * zhelp
-           zbeta_tl = 0.18851441_JPRB * zfreq *&
-                 & (ziwc_tl(idp) * zhelp + ziwc(idp) * zhelp_tl)
-           zodi    = zbeta * zview(idp) * zdz
-           zodi_tl = zbeta_tl * zview(idp) * zdz + &
-                    & zbeta    * zview(idp) * zdz_tl
-           cld_radiance %    cldemis(jk,jc) = 1._JPRB - Exp( - zodw - zodi )
-           cld_radiance_tl % cldemis(jk,jc) = ( zodw_tl + zodi_tl ) *&
-                                              & Exp( - zodw - zodi )
-           ! Infra Red
-        Elseif(  coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir  .Or. &
-                & coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_hi ) Then
-           If (zflwp(idp) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           !
-           ! Water cloud coefficients
-           ! from Hu and Stamnes, 1993, J. Climate, Vol. 6, pp. 728-742
-           !
-           idh = indh(jc)
-           zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-           zdom = zomega - zhustaom(idh)
-           !
-           If (zdom >= 0.0_JPRB) Then                ! Better to interpolate the single-scattering properties
-            If (zradlp(idp) < upp_re(1)) Then   ! themselves rather than the coefficients
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh)))+zhustac1(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh)))+zhustaf1(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa1(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh-1)))+zhustac1(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad1(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh-1)))+zhustaf1(idh-1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(2) .AND. zradlp(idp) < upp_re(2)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh)))+zhustac2(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh)))+zhustaf2(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa2(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh-1)))+zhustac2(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad2(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh-1)))+zhustaf2(idh-1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(3)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh)))+zhustac3(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh)))+zhustaf3(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa3(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh-1)))+zhustac3(idh-1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad3(idh-1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh-1)))+zhustaf3(idh-1)
-            End If
-            kabs_hu_1=kext_hu_1*co_ssa_1
-            kabs_hu_2=kext_hu_2*co_ssa_2
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsalu = ((zdom)*(kabs_hu_2-kabs_hu_1)/(zhustaom(idh-1)-zhustaom(idh))) + kabs_hu_1
-            !
-           Elseif (zdom < 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (zradlp(idp) < upp_re(1)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh)))+zhustac1(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad1(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh)))+zhustaf1(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa1(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab1(idh+1)))+zhustac1(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad1(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae1(idh+1)))+zhustaf1(idh+1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(2) .AND. zradlp(idp) < upp_re(2)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh)))+zhustac2(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad2(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh)))+zhustaf2(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa2(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab2(idh+1)))+zhustac2(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad2(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae2(idh+1)))+zhustaf2(idh+1)
-            Elseif (zradlp(idp) >= low_re(3)) Then
-             kext_hu_1=(zhustaa3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh)))+zhustac3(idh)
-             co_ssa_1=(zhustad3(idh)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh)))+zhustaf3(idh)
-             kext_hu_2=(zhustaa3(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustab3(idh+1)))+zhustac3(idh+1)
-             co_ssa_2=(zhustad3(idh+1)*(zradlp(idp)**zhustae3(idh+1)))+zhustaf3(idh+1)
-            End If
-            kabs_hu_1=kext_hu_1*co_ssa_1
-            kabs_hu_2=kext_hu_2*co_ssa_2
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsalu = ((zdom)*(kabs_hu_2-kabs_hu_1)/(zhustaom(idh+1)-zhustaom(idh))) + kabs_hu_1
-           End If
-           !
-           zmsalu_tl = 0._JPRB    ! since no liquid particle radius perturbations
-           zmsalu = zview(idp) * (0.001_JPRB*zmsalu) ! Convert Hu/Stamnes to m^2g^-1 and put in viewing angle dependence
-           Else
-           zmsalu_tl = 0._JPRB
-           zmsalu = 0._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Ice cloud emissivity
-           ! See Baran et al. JAS, 417-427, 2003; Baran et al. JQSRT, 549-567, 2003.
-           If (zfiwp(idp) > 0._JPRB) Then
-           idq = indi(jc)
-           zomega = coef % ff_cwn(ido)
-           zdom = zomega - ziceom(idq)
-           If (zdom >= 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             kabs_ice_1_tl= ( ziceclmnd(idq) &
-                          & - ziceclmnb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceclmna(idq)+(ziceclmnb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2_tl= ( ziceclmnd(idq-1) &
-                          & - ziceclmnb(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceclmna(idq-1)+(ziceclmnb(idq-1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq-1)*zradip(idp))
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             kabs_ice_1_tl= ( ziceaggrd(idq) &
-                          & - ziceaggrb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceaggra(idq)+(ziceaggrb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2_tl= ( ziceaggrd(idq-1) &
-                          & - ziceaggrb(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceaggra(idq-1)+(ziceaggrb(idq-1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq-1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq-1)*zradip(idp))
-!            Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kice'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-            End If
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsaiu_tl = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2_tl-kabs_ice_1_tl)/(ziceom(idq-1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1_tl
-            zmsaiu = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2-kabs_ice_1)/(ziceom(idq-1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1
-            !
-           Elseif (zdom < 0.0_JPRB) Then
-            If (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 0) Then ! Hexagonal columns
-             kabs_ice_1_tl= ( ziceclmnd(idq) &
-                          & - ziceclmnb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceclmna(idq)+(ziceclmnb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2_tl= ( ziceclmnd(idq+1) &
-                          & - ziceclmnb(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceclmnc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceclmna(idq+1)+(ziceclmnb(idq+1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceclmnc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceclmnd(idq+1)*zradip(idp))
-            Elseif (cld_profiles(idp)%kice == 1) Then ! Aggregates
-             kabs_ice_1_tl= ( ziceaggrd(idq) &
-                          & - ziceaggrb(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_1=ziceaggra(idq)+(ziceaggrb(idq)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq)*zradip(idp))
-             kabs_ice_2_tl= ( ziceaggrd(idq+1) &
-                          & - ziceaggrb(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) &
-                          & - 2*ziceaggrc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)) )*zradip_tl(idp)
-             kabs_ice_2=ziceaggra(idq+1)+(ziceaggrb(idq+1)/zradip(idp))+ &
-              & (ziceaggrc(idq+1)/(zradip(idp)*zradip(idp)))+(ziceaggrd(idq+1)*zradip(idp))
-!            Else
-!             errMessage = 'Wrong kice'
-!             errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-!             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-!             Return
-            End If
-            !
-            ! Do the interpolation
-            zmsaiu_tl = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2_tl-kabs_ice_1_tl)/(ziceom(idq+1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1_tl
-            zmsaiu = ((zdom)*(kabs_ice_2-kabs_ice_1)/(ziceom(idq+1)-ziceom(idq))) + kabs_ice_1
-           End If
-           zmsaiu_tl = zview(idp) * zmsaiu_tl
-           zmsaiu = zview(idp) * zmsaiu ! Add in viewing angle dependence
-           Else
-            zmsaiu_tl = 0._JPRB
-            zmsaiu = 0._JPRB
-           End If
-           !
-           ! Cloud layer emissivity
-           cld_radiance    % cldemis(jk,jc)  =&
-                 & 1._JPRB - Exp( -zmsalu*zflwp(idp) -zmsaiu*zfiwp(idp) )
-           cld_radiance_tl % cldemis(jk,jc)  =&
-                  & ( zmsalu * zflwp_tl(idp) +&
-                    & zmsaiu_tl * zfiwp(idp) + zmsaiu * zfiwp_tl(idp) ) *&
-                 & Exp( -zmsalu*zflwp(idp) -zmsaiu*zfiwp(idp) )
-           !
-        Else
-           cld_radiance    % cldemis(jk,jc) = 0._JPRB
-           cld_radiance_tl % cldemis(jk,jc) = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-     End Do ! channels
-     !
-  End Do ! Levels
-End Subroutine rttov_emiscld_tl
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deleted file mode 100644
index fbb17c0f1b9fdc3f633dd64afbf20e53ce13a07a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_emiscld_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_emiscld_tl(  &
-       & errorstatus,       &! out
-       & nfrequencies,    &     ! in
-       & nchannels,    &     ! in
-       & nprofiles,    &     ! in
-       & nlevels,      &     ! in
-       & channels,     &     ! in
-       & polarisations,&     ! in
-       & lprofiles,    &     ! in
-       & profiles,     &     ! in  (surftype and zenangle)
-       & coef,         &     ! in  (frequencies mw/ir/hi)
-       & cld_profiles, &     ! in
-       & cld_profiles_tl, &  ! in
-       & cld_radiance,    &  ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-       & cld_radiance_tl)    ! inout  (cldemis part only)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :    &
-       pi                   ,&
-       gravity              ,&
-       surftype_land        ,&
-       nvalhusta            ,&
-       zhustaom             ,&
-       zhustaa1             ,&
-       zhustaa2             ,&
-       zhustaa3             ,&
-       zhustab1             ,&
-       zhustab2             ,&
-       zhustab3             ,&
-       zhustac1             ,&
-       zhustac2             ,&
-       zhustac3             ,&
-       zhustad1             ,&
-       zhustad2             ,&
-       zhustad3             ,&
-       zhustae1             ,&
-       zhustae2             ,&
-       zhustae3             ,&
-       zhustaf1             ,&
-       zhustaf2             ,&
-       zhustaf3             ,&
-       low_re               ,&
-       upp_re               ,&
-       nvalice              ,&
-       ziceom               ,&
-       ziceclmna            ,&
-       ziceclmnb            ,&
-       ziceclmnc            ,&
-       ziceclmnd            ,&
-       ziceaggra            ,&
-       ziceaggrb            ,&
-       ziceaggrc            ,&
-       ziceaggrd            ,&
-       sensor_id_ir         ,&
-       sensor_id_mw         ,&
-       sensor_id_hi
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       rttov_coef           ,&
-       profile_Type         ,&
-       profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       radiance_cloud_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),        Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)      ! Channel indices
-  Type(profile_Type),        Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),          Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance
-  Type(profile_cloud_Type),  Intent(in)    :: cld_profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_Type), Intent(inout) :: cld_radiance_tl
-End Subroutine rttov_emiscld_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorhandling.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorhandling.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index eb832c5ace74bb2f54f9b05e3a0f270c67fd252e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorhandling.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_errorhandling (Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  ! Description:
-  ! Handling of error messages.
-  ! Error messages will be sent on the optional unit number errunit.
-  !      Default is the value defined in the module for constants.
-  !
-  ! The levels of verbosity are
-  !  0 = no error messages output
-  !  1 = FATAL errors only printed. these are errors which
-  !      mean that profile should be aborted (e.g. unphysical
-  !      profile input)
-  !  2 = WARNING errors only printed. Errors which can allow
-  !      the computation to continue but the results may be
-  !      suspect (e.g. profile outside basis profile limits)
-  !  3 = INFORMATION messages which inform the user about
-  !      the computation
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date       Comment
-  !  1.0    10/03/2003   Original code (P Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_info    ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & ErrorStatus_text,    &
-       & NerrorStatus,        &
-       & default_err_unit
-  Use rttov_global, Only: &
-       & verbose_message,     &
-       & err_init,            &
-       & error_unit
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !   Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: Err_Unit       ! Logical error unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: verbosity_level
-  ! local
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! According to the user defined verbosity level
-  ! defines the verbose flag for each error level
-  ! Default is to output all messages
-  Select Case ( verbosity_level )
-  Case ( 0_jpim )
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_success ) = .false.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_warning ) = .false.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_fatal   ) = .false.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_info    ) = .false.
-  Case ( 1_jpim )
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_success ) = .false.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_warning ) = .false.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_fatal   ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_info    ) = .false.
-  Case ( 2_jpim )
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_success ) = .false.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_warning ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_fatal   ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_info    ) = .false.
-  Case ( 3_jpim )
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_success ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_warning ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_fatal   ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_info    ) = .true.
-  Case Default
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_success ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_warning ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_fatal   ) = .true.
-     verbose_message( errorstatus_info    ) = .true.
-  End Select
-  ! Definition of the error message logical unit
-  ! default is taken from the module for constants
-  If( Err_Unit >= 0 ) then
-     error_unit = err_unit
-  Else
-     error_unit = default_err_unit
-  EndIf
-  ! setup initialisation flag
-  ! This flag is tested by errorreprt subroutine
-  err_init = .true.
-End Subroutine rttov_errorhandling
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deleted file mode 100644
index 22eba852ea05ec833a96868c04cade6208072b14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorhandling.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_errorhandling (Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_info    ,&
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       ErrorStatus_text,    &
-       NerrorStatus,        &
-       default_err_unit
-  Use rttov_global, Only: &
-       verbose_message,     &
-       err_init,            &
-       error_unit
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: Err_Unit       ! Logical error unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: verbosity_level
-End Subroutine rttov_errorhandling
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorreport.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorreport.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a400d75c10f82009c6c2b98b260b7f1aa80091..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorreport.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_ErrorReport (ErrStatus, ErrMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! Description:
-  !   Write out fatal and warning error messages to unit 6.
-  !   Execution is stopped in the event of a fatal error.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version  Date      Comment
-  !
-  !  1.0      2/2/96  Original code. (R.J.Renshaw)
-  !       - based on routine of same name in Met Office VAR project.
-  !  1.1     27/11/96 STOP 999 changed to CALL EXIT to alert
-  !                   unix that program has failed.  (R.J.Renshaw)
-  !  1.2    08/03/01  F90 and negative integer  P. Brunel
-  !  1.3    01/12/02  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.4    10/01/03  Use verbosity level (P Brunel)
-  !                   and change varaibles in order to use the
-  !                   module rttov_global
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & ErrorStatus_text,    &
-       & NerrorStatus
-  Use rttov_global, Only: &
-       & verbose_message,     &
-       & err_init,            &
-       & error_unit
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !   Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) ::      ErrStatus     ! +ve => fatal error, -ve => warning
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: ErrMessage    ! ..to output
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: NameOfRoutine ! ..calling this one
-  ! local
-  Character (len=8) :: date
-  Character (len=10):: time
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  Call DATE_AND_Time(date, time)
-  ! If globlal variables not defined then use default values
-  if( .not. err_init ) then
-     call rttov_errorhandling ( -1_jpim , -1_jpim )
-  endif
-  If ( ErrStatus >= 0 .And. ErrStatus <=nerrorstatus ) Then
-     ! Display message only if allowed by verbose_message flag
-     if( verbose_message (ErrStatus) ) then
-        Write(Error_Unit,"(1X,a4,'/',a2,'/',a2,2x,2(a2,':'),a2,2x,a,a,a)") &
-              & date(1:4), date(5:6), date(7:8), &
-              & time(1:2), time(3:4), time(5:6), &
-              & ErrorStatus_text(errstatus),&
-              & " in module ",Trim(NameOfRoutine)
-        Write(Error_Unit,"(5X,A)") Trim(ErrMessage)
-     Endif
-  Else
-     ! This error level is different from predefined
-     ! Output it anyway
-     Write(Error_Unit,"(1X,a4,'/',a2,'/',a2,2x,2(a2,':'),a2,2x,i6,a,a)") &
-           & date(1:4), date(5:6), date(7:8), &
-           & time(1:2), time(3:4), time(5:6), &
-           & errstatus                      ,&
-           & " in module ",Trim(NameOfRoutine)
-     Write(Error_Unit,"(5X,A)") Trim(ErrMessage)
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_ErrorReport
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deleted file mode 100644
index eefb15ee05f5341dbdc4c5c19e6c95dc509591cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_errorreport.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_ErrorReport (ErrStatus, ErrMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       ErrorStatus_text,    &
-       NerrorStatus
-  Use rttov_global, Only: &
-       verbose_message,     &
-       err_init,            &
-       error_unit
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) ::      ErrStatus     ! +ve => fatal error, -ve => warning
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: ErrMessage    ! ..to output
-  Character (len=*) , Intent (in) :: NameOfRoutine ! ..calling this one
-End Subroutine rttov_ErrorReport
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_findnextsection.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_findnextsection.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae4ae9493d26f84ce79baea1896fbc2d9c16824..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_findnextsection.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_findnextsection( fileunit,readstatus,section )
-  ! Description:
-  ! Read file (unit fileunit) until reach next section of
-  ! coefficient file
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & nsections           ,&
-       & section_types
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(in)  :: fileunit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(out) :: readstatus
-  Character(len=21), Intent(out) :: section
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i
-  Logical :: sectionfound
-  Character(len=80) :: line
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  section = ''
-  sectionfound = .False.
-  readfile: Do
-     Read( unit=fileunit,fmt='(a)',iostat=readstatus ) line
-     If ( readstatus /= 0 ) Exit
-     line = Adjustl(line)
-     If ( line(1:1) == '!' .Or. line == '' ) Then
-        Cycle !skip blank/comment lines
-     Else If ( .Not. sectionfound ) Then
-        !check for a section name
-        Do i = 1, nsections
-           If ( section_types(i) == line ) Then
-              sectionfound = .True.
-              section = section_types(i)
-              Exit
-           End If
-        End Do
-     Else
-        !reposition file at the start of the line and exit
-        Backspace( fileunit )
-        Exit readfile
-     End If
-  End Do readfile
-End Subroutine rttov_findnextsection
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_findnextsection.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_findnextsection.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 83b8b7729bb2f64107d4377869f83af0c1d5ed3a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_findnextsection.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_findnextsection( fileunit,readstatus,section )
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       nsections           ,&
-       section_types
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(in)  :: fileunit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(out) :: readstatus
-  Character(len=21), Intent(out) :: section
-End Subroutine rttov_findnextsection
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_global.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_global.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index bdaa50dc4c17648cc91c1a3bd0f6b41584835b03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_global.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Module rttov_global
-  ! Description:
-  ! Definition of global variables) for RTTOV
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       10/01/2003  Original (P Brunel)
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       NerrorStatus
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !1. error reporting
-  !------------------
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: error_unit   ! logical unit for the error messages
-  Logical :: verbose_message(0:nerrorstatus) !verbose flag for each error level
-  Logical :: err_init ! true if module already initialised
-  Data err_init/.false./
-End Module rttov_global
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff956a3b2b6e26335c6dd39613e382ce1a02936..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels ,    &! in
-     & nprofiles ,    &! in
-     & lprofiles ,    &! in
-     & angles    ,    &! in
-     & coef_scatt,    &! in
-     & scatt_aux)      ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute variables specific to Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent (in)    :: angles (nprofiles)              ! Zenith angles
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),  Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                      ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                       ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  scatt_aux % delta   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % lambda  = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % h       = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % tau     = 1.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % mclayer = 0
-!* Layer interface temperatures, lapse rates
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     scatt_aux % b0 (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % tbd (:,ilayer+1)
-     scatt_aux % bn (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % tbd (:,ilayer  )
-     scatt_aux % b1 (:,ilayer) = (scatt_aux % bn (:,ilayer) - scatt_aux % b0 (:,ilayer)) / scatt_aux % dz (:,ilayer)
-  end do
-!* Delta-scaling
-   do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     scatt_aux % ext    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux % ssa    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)  &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux % asm    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux % delta  (ichan,:) = (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:)) / angles (iprof) % coszen
-     where (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) >= 30.0_JPRB) scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) = 30.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux % tau    (ichan,:) = 1.0_JPRB / exp (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) = sqrt (3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))) 
-     scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:) = 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))
-     where (scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) <= 0.00001_JPRB) scatt_aux % h  (ichan,:) = 0.00001_JPRB			
-!* Cloud top level index
-     scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) = nwp_levels - 2
-     do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels - 2
-        if (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB .and. ilayer < scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan)) &
-	    scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) = ilayer
-     end do
-  end do 
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b8cbb60c28f78fbd540a0fe6186dafba5dd8500..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels ,&
- & nprofiles ,&
- & lprofiles ,&
- & angles ,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc93da2c58bc717d649b9eb38e1fe1fb3a6c13a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd_ad (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels ,    &! in
-     & nprofiles ,    &! in
-     & lprofiles ,    &! in
-     & angles ,       &! in
-     & coef_scatt,    &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! inout
-     & scatt_aux_ad)   ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine
-  ! to compute variables specific to Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent (in)    :: angles (nprofiles)              ! Zenith angles
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),  Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                      ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                       ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad                    ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_in, ssa_in, asm_in
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels)             :: fac
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  scatt_aux % delta   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % lambda  = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % h       = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % tau     = 1.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % mclayer = 0
-  ext_in (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:) 
-  ssa_in (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) 
-  asm_in (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:) 
-!* Layer interface temperatures, lapse rates
-  do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     scatt_aux % b0 (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % tbd (:,ilayer+1)
-     scatt_aux % bn (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % tbd (:,ilayer  )
-     scatt_aux % b1 (:,ilayer) = (scatt_aux % bn (:,ilayer) - scatt_aux % b0 (:,ilayer)) / scatt_aux % dz (:,ilayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % bn (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % bn (:,ilayer)  + scatt_aux_ad % b1 (:,ilayer) /  scatt_aux % dz (:,ilayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % b0 (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % b0 (:,ilayer)  - scatt_aux_ad % b1 (:,ilayer) /  scatt_aux % dz (:,ilayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % dz (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % dz (:,ilayer)  - scatt_aux_ad % b1 (:,ilayer) * (scatt_aux % bn (:,ilayer) &
-                                & - scatt_aux    % b0 (:,ilayer)) / (scatt_aux   % dz (:,ilayer) *  scatt_aux % dz (:,ilayer))
-     scatt_aux_ad % b1 (:,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % tbd (:,ilayer  ) = scatt_aux_ad % tbd (:,ilayer  ) + scatt_aux_ad % bn (:,ilayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % bn  (:,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % tbd (:,ilayer+1) = scatt_aux_ad % tbd (:,ilayer+1) + scatt_aux_ad % b0 (:,ilayer)
-     scatt_aux_ad % b0  (:,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  end do
-!* Delta-scaling
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     scatt_aux % ext    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux % ssa    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)  &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux % asm    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux % delta  (ichan,:) = (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:)) / angles (iprof) % coszen
-     where (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) >= 30.0_JPRB) scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) = 30.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux % tau    (ichan,:) = 1.0_JPRB / exp (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) = sqrt (3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))) 
-     scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:) = 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     where (scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) < 0.00001_JPRB)
-            scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) = 0.00001_JPRB
-            scatt_aux_ad % h (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     endwhere
-!* Cloud top level index
-     scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) = nwp_levels - 2
-     do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels - 2
-        if (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB .and. ilayer < scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan)) &
-	    scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) = ilayer
-     end do
-!* h
-     scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux_ad % h (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux_ad % h (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux_ad % h (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % h   (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* lambda
-     fac (:) = (1.0_JPRB / ( 2.0_JPRB * sqrt (3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-           & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))))) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) + fac(:) * 6.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_ad % lambda  (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) *  (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) - fac (:) * 3.0_JPRB &
-                                & * scatt_aux_ad % lambda  (ichan,:)  &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) *  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) - 2.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-				& * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) - fac(:) * 3.0_JPRB &
-                                & * scatt_aux_ad % lambda  (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) *  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* tau
-     scatt_aux_ad % delta (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % delta (ichan,:) - scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_ad % tau   (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* delta
-     where (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) == 30.0_JPRB) scatt_aux_ad % delta (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % ext   (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux_ad % delta (ichan,:) &
-                                  & * scatt_aux % dz  (iprof,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen 
-     scatt_aux_ad % dz    (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % dz  (iprof,:) + scatt_aux_ad % delta (ichan,:) &
-                                  & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen 
-     scatt_aux_ad % delta (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* ext,ssa,asm
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB + asm_in (ichan,:)) / (1.0_JPRB + asm_in (ichan,:)) 
-     fac  (:) = 1.0_JPRB - asm_in (ichan,:) * asm_in (ichan,:) * ssa_in (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) - scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - ssa_in (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * 2.0_JPRB * asm_in (ichan,:) * ssa_in (ichan,:) / fac (:) / fac (:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - asm_in (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * asm_in(ichan,:)) / fac (:) / fac (:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) - 2.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) * ext_in (ichan,:) &
-                                & * asm_in (ichan,:) * ssa_in (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) - scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) * ext_in(ichan,:) &
-                                & * asm_in (ichan,:) * asm_in (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - ssa_in (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * asm_in(ichan,:) * asm_in (ichan,:)) 
-  end do
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3d569b43950588a8b7ae075ce97958df113dbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd_ad (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels ,&
- & nprofiles ,&
- & lprofiles ,&
- & angles ,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_ad) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index aa30fc7279d3416140ba234804fbb3ff3c69cf89..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd_k (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels ,    &! in
-     & nprofiles ,    &! in
-     & lprofiles ,    &! in
-     & angles ,       &! in
-     & coef_scatt,    &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! inout
-     & scatt_aux_k)   ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine
-  ! to compute variables specific to Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !  1.5       02/2005   K-Code              (A. Collard)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent (in)    :: angles (nprofiles)              ! Zenith angles
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),  Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                      ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                       ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k                     ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_in, ssa_in, asm_in
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels)             :: fac
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  scatt_aux % delta   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % lambda  = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % h       = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % tau     = 1.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % mclayer = 0
-  ext_in (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:) 
-  ssa_in (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) 
-  asm_in (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:) 
-!* Layer interface temperatures, lapse rates
-  do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        scatt_aux % bn (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,ilayer  )
-        scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux % bn (iprof,ilayer) - scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,ilayer)) & 
-	                               & / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)
-        scatt_aux_k % bn (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % bn (ichan,ilayer)  & 
-	                               & + scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,ilayer) /  scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)
-        scatt_aux_k % b0 (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % b0 (ichan,ilayer)  & 
-	                               & - scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,ilayer) /  scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)
-        scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer)  & 
-	                               & - scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,ilayer) * (scatt_aux % bn (iprof,ilayer) &
-                                       & - scatt_aux    % b0 (iprof,ilayer)) / (scatt_aux   % dz (iprof,ilayer) & 
-				       & *  scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer))
-        scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer  ) = scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer  ) + scatt_aux_k % bn (ichan,ilayer)
-        scatt_aux_k % bn  (ichan,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) = scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) + scatt_aux_k % b0 (ichan,ilayer)
-        scatt_aux_k % b0  (ichan,ilayer)   = 0.0_JPRB
-     end do
-  end do
-!* Delta-scaling
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     scatt_aux % ext    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux % ssa    (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)  &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux % asm    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux % delta  (ichan,:) = (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:)) / angles (iprof) % coszen
-     where (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) >= 30.0_JPRB) scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) = 30.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux % tau    (ichan,:) = 1.0_JPRB / exp (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) = sqrt (3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))) 
-     scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:) = 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     where (scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) < 0.00001_JPRB)
-            scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) = 0.00001_JPRB
-            scatt_aux_k % h (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     endwhere
-!* Cloud top level index
-     scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) = nwp_levels - 2
-     do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels - 2
-        if (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB .and. ilayer < scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan)) &
-	    scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) = ilayer
-     end do
-!* h
-     scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux_k % h (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux_k % h (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux_k % h (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % h   (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* lambda
-     fac (:) = (1.0_JPRB / ( 2.0_JPRB * sqrt (3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-           & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))))) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) + fac(:) * 6.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_k % lambda  (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) *  (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) - fac (:) * 3.0_JPRB &
-                                & * scatt_aux_k % lambda  (ichan,:)  &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) *  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) - 2.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-				& * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) - fac(:) * 3.0_JPRB &
-                                & * scatt_aux_k % lambda  (ichan,:) &
-                                & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) *  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* tau
-     scatt_aux_k % delta (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % delta (ichan,:) - scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_k % tau   (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* delta
-     where (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:) == 30.0_JPRB) scatt_aux_k % delta (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % ext   (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux_k % delta (ichan,:) &
-                                  & * scatt_aux % dz  (iprof,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen 
-     scatt_aux_k % dz    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % dz  (ichan,:) + scatt_aux_k % delta (ichan,:) &
-                                  & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen 
-     scatt_aux_k % delta (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* ext,ssa,asm
-     scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB + asm_in (ichan,:)) & 
-                                & / (1.0_JPRB + asm_in (ichan,:)) 
-     fac  (:) = 1.0_JPRB - asm_in (ichan,:) * asm_in (ichan,:) * ssa_in (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) - scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * (1.0_JPRB - ssa_in (ichan,:)) &
-                                & * 2.0_JPRB * asm_in (ichan,:) * ssa_in (ichan,:) / fac (:) / fac (:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - asm_in (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * asm_in(ichan,:)) / fac (:) / fac (:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) - 2.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) * ext_in (ichan,:) &
-                                & * asm_in (ichan,:) * ssa_in (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) - scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) * ext_in(ichan,:) &
-                                & * asm_in (ichan,:) * asm_in (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - ssa_in (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * asm_in(ichan,:) * asm_in (ichan,:)) 
-  end do
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b45f51fd8eb3f349111813102d2d370af134984..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd_k (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels ,&
- & nprofiles ,&
- & lprofiles ,&
- & angles ,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_k) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd9b6e1a55bd402302d408d2a8fa5cbd12813f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd_tl (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels ,    &! in
-     & nprofiles ,    &! in
-     & lprofiles ,    &! in
-     & angles    ,    &! in
-     & coef_scatt,    &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! inout
-     & scatt_aux_tl)   ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute variables specific to Eddington approximation to RT
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent (in)    :: angles (nprofiles)              ! Zenith angles
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),  Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                      ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                       ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_tl                    ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  scatt_aux_tl % delta   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % lambda  = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % h       = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % tau     = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % delta   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % lambda  = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % h       = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % tau     = 1.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % mclayer = 0
-!* Layer interface temperatures, lapse rates
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     scatt_aux_tl % b0 (:,ilayer) =  scatt_aux_tl % tbd (:,ilayer+1)
-     scatt_aux    % b0 (:,ilayer) =  scatt_aux    % tbd (:,ilayer+1)
-     scatt_aux_tl % bn (:,ilayer) =  scatt_aux_tl % tbd (:,ilayer  )
-     scatt_aux    % bn (:,ilayer) =  scatt_aux    % tbd (:,ilayer  )
-     scatt_aux_tl % b1 (:,ilayer) = (scatt_aux_tl % bn  (:,ilayer)  -  scatt_aux_tl % b0 (:,ilayer)) &
-                                & /  scatt_aux    % dz  (:,ilayer)  - (scatt_aux    % bn (:,ilayer)  &
-                                & -  scatt_aux    % b0  (:,ilayer)) *  scatt_aux_tl % dz (:,ilayer)  &
-                                & /  scatt_aux    % dz  (:,ilayer)  /  scatt_aux    % dz (:,ilayer) 
-     scatt_aux    % b1 (:,ilayer) = (scatt_aux    % bn  (:,ilayer)  -  scatt_aux    % b0 (:,ilayer)) &
-                               &  /  scatt_aux    % dz  (:,ilayer)
-  end do
-!* Delta-scaling
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-     scatt_aux_tl % ext  (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                 & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) * scatt_aux_tl % ext  (ichan,:) &
-                                 & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                 & * (-1.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_tl % ssa  (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                 & -2.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % asm  (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux    % ext  (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                 & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_tl % ssa  (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB /  (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                 & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:))**2.0_JPRB ) * ( (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                 & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:))         &
-                                 & * (( 1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) & 
-				 & * scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                 & +  (-2.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:) & 
-				 & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) ) &
-                                 & - (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &  
-				 & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                 & * (  (-1.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) & 
-				 & * scatt_aux_tl % ssa  (ichan,:)) &
-                                 & +  (-2.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % asm  (ichan,:) &
-				  & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) ) ) 
-     scatt_aux    % ssa  (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                 & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)  &
-                                 & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_tl % asm  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                 & - scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:) &
-				 & / (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                 & / (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux    % asm  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) / (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux_tl % delta (ichan,:) = (scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,:) &
-                                  & +  scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,:)) / angles (iprof) % coszen 
-     scatt_aux    % delta (ichan,:) = (scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,:)) / angles (iprof) % coszen
-     where (scatt_aux    % delta (:,:) >= 30.0_JPRB) 
-            scatt_aux    % delta (:,:)  = 30.0_JPRB
-            scatt_aux_tl % delta (:,:)  =  0.0_JPRB
-     endwhere
-     scatt_aux    % tau    (ichan,:) =  1.0_JPRB / exp (scatt_aux % delta (ichan,:))
-     scatt_aux_tl % tau    (ichan,:) = -1.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_tl % delta (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % tau    (ichan,:)
-     scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) = (1.0_JPRB / ( 2._JPRB * sqrt (3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)  &
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))))) &
-                                   & * ( 6.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-				   & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                   & - 3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext(ichan,:) &
-                                   & * scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,:) *  (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-				   & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                   & - 3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-				   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                   & * (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:)+ scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) ) 
-     scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) = sqrt (3.0_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:))) 
-     scatt_aux_tl % h      (ichan,:) = 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) &
-                                   & -1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * (scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-				   & * scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:) = 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:)) 
-     where (scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) < 0.00001_JPRB)
-            scatt_aux_tl % h (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-            scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) = 0.00001_JPRB
-     endwhere
-!* Cloud top level index
-     scatt_aux % mclayer (ichan) = nwp_levels - 2
-     do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels - 2
-        if (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB .and. ilayer < scatt_aux % mclayer(ichan)) &
-	    scatt_aux % mclayer(ichan) = ilayer
-     end do
-  end do
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 169ae241b253821d8054055d610f60d024cb6086..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniedd_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniedd_tl (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels ,&
- & nprofiles ,&
- & lprofiles ,&
- & angles ,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_tl) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_tl
-End subroutine rttov_iniedd_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f97f9561932dffd4709fe933e3b9ca7546dd0ad4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt (&
-      & errorstatus,       &! out
-      & nwp_levels,        &! in
-      & nrt_levels,        &! in
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & channels,          &! in
-      & frequencies,       &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  
-      & cld_profiles,      &! in 
-      & coef_rttov,        &! in
-      & coef_scatt,        &! in
-      & transmission,      &! in
-      & calcemiss,         &! in
-      & angles,            &! out
-      & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates some variables related to the input precipitation profile
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more painiscattrtners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! 
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    10/2005      Fixes for rttov8 indexing   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.6    11/2005      Add errorstatus to arguments (J. Cameron)   
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! 
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :     &
-       & rttov_coef          ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef    ,&
-       & transmission_type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type       ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux   ,&
-       & profile_Type        ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   
-  Use rttov_const, Only:      &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & gravity,             &
-       & pressure_top,        &
-       & rgp,                 &
-       & rm,                  &
-       & rho_rain,            &
-       & rho_snow,            &
-       & ccthres 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_mieproc.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniedd.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)                  ! Error return code
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channels indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)            ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles    (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Logical            , Intent (in) :: calcemiss     (nchannels)               ! Emissivity flags
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles     (nprofiles)      ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                    ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                    ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)      ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (in)    :: transmission                  ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (out)   :: angles       (nprofiles)      ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan, iccmax
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: p1, p2, pm, dp2dz, de2mr, zccmax
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: presf            ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh           ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nrt_levels)             :: presi            ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opdp_nrt
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld       ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity       ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity     ! Surface reflectivity
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmissioncld                                 ! Clear+cloud transmittances with cloud
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=15) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_iniscatt '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  allocate (transmissioncld % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  de2mr =  1.0E+05_JPRB * rm / rgp
-  dp2dz = -1.0E-03_JPRB * rgp / gravity / rm 
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Security on user-defined pressures
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        If (cld_profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-            presf (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % p  (ilayer)
-	else
-	    presf (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-	endif
-    Enddo
-    Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels + 1
-       If (cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-           presfh (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer)
-       else
- 	   presfh (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-       endif
-    Enddo
- Enddo
-!* Geometric variables
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry (profiles (iprof), coef_rttov, angles (iprof)) 
-  End Do
-!* Temperature at layer boundaries (K)
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,nwp_levels+1) = profiles     (iprof) % s2m % t
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,1)            = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (1)
-  Enddo
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels-1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presf  (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presf  (iprof,ilayer  )
-        pm = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) =  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1) &
-                                       & + (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)   & 
-				       & -  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-                                       & / log(p2/p1) * log(pm/p1) 
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Horizontal clear-sky fraction
-  scatt_aux % clw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ciw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % rain  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % sp    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ccmax (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles  
-     zccmax = 0.0_JPRB
-     iccmax = 0
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        if (cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer) > zccmax) then
-	    zccmax = cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer)
-	    iccmax = ilayer
-        end if 
-     end do 
-     scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) = zccmax
-     If (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) > ccthres) Then
-        scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % clw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ciw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % rain (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % sp   (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-     else 
-        scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Endif
-  Enddo
-!* Nadir heights (km)
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presfh (iprof,ilayer  )
-        If (p1 <= p2) then
-           errorstatus (:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "iniscatt : problem with user-defined pressure layering")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(iprof), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) = dp2dz * Log(p2/p1) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Interpolate optical depths (at nadir and in hPa-1) to model levels
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     opdp_nrt (ichan,1) = transmission % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top)
-     presi          (1) = (profiles (iprof) % p (1) + pressure_top) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 2, nrt_levels
-        opdp_nrt (ichan,ilayer) = transmission % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                              & / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        presi (ilayer) = (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) + profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     Call rttov_intex (nrt_levels, nwp_levels, presi, presf (iprof,:), opdp_nrt (ichan,:), opd_nwp (ichan,:))
-  Enddo
-!* Change units
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-!* Optical depths in km-1 and at nadir
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                     & / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        if (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) < 1.0E-10_JPRB) scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 1.0E-10_JPRB
-     Enddo
-!* Condensate from g/g to g/m^3
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                                & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                                & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 
-!* Rates from kg/m^2/s to g/m^3
-!*JPC*(J.-P. CHABOUREAU - 4 Jan 2006)
-        scatt_aux % rain  (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                                & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux % sp    (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                                & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 
-!        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) / rho_rain
-!        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) / rho_snow
-!        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-!        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-!        if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-!          & scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) * &
-!	  & coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-!        if (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-!          & scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * &
-!	  & coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2))
-!*JPC*(J.-P. CHABOUREAU - 4 Jan 2006)
-     enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Cloud/rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  Call rttov_mieproc (      &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,         &! in
-       & frequencies,       &! in
-       & lsprofiles,         &! in
-       & cld_profiles,      &! in
-       & coef_rttov,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Scattering parameters for Eddington RT
-  Call rttov_iniedd (       &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels ,        &! in
-       & nprofiles ,        &! in
-       & lsprofiles ,        &! in
-       & angles    ,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Surface emissivities
-  zod_up_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        zod_up_cld (ichan) = zod_up_cld (ichan) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)
-     Enddo
-     if (zod_up_cld (ichan) >= 30.0_JPRB) zod_up_cld (ichan) = 30.0_JPRB
-     transmissioncld % tau_surf (ichan) = Exp(-1.0_JPRB * zod_up_cld (ichan) / angles (iprof) % coszen)
-  Enddo
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw (     &
-       & profiles,             &! in
-       & angles,               &! in
-       & coef_rttov,           &! in
-       & nfrequencies,         &! in
-       & nchannels,            &! in
-       & nprofiles,            &! in
-       & channels,             &! in
-       & polarisations,        &! in
-       & lprofiles,            &! in
-       & transmissioncld,      &! in
-       & calcemiss,            &! in
-       & scatt_aux % ems_cld,  &! inout
-       & scatt_aux % ref_cld,  &! out
-       & errorstatus          ) ! inout 
-!* Hemispheric emissivity (= Fastem's effective emissivity)
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ems_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ref_cld (:)
-!* Deallocate
-  deallocate (transmissioncld % tau_surf)
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.F90_orig b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.F90_orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 8914413006be7993c011fcb86b74856eeed39e7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.F90_orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt (&
-      & errorstatus,       &! out
-      & nwp_levels,        &! in
-      & nrt_levels,        &! in
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & channels,          &! in
-      & frequencies,       &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  
-      & cld_profiles,      &! in 
-      & coef_rttov,        &! in
-      & coef_scatt,        &! in
-      & transmission,      &! in
-      & calcemiss,         &! in
-      & angles,            &! out
-      & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates some variables related to the input precipitation profile
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more painiscattrtners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! 
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    10/2005      Fixes for rttov8 indexing   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.6    11/2005      Add errorstatus to arguments (J. Cameron)   
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! 
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :     &
-       & rttov_coef          ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef    ,&
-       & transmission_type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type       ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux   ,&
-       & profile_Type        ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   
-  Use rttov_const, Only:      &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & gravity,             &
-       & pressure_top,        &
-       & rgp,                 &
-       & rm,                  &
-       & rho_rain,            &
-       & rho_snow,            &
-       & ccthres 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_mieproc.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniedd.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)                  ! Error return code
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channels indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)            ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles    (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Logical            , Intent (in) :: calcemiss     (nchannels)               ! Emissivity flags
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles     (nprofiles)      ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                    ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                    ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)      ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (in)    :: transmission                  ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (out)   :: angles       (nprofiles)      ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan, iccmax
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: p1, p2, pm, dp2dz, de2mr, zccmax
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: presf            ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh           ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nrt_levels)             :: presi            ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opdp_nrt
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld       ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity       ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity     ! Surface reflectivity
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmissioncld                                 ! Clear+cloud transmittances with cloud
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=15) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_iniscatt '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  allocate (transmissioncld % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  de2mr =  1.0E+05_JPRB * rm / rgp
-  dp2dz = -1.0E-03_JPRB * rgp / gravity / rm 
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Security on user-defined pressures
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        If (cld_profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-            presf (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % p  (ilayer)
-	else
-	    presf (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-	endif
-    Enddo
-    Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels + 1
-       If (cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-           presfh (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer)
-       else
- 	   presfh (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-       endif
-    Enddo
- Enddo
-!* Geometric variables
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry (profiles (iprof), coef_rttov, angles (iprof)) 
-  End Do
-!* Temperature at layer boundaries (K)
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,nwp_levels+1) = profiles     (iprof) % s2m % t
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,1)            = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (1)
-  Enddo
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels-1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presf  (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presf  (iprof,ilayer  )
-        pm = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) =  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1) &
-                                       & + (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)   & 
-				       & -  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-                                       & / log(p2/p1) * log(pm/p1) 
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Horizontal clear-sky fraction
-  scatt_aux % clw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ciw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % rain  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % sp    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ccmax (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles  
-     zccmax = 0.0_JPRB
-     iccmax = 0
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        if (cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer) > zccmax) then
-	    zccmax = cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer)
-	    iccmax = ilayer
-        end if 
-     end do 
-     scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) = zccmax
-     If (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) > ccthres) Then
-        scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % clw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ciw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % rain (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % sp   (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-     else 
-        scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Endif
-  Enddo
-!* Nadir heights (km)
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presfh (iprof,ilayer  )
-        If (p1 <= p2) then
-           errorstatus (:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "iniscatt : problem with user-defined pressure layering")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(iprof), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) = dp2dz * Log(p2/p1) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Interpolate optical depths (at nadir and in hPa-1) to model levels
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     opdp_nrt (ichan,1) = transmission % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top)
-     presi          (1) = (profiles (iprof) % p (1) + pressure_top) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 2, nrt_levels
-        opdp_nrt (ichan,ilayer) = transmission % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                              & / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        presi (ilayer) = (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) + profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     Call rttov_intex (nrt_levels, nwp_levels, presi, presf (iprof,:), opdp_nrt (ichan,:), opd_nwp (ichan,:))
-  Enddo
-!* Change units
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-!* Optical depths in km-1 and at nadir
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                     & / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        if (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) < 1.0E-10_JPRB) scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 1.0E-10_JPRB
-     Enddo
-!* Condensate from g/g to g/m^3
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                                & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                                & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 
-!* Rates from kg/m^2/s to g/m^3
-        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) / rho_rain
-        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) / rho_snow
-        scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-        scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-        if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) * &
-	  & coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-        if (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * &
-	  & coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2))
-     enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Cloud/rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  Call rttov_mieproc (      &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,         &! in
-       & frequencies,       &! in
-       & lsprofiles,         &! in
-       & cld_profiles,      &! in
-       & coef_rttov,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Scattering parameters for Eddington RT
-  Call rttov_iniedd (       &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels ,        &! in
-       & nprofiles ,        &! in
-       & lsprofiles ,        &! in
-       & angles    ,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Surface emissivities
-  zod_up_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        zod_up_cld (ichan) = zod_up_cld (ichan) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)
-     Enddo
-     if (zod_up_cld (ichan) >= 30.0_JPRB) zod_up_cld (ichan) = 30.0_JPRB
-     transmissioncld % tau_surf (ichan) = Exp(-1.0_JPRB * zod_up_cld (ichan) / angles (iprof) % coszen)
-  Enddo
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw (     &
-       & profiles,             &! in
-       & angles,               &! in
-       & coef_rttov,           &! in
-       & nfrequencies,         &! in
-       & nchannels,            &! in
-       & nprofiles,            &! in
-       & channels,             &! in
-       & polarisations,        &! in
-       & lprofiles,            &! in
-       & transmissioncld,      &! in
-       & calcemiss,            &! in
-       & scatt_aux % ems_cld,  &! inout
-       & scatt_aux % ref_cld,  &! out
-       & errorstatus          ) ! inout 
-!* Hemispheric emissivity (= Fastem's effective emissivity)
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ems_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ref_cld (:)
-!* Deallocate
-  deallocate (transmissioncld % tau_surf)
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aea7aed2895a83b8108a7df9d113334d7b8a1c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt (&
- & errorstatus,&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nrt_levels,&
- & nfrequencies,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & polarisations,&
- & channels,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & lsprofiles,&
- & profiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & transmission,&
- & calcemiss,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & transmission_type ,&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles (nchannels)
- Logical , Intent (in) :: calcemiss (nchannels)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (transmission_Type), Intent (in) :: transmission
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (out) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index a08719b3c73d7d87c20c87e461d193a4419b3a3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_ad (&
-      & errorstatus,       &! out
-      & nwp_levels,        &! in
-      & nrt_levels,        &! in
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & channels,          &! in
-      & frequencies,       &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & lsprofiles,        &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  
-      & profiles_ad,       &! inout
-      & cld_profiles,      &! in 
-      & cld_profiles_ad,   &! inout 
-      & coef_rttov,        &! in
-      & coef_scatt,        &! in
-      & transmission,      &! in
-      & transmission_ad,   &! inout
-      & calcemiss,         &! in
-      & angles,            &! out
-      & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-      & scatt_aux_ad)       ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine to
-  ! Calculate some variables related to the input precipitation profile
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    10/2005      Fixes for rttov8 indexing   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.6    11/2005      Limit lines to 132 characters
-  !                       add errorstatus to arguments
-  !                       change stop to return (J Cameron)
-  !   1.7    09/2006      Add if loop to stop use of iccmax index
-  !                       if = 0 (A. Doherty)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & transmission_type    ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   
-  Use rttov_const, Only:    &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & gravity,             &
-       & pressure_top,        &
-       & rgp,                 &
-       & rm,                  &
-       & rho_rain,            &
-       & rho_snow,            &
-       & ccthres 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_mieproc.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniedd.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_mieproc_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniedd_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex_ad.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)                  ! Error return code
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles     (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Logical            , Intent (in) :: calcemiss     (nchannels)               ! Emissivity flags
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles        (nprofiles)   ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad     (nprofiles)   ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                    ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                    ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)   ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_ad (nprofiles)   ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (in)    :: transmission                  ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (inout) :: transmission_ad               ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (out)   :: angles          (nprofiles)   ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad                  ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan, iccmax (nprofiles)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: p1, p2, pm, p1_ad, p2_ad, pm_ad, dp2dz, de2mr, zccmax
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: presf            ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh           ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nrt_levels)   :: presi            ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opd_nrt
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld       ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity       ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity     ! Surface reflectivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: presf_ad         ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh_ad        ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nrt_levels)   :: presi_ad         ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp_ad
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opd_nrt_ad
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld_ad    ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity_ad    ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity_ad  ! Surface reflectivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_0
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_1, ssa_1, asm_1
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_2, ssa_2, asm_2
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_3, ssa_3, asm_3
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: clw_scale, ciw_scale, rain_scale, sp_scale
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmissioncld                                 ! Clear+cloud transmittances with cloud
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmissioncld_ad                              ! Clear+cloud transmittances with cloud
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=18) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_iniscatt_ad '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  allocate (transmissioncld    % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  allocate (transmissioncld_ad % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  de2mr =  1.0E+05_JPRB * rm / rgp
-  dp2dz = -1.0E-03_JPRB * rgp / gravity / rm 
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Security on user-defined pressures
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        If (cld_profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-            presf (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer)
-       else
-            presf (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-       Endif
-     Enddo
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels + 1
-        If (cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer) >= pressure_top ) Then
-            presfh (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer)
-        else
-            presfh (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-        Endif
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Set up geometric variables
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry (profiles (iprof), coef_rttov, angles (iprof)) 
-  End Do
-!* Compute temperature at layer boundaries (K)
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,nwp_levels+1) = profiles     (iprof) % s2m % t
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,1)            = cld_profiles (iprof) % t(1)
-  Enddo
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels-1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles     
-        p1 = presf  (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presf  (iprof,ilayer  )
-        pm = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) =  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1) &
-                                       & + (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)   & 
-				       & -  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-                                       & / log(p2/p1) * log(pm/p1) 				    				       				       			       
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Horizontal clear-sky fraction
-  scatt_aux % clw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ciw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % rain  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % sp    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ccmax (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  iccmax (:) = 0
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     zccmax = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        if (cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer) > zccmax) then
-	    zccmax = cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer)
-	    iccmax (iprof) = ilayer
-        end if
-     end do
-     scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) = zccmax
-     If (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) > ccthres) Then
-         clw_scale  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % clw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         ciw_scale  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ciw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         rain_scale (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % rain (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         sp_scale   (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % sp   (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-     else
-         clw_scale  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         ciw_scale  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         rain_scale (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         sp_scale   (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Endif
-  Enddo
-!* Nadir heights (km)
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presfh (iprof,ilayer  )
-        If (p1 <= p2) then
-           errorstatus (:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "iniscatt : problem with user-defined pressure layering")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(iprof), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) = dp2dz * Log(p2/p1) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)	
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Interpolate optical depths (at nadir and in hPa-1) to model levels
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     opd_nrt (ichan,1) = transmission % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top)
-     presi   (iprof,1) = (profiles (iprof) % p (1) + pressure_top) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 2, nrt_levels
-        opd_nrt (ichan,ilayer) = transmission % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                             & / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        presi   (iprof,ilayer) = (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) + profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     Call rttov_intex (nrt_levels, nwp_levels, presi (iprof,:), presf (iprof,:), opd_nrt (ichan,:), opd_nwp (ichan,:))		
-  Enddo
-!* Change units
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-!* Optical depths in km-1 and at nadir
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                     & / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        ext_0 (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer)		     
-        if (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) < 1.0E-10_JPRB) scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 1.0E-10_JPRB
-     Enddo
-!* Condensate from g/g to g/m^3
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) = clw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)
-        scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) = ciw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)
-!* Rates from kg/m^2/s to g/m^3
-        rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) =  rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) / rho_rain
-        sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) =  sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) / rho_snow
-        rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) =  rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-        sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) =  sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-        if (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = &
-          & (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) * coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-        if (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = &
-          & (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) * coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2))
-      Enddo
- Enddo
-!* Store clear-sky absorption/scattering parameters
-  ext_1 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa_1 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm_1 (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-!* Cloud/rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  Call rttov_mieproc (      &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,         &! in
-       & frequencies,       &! in
-       & lsprofiles,         &! in
-       & cld_profiles,      &! in
-       & coef_rttov,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Store clear+cloud+rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  ext_2 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa_2 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm_2 (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-!* Scattering parameters for Eddington RT
-  Call rttov_iniedd(        &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels ,        &! in
-       & nprofiles ,        &! in
-       & lsprofiles ,        &! in
-       & angles    ,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Store delta-scaled clear+cloud+rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  ext_3 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa_3 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm_3 (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-!* Surface emissivities
-  zod_up_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels     
-        zod_up_cld (ichan) = zod_up_cld (ichan) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) 
-     Enddo
-     if (zod_up_cld (ichan) >= 30.0_JPRB) zod_up_cld (ichan) = 30.0_JPRB
-     transmissioncld % tau_surf (ichan) = Exp(-1.0_JPRB * zod_up_cld (ichan) / angles (iprof) % coszen)
-  Enddo
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw(      &
-       & profiles,             &! in
-       & angles,               &! in
-       & coef_rttov,           &! in
-       & nfrequencies,         &! in
-       & nchannels,            &! in
-       & nprofiles,            &! in
-       & channels,             &! in
-       & polarisations,        &! in
-       & lprofiles,            &! in
-       & transmissioncld,      &! in
-       & calcemiss,            &! in
-       & scatt_aux % ems_cld,  &! inout
-       & scatt_aux % ref_cld,  &! out
-       & errorstatus          ) ! inout 
-!* Hemispheric emissivity (= Fastem's effective emissivity)
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ems_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ref_cld (:)
-!* Hemispheric emissivity (= Fastem's effective emissivity)
-  scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld (:) = scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld (:) + scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (:)
-  scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld (:) = scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld (:) + scatt_aux_ad % ref_bnd (:)  
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_bnd (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmissioncld_ad % tau_surf (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw_ad(           &
-          & profiles,                  &! in
-          & profiles_ad,               &! inout
-          & angles,                    &! in
-          & coef_rttov,                &! in
-          & nfrequencies,              &! in
-          & nchannels,                 &! in
-          & nprofiles,                 &! in
-          & channels,                  &! in
-          & polarisations,             &! in
-          & lprofiles,                 &! in
-          & transmissioncld    ,       &! in
-          & transmissioncld_ad,        &! in
-          & calcemiss,                 &! in
-          & scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld,    &! inout
-          & scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld)     ! inout 
-  scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  zod_up_cld_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     zod_up_cld_ad (ichan) = zod_up_cld_ad (ichan) - transmissioncld_ad % tau_surf (ichan) &
-                         & * transmissioncld % tau_surf (ichan) / angles (iprof) % coszen
-     transmissioncld_ad % tau_surf (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     if (zod_up_cld (ichan) == 30.0_JPRB) zod_up_cld_ad (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) & 
-	                                & + scatt_aux % dz  (iprof,ilayer) * zod_up_cld_ad (ichan)
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz  (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % dz  (iprof,ilayer) & 
-	                                & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) * zod_up_cld_ad (ichan)
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-  zod_up_cld_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = ext_2 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = ssa_2 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = asm_2 (:,:) 
-!* Scattering parameters for Eddington RT
-  Call rttov_iniedd_ad(     &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels ,        &! in
-       & nprofiles ,        &! in
-       & lsprofiles ,        &! in
-       & angles    ,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux ,        &! inout
-       & scatt_aux_ad)       ! inout 
-!* Cloud/rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = ext_1 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = ssa_1 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = asm_1 (:,:) 
-  Call rttov_mieproc_ad (&
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,         &! in
-       & frequencies,       &! in
-       & lsprofiles,         &! in
-       & cld_profiles,      &! in
-       & cld_profiles_ad,   &! in
-       & coef_rttov,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-       & scatt_aux_ad)       ! inout 
-!* Change units
-  presfh_ad (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  presf_ad  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = 1,nwp_levels
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-!* Rates from kg/m^2/s to g/m^3
-        if (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then 
-            scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2)) * (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer)**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2) - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2)) 
-	else
-	    scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-	endif			
-        if (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then 
-            scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) * (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer)**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2) - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-	else
-	   scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-	endif			
-        scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-        scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) / rho_snow
-        scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) / rho_rain
-!* Condensate from g/g to g/m^3
-        presf_ad (iprof,ilayer) = presf_ad (iprof,ilayer) + ciw_scale (iprof,ilayer) & 
-	                                   & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % ciw (iprof,ilayer) 
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer) =  cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                                   & - ciw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr &
-                                           & / (cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) & 
-					   & * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)) * scatt_aux_ad % ciw (iprof,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % ciw (iprof,ilayer) = presf(iprof,ilayer) * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                                   & * scatt_aux_ad % ciw (iprof,ilayer) 
-        presf_ad (iprof,ilayer) = presf_ad (iprof,ilayer) + clw_scale (iprof,ilayer) & 
-	                                   & * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % clw (iprof,ilayer) 	  
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer) =  cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                                   & - clw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr &
-                                           & / (cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) & 
-					   & * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)) * scatt_aux_ad % clw (iprof,ilayer) 	   
-        scatt_aux_ad % clw (iprof,ilayer) = presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr / cld_profiles(iprof) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                                   & * scatt_aux_ad % clw (iprof,ilayer)
-     Enddo
-!* Optical depths in km-1 and at nadir
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-!        scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-!                                     & / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        If (ext_0 (ichan,ilayer) < 1.0E-10_JPRB) scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-        opd_nwp_ad (ichan,ilayer  ) = (presfh   (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh  (iprof,ilayer)) / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) &
-                                  & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        presfh_ad  (iprof,ilayer+1) = presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer+1) + opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer)  / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        presfh_ad  (iprof,ilayer  ) = presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer  ) - opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer)  / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,ilayer) - opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) &
-	                          & * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-				  & * angles (iprof) % coszen / (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)) &
-				  & * scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Interpolate optical depths (at nadir and in hPa-1) to model levels
-  opd_nrt_ad (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  presi_ad   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     Call rttov_intex_ad (nrt_levels, nwp_levels, &
-                        & presi_ad (iprof,:), presf_ad (iprof,:), opd_nrt_ad (ichan,:), opd_nwp_ad (ichan,:), &
-                        & presi    (iprof,:), presf    (iprof,:), opd_nrt    (ichan,:), opd_nwp    (ichan,:)) 
-     Do ilayer = nrt_levels, 2, -1
-        transmission_ad % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) = transmission_ad % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                          & + opd_nrt_ad (ichan,ilayer) / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        opd_nrt_ad (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB			  
-     Enddo
-     transmission_ad % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) = transmission_ad % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) &
-                   & + opd_nrt_ad (ichan,1) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top) 
-     opd_nrt_ad (ichan,1) = 0.0_JPRB			  
-  Enddo
-!* Nadir heights (km)
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presfh (iprof,ilayer  )
-        p2_ad =             dp2dz / p2 * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,ilayer)
-        p1_ad = -1.0_JPRB * dp2dz / p1 * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,ilayer)	
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                                   & + dp2dz * Log(p2/p1) * scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-        presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer)   = presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer)   + p2_ad
-        presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer+1) = presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer+1) + p1_ad
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Horizontal clear-sky fraction
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     If (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) > ccthres) Then
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % clw  (:) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % clw  (:) & 
-	                                   & + scatt_aux_ad % clw  (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % ciw  (:) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % ciw  (:) & 
-	                                   & + scatt_aux_ad % ciw  (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % rain (:) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % rain (:) & 
-	                                   & + scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % sp   (:) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % sp   (:) & 
-	                                   & + scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-          scatt_aux_ad % ccmax (iprof) = scatt_aux_ad % ccmax (iprof) &
-                & - (cld_profiles (iprof) % clw  (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % clw  (iprof,ilayer) &
-                & +  cld_profiles (iprof) % ciw  (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) &
-                & +  cld_profiles (iprof) % rain (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) &
-                & +  cld_profiles (iprof) % sp   (ilayer) * scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                & / (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) * scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof))
-        Enddo
-     else
-        scatt_aux_ad % clw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % ciw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Endif
-     if (iccmax(iprof) >0) then
-       cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % cc (iccmax (iprof)) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % cc (iccmax (iprof)) + scatt_aux_ad % ccmax (iprof)
-     endif 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ccmax (iprof) = 0.0_JPRB    
-  Enddo
-  scatt_aux_ad % clw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ciw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % rain  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % sp    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Temperature at layer boundaries (K)
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels - 1, 1, -1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presf  (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presf  (iprof,ilayer  )
-        pm = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer+1) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer+1) + scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) &
-                                             & - 1.0_JPRB / Log(p2/p1) * Log(pm/p1)     * scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) 
-        cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer)   = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-                                             & + 1.0_JPRB / Log(p2/p1) * Log(pm/p1)     * scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) 
-        p1_ad = (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-            & / (Log(p2/p1) * Log(p2/p1)) / p1 * Log(pm/p1) * scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) &
-            & - (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-            & /  Log(p2/p1) / p1 * scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) 	    
-        p2_ad = -1.0_JPRB &
-            & * (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-	    & *  Log(pm/p1) / (Log(p2/p1) * Log(p2/p1)) / p2 * scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) 
-        pm_ad = (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-	    & /  Log(p2/p1) / pm * scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        presf_ad  (iprof,ilayer+1) = presf_ad  (iprof,ilayer+1) + p1_ad
-        presf_ad  (iprof,ilayer  ) = presf_ad  (iprof,ilayer  ) + p2_ad
-        presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer+1) = presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer+1) + pm_ad	
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_ad     (iprof) % s2m % t = profiles_ad     (iprof) % s2m % t + scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,nwp_levels+1) 
-     cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (1)   = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % t (1)   + scatt_aux_ad % tbd (iprof,1) 
-  Enddo
-  scatt_aux_ad % tbd (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Security on user-defined pressures
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        If (cld_profiles    (iprof) % p (ilayer) >= pressure_top) &
-	 &  cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % p (ilayer) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % p  (ilayer) + presf_ad  (iprof,ilayer) 
-	presf_ad  (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels + 1
-        If (cld_profiles    (iprof) % ph (ilayer) >= pressure_top) &
-	 &  cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % ph (ilayer) = cld_profiles_ad (iprof) % ph (ilayer) + presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer) 
-	presfh_ad (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = ext_3 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = ssa_3 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = asm_3 (:,:) 
-!* Deallocate
-  deallocate (transmissioncld    % tau_surf)
-  deallocate (transmissioncld_ad % tau_surf)
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 665ad7432a65952b9fa19cf7d4f778d434727109..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_ad (&
- & errorstatus,&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nrt_levels,&
- & nfrequencies,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & polarisations,&
- & channels,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & lsprofiles,&
- & profiles,&
- & profiles_ad,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & cld_profiles_ad,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & transmission,&
- & transmission_ad,&
- & calcemiss,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_ad) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & transmission_type ,&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles (nchannels)
- Logical , Intent (in) :: calcemiss (nchannels)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_ad (nprofiles)
- Type (transmission_Type), Intent (in) :: transmission
- Type (transmission_Type), Intent (inout) :: transmission_ad
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (out) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 693028b99c4247ea20b8d51c76d42708a230dbb3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,698 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_k (&
-      & errorstatus,       &! out
-      & nwp_levels,        &! in
-      & nrt_levels,        &! in
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & channels,          &! in
-      & frequencies,       &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & lsprofiles,        &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  
-      & profiles_k,        &! inout
-      & cld_profiles,      &! in 
-      & cld_profiles_k,    &! inout 
-      & coef_rttov,        &! in
-      & coef_scatt,        &! in
-      & transmission,      &! in
-      & transmission_k,    &! inout
-      & calcemiss,         &! in
-      & angles,            &! out
-      & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-      & scatt_aux_k)        ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine to
-  ! Calculate some variables related to the input precipitation profile
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    02/2005      K-code              (A. Collard)
-  !   1.6    10/2005      Fixes for rttov8 indexing   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.7    11/2005      Limit lines to 132 characters,
-  !                       add errorstatus to arguments,
-  !                       change stop to return. (J. Cameron) 
-  !   1.8    09/2006      Add if loop to stop use of iccmax index
-  !                       if = 0 (A. Doherty)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & transmission_type    ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   
-  Use rttov_const, Only:    &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & gravity,             &
-       & pressure_top,        &
-       & rgp,                 &
-       & rm,                  &
-       & rho_rain,            &
-       & rho_snow,            &
-       & ccthres 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_mieproc.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniedd.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_mieproc_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniedd_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex_ad.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)                  ! Error return code
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles     (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Logical            , Intent (in) :: calcemiss     (nchannels)               ! Emissivity flags
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles       (nprofiles)    ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_k     (nchannels)    ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                    ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                    ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)   ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_k (nchannels)    ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (in)    :: transmission                  ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (inout) :: transmission_k                ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (out)   :: angles          (nprofiles)   ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k                   ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan, iccmax (nprofiles)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: p1, p2, pm, p1_k, p2_k, pm_k, dp2dz, de2mr, zccmax
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: presf            ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh           ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nrt_levels)   :: presi            ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opd_nrt
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld       ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity       ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity     ! Surface reflectivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: presf_k          ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh_k         ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: presi_k          ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp_k
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opd_nrt_k
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld_k    ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity_k    ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity_k  ! Surface reflectivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_0
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_1, ssa_1, asm_1
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_2, ssa_2, asm_2
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: ext_3, ssa_3, asm_3
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: clw_scale, ciw_scale, rain_scale, sp_scale
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmissioncld                                 ! Clear+cloud transmittances with cloud
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmissioncld_k                              ! Clear+cloud transmittances with cloud
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=18) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_iniscatt_k '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  allocate (transmissioncld    % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  allocate (transmissioncld_k % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  de2mr =  1.0E+05_JPRB * rm / rgp
-  dp2dz = -1.0E-03_JPRB * rgp / gravity / rm 
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Security on user-defined pressures
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        If (cld_profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-            presf (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer)
-       else
-            presf (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-       Endif
-     Enddo
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels + 1
-        If (cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer) >= pressure_top ) Then
-            presfh (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ph (ilayer)
-        else
-            presfh (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-        Endif
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Set up geometric variables
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry (profiles (iprof), coef_rttov, angles (iprof)) 
-  End Do
-!* Compute temperature at layer boundaries (K)
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,nwp_levels+1) = profiles     (iprof) % s2m % t
-     scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,1)            = cld_profiles (iprof) % t(1)
-  Enddo
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels-1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles     
-        p1 = presf  (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presf  (iprof,ilayer  )
-        pm = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        scatt_aux % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) =  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1) &
-                                       & + (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)   & 
-				       & -  cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-                                       & / log(p2/p1) * log(pm/p1) 				    				       				       			       
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Horizontal clear-sky fraction
-  scatt_aux % clw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ciw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % rain  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % sp    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ccmax (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  iccmax (:) = 0
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     zccmax = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        if (cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer) > zccmax) then
-	    zccmax = cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer)
-	    iccmax (iprof) = ilayer
-        end if
-     end do
-     scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) = zccmax
-     If (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) > ccthres) Then
-         clw_scale  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % clw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         ciw_scale  (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % ciw  (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         rain_scale (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % rain (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         sp_scale   (iprof,:) = cld_profiles (iprof) % sp   (:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-     else
-         clw_scale  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         ciw_scale  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         rain_scale (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         sp_scale   (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Endif
-  Enddo
-!* Nadir heights (km)
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1 = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presfh (iprof,ilayer  )
-        If (p1 <= p2) then
-           errorstatus (:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "iniscatt : problem with user-defined pressure layering")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(iprof), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) = dp2dz * Log(p2/p1) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)	
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Interpolate optical depths (at nadir and in hPa-1) to model levels
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     opd_nrt (ichan,1) = transmission % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top)
-     presi   (iprof,1) = (profiles (iprof) % p (1) + pressure_top) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 2, nrt_levels
-        opd_nrt (ichan,ilayer) = transmission % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                             & / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        presi   (iprof,ilayer) = (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) + profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     Call rttov_intex (nrt_levels, nwp_levels, presi (iprof,:), presf (iprof,:), opd_nrt (ichan,:), opd_nwp (ichan,:))		
-  Enddo
-!* Change units
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-!* Optical depths in km-1 and at nadir
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                     & / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        ext_0 (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer)		     
-        if (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) < 1.0E-10_JPRB) scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 1.0E-10_JPRB
-     Enddo
-!* Condensate from g/g to g/m^3
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) = clw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)
-        scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) = ciw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)
-!* Rates from kg/m^2/s to g/m^3
-        rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) =  rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) / rho_rain
-        sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) =  sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) / rho_snow
-        rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) =  rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-        sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) =  sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-        if (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) = &
-          & (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) * coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-        if (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = &
-          & (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) * coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2))
-      Enddo
- Enddo
-!* Store clear-sky absorption/scattering parameters
-  ext_1 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa_1 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm_1 (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-!* Cloud/rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  Call rttov_mieproc (      &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,         &! in
-       & frequencies,       &! in
-       & lsprofiles,         &! in
-       & cld_profiles,      &! in
-       & coef_rttov,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Store clear+cloud+rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  ext_2 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa_2 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm_2 (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-!* Scattering parameters for Eddington RT
-  Call rttov_iniedd(        &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels ,        &! in
-       & nprofiles ,        &! in
-       & lsprofiles ,        &! in
-       & angles    ,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-!* Store delta-scaled clear+cloud+rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  ext_3 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa_3 (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm_3 (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-!* Surface emissivities
-  zod_up_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels     
-        zod_up_cld (ichan) = zod_up_cld (ichan) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) 
-     Enddo
-     if (zod_up_cld (ichan) >= 30.0_JPRB) zod_up_cld (ichan) = 30.0_JPRB
-     transmissioncld % tau_surf (ichan) = Exp(-1.0_JPRB * zod_up_cld (ichan) / angles (iprof) % coszen)
-  Enddo
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw(      &
-       & profiles,             &! in
-       & angles,               &! in
-       & coef_rttov,           &! in
-       & nfrequencies,         &! in
-       & nchannels,            &! in
-       & nprofiles,            &! in
-       & channels,             &! in
-       & polarisations,        &! in
-       & lprofiles,            &! in
-       & transmissioncld,      &! in
-       & calcemiss,            &! in
-       & scatt_aux % ems_cld,  &! inout
-       & scatt_aux % ref_cld,  &! out
-       & errorstatus          ) ! inout 
-!* Hemispheric emissivity (= Fastem's effective emissivity)
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ems_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd (:) = scatt_aux % ref_cld (:)
-!* Hemispheric emissivity (= Fastem's effective emissivity)
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (:) = scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (:) + scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (:)
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:) = scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:) + scatt_aux_k % ref_bnd (:)  
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_bnd (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmissioncld_k % tau_surf (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw_k(           &
-          & profiles,                  &! in
-          & profiles_k,               &! inout
-          & angles,                    &! in
-          & coef_rttov,                &! in
-          & nfrequencies,              &! in
-          & nchannels,                 &! in
-          & nprofiles,                 &! in
-          & channels,                  &! in
-          & polarisations,             &! in
-          & lprofiles,                 &! in
-          & transmissioncld    ,       &! in
-          & transmissioncld_k,        &! in
-          & calcemiss,                 &! in
-          & scatt_aux_k % ems_cld,    &! inout
-          & scatt_aux_k % ref_cld)     ! inout 
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  zod_up_cld_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     zod_up_cld_k (ichan) = zod_up_cld_k (ichan) - transmissioncld_k % tau_surf (ichan) &
-                         & * transmissioncld % tau_surf (ichan) / angles (iprof) % coszen
-     transmissioncld_k % tau_surf (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     if (zod_up_cld (ichan) == 30.0_JPRB) zod_up_cld_k (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) + scatt_aux % dz  (iprof,ilayer) * zod_up_cld_k (ichan)
-        scatt_aux_k % dz  (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % dz  (ichan,ilayer) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) * zod_up_cld_k (ichan)
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-  zod_up_cld_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = ext_2 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = ssa_2 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = asm_2 (:,:) 
-!* Scattering parameters for Eddington RT
-  Call rttov_iniedd_k(     &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels ,        &! in
-       & nprofiles ,        &! in
-       & lsprofiles ,        &! in
-       & angles    ,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux ,        &! inout
-       & scatt_aux_k)       ! inout 
-!* Cloud/rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = ext_1 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = ssa_1 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = asm_1 (:,:) 
-  Call rttov_mieproc_k (&
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,         &! in
-       & frequencies,       &! in
-       & lsprofiles,         &! in
-       & cld_profiles,      &! in
-       & cld_profiles_k,   &! in
-       & coef_rttov,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-       & scatt_aux_k)       ! inout 
-!* Change units
-  presfh_k (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  presf_k  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ilayer = 1,nwp_levels
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(ichan, 2)
-        iprof = lsprofiles(ichan)
-!* Rates from kg/m^2/s to g/m^3
-        if (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then 
-            scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2)) * (sp_scale   (iprof,ilayer)**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2) - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2)) 
-	else
-	    scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-	endif			
-        if (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then 
-            scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) * (rain_scale (iprof,ilayer)**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2) - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-                       & * (coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-	else
-	   scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-	endif			
-        scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-        scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) / rho_snow
-        scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) / rho_rain
-!* Condensate from g/g to g/m^3
-        presf_k (ichan,ilayer) = presf_k (ichan,ilayer) + ciw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr & 
-	                       & / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % ciw (ichan,ilayer) 
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer) =  cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                       & - ciw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr &
-                               & / (cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)) & 
-			       & * scatt_aux_k % ciw (ichan,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_k % ciw (ichan,ilayer) = presf(iprof,ilayer) * de2mr & 
-	                       & / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % ciw (ichan,ilayer) 
-        presf_k (ichan,ilayer) = presf_k (ichan,ilayer) + clw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr & 
-	                       & / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % clw (ichan,ilayer) 	  
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer) =  cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                       & - clw_scale (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr &
-                               & / (cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)) & 
-			       & * scatt_aux_k % clw (ichan,ilayer) 	   
-        scatt_aux_k % clw (ichan,ilayer) = presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr & 
-	                       & / cld_profiles(iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % clw (ichan,ilayer)
-     Enddo
-!* Optical depths in km-1 and at nadir
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-!        scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-!                                     & / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        If (ext_0 (ichan,ilayer) < 1.0E-10_JPRB) scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-        opd_nwp_k (ichan,ilayer  ) = (presfh   (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh  (iprof,ilayer)) / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) &
-                                  & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        presfh_k  (ichan,ilayer+1) = presfh_k (ichan,ilayer+1) + opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer)  / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        presfh_k  (ichan,ilayer  ) = presfh_k (ichan,ilayer  ) - opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer)  / scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer) - opd_nwp (ichan,ilayer) &
-	                          & * (presfh (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh (iprof,ilayer)) &
-				  & * angles (iprof) % coszen / (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)) &
-				  & * scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Interpolate optical depths (at nadir and in hPa-1) to model levels
-  opd_nrt_k (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  presi_k   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     Call rttov_intex_ad (nrt_levels, nwp_levels, &
-                        & presi_k (ichan,:), presf_k (ichan,:), opd_nrt_k (ichan,:), opd_nwp_k (ichan,:), &
-                        & presi    (iprof,:), presf    (iprof,:), opd_nrt    (ichan,:), opd_nwp    (ichan,:)) 
-     Do ilayer = nrt_levels, 2, -1
-        transmission_k % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) = transmission_k % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                          & + opd_nrt_k (ichan,ilayer) / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        opd_nrt_k (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB			  
-     Enddo
-     transmission_k % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) = transmission_k % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) &
-                   & + opd_nrt_k (ichan,1) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top) 
-     opd_nrt_k (ichan,1) = 0.0_JPRB			  
-  Enddo
-!* Nadir heights (km)
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(ichan, 2)
-        iprof = lsprofiles(ichan)
-        p1 = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presfh (iprof,ilayer  )
-        p2_k =             dp2dz / p2 * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer)
-        p1_k = -1.0_JPRB * dp2dz / p1 * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer)	
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer) & 
-	                                  & + dp2dz * Log(p2/p1) * scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer) 
-        scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-        presfh_k (ichan,ilayer)   = presfh_k (ichan,ilayer)   + p2_k
-        presfh_k (ichan,ilayer+1) = presfh_k (ichan,ilayer+1) + p1_k
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Horizontal clear-sky fraction
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(ichan, 2)
-     iprof = lsprofiles(ichan)
-     If (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) > ccthres) Then
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % clw  (:) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % clw  (:) & 
-	                                & + scatt_aux_k % clw  (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % ciw  (:) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % ciw  (:) & 
-	                                & + scatt_aux_k % ciw  (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % rain (:) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % rain (:) & 
-	                                & + scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % sp   (:) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % sp   (:) & 
-	                                & + scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-        Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-          scatt_aux_k % ccmax (ichan) = scatt_aux_k % ccmax (ichan) &
-                & - (cld_profiles (iprof) % clw  (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % clw  (ichan,ilayer) &
-                & +  cld_profiles (iprof) % ciw  (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % ciw  (ichan,ilayer) &
-                & +  cld_profiles (iprof) % rain (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) &
-                & +  cld_profiles (iprof) % sp   (ilayer) * scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer)) &
-                & / (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) * scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof))
-        Enddo
-     else
-        scatt_aux_k % clw  (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % ciw  (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Endif
-     if (iccmax(iprof) > 0) then
-       cld_profiles_k (ichan) % cc (iccmax (iprof)) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % cc (iccmax (iprof)) + scatt_aux_k % ccmax (ichan)
-     endif
-     scatt_aux_k % ccmax (ichan) = 0.0_JPRB    
-  Enddo
-  scatt_aux_k % clw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ciw   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % rain  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % sp    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Temperature at layer boundaries (K)
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels - 1, 1, -1
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(ichan, 2)
-        iprof = lsprofiles(ichan)
-        p1 = presf  (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2 = presf  (iprof,ilayer  )
-        pm = presfh (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer+1) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer+1) + scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) &
-                                             & - 1.0_JPRB / Log(p2/p1) * Log(pm/p1)     * scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) 
-        cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer)   = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (ilayer) &
-                                             & + 1.0_JPRB / Log(p2/p1) * Log(pm/p1)     * scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) 
-        p1_k = (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-            & / (Log(p2/p1) * Log(p2/p1)) / p1 * Log(pm/p1) * scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) &
-            & - (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-            & /  Log(p2/p1) / p1 * scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) 	    
-        p2_k = -1.0_JPRB &
-            & * (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-	    & *  Log(pm/p1) / (Log(p2/p1) * Log(p2/p1)) / p2 * scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) 
-        pm_k = (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)) &
-	    & /  Log(p2/p1) / pm * scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) 
-        scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,ilayer+1) = 0.0_JPRB
-        presf_k  (ichan,ilayer+1) = presf_k  (ichan,ilayer+1) + p1_k
-        presf_k  (ichan,ilayer  ) = presf_k  (ichan,ilayer  ) + p2_k
-        presfh_k (ichan,ilayer+1) = presfh_k (ichan,ilayer+1) + pm_k	
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(ichan, 2)
-     iprof = lsprofiles(ichan)
-     profiles_k     (ichan) % s2m % t = profiles_k     (ichan) % s2m % t + scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,nwp_levels+1) 
-     cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (1)   = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % t (1)   + scatt_aux_k % tbd (ichan,1) 
-  Enddo
-  scatt_aux_k % tbd (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Security on user-defined pressures
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(ichan, 2)
-     iprof = lsprofiles(ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        If (cld_profiles    (iprof) % p (ilayer) >= pressure_top) &
-	 &  cld_profiles_k (ichan) % p (ilayer) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % p  (ilayer) + presf_k  (ichan,ilayer) 
-	presf_k  (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels + 1
-        If (cld_profiles    (iprof) % ph (ilayer) >= pressure_top) &
-	 &  cld_profiles_k (ichan) % ph (ilayer) = cld_profiles_k (ichan) % ph (ilayer) + presfh_k (ichan,ilayer) 
-	presfh_k (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-  scatt_aux % ext (:,:) = ext_3 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % ssa (:,:) = ssa_3 (:,:) 
-  scatt_aux % asm (:,:) = asm_3 (:,:) 
-!* Deallocate
-  deallocate (transmissioncld    % tau_surf)
-  deallocate (transmissioncld_k % tau_surf)
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 044072d055eff29346c245bd8c2467cf37289b26..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_k (&
- & errorstatus,&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nrt_levels,&
- & nfrequencies,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & polarisations,&
- & channels,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & lsprofiles,&
- & profiles,&
- & profiles_k,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & cld_profiles_k,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & transmission,&
- & transmission_k,&
- & calcemiss,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_k) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & transmission_type ,&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles (nchannels)
- Logical , Intent (in) :: calcemiss (nchannels)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_k (nchannels)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_k (nchannels)
- Type (transmission_Type), Intent (in) :: transmission
- Type (transmission_Type), Intent (inout) :: transmission_k
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (out) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 655835e181df0c4917c9c300a59f386e747975a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_tl (&
-      & errorstatus,       &! out
-      & nwp_levels,        &! in
-      & nrt_levels,        &! in
-      & nfrequencies,      &! in
-      & nchannels,         &! in
-      & nprofiles,         &! in
-      & polarisations,     &! in
-      & channels,          &! in
-      & frequencies,       &! in
-      & lprofiles,         &! in
-      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-      & profiles,          &! in  
-      & profiles_tl,       &! in  
-      & cld_profiles,      &! in 
-      & cld_profiles_tl,   &! in 
-      & coef_rttov,        &! in
-      & coef_scatt,        &! in
-      & transmission,      &! in
-      & transmission_tl,   &! in
-      & calcemiss,         &! in
-      & angles,            &! out
-      & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-      & scatt_aux_tl)       ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates some variables related to the input precipitation profile
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    10/2005      Fixes for rttov8 indexing   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.6    11/2005      Add errorstatus to arguments (J. Cameron)   
-  !   1.7    09/2006      Use zccmax_tl instead of iccmax index (A. Doherty)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declaratiochannelsns:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :     &
-       & rttov_coef          ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef    ,&
-       & transmission_type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type       ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux   ,&
-       & profile_Type        ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   
-  Use rttov_const, Only:      &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & gravity,             &
-       & pressure_top,        &
-       & rgp,                 &
-       & rm,                  &
-       & rho_rain,            &
-       & rho_snow,            &
-       & ccthres 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_mieproc_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniedd_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex_tl.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)                  ! Error return code
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles     (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Logical            , Intent (in) :: calcemiss     (nchannels)               ! Emissivity flags
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles        (nprofiles)   ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (in)    :: profiles_tl     (nprofiles)   ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                    ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                    ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)   ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles_tl (nprofiles)   ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (in)    :: transmission                  ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (transmission_Type),   Intent (in)    :: transmission_tl               ! Transmittances and optical depths
-  Type (geometry_Type),       Intent (out)   :: angles          (nprofiles)   ! Zenith angles
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                     ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_tl                  ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: ilayer, iprof, ichan, iccmax
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: p1, p2, pm, p1_tl, p2_tl, pm_tl, dp2dz, de2mr, zccmax, zccmax_tl
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: presf            ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh           ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nrt_levels)             :: presi            ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opd_nrt
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld       ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity       ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity     ! Surface reflectivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels)   :: presf_tl         ! Pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1) :: presfh_tl        ! Half-level NWP pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nrt_levels)             :: presi_tl         ! Half-level RTTOV pressure levels [hPa]
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels)   :: opd_nwp_tl
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels,nrt_levels)   :: opd_nrt_tl
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: zod_up_cld_tl    ! Optical depth from top of the atmosphere 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: emissivity_tl    ! Surface emissivity
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Dimension (nchannels)              :: reflectivity_tl  ! Surface reflectivity
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmissioncld, transmissioncld_tl             ! Clear+cloud transmittances with cloud
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=18) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_iniscatt_tl '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_success
-  allocate (transmissioncld    % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  allocate (transmissioncld_tl % tau_surf (nchannels))
-  de2mr =  1.0E+05_JPRB * rm / rgp
-  dp2dz = -1.0E-03_JPRB * rgp / gravity / rm 
-  scatt_aux    % ext (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % ssa (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % asm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % ext (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % ssa (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % asm (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Security on user-defined pressures
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        If (cld_profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-            presf_tl (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % p (ilayer)
-            presf    (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles    (iprof) % p (ilayer)
-        else
-            presf_tl (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-            presf    (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-        Endif
-     Enddo
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels + 1
-        If (cld_profiles(iprof) % ph (ilayer) >= pressure_top) Then
-            presfh_tl (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % ph (ilayer)
-            presfh    (iprof,ilayer) = cld_profiles    (iprof) % ph (ilayer)
-        else
-            presfh_tl (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-            presfh    (iprof,ilayer) = pressure_top
-        Endif
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Geometric variables
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry (profiles (iprof), coef_rttov, angles (iprof)) 
-  End Do
-!* Temperature at layer boundaries (K)
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-     scatt_aux_tl % tbd (iprof,nwp_levels+1) = profiles_tl     (iprof) % s2m % t
-     scatt_aux    % tbd (iprof,nwp_levels+1) = profiles        (iprof) % s2m % t
-     scatt_aux_tl % tbd (iprof,1)            = cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % t (1)
-     scatt_aux    % tbd (iprof,1)            = cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (1)
-  Enddo
-  Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels-1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1_tl = presf_tl  (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p1    = presf     (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2_tl = presf_tl  (iprof,ilayer  )
-        p2    = presf     (iprof,ilayer  )
-        pm_tl = presfh_tl (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        pm    = presfh    (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        scatt_aux_tl % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) =  cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % t (ilayer+1)   &
-                                          & + (cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % t (ilayer)     &
-				 	  & -  cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % t (ilayer+1))  &
-				 	  & / log(p2/p1) * log(pm/p1)                   &					                    
-				 	  & + (cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer)     &
-				 	  & -  cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer+1))  &
-					  & / (-1.0_JPRB *  log(p2/p1) * log(p2/p1) )   &
-					  & * (p2_tl / p2 - p1_tl / p1) * log(pm/p1)    &					  
-					  & + (cld_profiles    (iprof) % t  (ilayer)    &
-					  & -  cld_profiles    (iprof) % t  (ilayer+1)) &
-					  & / log(p2/p1) * (pm_tl / pm - p1_tl / p1) 
-        scatt_aux    % tbd (iprof,ilayer+1) =  cld_profiles    (iprof) % t  (ilayer+1)  &
-                                          & + (cld_profiles    (iprof) % t  (ilayer)    &
-					  & -  cld_profiles    (iprof) % t  (ilayer+1)) &
-                                          & / log(p2/p1) * log(pm/p1) 	
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Horizontal clear-sky fraction
-  scatt_aux_tl % clw  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % ciw  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % rain (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % sp   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % clw  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % ciw  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % rain (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % sp   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux    % ccmax (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do iprof = 1, nprofiles  
-     zccmax = 0.0_JPRB
-     zccmax_tl = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        if (cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer) > zccmax) then
-	    zccmax = cld_profiles (iprof) % cc (ilayer)
-	    zccmax_tl = cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % cc (ilayer)
-	endif
-     end do
-     scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof) = zccmax
-     scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (iprof) = zccmax_tl
-     If (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) > ccthres) Then
-         scatt_aux_tl % clw  (iprof,:) = (cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % clw  (:)  &
-	                              & *  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) - scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (iprof) &
-	                              & *  cld_profiles    (iprof) % clw  (:)) &
-				      & / (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) * scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof)) 
-         scatt_aux    % clw  (iprof,:) =  cld_profiles    (iprof) % clw  (:)  &
-	                              & /  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         scatt_aux_tl % ciw  (iprof,:) = (cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % ciw  (:)  &
-	                              & *  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) - scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (iprof) &
-	                              & *  cld_profiles    (iprof) % ciw  (:)) &
-				      & / (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) * scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof)) 
-         scatt_aux    % ciw  (iprof,:) =  cld_profiles    (iprof) % ciw  (:)  &
-	                              & /  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,:) = (cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % rain (:)  &
-	                              & *  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) - scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (iprof) &
-	                              & *  cld_profiles    (iprof) % rain (:)) &
-				      & / (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) * scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof)) 
-         scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,:) =  cld_profiles    (iprof) % rain (:)  &
-	                              & /  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-         scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,:) = (cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % sp   (:)  &
-	                              & *  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) - scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (iprof) &
-	                              & *  cld_profiles    (iprof) % sp   (:)) &
-				      & / (scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) * scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof)) 
-         scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,:) =  cld_profiles    (iprof) % sp   (:)  &
-	                              & /  scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)
-     else
-         scatt_aux_tl % clw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux    % clw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux_tl % ciw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux    % ciw  (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Endif
-  Enddo
-!* Nadir heights (km)
-  Do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-     Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-        p1_tl = presfh_tl (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p1    = presfh    (iprof,ilayer+1)
-        p2_tl = presfh_tl (iprof,ilayer  )
-        p2    = presfh    (iprof,ilayer  )
-        If (p1 <= p2) then
-           errorstatus (:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "iniscatt : problem with user-defined pressure layering")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(iprof), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,ilayer) = dp2dz * (Log(p2/p1) * cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-	        		       & + (p2_tl / p2 - p1_tl / p1) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)) 			       
-        scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,ilayer) = dp2dz * Log(p2/p1) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 	
-     Enddo
-  Enddo
-!* Interpolate optical depths (at nadir and in hPa-1) to model levels
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     presi_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB   
-     opd_nrt_tl (ichan,1) = transmission_tl % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top)
-     opd_nrt    (ichan,1) = transmission    % od_singlelayer (1,ichan) / (profiles (iprof) % p (1) - pressure_top)
-     presi             (1) = (profiles (iprof) % p (1) + pressure_top) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Do ilayer = 2, nrt_levels   
-        opd_nrt_tl (ichan,ilayer) = transmission_tl % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                                 & / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        opd_nrt    (ichan,ilayer) = transmission    % od_singlelayer (ilayer,ichan) &
-                                 & / (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) - profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) 
-        presi (ilayer) = (profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer) + profiles (iprof) % p (ilayer-1)) / 2.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     Call rttov_intex_tl (nrt_levels, nwp_levels, &
-                        & presi_tl, presf_tl (iprof,:), opd_nrt_tl (ichan,:), opd_nwp_tl (ichan,:), &
-                        & presi   , presf    (iprof,:), opd_nrt    (ichan,:), opd_nwp    (ichan,:)) 	
-  Enddo
-!* Change units
-  Do ilayer = 1,nwp_levels
-!* Optical depths in km-1 and at nadir
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-        scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp_tl (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh    (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh    (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                        & / scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen &
-                                        & + opd_nwp    (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh_tl (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh_tl (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                        & / scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen &
-                                        & - opd_nwp    (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh    (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh    (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                        & * scatt_aux_tl % dz(iprof,ilayer) / (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer) &
-				        & * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,ilayer)) &
-					& * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,ilayer) = opd_nwp    (ichan,ilayer) * (presfh     (iprof,ilayer+1) - presfh   (iprof,ilayer)) &
-                                       & / scatt_aux     % dz (iprof,ilayer) * angles (iprof) % coszen 
-        If (scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,ilayer) < 1.0e-10_JPRB) Then
-            scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-            scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,ilayer) = 1.0e-10_JPRB
-        Endif
-     Enddo
-!* Condensate from g/g to g/m^3
-      Do iprof = 1, nprofiles
-         scatt_aux_tl % clw (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux_tl % clw (iprof,ilayer) * presf    (iprof,ilayer) &
-	                                 & / cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-                                         & +  scatt_aux    % clw (iprof,ilayer) * presf_tl (iprof,ilayer) &
-					 & / cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-                                         & -  scatt_aux    % clw (iprof,ilayer) * presf    (iprof,ilayer) &
-					 & * cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-			    	         & / (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer))) * de2mr
-         scatt_aux    % clw (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr & 
-	                                 & / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer)
-         scatt_aux_tl % ciw (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux_tl % ciw (iprof,ilayer) * presf    (iprof,ilayer) & 
-	                                 & / cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-                                         & +  scatt_aux    % ciw (iprof,ilayer) * presf_tl (iprof,ilayer) &
-					 & / cld_profiles    (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-                                         & -  scatt_aux    % ciw (iprof,ilayer) * presf    (iprof,ilayer) &
-					 & * cld_profiles_tl (iprof) % t (ilayer) &
-		  	    	         & / (cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) * cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer))) * de2mr
-         scatt_aux    % ciw (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) * presf (iprof,ilayer) * de2mr & 
-	                                 & / cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) 
-!* Rates from kg/m^2/s to g/m^3
-         scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) / rho_rain
-         scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) / rho_rain
-         scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,ilayer) / rho_snow
-         scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) / rho_snow
-         scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-         scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB 
-         scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-         scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) * 3600.0_JPRB
-         if (scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then
-             scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) =  scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) &
-               & * (coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) * (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer)**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2) - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-               & * (coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-             scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) &
-                                          & *  coef_scatt % conv_rain (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_rain (2)) 
-         else
-	     scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-	 endif		     
-         if (scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then
-             scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % sp    (iprof,ilayer) &
-              & * (coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2)) * (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer)**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2) - 1.0_JPRB)) &
-              & * (coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt % conv_sp   (2)) 
-             scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = (scatt_aux   % sp    (iprof,ilayer) &
-              & *  coef_scatt % conv_sp   (1))**(coef_scatt%conv_sp     (2))
-         else
-             scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-	 endif		     
-     end do   
-  Enddo
-!* Cloud/rain absorption/scattering parameters
-  Call rttov_mieproc_tl (   &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,         &! in
-       & frequencies,       &! in
-       & lsprofiles,         &! in
-       & cld_profiles,      &! in
-       & cld_profiles_tl,   &! in
-       & coef_rttov,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-       & scatt_aux_tl)       ! inout 
-!* Scattering parameters for Eddington RT
-  Call rttov_iniedd_tl(     &
-       & nwp_levels,        &! in
-       & nchannels ,        &! in
-       & nprofiles ,        &! in
-       & lsprofiles ,        &! in
-       & angles    ,        &! in
-       & coef_scatt,        &! in
-       & scatt_aux ,        &! inout
-       & scatt_aux_tl)       ! inout 
-!* Surface emissivities
-  zod_up_cld_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  zod_up_cld    (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     Do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels     
-        zod_up_cld_tl (ichan) = zod_up_cld_tl (ichan) &
-                            & + scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,ilayer) * scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,ilayer)  &
-                            & + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,ilayer) * scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,ilayer)
-        zod_up_cld    (ichan) = zod_up_cld    (ichan) &
-                            & + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,ilayer) * scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,ilayer)  
-     Enddo
-     if (zod_up_cld (ichan) >= 30.0_JPRB) then
-         zod_up_cld    (ichan) = 30.0_JPRB
-         zod_up_cld_tl (ichan) =  0.0_JPRB              
-     endif
-     transmissioncld    % tau_surf (ichan) = Exp(-1.0_JPRB * zod_up_cld (ichan) / angles (iprof) % coszen)
-     transmissioncld_tl % tau_surf (ichan) = -1.0_JPRB * zod_up_cld_tl (ichan)  / angles (iprof) % coszen &
-                                         & * transmissioncld % tau_surf (ichan)
-  Enddo
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw(         &
-       & profiles,                &! in
-       & angles,                  &! in
-       & coef_rttov,              &! in
-       & nfrequencies,            &! in
-       & nchannels,               &! in
-       & nprofiles,               &! in
-       & channels,                &! in
-       & polarisations,           &! in
-       & lprofiles,               &! in
-       & transmissioncld,         &! in
-       & calcemiss,               &! in
-       & scatt_aux % ems_cld,     &! inout
-       & scatt_aux % ref_cld,     &! out
-       & errorstatus          )    ! inout 
-  Call rttov_calcemis_mw_tl(      &
-       & profiles,                &! in
-       & profiles_tl,             &! in
-       & angles,                  &! in
-       & coef_rttov,              &! in
-       & nfrequencies,            &! in
-       & nchannels,               &! in
-       & nprofiles,               &! in
-       & channels,                &! in
-       & polarisations,           &! in
-       & lprofiles,               &! in
-       & transmissioncld,         &! in
-       & transmissioncld_tl,      &! in
-       & calcemiss,               &! in
-       & scatt_aux_tl % ems_cld,  &! inout
-       & scatt_aux_tl % ref_cld)   ! out 
-!* Hemispheric emissivity (= Fastem's effective emissivity)
-  scatt_aux_tl % ems_bnd (:) = scatt_aux_tl % ems_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux    % ems_bnd (:) = scatt_aux    % ems_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux_tl % ref_bnd (:) = scatt_aux_tl % ref_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux    % ref_bnd (:) = scatt_aux    % ref_cld (:)
-!* Deallocate
-  Deallocate (transmissioncld    % tau_surf)
-  Deallocate (transmissioncld_tl % tau_surf)
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fd56f19e681e08bbeeb2f45dee11cd3411fd8d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_iniscatt_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_tl (&
- & errorstatus,&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nrt_levels,&
- & nfrequencies,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & polarisations,&
- & channels,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & lsprofiles,&
- & profiles,&
- & profiles_tl,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & cld_profiles_tl,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & transmission,&
- & transmission_tl,&
- & calcemiss,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_tl) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & transmission_type ,&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles (nchannels)
- Logical , Intent (in) :: calcemiss (nchannels)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (in) :: profiles_tl (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles_tl (nprofiles)
- Type (transmission_Type), Intent (in) :: transmission
- Type (transmission_Type), Intent (in) :: transmission_tl
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (out) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_tl
-End Subroutine rttov_iniscatt_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_initcoeffs.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_initcoeffs.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index a69196659fe551f25256a798279398a20e2cfa17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_initcoeffs.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_initcoeffs  (&
-      & errorstatus,   &! out
-      & coef,          &! inout
-      & knproc,        &! in Optional
-      & kmyproc,       &! in Optional
-      & kioproc        )! in Optional
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  !   coef arrays initialisation for all pes
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       17/05/2004  Original (based on rttov_readcoeffs)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       & gas_id_co           ,&
-       & gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       & gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       & gas_unit_ppmv       ,&
-       & earthradius         ,&
-       & pressure_top
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_distribcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_q2v.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: knproc   ! number of procs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kmyproc  ! logical processor id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kioproc  ! procs dedicated for io
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef   ! coefficients
-  ! Local Scalars:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: inproc,imyproc,iioproc
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(10)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,n,h
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_initcoeffs'
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 0 Initialise variables
-  !---------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  If ( .Not. Present (knproc) ) Then
-     inproc = 1
-  Else
-     inproc = knproc
-  Endif
-  If ( .Not. Present (kmyproc) ) Then
-     imyproc = 1
-  Else
-     imyproc = kmyproc
-  Endif
-  If ( .Not. Present (kioproc) ) Then
-     iioproc = 1
-  Else
-     iioproc = kioproc
-  Endif
-  If ( inproc > 1 ) then
-    Call rttov_distribcoeffs  (&
-        & imyproc,       &! logical processor id
-        & iioproc,       &! processor dedicated for reading
-        & coef)           ! inout
-  Endif
-  ! 5 Now compute auxillary variables and change unit for mixing ratios
-  !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! ratio satellite altitude to earth radius
-  coef % ratoe = ( earthradius + coef % fc_sat_height ) / earthradius
-  ! planck variables
-  Allocate ( coef % planck1 ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate ( coef % planck2 ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat= alloc_status(2))
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of Planck arrays")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  coef % planck1(:) = coef % fc_planck_c1 * coef % ff_cwn(:) **3
-  coef % planck2(:) = coef % fc_planck_c2 * coef % ff_cwn(:)
-  ! frequency in GHz for MicroWaves
-  If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     Allocate ( coef % frequency_ghz ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of frequency array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     coef % frequency_ghz(:) = coef % fc_speedl * 1.0e-09_JPRB * coef % ff_cwn(:)
-  Endif
-  ! Conversion of gas mixing ratio units, if needed
-  ! The correct unit for RTTOV calculations is ppmv
-  ! Take care this conversion is only valid
-  ! if all gases have the same unit
-  h = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_watervapour)
-  Do n = 1,  coef % fmv_gas
-     If( coef % gaz_units( n ) == gas_unit_specconc ) Then
-        ! Unit of gaz n is specific concentration
-        Do i = 1, coef % nlevels
-           ! Convert reference profile mixing ratio
-           call rttov_q2v(                     &
-                 & coef % gaz_units( h )       ,&
-                 & coef % ref_prfl_mr ( i, h ) ,&
-                 & coef % fmv_gas_id( n )      ,&
-                 & coef % ref_prfl_mr ( i, n ) ,&
-                 & coef % ref_prfl_mr ( i, n ) )
-           ! Now unit of gaz n is ppmv for the reference
-           ! in particular for H2O
-           coef % gaz_units( n ) = gas_unit_ppmv
-           ! Convert profile minimum limit mixing ratio
-           call rttov_q2v(                       &
-                 & coef % gaz_units( h )         ,&
-                 & coef % ref_prfl_mr ( i, h )   ,&
-                 & coef % fmv_gas_id( n )        ,&
-                 & coef % lim_prfl_gmin ( i, n ) ,&
-                 & coef % lim_prfl_gmin ( i, n ) )
-           ! Convert profile maximum limit mixing ratio
-           call rttov_q2v(                       &
-                 & coef % gaz_units( h )         ,&
-                 & coef % ref_prfl_mr ( i, h )   ,&
-                 & coef % fmv_gas_id( n )        ,&
-                 & coef % lim_prfl_gmax ( i, n ) ,&
-                 & coef % lim_prfl_gmax ( i, n ) )
-        End Do
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! 6 Compute specific variables for RTTOV7
-  ! ---------------------------------------
-  ! Test on model and coeff versions
-  If( coef % fmv_model_ver == 7 ) Then
-     Allocate ( coef % dp      ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate ( coef % dpp     ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate ( coef % tstar   ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate ( coef % to3star ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate ( coef % wstar   ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Allocate ( coef % ostar   ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(6))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of specific RTTOV7 arrays")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     ! pressure intervals between levels
-     coef % dp(1) = coef % ref_prfl_p(1)
-     coef % dp(2:coef % nlevels) = coef % ref_prfl_p(2:coef % nlevels) -&
-                                  & coef % ref_prfl_p(1:coef % nlevels-1)
-     ! pressure quantity
-     coef % dpp(1) = ( coef % ref_prfl_p(1)-0.004985_JPRB ) * pressure_top
-     coef % dpp(2) = ( coef % ref_prfl_p(1)-0.004985_JPRB ) * coef % ref_prfl_p(1)
-     Do i = 3, coef % nlevels
-        coef % dpp(i) = ( coef % ref_prfl_p(i-1)-coef % ref_prfl_p(i-2) ) * &
-               & coef % ref_prfl_p(i-1)
-     Enddo
-     ! reference layer quantities
-     ! temperature
-     n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_mixed)
-     coef % tstar(1) = coef % ref_prfl_t(1 , n)
-     coef % tstar(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-             & ( coef % ref_prfl_t(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n)  +   &
-               & coef % ref_prfl_t(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     ! temperature for O3 profiles
-     If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_ozone)
-        coef % to3star(1) = coef % ref_prfl_t(1 , n)
-        coef % to3star(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-                & ( coef % ref_prfl_t(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n) + &
-                  & coef % ref_prfl_t(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-        n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_ozone)
-     Endif
-     ! water vapour
-     n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_watervapour)
-     coef % wstar(1) = coef % ref_prfl_mr(1 , n)
-     coef % wstar(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-             & ( coef % ref_prfl_mr(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n) + &
-               & coef % ref_prfl_mr(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     ! ozone
-     If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_ozone)
-        coef % ostar(1) = coef % ref_prfl_mr(1 , n)
-        coef % ostar(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-                & ( coef % ref_prfl_mr(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n) + &
-                  & coef % ref_prfl_mr(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     Endif
-  End If
-  ! 7 Compute specific variables for RTTOV8
-  ! ---------------------------------------
-  ! Test on model and coeff versions
-  If( coef % fmv_model_ver == 8 ) Then
-     Allocate ( coef % dp      ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate ( coef % dpp     ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate ( coef % tstar   ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate ( coef % to3star ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate ( coef % wstar   ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Allocate ( coef % ostar   ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(6))
-     Allocate ( coef % co2star ( coef % nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(7))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of specific RTTOV8 arrays")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     ! pressure intervals between levels
-     coef % dp(1) = coef % ref_prfl_p(1)
-     coef % dp(2:coef % nlevels) = coef % ref_prfl_p(2:coef % nlevels) -&
-                                  & coef % ref_prfl_p(1:coef % nlevels-1)
-     ! pressure quantity
-     coef % dpp(1) = ( coef % ref_prfl_p(1)-0.004985_JPRB ) * pressure_top
-     coef % dpp(2) = ( coef % ref_prfl_p(1)-0.004985_JPRB ) * coef % ref_prfl_p(1)
-     Do i = 3, coef % nlevels
-        coef % dpp(i) = ( coef % ref_prfl_p(i-1)-coef % ref_prfl_p(i-2) ) * &
-               & coef % ref_prfl_p(i-1)
-     Enddo
-     ! reference layer quantities
-     ! temperature
-     n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_mixed)
-     coef % tstar(1) = coef % ref_prfl_t(1 , n)
-     coef % tstar(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-             & ( coef % ref_prfl_t(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n)  +   &
-               & coef % ref_prfl_t(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     ! temperature for O3 profiles
-     If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_ozone)
-        coef % to3star(1) = coef % ref_prfl_t(1 , n)
-        coef % to3star(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-                & ( coef % ref_prfl_t(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n) + &
-                  & coef % ref_prfl_t(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     Endif
-     ! water vapour
-     n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_watervapour)
-     coef % wstar(1) = coef % ref_prfl_mr(1 , n)
-     coef % wstar(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-             & ( coef % ref_prfl_mr(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n) + &
-               & coef % ref_prfl_mr(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     ! ozone
-     If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_ozone)
-        coef % ostar(1) = coef % ref_prfl_mr(1 , n)
-        coef % ostar(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-                & ( coef % ref_prfl_mr(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n) + &
-                  & coef % ref_prfl_mr(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     Endif
-     ! CO2
-     If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        n = coef % fmv_gas_pos(gas_id_co2)
-        coef % co2star(1) = coef % ref_prfl_mr(1 , n)
-        coef % co2star(2:coef % nlevels) = &
-             &   ( coef % ref_prfl_mr(1:coef % nlevels-1 , n) + &
-             &     coef % ref_prfl_mr(2:coef % nlevels   , n)  ) / 2
-     Endif
-  End If
-  ! Here add specific statements for a later release of the model or
-  ! of the coefficients
-End Subroutine rttov_initcoeffs
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_initcoeffs.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_initcoeffs.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 6541a60f3f35daa2fb465954343cb8414fd096f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_initcoeffs.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_initcoeffs  (&
-      & errorstatus,   &! out
-      & coef,          &! out
-      & knproc,        &! in Optional
-      & kmyproc,       &! in Optional
-      & kioproc        )! in Optional
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_info    ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       & gas_id_co           ,&
-       & gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       & gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       & gas_unit_ppmv       ,&
-       & earthradius         ,&
-       & gas_name            ,&
-       & pressure_top
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: knproc   ! number of procs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kmyproc  ! logical processor id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kioproc  ! procs dedicated for io
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (out) :: coef   ! coefficients
-End Subroutine rttov_initcoeffs
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b8bff2261a5b52e37174172622373f062cbe8377..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate( &
-     & addcloud,      &! in
-     & addcosmic,     &! in
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nbtout,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & channels,      &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & emissivity,    &! in
-     & reflectivity,  &! in
-     & transmission,  &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & aux_prof,      &! in
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & rad,           &! inout
-     & auxrad        ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! To perform integration of radiative transfer equation
-  ! in rttov suite, calculating radiances and brightness temperature.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations.
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !          25/06/91.    Original code.  J.R.EYRE    *ECMWF*
-  !          21/08/00.    Emissivity and reflectivity handled separately. Steve English
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          23/03/01     New coef. format, new channel numbers (P. Brunel)
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          28/09/01     Cosmic background temp added G.Deblonde
-  !          18/01/2002   Thread safe (D.Salmond)
-  !  1.0     01/12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1     02/01/2003   Added comments (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2     06/05/2003   Init rad%downcld to 0 in section 1 (P  Brunel)
-  !  1.3     26/09/2003   Modified to allow for multiple polarisations (S English)
-  !          03/09/2004   Mods. for Vectorisation (D Salmond ECMWF & BCarruthers, Cray)
-  !          28/02/2005   Further mods to vectorisation (D Dent)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_calcbt.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcrad.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud    ! switch for cloud computations
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcosmic   ! switch for adding cosmic background
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout          ! Number of BTs returned
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)     ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)   ! surface emmissivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels) ! surface reflectivity
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in)    :: angles(nprofiles)  ! geometry angles
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef                    ! Coefficients
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Profiles
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles) ! auxillary profiles info.
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission               ! transmittances and single-layer od
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad    ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m) and BTs
-  Type(radiance_aux),  Intent(inout) :: auxrad ! auxillary radiances
-  !
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: min_tau = 1.0e-8_JPRB
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp(nchannels, coef % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_down
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,lev,freq,kpol
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction(nchannels)        ! cloud fraction
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: pfraction(nchannels)        !
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_cloud(coef % nlevels, nchannels)  ! layer downwelling radiance
-  Type(profile_aux),   Pointer   :: aux ! pointer on auxillary radiances
-integer(Kind=jpim) :: iv1(nchannels), iv2(nchannels), iv3(nchannels)
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initialise radiance structure cloud flag
-  rad % lcloud = addcloud
-  !----------------------------
-  !1. calculate layer radiances
-  !----------------------------
-  Call rttov_calcrad( &
-       & addcosmic,    &!in
-       & nchannels,    &!in
-       & nfrequencies, &!in
-       & nprofiles,    &!in
-       & channels,     &!in
-       & polarisations,&!in
-       & lprofiles,    &!in
-       & profiles,     &!in
-       & coef,         &!in
-       & auxrad%cosmic,   &!out
-       & auxrad%skin,     &!out
-       & auxrad%surfair,  &!out
-       & auxrad%layer    ) !out
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     rad_down_cloud(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     rad % downcld(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !2.1 layer above top pressure level
-  !----------------------------------
-  auxrad%up(1,:)   = auxrad%layer(1,:) * ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_layer(1,:) )
-  auxrad%down(1,:) = auxrad%up(1,:) / transmission % tau_layer(1,:)
-  !-------------------------------------
-  !2. calculate atmospheric contribution
-  !-------------------------------------
-     !2.2 layers between standard pressure levels
-     !-------------------------------------------
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do lev = 2, coef % nlevels
-!dir$ concurrent
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        meanrad_up = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i)+auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) ) * &
-             & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) )
-        auxrad%up(lev,i) = auxrad%up(lev-1,i) + meanrad_up
-        If ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) > min_tau ) Then
-           rad_tmp(i, lev) = meanrad_up / ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) )
-        Else
-           rad_tmp(i, lev) = 0.0_JPRB
-        End If
-        auxrad%down(lev,i) = auxrad%down(lev-1,i) + rad_tmp(i, lev)
-     end do
-  end do
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux  => aux_prof( lprofiles(freq) )
-     cfraction(i) = aux%cfraction
-     pfraction(i) = aux%pfraction_surf
-     iv3(i) = aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-     iv2(i) = aux % nearestlev_surf
-     iv1(i) = min( coef % nlevels, iv3(i) )
-     If ( pfraction(i) < 0.0_JPRB ) iv3(i) = iv3(i) + 1
-  End Do
-  if( addcloud )then
-    Do i = 1, nchannels
-       Do lev = 2, iv1(i)
-          Do j = 1, lev-1
-             rad_down_cloud(j,i) = rad_down_cloud(j,i) + rad_tmp(i,lev)
-          End Do
-       End Do
-    End Do
-  end if
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     kpol= 1 + i - polarisations(freq,1)    ! Polarisation index
-     !2.3 near-surface layer
-     !----------------------
-     ! add upward and downward parts
-     lev = iv3(i)
-     meanrad_up = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) ) * &
-          & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     If ( transmission % tau_surf(i) > min_tau ) Then
-        rad_tmp(i, lev) = meanrad_up / ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     Else
-        rad_tmp(i, lev) = 0.0_JPRB
-     End If
-     meanrad_down = auxrad%down(lev,i) + rad_tmp(i, lev)
-     meanrad_up = auxrad%up(lev,i) + meanrad_up
-     ! assume that there is no atmospheric source term for 3rd or 4th Stokes vector elements
-     if (kpol >= 3) meanrad_up = 0.0
-     rad % clear(i) = meanrad_up + &
-          & meanrad_down * reflectivity(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-     ! clear sky radiance without reflection term
-     ! without surface contribution at this line
-     rad % upclear(i) = meanrad_up
-     ! clear sky downwelling radiance
-     rad % dnclear(i) = &
-          & meanrad_down * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-     ! reflected clear sky downwelling radiance
-     rad % reflclear(i) = &
-          & rad % dnclear(i) * ( reflectivity(i) ) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-     auxrad%up(iv2(i),i) = meanrad_up
-  End Do
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        lev = iv3(i)
-        Do j = 1, lev
-           rad_down_cloud(j,i) = (rad_down_cloud(j,i) + rad_tmp(i, lev)) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !-----------------------
-  !3. surface contribution
-  !-----------------------
-  rad % clear(:) = rad % clear(:) +&
-        & emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) * auxrad%skin(:)
-  ! clear sky radiance without reflection term
-  rad % upclear(:) = rad % upclear(:) +&
-        & emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) * auxrad%skin(:)
-  !--------------------------------
-  !4. cosmic temperature correction
-  !--------------------------------
-  !calculate planck function corresponding to tcosmic=2.7k
-  !deblonde tcosmic for microwave sensors only
-  If ( addcosmic ) Then
-     rad % clear(:) = rad % clear(:) + &
-          & reflectivity(:) * auxrad%cosmic(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  Endif
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !5. calculate cloudy (overcast) radiances
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !---------------
-  !5.1 Upward part
-  !---------------
-  ! (levels, channels)
-  ! overcast radiance at given cloud top
-!dir$ concurrent
-  rad % overcast(:,:) = auxrad%up(:,:) + auxrad%layer(:,:) * transmission % tau_layer(:,:)
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux  => aux_prof( lprofiles(freq) )
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_surf
-     rad % overcast(lev,i) = auxrad%up(lev,i) + transmission % tau_surf(i) * auxrad%skin(i)
-     !-----------------
-     !5.2 Downward part
-     !-----------------
-     !(takes reflection and upward clear-sky transmission into account)
-     If ( addcloud ) Then
-!dir$ concurrent
-        Do j = 1,lev-1
-           If ( transmission % tau_layer(j,i) > min_tau ) &
-                !contribution to radiance of downward
-                ! cloud emission at given cloud top
-           & rad % downcld(j,i) = &
-                & ( rad_down_cloud(j,i) + &
-                  & auxrad%layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)/transmission % tau_layer(j,i) ) &
-                & * transmission % tau_surf(i) * (reflectivity(i))
-        End Do
-        ! No specific action for transmission % tau_layer(j,i) <= min_tau or
-        ! levels between aux % nearestlev_surf and nlevels
-        ! because the array rad % downcld has already
-        ! been init. to 0 in section 1
-     End If
-     !--------------------------------------------
-     !5.3 Interpolate to given cloud-top pressures
-     !--------------------------------------------
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_ctp
-     rad%cloudy(i) = rad % overcast(lev,i) * (1.0_JPRB-aux % pfraction_ctp) + &
-          & rad % overcast(lev-1,i) * (aux % pfraction_ctp)
-  End Do
-  !---------------------------
-  !6. calculate total radiance
-  !---------------------------
-!dir$ concurrent
-  rad % total(:) = rad%clear(:) + cfraction(:) * ( rad%cloudy(:) - rad%clear(:) )
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     auxrad%down_cloud(:,:) = rad_down_cloud(:,:)
-  End If
-  !-----------------------------------------------
-  !7. convert radiances to brightness temperatures
-  !-----------------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_calcbt( &
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,  &! in
-       & channels,   &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & coef,       &! in
-       & rad        ) ! inout
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------
-  !8. convert brightness temperatures to required polarisation
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-        & nfrequencies,       &! in
-        & nchannels,          &! in
-        & nprofiles,     &! in
-        & angles,      &! in
-        & channels,      &! in
-        & polarisations,      &! in
-        & lprofiles,     &! in
-        & coef,          &! in
-        & rad        )      ! inout
-  Else
-  rad%out       = rad%bt
-        rad%out_clear = rad%bt_clear
-  rad%total_out = rad%total
-        rad%clear_out = rad%clear
-  End If
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 349a9003c77184c2f06d9d0403a7d05ccb915b61..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate( &
-     addcloud,     & ! in
-     addcosmic,    & ! in
-     nfrequencies, & ! in
-     nchannels,    & ! in
-     nbtout,       & ! in
-     nprofiles,    & ! in
-     geometry,     & ! in
-     channels,     & ! in
-     polarisations,& ! in
-     lprofiles,    & ! in
-     emissivity,   & ! in
-     reflectivity, & ! in
-     transmission, & ! in
-     profiles,     & ! in
-     aux_prof,     & ! in
-     coef,         & ! in
-     rad,          & ! inout
-     auxrad        ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud    ! switch for cloud computations
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcosmic   ! switch for adding cosmic background
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef                    ! Coefficients
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles) ! Profiles
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles) ! auxillary profiles info.
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission               ! transmittances and single-layer od
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout) :: rad    ! radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m) and BTs
-  Type(radiance_aux),  Intent(inout) :: auxrad ! auxillary radiances
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 9942c2398404a46066f3294786a8c51afaa29f03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate_ad( &
-     & addcloud,      &! in
-     & addcosmic,     &! in
-     & switchrad,     &! in
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nbtout,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & channels,      &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & emissivity,    &! in
-     & emissivity_ad,    &! inout
-     & reflectivity,     &! in
-     & reflectivity_ad,  &! inout
-     & transmission,     &! in
-     & transmission_ad,  &! inout
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & profiles_ad,      &! inout
-     & aux_prof,         &! in
-     & aux_prof_ad,      &! inout
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & rad ,             &! in
-     & auxrad ,          &! in
-     & rad_ad           ) ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To perform AD of integration of radiative transfer equation
-  ! in rttov suite, calculating radiances and brightness temperature.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations.
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !          25/06/91.    Original code.  J.R.EYRE    *ECMWF*
-  !          21/08/00.    Emissivity and reflectivity handled separately. Steve English
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          23/03/01     New coef. format, new channel numbers (P. Brunel)
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          28/09/01     Cosmic background temp added G.Deblonde
-  !          18/01/2002   Thread safe (D.Salmond)
-  !  1.0     01/12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1     02/01/2003   Added comments (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2     06/05/2003   Init rad%downcld to 0 in section 1 (P  Brunel)
-  !  1.3     26/09/2003   Modified to allow for multiple polarisations (S English)
-  !          10/05/2004   Fixed bug in call to rttov_calcpolarisation (D.Salmond)
-  !          06/09/2004   Mods. for Vectorisation (D Salmond ECMWF & B  Carruthers, Cray)
-  !          28/02/2005   More improvements to vectorisation (D Dent)
-  !          29/03/2005   Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-! Adjoint Variables
-! transmission_ad % tau_surf        |
-! transmission_ad % tau_layer       |
-! emissivity_ad                     |
-! reflectivity_ad                   | initialised before calling
-! profiles_ad                       |
-! aux_prof_ad                       |
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_type, &
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_calcbt_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcrad_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcosmic
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout          ! Number of BTs returned
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in)    :: angles(nprofiles)  ! geometry angles
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad
-  Type(radiance_aux),  Intent(in)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),                Intent(inout)  :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),                Intent(inout)  :: reflectivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: aux_prof_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_ad
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout)  :: rad_ad
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: min_tau = 1.0e-8_JPRB
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up_2d(nchannels, coef % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_down(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_layer_ad(coef % nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_surfair_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_up_ad(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_ad(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_cloud_ad(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp_ad_2d(nchannels, coef % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up_ad_2d(nchannels, coef % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_down_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_prod
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,lev,lev2,freq,kpol
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: aux_levels(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: aux_nearestlev_surf(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: aux_pfraction(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: aj
-  Type(profile_aux),   Pointer   :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux),   Pointer   :: aux_ad
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initialise radiance structure cloud flag
-  rad_ad % lcloud = addcloud
-  !----------------------------
-  !1. calculate layer radiances
-  !----------------------------
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation_ad( &
-      & nfrequencies,       &! in
-      & nchannels,          &! in
-      & nbtout,             &! in
-      & profiles,           &! in
-      & nprofiles,          &! in
-      & angles,             &! in
-      & channels,           &! in
-      & polarisations,      &! in
-      & lprofiles,          &! in
-      & coef,               &! in
-      & rad_ad      )        ! inout
-  Else
-    rad_ad%bt       = rad_ad%out
-    rad_ad%bt_clear = rad_ad%out_clear
-    rad_ad%total    = rad_ad%total_out
-    rad_ad%clear    = rad_ad%clear_out
- End If
-! if input AD unit is temperature, convert it in radiance
-  if ( switchrad )  then
-     Call rttov_calcbt_ad(  &
-          & nfrequencies,   &! in
-          & nchannels,      &! in
-          & channels,       &! in
-          & polarisations,  &! in
-          & coef,           &! in
-          & rad,            &! in
-          & rad_ad     )     ! inout   output is only rad_ad%total
-  endif
-  ! initialisation of local variables
-  rad_layer_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  rad_surfair_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  rad_skin_ad(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  rad_up_ad(:,:)         = 0._JPRB
-  rad_down_ad(:,:)       = 0._JPRB
-  rad_down_cloud_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     cfraction(i) = aux_prof( lprofiles(freq) )%cfraction
-  End Do
-  !--------------------------- !6. calculate total radiance
-  !---------------------------
-  rad_ad%clear(:)  = (1 - cfraction(:)) * rad_ad%total(:)
-  rad_ad%cloudy(:) = cfraction(:) * rad_ad%total(:)
-  cfraction_ad(:)  = ( rad%cloudy(:) - rad%clear(:) ) * rad_ad%total(:)
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux_prof_ad( lprofiles(freq) )%cfraction =&
-           & aux_prof_ad( lprofiles(freq) )%cfraction + cfraction_ad(i)
-  End Do
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux     => aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )
-     aux_ad  => aux_prof_ad( lprofiles(freq) )
-     !--------------------------------------------
-     !5.3 Interpolate to given cloud-top pressures
-     !--------------------------------------------
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_ctp
-     rad_ad%overcast(lev,i)   = rad_ad%overcast(lev,i) +&
-                               & (1 - aux % pfraction_ctp) * rad_ad%cloudy(i)
-     rad_ad%overcast(lev-1,i) = rad_ad%overcast(lev-1,i) +&
-                               & aux % pfraction_ctp * rad_ad%cloudy(i)
-     aux_ad % pfraction_ctp = aux_ad % pfraction_ctp +&
-               & (rad%overcast(lev-1,i)  - rad%overcast(lev,i)) * rad_ad%cloudy(i)
-     !rad_ad%cloudy(i) is no later used rad_tl % cloudy was an output only
-     rad_ad%cloudy(i) = 0._JPRB
-     !(takes reflection and upward clear-sky transmission into account)
-     ! surface level
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_surf
-     aux_nearestlev_surf(i) = lev
-     aux_pfraction(i) = aux % pfraction_surf
-     lev2 = lev - 1
-!    If ( aux % pfraction_surf < 0.0_JPRB ) lev = lev + 1
-     If ( aux_pfraction(i) < 0.0_JPRB ) lev2 = lev2 + 1
-     aux_levels(i) = lev2
-  End Do
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     !----------------------------------------
-     !5. calculate cloudy (overcast) radiances
-     !----------------------------------------
-     !-----------------
-     !5.2 Downward part
-     !-----------------
-     lev = aux_nearestlev_surf(i)
-     rad_up_ad(lev,i) = rad_up_ad(lev,i) + rad_ad % overcast(lev,i)
-     transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)   = transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)   + rad_ad % overcast(lev,i) * auxrad%skin(i)
-     rad_skin_ad(i)   = rad_skin_ad(i)   + rad_ad % overcast(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-     rad_ad % overcast(lev,i) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        !(takes reflection and upward clear-sky transmission into account)
-        ! surface level
-        lev = aux_nearestlev_surf(i)
-!dir$ concurrent
-        Do j = lev-1, 1 ,-1
-           If ( transmission % tau_layer(j,i) > min_tau ) Then
-              transmission_ad % tau_surf(i) = transmission_ad % tau_surf(i) + rad_ad % downcld(j,i) * &
-                     & ( auxrad%down_cloud(j,i) * reflectivity(i) + &
-                       & 2 * auxrad%layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * &
-                       & reflectivity(i) / transmission % tau_layer(j,i) )
-              reflectivity_ad(i) =  reflectivity_ad(i) + rad_ad % downcld(j,i) *&
-                    & ( auxrad%down_cloud(j,i)    * transmission % tau_surf(i) +&
-                      & auxrad%layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) *&
-                      & transmission % tau_surf(i) / transmission % tau_layer(j,i) )
-           Endif
-        End Do
-!dir$ concurrent
-        Do j = lev-1, 1 ,-1
-           If ( transmission % tau_layer(j,i) > min_tau ) Then
-              rad_down_cloud_ad(j,i)  = rad_down_cloud_ad(j,i) + rad_ad % downcld(j,i) *&
-                    & transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i)
-              rad_layer_ad(j,i) = rad_layer_ad(j,i) + rad_ad % downcld(j,i) *&
-                    & reflectivity(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * &
-                    & transmission % tau_surf(i) / transmission % tau_layer(j,i)
-              transmission_ad % tau_layer(j,i) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(j,i) -  rad_ad % downcld(j,i) *&
-                      & auxrad%layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * &
-                      & transmission % tau_surf(i) *  reflectivity(i) /&
-                    & (transmission % tau_layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_layer(j,i))
-              rad_ad % downcld(j,i) = 0._JPRB
-           Endif
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     lev = aux_nearestlev_surf(i)
-!     Do j = lev-1, 1 ,-1
-      aj = lev-1
-       rad_up_ad(lev,i) = rad_up_ad(lev,i)    + aj * rad_ad % overcast(lev,i)
-       transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)   = transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)   + aj * rad_ad % overcast(lev,i) * auxrad%skin(i)
-       rad_skin_ad(i)   = rad_skin_ad(i)   + aj * rad_ad % overcast(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-       rad_ad % overcast(lev,i) = 0._JPRB
-!    End Do
-  End Do
-  !---------------
-  !5.1 Upward part
-  !---------------
-  rad_up_ad(:,:)    = rad_up_ad(:,:)    + rad_ad % overcast(:,:)
-  rad_layer_ad(:,:) = rad_layer_ad(:,:) + rad_ad % overcast(:,:) * transmission % tau_layer(:,:)
-  transmission_ad % tau_layer(:,:) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(:,:) + rad_ad % overcast(:,:) * auxrad%layer(:,:)
-  rad_ad % overcast(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  !--------------------------------
-  !4. cosmic temperature correction
-  !--------------------------------
-  !calculate planck function corresponding to tcosmic=2.7k
-  !deblonde tcosmic for microwave sensors only
-  If ( addcosmic ) Then
-     reflectivity_ad(:) = reflectivity_ad(:) + rad_ad % clear(:) *&
-            & auxrad%cosmic(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-     transmission_ad % tau_surf(:) = transmission_ad % tau_surf(:) + rad_ad % clear(:) *&
-           & 2 * reflectivity(:) * auxrad%cosmic(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  Endif
-  !-----------------------
-  !3. surface contribution
-  !-----------------------
-  !rad_ad % clear(:) = rad_ad % clear(:)
-  emissivity_ad(:)  = emissivity_ad(:) + rad_ad % clear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  transmission_ad % tau_surf(:)    = transmission_ad % tau_surf(:)   + rad_ad % clear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * emissivity(:)
-  rad_skin_ad(:)    = rad_skin_ad(:)   + rad_ad % clear(:) *&
-        & emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  emissivity_ad(:)  = emissivity_ad(:) + rad_ad % upclear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  transmission_ad % tau_surf(:)    = transmission_ad % tau_surf(:)   + rad_ad % upclear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * emissivity(:)
-  rad_skin_ad(:)    = rad_skin_ad(:)   + rad_ad % upclear(:) *&
-        & emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-!dir$ concurrent
-!cdir nodep
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     rad_tmp_ad(i)        = 0._JPRB
-     !2.3 near-surface layer
-     !----------------------
-     ! add upward and downward parts
-     lev = aux_levels(i)
-     ! repeat direct code
-     meanrad_up(i) = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) ) * &
-           & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     If ( transmission % tau_surf(i) > min_tau ) Then
-        rad_tmp(i) = meanrad_up(i) / ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     Else
-        rad_tmp(i)    = 0.0_JPRB
-     End If
-     meanrad_down(i) = auxrad%down(lev,i) + rad_tmp(i)
-  end do
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        !2.3 near-surface layer
-        !----------------------
-        ! add upward and downward parts
-        lev = aux_levels(i)
-        ! Adjoint
-!dir$ concurrent
-        Do j =lev, 1, -1
-           ! in the direct model the value of auxrad%down_cloud(j) is later
-           ! modified by
-           ! auxrad%down_cloud(j) = (auxrad%down_cloud(j) + rad_tmp(i)) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           ! So to get the right trajectory one need to divide by transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)         = transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)  + rad_down_cloud_ad(j,i) *&
-                 & auxrad%down_cloud(j,i) / transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           rad_tmp_ad(i)             = rad_tmp_ad(i)      + rad_down_cloud_ad(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           rad_down_cloud_ad(j,i) = rad_down_cloud_ad(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-        End Do
-     end do
-  End If
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     !2.3 near-surface layer
-     !----------------------
-     ! add upward and downward parts
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     kpol= 1 + i - polarisations(freq,1)    ! Polarisation index
-     lev = aux_levels(i)
-     meanrad_up_ad(i)     = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_down_ad(i)   = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_up_ad(i) = rad_up_ad(aux_nearestlev_surf(i),i)
-     rad_up_ad(aux_nearestlev_surf(i),i) = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_down_ad(i)    =                      rad_ad % reflclear(i) *&
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i) *  transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i)
-     transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)     = transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)     + rad_ad % reflclear(i) *&
-           & 2._JPRB * transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     reflectivity_ad(i) = reflectivity_ad(i) + rad_ad % reflclear(i) *&
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     rad_ad % reflclear(i) = 0
-     meanrad_up_ad(i) = meanrad_up_ad(i) + rad_ad % upclear(i)
-     rad_ad % upclear(i) = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_up_ad(i)      = meanrad_up_ad(i)      + rad_ad % clear(i)
-     meanrad_down_ad(i)    = meanrad_down_ad(i)    + rad_ad % clear(i) *&
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i)
-     transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)     = transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)     + rad_ad % clear(i) *&
-            & 2._JPRB * transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     reflectivity_ad(i) = reflectivity_ad(i) + rad_ad % clear(i) *&
-            & transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     rad_ad % clear(i)  = 0._JPRB
-     ! assume that there is no atmospheric source term for 3rd or 4th Stokes vector elements
-     if (kpol >= 3) meanrad_up_ad(i) = 0.0
-     !meanrad_up_ad    = meanrad_up_ad
-     rad_up_ad(lev,i) = rad_up_ad(lev,i) + meanrad_up_ad(i)
-     rad_down_ad(lev,i) = meanrad_down_ad(i)
-     rad_tmp_ad(i)         = rad_tmp_ad(i) + meanrad_down_ad(i)                  ! cor 28/11
-     meanrad_down_ad(i)    = 0._JPRB
-     ! on peut creer une variable intermediaire pour gagner
-     ! du temps rad_tmp_ad * meanrad_up / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-     If ( transmission % tau_surf(i) > min_tau ) Then
-        tau_prod = transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-        meanrad_up_ad(i) = meanrad_up_ad(i) + rad_tmp_ad(i) /&
-              & tau_prod
-        transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i) - rad_tmp_ad(i) *&
-              & meanrad_up(i) *  transmission % tau_surf(i) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-        transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)      = transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)      - rad_tmp_ad(i) *&
-              & meanrad_up(i) * transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-        rad_tmp_ad(i) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Else
-        rad_tmp_ad(i) = 0.0_JPRB
-     End If
-     ! on peut creer une variable intermediaire pour gagner
-     ! du temps 0.5 * meanrad_up_ad * ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i)
-     ! rad_surfair_ad(i) est certainement inutile car plus utilise
-     rad_surfair_ad(i)   = rad_surfair_ad(i)   + 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_ad(i) *&
-            & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     rad_layer_ad(lev,i) = rad_layer_ad(lev,i) + 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_ad(i) *&
-            & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i) + 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_ad(i) *&
-            & ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) )
-     transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)      =  transmission_ad % tau_surf(i)     - 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_ad(i) * &
-            & ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) )
-     meanrad_up_ad(i) = 0._JPRB
-  end do
-  rad_tmp_ad_2d(:,:)    = 0._JPRB
-  meanrad_up_ad_2d(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     !2.2 layers between standard pressure levels
-     !-------------------------------------------
-     Do lev = coef % nlevels, 2, -1
-        ! adjoint
-        If ( addcloud .And. lev < aux_nearestlev_surf(i)) Then
-!dir$ concurrent
-           Do j = lev-1, 1, -1
-              rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev) = rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev) +  rad_down_cloud_ad(j,i)
-           End Do
-        End If
-     end do
-  end do
-!dir$ concurrent
-!cdir nodep
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     !2.2 layers between standard pressure levels
-     !-------------------------------------------
-     Do lev = coef % nlevels, 2, -1
-        ! direct code
-        meanrad_up_2d(i,lev) = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i)   + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) ) * &
-                & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i)   )
-        rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev)           = rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev)           + rad_down_ad(lev,i)
-        rad_down_ad(lev-1,i) = rad_down_ad(lev-1,i) + rad_down_ad(lev,i)
-        If ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) > min_tau ) Then
-           ! on peut creer une variable intermediaire pour gagner
-           ! du temps rad_tmp_ad * meanrad_up / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-           tau_prod = transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i)
-           meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev)         = meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev)         + rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev) /&
-                 & tau_prod
-           transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i)   = transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i)   - rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev) *&
-                 & transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) * meanrad_up_2d(i,lev) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-           transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev-1,i) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev) *&
-                 & transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * meanrad_up_2d(i,lev) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-           rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           rad_tmp_ad_2d(i,lev) = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-        meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev)      = meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev)      + rad_up_ad(lev,i)
-        rad_up_ad(lev-1,i) = rad_up_ad(lev-1,i) + rad_up_ad(lev,i)
-        rad_layer_ad(lev,i)   = rad_layer_ad(lev,i)   + meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) )
-        rad_layer_ad(lev-1,i) = rad_layer_ad(lev-1,i) + meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) )
-        transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev-1,i) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev-1,i) + meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i) + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) )
-        transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i)   = transmission_ad % tau_layer(lev,i)  - meanrad_up_ad_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i) + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) )
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !2.1 layer above top pressure level
-  !----------------------------------
-  !
-  rad_up_ad(1,:)    = rad_up_ad(1,:)      + rad_down_ad(1,:) /&
-        & transmission % tau_layer(1,:)
-  transmission_ad % tau_layer(1,:) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(1,:)   - rad_down_ad(1,:) *&
-        & auxrad%down(1,:) / transmission % tau_layer(1,:)
-  rad_down_ad(1,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  rad_layer_ad(1,:) = rad_layer_ad(1,:) + rad_up_ad(1,:) *&
-        & ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_layer(1,:) )
-  transmission_ad % tau_layer(1,:) = transmission_ad % tau_layer(1,:) - rad_up_ad(1,:) *&
-         & auxrad%layer(1,:)
-  rad_up_ad(1,:)    = 0._JPRB
-  Call rttov_calcrad_ad( &
-     & nfrequencies,     &! in
-     & nchannels,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,        &! in
-     & channels,         &! in
-     & polarisations,    &! in
-     & lprofiles,        &! in
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & profiles_ad,      &! inout
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & auxrad%skin,      &! in
-     & auxrad%surfair,   &! in
-     & auxrad%layer,     &! in
-     & rad_skin_ad,      &! in
-     & rad_surfair_ad,   &! in
-     & rad_layer_ad    )  ! in
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b1bcc21d41409885dcd8567e349372a3bc295f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate_ad( &
-     addcloud,     & ! in
-     addcosmic,    & ! in
-     switchrad,    & ! in
-     nfrequencies, & ! in
-     nchannels,    & ! in
-     nbtout,       & ! in
-     nprofiles,    & ! in
-     geometry,     & ! in
-     channels,     & ! in
-     polarisations,& ! in
-     lprofiles,    & ! in
-     emissivity,   & ! in
-     emissivity_ad,   & ! inout
-     reflectivity,    & ! in
-     reflectivity_ad, & ! inout
-     transmission,    & ! in
-     transmission_ad, & ! inout
-     profiles,        & ! in
-     profiles_ad,     & ! inout
-     aux_prof,        & ! in
-     aux_prof_ad,     & ! inout
-     coef,            & ! in
-     rad ,            & ! in
-     auxrad ,         & ! in
-     rad_ad           ) ! inout
-! Adjoint Variables
-! transmission_ad % tau_surf        |
-! transmission_ad % tau_layer       |
-! emissivity_ad                     |
-! reflectivity_ad                   | initialised before calling
-! profiles_ad                       |
-! aux_prof_ad                       |
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_type, &
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcosmic
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad
-  Type(radiance_aux),  Intent(in)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(inout)  :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(inout)  :: reflectivity_ad(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: aux_prof_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_ad
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout)  :: rad_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b64b6fe929764aafe44f166b572614126e2f5194..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate_k( &
-     & addcloud,      &! in
-     & addcosmic,     &! in
-     & switchrad,     &! in
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nbtout,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & channels,      &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & emissivity,    &! in
-     & emissivity_k,     &! inout
-     & reflectivity,     &! in
-     & reflectivity_k,   &! inout
-     & transmission,     &! in
-     & transmission_k,   &! inout
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & profiles_k,       &! inout
-     & aux_prof,         &! in
-     & aux_prof_k,       &! inout
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & rad ,             &! in
-     & auxrad ,          &! in
-     & rad_k            ) ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To perform K integration of radiative transfer equation
-  ! in rttov suite, calculating radiances and brightness temperature.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations.
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !          25/06/91.    Original code.  J.R.EYRE    *ECMWF*
-  !          21/08/00.    Emissivity and reflectivity handled separately. Steve English
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          23/03/01     New coef. format, new channel numbers (P. Brunel)
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          28/09/01     Cosmic background temp added G.Deblonde
-  !          18/01/2002   Thread safe (D.Salmond)
-  !  1.0     01/12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1     02/01/2003   Added comments (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2     06/05/2003   Init rad%downcld to 0 in section 1 (P  Brunel)
-  !  1.3     26/09/2003   Modified to allow for multiple polarisations(S English)
-  !  1.4     06/09/2004   Mods. for Vectorisation (D Salmond ECMWF & B Carruthers, Cray)
-  !  1.5     29/03/2005   Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  ! Adjoint Variables
-  ! transmission_k % tau_surf        |
-  ! transmission_k % tau_layer       |
-  ! emissivity_k                     |
-  ! reflectivity_k                   | initialised before calling
-  ! profiles_k                       |
-  ! aux_prof_k                       |
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_calcbt_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcrad_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcosmic
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout          ! Number of BTs returned
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type),     Intent(in)    :: angles(nprofiles)  ! geometry angles
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,      Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(in)    :: rad
-  Type(radiance_aux),      Intent(in)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: reflectivity_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,      Intent(inout) ,Target   :: aux_prof_k(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_k
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: rad_k
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: min_tau = 1.0e-8_JPRB
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up_2d(nchannels, coef % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_down(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_layer_k(coef % nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_surfair_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_up_k(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_k(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_cloud_k(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp_k_2d(nchannels, coef % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up_k_2d(nchannels, coef % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_down_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_prod
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,lev,freq,kpol
-  Type(profile_aux),   Pointer   :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux),   Pointer   :: aux_k
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initialise radiance structure cloud flag
-  rad_k % lcloud = addcloud
-  !----------------------------
-  !1. calculate layer radiances
-  !----------------------------
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation_ad( &
-      &   nfrequencies,       &! in
-      &   nchannels,          &! in
-      &   nbtout,             &! in
-      &   profiles,           &! in
-      &   nprofiles,          &! in
-      &   angles,             &! in
-      &   channels,           &! in
-      &   polarisations,      &! in
-      &   lprofiles,          &! in
-      &   coef,               &! in
-      &   rad_k   )            ! inout
-  Else
-     rad_k%bt       = rad_k%out
-     rad_k%bt_clear = rad_k%out_clear
-     rad_k%total    = rad_k%total_out
-     rad_k%clear    = rad_k%clear_out
-  End If
-! if input K unit is temperature, convert it in radiance
-! call AD routine because all arguments size are nchannels
-  if ( switchrad )  then
-     Call rttov_calcbt_ad( &
-          & nfrequencies,  &! in
-          & nchannels,     &! in
-          & channels,      &! in
-          & polarisations, &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & rad,           &! in
-          & rad_k     )     ! inout   output is only rad_k%total
-  endif
-  ! initialisation of local variables
-  rad_layer_k(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  rad_surfair_k(:) = 0._JPRB
-  rad_skin_k(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  rad_up_k(:,:)         = 0._JPRB
-  rad_down_k(:,:)       = 0._JPRB
-  rad_down_cloud_k(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     cfraction(i) = aux_prof( lprofiles(freq) )%cfraction
-  End Do
-  !---------------------------
-  !6. calculate total radiance
-  !---------------------------
-  rad_k%clear(:)  = (1 - cfraction(:)) * rad_k%total(:)
-  rad_k%cloudy(:) = cfraction(:) * rad_k%total(:)
-  cfraction_k(:)  = ( rad%cloudy(:) - rad%clear(:) ) * rad_k%total(:)
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     aux_prof_k( i )%cfraction =&
-           & aux_prof_k( i )%cfraction + cfraction_k(i)
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux     => aux_prof(  lprofiles(freq) )
-     aux_k   => aux_prof_k( i )
-     !--------------------------------------------
-     !5.3 Interpolate to given cloud-top pressures
-     !--------------------------------------------
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_ctp
-     rad_k%overcast(lev,i)   = rad_k%overcast(lev,i) +&
-                               & (1 - aux % pfraction_ctp) * rad_k%cloudy(i)
-     rad_k%overcast(lev-1,i) = rad_k%overcast(lev-1,i) +&
-                               & aux % pfraction_ctp * rad_k%cloudy(i)
-     aux_k % pfraction_ctp = aux_k % pfraction_ctp +&
-               & (rad%overcast(lev-1,i)  - rad%overcast(lev,i)) * rad_k%cloudy(i)
-     !rad_k%cloudy(i) is no later used rad_tl % cloudy was an output only
-     rad_k%cloudy(i) = 0._JPRB
-     !----------------------------------------
-     !5. calculate cloudy (overcast) radiances
-     !----------------------------------------
-     !-----------------
-     !5.2 Downward part
-     !-----------------
-     !(takes reflection and upward clear-sky transmission into account)
-     ! surface level
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_surf                  ! cor 28/11
-     rad_up_k(lev,i) = rad_up_k(lev,i) + rad_k % overcast(lev,i)
-     transmission_k % tau_surf(i)=transmission_k % tau_surf(i)+rad_k % overcast(lev,i)*auxrad%skin(i)
-     rad_skin_k(i)   = rad_skin_k(i)   + rad_k % overcast(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-     rad_k % overcast(lev,i) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        aux     => aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )
-        !(takes reflection and upward clear-sky transmission into account)
-        ! surface level
-        lev = aux % nearestlev_surf
-        Do j = lev-1, 1 ,-1
-           If ( transmission % tau_layer(j,i) > min_tau ) Then
-               transmission_k% tau_surf(i) = transmission_k% tau_surf(i) + rad_k % downcld(j,i) * &
-                     & ( auxrad%down_cloud(j,i) * reflectivity(i) + &
-                       & 2 * auxrad%layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) *&
-                       & reflectivity(i) / transmission % tau_layer(j,i) )
-              reflectivity_k(i) =  reflectivity_k(i) + rad_k % downcld(j,i) *&
-                    & ( auxrad%down_cloud(j,i)    * transmission % tau_surf(i) +&
-                      & auxrad%layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) *&
-                      & transmission % tau_surf(i) / transmission % tau_layer(j,i) )
-           Endif
-        End Do
-!dir$ concurrent
-        Do j = lev-1, 1 ,-1
-           If ( transmission % tau_layer(j,i) > min_tau ) Then
-              rad_down_cloud_k(j,i)  = rad_down_cloud_k(j,i) + rad_k % downcld(j,i) *&
-                    & transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i)
-              rad_layer_k(j,i) = rad_layer_k(j,i) + rad_k % downcld(j,i) *&
-                    & reflectivity(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * &
-                    & transmission % tau_surf(i) / transmission % tau_layer(j,i)
-              transmission_k% tau_layer(j,i) = transmission_k% tau_layer(j,i) -  rad_k % downcld(j,i) *&
-                      & auxrad%layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) *  reflectivity(i) /&
-                    & (transmission % tau_layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_layer(j,i))
-              rad_k % downcld(j,i) = 0._JPRB
-           Endif
-        End Do
-     End Do
-   End If
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux     => aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_surf
-       rad_up_k(lev,i) = rad_up_k(lev,i)    + rad_k % overcast(lev,i)
-       transmission_k % tau_surf(i)   = transmission_k % tau_surf(i)   + rad_k % overcast(lev,i) * auxrad%skin(i)
-       rad_skin_k(i)   = rad_skin_k(i)   + rad_k % overcast(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-       rad_k % overcast(lev,i) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  !---------------
-  !5.1 Upward part
-  !---------------
-  rad_up_k(:,:)    = rad_up_k(:,:)    + rad_k % overcast(:,:)
-  rad_layer_k(:,:) = rad_layer_k(:,:) + rad_k % overcast(:,:) * transmission % tau_layer(:,:)
-  transmission_k% tau_layer(:,:) = transmission_k% tau_layer(:,:) + rad_k % overcast(:,:) * auxrad%layer(:,:)
-  rad_k % overcast(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  !--------------------------------
-  !4. cosmic temperature correction
-  !--------------------------------
-  !calculate planck function corresponding to tcosmic=2.7k
-  !deblonde tcosmic for microwave sensors only
-  If ( addcosmic ) Then
-     reflectivity_k(:) = reflectivity_k(:) + rad_k % clear(:) *&
-            & auxrad%cosmic(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-     transmission_k% tau_surf(:) = transmission_k% tau_surf(:) + rad_k % clear(:) *&
-           & 2 * reflectivity(:) * auxrad%cosmic(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  Endif
-  !-----------------------
-  !3. surface contribution
-  !-----------------------
-  emissivity_k(:)  = emissivity_k(:) + rad_k % clear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  transmission_k% tau_surf(:)    = transmission_k% tau_surf(:)   + rad_k % clear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * emissivity(:)
-  rad_skin_k(:)    = rad_skin_k(:)   + rad_k % clear(:) *&
-        & emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  emissivity_k(:)  = emissivity_k(:) + rad_k % upclear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  transmission_k% tau_surf(:)    = transmission_k% tau_surf(:)   + rad_k % upclear(:) *&
-        & auxrad%skin(:) * emissivity(:)
-  rad_skin_k(:)    = rad_skin_k(:)   + rad_k % upclear(:) *&
-        & emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux     => aux_prof(  lprofiles(freq) )
-     aux_k   => aux_prof_k( i )
-     rad_tmp_k(i)        = 0._JPRB
-     !2.3 near-surface layer
-     !----------------------
-     ! add upward and downward parts
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-     If ( aux % pfraction_surf < 0.0_JPRB ) lev = lev + 1
-     ! repeat direct code
-     meanrad_up(i) = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) ) * &
-           & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     If ( transmission % tau_surf(i) > min_tau ) Then
-        rad_tmp = meanrad_up(i) / ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     Else
-        rad_tmp    = 0.0_JPRB
-     End If
-     meanrad_down(i) = auxrad%down(lev,i) + rad_tmp
-  end do
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        aux     => aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )
-        !2.3 near-surface layer
-        !----------------------
-        ! add upward and downward parts
-        lev = aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-        If ( aux % pfraction_surf < 0.0_JPRB ) lev = lev + 1
-     ! K
-        Do j =lev, 1, -1
-           ! in the direct model the value of auxrad%down_cloud(j) is later
-           ! modified by
-           ! auxrad%down_cloud(j) = (auxrad%down_cloud(j) + rad_tmp) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           ! So to get the right trajectory one need to divide by transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           transmission_k% tau_surf(i)         = transmission_k% tau_surf(i)  + rad_down_cloud_k(j,i) *&
-                 & auxrad%down_cloud(j,i) / transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           rad_tmp_k(i)  = rad_tmp_k(i) + rad_down_cloud_k(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-           rad_down_cloud_k(j,i) = rad_down_cloud_k(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-        End Do
-       End Do
-     End If
-    Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     kpol= 1 + i - polarisations(freq,1)    ! Polarisation index
-     aux     => aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )
-     !2.3 near-surface layer
-     !----------------------
-     ! add upward and downward parts
-     lev = aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-     If ( aux % pfraction_surf < 0.0_JPRB ) lev = lev + 1
-     meanrad_up_k(i)     = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_down_k(i)   = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_up_k(i) = rad_up_k(aux % nearestlev_surf,i)
-     rad_up_k(aux % nearestlev_surf,i) = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_down_k(i)  =   rad_k % reflclear(i) *&
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i) *  transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i)
-     transmission_k% tau_surf(i)     = transmission_k% tau_surf(i)     + rad_k % reflclear(i) *&
-           & 2._JPRB * transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     reflectivity_k(i) = reflectivity_k(i) + rad_k % reflclear(i) *&
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     rad_k % reflclear(i) = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_up_k(i) = meanrad_up_k(i) + rad_k % upclear(i)
-     rad_k % upclear(i) = 0._JPRB
-     meanrad_up_k(i)      = meanrad_up_k(i)      + rad_k % clear(i)
-     meanrad_down_k(i)    = meanrad_down_k(i)    + rad_k % clear(i) *&
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i)
-     transmission_k% tau_surf(i)     = transmission_k% tau_surf(i)     + rad_k % clear(i) *&
-            & 2._JPRB * transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     reflectivity_k(i) = reflectivity_k(i) + rad_k % clear(i) *&
-            & transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) * meanrad_down(i)
-     rad_k % clear(i)  = 0._JPRB
-     ! assume that there is no atmospheric source term for 3rd or 4th Stokes vector elements
-     if (kpol >= 3) meanrad_up_k(i) = 0.0
-     !meanrad_up_k(i)    = meanrad_up_k(i)
-     rad_up_k(lev,i) = rad_up_k(lev,i) + meanrad_up_k(i)
-     rad_down_k(lev,i) = meanrad_down_k(i)
-     rad_tmp_k(i)         = rad_tmp_k(i) + meanrad_down_k(i)
-     meanrad_down_k(i)    = 0._JPRB
-     ! on peut creer une variable intermediaire pour gagner
-     ! du temps rad_tmp_k * meanrad_up / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-     If ( transmission % tau_surf(i) > min_tau ) Then
-        tau_prod = transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-        meanrad_up_k(i) = meanrad_up_k(i) + rad_tmp_k(i) /&
-              & tau_prod
-        transmission_k% tau_layer(lev,i) = transmission_k% tau_layer(lev,i) - rad_tmp_k(i) *&
-              & meanrad_up(i) *  transmission % tau_surf(i) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-        transmission_k% tau_surf(i)      = transmission_k% tau_surf(i)      - rad_tmp_k(i) *&
-              & meanrad_up(i) * transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-        rad_tmp_k(i) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Else
-        rad_tmp_k(i) = 0.0_JPRB
-     End If
-     ! on peut creer une variable intermediaire pour gagner
-     ! du temps 0.5 * meanrad_up_k * ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i)
-     ! rad_surfair_k(i) est certainement inutile car plus utilise
-     rad_surfair_k(i)   = rad_surfair_k(i)   + 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_k(i) *&
-            & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     rad_layer_k(lev,i) = rad_layer_k(lev,i) + 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_k(i) *&
-            & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-     transmission_k% tau_layer(lev,i) = transmission_k% tau_layer(lev,i) + 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_k(i) *&
-            & ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) )
-     transmission_k% tau_surf(i)      =  transmission_k% tau_surf(i)     - 0.5_JPRB * meanrad_up_k(i) * &
-            & ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) )
-     meanrad_up_k(i) = 0._JPRB
-    End Do
-    rad_tmp_k_2d(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-    meanrad_up_k_2d(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-    Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux     => aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )
-     !2.2 layers between standard pressure levels
-     !-------------------------------------------
-     Do lev = coef % nlevels, 2, -1
-        ! adjoint
-        If ( addcloud .And. lev < aux % nearestlev_surf) Then
-           Do j = lev-1, 1, -1
-              rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev) = rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev) +  rad_down_cloud_k(j,i)
-           End Do
-        End If
-     End do
-   End do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     aux     => aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )
-     !2.2 layers between standard pressure levels
-     !-------------------------------------------
-     Do lev = coef % nlevels, 2, -1
-        ! direct code
-        meanrad_up_2d(i,lev) = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i)   + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) ) * &
-                & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i)   )
-        rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev)           = rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev)           + rad_down_k(lev,i)
-        rad_down_k(lev-1,i) = rad_down_k(lev-1,i) + rad_down_k(lev,i)
-        If ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) > min_tau ) Then
-           ! on peut creer une variable intermediaire pour gagner
-           ! du temps rad_tmp_k * meanrad_up / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-           tau_prod = transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i)
-           meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev)         = meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev)         + rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev) /&
-                 & tau_prod
-           transmission_k % tau_layer(lev,i)   = transmission_k % tau_layer(lev,i)   - rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev) *&
-                 & transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) * meanrad_up_2d(i,lev) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-           transmission_k % tau_layer(lev-1,i) = transmission_k % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev) *&
-                 & transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * meanrad_up_2d(i,lev) / (tau_prod*tau_prod)
-           rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev) = 0._JPRB
-        Else
-           rad_tmp_k_2d(i,lev) = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-        meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev)      = meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev)      + rad_up_k(lev,i)
-        rad_up_k(lev-1,i) = rad_up_k(lev-1,i) + rad_up_k(lev,i)
-        rad_layer_k(lev,i)   = rad_layer_k(lev,i)   + meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) )
-        rad_layer_k(lev-1,i) = rad_layer_k(lev-1,i) + meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) )
-        transmission_k % tau_layer(lev-1,i) = transmission_k % tau_layer(lev-1,i) + meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i) + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) )
-        transmission_k % tau_layer(lev,i)   = transmission_k % tau_layer(lev,i)  - meanrad_up_k_2d(i,lev) *&
-              & 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i) + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) )
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !2.1 layer above top pressure level
-  !----------------------------------
-  !
-  rad_up_k(1,:)    = rad_up_k(1,:)      + rad_down_k(1,:) /&
-        & transmission % tau_layer(1,:)
-  transmission_k% tau_layer(1,:) = transmission_k% tau_layer(1,:)   - rad_down_k(1,:) *&
-        & auxrad%down(1,:) / transmission % tau_layer(1,:)
-  rad_down_k(1,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  rad_layer_k(1,:) = rad_layer_k(1,:) + rad_up_k(1,:) *&
-        & ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_layer(1,:) )
-  transmission_k% tau_layer(1,:) = transmission_k% tau_layer(1,:) - rad_up_k(1,:) *&
-         & auxrad%layer(1,:)
-  rad_up_k(1,:)    = 0._JPRB
-  Call rttov_calcrad_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & profiles_k,      &! inout
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & auxrad%skin,     &! in
-     & auxrad%surfair,  &! in
-     & auxrad%layer,    &! in
-     & rad_skin_k,      &! in
-     & rad_surfair_k,   &! in
-     & rad_layer_k     ) ! in
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f73ca68b86c98d9ca60e1f3ebdbdc82ea9941e65..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate_k( &
-     addcloud,     & ! in
-     addcosmic,    & ! in
-     switchrad,    & ! in
-     nfrequencies, & ! in
-     nchannels,    & ! in
-     nbtout,       & ! in
-     nprofiles,    & ! in
-     angles,       & ! in
-     channels,     & ! in
-     polarisations,& ! in
-     lprofiles,    & ! in
-     emissivity,   & ! in
-     emissivity_k,    & ! inout
-     reflectivity,    & ! in
-     reflectivity_k,  & ! inout
-     transmission,    & ! in
-     transmission_k,  & ! inout
-     profiles,        & ! in
-     profiles_k,      & ! inout
-     aux_prof,        & ! in
-     aux_prof_k,      & ! inout
-     coef,            & ! in
-     rad ,            & ! in
-     auxrad ,         & ! in
-     rad_k            ) ! inout
-! Adjoint Variables
-! transmission_k % tau_surf        |
-! transmission_k % tau_layer       |
-! emissivity_k                     |
-! reflectivity_k                   | initialised before calling
-! profiles_k                       |
-! aux_prof_k                       |
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcosmic
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is  BT
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in)    :: angles(nprofiles)  ! geometry angles
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad
-  Type(radiance_aux),  Intent(in)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(inout)  :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(inout)  :: reflectivity_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inout) ,Target   :: aux_prof_k(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout):: transmission_k
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout)  :: rad_k
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f1b40858be06ee0413090a6393d286f98ea886e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate_tl( &
-     & addcloud,      &! in
-     & addcosmic,     &! in
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nbtout,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & channels,      &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & emissivity,    &! in
-     & emissivity_tl,    &! in
-     & reflectivity,     &! in
-     & reflectivity_tl,  &! in
-     & transmission,     &! in
-     & transmission_tl,  &! in
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & profiles_tl,      &! in
-     & aux_prof,         &! in
-     & aux_prof_tl,      &! in
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & rad ,             &! in
-     & auxrad ,          &! in
-     & rad_tl           ) ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! To perform TL of integration of radiative transfer equation
-  ! in rttov suite, calculating radiances and brightness temperature.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of 
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on 
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the 
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between 
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners 
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are 
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  ! 
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding 
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the 
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative 
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations. 
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425. 
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !          25/06/91.    Original code.  J.R.EYRE    *ECMWF* 
-  !          21/08/00.    Emissivity and reflectivity handled separately. Steve English  
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          23/03/01     New coef. format, new channel numbers (P. Brunel)
-  !          31/01/01.    More cloud computations. F. Chevallier
-  !          28/09/01     Cosmic background temp added G.Deblonde
-  !          18/01/2002   Thread safe (D.Salmond)
-  !  1.0     01/12/2002   New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith) 
-  !  1.1     02/01/2003   Added comments (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2     06/05/2003   Init rad%downcld to 0 in section 1 (P  Brunel)
-  !  1.3     26/09/2003   Modified to allow for multiple polarisations (S English)
-  !          28/02/2005   Improved vectorisation (D Dent)
-  !          29/03/2005   Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw 
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_calcbt_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcrad_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcosmic
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout          ! Number of BTs returned 
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in)    :: angles(nprofiles)  ! geometry angles
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad
-  Type(radiance_aux),  Intent(in)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),                Intent(in)    :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),                Intent(in)    :: reflectivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission_tl
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout)   :: rad_tl ! in because of mem allocation
-  !local constants:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: min_tau = 1.0e-8_JPRB
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_down
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_tmp_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_up_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: meanrad_down_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_prod
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction_tl(nchannels)
-  ! rad_down_cloud overwrite auxrad % down_cloud
-  ! because it is in input/output of several code lines
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_cloud(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_layer_tl(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_surfair_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_skin_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_up_tl(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_tl(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: rad_down_cloud_tl(coef % nlevels, nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,lev,freq,kpol
-  Type(profile_aux),   Pointer   :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux),   Pointer   :: aux_tl
-  real(Kind=jprb)    :: v1(nchannels,coef%nlevels,2), v2(nchannels), p1, p2
-  real(Kind=jprb)    :: pfraction(nchannels)
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: iv1(nchannels), iv2(nchannels), iv3(nchannels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!cdir nooverlap(aux,aux_tl)
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initialise radiance structure cloud flag
-  rad_tl % lcloud = addcloud
-  !----------------------------
-  !1. calculate layer radiances
-  !----------------------------
-  Call rttov_calcrad_tl( &
-       & nfrequencies, &! in
-       & nchannels,    &! in
-       & nprofiles,    &! in
-       & channels,     &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & lprofiles,    &! in
-       & profiles,     &! in
-       & profiles_tl,  &! in
-       & coef,         &! in
-       & auxrad%skin,     &! in
-       & auxrad%surfair,  &! in
-       & auxrad%layer,    &! in
-       & rad_skin_tl,     &! out
-       & rad_surfair_tl,  &! out
-       & rad_layer_tl    ) ! out 
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     rad_down_cloud(:,:) =0._JPRB
-     rad_down_cloud_tl(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     rad_tl % downcld(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !2.1 layer above top pressure level
-  !----------------------------------
-  !
-  rad_up_tl(1,:)   = rad_layer_tl(1,:) * ( 1.0_JPRB-transmission % tau_layer(1,:) ) -&
-                       & auxrad%layer(1,:) * transmission_tl % tau_layer(1,:)  
-  rad_down_tl(1,:) = (rad_up_tl(1,:) - auxrad%down(1,:) * transmission_tl % tau_layer(1,:))  /&
-                       & transmission % tau_layer(1,:) 
-  !-------------------------------------
-  !2. calculate atmospheric contribution
-  !-------------------------------------
-!cdir nodep
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j   = lprofiles(freq)
-     aux     => aux_prof( j )
-     aux_tl  => aux_prof_tl( j )
-     cfraction(i)       = aux%cfraction
-     cfraction_tl(i)    = aux_tl%cfraction
-     pfraction(i)       = aux%pfraction_surf
-     iv2(i)             = aux%nearestlev_surf
-     iv1(i)             = min( coef % nlevels, iv2(i) - 1 )
-     iv3(i) = iv2(i) - 1
-     If ( pfraction(i) < 0.0_JPRB ) iv3(i) = iv3(i) + 1
-  End Do
-     !2.2 layers between standard pressure levels
-     !-------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     Do lev = 2, coef % nlevels
-        meanrad_up = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%layer(lev,i)   + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i) ) * &
-                & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i)   ) 
-        meanrad_up_tl = 0.5_JPRB *((( auxrad%layer(lev,i)      + auxrad%layer(lev-1,i)  )  * &
-               & ( transmission_tl % tau_layer(lev-1,i) - transmission_tl % tau_layer(lev,i) )) + &
-              & (( rad_layer_tl(lev,i)   + rad_layer_tl(lev-1,i)) * &
-               & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i)    - transmission % tau_layer(lev,i)    )))  
-        rad_up_tl(lev,i) = rad_up_tl(lev-1,i) + meanrad_up_tl
-        If ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) > min_tau ) Then
-           tau_prod = transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i) 
-           v1(i,lev,1) = meanrad_up / tau_prod
-           v1(i,lev,2) = ( meanrad_up_tl  -                                      &
-                 & meanrad_up * ( transmission_tl % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_layer(lev-1,i)     + &
-                                & transmission % tau_layer(lev,i)    * transmission_tl % tau_layer(lev-1,i)) / &
-                 & tau_prod ) / tau_prod 
-        Else
-           v1(i,lev,1) = 0.0_JPRB
-           v1(i,lev,2) = 0.0_JPRB
-        End If
-        rad_down_tl(lev,i) = rad_down_tl(lev-1,i) + v1(i,lev,2)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     Do lev = 2, coef % nlevels
-        If ( addcloud .And. lev < iv2(i) ) Then
-           Do j = 1, lev-1
-              rad_down_cloud(j,i)    = rad_down_cloud(j,i)    + v1(i,lev,1)
-              rad_down_cloud_tl(j,i) = rad_down_cloud_tl(j,i) + v1(i,lev,2)
-           End Do
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End Do
-     !2.3 near-surface layer
-     !----------------------
-     ! add upward and downward parts
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     lev = iv3(i)
-     freq       = polarisations(i,2)               ! Frequency index
-     kpol= 1 + i - polarisations(freq,1)    ! Polarisation index
-     meanrad_up = 0.5_JPRB * ( auxrad%surfair(i) + auxrad%layer(lev,i) ) * &
-           & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) - transmission % tau_surf(i) ) 
-     meanrad_up_tl = 0.5_JPRB *((( rad_surfair_tl(i)  + rad_layer_tl(lev,i) )  * &
-            & ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i)   - transmission % tau_surf(i)         )) + &
-           & (( auxrad%surfair(i)     + auxrad%layer(lev,i)    )  * &
-            & ( transmission_tl % tau_layer(lev,i)- transmission_tl % tau_surf(i)      ))) 
-     If ( transmission % tau_surf(i) > min_tau ) Then
-        tau_prod = transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) 
-        v1(i,lev,1) = meanrad_up / ( transmission % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i) )
-        v1(i,lev,2) = ( meanrad_up_tl  -                               &
-              & meanrad_up * ( transmission_tl % tau_layer(lev,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)     + &
-                             & transmission % tau_layer(lev,i)    * transmission_tl % tau_surf(i)) / &
-              & tau_prod ) / tau_prod 
-     Else
-        v1(i,lev,1)    = 0.0_JPRB
-        v1(i,lev,2) = 0.0_JPRB
-     End If
-     meanrad_down = auxrad%down(lev,i) + v1(i,lev,1)
-     meanrad_down_tl = rad_down_tl(lev,i) + v1(i,lev,2)
-     meanrad_up_tl = rad_up_tl(lev,i) + meanrad_up_tl
-     ! assume that there is no atmospheric source term for 3rd or 4th Stokes vector elements
-     if (kpol >= 3) meanrad_up_tl = 0.0_JPRB
-     rad_tl % clear(i) =&
-           & meanrad_up_tl +                               &
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i) * ( reflectivity(i)     *         &
-              & ( meanrad_down_tl * transmission % tau_surf(i)  +         &
-                & 2._JPRB * transmission_tl % tau_surf(i) * meanrad_down ) +   &
-              & reflectivity_tl(i) * meanrad_down *  transmission % tau_surf(i)) 
-     rad_tl % upclear(i) = meanrad_up_tl
-     rad_tl % reflclear(i) =  transmission % tau_surf(i) *         &
-             & ( reflectivity(i) * ( meanrad_down_tl * transmission % tau_surf(i) +&
-                           & 2.0_JPRB * transmission_tl % tau_surf(i) * meanrad_down ) +&
-              & reflectivity_tl(i) * meanrad_down *  transmission % tau_surf(i)) 
-     rad_up_tl(iv2(i),i) = meanrad_up_tl
-  End Do
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        lev = iv3(i)
-        Do j = 1, lev
-           rad_down_cloud_tl(j,i) =&
-                 & (rad_down_cloud_tl(j,i) + v1(i,lev,2)) * transmission % tau_surf(i) +&
-                 & (rad_down_cloud(j,i)    + v1(i,lev,1)) * transmission_tl % tau_surf(i) 
-           rad_down_cloud(j,i) = (rad_down_cloud(j,i) + v1(i,lev,1)) * transmission % tau_surf(i)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !-----------------------
-  !3. surface contribution
-  !-----------------------
-  rad_tl % clear(:) = &
-         & rad_tl % clear(:) +&
-         & auxrad%skin(:) * (emissivity_tl(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)  +&
-                        & emissivity(:) * transmission_tl % tau_surf(:)) +&
-         & rad_skin_tl(:) * emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) 
-  rad_tl % upclear(:) =&
-        & rad_tl % upclear(:) + &
-         & auxrad%skin(:) * (emissivity_tl(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:)  +&
-                        & emissivity(:) * transmission_tl % tau_surf(:)) +&
-         & rad_skin_tl(:) * emissivity(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) 
-  !--------------------------------
-  !4. cosmic temperature correction
-  !--------------------------------
-  !calculate planck function corresponding to tcosmic=2.7k
-  !deblonde tcosmic for microwave sensors only
-  If ( addcosmic ) Then
-     rad_tl % clear(:) =&
-           & rad_tl % clear(:) + &
-           & reflectivity_tl(:) * auxrad%cosmic(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) + &
-           & 2 * reflectivity(:) * auxrad%cosmic(:) * transmission_tl % tau_surf(:) * transmission % tau_surf(:) 
-  Endif
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !5. calculate cloudy (overcast) radiances
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !---------------
-  !5.1 Upward part
-  !---------------
-!dir$ concurrent
-  rad_tl % overcast(:,:) = &
-        & rad_up_tl(:,:) +&
-        & rad_layer_tl(:,:) * transmission % tau_layer(:,:) +&
-        & auxrad%layer(:,:)    * transmission_tl % tau_layer(:,:) 
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     lev = iv2(i)
-     rad_tl % overcast(lev,i) =           &
-           & rad_up_tl(lev,i)                 +&
-           & transmission_tl % tau_surf(i) * auxrad%skin(i)   +&
-           & transmission % tau_surf(i)    * rad_skin_tl(i) 
-  End Do
-     !-----------------
-     !5.2 Downward part
-     !-----------------
-     !(takes reflection and upward clear-sky transmission into account)
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-!dir$ concurrent
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        lev = iv2(i)
-!dir$ concurrent
-        Do j = 1,lev-1
-           If ( transmission % tau_layer(j,i) > min_tau ) Then
-              rad_tl % downcld(j,i) = &
-                    & rad_down_cloud_tl(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)    * reflectivity(i)     +&
-                    & rad_down_cloud(j,i)    * transmission_tl % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i)     +&
-                    & rad_down_cloud(j,i)    * transmission % tau_surf(i)    * reflectivity_tl(i)  +&
-                    & rad_layer_tl(j,i) * transmission % tau_surf(i)    &
-                            & * transmission % tau_surf(i)  * reflectivity(i)     &
-                            & / transmission % tau_layer(j,i)                                      +&
-                    & auxrad%layer(j,i)    * transmission_tl % tau_surf(i) &
-                            & * transmission % tau_surf(i)  * reflectivity(i)     &
-                            & / transmission % tau_layer(j,i)                                      +&
-                    & auxrad%layer(j,i)    * transmission % tau_surf(i)    &
-                            & * transmission % tau_surf(i)  * reflectivity_tl(i)  &
-                            & / transmission % tau_layer(j,i)                                      +&
-                    & auxrad%layer(j,i)  *&
-                         & ( transmission_tl % tau_surf(i) * transmission % tau_layer(j,i) &
-                           & - transmission % tau_surf(i) * transmission_tl % tau_layer(j,i)) &
-                           & / (transmission % tau_layer(j,i) * transmission % tau_layer(j,i))  *&
-                           & transmission % tau_surf(i) * reflectivity(i) 
-           Endif
-        End Do
-        ! No specific action for transmission % tau_layer(j,i) <= min_tau or
-        ! levels between aux % nearestlev_surf and nlevels
-        ! because the array rad_tl % downcld has already
-        ! been init. to 0 in section 1
-     End Do
-  End If
-     !--------------------------------------------
-     !5.3 Interpolate to given cloud-top pressures
-     !--------------------------------------------
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq = polarisations(i,2)               ! Frequency index
-     lev  = aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )% nearestlev_ctp
-     p1   = aux_prof(    lprofiles(freq) )% pfraction_ctp
-     p2   = aux_prof_tl( lprofiles(freq) )% pfraction_ctp
-     rad_tl % cloudy(i) =&
-            & rad_tl%overcast(lev,i)    +&
-           & (rad_tl%overcast(lev-1,i) - rad_tl%overcast(lev,i)) * p1 +&
-           & (rad%overcast(lev-1,i)    - rad%overcast(lev,i))    * p2 
-  End Do
-  !---------------------------
-  !6. calculate total radiance
-  !---------------------------
-!dir$ concurrent
-  rad_tl % total(:) = &
-        & rad_tl % clear(:) +&
-        & cfraction(:)    * ( rad_tl%cloudy(:) - rad_tl%clear(:) ) +&
-        & cfraction_tl(:) * ( rad%cloudy(:)    - rad%clear(:) ) 
-  !-----------------------------------------------
-  !7. convert radiances to brightness temperatures
-  !-----------------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_calcbt_tl( &
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & coef,          &! in
-       & rad,           &! in
-       & rad_tl     )    ! inout 
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation_tl( &
-      &   nfrequencies,       &! in
-      &   nchannels,          &! in
-      &   nprofiles,          &! in
-      &   angles,             &! in
-      &   channels,           &! in
-      &   polarisations,      &! in
-      &   lprofiles,          &! in
-      &   coef,               &! in
-      &   rad_tl   )           ! inout 
-  Else
-     rad_tl%out       = rad_tl%bt
-     rad_tl%out_clear = rad_tl%bt_clear
-     rad_tl%total_out = rad_tl%total
-     rad_tl%clear_out = rad_tl%clear
-  End If
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8ef5c81088beee6e4825902077f1a2617b8759..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integrate_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integrate_tl( &
-     addcloud,     & ! in
-     addcosmic,    & ! in
-     nfrequencies, & ! in
-     nchannels,    & ! in
-     nbtout,       & ! in
-     nprofiles,    & ! in
-     geometry,     & ! in
-     channels,     & ! in
-     polarisations,& ! in
-     lprofiles,    & ! in
-     emissivity,   & ! in
-     emissivity_tl,   & ! in
-     reflectivity,    & ! in
-     reflectivity_tl, & ! in
-     transmission,    & ! in
-     transmission_tl, & ! in
-     profiles,        & ! in
-     profiles_tl,     & ! in
-     aux_prof,        & ! in
-     aux_prof_tl,     & ! in
-     coef,            & ! in
-     rad ,            & ! in
-     auxrad ,         & ! in
-     rad_tl           ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux  ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcosmic
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target   :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(in)    :: rad
-  Type(radiance_aux),  Intent(in)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: reflectivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in) ,Target   :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in) ,Target   :: aux_prof_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in):: transmission_tl
-  Type(radiance_Type), Intent(inout)   :: rad_tl ! in because of mem allocation
-End Subroutine rttov_integrate_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index e7afdbc049a2c059ba350aa62e0149fd3e16d287..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & dp,            &! in
-     & dm,            &! in
-     & j_do,          &! inout
-     & j_up)           ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! integrate source in Eddington
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & geometry_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                   ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux                          ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)                 ! Zenith angles  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do  ! Downward source terms 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up  ! Upward source terms
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja, jb, jc, jd, aa, bb, cp, cm, ztmp
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Reset      
-     ja (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Coefficients
-     aa (:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     bb (:) = scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:)
-     cp (:) = dp (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     cm (:) = dm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-!* Downward radiance source terms    
-     where (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) > 1.0E-08_JPRB)    ! limit depends on mie tables 
-        ja (:) = 1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb (:) = angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-             & - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-	         & - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        jc (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-	         & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        jd (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen &
-	     & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp(:)) 
-        j_do (ichan,:) = ja (:) * aa (:) + jb (:) * bb (:) + jc (:) * cp (:) + jd (:) * cm (:)
-!* Upward radiance source terms    
-        ja (:) = 1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb (:) = scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) - angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:))
-        jc (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        jd (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        j_up (ichan,:) = ja (:) * aa (:) + jb (:) * bb (:) + jc (:) * cp (:) + jd (:) * cm (:)    
-     end where
-  end do 
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index dee3f9ca0d48b25e7451982a3d88486ff1297f9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & dp,&
- & dm,&
- & j_do,&
- & j_up) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & geometry_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 1780a2ecbc566e515b9b75da34ef64aedbfefdbf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource_ad (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux_ad,  &! inout
-     & dp,            &! in
-     & dp_ad,         &! inout
-     & dm,            &! in
-     & dm_ad,         &! inout
-     & j_do,          &! inout
-     & j_do_ad,       &! inout
-     & j_up,          &! inout
-     & j_up_ad)        ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! integrate source in Eddington
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & geometry_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                                 ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                                  ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                                  ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                      ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in)    :: scatt_aux                          ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad                       ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent (in)    :: angles (nprofiles)                 ! Zenith angles  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp       ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm       ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do     ! Downward source terms 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up     ! Upward source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_ad    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_ad    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_ad  ! Downward source terms 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_ad  ! Upward source terms
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja1, jb1, jc1, jd1, aa, bb, cp, cm, ztmp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja2, jb2, jc2, jd2
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja_ad, jb_ad, jc_ad, jd_ad, aa_ad, bb_ad, cp_ad, cm_ad, ztmp_ad
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Reset      
-     aa_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     bb_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     cp_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     cm_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ja_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-!* Coefficients
-     aa (:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     bb (:) = scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:)
-     cp (:) = dp (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     cm (:) = dm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     ja1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ja2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Downward radiance source terms    
-     where (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) > 1.0E-08_JPRB)    ! limit depends on mie tables 
-        ja1  (:) = 1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb1  (:) = angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-               & - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	      & / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        jc1  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-              & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	      & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        jd1  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-              & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) & 
-	      & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp(:)) 
-        j_do (ichan,:) = ja1 (:) * aa (:) + jb1 (:) * bb (:) + jc1 (:) * cp (:) + jd1 (:) * cm (:)
-!* Upward radiance source terms    
-        ja2  (:) = 1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb2  (:) = scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) - angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-              & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:))
-        jc2  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-               & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        jd2  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-               & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        j_up (ichan,:) = ja2 (:) * aa (:) + jb2 (:) * bb (:) + jc2 (:) * cp (:) + jd2 (:) * cm (:)    
-!* Upward radiance source terms    
-        ja_ad (:) = ja_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * aa  (:)
-        aa_ad (:) = aa_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * ja2 (:)
-        jb_ad (:) = jb_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * bb  (:)
-        bb_ad (:) = bb_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * jb2 (:)
-        jc_ad (:) = jc_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * cp  (:)
-        cp_ad (:) = cp_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * jc2 (:)
-        jd_ad (:) = jd_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * cm  (:)
-        cm_ad (:) = cm_ad (:) + j_up_ad (ichan,:) * jd2 (:)
-        j_up_ad (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & + jd_ad (:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB/ ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen)) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & + jd_ad (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_ad (:) = -1.0_JPRB * jd_ad (:) / ztmp (:) / ztmp (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % tau    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % tau    (ichan,:) &
-             & - jd_ad (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        jd_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & + jc_ad (:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen)) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & - jc_ad (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_ad (:) = ztmp_ad (:) + jc_ad (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	& + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) &
-             & - jc_ad (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        jc_ad   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,:) & 
-	                                & + ztmp_ad (:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * ztmp (:)
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	                                & + ztmp_ad (:) * scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,:) * ztmp (:)
-        ztmp_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz  (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % dz  (iprof,:) + jb_ad (:)
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) + jb_ad (:) & 
-	                           & / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) + jb_ad (:) & 
-	                           & * angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)
-        jb_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:)  = scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:)  - ja_ad (:)
-        ja_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Downward radiance source terms    
-        ja_ad (:) = ja_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * aa  (:)
-        aa_ad (:) = aa_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * ja1 (:)
-        jb_ad (:) = jb_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * bb  (:)
-        bb_ad (:) = bb_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * jb1 (:)
-        jc_ad (:) = jc_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * cp  (:)
-        cp_ad (:) = cp_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * jc1 (:)
-        jd_ad (:) = jd_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * cm  (:)
-        cm_ad (:) = cm_ad (:) + j_do_ad (ichan,:) * jd1 (:)
-        j_do_ad (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	         & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext    (ichan,:) &
-             & + jd_ad (:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	     & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & - jd_ad (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:)) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_ad (:) = jd_ad (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) / ztmp (:) / ztmp (:) 
-        jd_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % dz     (iprof,:) &
-             & + ztmp_ad (:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & + ztmp_ad (:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext    (ichan,:) &
-             & + ztmp_ad (:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen * ztmp (:) 
-        ztmp_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        ztmp(:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	     & - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext    (ichan,:) &
-            & + jc_ad (:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-	    & - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (ztmp (:) - 1.0_JPRB) &
-            & * (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	    & * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) ) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) &
-            & - jc_ad (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB) &
-            & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-            & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_ad (:) = jc_ad (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-            & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))  
-        jc_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,:) &
-            & + ztmp_ad (:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	    & / angles (iprof) % coszen) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % lambda(ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda( ichan,:) &
-            & + ztmp_ad (:) *  scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,:) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext(ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext(ichan,:) &
-            & - ztmp_ad (:) *  scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen * ztmp (:) 
-        ztmp_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,:) &
-            & - jb_ad (:) / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	    & * angles (iprof) % coszen * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % tau(ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % tau(ichan,:)  &
-            & - jb_ad (:) * (angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:)) 
-        scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % dz (iprof,:) - jb_ad (:) * scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:)  = scatt_aux_ad % tau (ichan,:) - ja_ad (:)
-        ja_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB       
-     endwhere
-     dm_ad (ichan,:) = dm_ad (ichan,:) + cm_ad (:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) & 
-                   & * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ssa    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa    (ichan,:) + cm_ad (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm    (ichan,:) + cm_ad (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) + cm_ad (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-				   & / scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) - cm_ad (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen  & 
-				   & * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                                   & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     cm_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB        
-     dp_ad (ichan,:) = dp_ad (ichan,:) + cp_ad (:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) & 
-                   & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm(ichan,:) &
-                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ssa    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa    (ichan,:) + cp_ad (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm    (ichan,:) - cp_ad (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % lambda (ichan,:) - cp_ad (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % h      (ichan,:) + cp_ad (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-				   & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     cp_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % b1 (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % b1 (iprof,:) + bb_ad (:)
-     bb_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_ad % b0  (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % b0  (iprof,:) + aa_ad (:)
-     scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,:) - aa_ad (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,:) - aa_ad (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % b1  (iprof,:) = scatt_aux_ad % b1  (iprof,:) - aa_ad (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % h  (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_ad % h   (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_ad % h    (ichan,:) + aa_ad (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h( ichan,:) & 
-				& / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     aa_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  end do
-!* Reset      
-  ja_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  jb_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  jc_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  jd_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index abc0e51b1c87d3a6b0766c77affb71db43919fb8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource_ad (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_ad,&
- & dp,&
- & dp_ad,&
- & dm,&
- & dm_ad,&
- & j_do,&
- & j_do_ad,&
- & j_up,&
- & j_up_ad) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & geometry_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_ad
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_ad
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_ad
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_ad
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 37f4969b03ad7362985923225b0242c6a46b0d59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource_k (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux_k,   &! inout
-     & dp,            &! in
-     & dp_k,          &! inout
-     & dm,            &! in
-     & dm_k,          &! inout
-     & j_do,          &! inout
-     & j_do_k,        &! inout
-     & j_up,          &! inout
-     & j_up_k)         ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! integrate source in Eddington
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !  1.5       02/2005   K-code              (A. Collard)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & geometry_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                                 ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                                  ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                                  ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                      ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in)    :: scatt_aux                          ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k                        ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent (in)    :: angles (nprofiles)                 ! Zenith angles  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp       ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm       ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do     ! Downward source terms 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up     ! Upward source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_k    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_k    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_k  ! Downward source terms 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_k  ! Upward source terms
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja1, jb1, jc1, jd1, aa, bb, cp, cm, ztmp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja2, jb2, jc2, jd2
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja_k, jb_k, jc_k, jd_k, aa_k, bb_k, cp_k, cm_k, ztmp_k
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Reset      
-     aa_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     bb_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     cp_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     cm_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ja_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-!* Coefficients
-     aa (:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     bb (:) = scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:)
-     cp (:) = dp (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     cm (:) = dm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-          & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     ja1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd1 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     ja2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd2 (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Downward radiance source terms    
-     where (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) > 1.0E-08_JPRB)    ! limit depends on mie tables 
-        ja1  (:) = 1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb1  (:) = angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-               & - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	      & - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        jc1  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-              & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        jd1  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-              & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-	      & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp(:)) 
-        j_do (ichan,:) = ja1 (:) * aa (:) + jb1 (:) * bb (:) + jc1 (:) * cp (:) + jd1 (:) * cm (:)
-!* Upward radiance source terms    
-        ja2  (:) = 1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb2  (:) = scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) - angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-              & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:))
-        jc2  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-               & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        jd2  (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-               & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        j_up (ichan,:) = ja2 (:) * aa (:) + jb2 (:) * bb (:) + jc2 (:) * cp (:) + jd2 (:) * cm (:)    
-!* Upward radiance source terms    
-        ja_k (:) = ja_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * aa  (:)
-        aa_k (:) = aa_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * ja2 (:)
-        jb_k (:) = jb_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * bb  (:)
-        bb_k (:) = bb_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * jb2 (:)
-        jc_k (:) = jc_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * cp  (:)
-        cp_k (:) = cp_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * jc2 (:)
-        jd_k (:) = jd_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * cm  (:)
-        cm_k (:) = cm_k (:) + j_up_k (ichan,:) * jd2 (:)
-        j_up_k (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & + jd_k (:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB/ ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen)) 
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & + jd_k (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_k (:) = -1.0_JPRB * jd_k (:) / ztmp (:) / ztmp (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        scatt_aux_k % tau    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % tau    (ichan,:) &
-             & - jd_k (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        jd_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & + jc_k (:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen)) 
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & - jc_k (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-             & * (ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_k (:) = ztmp_k (:) + jc_k (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) &
-             & - jc_k (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) 
-        jc_k   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,:) + ztmp_k (:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * ztmp (:)
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) + ztmp_k (:) * scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,:) * ztmp (:)
-        ztmp_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % dz  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % dz  (ichan,:) + jb_k (:)
-        scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) + jb_k (:) / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	                           & / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) + jb_k (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-	                           & / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)
-        jb_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:)  = scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:)  - ja_k (:)
-        ja_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Downward radiance source terms    
-        ja_k (:) = ja_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * aa  (:)
-        aa_k (:) = aa_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * ja1 (:)
-        jb_k (:) = jb_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * bb  (:)
-        bb_k (:) = bb_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * jb1 (:)
-        jc_k (:) = jc_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * cp  (:)
-        cp_k (:) = cp_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * jc1 (:)
-        jd_k (:) = jd_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * cm  (:)
-        cm_k (:) = cm_k (:) + j_do_k (ichan,:) * jd1 (:)
-        j_do_k (ichan,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        ztmp (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        scatt_aux_k % ext    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext    (ichan,:) &
-             & + jd_k (:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-	     & + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	     & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))) 
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & - jd_k (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:)) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_k (:) = jd_k (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) / ztmp (:) / ztmp (:) 
-        jd_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % dz     (ichan,:) &
-             & + ztmp_k (:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & + ztmp_k (:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_k % ext    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext    (ichan,:) &
-             & + ztmp_k (:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen * ztmp (:) 
-        ztmp_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        ztmp(:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	    & - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        scatt_aux_k % ext    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext    (ichan,:) &
-            & + jc_k (:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-	    & - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (ztmp (:) - 1.0_JPRB) &
-            & * (1.0_JPRB + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	    & * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) ) 
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) &
-            & - jc_k (:) * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB) &
-            & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-            & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))  
-        ztmp_k (:) = jc_k (:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-            & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:))  
-        jc_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,:) &
-            & + ztmp_k (:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	    & / angles (iprof) % coszen) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_k % lambda(ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda( ichan,:) &
-            & + ztmp_k (:) *  scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,:) * ztmp (:) 
-        scatt_aux_k % ext(ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext(ichan,:) &
-            & - ztmp_k (:) *  scatt_aux % dz     (iprof,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen * ztmp (:) 
-        ztmp_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,:) &
-            & - jb_k (:) / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	    & * angles (iprof) % coszen * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        scatt_aux_k % tau(ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % tau(ichan,:)  &
-            & - jb_k (:) * (angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:)) 
-        scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % dz (ichan,:) - jb_k (:) * scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-        scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:)  = scatt_aux_k % tau (ichan,:) - ja_k (:)
-        ja_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB       
-     endwhere
-     dm_k (ichan,:) = dm_k (ichan,:) + cm_k (:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ssa    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ssa    (ichan,:) + cm_k (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-				   & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_k % asm    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm    (ichan,:) + cm_k (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-				   &/ scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) + cm_k (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-				   &/ scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) - cm_k (:) * dm (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-				   & * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                                   & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     cm_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB        
-     dp_k (ichan,:) = dp_k (ichan,:) + cp_k (:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm(ichan,:) &
-                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ssa    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ssa    (ichan,:) + cp_k (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-				   & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     scatt_aux_k % asm    (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm    (ichan,:) - cp_k (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-				   & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % lambda (ichan,:) - cp_k (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % h      (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % h      (ichan,:) + cp_k (:) * dp (ichan,:) & 
-                                   & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                   & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-				   & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     cp_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % b1 (ichan,:) + bb_k (:)
-     bb_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     scatt_aux_k % b0  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % b0  (ichan,:) + aa_k (:)
-     scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,:) - aa_k (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,:) - aa_k (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % b1  (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % b1  (ichan,:) - aa_k (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % h  (ichan,:) 
-     scatt_aux_k % h   (ichan,:) = scatt_aux_k % h    (ichan,:) + aa_k (:) * 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) & 
-                                & * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-                                & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h( ichan,:) & 
-				& / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     aa_k(:) = 0._JPRB
-  end do
-!* Reset      
-  ja_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  jb_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  jc_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  jd_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 19987a23e9c16daa2290d79a43f54cdbd095c615..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource_k (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_k,&
- & dp,&
- & dp_k,&
- & dm,&
- & dm_k,&
- & j_do,&
- & j_do_k,&
- & j_up,&
- & j_up_k) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & geometry_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent (in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_k
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_k
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_k
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_k
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 86dfe5b11ebc691aeaade0995092f97d668acee0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource_tl (&
-     & nwp_levels,    &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux,     &! in
-     & scatt_aux_tl,  &! in
-     & dp,            &! in
-     & dp_tl,         &! in
-     & dm,            &! in
-     & dm_tl,         &! in
-     & j_do,          &! inout
-     & j_do_tl,       &! inout
-     & j_up,          &! inout
-     & j_up_tl)        ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! integrate source in Eddington
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       03/2004   Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.3       08/2004   Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !  1.4       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & geometry_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                                 ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                                  ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                                  ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)                      ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent(in) :: scatt_aux                              ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent(in) :: scatt_aux_tl                           ! Auxiliary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  Type (geometry_Type),     Intent(in) :: angles (nprofiles)                     ! Zenith angles  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp       ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm       ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do     ! Downward source terms 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up     ! Upward source terms
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_tl    ! D+ for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_tl    ! D- for boundary conditions
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_tl  ! Downward source terms 
-  Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_tl  ! Upward source terms
-!* Local variables
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja   , jb   , jc   , jd   , aa   , bb   , cp   , cm   , ztmp
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nwp_levels) :: ja_tl, jb_tl, jc_tl, jd_tl, aa_tl, bb_tl, cp_tl, cm_tl, ztmp_tl
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Channels * Profiles      
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles (ichan)
-!* Reset      
-     ja_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Coefficients
-     aa_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     aa_tl (:) =  scatt_aux_tl % b0  (iprof,:) - 1.5_JPRB * angles( iprof) % coszen &
-             & * (scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % b1 (iprof,:)  &
-             & +  scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % b1 (iprof,:)  &
-             & +  scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % ssa (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % b1 (iprof,:)) &
-             & /  scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) &
-             & + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-             & *  angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) * scatt_aux_tl % h (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 	    
-     aa   (:) = scatt_aux % b0 (iprof,:) - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) &
-            & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % b1 (iprof,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) 
-     bb_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     bb_tl (:) = scatt_aux_tl % b1 (iprof,:)
-     bb    (:) = scatt_aux    % b1 (iprof,:)
-     cp_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     cp_tl (:) = (dp_tl (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) + dp (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-             & / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:) ) &
-             & - 1.5_JPRB * dp (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen  &
-             & * (scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux    % h( ichan,:) &
-             & +  scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) &
-             & -  scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % h (ichan,:) &
-             & / (scatt_aux    % h   (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:))) 
-     cp    (:) = dp (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-             & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-     cm_tl (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     cm_tl (:) = (dm_tl (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) + dm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,:)) &
-             & * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) * &
-	     &  scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) &
-             & + 1.5_JPRB * dm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen &
-             & * (scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) &
-             & +  scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux    % h (ichan,:) &
-             & -  scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) * scatt_aux_tl % h (ichan,:) &
-	     & / (scatt_aux    % h   (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % h      (ichan,:))) 
-     cm    (:) = dm (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB + 1.5_JPRB * scatt_aux % asm (ichan,:) &
-             & * angles (iprof) % coszen * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) / scatt_aux % h (ichan,:)) 
-!* Reset      
-     ja (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jb (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jc (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     jd (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!* Downward radiance source terms    
-     where (scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,:) > 1.0E-08_JPRB)    ! limit depends on mie tables 
-        ja_tl (:) = -1.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:)
-        ja    (:) =  1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb_tl (:) = -1.0_JPRB * angles(iprof) % coszen &
-                & * (scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-	        & *(1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-                & +  scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:) /  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                & -  scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:) *  scatt_aux % dz  (iprof,:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:) &
-		& * scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,:) 
-        jb    (:) = angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-                & - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:) * scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) 
-        ztmp    (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) &
-	        & / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        ztmp_tl (:) = ztmp(:) * (scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) &
-	 & - scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-                &              + scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) &
-		 & - scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen)) 
-        jc_tl (:) = scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen &
-	        & - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                & * (ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB ) &
-                & -  scatt_aux % ext    (ichan,:) * (scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen &
-	        & - scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                & / (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) & 
-		& * ( ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB ) &
-                & +  scatt_aux % ext    (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen & 
-		&  - scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:)) * ztmp_tl (:)  
-        jc   (:) =   scatt_aux % ext    (ichan,:) / &
-                &   (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen - scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) * (ztmp(:) - 1.0_JPRB) 
-        ztmp    (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	        & / angles (iprof) % coszen))
-        ztmp_tl (:) = ztmp(:) * (scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	        & + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-                &              + scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,:) * (scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-		& + scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) / angles (iprof) % coszen)) 
-        jd_tl   (:) = scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	          & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:))&
-                  & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp(:) ) &
-                  & - scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) * (scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-		  & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                                                 & / (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-						 & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                                                 & / (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-						 & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                  & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp(:)) &
-                  & + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-		  & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:)) &
-                  & * ztmp_tl (:) / ztmp (:) / ztmp (:) 
-        jd      (:) = scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-	          & * angles (iprof) % coszen + scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:)) &
-	          & * (1.0_JPRB - 1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:)) 
-        j_do_tl (ichan,:) = ja_tl (:) * aa (:) + ja (:) * aa_tl (:) &
-                        & + jb_tl (:) * bb (:) + jb (:) * bb_tl (:) &
-                        & + jc_tl (:) * cp (:) + jc (:) * cp_tl (:) &
-                        & + jd_tl (:) * cm (:) + jd (:) * cm_tl (:) 
-        j_do    (ichan,:) = ja (:) * aa (:) + jb (:) * bb (:) + jc (:) * cp (:) + jd (:) * cm (:)
-!* Upward radiance source terms    
-        ja_tl (:) = -1.0_JPRB * scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:)
-        ja    (:) =  1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % tau (ichan,:)
-        jb_tl (:) = angles (iprof) % coszen  &
-                & * (scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:)) & 
-		& * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-                & +  scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:) /  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:)) + scatt_aux_tl % dz  (iprof,:) 
-        jb    (:) =  scatt_aux    % dz  (iprof,:) - angles (iprof) % coszen / scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-	        & * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        ztmp    (:) = exp (scatt_aux % dz (iprof,:) * scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:))
-        ztmp_tl (:) = (scatt_aux_tl % dz (iprof,:) * scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) &
-	        &   +  scatt_aux    % dz (iprof,:) * scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:)) * ztmp (:)
-        jc_tl (:) = scatt_aux_tl % ext(ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (ztmp(:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-                & -  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) * (scatt_aux_tl % ext    (ichan,:) & 
-		& + scatt_aux_tl % lambda(ichan,:) * angles(iprof) % coszen) &
-                & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) +  scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-		& * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-                & / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) +  scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) & 
-		& * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (ztmp(:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-                & +  scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux    % ext    (ichan,:) & 
-		& + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-                & * (ztmp_tl(:) - scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        jc    (:) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) + scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (ztmp(:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        jd_tl (:) = scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux    % ext    (ichan,:) - scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) &
-                & - scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) * (scatt_aux_tl % ext    (ichan,:) & 
-		& - scatt_aux_tl % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-                & / (scatt_aux   % ext (ichan,:) -  scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-                & / (scatt_aux   % ext (ichan,:) -  scatt_aux    % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (1.0_JPRB/ztmp(:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:) ) &
-                & +  scatt_aux   % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) & 
-		&  - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) * angles (iprof) % coszen) &
-                & * (-1.0_JPRB * ztmp_tl (:) / ztmp (:) / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux_tl % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        jd    (:) = scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,:) / (scatt_aux % ext (ichan,:) - scatt_aux % lambda (ichan,:) &
-                & * angles (iprof) % coszen) * (1.0_JPRB / ztmp (:) - scatt_aux % tau (ichan,:)) 
-        j_up_tl (ichan,:) = ja_tl (:) * aa (:) + ja (:) * aa_tl (:) &
-                        & + jb_tl (:) * bb (:) + jb (:) * bb_tl (:) &
-                        & + jc_tl (:) * cp (:) + jc (:) * cp_tl (:) &
-                        & + jd_tl (:) * cm (:) + jd (:) * cm_tl (:) 
-        j_up    (ichan,:) = ja (:) * aa (:) + jb (:) * bb (:) + jc (:) * cp (:) + jd (:) * cm (:)    
-     end where 
-  end do
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bfd82507334b07f6d03545a571ebec6a64e30c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_integratesource_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_integratesource_tl (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & angles,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_tl,&
- & dp,&
- & dp_tl,&
- & dm,&
- & dm_tl,&
- & j_do,&
- & j_do_tl,&
- & j_up,&
- & j_up_tl) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & geometry_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent(in) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent(in) :: scatt_aux_tl
- Type (geometry_Type), Intent(in) :: angles (nprofiles)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dp_tl
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) , dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: dm_tl
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_do_tl
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: j_up_tl
-End subroutine rttov_integratesource_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index c56bb1cab64c08ec77197522f39076bc45c228fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_interpcubic (&
-    & coef_scatt,        &! in
-    & tab,               &! in
-    & itemp,             &! in
-    & iwc,               &! in
-    & temp,              &! in
-    & wc,                &! in
-    & val)                ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! interface to Numerical Recipes for cubic interpolation
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  ! Model rain and clouds over oceans:
-  ! comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  ! Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV-7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       07/2003   E. Moreau
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-      & rttov_scatt_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_polcoe.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(rttov_scatt_coef),   Intent(in)                 :: coef_scatt   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in), Dimension(2,4) :: tab          ! part of the mie-tables [2x4]
-                                                                       ! = mie-tab(itemp:itemp+1,ilwc-1:ilwc+2)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent( in)                :: itemp, iwc
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp, wc     ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val          ! interpolate  value
-  !local
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(4)   :: x, y, coef
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: xx, t
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: i
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !# linear interpolation w.r.t temperature
-  do i = 1, 4
-     t = (temp - real(itemp))
-     y(i) = (1._JPRB - t) * tab(1,i) + t * tab(2,i)
-  enddo
-  x(1) = 10._JPRB**( (real(iwc-2+1)+coef_scatt % offset_water)/coef_scatt % scale_water)
-  do i = 2, 4
-     x(i) = x(i-1) * coef_scatt % from_scale_water
-  enddo
-  !# cubic interpolation w.r.t  water content
-  call rttov_polcoe(x, y, 4, coef)
-  !# interpolate value
-  xx = 10._JPRB**( (wc + coef_scatt % offset_water)/coef_scatt % scale_water )
-  val = coef(1) + coef(2) * xx + coef(3) * xx**2._JPRB + coef(4) * xx**3._JPRB
-End subroutine rttov_interpcubic
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 75201d509e31cdb5bd988dfca7e81be3a1543147..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_interpcubic (&
-    coef_scatt,    &    ! in
-    tab,           &    ! in
-    itemp,         &    ! in
-    iwc,           &    ! in
-    temp,          &    ! in
-    wc,            &    ! in
-    val)                ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! interface to Numerical Recipes for cubic interpolation
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  ! Model rain and clouds over oceans:
-  ! comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  ! Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV-7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       07/2003   E. Moreau
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-      rttov_scatt_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(rttov_scatt_coef),   Intent(in)                 :: coef_scatt   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in), Dimension(2,4) :: tab          ! part of the mie-tables [2x4]
-                                                                       ! = mie-tab(itemp:itemp+1,ilwc-1:ilwc+2)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent( in)                :: itemp, iwc
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp, wc     ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val          ! interpolate  value
-End subroutine rttov_interpcubic
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc9a0cd78ddedddacc88e86a397ca3d55468100..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_interpcubic_ad (&
-    & coef_scatt,        &! in
-    & tab,               &! in
-    & itemp,             &! in
-    & iwc,               &! in
-    & itype,             &! in
-    & temp,              &! in
-    & wc,                &! in
-    & val,               &! out
-    & temp_ad,           &! inout
-    & wc_ad,             &! inout
-    & val_ad)             ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! interface to Numerical Recipes for cubic interpolation
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV-7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       07/2003   E. Moreau
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-      & rttov_scatt_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_polcoe.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(rttov_scatt_coef),   Intent(in)                 :: coef_scatt   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in), Dimension(2,4) :: tab          ! part of the mie-tables [2x4]
-                                                                       ! = mie-tab(itemp:itemp+1,iwc-1:iwc+2)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent( in)                :: itemp, iwc, itype
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp, wc     ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val          ! interpolate  value
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(inout)              :: temp_ad, wc_ad  ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(inout)              :: val_ad          ! interpolate  value
-  !local
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(2)   :: x0, y0, cof0
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(4)   :: x, y, coef
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: xx, t, u
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: i
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !# linear interpolation w.r.t temperature
-  do i = 1, 4
-     t = (temp - real(itemp))
-     y(i) = (1._JPRB - t) * tab(1,i) + t * tab(2,i)
-  enddo
-  x(1) = 10._JPRB**( (real(iwc-2+1)+coef_scatt % offset_water)/coef_scatt % scale_water)
-  do i = 2, 4
-     x(i) = x(i-1) * coef_scatt % from_scale_water
-  enddo
-  !# cubic interpolation w.r.t  water content
-  call rttov_polcoe(x, y, 4, coef)
-  !# interpolate value
-  xx = 10._JPRB**( (wc + coef_scatt % offset_water)/coef_scatt % scale_water )
-  val = coef(1) + coef(2) * xx + coef(3) * xx**2._JPRB + coef(4) * xx**3._JPRB
-  !# interpolate derivative of the value w.r.t  water content
-  !# interpolate derivative of the value / temp
-    !# linear interpolation w.r.t  water content
-  do i = 1, 2
-     u = (wc - real(iwc))
-     y0(i) = (1._JPRB - u) * tab(i,2) + u * tab(i,3)
-     if (itype == 1) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain ![K]
-     if (itype == 2) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp   ![K]
-     if (itype == 3) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq  ![K]
-     if (itype == 4) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice  ![K]
-  enddo
-    !# linear interpolation w.r.t temp
-  call rttov_polcoe(x0, y0, 2, cof0)
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------
-  ! AD code
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------
-  temp_ad = temp_ad + cof0(2) * val_ad
-  wc_ad   = wc_ad + ( coef(2) + 2._JPRB * coef(3) * xx + 3._JPRB * coef(4) * xx**2._JPRB ) * val_ad
-  val_ad  = 0._JPRB
-End subroutine rttov_interpcubic_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a2436959e8e4826777355c594bfe99f01d4be79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_interpcubic_ad (&
-    coef_scatt,    &    ! in
-    tab,           &    ! in
-    itemp,         &    ! in
-    iwc,           &    ! in
-    itype,         &    ! in
-    temp,          &    ! in
-    wc,            &    ! in
-    val,           &    ! out
-    temp_ad,       &    ! inout
-    wc_ad,         &    ! inout
-    val_ad)             ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! interface to Numerical Recipes for cubic interpolation
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV-7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       07/2003   E. Moreau
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-      rttov_scatt_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(rttov_scatt_coef),   Intent(in)                 :: coef_scatt   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in), Dimension(2,4) :: tab          ! part of the mie-tables [2x4]
-                                                    ! = mie-tab(itemp:itemp+1,iwc-1:iwc+2)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent( in)                :: itemp, iwc, itype
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp, wc     ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val          ! interpolate  value
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(inout)              :: temp_ad, wc_ad  ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(inout)              :: val_ad          ! interpolate  value
-End subroutine rttov_interpcubic_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bcdd1dde2f14c828e683735edbc911728ca5fa0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_interpcubic_tl (&
-    & coef_scatt,        &! in
-    & tab,               &! in
-    & itemp,             &! in
-    & iwc,               &! in
-    & itype,             &! in
-    & temp,              &! in
-    & wc,                &! in
-    & val,               &! out
-    & temp_tl,           &! in
-    & wc_tl,             &! in
-    & val_tl)             ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! interface to Numerical Recipes for cubic interpolation
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV-7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       07/2003   E. Moreau
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-      & rttov_scatt_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_polcoe.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(rttov_scatt_coef),   Intent(in)           :: coef_scatt   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in), Dimension(2,4) :: tab          ! part of the mie-tables [2x4]
-                                                         ! = mie-tab(itemp:itemp+1,iwc-1:iwc+2)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent( in)                :: itemp, iwc, itype
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp, wc     ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val             ! interpolate  value
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp_tl, wc_tl  ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val_tl          ! interpolate  value
-  !local
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(2)   :: x0, y0, cof0
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(4)   :: x, y, coef
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: xx, t, u
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: i
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !# linear interpolation w.r.t temperature
-  do i = 1, 4
-     t = (temp - real(itemp))
-     y(i) = (1._JPRB - t) * tab(1,i) + t * tab(2,i)
-  enddo
-  x(1) = 10._JPRB**( (real(iwc-2+1)+coef_scatt % offset_water)/coef_scatt % scale_water)
-  do i = 2, 4
-     x(i) = x(i-1) * coef_scatt % from_scale_water
-  enddo
-  !# cubic interpolation w.r.t  water content
-  call rttov_polcoe(x, y, 4, coef)
-  !# interpolate value
-  xx = 10._JPRB**( (wc + coef_scatt % offset_water)/coef_scatt % scale_water )
-  val = coef(1) + coef(2) * xx + coef(3) * xx**2._JPRB + coef(4) * xx**3._JPRB
-  !# interpolate derivative of the value w.r.t  water content
-  val_tl = ( coef(2) + 2._JPRB * coef(3) * xx + 3._JPRB * coef(4) * xx**2._JPRB ) * wc_tl
-  !# interpolate derivative of the value / temp
-    !# linear interpolation w.r.t  water content
-  do i = 1, 2
-     u = (wc - real(iwc))
-     y0(i) = (1._JPRB - u) * tab(i,2) + u * tab(i,3)
-     if (itype == 1) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain ![K]
-     if (itype == 2) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp   ![K]
-     if (itype == 3) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq  ![K]
-     if (itype == 4) x0(i) = real(itemp-1+i) + coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice  ![K]
-  enddo
-    !# linear interpolation w.r.t temp
-  call rttov_polcoe(x0, y0, 2, cof0)
-  val_tl = val_tl +  cof0(2) * temp_tl
-End subroutine rttov_interpcubic_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 1291172a9d3813abf2ffa1b8479c5c05d4d04a0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_interpcubic_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_interpcubic_tl (&
-    coef_scatt,    &    ! in
-    tab,           &    ! in
-    itemp,         &    ! in
-    iwc,           &    ! in
-    itype,         &    ! in
-    temp,          &    ! in
-    wc,            &    ! in
-    val,           &    ! out
-    temp_tl,       &    ! in
-    wc_tl,         &    ! in
-    val_tl)             ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! interface to Numerical Recipes for cubic interpolation
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV-7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       07/2003   E. Moreau
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-      rttov_scatt_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(rttov_scatt_coef),   Intent(in)                 :: coef_scatt   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in), Dimension(2,4) :: tab          ! part of the mie-tables [2x4]
-                                                                       ! = mie-tab(itemp:itemp+1,iwc-1:iwc+2)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent( in)                :: itemp, iwc, itype
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp, wc     ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val          ! interpolate  value
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent( in)                :: temp_tl, wc_tl  ! coord. of the interp. variable.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(out)                :: val_tl          ! interpolate  value
-End subroutine rttov_interpcubic_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ad18e1c6fcfaa1eca90961050c0315d3508736a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_INTEX(    &
-      & klevi ,  &! in
-      & klevf ,  &! in
-      & presi ,  &! in
-      & presf ,  &! in
-      & veci  ,  &! in
-      & vecf  )   ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! To interpolate the array vec from the presi levels to presf levels
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Linear interpolation in ln(P)
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  ! 1         09/2002     ECMWF
-  ! 1.0       04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevi      ! number of levels of the initial grid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevf      ! number of levels of the final grid
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in), Dimension(klevi)  :: presi ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in), Dimension(klevf)  :: presf ! final grid
-  !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in), Dimension(klevi)  :: veci  ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf  ! final vec array
-  !
-  ! Local scalars :
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jki, jkf
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jhi, jlo
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: slope, t1, t2, p1, p2, lp1, lp2
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevi)  :: lpresi
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevf)  :: lpresf
-  !
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  vecf(:) = -1000._JPRB
-  lpresi(:) = Log( presi(:) )
-  lpresf(:) = Log( presf(:) )
-  do jkf = 1,klevf-1
-    if(presf(jkf+1) < presf(jkf)) exit
-  enddo
-  do jki = 1,klevi-1
-    if(presi(jki+1) < presi(jki)) exit
-  enddo
-  if(jki /= klevi .OR. jkf /= klevf) THEN
-  if(jki /= klevi) write(0,*) (presi(jki),jki=1,klevi)
-  if(jkf /= klevf) write(0,*) (presf(jkf),jkf=1,klevf)
-  Do jkf = 1,klevf
-     Do jki = 1,klevi-1
-        p1 = presi(jki)
-        p2 = presi(jki+1)
-        lp1 = lpresi(jki)
-        lp2 = lpresi(jki+1)
-        If (presf(jkf) >= p1 .And. presf(jkf) < p2) Then
-           t1 = veci(jki)
-           t2 = veci(jki+1)
-           slope = (t1-t2)/(lp1-lp2)
-           If (t2 == 0._JPRB) slope = 0._JPRB
-           vecf(jkf) = t1 + slope*(lpresf(jkf)-lp1)
-           !
-        Else If (jki == 1 .And. presf(jkf) < p1) Then
-           vecf(jkf) = veci(jki)
-        Else If (jki == (klevi-1) .And. vecf(jkf) == -1000._JPRB ) Then
-           vecf(jkf) = veci(klevi)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  jkf = 1
-  Do While (presf(jkf) < presi(1))
-    vecf(jkf) = veci(1)
-    jkf = jkf+1
-  End Do
-  jlo=jkf
-  jkf = klevf
-  Do While (presf(jkf) >= presi(klevi))
-    vecf(jkf) = veci(klevi)
-    jkf = jkf-1
-  End Do
-  jhi = jkf
-  jki = 1
-  do jkf = jlo,jhi
-    Do While (presf(jkf) >= presi(jki+1))
-      jki=jki+1
-    End Do
-    p1 = presi(jki)
-    p2 = presi(jki+1)
-    lp1 = lpresi(jki)
-    lp2 = lpresi(jki+1)
-    t1 = veci(jki)
-    t2 = veci(jki+1)
-    slope = (t1-t2)/(lp1-lp2)
-    if (t2 == 0._JPRB) slope = 0._JPRB
-    vecf(jkf) = t1 + slope*(lpresf(jkf)-lp1)
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_INTEX
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index ed87dfd028ed41d9634c8d5d661f3104c0b23e79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_INTEX(    &
-     & klevi ,&  ! in
-     & klevf ,&  ! in
-     & presi ,&  ! in
-     & presf ,&  ! in
-     & veci  ,&  ! in
-     & vecf  )   ! out
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevi      ! number of levels of the initial grid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevf      ! number of levels of the final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in), Dimension(klevi)  :: presi ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in), Dimension(klevf)  :: presf ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in), Dimension(klevi)  :: veci  ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf  ! final vec array
-End Subroutine rttov_INTEX
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 7672d39ed6986daf535b49cc1be9719d018a2b97..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_intex_ad( &
-      & klevi,   &! in
-      & klevf,   &! in
-      & presi,   &! inout  AD
-      & presf,   &! inout  AD
-      & veci,    &! inout  AD
-      & vecf,    &! inout  AD
-      & presi_d, &! in
-      & presf_d, &! in
-      & veci_d,  &! in
-      & vecf_d  ) ! out
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine
-  ! to interpolate the array vec from the presi levels to presf levels
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Linear interpolation in ln(P)
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  ! 1         03/2001     Original code (F. Chevallier)
-  ! 1.1       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevi      ! number of levels of the initial grid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevf      ! number of levels of the final grid
-  !
-  ! AD arrays
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevi) :: presi ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevf) :: presf ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevi) :: veci  ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf  ! final vec array
-  ! Direct model arrays
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: presi_d ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevf) :: presf_d ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: veci_d  ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf_d  ! final vec array
-  !
-  ! Local scalars :
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jki, jkf
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: slope, t1, t2, p1, p2, lp1, lp2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: slope_d, t1_d, t2_d, p1_d, p2_d, lp1_d, lp2_d
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevi,klevf) :: slope_d2
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevf,klevi+1) :: zradt
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevi)  :: lpresi
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevf)  :: lpresf
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevi)  :: lpresi_d
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevf)  :: lpresf_d
-  !
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! -- Direct computation
-  !
-  vecf_d(:) = -1000._JPRB
-  zradt(:,:) = -1000._JPRB
-  lpresi_d(:) = Log( presi_d(:) )
-  lpresf_d(:) = Log( presf_d(:) )
-  Do jkf = 1,klevf
-     Do jki = 1,klevi-1
-        p1_d = presi_d(jki)
-        p2_d = presi_d(jki+1)
-        lp1_d = lpresi_d(jki)
-        lp2_d = lpresi_d(jki+1)
-        If (presf_d(jkf) >= p1_d .And. presf_d(jkf) < p2_d) Then
-           t1_d = veci_d(jki)
-           t2_d = veci_d(jki+1)
-           slope_d = (t1_d-t2_d)/(lp1_d-lp2_d)
-           If (t2_d == 0._JPRB) Then
-              slope_d2(jki,jkf) = 0._JPRB
-           Else
-              slope_d2(jki,jkf) = slope_d
-           Endif
-           vecf_d(jkf) = t1_d + slope_d2(jki,jkf)*(lpresf_d(jkf)-lp1_d)
-           zradt(jkf,jki) = 0._JPRB
-           !
-        Else If (jki == 1 .And. presf_d(jkf) < p1_d) Then
-           vecf_d(jkf) = veci_d(jki)
-           zradt(jkf,jki) = 0._JPRB
-        Else If (jki == (klevi-1) .And. vecf_d(jkf) == -1000._JPRB ) Then
-           vecf_d(jkf) = veci_d(klevi)
-        End If
-        zradt(jkf,jki+1) = zradt(jkf,jki)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !
-  ! -- Adjoint computation
-  !
-  lpresi(:) = 0._JPRB
-  lpresf(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Do jkf = klevf,1,-1
-     Do jki = klevi-1, 1, -1
-        p1 = 0._JPRB
-        p2 = 0._JPRB
-        lp1 = 0._JPRB
-        lp2 = 0._JPRB
-        p1_d = presi_d(jki)
-        p2_d = presi_d(jki+1)
-        lp1_d = lpresi_d(jki)
-        lp2_d = lpresi_d(jki+1)
-        If (presf_d(jkf) >= p1_d .And. presf_d(jkf) < p2_d) Then
-           t1_d = veci_d(jki)
-           t2_d = veci_d(jki+1)
-           t1 = 0._JPRB
-           t2 = 0._JPRB
-           slope = 0._JPRB
-           !
-           t1 = t1 + vecf(jkf)
-           slope = slope + (lpresf_d(jkf)-lp1_d) * vecf(jkf)
-           lpresf(jkf) = lpresf(jkf) + slope_d2(jki,jkf) * vecf(jkf)
-           lp1 = lp1 - slope_d2(jki,jkf) * vecf(jkf)
-           vecf(jkf) = 0._JPRB
-           If (t2_d == 0._JPRB) slope = 0._JPRB
-           t1 = t1 + slope / (lp1_d-lp2_d)
-           t2 = t2 - slope / (lp1_d-lp2_d)
-           lp1 = lp1 - slope * (t1_d-t2_d)/(lp1_d-lp2_d)/(lp1_d-lp2_d)
-           lp2 = lp2 + slope * (t1_d-t2_d)/(lp1_d-lp2_d)/(lp1_d-lp2_d)
-           veci(jki+1) = veci(jki+1) + t2
-           t2 = 0._JPRB
-           veci(jki) = veci(jki) + t1
-           t1 = 0._JPRB
-        Else If (jki == 1 .And. presf_d(jkf) < p1_d) Then
-           veci(jki) = veci(jki) + vecf(jkf)
-           vecf(jkf) = 0._JPRB
-        Else If (jki == (klevi-1) .And. zradt(jkf,jki) == -1000._JPRB ) Then
-           veci(klevi) = veci(klevi) + vecf(jkf)
-           vecf(jkf) = 0._JPRB
-        End If
-        lpresi(jki+1) = lpresi(jki+1) + lp2
-        lpresi(jki) = lpresi(jki) + lp1
-        presi(jki+1) = presi(jki+1) + p2
-        presi(jki) = presi(jki) + p1
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  presf(:) = presf(:) + lpresf(:)/presf_d(:)
-  presi(:) = presi(:) + lpresi(:)/presi_d(:)
-End Subroutine rttov_intex_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed026f78fd1f0f72e2448928eae9c5cdd94d29e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_intex_ad( &
-     & klevi, &  ! in
-     & klevf, &  ! in
-     & presi, &  ! inout  AD
-     & presf, &  ! inout  AD
-     & veci,  &  ! inout  AD
-     & vecf,  &  ! inout  AD
-     & presi_d,& ! in
-     & presf_d,& ! in
-     & veci_d, & ! in
-     & vecf_d  ) ! out
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevi      ! number of levels of the initial grid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevf      ! number of levels of the final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevi) :: presi ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevf) :: presf ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevi) :: veci  ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf  ! final vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: presi_d ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevf) :: presf_d ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: veci_d  ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf_d  ! final vec array
-End Subroutine rttov_intex_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index d3dc1d1df5cb898748069423fb437c6b15bb3e95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_intex_tl( &
-      & klevi,   &! in
-      & klevf,   &! in
-      & presi,   &! in     TL
-      & presf,   &! in     TL
-      & veci,    &! in     TL
-      & vecf,    &! inout  TL
-      & presi_d, &! in
-      & presf_d, &! in
-      & veci_d,  &! in
-      & vecf_d  ) ! out
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of routine
-  ! to interpolate the array vec from the presi levels to the presf levels
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! Linear interpolation in ln(P)
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  ! 1         03/2001     Original code (F. Chevallier)
-  ! 1.1       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevi      ! number of levels of the initial grid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevf      ! number of levels of the final grid
-  !
-  ! TL arrays
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),    Dimension(klevi) :: presi  ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),    Dimension(klevf) :: presf  ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),    Dimension(klevi) :: veci   ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf   ! final vec array
-  ! Direct model arrays
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: presi_d  ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevf) :: presf_d  ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: veci_d   ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf_d   ! final vec array
-  !
-  ! Local scalars :
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jki, jkf
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: slope, t1, t2, p1, p2, lp1, lp2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: slope_d, t1_d, t2_d, p1_d, p2_d, lp1_d, lp2_d
-  !Real, Dimension(klevf,klevi+1) :: zradt
-  !Real, Dimension(klevi)  :: lpresi
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevf)  :: lpresf
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevi)  :: lpresi_d
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Dimension(klevf)  :: lpresf_d
-  !
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  ! -- Direct computation
-  !
-  vecf(:) = -1000._JPRB
-  vecf_d(:) = -1000._JPRB
-  !zradt(:,:) = -1000.
-  !lpresi(:) = presi(:)/presi_d(:)
-  lpresf(:) = presf(:)/presf_d(:)
-  lpresi_d(:) = Log( presi_d(:) )
-  lpresf_d(:) = Log( presf_d(:) )
-  Do jkf = 1,klevf
-     Do jki = 1,klevi-1
-        p1 = presi(jki)
-        p1_d = presi_d(jki)
-        p2 = presi(jki+1)
-        p2_d = presi_d(jki+1)
-        lp1 = p1/p1_d
-        !lp1_d = Log(p1_d)
-        lp1_d = lpresi_d(jki)
-        lp2 = p2/p2_d
-        !lp2_d = Log(p2_d)
-        lp2_d = lpresi_d(jki+1)
-        If (presf_d(jkf) >= p1_d .And. presf_d(jkf) < p2_d) Then
-           t1 = veci(jki)
-           t1_d = veci_d(jki)
-           t2 = veci(jki+1)
-           t2_d = veci_d(jki+1)
-           slope = ((t1-t2)*(lp1_d-lp2_d)-(t1_d-t2_d)*(lp1-lp2))&
-                & /(lp1_d-lp2_d)/(lp1_d-lp2_d)
-           slope_d = (t1_d-t2_d)/(lp1_d-lp2_d)
-           If (t2_d == 0._JPRB) Then
-              slope = 0._JPRB
-              slope_d = 0._JPRB
-           Endif
-           vecf(jkf) = t1 + slope_d*(lpresf(jkf)-lp1) + slope*(lpresf_d(jkf)-lp1_d)
-           vecf_d(jkf) = t1_d + slope_d*(lpresf_d(jkf)-lp1_d)
-           !zradt(jkf,jki) = 0.
-           !
-        Else If (jki == 1 .And. presf_d(jkf) < p1_d) Then
-           vecf(jkf) = veci(jki)
-           vecf_d(jkf) = veci_d(jki)
-           !zradt(jkf,jki) = 0.
-        Else If (jki == (klevi-1) .And. vecf_d(jkf) == -1000._JPRB ) Then
-           vecf(jkf) = veci(klevi)
-           vecf_d(jkf) = veci_d(klevi)
-        End If
-        !zradt(jkf,jki+1) = zradt(jkf,jki)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_intex_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 86be9d492c2930262a02ab8602c58451d30d43ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intex_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_intex_tl( &
-     & klevi, &  ! in
-     & klevf, &  ! in
-     & presi, &  ! in     TL
-     & presf, &  ! in     TL
-     & veci,  &  ! in     TL
-     & vecf,  &  ! inout  TL
-     & presi_d,& ! in
-     & presf_d,& ! in
-     & veci_d, & ! in
-     & vecf_d  ) ! out
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevi      ! number of levels of the initial grid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: klevf      ! number of levels of the final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),    Dimension(klevi) :: presi  ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),    Dimension(klevf) :: presf  ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),    Dimension(klevi) :: veci   ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(inout), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf   ! final vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: presi_d  ! initial grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevf) :: presf_d  ! final grid
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(in),  Dimension(klevi) :: veci_d   ! initial vec array
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out), Dimension(klevf) :: vecf_d   ! final vec array
-End Subroutine rttov_intex_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intext_prof.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intext_prof.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4b9ef6f3e22d97ca7273a1fd95c97ac62cf68a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intext_prof.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_intext_prof( &
-      & profile_in     ,  &! in
-      & profile_out    ,  &! inout
-      & errorstatus    )   ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! This routine is for use with the cloud test programs (main_testad and main_testk)
-  !
-  ! Interpolate and extrapolate an input profile to an output profile
-  ! pressure levels
-  ! Interpoaltion is spline (or log if rttov_intex is uncommented)
-  ! Extrapolation below lowest input level :
-  !    adiabatic heating, constant relative humidity, constant O3, CO2 profiles
-  ! Extrapolation above highest input level
-  !    linear extrapolation in T, Q, O3, CO2
-  !
-  ! Output pressures and number of levels should be initialised
-  ! Cloud liquid water is NOT interpolated/extrapolated
-  !
-  ! The input surface pressure should be greater than the highest atmospheric
-  ! pressure level. This is due to the construction of the arrays for further
-  ! interpolation. This limitation could be removed if the surface pressure
-  ! is not part of the extrapolation system.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0      2002   original (F. Chevalier)
-  !  1.1   01/2003   change rh calculation, add CO2 and
-  !                  insert rttov_intex calls in comment (P Brunel)
-  !  1.2   08/2006   add test on input surface pressure and 
-  !                  add return status (P. Brunel)
-  !                  g95 need _jpim adding to some integers
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :  &
-       errorstatus_success,&
-       errorstatus_fatal  
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & profile_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent(in)    :: profile_in
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent(inout) :: profile_out
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out)   :: errorstatus
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: presfin( profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tfin(    profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wvvmfin( profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o3vmfin( profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: co2vmfin(profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: arx(     profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ary(     profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: textr(   profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: aryint(  profile_out%nlevels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: as( 5,  profile_in%nlevels + profile_out%nlevels )
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: klevm
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: levbot
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: levtop
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i, j
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jlev
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: es
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: wvvs
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: rh
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: const
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: psurf
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: gradt, gradq, grado, gradco2
-!  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=18) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_intext_prof '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus = errorstatus_success
-  ! Profile_out should have pressure array and the
-  ! number of levels already filled
-  ! Q and O3 units are ppmv
-  klevm   = profile_in  % nlevels
-  nlevels = profile_out % nlevels
-  psurf   = profile_in % s2m % p
-  ! check if surface pressure is higer or equal to the lowest input
-  ! pressure level
-  If( profile_in % s2m % p < profile_in % p(klevm) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-    Write( errMessage, '( "surface pressure lower than highest pressure level")' )
-    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-    Return
-  End If
-  ! Beware NO interpolation of cloud liquid water profile
-  ! If CLW array already associated with memory, then fill with 0.
-  profile_out % clw_Data   = .False.
-  If( Associated( profile_out % clw) ) Then
-     profile_out % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-  End If
-  profile_out % ozone_Data = profile_in % ozone_Data
-  profile_out % co2_Data   = profile_in % co2_Data
-  profile_out % zenangle   = profile_in % zenangle
-  profile_out % ctp        = profile_in % ctp
-  profile_out % cfraction  = profile_in % cfraction
-  profile_out % s2m        = profile_in % s2m
-  profile_out % skin       = profile_in % skin
-  presfin(1:klevm) = profile_in % p(1:klevm)
-  tfin(1:klevm)    = profile_in % t(1:klevm)
-  wvvmfin(1:klevm) = profile_in % q(1:klevm)
-  tfin(klevm+1)    = profile_in % s2m % t
-  wvvmfin(klevm+1) = profile_in % s2m % q
-  If( profile_out % ozone_Data ) Then
-     o3vmfin(1:klevm) = profile_in % o3(1:klevm)
-     o3vmfin(klevm+1) = profile_in % s2m % o
-  End If
-  If( profile_out % co2_Data ) Then
-     co2vmfin(1:klevm) = profile_in % co2(1:klevm)
-     co2vmfin(klevm+1) = profile_in % co2(klevm)
-  End If
-  levbot=0
-  Do i=1,profile_out % nlevels
-     If(profile_out % p(i) > profile_in % s2m % p ) Then
-        levbot=i
-        Exit
-     Endif
-  Enddo
-  index = klevm
-  If (levbot /= 0 ) Then
-     !-----Extrapolates temperature below surface pressure-------------------
-     !----- => adiabatic heating
-     const= 287._JPRB/1005._JPRB
-     Do i = levbot, nlevels
-        textr(i)=profile_out % s2m % t * (profile_out % p(i)/psurf)**const
-     Enddo
-     index=nlevels-levbot+1
-     index=index+klevm+1
-     tfin((klevm+2):index)= textr(levbot:nlevels)
-     presfin((klevm+1))       = psurf
-     presfin((klevm+2):index) = profile_out % p(levbot:nlevels)
-     !-----Extrapolates water vapour below surface pressure------------------
-     !----- => constant relative humidity
-     ! Saturated vapour pressure im mb
-     es = svp(profile_in % s2m % t)
-     ! volume mixing ratio for saturation (no unit)
-     wvvs = es / psurf
-     ! relative humidity at 2m
-     rh = profile_out % s2m % q * 1e-06 / wvvs
-     Do i = levbot, nlevels
-        es   = svp(textr(i))
-        wvvs = es / profile_out % p(i)
-        j = klevm + 2 + i - levbot
-        wvvmfin(j) = rh * wvvs * 1e+06
-     Enddo
-  End If
-  !-----Extrapolates ozone below surface pressure------------------------
-  !----- => constant profile
-  If( profile_out % ozone_Data ) Then
-     o3vmfin((klevm+2):index) = profile_in % o3(klevm)
-  End If
-  !-----Extrapolates CO2 below surface pressure------------------------
-  !----- => constant profile
-  If( profile_out % co2_Data ) Then
-     co2vmfin((klevm+2):index) = profile_in % co2(klevm)
-  End If
-  !-----Extrapolates profile above highest declared level-----------------
-  !----- => linear extrapolation -----------------------------------------
-  levtop = 1
-  Do jlev = 1, index
-     If(profile_out % p(jlev) >= profile_in % p(1) ) Exit
-     levtop = levtop + 1
-  Enddo
-  If (levtop /= 1) Then
-     gradt = (tfin(1) - tfin(2)) / (presfin(1)-presfin(2))
-     gradq = (wvvmfin(1) - wvvmfin(2)) / (presfin(1)-presfin(2))
-     Do jlev=index, 1, -1
-        tfin(jlev+levtop-1) = tfin(jlev)
-        wvvmfin(jlev+levtop-1) = wvvmfin(jlev)
-        presfin(jlev+levtop-1) = presfin(jlev)
-     Enddo
-     index = index + levtop-1
-     Do jlev=1,levtop-1
-        presfin(jlev) = profile_out % p(jlev)
-        tfin(jlev) = tfin(levtop)  &
-             & + gradt * (presfin(jlev) - presfin(levtop))
-        wvvmfin(jlev) = wvvmfin(levtop)  &
-             & + gradq * (presfin(jlev) - presfin(levtop))
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  If (levtop /= 1 .And. profile_out % ozone_Data) Then
-     grado = (o3vmfin(1) - o3vmfin(2)) / (presfin(1)-presfin(2))
-     Do jlev=index, 1, -1
-        o3vmfin(jlev+levtop-1) = o3vmfin(jlev)
-     Enddo
-     Do jlev=1,levtop-1
-        presfin(jlev) = profile_out % p(jlev)
-        o3vmfin(jlev) = o3vmfin(levtop)  &
-             & + grado * (presfin(jlev) - presfin(levtop))
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  If (levtop /= 1 .And. profile_out % co2_Data) Then
-     gradco2 = (co2vmfin(1) - co2vmfin(2)) / (presfin(1)-presfin(2))
-     Do jlev=index, 1, -1
-        co2vmfin(jlev+levtop-1) = co2vmfin(jlev)
-     Enddo
-     Do jlev=1,levtop-1
-        presfin(jlev) = profile_out % p(jlev)
-        co2vmfin(jlev) = co2vmfin(levtop)  &
-             & + gradco2 * (presfin(jlev) - presfin(levtop))
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  !-----Interpolates to given pressure grid-------------------------------
-  arx(1:index)=presfin(1:index)
-  ary(1:index)=tfin(1:index)
-  Call spline(arx,ary,profile_out%p,aryint,as,index,nlevels,1_jpim)
-  !call rttov_intex(index, nlevels, arx, profile_out%p, ary,aryint)
-  profile_out%t(:)=aryint(:)
-  ary(1:index)=wvvmfin(1:index)
-  Call spline(arx,ary,profile_out%p,aryint,as,index,nlevels,1_jpim)
-  !call rttov_intex(index, nlevels, arx, profile_out%p, ary,aryint)
-  profile_out%q(:)=aryint(:)
-  !-----Spline interpolation may exceptionnally give negative values------
-  !-----for water vapour profiles-----------------------------------------
-  !----- => correction
-  Do i=1,nlevels
-     If (profile_out%q(i) <= 0._JPRB ) profile_out%q(i) = 1.e-03_JPRB
-  Enddo
-  If( profile_out % ozone_Data ) Then
-     ary(1:index)=o3vmfin(1:index)
-     Call spline(arx,ary,profile_out%p,aryint,as,index,nlevels,1_jpim)
-     !call rttov_intex(index, nlevels, arx, profile_out%p, ary,aryint)
-     profile_out%o3(:)=aryint(:)
-     Do i=1,nlevels
-        If (profile_out%o3(i) <= 0._JPRB ) profile_out%o3(i) = 1.e-06_JPRB
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-  If( profile_out % co2_Data ) Then
-     ary(1:index)=co2vmfin(1:index)
-     Call spline(arx,ary,profile_out%p,aryint,as,index,nlevels,1_jpim)
-     !call rttov_intex(index, nlevels, arx, profile_out%p, ary,aryint)
-     profile_out%co2(:)=aryint(:)
-     Do i=1,nlevels
-        If (profile_out%co2(i) <= 0._JPRB ) profile_out%co2(i) = 1.e-06_JPRB
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-!     Saturated vapour pressure im mb
-     function svp(temp)
-!    This software was developed within the context of
-!    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-!    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-!    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-!    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-!    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-!    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-!    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-!     Description:
-!     Calculates saturated vapour pressure in mb given temperature in K.
-!     Value corresponds to SVP over water for temperatures grater than 5 DEG,
-!     to SVP over ice for temperatures less that 8 DEG., and to transitional
-!     values between.
-!     Method:
-!     This is the formula used by MET.O.11 AND MET.O.2B.
-!     Owner:
-!     Marco Matricardi
-!     History:
-!     Version      Date       Comment
-!     1            16-8-1999  Marco Matricardi. ECMWF
-!     Code description:
-!       Language:              Fortran 90.
-!       Software Standards:    "European Standards for Writing and Documenting
-!                              Exchangeable Fortran 90 code".
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-      implicit none
-!     Function type:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: svp
-!     Function arguments:
-!       Scalar arguments with intent in:
-  Real(Kind=jprb),   intent(in)    ::  temp
-!     End of function arguments
-!       Local arrays:
-  Real(Kind=jprb)        ::  estab(156)
-!       Local scalars:
-  Real(Kind=jprb)        ::  tt
-  Real(Kind=jprb)        ::  e0
-  Real(Kind=jprb)        ::  e1
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)             ::  ind
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)             ::  t0
-!-----End of header-----------------------------------------------------
-      data  estab(1:60) / &
-     & 9.672e-5_JPRB,1.160e-4_JPRB,1.388e-4_JPRB,1.658e-4_JPRB,1.977e-4_JPRB,2.353e-4_JPRB, &
-     & 2.796e-4_JPRB,3.316e-4_JPRB,3.925e-4_JPRB,4.638e-4_JPRB,5.472e-4_JPRB,6.444e-4_JPRB, &
-     & 7.577e-4_JPRB,8.894e-4_JPRB,1.042e-3_JPRB,1.220e-3_JPRB,1.425e-3_JPRB,1.662e-3_JPRB, &
-     & 1.936e-3_JPRB,2.252e-3_JPRB,2.615e-3_JPRB,3.032e-3_JPRB,3.511e-3_JPRB,4.060e-3_JPRB, &
-     & 4.688e-3_JPRB,5.406e-3_JPRB,6.225e-3_JPRB,7.159e-3_JPRB,8.223e-3_JPRB,9.432e-3_JPRB, &
-     & 1.080e-2_JPRB,1.236e-2_JPRB,1.413e-2_JPRB,1.612e-2_JPRB,1.838e-2_JPRB,2.092e-2_JPRB, &
-     & 2.380e-2_JPRB,2.703e-2_JPRB,3.067e-2_JPRB,3.476e-2_JPRB,3.935e-2_JPRB,4.449e-2_JPRB, &
-     & 5.026e-2_JPRB,5.671e-2_JPRB,6.393e-2_JPRB,7.198e-2_JPRB,8.097e-2_JPRB,9.098e-2_JPRB, &
-     & 1.021e-1_JPRB,1.145e-1_JPRB,1.283e-1_JPRB,1.436e-1_JPRB,1.606e-1_JPRB,1.794e-1_JPRB, &
-     & 2.002e-1_JPRB,2.233e-1_JPRB,2.488e-1_JPRB,2.769e-1_JPRB,3.079e-1_JPRB,3.421e-1_JPRB/
-        data  estab(61:120) / &
-     & 3.798e-1_JPRB,4.213e-1_JPRB,4.669e-1_JPRB,5.170e-1_JPRB,5.720e-1_JPRB,6.323e-1_JPRB, &
-     & 6.985e-1_JPRB,7.709e-1_JPRB,8.502e-1_JPRB,9.370e-1_JPRB,   1.032_JPRB,   1.135_JPRB, &
-        & 1.248_JPRB,   1.371_JPRB,   1.506_JPRB,   1.652_JPRB,   1.811_JPRB,   1.984_JPRB, &
-        & 2.172_JPRB,   2.376_JPRB,   2.597_JPRB,   2.889_JPRB,   3.097_JPRB,   3.522_JPRB, &
-       & 3.8619_JPRB,  4.2148_JPRB,  4.5451_JPRB,  4.8981_JPRB,  5.2753_JPRB,   5.678_JPRB, &
-       & 6.1078_JPRB,  6.5662_JPRB,  7.0547_JPRB,  7.5753_JPRB,  8.1294_JPRB,  8.7192_JPRB, &
-       & 9.3465_JPRB,  10.013_JPRB,  10.722_JPRB,  11.474_JPRB,  12.272_JPRB,  13.119_JPRB, &
-       & 14.017_JPRB,  14.969_JPRB,  15.977_JPRB,  17.044_JPRB,  18.173_JPRB,  19.367_JPRB, &
-       & 20.630_JPRB,  21.964_JPRB,  23.373_JPRB,  24.861_JPRB,  26.430_JPRB,  28.086_JPRB, &
-       & 29.831_JPRB,  31.671_JPRB,  33.608_JPRB,  35.649_JPRB,  37.796_JPRB,  40.055_JPRB/
-        data  estab(121:156) / &
-       & 42.430_JPRB,  44.927_JPRB,  47.551_JPRB,  50.307_JPRB,  53.200_JPRB,  56.236_JPRB, &
-       & 59.422_JPRB,  62.762_JPRB,  66.264_JPRB,  69.934_JPRB,  73.777_JPRB,  77.803_JPRB, &
-       & 82.015_JPRB,  86.423_JPRB,  91.034_JPRB,  95.855_JPRB,  100.89_JPRB,  106.16_JPRB, &
-       & 111.66_JPRB,  117.40_JPRB,  123.40_JPRB,  129.65_JPRB,  136.17_JPRB,  142.98_JPRB, &
-       & 150.07_JPRB,  157.46_JPRB,  165.16_JPRB,  173.18_JPRB,  181.53_JPRB,  190.22_JPRB, &
-       & 199.26_JPRB,  208.67_JPRB,  218.45_JPRB,  228.61_JPRB,  239.18_JPRB,  250.16_JPRB/
-      tt=temp-183.15_JPRB             ! 183.15_JPRB = 273.15_JPRB - 90
-        if (tt.le.0._JPRB) then
-          svp=estab(1)
-        else
-          ind=int(tt)+1
-          ind=min(ind,155)
-          t0=ind-1
-          e0=estab(ind)
-          e1=estab(ind+1)
-          svp=e0+(tt-t0)*(e1-e0)
-        endif
-      end function svp
-      subroutine spline(xi,yi,xo,yo,as,ni,no,ii)
-!     update on Aug 3rd 2006 by P. Brunel (MeteoFrance)
-!          do not allow increment of variable l when m reaches maximum
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  implicit none
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: ni, no, ii
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: xi(ni)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: yi(ni)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: xo(no)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: yo(no)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: as(5,ni)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: nim1, i, j, k, l, m
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: xm, xn, xx
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: c(4)
-      if(ii.eq.1) call cubist(ni,xi,yi,as)
-      nim1=ni-1
-      m=1
-      do 150 j=1,no
-      xx=xo(j)
-      do 100 i=m,nim1
-      l=i
-      xm=xi(i)
-      xn=xi(i+1)
-      if(xx.eq.xm) go to 120
-      if(xx.eq.xn) go to 110
-      if(xx.gt.xm.and.xx.lt.xn) go to 130
-  100 continue
-  110 continue
-      if(m .le. nim1) l = l+1    ! added by P.Brunel
-      !l=l+1                     ! removed by P. Brunel
-  120 continue
-      yo(j)=yi(l)
-      m=l
-      go to 150
-  130 continue
-      do  k=1,4
-        c(k)=as(k,l)
-      enddo
-      yo(j)=c(1)+xx*(c(2)+xx*(c(3)+xx*c(4)))
-      m=l
-  150 continue
-      end subroutine spline
-      subroutine cubist(n,x,y,as)
-!     FIT TO THE POINTS (X(I),Y(I)) I=1,...,N .
-!     update on Aug 3rd 2006 by P. Brunel (MeteoFrance)
-!          allow subroutine to run properly even if two
-!          successive values of x are identical
-!          This may occur when surface pressure is identical
-!          to the pressure of an atmospheric level
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-      implicit none
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)                      :: n
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: x(n),y(n),as(5,n)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)                      :: m,i
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: t, w, z, s, u, v
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: zs, zq, ws, wq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: aa, ba, ca, da
-  Logical :: flagpb, flagprec        ! added by P.Brunel
-      m=n-1
-      flagpb=.false.                 ! added by P.Brunel
-      do   i=1,m
-        flagprec = flagpb            ! added by P.Brunel
-      	flagpb =  x(i) .eq. x(i+1)   ! added by P.Brunel
-	if( flagpb )cycle            ! added by P.Brunel
-      if(i .eq. 1) go to 110
-      t=(y(i+1)-y(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
-      go to 120
-  110 continue
-      w=(y(2)+y(3))/2.0_JPRB
-      z=(x(2)+x(3))/2.0_JPRB
-      t=(w-y(1))/(z-x(1))
-      t=2.0_JPRB*(y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-t
-  120 continue
-      if(i .eq. m) go to 130
-      s=(y(i+2)-y(i))/(x(i+2)-x(i))
-      go to 140
-  130 continue
-      w=(y(n-1)+y(n-2))/2.0_JPRB
-      z=(x(n-1)+x(n-2))/2.0_JPRB
-      s=(y(n)-w)/(x(n)-z)
-      s=2.0_JPRB*(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1))-s
-  140 continue
-      u=y(i+1)
-      v=y(i)
-      w=(x(i+1)+x(i))/2.0_JPRB
-      z=(x(i+1)-x(i))/2.0_JPRB
-      zs=z*z
-      zq=z*zs
-      ws=w*w
-      wq=w*ws
-      aa=.5*(u+v)-.25*z*(s-t)
-      ba=.75*(u-v)/z-.25*(s+t)
-      ca=.25*(s-t)/z
-      da=.25*(s+t)/zs-.25*(u-v)/zq
-      as(1,i)=aa-ba*w+ca*ws-da*wq
-      as(2,i)=ba-2.0_JPRB*ca*w+3.0_JPRB*da*ws
-      as(3,i)=ca-3.0_JPRB*da*w
-      as(4,i)=da
-      as(5,i)=0._JPRB
-      if(flagprec) then            ! test added by P.Brunel
-        as(1,i-1) = as(1,i)
-        as(2,i-1) = as(2,i)
-        as(3,i-1) = as(3,i)
-        as(4,i-1) = as(4,i)
-        as(5,i-1) = as(5,i)
-      end if	                  
-      enddo
-      end subroutine cubist
-End Subroutine rttov_intext_prof
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intext_prof.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intext_prof.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 3175a02f2dc6f0c6029afe9d0247d583bd46c3b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_intext_prof.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_intext_prof( &
-     & profile_in     , & ! in
-     & profile_out    , & ! inout
-     & errorstatus    )   ! out
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       profile_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent(in)    :: profile_in
-  Type(profile_Type), Intent(inout) :: profile_out
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out)   :: errorstatus
-End Subroutine rttov_intext_prof
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f2439a8bad75862bba062dc8ed2e0051578ad7c5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,981 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_k( &
-     & errorstatus,    &! out
-     & nfrequencies,   &! in
-     & nchannels,      &! in
-     & nbtout,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,      &! in
-     & channels,       &! in
-     & polarisations,  &! in
-     & lprofiles,      &! in
-     & profiles,       &! in
-     & coef,           &! in
-     & addcloud,       &! in
-     & switchrad,      &! in
-     & calcemis,       &! in
-     & emissivity,     &! inout  direct model
-     & profiles_k,     &! inout  K mat on profile variables
-     & emissivity_k,   &! inout  K mat on surface emissivity
-     & transmission,   &! inout  K model
-     & transmission_k, &! inout  K input
-     & radiancedata,   &! inout  direct model   (input due to pointers alloc)
-     & radiance_k     ) ! inout OPTIONAL K radiances
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! K matrix of rttov_direct
-  ! to compute multi-channel level to space transmittances,
-  ! top of atmosphere and level to space radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures and optionally surface emissivities, for many
-  ! profiles in a single call, for satellite
-  ! infrared or microwave sensors. The code requires a coefficient file
-  ! for each sensor for which simulated radiances are requested.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: The methodology is described in the following:
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. and H.M. Woolf  1988 Transmittance of atmospheric gases
-  ! in the microwave region: a fast model. Applied Optics 27  3244-3249
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations.
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425.
-  !
-  ! Matricardi, M., F. Chevallier and S. Tjemkes 2001 An improved general
-  ! fast radiative transfer model for the assimilation of radiance
-  ! observations. ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 345
-  ! (available from the librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.1   01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.2   02/01/2003  More comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.3   24/01/2003  Error return code by input profile (P Brunel)
-  !                    Add WV Continuum and CO2 capability
-  !  1.4   02/06/2004  Change tests on id_comp_lvl == 7 by tests on 
-  !                    fmv_model_ver (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.5   17/02/2005  Changed to allow calls from RTTOV_SCATT_K and 
-  !                    RTTOV_CLD_K.   (A. Collard)
-  !  1.6   24/08/2005  More changes so routine still works for clear 
-  !                    sky RTTOV (R.Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! A user guide and technical documentation is available at
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/index.html
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & max_optical_depth   ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & sensor_id_ir
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_profout_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_checkinput.interface"
-#include "rttov_profaux.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_8.interface"
-#include "rttov_transmit.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_ir.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_integrate.interface"
-#include "rttov_profaux_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_8_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_transmit_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_integrate_k.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) :: profiles_k(nchannels)  ! Normally this has size nbtout but is nchannels
-                                                           ! for calls from RTTOV_CLD_K and RTTOV_SCATT_K.
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_k ! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout), optional :: radiance_k
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i, j, ii             ! loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(16)   ! memory allocation status
-  Logical :: addcosmic          ! switch for adding temp of cosmic background
-  Logical :: local_rad_k  ! false if an input K radiance is provided
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)      ! surface reflectivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: reflectivity_k(nchannels)    ! K surface reflectivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: od_layer(coef%nlevels,nchannels) ! layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: opdp_ref(coef%nlevels,nfrequencies) ! layer optical depth before threshold
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=8)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_k '
-  Type(geometry_Type)   :: angles(nprofiles)     ! geometry angles
-  Type(predictors_Type) :: predictors(nprofiles) ! predictors
-  Type(profile_aux)     :: aux_prof(nprofiles)   ! auxillary profiles informations
-  Type(radiance_Type)   :: radiancedata_k          ! Local structure for K radiances
-  Type(predictors_Type) :: predictors_k(nchannels) ! K of above predictors
-  Type(profile_aux)     :: aux_prof_k(nchannels)   ! K of above aux_prof
-  Type(radiance_aux)    :: auxrad
-  Type(profile_Type)    :: profiles_k_all(nchannels)
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------
-  !0. initialize
-  !-------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  !1. check input data is within suitable physical limits
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_checkinput( &
-          & profiles( i ),     &!in
-          & coef,              &!in
-          & errorstatus(i)    ) !out
-  End Do
-  ! 1.1 test check input return code
-  !-----------------------------_---
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_warning ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput warning error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End If
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           ! Some unphysical values; Do not run RTTOV
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput fatal error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     ! nothing processed so all profiles get the fatal error code
-     ! user will know which profile
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  End If
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !2. determine cloud top and surface levels
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        Allocate( aux_prof(i) % debye_prof( 5 , coef%nlevels ), stat= alloc_status(1)  )
-        If( alloc_status(1) /= 0 ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of debye_prof")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-     Endif
-     Call rttov_profaux( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & aux_prof(i))    ! inout
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !3. set up common geometric variables for transmittance calculation
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & angles(i) )     ! out
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------
-  !5. calculate transmittance path predictors
-  !------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors(i) % nlevels  = coef % nlevels
-     predictors(i) % nmixed   = coef % nmixed
-     predictors(i) % nwater   = coef % nwater
-     predictors(i) % nozone   = coef % nozone
-     predictors(i) % nwvcont  = coef % nwvcont
-     predictors(i) % nco2     = coef % nco2
-     predictors(i) % ncloud   = 0 ! (can be set to 1 inside setpredictors)
-     Allocate( predictors(i) % mixedgas&
-           & ( coef%nmixed , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( predictors(i) % watervapour&
-           & ( coef%nwater , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( predictors(i) % clw&
-           & ( coef%nlevels )  ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     If( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors(i) % ozone&
-              & ( coef%nozone , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     End If
-     If( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors(i) % wvcont&
-              & ( coef%nwvcont , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     End If
-     If( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors(i) % co2&
-              & ( coef%nco2 , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     End If
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of predictors")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 7) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 8) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_8( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage,&
-              & '( "Unexpected RTTOV compatibility version number" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do ! Profile loop
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  !6. calculate optical depths and transmittances
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_transmit( &
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & coef%nlevels,    &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & predictors,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,        &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & transmission,    &! inout
-       & od_layer,        &! out
-       & opdp_ref)         ! out
-  !--------------------------------------
-  !7. calculate channel emissivity values
-  !--------------------------------------
-  If ( Any(calcemis) ) Then
-     ! calculate surface emissivity for selected channels
-     ! and reflectivity
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir ) Then
-        !Infrared
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity  )   ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-        Elseif ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           !Microwave
-        Call rttov_calcemis_mw ( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nchannels,     &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & polarisations, &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & transmission,  &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity,    &! inout
-             & reflectivity,  &! out
-             & errorstatus   ) ! out
-        If ( Any( errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        End If
-     Else
-        ! Hires
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity  )   ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End If
-     ! reflectivity for other channels
-     Where( .Not. calcemis(:) )
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End Where
-  Else
-     ! reflectivity for all channels
-     reflectivity(:) = 1._JPRB - emissivity(:)
-  End If
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  !8. integrate the radiative transfer equation
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  allocate(auxrad % layer   (coef % nlevels, nchannels),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate(auxrad % surfair (nchannels),stat= alloc_status(2))
-  allocate(auxrad % skin    (nchannels),stat= alloc_status(3))
-  allocate(auxrad % cosmic  (nchannels),stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate(auxrad % up      (coef % nlevels, nchannels),stat= alloc_status(5))
-  allocate(auxrad % down    (coef % nlevels, nchannels),stat= alloc_status(6))
-  If ( addcloud ) then
-     allocate(auxrad % down_cloud (coef % nlevels, nchannels),stat= alloc_status(7))
-  End If
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of aux radiances")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-  Call rttov_integrate( &
-       & addcloud,      &! in
-       & addcosmic,     &! in
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & nbtout,        &! in
-       & nprofiles,     &! in
-       & angles,        &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & lprofiles,     &! in
-       & emissivity,    &! in
-       & reflectivity,  &! in
-       & transmission,  &! in
-       & profiles,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,      &! in
-       & coef,          &! in
-       & radiancedata,  &! inout
-       & auxrad        ) ! inout
-  ! K matrix
-  !----------------
-  !
-  ! allocate memory for intermediate variables
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     aux_prof_k(i) % nearestlev_surf = 0   ! no meaning
-     aux_prof_k(i) % pfraction_surf  = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     aux_prof_k(i) % nearestlev_ctp  = 0   ! no meaning
-     aux_prof_k(i) % pfraction_ctp   = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     aux_prof_k(i) % cfraction       = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        Allocate( aux_prof_k(i) % debye_prof( 5 , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-        If( alloc_status(1) /= 0 ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of K debye_prof")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        aux_prof_k(i) % debye_prof(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i, 2)
-     j = lprofiles(freq)
-     Allocate( predictors_k(i) % mixedgas   ( coef%nmixed , coef%nlevels ),stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( predictors_k(i) % watervapour( coef%nwater , coef%nlevels ),stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( predictors_k(i) % clw        ( coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(i) % p(coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(i) % t(coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(i) % q(coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(i) % o3(coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(i) % clw(coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of K predictors")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     If(Present(radiance_k)) Then
-       local_rad_k = .false.
-       Do ii=1, coef%nlevels
-          profiles_k_all(i) % clw (ii) = profiles_k(i) % clw (ii) 
-          profiles_k_all(i) % o3 (ii) = profiles_k(i) % o3 (ii) 
-          profiles_k_all(i) % t (ii) = profiles_k(i) % t (ii)
-          profiles_k_all(i) % q (ii) = profiles_k(i) % q (ii)
-          profiles_k_all(i) % p (ii) = profiles_k(i) % p (ii)
-       Enddo
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % t  = profiles_k(i) % s2m % t
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % u  = profiles_k(i) % s2m % u 
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % v  = profiles_k(i) % s2m % v 
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % q  = profiles_k(i) % s2m % q
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % p  = profiles_k(i) % s2m % p
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % t  = profiles_k(i) % skin % t
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(1)  = profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(1)
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(2)  = profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(2)
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(3)  = profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(3)
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(4)  = profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(4)
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(5)  = profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(5)
-       profiles_k_all(i) % ctp  = profiles_k(i) % ctp 
-       profiles_k_all(i) % cfraction  = profiles_k(i) % cfraction
-       profiles_k_all(i) % nlevels = profiles_k(i) % nlevels 
-     ELSE
-       Do ii=1, coef%nlevels
-          profiles_k_all(i) % clw (ii) = 0.0_JPRB
-          profiles_k_all(i) % o3 (ii) = 0.0_JPRB
-          profiles_k_all(i) % t (ii) = 0.0_JPRB
-          profiles_k_all(i) % q (ii) = 0.0_JPRB
-          profiles_k_all(i) % p (ii) = 0.0_JPRB
-       Enddo
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % t  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % u  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % v  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % q  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % p  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % t  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(1)  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(2)  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(3)  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(4)  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(5)  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % ctp  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % cfraction  =0.0_JPRB
-       profiles_k_all(i) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     END IF
-     predictors_k(i) % mixedgas(:,:)    = 0._JPRB
-     predictors_k(i) % watervapour(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     predictors_k(i) % clw(:)           = 0._JPRB
-     predictors_k(i) % nlevels  = predictors(j) % nlevels
-     predictors_k(i) % nmixed   = predictors(j) % nmixed
-     predictors_k(i) % nwater   = predictors(j) % nwater
-     predictors_k(i) % nozone   = predictors(j) % nozone
-     predictors_k(i) % nwvcont  = predictors(j) % nwvcont
-     predictors_k(i) % nco2     = predictors(j) % nco2
-     predictors_k(i) % ncloud   = predictors(j) % ncloud
-     If( predictors_k(i) % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors_k(i) % ozone&
-              & ( coef%nozone , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of K predictors")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        predictors_k(i) % ozone(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     End If
-     If( predictors_k(i) % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors_k(i) % wvcont&
-              & ( coef%nwvcont , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of K predictors")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        predictors_k(i) % wvcont(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     End If
-     If( predictors_k(i) % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        Allocate( predictors_k(i) % co2&
-              & ( coef%nco2 , coef%nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of K predictors")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        predictors_k(i) % co2(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     End If
-  End Do
-  reflectivity_k(:) = 0._JPRB
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  !8. integrate the radiative transfer equation
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  If(Present(radiance_k)) Then
-     ! use the subroutine argument for K radiances
-     addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-     Call rttov_integrate_k( &
-          & addcloud,      &! in
-          & addcosmic,     &! in
-          & switchrad,     &! in
-          & nfrequencies,  &! in
-          & nchannels,     &! in
-          & nbtout,        &! in
-          & nprofiles,     &! in
-          & angles,        &! in
-          & channels,      &! in
-          & polarisations, &! in
-          & lprofiles,     &! in
-          & emissivity,    &! in
-          & emissivity_k,    &! inout
-          & reflectivity,    &! in
-          & reflectivity_k,  &! inout
-          & transmission,    &! in
-          & transmission_k,  &! inout
-          & profiles,        &! in
-          & profiles_k_all,  &! inout  (input only due to mem alloc)
-          & aux_prof,        &! in
-          & aux_prof_k,      &! inout
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & radiancedata,    &! in
-          & auxrad ,         &! in
-          & radiance_k      ) ! inout  (output if converstion Bt -> rad)
-  Else
-     local_rad_k = .true.
-     ! create a local structure for input K radiances
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % out      ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % total_out ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     Allocate( radiancedata_k % clear_out  ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of K radiances")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     radiancedata_k % clear(:)      = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % clear_out(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % out_clear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % cloudy(:)     = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % bt_clear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % upclear(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % reflclear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % overcast(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % downcld(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % bt(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % total(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % out(:)   = 1._JPRB
-     radiancedata_k % total_out(:) = 1._JPRB
-     addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-     Call rttov_integrate_k( &
-          & addcloud,        &! in
-          & addcosmic,       &! in
-          & switchrad,       &! in
-          & nfrequencies,    &! in
-          & nchannels,       &! in
-          & nbtout,          &! in
-          & nprofiles,       &! in
-          & angles,          &! in
-          & channels,        &! in
-          & polarisations,   &! in
-          & lprofiles,       &! in
-          & emissivity,      &! in
-          & emissivity_k,    &! inout
-          & reflectivity,    &! in
-          & reflectivity_k,  &! inout
-          & transmission,    &! in
-          & transmission_k,  &! inout
-          & profiles,        &! in
-          & profiles_k_all,  &! inout  (input only due to mem alloc)
-          & aux_prof,        &! in
-          & aux_prof_k,      &! inout
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & radiancedata,    &! in
-          & auxrad ,         &! in
-          & radiancedata_k  ) ! inout  (output if converstion Bt -> rad)
-  Endif
-  If ( Any(calcemis) ) Then
-     ! calculate surface emissivity for selected channels
-     ! and reflectivity
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir ) Then
-        !Infrared
-        emissivity_k(:) = -reflectivity_k(:) + emissivity_k(:)
-        Elseif ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           !Microwave
-        Call rttov_calcemis_mw_k ( &
-             & profiles,         &! in
-             & profiles_k_all,   &! inout
-             & angles,           &! in
-             & coef,             &! in
-             & nfrequencies,     &! in
-             & nchannels,        &! in
-             & nprofiles,        &! in
-             & channels,         &! in
-             & polarisations,    &! in
-             & lprofiles,        &! in
-             & transmission,     &! in
-             & transmission_k,   &! inout
-             & calcemis,         &! in
-             & emissivity_k,     &! inout
-             & reflectivity_k   ) ! inout
-     Else
-        ! Hires
-        emissivity_k(:) = -reflectivity_k(:) + emissivity_k(:)
-     End If
-     ! reflectivity for other channels
-     Where( .Not. calcemis(:) )
-        emissivity_k(:) = -reflectivity_k(:) + emissivity_k(:)
-     End Where
-  Else
-     ! reflectivity for all channels
-     emissivity_k(:) = -reflectivity_k(:) + emissivity_k(:)
-  End If
-  !K of optical depths and transmittances
-  Call rttov_transmit_k( &
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & coef%nlevels,    &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & predictors,      &! in
-       & predictors_k,    &! inout
-       & aux_prof,        &! in
-       & aux_prof_k,      &! inout
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & od_layer,        &! in
-       & opdp_ref,        &! in
-       & transmission,    &! in
-       & transmission_k  ) ! inout
-  ! K of Predictors RTTOV-7 RTTOV-8
-  If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 7) Then
-     Call rttov_setpredictors_k( &
-          & nfrequencies,  &! in
-          & nchannels,     &! in
-          & nprofiles,     &! in
-          & coef%nlevels,  &! in
-          & angles,        &! in
-          & polarisations, &! in
-          & lprofiles,     &! in
-          & profiles,      &! in
-          & profiles_k_all,&! inout
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & predictors,    &! in
-          & predictors_k )  ! inout
-  Else If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 8) Then
-     Call rttov_setpredictors_8_k( &
-          & nfrequencies,  &! in
-          & nchannels,     &! in
-          & nprofiles,     &! in
-          & coef%nlevels,  &! in
-          & angles,        &! in
-          & polarisations, &! in
-          & lprofiles,     &! in
-          & profiles,      &! in
-          & profiles_k_all,&! inout
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & predictors,    &! in
-          & predictors_k )  ! inout
-  End If
-  ! K on cloud top and surface levels
-  Call rttov_profaux_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & profiles_k_all,&! inout
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & aux_prof,      &! in
-     & aux_prof_k   )  ! inout
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw .AND. local_rad_k ) Then
-  ! We have K wrt all calculated TBs - but user wants K for
-  ! instrument channels, so K code only requires an extra routine to modify
-  ! output. In AD code we simply exclude unused channels. Note only required
-  ! for microwave calculations.
-     Call rttov_profout_k( &
-            & nfrequencies,      &! in
-            & nchannels,         &! in
-            & nbtout,            &! in
-            & nprofiles,         &! in
-            & channels,          &! in
-            & lprofiles,         &! in
-            & polarisations,     &! in
-            & coef,              &! in
-            & angles,            &! in
-            & profiles_k_all,    &! in
-            & profiles_k)         ! Out
-	     Do i = 1, nbtout
-	     Enddo
-  Else
-     !profiles_k  = profiles_k_all
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        profiles_k(i) % nlevels          = profiles_k_all(i) % nlevels
-        profiles_k(i) % s2m % t          = profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % t
-        profiles_k(i) % s2m % q          = profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % q
-        profiles_k(i) % s2m % p          = profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % p
-        profiles_k(i) % s2m % u          = profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % u
-        profiles_k(i) % s2m % v          = profiles_k_all(i) % s2m % v
-        profiles_k(i) % skin % t         = profiles_k_all(i) % skin % t
-        profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(1) = profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(1)
-        profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(2) = profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(2)
-        profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(3) = profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(3)
-        profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(4) = profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(4)
-        profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem(5) = profiles_k_all(i) % skin % fastem(5)
-        profiles_k(i) % ctp              = profiles_k_all(i) % ctp
-        profiles_k(i) % cfraction        = profiles_k_all(i) % cfraction
-        Do  ii=1,coef%nlevels
-           profiles_k(i) % t(ii)         = profiles_k_all(i) % t(ii)
-           profiles_k(i) % q(ii)         = profiles_k_all(i) % q(ii)
-           profiles_k(i) % o3(ii)        = profiles_k_all(i) % o3(ii)
-           profiles_k(i) % clw(ii)       = profiles_k_all(i) % clw(ii)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !--------------------
-  !9. deallocate memory
-  !--------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Deallocate( predictors(i) % mixedgas    ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Deallocate( predictors(i) % watervapour ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Deallocate( predictors(i) % clw         ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     If( predictors(i) % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors(i) % ozone    ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     End If
-     If( predictors(i) % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors(i)   % wvcont ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     End If
-     If( predictors(i) % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors(i)   % co2    ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     End If
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of predictors")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     Deallocate( predictors_k(i) % mixedgas    ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Deallocate( predictors_k(i) % watervapour ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Deallocate( predictors_k(i) % clw         ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     If( predictors_k(i) % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors_k(i) % ozone    ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     End If
-     If( predictors_k(i) % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors_k(i)   % wvcont ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     End If
-     If( predictors_k(i) % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        Deallocate( predictors_k(i)   % co2    ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     End If
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of K edictors")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Deallocate(auxrad % layer   ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % surfair ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % skin    ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % cosmic  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % up      ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Deallocate(auxrad % down    ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  If ( addcloud ) Then
-     Deallocate(auxrad % down_cloud ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  End If
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of aux radiances")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        If( Associated( aux_prof(i) % debye_prof) ) Then
-           Deallocate( aux_prof(i) % debye_prof ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of debye profile")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           End If
-        End If
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        If( Associated( aux_prof_k(i) % debye_prof) ) Then
-           Deallocate( aux_prof_k(i) % debye_prof ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of K debye profile")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           End If
-        End If
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     If( Associated(  profiles_k_all(i) % p )) Then
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(i) % p ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(i) % t ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(i) % q ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(i) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(i) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of profiles_k_all")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-     End If
-  End do
-  If( local_rad_k ) Then
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % total     ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % out       ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % total_out  ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     Deallocate( radiancedata_k % clear_out  ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of K radiances")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End If
-End Subroutine rttov_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 33eb205304810fa9517c46b06da984da29187856..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_k( &
-     errorstatus,   & ! out
-     nfrequencies,  & ! in
-     nchannels,     & ! in
-     nbtout,        & ! in
-     nprofiles,     & ! in
-     channels,      & ! in
-     polarisations, & ! in
-     lprofiles,     & ! in
-     profiles,      & ! in
-     coef,          & ! in
-     addcloud,      & ! in
-     switchrad,     & ! in
-     calcemis,      & ! in
-     emissivity,    & ! inout  direct model
-     profiles_k,    & ! inout  K mat on profile variables
-     emissivity_k,  & ! inout  K mat on surface emissivity
-     transmission,  & ! inout  K model
-     transmission_k,& ! inout  K input
-     radiancedata,  & ! inout  direct model   (input due to pointers alloc)
-     radiance_k     ) ! inout OPTIONAL K radiances
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       max_optical_depth   ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       sensor_id_ir
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-     !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(inout) :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_k ! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout), optional :: radiance_k
-End Subroutine rttov_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 36de1e142a3e8cc1f67d5311aeb725bb4b742264..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc (&
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & frequencies,       &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & coef_rttov,        &! in
-     & coef_scatt,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux)          ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates scattering parameters from Mie tables
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :      &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim,jprb
-  Implicit None       
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                          ! Number of NWP levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                           ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                           ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies  (nchannels)            ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)  ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                 ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iwc, itemp, itype, ichan, iprof, ifreq, ilayer
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: wc, temp,  kp, ap, gp, s_k, s_a, s_g        
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-!* Loops over channels, levels, hydrometeor types
-  nchan_loop: do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles   (ichan)
-     ifreq = frequencies (ichan)  
-     nlayer_loop: do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        ntype_loop: do itype = 1, coef_scatt % nhydro - 1
-           wc = 0.0_JPRB
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % sp  (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp
-           case (3_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq
-           case (4_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice
-           end select
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: LWC/IWC
-           iwc = floor (wc)
-           if (iwc > coef_scatt % mwc - 1) iwc = coef_scatt % mwc - 1
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: T (w/o melting layer)
-           itemp = anint (temp)
-           if (itemp <                      1) itemp = 1
-           if (itemp > coef_scatt % mtemp - 1) itemp = coef_scatt % mtemp - 1
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-              s_k = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_a = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_g = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              kp  = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_k * (wc - iwc)
-              ap  = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_a * (wc - iwc)
-              gp  = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_g * (wc - iwc)
-           else
-              kp  = 1.0E-10_JPRB               
-              ap  = 0.0_JPRB               
-              gp  = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) + kp
-           scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) + kp * ap
-           scatt_aux % asm (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % asm (ichan,ilayer) + kp * ap * gp
-        enddo ntype_loop
-     enddo nlayer_loop
-  enddo nchan_loop
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     where (scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) >   0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) 
-     where (scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) >   0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer) 
-     where (scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer) >= 20.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer)  = 20.0_JPRB
-  enddo
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c42fc410f1ee72f79cfc9c81c4c0ae1ce04dfed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 933a32525beac4c5416768b6039871187fab1594..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc_ad (&
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & frequencies,       &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & cld_profiles_ad,   &! inout
-     & coef_rttov,        &! in
-     & coef_scatt,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-     & scatt_aux_ad)       ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates scattering parameters from Mie tables
-  ! 
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    09/2002      Initial version         (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible     (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.3    03/2004      Polarimetry code added  (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.4    11/2004      Clean-up                (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                             ! Number of NWP levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                              ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                              ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)                ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles   (nchannels)                ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)  ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_ad (nprofiles)  ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                   ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                    ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad                 ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iwc, itemp, itype, ichan, iprof, ifreq, ilayer
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: wc   , temp   ,  kp   , ap   , gp   , s_k   , s_a   , s_g   , zln10
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: wc_ad, temp_ad,  kp_ad, ap_ad, gp_ad, s_k_ad, s_a_ad, s_g_ad    
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: ext, ssa, asm
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------      
-  zln10 = log (10.0_JPRB)
-!* Loops over channels, levels, hydrometeor types
-  nchan_loop1: do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles   (ichan)
-     ifreq = frequencies (ichan)  
-     nlayer_loop1: do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        ntype_loop1: do itype = 1, coef_scatt % nhydro - 1
-           wc = 0.0_JPRB
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % sp  (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp
-           case (3_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq
-           case (4_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice
-           end select 
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: LWC/IWC
-           iwc = floor (wc)
-           if (iwc > coef_scatt % mwc - 1) iwc = coef_scatt % mwc - 1
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: T (w/o melting layer)
-           itemp = anint (temp)
-           if (itemp <                      1) itemp = 1
-           if (itemp > coef_scatt % mtemp - 1) itemp = coef_scatt % mtemp - 1
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-              s_k = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_a = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_g = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              kp  = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_k * (wc - iwc)
-              ap  = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_a * (wc - iwc)
-              gp  = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_g * (wc - iwc)
-           else
-              kp  = 1.0E-10_JPRB                            
-              ap  = 0.0_JPRB               
-              gp  = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) + kp
-           scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) + kp * ap
-           scatt_aux % asm (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % asm (ichan,ilayer) + kp * ap * gp
-        enddo ntype_loop1
-     enddo nlayer_loop1
-  enddo nchan_loop1
-  ext (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     where (scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) >   0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) 
-     where (scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) >   0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer) 
-     where (scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer) >= 20.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer)  = 20.0_JPRB
-  enddo
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     where (ssa (:,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB ) 
-            scatt_aux_ad % ext (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % ext (:,ilayer) - scatt_aux_ad % ssa (:,ilayer) * ssa (:,ilayer) &
-	                                & / (ext (:,ilayer) * ext (:,ilayer)) 
-            scatt_aux_ad % ssa (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa (:,ilayer) / ext (:,ilayer)
-     endwhere
-     where (asm (:,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB ) 
-            scatt_aux_ad % ssa (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % ssa (:,ilayer) - scatt_aux_ad % asm (:,ilayer) * asm (:,ilayer) &
-                                        & / (ssa (:,ilayer) * ssa (:,ilayer))
-        scatt_aux_ad     % asm (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad  % asm (:,ilayer) / ssa (:,ilayer)   
-     endwhere
-     where (ext (:,ilayer) >= 20.0_JPRB) scatt_aux_ad % ext (:,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-  enddo
-!* Loops over channels, levels, hydrometeor types
-  nchan_loop2: do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles   (ichan)     
-     ifreq = frequencies (ichan)  
-     nlayer_loop2: do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-        ntype_loop2: do itype = coef_scatt % nhydro - 1, 1, -1
-           wc = 0.0_JPRB
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % rain(iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % sp(iprof,ilayer))  - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp
-           case (3_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % clw(iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq
-           case (4_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % ciw(iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice
-           end select
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: LWC/IWC
-           iwc = floor (wc)
-           if (iwc > coef_scatt % mwc - 1) iwc = coef_scatt % mwc - 1
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: T (w/o melting layer)
-           itemp = anint (temp)
-           if (itemp <                      1) itemp = 1
-           if (itemp > coef_scatt % mtemp - 1) itemp = coef_scatt % mtemp - 1
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-              s_k = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_a = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_g = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              kp  = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_k * (wc - iwc)
-              ap  = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_a * (wc - iwc)
-              gp  = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_g * (wc - iwc)
-           else
-              kp  = 1.0E-10_JPRB                             
-              ap  = 0.0_JPRB               
-              gp  = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           kp_ad   = 0.0_JPRB
-           ap_ad   = 0.0_JPRB
-           gp_ad   = 0.0_JPRB
-           temp_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-           wc_ad   = 0.0_JPRB
-           kp_ad = kp_ad + ap * gp * scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,ilayer)
-           ap_ad = ap_ad + kp * gp * scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,ilayer)
-           gp_ad = gp_ad + kp * ap * scatt_aux_ad % asm (ichan,ilayer)
-           kp_ad = kp_ad +      ap * scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,ilayer) 
-           ap_ad = ap_ad +      kp * scatt_aux_ad % ssa (ichan,ilayer)
-           kp_ad = kp_ad +           scatt_aux_ad % ext (ichan,ilayer)
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-               wc_ad = wc_ad + s_g * gp_ad
-               gp_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-               wc_ad = wc_ad + s_a * ap_ad
-               ap_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-               wc_ad = wc_ad + s_k * kp_ad
-               kp_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-           else
-               kp_ad = 0.0_JPRB               
-               ap_ad = 0.0_JPRB               
-               gp_ad = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-	        & scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % rain (iprof,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_ad &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer))  
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-	        & scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % sp   (iprof,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_ad &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer))
-           case (3_jpim) 
-              if (scatt_aux    % clw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-	        & scatt_aux_ad % clw  (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % clw  (iprof,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_ad &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer))
-           case (4_jpim) 
-              if (scatt_aux    % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB ) &
-	        & scatt_aux_ad % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) = scatt_aux_ad % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_ad &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer))
-           end select            
-           wc_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-        enddo ntype_loop2
-     enddo nlayer_loop2
-  enddo nchan_loop2
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc_ad
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2e213cd7bea01d4a1150fb2c7b629c9ea00fa7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc_ad (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & cld_profiles_ad,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_ad) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_ad (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_ad
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index bd1813d2501a1d7e581ecaa3004366c4c38c9fb1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc_k (&
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & frequencies,       &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & cld_profiles_k,   &! inout
-     & coef_rttov,        &! in
-     & coef_scatt,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-     & scatt_aux_k)       ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates scattering parameters from Mie tables
-  ! 
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    09/2002      Initial version         (E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible     (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.3    03/2004      Polarimetry code added  (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.4    11/2004      Clean-up                (P. Bauer)
-  !  1.5    02/2005      K-Code                  (A. Collard)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                             ! Number of NWP levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                              ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                              ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)                ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles   (nchannels)                ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)  ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_k  (nchannels)  ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                   ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                    ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k                 ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iwc, itemp, itype, ichan, iprof, ifreq, ilayer
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: wc   , temp   ,  kp   , ap   , gp   , s_k   , s_a   , s_g   , zln10
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: wc_k, temp_k,  kp_k, ap_k, gp_k, s_k_k, s_a_k, s_g_k    
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels,nwp_levels) :: ext, ssa, asm
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------      
-  zln10 = log (10.0_JPRB)
-!* Loops over channels, levels, hydrometeor types
-  nchan_loop1: do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles   (ichan)
-     ifreq = frequencies (ichan)  
-     nlayer_loop1: do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        ntype_loop1: do itype = 1, coef_scatt % nhydro - 1
-           wc = 0.0_JPRB
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % sp  (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp
-           case (3_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % clw (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq
-           case (4_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % ciw (iprof,ilayer) .gt. 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles (iprof) % t (ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice
-           end select 
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: LWC/IWC
-           iwc = floor (wc)
-           if (iwc > coef_scatt % mwc - 1) iwc = coef_scatt % mwc - 1
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: T (w/o melting layer)
-           itemp = anint (temp)
-           if (itemp <                      1) itemp = 1
-           if (itemp > coef_scatt % mtemp - 1) itemp = coef_scatt % mtemp - 1
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-              s_k = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_a = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_g = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              kp  = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_k * (wc - iwc)
-              ap  = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_a * (wc - iwc)
-              gp  = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_g * (wc - iwc)
-           else
-              kp  = 1.0E-10_JPRB                            
-              ap  = 0.0_JPRB               
-              gp  = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ext (ichan,ilayer) + kp
-           scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ssa (ichan,ilayer) + kp * ap
-           scatt_aux % asm (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux % asm (ichan,ilayer) + kp * ap * gp
-        enddo ntype_loop1
-     enddo nlayer_loop1
-  enddo nchan_loop1
-  ext (:,:) = scatt_aux % ext (:,:)
-  ssa (:,:) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,:)
-  asm (:,:) = scatt_aux % asm (:,:)
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     where (scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) >   0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) 
-     where (scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) >   0.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer) 
-     where (scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer) >= 20.0_JPRB) &
-          & scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer)  = 20.0_JPRB
-  enddo
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     where (ssa (:,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB ) 
-            scatt_aux_k % ext (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % ext (:,ilayer) - scatt_aux_k % ssa (:,ilayer) * ssa (:,ilayer) &
-	                                & / (ext (:,ilayer) * ext (:,ilayer)) 
-            scatt_aux_k % ssa (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % ssa (:,ilayer) / ext (:,ilayer)
-     endwhere
-     where (asm (:,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB ) 
-            scatt_aux_k % ssa (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % ssa (:,ilayer) - scatt_aux_k % asm (:,ilayer) * asm (:,ilayer) &
-                                        & / (ssa (:,ilayer) * ssa (:,ilayer))
-        scatt_aux_k     % asm (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k  % asm (:,ilayer) / ssa (:,ilayer)   
-     endwhere
-     where (ext (:,ilayer) >= 20.0_JPRB) scatt_aux_k % ext (:,ilayer) = 0.0_JPRB
-  enddo
-!* Loops over channels, levels, hydrometeor types
-  nchan_loop2: do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles   (ichan)     
-     ifreq = frequencies (ichan)  
-     nlayer_loop2: do ilayer = nwp_levels, 1, -1
-        ntype_loop2: do itype = coef_scatt % nhydro - 1, 1, -1
-           wc = 0.0_JPRB
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % rain(iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % sp(iprof,ilayer))  - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp
-           case (3_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % clw(iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq
-           case (4_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-                 & wc = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10(scatt_aux % ciw(iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water 
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice
-           end select
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: LWC/IWC
-           iwc = floor (wc)
-           if (iwc > coef_scatt % mwc - 1) iwc = coef_scatt % mwc - 1
-!* Nearest index for Mie-table: T (w/o melting layer)
-           itemp = anint (temp)
-           if (itemp <                      1) itemp = 1
-           if (itemp > coef_scatt % mtemp - 1) itemp = coef_scatt % mtemp - 1
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-              s_k = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_a = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              s_g = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              kp  = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_k * (wc - iwc)
-              ap  = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_a * (wc - iwc)
-              gp  = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_g * (wc - iwc)
-           else
-              kp  = 1.0E-10_JPRB                             
-              ap  = 0.0_JPRB               
-              gp  = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           kp_k   = 0.0_JPRB
-           ap_k   = 0.0_JPRB
-           gp_k   = 0.0_JPRB
-           temp_k = 0.0_JPRB
-           wc_k   = 0.0_JPRB
-           kp_k = kp_k + ap * gp * scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,ilayer)
-           ap_k = ap_k + kp * gp * scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,ilayer)
-           gp_k = gp_k + kp * ap * scatt_aux_k % asm (ichan,ilayer)
-           kp_k = kp_k +      ap * scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,ilayer) 
-           ap_k = ap_k +      kp * scatt_aux_k % ssa (ichan,ilayer)
-           kp_k = kp_k +           scatt_aux_k % ext (ichan,ilayer)
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-               wc_k = wc_k + s_g * gp_k
-               gp_k = 0.0_JPRB
-               wc_k = wc_k + s_a * ap_k
-               ap_k = 0.0_JPRB
-               wc_k = wc_k + s_k * kp_k
-               kp_k = 0.0_JPRB
-           else
-               kp_k = 0.0_JPRB               
-               ap_k = 0.0_JPRB               
-               gp_k = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux    % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-	        & scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % rain (ichan,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_k &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer))  
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux    % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-	        & scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % sp   (ichan,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_k &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer))
-           case (3_jpim) 
-              if (scatt_aux    % clw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) &
-	        & scatt_aux_k % clw  (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % clw  (ichan,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_k &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer))
-           case (4_jpim) 
-              if (scatt_aux    % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB ) &
-	        & scatt_aux_k % ciw  (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_k % ciw  (ichan,ilayer) + coef_scatt % scale_water * wc_k &
-                & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer))
-           end select            
-           wc_k = 0.0_JPRB
-        enddo ntype_loop2
-     enddo nlayer_loop2
-  enddo nchan_loop2
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc_k
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deleted file mode 100644
index 07826a71048d3e0814d45f49a22a9f16033b086d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc_k (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & cld_profiles_k,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_k) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_k (nchannels)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_k
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e04a31571aac337d28ded0f5b50d55a9d2fdf8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc_tl (&
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & frequencies,       &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & cld_profiles_tl,   &! in
-     & coef_rttov,        &! in
-     & coef_scatt,        &! in
-     & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-     & scatt_aux_tl)       ! inout 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates scattering parameters from Mie tables
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans: comparison with SSM/I observations.
-  !     Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       09/2002   Initial version     (P. Bauer, E. Moreau)
-  !  1.1       05/2003   RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !  1.2       11/2004   Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only :      &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels                             ! Number of NWP levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels                              ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles                              ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)                ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles   (nchannels)                ! Profile indices
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)  ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles_tl (nprofiles)  ! Cloud profiles on NWP levels
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                   ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                   ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux                    ! Auxiliary profile variables
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux),   Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_tl                 ! Auxiliary profile variables
-!* Local variables:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iwc, itemp, itype, ichan, ifreq, iprof, ilayer
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: wc   , temp   ,  kp   , ap   , gp   , s_k   , s_a   , s_g   , zln10     
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: wc_tl, temp_tl,  kp_tl, ap_tl, gp_tl, s_k_tl, s_a_tl, s_g_tl  
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  zln10 = log (10.0_JPRB)
-!* Loops over channels, levels, hydrometeor types
-  nchan_loop: do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lprofiles   (ichan)     
-     ifreq = frequencies (ichan)  
-     nlayer_loop: do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-        ntype_loop: do itype = 1, coef_scatt % nhydro - 1
-           wc_tl = 0.0_JPRB
-           wc    = 0.0_JPRB
-           select case (itype)
-           case (1_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then
-                 wc    = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water
-                 wc_tl = coef_scatt % scale_water * scatt_aux_tl % rain (iprof,ilayer) & 
-		    & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % rain (iprof,ilayer))  
-              endif
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_rain
-           case (2_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then
-                 wc    = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer))  - coef_scatt % offset_water
-                 wc_tl = coef_scatt % scale_water * scatt_aux_tl % sp   (iprof,ilayer) & 
-		    & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % sp   (iprof,ilayer))  
-              endif
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_sp
-           case (3_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then
-                 wc    = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % clw   (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water
-                 wc_tl = coef_scatt % scale_water * scatt_aux_tl % clw  (iprof,ilayer) & 
-		     & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % clw  (iprof,ilayer))  
-              endif
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_liq
-           case (4_jpim)
-              if (scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) then
-                 wc    = coef_scatt % scale_water * log10 (scatt_aux % ciw   (iprof,ilayer)) - coef_scatt % offset_water
-                 wc_tl = coef_scatt % scale_water * scatt_aux_tl % ciw  (iprof,ilayer) & 
-		       & / (zln10 * scatt_aux % ciw  (iprof,ilayer))  
-              endif
-              temp = cld_profiles(iprof) % t(ilayer) - coef_scatt % offset_temp_ice
-           end select
-!* nearest index for Mie-table: LWC/IWC
-           iwc = floor (wc)
-           if (iwc > coef_scatt % mwc - 1) iwc = coef_scatt % mwc - 1
-!* nearest index for Mie-table: T (w/o melting layer)
-           itemp = anint (temp)
-           if (itemp <                      1) itemp = 1
-           if (itemp > coef_scatt % mtemp - 1) itemp = coef_scatt % mtemp - 1
-           if (iwc >= 1) then
-	      s_k   = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-	      s_a   = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-	      s_g   = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc+1) - coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc)
-              kp    = coef_scatt % ext (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_k * (wc - iwc)
-              kp_tl = s_k * wc_tl
-              ap    = coef_scatt % ssa (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_a * (wc - iwc)
-              ap_tl = s_a * wc_tl
-              gp    = coef_scatt % asp (ifreq,itype,itemp,iwc) + s_g * (wc - iwc)
-              gp_tl = s_g * wc_tl	      	      	      
-           else
-              kp    = 1.0E-10_JPRB                             
-              ap    = 0.0_JPRB               
-              gp    = 0.0_JPRB               
-              kp_tl = 0.0_JPRB               
-              ap_tl = 0.0_JPRB               
-              gp_tl = 0.0_JPRB               
-           endif
-           scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % ext (ichan,ilayer) + kp
-           scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % ext (ichan,ilayer) + kp_tl
-           scatt_aux    % ssa (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % ssa (ichan,ilayer) + kp    * ap		
-           scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % ssa (ichan,ilayer) + kp_tl * ap + kp * ap_tl
-           scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % asm (ichan,ilayer) + kp    * ap * gp		
-           scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % asm (ichan,ilayer) + kp_tl * ap * gp & 
-	                                                                       & + kp * ap_tl * gp + kp * ap * gp_tl 
-         enddo ntype_loop
-     enddo nlayer_loop
-  enddo nchan_loop
-  do ilayer = 1, nwp_levels
-     where (scatt_aux    % asm (:,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) 
-            scatt_aux_tl % asm (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux_tl % asm (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) &
-                                        & - scatt_aux_tl % ssa (:,ilayer) * scatt_aux % asm (:,ilayer) &
-					& / scatt_aux    % ssa (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer) 
-            scatt_aux    % asm (:,ilayer) = scatt_aux    % asm (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux % ssa (:,ilayer)
-     endwhere
-     where (scatt_aux    % ssa (:,ilayer) > 0.0_JPRB) 
-            scatt_aux_tl % ssa (:,ilayer) = (scatt_aux_tl % ssa (:,ilayer) * scatt_aux    % ext (:,ilayer) &
-	                                & -  scatt_aux    % ssa (:,ilayer) * scatt_aux_tl % ext (:,ilayer)) &
-                                        & / (scatt_aux    % ext (:,ilayer) * scatt_aux    % ext (:,ilayer)) 
-            scatt_aux    % ssa (:,ilayer) =  scatt_aux    % ssa (:,ilayer) / scatt_aux    % ext (:,ilayer)
-     endwhere
-     where (scatt_aux % ext (:,ilayer) >= 20.0_JPRB) 
-         scatt_aux_tl % ext (:,ilayer) =  0.0_JPRB
-	 scatt_aux    % ext (:,ilayer) = 20.0_JPRB
-     endwhere
-  enddo
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc_tl
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deleted file mode 100644
index 149266a95c4e77a641e30b53fffa6b9f968f841d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_mieproc_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_mieproc_tl (&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & cld_profiles_tl,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & scatt_aux,&
- & scatt_aux_tl) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nchannels)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles_tl (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux
- Type (profile_scatt_aux), Intent (inout) :: scatt_aux_tl
-End subroutine rttov_mieproc_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_opencoeff.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_opencoeff.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 19dacb2156dd6e44ae5bd6a2f30b046b34d552bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_opencoeff.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_opencoeff (&
-      & errorstatus,&
-      & coeffname,  &
-      & file_id,    &
-      & for_output, &
-      & lbinary     )
-  ! Description:
-  ! Opens a file given by the name "coeffname"  with  logical
-  !   unit file_id for output (for_output= .true.) or input and returns
-  !   the error status errorstatus.
-  ! If file_id input is zero the routine uses the first free logical unit.
-  !   The optional logical argument lbinary determines the expected data storage.
-  ! If lbinary is false or not present the file is assumed as a sequential
-  !   formatted, in other case it is sequential unformatted.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Character (*), Intent (in) :: coeffname  ! filename of the coefficient file
-  Logical, Optional, Intent (in) :: for_output     ! file access mode
-  Logical, Optional, Intent (in) :: lbinary        ! if binary file wanted
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(inout):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: file_id
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus
-  ! Local Scalars:
-  Character (len=8) :: file_status
-  Character (len=8) :: file_action
-  Character (len=16):: file_form
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: file_output      ! 1 for output; 0 for input
-  Logical           :: file_Open
-  Logical           :: existence
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: file_unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: io_status
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_opencoeff '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  file_unit = file_id
-  ! Consider file_id argument to determine unit for open
-  ! Be careful of the following loop for searching
-  ! the first free logical unit. It has been observed that
-  ! with some high level compiler options it can have some
-  ! side effect, like returning file_id with 0 value.
-  If( file_id <= 0 ) Then
-     ! get the first free logical unit
-     ! --------------------------------------------
-     ! Initialise logical unit number and file_open
-     ! --------------------------------------------
-     file_unit = 9
-     file_Open = .True.
-     ! ------------------------------
-     ! Start open loop for file_id search
-     ! ------------------------------
-     file_search: Do
-        ! -- Increment logical unit number
-        file_unit = file_unit + 1
-        ! -- Check if file is open
-        Inquire( file_unit, OPENED = file_Open )
-        ! -- Is this file_id available?
-        If ( .Not. file_Open ) Exit file_search
-     End Do file_search
-  Endif
-  If( file_id <= 0 .and. file_unit >= 9) Then
-     file_id = file_unit
-  End If
-  ! Consider lbinary option to create the option
-  If(Present(lbinary)) Then
-     If(lbinary) Then
-        file_form = 'unformatted'
-     Else
-        file_form = 'formatted'
-     Endif
-  Else
-     file_form = 'formatted'
-  Endif
-  ! mode access
-  If(Present(for_output)) Then
-     If(for_output) Then
-        file_output = 1
-     Else
-        file_output = 0
-     Endif
-  Else
-     file_output = 0
-  Endif
-  !#--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-  !#                      -- Check data file existence --                     #
-  !#--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-  Inquire( FILE = coeffname, EXIST = existence )
-  If ( file_output == 0 ) Then
-     ! -- If data file does not exist, return an error
-     If ( .Not. existence ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "Coefficient file, ", a, " not found." )' ) &
-             & Trim( coeffname )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     ! -- Set OPEN keywords for reading
-     file_status = 'OLD   '
-     file_action = 'READ '
-  Else
-     ! -- If data file does exist, output a warning message
-     If ( existence ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_warning
-        Write( errMessage, '( "Coefficient file, ", a, " will be overwritten." )' ) &
-             & Trim( coeffname )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     End If
-     ! -- Set OPEN keywords for writing
-     file_status = 'REPLACE'
-     file_action = 'WRITE'
-  End If
-  !#--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-  !#                        -- Open the data file --                          #
-  !#--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-  Open( file_id, FILE   = coeffname, &
-       & STATUS = Trim( file_status ), &
-       & ACTION = Trim( file_action ), &
-       & ACCESS = 'SEQUENTIAL', &
-       & FORM   = Trim( file_form   ), &
-       & IOSTAT = io_status )
-  If ( io_status /= 0 ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "Error opening ", a, ". IOSTAT = ", i5 )' ) &
-          & coeffname, io_status
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  errorstatus = errorstatus_success
-End Subroutine rttov_opencoeff
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deleted file mode 100644
index 16e23039d74c268fc340d25531d147a86e98b050..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_opencoeff.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_opencoeff (&
-     & errorstatus,&
-     & coeffname,  &
-     & file_id,    &
-     & for_output, &
-     & lbinary     )
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Character (*), Intent (in) :: coeffname  ! filename of the coefficient file
-  Logical, Optional, Intent (in) :: for_output     ! file access mode
-  Logical, Optional, Intent (in) :: lbinary        ! if binary file wanted
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: file_id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: errorstatus
-End Subroutine rttov_opencoeff
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_polcoe.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_polcoe.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index a6739c9a75137fc59c15e18ccf7532c31f40e5b0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_polcoe.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-SUBROUTINE rttov_polcoe(x,y,n,cof)
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Numerical Recipes Routine for cubic interpolation
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1       07/10/2004  Added history
-  !  1.1     29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: n,NMAX
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cof(n),x(n),y(n)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: b,ff,phi,s(NMAX)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  do  i=1,n
-     s(i)=0._JPRB
-     cof(i)=0._JPRB
-  enddo
-  s(n)=-x(1)
-  do i=2,n
-     do j=n+1-i,n-1
-        s(j)=s(j)-x(i)*s(j+1)
-     enddo
-     s(n)=s(n)-x(i)
-  enddo
-  do j=1,n
-     phi=n
-     do k=n-1,1,-1
-        phi=k*s(k+1)+x(j)*phi
-     enddo
-     ff=y(j)/phi
-     b=1._JPRB
-     do k=n,1,-1
-        cof(k)=cof(k)+b*ff
-        b=s(k)+x(j)*b
-     enddo
-  enddo
-END SUBROUTINE rttov_polcoe
-!  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software
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index dc058e6403c8c79631fb24e663238261fee78934..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_polcoe.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-   Subroutine rttov_polcoe (x, y, n, cof)
-      Use parkind1, Only: jpim, jprb
-      Implicit None
-      Integer (Kind=jpim) :: n
-      Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (n) :: y
-      Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (n) :: x
-      Real (Kind=jprb), Dimension (n) :: cof
-   End Subroutine rttov_polcoe
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ee35720ed59ef2805b1311c40e0c905f82b9bff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux( &
-     & prof,   &! in
-     & coef,   &! in
-     & aux)     ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Calculates some variables related to the input profile.
-  ! variables are nearest surface level, nearest cloud top level
-  ! and Debye terms for MW
-  ! The reason of having a separate structure for these
-  ! variables is that the input profiles should be "read only"
-  ! in RTTOV context.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       & sensor_id_mw,     &! sensor id number for MW
-       & mwcldtop ,        &! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       & dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)    :: prof  ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)    :: coef  ! coefficients
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inout) :: aux   ! auxilary profile info
-  !local
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: v    ! temperature ratio
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !2. determine cloud top and surface levels
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !nearest level above surface
-  Do lev = prof % nlevels - 1, 1, -1
-     If ( prof % s2m % p > coef % ref_prfl_p( lev ) ) Exit
-  End Do
-  aux % nearestlev_surf = lev + 1
-  aux % pfraction_surf  = &
-       & (coef % ref_prfl_p(aux % nearestlev_surf) - prof % s2m % p)&
-        & / coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_surf)
-  If( coef % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     !nearest level above cloud top
-     Do lev = prof % nlevels-1, 1, -1
-        If ( prof % ctp > coef % ref_prfl_p(lev) ) Exit
-     End Do
-     aux % nearestlev_ctp = lev+1
-     aux % pfraction_ctp  =&
-           & (coef % ref_prfl_p(aux % nearestlev_ctp) - prof % ctp)&
-           & / coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_ctp)
-     aux % cfraction = prof%cfraction
-  Else
-     ! for micro waves do not consider clouds in the RTTOV basis routines
-     aux % nearestlev_ctp = prof % nlevels-1
-     aux % pfraction_ctp  = 0._JPRB
-     aux % cfraction      = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! Description:
-  !   To calculate individual debye terms for temperature
-  !   at each level. There are five debye terms. These
-  !   will be used in fastem and opdep to calculate
-  !   permittivity which is required for surface emissivity
-  !   and cloud modelling
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !   The model is a hybrid of LIEBE MPM 1993 and the PIOM laboratory
-  !   measurements reported by ELLISON et al. 1999.
-  If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-     Do lev = mwcldtop, prof % nlevels
-        v = 300.0_JPRB / prof % t(lev) - 1.0_JPRB
-        aux % debye_prof(1,lev) = dcoeff(1) - dcoeff(2) * v + dcoeff(3) * v*v
-        aux % debye_prof(2,lev) = dcoeff(4) * aux % debye_prof(1,lev)
-        aux % debye_prof(3,lev) = dcoeff(5) * v + dcoeff(6)
-        aux % debye_prof(4,lev) = dcoeff(7) * aux % debye_prof(3,lev)
-        aux % debye_prof(5,lev) = dcoeff(8)
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f74b0e39163d717cb8513297f864e95c588b04a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux( &
-     prof,  & ! in
-     coef,  & ! in
-     aux)     ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       sensor_id_mw, &    ! sensor id number for MW
-       mwcldtop , &       ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)    :: prof  ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)    :: coef  ! coefficients
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inout) :: aux   ! auxilary profile info
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0b772063185f44c8f8ec1c38708d6b142f8e6a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux_ad( &
-     & prof,      &! in
-     & prof_ad,   &! inout
-     & coef,      &! in
-     & aux,       &! in
-     & aux_ad)     ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of rttov_profaux
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    07/10/2004 Added history
-  !  1.1    29/03/2005 Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       & sensor_id_mw,     &! sensor id number for MW
-       & mwcldtop ,        &! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       & dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)   :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout):: prof_ad
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)   :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in)   :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inOUT):: aux_ad
-  ! local
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: v            ! temperature ratio
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: v_ad         ! temperature ratio
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-     Do lev = prof % nlevels, mwcldtop, -1
-        v    = 300.0_JPRB  / prof % t(lev) - 1.0_JPRB
-        aux_ad % debye_prof(3,lev) = aux_ad % debye_prof(3,lev) +&
-              & aux_ad % debye_prof(4,lev) * dcoeff(7)
-        v_ad = aux_ad % debye_prof(3,lev) * dcoeff(5)
-        aux_ad % debye_prof(1,lev) = aux_ad % debye_prof(1,lev)  +&
-              & aux_ad % debye_prof(2,lev) * dcoeff(4)
-        v_ad = v_ad + aux_ad % debye_prof(1,lev) *&
-              & (- dcoeff(2) + 2 * dcoeff(3) * v)
-        prof_ad % t(lev) = prof_ad % t(lev) + v_ad *&
-              & (-300.0_JPRB  / prof % t(lev)**2)
-     Enddo
-     !aux_ad % debye_prof(:,:) = 0.
-  Endif
-  If( coef % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     !nearest level above cloud top
-     prof_ad%cfraction = prof_ad%cfraction + aux_ad % cfraction
-     prof_ad % ctp = prof_ad % ctp - aux_ad % pfraction_ctp /&
-           & coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_ctp)
-  !Else
-     ! for micro waves do not consider clouds in the RTTOV basis routines
-  Endif
-  !nearest level above surface
-  prof_ad % s2m % p = prof_ad % s2m % p - aux_ad % pfraction_surf /&
-        & coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_surf)
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 00dec2c952b5a506f9d526622f57bae9f6db7b8f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux_ad( &
-     prof,     & ! in
-     prof_ad,  & ! inout
-     coef,     & ! in
-     aux,      & ! in
-     aux_ad)     ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       sensor_id_mw, &    ! sensor id number for MW
-       mwcldtop , &       ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)   :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout):: prof_ad
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)   :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in)   :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inOUT):: aux_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index c6cae302ac15eed36c17714e28fcbbb147716520..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & profiles_k,    &! inout
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & aux_prof,      &! in
-     & aux_prof_k   )  ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! K of rttov_profaux
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2005, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       22/06/2005  initial (P Brunel)
-  !                        based on version 1.0 (07/10/04) of AD code
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       & sensor_id_mw,     &! sensor id number for MW
-       & mwcldtop ,        &! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       & dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! polarisation indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(in)     :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(inout)  :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_aux),     Target, Intent(in)     :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux),     Target, Intent(inout)  :: aux_prof_k(nchannels)
-  Type(rttov_coef),              Intent(in)     :: coef
-  !local variables:
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Pointer  :: prof_k
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Pointer  :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Pointer  :: aux_k
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: v            ! temperature ratio
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: v_k         ! temperature ratio
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  nullify ( prof )
-  nullify ( prof_k )
-  nullify ( aux )
-  nullify ( aux_k )
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     prof   => profiles(j)
-     aux    => aux_prof(j)
-     prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-     aux_k  => aux_prof_k(i)
-     If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-        Do lev = prof % nlevels, mwcldtop, -1
-           v    = 300.0_JPRB  / prof % t(lev) - 1.0_JPRB
-           aux_k % debye_prof(3,lev) = aux_k % debye_prof(3,lev) +&
-                & aux_k % debye_prof(4,lev) * dcoeff(7)
-           v_k = aux_k % debye_prof(3,lev) * dcoeff(5)
-           aux_k % debye_prof(1,lev) = aux_k % debye_prof(1,lev)  +&
-                & aux_k % debye_prof(2,lev) * dcoeff(4)
-           v_k = v_k + aux_k % debye_prof(1,lev) *&
-                & (- dcoeff(2) + 2 * dcoeff(3) * v)
-           prof_k % t(lev) = prof_k % t(lev) + v_k *&
-                & (-300.0_JPRB  / prof % t(lev)**2)
-        Enddo
-        !aux_k % debye_prof(:,:) = 0.
-     Endif
-     !nearest level above surface
-     prof_k % s2m % p = prof_k % s2m % p - aux_k % pfraction_surf /&
-          & coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_surf)
-  End Do
-  If( coef % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        j = lprofiles( freq )
-        prof   => profiles(j)
-        aux    => aux_prof(j)
-        prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-        aux_k  => aux_prof_k(i)
-        !nearest level above cloud top
-        prof_k%cfraction = prof_k%cfraction + aux_k % cfraction
-        prof_k % ctp = prof_k % ctp - aux_k % pfraction_ctp /&
-             & coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_ctp)
-     End Do
-     !Else
-     ! for micro waves do not consider clouds in the RTTOV basis routines
-  Endif
-  nullify ( prof )
-  nullify ( prof_k )
-  nullify ( aux )
-  nullify ( aux_k )
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 329a39a9747653ea9ba3fd1db74a903dd8fefb47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & profiles_k,    &! inout
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & aux_prof,      &! in
-     & aux_prof_k   )  ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       & sensor_id_mw,     &! sensor id number for MW
-       & mwcldtop ,        &! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       & dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! polarisation indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(in)     :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(inout)  :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(profile_aux),     Target, Intent(in)     :: aux_prof(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_aux),     Target, Intent(inout)  :: aux_prof_k(nchannels)
-  Type(rttov_coef),              Intent(in)     :: coef
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d8d2e4c8bbb877b32920eb7d17e3a41cd197213..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux_tl( &
-     & prof,      &! in
-     & prof_tl,   &! in
-     & coef,      &! in
-     & aux,       &! in
-     & aux_tl)     ! out
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! TL of rttov_profaux
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    07/10/2004  Added history
-  !  1.1    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       & sensor_id_mw,     &! sensor id number for MW
-       & mwcldtop ,        &! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       & dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)  :: prof_tl
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)  :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in)  :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inout) :: aux_tl
-  ! local
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: v            ! temperature ratio
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: v_tl         ! temperature ratio
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !2. determine cloud top and surface levels
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !nearest level above surface
-  aux_tl % pfraction_surf  =&
-        & - prof_tl % s2m % p / coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_surf)
-  If( coef % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     !nearest level above cloud top
-     aux_tl % pfraction_ctp  =&
-           & - prof_tl % ctp / coef % dp(aux % nearestlev_ctp)
-     aux_tl % cfraction = prof_tl%cfraction
-  Else
-     ! for micro waves do not consider clouds in the RTTOV basis routines
-     aux_tl % pfraction_ctp  = 0._JPRB
-     aux_tl % cfraction      = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! Description:
-  !   To calculate individual debye terms for temperature
-  !   at each level. There are five debye terms. These
-  !   will be used in fastem and opdep to calculate
-  !   permittivity which is required for surface emissivity
-  !   and cloud modelling
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !   The model is a hybrid of LIEBE MPM 1993 and the PIOM laboratory
-  !   measurements reported by ELLISON et al. 1999.
-  If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-     Do lev = mwcldtop, prof % nlevels
-        v    = 300.0_JPRB  / prof % t(lev) - 1.0_JPRB
-        v_tl = -300.0_JPRB * prof_tl % t(lev) / prof % t(lev)**2
-        aux_tl % debye_prof(1,lev) = - dcoeff(2) * v_tl +&
-              & 2 * dcoeff(3) * v_tl * v
-        aux_tl % debye_prof(2,lev) = dcoeff(4) * aux_tl % debye_prof(1,lev)
-        aux_tl % debye_prof(3,lev) = dcoeff(5) * v_tl
-        aux_tl % debye_prof(4,lev) = dcoeff(7) * aux_tl % debye_prof(3,lev)
-        aux_tl % debye_prof(5,lev) = 0._JPRB
-     Enddo
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 93594701b0c86e3dda90e93b6ee0031a4b348e2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profaux_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profaux_tl( &
-     prof,     & ! in
-     prof_tl,  & ! in
-     coef,     & ! in
-     aux,      & ! in
-     aux_tl)     ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-       sensor_id_mw, &    ! sensor id number for MW
-       mwcldtop , &       ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       dcoeff             ! debye coefficients
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)  :: prof_tl
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)  :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(in)  :: aux
-  Type(profile_aux) ,  Intent(inout) :: aux_tl
-End Subroutine rttov_profaux_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profout_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profout_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0044645662017f828e458c1a3bf3bf09aa0243d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profout_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_profout_k( &
-            nfrequencies, &     ! in
-            nchannels, &        ! in
-            nbtout, &           ! in
-            nprofiles, &        ! in
-            channels, &         ! in
-            lprofiles, &        ! in
-            polarisations, &    ! in
-            coef, &             ! in
-            geometry, &         ! in
-            profiles_k_all, &   ! in
-            profiles_k)         ! Out
-  ! Description:
-  ! To convert an K-matrix brightness temperatures with 1, 2 or 4 polarisations
-  ! polarisation requested by the user.
-  ! There are seven options:
-  ! 0. Return average of V and H polarisation.
-  ! 1. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal V at nadir)
-  ! 2. Return AMSU-style mix polarisation (nominal H at nadir)
-  ! 3. Return Vertical polarisation
-  ! 4. Return Horizontal polarisation
-  ! 5. Return vertical and horizontal polarisation
-  ! 6. Return full Stokes vector
-  !
-  ! For IR channels this variable is not required, and one unpolarised brightness
-  ! temperature is computed.
-  !
-  ! Note options 0-4 return one polarisation per channel. Option 5 returns
-  ! 2 polarisations per channel and option 6 four polarisations per channel.
-  ! Note also that for options 1-3 two polarisations must be computed in RTTOV,
-  ! even though only one is returned. For this reason rad%bt is replaced by
-  ! rad%out, where rad%out has length of number of output channels, whereas
-  ! rad%bt has length of all brightness temperatures computed in RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2003, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: Uses band correction coefficients for each channel
-  !         read in from RT coefficient file.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  ! 1.0    10/07/2003  New code required for polarimetric RTTOV (Steve English)
-  ! 1.1    13/10/2006  Corrected bug in pol_id (R Saunders)
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       npolar_return,       &
-       npolar_compute,      &
-       pol_v ,              &
-       pol_h
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nprofiles
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target    :: geometry(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)            :: coef           ! Coefficients
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: profiles_k(nbtout)
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: profiles_k_all(nchannels)
-  ! radiances are expressed in mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-  ! and temperatures in Kelvin
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissfactor_h,emissfactor_v
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: chan,i,j,ich,ich2,pol_id,ii
-  !Type(geometry_Type), Pointer    :: geom
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-   ich2=1
-   Do i=1,nfrequencies
-      chan        = channels(i)
-      pol_id      = 0
-      pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(chan) + 1
-      ich = polarisations(i,1)
-      If (pol_id >= 4) then
-         ! Return all calculated polarisations (or just computed TB for IR channels)
-         Do j=1,polarisations(i,3)
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % s2m % t           = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % s2m % t
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % s2m % q           = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % s2m % q
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % s2m % p           = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % s2m % p
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % s2m % u           = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % s2m % u
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % s2m % v           = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % s2m % v
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % skin % t          = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % skin % t
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % skin % fastem(1)  = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % skin % fastem(1)
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % skin % fastem(2)  = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % skin % fastem(2)
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % skin % fastem(3)  = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % skin % fastem(3)
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % skin % fastem(4)  = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % skin % fastem(4)
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % skin % fastem(5)  = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % skin % fastem(5)
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % ctp               = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % ctp
-            profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % cfraction         = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % cfraction
-            Do  ii=1,coef%nlevels
-               profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % t(ii)          = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % t(ii)
-               profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % q(ii)          = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % q(ii)
-               profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % o3(ii)         = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % o3(ii)
-               profiles_k(ich2+j-1) % clw(ii)        = profiles_k_all(ich+j-1) % clw(ii)
-            enddo
-         End Do
-      Else If (pol_id == 1) then
-         ! Return average of V and H polarisation
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % t            = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % t + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % t
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % q            = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % q + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % q
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % p            = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % p + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % p
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % u            = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % u + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % u
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % v            = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % v + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % v
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % t           = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % t + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % t
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(1)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(1) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(1)
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(2)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(2) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(2)
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(3)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(3) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(3)
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(4)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(4) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(4)
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(5)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(5) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(5)
-         profiles_k(ich2) % ctp                = profiles_k_all(ich) % ctp + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ctp
-         profiles_k(ich2) % cfraction          = profiles_k_all(ich) % cfraction + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % cfraction
-         Do  ii=1,coef%nlevels
-            profiles_k(ich2) % t(ii)        = profiles_k_all(ich) % t(ii) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % t(ii)
-            profiles_k(ich2) % q(ii)        = profiles_k_all(ich) % q(ii) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % q(ii)
-            profiles_k(ich2) % o3(ii)       = profiles_k_all(ich) % o3(ii) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % o3(ii)
-            profiles_k(ich2) % clw(ii)      = profiles_k_all(ich) % clw(ii) + profiles_k_all(ich+1) % clw(ii)
-         enddo
-      Else
-         !geom        => geometry( lprofiles(i) )
-         emissfactor_v = pol_v(1,pol_id)+pol_v(2,pol_id)+pol_v(3,pol_id)
-         emissfactor_h = pol_h(1,pol_id)+pol_h(2,pol_id)+pol_h(3,pol_id)
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % t     = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % t*emissfactor_v +&
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % t*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % q     = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % q*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % q*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % p     = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % p*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % p*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % u     = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % u*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % u*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % s2m % v     = profiles_k_all(ich) % s2m % v*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % s2m % v*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % t     = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % t*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % t*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(1)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(1)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(1)*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(2)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(2)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(2)*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(3)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(3)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(3)*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(4)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(4)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(4)*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % skin % fastem(5)   = profiles_k_all(ich) % skin % fastem(5)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % skin % fastem(5)*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % ctp      = profiles_k_all(ich) % ctp*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % ctp*emissfactor_h
-         profiles_k(ich2) % cfraction     = profiles_k_all(ich) % cfraction*emissfactor_v + &
-                                             profiles_k_all(ich+1) % cfraction*emissfactor_h
-         Do  ii=1,coef%nlevels
-            profiles_k(ich2) % t(ii)        = profiles_k_all(ich) % t(ii)*emissfactor_v +&
-                                                profiles_k_all(ich+1) % t(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            profiles_k(ich2) % q(ii)        = profiles_k_all(ich) % q(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                profiles_k_all(ich+1) % q(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            profiles_k(ich2) % o3(ii)        = profiles_k_all(ich) % o3(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                profiles_k_all(ich+1) % o3(ii)*emissfactor_h
-            profiles_k(ich2) % clw(ii)        = profiles_k_all(ich) % clw(ii)*emissfactor_v + &
-                                                profiles_k_all(ich+1) % clw(ii)*emissfactor_h
-         enddo
-      End If
-      ich2 = ich2 + npolar_return(pol_id)
-   End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_profout_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profout_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profout_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 72613358cf7e10463ca5476cf61d1ad6bf35b106..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_profout_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-   !
-   Subroutine rttov_profout_k( &
-               nfrequencies, &     ! in
-               nchannels, &        ! in
-               nbtout, &           ! in
-               nprofiles, &        ! in
-               channels, &         ! in
-               lprofiles, &        ! in
-               polarisations, &    ! in
-               coef, &             ! in
-               geometry, &         ! in
-               profiles_k_all, &   ! in
-               profiles_k)         ! Out
-     Use rttov_const, only :   &
-          npolar_return,       &
-          npolar_compute,      &
-          pol_v ,              &
-          pol_h
-     Use rttov_types, Only : &
-          rttov_coef     ,&
-          profile_Type   ,&
-          geometry_Type
-     Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-     Implicit None
-     !subroutine arguments:
-     Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nbtout
-     Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nchannels
-     Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nfrequencies
-     Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: nprofiles
-     Type(geometry_Type), Intent(in) ,Target    :: geometry(nprofiles)
-     Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: channels(nfrequencies)
-     Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-     Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)            :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-     Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)            :: coef           ! Coefficients
-     Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: profiles_k(nbtout)
-     Type(profile_Type),  Intent(inout) ,Target :: profiles_k_all(nchannels)
-   End Subroutine rttov_profout_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_q2v.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_q2v.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f4cb99f5cd59d54012cdb0363247075e9a942dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_q2v.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_q2v (&
-      & h2o_unit,  &! in
-      & h2o,       &! in
-      & gaz_id,    &! in
-      & q_gaz,     &! in
-      & v_gaz     ) ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !   Conversion of specific concentration to volume mixing ratio gases.
-  !   Gases are defined by the "gas_id_xxx" codes in the rttov_const module
-  !   Method use an equivalent molecular weight of wet air
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date      Comment
-  !  1.0    27/01/2003  Original code. (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.1    13/02/2003  Remove capability of array of gases (P. Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & mair                ,&
-       & mh2o                ,&
-       & mo3                 ,&
-       & mco2                ,&
-       & mn2o                ,&
-       & mco                 ,&
-       & mch4                ,&
-       & gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       & gas_id_co           ,&
-       & gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       & gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       & gas_unit_ppmv
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !   Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: h2o_unit ! Water vapour input unit
-                                    ! 1 = specific concent. (kg/kg)
-                                    ! 2 = volume mixing ratio (ppmv)
-                                    ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in) :: h2o      ! Water Vapour content in unit h2o_unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: gaz_id   ! Gaz identification number
-                                    ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in)   :: q_gaz  ! specific concentration for gaz (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (inout):: v_gaz  ! volume mixing ratio for gaz (ppmv)
-  ! Local parameter
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: eps = mh2o / mair
-  ! Local variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: Mwet  ! equivalent molecular weight of wet air (g)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: v_h2o ! volume mixing ratio for Water Vapour (v/v)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Calculate volume mixing ratio (no unit: v/v) for Water Vapour
-  If( h2o_unit == gas_unit_specconc ) then
-     v_h2o = h2o / (eps * (1-h2o) + h2o)
-  Else If( h2o_unit == gas_unit_ppmv ) then
-     v_h2o = h2o * 1.e-06_JPRB
-  Else
-     v_h2o = 0._JPRB
-  End If
-  ! Humid air molar mass
-  Mwet = (1 - v_h2o)*Mair + v_h2o*Mh2o
-  ! Calculate volume mixing ratio for gaz (ppmv)
-  Select Case( gaz_id )
-  Case( gas_id_mixed )
-     ! keep same value for Mixed gases
-     v_gaz = q_gaz
-  Case( gas_id_watervapour )
-     v_gaz = q_gaz * Mwet / Mh2o * 1.e+06_JPRB
-     !v_gaz = q_gaz * 1.60771704e+6
-  Case( gas_id_ozone )
-     v_gaz = q_gaz * Mwet / Mo3  * 1.e+06_JPRB
-     !v_gaz = q_gaz * 6.03504e+5
-  Case( gas_id_wvcont )
-     v_gaz = q_gaz * Mwet / Mh2o * 1.e+06_JPRB
-  Case( gas_id_co2 )
-     v_gaz = q_gaz * Mwet / Mco2 * 1.e+06_JPRB
-  Case( gas_id_n2o )
-     v_gaz = q_gaz * Mwet / Mn2o * 1.e+06_JPRB
-  Case( gas_id_co )
-     v_gaz = q_gaz * Mwet / Mco  * 1.e+06_JPRB
-  Case( gas_id_ch4 )
-     v_gaz = q_gaz * Mwet / Mch4 * 1.e+06_JPRB
-  Case Default
-     v_gaz = 0._JPRB
-  End Select
-End Subroutine rttov_q2v
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index be151eeaa7260cfc803a5e0c9f6a854599fe8897..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_q2v.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_q2v (&
-     & h2o_unit, & ! in
-     & h2o,      & ! in
-     & gaz_id,   & ! in
-     & q_gaz,    & ! in
-     & v_gaz     ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       mair                ,&
-       mh2o                ,&
-       mo3                 ,&
-       mco2                ,&
-       mn2o                ,&
-       mco                 ,&
-       mch4                ,&
-       gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       gas_id_co2          ,&
-       gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       gas_id_co           ,&
-       gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       gas_unit_ppmv
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: h2o_unit ! Water vapour input unit
-                                    ! 1 = specific concent. (kg/kg)
-                                    ! 2 = volume mixing ratio (ppmv)
-                                    ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in) :: h2o      ! Water Vapour content in unit h2o_unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: gaz_id   ! Gaz identification number
-                                    ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in)   :: q_gaz  ! specific concentration for gaz (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (inout):: v_gaz  ! volume mixing ratio for gaz (ppmv)
-End Subroutine rttov_q2v
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index f0d2755da70e5236e928ab4bb6e498ac95ea07cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs  (&
-      & errorstatus,   &! out
-      & coef,          &! out
-      & instrument,    &! in Optional
-      & kmyproc,       &! in Optional
-      & kioproc,       &! in Optional
-      & file_id,       &! in Optional
-      & channels      ) ! in Optional
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Read an ASCII or binary coefficient file and allocate coeff structure
-  !   arrays according to the optional list of channels.
-  !!!!!!!
-  ! This version can run in a distibuted mode :
-  ! IO PE will read the data which are broadcasted to the other pes.
-  ! Be careful any 'reading' modifications in rttov_readcoeffs_ascii or
-  ! rttov_readcoeffs_binary may have to be reported in rttov_distribcoeffs
-  !!!!!!!
-  ! The optional arguments instrument and file_id determines whether the
-  !   file is already opened or not
-  ! if  "instrument" is present the routine will try to open
-  !         the corresponding binary file  (extension .bin) in read only mode.
-  !         If it fails then it tries to open the ASCII file (extension .dat)
-  !         File is closed before return.
-  ! if  "instrument" is not present but file_id is present the  routine will
-  !  access to the coefficient file already opened with the logical unit file_id.
-  !  The ASCII/binary test is performed by reading the first characters, binary
-  !  files will always start by "%RTTOV_COEFF" characters. An ASCII file cannot
-  !  contain such a string at the beginning of the file because it will be
-  !  considered as a section name which will not be recognised. File is NOT
-  !  closed on return.
-  ! The user can provide an optional list of channels in "channels" argument
-  !  array to reduce the output coefficient structure to this list. This
-  ! can be important for reducing the memory allocation required when running
-  ! with advanced IR sounders (e.g. AIRS or IASI). If the user
-  !  wants all channels the "channels" argument shall not be present.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  A few comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       03/05/2004  Add specific RTTOV8 CO2 variable (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.3       02/06/2004  Change tests on id_comp_lvl == 7 by tests on fmv_model_ver (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.4       08/09/2004  Change ascii/binary file test to use Inquire (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & version             ,&
-       & release             ,&
-       & minor_version       ,&
-       & errorstatus_info    ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_coeffname.interface"
-#include "rttov_opencoeff.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs_binary.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kmyproc  ! logical processor id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kioproc  ! procs dedicated for io
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: instrument(3)  ! (platform, satellite identification, instrument) number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: file_id      ! file logical unit number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:)      ! list of channels to extract
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (out) :: coef   ! coefficients
-  ! Local Scalars:
-  Logical           :: file_toclose
-  Logical           :: file_binary
-  Logical           :: existence
-  Logical,save      :: first=.true.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)   :: file_lu
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)   :: imyproc,iioproc
-  Character (len=256):: coeffname  ! file name for coefficient file
-  Character (len=20) :: file_form
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_readcoeffs'
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 0 Initialise variables
-  !---------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = errorstatus_success
-  If ( .Not. Present (kmyproc) ) Then
-     imyproc = 1
-  Else
-     imyproc = kmyproc
-  Endif
-  If ( .Not. Present (kioproc) ) Then
-     iioproc = 1
-  Else
-     iioproc = kioproc
-  Endif
-  If (imyproc == iioproc ) then
-     file_toclose = .False.
-     file_binary  = .False.
-     If ( .Not. Present (file_id) ) Then
-        file_lu = 0
-     Else
-        file_lu = file_id
-     Endif
-     If( first ) Then
-        Write( errMessage, '( "RTTOV library version ",i2,1x,i1,".",i1 )' )&
-              & version, release, minor_version
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        first = .false.
-     End If
-     ! 1 Beginning of coefficient opening sequence
-     !---------------------------------------------
-     ! test arguments instrument and file_id to decide whether to open
-     ! the file or not.
-     If ( Present (instrument ) ) Then
-        ! Binary filename
-        Call rttov_coeffname ( errorstatus, instrument, coeffname, lbinary = .True.  )
-        If ( errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) Then
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! test existence of binary file
-        Inquire( FILE = coeffname, EXIST = existence )
-        If ( existence ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "open binary coefficient file ",a )' )&
-           & Trim(coeffname)
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           ! Open binary file
-           Call rttov_opencoeff ( errorstatus, coeffname, file_lu, lbinary = .True. )
-           If ( errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) Then
-              ! Binary open fails, try ASCII access
-              ! ASCII filename
-              Call rttov_coeffname ( errorstatus, instrument, coeffname )
-              If ( errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) Then
-                 Return
-              Endif
-              ! Open ASCII file
-              Call rttov_opencoeff ( errorstatus, coeffname, file_lu)
-              If ( errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) Then
-                 Return
-              Endif
-           Endif
-        Else
-           ! Try to open ASCII format
-           ! ASCII filename
-           Call rttov_coeffname ( errorstatus, instrument, coeffname )
-           If ( errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) Then
-              Return
-           Endif
-           Write( errMessage, '( "open ASCII coefficient file ",a )' )&
-           & Trim(coeffname)
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           ! Open ASCII file
-           Call rttov_opencoeff ( errorstatus, coeffname, file_lu)
-           If ( errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) Then
-              Return
-           Endif
-        End If
-        file_toclose = .True.
-     Else
-        ! instrument argument missing
-        If ( .Not. Present (file_id) ) Then
-           ! file_id argument missing
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "instrument and file_id missing arguments." )' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        Endif
-     Endif
-     ! Find out if the file is ascii or binary
-     ! The inquire should work even if the file was opened externally
-     INQUIRE(file_lu,FORM=file_form)
-     IF ( file_form == 'FORMATTED' ) THEN
-       file_binary = .FALSE.
-     ELSEIF ( file_form == 'UNFORMATTED' ) THEN
-       file_binary = .TRUE.
-     ELSE
-       errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-       Write( errMessage, '(a)' ) 'Unknown file format: '//file_form
-       CALL Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-       RETURN
-     ENDIF
-     ! End of coefficient opening sequence
-     !-------------------------------------
-  Endif
-  ! 2 initialize coef structure for all single types
-  !---------------------------------------------
-  coef % id_platform       = 0
-  coef % id_sat            = 0
-  coef % id_inst           = 0
-  coef % id_sensor         = 0
-  coef % id_comp_lvl       = 0
-  coef % id_creation_date  = (/ 0, 0, 0 /)
-  coef % id_creation       = 'xxxx'
-  coef % id_Common_name    = 'xxxx'
-  coef % fmv_model_def     = 'xxxx'
-  coef % fmv_model_ver     = 0
-  coef % fmv_chn           = 0
-  coef % fmv_gas           = 0
-  coef % nmixed            = 0
-  coef % nwater            = 0
-  coef % nozone            = 0
-  coef % nwvcont           = 0
-  coef % nco2              = 0
-  coef % nn2o              = 0
-  coef % nco               = 0
-  coef % nch4              = 0
-  coef % nlevels           = 0
-  coef % fc_speedl         = 0
-  coef % fc_planck_c1      = 0
-  coef % fc_planck_c2      = 0
-  coef % fc_sat_height     = 0
-  coef % fastem_ver        = 0
-  coef % fastem_coef_nb    = 0
-  coef % ssirem_ver        = 0
-  Nullify(coef % gaz_units)
-  Nullify(coef % mixedgas)
-  Nullify(coef % watervapour)
-  Nullify(coef % ozone)
-  Nullify(coef % wvcont)
-  Nullify(coef % co2)
-  Nullify(coef % n2o)
-  Nullify(coef % co)
-  Nullify(coef % ch4)
-  Nullify(coef % fmv_gas_id)
-  Nullify(coef % fmv_gas_pos)
-  Nullify(coef % fmv_var)
-  Nullify(coef % fmv_lvl)
-  Nullify(coef % ff_ori_chn)
-  Nullify(coef % ff_val_chn)
-  Nullify(coef % ff_cwn)
-  Nullify(coef % ff_bco)
-  Nullify(coef % ff_bcs)
-  Nullify(coef % ff_gam)
-  Nullify(coef % fastem_polar)
-  Nullify(coef % ssirem_chn)
-  Nullify(coef % ssirem_a0)
-  Nullify(coef % ssirem_a1)
-  Nullify(coef % ssirem_a2)
-  Nullify(coef % ssirem_xzn1)
-  Nullify(coef % ssirem_xzn2)
-  Nullify(coef % fastem_coef)
-  Nullify(coef % ref_prfl_t)
-  Nullify(coef % ref_prfl_mr)
-  Nullify(coef % lim_prfl_p)
-  Nullify(coef % lim_prfl_tmax)
-  Nullify(coef % lim_prfl_tmin)
-  Nullify(coef % lim_prfl_gmax)
-  Nullify(coef % lim_prfl_gmin)
-  Nullify(coef % ref_prfl_p)
-  If (imyproc == iioproc ) then
-    ! 3 Read binary file
-    !-------------------
-    If( file_binary ) Then
-       If( Present ( channels ) ) Then
-          Call rttov_readcoeffs_binary  (&
-                & errorstatus,   &! out
-                & coef,          &! inout
-                & file_lu,       &! in
-                & channels = channels ) ! in Optional
-       Else
-          Call rttov_readcoeffs_binary  (&
-                & errorstatus,   &! out
-                & coef,          &! inout
-                & file_lu       ) ! in
-       Endif
-    ! 4 If no Binary file then read ASCII file
-    !-----------------------------------------
-    Else
-       If( Present ( channels ) ) Then
-          Call rttov_readcoeffs_ascii  (&
-                & errorstatus,   &! out
-                & coef,          &! inout
-                & file_lu,       &! in
-                & channels = channels ) ! in Optional
-       Else
-          Call rttov_readcoeffs_ascii  (&
-                & errorstatus,   &! out
-                & coef,          &! inout
-                & file_lu       ) ! in
-       Endif
-    Endif
-    If( errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) then
-       ! Do not add any fatal/warning messages
-       Return
-    End If
-    If( file_toclose ) Then
-       Close ( unit = file_lu )
-    Endif
-  Write( errMessage, '( "fast model version compatibility ",i2 )' )coef % fmv_model_ver
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 905aba5f4b104333e254de0e71675beb430a6962..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs  (&
-     & errorstatus,  & ! out
-     & coef,         & ! out
-     & instrument,   & ! in Optional
-     & kmyproc,      & ! in Optional
-     & kioproc,      & ! in Optional
-     & file_id,      & ! in Optional
-     & channels      ) ! in Optional
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       version             ,&
-       release             ,&
-       minor_version       ,&
-       rttov_magic_string  ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       sensor_id_ir        ,&
-       errorstatus_info    ,&
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       gas_id_co2          ,&
-       gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       gas_id_co           ,&
-       gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       gas_unit_ppmv       ,&
-       earthradius         ,&
-       gas_name            ,&
-       pressure_top
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kmyproc  ! logical processor id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent(in) :: kioproc  ! processor dedicated for io
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: instrument(3)  ! (platform, satellite identification, instrument) number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: file_id      ! file logical unit number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:)      ! list of channels to extract
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (out) :: coef   ! coefficients
-End Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 26ebf9008b7be2cdb24f52e76a5fa48fa48c6811..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1094 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_ascii  (&
-      & errorstatus,   &! out
-      & coef,          &! inout
-      & file_lu,       &! in
-      & channels      ) ! in Optional
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Read an ASCII coefficient file and fills coeff structure
-  !   arrays according to the optional list of channels.
-  !
-  ! The user can provide an optional list of channels in "channels" argument
-  !  array to reduce the output coefficient structure to this list. This
-  ! can be important for reducing the memory allocation required when running
-  ! with advanced IR sounders (e.g. AIRS or IASI). If the user
-  !  wants all channels the "channels" argument shall not be present.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  A few comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       24/01/2003  Add return when section END encountered (P Brunel)
-  !                        any I/O error is coded as fatal
-  !                        Add GAZ_UNITS section
-  !  1.3       02/06/2004  New format for FMV section with RTTOV8 (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.4       15/06/2004  Corrected array dimension for coef % fmv_gas_pos (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & version_compatible_min  ,&
-       & version_compatible_max  ,&
-       & sensor_id_hi        ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & sensor_id_ir        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       & gas_id_co           ,&
-       & gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       & sensor_name         , &
-       & ngases_max          ,&
-       & gas_name            , &
-       & gas_unit_specconc
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_opencoeff.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_skipcommentline.interface"
-#include "rttov_deletecomment.interface"
-#include "rttov_cmpuc.interface"
-#include "rttov_findnextsection.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in)           :: file_lu      ! file logical unit number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:)  ! list of channels to extract
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(inout):
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef   ! coefficients
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-  ! Local Scalars:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: file_channels
-  Logical           :: for_output
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: file_lu_coef
-  Logical           :: all_channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: io_status
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: alloc_status(10)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: pres
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,j,k,l,n
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: index
-  ! pointers for generic inputs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)          :: nvalues
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values0(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values1(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values2(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values3(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values4(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: ivalues0(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: ivalues1(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: coeffsarray(:,:,:)
-  Character(len=16)  :: input_string
-  Character(len=32)  :: gas_Type
-  Character(len=21)  :: section
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=22) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_readcoeffs_ascii'
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 0 Initialise variables
-  !---------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  ! test presence of channels argument
-  If( Present ( channels ) ) Then
-     all_channels = .False.
-  Else
-     all_channels = .True.
-  Endif
-  !read the file
-  readfile: Do
-     Call rttov_findnextsection( file_lu, io_status, section )
-     If ( io_status < 0 ) Exit !end-of-file
-     ! error message if any problem when reading
-     errMessage = 'io status while reading section '//section
-     Select Case( Trim(section) )
-     Case( 'IDENTIFICATION' )
-        ! Identification section
-        ! 6 lines
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status )&
-              & coef % id_platform,&
-              & coef % id_sat,&
-              & coef % id_inst
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % id_Common_name
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) input_string
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Select Case (input_string)
-        Case (sensor_name(sensor_id_ir))
-           coef % id_sensor = sensor_id_ir   ! Infrared
-        Case (sensor_name(sensor_id_mw))
-           coef % id_sensor = sensor_id_mw   ! Micro Wave
-        Case (sensor_name(sensor_id_hi))
-           coef % id_sensor = sensor_id_hi   ! High resolution
-        Case default
-           coef % id_sensor = sensor_id_ir
-        End Select
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % id_comp_lvl
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! Error if the compatibility version of the coefficient file
-        ! is not in the range defined by the constant module
-        If(    coef % id_comp_lvl < version_compatible_min .Or.&
-              & coef % id_comp_lvl > version_compatible_max ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage,&
-                 & '( "Version of coefficient file is incompatible with RTTOV library")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % id_creation
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % id_creation_date
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     Case ('LINE-BY-LINE')
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! fast model variables definition
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % fmv_model_def
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        If( coef % id_comp_lvl > 7 ) then
-          ! fast model variables version
-          Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % fmv_model_ver
-          If(io_status /= 0) Then
-             Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-             errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-             Return
-          Endif
-        Else
-          coef % fmv_model_ver = 7
-        Endif
-        ! number of channels stored
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % fmv_chn
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! Take care of the user list of channels
-        ! file_channels store the number of channels in the file
-        ! coef % fmv_chn is the number of channels that the user requests
-        file_channels = coef % fmv_chn
-        If( .Not. all_channels ) Then
-           coef % fmv_chn = Size( channels )
-        Endif
-        ! number of gases in file
-        Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status ) coef % fmv_gas
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! allocate arrays of FAST_MODEL_VARIABLES section
-        Allocate ( coef % fmv_gas_id ( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(1))
-        Allocate ( coef % fmv_gas_pos( ngases_max ), stat=alloc_status(2))
-        Allocate ( coef % fmv_var ( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(3))
-        Allocate ( coef % fmv_lvl ( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(4))
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of fmv coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        index = 0
-        Do n = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-           ! gas id. number i gas_id list (fmv_gas)
-           Read(file_lu,'(a)',iostat=io_status) gas_Type
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           Call Rttov_deletecomment(gas_Type)
-           Do i = 1, ngases_max
-              If ( rttov_cmpuc( gas_Type , gas_name(i) ) ) Then
-                 index = index + 1
-                 coef % fmv_gas_id(index) = i
-                 Exit
-              End If
-           End Do
-           If ( index == 0 ) Write(*,'(a)') &
-                & 'Error: gas type ' // Trim(gas_Type) // ' not recognised'
-           ! store also the indice of this gas in the
-           ! identification list
-           ! so fmv_gas_pos(1) will give position of MxG in the file
-           coef % fmv_gas_pos(coef % fmv_gas_id(index)) = index
-           ! number of variables/predictors by gaz
-           ! number of levels(pres/absorber) by gaz (fmv_gas
-           Read(file_lu,* ,iostat=io_status)&
-                 & coef % fmv_var(index), coef % fmv_lvl(index)
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           ! Transfer information to some "classical" variables
-           ! with more common names
-           ! Note that the number of levels is taken from the Mixed Gases line
-           Select Case( coef % fmv_gas_id(index) )
-           Case( gas_id_mixed )
-              coef % nmixed  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-              coef % nlevels = coef % fmv_lvl(index)
-           Case( gas_id_watervapour )
-              coef % nwater  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-           Case( gas_id_ozone )
-              coef % nozone  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-           Case( gas_id_wvcont )
-              coef % nwvcont  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-           Case( gas_id_co2 )
-              coef % nco2  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-           Case( gas_id_n2o )
-              coef % nn2o  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-           Case( gas_id_co )
-              coef % nco  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-           Case( gas_id_ch4 )
-              coef % nch4  = coef % fmv_var(index)
-           End Select
-        End Do
-        ! Initialise the gaz units arary with defaults values
-        ! (specific concetration kg/kg)
-        Allocate ( coef % gaz_units  ( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of gaz units coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        coef % gaz_units( : ) = gas_unit_specconc
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        !allocate FILTER_FUNCTIONS section  array size is fmv_chn
-        Allocate ( coef % ff_ori_chn( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ff_val_chn( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ff_cwn( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ff_bco( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ff_bcs( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ff_gam( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ff coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        If ( all_channels ) Then
-           Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-              Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status )&
-                    & coef % ff_ori_chn(i), &
-                    & coef % ff_val_chn(i), &
-                    & coef % ff_cwn(i),     &
-                    & coef % ff_bco(i),     &
-                    & coef % ff_bcs(i),     &
-                    & coef % ff_gam(i)
-              If(io_status /= 0) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Return
-              Endif
-           End Do
-        Else
-           Allocate ( ivalues0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-           Allocate ( ivalues1( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-           Allocate (  values0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-           Allocate (  values1( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-           Allocate (  values2( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-           Allocate (  values3( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ff coefs arrays")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              Return
-           End If
-           Do i = 1, file_channels
-              Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status )&
-                    & ivalues0(i),&
-                    & ivalues1(i),&
-                    & values0(i) ,&
-                    & values1(i) ,&
-                    & values2(i) ,&
-                    & values3(i)
-              If(io_status /= 0) Then
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Return
-              Endif
-           End Do
-           coef % ff_ori_chn(:) = ivalues0 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ff_val_chn(:) = ivalues1 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ff_cwn(:)     =  values0 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ff_bco(:)     =  values1 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ff_bcs(:)     =  values2 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ff_gam(:)     =  values3 ( channels(:) )
-           Deallocate ( ivalues0, stat=alloc_status(1) )
-           Deallocate ( ivalues1, stat=alloc_status(2) )
-           Deallocate (  values0, stat=alloc_status(3) )
-           Deallocate (  values1, stat=alloc_status(4) )
-           Deallocate (  values2, stat=alloc_status(5) )
-           Deallocate (  values3, stat=alloc_status(6) )
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of ff coefs arrays")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              Return
-           End If
-        Endif
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! speed of light (cm/s)
-        Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) coef % fc_speedl
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! first radiation constant (mW/(m2*sr*cm-4))
-        ! second radiation constant (cm*K)
-        Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) coef % fc_planck_c1, coef % fc_planck_c2
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! satellite nominal altitude (km)
-        Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) coef % fc_sat_height
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     Case ('FASTEM')
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! fastem version number
-        Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) coef % fastem_ver
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! number of coefficients
-        Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) coef % fastem_coef_nb
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Allocate ( coef % fastem_coef  ( coef % fastem_coef_nb ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        Allocate ( coef % fastem_polar ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of fastem coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        ! coefficients (fastem_coef_nb)
-        Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) (coef % fastem_coef(i), i= 1, coef % fastem_coef_nb)
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! polarisation of each channel
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) (coef % fastem_polar(i), i= 1, coef % fmv_chn)
-        Else
-           Allocate ( ivalues0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of fastem coefs arrays")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              Return
-           End If
-           Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) ( ivalues0(i), i= 1, file_channels)
-           coef % fastem_polar(:) = ivalues0( channels (:) )
-           Deallocate ( ivalues0, stat=alloc_status(1) )
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of fastem coefs arrays")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              Return
-           End If
-        Endif
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        !-------------------------------------------------------
-     Case ('SSIREM')
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! version number
-        Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) coef % ssirem_ver
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Allocate ( coef % ssirem_chn ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ssirem_a0  ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ssirem_a1  ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ssirem_a2  ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ssirem_xzn1( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ssirem_xzn2( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ssirem coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-              ! original chan number
-              ! constant coef
-              ! first order coef
-              ! second order coef
-              ! 1st exponent on zenith angle
-              ! 2nd exponent on zenith angle
-              Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status)&
-                    & coef % ssirem_chn(i), &
-                    & coef % ssirem_a0(i),  &
-                    & coef % ssirem_a1(i),  &
-                    & coef % ssirem_a2(i),  &
-                    & coef % ssirem_xzn1(i),&
-                    & coef % ssirem_xzn2(i)
-              If(io_status /= 0) Then
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Return
-              Endif
-           End Do
-        Else
-           Allocate ( ivalues0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-           Allocate (  values0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-           Allocate (  values1( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-           Allocate (  values2( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-           Allocate (  values3( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-           Allocate (  values4( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ssirem coefs arrays")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              Return
-           End If
-           Do i = 1, file_channels
-              Read( file_lu, *, iostat = io_status )&
-                    & ivalues0(i),&
-                    & values0(i) ,&
-                    & values1(i) ,&
-                    & values2(i) ,&
-                    & values3(i) ,&
-                    & values4(i)
-              If(io_status /= 0) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Return
-              Endif
-           End Do
-           coef % ssirem_chn(:)    = ivalues0 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ssirem_a0(:)     =  values0 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ssirem_a1(:)     =  values1 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ssirem_a2(:)     =  values2 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ssirem_xzn1(:)   =  values3 ( channels(:) )
-           coef % ssirem_xzn2(:)   =  values4 ( channels(:) )
-           Deallocate ( ivalues0, stat=alloc_status(1) )
-           Deallocate (  values0, stat=alloc_status(2) )
-           Deallocate (  values1, stat=alloc_status(3) )
-           Deallocate (  values2, stat=alloc_status(4) )
-           Deallocate (  values3, stat=alloc_status(5) )
-           Deallocate (  values4, stat=alloc_status(6) )
-           If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of ssirem coefs arrays")' )
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              Return
-           End If
-        Endif
-        !-------------------------------------------------------
-     Case ('GAZ_UNITS')
-        ! the array has already been allocated and initialised
-        ! to specific concentration (kg/kg)
-        !
-        ! This section needs one input line per gaz
-        ! in the same order as the gaz list defined inside
-        !
-        ! This is defining the units used for the sections
-        !
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Do n = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-           Call rttov_skipcommentline (file_lu, io_status)
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           Read( file_lu, *, iostat=io_status ) coef % gaz_units( n )
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-        End Do
-        !-------------------------------------------------------
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Allocate ( coef % ref_prfl_p ( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ref_prfl_t ( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-        Allocate ( coef % ref_prfl_mr( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ref profile coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        Do n = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-           Call rttov_skipcommentline (file_lu, io_status)
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           ! units for reference gaz concentration is
-           ! specified in GAZ_UNITS section (default is specific concentration (kg/kg))
-           !
-           Do i = 1, coef % nlevels
-              Read( file_lu, *, iostat=io_status ) &
-                    & pres                        ,&
-                    & coef % ref_prfl_t  ( i, n )  ,&
-                    & coef % ref_prfl_mr ( i, n )
-              If(io_status /= 0) Then
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Return
-              Endif
-              If( coef % fmv_gas_id(n) == gas_id_mixed) coef % ref_prfl_p( i ) = pres
-           End Do
-        End Do
-        !-------------------------------------------------------
-     Case ('PROFILE_LIMITS')
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_p( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_tmax( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-        Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_tmin( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-        Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_gmin( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-        Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_gmax( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of profile limits arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        Do l = 1, coef % nlevels
-           ! pressure  (hPa)       (levels)
-           ! max temperature (K)   (levels)
-           ! min temperature (K)   (levels)
-           Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status)&
-                 & coef % lim_prfl_p(l), coef % lim_prfl_tmax(l), coef % lim_prfl_tmin(l)
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-        End Do
-        Do n = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-           Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           Do i = 1, coef % nlevels
-              ! max specific concentration (kg/kg) (levels, gases)
-              ! min specific concentration (kg/kg) (levels, gases)
-              ! or
-              ! max volume mixing r (ppmv) (levels, gases)
-              ! min volume mixing r (ppmv) (levels, gases)
-              ! according to
-              ! units specified in GAZ_UNITS section (default is specific concentration (kg/kg))
-              Read(file_lu,*,iostat=io_status) &
-                    & pres, coef % lim_prfl_gmax( i , n ), coef % lim_prfl_gmin( i , n)
-              If(io_status /= 0) Then
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Return
-              Endif
-           End Do
-        End Do
-        !-------------------------------------------------------
-        Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        ! If section is COEF_SUB_FILES then coefficients for each gaz is stored
-        ! in separate files.
-        ! This possibility could be used to store very large coefficient files
-        ! (large number of channels or gases)
-        ! Section contains 1 line per gaz in the same order as the
-        ! FAST_MODEL_VARIABLES section
-        ! line indicates the filename of the coefficient for that gas
-        !
-        ! No verification is done on the file.
-        ! header lines starting with "!" sign are skipped
-        ! loop on gases
-        Do n = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-           Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           ! read dummy string of gas name or filename of the sub_coefficient file
-           Read( file_lu, *, iostat=io_status ) input_string
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           ! Case of Sub coefficient files
-           ! Open the file and skip the header
-           If( Trim(section) == 'COEF_SUB_FILES') Then
-              file_lu_coef = 0
-              for_output = .False.
-              Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, input_string, file_lu_coef,  for_output)
-              If ( errorstatus /= 0 ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "Error opening sub_coef file" )' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              Endif
-              Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu_coef, io_status )
-              If(io_status /= 0) Then
-                 Write( errMessage, &
-                       & '( "I/O error while reading sub_coef file ",i5 )' ) io_status
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Return
-              Endif
-           Else
-              file_lu_coef = file_lu
-           Endif
-           Select Case( coef % fmv_gas_id(n) )
-           Case(gas_id_mixed)
-              nvalues      = coef % nmixed
-              Allocate ( coef % mixedgas ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nmixed), stat= alloc_status(1))
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of MxG coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % mixedgas
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nmixed ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of MxG coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           Case(gas_id_watervapour)
-              nvalues      = coef % nwater
-              Allocate ( coef % watervapour ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nwater), stat= io_status)
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of WV coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % watervapour
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nwater ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of WV coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           Case(gas_id_ozone)
-              nvalues      = coef % nozone
-              Allocate ( coef % ozone ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nozone), stat= alloc_status(1))
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of O3 coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % ozone
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nozone ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of O3 coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           Case(gas_id_wvcont)
-              nvalues      = coef % nwvcont
-              Allocate ( coef % wvcont ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nwvcont), stat= alloc_status(1))
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of WV continuum coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % wvcont
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nwvcont ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of WV continuum coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           Case(gas_id_co2)
-              nvalues      = coef % nco2
-              Allocate ( coef % co2 ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nco2), stat= alloc_status(1))
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CO2 coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % co2
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nco2 ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CO2 coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           Case(gas_id_n2o)
-              nvalues      = coef % nn2o
-              Allocate ( coef % n2o ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nn2o), stat= alloc_status(1))
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of N2O coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % n2o
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nn2o ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of N2O coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           Case(gas_id_co)
-              nvalues      = coef % nco
-              Allocate ( coef % co ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nco), stat= alloc_status(1))
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CO coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % co
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nco ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CO coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           Case(gas_id_ch4)
-              nvalues      = coef % nch4
-              Allocate ( coef % ch4 ( coef % nlevels, coef % fmv_chn, coef % nch4), stat= alloc_status(1))
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CH4 coefs arrays")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-              If( all_channels ) Then
-                 coeffsarray => coef % ch4
-              Else
-                 Allocate( coeffsarray( coef % nlevels, file_channels, coef % nch4 ), stat= alloc_status(1))
-                 If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                    errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                    Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CH4 coefs arrays")' )
-                    Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                    Return
-                 End If
-              Endif
-           End Select
-           Read( file_lu_coef, *, iostat=io_status ) (((coeffsarray(i,j,k), &
-                 & i = 1, coef % nlevels),&
-                 & j = 1, file_channels),&
-                 & k = 1, nvalues)
-           If(io_status /= 0) Then
-              errmessage = 'erreur lecture'
-              Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-              Return
-           Endif
-           If( .Not. all_channels ) Then
-              Select Case( coef % fmv_gas_id(n) )
-              Case(gas_id_mixed)
-                 coef % mixedgas( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-              Case(gas_id_watervapour)
-                 coef % watervapour( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-              Case(gas_id_ozone)
-                 coef % ozone( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-              Case(gas_id_wvcont)
-                 coef % wvcont( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-              Case(gas_id_co2)
-                 coef % co2( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-              Case(gas_id_n2o)
-                 coef % n2o( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-              Case(gas_id_co)
-                 coef % co( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-              Case(gas_id_ch4)
-                 coef % ch4( : , : , : ) = coeffsarray( : , channels(:) , : )
-                 !
-              End Select
-              Deallocate ( coeffsarray, stat=alloc_status(1) )
-              If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-                 errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of intermediate coefs array")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-                 Return
-              End If
-           Endif
-           ! For COEF_SUB_FILES close the intermediate coef file
-           If( Trim(section) == 'COEF_SUB_FILES') Then
-              Close( unit = file_lu_coef )
-           Endif
-        End Do
-        !-------------------------------------------------------
-     Case ('END')
-        Return
-     Case default
-        Cycle readfile
-     End Select
-  End Do readfile
-End Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_ascii
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index c8f57192710f1c6997d5e436626962dde5c142e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_ascii.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_ascii  (&
-     & errorstatus,  & ! out
-     & coef,         & ! inout
-     & file_lu,      & ! in
-     & channels      ) ! in Optional
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       version_compatible_min  ,&
-       version_compatible_max  ,&
-       sensor_id_hi        ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       sensor_id_ir        ,&
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_info    ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       gas_id_co2          ,&
-       gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       gas_id_co           ,&
-       gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       platform_name       ,&
-       inst_name           ,&
-       sensor_name         ,&
-       ngases_max          ,&
-       gas_name            ,&
-       gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       gas_unit_ppmv
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in)           :: file_lu      ! file logical unit number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:)  ! list of channels to extract
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef   ! coefficients
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus       ! return code
-End Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_ascii
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_binary.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_binary.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index df5c41a142fbfa30e4a4458ad9086ea7078fd002..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_binary.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,824 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_binary  (&
-      & errorstatus,   &! out
-      & coef,          &! inout
-      & file_lu,       &! in
-      & channels      ) ! in Optional
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Read an binary coefficient file and fills coeff structure
-  !   arrays according to the optional list of channels.
-  !
-  ! The user can provide an optional list of channels in "channels" argument
-  !  array to reduce the output coefficient structure to this list. This
-  ! can be important for reducing the memory allocation required when running
-  ! with advanced IR sounders (e.g. AIRS or IASI). If the user
-  !  wants all channels the "channels" argument shall not be present.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  A few comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       24/01/2003  add tests on all read statements (P Brunel)
-  !                        one record per channel for coefficients in binary format
-  !                        New header to allow checking R4<->R8
-  !  1.3       06/05/2003  Remove "optional" attribute of argument file_lu (P Brunel)
-  !  1.4       02/06/2004  New format for FMV section with RTTOV8  (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.5       15/06/2004  Corrected array dimension for coef % fmv_gas_pos (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & rttov_magic_string  ,&
-       & rttov_magic_number  ,&
-       & version_compatible_min  ,&
-       & version_compatible_max  ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       & gas_id_co           ,&
-       & gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       & ngases_max
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in)           :: file_lu     ! file logical unit number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:) ! list of channels to extract
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(inout):
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef    ! coefficients
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus          ! return code
-  ! Local Scalars:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: file_channels
-  Logical                      :: all_channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: io_status
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: alloc_status(11)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: n
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: chn
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)           :: i
-  ! pointers for generic inputs
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values0(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values1(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values2(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values3(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Pointer :: values4(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: ivalues0(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: ivalues1(:)
-  Character (len=16) :: bin_check_string
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: bin_check_number
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: bin_check_value
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=23) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_readcoeffs_binary'
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 0 Initialise variables
-  !---------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = errorstatus_success
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  ! test presence of channels argument
-  If( Present ( channels ) ) Then
-     all_channels = .False.
-  Else
-     all_channels = .True.
-  Endif
-  ! 3 Read binary file
-  !-------------------
-  ! Binary file
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) bin_check_string, bin_check_number
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     errMessage = 'io status while reading header'
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  ! Verification of header string
-  if ( bin_check_string /= rttov_magic_string ) Then
-     errMessage = 'Wrong header string in file'
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  ! Verification of single/double precision using a 5 digit number
-  ! with exponent 12, which is always Ok for single precision
-  bin_check_value = 1._JPRB - abs ( bin_check_number - rttov_magic_number )
-  if ( bin_check_value > 1.01_JPRB .or. bin_check_value < 0.99_JPRB ) Then
-     errMessage = 'File created with a different real precision (R4<->R8)'
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading IDENTIFICATION'
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % id_platform, &
-        & coef % id_sat,      &
-        & coef % id_inst,     &
-        & coef % id_sensor
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % id_comp_lvl,      &
-        & coef % id_creation_date, &
-        & coef % id_creation,      &
-        & coef % id_Common_name
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading FAST_MODEL_VARIABLES'
-  If( coef % id_comp_lvl <= 7 ) then
-    Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-       & coef % fmv_model_def, &
-       & coef % fmv_chn,       &
-       & coef % fmv_gas
-    coef % fmv_model_ver = 7
-  Else
-    Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-       & coef % fmv_model_def, &
-       & coef % fmv_model_ver, &
-       & coef % fmv_chn,       &
-       & coef % fmv_gas
-  Endif
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  ! Error if the compatibility version of the coefficient file
-  ! is not in the range defined by the constant module
-  If(    coef % id_comp_lvl < version_compatible_min .Or.&
-        & coef % id_comp_lvl > version_compatible_max ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage,&
-           & '( "Version of coefficient file is incompatible with RTTOV library")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  Endif
-  ! Take care of the user list of channels
-  ! file_channels store the number of channels in the file
-  ! coef % fmv_chn is the number of channels that the user requests
-  file_channels = coef % fmv_chn
-  If( .Not. all_channels ) Then
-     coef % fmv_chn = Size( channels )
-  Endif
-  Allocate ( coef % fmv_gas_id ( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate ( coef % fmv_gas_pos( ngases_max ), stat=alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate ( coef % fmv_var ( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate ( coef % fmv_lvl ( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate ( coef % ff_ori_chn( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-  Allocate ( coef % ff_val_chn( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-  Allocate ( coef % ff_cwn( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(7) )
-  Allocate ( coef % ff_bco( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(8) )
-  Allocate ( coef % ff_bcs( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(9) )
-  Allocate ( coef % ff_gam( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(10) )
-  Allocate ( coef % gaz_units( coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(11) )
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of coefs arrays")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % fmv_gas_id,  &
-        & coef % fmv_gas_pos, &
-        & coef % fmv_var,     &
-        & coef % fmv_lvl
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  Do n = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-     Select Case( coef % fmv_gas_id(n) )
-     Case( gas_id_mixed )
-        coef % nmixed  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-        coef % nlevels = coef % fmv_lvl(n)
-     Case( gas_id_watervapour )
-        coef % nwater  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-     Case( gas_id_ozone )
-        coef % nozone  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-     Case( gas_id_wvcont )
-        coef % nwvcont  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-     Case( gas_id_co2 )
-        coef % nco2  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-     Case( gas_id_n2o )
-        coef % nn2o  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-     Case( gas_id_co )
-        coef % nco  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-     Case( gas_id_ch4 )
-        coef % nch4  = coef % fmv_var(n)
-     End Select
-  End Do
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading GAZ_UNITS'
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % gaz_units
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading FILTER_FUNCTIONS'
-  If( all_channels ) Then
-     Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-           & coef % ff_ori_chn, &
-           & coef % ff_val_chn, &
-           & coef % ff_cwn,     &
-           & coef % ff_bco,     &
-           & coef % ff_bcs,     &
-           & coef % ff_gam
-     If(io_status /= 0) Then
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Return
-     Endif
-  Else
-     Allocate ( ivalues0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-     Allocate ( ivalues1( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-     Allocate (  values0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-     Allocate (  values1( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-     Allocate (  values2( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-     Allocate (  values3( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ff coefs arrays")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-           & ivalues0, &
-           & ivalues1, &
-           & values0,  &
-           & values1,  &
-           & values2,  &
-           & values3
-     If(io_status /= 0) Then
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Return
-     Endif
-     coef % ff_ori_chn(:) = ivalues0 ( channels(:) )
-     coef % ff_val_chn(:) = ivalues1 ( channels(:) )
-     coef % ff_cwn(:)     =  values0 ( channels(:) )
-     coef % ff_bco(:)     =  values1 ( channels(:) )
-     coef % ff_bcs(:)     =  values2 ( channels(:) )
-     coef % ff_gam(:)     =  values3 ( channels(:) )
-     Deallocate ( ivalues0, stat=alloc_status(1) )
-     Deallocate ( ivalues1, stat=alloc_status(2) )
-     Deallocate (  values0, stat=alloc_status(3) )
-     Deallocate (  values1, stat=alloc_status(4) )
-     Deallocate (  values2, stat=alloc_status(5) )
-     Deallocate (  values3, stat=alloc_status(6) )
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of ff coefs arrays")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading FUNDAMENTAL_CONSTANTS'
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % fc_speedl,    &
-        & coef % fc_planck_c1, &
-        & coef % fc_planck_c2, &
-        & coef % fc_sat_height
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading EMISSIVITY model versions'
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % fastem_ver, &
-        & coef % ssirem_ver
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading FASTEM'
-  If( coef % fastem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-     Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % fastem_coef_nb
-     If(io_status /= 0) Then
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Return
-     Endif
-     Allocate ( coef % fastem_coef  ( coef % fastem_coef_nb ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-     Allocate ( coef % fastem_polar ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of fastem coefs arrays")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     If( all_channels ) Then
-        Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-              & coef % fastem_coef ,&
-              & coef % fastem_polar
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     Else
-        Allocate ( ivalues0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of fastem coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-              & coef % fastem_coef,&
-              & ivalues0
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        coef % fastem_polar(:) = ivalues0( channels (:) )
-        Deallocate ( ivalues0, stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of fastem coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-     Endif
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading SSIREM'
-  If( coef % ssirem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-     Allocate ( coef % ssirem_chn ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-     Allocate ( coef % ssirem_a0  ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-     Allocate ( coef % ssirem_a1  ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-     Allocate ( coef % ssirem_a2  ( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-     Allocate ( coef % ssirem_xzn1( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-     Allocate ( coef % ssirem_xzn2( coef % fmv_chn ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ssirem coefs arrays")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     If( all_channels ) Then
-        Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-              & coef % ssirem_chn, &
-              & coef % ssirem_a0,  &
-              & coef % ssirem_a1,  &
-              & coef % ssirem_a2,  &
-              & coef % ssirem_xzn1,&
-              & coef % ssirem_xzn2
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     Else
-        Allocate ( ivalues0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        Allocate (  values0( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-        Allocate (  values1( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-        Allocate (  values2( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-        Allocate (  values3( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-        Allocate (  values4( file_channels ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ssirem coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-              & ivalues0, &
-              & values0,  &
-              & values1,  &
-              & values2,  &
-              & values3,  &
-              & values4
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-        coef % ssirem_chn(:)    = ivalues0 ( channels(:) )
-        coef % ssirem_a0(:)     =  values0 ( channels(:) )
-        coef % ssirem_a1(:)     =  values1 ( channels(:) )
-        coef % ssirem_a2(:)     =  values2 ( channels(:) )
-        coef % ssirem_xzn1(:)   =  values3 ( channels(:) )
-        coef % ssirem_xzn2(:)   =  values4 ( channels(:) )
-        Deallocate ( ivalues0, stat=alloc_status(1) )
-        Deallocate (  values0, stat=alloc_status(2) )
-        Deallocate (  values1, stat=alloc_status(3) )
-        Deallocate (  values2, stat=alloc_status(4) )
-        Deallocate (  values3, stat=alloc_status(5) )
-        Deallocate (  values4, stat=alloc_status(6) )
-        If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of ssirem coefs arrays")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-     Endif
-  Endif
-  Allocate ( coef % ref_prfl_p ( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(1) )
-  Allocate ( coef % ref_prfl_t ( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(2) )
-  Allocate ( coef % ref_prfl_mr( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(3) )
-  Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_p( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(4) )
-  Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_tmax( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(5) )
-  Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_tmin( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed) ), stat=alloc_status(6) )
-  Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_gmin( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(7) )
-  Allocate ( coef % lim_prfl_gmax( coef % fmv_lvl(gas_id_mixed), coef % fmv_gas ), stat=alloc_status(8) )
-  If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of fmv coefs arrays")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading REFERENCE PROFILE'
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % ref_prfl_p, &
-        & coef % ref_prfl_t, &
-        & coef % ref_prfl_mr
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading PROFILE LIMITS'
-  Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )&
-        & coef % lim_prfl_p,    &
-        & coef % lim_prfl_tmax, &
-        & coef % lim_prfl_tmin, &
-        & coef % lim_prfl_gmax, &
-        & coef % lim_prfl_gmin
-  If(io_status /= 0) Then
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading Mixed gases coefs'
-  If ( coef % nmixed > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % mixedgas (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nmixed   ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of mixed gaz coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % mixedgas(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % mixedgas(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading Water vapour coefs'
-  If ( coef % nwater > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % watervapour (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nwater   ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of water vapour coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % watervapour(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % watervapour(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading Ozone coefs'
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % ozone (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nozone   ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of ozone coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % ozone(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % ozone(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading WV continuum coefs'
-  If ( coef % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % wvcont (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nwvcont   ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of WV continuum coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % wvcont(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % wvcont(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading CO2 coefs'
-  If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % co2      (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nco2     ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CO2 coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % co2(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % co2(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading N2O coefs'
-  If ( coef % nn2o > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % n2o      (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nn2o     ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of N2O coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % n2o(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % n2o(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading CO coefs'
-  If ( coef % nco > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % co       (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nco      ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CO coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % co(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % co(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  errMessage = 'io status while reading CH4 coefs'
-  If ( coef % nch4 > 0 ) Then
-     Allocate (                &
-           & coef % ch4      (  &
-           & coef % nlevels  ,  &
-           & coef % fmv_chn  ,  &
-           & coef % nch4     ), &
-           & stat= alloc_status(1))
-     If( Any(alloc_status /= 0) ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of CH4 coefs array")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     i = 1
-     Do chn = 1, file_channels
-        If( all_channels ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % ch4(: , chn , :)
-        Else If( chn == channels( i ) ) Then
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status ) coef % ch4(: , i , :)
-           If( i < coef % fmv_chn ) Then
-              i = i + 1
-           End If
-        Else
-           Read(file_lu, iostat = io_status )
-        End If
-        If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  !
-  ! Here add reading of new sections for binary format in order to keep compatibility with
-  ! previous versions
-  !
-End Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_binary
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_binary.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_binary.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index eba9258fd8c904482d5b2dcc9953a3fd60edd438..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readcoeffs_binary.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_binary  (&
-     & errorstatus,  & ! out
-     & coef,         & ! inout
-     & file_lu,      & ! in
-     & channels      ) ! in Optional
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       rttov_magic_string  ,&
-       rttov_magic_number  ,&
-       version_compatible_min  ,&
-       version_compatible_max  ,&
-       sensor_id_hi        ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       sensor_id_ir        ,&
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       gas_id_co2          ,&
-       gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       gas_id_co           ,&
-       gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       platform_name       ,&
-       inst_name           ,&
-       sensor_name         ,&
-       ngases_max          ,&
-       gas_name            ,&
-       gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       gas_unit_ppmv
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in)           :: file_lu     ! file logical unit number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:) ! list of channels to extract
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (inout) :: coef    ! coefficients
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus          ! return code
-End Subroutine rttov_readcoeffs_binary
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readscattcoeffs.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readscattcoeffs.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 85a6e93945a809afab06e059126a22d72a3c200a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readscattcoeffs.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-!+ routine to read Mie coeficient file
-Subroutine rttov_readscattcoeffs  (&
-      & errorstatus,   &! out
-      & coef_rttov,    &! in
-      & coef_scatt,    &! out
-      & file_id       ) ! in Optional
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! to initialise Mie look-up table
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current code owner: saf nwp
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! version   date        comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      RTTOV7 compatible  (ECMWF)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (ECMWF)
-  !   1.2    10/2004      Change stop to return (J Cameron)
-  !   1.3    10/2004      Make file_id optional in analogy with rttov_readcoeffs (J Cameron)
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef, &
-       & rttov_scatt_coef
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & inst_name           ,&
-       & platform_name       ,&
-       & errorstatus_info    ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_findnextsection.interface"
-#include "rttov_skipcommentline.interface"
-#include "rttov_opencoeff.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus             ! return code
-  ! scalar arguments with optional intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in)  :: file_id       ! file logical unit number
-  ! array arguments with intent(in):
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov               ! clear-sky coefficients
-  ! array arguments with intent(out):
-  Type( rttov_scatt_coef ), Intent (out) :: coef_scatt        ! coefficients
-! local variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: file_lu, io_status, inst, platform, i, j, k
-  Logical               :: existence
-  Logical               :: file_toclose
-  Logical               :: file_open
-  Character (len=32)    :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_readscattcoeffs' ! name for error message
-  Character (len=132)   :: ErrMessage    ! error message string
-  Character (len=256)   :: coeffname     ! file name for coefficient file
-  Character (len=21)    :: section
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus = errorstatus_success
-  If ( Present (file_id) ) Then
-     ! Scatt coefficient file has been opened externally
-     file_lu = file_id
-     file_toclose = .FALSE.
-     Inquire( file_lu, OPENED = file_open )
-     If ( .NOT. file_open ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "File is not open on unit: ",i5 )' ) file_lu
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  Else
-     ! Open the scatt coefficients internally
-     file_lu = 0
-     file_toclose = .TRUE.
-     platform = coef_rttov % id_platform
-     inst     = coef_rttov % id_inst
-     coeffname = 'mietable_'//Trim(platform_name(platform))//'_'//Trim(inst_name(inst))//'.dat'
-     Inquire( FILE = coeffname, EXIST = existence )
-     If ( .NOT. existence ) Then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "Coefficient file, ", a, " not found." )' ) &
-             & Trim( coeffname )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-     Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, coeffname, file_lu)
-     If (errorstatus /= errorstatus_success) Then
-        ! rttov_opencoeff will have already reported an error
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Return
-     Endif
-  Endif
-  readfile: Do
-     Call rttov_findnextsection( file_lu, io_status, section )
-     If ( io_status < 0 ) Exit readfile !end-of-file
-     ! error message if any problem when reading
-     errMessage = 'io status while reading section '//section
-     Call rttov_skipcommentline ( file_lu, io_status )
-     If(io_status /= 0) Then
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (io_status, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-     Endif
-     Select Case( Trim(section) )
-     Case( 'IDENTIFICATION' )
-        Read(file_lu,*)  ! platform instrument in id
-        Read(file_lu,*)  ! platform instrument in letters
-        Read(file_lu,*)  ! sensor type [ir,mw,hi]
-        Read(file_lu,*)  ! RTTOV compatibility version
-        Read(file_lu,*)  ! version
-        Read(file_lu,*)  ! creation date
-     Case( 'DIMENSIONS')
-        Read(file_lu,*)  coef_scatt%mfreqm,  coef_scatt%mtype,  coef_scatt%mtemp,  coef_scatt%mwc
-        If (coef_scatt%mtype /= 4) Then
-          errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-          errMessage = 'Wrond number of hydrometeors in parameter file (should ne 4)'
-              ! liquid prec., solid prec., ice water, liquid water, water vapour
-          Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-          Return
-        Endif
-        coef_scatt % nhydro = coef_scatt%mtype + 1
-     Case( 'FREQUENCIES')
-        Allocate (coef_scatt % mie_freq(coef_scatt%mfreqm))
-        Read(file_lu,*)  coef_scatt%mie_freq (:)
-     Case( 'HYDROMETEOR')
-        Read(file_lu,*)
-     Case( 'CONVERSIONS')
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%conv_rain(:)
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%conv_sp  (:)
-        coef_scatt%conv_rain(:) = 1._JPRB/coef_scatt%conv_rain(:)
-        coef_scatt%conv_sp  (:) = 1._JPRB/coef_scatt%conv_sp  (:)
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%conv_liq(:)
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%conv_ice(:)
-        Read(file_lu,*)
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%offset_temp_rain
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%offset_temp_sp
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%offset_temp_liq
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%offset_temp_ice
-        Read(file_lu,*)
-        Read(file_lu,*) coef_scatt%scale_water, coef_scatt%offset_water
-        coef_scatt%scale_water = 1._JPRB/coef_scatt%scale_water
-        coef_scatt%offset_water = - coef_scatt%offset_water
-        coef_scatt%from_scale_water = 10**( 1._JPRB / coef_scatt%scale_water )
-     Case( 'EXTINCTION')
-        Allocate (coef_scatt % ext(coef_scatt%mfreqm, coef_scatt%mtype, coef_scatt%mtemp, coef_scatt%mwc))
-        ! The loops should be inverted for better efficiency, but generation program currently not appropriate
-        Do i = 1, coef_scatt%mfreqm
-          Do j = 1, coef_scatt%mtype
-            Do k = 1, coef_scatt%mtemp
-              Read(file_lu,'(5(1x,e23.16))') coef_scatt % ext(i,j,k,:)
-            Enddo
-          Enddo
-        Enddo
-     Case( 'ALBEDO')
-        Allocate (coef_scatt % ssa(coef_scatt%mfreqm, coef_scatt%mtype, coef_scatt%mtemp, coef_scatt%mwc))
-        Do i = 1, coef_scatt%mfreqm
-          Do j = 1, coef_scatt%mtype
-            Do k = 1, coef_scatt%mtemp
-              Read(file_lu,'(5(1x,e23.16))') coef_scatt % ssa(i,j,k,:)
-            Enddo
-          Enddo
-        Enddo
-     Case( 'ASYMMETRY')
-        Allocate (coef_scatt % asp(coef_scatt%mfreqm, coef_scatt%mtype, coef_scatt%mtemp, coef_scatt%mwc))
-        Do i = 1, coef_scatt%mfreqm
-          Do j = 1, coef_scatt%mtype
-            Do k = 1, coef_scatt%mtemp
-              Read(file_lu,'(5(1x,e23.16))') coef_scatt % asp(i,j,k,:)
-            Enddo
-          Enddo
-        Enddo
-     Case default
-        Cycle readfile
-     End Select
-  End Do readfile
-  If ( file_toclose ) Then
-     Close ( unit = file_lu )
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_readscattcoeffs
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readscattcoeffs.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readscattcoeffs.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index ec9a9812f51ad4c70dfae5944ec9241599efb8fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_readscattcoeffs.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-   !
-   Subroutine rttov_readscattcoeffs  (&
-         & errorstatus,   &! out
-         & coef_rttov,    &! in
-         & coef_scatt,    &! out
-         & file_id       ) ! in Optional
-     ! Imported Type Definitions:
-     Use rttov_types, Only : &
-          & rttov_coef, &
-          & rttov_scatt_coef
-     Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-          & inst_name           ,&
-          & platform_name       ,&
-          & errorstatus_info    ,&
-          & errorstatus_success ,&
-          & errorstatus_fatal
-     Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-     Implicit None
-     ! subroutine arguments
-     ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-     Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus             ! return code
-     ! scalar arguments with optional intent(in):
-     Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in)  :: file_id       ! file logical unit number
-     ! array arguments with intent(in):
-     Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov               ! clear-sky coefficients
-     ! array arguments with intent(out):
-     Type( rttov_scatt_coef ), Intent (out) :: coef_scatt        ! coefficients
-   End Subroutine rttov_readscattcoeffs
-End Interface
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6cad3f421a826ec85ba9cc3f6b3df3bac84a0d33..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt(   &
-     & errorstatus,       &! out
-     & nwp_levels,        &! in
-     & nrt_levels,        &! in
-     & nfrequencies,      &! in
-     & nchannels,         &! in
-     & nbtout,            &! in
-     & nprofiles,         &! in
-     & polarisations,     &! in
-     & channels,          &! in
-     & frequencies,       &! in
-     & lprofiles,         &! in
-     & lsprofiles,        &! in
-     & profiles,          &! inout  (to invalid clw absorption)
-     & cld_profiles,      &! in
-     & coef_rttov,        &! in
-     & coef_scatt,        &! in
-     & calcemiss,         &! in
-     & emissivity_in,     &! inout
-     & cld_radiance )      ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! to compute microwave multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy and/or rainy sky.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of 
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on 
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the 
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between 
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners 
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are 
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  ! 
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method / Validation :
-  ! --------------------
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 21 pp.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans:comparison with SSM/I observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Smith, E. A., P. Bauer, F. S. Marzano, C. D. Kummerow, D. McKague, A. Mugnai, G. Panegrossi, 2002:
-  !     Intercomparison of microwave radiative transfer models for precipitating clouds.
-  !     IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 40, 541-549.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    07/2005      Polarimetry fixes after re-write (U O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.6    11/2005      Add errorstatus to iniscatt arguments and use a temporary
-  !                       radiance type for the calcpolarisation call (J Cameron)
-  !
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal  
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniscatt.interface"
-#include "rttov_eddington.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nbtout                                  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)            ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lsprofiles    (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus   (nprofiles)               ! Error return flag
-  Logical,             Intent (in)  :: calcemiss     (nchannels)               ! Switch for emmissivity calculation
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)  :: emissivity_in (nchannels)               ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles     (nprofiles)       ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                     ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                     ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)       ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                   ! Radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), target :: sa__mclayer (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)    
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_surf       (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_layer      (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__od_singlelayer (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ccmax   (nprofiles)  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tbd (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__delta  (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tau    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ext    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ssa    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__asm    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__lambda (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__h      (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b0     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b1     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__bn     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__dz     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__clw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ciw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__rain   (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__sp     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-!* Local variables:
-  Logical             :: addcloud, switchrad
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan   
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: emissivity (nchannels)           
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmission  
-  Type (geometry_Type)     :: angles (nprofiles)
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux) :: scatt_aux
-  Type (radiance_Type)     :: radiance
-  Type (radiance_Type)     :: cld_radiance_tmp
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=15) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_scatt '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  radiance % clear_out => r__clear_out
-  radiance % out       => r__out
-  radiance % out_clear => r__out_clear
-  radiance % total_out => r__total_out
-  radiance % clear     => r__clear
-  radiance % cloudy    => r__cloudy
-  radiance % total     => r__total
-  radiance % bt        => r__bt
-  radiance % bt_clear  => r__bt_clear
-  radiance % upclear   => r__upclear
-  radiance % dnclear   => r__dnclear
-  radiance % reflclear => r__reflclear
-  radiance % overcast  => r__overcast 
-  radiance % downcld   => r__downcld 
-  transmission % tau_surf       => t__tau_surf
-  transmission % tau_layer      => t__tau_layer
-  transmission % od_singlelayer => t__od_singlelayer
-  scatt_aux % ccmax    => sa__ccmax
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd  => sa__ems_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd  => sa__ref_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ems_cld  => sa__ems_cld
-  scatt_aux % ref_cld  => sa__ref_cld
-  scatt_aux % tbd      => sa__tbd
-  scatt_aux % mclayer  => sa__mclayer
-  scatt_aux % delta    => sa__delta
-  scatt_aux % tau      => sa__tau
-  scatt_aux % ext      => sa__ext
-  scatt_aux % ssa      => sa__ssa
-  scatt_aux % asm      => sa__asm
-  scatt_aux % lambda   => sa__lambda
-  scatt_aux % h        => sa__h
-  scatt_aux % b0       => sa__b0
-  scatt_aux % b1       => sa__b1
-  scatt_aux % bn       => sa__bn
-  scatt_aux % dz       => sa__dz
-  scatt_aux % clw      => sa__clw
-  scatt_aux % ciw      => sa__ciw
-  scatt_aux % rain     => sa__rain
-  scatt_aux % sp       => sa__sp
-!*         1.   Gas absorption
-  switchrad = .true.   ! input to RTTOV is BT  
-  addcloud  = .false.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  If ( Any(.Not.profiles (:) % clw_Data) ) Then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles (:) % clw_Data = .False.
-  End If
-  emissivity (:) = emissivity_in (:)
-  Call rttov_direct(          &
-        & errorstatus,        &! out
-        & nfrequencies,       &! in
-        & nchannels,          &! in
-        & nbtout,             &! in
-        & nprofiles,          &! in
-        & channels,           &! in
-        & polarisations,      &! in
-        & lprofiles,          &! in
-        & profiles,           &! in
-        & coef_rttov,         &! in
-        & addcloud,           &! in
-        & calcemiss,          &! in
-        & emissivity,         &! inout
-        & transmission,       &! inout
-        & radiance     )       ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_direct")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  scatt_aux % ems_cld (:) = emissivity_in (:)      
-  scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) = 1.0_JPRB - emissivity_in (:)   
-!*  2.   Initialisations for Eddington
-  Call rttov_iniscatt(       &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in        
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & frequencies,       &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & coef_rttov,        &! in  
-        & coef_scatt,        &! in  
-        & transmission,      &! in
-        & calcemiss,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! out
-        & scatt_aux)          ! inout   
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_iniscatt")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-!* 3.   Eddington (in temperature space)
-  Call rttov_eddington(  &
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  
-        & scatt_aux,         &! in
-        & cld_radiance)       ! inout   
-!*  4.   Combine clear and cloudy parts
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % total (ichan) = radiance % total (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % clear (ichan) = radiance % clear (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % bt_clear (ichan) = radiance % bt (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % bt (ichan) = cld_radiance % bt (ichan) *             scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) & 
-                             & +     radiance % bt (ichan) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof))
-  End Do
-!*  5.   Mix polarisations
-  If (coef_rttov % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     ! Point a temporary radiance type at cld_radiance
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear     => cld_radiance % clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear_out => cld_radiance % clear_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % cloudy    => cld_radiance % cloudy
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total     => cld_radiance % total
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total_out => cld_radiance % total_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out       => cld_radiance % out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out_clear => cld_radiance % out_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt        => cld_radiance % bt
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt_clear  => cld_radiance % bt_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % upclear   => cld_radiance % upclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % dnclear   => cld_radiance % dnclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % reflclear => cld_radiance % reflclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % overcast  => cld_radiance % overcast
-     cld_radiance_tmp % downcld   => cld_radiance % downcld
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-        & nfrequencies,       &! in
-        & nchannels,          &! in
-        & nprofiles,          &! in
-        & angles,             &! in
-        & channels,           &! in
-        & polarisations,      &! in
-        & lprofiles,          &! in
-        & coef_rttov,         &! in
-        & cld_radiance_tmp    )! inout
-  Else
-        radiance%out       = radiance%bt
-        radiance%out_clear = radiance%bt_clear
-        cld_radiance%out       = cld_radiance%bt
-        cld_radiance%out_clear = cld_radiance%bt_clear
-  End If
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b4b2fda72fd25d80f08610538511ac66c16596c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt(&
- & errorstatus,&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nrt_levels,&
- & nfrequencies,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nbtout,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & polarisations,&
- & channels,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & lsprofiles,&
- & profiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & calcemiss,&
- & emissivity_in,&
- & cld_radiance ) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & transmission_Type ,&
- & radiance_Type ,&
- & radiance_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nbtout
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus (nprofiles)
- Logical, Intent (in) :: calcemiss (nchannels)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) :: emissivity_in (nchannels)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 913e714a3fd4f35e90461d2b6c4699be014e67c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt_ad( & 
-     & errorstatus,        &! out
-     & nwp_levels,         &! in
-     & nrt_levels,         &! in
-     & nfrequencies,       &! in
-     & nchannels,          &! in
-     & nbtout,             &! in
-     & nprofiles,          &! in
-     & polarisations,      &! in
-     & channels,           &! in
-     & frequencies,        &! in
-     & lprofiles,          &! in
-     & lsprofiles,         &! in
-     & profiles,           &! inout  
-     & cld_profiles,       &! in
-     & coef_rttov,         &! in
-     & coef_scatt,         &! in
-     & calcemiss,          &! in
-     & emissivity_in,      &! inout
-     & profiles_ad,        &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_ad,    &! inout
-     & emissivity_in_ad,   &! inout
-     & cld_radiance,       &! inout
-     & cld_radiance_ad)     ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of subroutine 
-  ! to compute microwave multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy and/or rainy sky.
-  !
-  ! According to the argument switchrad the main input total or bt is used
-  ! switchrad == true    bt is the input, brightness temperature
-  ! switchrad == false   total is the input, radiance
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of 
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on 
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the 
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between 
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners 
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are 
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  ! 
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 21 pp.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans:comparison with SSM/I observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Smith, E. A., P. Bauer, F. S. Marzano, C. D. Kummerow, D. McKague, A. Mugnai, G. Panegrossi, 2002:
-  !     Intercomparison of microwave radiative transfer models for precipitating clouds.
-  !     IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 40, 541-549.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    07/2005      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.6    11/2005      Add errorstatus to iniscatt arguments and use a temporary
-  !                       radiance type for the calcpolarisation call (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal  
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniscatt.interface"
-#include "rttov_eddington.interface"
-#include "rttov_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniscatt_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_eddington_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nbtout                                  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)            ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lsprofiles    (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus   (nprofiles)               ! Error return flag
-  Logical,             Intent (in)    :: calcemiss        (nchannels)          ! Switch for emmissivity calculation
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)    :: emissivity_in    (nchannels)          ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout) :: emissivity_in_ad (nchannels)          ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles        (nprofiles)    ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad     (nprofiles)    
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                     ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                     ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)    ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_ad (nprofiles)   
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                   ! Radiances
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_ad          
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), target :: sa__mclayer    (nchannels)
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), target :: sa_ad__mclayer (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: rz__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: rz__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r_ad__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_surf          (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_layer         (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__od_singlelayer    (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_ad__tau_surf       (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_ad__tau_layer      (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_ad__od_singlelayer (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ccmax   (nprofiles)  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tbd (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__delta  (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tau    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ext    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ssa    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__asm    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__lambda (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__h      (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b0     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b1     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__bn     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__dz     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__clw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ciw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__rain   (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__sp     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ccmax   (nprofiles)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ems_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ref_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ems_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ref_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__tbd (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__delta  (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__tau    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ext    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ssa    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__asm    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__lambda (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__h      (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__b0     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__b1     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__bn     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__dz     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__clw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__ciw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__rain   (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_ad__sp     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-!* Local variables:
-  Logical             :: addcloud, switchrad
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan   
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: emissivity    (nchannels)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: emissivity_ad (nchannels)
-  Type (transmission_Type)   :: transmission, transmission_ad
-  Type (geometry_Type)       :: angles (nprofiles)
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux)   :: scatt_aux, scatt_aux_ad
-  Type (radiance_Type)       :: radiance, radiance_ad
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type) :: zcld_radiance            
-  Type (radiance_Type)       :: cld_radiance_tmp
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=15) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_scatt_ad '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  radiance % clear_out => r__clear_out
-  radiance % out       => r__out
-  radiance % out_clear => r__out_clear
-  radiance % total_out => r__total_out
-  radiance % clear     => r__clear
-  radiance % cloudy    => r__cloudy
-  radiance % total     => r__total
-  radiance % bt        => r__bt
-  radiance % bt_clear  => r__bt_clear
-  radiance % upclear   => r__upclear
-  radiance % dnclear   => r__dnclear
-  radiance % reflclear => r__reflclear
-  radiance % overcast  => r__overcast 
-  radiance % downcld   => r__downcld 
-  radiance_ad % clear_out => r_ad__clear_out
-  radiance_ad % out       => r_ad__out
-  radiance_ad % out_clear => r_ad__out_clear
-  radiance_ad % total_out => r_ad__total_out
-  radiance_ad % clear     => r_ad__clear
-  radiance_ad % cloudy    => r_ad__cloudy
-  radiance_ad % total     => r_ad__total
-  radiance_ad % bt        => r_ad__bt
-  radiance_ad % bt_clear  => r_ad__bt_clear
-  radiance_ad % upclear   => r_ad__upclear
-  radiance_ad % dnclear   => r_ad__dnclear
-  radiance_ad % reflclear => r_ad__reflclear
-  radiance_ad % overcast  => r_ad__overcast 
-  radiance_ad % downcld   => r_ad__downcld 
-  zcld_radiance % clear_out => rz__clear_out
-  zcld_radiance % out       => rz__out
-  zcld_radiance % out_clear => rz__out_clear
-  zcld_radiance % total_out => rz__total_out
-  zcld_radiance % clear     => rz__clear
-  zcld_radiance % cloudy    => rz__cloudy
-  zcld_radiance % total     => rz__total
-  zcld_radiance % bt        => rz__bt
-  zcld_radiance % bt_clear  => rz__bt_clear
-  zcld_radiance % upclear   => rz__upclear
-  zcld_radiance % dnclear   => rz__dnclear
-  zcld_radiance % reflclear => rz__reflclear
-  zcld_radiance % overcast  => rz__overcast 
-  zcld_radiance % downcld   => rz__downcld 
-  transmission % tau_surf       => t__tau_surf
-  transmission % tau_layer      => t__tau_layer
-  transmission % od_singlelayer => t__od_singlelayer
-  transmission_ad % tau_surf       => t_ad__tau_surf
-  transmission_ad % tau_layer      => t_ad__tau_layer
-  transmission_ad % od_singlelayer => t_ad__od_singlelayer
-  scatt_aux % ccmax    => sa__ccmax
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd  => sa__ems_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd  => sa__ref_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ems_cld  => sa__ems_cld
-  scatt_aux % ref_cld  => sa__ref_cld
-  scatt_aux % tbd      => sa__tbd
-  scatt_aux % mclayer  => sa__mclayer
-  scatt_aux % delta    => sa__delta
-  scatt_aux % tau      => sa__tau
-  scatt_aux % ext      => sa__ext
-  scatt_aux % ssa      => sa__ssa
-  scatt_aux % asm      => sa__asm
-  scatt_aux % lambda   => sa__lambda
-  scatt_aux % h        => sa__h
-  scatt_aux % b0       => sa__b0
-  scatt_aux % b1       => sa__b1
-  scatt_aux % bn       => sa__bn
-  scatt_aux % dz       => sa__dz
-  scatt_aux % clw      => sa__clw
-  scatt_aux % ciw      => sa__ciw
-  scatt_aux % rain     => sa__rain
-  scatt_aux % sp       => sa__sp
-  scatt_aux_ad % ccmax    => sa_ad__ccmax
-  scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd  => sa_ad__ems_bnd
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_bnd  => sa_ad__ref_bnd
-  scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld  => sa_ad__ems_cld
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld  => sa_ad__ref_cld
-  scatt_aux_ad % tbd      => sa_ad__tbd
-  scatt_aux_ad % mclayer  => sa_ad__mclayer
-  scatt_aux_ad % delta    => sa_ad__delta
-  scatt_aux_ad % tau      => sa_ad__tau
-  scatt_aux_ad % ext      => sa_ad__ext
-  scatt_aux_ad % ssa      => sa_ad__ssa
-  scatt_aux_ad % asm      => sa_ad__asm
-  scatt_aux_ad % lambda   => sa_ad__lambda
-  scatt_aux_ad % h        => sa_ad__h
-  scatt_aux_ad % b0       => sa_ad__b0
-  scatt_aux_ad % b1       => sa_ad__b1
-  scatt_aux_ad % bn       => sa_ad__bn
-  scatt_aux_ad % dz       => sa_ad__dz
-  scatt_aux_ad % clw      => sa_ad__clw
-  scatt_aux_ad % ciw      => sa_ad__ciw
-  scatt_aux_ad % rain     => sa_ad__rain
-  scatt_aux_ad % sp       => sa_ad__sp
-!*         1.   Gas absorption
-  switchrad = .true.   ! input to RTTOV is BT  
-  addcloud  = .false.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  If ( Any(.Not. profiles (:) % clw_Data) ) Then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles (:) % clw_Data = .False.
-  End If
-  emissivity (:) = emissivity_in (:) 
-  Call rttov_direct(          &
-        & errorstatus,        &! out
-        & nfrequencies,       &! in
-        & nchannels,          &! in
-        & nbtout,             &! in
-        & nprofiles,          &! in
-        & channels,           &! in
-        & polarisations,      &! in
-        & lprofiles,          &! in
-        & profiles,           &! in
-        & coef_rttov,         &! in
-        & addcloud,           &! in
-        & calcemiss,          &! in
-        & emissivity,         &! inout
-        & transmission,       &! inout
-        & radiance     )       ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_direct")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  scatt_aux % ems_cld (:) = emissivity_in (:)      
-  scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) = 1.0_JPRB - emissivity_in (:)    
-!*  2.   Initialisations for Eddington
-  Call rttov_iniscatt(       &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & frequencies,       &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & coef_rttov,        &! in  
-        & coef_scatt,        &! in  
-        & transmission,      &! in
-        & calcemiss,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! out
-        & scatt_aux   )       ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_iniscatt")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-!* 3.   Eddington (in temperature space)
-   Call rttov_eddington(     &
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  
-        & scatt_aux,         &! in
-        & cld_radiance)       ! inout   
-  zcld_radiance % bt (:) = cld_radiance % bt (:)
-!*  4.   Combine clear and cloudy parts
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % total (ichan) = radiance % total (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % clear (ichan) = radiance % clear (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % bt_clear (ichan) = radiance % bt (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % bt (ichan) = cld_radiance % bt (ichan) *             scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) & 
-                             & +     radiance % bt (ichan) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof))
-  End Do
-  scatt_aux_ad % ccmax   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ems_bnd (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_bnd (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ems_cld (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ref_cld (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % tbd     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % delta   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % tau     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ext     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ssa     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % asm     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % lambda  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % h       (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % b0      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % b1      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % bn      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % dz      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % clw     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % ciw     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % rain    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_ad % sp      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmission_ad % tau_surf       (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmission_ad % tau_layer      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmission_ad % od_singlelayer (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % bt (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  !
-  !*  5.   Convert total polarisations length arrays to number of output channel length arrays
-  !
-  If (coef_rttov % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     ! Point a temporary radiance type at cld_radiance_ad
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear     => cld_radiance_ad % clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear_out => cld_radiance_ad % clear_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % cloudy    => cld_radiance_ad % cloudy
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total     => cld_radiance_ad % total
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total_out => cld_radiance_ad % total_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out       => cld_radiance_ad % out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out_clear => cld_radiance_ad % out_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt        => cld_radiance_ad % bt
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt_clear  => cld_radiance_ad % bt_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % upclear   => cld_radiance_ad % upclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % dnclear   => cld_radiance_ad % dnclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % reflclear => cld_radiance_ad % reflclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % overcast  => cld_radiance_ad % overcast
-     cld_radiance_tmp % downcld   => cld_radiance_ad % downcld
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation_ad( &
-       &  nfrequencies, & ! in
-       &  nchannels,    & ! in
-       &  nbtout,       & ! in
-       &  profiles,     & ! in
-       &  nprofiles,    & ! in
-       &  angles,       & ! in
-       &  channels,     & ! in
-       &  polarisations,& ! in
-       &  lprofiles,    & ! in
-       &  coef_rttov,   & ! in
-       &  cld_radiance_tmp       )      ! inout
-   Else
-         radiance_ad%bt       = radiance_ad%out
-         radiance_ad%bt_clear = radiance_ad%out_clear
-         cld_radiance_ad%bt       = cld_radiance_ad%out
-         cld_radiance_ad%bt_clear = cld_radiance_ad%out_clear
-   End If
-!* 4.   Combine clear and cloudy parts  
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     scatt_aux_ad % ccmax (iprof) = scatt_aux_ad % ccmax (iprof) & 
-                                   & + (zcld_radiance % bt (ichan) - radiance % bt (ichan)) * cld_radiance_ad % bt (ichan)
-     radiance_ad  % bt    (ichan) = radiance_ad  % bt    (ichan) & 
-                                   & + (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)) * cld_radiance_ad % bt (ichan)
-     cld_radiance_ad % bt (ichan) = scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof) * cld_radiance_ad % bt (ichan) 
-  End Do
-!* 3.   Eddington (in temperature space)
-  Call rttov_eddington_ad(   &
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & profiles_ad,       &! inout  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  
-        & scatt_aux,         &! in
-        & scatt_aux_ad,      &! inout
-        & cld_radiance,      &! inout  
-        & cld_radiance_ad)    ! inout   
-!*  2.   Initialisations for Eddington 
-  Call rttov_iniscatt_ad(    &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & frequencies,       &! in
-        & lprofiles,        &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in 
-        & profiles_ad,       &! inout
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles_ad,   &! inout
-        & coef_rttov,        &! in 
-        & coef_scatt,        &! in  
-        & transmission,      &! in
-        & transmission_ad,   &! inout
-        & calcemiss,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! out
-        & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-        & scatt_aux_ad)       ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_iniscatt_ad")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  radiance_ad % clear     (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % clear_out (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % cloudy    (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % total     (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % total_out (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % out       (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % out_clear (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % bt_clear  (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % upclear   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % dnclear   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % reflclear (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % overcast  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_ad % downcld   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!*         1.   Gas absorption
-  emissivity_ad (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Call rttov_ad(        &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef_rttov,      &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemiss,       &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout
-     & emissivity_ad,   &! inout
-     & transmission,    &! inout
-     & transmission_ad, &! inout
-     & radiance,        &! inout
-     & radiance_ad     ) ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_ad")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  emissivity_in_ad (:) = emissivity_in_ad (:) + emissivity_ad (:)
-  emissivity_ad    (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  cld_radiance % bt (:) = zcld_radiance % bt (:)
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 7301ecd31b07d097394d3c2c95cd217fd7419aa6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt_ad(&
- & errorstatus,&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nrt_levels,&
- & nfrequencies,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nbtout,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & polarisations,&
- & channels,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & lsprofiles,&
- & profiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & calcemiss,&
- & emissivity_in,&
- & profiles_ad,&
- & cld_profiles_ad,&
- & emissivity_in_ad,&
- & cld_radiance,&
- & cld_radiance_ad) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & transmission_Type ,&
- & radiance_Type ,&
- & radiance_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nbtout
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus (nprofiles)
- Logical, Intent (in) :: calcemiss (nchannels)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) :: emissivity_in (nchannels)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout) :: emissivity_in_ad (nchannels)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_ad (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_ad (nprofiles)
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ebe7c678f79a2b646c7f6fcb17b4794cf3db0c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,852 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt_k( & 
-     & errorstatus,        &! out
-     & nwp_levels,         &! in
-     & nrt_levels,         &! in
-     & nfrequencies,       &! in
-     & nchannels,          &! in
-     & nbtout,             &! in
-     & nprofiles,          &! in
-     & polarisations,      &! in
-     & channels,           &! in
-     & frequencies,        &! in
-     & lprofiles,          &! in
-     & lsprofiles,         &! in
-     & profiles,           &! inout  
-     & cld_profiles,       &! in
-     & coef_rttov,         &! in
-     & coef_scatt,         &! in
-     & calcemiss,          &! in
-     & emissivity_in,      &! inout
-     & profiles_k,         &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_k,     &! inout
-     & emissivity_in_k,    &! inout
-     & cld_radiance)        ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! AD of subroutine 
-  ! to compute microwave multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy and/or rainy sky.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of 
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on 
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the 
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between 
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners 
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are 
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  ! 
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 21 pp.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans:comparison with SSM/I observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Smith, E. A., P. Bauer, F. S. Marzano, C. D. Kummerow, D. McKague, A. Mugnai, G. Panegrossi, 2002:
-  !     Intercomparison of microwave radiative transfer models for precipitating clouds.
-  !     IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 40, 541-549.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keefe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    02/2005      K code              (A. Collard)
-  !   1.6    07/2005      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.7    11/2005      Add errorstatus to iniscatt arguments and use a temporary
-  !                       radiance type for the calcpolarisation call (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniscatt.interface"
-#include "rttov_eddington.interface"
-#include "rttov_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniscatt_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_eddington_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_profout_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_cld_profout_k.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nbtout                                  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)            ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lsprofiles    (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus   (nprofiles)               ! Error return flag
-  Logical,             Intent (in)    :: calcemiss        (nchannels)          ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)    :: emissivity_in    (nchannels)          ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout) :: emissivity_in_k  (nchannels)            
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles        (nprofiles)    ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_k      (nbtout)    
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                     ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                     ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)    ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_k  (nbtout)   
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                   ! Radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), target :: sa__mclayer    (nchannels)
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), target :: sa_k__mclayer (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: cld_r_k__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: rz__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: rz__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: rz__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_k__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r_k__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r_k__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_surf          (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_layer         (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__od_singlelayer    (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_k__tau_surf        (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_k__tau_layer       (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_k__od_singlelayer  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ccmax   (nprofiles)  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tbd (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__delta  (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tau    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ext    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ssa    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__asm    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__lambda (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__h      (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b0     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b1     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__bn     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__dz     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__clw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ciw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__rain   (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__sp     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ccmax   (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ems_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ref_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ems_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ref_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__tbd (nchannels,nwp_levels+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__delta  (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__tau    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ext    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ssa    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__asm    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__lambda (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__h      (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__b0     (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__b1     (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__bn     (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__dz     (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__clw    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__ciw    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__rain   (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_k__sp     (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-!* Local variables:
-  Logical             :: addcloud, switchrad
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan, ilev   
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: emissivity    (nchannels)
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: emissivity_k (nchannels)
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type) :: cld_radiance_k          
-  Type (transmission_Type)   :: transmission, transmission_k
-  Type (geometry_Type)       :: angles (nprofiles)
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux)   :: scatt_aux, scatt_aux_k
-  Type (radiance_Type)       :: radiance, radiance_k
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type) :: zcld_radiance            
-  Type (profile_Type)        :: profiles_k_all(nchannels)
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type)  :: cld_profiles_k_all(nchannels)
-  Type (radiance_Type)       :: cld_radiance_tmp
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=15) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_scatt_k '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  cld_radiance_k % clear_out => cld_r_k__clear_out
-  cld_radiance_k % out       => cld_r_k__out
-  cld_radiance_k % out_clear => cld_r_k__out_clear
-  cld_radiance_k % total_out => cld_r_k__total_out
-  cld_radiance_k % clear     => cld_r_k__clear
-  cld_radiance_k % cloudy    => cld_r_k__cloudy
-  cld_radiance_k % total     => cld_r_k__total
-  cld_radiance_k % bt        => cld_r_k__bt
-  cld_radiance_k % bt_clear  => cld_r_k__bt_clear
-  cld_radiance_k % upclear   => cld_r_k__upclear
-  cld_radiance_k % dnclear   => cld_r_k__dnclear
-  cld_radiance_k % reflclear => cld_r_k__reflclear
-  cld_radiance_k % overcast  => cld_r_k__overcast 
-  cld_radiance_k % downcld   => cld_r_k__downcld 
-  radiance % clear_out => r__clear_out
-  radiance % out       => r__out
-  radiance % out_clear => r__out_clear
-  radiance % total_out => r__total_out
-  radiance % clear     => r__clear
-  radiance % cloudy    => r__cloudy
-  radiance % total     => r__total
-  radiance % bt        => r__bt
-  radiance % bt_clear  => r__bt_clear
-  radiance % upclear   => r__upclear
-  radiance % dnclear   => r__dnclear
-  radiance % reflclear => r__reflclear
-  radiance % overcast  => r__overcast 
-  radiance % downcld   => r__downcld 
-  radiance_k % clear_out => r_k__clear_out
-  radiance_k % out       => r_k__out
-  radiance_k % out_clear => r_k__out_clear
-  radiance_k % total_out => r_k__total_out
-  radiance_k % clear     => r_k__clear
-  radiance_k % cloudy    => r_k__cloudy
-  radiance_k % total     => r_k__total
-  radiance_k % bt        => r_k__bt
-  radiance_k % bt_clear  => r_k__bt_clear
-  radiance_k % upclear   => r_k__upclear
-  radiance_k % dnclear   => r_k__dnclear
-  radiance_k % reflclear => r_k__reflclear
-  radiance_k % overcast  => r_k__overcast 
-  radiance_k % downcld   => r_k__downcld 
-  zcld_radiance % clear_out => rz__clear_out
-  zcld_radiance % out       => rz__out
-  zcld_radiance % out_clear => rz__out_clear
-  zcld_radiance % total_out => rz__total_out
-  zcld_radiance % clear     => rz__clear
-  zcld_radiance % cloudy    => rz__cloudy
-  zcld_radiance % total     => rz__total
-  zcld_radiance % bt        => rz__bt
-  zcld_radiance % bt_clear  => rz__bt_clear
-  zcld_radiance % upclear   => rz__upclear
-  zcld_radiance % dnclear   => rz__dnclear
-  zcld_radiance % reflclear => rz__reflclear
-  zcld_radiance % overcast  => rz__overcast 
-  zcld_radiance % downcld   => rz__downcld 
-  transmission % tau_surf       => t__tau_surf
-  transmission % tau_layer      => t__tau_layer
-  transmission % od_singlelayer => t__od_singlelayer
-  transmission_k % tau_surf       => t_k__tau_surf
-  transmission_k % tau_layer      => t_k__tau_layer
-  transmission_k % od_singlelayer => t_k__od_singlelayer
-  scatt_aux % ccmax    => sa__ccmax
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd  => sa__ems_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd  => sa__ref_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ems_cld  => sa__ems_cld
-  scatt_aux % ref_cld  => sa__ref_cld
-  scatt_aux % tbd      => sa__tbd
-  scatt_aux % mclayer  => sa__mclayer
-  scatt_aux % delta    => sa__delta
-  scatt_aux % tau      => sa__tau
-  scatt_aux % ext      => sa__ext
-  scatt_aux % ssa      => sa__ssa
-  scatt_aux % asm      => sa__asm
-  scatt_aux % lambda   => sa__lambda
-  scatt_aux % h        => sa__h
-  scatt_aux % b0       => sa__b0
-  scatt_aux % b1       => sa__b1
-  scatt_aux % bn       => sa__bn
-  scatt_aux % dz       => sa__dz
-  scatt_aux % clw      => sa__clw
-  scatt_aux % ciw      => sa__ciw
-  scatt_aux % rain     => sa__rain
-  scatt_aux % sp       => sa__sp
-  scatt_aux_k % ccmax    => sa_k__ccmax
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd  => sa_k__ems_bnd
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_bnd  => sa_k__ref_bnd
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_cld  => sa_k__ems_cld
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_cld  => sa_k__ref_cld
-  scatt_aux_k % tbd      => sa_k__tbd
-  scatt_aux_k % mclayer  => sa_k__mclayer
-  scatt_aux_k % delta    => sa_k__delta
-  scatt_aux_k % tau      => sa_k__tau
-  scatt_aux_k % ext      => sa_k__ext
-  scatt_aux_k % ssa      => sa_k__ssa
-  scatt_aux_k % asm      => sa_k__asm
-  scatt_aux_k % lambda   => sa_k__lambda
-  scatt_aux_k % h        => sa_k__h
-  scatt_aux_k % b0       => sa_k__b0
-  scatt_aux_k % b1       => sa_k__b1
-  scatt_aux_k % bn       => sa_k__bn
-  scatt_aux_k % dz       => sa_k__dz
-  scatt_aux_k % clw      => sa_k__clw
-  scatt_aux_k % ciw      => sa_k__ciw
-  scatt_aux_k % rain     => sa_k__rain
-  scatt_aux_k % sp       => sa_k__sp
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % p(coef_rttov%nlevels ))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % t(coef_rttov%nlevels ))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % q(coef_rttov%nlevels ))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % o3(coef_rttov%nlevels ))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % co2(coef_rttov%nlevels ))
-     Allocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw(coef_rttov%nlevels ))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % p(nwp_levels))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ph(nwp_levels+1))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % t(nwp_levels))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % q(nwp_levels))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % cc(nwp_levels))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw(nwp_levels))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ciw(nwp_levels))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % rain(nwp_levels))
-     Allocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % sp(nwp_levels))
-     Do ilev = 1,coef_rttov%nlevels
-        profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw (ilev) = 0.0_JPRB
-        profiles_k_all(ichan) % co2 (ilev) = 0.0_JPRB
-        profiles_k_all(ichan) % o3 (ilev) = 0.0_JPRB
-        profiles_k_all(ichan) % t (ilev) = 0.0_JPRB
-        profiles_k_all(ichan) % q (ilev) = 0.0_JPRB
-        profiles_k_all(ichan) % p (ilev) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % t  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % u  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % v  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % q  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % o  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % p  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % t  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(1)  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(2)  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(3)  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(4)  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(5)  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % ctp  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % cfraction  =0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels
-     ! The next five are initialised for completeness - they are not used.
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % zenangle = 0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % azangle = 0.0_JPRB
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % surftype = 0_JPIM
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % ozone_data = .true.
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % co2_data = .true.
-     profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw_data = .true.
-     Do ilev = 1,nwp_levels
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % p(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ph(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % t(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % q(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % cc(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ciw(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % rain(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-        cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % sp(ilev)=0.0_JPRB
-     Enddo
-     cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ph(nwp_levels+1) =0.0_JPRB
-     cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     ! The next two are initialised for completeness - they are not used.
-     cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % kice   =  0_JPIM
-     cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % kradip =  0_JPIM
-  END Do
-!*         1.   Gas absorption
-  switchrad = .true.   ! input to RTTOV is BT  
-  addcloud  = .false.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  If ( Any(.Not. profiles (:) % clw_Data) ) Then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles (:) % clw_Data = .False.
-  End If
-  emissivity (:) = emissivity_in (:) 
-  Call rttov_direct(          &
-        & errorstatus,        &! out
-        & nfrequencies,       &! in
-        & nchannels,          &! in
-        & nbtout,             &! in
-        & nprofiles,          &! in
-        & channels,           &! in
-        & polarisations,      &! in
-        & lprofiles,          &! in
-        & profiles,           &! in
-        & coef_rttov,         &! in
-        & addcloud,           &! in
-        & calcemiss,          &! in
-        & emissivity,         &! inout
-        & transmission,       &! inout
-        & radiance     )       ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_direct")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  scatt_aux % ems_cld (:) = emissivity_in (:)      
-  scatt_aux % ref_cld (:) = 1.0_JPRB - emissivity_in (:)      
-!*  2.   Initialisations for Eddington
-  Call rttov_iniscatt(       &
-        & errorstatus,       &! out
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & frequencies,       &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & coef_rttov,        &! in  
-        & coef_scatt,        &! in  
-        & transmission,      &! in
-        & calcemiss,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! out
-        & scatt_aux   )       ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_iniscatt")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-!* 3.   Eddington (in temperature space)
-   Call rttov_eddington(     &
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  
-        & scatt_aux,         &! in
-        & cld_radiance)       ! inout   
-  zcld_radiance % bt (:) = cld_radiance % bt (:)
-!*  4.   Combine clear and cloudy parts
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % total (ichan) = radiance % total (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % clear (ichan) = radiance % clear (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % bt_clear (ichan) = radiance % bt (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % bt (ichan) = cld_radiance % bt (ichan) *             scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) & 
-                             & +     radiance % bt (ichan) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof))
-  End Do
-! Initialise cld_radiance_k
-  cld_radiance_k % clear(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % clear_out(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % out_clear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % cloudy(:)     = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % bt_clear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % upclear(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % reflclear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % overcast(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % downcld(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-!  cld_radiance_k % bt(:)         = 1._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % bt(:)         = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % total(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % out(:)        = 1._JPRB
-  cld_radiance_k % total_out(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ccmax   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_bnd (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_bnd (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % tbd     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % delta   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % tau     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ext     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ssa     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % asm     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % lambda  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % h       (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % b0      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % b1      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % bn      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % dz      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % clw     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % ciw     (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % rain    (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  scatt_aux_k % sp      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmission_k % tau_surf       (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmission_k % tau_layer      (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  transmission_k % od_singlelayer (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % bt (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  !
-  !*  5.   Convert total polarisations length arrays to number of output channel length arrays
-  !
-  If (coef_rttov % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-    ! Point a temporary radiance type at cld_radiance_k
-    cld_radiance_tmp % clear     => cld_radiance_k % clear
-    cld_radiance_tmp % clear_out => cld_radiance_k % clear_out
-    cld_radiance_tmp % cloudy    => cld_radiance_k % cloudy
-    cld_radiance_tmp % total     => cld_radiance_k % total
-    cld_radiance_tmp % total_out => cld_radiance_k % total_out
-    cld_radiance_tmp % out       => cld_radiance_k % out
-    cld_radiance_tmp % out_clear => cld_radiance_k % out_clear
-    cld_radiance_tmp % bt        => cld_radiance_k % bt
-    cld_radiance_tmp % bt_clear  => cld_radiance_k % bt_clear
-    cld_radiance_tmp % upclear   => cld_radiance_k % upclear
-    cld_radiance_tmp % dnclear   => cld_radiance_k % dnclear
-    cld_radiance_tmp % reflclear => cld_radiance_k % reflclear
-    cld_radiance_tmp % overcast  => cld_radiance_k % overcast
-    cld_radiance_tmp % downcld   => cld_radiance_k % downcld
-    Call rttov_calcpolarisation_ad( &
-      &  nfrequencies, & ! in
-      &  nchannels,    & ! in
-      &  nbtout,       & ! in
-      &  profiles,     & ! in
-      &  nprofiles,    & ! in
-      &  angles,       & ! in
-      &  channels,     & ! in
-      &  polarisations,& ! in
-      &  lprofiles,    & ! in
-      &  coef_rttov,   & ! in
-      &  cld_radiance_tmp      )      ! inout
-  Else
-        radiance_k%bt       = radiance_k%out
-        radiance_k%bt_clear = radiance_k%out_clear
-        cld_radiance_k%bt       = cld_radiance_k%out
-        cld_radiance_k%bt_clear = cld_radiance_k%out_clear
-  End If
-!* 4.   Combine clear and cloudy parts  
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     scatt_aux_k % ccmax (ichan) = scatt_aux_k % ccmax (ichan) + &
-          (zcld_radiance % bt (ichan) - &
-          radiance % bt (ichan)) * cld_radiance_k % bt (ichan)
-     radiance_k  % bt    (ichan) = radiance_k  % bt    (ichan) + &
-          (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof)) * cld_radiance_k % bt (ichan)
-     cld_radiance_k % bt (ichan) = scatt_aux % ccmax (iprof) * &
-          cld_radiance_k % bt (ichan) 
-  End Do
-!* 3.   Eddington (in temperature space)
-  Call rttov_eddington_k(    &
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & profiles_k_all,    &! inout  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  
-        & scatt_aux,         &! in
-        & scatt_aux_k,       &! inout
-        & cld_radiance,      &! inout  
-        & cld_radiance_k)    ! inout   
-!*  2.   Initialisations for Eddington  
-  Call rttov_iniscatt_k(     &
-        & errorstatus,       &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & frequencies,       &! in
-        & lprofiles,        &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in 
-        & profiles_k_all,    &! inout
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles_k_all,&! inout
-        & coef_rttov,        &! in 
-        & coef_scatt,        &! in  
-        & transmission,      &! in
-        & transmission_k,    &! inout
-        & calcemiss,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! out
-        & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-        & scatt_aux_k)       ! inout   
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_iniscatt_k")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  emissivity_in_k (:) = emissivity_in_k (:) - scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:)
-  scatt_aux_k % ref_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB      
-  emissivity_in_k (:) = emissivity_in_k (:) + scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (:)  
-  scatt_aux_k % ems_cld (:) = 0.0_JPRB   
-  radiance_k % clear     (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % clear_out (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % cloudy    (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % total     (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % total_out (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % out       (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % out_clear (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % bt_clear  (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % upclear   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % dnclear   (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % reflclear (:)   = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % overcast  (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  radiance_k % downcld   (:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-!*         1.   Gas absorption
-  emissivity_k (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Call rttov_k(         &
-     & errorstatus,     &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef_rttov,      &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemiss,       &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_k_all,  &! inout
-     & emissivity_k,    &! inout
-     & transmission,    &! inout
-     & transmission_k,  &! inout
-     & radiance,        &! inout
-     & radiance_k      ) ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_k")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  emissivity_in_k (:) = emissivity_in_k (:) + emissivity_k (:)
-  emissivity_k    (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  cld_radiance % bt (:) = zcld_radiance % bt (:)
-  If (coef_rttov % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-  ! We have K wrt all calculated TBs - but user wants K for
-  ! instrument channels, so K code only requires an extra routine to modify
-  ! output. In AD code we simply exclude unused channels. Note only required
-  ! for microwave calculations.
-     Call rttov_profout_k( &
-            & nfrequencies,      &! in
-            & nchannels,         &! in
-            & nbtout,            &! in
-            & nprofiles,         &! in
-            & channels,          &! in
-            & lprofiles,         &! in
-            & polarisations,     &! in
-            & coef_rttov,        &! in
-            & angles,            &! in
-            & profiles_k_all,    &! in
-            & profiles_k)         ! Out
-     Call rttov_cld_profout_k( &
-            & nfrequencies,          &! in
-            & nchannels,             &! in
-            & nbtout,                &! in
-            & nprofiles,             &! in
-            & channels,              &! in
-            & lprofiles,             &! in
-            & polarisations,         &! in
-            & coef_rttov,            &! in
-            & angles,                &! in
-            & cld_profiles_k_all,    &! in
-            & cld_profiles_k)         ! Out
-  Else
-     !profiles_k  = profiles_k_all
-     Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        profiles_k(ichan) % nlevels          = profiles_k_all(ichan) % nlevels
-        profiles_k(ichan) % s2m % t          = profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % t
-        profiles_k(ichan) % s2m % q          = profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % q
-        profiles_k(ichan) % s2m % p          = profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % p
-        profiles_k(ichan) % s2m % u          = profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % u
-        profiles_k(ichan) % s2m % v          = profiles_k_all(ichan) % s2m % v
-        profiles_k(ichan) % skin % t         = profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % t
-        profiles_k(ichan) % skin % fastem(1) = profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(1)
-        profiles_k(ichan) % skin % fastem(2) = profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(2)
-        profiles_k(ichan) % skin % fastem(3) = profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(3)
-        profiles_k(ichan) % skin % fastem(4) = profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(4)
-        profiles_k(ichan) % skin % fastem(5) = profiles_k_all(ichan) % skin % fastem(5)
-        profiles_k(ichan) % ctp              = profiles_k_all(ichan) % ctp
-        profiles_k(ichan) % cfraction        = profiles_k_all(ichan) % cfraction
-        Do  ilev=1,coef_rttov%nlevels
-           profiles_k(ichan) % t(ilev)         = profiles_k_all(ichan) % t(ilev)
-           profiles_k(ichan) % q(ilev)         = profiles_k_all(ichan) % q(ilev)
-           profiles_k(ichan) % o3(ilev)        = profiles_k_all(ichan) % o3(ilev)
-           profiles_k(ichan) % clw(ilev)       = profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw(ilev)
-        End Do
-       cld_profiles_k(ichan) % nlevels        = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % nlevels
-       Do  ilev=1,nwp_levels
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % p(ilev)    = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % p(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % ph(ilev)   = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ph(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % t(ilev)    = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % t(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % q(ilev)    = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % q(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % cc(ilev)   = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % cc(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % clw(ilev)  = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % ciw(ilev)  = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ciw(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % rain(ilev) = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % rain(ilev)
-          cld_profiles_k(ichan) % sp(ilev)   = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % sp(ilev)
-       enddo
-       cld_profiles_k(ichan) % ph(nwp_levels+1)  = cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ph(nwp_levels+1)
-     End Do
-  End If
-!   Deallocate memory
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     If( Associated(  profiles_k_all(ichan) % p )) Then
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % p)
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % t)
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % q)
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % o3)
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % co2)
-        Deallocate( profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw)
-     End If
-     If( Associated(  cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % p )) Then
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % p)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ph)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % t)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % q)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % cc)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % clw)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % ciw)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % rain)
-        Deallocate( cld_profiles_k_all(ichan) % sp)
-     End If
-  End do
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 5baad0e4f6a05d6cf48872968fafc5f1eb2461e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt_k( & 
-     & errorstatus,        &! out
-     & nwp_levels,         &! in
-     & nrt_levels,         &! in
-     & nfrequencies,       &! in
-     & nchannels,          &! in
-     & nbtout,             &! in
-     & nprofiles,          &! in
-     & polarisations,      &! in
-     & channels,           &! in
-     & frequencies,        &! in
-     & lprofiles,          &! in
-     & lsprofiles,         &! in
-     & profiles,           &! inout  
-     & cld_profiles,       &! in
-     & coef_rttov,         &! in
-     & coef_scatt,         &! in
-     & calcemiss,          &! in
-     & emissivity_in,      &! inout
-     & profiles_k,         &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_k,     &! inout
-     & emissivity_in_k,    &! inout
-     & cld_radiance)        ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nbtout                                  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)            ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lsprofiles    (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus   (nprofiles)               ! Error return flag
-  Logical,             Intent (in)    :: calcemiss        (nchannels)          ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)    :: emissivity_in    (nchannels)          ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (inout) :: emissivity_in_k  (nchannels)            
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles        (nprofiles)    ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_k      (nbtout)    
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                     ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                     ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)    ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (inout) :: cld_profiles_k  (nbtout)   
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                   ! Radiances
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_setupindex.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_setupindex.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 3df3565f81d750284290bf4222734a6705e4ed78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_setupindex.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-    subroutine rttov_scatt_setupindex (nprofiles, n_chan, coef, nchannels, &
-				     & lsprofiles,lsprofiles2, frequencies, nbtout)
-!**** Set indices for frequencies, lsprofiles for RTTOV-8 (SCATT)
-!     P. Bauer, P. Lopez, E. Moreau, D. Salmond   ECMWF    May 2004
-!     1. Set up indices for profiles/channels
-!     Modifications:
-!* KIND     
-    use parkind1     , only: jpim, jprb
-    use rttov_const, only : npolar_return, npolar_compute, &
-                          & inst_id_ssmi
-    use rttov_types, only : rttov_coef   
-    implicit none
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: nprofiles
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: nchannels
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: nbtout
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: n_chan (nprofiles)
-    type   (rttov_coef), intent ( in) :: coef   
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (out), dimension (nchannels)    :: lsprofiles   
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (out), dimension (nbtout)       :: lsprofiles2  
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (out), dimension (nchannels)    :: frequencies
-    integer (kind=jpim) :: i_prof, i_chan, j_chan, i_freq, i_polid, i_pol, nch
-!- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-!* Set index arrays
-    j_chan = 0
-    do i_prof = 1, nprofiles    
-       do i_chan = 1, n_chan (i_prof)
-          i_polid = coef % fastem_polar (i_chan) + 1
-	  do i_pol = 1, npolar_compute (i_polid)
-	     frequencies (j_chan + i_pol) = i_chan
-	     lsprofiles  (j_chan + i_pol) = i_prof
-             if (coef % id_comp_lvl < 8 .and. coef % id_inst == inst_id_ssmi) then
- 	         if (i_chan == 1 .or. i_chan == 2) frequencies (j_chan + i_pol) = 1
-	         if (i_chan == 3                 ) frequencies (j_chan + i_pol) = 2
-	         if (i_chan == 4 .or. i_chan == 5) frequencies (j_chan + i_pol) = 3
-	         if (i_chan == 6 .or. i_chan == 7) frequencies (j_chan + i_pol) = 4         
-             endif
- 	  end do
-	  j_chan = j_chan + npolar_compute (i_polid)
-      end do
-    end do
-!* Set index arrays for output channels
-    nch=0
-    do i_prof = 1, nprofiles  
-       do i_chan = 1, nbtout/nprofiles
-    nch=nch+1  
- 	     lsprofiles2  (nch) = i_prof
- 	  end do
-    end do
-    end subroutine rttov_scatt_setupindex
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_setupindex.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_setupindex.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4277401224d238a8798a1e059b00028d079245..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_setupindex.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-    subroutine rttov_scatt_setupindex (nprofiles, n_chan, coef, nchannels, &
-				     & lsprofiles,lsprofiles2, frequencies, nbtout)
-    use parkind1     , only: jpim, jprb
-    use rttov_const, only : npolar_return, npolar_compute, &
-                          & inst_id_ssmi
-    use rttov_types, only : rttov_coef   
-    implicit none
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: nprofiles
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: nchannels
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: nbtout
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent ( in) :: n_chan (nprofiles)
-    type   (rttov_coef), intent ( in) :: coef   
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (out), dimension (nchannels)    :: lsprofiles   
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (out), dimension (nbtout)       :: lsprofiles2  
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (out), dimension (nchannels)    :: frequencies
-    end subroutine rttov_scatt_setupindex
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_test.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_test.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 129340e9954826736f892d65187fa3c2c1a3954d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_test.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1970 +0,0 @@
-    subroutine rttov_scatt_test (nfrequencies, nchannels, nbtout, coef_rttov, coef_scatt, &
-                               & lprofiles                      , & 
-                               & lsprofiles                     , & 
-                               & lsprofiles2                    , & 
-                               & channels                       , & 
-                               & frequencies                    , & 
-                               & polarisations                  , & 
-                               & emissivity)       
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date       Comment
-  ! -------    ----       -------
-  ! 1.1       28/09/2006  Fixed indexing problem in K tests for emissivity
-  !			  (A. Doherty)
-    Use mod_rttov_scatt_test
-    Use rttov_const, only :   &
-     &  errorstatus_fatal,    &
-     &  errorstatus_success,  &
-     &  default_err_unit,     &
-     &  sensor_id_mw,         &
-     &  npolar_return,        &
-     &  npolar_compute,       &
-     &  fastem_sp             ,&
-     &  inst_id_ssmi         ,&
-     &  inst_id_amsua        ,&
-     &  inst_id_amsub         
-    Use mod_cparam, only :   &
-     &  q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-    Use rttov_types, only :   &
-     &  geometry_type        ,&
-     &  rttov_coef           ,&
-     &  rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-     &  profile_type         ,&
-     &  profile_cloud_type   ,&
-     &  transmission_type    ,&
-     &  radiance_cloud_type  ,&
-     &  profile_scatt_aux   
-    Use parkind1, only: jpim  ,jprb
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpressure.interface"
-#include "rttov_scatt.interface"
-#include "rttov_scatt_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_scatt_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_scatt_k.interface"
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in) :: nfrequencies, nchannels, nbtout
-    real    (kind=jprb), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels)    :: emissivity 
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,3)  :: polarisations
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nfrequencies) :: channels    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels)    :: frequencies    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nfrequencies) :: lprofiles    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels)    :: lsprofiles    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nbtout)    :: lsprofiles2    
-    type (rttov_coef      ), intent (inout) :: coef_rttov        
-    type (rttov_scatt_coef), intent (inout) :: coef_scatt  
-!* FORWARD   
-    type (profile_type)         :: profiles_d1     (kproma)
-    type (profile_cloud_type)   :: cld_profiles_d1 (kproma)
-    type (radiance_cloud_type)  :: radiance_d1  
-    real (kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels) :: emissivity_d1 
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p1__p   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p1__t   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p1__q   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p1__o3  (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p1__clw (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__p    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__ph   (kflevg+1,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__t    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__q    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__cc   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__clw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__ciw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__rain (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp1__sp   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__clear_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__out       (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__out_clear (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__total_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__clear     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__cloudy    (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__total     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__bt        (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__upclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__dnclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__reflclear (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__freq_used (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r1__overcast  (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (Kind=jprb), target :: r1__downcld   (kflevg,nchannels)
-!* TL   
-    type (profile_type)              :: profiles_d2     (kproma)
-    type (profile_type)              :: profiles_tl     (kproma)
-    type (profile_type)              :: profiles_tl2     (kproma)
-    type (profile_cloud_type)        :: cld_profiles_d2 (kproma)
-    type (profile_cloud_type)        :: cld_profiles_tl (kproma)
-    type (profile_cloud_type)        :: cld_profiles_tl2 (kproma)
-    type (radiance_cloud_type)       :: radiance_d2             
-    type (radiance_cloud_type)       :: radiance_d3             
-    type (radiance_cloud_type)       :: radiance_tl  
-    type (radiance_cloud_type)       :: radiance_tl2  
-    real (kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels) :: emissivity_d2 
-    real (kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels) :: emissivity_tl 
-    real (kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels) :: emissivity_tl2 
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p2__p   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p2__t   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p2__q   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p2__o3  (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: p2__clw (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__p    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__ph   (kflevg+1,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__t    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__q    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__cc   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__clw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__ciw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__rain (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cp2__sp   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl__p   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl__t   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl__q   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl__o3  (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl__clw (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__p    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__ph   (kflevg+1,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__t    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__q    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__cc   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__clw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__ciw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__rain (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl__sp   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl2__p   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl2__t   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl2__q   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl2__o3  (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: ptl2__clw (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__p    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__ph   (kflevg+1,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__t    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__q    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__cc   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__clw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__ciw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__rain (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cptl2__sp   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__clear_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__out       (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__out_clear (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__total_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__clear     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__cloudy    (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__total     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__bt        (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__upclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__dnclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__reflclear (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__freq_used (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r2__overcast  (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (Kind=jprb), target :: r2__downcld   (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__clear_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__out       (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__out_clear (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__total_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__clear     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__cloudy    (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__total     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__bt        (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__upclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__dnclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__reflclear (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__freq_used (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl__overcast  (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (Kind=jprb), target :: rtl__downcld   (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__clear_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__out       (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__out_clear (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__total_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__clear     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__cloudy    (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__total     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__bt        (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__upclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__dnclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__reflclear (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__freq_used (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__overcast  (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (Kind=jprb), target :: rtl2__downcld   (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__clear_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__out       (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__out_clear (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__total_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__clear     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__cloudy    (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__total     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__bt        (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__upclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__dnclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__reflclear (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__freq_used (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: r3__overcast  (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (Kind=jprb), target :: r3__downcld   (kflevg,nchannels)
-!* AD   
-    type (profile_type)              :: profiles_ad     (kproma)
-    type (profile_cloud_type)        :: cld_profiles_ad (kproma)
-    type (radiance_cloud_type)       :: radiance_ad  
-    type (profile_type)              :: profiles_ad2     (kproma)
-    type (profile_cloud_type)        :: cld_profiles_ad2 (kproma)
-    type (radiance_cloud_type)       :: radiance_ad2  
-    real (kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels) :: emissivity_ad 
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad__p   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad__t   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad__q   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad__o3  (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad__clw (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__p    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__ph   (kflevg+1,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__t    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__q    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__cc   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__clw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__ciw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__rain (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad__sp   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__clear_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__out       (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__out_clear (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__total_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__clear     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__cloudy    (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__total     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__bt        (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__upclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__dnclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__reflclear (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__freq_used (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad__overcast  (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (Kind=jprb), target :: rad__downcld   (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad2__p   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad2__t   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad2__q   (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad2__o3  (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pad2__clw (coef_rttov%nlevels,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__p    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__ph   (kflevg+1,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__t    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__q    (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__cc   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__clw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__ciw  (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__rain (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpad2__sp   (kflevg,kproma)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__clear_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__out       (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__out_clear (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__total_out (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__clear     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__cloudy    (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__total     (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__bt        (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__upclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__dnclear   (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__reflclear (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__freq_used (nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: rad2__overcast  (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (Kind=jprb), target :: rad2__downcld   (kflevg,nchannels)
-    real (kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels) :: emissivity_ad2 
-!* K   
-    type (profile_type)              :: profiles_k     (nbtout)
-    type (profile_cloud_type)        :: cld_profiles_k (nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), dimension (nchannels) :: emissivity_k
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pk__p   (coef_rttov%nlevels,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pk__t   (coef_rttov%nlevels,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pk__q   (coef_rttov%nlevels,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pk__o3  (coef_rttov%nlevels,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: pk__clw (coef_rttov%nlevels,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__p    (kflevg,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__ph   (kflevg+1,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__t    (kflevg,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__q    (kflevg,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__cc   (kflevg,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__clw  (kflevg,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__ciw  (kflevg,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__rain (kflevg,nbtout)
-    real (kind=jprb), target :: cpk__sp   (kflevg,nbtout)
-!* OTHER                      
-    logical :: calcemiss (nchannels)
-    integer (kind=jpim) :: nchan_act, j, npol, i_pol
-    integer (kind=jpim) :: errorstatus (kproma)
-    integer (kind=jpim) :: i_lev, i_proma, i_chan, ibtout, i_btout, i_lambda, i_fast 
-    real    (kind=jprb) :: t_2m, q_2m, td_2m, u_10m, v_10m, ls, p_sfc, t_sfc, rlat, rlon
-    real    (kind=jprb) :: lambda, epsilon, zdelta1, zdelta2, zdelta3, threshold, z
-    real    (kind=jprb), dimension (kflevg) :: q_ppmv_d1, q_ppmv_d2, q_ppmv_tl
-    Real    (Kind=jprb)       :: ratio(2)
-    Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: radiance_total_ref (:)
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  threshold = 1.0E-09_JPRB 
-!* FORWARD-MODEL TEST ***********************************************************************************
-!* Set-up
-    errorstatus = errorstatus_success
-    emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) = emissivity    (1:nchannels)
-    calcemiss     (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) < 0.01_JPRB
-    do i_proma = 1, kproma
-       profiles_d1 (i_proma) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels 
-       profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p   => p1__p   (:,i_proma)  
-       profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t   => p1__t   (:,i_proma) 
-       profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q   => p1__q   (:,i_proma) 
-       profiles_d1 (i_proma) % o3  => p1__o3  (:,i_proma) 
-       profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw => p1__clw (:,i_proma)
-    enddo
-    do i_proma = 1, kproma
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % nlevels = kflevg 
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p   => cp1__p    (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ph  => cp1__ph   (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t   => cp1__t    (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q   => cp1__q    (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cc  => cp1__cc   (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw => cp1__clw  (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ciw => cp1__ciw  (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % rain=> cp1__rain (:,i_proma)
-       cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % sp  => cp1__sp   (:,i_proma)
-    enddo
-    radiance_d1 % overcast    => r1__overcast
-    radiance_d1 % clear_out   => r1__clear_out
-    radiance_d1 % out         => r1__out
-    radiance_d1 % out_clear   => r1__out_clear
-    radiance_d1 % total_out   => r1__total_out
-    radiance_d1 % clear       => r1__clear
-    radiance_d1 % cloudy      => r1__cloudy
-    radiance_d1 % total       => r1__total
-    radiance_d1 % bt          => r1__bt
-    radiance_d1 % bt_clear    => r1__bt_clear
-    radiance_d1 % upclear     => r1__upclear
-    radiance_d1 % dnclear     => r1__dnclear
-    radiance_d1 % reflclear   => r1__reflclear
-    radiance_d1 % downcld     => r1__downcld
-    Allocate ( radiance_total_ref  ( nchannels ) )
-!* Read profiles
-    open (ioin,  file = '../data/profiles2_fmt', status = 'old')
-    open (ioout, file='outputscatt.ascii',form='formatted')
-    do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Surface
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') rlon,   &         ! longitude (deg)
-                            & rlat,   &         ! latitude (deg)
-                            & ls,     &         ! land-sea mask (1=land)
-                            & t_sfc,  &         ! surface temperature (K)
-                            & p_sfc,  &         ! surface pressure (Pa)
-                            & t_2m,   &         ! 2-meter temperature (K)
-                            & q_2m,   &         ! 2-meter specific humidity (kg/kg)
-                            & u_10m,  &         ! 10-meter wind u (m/s)
-                            & v_10m             ! 10-meter wind u (m/s)
-!* Profile    
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg)         ! temperature (K)
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg)         ! specific humidity (kg/kg)
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg)         ! cloud cover
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg)         ! liquid water (kg/kg)
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg)         ! ice water (kg/kg)
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg)         ! rain (kg/m2/s)
-      read (ioin,'(10e16.6)') cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg)         ! solid precipitation (kg/m2/s)
-      call rttov_setpressure (p_sfc, cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p, cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ph)
-      cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p  (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p  (:) * 0.01_JPRB
-      cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ph (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ph (:) * 0.01_JPRB
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile
-      q_2m = q_2m / (1.0_JPRB - q_2m)
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p   (:) = coef_rttov % ref_prfl_p (:)
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw (:) = 0.0_JPRB   ! warning
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % o3  (:) = 1.0e-7_JPRB   ! warning
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % p = p_sfc / 100.0_JPRB
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % q = q_2m * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % o = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % t = t_2m  
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % u = u_10m 
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % v = v_10m 
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % surftype  = int (1.0_JPRB - ls)   
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % t         = t_sfc 
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % fastem(:) = fastem_land_coeff (:)
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.     ! warning
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % zenangle   = zenangle
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % azangle    = 0.0_JPRB    ! default value
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ctp        = 500.0_JPRB  ! default value
-      profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cfraction  =   0.0_JPRB  ! default value
-!* Convert kg/kg to ppmv
-      q_ppmv_d1 (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q (1:kflevg) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-! Interpolate input profile to rttov pressure levels
-      call rttov_intex (kflevg                           , &                        
-                     &  coef_rttov%nlevels               , &             
-                     &  cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p    , &   
-                     &  profiles_d1     (i_proma) % p    , &   
-                     &  cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t    , &    
-                     &  profiles_d1     (i_proma) % t)
-      call rttov_intex (kflevg                           , &
-                     &  coef_rttov%nlevels               , &
-                     &  cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p    , &
-                     &  profiles_d1     (i_proma) % p    , &
-                     &  q_ppmv_d1       (1:kflevg)       , &
-                     &  profiles_d1     (i_proma) % q)
-   end do  
-   close (ioin)  
-!* Reference forward model run
-   call rttov_scatt (errorstatus,        & ! out 
-                   & kflevg,             & ! in
-                   & coef_rttov%nlevels, & ! in
-                   & nfrequencies,       & ! in
-                   & nchannels,          & ! in
-                   & nbtout,             & ! in
-                   & kproma,             & ! in
-                   & polarisations,      & ! in
-                   & channels,           & ! in
-                   & frequencies,        & ! in
-                   & lprofiles,          & ! in
-                   & lsprofiles,         & ! in
-                   & profiles_d1,        & ! inout  
-                   & cld_profiles_d1,    & ! in
-                   & coef_rttov,         & ! in
-                   & coef_scatt,         & ! in
-                   & calcemiss,          & ! in
-                   & emissivity_d1,      & ! inout
-                   & radiance_d1 )         ! inout 
-  ! main output:
-  ! radiance_d1%total_out  = cloud-affected radiances
-  ! radiance_d1%clear_out  = clear-sky radiances
-  ! radiance_d1%out        = cloud-affected Tbs
-  ! radiance_d1%out_clear  = clear-sky Tbs
-  write(*,*) 'nfreq ', nfrequencies, 'nchan ', nchannels, 'nbtout ', nbtout
-  write(ioout,*) 'This dataset is made of ',kproma,' ECMWF model profiles'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Call to RTTOV_SCATT'
-  write(ioout,*) '-------------------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Channel  cloudy Tb '
-   do i_chan = 1, nbtout
-      write (ioout,'(i4,3x,30e23.16)') i_chan, radiance_d1 % out (i_chan)
-   enddo
-!* TANGENT-LINEAR TEST ***********************************************************************************
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Test TL'
-  write(ioout,*) '-------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-   epsilon = 0.01_JPRB
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels 
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % p   => ptl__p   (:,i_proma)  
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % t   => ptl__t   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % q   => ptl__q   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % o3  => ptl__o3  (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw => ptl__clw (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % nlevels = kflevg 
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % p   => cptl__p    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ph  => cptl__ph   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % t   => cptl__t    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % q   => cptl__q    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc  => cptl__cc   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw => cptl__clw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ciw => cptl__ciw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % rain=> cptl__rain (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % sp  => cptl__sp   (:,i_proma)
-   enddo
-   radiance_d3 % overcast    => r3__overcast
-   radiance_d3 % clear_out   => r3__clear_out
-   radiance_d3 % out         => r3__out
-   radiance_d3 % out_clear   => r3__out_clear
-   radiance_d3 % total_out   => r3__total_out
-   radiance_d3 % clear       => r3__clear
-   radiance_d3 % cloudy      => r3__cloudy
-   radiance_d3 % total       => r3__total
-   radiance_d3 % bt          => r3__bt
-   radiance_d3 % bt_clear    => r3__bt_clear
-   radiance_d3 % upclear     => r3__upclear
-   radiance_d3 % dnclear     => r3__dnclear
-   radiance_d3 % reflclear   => r3__reflclear
-   radiance_d3 % downcld     => r3__downcld
-   radiance_tl % overcast    => rtl__overcast
-   radiance_tl % clear_out   => rtl__clear_out
-   radiance_tl % out         => rtl__out
-   radiance_tl % out_clear   => rtl__out_clear
-   radiance_tl % total_out   => rtl__total_out
-   radiance_tl % clear       => rtl__clear
-   radiance_tl % cloudy      => rtl__cloudy
-   radiance_tl % total       => rtl__total
-   radiance_tl % bt          => rtl__bt
-   radiance_tl % bt_clear    => rtl__bt_clear
-   radiance_tl % upclear     => rtl__upclear
-   radiance_tl % dnclear     => rtl__dnclear
-   radiance_tl % reflclear   => rtl__reflclear
-   radiance_tl % downcld     => rtl__downcld
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Set perturbation
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % p  (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p  (:)                   * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ph (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ph (:)                   * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  ! to avoid cc > 1
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % o3  (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % o3  (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % p = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % p * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % q = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % q * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % o = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % o * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % t = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % t * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % u = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % u * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % v = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % v * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % surftype  = -1 
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % t          = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % t          * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % ctp        = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ctp       * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % cfraction  = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cfraction * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % t (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % q (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q (:) * epsilon  
-   enddo 
-   emissivity_tl (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) * epsilon 
-   calcemiss     (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) < 0.01_JPRB
-   call rttov_scatt_tl (errorstatus,        &! out
-                      & kflevg,             &! in
-                      & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                      & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                      & nchannels,          &! in
-                      & nbtout,             &! in
-                      & kproma,             &! in
-                      & polarisations,      &! in
-                      & channels,           &! in
-                      & frequencies,        &! in
-                      & lprofiles,          &! in
-                      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                      & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                      & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                      & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                      & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                      & calcemiss,          &! in
-                      & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                      & profiles_tl,        &! in
-                      & cld_profiles_tl,    &! in
-                      & emissivity_tl,      &! inout
-                      & radiance_d3,        &! inout
-                      & radiance_tl )        ! inout 
-  ! Save radiance as a reference for the trajectory
-  ! TL is used instead of rttov_scatt because
-  !   calcemis = F and reflectivities have not been saved
-  radiance_total_ref(:) = radiance_d1%total(:)
-  !---------------------------
-  ! second run of TL
-  !---------------------------
-  lambda = 0.5_JPRB
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels 
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % p   => ptl2__p   (:,i_proma)  
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % t   => ptl2__t   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % q   => ptl2__q   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % o3  => ptl2__o3  (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % clw => ptl2__clw (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % nlevels = kflevg 
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % p   => cptl2__p    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % ph  => cptl2__ph   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % t   => cptl2__t    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % q   => cptl2__q    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % cc  => cptl2__cc   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % clw => cptl2__clw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % ciw => cptl2__ciw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % rain=> cptl2__rain (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % sp  => cptl2__sp   (:,i_proma)
-   enddo
-   radiance_d3 % overcast    => r3__overcast
-   radiance_d3 % clear_out   => r3__clear_out
-   radiance_d3 % out         => r3__out
-   radiance_d3 % out_clear   => r3__out_clear
-   radiance_d3 % total_out   => r3__total_out
-   radiance_d3 % clear       => r3__clear
-   radiance_d3 % cloudy      => r3__cloudy
-   radiance_d3 % total       => r3__total
-   radiance_d3 % bt          => r3__bt
-   radiance_d3 % bt_clear    => r3__bt_clear
-   radiance_d3 % upclear     => r3__upclear
-   radiance_d3 % dnclear     => r3__dnclear
-   radiance_d3 % reflclear   => r3__reflclear
-   radiance_d3 % downcld     => r3__downcld
-   radiance_tl2 % overcast    => rtl2__overcast
-   radiance_tl2 % clear_out   => rtl2__clear_out
-   radiance_tl2 % out         => rtl2__out
-   radiance_tl2 % out_clear   => rtl2__out_clear
-   radiance_tl2 % total_out   => rtl2__total_out
-   radiance_tl2 % clear       => rtl2__clear
-   radiance_tl2 % cloudy      => rtl2__cloudy
-   radiance_tl2 % total       => rtl2__total
-   radiance_tl2 % bt          => rtl2__bt
-   radiance_tl2 % bt_clear    => rtl2__bt_clear
-   radiance_tl2 % upclear     => rtl2__upclear
-   radiance_tl2 % dnclear     => rtl2__dnclear
-   radiance_tl2 % reflclear   => rtl2__reflclear
-   radiance_tl2 % downcld     => rtl2__downcld
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Set perturbation
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % p  (:) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % p  (:)                   * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % ph (:) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ph (:)                   * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg) * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg) * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg) * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg) * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg) * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg) * lambda
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  ! to avoid cc > 1
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % clw (:) = profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw (:) * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % o3  (:) = profiles_tl (i_proma) % o3  (:) * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % s2m % p = profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % p * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % s2m % q = profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % q * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % s2m % o = profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % o * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % s2m % t = profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % t * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % s2m % u = profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % u * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % s2m % v = profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % v * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % skin % surftype  = -1 
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % skin % t          = profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % t          * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % ctp        = profiles_tl (i_proma) % ctp       * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % cfraction  = profiles_tl (i_proma) % cfraction * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % t (:) = profiles_tl (i_proma) % t (:) * lambda
-      profiles_tl2 (i_proma) % q (:) = profiles_tl (i_proma) % q (:) * lambda  
-   enddo 
-   emissivity_tl2 (1:nchannels) = emissivity_tl (1:nchannels) *  lambda
-   calcemiss     (1:nchannels) = emissivity_tl (1:nchannels) < 0.01_JPRB
-   call rttov_scatt_tl (errorstatus,        &! out
-                      & kflevg,             &! in
-                      & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                      & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                      & nchannels,          &! in
-                      & nbtout,             &! in
-                      & kproma,             &! in
-                      & polarisations,      &! in
-                      & channels,           &! in
-                      & frequencies,        &! in
-                      & lprofiles,          &! in
-                      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                      & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                      & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                      & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                      & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                      & calcemiss,          &! in
-                      & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                      & profiles_tl2,        &! in
-                      & cld_profiles_tl2,    &! in
-                      & emissivity_tl2,      &! inout
-                      & radiance_d1,        &! inout
-                      & radiance_tl2 )        ! inout 
-   !---------------------------
-  do i_chan = 1, kproma
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%clear(i_chan) - radiance_tl2%clear(i_chan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(ioout,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%clear for channel ', i_chan
-       stop
-     endif
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%bt_clear(i_chan) - radiance_tl2%bt_clear(i_chan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(ioout,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%bt_clear for channel ', i_chan
-        stop
-     endif
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%bt(i_chan) - radiance_tl2%bt(i_chan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(ioout,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%bt for channel ', i_chan
-        stop
-     endif
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%total(i_chan) - radiance_tl2%total(i_chan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(ioout,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%total for channel ', i_chan
-        stop
-     endif
-  end do
-  ! Now run the Taylor test
-  !-------------------------
-   do i_lambda = 10, 1, -1
-      lambda = 10.0_JPRB ** (-1.0_JPRB * i_lambda) 
-      errorstatus = errorstatus_success
-      emissivity_d2 (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) + emissivity_tl (1:nchannels) * lambda
-      calcemiss     (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d2 (1:nchannels) < 0.01_JPRB
-      do i_proma = 1, kproma
-         profiles_d2 (i_proma) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels 
-         profiles_d2 (i_proma) % p   => p2__p   (:,i_proma)  
-         profiles_d2 (i_proma) % t   => p2__t   (:,i_proma) 
-         profiles_d2 (i_proma) % q   => p2__q   (:,i_proma) 
-         profiles_d2 (i_proma) % o3  => p2__o3  (:,i_proma) 
-         profiles_d2 (i_proma) % clw => p2__clw (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % nlevels = kflevg 
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % p   => cp2__p    (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % ph  => cp2__ph   (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % t   => cp2__t    (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % q   => cp2__q    (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % cc  => cp2__cc   (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % clw => cp2__clw  (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % ciw => cp2__ciw  (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % rain=> cp2__rain (:,i_proma)
-         cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % sp  => cp2__sp   (:,i_proma)
-      enddo
-      radiance_d2 % overcast    => r2__overcast
-      radiance_d2 % clear_out   => r2__clear_out
-      radiance_d2 % out         => r2__out
-      radiance_d2 % out_clear   => r2__out_clear
-      radiance_d2 % total_out   => r2__total_out
-      radiance_d2 % clear       => r2__clear
-      radiance_d2 % cloudy      => r2__cloudy
-      radiance_d2 % total       => r2__total
-      radiance_d2 % bt          => r2__bt
-      radiance_d2 % bt_clear    => r2__bt_clear
-      radiance_d2 % upclear     => r2__upclear
-      radiance_d2 % dnclear     => r2__dnclear
-      radiance_d2 % reflclear   => r2__reflclear
-      radiance_d2 % downcld     => r2__downcld
-      do i_proma = 1, kproma    
-!* Add perturbations
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % p  (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p  (:) + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % p  (:) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % ph (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ph (:) + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ph (:) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg) &
-	                                          & + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % t    (1:kflevg) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg) & 
-	                                          & + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % q    (1:kflevg) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) &
-	                                          & + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc   (1:kflevg) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg) &
-	                                          & + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw  (1:kflevg) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg) &
-	                                          & + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ciw  (1:kflevg) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg) &
-	                                          & + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % rain (1:kflevg) * lambda
-        cld_profiles_d2 (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg) &
-	                                          & + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % sp   (1:kflevg) * lambda 
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % p   (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p   (:)
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % clw (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw (:) + profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw (:) * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % o3  (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % o3  (:) + profiles_tl (i_proma) % o3  (:) * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % s2m % p = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % p + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % p * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % s2m % q = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % q + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % q * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % s2m % o = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % o + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % o * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % s2m % t = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % t + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % t * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % s2m % u = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % u + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % u * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % s2m % v = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % v + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % v * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % skin % surftype   = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % surftype
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % skin % t          = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % t          &
-	                                          & + profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % t          * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) & 
-	                                          & + profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % zenangle   = zenangle
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % azangle    = 0.0_JPRB    ! default value
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % ctp        = 500.0_JPRB  ! default value
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % cfraction  =   0.0_JPRB  ! default value
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % t (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t (:) + profiles_tl (i_proma) % t (:) * lambda
-        profiles_d2 (i_proma) % q (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q (:) + profiles_tl (i_proma) % q (:) * lambda
-     end do    
-!* Reference forward model run
-     call rttov_scatt (errorstatus,        & ! out 
-                     & kflevg,             & ! in
-                     & coef_rttov%nlevels, & ! in
-                     & nfrequencies,       & ! in
-                     & nchannels,          & ! in
-                     & nbtout,             & ! in
-                     & kproma,             & ! in
-                     & polarisations,      & ! in
-                     & channels,           & ! in
-                     & frequencies,        & ! in
-                     & lprofiles,          & ! in
-                     & lsprofiles,         & ! in
-                     & profiles_d2,        & ! inout  
-                     & cld_profiles_d2,    & ! in
-                     & coef_rttov,         & ! in
-                     & coef_scatt,         & ! in
-                     & calcemiss,          & ! in
-                     & emissivity_d2,      & ! inout
-                     & radiance_d2 )         ! inout 
-     write(ioout,*)
-     write(ioout,*) 'Chan      Lambda              Cloudy Tb'
-    do i_chan = 1, nchannels
-        ratio(1) = (radiance_d2 % bt(i_chan) - radiance_d1 % bt(i_chan)) / (lambda * radiance_tl % bt(i_chan))
-        ratio(2) = (radiance_d2 % bt_clear(i_chan) - radiance_d1 % bt_clear(i_chan)) / (lambda * radiance_tl % bt_clear(i_chan))
-        write (ioout,*) i_chan,  lambda, ratio(1)
-     enddo
-  enddo
-!* ADJOINT TEST ***********************************************************************************
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Test AD'
-  write(ioout,*) '-------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) '1 - Test Linearity'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  !Allocate new profiles for AD code
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   => pad__p   (:,i_proma)  
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   => pad__t   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   => pad__q   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3  => pad__o3  (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw => pad__clw (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % nlevels = kflevg 
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   => cpad__p    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph  => cpad__ph   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   => cpad__t    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   => cpad__q    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc  => cpad__cc   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw => cpad__clw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw => cpad__ciw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain=> cpad__rain (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp  => cpad__sp   (:,i_proma)
-   enddo
-   radiance_ad % overcast    => rad__overcast
-   radiance_ad % clear_out   => rad__clear_out
-   radiance_ad % out         => rad__out
-   radiance_ad % out_clear   => rad__out_clear
-   radiance_ad % total_out   => rad__total_out
-   radiance_ad % clear       => rad__clear
-   radiance_ad % cloudy      => rad__cloudy
-   radiance_ad % total       => rad__total
-   radiance_ad % bt          => rad__bt
-   radiance_ad % bt_clear    => rad__bt_clear
-   radiance_ad % upclear     => rad__upclear
-   radiance_ad % dnclear     => rad__dnclear
-   radiance_ad % reflclear   => rad__reflclear
-   radiance_ad % downcld     => rad__downcld
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Set perturbation
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % q    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3  (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % p = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % q = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % o = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % t = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % u = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % v = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % surftype   = -1 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % t          = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % ctp        = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % cfraction  = 0.0_JPRB 
-   enddo 
-  emissivity_ad (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  ! Set perturbations
-  !
-     radiance_ad % clear_out(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad % total_out(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad % out_clear(:) = 0.05_JPRB * radiance_d1 % out_clear(:)
-     radiance_ad % out(:)       = 0.05_JPRB * radiance_d1 % out(:)
-  radiance_ad % clear(:)    = 0._JPRB   ! AD does not work for radiance_inc % clear(:) because of switchrad in RTTOV
-  radiance_ad % cloudy   (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad % upclear  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad % reflclear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad % bt       (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad % bt_clear (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad % total    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-   call rttov_scatt_ad (errorstatus,        &! out
-                      & kflevg,             &! in
-                      & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                      & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                      & nchannels,          &! in
-                      & nbtout,             &! in
-                      & kproma,             &! in
-                      & polarisations,      &! in
-                      & channels,           &! in
-                      & frequencies,        &! in
-                      & lprofiles,          &! in
-                      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                      & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                      & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                      & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                      & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                      & calcemiss,          &! in
-                      & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                      & profiles_ad,        &! in
-                      & cld_profiles_ad,    &! in
-                      & emissivity_ad,      &! inout
-                      & radiance_d2,        &! inout
-                      & radiance_ad )        ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-        If ( errorstatus(i_proma) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_scatt_ad error for profile',i_proma
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  If ( Any( abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance_d2%total(:)) > threshold * radiance_total_ref(:)  ))  Then
-    write(default_err_unit,*) 'wrong forward model in AD'
-    write(default_err_unit,*) radiance_total_ref(:)
-    write(default_err_unit,*) abs(radiance_total_ref(:)-radiance_d2%total(:)) / (threshold * radiance_total_ref(:))
-    Stop
-  Endif
-  !---------------------------
-  ! Second run of AD
-  !Allocate new profiles for AD code
-  ! Profiles on RTTOV pressure levels
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % p   => pad2__p   (:,i_proma)  
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % t   => pad2__t   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % q   => pad2__q   (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % o3  => pad2__o3  (:,i_proma) 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % clw => pad2__clw (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % nlevels = kflevg 
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % p   => cpad2__p    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ph  => cpad2__ph   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % t   => cpad2__t    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % q   => cpad2__q    (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % cc  => cpad2__cc   (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % clw => cpad2__clw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ciw => cpad2__ciw  (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % rain=> cpad2__rain (:,i_proma)
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % sp  => cpad2__sp   (:,i_proma)
-   enddo
-   radiance_ad2 % overcast    => rad2__overcast
-   radiance_ad2 % clear_out   => rad2__clear_out
-   radiance_ad2 % out         => rad2__out
-   radiance_ad2 % out_clear   => rad2__out_clear
-   radiance_ad2 % total_out   => rad2__total_out
-   radiance_ad2 % clear       => rad2__clear
-   radiance_ad2 % cloudy      => rad2__cloudy
-   radiance_ad2 % total       => rad2__total
-   radiance_ad2 % bt          => rad2__bt
-   radiance_ad2 % bt_clear    => rad2__bt_clear
-   radiance_ad2 % upclear     => rad2__upclear
-   radiance_ad2 % dnclear     => rad2__dnclear
-   radiance_ad2 % reflclear   => rad2__reflclear
-   radiance_ad2 % downcld     => rad2__downcld
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Set perturbation
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % p  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ph (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % t    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % q    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % cc   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % clw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ciw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % rain (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % sp   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % t   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % q   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % clw (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % o3  (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % p = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % q = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % o = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % t = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % u = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % v = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % skin % surftype   = -1 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % skin % t          = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ctp        = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % cfraction  = 0.0_JPRB 
-   enddo 
-  emissivity_ad2 (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  ! Set perturbations
-  !
-  lambda = 0.5_JPRB
-     radiance_ad2 % clear_out(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad2 % total_out(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_ad2 % out_clear(:) = 0.05_JPRB * radiance_d1 % out_clear(:)* lambda
-     radiance_ad2 % out(:)       = 0.05_JPRB * radiance_d1 % out(:)* lambda
-  radiance_ad2 % clear(:)    = 0._JPRB   ! AD does not work for radiance_inc % clear(:) because of switchrad in RTTOV
-  radiance_ad2 % cloudy   (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad2 % upclear  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad2 % reflclear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad2 % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad2 % bt       (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad2 % bt_clear (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_ad2 % total    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-   call rttov_scatt_ad (errorstatus,        &! out
-                      & kflevg,             &! in
-                      & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                      & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                      & nchannels,          &! in
-                      & nbtout,             &! in
-                      & kproma,             &! in
-                      & polarisations,      &! in
-                      & channels,           &! in
-                      & frequencies,        &! in
-                      & lprofiles,          &! in
-                      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                      & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                      & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                      & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                      & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                      & calcemiss,          &! in
-                      & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                      & profiles_ad2,        &! in
-                      & cld_profiles_ad2,    &! in
-                      & emissivity_ad2,      &! inout
-                      & radiance_d2,        &! inout
-                      & radiance_ad2 )        ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-        If ( errorstatus(i_proma) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_scatt_ad error for profile',i_proma
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-     do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      do i_lev = 1, profiles_ad (i_proma) % nlevels
-        if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % t (i_lev) - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % t (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 1 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % q (i_lev) - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % q (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 2 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3 (i_lev) - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % o3 (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 3 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-       enddo
-     enddo
-     do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      do i_lev = 1, cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % nlevels
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % p (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 4 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ph (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 5 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % t (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 6 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % cc (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 7 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % clw (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 8 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % ciw (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 9 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % rain (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 10 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp (i_lev) - cld_profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % sp (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 11 fails', i_lev
-           stop
-        End If
-       enddo
-     enddo
-     do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % t - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % t) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 12 fails', i_proma
-        stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % q - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % q) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 13 fails', i_proma
-        stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % p - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % p) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 14 fails', i_proma
-        stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % u - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % u) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 15 fails', i_proma
-        stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % v - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % s2m % v) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 16 fails', i_proma
-        stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % t - profiles_ad2 (i_proma) % skin % t) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 17 fails', i_proma
-        stop
-      End If
-     enddo
-  do i_chan = 1, nchannels
-     if ( abs(lambda * emissivity_ad (i_chan) - emissivity_ad2 (i_chan) ) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 18 fails', i_chan
-        stop
-     End If
-  enddo
-  write(ioout,*) '2 - Test Equality of Norms'
-  write(ioout,*)
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-   enddo
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Set perturbation
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % p  (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % p  (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ph (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ph (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % t    (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t    (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % q    (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q    (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc   (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cc   (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw  (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw  (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ciw  (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ciw  (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % rain (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % rain (:) * epsilon
-      cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % sp   (:) = cld_profiles_d1 (i_proma) % sp   (:) * epsilon
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % clw (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % o3  (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % o3  (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % t   (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % t   (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % q   (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % q   (:) * epsilon  
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % p = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % p * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % q = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % q * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % o = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % o * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % t = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % t * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % u = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % u * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % v = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % s2m % v * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % surftype  = -1 
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % t          = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % t          * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % ctp        = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % ctp       * epsilon
-      profiles_tl (i_proma) % cfraction  = profiles_d1 (i_proma) % cfraction * epsilon
-!* Set perturbation
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % q    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3  (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % p = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % q = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % o = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % t = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % u = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % v = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % surftype   = -1 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % t          = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % ctp        = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % cfraction  = 0.0_JPRB 
-   enddo 
-   emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB 
-   calcemiss     (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) < 0.01_JPRB
-   emissivity_tl (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) * epsilon 
-   emissivity_ad (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB 
-  radiance_tl % total(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_tl % bt_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_tl % bt(:)       = 0._JPRB
-   call rttov_scatt_tl (errorstatus,        &! out
-                      & kflevg,             &! in
-                      & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                      & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                      & nchannels,          &! in
-                      & nbtout,             &! in
-                      & kproma,             &! in
-                      & polarisations,      &! in
-                      & channels,           &! in
-                      & frequencies,        &! in
-                      & lprofiles,          &! in
-                      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                      & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                      & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                      & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                      & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                      & calcemiss,          &! in
-                      & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                      & profiles_tl,        &! in
-                      & cld_profiles_tl,    &! in
-                      & emissivity_tl,      &! inout
-                      & radiance_d3,        &! inout
-                      & radiance_tl )        ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do i_proma = 1, kproma
-        If ( errorstatus(i_proma) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write (ioout, * ) 'rttov_scatt_tl error for profile',i_proma
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-     radiance_tl % clear_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_tl % total_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  !* compute <subtl(delta_x),delta_z>
-   zdelta1 = 0.0_JPRB
-   do i_chan = 1, nbtout
-      zdelta1 = zdelta1 + (radiance_tl % out (i_chan)) ** 2.0_JPRB 
-   enddo
-!* Initialize     
-   radiance_ad % overcast    = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % clear_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % out         = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % out_clear   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % total_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % clear       = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % cloudy      = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % total       = 0.0_JPRB
-!   radiance_ad % bt          = radiance_tl % bt
-   radiance_ad % out          = radiance_tl % out
-   radiance_ad % bt_clear    = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % upclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % dnclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % reflclear   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % downcld     = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % overcast    = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % clear_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % out         = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % out_clear   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % total_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % clear       = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % cloudy      = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % total       = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % bt          = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % bt_clear    = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % upclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % dnclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % reflclear   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_d1 % downcld     = 0.0_JPRB
-  !---------------------------
-  ! Now run AD code with TL radiances in input
-  ! move TL results to AD radiance increments
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Set perturbation
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % q    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3  (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % p = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % q = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % o = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % t = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % u = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % v = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % surftype   = -1 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % t          = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % ctp        = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_ad (i_proma) % cfraction  = 0.0_JPRB 
-   enddo!* Initialize     
-  emissivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-   radiance_ad % overcast    = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % clear_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % out         = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % out_clear   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % total_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % clear       = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % cloudy      = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % total       = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % bt          = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % bt_clear    = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % upclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % dnclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % reflclear   = 0.0_JPRB
-   radiance_ad % downcld     = 0.0_JPRB
-     radiance_ad % out_clear(:) = radiance_tl % out_clear(:)
-     radiance_ad % out(:)       = radiance_tl % out(:)
-   call rttov_scatt_ad (errorstatus,        &! out
-                      & kflevg,             &! in
-                      & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                      & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                      & nchannels,          &! in
-                      & nbtout,             &! in
-                      & kproma,             &! in
-                      & polarisations,      &! in
-                      & channels,           &! in
-                      & frequencies,        &! in
-                      & lprofiles,          &! in
-                      & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                      & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                      & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                      & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                      & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                      & calcemiss,          &! in
-                      & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                      & profiles_ad,        &! in
-                      & cld_profiles_ad,    &! in
-                      & emissivity_ad,      &! inout
-                      & radiance_d2,        &! inout
-                      & radiance_ad )        ! inout 
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do i_proma = 1, kproma
-        If ( errorstatus(i_proma) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_scatt_ad error for profile',i_proma
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  !* compute <delta_x,subad(delta_z)>
-   zdelta2 = 0.0_JPRB
-   do i_proma = 1, kproma
-      do i_lev = 1, kflevg
-         zdelta2 = zdelta2 &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % p    (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p    (i_lev) &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % t    (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t    (i_lev) &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % q    (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % q    (i_lev) & 
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % cc   (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc   (i_lev) &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw  (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw  (i_lev) &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ciw  (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw  (i_lev) &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % rain (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain (i_lev) &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % sp   (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp   (i_lev) 
-      enddo
-      do i_lev = 1, kflevg + 1
-         zdelta2 = zdelta2 &
-             &  + cld_profiles_tl (i_proma) % ph   (i_lev) * cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph   (i_lev)
-      enddo
-      do i_lev = 1, coef_rttov % nlevels 
-         zdelta2 = zdelta2 & 
-             &  + profiles_tl (i_proma) % p   (i_lev) * profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   (i_lev) &
-             &  + profiles_tl (i_proma) % t   (i_lev) * profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   (i_lev) &
-             &  + profiles_tl (i_proma) % q   (i_lev) * profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   (i_lev) &  
-             &  + profiles_tl (i_proma) % clw (i_lev) * profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw (i_lev) &
-             &  + profiles_tl (i_proma) % o3  (i_lev) * profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3  (i_lev)
-      enddo
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % p * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % p
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % q * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % q
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % o * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % o
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % t * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % t
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % u * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % u
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % s2m % v * profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % v
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % t * profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % t  
-      do i_fast = 1, fastem_sp     
-         zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % skin % fastem (i_fast) * profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % fastem (i_fast)
-      enddo         
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % ctp        * profiles_ad (i_proma) % ctp      
-      zdelta2 = zdelta2 + profiles_tl (i_proma) % cfraction  * profiles_ad (i_proma) % cfraction
-      do i_chan = 1, nchannels
-         zdelta2 = zdelta2 + emissivity_tl (i_chan) * emissivity_ad (i_chan)
-      enddo
-   enddo 
-  if (zdelta2 == 0._JPRB) then
-    z = 1._JPRB
-  else
-    z = zdelta2
-  endif
-   write (ioout,*) 'delta1 = ', zdelta1
-   write (ioout,*) 'delta1 = ', zdelta2
-    write (ioout,fmt= &
-   & '('' The difference is '',f9.3, '' times the zero of the machine '')') &
-   & abs(zdelta2-zdelta1)/threshold/z
-!* K-TEST ***********************************************************************************
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Test K'
-  write(ioout,*) '------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-   do i_btout = 1, nbtout
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % nlevels =  coef_rttov % nlevels 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % p   => pk__p   (:,i_btout)
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % t   => pk__t   (:,i_btout)
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % q   => pk__q   (:,i_btout)
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % o3  => pk__o3  (:,i_btout)
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % clw => pk__clw (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % nlevels = kflevg 
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % p   => cpk__p    (:,i_btout) 
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % ph  => cpk__ph   (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % t   => cpk__t    (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % q   => cpk__q    (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % cc  => cpk__cc   (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % clw => cpk__clw  (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % ciw => cpk__ciw  (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % rain=> cpk__rain (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % sp  => cpk__sp   (:,i_btout)
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % p  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % ph (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % t    (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % q    (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % cc   (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % clw  (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % ciw  (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % rain (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % sp   (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % cc   (1:kflevg) = 0.0_JPRB  
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % clw (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % o3  (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % s2m % p = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % s2m % q = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % s2m % o = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % s2m % t = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % s2m % u = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % s2m % v = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % skin % surftype   = -1 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % skin % t          = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % skin % fastem (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % ozone_data = .false.    
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % co2_data   = .false.
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % clw_data   = .false.
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % zenangle   = -1
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % azangle    = -1
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % ctp        = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % cfraction  = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % t (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-      profiles_k (i_btout) % q (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-   enddo
-   emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB 
-   calcemiss     (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) < 0.01_JPRB      
-   emissivity_k  (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB 
-   call rttov_scatt_k (errorstatus,        &! out
-                     & kflevg,             &! in
-                     & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                     & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                     & nchannels,          &! in
-                     & nbtout,             &! in
-                     & kproma,             &! in
-                     & polarisations,      &! in
-                     & channels,           &! in
-                     & frequencies,        &! in
-                     & lprofiles,          &! in
-                     & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                     & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                     & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                     & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                     & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                     & calcemiss,          &! in
-                     & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                     & profiles_k,         &! in
-                     & cld_profiles_k,     &! in
-                     & emissivity_k,       &! inout
-                     & radiance_d1)         ! inout
-  If ( Any( abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance_d1 % total(:)) > threshold * radiance_total_ref(:)  ))  Then
-    write(ioout,*) 'wrong forward model in K'
-    write(ioout,*) radiance_total_ref(:)
-    write(ioout,*) radiance_d1 % total(:)
-    write(ioout,*) abs(radiance_total_ref(:)-radiance_d1 %total(:)) / ( threshold * radiance_total_ref(:))
-    Stop
-  Endif
-  !---------------------------
-  ! Compares K to AD
-!* Write out Jacobian matrices
-   do i_btout = 1, nchannels  
-      radiance_ad % overcast    = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % clear       = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % cloudy      = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % total       = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % bt          = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % bt_clear    = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % upclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % dnclear     = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % reflclear   = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % downcld     = 0.0_JPRB
-  enddo
-   do i_btout = 1, nbtout   
-      radiance_ad % clear_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % out         = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % out_clear   = 0.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % total_out   = 0.0_JPRB
-!     radiance_ad % bt (i_btout) = 1.0_JPRB
-      radiance_ad % out (i_btout) = 1.0_JPRB
-      do i_proma = 1, kproma
-!* Reset perturbations
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % q    (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw  (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-         cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp   (:) = 0.0_JPRB  
-!* Fill in RTTOV/RTTOVSCATT arrays once per profile       
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3  (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % p = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % q = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % o = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % t = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % u = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % s2m % v = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % surftype   = -1 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % t          = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % skin % fastem (:) = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % ozone_data = .false.    
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % co2_data   = .false.
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw_data   = .false.
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % zenangle   = -1
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % azangle    = -1
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % ctp        = 0.0_JPRB 
-         profiles_ad (i_proma) % cfraction  = 0.0_JPRB     
-      enddo 
-!      emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB 
-!      calcemiss     (1:nchannels) = emissivity_d1 (1:nchannels) < 0.01_JPRB      
-      emissivity_ad (1:nchannels) = 0.0_JPRB    
-      call rttov_scatt_ad (errorstatus,        &! out
-                         & kflevg,             &! in
-                         & coef_rttov%nlevels, &! in
-                         & nfrequencies,       &! in
-                         & nchannels,          &! in
-                         & nbtout,             &! in
-                         & kproma,             &! in
-                         & polarisations,      &! in
-                         & channels,           &! in
-                         & frequencies,        &! in
-                         & lprofiles,          &! in
-                         & lsprofiles,         &! in
-                         & profiles_d1,        &! inout  
-                         & cld_profiles_d1,    &! in
-                         & coef_rttov,         &! in
-                         & coef_scatt,         &! in
-                         & calcemiss,          &! in
-                         & emissivity_d1,      &! inout
-                         & profiles_ad,        &! in
-                         & cld_profiles_ad,    &! in
-                         & emissivity_ad,      &! inout
-                         & radiance_d2,        &! inout
-                         & radiance_ad )        ! inout 
-       i_proma = lsprofiles2 (i_btout)
-     do i_lev = 1, profiles_ad(i_proma) % nlevels
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   (i_lev) - profiles_k (i_btout) % p   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 1 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   (i_lev) - profiles_k (i_btout) % t   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 2 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma) % q   (i_lev) - profiles_k (i_btout) % q  (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 3 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma) % o3   (i_lev) - profiles_k (i_btout) % o3  (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 4 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-     End Do
-     do i_lev = 1, cld_profiles_ad(i_proma) % nlevels
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % p   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % p   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 5 fails',' prof ', i_proma, 'level ',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ph   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % ph   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 6 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % t   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % t   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 7 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % cc   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % cc   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 8 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % clw   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % clw   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 9 fails', i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % ciw   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % ciw   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 10 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % rain   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % rain   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 11 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (cld_profiles_ad (i_proma) % sp   (i_lev) - cld_profiles_k (i_btout) % sp   (i_lev)) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 12 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-     End Do
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % s2m % p - profiles_k (i_btout) %  s2m % p) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 13 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % s2m % q - profiles_k (i_btout) %  s2m % q) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 14 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % s2m % o - profiles_k (i_btout) %  s2m % o) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 15 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % s2m % t - profiles_k (i_btout) %  s2m % t) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 16 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % s2m % u - profiles_k (i_btout) %  s2m % u) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 17 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % s2m % v - profiles_k (i_btout) %  s2m % v) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 18 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % skin % t - profiles_k (i_btout) %  skin % t) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 19 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % ctp - profiles_k (i_btout) %  ctp) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 21 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      if ( abs (profiles_ad (i_proma)  % cfraction - profiles_k (i_btout) %  cfraction) > threshold ) then
-                  write(ioout,*) 'test K 22 fails',i_lev
-		  Stop
-      End If
-      npol=polarisations(i_btout,3)
-      j=-1
-      do i_pol = 1, npol
-        i_chan=polarisations(i_btout,1)+(1+j)
-        if ( abs (emissivity_ad (i_chan) - emissivity_k (i_chan) ) > threshold ) then
-            write(ioout,*) 'test K 23 fails',i_lev
-            Stop
-        End If
-        j=j+1
-      enddo	 
-   enddo
-  write(ioout,*) 'K is ok'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'End of RTTOVSCATT tests'
-  close (ioout)
-1111 format (a6,1x,100(1x,E12.6))
-End subroutine rttov_scatt_test
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_test.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_test.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f3179c6deeac8a8b623ff899f53e9939f870ca12..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_test.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-    subroutine rttov_scatt_test (nfrequencies, nchannels, nbtout, coef_rttov, coef_scatt, &
-                               & lprofiles                      , & 
-                               & lsprofiles                     , & 
-                               & lsprofiles2                    , & 
-                               & channels                       , & 
-                               & frequencies                    , & 
-                               & polarisations                  , & 
-                               & emissivity)       
-    Use mod_rttov_scatt_test
-    Use rttov_const, only :   &
-     &  errorstatus_fatal,    &
-     &  errorstatus_success,  &
-     &  default_err_unit,     &
-     &  sensor_id_mw,         &
-     &  npolar_return,        &
-     &  npolar_compute,       &
-     &  fastem_sp             ,&
-     &  inst_id_ssmi         ,&
-     &  inst_id_amsua        ,&
-     &  inst_id_amsub         
-    Use mod_cparam, only :   &
-     &  q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-    Use rttov_types, only :   &
-     &  geometry_type        ,&
-     &  rttov_coef           ,&
-     &  rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-     &  profile_type         ,&
-     &  profile_cloud_type   ,&
-     &  transmission_type    ,&
-     &  radiance_cloud_type  ,&
-     &  profile_scatt_aux   
-    Use parkind1, only: jpim  ,jprb
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in) :: nfrequencies, nchannels, nbtout
-    real    (kind=jprb), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels)    :: emissivity 
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels,3)  :: polarisations
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nfrequencies) :: channels    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels)    :: frequencies    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nfrequencies) :: lprofiles    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nchannels)    :: lsprofiles    
-    integer (kind=jpim), intent (in)   , dimension (nbtout)    :: lsprofiles2    
-    type (rttov_coef      ), intent (inout) :: coef_rttov        
-    type (rttov_scatt_coef), intent (inout) :: coef_scatt  
-End subroutine rttov_scatt_test
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b67a801426b7ee41d465da22e3867c3186bb5b07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt_tl( &
-     & errorstatus,        &! out
-     & nwp_levels,         &! in
-     & nrt_levels,         &! in
-     & nfrequencies,       &! in
-     & nchannels,          &! in
-     & nbtout,             &! in
-     & nprofiles,          &! in
-     & polarisations,      &! in
-     & channels,           &! in
-     & frequencies,        &! in
-     & lprofiles,          &! in
-     & lsprofiles,         &! in
-     & profiles,           &! inout  
-     & cld_profiles,       &! in
-     & coef_rttov,         &! in
-     & coef_scatt,         &! in
-     & calcemiss,          &! in
-     & emissivity_in,      &! inout
-     & profiles_tl,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles_tl,    &! in
-     & emissivity_in_tl,   &! inout
-     & cld_radiance,       &! inout
-     & cld_radiance_tl)     ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! TL of subroutine 
-  ! to compute microwave multi-channel radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures for many profiles per call in a cloudy and/or rainy sky.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of 
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on 
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the 
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between 
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners 
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are 
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  ! 
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! - Bauer, P., 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part I: Model description.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-005, 21 pp.
-  ! - Moreau, E., P. Bauer and F. Chevallier, 2002: Microwave radiative transfer modeling in clouds and precipitation.
-  !     Part II: Model evaluation.
-  !     NWP SAF Report No. NWPSAF-EC-TR-006, 27 pp.
-  ! - Chevallier, F., and P. Bauer, 2003:
-  !     Model rain and clouds over oceans:comparison with SSM/I observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1240-1255.
-  ! - Smith, E. A., P. Bauer, F. S. Marzano, C. D. Kummerow, D. McKague, A. Mugnai, G. Panegrossi, 2002:
-  !     Intercomparison of microwave radiative transfer models for precipitating clouds.
-  !     IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 40, 541-549.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !   1.0    09/2002      Initial version     (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.1    05/2003      RTTOV7.3 compatible (F. Chevallier)
-  !   1.2    03/2004      Added polarimetry   (R. Saunders)
-  !   1.3    08/2004      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.4    11/2004      Clean-up            (P. Bauer)
-  !   1.5    07/2005      Polarimetry fixes   (U. O'Keeffe)
-  !   1.6    11/2005      Add errorstatus to iniscatt arguments and use a temporary
-  !                       radiance type for the calcpolarisation call (J Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !   Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal  
-  Use rttov_types, Only :    &
-       & rttov_coef           ,&
-       & rttov_scatt_coef     ,&
-       & geometry_Type        ,&
-       & profile_Type         ,&
-       & profile_cloud_Type   ,&
-       & profile_scatt_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type    ,&
-       & radiance_Type        ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_Type 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_iniscatt_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_eddington_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcpolarisation_tl.interface"
-!* Subroutine arguments:
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nwp_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nrt_levels                              ! Number of levels
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nprofiles                               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nfrequencies                            ! Number of frequencies  
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nchannels                               ! Number of channels*profiles=radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: nbtout                                  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: channels      (nfrequencies)            ! Channel indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: frequencies   (nchannels)               ! Frequency indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: polarisations (nchannels,3)             ! Polarisation indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lprofiles     (nfrequencies)            ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in)  :: lsprofiles    (nchannels)               ! Profile indices
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus   (nprofiles)               ! Error return flag
-  Logical,             Intent (in)  :: calcemiss        (nchannels)            ! Switch for emmissivity calculation
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)  :: emissivity_in    (nchannels)            ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Real    (Kind=jprb), Intent (in)  :: emissivity_in_tl (nchannels)            ! Surface emmissivity 
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles        (nprofiles)    ! Atmospheric profiles
-  Type (profile_Type),        Intent (inout) :: profiles_tl     (nprofiles)    
-  Type (rttov_coef),          Intent (in)    :: coef_rttov                     ! RTTOV Coefficients
-  Type (rttov_scatt_coef),    Intent (in)    :: coef_scatt                     ! RTTOV_SCATT Coefficients
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles    (nprofiles)    ! Cloud profiles with NWP levels
-  Type (profile_cloud_Type),  Intent (in)    :: cld_profiles_tl (nprofiles)   
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance                   ! Radiances
-  Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_tl          
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), target :: sa__mclayer    (nchannels)
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), target :: sa_tl__mclayer (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__clear_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__out       (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__out_clear (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__total_out (nbtout)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__clear     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__cloudy    (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__total     (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__bt        (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__bt_clear  (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__upclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__dnclear   (nchannels)
-  Real (kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__reflclear (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__overcast  (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: r_tl__downcld   (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_surf          (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__tau_layer         (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t__od_singlelayer    (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_tl__tau_surf       (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_tl__tau_layer      (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: t_tl__od_singlelayer (nrt_levels,nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ccmax   (nprofiles)  
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ems_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ref_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tbd (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__delta  (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__tau    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ext    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ssa    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__asm    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__lambda (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__h      (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b0     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__b1     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__bn     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__dz     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__clw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__ciw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__rain   (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa__sp     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ccmax   (nprofiles)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ems_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ref_bnd (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ems_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ref_cld (nchannels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__tbd (nprofiles,nwp_levels+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__delta  (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__tau    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ext    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ssa    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__asm    (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__lambda (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__h      (nchannels,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__b0     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__b1     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__bn     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__dz     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__clw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__ciw    (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__rain   (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-  Real (Kind=jprb), target :: sa_tl__sp     (nprofiles,nwp_levels)
-!* Local variables:
-  Logical             :: addcloud, switchrad
-  Integer (Kind=jpim) :: iprof, ichan     
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: emissivity    (nchannels)            
-  Real    (Kind=jprb) :: emissivity_tl (nchannels)  
-  Type (transmission_Type) :: transmission, transmission_tl
-  Type (geometry_Type)     :: angles (nprofiles)
-  Type (profile_scatt_aux) :: scatt_aux, scatt_aux_tl
-  Type (radiance_Type)     :: radiance, radiance_tl
-  Type (radiance_Type)     :: cld_radiance_tmp
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=15) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_scatt_tl '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus (:) = errorstatus_success
-  radiance % clear_out => r__clear_out
-  radiance % out       => r__out
-  radiance % out_clear => r__out_clear
-  radiance % total_out => r__total_out
-  radiance % clear     => r__clear
-  radiance % cloudy    => r__cloudy
-  radiance % total     => r__total
-  radiance % bt        => r__bt
-  radiance % bt_clear  => r__bt_clear
-  radiance % upclear   => r__upclear
-  radiance % dnclear   => r__dnclear
-  radiance % reflclear => r__reflclear
-  radiance % overcast  => r__overcast 
-  radiance % downcld   => r__downcld 
-  radiance_tl % clear_out => r_tl__clear_out
-  radiance_tl % out       => r_tl__out
-  radiance_tl % out_clear => r_tl__out_clear
-  radiance_tl % total_out => r_tl__total_out
-  radiance_tl % clear     => r_tl__clear
-  radiance_tl % cloudy    => r_tl__cloudy
-  radiance_tl % total     => r_tl__total
-  radiance_tl % bt        => r_tl__bt
-  radiance_tl % bt_clear  => r_tl__bt_clear
-  radiance_tl % upclear   => r_tl__upclear
-  radiance_tl % dnclear   => r_tl__dnclear
-  radiance_tl % reflclear => r_tl__reflclear
-  radiance_tl % overcast  => r_tl__overcast 
-  radiance_tl % downcld   => r_tl__downcld 
-  transmission % tau_surf       => t__tau_surf
-  transmission % tau_layer      => t__tau_layer
-  transmission % od_singlelayer => t__od_singlelayer
-  transmission_tl % tau_surf       => t_tl__tau_surf
-  transmission_tl % tau_layer      => t_tl__tau_layer
-  transmission_tl % od_singlelayer => t_tl__od_singlelayer
-  scatt_aux % ccmax    => sa__ccmax
-  scatt_aux % ems_bnd  => sa__ems_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ref_bnd  => sa__ref_bnd
-  scatt_aux % ems_cld  => sa__ems_cld
-  scatt_aux % ref_cld  => sa__ref_cld
-  scatt_aux % tbd      => sa__tbd
-  scatt_aux % mclayer  => sa__mclayer
-  scatt_aux % delta    => sa__delta
-  scatt_aux % tau      => sa__tau
-  scatt_aux % ext      => sa__ext
-  scatt_aux % ssa      => sa__ssa
-  scatt_aux % asm      => sa__asm
-  scatt_aux % lambda   => sa__lambda
-  scatt_aux % h        => sa__h
-  scatt_aux % b0       => sa__b0
-  scatt_aux % b1       => sa__b1
-  scatt_aux % bn       => sa__bn
-  scatt_aux % dz       => sa__dz
-  scatt_aux % clw      => sa__clw
-  scatt_aux % ciw      => sa__ciw
-  scatt_aux % rain     => sa__rain
-  scatt_aux % sp       => sa__sp
-  scatt_aux_tl % ccmax    => sa_tl__ccmax
-  scatt_aux_tl % ems_bnd  => sa_tl__ems_bnd
-  scatt_aux_tl % ref_bnd  => sa_tl__ref_bnd
-  scatt_aux_tl % ems_cld  => sa_tl__ems_cld
-  scatt_aux_tl % ref_cld  => sa_tl__ref_cld
-  scatt_aux_tl % tbd      => sa_tl__tbd
-  scatt_aux_tl % mclayer  => sa_tl__mclayer
-  scatt_aux_tl % delta    => sa_tl__delta
-  scatt_aux_tl % tau      => sa_tl__tau
-  scatt_aux_tl % ext      => sa_tl__ext
-  scatt_aux_tl % ssa      => sa_tl__ssa
-  scatt_aux_tl % asm      => sa_tl__asm
-  scatt_aux_tl % lambda   => sa_tl__lambda
-  scatt_aux_tl % h        => sa_tl__h
-  scatt_aux_tl % b0       => sa_tl__b0
-  scatt_aux_tl % b1       => sa_tl__b1
-  scatt_aux_tl % bn       => sa_tl__bn
-  scatt_aux_tl % dz       => sa_tl__dz
-  scatt_aux_tl % clw      => sa_tl__clw
-  scatt_aux_tl % ciw      => sa_tl__ciw
-  scatt_aux_tl % rain     => sa_tl__rain
-  scatt_aux_tl % sp       => sa_tl__sp
-!*         1.   Gas absorption
-  switchrad = .true.   ! input to RTTOV is BT  
-  addcloud  = .false.
-  ! No calculation of CLW absorption inside "classical" RTTOV
-  If ( Any(.Not.profiles(:) % clw_Data) ) Then
-     ! warning message
-     profiles (:) % clw_Data = .False.
-  End If
-  emissivity    (:) = emissivity_in    (:)
-  emissivity_tl (:) = emissivity_in_tl (:)
-  Call rttov_tl(             &
-     & errorstatus,          &! out
-     & nfrequencies,         &! in
-     & nchannels,            &! in
-     & nbtout,               &! in
-     & nprofiles,            &! in
-     & channels,             &! in
-     & polarisations,        &! in
-     & lprofiles,            &! in
-     & profiles,             &! in
-     & coef_rttov,           &! in
-     & addcloud,             &! in
-     & calcemiss,            &! in
-     & emissivity,           &! inout
-     & profiles_tl,          &! in
-     & emissivity_tl,        &! inout
-     & transmission,         &! inout
-     & transmission_tl,      &! inout
-     & radiance,             &! inout
-     & radiance_tl     )      ! inout
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_tl")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  scatt_aux_tl % ems_cld (:) = emissivity_in_tl (:)
-  scatt_aux    % ems_cld (:) = emissivity_in    (:)      
-  scatt_aux_tl % ref_cld (:) = -1.0_JPRB * emissivity_in_tl (:)
-  scatt_aux    % ref_cld (:) =  1.0_JPRB - emissivity_in    (:)  
-!*  2.   Initialisations for Eddington
-  Call rttov_iniscatt_tl(    &
-        & errorstatus,       &! in
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nrt_levels,        &! in
-        & nfrequencies,      &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & polarisations,     &! in
-        & channels,          &! in
-        & frequencies,       &! in
-        & lprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in 
-        & profiles_tl,       &! in 
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in
-        & cld_profiles_tl,   &! in
-        & coef_rttov,        &! in  
-        & coef_scatt,        &! in  
-        & transmission,      &! in
-        & transmission_tl,   &! in
-	& calcemiss,         &! in
-        & angles,            &! out
-        & scatt_aux,         &! inout
-        & scatt_aux_tl)       ! inout   
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "error in rttov_iniscatt_tl")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-!* 3.   Eddington (in temperature space)
-  Call rttov_eddington_tl(   &
-        & nwp_levels,        &! in
-        & nchannels,         &! in
-        & nprofiles,         &! in
-        & lsprofiles,        &! in
-        & angles,            &! in
-        & profiles,          &! in  
-        & profiles_tl,       &! in  
-        & cld_profiles,      &! in  
-        & scatt_aux,         &! in
-        & scatt_aux_tl,      &! in
-        & cld_radiance,      &! inout  
-        & cld_radiance_tl)    ! inout   	
-!*  4.   Combine clear and cloudy parts
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     iprof = lsprofiles (ichan)
-     cld_radiance_tl % total (ichan) = radiance_tl % total (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % total (ichan) = radiance % total (ichan)
-     cld_radiance_tl % clear (ichan) = radiance_tl % clear (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % clear (ichan) = radiance % clear (ichan)
-     cld_radiance_tl % bt_clear (ichan) = radiance_tl % bt (ichan)
-     cld_radiance % bt_clear (ichan) = radiance % bt (ichan)
-     cld_radiance_tl % bt (ichan) = cld_radiance_tl % bt (ichan) *             scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof)  & 
-                                & + cld_radiance    % bt (ichan) *             scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (iprof)  & 
-				& +     radiance_tl % bt (ichan) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof)) &
-				& -     radiance    % bt (ichan) *             scatt_aux_tl % ccmax (iprof)
-     cld_radiance    % bt (ichan) = cld_radiance    % bt (ichan) *             scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof) & 
-                                & +     radiance    % bt (ichan) * (1.0_JPRB - scatt_aux    % ccmax (iprof))     
-  End Do
-  !
-  !*  5.   Convert total polarisations length arrays to number of output channel length arrays
-  !
-  If (coef_rttov % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) Then
-     ! Point a temporary radiance type at cld_radiance
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear     => cld_radiance % clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear_out => cld_radiance % clear_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % cloudy    => cld_radiance % cloudy
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total     => cld_radiance % total
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total_out => cld_radiance % total_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out       => cld_radiance % out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out_clear => cld_radiance % out_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt        => cld_radiance % bt
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt_clear  => cld_radiance % bt_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % upclear   => cld_radiance % upclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % dnclear   => cld_radiance % dnclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % reflclear => cld_radiance % reflclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % overcast  => cld_radiance % overcast
-     cld_radiance_tmp % downcld   => cld_radiance % downcld
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation( &
-        & nfrequencies,       &! in
-        & nchannels,          &! in
-        & nprofiles,          &! in
-        & angles,             &! in
-        & channels,           &! in
-        & polarisations,      &! in
-        & lprofiles,          &! in
-        & coef_rttov,         &! in
-        & cld_radiance_tmp    )! inout
-     ! Point a temporary radiance type at cld_radiance_tl
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear     => cld_radiance_tl % clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % clear_out => cld_radiance_tl % clear_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % cloudy    => cld_radiance_tl % cloudy
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total     => cld_radiance_tl % total
-     cld_radiance_tmp % total_out => cld_radiance_tl % total_out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out       => cld_radiance_tl % out
-     cld_radiance_tmp % out_clear => cld_radiance_tl % out_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt        => cld_radiance_tl % bt
-     cld_radiance_tmp % bt_clear  => cld_radiance_tl % bt_clear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % upclear   => cld_radiance_tl % upclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % dnclear   => cld_radiance_tl % dnclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % reflclear => cld_radiance_tl % reflclear
-     cld_radiance_tmp % overcast  => cld_radiance_tl % overcast
-     cld_radiance_tmp % downcld   => cld_radiance_tl % downcld
-     Call rttov_calcpolarisation_tl( &
-        & nfrequencies,   & ! in
-        & nchannels,      & ! in
-        & nprofiles,      & ! in
-        & angles,         & ! in
-        & channels,       & ! in
-        & polarisations,  & ! in
-        & lprofiles,      & ! in
-        & coef_rttov,     & ! in
-        & cld_radiance_tmp     ) ! inout
-  Else
-        radiance%out       = radiance%bt
-        radiance%out_clear = radiance%bt_clear
-        cld_radiance%out       = cld_radiance%bt
-        cld_radiance%out_clear = cld_radiance%bt_clear
-        radiance_tl%out        = radiance_tl%bt
-        radiance_tl%out_clear  = radiance_tl%bt_clear
-        cld_radiance_tl%out       = cld_radiance_tl%bt
-        cld_radiance_tl%out_clear = cld_radiance_tl%bt_clear
-  End If
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eef2c366d095a5a8da22d3ed952738f7389c5de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_scatt_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_scatt_tl(&
- & errorstatus,&
- & nwp_levels,&
- & nrt_levels,&
- & nfrequencies,&
- & nchannels,&
- & nbtout,&
- & nprofiles,&
- & polarisations,&
- & channels,&
- & frequencies,&
- & lprofiles,&
- & lsprofiles,&
- & profiles,&
- & cld_profiles,&
- & coef_rttov,&
- & coef_scatt,&
- & calcemiss,&
- & emissivity_in,&
- & profiles_tl,&
- & cld_profiles_tl,&
- & emissivity_in_tl,&
- & cld_radiance,&
- & cld_radiance_tl) 
- Use rttov_types, Only :&
- & rttov_coef ,&
- & rttov_scatt_coef ,&
- & geometry_Type ,&
- & profile_Type ,&
- & profile_cloud_Type ,&
- & profile_scatt_aux ,&
- & transmission_Type ,&
- & radiance_Type ,&
- & radiance_cloud_Type 
- Use parkind1, Only : jpim ,jprb
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nwp_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nrt_levels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nprofiles
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nfrequencies
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nchannels
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: nbtout
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: channels (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: frequencies (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: polarisations (nchannels,3)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lprofiles (nfrequencies)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: lsprofiles (nchannels)
- Integer (Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus (nprofiles)
- Logical, Intent (in) :: calcemiss (nchannels)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) :: emissivity_in (nchannels)
- Real (Kind=jprb), Intent (in) :: emissivity_in_tl (nchannels)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_Type), Intent (inout) :: profiles_tl (nprofiles)
- Type (rttov_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_rttov
- Type (rttov_scatt_coef), Intent (in) :: coef_scatt
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles (nprofiles)
- Type (profile_cloud_Type), Intent (in) :: cld_profiles_tl (nprofiles)
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance
- Type (radiance_cloud_Type), Intent (inout) :: cld_radiance_tl
-End Subroutine rttov_scatt_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setgeometry.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setgeometry.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index ea674c96bd988bfa323bab878aad565cd45509e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setgeometry.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setgeometry( &
-     & prof,   &! in
-     & coef,   &! in
-     & angles ) ! out
-  ! Description:
-  ! compute all profile related viewing geometry
-  ! The only profile input value is profile%zenangle (zenith angle)
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       02/01/2003  Added more comments (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & deg2rad
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)  :: prof   ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)  :: coef   ! coefficient
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(out) :: angles ! angles
-  ! local
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !Notes on notation:
-  ! zen  => zenith angle
-  !   (definition: angle at surface between view path to satellite and zenith)
-  ! view => view angle
-  !   (definition: angle at the satellite between view path and nadir)
-  ! _sq = square of given value
-  ! _sqrt = square root of given value
-  ! _minus1 = given value - 1
-  ! trigonometric function abbreviations have their usual meanings
-  angles % sinzen           = Sin( prof%zenangle * deg2rad )
-  angles % sinzen_sq        = angles%sinzen * angles%sinzen
-  angles % coszen           = Cos( prof%zenangle * deg2rad )
-  angles % coszen_sq        = angles%coszen * angles%coszen
-  angles % seczen           = 1.0_JPRB/Abs(angles%coszen)
-  angles % seczen_sq        = angles%seczen * angles%seczen
-  angles % seczen_sqrt      = Sqrt(angles%seczen)
-  angles % seczen_minus1    = angles%seczen - 1.0_JPRB
-  angles % seczen_minus1_sq = angles%seczen_minus1 * angles%seczen_minus1
-  angles % sinview          = angles%sinzen / coef % ratoe
-  angles % sinview_sq       = angles%sinview * angles%sinview
-  angles % cosview_sq       = 1.0_JPRB - angles%sinview_sq
-  angles % normzen          = prof%zenangle / 60.0_JPRB        !normalized zenith angle
-End Subroutine rttov_setgeometry
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setgeometry.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setgeometry.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 31805fbbb7f330b193c572106db12d24a2f3e96b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setgeometry.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setgeometry( &
-     prof,  & ! in
-     coef,  & ! in
-     angles ) ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       deg2rad
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)  :: prof   ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef)  ,  Intent(in)  :: coef   ! coefficient
-  Type(geometry_Type), Intent(out) :: angles ! angles
-End Subroutine rttov_setgeometry
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b3773ab134b61158664e70874882cc8f80577198..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors( &
-     & prof,       &! in
-     & geom,       &! in
-     & coef,       &! in
-     & predictors ) ! out
-  ! Description
-  ! To calculate and store the profile variables (predictors) required
-  ! in subsequent transmittance calculations.
-  ! Code based on PRFTAU from previous versions of RTTOV
-  ! Only one profile per call
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see RTTOV7 science and validation report pages 18/19
-  ! variable names are close to the documentation
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.2       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & gravity        ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)    :: prof       ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)    :: coef       ! coefficients
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)    :: geom       ! geometry
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors ! predictors
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o(prof % nlevels)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: or(prof % nlevels)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dt(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dto(prof % nlevels)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tw(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ww(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ow(prof % nlevels)
-  ! intermediate variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: deltac(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_or(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_wr(prof %nlevels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 1 profile layer quantities
-  t(1) = prof % t(1)
-  t(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  w(1) = prof % q(1)
-  w(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o(1) = prof % o3(1)
-     o(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % o3(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-             & prof % o3(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  Endif
-  ! 2 calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (dto =0)
-  dt(:)  = t(:) - coef % tstar(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     dto(:) = t(:) - coef % to3star(:)
-  Else
-     dto(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! 3 calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or
-  tr(:) = t(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  wr(:) = w(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     or(:) = o(:) / coef % ostar(:)
-  Else
-     or(:) = 1._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! 4 calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw ww ow
-  tw(1) = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-     tw( level ) = tw( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-     ww ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (ow =1)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o       ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-        ow ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-  Else
-     ow(:) = 1._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! for other minor gases do as for O3 for testing presence of
-  ! coefficients and profile values
-  !
-  !5) set predictors
-  !--
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-    predictors % mixedgas(1,level)  = geom % seczen
-    predictors % mixedgas(2,level)  = geom % seczen_sq
-    predictors % mixedgas(3,level)  = geom % seczen * tr(level)
-    predictors % mixedgas(4,level)  = geom % seczen * tr(level) * tr(level)
-    predictors % mixedgas(5,level)  = tr(level)
-    predictors % mixedgas(6,level)  = tr(level) * tr(level)
-    predictors % mixedgas(7,level)  = geom % seczen * tw(level)
-    predictors % mixedgas(8,level)  = geom % seczen * tw(level) / tr(level)
-    predictors % mixedgas(9,level)  = geom % seczen_sqrt
-    predictors % mixedgas(10,level) = geom % seczen_sqrt * tw(level)**0.25_JPRB
-  End Do
-  !5.2 water vapour  ( numbers in right hand are predictor numbers
-  ! in the reference document for RTTOV7 (science and validation report)
-  !----------------
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-    sec_wr(level) = geom%seczen * wr(level)
-    predictors % watervapour(1,level)  = sec_wr(level)                  !  7
-    predictors % watervapour(2,level)  = Sqrt( sec_wr(level) )          !  5
-    predictors % watervapour(3,level)  = sec_wr(level) * wr(level) / ww(level)  ! 12
-    predictors % watervapour(4,level)  = sec_wr(level) * dt(level)              !  4
-    predictors % watervapour(5,level)  = sec_wr(level) * sec_wr(level)  !  1
-    predictors % watervapour(6,level)  = predictors % watervapour(2,level) * dt (level) ! 11
-    predictors % watervapour(7,level)  = Sqrt( predictors % watervapour(2,level) )       ! 6
-    predictors % watervapour(8,level)  = predictors % watervapour(2,level) * wr(level) / ww(level) ! 13
-    predictors % watervapour(9,level)  = predictors % watervapour(5,level) * sec_wr(level) ! 8
-    predictors % watervapour(10,level) = predictors % watervapour(9,level) * sec_wr(level) ! 9
-    predictors % watervapour(11,level) = sec_wr(level) * dt(level) * Abs(dt(level)) ! 10
-    predictors % watervapour(12,level) = ( geom%seczen * ww(level) )**4 ! 3
-    predictors % watervapour(13,level) = ( geom%seczen * ww(level) )**2 ! 2
-    predictors % watervapour(14,level) = sec_wr(level) * wr(level) / tr(level)  ! 14
-    predictors % watervapour(15,level) = sec_wr(level) * wr(level) / tr(level)**4   ! 15
-  End Do
-  !5.3 ozone
-  !---------
-  ! if no input O3 profile, variables or, ow and dto have been set
-  ! to the reference profile values (1, 1, 0)
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-       sec_or(level) = geom%seczen * or(level)
-       predictors % ozone(1,level)  = sec_or(level)
-       predictors % ozone(2,level)  = Sqrt( sec_or(level) )
-       predictors % ozone(3,level)  = sec_or(level) * dto(level)
-       predictors % ozone(4,level)  = sec_or(level) * sec_or(level)
-       predictors % ozone(5,level)  = predictors % ozone(2,level) * dto(level)
-       predictors % ozone(6,level)  = sec_or(level) * or(level) * ow (level)
-       predictors % ozone(7,level)  = predictors % ozone(2,level) * or(level) / ow(level)
-       predictors % ozone(8,level)  = sec_or(level) * ow(level)
-       predictors % ozone(9,level)  = sec_or(level) * Sqrt( geom%seczen * ow(level) )
-       predictors % ozone(10,level) = geom%seczen * ow(level)
-       predictors % ozone(11,level) = geom%seczen * ow(level) * geom%seczen * ow(level)
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  !5.4 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( prof % clw_Data .And. coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     predictors % clw(:)         = deltac(:) * prof%clw(:) * geom%seczen
-     predictors % clw(2:prof % nlevels) =          &
-            & 0.5_JPRB *                                 &
-           & ( predictors % clw(2:prof % nlevels) + &
-            & deltac(2:prof % nlevels) * prof%clw(1:prof % nlevels-1) * &
-            & geom%seczen )
-     predictors % ncloud   = 1
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index b3c4371b32c82b2401b2181f0990dcb4caa564ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors( &
-     prof,      & ! in
-     geom,      & ! in
-     coef,      & ! in
-     predictors ) ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gravity        ,&
-       sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)    :: prof       ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)    :: coef       ! coefficients
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)    :: geom       ! geometry
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors ! predictors
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 44828a064ab3fbe95a832e591ad6babb539d45ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8( &
-     prof,      & ! in
-     geom,      & ! in
-     coef,      & ! in
-     aux,       & ! in
-     predictors ) ! out
-  ! Description
-  ! RTTOV-8 Model
-  ! To calculate and store the profile variables (predictors) required
-  ! in subsequent transmittance calculations.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see RTTOV7 science and validation report pages 18/19
-  ! variable names are close to the documentation
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0   29/01/2003  Original - copy of RTTOV7 model (P Brunel)
-  !  1.1   11/09/2003  Added predictors for wv line and continuum and CO2 (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2   03/06/2004  Parkind parametrisation (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.3   23/02/2005  Correction of Twr definition (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.4   29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !  1.5   07/12/2005  Add surface humidity (R. Saunders)
-  !  1.6   13/10/2006  Corrected CO2 profile logic (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-     & gravity        ,&
-     & sensor_id_mw   ,&
-     & use_q2m
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-     & rttov_coef     ,&
-     & profile_Type   ,&
-     & geometry_Type  ,&
-     & profile_aux    ,&
-     & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)    :: prof       ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)    :: coef       ! coefficients
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)    :: geom       ! geometry
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors ! predictors
-  Type(profile_aux) ,    Intent(in)    :: aux        ! auxillary profiles info.
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iv2, iv3
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: co2(prof % nlevels)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wwr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: or(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2r(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: twr(prof % nlevels)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dt(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dto(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dtabs(prof % nlevels)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tw(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ww(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ow(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2w(prof % nlevels)
-  ! intermediate variables
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: deltac(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_or(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wr(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wrwr(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_sq(prof %nlevels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 1 profile layer quantities
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  t(1) = prof % t(1)
-  t(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  w(1) = prof % q(1)
-  w(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  !
-  If ( use_q2m )Then
-  ! include surface humidity
-    iv3 = aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-    iv2 = aux % nearestlev_surf
-    If ( iv2 <= coef % nlevels) Then
-      w(iv2) = (prof % s2m % q  + prof % q(iv3)) / 2._JPRB
-    Endif
-  Endif
-  !
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o(1) = prof % o3(1)
-     o(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % o3(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          &   prof % o3(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     co2(1) = prof % co2(1)
-     co2(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % co2(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          &   prof % co2(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 2 calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (dto =0)
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  dt(:)  = t(:) - coef % tstar(:)
-  dtabs(:) = Abs(dt(:))
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     dto(:) = t(:) - coef % to3star(:)
-  Else
-     dto(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 3 calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or co2r
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tr(:) = t(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  wr(:) = w(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     or(:) = o(:) / coef % ostar(:)
-  Else
-     or(:) = 1._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! if no input CO2 profile, set to reference value (co2r=1)
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-    co2r(:) = co2(:) / coef % co2star(:)
-  Else
-    co2r(:) = 1._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 4 calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw ww ow co2w twr
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tw(1) = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-     tw( level ) = tw( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-     ww ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level )  *  t ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )  * coef % tstar ( level )
-     wwr ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (ow =1)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o       ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-        ow ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-  Else
-     ow(:) = 1._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! if no input co2 profile, set to reference value (co2w=1 and twr=1)
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     co2        ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % co2star ( level )
-        co2w ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     twr ( 1 ) = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 2, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     t        ( level-1 )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % tstar ( level-1 )
-        twr ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-  Else
-    co2w(:) = 1._JPRB
-    twr(:) = 1._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !5) set predictors for RTTOV-8 options
-  !--
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---
-  tr_sq(:) = tr(:) * tr(:)
-  predictors % mixedgas(1,:)  = geom % seczen
-  predictors % mixedgas(2,:)  = geom % seczen_sq
-  predictors % mixedgas(3,:)  = geom % seczen * tr(:)
-  predictors % mixedgas(4,:)  = geom % seczen * tr_sq(:)
-  predictors % mixedgas(5,:)  = tr(:)
-  predictors % mixedgas(6,:)  = tr_sq(:)
-  predictors % mixedgas(7,:)  = geom % seczen * tw(:)
-  predictors % mixedgas(8,:)  = geom % seczen * tw(:) / tr(:)
-  ! these latter 2 predictors may be removed after testing
-  predictors % mixedgas(9,:)  = geom % seczen_sqrt
-  predictors % mixedgas(10,:) = geom % seczen_sqrt * tw(:)**0.25_JPRB
-  !5.2 water vapour line transmittance based on RTIASI but with pred 9 removed
-  !----------------
-  sec_wr(:) = geom%seczen * wr(:)
-  sec_wrwr(:) = sec_wr(:) * wr(:)
-  !predictors % watervapour(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  predictors % watervapour(1,:)  = sec_wr(:) * sec_wr(:)
-  predictors % watervapour(2,:)  = geom%seczen * ww(:)
-  predictors % watervapour(3,:)  = ( geom%seczen * ww(:) )**2
-  predictors % watervapour(4,:)  = sec_wr(:) * dt(:)
-  predictors % watervapour(5,:)  = Sqrt( sec_wr(:) )
-  predictors % watervapour(6,:)  = sec_wr(:)**0.25_JPRB
-  predictors % watervapour(7,:)  = sec_wr(:)
-  predictors % watervapour(8,:)  = sec_wr(:)**3
-  predictors % watervapour(9,:)  = sec_wr(:) * dt(:) * dtabs(:)
-  predictors % watervapour(10,:) = Sqrt(sec_wr(:)) * dt(:)
-  predictors % watervapour(11,:) = sec_wrwr(:) / wwr(:)
-  predictors % watervapour(12,:) = Sqrt(geom%seczen) * wr(:)**1.5_JPRB / wwr(:)
-  !5.3 water vapour continuum transmittance based on RTIASI
-  !----------------
-  !
-  If ( coef % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-    !predictors % wvcont(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-    predictors % wvcont(1,:)  = sec_wrwr(:) / tr(:)
-    predictors % wvcont(2,:)  = sec_wrwr(:)  / (tr_sq(:)*tr_sq(:))
-    predictors % wvcont(3,:)  = sec_wr(:) / tr(:)
-    predictors % wvcont(4,:)  = sec_wr(:) / tr_sq(:)
-  Endif
-  !5.4 ozone
-  !---------
-  ! if no input O3 profile, variables or, ow and dto have been set
-  ! to the reference profile values (1, 1, 0)
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sec_or(:) = geom%seczen * or(:)
-     predictors % ozone(1,:)  = sec_or(:)
-     predictors % ozone(2,:)  = Sqrt( sec_or(:) )
-     predictors % ozone(3,:)  = sec_or(:) * dto(:)
-     predictors % ozone(4,:)  = sec_or(:) * sec_or(:)
-     predictors % ozone(5,:)  = Sqrt(sec_or(:)) * dto(:)
-     predictors % ozone(6,:)  = sec_or(:) * or(:) * ow (:)
-     predictors % ozone(7,:)  = Sqrt( sec_or(:) ) * or(:) / ow(:)
-     predictors % ozone(8,:)  = sec_or(:) * ow(:)
-     predictors % ozone(9,:)  = sec_or(:) * Sqrt( geom%seczen * ow(:) )
-     predictors % ozone(10,:) = geom%seczen * ow(:)
-     predictors % ozone(11,:) = geom%seczen * ow(:) * geom%seczen * ow(:)
-  Endif
-  !5.5 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( prof % clw_Data .And. coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     predictors % clw(:)         = deltac(:) * prof%clw(:) * geom%seczen
-     predictors % clw(2:prof % nlevels) =          &
-          &  0.5_JPRB *                                 &
-          & ( predictors % clw(2:prof % nlevels) + &
-          &  deltac(2:prof % nlevels) * prof%clw(1:prof % nlevels-1) * &
-          &  geom%seczen )
-     predictors % ncloud   = 1
-  Endif
-  !5.6 carbon diooxide transmittance based on RTIASI
-  !-------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     predictors % co2(1,:)    = geom%seczen * co2r(:)
-     predictors % co2(2,:)    = tr_sq(:)
-     predictors % co2(3,:)    = geom%seczen * tr(:)
-     predictors % co2(4,:)    = geom%seczen * tr_sq(:)
-     predictors % co2(5,:)    = tr(:)
-     predictors % co2(6,:)    = geom%seczen
-     predictors % co2(7,:)    = geom%seczen * twr(:)
-     predictors % co2(8,:)    = (geom%seczen * co2w(:))**2
-     predictors % co2(9,:)    = twr(:) * twr(:) * twr(:)
-     predictors % co2(10,:)   = geom%seczen * twr(:) * Sqrt(tr(:))
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index e35e951bb3feec988a011a8948a23f3bde99d3bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8( &
-     prof,      & ! in
-     geom,      & ! in
-     coef,      & ! in
-     predictors ) ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gravity        ,&
-       sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)    :: prof       ! profile
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)    :: coef       ! coefficients
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)    :: geom       ! geometry
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors ! predictors
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index e8148ab953a5f5ecbb1f98978d08a354f0684323..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_ad( &
-     prof,       & ! in
-     prof_ad,    & ! inout
-     geom,       & ! in
-     coef,       & ! in
-     aux,        &! in
-     predictors, & ! in
-     predictors_ad ) ! inout
-  ! Description
-  ! RTTOV-8 Model
-  ! AD of rttov_setpredictors_8
-  ! To calculate and store the profile variables (predictors) required
-  ! in subsequent transmittance calculations.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see RTTOV7 science and validation report pages 18/19
-  ! variable names are close to the documentation
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0   29/01/2003  Original - copy of RTTOV7 model (P Brunel)
-  !                               as a template for RTTOV-8
-  !  1.1   30/09/2003  Added predictors for wv line and continuum and CO2 (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2   03/06/2004  Parkind parametrisation, correction of w_ad, t_ad calculation
-  !                    simplify AD relatted to predictor 9 for WVL (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.3   23/02/2005  Correction of Twr definition (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.4   29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !  1.5   07/12/2005  Add surface humidity (R. Saunders)
-! !  1.6   13/10/2006  Corrected CO2 profile logic (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-   &   gravity       ,&
-   &   sensor_id_mw  ,&
-   &   use_q2m
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-   &   rttov_coef     ,&
-   &   profile_Type   ,&
-   &   geometry_Type  ,&
-   &   profile_aux    ,&
-   &   predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)     :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(inout)  :: prof_ad
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)     :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)     :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)     :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout)  :: predictors_ad
-  Type(profile_aux) ,    Intent(in)     :: aux        ! auxillary profiles info.
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iv2, iv3
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: t(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: w(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: o(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2(prof % nlevels)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wwr(prof % nlevels)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dt(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dtabs(prof % nlevels)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tw(prof % nlevels)
-  ! intermediate variables
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: deltac(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_ww(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_wwr(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_ow(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_twr(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_co2w(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_sq(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_sqrt(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_4(prof % nlevels)
-  ! AD variables
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: t_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: w_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: o_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wr_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: or_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wwr_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2r_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: twr_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dt_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dto_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tw_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ww_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ow_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2w_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_or_ad(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wr_ad(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wrwr_ad(prof %nlevels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Recompute Direct variables
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !1) Profile layer quantities
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  t(1) = prof % t(1)
-  t(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  w(1) = prof % q(1)
-  w(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  !
-  If ( use_q2m )Then
-  ! include surface humidity
-    iv3 = aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-    iv2 = aux % nearestlev_surf
-    If ( iv2 <= coef % nlevels) Then
-      w(iv2) = (prof % s2m % q  + prof % q(iv3)) / 2._jprb  
-    Endif
-  Endif
-  !
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o(1) = prof % o3(1)
-     o(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % o3(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          &   prof % o3(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     co2(1) = prof % co2(1)
-     co2(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % co2(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          &   prof % co2(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !2) calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  dt(:)  = t(:) - coef % tstar(:)
-  dtabs(:) = Abs(dt(:))
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !3) calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tr(:) = t(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  tr_sq(:) = tr(:) * tr(:)
-  tr_4(:) = tr_sq(:) * tr_sq(:)
-  tr_sqrt(:) = Sqrt(tr(:))
-  wr(:) = w(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 4. calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw wwr
-  !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tw(1) = 0.
-  Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-     tw( level ) = tw( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level )  *  t ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )  * coef % tstar ( level )
-     sum2_wwr ( level ) = sum2
-     wwr(level) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-     sum2_ww( level ) = sum2
-  End Do
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o       ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-        sum2_ow( level ) = sum2
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     co2        ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % co2star ( level )
-        sum2_co2w ( level ) = sum2
-     End Do
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2_twr ( 1 ) =  0._JPRB
-     Do level = 2, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     t        ( level-1 )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % tstar ( level-1 )
-        sum2_twr ( level ) =  sum2
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Ajoint code
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  w_ad(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  wr_ad(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  ww_ad(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  wwr_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-  sec_wr_ad(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  sec_wrwr_ad(:)= 0._JPRB
-  dt_ad(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  t_ad(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  tr_ad(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  tw_ad(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  !5.6 CO2
-  !-------
-  If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-    co2r_ad(:)    = 0._JPRB
-    co2w_ad(:)    = 0._JPRB
-    twr_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-    co2_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-  !
-    twr_ad(:) = twr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % co2(10,:) * geom%seczen * tr_sqrt(:)
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % co2(10,:) * 0.5_JPRB *  predictors % co2(7,:) / tr_sqrt(:)
-    twr_ad(:) = twr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % co2(9,:) * 3 * geom%seczen * predictors % co2(9,:) &
-         &  /  predictors % co2(7,:)
-    co2w_ad(:) = co2w_ad(:) + 2 * geom%seczen * predictors_ad % co2(8,:) * Sqrt(predictors % co2(8,:))
-    twr_ad(:) = twr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % co2(7,:) * geom%seczen
-    predictors_ad % co2(6,:) = 0._JPRB
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % co2(5,:)
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + 2 * predictors_ad % co2(4,:) * predictors % co2(3,:)
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % co2(3,:) * geom%seczen
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + 2 * predictors_ad % co2(2,:) * predictors % co2(5,:)
-    co2r_ad(:) = co2r_ad(:) + predictors_ad % co2(1,:) * geom%seczen
-  Endif
-  !5.5 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( prof % clw_Data .And. coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     prof_ad%clw(1:prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad%clw(1:prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB * predictors_ad % clw(2:prof_ad % nlevels) *&
-          & deltac(2:prof_ad % nlevels) * geom%seczen
-     predictors_ad % clw(2:prof_ad % nlevels) = 0.5_JPRB *  predictors_ad % clw(2:prof_ad % nlevels)
-     prof_ad%clw(:) = prof_ad%clw(:)  + predictors_ad % clw(:) *&
-          & deltac(:) * geom%seczen
-  Endif
-  !5.4 ozone
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o_ad(:)      = 0._JPRB
-     or_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-     wr_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-     ow_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-     dto_ad(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     sec_or_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-     ! One can pack all ow_ad lines in one longer statement
-     ! same for sec_or_ad and dto_ad
-     ow_ad(:) = ow_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(11,:) *&
-          &  2 * geom%seczen * predictors % ozone(10,:)
-     ow_ad(:) = ow_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(10,:) * geom%seczen
-     sec_or_ad(:) = sec_or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(9,:) *&
-          & Sqrt(predictors % ozone(10,:))
-     ow_ad(:)    = ow_ad(:)      + predictors_ad % ozone(9,:) *&
-          & 0.5_JPRB * geom%seczen * predictors % ozone(1,:) &
-          &    / Sqrt(predictors % ozone(10,:))
-     ow_ad(:) = ow_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(8,:) *&
-          & predictors % ozone(1,:)
-     or_ad(:) = or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(8,:) *&
-          & predictors % ozone(10,:)
-     sec_or_ad(:) = sec_or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(7,:) *&
-          & 1.5_JPRB * predictors % ozone(2,:) / predictors % ozone(10,:)
-     ow_ad(:)     = ow_ad(:)     - predictors_ad % ozone(7,:) *&
-          & geom%seczen * predictors % ozone(2,:)**3 / predictors % ozone(10,:)**2
-     or_ad(:) =  or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(6,:) *&
-          & 2 * predictors % ozone(8,:)
-     ow_ad(:) = ow_ad(:)  + predictors_ad % ozone(6,:) *&
-          & predictors % ozone(4,:) / geom%seczen
-     sec_or_ad(:) = sec_or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(5,:) *&
-          & 0.5_JPRB * predictors % ozone(3,:) /&
-          &     ( predictors % ozone(1,:) *predictors % ozone(2,:))
-     dto_ad(:) = dto_ad(:)       + predictors_ad % ozone(5,:) *&
-          & predictors % ozone(2,:)
-     sec_or_ad(:) = sec_or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(4,:) *&
-          & 2 * predictors % ozone(1,:)
-     sec_or_ad(:) = sec_or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(3,:) *&
-          & predictors % ozone(3,:) / predictors % ozone(1,:)
-     dto_ad(:)    = dto_ad(:)    + predictors_ad % ozone(3,:) *&
-          & predictors % ozone(1,:)
-     sec_or_ad(:) = sec_or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(2,:) *&
-          & 0.5_JPRB / predictors % ozone(2,:)
-     sec_or_ad(:) = sec_or_ad(:) + predictors_ad % ozone(1,:)
-     or_ad(:) = or_ad(:) + sec_or_ad(:) * geom%seczen
-  Endif
-  !5.3 Water Vapour Continuum based on RTIASI
-  !------------------------------------------
-  If ( coef % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-    sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % wvcont(4,:) / tr_sq(:)
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) - 2 * predictors_ad % wvcont(4,:)* &
-          & predictors % watervapour(7,:) / (tr_sq(:) * tr(:))
-    sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % wvcont(3,:) / tr(:)
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) - predictors_ad % wvcont(3,:) * &
-          & predictors % watervapour(7,:) / tr_sq(:)
-    sec_wrwr_ad(:) = sec_wrwr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % wvcont(2,:) / tr_4(:)
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) - 4 * predictors_ad % wvcont(2,:) * &
-          & predictors % wvcont(1,:) / tr_4(:)
-    sec_wrwr_ad(:) = sec_wrwr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % wvcont(1,:) / tr(:)
-    tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) - predictors_ad % wvcont(1,:) * &
-          & predictors % wvcont(1,:) / tr(:)
-  Endif
-  !
-  !5.2 water vapour based on RTIASI
-  !--------------------------------
-  wr_ad(:) = wr_ad(:) + 1.5_JPRB * predictors_ad % watervapour(12,:) *&
-       & predictors % watervapour(5,:) / wwr(:)
-  wwr_ad(:) = wwr_ad(:) - predictors_ad % watervapour(12,:) *&
-    & predictors % watervapour(5,:) * wr / (wwr(:) * wwr(:))
-  wr_ad(:) = wr_ad(:) + 2 * predictors_ad % watervapour(11,:) *&
-       & predictors % watervapour(7,:) / wwr(:)
-  wwr_ad(:) = wwr_ad(:) - predictors_ad % watervapour(11,:) *&
-    & predictors % watervapour(1,:) / (geom%seczen * wwr(:) * wwr(:))
-  dt_ad(:) = dt_ad(:) + predictors_ad % watervapour(10,:) *&
-    & predictors % watervapour(5,:)
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + 0.5_JPRB * predictors_ad % watervapour(10,:) *&
-       & dt(:) / predictors % watervapour(5,:)
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % watervapour(9,:) * dtabs(:) * dt(:)
-  dt_ad(:) = dt_ad(:) + 2 * predictors_ad % watervapour(9,:) *&
-       &                    predictors % watervapour(7,:) * dtabs(:)
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + 3 * predictors_ad % watervapour(8,:) *&
-       &  predictors % watervapour(1,:)
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % watervapour(7,:)
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + 0.25_JPRB * predictors_ad % watervapour(6,:) /&
-       & predictors % watervapour(6,:)**3
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + 0.5_JPRB * predictors_ad % watervapour(5,:) /&
-       & predictors % watervapour(5,:)
-  dt_ad(:) = dt_ad(:) + predictors_ad % watervapour(4,:) *&
-    & predictors % watervapour(7,:)
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % watervapour(4,:) * dt(:)
-  ww_ad(:) = ww_ad(:) + 2 * predictors_ad % watervapour(3,:) * &
-       & geom%seczen * predictors % watervapour(2,:)
-  ww_ad(:) = ww_ad(:) + predictors_ad % watervapour(2,:) * geom%seczen
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + 2 * predictors_ad % watervapour(1,:) * &
-       &  predictors % watervapour(7,:)
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = sec_wr_ad(:) + sec_wrwr_ad(:)* wr(:)
-  wr_ad(:) = wr_ad(:) + sec_wrwr_ad(:) * predictors % watervapour(7,:)
-  wr_ad(:) = wr_ad(:) + sec_wr_ad(:) * geom % seczen
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---------------
-  ! X10
-  tw_ad(2:prof_ad % nlevels) = tw_ad(2:prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-       & predictors_ad % mixedgas(10,2:prof_ad % nlevels) *&
-       &  0.25_JPRB * geom % seczen_sq &
-       & / predictors % mixedgas(10,2:prof_ad % nlevels)**3
-  ! X9
-  ! X8
-  tw_ad(:) = tw_ad(:) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(8,:) *&
-       & geom % seczen / predictors % mixedgas(5,:)
-  tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) - predictors_ad % mixedgas(8,:) *&
-       & predictors % mixedgas(7,:) / predictors % mixedgas(6,:)
-  ! X7
-  tw_ad(:) = tw_ad(:) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(7,:) *&
-       &  geom % seczen
-  ! X6
-  tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(6,:) *&
-       &  2._JPRB * tr(:)
-  ! X5
-  tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(5,:)
-  ! X4
-  tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(4,:) *&
-       & 2._JPRB * predictors % mixedgas(3,:)
-  ! X3
-  tr_ad(:) = tr_ad(:) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(3,:) *&
-       & geom % seczen
-  ! X2
-  ! X1
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !   calc adjoint of profile/reference sums
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 1 , -1
-        sum1 = sum1 + co2w_ad(level) / sum2_co2w(level)
-        co2_ad( level ) = co2_ad( level ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = prof_ad % nlevels , 2, -1
-        sum1 = sum1 + twr_ad(level) / sum2_twr(level)
-        t_ad( level-1 ) = t_ad( level-1 ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-  Else
-    t_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-    co2_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
- !
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 1, -1
-        sum1 = sum1 + ow_ad ( level ) / sum2_ow(level)
-        o_ad( level ) = o_ad( level ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-  Else
-     o_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
- !
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 1, -1
-     sum1 = sum1 + wwr_ad ( level ) / sum2_wwr(level)
-     w_ad( level ) = w_ad( level ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level ) * t( level )
-     t_ad( level ) = t_ad( level ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level ) * w( level )
-  End Do
- !
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 1, -1
-     sum1 = sum1 + ww_ad ( level ) / sum2_ww(level)
-     w_ad( level ) = w_ad( level ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-  End Do
-  Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 2, -1
-     tw_ad( level-1 ) = tw_ad( level-1 ) + tw_ad( level )
-     tr_ad( level-1 ) = tr_ad( level-1 ) + tw_ad( level ) *&
-          & coef % dpp( level )
-  End Do
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !   calc adjoint of profile deviations
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     co2_ad(:) = co2_ad(:) + co2r_ad(:) / coef % co2star(:)
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o_ad(:) = o_ad(:) + or_ad(:) / coef % ostar(:)
-  Endif
-  w_ad(:) = w_ad(:) + wr_ad(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  t_ad(:) = t_ad(:) + tr_ad(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     t_ad(:) = t_ad(:) + dto_ad(:)
-  Endif
-  t_ad(:) = t_ad(:) + dt_ad(:)
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !   calc adjoint of profile layer means
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     prof_ad % co2(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad % co2(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *co2_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-     prof_ad % co2(2 : prof_ad % nlevels)   = prof_ad % co2(2 : prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *co2_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-     prof_ad % co2(1) = prof_ad % co2(1) + co2_ad(1)
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     prof_ad % o3(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad % o3(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *o_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-     prof_ad % o3(2 : prof_ad % nlevels)   = prof_ad % o3(2 : prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *o_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-     prof_ad % o3(1) = prof_ad % o3(1) + o_ad(1)
-  Endif
-  ! include adjoint surface humidity
-  If ( use_q2m )Then
-    prof_ad % s2m % q = prof_ad % s2m % q + 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(iv2)
-    prof_ad % q(iv3) = prof_ad % q(iv3) + 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(iv2)
-    prof_ad % q(1 : iv3-1) = prof_ad % q(1 : iv3-1) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(2 : iv3 )
-    prof_ad % q(2 : iv3)   = prof_ad % q(2 : iv3) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(2 : iv3 )
-  Else
-    prof_ad % q(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad % q(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-    prof_ad % q(2 : prof_ad % nlevels)   = prof_ad % q(2 : prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-  Endif
-  prof_ad % q(1) = prof_ad % q(1) + w_ad(1)
-  prof_ad % t(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad % t(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-       & 0.5_JPRB *t_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-  prof_ad % t(2 : prof_ad % nlevels)   = prof_ad % t(2 : prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-       & 0.5_JPRB *t_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-  prof_ad % t(1) = prof_ad % t(1) + t_ad(1)
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index b10c6b74f808942109ab41c7cdc0c81ec769db12..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_ad( &
-     prof,       & ! in
-     prof_ad,    & ! inout
-     geom,       & ! in
-     coef,       & ! in
-     predictors, & ! in
-     predictors_ad ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gravity
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)     :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(inout)  :: prof_ad
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)     :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)     :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)     :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout)  :: predictors_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 66652484ad6acd5bfde5a669b4a5d09815011484..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & nlevels,       &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & profiles_k,    &! inout
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & aux_prof,      &! in
-     & predictors,    &! in
-     & predictors_k )  ! inout
-  ! Description
-  ! RTTOV-8 Model
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2005, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       22/06/2005  initial (P Brunel)
-  !                        based on version 1.4 (29/03/05) of AD code
-  !  1.1       07/12/2005  Add surface humidity (R. Saunders) 
-! !  1.2       13/10/2006  Corrected CO2 logic (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-   &   gravity      ,&
-   &   sensor_id_mw ,&
-   &   use_q2m
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-   &   rttov_coef     ,&
-   &   profile_Type   ,&
-   &   geometry_Type  ,&
-   &   profile_aux    ,&
-   &   predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nlevels                 ! Number of levels 
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! polarisation indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(in)     :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(inout)  :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Target, Intent(in)     :: angles(nprofiles)  
-  Type(predictors_Type), Target, Intent(in)     :: predictors(nprofiles)
-  Type(predictors_Type), Target, Intent(inout)  :: predictors_k(nchannels)
-  Type(rttov_coef),              Intent(in)     :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux) ,    Target, Intent(in)     :: aux_prof(nprofiles) ! auxillary profiles info.
-  !local variables:
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Pointer  :: geom
-  Type(profile_Type),    Pointer  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Pointer  :: prof_k
-  Type(profile_aux),     Pointer  :: prof_aux
-  Type(predictors_Type), Pointer  :: pred
-  Type(predictors_Type), Pointer  :: pred_k
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i          ! channel indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j          ! profile indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iv2, iv3
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: t(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: w(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: o(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wr(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wwr(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dt(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dtabs(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tw(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! intermediate variables
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: deltac(nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_ww(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_wwr(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_ow(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_twr(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum2_co2w(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_sq(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_sqrt(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_4(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! K variables
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: t_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: w_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: o_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: or_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wwr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2r_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: twr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dt_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dto_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tw_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ww_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ow_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2w_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_or_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wrwr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  nullify ( geom )
-  nullify ( prof )
-  nullify ( prof_k )
-  nullify ( prof_aux )
-  nullify ( pred )
-  nullify ( pred_k )
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Recompute Direct variables
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     prof => profiles(j)
-     prof_aux => aux_prof(j)
-     !1) Profile layer quantities
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     t(1, j) = prof % t(1)
-     t(2 : prof % nlevels, j) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          &   prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-     w(1, j) = prof % q(1)
-     w(2 : prof % nlevels, j) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          &   prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-     ! include surface humidity
-     If( use_q2m )Then
-       iv3 = prof_aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-       iv2 = prof_aux % nearestlev_surf
-       If ( iv2 <= coef % nlevels) Then
-         w(iv2,j) = (prof % s2m % q  + prof % q(iv3)) / 2._jprb  
-       Endif
-     Endif
-     !
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        o(1, j) = prof % o3(1)
-        o(2 : prof % nlevels, j) = ( prof % o3(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-             &   prof % o3(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-     Else
-        o( : , j ) = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-     If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        co2(1, j) = prof % co2(1)
-        co2(2 : prof % nlevels, j) = ( prof % co2(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-             &   prof % co2(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-     Endif
-     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     !2) calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     dt(:, j)  = t(:,j) - coef % tstar(:)
-     dtabs(:,j) = Abs(dt(:,j))
-     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     !3) calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or
-     ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     tr(:,j) = t(:,j) / coef % tstar(:)
-     tr_sq(:,j) = tr(:,j) * tr(:,j)
-     tr_4(:,j) = tr_sq(:,j) * tr_sq(:,j)
-     tr_sqrt(:,j) = Sqrt(tr(:,j))
-     wr(:,j) = w(:,j) / coef % wstar(:)
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! 4. calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw wwr
-     !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-     tw(1,j) = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-        tw( level, j) = tw( level-1, j) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1, j)
-     End Do
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level, j)  *  t ( level, j)
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )  * coef % tstar ( level )
-        sum2_wwr ( level, j) = sum2
-        wwr(level, j) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level, j)
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-        sum2_ww( level, j) = sum2
-     End Do
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        sum1 = 0._JPRB
-        sum2 = 0._JPRB
-        Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-           sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o       ( level, j)
-           sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-           sum2_ow( level, j) = sum2
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        sum1 = 0._JPRB
-        sum2 = 0._JPRB
-        Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-           sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     co2        ( level, j)
-           sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % co2star ( level )
-           sum2_co2w ( level, j) = sum2
-        End Do
-        sum1 = 0._JPRB
-        sum2 = 0._JPRB
-        sum2_twr ( 1, j) =  0._JPRB
-        Do level = 2, prof % nlevels
-           sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     t        ( level-1, j)
-           sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % tstar ( level-1 )
-           sum2_twr ( level, j) =  sum2
-        End Do
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Ajoint code
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  w_k(:,:)       = 0._JPRB
-  wr_k(:,:)      = 0._JPRB
-  ww_k(:,:)      = 0._JPRB
-  wwr_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  sec_wr_k(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  sec_wrwr_k(:,:)= 0._JPRB
-  dt_k(:,:)      = 0._JPRB
-  t_k(:,:)       = 0._JPRB
-  tr_k(:,:)      = 0._JPRB
-  tw_k(:,:)      = 0._JPRB
-  !5.6 CO2
-  !-------
-  If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     co2r_k(:,:)    = 0._JPRB
-     co2w_k(:,:)    = 0._JPRB
-     twr_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-     co2_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        j = lprofiles( freq )
-        prof   => profiles(j) ! for test on CO2 data
-        geom   => angles(j)
-        pred   => predictors(j)
-        ! prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-        pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-        !
-        twr_k(:,i) = twr_k(:,i) + pred_k % co2(10,:) * geom%seczen * tr_sqrt(:,j)
-        tr_k(:,i)  = tr_k(:,i) + pred_k % co2(10,:) * 0.5_JPRB *  pred % co2(7,:) / tr_sqrt(:,j)
-        twr_k(:,i) = twr_k(:,i) + pred_k % co2(9,:) * 3 * geom%seczen * pred % co2(9,:) &
-                &  /  pred % co2(7,:)
-        co2w_k(:,i) = co2w_k(:,i) + 2 * geom%seczen * pred_k % co2(8,:) * Sqrt(pred % co2(8,:))
-        twr_k(:,i)  = twr_k(:,i) + pred_k % co2(7,:) * geom%seczen
-        pred_k % co2(6,:) = 0._JPRB
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + pred_k % co2(5,:)
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + 2 * pred_k % co2(4,:) * pred % co2(3,:)
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + pred_k % co2(3,:) * geom%seczen
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + 2 * pred_k % co2(2,:) * pred % co2(5,:)
-        co2r_k(:,i) = co2r_k(:,i) + pred_k % co2(1,:) * geom%seczen
-     End Do ! channels
-  End If ! coefs CO2
-  !5.5 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        j = lprofiles( freq )
-        prof   => profiles(j)
-        If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-           geom   => angles(j)
-           prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-           pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-           prof_k%clw(1:prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k%clw(1:prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-                & 0.5_JPRB * pred_k % clw(2:prof_k % nlevels) *&
-                & deltac(2:prof_k % nlevels) * geom%seczen
-           pred_k % clw(2:prof_k % nlevels) = 0.5_JPRB *  pred_k % clw(2:prof_k % nlevels)
-           prof_k%clw(:) = prof_k%clw(:)  + pred_k % clw(:) *&
-                & deltac(:) * geom%seczen
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !5.4 ozone
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o_k(:,:)      = 0._JPRB
-     or_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-     wr_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-     ow_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-     dto_k(:,:)    = 0._JPRB
-     sec_or_k(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        j = lprofiles( freq )
-        ! prof   => profiles(j)      (use of variables derived from prof )
-        geom   => angles(j)
-        pred   => predictors(j)
-        ! prof_k => profiles_k(i)     (not used for O3 )
-        pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-        ! One can pack all ow_k lines in one longer statement
-        ! same for sec_or_k and dto_k
-        ow_k(:,i) = ow_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(11,:) *&
-             &  2 * geom%seczen * pred % ozone(10,:)
-        ow_k(:,i) = ow_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(10,:) * geom%seczen
-        sec_or_k(:,i) = sec_or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(9,:) *&
-             & Sqrt(pred % ozone(10,:))
-        ow_k(:,i)    = ow_k(:,i)      + pred_k % ozone(9,:) *&
-             & 0.5_JPRB * geom%seczen * pred % ozone(1,:) &
-             &    / Sqrt(pred % ozone(10,:))
-        ow_k(:,i) = ow_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(8,:) *&
-             & pred % ozone(1,:)
-        or_k(:,i) = or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(8,:) *&
-             & pred % ozone(10,:)
-        sec_or_k(:,i) = sec_or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(7,:) *&
-             & 1.5_JPRB * pred % ozone(2,:) / pred % ozone(10,:)
-        ow_k(:,i)     = ow_k(:,i)     - pred_k % ozone(7,:) *&
-             & geom%seczen * pred % ozone(2,:)**3 / pred % ozone(10,:)**2
-        or_k(:,i) =  or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(6,:) *&
-             & 2 * pred % ozone(8,:)
-        ow_k(:,i) = ow_k(:,i)  + pred_k % ozone(6,:) *&
-             & pred % ozone(4,:) / geom%seczen
-        sec_or_k(:,i) = sec_or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(5,:) *&
-             & 0.5_JPRB * pred % ozone(3,:) /&
-             &     ( pred % ozone(1,:) *pred % ozone(2,:))
-        dto_k(:,i) = dto_k(:,i)       + pred_k % ozone(5,:) *&
-             & pred % ozone(2,:)
-        sec_or_k(:,i) = sec_or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(4,:) *&
-             & 2 * pred % ozone(1,:)
-        sec_or_k(:,i) = sec_or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(3,:) *&
-             & pred % ozone(3,:) / pred % ozone(1,:)
-        dto_k(:,i)    = dto_k(:,i)    + pred_k % ozone(3,:) *&
-             & pred % ozone(1,:)
-        sec_or_k(:,i) = sec_or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(2,:) *&
-             & 0.5_JPRB / pred % ozone(2,:)
-        sec_or_k(:,i) = sec_or_k(:,i) + pred_k % ozone(1,:)
-        or_k(:,i) = or_k(:,i) + sec_or_k(:,i) * geom%seczen
-     End Do ! channels
-  Endif ! Coef O3
-  !5.3 Water Vapour Continuum based on RTIASI
-  !------------------------------------------
-  If ( coef % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        j = lprofiles( freq )
-        ! prof   => profiles(j)   (use of variables derived from prof )
-        ! geom   => angles(j)
-        pred   => predictors(j)
-        ! prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-        pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-        sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + pred_k % wvcont(4,:) / tr_sq(:,j)
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) - 2 * pred_k % wvcont(4,:)* &
-             & pred % watervapour(7,:) / (tr_sq(:,j) * tr(:,j))
-        sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + pred_k % wvcont(3,:) / tr(:,j)
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) - pred_k % wvcont(3,:) * &
-             & pred % watervapour(7,:) / tr_sq(:,j)
-        sec_wrwr_k(:,i) = sec_wrwr_k(:,i) + pred_k % wvcont(2,:) / tr_4(:,j)
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) - 4 * pred_k % wvcont(2,:) * &
-             & pred % wvcont(1,:) / tr_4(:,j)
-        sec_wrwr_k(:,i) = sec_wrwr_k(:,i) + pred_k % wvcont(1,:) / tr(:,j)
-        tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) - pred_k % wvcont(1,:) * &
-             & pred % wvcont(1,:) / tr(:,j)
-     End Do ! channels
-  Endif ! Coefs WV Cont
-  !
-  !5.2 water vapour based on RTIASI
-  !--------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     ! prof   => profiles(j)    (use of variables derived from prof )
-     geom   => angles(j)
-     pred   => predictors(j)
-     ! prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-     pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-     wr_k(:,i) = wr_k(:,i) + 1.5_JPRB * pred_k % watervapour(12,:) *&
-          & pred % watervapour(5,:) / wwr(:,j)
-     wwr_k(:,i) = wwr_k(:,i) - pred_k % watervapour(12,:) *&
-          & pred % watervapour(5,:) * wr(:,j) / (wwr(:,j) * wwr(:,j))
-     wr_k(:,i) = wr_k(:,i) + 2 * pred_k % watervapour(11,:) *&
-          & pred % watervapour(7,:) / wwr(:,j)
-     wwr_k(:,i) = wwr_k(:,i) - pred_k % watervapour(11,:) *&
-          & pred % watervapour(1,:) / (geom%seczen * wwr(:,j) * wwr(:,j))
-     dt_k(:,i) = dt_k(:,i) + pred_k % watervapour(10,:) *&
-          & pred % watervapour(5,:)
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + 0.5_JPRB * pred_k % watervapour(10,:) *&
-          & dt(:,j) / pred % watervapour(5,:)
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + pred_k % watervapour(9,:) * dtabs(:,j) * dt(:,j)
-     dt_k(:,i) = dt_k(:,i) + 2 * pred_k % watervapour(9,:) *&
-          &                    pred % watervapour(7,:) * dtabs(:,j)
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + 3 * pred_k % watervapour(8,:) *&
-          &  pred % watervapour(1,:)
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + pred_k % watervapour(7,:)
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + 0.25_JPRB * pred_k % watervapour(6,:) /&
-          & pred % watervapour(6,:)**3
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + 0.5_JPRB * pred_k % watervapour(5,:) /&
-          & pred % watervapour(5,:)
-     dt_k(:,i) = dt_k(:,i) + pred_k % watervapour(4,:) *&
-          & pred % watervapour(7,:)
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + pred_k % watervapour(4,:) * dt(:,j)
-     ww_k(:,i) = ww_k(:,i) + 2 * pred_k % watervapour(3,:) * &
-          & geom%seczen * pred % watervapour(2,:)
-     ww_k(:,i) = ww_k(:,i) + pred_k % watervapour(2,:) * geom%seczen
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + 2 * pred_k % watervapour(1,:) * &
-          &  pred % watervapour(7,:)
-     sec_wr_k(:,i) = sec_wr_k(:,i) + sec_wrwr_k(:,i)* wr(:,j)
-     wr_k(:,i) = wr_k(:,i) + sec_wrwr_k(:,i) * pred % watervapour(7,:)
-     wr_k(:,i) = wr_k(:,i) + sec_wr_k(:,i) * geom % seczen
-  End Do ! channels
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---------------
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     ! prof   => profiles(j)   (use of variables derived from prof )
-     geom   => angles(j)
-     pred   => predictors(j)
-     prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-     pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-     ! X10
-     tw_k(2:prof_k % nlevels,i) = tw_k(2:prof_k % nlevels,i) +&
-          & pred_k % mixedgas(10,2:prof_k % nlevels) *&
-          &  0.25_JPRB * geom % seczen_sq &
-          & / pred % mixedgas(10,2:prof_k % nlevels)**3
-     ! X9
-     ! X8
-     tw_k(:,i) = tw_k(:,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(8,:) *&
-          & geom % seczen / pred % mixedgas(5,:)
-     tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) - pred_k % mixedgas(8,:) *&
-          & pred % mixedgas(7,:) / pred % mixedgas(6,:)
-     ! X7
-     tw_k(:,i) = tw_k(:,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(7,:) *&
-          &  geom % seczen
-     ! X6
-     tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(6,:) *&
-          &  2._JPRB * tr(:,j)
-     ! X5
-     tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(5,:)
-     ! X4
-     tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(4,:) *&
-          & 2._JPRB * pred % mixedgas(3,:)
-     ! X3
-     tr_k(:,i) = tr_k(:,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(3,:) *&
-          & geom % seczen
-     ! X2
-     ! X1
-  End Do ! channels
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     prof   => profiles(j)
-     geom   => angles(j)
-     pred   => predictors(j)
-     prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-     pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     !   calc adjoint of profile/reference sums
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        sum1 = 0._JPRB
-        Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 1 , -1
-           sum1 = sum1 + co2w_k(level, i) / sum2_co2w(level, j)
-           co2_k( level, i) = co2_k( level, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-        End Do
-        sum1 = 0._JPRB
-        Do level = prof_k % nlevels , 2, -1
-           sum1 = sum1 + twr_k(level,i) / sum2_twr(level,j)
-           t_k( level-1, i) = t_k( level-1, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-        End Do
-     Else
-        t_k(:,i) = 0._JPRB
-        co2_k(:,i) = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-     !
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 1, -1
-           sum1 = sum1 + ow_k ( level, i) / sum2_ow(level, j)
-           o_k( level, i) = o_k( level, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-        End Do
-     Else
-        o_k(:,i) = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-     !
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 1, -1
-        sum1 = sum1 + wwr_k ( level, i) / sum2_wwr(level, j)
-        w_k( level, i) = w_k( level, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level ) * t( level, j)
-        t_k( level, i) = t_k( level, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level ) * w( level, j)
-     End Do
-     !
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 1, -1
-        sum1 = sum1 + ww_k ( level, i) / sum2_ww(level, j)
-        w_k( level, i) = w_k( level, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-     Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 2, -1
-        tw_k( level-1, i) = tw_k( level-1, i) + tw_k( level, i)
-        tr_k( level-1, i) = tr_k( level-1, i) + tw_k( level, i) *&
-             & coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     !   calc adjoint of profile deviations
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        co2_k(:,i) = co2_k(:,i) + co2r_k(:,i) / coef % co2star(:)
-     Endif
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        o_k(:,i) = o_k(:,i) + or_k(:,i) / coef % ostar(:)
-     Endif
-     w_k(:,i) = w_k(:,i) + wr_k(:,i) / coef % wstar(:)
-     t_k(:,i) = t_k(:,i) + tr_k(:,i) / coef % tstar(:)
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        t_k(:,i) = t_k(:,i) + dto_k(:,i)
-     Endif
-     t_k(:,i) = t_k(:,i) + dt_k(:,i)
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     !   calc adjoint of profile layer means
-     !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        prof_k % co2(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k % co2(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-             & 0.5_JPRB *co2_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-        prof_k % co2(2 : prof_k % nlevels)   = prof_k % co2(2 : prof_k % nlevels) +&
-             & 0.5_JPRB *co2_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-        prof_k % co2(1) = prof_k % co2(1) + co2_k(1,i)
-     Endif
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        prof_k % o3(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k % o3(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-             & 0.5_JPRB *o_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-        prof_k % o3(2 : prof_k % nlevels)   = prof_k % o3(2 : prof_k % nlevels) +&
-             & 0.5_JPRB *o_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-        prof_k % o3(1) = prof_k % o3(1) + o_k(1,i)
-     Endif
-     ! include K surface humidity
-     If ( use_q2m )Then
-       prof_k % s2m % q = prof_k % s2m % q + 0.5_JPRB *w_k(iv2,i)
-       prof_k % q(iv3) = prof_k % q(iv3) + 0.5_JPRB *w_k(iv2,i)
-       prof_k % q(1 : iv3-1) = prof_k % q(1 : iv3-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *w_k(2 : iv3, i)
-       prof_k % q(2 : iv3)   = prof_k % q(2 : iv3) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *w_k(2 : iv3, i)
-     Else
-       prof_k % q(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k % q(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *w_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-       prof_k % q(2 : prof_k % nlevels)   = prof_k % q(2 : prof_k % nlevels) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *w_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-     Endif
-     prof_k % q(1) = prof_k % q(1) + w_k(1,i)
-     prof_k % t(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k % t(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *t_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-     prof_k % t(2 : prof_k % nlevels)   = prof_k % t(2 : prof_k % nlevels) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *t_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-     prof_k % t(1) = prof_k % t(1) + t_k(1,i)
-  End Do ! channels
-  nullify ( geom )
-  nullify ( prof )
-  nullify ( prof_k )
-  nullify ( pred )
-  nullify ( pred_k )
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ae8eac52cbb4eab019e4288fa2003b152c55928..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & nlevels,       &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & profiles_k,    &! inout
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & predictors,    &! in
-     & predictors_k )  ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-   &   gravity    ,&
-   &   sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nlevels                 ! Number of levels 
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! polarisation indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)     :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(inout)  :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)     :: angles(nprofiles)  
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)     :: coef
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)     :: predictors(nprofiles)
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout)  :: predictors_k(nchannels)
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 1566251d373db4e31d2c630e512378be0c92244e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_tl( &
-     prof,       & ! in
-     prof_tl,    & ! in
-     geom,       & ! in
-     coef,       & ! in
-     aux,        & ! in
-     predictors, & ! in
-     predictors_tl ) ! inout
-  ! Description
-  ! RTTOV-8 Model
-  ! TL of rttov_setpredictors_8
-  ! To calculate and store the profile variables (predictors) required
-  ! in subsequent transmittance calculations.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see RTTOV7 science and validation report pages 18/19
-  ! variable names are close to the documentation
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0   29/01/2003  Original - copy of RTTOV7 model (P Brunel)
-  !                               as a template for RTTOV-8
-  !  1.1   17/09/2003  Added predictors for wv line and continuum and CO2 (R Saunders)
-  !  1.2   03/06/2004  Parkind parametrisation, correction of wwr_tl calculation
-  !                    simplify TL of predictor 9 for WVL (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.3   23/02/2005  Correction of Twr definition (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.4   29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !  1.5   07/12/2005  Add surface humidity (R. Saunders)
-! !  1.6   13/10/2006  Corrected CO2 profile logic (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-    &  gravity       ,&
-    &  sensor_id_mw  ,&
-    &  use_q2m
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-     & rttov_coef     ,&
-     & profile_Type   ,&
-     & geometry_Type  ,&
-     & profile_aux    ,&
-     & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof_tl
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)  :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)  :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)  :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors_tl ! in because of mem allocation
-  Type(profile_aux) ,    Intent(in)    :: aux        ! auxillary profiles info.
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iv2, iv3
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: t(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: w(prof % nlevels)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wwr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: twr(prof % nlevels)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dt(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dtabs(prof % nlevels)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tw(prof % nlevels)
-  ! intermediate variables
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: deltac(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_sq(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_sqrt(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_4(prof % nlevels)
-  ! TL variables
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: t_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: w_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: o_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tr_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wr_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: wwr_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: or_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2r_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: twr_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dt_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: dto_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: tw_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ww_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: ow_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: co2w_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_or_tl(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wr_tl(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=Jprb) :: sec_wrwr_tl(prof %nlevels)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Recompute direct variables
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 1) profile layer mean quantities
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  t(1) = prof % t(1)
-  t(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  w(1) = prof % q(1)
-  w(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  !
-  If ( use_q2m )Then
-  ! include surface humidity
-    iv3 = aux % nearestlev_surf - 1
-    iv2 = aux % nearestlev_surf
-    If ( iv2 <= coef % nlevels) Then
-      w(iv2) = (prof % s2m % q  + prof % q(iv3)) / 2._JPRB
-    Endif
-  Endif
-  ! Direct value of o and co2 NOT needed for TL
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !2) calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  dt(:)  = t(:) - coef % tstar(:)
-  dtabs(:) = Abs(dt(:))
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !3) calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tr(:) = t(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  wr(:) = w(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 4. calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw wwr twr
-  !--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tw(1) = 0.
-  Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-     tw( level ) = tw( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level )  *  t ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )  * coef % tstar ( level )
-     wwr ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  ! Direct value of ww NOT needed for TL
-  ! Direct value of ow NOT needed for TL
-  ! Direct value of co2w NOT needed for TL
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     twr (1 ) =  0._JPRB
-     Do level = 2, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     t        ( level-1 )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % tstar ( level-1 )
-        twr ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-  Else
-     twr(:) = 1._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Now compute TL variables
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 1) profile layer mean quantities
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  t_tl(1) = prof_tl % t(1)
-  t_tl(2 : prof_tl % nlevels ) = ( prof_tl % t(1 : prof_tl % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof_tl % t(2 : prof_tl % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  w_tl(1) = prof_tl % q(1)
-  w_tl(2 : prof_tl % nlevels ) = ( prof_tl % q(1 : prof_tl % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof_tl % q(2 : prof_tl % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  ! include tl surface humidity
-  If ( use_q2m )Then
-    If ( iv2 <= coef % nlevels) Then
-      w_tl(iv2) = (prof_tl % s2m % q  + prof_tl % q(iv3)) / 2._JPRB 
-    Endif
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o_tl(1) = prof_tl % o3(1)
-     o_tl(2 : prof_tl % nlevels ) = ( prof_tl % o3(1 : prof_tl % nlevels-1) + &
-          &   prof_tl % o3(2 : prof_tl % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-    co2_tl(1) = prof_tl % co2(1)
-    co2_tl(2 : prof_tl % nlevels ) = ( prof_tl % co2(1 : prof_tl % nlevels-1) + &
-       &   prof_tl % co2(2 : prof_tl % nlevels  ) ) / 2._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !2) calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  dt_tl(:)  = t_tl(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     dto_tl(:) = t_tl(:)
-  Else
-     dto_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !3) calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr_tl wr_tl or_tl
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tr_tl(:) = t_tl(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  wr_tl(:) = w_tl(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     or_tl(:) = o_tl(:) / coef % ostar(:)
-  Else
-     or_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     co2r_tl(:) = co2_tl(:) / coef % co2star(:)
-  Else
-     co2r_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 4. calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw_tl ww_tl ow_tl co2w_tl
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  tw_tl(1) = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 2 , prof_tl % nlevels
-     tw_tl( level ) = tw_tl( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr_tl ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w_tl    ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-     ww_tl ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) * ( w_tl  ( level )  *  t    ( level ) + &
-          &                                w     ( level )  *  t_tl ( level ) )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )  * coef % tstar ( level )
-     wwr_tl ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o_tl    ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-        ow_tl ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-  Else
-     ow_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  If ( prof % co2_Data .And. coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     co2_tl     ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % co2star ( level )
-        co2w_tl ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     twr_tl (1 ) =  0._JPRB
-    Do level = 2, prof_tl % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *     t_tl     ( level-1 )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % tstar ( level-1 )
-        twr_tl ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-  Else
-    co2w_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-    twr_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! End of TL profile calcs
-  !  w_tl(:) = prof_tl % q(:)
-  !5) set predictors for RTTOV-8 options
-  !--
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(1,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(2,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(3,:)  = geom % seczen * tr_tl(:)
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(4,:)  = 2._JPRB * predictors % mixedgas(3,:) * tr_tl(:)
-  ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(4,:)  = 2. * geom % seczen * tr_tl(:) * tr(:)
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(5,:)  = tr_tl(:)
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(6,:)  = 2._JPRB * tr_tl(:) * tr(:)
-  ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(6,:)  = 2. * tr_tl(:) * predictors % mixedgas(5,:)
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(7,:)  = geom % seczen * tw_tl(:)
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(8,:)  =&
-       &                geom % seczen * tw_tl(:) / predictors % mixedgas(5,:) &
-       & - predictors % mixedgas(7,:) * tr_tl(:) / predictors % mixedgas(6,:)
-  ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(8,:)  = geom % seczen *&
-  !     & ( tw_tl(:) / tr(:) - tw(:) * tr_tl(:) / tr(:)**2 )
-  ! 9 and 10 may be removed after testing
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(9,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  ! predictor 10 is always 0 for the first level
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(10,1) = 0._JPRB
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(10,2:prof_tl % nlevels) =&
-       &  0.25_JPRB * geom % seczen_sq * tw_tl(2:prof_tl % nlevels)&
-       & / predictors % mixedgas(10,2:prof_tl % nlevels)**3
-  ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(10,:) = 0.25 * geom % seczen_sqrt * tw_tl(:) / tw(:)**0.75
-  !5.2 water vapour lines based on RTIASI
-  !--------------------------------------
-  sec_wr_tl(:)   = geom%seczen * wr_tl(:)
-  sec_wrwr_tl(:)   = sec_wr_tl(:) * wr(:) + predictors % watervapour(7,:) * wr_tl(:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(1,:)  = 2 *  predictors % watervapour(7,:) * sec_wr_tl(:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(2,:)  = geom%seczen * ww_tl(:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(3,:)  =  2 * predictors % watervapour(2,:) *  predictors_tl % watervapour(2,:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(4,:)  =  predictors % watervapour(7,:) * dt_tl(:) + sec_wr_tl(:) * dt(:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(5,:)  = 0.5_JPRB * sec_wr_tl(:) /  predictors % watervapour(5,:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(6,:)  = 0.25_JPRB * sec_wr_tl(:) /  predictors % watervapour(6,:)**3
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(7,:)  =  sec_wr_tl(:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(8,:)  = 3 * predictors % watervapour(1,:) * sec_wr_tl(:)
-  ! NB can we sort this next one out?
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(9,:)  =  &
-       & dtabs(:) * &
-       & (sec_wr_tl(:) * dt(:) + 2 * predictors % watervapour(7,:)  * dt_tl(:) )
-!  Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-!     predictors_tl % watervapour(9,level)  =  &
-!       & Abs(dt(level)) * &
-!       & (sec_wr_tl(level) * dt(level) + 2 * predictors % watervapour(7,level)  * dt_tl(level) )
-!!$   If ( dt(level) >= 0. )Then
-!!$     predictors_tl % watervapour(9,level)  =  sec_wr_tl(level) * dt(level) * dt(level) + &
-!!$            & 2 * predictors % watervapour(7,level) * dt(level) * dt_tl(level)
-!!$   Else
-!!$     predictors_tl % watervapour(9,level)  =  sec_wr_tl(level) * dt(level) * dtabs(level) + &
-!!$            & predictors % watervapour(7,level) * dtabs(level) * dt_tl(level) - &
-!!$            & predictors % watervapour(7,level) * dt(level) * dt_tl(level)
-!!$   Endif
-!  End Do
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(10,:)  = predictors % watervapour(5,:) * dt_tl(:) + 0.5_JPRB * dt(:) * sec_wr_tl(:)/ &
-                                      &  predictors % watervapour(5,:)
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(11,:)  = 2 * predictors % watervapour(7,:) * wr_tl(:)/wwr(:) - &
-                                      & predictors % watervapour(1,:) * wwr_tl(:) / (geom%seczen*wwr(:)*wwr(:))
-  predictors_tl % watervapour(12,:)  = 1.5_JPRB * predictors % watervapour(5,:) * wr_tl(:) / wwr(:) - &
-                                      & predictors % watervapour(5,:) * wr * wwr_tl(:) / (wwr(:)*wwr(:))
-  !predictors_tl % watervapour(12,:)  = 1.5 * sec_wr(:)**0.5 * wr_tl(:) / wwr(:) - &
-  !                                    &  * wr * sec_wr(:)**0.5 * wwr_tl(:) / (wwr(:) * wwr(:))
-  !
-  !5.3 water vapour continuum transmittance based on RTIASI
-  !--------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  If ( coef % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-    tr_sq(:) = tr(:) * tr(:)
-    tr_4(:) = tr_sq(:) * tr_sq(:)
-    !predictors_tl % wvcont(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-    predictors_tl % wvcont(1,:)  = sec_wrwr_tl(:) / tr(:) -  predictors % wvcont(1,:) * tr_tl(:) / tr(:)
-    predictors_tl % wvcont(2,:)  = sec_wrwr_tl(:) / tr_4(:) - 4 * predictors % wvcont(1,:) * tr_tl(:) / &
-                                     & tr_4(:)
-    predictors_tl % wvcont(3,:)  = sec_wr_tl(:) / tr(:) -  predictors % watervapour(7,:) * tr_tl(:) / tr_sq(:)
-    predictors_tl % wvcont(4,:)  = sec_wr_tl(:) / tr_sq(:) - 2 * predictors % watervapour(7,:) * tr_tl(:) / &
-                                     & (tr_sq(:)*tr(:))
-  Endif
-  !
-  !5.4 ozone
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sec_or_tl(:) = geom%seczen * or_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(1,:)  = &
-          & sec_or_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(2,:)  = &
-          & 0.5_JPRB * sec_or_tl(:) / predictors % ozone(2,:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(3,:)  = &
-          & sec_or_tl(:) * predictors % ozone(3,:) / predictors % ozone(1,:)&
-          & + predictors % ozone(1,:) * dto_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(4,:)  = &
-          & 2 * sec_or_tl(:) * predictors % ozone(1,:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(5,:)  = &
-          & 0.5_JPRB * sec_or_tl(:) * predictors % ozone(3,:) /&
-          &     ( predictors % ozone(1,:) *predictors % ozone(2,:))&
-          & + predictors % ozone(2,:) * dto_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(6,:)  = &
-          & 2 * predictors % ozone(8,:) * or_tl(:)&
-          & + predictors % ozone(4,:) * ow_tl(:) / geom%seczen
-     predictors_tl % ozone(7,:)  = &
-          & 1.5_JPRB * sec_or_tl(:) * predictors % ozone(2,:) / predictors % ozone(10,:)&
-          & - geom%seczen * ow_tl(:) * predictors % ozone(2,:)**3 / predictors % ozone(10,:)**2
-     predictors_tl % ozone(8,:)  = &
-          & predictors % ozone(10,:) * or_tl(:)&
-          & + predictors % ozone(1,:) * ow_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(9,:)  = &
-          & sec_or_tl(:) * Sqrt(predictors % ozone(10,:))&
-          & + 0.5_JPRB * geom%seczen * ow_tl(:) * predictors % ozone(1,:)&
-          &    / Sqrt(predictors % ozone(10,:))
-     predictors_tl % ozone(10,:) = &
-          & geom%seczen * ow_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(11,:) = &
-          & 2 * geom%seczen * ow_tl(:) * predictors % ozone(10,:)
-  Endif
-  !
-  !5.5 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( prof % clw_Data .And. coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     predictors_tl % clw(:)    = deltac(:) * prof_tl%clw(:) * geom%seczen
-     predictors_tl % clw(2:prof_tl % nlevels) =          &
-          &  0.5_JPRB *                                       &
-          & ( predictors_tl % clw(2:prof_tl % nlevels) + &
-          &  deltac(2:prof_tl % nlevels) * prof_tl%clw(1:prof_tl % nlevels-1) * &
-          &  geom%seczen )
-  Else
-     predictors_tl % ncloud   = 0
-  Endif
-  !
-  !5.6 carbon dioxide transmittance based on RTIASI
-  !-------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     tr_sqrt(:) = Sqrt(tr(:))
-     predictors_tl % co2(1,:)    = geom%seczen * co2r_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(2,:)    = 2 * tr_tl(:) * predictors % co2(5,:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(3,:)    = geom%seczen * tr_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(4,:)    = 2 * tr_tl(:) * predictors % co2(3,:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(5,:)    = tr_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(6,:)    = 0._JPRB
-     predictors_tl % co2(7,:)    = geom%seczen * twr_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(8,:)    = 2 * geom%seczen * Sqrt( predictors % co2(8,:)) * co2w_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(9,:)    = 3 * twr(:) * twr(:) * twr_tl(:)
-     predictors_tl % co2(10,:)   = geom%seczen * tr_sqrt(:) * twr_tl(:) + &
-                                   & 0.5_JPRB * predictors % co2(7,:) * tr_tl(:) / tr_sqrt(:)
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 1841f1c71aa1ae1afa259b2e14b4c4f699072e62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_tl( &
-     prof,       & ! in
-     prof_tl,    & ! in
-     geom,       & ! in
-     coef,       & ! in
-     predictors, & ! in
-     predictors_tl ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gravity
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof_tl
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)  :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)  :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)  :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors_tl ! in because of mem allocation
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_8_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c33f1df9c41816a5005811d72a8b5901d07aa3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_ad( &
-     & prof,        &! in
-     & prof_ad,     &! inout
-     & geom,        &! in
-     & coef,        &! in
-     & predictors,  &! in
-     & predictors_ad ) ! inout
-  ! Description
-  ! RTTOV-7 Model
-  ! AD of rttov_setpredictors
-  ! To calculate and store the profile variables (predictors) required
-  ! in subsequent transmittance calculations.
-  ! Code based on PRFTAU from previous versions of RTTOV
-  ! Only one profile per call
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see RTTOV7 science and validation report pages 18/19
-  ! variable names are close to the documentation
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.2       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & gravity
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)     :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(inout)  :: prof_ad
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)     :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)     :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)     :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout)  :: predictors_ad
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o(prof % nlevels)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wr(prof % nlevels)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dt(prof % nlevels)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tw(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: deltac(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_wr(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum2_ww(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum2_ow(prof %nlevels)
-  ! TL variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tr_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wr_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: or_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dt_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dto_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tw_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ww_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ow_ad(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_or_ad(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_wr_ad(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zsqrt
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! profile layer quantities
-  ! Direct variables
-  t(1) = prof % t(1)
-  t(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  w(1) = prof % q(1)
-  w(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o(1) = prof % o3(1)
-     o(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % o3(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-             & prof % o3(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  Endif
-  !3) calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (dto =0)
-  ! Direct variables
-  dt(:)  = t(:) - coef % tstar(:)
-  !2) calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-  ! Direct variables
-  tr(:) = t(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  wr(:) = w(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  ! calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw ww ow
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (ow =1)
-  ! Direct variables
-  tw(1) = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-     tw( level ) = tw( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-     sum2_ww( level ) = sum2
-  End Do
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o       ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-        sum2_ow( level ) = sum2
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  ! Ajoint code
-  !-------------
-  w_ad(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  wr_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-  ww_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-  sec_wr_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  dt_ad(:)     = 0._JPRB
-  t_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  tr_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  tw_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  !5.4 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     prof_ad%clw(1:prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad%clw(1:prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-           & 0.5_JPRB * predictors_ad % clw(2:prof_ad % nlevels) *&
-           & deltac(2:prof_ad % nlevels) * geom%seczen
-     predictors_ad % clw(2:prof_ad % nlevels) = 0.5_JPRB *  predictors_ad % clw(2:prof_ad % nlevels)
-     prof_ad%clw(:) = prof_ad%clw(:)  + predictors_ad % clw(:) *&
-           & deltac(:) * geom%seczen
-  Endif
-  !5.3 ozone
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-    Do level = 1,prof_ad % nlevels
-      o_ad(level)      = 0._JPRB
-      or_ad(level)     = 0._JPRB
-      ow_ad(level)     = 0._JPRB
-      dto_ad(level)    = 0._JPRB
-      sec_or_ad(level) = 0._JPRB
-      ! One can pack all ow_ad lines in one longer statement
-      ! same for sec_or_ad and dto_ad
-      ow_ad(level) = ow_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(11,level) *&
-             & 2 * geom%seczen * predictors % ozone(10,level)
-      ow_ad(level) = ow_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(10,level) * geom%seczen
-      zsqrt=Sqrt(predictors % ozone(10,level))
-      sec_or_ad(level) = sec_or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(9,level) *&
-            & zsqrt
-      ow_ad(level)    = ow_ad(level)      + predictors_ad % ozone(9,level) *&
-            & 0.5_JPRB * geom%seczen * predictors % ozone(1,level) &
-               & / zsqrt
-      ow_ad(level) = ow_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(8,level) *&
-            & predictors % ozone(1,level)
-      or_ad(level) = or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(8,level) *&
-            & predictors % ozone(10,level)
-      sec_or_ad(level) = sec_or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(7,level) *&
-            & 1.5_JPRB * predictors % ozone(2,level) / predictors % ozone(10,level)
-      ow_ad(level)     = ow_ad(level)     - predictors_ad % ozone(7,level) *&
-            & geom%seczen * predictors % ozone(2,level)**3 / predictors % ozone(10,level)**2
-      or_ad(level) =  or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(6,level) *&
-            & 2 * predictors % ozone(8,level)
-      ow_ad(level) = ow_ad(level)  + predictors_ad % ozone(6,level) *&
-            & predictors % ozone(4,level) / geom%seczen
-      sec_or_ad(level) = sec_or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(5,level) *&
-            & 0.5_JPRB * predictors % ozone(3,level) /&
-                & ( predictors % ozone(1,level) *predictors % ozone(2,level))
-      dto_ad(level) = dto_ad(level)       + predictors_ad % ozone(5,level) *&
-            & predictors % ozone(2,level)
-      sec_or_ad(level) = sec_or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(4,level) *&
-            & 2 * predictors % ozone(1,level)
-      sec_or_ad(level) = sec_or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(3,level) *&
-            & predictors % ozone(3,level) / predictors % ozone(1,level)
-      dto_ad(level)    = dto_ad(level)    + predictors_ad % ozone(3,level) *&
-            & predictors % ozone(1,level)
-      sec_or_ad(level) = sec_or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(2,level) *&
-            & 0.5_JPRB / predictors % ozone(2,level)
-      sec_or_ad(level) = sec_or_ad(level) + predictors_ad % ozone(1,level)
-      or_ad(level) = or_ad(level) + sec_or_ad(level) * geom%seczen
-    End Do
-  Endif
-  !5.2 water vapour  ( numbers in right hand are predictor numbers
-  ! in the reference document for RTTOV7 (science and validation report)
-  !----------------
-  Do level = 1,prof_ad % nlevels
-    sec_wr(level)    = geom%seczen * wr(level)
-    ! X15  (15)
-    wr_ad(level) = wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(15,level) *&
-          & predictors % watervapour(15,level) * geom%seczen  * &
-          & 2 / predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    tr_ad(level) = tr_ad(level) - predictors_ad % watervapour(15,level) *&
-          & predictors % watervapour(15,level) * geom%seczen  * &
-            & 4 * predictors % watervapour(14,level)  / &
-                & predictors % watervapour(5,level)
-    ! X14  (14)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(14,level) *&
-          & 2 * predictors % watervapour(14,level) / predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    tr_ad(level)     = tr_ad(level)     - predictors_ad % watervapour(14,level) *&
-           & predictors % watervapour(14,level)**2 / (geom%seczen * wr(level) * wr(level))
-    ! X13 (2)
-    zsqrt=Sqrt( predictors % watervapour(13,level))
-    ww_ad(level) =  ww_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(13,level) *&
-          & 2 * geom%seczen * zsqrt
-    ! X12 (3)
-    ww_ad(level) =  ww_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(12,level) *&
-          & 4 * geom%seczen * predictors % watervapour(12,level) &
-          & / zsqrt
-    ! X11 (10)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(11,level) *&
-           & Abs(dt(level)) * dt(level)
-    dt_ad(level) = dt_ad(level)         + predictors_ad % watervapour(11,level) *&
-          & 2 * sec_wr(level) * Abs(dt(level))
-    ! X10 (9)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(10,level) *&
-          & 4 *  predictors % watervapour(9,level)
-    ! X9 (8)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(9,level) *&
-           & 3 * predictors % watervapour(5,level)
-    ! X8 (13)
-    wr_ad(level) = wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(8,level) *&
-          & geom%seczen * predictors % watervapour(8,level) * &
-           & 1.5_JPRB / predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    ww_ad(level) = ww_ad(level) - predictors_ad % watervapour(8,level) *&
-          & geom%seczen * predictors % watervapour(8,level) / &
-               & predictors % watervapour(13,level)**0.5_JPRB
-    ! X7 (6)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(7,level) *&
-          & 0.25_JPRB / predictors % watervapour(7,level)**3
-    ! X6 (11)
-    dt_ad(level)     = dt_ad(level)     + predictors_ad % watervapour(6,level) *&
-          & predictors % watervapour(2,level)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(6,level) *&
-          & 0.5_JPRB * predictors % watervapour(6,level) / predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    ! X5 (1)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(5,level) *&
-          & 2 * predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    ! X4 (4)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(4,level) *&
-           & predictors % watervapour(4,level) / predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    dt_ad(level)     = dt_ad(level)     + predictors_ad % watervapour(4,level) *&
-          & predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    ! X3 (12)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(3,level) *&
-          & 2 * predictors % watervapour(3,level) / predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    ww_ad(level)     = ww_ad(level)     - predictors_ad % watervapour(3,level) *&
-          & predictors % watervapour(3,level)**2 * geom%seczen &
-          & / predictors % watervapour(5,level)
-    ! X2 (5)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(2,level) *&
-          & 0.5_JPRB / predictors % watervapour(2,level)
-    ! X1 (7)
-    sec_wr_ad(level) = sec_wr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % watervapour(1,level)
-    wr_ad(level) = wr_ad(level) + sec_wr_ad(level) * geom%seczen
-  End Do
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---------------
-  ! X10
-  tw_ad(2:prof_ad % nlevels) = tw_ad(2:prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-        & predictors_ad % mixedgas(10,2:prof_ad % nlevels) *&
-         & 0.25_JPRB * geom % seczen_sq &
-        & / predictors % mixedgas(10,2:prof_ad % nlevels)**3
-  ! X9
-  ! X8
-  Do level = 1,prof_ad % nlevels
-    tw_ad(level) = tw_ad(level) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(8,level) *&
-          & geom % seczen / predictors % mixedgas(5,level)
-    tr_ad(level) = tr_ad(level) - predictors_ad % mixedgas(8,level) *&
-          & predictors % mixedgas(7,level) / predictors % mixedgas(6,level)
-    ! X7
-    tw_ad(level) = tw_ad(level) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(7,level) *&
-           & geom % seczen
-    ! X6
-    tr_ad(level) = tr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(6,level) *&
-           & 2._JPRB * tr(level)
-    ! X5
-    tr_ad(level) = tr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(5,level)
-    ! X4
-    tr_ad(level) = tr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(4,level) *&
-          & 2._JPRB * predictors % mixedgas(3,level)
-    ! X3
-    tr_ad(level) = tr_ad(level) + predictors_ad % mixedgas(3,level) *&
-          & geom % seczen
-    ! X2
-    ! X1
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 1, -1
-        sum1 = sum1 + ow_ad ( level ) / sum2_ow(level)
-        o_ad( level ) = o_ad( level ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-  Else
-     o_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 1, -1
-     sum1 = sum1 + ww_ad ( level ) / sum2_ww(level)
-     w_ad( level ) = w_ad( level ) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-  End Do
-  Do level = prof_ad % nlevels, 2, -1
-     tw_ad( level-1 ) = tw_ad( level-1 ) + tw_ad( level )
-     tr_ad( level-1 ) = tr_ad( level-1 ) + tw_ad( level ) *&
-           & coef % dpp( level )
-  End Do
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o_ad(:) = o_ad(:) + or_ad(:) / coef % ostar(:)
-  Endif
-  w_ad(:) = w_ad(:) + wr_ad(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  t_ad(:) = t_ad(:) + tr_ad(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     t_ad(:) = t_ad(:) + dto_ad(:)
-  Endif
-  t_ad(:) = t_ad(:) + dt_ad(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     prof_ad % o3(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad % o3(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-           & 0.5_JPRB *o_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-     prof_ad % o3(2 : prof_ad % nlevels)   = prof_ad % o3(2 : prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-           & 0.5_JPRB *o_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-     prof_ad % o3(1) = prof_ad % o3(1) + o_ad(1)
-  Endif
-  prof_ad % q(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad % q(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-  prof_ad % q(2 : prof_ad % nlevels)   = prof_ad % q(2 : prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *w_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-  prof_ad % q(1) = prof_ad % q(1) + w_ad(1)
-  prof_ad % t(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) = prof_ad % t(1 : prof_ad % nlevels-1) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *t_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-  prof_ad % t(2 : prof_ad % nlevels)   = prof_ad % t(2 : prof_ad % nlevels) +&
-        & 0.5_JPRB *t_ad(2 : prof_ad % nlevels )
-  prof_ad % t(1) = prof_ad % t(1) + t_ad(1)
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index cce3d45d8b7411f628ddf9627815fb87eb4f59f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_ad( &
-     prof,       & ! in
-     prof_ad,    & ! inout
-     geom,       & ! in
-     coef,       & ! in
-     predictors, & ! in
-     predictors_ad ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gravity
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)     :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(inout)  :: prof_ad
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)     :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)     :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)     :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout)  :: predictors_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ede6e8dd288e7bdc1df18bec4deb6c4a3f64da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & nlevels,       &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & profiles_k,    &! inout
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & predictors,    &! in
-     & predictors_k )  ! inout
-  ! Description
-  ! RTTOV-7 Model
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2005, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see RTTOV7 science and validation report pages 18/19
-  ! variable names are close to the documentation
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       22/06/2005  initial (P Brunel)
-  !                        based on version 1.2 (29/03/05) of AD code
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-   &     gravity  ,&
-   &   sensor_id_mw
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-   & rttov_coef     ,&
-   & profile_Type   ,&
-   & geometry_Type  ,&
-   & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nlevels                 ! Number of levels 
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! polarisation indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(in)     :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),    Target, Intent(inout)  :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Target, Intent(in)     :: angles(nprofiles)  
-  Type(predictors_Type), Target, Intent(in)     :: predictors(nprofiles)
-  Type(predictors_Type), Target, Intent(inout)  :: predictors_k(nchannels)
-  Type(rttov_coef),              Intent(in)     :: coef
-  !local variables:
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Pointer  :: geom
-  Type(profile_Type),    Pointer  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Pointer  :: prof_k
-  Type(predictors_Type), Pointer  :: pred
-  Type(predictors_Type), Pointer  :: pred_k
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: freq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i          ! channel indice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j          ! profile indice
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tr(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wr(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dt(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tw(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: deltac(nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_wr(nlevels,  nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum2_ww(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum2_ow(nlevels, nprofiles)
-  ! K variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: or_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dt_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dto_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tw_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ww_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ow_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_or_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_wr_k(nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zsqrt
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  nullify ( geom )
-  nullify ( prof )
-  nullify ( prof_k )
-  nullify ( pred )
-  nullify ( pred_k )
-  !
-  ! Keep use of prof%nlevels in the code instead of input argument nlevels
-  ! This is to allow profiles on variable levels, for future version.
-  !
-  ! profile layer quantities
-  ! Direct variables
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     prof => profiles(j)
-     t(1, j) = prof % t(1)
-     t(2 : prof % nlevels, j ) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels) ) / 2._JPRB
-     w(1, j) = prof % q(1)
-     w(2 : prof % nlevels, j ) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels) ) / 2._JPRB
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        o(1, j) = prof % o3(1)
-        o(2 : prof % nlevels, j ) = ( prof % o3(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-             & prof % o3(2 : prof % nlevels) ) / 2._JPRB
-     Else
-        o( : , j ) = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-     !3) calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-     ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (dto =0)
-     ! Direct variables
-     dt(:, j)  = t(:, j) - coef % tstar(:)
-     !2) calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or
-     ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-     ! Direct variables
-     tr(:, j) = t(:, j) / coef % tstar(:)
-     wr(:, j) = w(:, j) / coef % wstar(:)
-     ! calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw ww ow
-     ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (ow =1)
-     ! Direct variables
-     tw(1, j) = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-        tw( level, j ) = tw( level-1, j ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1, j )
-     End Do
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w       ( level, j )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-        sum2_ww( level, j ) = sum2
-     End Do
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        sum1 = 0._JPRB
-        sum2 = 0._JPRB
-        Do level = 1, prof % nlevels
-           sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o       ( level, j )
-           sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-           sum2_ow( level, j ) = sum2
-        End Do
-     Else
-        sum2_ow( :, j ) = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-  End Do ! loop on profiles
-  ! Ajoint code
-  !-------------
-  w_k(:,:)      = 0._JPRB
-  wr_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  ww_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  sec_wr_k(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  dt_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  t_k(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  tr_k(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  tw_k(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  !5.4 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        j = lprofiles( freq )
-        prof   => profiles(j)
-        If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-           geom   => angles(j)
-           prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-           pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-           prof_k%clw(1:prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k%clw(1:prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-                & 0.5_JPRB * pred_k % clw(2:prof_k % nlevels) *&
-                & deltac(2:prof_k % nlevels) * geom%seczen
-           pred_k % clw(2:prof_k % nlevels) = 0.5_JPRB *  pred_k % clw(2:prof_k % nlevels)
-           prof_k%clw(:) = prof_k%clw(:)  + pred_k % clw(:) *&
-                & deltac(:) * geom%seczen
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !5.3 ozone
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(i,2)
-        j = lprofiles( freq )
-        ! prof   => profiles(j)    (use of variables derived from prof )
-        geom   => angles(j)
-        pred   => predictors(j)
-        prof_k => profiles_k(i)    ! only for loop on levels
-        pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-        Do level = 1,prof_k % nlevels
-           o_k(level,i)      = 0._JPRB
-           or_k(level,i)     = 0._JPRB
-           ow_k(level,i)     = 0._JPRB
-           dto_k(level,i)    = 0._JPRB
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = 0._JPRB
-           ! One can pack all ow_k lines in one longer statement
-           ! same for sec_or_k and dto_k
-           ow_k(level,i) = ow_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(11,level) *&
-                & 2 * geom%seczen * pred % ozone(10,level)
-           ow_k(level,i) = ow_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(10,level) * geom%seczen
-           zsqrt=Sqrt(pred % ozone(10,level))
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = sec_or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(9,level) *&
-                & zsqrt
-           ow_k(level,i)    = ow_k(level,i)      + pred_k % ozone(9,level) *&
-                & 0.5_JPRB * geom%seczen * pred % ozone(1,level) &
-                & / zsqrt
-           ow_k(level,i) = ow_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(8,level) *&
-                & pred % ozone(1,level)
-           or_k(level,i) = or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(8,level) *&
-                & pred % ozone(10,level)
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = sec_or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(7,level) *&
-                & 1.5_JPRB * pred % ozone(2,level) / pred % ozone(10,level)
-           ow_k(level,i)     = ow_k(level,i)     - pred_k % ozone(7,level) *&
-                & geom%seczen * pred % ozone(2,level)**3 / pred % ozone(10,level)**2
-           or_k(level,i) =  or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(6,level) *&
-                & 2 * pred % ozone(8,level)
-           ow_k(level,i) = ow_k(level,i)  + pred_k % ozone(6,level) *&
-                & pred % ozone(4,level) / geom%seczen
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = sec_or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(5,level) *&
-                & 0.5_JPRB * pred % ozone(3,level) /&
-                & ( pred % ozone(1,level) *pred % ozone(2,level))
-           dto_k(level,i) = dto_k(level,i)       + pred_k % ozone(5,level) *&
-                & pred % ozone(2,level)
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = sec_or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(4,level) *&
-                & 2 * pred % ozone(1,level)
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = sec_or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(3,level) *&
-                & pred % ozone(3,level) / pred % ozone(1,level)
-           dto_k(level,i)    = dto_k(level,i)    + pred_k % ozone(3,level) *&
-                & pred % ozone(1,level)
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = sec_or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(2,level) *&
-                & 0.5_JPRB / pred % ozone(2,level)
-           sec_or_k(level,i) = sec_or_k(level,i) + pred_k % ozone(1,level)
-           or_k(level,i) = or_k(level,i) + sec_or_k(level,i) * geom%seczen
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  !5.2 water vapour  ( numbers in right hand are predictor numbers
-  ! in the reference document for RTTOV7 (science and validation report)
-  !----------------
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     ! prof   => profiles(j)    (use of variables derived from prof )
-     geom   => angles(j)
-     pred   => predictors(j)
-     prof_k => profiles_k(i)   ! only for loop on levels
-     pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-     Do level = 1,prof_k % nlevels
-        sec_wr(level, j)    = geom%seczen * wr(level, j)
-        ! X15  (15)
-        wr_k(level,i) = wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(15,level) *&
-             & pred % watervapour(15,level) * geom%seczen  * &
-             & 2 / pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        tr_k(level,i) = tr_k(level,i) - pred_k % watervapour(15,level) *&
-             & pred % watervapour(15,level) * geom%seczen  * &
-             & 4 * pred % watervapour(14,level)  / &
-             & pred % watervapour(5,level)
-        ! X14  (14)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(14,level) *&
-             & 2 * pred % watervapour(14,level) / pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        tr_k(level,i)     = tr_k(level,i)     - pred_k % watervapour(14,level) *&
-             & pred % watervapour(14,level)**2 / (geom%seczen * wr(level,j) * wr(level,j))
-        ! X13 (2)
-        zsqrt=Sqrt( pred % watervapour(13,level))
-        ww_k(level,i) =  ww_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(13,level) *&
-             & 2 * geom%seczen * zsqrt
-        ! X12 (3)
-        ww_k(level,i) =  ww_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(12,level) *&
-             & 4 * geom%seczen * pred % watervapour(12,level) &
-             & / zsqrt
-        ! X11 (10)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(11,level) *&
-             & Abs(dt(level,j)) * dt(level,j)
-        dt_k(level,i) = dt_k(level,i)         + pred_k % watervapour(11,level) *&
-             & 2 * sec_wr(level,j) * Abs(dt(level,j))
-        ! X10 (9)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(10,level) *&
-             & 4 *  pred % watervapour(9,level)
-        ! X9 (8)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(9,level) *&
-             & 3 * pred % watervapour(5,level)
-        ! X8 (13)
-        wr_k(level,i) = wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(8,level) *&
-             & geom%seczen * pred % watervapour(8,level) * &
-             & 1.5_JPRB / pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        ww_k(level,i) = ww_k(level,i) - pred_k % watervapour(8,level) *&
-             & geom%seczen * pred % watervapour(8,level) / &
-             & pred % watervapour(13,level)**0.5_JPRB
-        ! X7 (6)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(7,level) *&
-             & 0.25_JPRB / pred % watervapour(7,level)**3
-        ! X6 (11)
-        dt_k(level,i)     = dt_k(level,i)     + pred_k % watervapour(6,level) *&
-             & pred % watervapour(2,level)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(6,level) *&
-             & 0.5_JPRB * pred % watervapour(6,level) / pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        ! X5 (1)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(5,level) *&
-             & 2 * pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        ! X4 (4)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(4,level) *&
-             & pred % watervapour(4,level) / pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        dt_k(level,i)     = dt_k(level,i)     + pred_k % watervapour(4,level) *&
-             & pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        ! X3 (12)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(3,level) *&
-             & 2 * pred % watervapour(3,level) / pred % watervapour(1,level)
-        ww_k(level,i)     = ww_k(level,i)     - pred_k % watervapour(3,level) *&
-             & pred % watervapour(3,level)**2 * geom%seczen &
-             & / pred % watervapour(5,level)
-        ! X2 (5)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(2,level) *&
-             & 0.5_JPRB / pred % watervapour(2,level)
-        ! X1 (7)
-        sec_wr_k(level,i) = sec_wr_k(level,i) + pred_k % watervapour(1,level)
-        wr_k(level,i) = wr_k(level,i) + sec_wr_k(level,i) * geom%seczen
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---------------
-  ! X10
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     geom   => angles(j)
-     pred   => predictors(j)
-     prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-     pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-     tw_k(2:prof_k % nlevels,i) = tw_k(2:prof_k % nlevels,i) +&
-          & pred_k % mixedgas(10,2:prof_k % nlevels) *&
-          & 0.25_JPRB * geom % seczen_sq &
-          & / pred % mixedgas(10,2:prof_k % nlevels)**3
-  End Do
-  ! X9
-  ! X8
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     ! prof   => profiles(j)   (use of variables derived from prof )
-     geom   => angles(j)
-     pred   => predictors(j)
-     prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-     pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-     Do level = 1,prof_k % nlevels
-        tw_k(level,i) = tw_k(level,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(8,level) *&
-             & geom % seczen / pred % mixedgas(5,level)
-        tr_k(level,i) = tr_k(level,i) - pred_k % mixedgas(8,level) *&
-             & pred % mixedgas(7,level) / pred % mixedgas(6,level)
-        ! X7
-        tw_k(level,i) = tw_k(level,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(7,level) *&
-             & geom % seczen
-        ! X6
-        tr_k(level,i) = tr_k(level,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(6,level) *&
-             & 2._JPRB * tr(level,j)
-        ! X5
-        tr_k(level,i) = tr_k(level,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(5,level)
-        ! X4
-        tr_k(level,i) = tr_k(level,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(4,level) *&
-             & 2._JPRB * pred % mixedgas(3,level)
-        ! X3
-        tr_k(level,i) = tr_k(level,i) + pred_k % mixedgas(3,level) *&
-             & geom % seczen
-        ! X2
-        ! X1
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(i,2)
-     j = lprofiles( freq )
-     prof   => profiles(j)
-     geom   => angles(j)
-     pred   => predictors(j)
-     prof_k => profiles_k(i)
-     pred_k => predictors_k(i)
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 1, -1
-           sum1 = sum1 + ow_k ( level, i ) / sum2_ow(level, j)
-           o_k( level, i) = o_k( level, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-        End Do
-     Else
-        o_k(:,i) = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 1, -1
-        sum1 = sum1 + ww_k ( level, i) / sum2_ww(level, j)
-        w_k( level, i) = w_k( level, i) + sum1 * coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-     Do level = prof_k % nlevels, 2, -1
-        tw_k( level-1, i) = tw_k( level-1, i) + tw_k( level, i)
-        tr_k( level-1, i) = tr_k( level-1, i) + tw_k( level, i) *&
-             & coef % dpp( level )
-     End Do
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        o_k(:,i) = o_k(:,i) + or_k(:,i) / coef % ostar(:)
-     Endif
-     w_k(:,i) = w_k(:,i) + wr_k(:,i) / coef % wstar(:)
-     t_k(:,i) = t_k(:,i) + tr_k(:,i) / coef % tstar(:)
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        t_k(:,i) = t_k(:,i) + dto_k(:,i)
-     Endif
-     t_k(:,i) = t_k(:,i) + dt_k(:,i)
-     If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        prof_k % o3(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k % o3(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-             & 0.5_JPRB *o_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-        prof_k % o3(2 : prof_k % nlevels)   = prof_k % o3(2 : prof_k % nlevels) +&
-             & 0.5_JPRB *o_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-        prof_k % o3(1) = prof_k % o3(1) + o_k(1,i)
-     Endif
-     prof_k % q(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k % q(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *w_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-     prof_k % q(2 : prof_k % nlevels)   = prof_k % q(2 : prof_k % nlevels) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *w_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-     prof_k % q(1) = prof_k % q(1) + w_k(1,i)
-     prof_k % t(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) = prof_k % t(1 : prof_k % nlevels-1) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *t_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-     prof_k % t(2 : prof_k % nlevels)   = prof_k % t(2 : prof_k % nlevels) +&
-          & 0.5_JPRB *t_k(2 : prof_k % nlevels, i)
-     prof_k % t(1) = prof_k % t(1) + t_k(1,i)
-  End Do
-  nullify ( geom )
-  nullify ( prof )
-  nullify ( prof_k )
-  nullify ( pred )
-  nullify ( pred_k )
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc6a82b200a0280067bf3db860420d11fb872ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & nlevels,       &! in
-     & angles,        &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & profiles_k,    &! inout
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & predictors,    &! in
-     & predictors_k )  ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-   &   gravity    ,&
-   &   sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: nlevels                 ! Number of levels 
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! polarisation indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),    Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)     :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(inout)  :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)     :: angles(nprofiles)  
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)     :: coef
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)     :: predictors(nprofiles)
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout)  :: predictors_k(nchannels)
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index e7fcda491f93186219d2fa8079951fa883fe41ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_tl( &
-     & prof,        &! in
-     & prof_tl,     &! in
-     & geom,        &! in
-     & coef,        &! in
-     & predictors,  &! in
-     & predictors_tl ) ! inout
-  ! Description
-  ! RTTOV-7 Model
-  ! TL of rttov_setpredictors
-  ! To calculate and store the profile variables (predictors) required
-  ! in subsequent transmittance calculations.
-  ! Code based on PRFTAU from previous versions of RTTOV
-  ! Only one profile per call
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see RTTOV7 science and validation report pages 18/19
-  ! variable names are close to the documentation
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.2       29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & gravity
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof_tl
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)  :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)  :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)  :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors_tl ! in because of mem allocation
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: level
-  ! user profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w(prof % nlevels)
-  ! reference profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tr(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wr(prof % nlevels)
-  ! user - reference
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dt(prof % nlevels)
-  ! pressure weighted
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tw(prof % nlevels)
-  ! intermediate variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sum1,sum2
-! Real(Kind=jprb) :: oz11,oz22
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: deltac(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_wr(prof %nlevels)
-  ! TL variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: w_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tr_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: wr_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: or_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dt_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: dto_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tw_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ww_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ow_tl(prof % nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_or_tl(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sec_wr_tl(prof %nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zsqrt, zrecip
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! profile layer quantities
-  ! Direct variables
-  t(1) = prof % t(1)
-  t(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % t(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % t(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  w(1) = prof % q(1)
-  w(2 : prof % nlevels ) = ( prof % q(1 : prof % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof % q(2 : prof % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  ! Direct value of o NOT needed for TL
-  ! TL variables
-  t_tl(1) = prof_tl % t(1)
-  t_tl(2 : prof_tl % nlevels ) = ( prof_tl % t(1 : prof_tl % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof_tl % t(2 : prof_tl % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  w_tl(1) = prof_tl % q(1)
-  w_tl(2 : prof_tl % nlevels ) = ( prof_tl % q(1 : prof_tl % nlevels-1) + &
-          & prof_tl % q(2 : prof_tl % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     o_tl(1) = prof_tl % o3(1)
-     o_tl(2 : prof_tl % nlevels ) = ( prof_tl % o3(1 : prof_tl % nlevels-1) + &
-             & prof_tl % o3(2 : prof_tl % nlevels  ) ) / 2
-  Endif
-  !3) calculate deviations from reference profile (layers)
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (dto =0)
-  ! Direct variables
-  dt(:)  = t(:) - coef % tstar(:)
-  ! Direct value of dto NOT needed for TL
-  ! TL variables
-  dt_tl(:)  = t_tl(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     dto_tl(:) = t_tl(:)
-  Else
-     dto_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !2) calculate (profile / reference profile) ratios; tr wr or
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (or =1)
-  ! Direct variables
-  tr(:) = t(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  wr(:) = w(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  ! Direct value of or NOT needed for TL
-  ! TL variables
-  tr_tl(:) = t_tl(:) / coef % tstar(:)
-  wr_tl(:) = w_tl(:) / coef % wstar(:)
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     or_tl(:) = o_tl(:) / coef % ostar(:)
-  Else
-     or_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  ! calculate profile / reference profile sums: tw ww ow
-  ! if no input O3 profile, set to reference value (ow =1)
-  ! Direct variables
-  tw(1) = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 2 , prof % nlevels
-     tw( level ) = tw( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  ! Direct value of ww NOT needed for TL
-  ! Direct value of ow NOT needed for TL
-  ! TL variables
-  tw_tl(1) = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 2 , prof_tl % nlevels
-     tw_tl( level ) = tw_tl( level-1 ) + coef % dpp( level ) * tr_tl ( level -1 )
-  End Do
-  sum1 = 0._JPRB
-  sum2 = 0._JPRB
-  Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-     sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      w_tl    ( level )
-     sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % wstar ( level )
-     ww_tl ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-  End Do
-  If ( prof % ozone_Data .And. coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-     sum1 = 0._JPRB
-     sum2 = 0._JPRB
-     Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-        sum1 = sum1 + coef % dpp( level ) *      o_tl    ( level )
-        sum2 = sum2 + coef % dpp( level ) * coef % ostar ( level )
-        ow_tl ( level ) = sum1 / sum2
-     End Do
-  Else
-     ow_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Endif
-  !  w_tl(:) = prof_tl % q(:)
-  !5) set predictors
-  !--
-  !5.1 mixed gases
-  !---
-  Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(1,level)  = 0._JPRB
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(2,level)  = 0._JPRB
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(3,level)  = geom % seczen * tr_tl(level)
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(4,level)  = 2._JPRB * predictors % mixedgas(3,level) * tr_tl(level)
-  ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(4,level)  = 2. * geom % seczen * tr_tl(level) * tr(level)
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(5,level)  = tr_tl(level)
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(6,level)  = 2._JPRB * tr_tl(level) * tr(level)
-  ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(6,level)  = 2. * tr_tl(level) * predictors % mixedgas(5,level)
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(7,level)  = geom % seczen * tw_tl(level)
-    predictors_tl % mixedgas(8,level)  =&
-                     & geom % seczen * tw_tl(level) / predictors % mixedgas(5,level) &
-      & - predictors % mixedgas(7,level) * tr_tl(level) / predictors % mixedgas(6,level)
-    ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(8,level)  = geom % seczen *&
-    !     & ( tw_tl(level) / tr(level) - tw(level) * tr_tl(level) / tr(level)**2 )
-      predictors_tl % mixedgas(9,level)  = 0._JPRB
-    ! predictor 10 is always 0 for the first level
-  End Do
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(10,1) = 0._JPRB
-  predictors_tl % mixedgas(10,2:prof_tl % nlevels) =&
-         & 0.25_JPRB * geom % seczen_sq * tw_tl(2:prof_tl % nlevels)&
-        & / predictors % mixedgas(10,2:prof_tl % nlevels)**3
-  ! or predictors_tl % mixedgas(10,level) = 0.25 * geom % seczen_sqrt * tw_tl(level) / tw(level)**0.75
-  !5.2 water vapour  ( numbers in right hand are predictor numbers
-  ! in the reference document for RTTOV7 (science and validation report)
-  !----------------
-  Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-    sec_wr(level)    = geom%seczen * wr(level)
-    sec_wr_tl(level) = geom%seczen * wr_tl(level)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(1,level)  = sec_wr_tl(level)          !  7
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(2,level) = 0.5_JPRB * sec_wr_tl(level)/predictors % watervapour(2,level)!  5
-    zrecip=1.0_JPRB/ predictors % watervapour(1,level)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(3,level)  =                      &! 12
-        & 2 * predictors % watervapour(3,level) * sec_wr_tl(level) *zrecip &
-        & - predictors % watervapour(3,level)**2 * geom%seczen * ww_tl(level) / predictors % watervapour(5,level)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(4,level)  =                      &! 4
-        & sec_wr_tl(level) * predictors % watervapour(4,level) *zrecip &
-        & + predictors % watervapour(1,level) * dt_tl(level)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(5,level)  =                      &! 1
-        & 2 * predictors % watervapour(1,level) * sec_wr_tl(level)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(6,level)  =                      &! 11
-        & predictors % watervapour(2,level) * dt_tl(level)&
-        & + 0.5_JPRB * sec_wr_tl(level) * predictors % watervapour(6,level) *zrecip
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(7,level)  =                      &! 6
-        & 0.25_JPRB * sec_wr_tl(level) / predictors % watervapour(7,level)**3
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(8,level)  =                      &! 13
-        & geom%seczen * predictors % watervapour(8,level)      * &
-        & ( 1.5_JPRB * wr_tl(level) *zrecip &
-          & -  ww_tl(level) / predictors % watervapour(13,level)**0.5_JPRB)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(9,level)  =                      &! 8
-        & 3 * sec_wr_tl(level) * predictors % watervapour(5,level)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(10,level)  =                      &! 9
-        & 4 * sec_wr_tl(level) * predictors % watervapour(9,level)
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(11,level)  =                      &! 10
-        & Abs(dt(level)) * &
-        & (sec_wr_tl(level) * dt(level) + 2 * sec_wr(level) * dt_tl(level) )
-    zsqrt=Sqrt(predictors % watervapour(13,level))
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(12,level)  =                      &! 3
-        & 4 * geom%seczen * ww_tl(level) * predictors % watervapour(12,level) &
-        & / zsqrt
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(13,level)  =                      &! 2
-        & 2 * geom%seczen * ww_tl(level) * zsqrt
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(14,level)  =                      &! 14
-        & 2 * predictors % watervapour(14,level) * sec_wr_tl(level) *zrecip &
-        & - predictors % watervapour(14,level)**2 * tr_tl(level) / (geom%seczen * wr(level) * wr(level))
-    predictors_tl % watervapour(15,level)  =                      &! 15
-        & ( predictors % watervapour(15,level) * geom%seczen ) * &
-        & ( 2 * wr_tl(level) *zrecip   - &
-          & 4 * tr_tl(level) * predictors % watervapour(14,level)  / &
-             & predictors % watervapour(5,level)             )
-  End Do
-  !5.3 ozone
-  !---------
-  If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-    Do level = 1, prof_tl % nlevels
-     sec_or_tl(level) = geom%seczen * or_tl(level)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(1,level)  = &
-           & sec_or_tl(level)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(2,level)  = &
-           & 0.5_JPRB * sec_or_tl(level) / predictors % ozone(2,level)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(3,level)  = &
-           & sec_or_tl(level) * predictors % ozone(3,level) / predictors % ozone(1,level)&
-           & + predictors % ozone(1,level) * dto_tl(level)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(4,level)  = &
-           & 2 * sec_or_tl(level) * predictors % ozone(1,level)
-!oz11=predictors % ozone(1,level)
-!oz22=predictors % ozone(2,level)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(5,level)  = &
-           & 0.5_JPRB * sec_or_tl(level) * predictors % ozone(3,level) /&
-               & ( predictors % ozone(1,level) *predictors % ozone(2,level))&
-           & + predictors % ozone(2,level) * dto_tl(level)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(6,level)  = &
-           & 2 * predictors % ozone(8,level) * or_tl(level)&
-           & + predictors % ozone(4,level) * ow_tl(level) / geom%seczen
-     predictors_tl % ozone(7,level)  = &
-           & 1.5_JPRB * sec_or_tl(level) * predictors % ozone(2,level) / predictors % ozone(10,level)&
-           & - geom%seczen * ow_tl(level) * predictors % ozone(2,level)**3 / predictors % ozone(10,level)**2
-     predictors_tl % ozone(8,level)  = &
-           & predictors % ozone(10,level) * or_tl(level)&
-           & + predictors % ozone(1,level) * ow_tl(level)
-     zsqrt=Sqrt(predictors % ozone(10,level))
-     predictors_tl % ozone(9,level)  = &
-           & sec_or_tl(level) * zsqrt&
-           & + 0.5_JPRB * geom%seczen * ow_tl(level) * predictors % ozone(1,level)&
-              & / zsqrt
-     predictors_tl % ozone(10,level) = &
-           & geom%seczen * ow_tl(level)
-     predictors_tl % ozone(11,level) = &
-           & 2 * geom%seczen * ow_tl(level) * predictors % ozone(10,level)
-    End Do
-  Endif
-  !5.4 cloud
-  !---------
-  If ( prof % clw_Data ) Then
-     deltac(:) = 0.1820_JPRB * 100.0_JPRB * coef % dp(:) / (4.3429_JPRB * gravity)
-     predictors_tl % clw(:)    = deltac(:) * prof_tl%clw(:) * geom%seczen
-     predictors_tl % clw(2:prof_tl % nlevels) =          &
-            & 0.5_JPRB *                                       &
-           & ( predictors_tl % clw(2:prof_tl % nlevels) + &
-            & deltac(2:prof_tl % nlevels) * prof_tl%clw(1:prof_tl % nlevels-1) * &
-            & geom%seczen )
-  Else
-     predictors_tl % ncloud   = 0
-  Endif
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_tl
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index 2fcb12d94b23595840eb38ff82504b618311bec3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpredictors_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_tl( &
-     prof,       & ! in
-     prof_tl,    & ! in
-     geom,       & ! in
-     coef,       & ! in
-     predictors, & ! in
-     predictors_tl ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gravity
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof
-  Type(profile_Type),    Intent(in)  :: prof_tl
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)  :: coef
-  Type(geometry_Type),   Intent(in)  :: geom
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)  :: predictors
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors_tl ! in because of mem allocation
-End Subroutine rttov_setpredictors_tl
-End Interface
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index 571744b47145bb164667cbf075a8f2dc509ea773..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpressure.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-  subroutine rttov_setpressure (p_sfc, p, ph)
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  implicit none
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), parameter :: nlev = 60
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)            :: ilev
-  Real (Kind=jprb) :: p_sfc
-  Real (Kind=jprb) :: vah (nlev+1), vbh (nlev+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb) :: p   (nlev)  , ph  (nlev+1)
-      data vah / &
-     &     0.000000_JPRB,    20.000000_JPRB,    38.425343_JPRB, &
-     &    63.647804_JPRB,    95.636963_JPRB,   134.483307_JPRB, &
-     &   180.584351_JPRB,   234.779053_JPRB,   298.495789_JPRB, &
-     &   373.971924_JPRB,   464.618134_JPRB,   575.651001_JPRB, &
-     &   713.218079_JPRB,   883.660522_JPRB,  1094.834717_JPRB, &
-     &  1356.474609_JPRB,  1680.640259_JPRB,  2082.273926_JPRB, &
-     &  2579.888672_JPRB,  3196.421631_JPRB,  3960.291504_JPRB, &
-     &  4906.708496_JPRB,  6018.019531_JPRB,  7306.631348_JPRB, &
-     &  8765.053711_JPRB, 10376.126953_JPRB, 12077.446289_JPRB, &
-     & 13775.325195_JPRB, 15379.805664_JPRB, 16819.474609_JPRB, &
-     & 18045.183594_JPRB, 19027.695313_JPRB, 19755.109375_JPRB, &
-     & 20222.205078_JPRB, 20429.863281_JPRB, 20384.480469_JPRB, &
-     & 20097.402344_JPRB, 19584.330078_JPRB, 18864.750000_JPRB, &
-     & 17961.357422_JPRB, 16899.468750_JPRB, 15706.447266_JPRB, &
-     & 14411.124023_JPRB, 13043.218750_JPRB, 11632.758789_JPRB, &
-     & 10209.500977_JPRB,  8802.356445_JPRB,  7438.803223_JPRB, &
-     &  6144.314941_JPRB,  4941.778320_JPRB,  3850.913330_JPRB, &
-     &  2887.696533_JPRB,  2063.779785_JPRB,  1385.912598_JPRB, &
-     &   855.361755_JPRB,   467.333588_JPRB,   210.393890_JPRB, &
-     &    65.889244_JPRB,     7.367743_JPRB,     0.000000_JPRB, &
-     &     0.000000_JPRB &
-     &         /
-      data vbh / &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0000758235_JPRB, 0.0004613950_JPRB, 0.0018151561_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0050811190_JPRB, 0.0111429105_JPRB, 0.0206778757_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0341211632_JPRB, 0.0516904071_JPRB, 0.0735338330_JPRB, &
-     & 0.0996746942_JPRB, 0.1300225109_JPRB, 0.1643843204_JPRB, &
-     & 0.2024759352_JPRB, 0.2439331412_JPRB, 0.2883229554_JPRB, &
-     & 0.3351548910_JPRB, 0.3838921487_JPRB, 0.4339629412_JPRB, &
-     & 0.4847715795_JPRB, 0.5357099175_JPRB, 0.5861684084_JPRB, &
-     & 0.6355474591_JPRB, 0.6832686067_JPRB, 0.7287858129_JPRB, &
-     & 0.7715966105_JPRB, 0.8112534285_JPRB, 0.8473749161_JPRB, &
-     & 0.8796569109_JPRB, 0.9078838825_JPRB, 0.9319403172_JPRB, &
-     & 0.9518215060_JPRB, 0.9676452279_JPRB, 0.9796627164_JPRB, &
-     & 0.9882701039_JPRB, 0.9940194488_JPRB, 0.9976301193_JPRB, &
-     & 1.0000000000_JPRB &
-     &         /
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-      ph (:) = vah (:) + vbh (:) * p_sfc
-      do ilev = 1, nlev
-         p (ilev) = 0.5_JPRB * (ph (ilev) + ph (ilev+1))
-      end do
-      return
-      end subroutine rttov_setpressure
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3a808aa1e273037fb8aac8d2b9326c2cb825ea00..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setpressure.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-  subroutine rttov_setpressure (p_sfc, p, ph)
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  implicit none
-  Integer (Kind=jpim), parameter :: nlev = 60
-  Integer (Kind=jpim)            :: ilev
-  Real (Kind=jprb) :: p_sfc
-  Real (Kind=jprb) :: vah (nlev+1), vbh (nlev+1)
-  Real (Kind=jprb) :: p   (nlev)  , ph  (nlev+1)
-  end subroutine rttov_setpressure
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setup.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setup.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9f4225ee149a2abe2278ee868b897f354a6635..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setup.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setup (&
-      & errorstatus,      &! out
-      & Err_unit,         &! in
-      & verbosity_level,  &! in
-      & ninst,            &! in
-      & coef,             &! out
-      & instrument,       &! in
-      & channels         ) ! in Optional
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Setup routine for RTTOV
-  ! Handling of error messages. (rttov_errorhandling)
-  ! Read coefficients (rttov_readcoeffs)
-  !
-  ! Error messages will be sent on the optional unit number errunit.
-  !      Default is the value defined in the module for constants.
-  !
-  ! The levels of verbosity are
-  !  0 = no error messages output
-  !  1 = FATAL errors only printed. these are errors which
-  !      mean that profile should be aborted (e.g. unphysical
-  !      profile input)
-  !  2 = WARNING errors only printed. Errors which can allow
-  !      the computation to continue but the results may be
-  !      suspect (e.g. profile outside basis profile limits)
-  !  3 = INFORMATION messages which inform the user about
-  !      the computation
-  !
-  ! For each instrument:
-  ! Read an ASCII or binary coefficient file and allocate coeff structure
-  !   arrays according to the optional list of channels.
-  ! The user can provide an optional list of channels in "channels" argument
-  !  array to reduce the output coefficient structure to this list. This
-  ! can be important for reducing the memory allocation required when running
-  ! with advanced IR sounders (e.g. AIRS or IASI). If the user
-  !  wants all channels the "channels" argument shall not be present.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date       Comment
-  !  1.0    10/03/2003   Original code (P Brunel)
-  !  1.1    29/10/2009   Corrected bug in channel indexing on line 155(R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !   Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: ninst           ! number of RTTOV ids / instruments  requested
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: instrument(:,:) ! Instrument triplet
-         ! first dimension  : (platform, satellite identification, instrument) number
-         ! second dimension : nsat
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:,:)   ! list of channels to extract (channels,msat)
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),            Intent (out) :: errorstatus(ninst) ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (out) :: coef(ninst)        ! coefficients
-  ! Local scalars/arrays
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: dimchans ! size of array channels for channels dimension
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: inst     ! instrument loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchans   ! number of requested channels per instrument (0 = all)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status ! de/allocation status
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i        ! loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), allocatable :: channels_list(:) ! list of requested channels
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=12) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_setup '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Error is set to fatal, in case of return
-  ! before processing all instruments
-  ! Readcoeffs will reset it to success
-  errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-  ! Error Handling setup routine
-  call rttov_errorhandling(Err_Unit, verbosity_level)
-  ! Check optional argument channels
-  If( Present ( channels ) ) Then
-     dimchans = Size( channels, dim=1 )
-  Else
-     dimchans = 0
-  End If
-  Do inst = 1, ninst
-     ! Finds the last non null channel for ninst
-     nchans = 0
-     if( Present ( channels ) ) Then
-        do i = 1, dimchans
-           if( channels(i, inst) > 0 ) then
-              nchans  = nchans + 1
-           endif
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If( nchans > 0 ) Then
-        ! Some channels wanted, create a list of the
-        ! selected channels without O values
-        ! Allocate intermediate channels list
-        Allocate ( channels_list ( nchans ), stat= alloc_status)
-        If( alloc_status /= 0 ) Then
-           errorstatus(inst) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "allocation of intermediate channels list")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(inst), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-        ! Create intermediate channels list (use nchans var. again)
-        nchans = 0
-        do i = 1, dimchans
-           if( channels(i, inst) > 0 ) then
-              nchans  = nchans + 1
-              channels_list(nchans) = channels(i, inst)
-           endif
-        End Do
-        ! Read coefficients
-        Call rttov_readcoeffs  (  &
-              & errorstatus(inst),        &! out
-              & coef(inst),               &! inout
-              & instrument(:,inst),       &! in
-              & channels = channels_list ) ! in
-        Call rttov_initcoeffs  ( &
-              & errorstatus(inst),        &! out
-              & coef(inst)               ) ! inout
-        Deallocate ( channels_list , stat=alloc_status )
-        If( alloc_status /= 0 ) Then
-           errorstatus(inst) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation of intermediate channels list")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(inst), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Return
-        End If
-     Else
-        ! All channels , read coefficients
-        Call rttov_readcoeffs  (  &
-              & errorstatus(inst),  &! out
-              & coef(inst),         &! out
-              & instrument(:,inst) ) ! in
-        Call rttov_initcoeffs  ( &
-              & errorstatus(inst),        &! out
-              & coef(inst)               ) ! inout
-     Endif
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_setup
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deleted file mode 100644
index ad9f5ebe5d5fb2392659c5c883fb080123087d64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setup.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setup (&
-     & errorstatus,     & ! out
-     & Err_unit,        & ! in
-     & verbosity_level, & ! in
-     & ninst,           & ! in
-     & coef,            & ! out
-     & instrument,      & ! in
-     & channels         ) ! in Optional
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: ninst           ! number of RTTOV ids / instruments  requested
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: instrument(:,:) ! Instrument triplet
-         ! first dimension  : (platform, satellite identification, instrument) number
-         ! second dimension : nsat
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Optional, Intent (in) :: channels(:,:)   ! list of channels to extract (channels,msat)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus(ninst) ! return code
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (out) :: coef(ninst)        ! coefficients
-End Subroutine rttov_setup
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupchan.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupchan.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 606ef6b1f21b5749e8a86896fe0e30f94a1c07fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupchan.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setupchan (&
-     & nprofiles,       & ! in
-     & nchan,           & ! in
-     & coef,            & ! in
-     & nfrequencies,    & ! out
-     & nchannels,       & ! out
-     & nbtout)            ! out
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Setup default number of frequencies, channels , output BTs
-  ! for the coeff file. These are then used by rttov_setupindex
-  ! to set up channel and polarisation indices.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2004, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date       Comment
-  !  1.0    31/03/2004   Original code (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-     &  rttov_coef
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-     &  sensor_id_mw,     &
-     &  npolar_return,    &
-     &  npolar_compute
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles       ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchan(nprofiles)! Number of channels requested
-  Type( rttov_coef ),  Intent (in)   :: coef            ! coefficients
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: nchannels       ! Number of radiances computed
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: nfrequencies    ! Number of frequencies
-                                                        !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: nbtout          ! Number of BTs returned
-  ! Local scalars/arrays
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j ,jch          ! loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nch , pol_id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ichannels, ibtout        ! counters
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  nfrequencies = 0
-  Do j = 1 , nprofiles
-    nfrequencies = nfrequencies + nchan (j)
-  End Do
-  ! Find out size of channel arrays summing all polarisation states required.
-  nch = 0
-  ichannels=0
-  ibtout=0
-  DO j = 1 , nprofiles
-     Do jch = 1 , nchan(j)
-        nch = nch +1
-        If( coef % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-           ichannels=ichannels+1
-           ibtout=ibtout+1
-        End If
-        If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-           pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-           ichannels=ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-           ibtout=ibtout+npolar_return(pol_id)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  nchannels = ichannels
-  nbtout = ibtout
-  !
-End Subroutine rttov_setupchan
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupchan.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupchan.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ef75886ec44f1cea15e0d2f6e51fad93d7fb5be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupchan.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setupchan (&
-     & nprofiles,       & ! in
-     & nchan,           & ! in
-     & coef,            & ! in
-     & nfrequencies,    & ! out
-     & nchannels,       & ! out
-     & nbtout)            ! out
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Setup default number of frequencies, channels , output BTs
-  ! for the coeff file. These are then used by rttov_indexsetup
-  ! to set up channel and polarisation indices.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2004, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date       Comment
-  !  1.0    31/03/2004   Original code (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       sensor_id_mw,     &
-       npolar_return,    &
-       npolar_compute
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles        ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchan(nprofiles) ! Number of channels requested
-  Type( rttov_coef ),  Intent (in)   :: coef             ! coefficients
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: nchannels        ! Number of radiances computed
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: nfrequencies     ! Number of frequencies
-                                                         !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: nbtout           ! Number of BTs returned
- End Subroutine rttov_setupchan
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupindex.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupindex.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c98e21ddd404d64ec0648cae58064e17342c434..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupindex.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setupindex (&
-     & mchan,           & ! in
-     & nprofiles,       & ! in
-     & nfrequencies,    & ! in
-     & nchannels,       & ! in
-     & nbtout,          & ! in
-     & coef,            & ! in
-     & surfem,          & ! in
-     & lprofiles,       & ! out
-     & channels,        & ! out
-     & polarisations,   & ! out
-     & emissivity)        ! out
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Setup profile, channel and polarisation indices and emissivity
-  ! for RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2004, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date       Comment
-  !  1.0    31/03/2004   Original code (R Saunders)
-  !  1.1    11/11/2004   Corrected idexing of emissivity array
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-     &  rttov_coef
-  Use rttov_const, Only : &
-     &  sensor_id_mw,     &
-     &  npolar_compute
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles       ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: mchan(nprofiles)! nfrequencies/nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels       ! Total Number of radiances computed
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies    ! Total Number of frequencies
-                                                        !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout          ! Total Number of BTs returned
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: channels(nfrequencies)    ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)  !Profiles indices
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: surfem(nchannels)       !Inputsurface emissivity for first profile
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(out)   :: emissivity(nchannels)   ! Surface emissivity array for RTTOV
-  Type( rttov_coef ),  Intent (in)   :: coef            ! coefficients
-  ! Local scalars/arrays
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j ,jch ,n         ! loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nch , pol_id, ich2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ichannels, ibtout        ! counters
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  nch = 0
-  ichannels=0
-  ibtout=0
-  polarisations(:,:) = 0
-     !
-  DO  J = 1,nprofiles
-     DO  jch = 1,mchan(j)
-        nch = nch +1
-        lprofiles ( nch ) = j
-        ! because we have read the coefficient file with a selection of channels
-        ! we have now to introduce the indices of the channels for rttov runs
-        channels  ( nch ) = jch
-        polarisations(nch,1) = ichannels+1
-        If( coef % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-           ichannels=ichannels+1
-           emissivity(nch) = surfem(jch)
-           polarisations(nch,2) = nch
-           polarisations(nch,3) = 1
-        End If
-        If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-           pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-           Do ich2=1,npolar_compute(pol_id)
-              emissivity(ichannels+ich2)=surfem(jch)
-           enddo
-           Do n=ichannels+1,ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-              polarisations(n,2)= nch
-           End Do
-           ichannels=ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-           polarisations(nch,3)=npolar_compute(pol_id)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_setupindex
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupindex.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupindex.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d78a0c71f1155c5d6af0e2cd19784d78884ac20..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_setupindex.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_setupindex (&
-     & mchan,           & ! in
-     & nprofiles,       & ! in
-     & nfrequencies,    & ! in
-     & nchannels,       & ! in
-     & nbtout,          & ! in
-     & coef,            & ! in
-     & surfem,          & ! in
-     & lprofiles,       & ! out
-     & channels,        & ! out
-     & polarisations,   & ! out
-     & emissivity)        ! out
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !
-  ! Setup profile, channel and polarisation indices and emissivity
-  ! for RTTOV.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2004, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date       Comment
-  !  1.0    31/03/2004   Original code (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       sensor_id_mw,     &
-       npolar_return,    &
-       npolar_compute
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles          ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: mchan(nprofiles)   ! nfrequencies/nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels          ! Number of radiances computed
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies       ! Number of frequencies
-                                                           !  (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout             ! Number of BTs returned
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: channels(nfrequencies)      ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: polarisations(nchannels,3)  ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(out)   :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)     ! Profiles indices
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: surfem(nchannels)           ! Input surface emissivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(out)   :: emissivity(nchannels)       ! Surface emissivity array for RTTOV
-  Type( rttov_coef ),  Intent (in)   :: coef               ! coefficients
-  End Subroutine rttov_setupindex
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_skipcommentline.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_skipcommentline.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 5193e99c83664bfdd9fabae980c1579831e4f1e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_skipcommentline.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_skipcommentline( fileunit,readstatus )
-  ! Description:
-  ! read the file while input cards are starting by "!" character
-  ! position the file before the first data line
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(in)  :: fileunit    ! logical unit of file
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(out) :: readstatus  ! I/O status
-  !local variables:
-  Character(len=80) :: line  ! input line
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  readfile: Do
-     Read( unit=fileunit,fmt='(a)',iostat=readstatus ) line
-     If ( readstatus /= 0 ) Exit
-     line = Adjustl(line)
-     If ( line(1:1) == '!' .Or. line == '' ) Then
-        Cycle !skip blank/comment lines
-     Else
-        !reposition file at the start of the line and exit
-        Backspace( fileunit )
-        Exit readfile
-     End If
-  End Do readfile
-End Subroutine rttov_skipcommentline
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_skipcommentline.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_skipcommentline.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab750dece33ee6d1ac24dbc3511492a30ec79cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_skipcommentline.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_skipcommentline( fileunit,readstatus )
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(in)  :: fileunit    ! logical unit of file
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),           Intent(out) :: readstatus  ! I/O status
-End Subroutine rttov_skipcommentline
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 83feb12be77ddaae9dc8af3392d50de7d1cdd878..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_tl( &
-     & errorstatus,   &! out
-     & nfrequencies,  &! in
-     & nchannels,     &! in
-     & nbtout,        &! in
-     & nprofiles,     &! in
-     & channels,      &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,     &! in
-     & profiles,      &! in
-     & coef,          &! in
-     & addcloud,      &! in
-     & calcemis,      &! in
-     & emissivity,    &! inout
-     & profiles_tl,     &! in
-     & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-     & transmission,    &! inout
-     & transmission_tl, &! inout
-     & radiancedata,    &! inout
-     & radiancedata_tl ) ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Tangent Linear of rttov_direct
-  ! to compute multi-channel level to space transmittances,
-  ! top of atmosphere and level to space radiances and brightness
-  ! temperatures and optionally surface emissivities, for many
-  ! profiles in a single call, for satellite
-  ! infrared or microwave sensors. The code requires a coefficient file
-  ! for each sensor for which simulated radiances are requested.
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method: The methodology is described in the following:
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. and H.M. Woolf  1988 Transmittance of atmospheric gases
-  ! in the microwave region: a fast model. Applied Optics 27  3244-3249
-  !
-  ! Eyre J.R. 1991 A fast radiative transfer model for satellite sounding
-  ! systems.  ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 176 (available from the
-  ! librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Saunders R.W., M. Matricardi and P. Brunel 1999 An Improved Fast Radiative
-  ! Transfer Model for Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations.
-  ! QJRMS, 125, 1407-1425.
-  !
-  ! Matricardi, M., F. Chevallier and S. Tjemkes 2001 An improved general
-  ! fast radiative transfer model for the assimilation of radiance
-  ! observations. ECMWF Research Dept. Tech. Memo. 345
-  ! (available from the librarian at ECMWF).
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.1   01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.2   02/01/2003  More comments added (R Saunders)
-  !  1.3   24/01/2003  Error return code by input profile (P Brunel)
-  !  1.4               Add WV Continuum and CO2 capability
-  !  1.5   04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.6   02/06/2004  Change tests on id_comp_lvl == 7 by tests on fmv_model_ver (P. Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  ! A user guide and technical documentation is available at
-  ! http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/index.html
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & max_optical_depth   ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       & sensor_id_ir
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & geometry_Type  ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & profile_aux    ,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_Type  ,&
-       & radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_checkinput.interface"
-#include "rttov_profaux.interface"
-#include "rttov_setgeometry.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_8.interface"
-#include "rttov_transmit.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_ir.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw.interface"
-#include "rttov_integrate.interface"
-#include "rttov_profaux_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_setpredictors_8_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_transmit_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_calcemis_mw_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_integrate_tl.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_tl! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata_tl ! in because of meme allocation
-  !local variables:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i               ! loop index
-  Logical :: addcosmic          ! switch for adding temp of cosmic background
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: reflectivity(nchannels)      ! surface reflectivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: reflectivity_tl(nchannels)   ! TL surface reflectivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: od_layer(coef%nlevels,nchannels) ! layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: opdp_ref(coef%nlevels,nfrequencies) ! layer optical depth before threshold
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=8)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_tl'
-  Type(geometry_Type)   :: angles(nprofiles)     ! geometry angles
-  Type(predictors_Type) :: predictors(nprofiles) ! predictors
-  Type(profile_aux)     :: aux_prof(nprofiles)   ! auxillary profiles informations
-  Type(predictors_Type) :: predictors_tl(nprofiles) ! TL of above predictors
-  Type(profile_aux)     :: aux_prof_tl(nprofiles)   ! TL of above aux_prof
-  Type(radiance_aux)    :: auxrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zdeb   (5,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zdeb_tl(5,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zmixed   (coef%nmixed,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zmixed_tl(coef%nmixed,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zwater   (coef%nwater,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zwater_tl(coef%nwater,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zlev   (coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zlev_tl(coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zozone   (coef%nozone,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zozone_tl(coef%nozone,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zwvcont   (coef%nwvcont,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zwvcont_tl(coef%nwvcont,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zco2   (coef%nco2,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  zco2_tl(coef%nco2,coef%nlevels,nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  surfair(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  skin   (nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  cosmic (nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  layer(coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  up        (coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  down      (coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target ::  down_cloud(coef%nlevels,nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jn
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-------------
-  !0. initialize
-  !-------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = errorstatus_success
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  !1. check input data is within suitable physical limits
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_checkinput( &
-          & profiles( i ),     &!in
-          & coef,              &!in
-          & errorstatus(i)    ) !out
-  End Do
-  ! 1.1 test check input return code
-  !-----------------------------_---
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_warning ) Then
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput warning error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  End If
-  If ( any( errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( errorstatus(i) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           ! Some unphysical values; Do not run RTTOV
-           Write( errMessage, '( "checkinput fatal error for profile",i4)' ) i
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     ! nothing processed so all profiles get the fatal error code
-     ! user will know which profile
-     errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Return
-  End If
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !2. determine cloud top and surface levels
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     jn=coef%nlevels
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-       aux_prof(i) % debye_prof => zdeb(1:5,1:jn,i)
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_profaux( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & aux_prof(i))    ! inout
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !3. set up common geometric variables for transmittance calculation
-  !------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     Call rttov_setgeometry( &
-          & profiles(i),   &! in
-          & coef,          &! in
-          & angles(i) )     ! out
-  End Do
-  !------------------------------------------
-  !5. calculate transmittance path predictors
-  !------------------------------------------
-  jn=coef%nlevels
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors(i) % nlevels  = coef % nlevels
-     predictors(i) % nmixed   = coef % nmixed
-     predictors(i) % nwater   = coef % nwater
-     predictors(i) % nozone   = coef % nozone
-     predictors(i) % nwvcont  = coef % nwvcont
-     predictors(i) % nco2     = coef % nco2
-     predictors(i) % ncloud   = 0 ! (can be set to 1 inside setpredictors)
-     predictors(i) % mixedgas    => zmixed(1:coef%nmixed, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors(i) % watervapour => zwater(1:coef%nwater, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors(i) % clw         => zlev(1:jn, i)
-     If( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-        predictors(i) % ozone    => zozone(1:coef%nozone, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        predictors(i) % wvcont    => zwvcont(1:coef%nwvcont, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        predictors(i) % co2    => zco2(1:coef%nco2, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-  End Do ! Profile loop
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 7) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 8) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_8( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i) )       ! inout  (in because of mem allocation)
-     Else
-        errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage,&
-              & '( "Unexpected RTTOV compatibility version number" )' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do ! Profile loop
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  !6. calculate optical depths and transmittances
-  !----------------------------------------------
-  Call rttov_transmit( &
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & coef%nlevels,    &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & predictors,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,        &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & transmission,    &! inout
-       & od_layer,        &! out
-       & opdp_ref)         ! out
-  !--------------------------------------
-  !7. calculate channel emissivity values
-  !--------------------------------------
-  If ( Any(calcemis) ) Then
-     ! calculate surface emissivity for selected channels
-     ! and reflectivity
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir ) Then
-        !Infrared
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity  )   ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-        Elseif ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           !Microwave
-        Call rttov_calcemis_mw ( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nchannels,     &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & polarisations, &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & transmission,  &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity,    &! inout
-             & reflectivity,  &! out
-             & errorstatus   ) ! out
-        If ( Any( errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-           errorstatus(:) = errorstatus_fatal
-           Return
-        End If
-     Else
-        ! Hires
-        Call rttov_calcemis_ir( &
-             & profiles,      &! in
-             & angles,        &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity  )   ! inout
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End If
-     ! reflectivity for other channels
-     Where( .Not. calcemis(:) )
-        reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-     End Where
-  Else
-     ! reflectivity for all channels
-     reflectivity(:) = 1 - emissivity(:)
-  End If
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  !8. integrate the radiative transfer equation
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  auxrad % layer   => layer(:,:)
-  auxrad % surfair => surfair(:)
-  auxrad % skin    => skin(:)
-  auxrad % cosmic  => cosmic(:)
-  auxrad % up      => up(:,:)
-  auxrad % down    => down(:,:)
-  If ( addcloud ) then
-     auxrad % down_cloud => down_cloud(:,:)
-  End If
-  addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-  Call rttov_integrate( &
-       & addcloud,      &! in
-       & addcosmic,     &! in
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & nbtout,        &! in
-       & nprofiles,     &! in
-       & angles,        &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & lprofiles,     &! in
-       & emissivity,    &! in
-       & reflectivity,  &! in
-       & transmission,  &! in
-       & profiles,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,      &! in
-       & coef,          &! in
-       & radiancedata,  &! inout
-       & auxrad        ) ! inout
-  ! Tangent Linear
-  !----------------
-  !
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     aux_prof_tl(i) % nearestlev_surf = 0   ! no meaning
-     aux_prof_tl(i) % nearestlev_ctp  = 0   ! no meaning
-     aux_prof_tl(i) % pfraction_surf  = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     aux_prof_tl(i) % pfraction_ctp   = 0._JPRB  ! calculated   inside rttov_profaux_tl
-     aux_prof_tl(i) % cfraction       = 0._JPRB  ! calculated
-     ! Note that  cfraction and pfraction_ctp are set to 0 in case
-     ! of MicroWaves
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        aux_prof_tl(i) % debye_prof => zdeb_tl(1:5,1:jn,i)
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        aux_prof_tl(i) % debye_prof(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-     Endif
-     Call rttov_profaux_tl( &
-          & profiles(i),     &! in
-          & profiles_tl(i),  &! in
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & aux_prof(i),     &! in
-          & aux_prof_tl(i))   ! inout
-  End Do
-  ! No TL on geometry
-  ! TL of predictors
-  jn=coef%nlevels
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors_tl(i) % mixedgas    => zmixed_tl(1:coef%nmixed, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors_tl(i) % watervapour => zwater_tl(1:coef%nwater, 1:jn, i)
-     predictors_tl(i) % clw         => zlev_tl(1:jn, i)
-     If( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_tl(i) % ozone    => zozone_tl(1:coef%nozone, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_tl(i) % wvcont    => zwvcont_tl(1:coef%nwvcont, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-     If( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        predictors_tl(i) % co2    => zco2_tl(1:coef%nco2, 1:jn, i)
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     predictors_tl(i) % nlevels  = predictors(i) % nlevels
-     predictors_tl(i) % nmixed   = predictors(i) % nmixed
-     predictors_tl(i) % nwater   = predictors(i) % nwater
-     predictors_tl(i) % nozone   = predictors(i) % nozone
-     predictors_tl(i) % nwvcont  = predictors(i) % nwvcont
-     predictors_tl(i) % nco2     = predictors(i) % nco2
-     predictors_tl(i) % ncloud   = predictors(i) % ncloud
-     If (coef%fmv_model_ver == 7) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_tl( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & profiles_tl(i),      &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i),       &! in
-             & predictors_tl(i) )    ! inout
-     ElseIf (coef%fmv_model_ver == 8) Then
-        Call rttov_setpredictors_8_tl( &
-             & profiles(i),         &! in
-             & profiles_tl(i),      &! in
-             & angles(i),           &! in
-             & coef,                &! in
-             & predictors(i),       &! in
-             & predictors_tl(i) )    ! inout
-     End If
-  End Do
-  !TL of optical depths and transmittances
-  Call rttov_transmit_tl( &
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & coef%nlevels,    &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & predictors,      &! in
-       & predictors_tl,   &! in
-       & aux_prof,        &! in
-       & aux_prof_tl,     &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & od_layer,        &! in
-       & opdp_ref,        &! in
-       & transmission,    &! in
-       & transmission_tl ) ! inout
-  If ( Any(calcemis) ) Then
-     ! calculate surface emissivity for selected channels
-     ! and reflectivity
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_ir ) Then
-        !Infrared
-        ! nothing to do
-        reflectivity_tl(:) =  - emissivity_tl(:)
-        Elseif ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-           !Microwave
-        Call rttov_calcemis_mw_tl ( &
-             & profiles,        &! in
-             & profiles_tl,     &! in
-             & angles,          &! in
-             & coef,            &! in
-             & nfrequencies,    &! in
-             & nchannels,       &! in
-             & nprofiles,       &! in
-             & channels,        &! in
-             & polarisations,   &! in
-             & lprofiles,       &! in
-             & transmission,    &! in
-             & transmission_tl, &! in
-             & calcemis,        &! in
-             & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-             & reflectivity_tl ) ! out
-     Else
-        ! Hires
-        reflectivity_tl(:) = - emissivity_tl(:)
-     End If
-     ! reflectivity for other channels
-     Where( .Not. calcemis(:) )
-        reflectivity_tl(:) = - emissivity_tl(:)
-     End Where
-  Else
-     ! reflectivity for all channels
-     reflectivity_tl(:) = - emissivity_tl(:)
-  End If
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  !8. integrate the radiative transfer equation
-  !--------------------------------------------
-  addcosmic = ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw )
-  Call rttov_integrate_tl( &
-       & addcloud,      &! in
-       & addcosmic,     &! in
-       & nfrequencies,  &! in
-       & nchannels,     &! in
-       & nbtout,        &! in
-       & nprofiles,     &! in
-       & angles,        &! in
-       & channels,      &! in
-       & polarisations, &! in
-       & lprofiles,     &! in
-       & emissivity,    &! in
-       & emissivity_tl,    &! in
-       & reflectivity,     &! in
-       & reflectivity_tl,  &! in
-       & transmission,     &! in
-       & transmission_tl,  &! in
-       & profiles,         &! in
-       & profiles_tl,      &! in
-       & aux_prof,         &! in
-       & aux_prof_tl,      &! in
-       & coef,             &! in
-       & radiancedata,     &! in
-       & auxrad ,          &! in
-       & radiancedata_tl  ) ! inout
-End Subroutine rttov_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf3698cb41e1f0d62c1e7357e6dfbd9d71fe1fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_tl( &
-     errorstatus,    & ! out
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nbtout,         & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     profiles,       & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     addcloud,       & ! in
-     calcemis,       & ! in
-     emissivity,     & ! inout
-     profiles_tl,    & ! in
-     emissivity_tl,  & ! inout
-     transmission,   & ! inout
-     transmission_tl,& ! inout
-     radiancedata,   & ! inout
-     radiancedata_tl ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       max_optical_depth   ,&
-       sensor_id_mw        ,&
-       sensor_id_ir
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       geometry_Type  ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       profile_aux    ,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       radiance_Type  ,&
-       radiance_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(out)   :: errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,                 Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(profile_Type),      Intent(in)    :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(inout) :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_tl! in because of meme allocation
-  Type(radiance_Type),     Intent(inout) :: radiancedata_tl ! in because of meme allocation
-End Subroutine rttov_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 315491545b709b086e3e6af8fcc0d00434ad3ea6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit( &
-     & nfrequencies, &! in
-     & nchannels,    &! in
-     & nprofiles,    &! in
-     & nlevels,      &! in
-     & channels,     &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,    &! in
-     & predictors,   &! in
-     & aux,          &! in
-     & coef,         &! in
-     & transmission, &! out
-     & od_layer,     &! out
-     & opdp_ref_freq) ! out 
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !  To calculate optical depths for a number of channels
-  !  and profiles from every pressure level to space.
-  ! To interpolate optical depths on to levels of radiative transfer model
-  ! (which, at present, entails only surface transmittance, as
-  ! other optical depths are on *rt* levels) and to convert
-  ! optical depths to transmittances.
-  !
-  ! Code based on OPDEP and RTTAU from previous versions of RTTOV
-  ! Only one profile per call
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of 
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on 
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the 
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between 
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners 
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are 
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  ! 
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith) 
-  !  1.1    29/01/2003  Add WV Continuum and CO2 capability (P Brunel)
-  !  1.2    04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.3    26/09/2003  Modified to allow for multiple polarisations (S English)
-  !  1.4    17/08/2004    Bug fixed in setting transmission to 1 (S English)
-  !  1.5    28/02/2005 Improved vectorisation (D Dent)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       & mwcldtop       ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw   ,&
-       & max_optical_depth 
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & profile_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),               Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies            ! Number of frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),               Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),               Intent(in)    :: nprofiles               ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),               Intent(in)    :: nlevels                 ! Number of pressure levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),               Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)     ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),               Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3) ! polarisation indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),               Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)    ! Profiles indices
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles ) ! Predictors
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)    :: coef                    ! Coefficients
-  Type(transmission_Type),Intent(inout) :: transmission           ! Transmittances and single-layer od
-  Type(profile_aux),     Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )        ! auxillary profiles informations
-  Real(Kind=jprb),                  Intent(out)   :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)  ! sat to layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb),                  Intent(out)   :: opdp_ref_freq(nlevels,nfrequencies)  ! layer optical depth 
-                                                                       !   before threshold
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opticaldepth(nlevels,nfrequencies)       ! raw layer optical depth 
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_surf(nfrequencies)                    ! sat to surface optical depth 
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_layer_freq(nlevels,nfrequencies)      ! sat to layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_singlelayer_freq(nlevels,nfrequencies)      ! sat to layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nchannels)              ! layer optical depth 
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_surf_freq(nfrequencies)              ! sat to surface transmission at each frequency 
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_layer_freq(nlevels,nfrequencies)     ! sat to layer transmission 
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer :: debye_prof(:,:)        ! pointer on Debye profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev, chan, j, prof, freq, kpol        ! loop variables
-  ! cloud liquid water local variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zf, zf_sq, z34_dif, z45_dif, z1_sq, z2_sq, z1_div, z2_div
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1_den, z2_den, zastar, z1_prod, z2_prod, z3_prod, z4_prod
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zbstar, zbstar_sq, za2star, za2star_sq, zdiv, zgstar
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1f_sq_z1_sq, z2f_sq_z2_sq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ii
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !1. calculate layer gaseous optical depths
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !--------------------------
-  !1.1 start with mixed gases
-  !--------------------------
-  opticaldepth(:,:)=0
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     prof = lprofiles(j)
-     Do ii=1,coef % nmixed
-       Do lev=1,nlevels
-        opticaldepth(lev,j)= opticaldepth(lev,j) + &
-         & coef%mixedgas(lev,chan,ii) * predictors( prof ) % mixedgas(ii,lev)  
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  !--------------------
-  !1.2 add water vapour
-  !--------------------
-     Do ii=1,coef % nwater
-       Do lev=1,nlevels
-        opticaldepth(lev,j)= opticaldepth(lev,j) + &
-         & coef%watervapour(lev,chan,ii) * predictors( prof ) % watervapour(ii,lev)  
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  !-------------
-  !1.3 add ozone
-  !-------------
-     Do ii=1,coef % nozone
-       Do lev=1,nlevels
-        opticaldepth(lev,j)= opticaldepth(lev,j) + &
-         & coef%ozone(lev,chan,ii) * predictors( prof ) % ozone(ii,lev)  
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  !------------------------------
-  !1.4 add Water Vapour Continuum
-  !------------------------------
-     Do ii=1,coef % nwvcont
-       Do lev=1,nlevels
-        opticaldepth(lev,j)= opticaldepth(lev,j) + &
-              & coef%wvcont(lev,chan,ii) * predictors( prof ) % wvcont(ii,lev)  
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  !-----------
-  !1.5 add CO2
-  !-----------
-     Do ii=1,coef % nco2
-       Do lev=1,nlevels
-        opticaldepth(lev,j)= opticaldepth(lev,j) + &
-             & coef%co2(lev,chan,ii) * predictors( prof ) % co2(ii,lev)  
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  !--------------------
-  !1.6 add liquid water (MW only)
-  !--------------------
-     If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-        debye_prof => aux(prof) % debye_prof
-        If( predictors(prof) % ncloud >= 1 ) Then
-           Do lev = mwcldtop, nlevels
-              zf           = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-              zf_sq        = zf*zf
-              z1_sq        = debye_prof(1,lev) * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_sq        = debye_prof(2,lev) * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z34_dif      = debye_prof(3,lev) - debye_prof(4,lev)
-              z45_dif      = debye_prof(4,lev) - debye_prof(5,lev)
-              z1f_sq_z1_sq = zf_sq + z1_sq
-              z2f_sq_z2_sq = zf_sq + z2_sq
-              z1_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z1f_sq_z1_sq
-              z2_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z2f_sq_z2_sq
-              z1_den       = z34_dif * z1_div
-              z2_den       = z45_dif * z2_div
-              zastar       = debye_prof(3,lev) - zf_sq * (z1_den + z2_den)
-              z1_prod      = z34_dif * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_prod      = z1_prod * z1_div
-              z3_prod      = z45_dif * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z4_prod      = z3_prod * z2_div
-              zbstar       = -zf * (z2_prod + z4_prod)
-              zbstar_sq    = zbstar * zbstar
-              za2star      = zastar + 2.0_JPRB
-              za2star_sq   = za2star * za2star
-              zdiv         = za2star_sq + zbstar_sq
-              zgstar       = -3.0_JPRB * zbstar / zdiv
-              opticaldepth(lev,j) = opticaldepth(lev,j) -&
-                    & 1.5_JPRB * zf * zgstar * predictors ( prof ) % clw(lev) 
-           End Do
-        Endif
-     End If
- End Do
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !2. Compute layer to space optical depths
-  !----------------------------------------
-  ! notes: apply gamma correction; check value is sensible and constrain
-  ! if necessary.
-  ! note that optical depth in the calculations is negative
-  ! store optical depth in reference array for TL, AD and K calculations
-  opdp_ref_freq(:,:) = opticaldepth(:,:) 
-  Where( opticaldepth(:,:) > 0.0_JPRB )
-     opticaldepth = 0.0_JPRB
-  End Where
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     opticaldepth(:,j) = coef%ff_gam(chan) * opticaldepth(:,j)
-  End Do
-  od_singlelayer_freq(:,:) = - opticaldepth(:,:)
-  od_layer_freq(1,:) = opticaldepth(1,:)
-  Do lev = 2, nlevels
-     od_layer_freq(lev,:) = od_layer_freq(lev-1,:) + opticaldepth(lev,:)
-  End Do
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  !3. Convert optical depths to transmittances
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  ! On some computers when optical depth is too thick
-  ! there is an underflow during the conversion in
-  ! transmittances. In that case uncomment following line
-  ! and the declaration statement of max_optical_depth
-  od_layer_freq(:,:) = Max(od_layer_freq(:,:),-max_optical_depth)
-  tau_layer_freq(:,:) = Exp(od_layer_freq(:,:))
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  !4. Compute optical depth and transmittance at surface
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     prof       = lprofiles(j)
-     od_surf(j) = od_layer_freq(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf,j) + &
-            & aux(prof) % pfraction_surf * &
-           & (  od_layer_freq(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,j) - &
-              & od_layer_freq(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf  ,j)    ) 
-  End Do
-  tau_surf_freq(:) = Exp(od_surf(:))
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  !5. Store transmittances for other polarisations
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
- transmission % tau_layer(:,:) = 1.0_JPRB
- transmission % od_singlelayer(:,:) = 1.0_JPRB
- od_layer(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
- opdp_ref(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     freq       = polarisations(j,2)               ! Frequency index
-     kpol       = 1 + j - polarisations(freq,1)    ! Polarisation index
-     prof       = lprofiles(freq)       ! Profile index
-     transmission % tau_layer(:,j) = tau_layer_freq(:,freq)
-     transmission % od_singlelayer(:,j) = od_singlelayer_freq(:,freq)
-     od_layer(:,j) = od_layer_freq(:,freq) 
-     opdp_ref(:,j) = opdp_ref_freq(:,freq) 
-     transmission % tau_surf(j) = tau_surf_freq(freq) 
-  End Do  
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f293048e837541d4823fd681eaa7c431f8588c8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit( &
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     nlevels,        & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     predictors,     & ! in
-     aux,            & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     transmission,   & ! out
-     od_layer,       & ! out
-     opdp_ref)         ! out
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       mwcldtop       ,&
-       sensor_id_mw   ,&
-       max_optical_depth
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels               ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(predictors_Type),   Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles ) ! Predictors
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef                    ! Coefficients
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission           ! Transmittances and single-layer od
-  Type(profile_aux),       Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )        ! auxillary profiles informations
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(out)   :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)  ! sat to layer optical depth
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(out)   :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nfrequencies)  ! layer optical depth
-                                                                       !   before threshold
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 4836d6053e39b3bef596ac04f7a8a7b481070810..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit_ad( &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & nlevels,         &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & predictors,      &! in
-     & predictors_ad,   &! inout
-     & aux,             &! in
-     & aux_ad,          &! inout
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & od_layer,        &! in
-     & opdp_ref,        &! in
-     & transmission,    &! in
-     & transmission_ad ) ! inout
-  ! Description:
-  ! Adjoint of rttov_transmit_tl
-  !  To calculate optical depths for a number of channels
-  !  and profiles from every pressure level to space.
-  ! To interpolate optical depths on to levels of radiative transfer model
-  ! (which, at present, entails only surface transmittance, as
-  ! other optical depths are on *rt* levels) and to convert
-  ! optical depths to transmittances.
-  !
-  ! Code based on OPDEPAD and RTTAUAD from previous versions of RTTOV
-  ! Only one profile per call
-  !
-  ! Adjoint variables
-  ! input transmission_ad % tau_surf and transmission_ad % tau_layer
-  ! set inside integrate_ad
-  !
-  ! input/output aux_ad
-  !
-  ! output predictors_ad initialised inside rttov_ad (need input
-  !    intent for memory allocation in calling routine)
-  !
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1    29/01/2003  Add WV Continuum and CO2 capability (P Brunel)
-  !  1.2    04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.3    26/09/2003  Modified to allow for multiple polarisations (S English)
-  !         06/09/2004  Mods. for Vectorisation (D Salmond ECMWF & B Carruthers, Cray)
-  !         28/02/2005  Improved vectorisation (D Dent)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       & mwcldtop       ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles )
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors_ad( nprofiles )
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux),     Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )
-  Type(profile_aux),     Intent(inout) :: aux_ad( nprofiles )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),       Intent(in)    :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),       Intent(in)    :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type),Intent(in)   :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type),Intent(inout):: transmission_ad
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_layer_ad(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opticaldepth_ad(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_surf_ad(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_layer_freq(nlevels,nfrequencies) ! sat to layer transmission at each frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_surf_freq_ad(nfrequencies) ! sat to surface transmission at each frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_layer_freq_ad(nlevels,nfrequencies) ! sat to layer transmission at each frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_singlelayer_freq_ad(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer :: debye_prof(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer :: debye_prof_ad(:,:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev,chan,j,freq,kpol
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: prof
-  ! cloud liquid water local variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zf, zf_sq, z34_dif, z45_dif, z1_sq, z2_sq, z1_div, z2_div
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1_den, z2_den, zastar, z1_prod, z2_prod, z3_prod, z4_prod
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zbstar, zbstar_sq, za2star, za2star_sq, zdiv, zgstar
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1f_sq_z1_sq, z2f_sq_z2_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z34_dif_ad, z45_dif_ad, z1_sq_ad, z2_sq_ad, z1_div_ad, z2_div_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1_den_ad, z2_den_ad, zastar_ad, z1_prod_ad, z2_prod_ad, z3_prod_ad, z4_prod_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zbstar_ad, zbstar_sq_ad, za2star_ad, za2star_sq_ad, zdiv_ad, zgstar_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1f_sq_z1_sq_ad, z2f_sq_z2_sq_ad
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: II
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  od_layer_ad(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  opticaldepth_ad(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  !5. Store transmittances for other polarisations
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  tau_layer_freq_ad(:, :)       = 0.0_JPRB
-  od_singlelayer_freq_ad(:, :)  = 0.0_JPRB
-  tau_surf_freq_ad(:)           = 0.0_JPRB
-!dir$ concurrent
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     freq       = polarisations(j,2)               ! Frequency index
-     tau_layer_freq(:,freq) = transmission % tau_layer(:,j)
-     tau_layer_freq_ad(:,freq) = tau_layer_freq_ad(:,freq) + transmission_ad % tau_layer(:,j)
-     od_singlelayer_freq_ad(:,freq) = od_singlelayer_freq_ad(:,freq) + &
-                                                        & transmission_ad % od_singlelayer(:,j)
-     tau_surf_freq_ad(freq) = tau_surf_freq_ad(freq) + transmission_ad % tau_surf(j)
-     od_surf_ad(freq) =  transmission % tau_surf(j) * tau_surf_freq_ad(freq)
-  End Do
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  !4. Compute optical depth and transmittance at surface
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     prof       = lprofiles(j)
-     chan       = polarisations(j,1)
-     od_layer_ad(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf,j) = od_layer_ad(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf,j) +&
-           & od_surf_ad(j) * (1._JPRB - aux(prof) % pfraction_surf )
-     od_layer_ad(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,j) = od_layer_ad(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,j) +&
-           & od_surf_ad(j) * aux(prof) % pfraction_surf
-     aux_ad(prof) % pfraction_surf = aux_ad(prof) % pfraction_surf + od_surf_ad(j) *&
-           & (  od_layer(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,chan) -    &
-              & od_layer(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf  ,chan) )
-     od_surf_ad(j) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  !3. Convert optical depths to transmittances
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  od_layer_ad(:,:) = od_layer_ad(:,:) + tau_layer_freq_ad(:,:) * tau_layer_freq(:,:)
-  !transmission_ad % tau_layer(:,:) = 0.
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !2. Compute layer to space optical depths
-  !----------------------------------------
-  ! notes: apply gamma correction; check value is sensible and constrain
-  ! if necessary.
-  Do lev = nlevels, 2, -1
-     od_layer_ad(lev-1,:)   = od_layer_ad(lev-1,:)    + od_layer_ad(lev,:)
-     opticaldepth_ad(lev,:) = opticaldepth_ad(lev,:)  + od_layer_ad(lev,:)
-     od_layer_ad(lev,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  opticaldepth_ad(1,:) = opticaldepth_ad(1,:) + od_layer_ad(1,:)
-  opticaldepth_ad(:,:) = opticaldepth_ad(:,:) - od_singlelayer_freq_ad(:,:)
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     opticaldepth_ad(:,j) = coef%ff_gam(chan) * opticaldepth_ad(:,j)
-  End Do
-  ! note that optical depth in the calculations is negative
-  Where( opdp_ref(:,:) > 0.0_JPRB )
-     opticaldepth_ad = 0.0_JPRB
-  End Where
-  !--------------------
-  !1.6 add liquid water (MW only)
-  !--------------------
-  If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-!dir$ concurrent
-     Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        debye_prof    => aux(prof) % debye_prof
-        debye_prof_ad => aux_ad(prof) % debye_prof
-        If( predictors(prof) % ncloud >= 1 ) Then
-!dir$ concurrent
-           Do lev = mwcldtop, nlevels
-              ! Repeat direct code
-              zf           = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-              zf_sq        = zf*zf
-              z1_sq        = debye_prof(1,lev) * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_sq        = debye_prof(2,lev) * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z34_dif      = debye_prof(3,lev) - debye_prof(4,lev)
-              z45_dif      = debye_prof(4,lev) - debye_prof(5,lev)
-              z1f_sq_z1_sq = zf_sq + z1_sq
-              z2f_sq_z2_sq = zf_sq + z2_sq
-              z1_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z1f_sq_z1_sq
-              z2_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z2f_sq_z2_sq
-              z1_den       = z34_dif * z1_div
-              z2_den       = z45_dif * z2_div
-              zastar       = debye_prof(3,lev) - zf_sq * (z1_den + z2_den)
-              z1_prod      = z34_dif * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_prod      = z1_prod * z1_div
-              z3_prod      = z45_dif * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z4_prod      = z3_prod * z2_div
-              zbstar       = -zf * (z2_prod + z4_prod)
-              zbstar_sq    = zbstar * zbstar
-              za2star      = zastar + 2.0_JPRB
-              za2star_sq   = za2star * za2star
-              zdiv         = za2star_sq + zbstar_sq
-              zgstar       = -3.0_JPRB * zbstar / zdiv
-              ! Now compute Adjoint code
-              !opticaldepth_ad(lev,j)= opticaldepth_ad(lev,j)
-              zgstar_ad = opticaldepth_ad(lev,j) *&
-                    & (-1.5_JPRB * zf * predictors ( prof ) % clw(lev))
-              predictors_ad ( prof ) % clw(lev) = predictors_ad ( prof ) % clw(lev) +&
-                    & opticaldepth_ad(lev,j) * (-1.5_JPRB * zf * zgstar)
-              zbstar_ad = -3.0_JPRB * zgstar_ad / zdiv
-              zdiv_ad   =  3.0_JPRB * zgstar_ad * zbstar / (zdiv*zdiv)
-              !zgstar_ad =  0.
-              za2star_sq_ad = zdiv_ad
-              zbstar_sq_ad  = zdiv_ad
-              !zdiv_ad       = 0.
-              za2star_ad    = 2.0_JPRB * za2star * za2star_sq_ad
-              !za2star_sq_ad = 0.
-              zastar_ad     = za2star_ad
-              !za2star_ad    = 0.
-              zbstar_ad     = zbstar_ad + 2.0_JPRB * zbstar * zbstar_sq_ad
-              !zbstar_sq_ad  = 0.
-              z2_prod_ad    = -zf * zbstar_ad
-              z4_prod_ad    = -zf * zbstar_ad
-              !zbstar_ad     = 0.
-              z3_prod_ad    = z2_div  * z4_prod_ad
-              z2_div_ad     = z3_prod * z4_prod_ad
-              !z4_prod_ad    = 0.
-              z45_dif_ad           = debye_prof(2,lev)             * z3_prod_ad
-              debye_prof_ad(2,lev) = debye_prof_ad(2,lev) + z45_dif* z3_prod_ad
-              !z3_prod_ad           = 0.
-              z1_prod_ad    = z1_div  * z2_prod_ad
-              z1_div_ad     = z1_prod * z2_prod_ad
-              !z2_prod_ad    = 0.
-              z34_dif_ad           = debye_prof(1,lev)              * z1_prod_ad
-              debye_prof_ad(1,lev) = debye_prof_ad(1,lev) + z34_dif * z1_prod_ad
-              !z1_prod_ad           = 0.
-              debye_prof_ad(3,lev) = debye_prof_ad(3,lev) + zastar_ad
-              z1_den_ad            =              -zf_sq  * zastar_ad
-              z2_den_ad            =              -zf_sq  * zastar_ad
-              !zastar_ad            = 0.
-              z2_div_ad     = z2_div_ad  + z45_dif * z2_den_ad
-              z45_dif_ad    = z45_dif_ad + z2_div  * z2_den_ad
-              !z2_den_ad     = 0.
-              z1_div_ad     = z1_div_ad  + z34_dif * z1_den_ad
-              z34_dif_ad    = z34_dif_ad + z1_div  * z1_den_ad
-              !z1_den_ad     = 0.
-              z2f_sq_z2_sq_ad = -z2_div_ad / (z2f_sq_z2_sq * z2f_sq_z2_sq)
-              !z2_div_ad       = 0.
-              z1f_sq_z1_sq_ad = -z1_div_ad / (z1f_sq_z1_sq * z1f_sq_z1_sq)
-              !z1_div_ad       = 0.
-              z2_sq_ad        = z2f_sq_z2_sq_ad
-              !z2f_sq_z2_sq_ad = 0.
-              z1_sq_ad        = z1f_sq_z1_sq_ad
-              !z1f_sq_z1_sq_ad = 0.
-              debye_prof_ad(4,lev) = debye_prof_ad(4,lev) + z45_dif_ad
-              debye_prof_ad(5,lev) = debye_prof_ad(5,lev) - z45_dif_ad
-              !z45_dif_ad           = 0.
-              debye_prof_ad(3,lev) = debye_prof_ad(3,lev) + z34_dif_ad
-              debye_prof_ad(4,lev) = debye_prof_ad(4,lev) - z34_dif_ad
-              !z34_dif_ad           = 0.
-              debye_prof_ad(2,lev) = debye_prof_ad(2,lev) + z2_sq_ad *&
-                    & 2.0_JPRB * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              !z2_sq_ad             = 0.
-              debye_prof_ad(1,lev) = debye_prof_ad(1,lev) + z1_sq_ad *&
-                    & 2.0_JPRB * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              !z1_sq_ad             = 0.
-           End Do
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !-----------
-  !1.5 add CO2
-  !-----------
-  If ( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-           predictors_ad( prof ) % co2(:,lev) =&
-                    & predictors_ad( prof ) % co2(:,lev) +&
-                    & coef%co2(lev,chan,:) * opticaldepth_ad(lev,j)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !------------------------------
-  !1.4 add Water Vapour Continuum
-  !------------------------------
-  If ( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-           predictors_ad( prof ) % wvcont(:,lev) =&
-                    & predictors_ad( prof ) % wvcont(:,lev) +&
-                    & coef%wvcont(lev,chan,:) * opticaldepth_ad(lev,j)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !-------------
-  !1.3 add ozone
-  !-------------
-  If ( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        Do ii=1,coef%nozone
-!dir$ concurrent
-          Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-             predictors_ad( prof ) % ozone(ii,lev) =&
-                    & predictors_ad( prof ) % ozone(ii,lev) +&
-                    & coef%ozone(lev,chan,ii) * opticaldepth_ad(lev,j)
-           End Do
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !--------------------
-  !1.2 add water vapour
-  !--------------------
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     prof = lprofiles(j)
-     Do ii=1,coef%nwater
-!dir$ concurrent
-       Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-        predictors_ad( prof ) % watervapour(ii,lev) =&
-                 & predictors_ad( prof ) % watervapour(ii,lev) +   &
-                 & coef%watervapour(lev,chan,ii) * opticaldepth_ad(lev,j)
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !--------------------------
-  !1.1 start with mixed gases
-  !--------------------------
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     prof = lprofiles(j)
-     Do ii=1,coef%nmixed
-!dir$ concurrent
-       Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-        predictors_ad( prof ) % mixedgas(ii,lev) =&
-                 & predictors_ad( prof ) % mixedgas(ii,lev) +&
-                 & coef%mixedgas(lev,chan,ii) * opticaldepth_ad(lev,j)
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 437c2896ba2b20fbdd9e23997bc719867913468b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit_ad( &
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     nlevels,        & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     predictors,     & ! in
-     predictors_ad,  & ! inout
-     aux,            & ! in
-     aux_ad,         & ! inout
-     coef,           & ! in
-     od_layer,       & ! in
-     opdp_ref,       & ! in
-     transmission,   & ! in
-     transmission_ad ) ! inout
-! Adjoint variables
-! input transmission_ad % tau_surf and transmission_ad % tau_layer set inside integrate_ad
-! input/output aux_ad
-! output predictors_ad initialised inside rttov_ad (need input
-!    intent for memory allocation in calling routine)
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       mwcldtop       ,&
-       sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(predictors_Type),    Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles )
-  Type(predictors_Type),    Intent(inout) :: predictors_ad( nprofiles )
-  Type(rttov_coef),         Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux),        Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )
-  Type(profile_aux),        Intent(inout) :: aux_ad( nprofiles )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in)    :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in)    :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type),  Intent(in)   :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type),  Intent(inout):: transmission_ad
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 12295a92c27238df883abd9fe33d48e5d37409d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit_k( &
-     & nfrequencies,   &! in
-     & nchannels,      &! in
-     & nprofiles,      &! in
-     & nlevels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,  &! in
-     & channels,       &! in
-     & lprofiles,      &! in
-     & predictors,     &! in
-     & predictors_k,   &! inout
-     & aux,            &! in
-     & aux_k,          &! inout
-     & coef,           &! in
-     & od_layer,       &! in
-     & opdp_ref,       &! in
-     & transmission,   &! in
-     & transmission_k ) ! inout
-! History:
-! Version   Date     Comment
-! -------   ----     -------
-!  1.0
-!  1.1    26/09/2003  Modified to allow for multiple polarisations (S English)
-!  1.2    29/03/2005  Add end of header comment (J. Cameron)
-! Adjoint variables
-! input transmission_k% tau_surf and transmission_k% tau_layer set inside integrate_k
-! input/output aux_k
-! output predictors_k initialised inside rttov_k (need input
-!    intent for memory allocation in calling routine)
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       & mwcldtop       ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles )
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(inout) :: predictors_k( nchannels )
-  Type(rttov_coef),      Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux),     Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )
-  Type(profile_aux),     Intent(inout) :: aux_k( nchannels )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),       Intent(in)    :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),       Intent(in)    :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type),Intent(in)   :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type),Intent(inout):: transmission_k
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_layer_k(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opticaldepth_k(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_surf_k(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opdp_ref_chan(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer :: debye_prof(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer :: debye_prof_k(:,:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev,chan,j,freq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: prof, kpol
-  ! cloud liquid water local variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zf, zf_sq, z34_dif, z45_dif, z1_sq, z2_sq, z1_div, z2_div
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1_den, z2_den, zastar, z1_prod, z2_prod, z3_prod, z4_prod
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zbstar, zbstar_sq, za2star, za2star_sq, zdiv, zgstar
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1f_sq_z1_sq, z2f_sq_z2_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z34_dif_k, z45_dif_k, z1_sq_k, z2_sq_k, z1_div_k, z2_div_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1_den_k, z2_den_k, zastar_k, z1_prod_k, z2_prod_k, z3_prod_k, z4_prod_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zbstar_k, zbstar_sq_k, za2star_k, za2star_sq_k, zdiv_k, zgstar_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1f_sq_z1_sq_k, z2f_sq_z2_sq_k
-!- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  od_layer_k(:,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  opticaldepth_k(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  !4. Compute optical depth and transmittance at surface
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  od_surf_k(:) =  0.0_JPRB
-  od_surf_k(:) =  transmission % tau_surf(:) * transmission_k% tau_surf(:)
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(j,2)
-     prof       = lprofiles(freq)
-     od_layer_k(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf,j) = od_layer_k(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf,j) +&
-           & od_surf_k(j) * (1._JPRB - aux(prof) % pfraction_surf )
-     od_layer_k(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,j) = od_layer_k(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,j) +&
-           & od_surf_k(j) * aux(prof) % pfraction_surf
-     aux_k(j) % pfraction_surf = aux_k(j) % pfraction_surf + od_surf_k(j) *&
-           & (  od_layer(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,j) -    &
-              & od_layer(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf  ,j) )
-     od_surf_k(j) = 0._JPRB
-     opdp_ref_chan(:,j)=opdp_ref(:, freq)
-  End Do
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  !3. Convert optical depths to transmittances
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  od_layer_k(:,:) = od_layer_k(:,:) + transmission_k% tau_layer(:,:) * transmission % tau_layer(:,:)
-  !transmission_k% tau_layer(:,:) = 0.
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !2. Compute layer to space optical depths
-  !----------------------------------------
-  ! notes: apply gamma correction; check value is sensible and constrain
-  ! if necessary.
-  Do lev = nlevels, 2, -1
-     od_layer_k(lev-1,:)   = od_layer_k(lev-1,:)    + od_layer_k(lev,:)
-     opticaldepth_k(lev,:) = opticaldepth_k(lev,:)  + od_layer_k(lev,:)
-     od_layer_k(lev,:)     = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  opticaldepth_k(1,:) = opticaldepth_k(1,:) + od_layer_k(1,:)
-  opticaldepth_k(:,:) = opticaldepth_k(:,:) - transmission_k % od_singlelayer(:,:)
-  transmission_k % od_singlelayer(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(j,2)
-     chan = channels(freq)
-     opticaldepth_k(:,j) = coef%ff_gam(chan) * opticaldepth_k(:,j)
-  End Do
-  ! note that optical depth in the calculations is negative
-  Where( opdp_ref_chan(:,:) > 0.0_JPRB )
-     opticaldepth_k = 0.0_JPRB
-  End Where
-  !--------------------
-  !1.6 add liquid water (MW only)
-  !--------------------
-  If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     Do j = 1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(j,2)
-        chan = channels(freq)
-        prof = lprofiles(freq)
-        debye_prof    => aux(prof) % debye_prof
-        debye_prof_k => aux_k(j) % debye_prof
-        If( predictors(prof) % ncloud >= 1 ) Then
-           Do lev = mwcldtop, nlevels
-              ! Repeat direct code
-              zf           = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-              zf_sq        = zf*zf
-              z1_sq        = debye_prof(1,lev) * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_sq        = debye_prof(2,lev) * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z34_dif      = debye_prof(3,lev) - debye_prof(4,lev)
-              z45_dif      = debye_prof(4,lev) - debye_prof(5,lev)
-              z1f_sq_z1_sq = zf_sq + z1_sq
-              z2f_sq_z2_sq = zf_sq + z2_sq
-              z1_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z1f_sq_z1_sq
-              z2_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z2f_sq_z2_sq
-              z1_den       = z34_dif * z1_div
-              z2_den       = z45_dif * z2_div
-              zastar       = debye_prof(3,lev) - zf_sq * (z1_den + z2_den)
-              z1_prod      = z34_dif * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_prod      = z1_prod * z1_div
-              z3_prod      = z45_dif * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z4_prod      = z3_prod * z2_div
-              zbstar       = -zf * (z2_prod + z4_prod)
-              zbstar_sq    = zbstar * zbstar
-              za2star      = zastar + 2.0_JPRB
-              za2star_sq   = za2star * za2star
-              zdiv         = za2star_sq + zbstar_sq
-              zgstar       = -3.0_JPRB * zbstar / zdiv
-              ! Now compute Adjoint code
-              !opticaldepth_k(lev,j)= opticaldepth_k(lev,j)
-              zgstar_k = opticaldepth_k(lev,j) *&
-                    & (-1.5_JPRB * zf * predictors ( prof ) % clw(lev))
-              predictors_k ( j ) % clw(lev) = predictors_k ( j ) % clw(lev) +&
-                    & opticaldepth_k(lev,j) * (-1.5_JPRB * zf * zgstar)
-              zbstar_k = -3.0_JPRB * zgstar_k / zdiv
-              zdiv_k   =  3.0_JPRB * zgstar_k * zbstar / (zdiv*zdiv)
-              !zgstar_k =  0.
-              za2star_sq_k = zdiv_k
-              zbstar_sq_k  = zdiv_k
-              !zdiv_k       = 0.
-              za2star_k    = 2.0_JPRB * za2star * za2star_sq_k
-              !za2star_sq_k = 0.
-              zastar_k     = za2star_k
-              !za2star_k    = 0.
-              zbstar_k     = zbstar_k + 2.0_JPRB * zbstar * zbstar_sq_k
-              !zbstar_sq_k  = 0.
-              z2_prod_k    = -zf * zbstar_k
-              z4_prod_k    = -zf * zbstar_k
-              !zbstar_k     = 0.
-              z3_prod_k    = z2_div  * z4_prod_k
-              z2_div_k     = z3_prod * z4_prod_k
-              !z4_prod_k    = 0.
-              z45_dif_k           = debye_prof(2,lev)             * z3_prod_k
-              debye_prof_k(2,lev) = debye_prof_k(2,lev) + z45_dif* z3_prod_k
-              !z3_prod_k           = 0.
-              z1_prod_k    = z1_div  * z2_prod_k
-              z1_div_k     = z1_prod * z2_prod_k
-              !z2_prod_k    = 0.
-              z34_dif_k           = debye_prof(1,lev)              * z1_prod_k
-              debye_prof_k(1,lev) = debye_prof_k(1,lev) + z34_dif * z1_prod_k
-              !z1_prod_k           = 0.
-              debye_prof_k(3,lev) = debye_prof_k(3,lev) + zastar_k
-              z1_den_k            =              -zf_sq  * zastar_k
-              z2_den_k            =              -zf_sq  * zastar_k
-              !zastar_k            = 0.
-              z2_div_k     = z2_div_k  + z45_dif * z2_den_k
-              z45_dif_k    = z45_dif_k + z2_div  * z2_den_k
-              !z2_den_k     = 0.
-              z1_div_k     = z1_div_k  + z34_dif * z1_den_k
-              z34_dif_k    = z34_dif_k + z1_div  * z1_den_k
-              !z1_den_k     = 0.
-              z2f_sq_z2_sq_k = -z2_div_k / (z2f_sq_z2_sq * z2f_sq_z2_sq)
-              !z2_div_k       = 0.
-              z1f_sq_z1_sq_k = -z1_div_k / (z1f_sq_z1_sq * z1f_sq_z1_sq)
-              !z1_div_k       = 0.
-              z2_sq_k        = z2f_sq_z2_sq_k
-              !z2f_sq_z2_sq_k = 0.
-              z1_sq_k        = z1f_sq_z1_sq_k
-              !z1f_sq_z1_sq_k = 0.
-              debye_prof_k(4,lev) = debye_prof_k(4,lev) + z45_dif_k
-              debye_prof_k(5,lev) = debye_prof_k(5,lev) - z45_dif_k
-              !z45_dif_k           = 0.
-              debye_prof_k(3,lev) = debye_prof_k(3,lev) + z34_dif_k
-              debye_prof_k(4,lev) = debye_prof_k(4,lev) - z34_dif_k
-              !z34_dif_k           = 0.
-              debye_prof_k(2,lev) = debye_prof_k(2,lev) + z2_sq_k *&
-                    & 2.0_JPRB * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              !z2_sq_k             = 0.
-              debye_prof_k(1,lev) = debye_prof_k(1,lev) + z1_sq_k *&
-                    & 2.0_JPRB * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              !z1_sq_k             = 0.
-           End Do
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !-----------
-  !1.5 add CO2
-  !-----------
-  If ( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(j,2)
-        chan = channels(freq)
-        Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-           predictors_k( j ) % co2(:,lev) =&
-                    & predictors_k( j ) % co2(:,lev) +&
-                    & coef%co2(lev,chan,:) * opticaldepth_k(lev,j)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !------------------------------
-  !1.4 add Water Vapour Continuum
-  !------------------------------
-  If ( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(j,2)
-        chan = channels(freq)
-        Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-           predictors_k( j ) % wvcont(:,lev) =&
-                    & predictors_k( j ) % wvcont(:,lev) +&
-                    & coef%wvcont(lev,chan,:) * opticaldepth_k(lev,j)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !-------------
-  !1.3 add ozone
-  !-------------
-  If ( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1, nchannels
-        freq=polarisations(j,2)
-        chan = channels(freq)
-        Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-           predictors_k( j ) % ozone(:,lev) =&
-                    & predictors_k( j ) % ozone(:,lev) +&
-                    & coef%ozone(lev,chan,:) * opticaldepth_k(lev,j)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !--------------------
-  !1.2 add water vapour
-  !--------------------
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(j,2)
-     chan = channels(freq)
-     Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-        predictors_k( j ) % watervapour(:,lev) =&
-                 & predictors_k( j ) % watervapour(:,lev) +   &
-                 & coef%watervapour(lev,chan,:) * opticaldepth_k(lev,j)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !--------------------------
-  !1.1 start with mixed gases
-  !--------------------------
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     freq=polarisations(j,2)
-     chan = channels(freq)
-     Do lev=nlevels, 1, -1
-        predictors_k( j ) % mixedgas(:,lev) =&
-                 & predictors_k( j ) % mixedgas(:,lev) +&
-                 & coef%mixedgas(lev,chan,:) * opticaldepth_k(lev,j)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit_k
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deleted file mode 100644
index bb70558ba55cff58ae024e64cc418b54e15fcdb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit_k( &
-     nfrequencies,  & ! in
-     nchannels,     & ! in
-     nprofiles,     & ! in
-     nlevels,       & ! in
-     channels,      & ! in
-     polarisations, & ! in
-     lprofiles,     & ! in
-     predictors,    & ! in
-     predictors_k,  & ! inout
-     aux,           & ! in
-     aux_k,         & ! inout
-     coef,          & ! in
-     od_layer,      & ! in
-     opdp_ref,      & ! in
-     transmission,  & ! in
-     transmission_k ) ! inout
-! Adjoint variables
-! input transmission_k% tau_surf and transmission_k% tau_layer set inside integrate_k
-! input/output aux_k
-! output predictors_k initialised inside rttov_k (need input
-!    intent for memory allocation in calling routine)
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       mwcldtop       ,&
-       sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies  ! Number of output radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),       Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(predictors_Type),    Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles )
-  Type(predictors_Type),    Intent(inout) :: predictors_k( nfrequencies )
-  Type(rttov_coef),         Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux),        Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )
-  Type(profile_aux),        Intent(inout) :: aux_k( nfrequencies )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in)    :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),          Intent(in)    :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type),  Intent(in)    :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type),  Intent(inout) :: transmission_k
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 902f8d8ca264446d357466383be73d7d928f3306..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit_tl( &
-     & nfrequencies, &! in
-     & nchannels,    &! in
-     & nprofiles,    &! in
-     & nlevels,      &! in
-     & channels,     &! in
-     & polarisations, &! in
-     & lprofiles,    &! in
-     & predictors,   &! in
-     & predictors_tl,   &! in
-     & aux,             &! in
-     & aux_tl,          &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & od_layer,        &! in
-     & opdp_ref,        &! in
-     & transmission,    &! in
-     & transmission_tl ) ! inout 
-  ! Description:
-  ! Tangent linear of rttov_transmit
-  !  To calculate optical depths for a number of channels
-  !  and profiles from every pressure level to space.
-  ! To interpolate optical depths on to levels of radiative transfer model
-  ! (which, at present, entails only surface transmittance, as
-  ! other optical depths are on *rt* levels) and to convert
-  ! optical depths to transmittances.
-  !
-  ! Code based on OPDEPTL and RTTAUTL from previous versions of RTTOV
-  ! Only one profile per call
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1    29/01/2003  Add WV Continuum and CO2 capability (P Brunel)
-  !  1.2    04/12/2003  Optimisation (J Hague and D Salmond ECMWF)
-  !  1.3    26/09/2003  Modified to allow for multiple polarisations (S English)
-  !  1.4    28/02/2005  Improved vectorisation (D Dent)  
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       & mwcldtop       ,&
-       & sensor_id_mw   
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & predictors_Type,&
-       & transmission_Type  ,&
-       & profile_aux 
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles )
-  Type(predictors_Type), Intent(in)    :: predictors_tl( nprofiles )
-  Type(rttov_coef)     , Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux)   ,  Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )
-  Type(profile_aux)   ,  Intent(in)    :: aux_tl( nprofiles )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),       Intent(in)    :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),       Intent(in)    :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type),Intent(in)   :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type),Intent(inout):: transmission_tl
-  !local variables:
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_layer_tl(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: opticaldepth_tl(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_surf_tl(nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_surf_freq(nfrequencies)              ! sat to surface transmission at each frequency 
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_layer_freq(nlevels,nfrequencies)     ! sat to layer transmission at each frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_surf_freq_tl(nfrequencies)              ! sat to surface transmission at each frequency 
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: tau_layer_freq_tl(nlevels,nfrequencies)     ! sat to layer transmission at each frequency
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: od_singlelayer_freq_tl(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer :: debye_prof(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer :: debye_prof_tl(:,:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev,chan,j,freq,kpol
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: prof
-  ! cloud liquid water local variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zf, zf_sq, z34_dif, z45_dif, z1_sq, z2_sq, z1_div, z2_div
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1_den, z2_den, zastar, z1_prod, z2_prod, z3_prod, z4_prod
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zbstar, zbstar_sq, za2star, za2star_sq, zdiv, zgstar
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1f_sq_z1_sq, z2f_sq_z2_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z34_dif_tl, z45_dif_tl, z1_sq_tl, z2_sq_tl, z1_div_tl, z2_div_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1_den_tl, z2_den_tl, zastar_tl, z1_prod_tl, z2_prod_tl, z3_prod_tl, z4_prod_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zbstar_tl, zbstar_sq_tl, za2star_tl, za2star_sq_tl, zdiv_tl, zgstar_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z1f_sq_z1_sq_tl, z2f_sq_z2_sq_tl
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ii
-!- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !1. calculate layer gaseous optical depths
-  !-----------------------------------------
-  !--------------------------
-  !1.1 start with mixed gases
-  !--------------------------
-  Do j = 1,  nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     prof = lprofiles(j)
-     Do lev=1,nlevels
-       opticaldepth_tl(lev,j)=0
-     End Do
-     Do ii=2,coef % nmixed
-       Do lev=1,nlevels
-        opticaldepth_tl(lev,j)= opticaldepth_tl(lev,j) + &
-         & coef%mixedgas(lev,chan,ii) * predictors_tl( prof ) % mixedgas(ii,lev) 
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !--------------------
-  !1.2 add water vapour
-  !--------------------
-  Do j = 1,  nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     prof = lprofiles(j)
-     Do ii=1,coef % nwater
-       Do lev=1,nlevels
-        opticaldepth_tl(lev,j)= opticaldepth_tl(lev,j) + &
-         & coef%watervapour(lev,chan,ii) * predictors_tl( prof ) % watervapour(ii,lev) 
-       End Do
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !-------------
-  !1.3 add ozone
-  !-------------
-  If ( coef%nozone > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1,  nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        Do ii=1,coef % nozone
-          Do lev=1,nlevels
-           opticaldepth_tl(lev,j)= opticaldepth_tl(lev,j) + &
-            & coef%ozone(lev,chan,ii) * predictors_tl( prof ) % ozone(ii,lev) 
-          End Do
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !------------------------------
-  !1.4 add Water Vapour Continuum
-  !------------------------------
-  If ( coef%nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1,  nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        Do ii=1,coef % nwvcont
-          Do lev=1,nlevels
-           opticaldepth_tl(lev,j)= opticaldepth_tl(lev,j) + &
-                 & coef%wvcont(lev,chan,ii) * predictors_tl( prof ) % wvcont(ii,lev) 
-          End Do
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !-----------
-  !1.5 add CO2
-  !-----------
-  If ( coef%nco2 > 0 ) Then
-     Do j = 1,  nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        Do ii=1,coef % nco2
-          Do lev=1,nlevels
-           opticaldepth_tl(lev,j)= opticaldepth_tl(lev,j) + &
-                & coef%co2(lev,chan,ii) * predictors_tl( prof ) % co2(ii,lev) 
-          End Do
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !--------------------
-  !1.6 add liquid water (MW only)
-  !--------------------
-  If ( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw ) Then
-     Do j = 1,  nfrequencies
-        chan = channels(j)
-        prof = lprofiles(j)
-        debye_prof    => aux(prof) % debye_prof
-        debye_prof_tl => aux_tl(prof) % debye_prof
-        If( predictors(prof) % ncloud >= 1 ) Then
-           Do lev = mwcldtop, nlevels
-              ! Repeat direct code
-              zf           = coef % frequency_ghz(chan)
-              zf_sq        = zf*zf
-              z1_sq        = debye_prof(1,lev) * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_sq        = debye_prof(2,lev) * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z34_dif      = debye_prof(3,lev) - debye_prof(4,lev)
-              z45_dif      = debye_prof(4,lev) - debye_prof(5,lev)
-              z1f_sq_z1_sq = zf_sq + z1_sq
-              z2f_sq_z2_sq = zf_sq + z2_sq
-              z1_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z1f_sq_z1_sq
-              z2_div       = 1.0_JPRB / z2f_sq_z2_sq
-              z1_den       = z34_dif * z1_div
-              z2_den       = z45_dif * z2_div
-              zastar       = debye_prof(3,lev) - zf_sq * (z1_den + z2_den)
-              z1_prod      = z34_dif * debye_prof(1,lev)
-              z2_prod      = z1_prod * z1_div
-              z3_prod      = z45_dif * debye_prof(2,lev)
-              z4_prod      = z3_prod * z2_div
-              zbstar       = -zf * (z2_prod + z4_prod)
-              zbstar_sq    = zbstar * zbstar
-              za2star      = zastar + 2.0_JPRB
-              za2star_sq   = za2star * za2star
-              zdiv         = za2star_sq + zbstar_sq
-              zgstar       = -3.0_JPRB * zbstar / zdiv
-              ! Now compute tangent-linear code
-              !zf_tl    = 0
-              !zf_sq_tl = 0
-              z1_sq_tl       = 2.0_JPRB * debye_prof(1,lev) * debye_prof_tl(1,lev)
-              z2_sq_tl       = 2.0_JPRB * debye_prof(2,lev) * debye_prof_tl(2,lev)
-              z34_dif_tl     = debye_prof_tl(3,lev) - debye_prof_tl(4,lev)
-              z45_dif_tl     = debye_prof_tl(4,lev) - debye_prof_tl(5,lev)
-              z1f_sq_z1_sq_tl  = z1_sq_tl
-              z2f_sq_z2_sq_tl  = z2_sq_tl
-              z1_div_tl      = -z1f_sq_z1_sq_tl / (z1f_sq_z1_sq * z1f_sq_z1_sq)
-              z2_div_tl      = -z2f_sq_z2_sq_tl / (z2f_sq_z2_sq * z2f_sq_z2_sq)
-              z1_den_tl      = z34_dif * z1_div_tl + z34_dif_tl * z1_div
-              z2_den_tl      = z45_dif * z2_div_tl + z45_dif_tl * z2_div
-              zastar_tl      = debye_prof_tl(3,lev) - zf_sq * (z1_den_tl + z2_den_tl)
-              z1_prod_tl     = z34_dif_tl * debye_prof(1,lev)&
-                    & + z34_dif*debye_prof_tl(1,lev) 
-              z2_prod_tl     = z1_prod_tl * z1_div + z1_prod * z1_div_tl
-              z3_prod_tl     = z45_dif_tl * debye_prof(2,lev)&
-                    & + z45_dif * debye_prof_tl(2,lev) 
-              z4_prod_tl     = z3_prod_tl * z2_div + z3_prod * z2_div_tl
-              zbstar_tl      = -zf * (z2_prod_tl + z4_prod_tl)
-              zbstar_sq_tl   = 2.0_JPRB * zbstar * zbstar_tl
-              za2star_tl     = zastar_tl
-              za2star_sq_tl  = 2.0_JPRB * za2star * za2star_tl
-              zdiv_tl        = za2star_sq_tl + zbstar_sq_tl
-              zgstar_tl      = -3.0_JPRB*(zbstar_tl * zdiv - zbstar * zdiv_tl) / (zdiv * zdiv)
-              opticaldepth_tl(lev,j)= opticaldepth_tl(lev,j) &
-                    & - 1.5_JPRB * zf * ( zgstar_tl * predictors    ( prof ) % clw(lev) + &
-                                   & zgstar    * predictors_tl ( prof ) % clw(lev) ) 
-           End Do
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End If
-  !----------------------------------------
-  !2. Compute layer to space optical depths
-  !----------------------------------------
-  ! notes: apply gamma correction; check value is sensible and constrain
-  ! if necessary.
-  ! note that optical depth in the calculations is negative
-  Where( opdp_ref(:,:) > 0.0_JPRB )
-     opticaldepth_tl = 0.0_JPRB
-  End Where
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-     freq       = polarisations(j,2)               ! Frequency index
-     kpol       = 1 + j - polarisations(freq,1)    ! Polarisation index
-     prof       = lprofiles(freq)       ! Profile index
-     If (kpol <= 2) Then
-      tau_layer_freq(:,freq) = transmission % tau_layer(:,j)      
-        tau_surf_freq(freq)    = transmission % tau_surf(j)
-     End If
-  End Do   
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     chan = channels(j)
-     opticaldepth_tl(:,j) = coef%ff_gam(chan) * opticaldepth_tl(:,j)
-  End Do
-  od_singlelayer_freq_tl(:,:) = - opticaldepth_tl(:,:)
-  od_layer_tl(1,:) = opticaldepth_tl(1,:)
-  Do lev = 2, nlevels
-     od_layer_tl(lev,:) = od_layer_tl(lev-1,:) + opticaldepth_tl(lev,:)
-  End Do
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  !3. Convert optical depths to transmittances
-  !-------------------------------------------
-  tau_layer_freq_tl(:,:) = od_layer_tl(:,:) * tau_layer_freq(:,:)
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  !4. Compute optical depth and transmittance at surface
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-     prof       = lprofiles(j)
-     chan       = polarisations(j, 1)
-     od_surf_tl(j) = od_layer_tl(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf,j) &
-           & +  aux_tl(prof) % pfraction_surf *                &
-           & (  od_layer(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,chan) -    &
-              & od_layer(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf  ,chan)    ) &
-           & +  aux(prof) % pfraction_surf *                   &
-           & (  od_layer_tl(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf-1,j) - &
-              & od_layer_tl(aux(prof) % nearestlev_surf  ,j) ) 
-  End Do
-  tau_surf_freq_tl(:) = od_surf_tl(:) * tau_surf_freq(:)
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  !5. Store transmittances for other polarisations
-  !-----------------------------------------------------
-  Do j = 1, nchannels
-    freq    = polarisations(j,2)    
-    transmission_tl % tau_layer(:,j) = tau_layer_freq_tl(:,freq)
-    transmission_tl % od_singlelayer(:,j) = od_singlelayer_freq_tl(:,freq)
-    transmission_tl % tau_surf(j) = tau_surf_freq_tl(freq) 
-  End Do 
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit_tl
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deleted file mode 100644
index 69b90c1e3995bb965575d4d847a50ee2523061f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_transmit_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_transmit_tl( &
-     nfrequencies,   & ! in
-     nchannels,      & ! in
-     nprofiles,      & ! in
-     nlevels,        & ! in
-     channels,       & ! in
-     polarisations,  & ! in
-     lprofiles,      & ! in
-     predictors,     & ! in
-     predictors_tl,  & ! in
-     aux,            & ! in
-     aux_tl,         & ! in
-     coef,           & ! in
-     od_layer,       & ! in
-     opdp_ref,       & ! in
-     transmission,   & ! in
-     transmission_tl ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only: &
-       mwcldtop       ,&
-       sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       predictors_Type,&
-       transmission_Type  ,&
-       profile_aux
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),      Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Type(predictors_Type),   Intent(in)    :: predictors( nprofiles )
-  Type(predictors_Type),   Intent(in)    :: predictors_tl( nprofiles )
-  Type(rttov_coef),        Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Type(profile_aux),       Intent(in)    :: aux( nprofiles )
-  Type(profile_aux),       Intent(in)    :: aux_tl( nprofiles )
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(in)    :: od_layer(nlevels,nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),         Intent(in)    :: opdp_ref(nlevels,nfrequencies)
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(in)    :: transmission
-  Type(transmission_Type), Intent(inout) :: transmission_tl
-End Subroutine rttov_transmit_tl
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_types.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_types.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index d05a97cde62ecc98535d3e0deb4edabaaad2fc77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_types.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-module rttov_types
-  ! Description:
-  ! defines all derived types for RTTOV
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0   01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1   29/01/2003  Add CO2 variable gaz to profile sturcture (P Brunel)
-  !                    Add rain and solid precip. to profile cloud structure
-  !  1.2   13/05/2003  Add structure for transmissions and optical depths (F Chevallier)
-  !  1.3      08/2003  Add scattering facility (F Chevallier)
-  !  1.4   18/09/2003  Add kice and kradip to profile_cloud_type (P Francis)
-  !  1.5   09/12/2003  Change type for mclayer to INTEGER (R Saunders)
-  !  1.6   06/01/2004  Add CO2 to ref profile (R Saunders)
-  !  1.7   02/06/2004  Add fast model version compatibility level in coef type (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.8   17/05/2005  Add q to profile_cloud_type ( U O'Keeffe)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  use rttov_const, only: &
-       & fastem_sp
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  ! Surface skin
-  Type sskin_type
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: surftype        ! 0=land, 1=sea, 2=sea-ice
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: t               ! radiative skin temperature (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: fastem(fastem_sp)  ! land/sea-ice surface parameters for fastem-2
-  End Type sskin_type
-  ! Surface 2m
-  Type s2m_type
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: t                  ! temperature (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: q                  ! water vapour (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: o                  ! ozone (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: p                  ! surface pressure (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: u                  ! U wind component (m/s)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: v                  ! V wind component (m/s)
-  End Type s2m_type
-  ! structure for atmospheric profiles on model pressure levels
-  Type profile_type
-     ! number of atmospheric levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels
-     ! ozone, CO2 and cloud liquid water profiles available
-     logical :: ozone_data
-     logical :: co2_data
-     logical :: clw_data
-     ! atmosphere defined on nlevels
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: p(:)      ! pressure (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: t(:)      ! temperature (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: q(:)      ! water vapour (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: o3(:)     ! ozone (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: co2(:)    ! carbon dioxide (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: clw(:)    ! cloud liquid water (kg/kg)
-     ! surface
-     Type(sskin_type) :: skin
-     Type(s2m_type)   :: s2m
-     !angles
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zenangle
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azangle
-     ! Black body cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ctp               ! cloud top pressure  (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cfraction         ! cloud fraction (0 - 1) 1 for 100% cloud cover
-  End Type profile_type
-  ! structure for atmospheric profiles with information
-  ! on clouds for each level
-  Type profile_cloud_type
-     ! number of atmospheric levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels
-     ! atmosphere defined on nlevels  (nlevels+1 for ph)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: p(:)      ! full-level model pressure (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: ph(:)     ! half-level model pressure (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: t(:)      ! temperature (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: q(:)      ! specific humidity (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: cc(:)     ! cloud cover
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: clw(:)    ! cloud liquid water (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: ciw(:)    ! cloud ice water (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: rain(:)   ! rain (kg/(m2._JPRBs))
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: sp(:)     ! solid precipitation (kg/(m2._JPRBs))
-     ! Ice cloud crystal type (0=hexagonal columns, 1=aggregates)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: kice
-     ! Ice effective size scheme (0=Ou-Liou, 1=Wyser, 2=Boudala et al., 3=McFarquhar))
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: kradip
-  End Type profile_cloud_type
-  ! satellite geometry
-  Type geometry_type
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sinzen
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sinzen_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: coszen
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: coszen_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: seczen
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: seczen_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: seczen_sqrt
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: seczen_minus1
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: seczen_minus1_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sinview
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sinview_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: cosview_sq
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: normzen
-  End Type geometry_type
-  ! Predictors
-  Type predictors_type
-     ! the nxxxx could be set to 0 to indicate the abscence
-     ! of the predictor, in that case there is no need to
-     ! allocate the corresponding predictor
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels   ! number of levels for predictors (all same)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nmixed    ! number of variables for Mixed Gases
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nwater    ! number of variables for Water Vapour
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nozone    ! number of variables for Ozone
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nwvcont   ! number of variables for WV Continuum
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nco2      ! number of variables for CO2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ncloud    ! number of variables for MW Cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer     :: mixedgas(:,:)     ! (nmixed,  nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer     :: watervapour(:,:)  ! (nwater,  nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer     :: ozone(:,:)        ! (nozone,  nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer     :: wvcont(:,:)       ! (nwvcont, nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer     :: co2(:,:)          ! (nco2,    nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer     :: clw(:)            ! (nlevels)
-  End Type predictors_type
-  Type rttov_coef
-     ! Structure for the storage of RTTOV coefficients
-     ! this may differ from what is stored in the coefficient files especially
-     ! for the units (ie kg/kg to ppmv)
-     ! Gases are separated in MxG WV O3
-     ! Number of levels is the same for all gases (taken from MxG).
-     !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: id_platform  ! platform   (see documentation or MOD_CPARAM)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: id_sat    ! satellite  (.....)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: id_inst    ! instrument (.....)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: id_sensor  ! sensor
-     !  1 = Infrared
-     !  2 = Micro Wave
-     !  3 = High resolution
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: id_comp_lvl  ! RTTOV coefficient file version number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) ,Dimension(3) :: id_creation_date  ! YYYY MM DD
-  Character (len=80)    :: id_creation    ! Creation comment
-  Character (len=32)    :: id_Common_name  ! usual name of the satellite
-  Character (len=32)    :: fmv_model_def  ! FMV definition (RTTOV6 OPTRAN RTTOV7)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: fmv_model_ver  ! fast model version compatibility level
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: fmv_chn        ! number of channels in file
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: fmv_gas        ! number of gases in file
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), pointer      :: fmv_gas_id(:)  ! gas id. number i gas_id list (fmv_gas)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer      :: fmv_gas_pos(:) ! respective position of each gas of gas_id list (ngases_max)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer      :: fmv_var(:)     ! number of variables/predictors by gaz (fmv_gas)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer      :: fmv_lvl(:)     ! number of levels(pres/absorber) by gaz (fmv_gas)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nmixed         ! number of variables/predictors for Mixed Gases
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nwater         ! number of variables/predictors for Water Vapour
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nozone         ! number of variables/predictors for Ozone
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nwvcont        ! number of variables/predictors for WV continuum
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nco2           ! number of variables/predictors for CO2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nn2o           ! number of variables/predictors for N2O
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nco            ! number of variables/predictors for CO
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nch4           ! number of variables/predictors for CH4
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: nlevels        ! number of levels(pres/absorber) same for all gases
-     !GAZ_UNITS section
-     ! gases are in the order of gas id codes
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer      :: gaz_units(:)   ! unit of gaz concentration for each gaz
-                                             ! default value is specific conc. (kg/kg)
-                                             ! value inside RTTOV calculations (ppmv)
-     !FILTER_FUNCTIONS section  array size is fmv_chn
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) ,Pointer :: ff_ori_chn(:)   ! original chan number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) ,Pointer :: ff_val_chn(:)   ! validity of the channel (1=OK)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) ,Pointer :: ff_cwn (:)      ! cental wave number (cm-1)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) ,Pointer :: ff_bco (:)      ! band correction offset (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) ,Pointer :: ff_bcs (:)      ! band correction slope (K/K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) ,Pointer :: ff_gam (:)      ! gamma factor transm. correction
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fc_speedl         ! speed of light (cm/s)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fc_planck_c1      ! first radiation constant (mW/(m2*sr*cm-4))
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fc_planck_c2      ! second radiation constant (cm*K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fc_sat_height     ! satellite nominal altitude (km)
-     !FASTEM section
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: fastem_ver      ! fastem version number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: fastem_coef_nb  ! number of coefficients
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer    :: fastem_coef(:)  ! coefficients (fastem_coef_nb)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: fastem_polar(:) ! polarisation of each channel
-     ! 0 = 0.5 V+H
-     ! 1 = 90 - incident angle
-     ! 2 = incident angle
-     ! 3 = vertical
-     ! 4 = horizontal
-     ! 5 = V+H
-     ! Full stokes vector
-     !SSIREM section     array size is fmv_chn
-     ! ems =   ssirem_a0
-     !       - ssirem_a1*(zen**ssirem_xzn1)
-     !       - ssirem_a2*(zen**ssirem_xzn2)
-     ! where zen is satellite zenith angle in degrees, divided by 60.
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ssirem_ver                ! version number
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Pointer  :: ssirem_chn(:)  ! original chan number
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer     :: ssirem_a0(:)   ! constant coef
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer     :: ssirem_a1(:)   ! first coef
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer     :: ssirem_a2(:)   ! second coef
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer     :: ssirem_xzn1(:) ! 1st exponent on zenith angle
-  Real(Kind=jprb),  Pointer     :: ssirem_xzn2(:) ! 2nd exponent on zenith angle
-     !REFERENCE_PROFILE section  defined on Mixed gases pressure levels
-     ! Not working for OPTRAN gas absorber levels
-     ! gases are in the order of gas id codes
-     ! unit for mr in coeff file is kg/kg or ppmv (see gaz_units section)
-     ! unit for mr for optical depth calculations is ppmv
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: ref_prfl_p(:)    ! pressure  (hPa)       (levels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: ref_prfl_t(:,:)  ! temperature (K)       (levels, gases)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: ref_prfl_mr(:,:) ! mixing ratio (ppmv)   (levels, gases)
-     !PROFILE_LIMITS section
-     ! gases are in the order of gas id codes
-     ! unit for mr in coeff file is kg/kg or ppmv (see gaz_units section)
-     ! unit for mr for optical depth calculations is ppmv
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: lim_prfl_p(:)    ! pressure  (hPa)       (levels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: lim_prfl_tmax(:) ! max temperature (K)   (levels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: lim_prfl_tmin(:) ! min temperature (K)   (levels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: lim_prfl_gmax(:,:) ! max mixing r (ppmv) (levels, gases)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: lim_prfl_gmin(:,:) ! min mixing r (ppmv) (levels, gases)
-     !FAST_COEFFICIENTS section
-     ! separate arrays to allow dififerent number of variables for each gaz
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: mixedgas(:,:,:)    ! Mixed gases coefs  (levels, channels, variables)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: watervapour(:,:,:) ! Water vapour coefs (levels, channels, variables)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: ozone(:,:,:)       ! Ozone coefs        (levels, channels, variables)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: wvcont(:,:,:)      ! WV Cont coefs      (levels, channels, variables)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: co2(:,:,:)         ! CO2 coefs          (levels, channels, variables)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: n2o(:,:,:)         ! N2O coefs          (levels, channels, variables)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: co(:,:,:)          ! CO coefs           (levels, channels, variables)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer      :: ch4(:,:,:)         ! CH4 coefs          (levels, channels, variables)
-     ! Auxillary variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb)               :: ratoe       ! ratio (H+R)/R  H=sat height, R=Earth radius
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: planck1(:)       ! C1 * Nu**3
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: planck2(:)       ! C2 * Nu
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: frequency_ghz(:) ! frequency in GHz
-     ! other predictor variables see Science and Validation report
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: dp(:)        ! interval between standard p levels (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: dpp(:)       ! pressure based variable (hPa**2)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: tstar(:)     ! layer temp (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: to3star(:)   ! layer temp for O3 calculations (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: wstar(:)     ! layer WV  (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: ostar(:)     ! layer O3  (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer      :: co2star(:)   ! layer co2 (ppmv)
-  End Type rttov_coef
-  Type rttov_scatt_coef
-     ! Structure for the storage of RTTOV_SCATT coefficients
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors in computation
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: mtype  ! Number of hydrometeors     in Mie tables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: mfreqm ! Number of frequencies      in Mie tables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: mtemp  ! Number of temperature bins in Mie tables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: mwc    ! Number of water bins       in Mie tables
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: offset_temp_rain       ! temperature offset in table for rain type
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: offset_temp_sp         ! temperature offset in table for solid prec. type
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: offset_temp_liq        ! temperature offset in table for cloud water type
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: offset_temp_ice        ! temperature offset in table for cloud ice type
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: offset_water           ! liquid/ice water offset in table
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: scale_water            ! log10(liquid/ice water) scaling factor in table
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: from_scale_water       ! 10**(1._JPRB/scale_water)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: conv_rain(2)           ! coefficients for rain unit conversion (mm.h-1 to g.m-3)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: conv_sp  (2)           ! coefficients for solid prec. unit conversion (mm.h-1 to g.m-3)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: conv_liq (2)           ! coefficients for cloud water conversion (not used)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: conv_ice (2)           ! coefficients for cloud ice conversion   (not used)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: mie_freq(:)      ! list of frequencies in Mie table
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ext(:,:,:,:)     ! extinction coefficent table
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ssa(:,:,:,:)     ! single scattering albedo table
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: asp(:,:,:,:)     ! assymetry parameter table
-  End Type rttov_scatt_coef
-  ! Auxillary profile variables
-  ! variables calculated by the model from profile
-  type profile_aux
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nearestlev_surf ! nearest model level above surface
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: pfraction_surf  ! pressure fraction of surface in model layer (hPa)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nearestlev_ctp  ! nearest model level above cloud top
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: pfraction_ctp   ! pressure fraction of cloud top pressure in layer (hPa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: cfraction       ! cloud fraction (0 - 1) 1 for 100% cloud cover
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: debye_prof(:,:) ! Debye terms
-  end type profile_aux
-  ! Auxillary profile variables for RTTOV_SCATT
-  ! variables calculated by the model from profile
-  Type profile_scatt_aux
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ccmax(:)    ! horizontal cloud fraction (one value used for all layers)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ems_bnd(:)  ! surface emissivity for boundary conditions
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ref_bnd(:)  ! surface emissivity for boundary conditions
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ems_cld(:)  ! surface emissivity taking into account cloud/rain impact on od
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ref_cld(:)  ! surface reflectivity taking into account cloud/rain impact on od
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: dz(:,:)     ! layer depth   [km]
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: tbd(:,:)    ! temperature at layer boundary [K]
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: clw(:,:)    ! cloud liquid water (g/m3)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: ciw(:,:)    ! cloud ice water (g/m3)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: rain(:,:)   ! rain (g/m3)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Pointer :: sp(:,:)     ! solid precipitation (g/m3)
-!RWS  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: mclayer(:)  ! upper level cloud layer
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), pointer :: mclayer(:)  ! upper level cloud layer
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: delta(:,:)  ! (= ext*dz/coszen)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: tau(:,:)    ! optical depths (= exp(-delta))
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ext(:,:)    ! extinction coefficient integreated over hydrometeor types
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: ssa(:,:)    ! single scattering albedo integreated over hydrometeor types
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: asm(:,:)    ! asymetry parameter integreated over hydrometeor types [-1,1]
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: lambda(:,:) ! eddington approx. variable
-                                  ! (= sqrt( 3*ext*ext*(1-ssa)*(1-ssa*asm) )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: h (:,:)     ! boundary condition variable (= 1.5_JPRB*ext(1-ssa*asm))
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: b0(:,:)     ! lower level temperature
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: b1(:,:)     ! temperature gradient
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: bn(:,:)     ! upper level temperature
-  end type profile_scatt_aux
-  type transmission_type
-     ! Transmissions and optical depths (unitless)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: tau_surf(:)          ! transmittance from surface (array size is of size nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: tau_layer(:,:)       ! transmittance from each standard pressure level
-                                                    !   (array size is of size (nlevels,nchannels))
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: od_singlelayer(:,:)  ! single-layer optical depth
-                                                    !   (array size is of size (nlevels,nchannels))
-  end type transmission_type
-  type radiance_type
-     ! Radiance and corresponding brightness temperature
-     ! Array size is of size nchannels
-     ! except for cloudy calculations (nlevels, nchannels)
-     ! unit for radiance is mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m
-     ! unit for temperature is Kelvin
-     !
-     logical :: lcloud  ! if true the last array is calculated
-                        ! if false it does not need to be allocated
-     !
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: clear(:)      ! clear sky radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: clear_out(:)  ! clear sky radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: cloudy(:)     ! 100% cloudy radiance for given cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: total(:)      ! cloudy radiance for given cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: total_out(:)  ! cloudy radiance for given cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: out(:)        ! BT equivalent to total radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: out_clear(:)  ! BT equivalent to clear radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: bt(:)         ! Brightness temp equivalent to total radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: bt_clear(:)   ! Brightness temp equivalent to clear radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: upclear(:)    ! clear sky radiance without reflection term
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: dnclear(:)    ! clear sky downwelling radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: reflclear(:)  ! reflected clear sky downwelling radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: overcast(:,:) ! overcast radiance at given cloud
-                                             !   top  (levels,channels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: downcld(:,:)  ! contribution to radiance of downward
-                                             !   cloud emission at given cloud top
-                                             !   (levels,channels)
-  end type radiance_type
-  type radiance_cloud_type
-     ! Emissivity and radiance arrays for cloudy conditions
-     ! see rttov_cld
-     ! Array size is of size nchannels
-     ! except for cloudy calculations (nlevels, nchannels)
-     !
-     ! First part, same definition as the radiance type
-  logical :: lcloud     ! if true the last array is calculated
-                        ! if false it does not need to be allocated
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: clear(:)      ! clear sky radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: clear_out(:)  ! clear sky radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: cloudy(:)     ! 100% cloudy radiance for given cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: total(:)      ! cloudy radiance for given cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: total_out(:)  ! cloudy radiance for given cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: out(:)        ! Brightness temp equivalent to total radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: out_clear(:)  ! Brightness temp equivalent to clear radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: bt(:)         ! Brightness temp equivalent to total radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: bt_clear(:)   ! Brightness temp equivalent to clear radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: upclear(:)    ! clear sky radiance without reflection term
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: dnclear(:)    ! clear sky downwelling radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: reflclear(:)  ! reflected clear sky downwelling radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: overcast(:,:) ! overcast radiance at given cloud
-                                             !   top  (levels,channels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: downcld(:,:)  ! contribution to radiance of downward
-                                             !   cloud emission at given cloud top
-                                             !   (levels,channels)
-     !
-     ! Second part Cloud specific
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: cldemis(:,:)  ! cloud emissivity (levels, channels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: wtoa(:,:)     ! toa weights of of cloud layers
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: wsurf(:,:)    ! surface weights of cloud layers
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: cs_wtoa(:)    ! contribution from clear sky fraction
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: cs_wsurf(:)   ! contribution from clear sky fraction
-     !
-     ! Third part scatter specific
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer  :: freq_used(:)  ! list of frequencies actually used for the Mie computations
-     ! (they may not be strictly equal to the frequencies requested)
-  end type radiance_cloud_type
-  type radiance_aux
-     ! auxillary calculation arrays for RTE integration
-     ! Direct model arrays need to be passed to TL AD and K codes
-     ! array size is of (nchannels) or (nlevels, nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: layer(:,:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: surfair(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: skin(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: cosmic(:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: up(:,:)         ! sum( B * dT )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: down(:,:)       ! sum ( B / T**2 dT )
-  Real(Kind=jprb), pointer :: down_cloud(:,:)
-  end type radiance_aux
-End Module rttov_types
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_v2q.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_v2q.F90
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index a10c56f4a78baee96714d572fabe9f93665073dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_v2q.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_v2q (&
-      & h2o_unit,  &! in
-      & h2o,       &! in
-      & gaz_id,    &! in
-      & v_gaz,     &! in
-      & q_gaz     ) ! inout
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  !   Conversion of volume mixing ratio to specific concentration.
-  !   Gases are defined by the "gas_id_xxx" codes in the rttov_const module
-  !   Method use an equivalent molecular weight of wet air
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version    Date      Comment
-  !  1.0    27/01/2003  Original code. (P. Brunel)
-  !  1.1    13/02/2003  Remove capability of array of gases (P. Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   FORTRAN 90, following AAPP standards
-  !
-  ! Declarations
-  !
-  ! Global variables:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & mair                ,&
-       & mh2o                ,&
-       & mo3                 ,&
-       & mco2                ,&
-       & mn2o                ,&
-       & mco                 ,&
-       & mch4                ,&
-       & gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       & gas_id_co           ,&
-       & gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       & gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       & gas_unit_ppmv
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  !   Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: h2o_unit ! Water vapour input unit
-                                               ! 1 = specific concent. (kg/kg)
-                                               ! 2 = volume mixing ratio (ppmv)
-                                               ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in) :: h2o      ! Water Vapour content in unit h2o_unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: gaz_id   ! Gaz identification number
-                                               ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in)   :: v_gaz  ! volume mixing ratio for gaz (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (inout):: q_gaz  ! specific concentration for gaz (kg/kg)
-  ! Local parameter
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: eps = mh2o / mair
-  ! Local variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: Mwet  ! equivalent molecular weight of wet air (g)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: v_h2o ! volume mixing ratio for Water Vapour (v:v)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Calculate volume mixing ratio (no unit) for Water Vapour
-  If( h2o_unit == gas_unit_specconc ) then
-     v_h2o = h2o / (eps * (1-h2o) + h2o)
-  Else If( h2o_unit == gas_unit_ppmv ) then
-     v_h2o = h2o * 1.e-06_JPRB
-  Else
-     v_h2o = 0._JPRB
-  End If
-  ! Humid air molar mass
-  Mwet = (1 - v_h2o)*Mair + v_h2o*Mh2o
-  ! calculate specific concentration for gaz (kg/kg)
-  Select Case( gaz_id )
-  Case( gas_id_mixed )
-     ! keep same value for Mixed gases
-     q_gaz = v_gaz
-  Case( gas_id_watervapour )
-     q_gaz = v_gaz * 1.e-06_JPRB * Mh2o / Mwet
-     !q_gaz = v_gaz / 1.60771704e+6
-  Case( gas_id_ozone )
-     q_gaz = v_gaz * 1.e-06_JPRB * Mo3  / Mwet
-     !q_gaz = v_gaz / 6.03504e+5
-  Case( gas_id_wvcont )
-     q_gaz = v_gaz * 1.e-06_JPRB * Mh2o / Mwet
-  Case( gas_id_co2 )
-     q_gaz = v_gaz * 1.e-06_JPRB * Mco2 / Mwet
-  Case( gas_id_n2o )
-     q_gaz = v_gaz * 1.e-06_JPRB * Mn2o / Mwet
-  Case( gas_id_co )
-     q_gaz = v_gaz * 1.e-06_JPRB * Mco  / Mwet
-  Case( gas_id_ch4 )
-     q_gaz = v_gaz * 1.e-06_JPRB * Mch4 / Mwet
-  Case Default
-     q_gaz = 0._JPRB
-  End Select
-End Subroutine rttov_v2q
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_v2q.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_v2q.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index f93cf0e74630364a41beb606dac3cae747cd502a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_v2q.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine rttov_v2q (&
-     & h2o_unit, & ! in
-     & h2o,      & ! in
-     & gaz_id,   & ! in
-     & v_gaz,    & ! in
-     & q_gaz     ) ! inout
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       mair                ,&
-       mh2o                ,&
-       mo3                 ,&
-       mco2                ,&
-       mn2o                ,&
-       mco                 ,&
-       mch4                ,&
-       gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       gas_id_co2          ,&
-       gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       gas_id_co           ,&
-       gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       gas_unit_ppmv
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: h2o_unit ! Water vapour input unit
-                                    ! 1 = specific concent. (kg/kg)
-                                    ! 2 = volume mixing ratio (ppmv)
-                                    ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in) :: h2o      ! Water Vapour content in unit h2o_unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , Intent (in) :: gaz_id   ! Gaz identification number
-                                    ! (see gaz id codes in module rttov_const)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (in)   :: v_gaz  ! volume mixing ratio for gaz (ppmv)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , Intent (inout):: q_gaz  ! specific concentration for gaz (kg/kg)
-End Subroutine rttov_v2q
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_writecoef.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_writecoef.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index c97de52f7dfdafae7395ec0018cf8a0170d4abc6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_writecoef.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_writecoef (errorstatus, coef, file_id, lbinary)
-  ! Description:
-  ! write on unit file_id the coef structure.
-  ! If lbinary is false or not present the file is assumed as
-  ! an ASCII sequential formatted, in other case it is sequential unformatted.
-  ! I/O write status are only tested at the end of the code
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !  1.1       24/01/2003  insert I/O status (P Brunel)
-  !                        one record per channel for coefficients in binary format
-  !                        New header to allow checking R4<->R8
-  !  1.2       02/06/2004  Update for RTTOV8 coefs (P. Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & rttov_magic_string  ,&
-       & rttov_magic_number  ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & errorstatus_info    ,&
-       & gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       & gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       & gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       & gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       & gas_id_co2          ,&
-       & gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       & gas_id_co           ,&
-       & gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       & gas_name            ,&
-       & gas_unit_name
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),            Intent (in) :: file_id      ! file logical unit number
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (in) :: coef         ! coefficients
-  Logical, Optional,  Intent (in) :: lbinary      ! if binary file wanted
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),            Intent (out) :: errorstatus  ! return code
-  ! local scalars
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i, j, l, k
-  Logical :: file_binary
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: io_status
-  Character (len=2) :: sensor
-  Character (len=32) :: section
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=16) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttov_writecoef '
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = errorstatus_success
-  ! Consider lbinary option to create the option
-  If(Present(lbinary)) Then
-     file_binary = lbinary
-  Else
-     file_binary = .False.
-  Endif
-  If( file_binary ) Then
-     ! Binary file
-     Write( errMessage, '( "write coefficient to file_id ", i2, " in binary format")' ) &
-           & file_id
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     ! Write a string that could be displayed
-     ! Write a real number to be able to check single/double precision
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status) rttov_magic_string, rttov_magic_number
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % id_platform,&
-           & coef % id_sat,     &
-           & coef % id_inst,    &
-           & coef % id_sensor
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % id_comp_lvl,      &
-           & coef % id_creation_date, &
-           & coef % id_creation,      &
-           & coef % id_Common_name
-     If( coef % id_comp_lvl == 7 ) then
-        Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-             & coef % fmv_model_def,&
-             & coef % fmv_chn,      &
-             & coef % fmv_gas
-     Else
-        Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-             & coef % fmv_model_def,&
-             & coef % fmv_model_ver,&
-             & coef % fmv_chn,      &
-             & coef % fmv_gas
-     Endif
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % fmv_gas_id,  &
-           & coef % fmv_gas_pos, &
-           & coef % fmv_var,     &
-           & coef % fmv_lvl
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % gaz_units
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % ff_ori_chn, &
-           & coef % ff_val_chn, &
-           & coef % ff_cwn,     &
-           & coef % ff_bco,     &
-           & coef % ff_bcs,     &
-           & coef % ff_gam
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % fc_speedl,    &
-           & coef % fc_planck_c1, &
-           & coef % fc_planck_c2, &
-           & coef % fc_sat_height
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % fastem_ver,&
-           & coef % ssirem_ver
-     If( coef % fastem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-        Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-              & coef % fastem_coef_nb
-        Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-              & coef % fastem_coef,&
-              & coef % fastem_polar
-     Endif
-     If( coef % ssirem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-        Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-              & coef % ssirem_chn, &
-              & coef % ssirem_a0,  &
-              & coef % ssirem_a1,  &
-              & coef % ssirem_a2,  &
-              & coef % ssirem_xzn1,&
-              & coef % ssirem_xzn2
-     Endif
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % ref_prfl_p,&
-           & coef % ref_prfl_t,&
-           & coef % ref_prfl_mr
-     Write(file_id, iostat=io_status)&
-           & coef % lim_prfl_p,    &
-           & coef % lim_prfl_tmax, &
-           & coef % lim_prfl_tmin, &
-           & coef % lim_prfl_gmax, &
-           & coef % lim_prfl_gmin
-     ! Write coefficients with ONE record per Channel
-     If ( coef % nmixed > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % mixedgas( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( coef % nwater > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % watervapour( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( coef % nozone > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % ozone( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( coef % nwvcont > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % wvcont( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( coef % nco2 > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % co2( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( coef % nn2o > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % n2o( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( coef % nco > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % co( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     If ( coef % nch4 > 0 ) Then
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,iostat=io_status) coef % ch4( : , i, : )
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     !
-     ! Add here other gases or new sections
-     !
-  Else
-     !ASCII file
-     Write( errMessage, '( "write coefficient to file_id ", i2, " in ASCII format")' ) &
-           & file_id
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! RTTOV coefficient file '//Trim(coef % id_Common_name)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! automatic creation by subroutine Rttov_writecoef '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     section = 'IDENTIFICATION'
-     Select Case (coef % id_sensor)
-     Case (1_jpim)
-        sensor = 'ir'
-     Case (2_jpim)
-        sensor = 'mw'
-     Case (3_jpim)
-        sensor = 'hi'
-     End Select
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Write(file_id,'(3i3,T20,a)')&
-           & coef % id_platform, coef % id_sat, coef % id_inst,'! platform sat_id instrument'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,a)')  coef % id_Common_name
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,a,T20,a)')  sensor,'! sensor type [ir,mw,hi]'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,i2,T20,a)') coef % id_comp_lvl,'! RTTOV coefficient file version number'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,a)') coef % id_creation
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,i4,1x,i2.2,1x,i2.2,t20,a)') coef % id_creation_date,'! creation date'
-     ! No LINE-BY-LINE section
-     section = 'FAST_MODEL_VARIABLES'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' !'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,a,t20,a)')   coef % fmv_model_def,    '! fast model name'
-     If( coef % id_comp_lvl > 7 ) then
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,i4,t20,a)')   coef % fmv_model_ver,    '! fast model version compatibility level'
-     Endif
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,i4,t20,a)')  coef % fmv_chn ,   '! Number of channels described in the coef file'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,i4,t20,a)')  coef % fmv_gas ,   '! Number of gases described in the coef file'
-     Do i = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,a,t20,a)')  Trim(gas_name( coef % fmv_gas_id( i ) ) ),'! gas identification'
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,2i4,t20,a)')  coef % fmv_var(i), coef % fmv_lvl(i), '! variables/predictors  levels (pressure/absorber)'
-     End Do
-     section = 'FILTER_FUNCTIONS'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Channel Number (from instrument original description)'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Channel status '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Central Wavenumber'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Band Correction coefficients(Offset,Slope)'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Gamma correction factor'
-     Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,i4,1x,i4,4(1x,e18.10))') &
-              & coef % ff_ori_chn(i), coef % ff_val_chn(i), coef % ff_cwn(i),&
-              & coef % ff_bco(i), coef % ff_bcs(i), coef % ff_gam(i)
-     End Do
-     ! GAZ_UNITS
-     section = 'GAZ_UNITS'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Gaz concentrations can be expressed in '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! volume mixing ratio (ppmv)'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! specific concentration (kg/kg)'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Do i = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' !     '//gas_name( coef % fmv_gas_id( i ) )
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,i4,t20,"! ",a)') &
-                 & coef % gaz_units( i ), gas_unit_name( coef % gaz_units( i ) )
-     End Do
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! units of constants for spectral radiance'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! first radiation constant(mW/(m2.sr.cm-4))'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! second radiation constant (cm.K)'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,f14.1,t30,a)') coef % fc_speedl,'! speed of light (cm/s)'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,1p,e15.8,0p,f10.6,t30,a)') coef % fc_planck_c1, coef % fc_planck_c2,'! Planck constants'
-     Write(file_id,'(1x,f8.1,t30,a)') coef % fc_sat_height,'! nominal satellite height (km)'
-     If( coef % fastem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-        section = 'FASTEM'
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! S. English fast generic millimetre wave ocean emissivity model'
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Polarisation of each channel', &
-              & ' !       MPOL=0:  0.5_JPRB*(V+H)', &
-              & ' !       MPOL=1: polarisation angle=90-incidence angle', &
-              & ' !       MPOL=2: polarisation angle=incidence angle', &
-              & ' !       MPOL=3: vertical polarisation', &
-              & ' !       MPOL=4: horizontal polarisation'
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,i2,a)') coef % fastem_ver,'   ! version number'
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,i3,a)') coef % fastem_coef_nb,'  ! number of coefficients'
-        Write(file_id,'(5e14.6)') coef % fastem_coef
-        Write(file_id,'(20i3)') (coef % fastem_polar(i), i= 1, coef % fmv_chn)
-     Endif
-     If( coef % ssirem_ver >= 1 ) Then
-        section = 'SSIREM'
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Channel Number (from instrument original description)'
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! 5 coefficients for emissivity model ssirem'
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,i2,a)') coef % ssirem_ver,'   ! version number'
-        Do i = 1, coef % fmv_chn
-           Write(file_id,'(1x,i4,3f12.7,2f4.1)') &
-                 & coef % ssirem_chn(i) , coef % ssirem_a0(i),&
-                 & coef % ssirem_a1(i)  , coef % ssirem_a2(i),&
-                 & coef % ssirem_xzn1(i), coef % ssirem_xzn2(i)
-        End Do
-     Endif
-     section = 'REFERENCE_PROFILE'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Ref.pressure (hPa)'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Ref.Temp (K) Ref.Volume Mixing Ratio [ppmv] for each gas'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Note for MxG that mixing ratio is "missing"'
-     Do i = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' !     '//gas_name( coef % fmv_gas_id( i ) )
-        Do l = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(i)
-           Write(file_id,'(1x,f8.3,2x,f7.3,1x,e13.6)')&
-                 & coef % ref_prfl_p(l), coef % ref_prfl_t(l,i), coef % ref_prfl_mr(l,i)
-!!$                & coef % ref_prfl_p(l), coef % ref_prfl_t(l,i), ref_mr(l,i)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     section = 'PROFILE_LIMITS'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Ref.pressure (hPa)'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Temp Max (K) Temp Min (K)'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Volume Mixing Ratio for  Max and Min [ppmv] for each gas'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' !      Temperature'
-     Do l = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(1)
-        Write(file_id,'(1x,f8.3,2(1x,f7.2))',iostat=io_status)&
-              & coef % lim_prfl_p(l), coef % lim_prfl_tmax(l), coef % lim_prfl_tmin(l)
-     End Do
-     Do i = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' !     '//gas_name( coef % fmv_gas_id( i ) )
-        Do l = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(i)
-           Write(file_id,'(1x,f8.3,2x,e12.4,e12.4)',iostat=io_status)&
-                 & coef % lim_prfl_p(l), coef % lim_prfl_gmax(l,i), coef % lim_prfl_gmin(l,i)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     section = 'FAST_COEFFICIENTS'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! '
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! transmission coefficients'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! Order of the gases:'
-     Do i = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') ' !     '//gas_name( coef % fmv_gas_id ( i ) )
-     End Do
-     Do l = 1, coef % fmv_gas
-        Write(file_id,'(a)') gas_name( coef % fmv_gas_id( l ) )
-        Select Case( coef % fmv_gas_id(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_mixed)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % mixedgas(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_watervapour)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % watervapour(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_ozone)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % ozone(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_wvcont)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % wvcont(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_co2)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % co2(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_n2o)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % n2o(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_co)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % co(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        Case(gas_id_ch4)
-           Write(file_id,'(5(1x,e15.8))',iostat=io_status)  &
-                 & (((coef % ch4(i,j,k)   &
-                  & ,i = 1, coef % fmv_lvl(l) ) &
-                  & ,j = 1, coef % fmv_chn    ) &
-                  & ,k = 1, coef % fmv_var(l) )
-        End Select
-     End Do
-     section = 'END'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') ' ! ------------------------------------------------------'
-     Write(file_id,'(a)') Trim(section)
-  Endif
-  If( io_status /= 0 ) Then
-     Write( errMessage, '( "write IO error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-End Subroutine Rttov_writecoef
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_writecoef.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_writecoef.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 384efe27c4528d3820f232265cae96cbb720116d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttov_writecoef.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine Rttov_writecoef (errorstatus, coef, file_id, lbinary)
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       rttov_magic_string  ,&
-       rttov_magic_number  ,&
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       errorstatus_info    ,&
-       gas_id_mixed        ,&
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_id_wvcont       ,&
-       gas_id_co2          ,&
-       gas_id_n2o          ,&
-       gas_id_co           ,&
-       gas_id_ch4          ,&
-       gas_name            ,&
-       gas_unit_name
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (in) :: file_id      ! file logical unit number
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Intent (in) :: coef         ! coefficients
-  Logical, Optional,  Intent (in) :: lbinary      ! if binary file wanted
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent (out) :: errorstatus  ! return code
-End Subroutine Rttov_writecoef
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index aec36be0ac8a2e950c3910927226187ebe5a28cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-!  Cloud package
-     & (knch,knpf, klenpf, klevm,     &
-      & ppres, pangl, pangs, ksurf, ksat, knchpf,&
-      & kchan, kprof, pav, psav, pssv, pcvm, pap, paph,   &
-      & pemis, ifail, prad, ptb, pradcld, ptbcld, tau, tausfc,  &
-      & pradovm, pcldemis, pait, pais, &
-      & nfrequencies, nchannels, nbtout)
-!    This software was developed within the context of
-!    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-!    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-!    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-!    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-!    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-!    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-!    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-! Description:
-! to compute multi-channel radiances and brightness
-! temperatures for many profiles in cloudy sky.
-! Compatible with RTTOV8 library but only able to
-! run with coefficients created on RTTOV7 43 pressure levels
-! Method
-! see Saunders et al QJ 1999  for the clear-sky part
-! see comments for cloudy sky part
-! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-! History:
-! Version   Date        Comment
-! -------   ----        -------
-!           03/2001     Initial version (F. Chevallier)
-!           19/7/2001   Version for testing RTTOV-7 (R. Saunders)
-!          01/12/2002   Keep compatibility with RTTOV8 (P Brunel)
-!          09/01/2003   Add polarisation (S English)
-! Code Description:
-!   Language:          Fortran 90.
-!   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-!     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-! Declarations:
-! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-     nplatforms          ,&
-     ninst               ,&
-     pi                  ,&
-     errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-     errorstatus_warning ,&
-     errorstatus_success ,&
-     platform_name       ,&
-     sensor_id_mw        ,&
-     inst_name,           &
-     npolar_return,   &
-     npolar_compute
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    & rttov_coef           ,&
-    & geometry_Type        ,&
-    & profile_type         ,&
-    & profile_cloud_type   ,&
-    & radiance_cloud_type
-  ! Imported Scalar Variables with intent (in):
-  & njpnsat  ,   &! Total max sats to be used
-  & njplev   ,   &! No. of pressure levels
-  & njpnav   ,   &! No. of profile variables
-  & njpnsav  ,   &! No. of surface air variables
-  & njpnssv  ,   &! No. of skin variables
-  & njpncv   ,   &! No. of cloud variables
-  & q_mixratio_to_ppmv  ,&
-  & o3_mixratio_to_ppmv , &
-  & coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-#include "rttov_cld.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupindex.interface"
-!#include "rttov_setupchan.interface"
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  ! Scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knpf           ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knch(knpf)     ! Number of channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: klenpf         ! Length of input  profile vectors
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksat           ! Satellite index (see rttvi)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knchpf         ! Number of output radiances
-                                         !    (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: klevm          ! Number of model(native) levels
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kchan(knchpf)  ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kprof(knchpf)  ! Profiles indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksurf(knpf)    ! Surface type index
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: ppres(njplev)  ! Pressure levels (hpa) of
-                                         !   atmospheric profile vectors
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pangl(knpf)    ! Satellite local zenith angle (deg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pangs(knpf)    ! Solar zenith angle at surface (deg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pav(njplev,njpnav,knpf)! Atmosp. profile variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: psav(njpnsav,knpf)    ! Surface air variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pssv(njpnssv,knpf)    ! Surface skin variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pap(knpf,klevm)       ! Full-level model pressures (hPa) of
-                                                !   atmospheric profile vectors
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: paph(knpf,klevm+1)    ! Half-level model pressures (hPa) of
-                                                !   atmospheric profile vectors
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(in)    :: pcvm(knpf,klevm,4)    ! Temperature and
-                                                ! cloud variables on klevm layers
-                                                ! 1 = temperature (K)
-                                                ! 2 = cloud cover
-                                                ! 3 = cloud liquid water (kg/kg)
-                                                ! 4 = cloud ice water (kg/kg)
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(inout):
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(inout) :: pemis(knchpf)         !  surface emissivities
-  ! Scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(out) :: ifail(knpf,njpnsat)  !  return flag
-              !     0 = input profile OK
-              ! 11-19 = outside profile limits
-              !    11 =  temp profile
-              !    12 =  specific humidity profile
-              !    13 =  ozone profile
-              !    14 =  surface temp profile
-              !    15 =  surface specific humidity profile
-              !    16 =  surface wind
-              ! 20-29 = unphysical profile
-              !    20 =  input pressure levels wrong
-              !    21 =  temp profile
-              !    22 =  specific humidity profile
-              !    23 =  ozone profile
-              !    24 =  surface temp profile
-              !    25 =  surface specific humidity profile
-              !    26 =  surface wind
-              !    27 =  surface pressure
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: prad(knchpf)         ! clear-sky radiances (mw/cm-1/ster/sq.m)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: ptb(knchpf)          ! clear-sky brightness temperatures (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: pradcld(knchpf)      ! cloud-affected radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: ptbcld(knchpf)       ! cloud-affected brightness temperature
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: tau(knchpf,njplev)  ! clear-sky transmittance from each
-                                                !   standard pressure level
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: tausfc(knchpf)      ! clear-sky transmittance from surface
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: pradovm(knchpf,2*klevm+2)
-              ! RT quantities for cloud computation (see def. of radov in rttov.f90)
-              ! on native levels
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: pcldemis(knchpf,klevm) ! cloud emissivity
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: pait(knchpf,klevm+1)   ! toa weights of the cloud layers
-  Real(Kind=jprb) , INTENT(out) :: pais(knchpf,klevm+1)   ! surface weights of the cloud layers
-! Local scalars
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus(knpf)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(23)
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=8)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttovcld'
-! Local arrays
-  Type( rttov_coef ), pointer :: coef_pointer         ! coefficients
-  Type(profile_type),allocatable          :: profiles(:)
-  Type(profile_cloud_type),allocatable    :: cld_profiles(:)
-  Type(radiance_cloud_type)               :: cld_radiance
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: i,ich2 ,ibtout,jch,nch,j,jpol,ilev
-  integer(Kind=jpim)              :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: nchannels         ! Number of internal radiances
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: nfrequencies         ! Number of output frequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polarisations   (:,:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: frequencies   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: indexout    (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)                 :: pol_id
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: emissivity (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: input_emissivity (:)
-  Logical, Allocatable :: calcemis  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: p__p   (coef(ksat)%nlevels,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: p__t   (coef(ksat)%nlevels,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: p__q   (coef(ksat)%nlevels,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: p__o3  (coef(ksat)%nlevels,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: p__clw (coef(ksat)%nlevels,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: cp__p   (klevm,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: cp__ph   (klevm+1,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: cp__t   (klevm,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: cp__cc  (klevm,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: cp__clw (klevm,knpf)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), target :: cp__ciw (klevm,knpf)
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------------
-  !*         0.   Initialisation
-  !               --------------
-  errorstatus(:)  = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  coef_pointer => coef(ksat)
-     ! Set up various channel numbers required by RTTOV-8
-!    Call rttov_setupchan(knpf        ,knchpf      ,coef(ksat ),nfrequencies, &
-!    & nchannels,nbtout)
-     ! total number of channels
-     ! Memory allocation for RTTOV_Direct
-     !-----------------------------------
-  allocate( channels ( nfrequencies ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate( lprofiles ( nfrequencies ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate( polarisations(nchannels,3),stat= alloc_status(3))
-  allocate( frequencies(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate( indexout(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(5))
-  allocate( input_emissivity(nchannels),stat= alloc_status(6))
-  allocate( emissivity(nchannels),stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate( profiles(knpf)      ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  allocate( cld_profiles(knpf)      ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     ifail(:,:) = 20
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     errorstatus(1) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(1), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Do j = 1, knpf
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     profiles(j) % p   => p__p  (:,j)
-     profiles(j) % t   => p__t  (:,j)
-     profiles(j) % q   => p__q  (:,j)
-     profiles(j) % o3  => p__o3 (:,j)
-     profiles(j) % clw => p__clw(:,j)
-     cld_profiles(j) % p   => cp__p    (:,j)
-     cld_profiles(j) % ph  => cp__ph   (:,j)
-     cld_profiles(j) % t   => cp__t    (:,j)
-     cld_profiles(j) % cc  => cp__cc   (:,j)
-     cld_profiles(j) % clw => cp__clw  (:,j)
-     cld_profiles(j) % ciw => cp__ciw  (:,j)
-  End Do
-  Do j = 1, knpf
-     profiles(j) % nlevels =  coef(ksat) % nlevels
-     profiles(j) % p    (:) = ppres(:)
-     profiles(j) % t    (:) = pav(:,1,j)
-     profiles(j) % q    (:) = pav(:,2,j) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     profiles(j) % o3   (:) = pav(:,3,j) * o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     profiles(j) % clw  (:) = pav(:,4,j)
-     profiles(j) % ozone_data = .true.
-     profiles(j) % co2_data   = .false.
-     profiles(j) % clw_data   = .false.  ! No cloud calc inside opdep
-     profiles(j) % s2m % t = psav(1,j)
-     profiles(j) % s2m % q = psav(2,j) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     profiles(j) % s2m % p = psav(3,j)
-     profiles(j) % s2m % u = psav(4,j)
-     profiles(j) % s2m % v = psav(5,j)
-     profiles(j) % skin % t       = pssv(1,j)
-     profiles(j) % skin % fastem  = 0._JPRB
-     profiles(j) % skin % surftype= ksurf(j)
-     profiles(j) % ctp            = 500._JPRB     ! default value
-     profiles(j) % cfraction      = 0._JPRB       ! default value
-     profiles(j) % zenangle       = pangl(j)
-     profiles(j) % azangle        = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles(j) % nlevels =  klevm
-     cld_profiles(j) % p    (:) = pap (j,:)
-     cld_profiles(j) % ph   (:) = paph(j,:)
-     cld_profiles(j) % t    (:) = pcvm(j,:,1)
-     cld_profiles(j) % cc   (:) = pcvm(j,:,2)
-     cld_profiles(j) % clw  (:) = pcvm(j,:,3)
-     cld_profiles(j) % ciw  (:) = pcvm(j,:,4)
-     cld_profiles(j) % kice   = 1   ! choose ice cristals = aggregates
-     cld_profiles(j) % kradip = 3   ! choose McFarquhar et al. for ice particle radius
-  End Do
-  allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-    ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( cld_radiance % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % out       ( nbtout )   ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % out_clear ( nbtout )   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % clear_out ( nbtout )   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % total_out ( nbtout )   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % overcast ( klevm, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % downcld  ( klevm, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % cldemis  ( klevm, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % wtoa     ( klevm, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % wsurf    ( klevm, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  allocate( cld_radiance % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     ifail(:,:) = 20
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     errorstatus(1) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(1), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  ! Build the list of channels/profiles indices
-  input_emissivity(:) = pemis(:)
-  Call rttov_setupindex (knch      ,knpf ,nfrequencies,nchannels,nbtout,coef(ksat ),&
-   & input_emissivity,lprofiles,channels,polarisations,emissivity)
-  !
-  !save input values of emissivities for all calculations
-  ! calculate emissivity where the input emissivity value is less than 0.01
-  !  calcemis(:) = emissivity(:) < 0.01_JPRB
-  Do j = 1,nchannels
-     calcemis(j)=.false.
-     if( emissivity(j)  > 1.5_JPRB )calcemis(j)=.true.
-     if( emissivity(j)  < .01_JPRB )calcemis(j)=.true.
-  End Do
-     !
-  Call rttov_cld( &
-   & errorstatus,    &! out
-   & nfrequencies,   &! in
-   & nchannels,      &! in
-   & nbtout,         &! in
-   & knpf,           &! in
-   & kchan,          &! in
-   & polarisations,  &! in
-   & kprof,          &! in
-   & profiles,       &! inout  (to invalid clw absorption)
-   & cld_profiles,   &! in
-   & coef_pointer,   &! in
-   & calcemis,       &! in
-   & emissivity,     &! inout
-   & cld_radiance )   ! inout
-  tausfc(:) = -999._JPRB   ! output not available anymore
-  tau(:,:)  = -999._JPRB   ! output not available anymore
-  Do j = 1, knpf
-     If( errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-        ifail(j,:) = 20 ! unphysical profile
-     Else If( errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_warning ) then
-        ifail(j,:) = 11 ! outside profile limits
-     Else
-        ifail(j,:) = 0
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ptbcld(:)  = cld_radiance % out(:)
-  ptb(:)     = cld_radiance % out_clear(:)
-  If( coef(ksat) % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-     Do j=1,nchannels
-        jpol = polarisations(j,2)
-        prad(jpol)    = cld_radiance % clear(j)
-        pradcld(jpol) = cld_radiance % total(j)
-        pradovm(jpol,2*klevm+1)        = cld_radiance % upclear  (j)
-        pradovm(jpol,2*klevm+2)        = cld_radiance % reflclear(j)
-        pais(jpol,klevm+1)    = cld_radiance % cs_wsurf(j)
-        pait(jpol,klevm+1)    = cld_radiance % cs_wtoa (j)
-        Do ilev = 1 , klevm
-           pradovm(jpol,ilev   )          = cld_radiance % overcast (ilev,j)
-           pradovm(jpol,ilev +klevm)  = cld_radiance % downcld  (ilev,j)
-           pcldemis(jpol,ilev)      = cld_radiance % cldemis (ilev,j)
-           pais(jpol,ilev)    = cld_radiance % wsurf   (ilev,j)
-           pait(jpol,ilev   )    = cld_radiance % wtoa    (ilev,j)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Else
-     Do j = 1, nfrequencies
-        prad(j)    = cld_radiance % clear(j)
-        pradcld(j) = cld_radiance % total(j)
-        pradovm(j,2*klevm+1)        = cld_radiance % upclear  (j)
-        pradovm(j,2*klevm+2)        = cld_radiance % reflclear(j)
-        pais(j,klevm+1)    = cld_radiance % cs_wsurf(j)
-        pait(j,klevm+1)    = cld_radiance % cs_wtoa (j)
-        Do ilev = 1 , klevm
-           pradovm(j,ilev   )          = cld_radiance % overcast (ilev,j)
-           pradovm(j,ilev +klevm)  = cld_radiance % downcld  (ilev,j)
-           pcldemis(j,ilev)      = cld_radiance % cldemis (ilev,j)
-           pais(j,ilev)    = cld_radiance % wsurf   (ilev,j)
-           pait(j,ilev   )    = cld_radiance % wtoa    (ilev,j)
-        End Do
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  ifail(:,:) = 0
-  deallocate( calcemis ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % total     ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % out        ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % out_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % clear_out  ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % total_out  ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % dnclear   ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % cldemis   ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % wtoa      ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % wsurf     ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % cs_wtoa  ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  deallocate( cld_radiance % cs_wsurf  ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  deallocate(polarisations  ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  deallocate(frequencies    ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  deallocate(channels       ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-  deallocate(lprofiles      ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-  deallocate(indexout       ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-  deallocate(emissivity     ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-  deallocate(input_emissivity,stat= alloc_status(23))
-  deallocate(cld_profiles   ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     ifail(:,:) = 20
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     errorstatus(1) = errorstatus_fatal
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus(1), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index aa58538ca94ca8227c33f262246463321ea74e63..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-!+ Fast radiative transfer model.
-!  Cloud package
-     (knpf, klenpf, klevm,     &
-      ppres, pangl, pangs, ksurf, ksat, knchpf, knpzpf, knout,&
-      kchan, kpol, kprof, pav, psav, pssv, pcvm, pap, paph,   &
-      pemis, ifail, prad, ptb, pradcld, ptbcld, tau, tausfc,  &
-      pradovm, pcldemis, pait, pais)
-!    This software was developed within the context of
-!    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-!    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-!    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-!    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-!    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-!    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-!    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-! Description:
-! to compute multi-channel radiances and brightness
-! temperatures for many profiles in cloudy sky.
-! Compatible with RTTOV8 library but only able to
-! run with coefficients created on RTTOV7 43 pressure levels
-! Method
-! see Saunders et al QJ 1999  for the clear-sky part
-! see comments for cloudy sky part
-! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-! History:
-! Version   Date        Comment
-! -------   ----        -------
-!           03/2001     Initial version (F. Chevallier)
-!           19/7/2001   Version for testing RTTOV-7 (R. Saunders)
-!           01/12/2002   Keep compatibility with RTTOV8 (P Brunel)
-!           04/02/2004  Added polairmetry (R Saunders)
-! Code Description:
-!   Language:          Fortran 90.
-!   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-!     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-! Declarations:
-! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       errorstatus_warning ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-    rttov_coef           ,&
-    geometry_Type        ,&
-    profile_type         ,&
-    profile_cloud_type   ,&
-    radiance_cloud_type
-  njpnsat  ,&   ! Total max sats to be used
-  njplev   ,&   ! No. of pressure levels
-  njpnav   ,&   ! No. of profile variables
-  njpnsav  ,&   ! No. of surface air variables
-  njpnssv  ,&   ! No. of skin variables
-  q_mixratio_to_ppmv  ,&
-  o3_mixratio_to_ppmv ,&
-  coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knpf           ! Number of profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: klenpf         ! Length of input  profile vectors
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksat           ! Satellite index (see rttvi)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knchpf         ! Number of output radiances
-                                         !    (= channels used * profiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: klevm          ! Number of model (native) levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kchan(knchpf)  ! Channel indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kprof(knchpf)  ! Profiles indices
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: ksurf(knpf)    ! Surface type index
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    , INTENT(in) :: ppres(njplev)  ! Pressure levels (hpa) of
-                                         !   atmospheric profile vectors
-  INTEGER(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knpzpf         ! Number of output radiances
-  INTEGER(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: knout         ! Number of output radiances
-  INTEGER(Kind=jpim) , INTENT(in) :: kpol(knchpf, 3)! Polarisation indices
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld_test.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld_test.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 962f406fa737d3ab19b07f40cd2a68c02965b8e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld_test.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2020 +0,0 @@
-PROGRAM rttovcld_test
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! 1- read ECMWF profiles on model levels
-  ! 2- interpolate the T, q, o3 profiles to the 43-level RTTOV grid
-  ! 4- run rttovcld direct model
-  ! 5- test TL, AD and K codes of the rttovcld package
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see comments in program
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !           03/2001     Initial version (F. Chevallier)
-  !           23/07/2001  Modified for use to test RTTOV-7 (R.Saunders)
-  !           01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !           10/10/2003  Update cloud inputs + Further clean up +Add K (F. Chevallier)
-  !           03/02/2004  Merged in polarimetry code (R Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & default_err_unit,    &
-       & sensor_id_mw,        &
-       & npolar_return,       &
-       & npolar_compute
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-       & geometry_type  ,&
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_type   ,&
-       & profile_cloud_type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_cld.interface"
-#include "rttov_cld_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_cld_ad.interface"
-#include "rttov_cld_k.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-!#include "rttov_intext_prof.interface"
-  ! Program arguments:
-  ! Local parameters:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: idim=100
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: nwp_levels=60
-  type( rttov_coef )                    :: coef        ! (Only one instrument)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles(:)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: input_profiles(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable       :: emissivity (:)
-  ! Taylor test
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles2(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles2(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance2
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable       :: emissivity2 (:)
-  ! TL arrays
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: prof_inc(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_prof_inc(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable       :: emissivity_inc (:)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: prof_inc2(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_prof_inc2(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_tl2
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable       :: emissivity_inc2 (:)
-  ! AD arrays
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles_ad(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles_ad(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_inc
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable       :: emissivity_ad (:)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles_ad2(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles_ad2(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_inc2
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable       :: emissivity_ad2 (:)
-  ! K arrays
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles_k(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles_k(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: cld_radiance_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable       :: emissivity_k (:)
-  ! Local arrays:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), allocatable      :: emis(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), allocatable   :: lchan(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: coef_errorstatus      ! read coeffs error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: rttov_errorstatus(:)  ! rttov error return code
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nbtout
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: input_emissivity (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: radiance_total_ref (:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polarisations   (:,:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: frequencies   (:)
-  logical,            Allocatable :: calcemis  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), dimension(nwp_levels)     :: t, q, o3, co2, cc, clw, ciw
-  !
-  ! Local scalars:
-  !Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  !Character (len=12) :: NameOfRoutine = 'rttovcld_test '
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j, jch2, jchan
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioff
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: kinrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)       :: st, t2m, q2m, psurf, u10, v10, zenangle, azangle
-  Real(Kind=jprb)       :: rlsm, rlon, rlat
-  Real(Kind=jprb)       :: x, lambda, lambda0
-  Real(Kind=jprb)       :: ratio(4)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: jdat
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: iyyyy, iyyyymm, iyyyymmdd
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: iyear, imonth, iday, itime
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: iatm, ichan
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: iexp
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: ioout, ioin
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: ich, isatid, nch, ich2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: i, ii, nchan, kradip, kice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: lev , n, kpol
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)    :: ichannels, ibtout, jch, pol_id
-  Logical    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: instrument(3) ! instrument triplet
-  Real(Kind=jprb) ::  zdelta1, zdelta2
-  Real(Kind=jprb) ::  z, eps, threshold, prec_factor
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  ! End of program arguments
-  !-----End of header-----------------------------------------------------
-  !Initialise error management with default value for
-  ! the error unit number and
-  ! Fatal error message output
-  Err_unit = -1
-  verbosity_level = 1
-  call rttov_errorhandling(Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  ! Machine accuracy
-  !eps = 1._JPRB
-  !do while ((1+eps) > 1._JPRB)
-  !  eps = eps /2._JPRB
-  !enddo
-  !   'threshold' is the maximum difference which is tolerated
-  ! between two real numbers for them to be considered equal
-  !   On some systems, 'threshold' can be set to a value as low as 10*eps
-  !   Some other systems are not rigorous enough and larger values
-  !   for prec_factor have to be used. It is set as default as 10.
-  !prec_factor = 1000000._JPRB          !  Edit for your machine
-  !prec_factor = 10._JPRB          !  Edit for your machine
-  !threshold = prec_factor * eps
-  eps = 10._JPRB * epsilon( 1._JPRB )
-  threshold =  eps
-  !
-  write(*,*) 'Radiances(1) or Tbs(2)?'
-  read(*,*) kinrad
-  switchrad = kinrad == 2
-  !
-  ! Set satellite configuration
-  !      only one satellite processed
-  instrument(1)=1  ! NOAA
-  write(*,*) ' NOAA sat id?'
-  read(*,*) isatid
-  instrument(2)=isatid
-  !
-  ! Choose instrument
-  !
-  write(*,*) ' HIRS (0) or AMSUA (3)?'
-  read(*,*) instrument(3)
-  ! Read coef file
-  call rttov_readcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef, instrument)
-  call rttov_initcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef)
-  nchan=coef%fmv_chn
-  if(coef_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) then
-     write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_readcoeffs fatal error'
-     stop
-  endif
-  if( any(coef%ff_val_chn( 1 : coef%fmv_chn ) /= 1 )) then
-     WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-     do i = 1, coef%fmv_chn
-        write(*,*) i, coef%ff_val_chn(i)
-     end do
-  endif
-  !
-  ! If infrared, choose absorption parameterisation
-  !
-  kradip=0
-  kice=0
-  if(coef%id_sensor == 1) then
-    ! Choose ice particle radius parameterisation
-    write(*,*) ' Ice particle radius from Ou and Liou (0), Wyser et al. (1), Boudala (2) or McFarquhar et al. (3)?'
-    read(*,*) kradip
-    ! Choose ice cristal shape
-    write(*,*) ' Ice cristals: hexagonal columns (0) or aggregates (1)?'
-    read(*,*) kice
-  endif
-  !
-  ! Open files
-  !
-  ioin = 1
-  open(ioin,file='profiles_fmt',form='formatted',status='old')
-  ioout = 2
-  open(ioout,file='outputcld.ascii',form='formatted')
-  !
-  ! Count number of profiles
-  !
-  do iatm = 1,idim
-     do i = 1,38
-        read(ioin,*,end=50)
-     enddo
-  enddo
-50 continue
-   nprofiles = iatm - 1
-  write(ioout,*) 'This dataset is made of ',nprofiles,' ECMWF model profiles'
-  rewind(ioin)
-  ! nprof = 65
-  !
-  ! Find out size of channel arrays summing all polarisation states required.
-  nch = 0
-  ichannels=0
-  ibtout=0
-  DO  J=1,nprofiles
-        DO  JCH=1,NCHAN
-           nch = nch +1
-           If( coef%id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-              ichannels=ichannels+1
-              ibtout=ibtout+1
-           End If
-           If( coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-              pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-              ichannels=ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-              ibtout=ibtout+npolar_return(pol_id)
-           End If
-        End Do
-   End Do
-   nchannels = ichannels
-   nbtout = ibtout
-  ! Set list of channels and corresponding emissivities
-  !   (process all channels and let RTTOV compute the emissivity)
-  !
-  allocate(lchan (nchannels) )
-  allocate(emis  (nchannels) )
-  emis(:) = 0._JPRB
-  do i = 1 , nchannels
-    lchan(i) = i
-  enddo
-  !
-  ! Initialisations and allocations
-  ! NO allocation for CO2 profiles
-  !
-  nfrequencies = nprofiles * nchan
-  Allocate( channels   ( nfrequencies ) )
-  allocate( lprofiles  ( nfrequencies ) )
-  allocate( emissivity ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( frequencies ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( polarisations ( nchannels ,3) )
-  allocate( input_emissivity ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( rttov_errorstatus(nprofiles))
-  ! Profiles on RTTOV pressure levels
-  allocate( profiles(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     profiles(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( profiles(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     profiles(j) % p(:) = coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  end do
-  ! Profiles on NWP model pressure levels
-  allocate(input_profiles(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     input_profiles(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % q  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % o3 ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  ! Cloud additional profiles
-  allocate( cld_profiles(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     cld_profiles(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( radiance % clear    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cloudy   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % total    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % bt       ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % bt_clear ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % upclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % dnclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % reflclear( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % overcast ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % downcld  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cldemis  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % wtoa     ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % wsurf    ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_total_ref  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % out  ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance % out_clear( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance % total_out( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance % clear_out( nbtout ) )
-  !
-  ! Read profile dataset
-  !
-  iatmloop : do iatm = 1,nprofiles
-     read(ioin,'(i12)') jdat                ! date yyyymmddhh
-     read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') rlon,         &! longitude (deg)
-          & rlat,         &! latitude (deg)
-          & rlsm,         &! land-sea mask (1=land)
-          & st,           &! surface temperature (K)
-          & psurf,        &! surface pressure (Pa)
-          & t2m,          &! 2-meter temperature (K)
-          & q2m            ! 2-meter specific humidity (kg/kg)
-     read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') t   ! temperature (K)
-     read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') q   ! specific humidity (kg/kg)
-     read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') o3  ! specific ozone (kg/kg)
-     read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') cc  ! cloud cover
-     read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') clw ! liquid water (kg/kg)
-     read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') ciw ! ice water (kg/kg)
-     u10 = 5._JPRB  ! 10-meter wind speed u (m/s)
-     v10 = 2._JPRB  ! 10-meter wind speed v (m/s)
-     zenangle = 10._JPRB  ! zenith angle (deg)
-     azangle = 0._JPRB    ! azimuth angle
-     q(:) = max(q,0._JPRB)
-     clw(:) = max(clw,0._JPRB)
-     ciw(:) = max(ciw,0._JPRB)
-     !*process date
-     iyyyymmdd = jdat/100
-     itime = jdat - iyyyymmdd*100
-     iyyyymm = iyyyymmdd/100
-     iday = iyyyymmdd - iyyyymm*100
-     iyyyy = iyyyymm/100
-     imonth = iyyyymm - iyyyy*100
-     iyear = iyyyy
-     !*get model vertical pressures from surface pressure (all Pa)
-     call ec_p60l(                    &
-           & psurf                    ,&
-           & cld_profiles( iatm ) % p ,&
-           & cld_profiles( iatm ) % ph )
-     ! Convert to hPa
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)  = cld_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)  /100._JPRB
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % ph(:) = cld_profiles( iatm ) % ph(:) /100._JPRB
-     ! Move to structures
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)    = cld_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % t(:)    = t(:)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % q(:)    = (q(:) / (1-q(:)))  * 1.60771704 *1e+06
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % o3(:)   = (o3(:) / (1-o3(:)))* 0.6034476  *1e+06
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % clw(:)  = clw(:)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % p = psurf/100.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % q = (q2m / (1-q2m)) * 1.60771704*1e+06
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % o = input_profiles( iatm ) % o3(nwp_levels)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % t = t2m
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % u = 5.   ! constant for this run
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % v = 2.   ! constant for this run
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % skin % surftype = Int(1.0 - rlsm)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % skin % t        = st
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % skin % fastem(:) = (/ 3.0, 5.0, 15.0, 0.1, 0.3 /)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % ozone_data = .true.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % co2_data   = .false.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % clw_data   = .true.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % zenangle   = 0.    ! Nadir view
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % ctp        = 500.  ! default value
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % cfraction  = 0.    ! default value
-!    ! convert input profile to RTTOV pressure levels
-!    call rttov_intext_prof(input_profiles( iatm ), profiles( iatm ) )
-!    ! CLW is not interpolated, but profiles(iatm)%clw
-!    ! has been allocated, so give 0. value for clw for security
-!    profiles( iatm ) % clw_data   = .false.
-!    profiles( iatm ) % clw(:) = 0.
-     profiles( iatm ) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB   ! warning
-     profiles( iatm ) % o3 (:) = 0._JPRB   ! warning
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % p = psurf / 100._JPRB
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % q = (q2m / (1-q2m)) * 1.60771704_JPRB*1e+06        ! ppmv
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % o = 0._JPRB
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % t = t2m
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % u = u10
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % v = v10
-     profiles( iatm ) % skin % surftype = Int(1.0_JPRB - rlsm)
-     profiles( iatm ) % skin % t        = st
-     profiles( iatm ) % skin % fastem(:) = (/ 3.0_JPRB, 5.0_JPRB, 15.0_JPRB, 0.1_JPRB, 0.3_JPRB /)
-     profiles( iatm ) % ozone_data = .false. !!!!WARNING
-     profiles( iatm ) % co2_data   = .false.
-     profiles( iatm ) % clw_data   = .false.
-     profiles( iatm ) % zenangle   = zenangle
-     profiles( iatm ) % azangle   = azangle
-     profiles( iatm ) % ctp        = 500._JPRB  ! default value
-     profiles( iatm ) % cfraction  = 0._JPRB    ! default value
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % t(:)   = t(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % cc(:)  = cc(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % clw(:) = clw(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % ciw(:) = ciw(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % kice   = kice
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % kradip = kradip
-     ! convert q to ppmv
-     q(:)  = (q(:)  / (1- q(:)))  * 1.60771704_JPRB *1e+06
-     ! convert input profile to RTTOV pressure levels
-     call rttov_intex (                  &
-         & nwp_levels,                     &
-         & coef%nlevels,                   &
-         & cld_profiles(iatm) % p,         &
-         & profiles(iatm) % p,             &
-         & t(:),                           &
-         & profiles(iatm) % t)
-     call rttov_intex (                  &
-         & nwp_levels,                     &
-         & coef%nlevels,                   &
-         & cld_profiles(iatm) % p,         &
-         & profiles(iatm) % p,             &
-         & q(:),                           &
-         & profiles(iatm) % q)
-  enddo iatmloop
-  close(ioin)
-  ! Channel, profile list and emissivity arrays
-  nch = 0
-  ichannels=0
-  ibtout=0
-  DO iatm = 1, nprofiles
-     ioff = (iatm - 1) * nchan
-     channels(1+ioff:nchan+ioff)   = lchan(1:nchan)
-     lprofiles(1+ioff:nchan+ioff)  = iatm
-     !
-     DO  JCH=1,nchan
-       nch = nch +1
-       polarisations(nch,1)=ichannels+1
-       If( coef % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-          ! Note if input polarisation used this is only valid for a single polarisation option.
-          emissivity( ichannels+1 ) = emis(jch)
-          ichannels=ichannels+1
-          polarisations(nch,2) = nch
-          polarisations(nch,3) = 1
-          frequencies(ibtout+1) = nch
-          ibtout=ibtout+1
-       End If
-       If( coef% id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-          pol_id = coef % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-          Do ich2=1,npolar_compute(pol_id)
-             emissivity(ichannels+ich2)=emis(jch)
-          enddo
-          Do n=ichannels+1,ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-             polarisations(n,2)=nch
-          End Do
-          ichannels=ichannels+npolar_compute(pol_id)
-          Do i=1, npolar_return(pol_id)
-             frequencies(ibtout+i)=nch
-          End Do
-          polarisations(nch,3)=npolar_compute(pol_id)
-          ! Note if input polarisation used this is only valid for a single polarisation option.
-          ! We will need to know which frequency each element in the output array corresponds to
-          ibtout=ibtout+npolar_return(pol_id)
-       End If
-     End Do
-  End do
-  nchannels = ichannels
-  nbtout = ibtout
-  calcemis(:)         = emissivity(:) < 0.01_JPRB
-  input_emissivity(:) = emissivity(:)
-  !
-  ! Call RTTOV_CLD
-  !
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Call to RTTOV_CLD'
-  write(ioout,*) '-----------------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(6,*)' nfreq=',nfrequencies,' nchannels=',nchannels,' nbtout=',nbtout
-  Call rttov_cld( &
-       & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-       & nfrequencies,   &! in
-       & nchannels,      &! in
-       & nbtout,         &! in
-       & nprofiles,      &! in
-       & channels,       &! in
-       & polarisations,  &! in
-       & lprofiles,      &! in
-       & profiles,       &! inout  (to invalid clw absorption)
-       & cld_profiles,   &! in
-       & coef,           &! in
-       & calcemis,       &! in
-       & emissivity,     &! inout
-       & radiance )       ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  ! main output:
-  !
-  ! radiance%total_out  = cloud-affected radiances
-  ! radiance%clear_out  = clear-sky radiances
-  ! radiance%out        = cloud-affected Tbs
-  ! radiance%out_clear  = clear-sky Tbs
-  !
-  if (kinrad == 2) then
-     write(ioout,*) 'Channel  cloudy Tb    clear Tb'
-     do ichan = 1, nbtout
-        write(ioout,'(i4,3x,30e23.16)')      &
-              & ichan                       ,&
-              & radiance%out(ichan)      ,&
-              & radiance%out_clear(ichan)
-     enddo
-  else
-     write(ioout,*) 'Channel cloudy Rad   clear Rad'
-     do ichan = 1, nbtout
-        write(ioout,'(i4,3x,30e23.16)')     &
-              & ichan                      ,&
-              & radiance%total_out(ichan)  ,&
-              & radiance%clear_out(ichan)
-     enddo
-  endif
-!  go to 9999  !#########
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Test of TL
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Test TL'
-  write(ioout,*) '-------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  ! Set perturbation of initial profile
-  lambda0 = 0.01_JPRB
-  !
-  allocate ( prof_inc(     nprofiles ))
-  allocate ( cld_prof_inc( nprofiles ))
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     prof_inc(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( prof_inc(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     prof_inc(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % zenangle   = -1  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % azangle   = -1  ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     prof_inc(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB    ! no tl on pressure levels
-     prof_inc(j) % t(:)   = profiles(j) % t(:)  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % o3(:)  = profiles(j) % o3(:) *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % clw(:) = profiles(j) % clw(:)*lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % q(:)   = profiles(j) % q(:)  *lambda0
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % t = profiles(j) % s2m % t  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % q = profiles(j) % s2m % q  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % p = profiles(j) % s2m % p  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % u = profiles(j) % s2m % u  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % v = profiles(j) % s2m % v  *lambda0
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % t        = profiles(j) % skin % t  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % fastem(:)= profiles(j) % skin % fastem(:) *lambda0
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     prof_inc(j) % ctp       = profiles(j) % ctp       *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % cfraction = profiles(j) % cfraction *lambda0
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % p(:)   = cld_profiles(j) % p(:)   *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % ph(:)  = cld_profiles(j) % ph(:)  *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % t(:)   = cld_profiles(j) % t(:)   *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % cc(:)  = cld_profiles(j) % cc(:)  *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % clw(:) = cld_profiles(j) % clw(:) *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % ciw(:) = cld_profiles(j) % ciw(:) *lambda0
-  End Do
-  ! emissivity
-  allocate( emissivity_inc( nchannels ))
-  emissivity_inc(:) = emissivity(:) * lambda0
-  ! The set up of rttov_calcemis_mw_tl prevents any straightforwrd TL and AD
-  !   test with calcemis(:) = true. So set it to false.
-  calcemis(:)       = .false.
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( radiance_tl % clear    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % cloudy   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % total    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % bt       ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % bt_clear ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % out       ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % out_clear ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % total_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % clear_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % upclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % reflclear( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % overcast ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % downcld  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % cldemis  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % wtoa     ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % wsurf    ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) )
-  !---------------------------
-  Call Rttov_cld_tl ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & prof_inc,        &! in
-     & cld_prof_inc,    &! in
-     & emissivity_inc,  &! inout
-     & radiance,        &! inout
-     & radiance_tl     ) ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld_tl error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  ! Save radiance as a reference for the trajectory
-  ! TL is used instead of rttov_cld because
-  !   calcemis = F and reflectivities have not been saved
-  radiance_total_ref(:) = radiance%total(:)
-  !---------------------------
-  ! second run of TL
-  !---------------------------
-  lambda = 0.5_JPRB
-  allocate ( prof_inc2(     nprofiles ))
-  allocate ( cld_prof_inc2( nprofiles ))
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     prof_inc2(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( prof_inc2(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc2(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc2(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc2(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( prof_inc2(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     prof_inc2(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc2(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc2(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc2(j) % zenangle   = -1  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc2(j) % azangle    = -1  ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     prof_inc2(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB    ! no tl on pressure levels
-     prof_inc2(j) % t(:)   = prof_inc(j) % t(:)  *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % o3(:)  = prof_inc(j) % o3(:) *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % clw(:) = prof_inc(j) % clw(:)*lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % q(:)   = prof_inc(j) % q(:)  *lambda
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     prof_inc2(j) % s2m % t = prof_inc(j) % s2m % t  *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % s2m % q = prof_inc(j) % s2m % q  *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % s2m % p = prof_inc(j) % s2m % p  *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % s2m % u = prof_inc(j) % s2m % u  *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % s2m % v = prof_inc(j) % s2m % v  *lambda
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     prof_inc2(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc2(j) % skin % t        = prof_inc(j) % skin % t  *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % skin % fastem(:)= prof_inc(j) % skin % fastem(:) *lambda
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     prof_inc2(j) % ctp       = prof_inc(j) % ctp       *lambda
-     prof_inc2(j) % cfraction = prof_inc(j) % cfraction *lambda
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     cld_prof_inc2(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc2(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc2(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc2(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc2(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc2(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_prof_inc2(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-     cld_prof_inc2(j) % p(:)   = cld_prof_inc(j) % p(:)   *lambda
-     cld_prof_inc2(j) % ph(:)  = cld_prof_inc(j) % ph(:)  *lambda
-     cld_prof_inc2(j) % t(:)   = cld_prof_inc(j) % t(:)   *lambda
-     cld_prof_inc2(j) % cc(:)  = cld_prof_inc(j) % cc(:)  *lambda
-     cld_prof_inc2(j) % clw(:) = cld_prof_inc(j) % clw(:) *lambda
-     cld_prof_inc2(j) % ciw(:) = cld_prof_inc(j) % ciw(:) *lambda
-  End Do
-  ! emissivity
-  allocate( emissivity_inc2( nchannels ))
-  emissivity_inc2(:) = emissivity_inc(:) * lambda
-  calcemis(:)        = .false.
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % clear    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % cloudy   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % total    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % bt       ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % bt_clear ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % out       ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % out_clear ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % total_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % clear_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % upclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % reflclear( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % overcast ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % downcld  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % cldemis  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % wtoa     ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % wsurf    ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_tl2 % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) )
-  !---------------------------
-  Call Rttov_cld_tl ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & prof_inc2,       &! in
-     & cld_prof_inc2,   &! in
-     & emissivity_inc2, &! inout
-     & radiance,        &! inout
-     & radiance_tl2    ) ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld_tl error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  !---------------------------
-  do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%total(ichan) - radiance_tl2%total(ichan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%total for channel ', ichan
-        stop
-     endif
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%clear(ichan) - radiance_tl2%clear(ichan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%clear for channel ', ichan
-        stop
-     endif
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%bt(ichan) - radiance_tl2%bt(ichan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%bt for channel ', ichan
-        stop
-     endif
-     if( abs(lambda * radiance_tl%bt_clear(ichan) - radiance_tl2%bt_clear(ichan)) > threshold ) then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'TL test fails for radiance_tl%bt for channel ', ichan
-        stop
-     endif
-  end do
-  ! Now run the Taylor test
-  !-------------------------
-  !Allocate new profiles for direct code
-  ! Profiles on RTTOV pressure levels
-  allocate( profiles2(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     profiles2(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( profiles2(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles2(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles2(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles2(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles2(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     profiles2(j) % p(:) = coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  end do
-  ! Cloud additional profiles
-  allocate( cld_profiles2(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     cld_profiles2(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_profiles2(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles2(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles2(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles2(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles2(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles2(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  allocate( emissivity2( nchannels ))
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( radiance2 % clear    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % cloudy   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % total    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % bt       ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % bt_clear ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % out       ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % out_clear ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % total_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % clear_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % upclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % dnclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % reflclear( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % overcast ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % downcld  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % cldemis  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % wtoa     ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % wsurf    ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance2 % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) )
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-    cld_profiles2(j) % kice   = cld_profiles(j) % kice
-    cld_profiles2(j) % kradip = cld_profiles(j) % kradip
-  enddo
-! Goto 1000
-  Do ichan = 1, nchannels
-     write(ioout,*)
-     write(ioout,*) '(Profile x channel) no. ',ichan
-     write(ioout,*) '         Lambda       Clear Rad      Cloudy Rad' &
-                  & //'        Clear Tb       Cloudy Tb'
-     do iexp = -10, 0
-        lambda = 10**(real(iexp))
-        do j = 1, nprofiles
-           profiles2(j) % ozone_Data = profiles(j) % ozone_Data
-           profiles2(j) % co2_Data   = profiles(j) % co2_Data
-           profiles2(j) % clw_Data   = profiles(j) % clw_Data
-           profiles2(j) % zenangle   = profiles(j) % zenangle
-           profiles2(j) % azangle    = profiles(j) % azangle
-           ! increments for atmospheric variables
-           profiles2(j) % p(:)   = profiles(j) % p(:)
-           profiles2(j) % t(:)   = profiles(j) % t(:)  + prof_inc(j) % t(:)  *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % o3(:)  = profiles(j) % o3(:) + prof_inc(j) % o3(:) *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % clw(:) = profiles(j) % clw(:)+ prof_inc(j) % clw(:)*lambda
-           profiles2(j) % q(:)   = profiles(j) % q(:)  + prof_inc(j) % q(:)  *lambda
-           ! increments for air surface variables
-           profiles2(j) % s2m % t = profiles(j) % s2m % t + prof_inc(j) % s2m % t  *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % s2m % q = profiles(j) % s2m % q + prof_inc(j) % s2m % q  *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % s2m % p = profiles(j) % s2m % p + prof_inc(j) % s2m % p  *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % s2m % u = profiles(j) % s2m % u + prof_inc(j) % s2m % u  *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % s2m % v = profiles(j) % s2m % v + prof_inc(j) % s2m % v  *lambda
-           ! increments for skin variables
-           profiles2(j) % skin % surftype = profiles(j) % skin % surftype
-           profiles2(j) % skin % t        = profiles(j) % skin % t  + prof_inc(j) % skin % t  *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % skin % fastem(:)= profiles(j) % skin % fastem(:) + prof_inc(j) % skin % fastem(:) *lambda
-           ! increments for cloud variables
-           profiles2(j) % ctp       = profiles(j) % ctp       + prof_inc(j) % ctp       *lambda
-           profiles2(j) % cfraction = profiles(j) % cfraction + prof_inc(j) % cfraction *lambda
-           ! increments for cloud variables
-           cld_profiles2(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-           cld_profiles2(j) % p(:)   = cld_profiles(j) % p(:)   + cld_prof_inc(j) % p(:)   *lambda
-           cld_profiles2(j) % ph(:)  = cld_profiles(j) % ph(:)  + cld_prof_inc(j) % ph(:)  *lambda
-           cld_profiles2(j) % t(:)   = cld_profiles(j) % t(:)   + cld_prof_inc(j) % t(:)   *lambda
-           cld_profiles2(j) % cc(:)  = cld_profiles(j) % cc(:)  + cld_prof_inc(j) % cc(:)  *lambda
-           cld_profiles2(j) % clw(:) = cld_profiles(j) % clw(:) + cld_prof_inc(j) % clw(:) *lambda
-           cld_profiles2(j) % ciw(:) = cld_profiles(j) % ciw(:) + cld_prof_inc(j) % ciw(:) *lambda
-        end do
-        emissivity2(:) = emissivity(:) + emissivity_inc(:) * lambda
-        calcemis(:)    = .false.
-        !---------------------------
-        Call rttov_cld( &
-        & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-        & nfrequencies,  &! in
-        & nchannels,     &! in
-        & nbtout,        &! in
-        & nprofiles,     &! in
-        & channels,      &! in
-        & polarisations, &! in
-        & lprofiles,     &! in
-        & profiles2,     &! inout  (to invalid clw absorption)
-        & cld_profiles2, &! in
-        & coef,          &! in
-        & calcemis,      &! in
-        & emissivity2,   &! inout
-        & radiance2     ) ! inout
-        If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-           Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-              If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-                 write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld error for profile',iatm
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-         !---------------------------
-        ratio(1) = (radiance2 % clear(ichan) - radiance % clear(ichan)) / (lambda * radiance_tl % clear(ichan))
-        ratio(2) = (radiance2 % total(ichan) - radiance % total(ichan)) / (lambda * radiance_tl % total(ichan))
-        ratio(3) = (radiance2 % bt_clear(ichan) - radiance % bt_clear(ichan)) / (lambda * radiance_tl % bt_clear(ichan))
-        ratio(4) = (radiance2 % bt(ichan)    - radiance % bt(ichan))    / (lambda * radiance_tl % bt(ichan))
-        write(ioout,'(5f16.10)') lambda, ratio
-     End do
-  End do
-1000 continue
-  ! End of TL tests
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Test of AD
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Test AD'
-  write(ioout,*) '-------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) '1- Test linearity'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  !Allocate new profiles for AD code
-  ! Profiles on RTTOV pressure levels
-  allocate( profiles_ad(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     profiles_ad(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( profiles_ad(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     profiles_ad(j) % p(:) = coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  end do
-  ! Cloud additional profiles
-  allocate( cld_profiles_ad(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_ad(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % zenangle   = -1       ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % azangle    = -1       ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-     profiles_ad(j) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-     profiles_ad(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-     profiles_ad(j) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB!  temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % q = 0 !  WV
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB!  pressure
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! pressure
-     profiles_ad(j) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-     ! Cloud profiles
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % p  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % ph (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % t  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % cc (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % ciw(:) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  allocate( emissivity_ad( nchannels ))
-  emissivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  ! Set perturbations
-  !
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( radiance_inc % clear    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % cloudy   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % total    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % bt       ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % bt_clear ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % out       ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % out_clear ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % total_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % clear_out ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % upclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % reflclear( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % overcast ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % downcld  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % cldemis  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % wtoa     ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % wsurf    ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) )
-  if (kinrad == 2) then
-     radiance_inc % clear_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc % total_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc % out_clear(:) = radiance % out_clear(:) *lambda0
-     radiance_inc % out(:)       = radiance % out(:) *lambda0
-  else
-     radiance_inc % clear_out(:)    = radiance % clear_out(:) *lambda0
-     radiance_inc % total_out(:)    = radiance % total_out(:) *lambda0
-     radiance_inc % out_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc % out(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  endif
-  radiance_inc % cloudy   (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % upclear  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % reflclear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % downcld  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cldemis  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % wtoa     (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % wsurf    (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cs_wtoa  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cs_wsurf (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % bt       (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % bt_clear (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % total    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % clear    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  !---------------------------
-  Call Rttov_cld_ad ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_ad, &! inout
-     & emissivity_ad,   &! inout
-     & radiance2,       &! inout
-     & radiance_inc    ) ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld_ad error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  If ( Any( abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance2%total(:)) > eps * radiance_total_ref(:)  ))  Then
-    ! If ( Any( abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance2%total(:)) > threshold ))  Then
-    write(default_err_unit,*) 'wrong forward model in AD'
-    write(default_err_unit,*) radiance_total_ref(:)
-    write(default_err_unit,*) abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance2%total(:)) / ( eps * radiance_total_ref(:))
-    Stop
-  Endif
-  !---------------------------
-  ! Second run of AD
-  !Allocate new profiles for AD code
-  ! Profiles on RTTOV pressure levels
-  allocate( profiles_ad2(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     profiles_ad2(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( profiles_ad2(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad2(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad2(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad2(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_ad2(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     profiles_ad2(j) % p(:) = coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  end do
-  ! Cloud additional profiles
-  allocate( cld_profiles_ad2(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     cld_profiles_ad2(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad2(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad2(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad2(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad2(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad2(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_ad2(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_ad2(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad2(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad2(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad2(j) % zenangle   = -1       ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad2(j) % azangle    = -1       ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     profiles_ad2(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-     profiles_ad2(j) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-     profiles_ad2(j) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-     profiles_ad2(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-     profiles_ad2(j) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     profiles_ad2(j) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB!  temperarure
-     profiles_ad2(j) % s2m % q = 0 !  WV
-     profiles_ad2(j) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB!  pressure
-     profiles_ad2(j) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     profiles_ad2(j) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     profiles_ad2(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad2(j) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-     profiles_ad2(j) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     profiles_ad2(j) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! pressure
-     profiles_ad2(j) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-     ! Cloud profiles
-     cld_profiles_ad2(j) % p  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad2(j) % ph (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad2(j) % t  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad2(j) % cc (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad2(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad2(j) % ciw(:) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  allocate( emissivity_ad2( nchannels ))
-  emissivity_ad2(:) = 0._JPRB
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % clear    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % cloudy   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % total    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % bt       ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % bt_clear ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % out      ( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % out_clear( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % total_out( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % clear_out( nbtout ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % upclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % reflclear( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % overcast ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % downcld  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % cldemis  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % wtoa     ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % wsurf    ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_inc2 % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) )
-  lambda = 0.5_JPRB
-  if (kinrad == 2) then
-     radiance_inc2 % clear_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc2 % total_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc2 % out_clear(:) = radiance % out_clear(:) * lambda0 * lambda
-     radiance_inc2 % out(:)       = radiance % out(:) * lambda0 * lambda
-  else
-     radiance_inc2 % clear_out(:)    = radiance % clear_out(:) * lambda0 * lambda
-     radiance_inc2 % total_out(:)    = radiance % total_out(:) * lambda0 * lambda
-     radiance_inc2 % out_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc2 % out(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  endif
-  radiance_inc2 % cloudy   (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % upclear  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % reflclear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % downcld  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % cldemis  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % wtoa     (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % wsurf    (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % cs_wtoa  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % cs_wsurf (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % bt       (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % bt_clear (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % total    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc2 % clear    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  !---------------------------
-  Call Rttov_cld_ad ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,     &! in
-     & nchannels,        &! in
-     & nbtout,           &! in
-     & nprofiles,        &! in
-     & channels,         &! in
-     & polarisations,    &! in
-     & lprofiles,        &! in
-     & profiles,         &! in
-     & cld_profiles,     &! in
-     & coef,             &! in
-     & switchrad,        &! in
-     & calcemis,         &! in
-     & emissivity,       &! inout
-     & profiles_ad2,     &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_ad2, &! inout
-     & emissivity_ad2,   &! inout
-     & radiance2,        &! inout
-     & radiance_inc2    ) ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld_ad error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     do lev = 1, profiles_ad(j) % nlevels
-        if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%t(lev) - profiles_ad2(j)%t(lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 1 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%q(lev) - profiles_ad2(j)%q(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 2 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%o3(lev) - profiles_ad2(j)%o3(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 3 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     do lev = 1, cld_profiles_ad(j) % nlevels
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad(j)%p(lev)   - cld_profiles_ad2(j)%p(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 4 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad(j)%ph(lev)  - cld_profiles_ad2(j)%ph(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 5 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad(j)%t(lev)   - cld_profiles_ad2(j)%t(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 6 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad(j)%cc(lev)  - cld_profiles_ad2(j)%cc(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 7 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad(j)%clw(lev) - cld_profiles_ad2(j)%clw(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 8 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad(j)%ciw(lev) - cld_profiles_ad2(j)%ciw(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 9 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-     enddo
-     lev = cld_profiles_ad(j) % nlevels+1
-     if ( abs(lambda * cld_profiles_ad(j)%ph(lev)  - cld_profiles_ad2(j)%ph(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 10 fails',lev
-        stop
-     End If
-  enddo
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%t - profiles_ad2(j)%s2m%t) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 11 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%q - profiles_ad2(j)%s2m%q) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 12 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%p - profiles_ad2(j)%s2m%p) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 13 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%u - profiles_ad2(j)%s2m%u) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 14 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%v - profiles_ad2(j)%s2m%v) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 15 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(lambda * profiles_ad(j)%skin%t - profiles_ad2(j)%skin%t) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 16 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-  enddo
-  do j = 1, nchannels
-     if ( abs(lambda * emissivity_ad(j) - emissivity_ad2(j)) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test AD 17 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-  enddo
-  write(ioout,*) '2- Test equality of norms'
-  write(ioout,*)
-! Set perturbations
-  ! Set perturbation of initial profile
-  lambda0 = 0.05_JPRB
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     prof_inc(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     prof_inc(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % zenangle   = -1  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % azangle    = -1  ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     prof_inc(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB    ! no tl on pressure levels
-     prof_inc(j) % t(:)   = profiles(j) % t(:)  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % o3(:)  = profiles(j) % o3(:) *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % clw(:) = profiles(j) % clw(:)*lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % q(:)   = profiles(j) % q(:)  *lambda0
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % t = profiles(j) % s2m % t  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % q = profiles(j) % s2m % q  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % p = profiles(j) % s2m % p  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % u = profiles(j) % s2m % u  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % v = profiles(j) % s2m % v  *lambda0
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % t        = profiles(j) % skin % t  *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % fastem(:)= profiles(j) % skin % fastem(:) *lambda0
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     prof_inc(j) % ctp       = profiles(j) % ctp       *lambda0
-     prof_inc(j) % cfraction = profiles(j) % cfraction *lambda0
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % p(:)   = cld_profiles(j) % p(:)   *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % ph(:)  = cld_profiles(j) % ph(:)  *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % t(:)   = cld_profiles(j) % t(:)   *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % cc(:)  = cld_profiles(j) % cc(:)  *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % clw(:) = cld_profiles(j) % clw(:) *lambda0
-     cld_prof_inc(j) % ciw(:) = cld_profiles(j) % ciw(:) *lambda0
-  End Do
-  ! emissivity
-  emissivity_inc(:) = emissivity(:) * lambda0
-  calcemis(:)       = .false.
-  !---------------------------
-  Call Rttov_cld_tl ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & prof_inc,        &! in
-     & cld_prof_inc,    &! in
-     & emissivity_inc,  &! inout
-     & radiance,        &! inout
-     & radiance_tl     ) ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld_tl error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  if (kinrad == 2) then
-     radiance_tl % clear_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_tl % total_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  else
-     radiance_tl % out_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_tl % out(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  endif
-  !* compute <subtl(delta_x),delta_z>
-  zdelta1 = 0._JPRB
-  do j = 1, nbtout
-    zdelta1 = zdelta1 + radiance_tl % total_out(j)**2 + radiance_tl % clear_out(j)**2
-    zdelta1 = zdelta1 + radiance_tl % out(j)**2 + radiance_tl % out_clear(j)**2
-  enddo
-  write(ioout,fmt='('' delta1 = '',2e24.17)') zdelta1
-  !---------------------------
-  ! Now run AD code with TL radiances in input
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_ad(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % zenangle   = -1       ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % azangle    = -1       ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-     profiles_ad(j) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-     profiles_ad(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-     profiles_ad(j) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB!  temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % q = 0 !  WV
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB!  pressure
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! pressure
-     profiles_ad(j) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-     ! Cloud profiles
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % p  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % ph (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % t  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % cc (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % ciw(:) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  emissivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  ! move TL results to AD radiance increments
-  if (kinrad == 2) then
-     radiance_inc % clear_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc % total_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc % out_clear(:) = radiance_tl % out_clear(:)
-     radiance_inc % out(:)       = radiance_tl % out(:)
-  else
-     radiance_inc % clear_out(:)    = radiance_tl % clear_out(:)
-     radiance_inc % total_out(:)    = radiance_tl % total_out(:)
-     radiance_inc % out_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiance_inc % out(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  endif
-  radiance_inc % cloudy   (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % upclear  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % reflclear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % downcld  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cldemis  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % wtoa     (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % wsurf    (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cs_wtoa  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cs_wsurf (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % bt       (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % bt_clear (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % total    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % clear    (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  Call Rttov_cld_ad ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_ad, &! inout
-     & emissivity_ad,   &! inout
-     & radiance2,       &! inout
-     & radiance_inc    ) ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld_ad error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  !* compute <delta_x,subad(delta_z)>
-  zdelta2 = 0._JPRB
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     do lev = 1, prof_inc(j) % nlevels
-        zdelta2 = zdelta2 + &
-              & prof_inc(j)%t(lev)  * profiles_ad(j)%t(lev)   +&
-              & prof_inc(j)%q(lev)  * profiles_ad(j)%q(lev)   +&
-              & prof_inc(j)%o3(lev) * profiles_ad(j)%o3(lev)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     do lev = 1, cld_prof_inc(j) % nlevels
-        zdelta2 = zdelta2 + &
-              & cld_prof_inc(j)%p(lev)* cld_profiles_ad(j)%p(lev)   +&
-              & cld_prof_inc(j)%ph(lev)* cld_profiles_ad(j)%ph(lev)   +&
-              & cld_prof_inc(j)%t(lev)* cld_profiles_ad(j)%t(lev)   +&
-              & cld_prof_inc(j)%cc(lev)* cld_profiles_ad(j)%cc(lev)   +&
-              & cld_prof_inc(j)%clw(lev)* cld_profiles_ad(j)%clw(lev)   +&
-              & cld_prof_inc(j)%ciw(lev)* cld_profiles_ad(j)%ciw(lev)
-     enddo
-     lev = cld_prof_inc(j) % nlevels+1
-     zdelta2 = zdelta2 + &
-              & cld_prof_inc(j)%ph(lev) * cld_profiles_ad(j)%ph(lev)
-  enddo
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     zdelta2 = zdelta2 + &
-           & prof_inc(j)%s2m%t * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%t  + &
-           & prof_inc(j)%s2m%q * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%q + &
-           & prof_inc(j)%s2m%p * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%p  + &
-           & prof_inc(j)%s2m%u * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%u  + &
-           & prof_inc(j)%s2m%v * profiles_ad(j)%s2m%v  + &
-           & prof_inc(j)%skin%t * profiles_ad(j)%skin%t
-  enddo
-  do j = 1, nchannels
-     zdelta2 = zdelta2 + &
-           & emissivity_inc(j) * emissivity_ad(j)
-  enddo
-  write(ioout,fmt='('' delta2 = '',2e24.17)') zdelta2
-  if (zdelta2 == 0._JPRB) then
-    z = 1._JPRB
-  else
-    z = zdelta2
-  endif
-  write (ioout, fmt= &
-   & '('' The difference is '', f9.3, '' times the zero of the machine '')') &
-    & abs(zdelta2-zdelta1)/eps/z
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Test of K
-  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-! 9999 continue
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'Test K'
-  write(ioout,*) '------'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  !Allocate new profiles for K code
-  ! Profiles on RTTOV pressure levels
-  allocate( profiles_k(nchannels))
-  do j = 1, nchannels
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     profiles_k(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( profiles_k(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_k(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_k(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_k(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles_k(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     profiles_k(j) % p(:) = coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  end do
-  ! Cloud additional profiles
-  allocate( cld_profiles_k(nchannels))
-  do j = 1, nchannels
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     cld_profiles_k(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_profiles_k(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_k(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_k(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_k(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_k(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles_k(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  allocate( emissivity_k( nchannels ))
-  Call Rttov_cld_k    ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,       &! in
-     & nchannels,          &! in
-     & nbtout,             &! in
-     & nprofiles,          &! in
-     & channels,           &! in
-     & polarisations,      &! in
-     & lprofiles,          &! in
-     & profiles,           &! in
-     & cld_profiles,       &! in
-     & coef,               &! in
-     & switchrad,          &! in
-     & calcemis,           &! in
-     & emissivity,         &! inout
-     & profiles_k ,        &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_k,     &! inout
-     & emissivity_k,       &! inout
-     & radiance)            ! inout
-  If ( Any( abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance%total(:)) > eps * radiance_total_ref(:)  ))  Then
-    ! If ( Any( abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance%total(:)) > threshold ))  Then
-    write(default_err_unit,*) 'wrong forward model in K'
-    write(default_err_unit,*) radiance_total_ref(:)
-    write(default_err_unit,*) abs(radiance_total_ref(:) - radiance%total(:)) / ( eps * radiance_total_ref(:))
-    Stop
-  Endif
-  !---------------------------
-  ! Compares K to AD
-  ! Actually Rttov_cld_k uses AD, but in an economical way
-  !   the test here checks that values are correctly located in the matrix
-  !   using the simplest (expensive) approach
-  jchan = 0
-  Do ichan = 1, nfrequencies
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-     profiles_ad(j) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-     profiles_ad(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-     profiles_ad(j) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB!  temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % q = 0 !  WV
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % o = 0 !  WV
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB!  pressure
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     profiles_ad(j) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB!  wind components
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-     profiles_ad(j) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     profiles_ad(j) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! pressure
-     profiles_ad(j) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-     ! Cloud profiles
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % p  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % ph (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % t  (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % cc (:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-     cld_profiles_ad(j) % ciw(:) = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  emissivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cloudy   (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % upclear  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % reflclear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % overcast (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % downcld  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cldemis  (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % wtoa     (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % wsurf    (:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cs_wtoa  (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % cs_wsurf (:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % clear(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % total(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % bt_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % bt(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % clear_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % total_out(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % out_clear(:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiance_inc % out(:)       = 0._JPRB
-  if (kinrad == 2) then
-     radiance_inc % out(ichan)       = 1._JPRB
-  else
-     radiance_inc % total_out(ichan)    = 1._JPRB
-  endif
-  Call Rttov_cld_ad ( &
-     & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & cld_profiles,    &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & switchrad,       &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & emissivity,      &! inout
-     & profiles_ad,     &! inout
-     & cld_profiles_ad, &! inout
-     & emissivity_ad,   &! inout
-     & radiance2,       &! inout
-     & radiance_inc    ) ! inout
-  If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-     Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-           write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld_ad error for profile',iatm
-        End If
-     End Do
-     Stop
-  End If
-  do j = lprofiles(ichan), lprofiles(ichan)
-     do lev = 1, profiles_ad(j) % nlevels
-        if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%t(lev) - profiles_k(ichan)%t(lev)) > threshold ) then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 1 fails',lev
-           !stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%q(lev) - profiles_k(ichan)%q(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 2 fails',lev
-           !stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%o3(lev) - profiles_k(ichan)%o3(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 3 fails',lev
-           !stop
-        End If
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  do j = lprofiles(ichan), lprofiles(ichan)
-     do lev = 1, cld_profiles_ad(j) % nlevels
-        if ( abs(cld_profiles_ad(j)%p(lev)   - cld_profiles_k(ichan)%p(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 4 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(cld_profiles_ad(j)%ph(lev)  - cld_profiles_k(ichan)%ph(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 5 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(cld_profiles_ad(j)%t(lev)   - cld_profiles_k(ichan)%t(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 6 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(cld_profiles_ad(j)%cc(lev)  - cld_profiles_k(ichan)%cc(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 7 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(cld_profiles_ad(j)%clw(lev) - cld_profiles_k(ichan)%clw(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 8 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-        if ( abs(cld_profiles_ad(j)%ciw(lev) - cld_profiles_k(ichan)%ciw(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-           write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 9 fails',lev
-           stop
-        End If
-     enddo
-     lev = cld_profiles_ad(j) % nlevels+1
-     if ( abs(cld_profiles_ad(j)%ph(lev)  - cld_profiles_k(ichan)%ph(lev)) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 10 fails',lev
-        stop
-     End If
-  Enddo
-  do j = lprofiles(ichan), lprofiles(ichan)
-     if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%s2m%t - profiles_k(ichan)%s2m%t) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 11 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%s2m%q - profiles_k(ichan)%s2m%q) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 12 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%s2m%p - profiles_k(ichan)%s2m%p) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 13 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%s2m%u - profiles_k(ichan)%s2m%u) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 14 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%s2m%v - profiles_k(ichan)%s2m%v) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 15 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-     if ( abs(profiles_ad(j)%skin%t - profiles_k(ichan)%skin%t) > threshold ) Then
-        write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 16 fails',j
-        stop
-     End If
-  enddo
-  Do kpol = 1 , polarisations(ichan,3)
-    jchan = jchan + 1
-    if ( abs(emissivity_ad(jchan) - emissivity_k(jchan)) > threshold ) Then
-       write(default_err_unit,*) 'test K 17 fails',j
-       stop
-    End If
-  Enddo
-  Enddo
-  write(ioout,*) 'K is ok'
-  write(ioout,*)
-  write(ioout,*) 'End of RTTOVCLD tests'
-  Stop
-! ----------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE EC_P60l(spres,pap,paph)
-!    This software was developed within the context of
-!    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-!    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-!    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-!    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-!    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-!    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-!    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-!     Description:
-!     Computes the 60-level vertical pressure grid
-!       associated to the input surface pressure
-!     All pressures are in Pa
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-      implicit none
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter    :: nlev=60
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: jk
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: spres
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: aam(nlev+1), bbm(nlev+1)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: pap(nlev), paph(nlev+1)
-      data aam / &
-          & 0.000000_JPRB,    20.000000_JPRB,    38.425343_JPRB, &
-         & 63.647804_JPRB,    95.636963_JPRB,   134.483307_JPRB, &
-        & 180.584351_JPRB,   234.779053_JPRB,   298.495789_JPRB, &
-        & 373.971924_JPRB,   464.618134_JPRB,   575.651001_JPRB, &
-        & 713.218079_JPRB,   883.660522_JPRB,  1094.834717_JPRB, &
-       & 1356.474609_JPRB,  1680.640259_JPRB,  2082.273926_JPRB, &
-       & 2579.888672_JPRB,  3196.421631_JPRB,  3960.291504_JPRB, &
-       & 4906.708496_JPRB,  6018.019531_JPRB,  7306.631348_JPRB, &
-       & 8765.053711_JPRB, 10376.126953_JPRB, 12077.446289_JPRB, &
-      & 13775.325195_JPRB, 15379.805664_JPRB, 16819.474609_JPRB, &
-      & 18045.183594_JPRB, 19027.695313_JPRB, 19755.109375_JPRB, &
-      & 20222.205078_JPRB, 20429.863281_JPRB, 20384.480469_JPRB, &
-      & 20097.402344_JPRB, 19584.330078_JPRB, 18864.750000_JPRB, &
-      & 17961.357422_JPRB, 16899.468750_JPRB, 15706.447266_JPRB, &
-      & 14411.124023_JPRB, 13043.218750_JPRB, 11632.758789_JPRB, &
-      & 10209.500977_JPRB,  8802.356445_JPRB,  7438.803223_JPRB, &
-       & 6144.314941_JPRB,  4941.778320_JPRB,  3850.913330_JPRB, &
-       & 2887.696533_JPRB,  2063.779785_JPRB,  1385.912598_JPRB, &
-        & 855.361755_JPRB,   467.333588_JPRB,   210.393890_JPRB, &
-         & 65.889244_JPRB,     7.367743_JPRB,     0.000000_JPRB, &
-          & 0.000000_JPRB &
-              & /
-      data bbm / &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000758235_JPRB, 0.0004613950_JPRB, 0.0018151561_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0050811190_JPRB, 0.0111429105_JPRB, 0.0206778757_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0341211632_JPRB, 0.0516904071_JPRB, 0.0735338330_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0996746942_JPRB, 0.1300225109_JPRB, 0.1643843204_JPRB, &
-      & 0.2024759352_JPRB, 0.2439331412_JPRB, 0.2883229554_JPRB, &
-      & 0.3351548910_JPRB, 0.3838921487_JPRB, 0.4339629412_JPRB, &
-      & 0.4847715795_JPRB, 0.5357099175_JPRB, 0.5861684084_JPRB, &
-      & 0.6355474591_JPRB, 0.6832686067_JPRB, 0.7287858129_JPRB, &
-      & 0.7715966105_JPRB, 0.8112534285_JPRB, 0.8473749161_JPRB, &
-      & 0.8796569109_JPRB, 0.9078838825_JPRB, 0.9319403172_JPRB, &
-      & 0.9518215060_JPRB, 0.9676452279_JPRB, 0.9796627164_JPRB, &
-      & 0.9882701039_JPRB, 0.9940194488_JPRB, 0.9976301193_JPRB, &
-      & 1.0000000000_JPRB &
-              & /
-      do jk=1,nlev+1
-      paph(jk)=aam(jk)+bbm(jk)*spres
-      end do
-      do jk=1,nlev
-      pap(jk)=0.5_JPRB*(paph(jk)+paph(jk+1))
-      end do
-      end subroutine ec_p60l
-END PROGRAM rttovcld_test
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld_testad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld_testad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index ee19dca3ba1455f1517e3799d4c1d436db666c2c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovcld_testad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-PROGRAM rttovcld_testad
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! 1- read ECMWF profiles on model levels
-  ! 2- interpolate the T, q, o3 profiles to the 43-level RTTOV grid
-  ! 4- run rttovcld direct model
-  ! 5- test TL and AD codes of the rttovcld package
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  ! see comments in program
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !           03/2001     Initial version (F. Chevallier)
-  !           23/07/2001  Modified for use to test RTTOV-7 (R.Saunders)
-  !           01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !           10/10/2003  Update cloud inputs + Further clean up (F. Chevallier)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & default_err_unit
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_type   ,&
-       & profile_cloud_type   ,&
-       & radiance_cloud_type
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-!#include "rttov_cld.interface"
-#include "rttov_intex.interface"
-!#include "rttov_intext_prof.interface"
-  ! Program arguments:
-  ! Local parameters:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: idim=100
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: nwp_levels=60
-  type( rttov_coef )                    :: coef        ! (Only one instrument)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles(:)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: input_profiles(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable                  :: emissivity (:)
-  ! Taylor test
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles2(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles2(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance2
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable                  :: emissivity2 (:)
-  ! TL arrays
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: prof_inc(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_prof_inc(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable                  :: emissivity_inc (:)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: prof_inc2(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_prof_inc2(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_tl2
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable                  :: emissivity_inc2 (:)
-  ! AD arrays
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles_ad(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles_ad(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_inc
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable                  :: emissivity_ad (:)
-  type(profile_type), allocatable       :: profiles_ad2(:)
-  type(profile_cloud_type), allocatable :: cld_profiles_ad2(:)
-  type(radiance_cloud_type)             :: radiance_inc2
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable                  :: emissivity_ad2 (:)
-  ! Local arrays:
-  Real(Kind=jprb), allocatable      :: emis(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), allocatable   :: lchan(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: coef_errorstatus      ! read coeffs error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: rttov_errorstatus(:)  ! rttov error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: input_emissivity (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: radiance_total_ref (:)
-  logical, Allocatable :: calcemis  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), dimension(nwp_levels)     :: t, q, o3, co2, cc, clw, ciw
-  !
-  ! Local scalars:
-  !Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  !Character (len=12) :: NameOfRoutine = 'main_testad '
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioff
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: kinrad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: tbobs(7), rsatid
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: st, t2m, q2m, psurf, u10, v10
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: rlsm, rlon, rlat
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: x, lambda, lambda0
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: ratio(4)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jdat
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iyyyy, iyyyymm, iyyyymmdd
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iyear, imonth, iday, itime
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iatm, katm, ichan
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iexp
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout, ioin
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: isatid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i, ii, nchan, kradip, kice
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev
-  Logical    :: switchrad  ! true if input is BT
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: instrument(3) ! instrument triplet
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    ::  zdelta1, zdelta2
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    ::  z, eps
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  ! End of program arguments
-  !-----End of header-----------------------------------------------------
-  !Initialise error management with default value for
-  ! the error unit number and
-  ! Fatal error message output
-  Err_unit = -1
-  verbosity_level = 1
-  call rttov_errorhandling(Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  !
-  write(*,*) 'Radiances(1) or Tbs(2)?'
-  read(*,*) kinrad
-  switchrad = kinrad == 2
-  !
-  ! Set satellite configuration
-  !      only one satellite processed
-  instrument(1)=1  ! NOAA
-  write(*,*) ' NOAA sat id?'
-  read(*,*) isatid
-  instrument(2)=isatid
-  !
-  ! Choose instrument
-  !
-  write(*,*) ' HIRS (0), MSU (1) or AMSUA (3)?'
-  read(*,*) instrument(3)
-  ! Read coef file
-  call rttov_readcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef, instrument)
-  Call rttov_initcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef)
-  if(coef_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) then
-     write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_readcoeffs fatal error'
-     stop
-  endif
-  if( any(coef%ff_val_chn( 1 : coef%fmv_chn ) /= 1 )) then
-     WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-     do i = 1, coef%fmv_chn
-        write(*,*) i, coef%ff_val_chn(i)
-     end do
-  endif
-  !
-  ! If infrared, choose absorption parameterisation
-  !
-  if(coef%id_sensor == 1) then
-    ! Choose ice particle radius parameterisation
-    write(*,*) ' Ice particle radius from Ou and Liou (0), Wyser et al. (1), Boudala (2) or McFarquhar et al. (3)?'
-    read(*,*) kradip
-    ! Choose ice cristal shape
-    write(*,*) ' Ice cristals: hexagonal columns (0) or aggregates (1)?'
-    read(*,*) kice
-  endif
-  !
-  ! Set list of channels and corresponding emissivities
-  !   (process all channels and let RTTOV compute the emissivity)
-  !
-  allocate(lchan (coef%fmv_chn) )
-  allocate(emis  (coef%fmv_chn) )
-  nchan=coef%fmv_chn
-  emis(:) = 0._JPRB
-  do i = 1 , coef%fmv_chn
-    lchan(i) = i
-  enddo
-  !
-  ! Open files
-  !
-  ioin = 1
-! open(ioin,file='profiles_fmt',form='formatted')
-  open(ioin,file='file_tot',form='unformatted')
-  ioout = 2
-  open(ioout,file='print.dat',form='formatted')
-  !
-  ! Count number of profiles
-  !
-! do iatm = 1,idim
-!    do i = 1,38
-!       read(ioin,*,end=50)
-!    enddo
-! enddo
-!50 continue
-   nprofiles = iatm - 1
-! write(ioout,*) 'This dataset is made of ',nprofiles,' ECMWF model profiles'
-  rewind(ioin)
-  nprofiles = 1
-  !
-  ! Initialisations and allocations
-  ! NO allocation for CO2 profiles
-  !
-  nchannels = nprofiles * nchan
-  Allocate( channels   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( lprofiles  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( emissivity ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( input_emissivity ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( rttov_errorstatus(nprofiles))
-  ! Profiles on RTTOV pressure levels
-  allocate( profiles(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     profiles(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     allocate( profiles(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) )
-     allocate( profiles(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) )
-     profiles(j) % p(:) = coef % ref_prfl_p(:)
-  end do
-  ! Profiles on NWP model pressure levels
-  allocate(input_profiles(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     input_profiles(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % q  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % o3 ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( input_profiles(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  ! Cloud additional profiles
-  allocate( cld_profiles(nprofiles))
-  do j = 1, nprofiles
-     ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-     cld_profiles(j) % nlevels =  nwp_levels
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % p  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % ph ( nwp_levels+1 ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % t  ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % cc ( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % clw( nwp_levels ) )
-     allocate( cld_profiles(j) % ciw( nwp_levels ) )
-  end do
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  allocate( radiance % clear    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cloudy   ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % total    ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % bt       ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % bt_clear ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % upclear  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % reflclear( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % overcast ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % downcld  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cldemis  ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % wtoa     ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % wsurf    ( nwp_levels, nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cs_wtoa  ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance % cs_wsurf ( nchannels ) )
-  allocate( radiance_total_ref  ( nchannels ) )
-  !
-  ! Read profile dataset
-  !
-  iatmloop : do katm = 1,1000 !!!!1000000000
-  iatm = 1
-!    read(ioin,'(i12)') jdat                ! date yyyymmddhh
-!    read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') rlon, &        ! longitude (deg)
-!         rlat, &        ! latitude (deg)
-!         rlsm, &        ! land-sea mask (1=land)
-!         st, &          ! surface temperature (K)
-!         psurf, &       ! surface pressure (Pa)
-!         t2m, &         ! 2-meter temperature (K)
-!         q2m            ! 2-meter specific humidity (kg/kg)
-!    read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') t   ! temperature (K)
-!    read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') q   ! specific humidity (kg/kg)
-!    read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') o3  ! specific ozone (kg/kg)
-!    read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') cc  ! cloud cover
-!    read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') clw ! liquid water (kg/kg)
-!    read(ioin,'(10e16.6)') ciw ! ice water (kg/kg)
-     read(ioin,end=10) rlon,         &! longitude (deg)
-          & rlat,         &! latitude (deg)
-          & rsatid,       &! latitude (deg)
-          & tbobs,        &! latitude (deg)
-          & rlsm,         &! land-sea mask (1=land)
-          & st,           &! surface temperature (K)
-          & psurf,        &! surface pressure (Pa)
-          & u10,          &! surface pressure (Pa)
-          & v10,          &! surface pressure (Pa)
-          & t2m,          &! 2-meter temperature (K)
-          & q2m,          &! 2-meter specific humidity (kg/kg)
-          & t,            &! temperature (K)
-          & q ,           &! specific humidity (kg/kg)
-          & cc,           &! cloud cover
-          & clw,          &! liquid water (kg/kg)
-          & ciw            ! ice water (kg/kg)
-          o3(:) = 1.e-7_JPRB
-          q(:) = max(q(:),0._JPRB)
-          clw(:) = max(clw(:),0._JPRB)
-          ciw(:) = max(ciw(:),0._JPRB)
-          psurf = psurf * 100._JPRB
-     !*process date
-     iyyyymmdd = jdat/100
-     itime = jdat - iyyyymmdd*100
-     iyyyymm = iyyyymmdd/100
-     iday = iyyyymmdd - iyyyymm*100
-     iyyyy = iyyyymm/100
-     imonth = iyyyymm - iyyyy*100
-     iyear = iyyyy
-     !*get model vertical pressures from surface pressure (all Pa)
-     call ec_p60l(                    &
-           & psurf                    ,&
-           & cld_profiles( iatm ) % p ,&
-           & cld_profiles( iatm ) % ph )
-     ! Convert to hPa
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)  = cld_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)  /100._JPRB
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % ph(:) = cld_profiles( iatm ) % ph(:) /100._JPRB
-     ! Move to structures
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)    = cld_profiles( iatm ) % p(:)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % t(:)    = t(:)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % q(:)    = (q(:) / (1-q(:)))  * 1.60771704 *1e+06
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % o3(:)   = (o3(:) / (1-o3(:)))* 0.6034476  *1e+06
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % clw(:)  = clw(:)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % p = psurf/100.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % q = (q2m / (1-q2m)) * 1.60771704*1e+06
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % o = input_profiles( iatm ) % o3(nwp_levels)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % t = t2m
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % u = 5.   ! constant for this run
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % s2m % v = 2.   ! constant for this run
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % skin % surftype = Int(1.0 - rlsm)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % skin % t        = st
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % skin % fastem(:) = (/ 3.0, 5.0, 15.0, 0.1, 0.3 /)
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % ozone_data = .true.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % co2_data   = .false.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % clw_data   = .true.
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % zenangle   = 0.    ! Nadir view
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % ctp        = 500.  ! default value
-!    input_profiles( iatm ) % cfraction  = 0.    ! default value
-!    ! convert input profile to RTTOV pressure levels
-!    call rttov_intext_prof(input_profiles( iatm ), profiles( iatm ) )
-!    ! CLW is not interpolated, but profiles(iatm)%clw
-!    ! has been allocated, so give 0. value for clw for security
-!    profiles( iatm ) % clw_data   = .false.
-!    profiles( iatm ) % clw(:) = 0.
-     profiles( iatm ) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB   ! warning
-     profiles( iatm ) % o3 (:) = 0._JPRB   ! warning
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % p = psurf / 100._JPRB
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % q = (q2m / (1-q2m)) * 1.60771704_JPRB*1e+06        ! ppmv
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % o = 0._JPRB
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % t = t2m
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % u = u10
-     profiles( iatm ) % s2m % v = v10
-     profiles( iatm ) % skin % surftype = Int(1.0_JPRB - rlsm)
-     profiles( iatm ) % skin % t        = st
-     profiles( iatm ) % skin % fastem(:) = (/ 3.0_JPRB, 5.0_JPRB, 15.0_JPRB, 0.1_JPRB, 0.3_JPRB /)
-     profiles( iatm ) % ozone_data = .false. !!!!WARNING
-     profiles( iatm ) % co2_data   = .false.
-     profiles( iatm ) % clw_data   = .false.
-     profiles( iatm ) % zenangle   = 53.1_JPRB  ! SSM/I
-     profiles( iatm ) % ctp        = 500._JPRB  ! default value
-     profiles( iatm ) % cfraction  = 0._JPRB    ! default value
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % t(:)   = t(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % cc(:)  = cc(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % clw(:) = clw(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % ciw(:) = ciw(:)
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % kice   = kice
-     cld_profiles( iatm ) % kradip = kradip
-     ! convert q to ppmv
-     q(:)  = (q(:)  / (1- q(:)))  * 1.60771704_JPRB *1e+06
-     ! convert input profile to RTTOV pressure levels
-     call rttov_intex (                  &
-         & nwp_levels,                     &
-         & coef%nlevels,                   &
-         & cld_profiles(iatm) % p,         &
-         & profiles(iatm) % p,             &
-         & t(:),                           &
-         & profiles(iatm) % t)
-     call rttov_intex (                  &
-         & nwp_levels,                     &
-         & coef%nlevels,                   &
-         & cld_profiles(iatm) % p,         &
-         & profiles(iatm) % p,             &
-         & q(:),                           &
-         & profiles(iatm) % q)
-     ! Channel, porfile list and emissivity arrays
-     do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-        ioff = (iatm - 1) * nchan
-        channels(1+ioff:nchan+ioff)   = lchan(1:nchan)
-        lprofiles(1+ioff:nchan+ioff)  = iatm
-        emissivity(1+ioff:nchan+ioff) = emis(1:nchan)
-     End do
-     calcemis(:)         = emissivity(:) < 0.01_JPRB
-     input_emissivity(:) = emissivity(:)
-     !
-     ! Call RTTOV_CLD
-     !
-!    write(ioout,*)
-!    write(ioout,*) 'Call to RTTOV_CLD'
-!    write(ioout,*) '----------------'
-!    write(ioout,*)
-!    Call rttov_cld( &
-!         & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-!         & nchannels,    &! in
-!         & nprofiles,    &! in
-!         & channels,     &! in
-!         & lprofiles,    &! in
-!         & profiles,     &! inout  (to invalid clw absorption)
-!         & cld_profiles, &! in
-!         & coef,         &! in
-!         & calcemis,     &! in
-!         & emissivity,   &! inout
-!         & radiance )     ! inout
-     If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-        Do iatm = 1, nprofiles
-           If ( rttov_errorstatus(iatm) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-              write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_cld error for profile',iatm
-           End If
-        End Do
-        Stop
-     End If
-     ! main output:
-     !
-     ! radiance%total     = cloud-affected radiances
-     ! radiance%clear     = clear-sky radiances
-     ! radiance%bt        = cloud-affected Tbs
-     ! radiance%bt_clear  = clear-sky Tbs
-     !
-     radiance_total_ref(:) = radiance%total(:)
-!    if (kinrad == 2) then
-!       write(ioout,*) 'Channel  cloudy Tb    clear Tb'
-!       do ichan = 1, nchannels
-        write(ioout,'(30f7.2)')   (radiance%bt(ichan) ,ichan = 1, nchannels)
-!               & radiance%bt_clear(ichan)
-!       enddo
-!    else
-!       write(ioout,*) 'Channel cloudy Rad   clear Rad'
-!       do ichan = 1, nchannels
-!          write(ioout,'(i4,3x,30e12.4)')     &
-!               & ichan                      ,&
-!               & radiance%total(ichan)  ,&
-!               & radiance%clear(ichan)
-!       enddo
-!    endif
-  enddo iatmloop
-10  continue
-  close(ioin)
-  Stop
-! ----------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE EC_P60l(spres,pap,paph)
-!    This software was developed within the context of
-!    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-!    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-!    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-!    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-!    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-!    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-!    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-!     Description:
-!     Computes the 60-level vertical pressure grid
-!       associated to the input surface pressure
-!     All pressures are in Pa
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-      implicit none
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), parameter    :: nlev=60
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)               :: jk
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: spres
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: aam(nlev+1), bbm(nlev+1)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)          :: pap(nlev), paph(nlev+1)
-      data aam / &
-          & 0.000000_JPRB,    20.000000_JPRB,    38.425343_JPRB, &
-         & 63.647804_JPRB,    95.636963_JPRB,   134.483307_JPRB, &
-        & 180.584351_JPRB,   234.779053_JPRB,   298.495789_JPRB, &
-        & 373.971924_JPRB,   464.618134_JPRB,   575.651001_JPRB, &
-        & 713.218079_JPRB,   883.660522_JPRB,  1094.834717_JPRB, &
-       & 1356.474609_JPRB,  1680.640259_JPRB,  2082.273926_JPRB, &
-       & 2579.888672_JPRB,  3196.421631_JPRB,  3960.291504_JPRB, &
-       & 4906.708496_JPRB,  6018.019531_JPRB,  7306.631348_JPRB, &
-       & 8765.053711_JPRB, 10376.126953_JPRB, 12077.446289_JPRB, &
-      & 13775.325195_JPRB, 15379.805664_JPRB, 16819.474609_JPRB, &
-      & 18045.183594_JPRB, 19027.695313_JPRB, 19755.109375_JPRB, &
-      & 20222.205078_JPRB, 20429.863281_JPRB, 20384.480469_JPRB, &
-      & 20097.402344_JPRB, 19584.330078_JPRB, 18864.750000_JPRB, &
-      & 17961.357422_JPRB, 16899.468750_JPRB, 15706.447266_JPRB, &
-      & 14411.124023_JPRB, 13043.218750_JPRB, 11632.758789_JPRB, &
-      & 10209.500977_JPRB,  8802.356445_JPRB,  7438.803223_JPRB, &
-       & 6144.314941_JPRB,  4941.778320_JPRB,  3850.913330_JPRB, &
-       & 2887.696533_JPRB,  2063.779785_JPRB,  1385.912598_JPRB, &
-        & 855.361755_JPRB,   467.333588_JPRB,   210.393890_JPRB, &
-         & 65.889244_JPRB,     7.367743_JPRB,     0.000000_JPRB, &
-          & 0.000000_JPRB &
-              & /
-      data bbm / &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, 0.0000000000_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0000758235_JPRB, 0.0004613950_JPRB, 0.0018151561_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0050811190_JPRB, 0.0111429105_JPRB, 0.0206778757_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0341211632_JPRB, 0.0516904071_JPRB, 0.0735338330_JPRB, &
-      & 0.0996746942_JPRB, 0.1300225109_JPRB, 0.1643843204_JPRB, &
-      & 0.2024759352_JPRB, 0.2439331412_JPRB, 0.2883229554_JPRB, &
-      & 0.3351548910_JPRB, 0.3838921487_JPRB, 0.4339629412_JPRB, &
-      & 0.4847715795_JPRB, 0.5357099175_JPRB, 0.5861684084_JPRB, &
-      & 0.6355474591_JPRB, 0.6832686067_JPRB, 0.7287858129_JPRB, &
-      & 0.7715966105_JPRB, 0.8112534285_JPRB, 0.8473749161_JPRB, &
-      & 0.8796569109_JPRB, 0.9078838825_JPRB, 0.9319403172_JPRB, &
-      & 0.9518215060_JPRB, 0.9676452279_JPRB, 0.9796627164_JPRB, &
-      & 0.9882701039_JPRB, 0.9940194488_JPRB, 0.9976301193_JPRB, &
-      & 1.0000000000_JPRB &
-              & /
-      do jk=1,nlev+1
-      paph(jk)=aam(jk)+bbm(jk)*spres
-      end do
-      do jk=1,nlev
-      pap(jk)=0.5_JPRB*(paph(jk)+paph(jk+1))
-      end do
-      end subroutine ec_p60l
-END PROGRAM rttovcld_testad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovscatt_test.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovscatt_test.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 872bee0e4fe1c0d2917b9797cdfc1fca2a641edd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttovscatt_test.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-  program rttovscatt_test
-  use parkind1, only: jpim  ,jprb
-  Use rttov_types, only : rttov_coef, rttov_scatt_coef 
-  Use rttov_const, only : inst_id_ssmi, inst_id_amsua, inst_id_amsub
-  use mod_rttov_scatt_test, only: kproma, ioin, inproc, imyproc, iioproc, zenangle
-  implicit none  
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"	
-#include "rttov_readscattcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupchan.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupindex.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_scatt_setupindex.interface"
-#include "rttov_scatt_test.interface"
-  integer (kind=jpim) :: nfrequencies, nchannels, nbtout, n_chan (kproma)
-  real    (kind=jprb), allocatable :: emissivity    (:), surfem (:)
-  integer (kind=jpim), allocatable :: polarisations (:,:)
-  integer (kind=jpim), allocatable :: channels      (:)
-  integer (kind=jpim), allocatable :: frequencies   (:)
-  integer (kind=jpim), allocatable :: lprofiles     (:)
-  integer (kind=jpim), allocatable :: lsprofiles    (:)   
-  integer (kind=jpim), allocatable :: lsprofiles2    (:)   
-  type (rttov_coef      ) :: coef_rttov        
-  type (rttov_scatt_coef) :: coef_scatt
-  integer (kind=jpim) :: errorstatus, instrument (3), i
-!- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-!* Read satellite/instrument ID's
-  read (*,*) instrument (1)
-  read (*,*) instrument (2)
-  read (*,*) instrument (3)
-  read (*,*) zenangle
-!* Read coefficients
-  call rttov_readcoeffs      (errorstatus, coef_rttov, instrument, file_id = ioin)
-  call rttov_initcoeffs      (errorstatus, coef_rttov, inproc, imyproc, iioproc)
-  call rttov_readscattcoeffs (errorstatus, coef_rttov, coef_scatt)
-  n_chan=coef_rttov%fmv_chn
-!* in IFS called from /satrad/rttov/rttov_parm.F90 (called from /ifs/pp_obs/radtr.F90)
-  call rttov_setupchan (&
-     & kproma,          & ! in
-     & n_chan,          & ! in
-     & coef_rttov,      & ! in
-     & nfrequencies,    & ! out
-     & nchannels,       & ! out
-     & nbtout)            ! out     
-!* as in /satrad/rttov/rttov.F90     
-  allocate (lprofiles     (nfrequencies))
-  allocate (lsprofiles    (nchannels))
-  allocate (lsprofiles2   (nbtout))
-  allocate (channels      (nfrequencies))
-  allocate (frequencies   (nchannels))
-  allocate (polarisations (nchannels,3)) 
-  allocate (surfem        (nchannels ) )
-  allocate (emissivity    (nchannels ) )
-  surfem (:) = 0.0_JPRB
-   call rttov_setupindex (&
-     & n_chan,           & ! in
-     & kproma,           & ! in
-     & nfrequencies,     & ! in
-     & nchannels,        & ! in
-     & nbtout,           & ! in
-     & coef_rttov,       & ! in
-     & surfem,           & ! in
-     & lprofiles,        & ! out
-     & channels,         & ! out
-     & polarisations,    & ! out
-     & emissivity)         ! out
-!* Set up remaining indices
-  call rttov_scatt_setupindex (kproma, n_chan, coef_rttov, nchannels, &
-                             & lsprofiles, lsprofiles2              , & 
-                             & frequencies, nbtout)       
-  call rttov_scatt_test (nfrequencies, nchannels, nbtout, &       
-                       & coef_rttov, coef_scatt         , &
-                       & lprofiles                      , & 
-                       & lsprofiles                     , & 
-                        & lsprofiles2                     , & 
-                      & channels                       , & 
-                       & frequencies                    , & 
-                       & polarisations                  , & 
-                       & emissivity)       
-  end program rttovscatt_test
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttvi.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttvi.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8e9b91530700355e5309e95dbd7fee6bf74293..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttvi.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-!+ Initialize fast radiative transfer model.
-Subroutine RTTVI(                                          &
-     kerr, kppf, kpnsat, kplev, kpch, kpchus,              &
-     kpnav, kpnsav, kpnssv, kpncv,                         &
-     nrttovid, platform, satellite, instrument , numchans, &
-     preslev, otmin, otmax, oqmin, oqmax, oozmin, oozmax,  &
-     ivch, niu1)
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Initialisation for tovs rt routine, rttov.
-  ! to be called before first call to rttov.
-  ! allows arrays to be allocated correct size.
-  ! IVCH array and numchans is normally initialised to zero
-  ! in main program. It can be used to read in
-  ! only those coefficients for channels you
-  ! want to process by specifying valid channel
-  ! numbers in this array on input. This is useful
-  ! for sounders with many channels (eg AIRS)
-  ! as it saves storing all coefficients (eg 2300+ for AIRS)
-  ! for just a few channels required (eg ~300 for AIRS).
-  ! On return IVCH either contains a list of valid channel
-  ! numbers for the instrument or if non-zero input
-  ! those requested.
-  !
-  ! Compatible with RTTOV8 library but only able to
-  ! run with coefficients created on RTTOV7 43 pressure levels
-  !
-  ! Method
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !        13/8/92.  For version 2. input sat ids required and
-  !                  store only data for these.
-  !        11/7/96   Modified to include meteosat & goes
-  !        9/12/96   Water vapour transmittance extended to level 1
-  !        6/12/97   Rose Munro - Modified for multiple satellite series,
-  !        6/12/97   Rose Munro - Modified for multiple satellite series,
-  !                            id's and subtypes
-  !        18/3/98   Roger Saunders - Modified to generalise no. of levels
-  !        18/8/98   Roger Saunders - Added key array sizes to output
-  !        06/4/99   Roger Saunders - Added ssm/i
-  !        01/12/99  Roger Saunders - Added variable unit number KIU1
-  !        04/01/00  Roger Saunders - Added AVHRRCF+GOESIMCF
-  !        01/05/2000     F90 code
-  !        10/08/2000  P. Brunel    - Added GOESSNDCF
-  !        21/03/2001  P, Brunel    - Unique coefficient file reading subroutine
-  !        26/03/2001  P, Brunel    - New RTTOV identification numbers
-  !        18/09/2001  A. Collard   - Allow a subset of channels to be initialised
-  !        20/09/2001  A. Collard   - Allow coeffs file to be opened externally
-  !        01/12/2002  P. Brunel    - Keep compatibility with RTTOV8
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  Use MOD_CPARAM, Only : &
-       ! Imported Paramters:
-       jpnsat ,&     ! Total max sats to be used
-       jplev  ,&     ! No. of pressure levels
-       jpnav  ,&     ! No. of profile variables
-       jpnsav ,&     ! No. of surface air variables
-       jpnssv ,&     ! No. of skin variables
-       jpncv  ,&     ! No. of cloud variables
-       jppf   ,&     ! Max no. profiles
-       jpch   ,&     ! Max. no. of tovs channels
-       jpchus ,&     ! Max. no. of channels used tovs
-       jpchpf ,&     ! Max no. of profs * chans used
-       jpcofm ,&     ! Mixed gas coeffs (max)
-       jpcofw ,&     ! Water vapour coeffs (max)
-       jpcofo ,&     ! Ozone coeffs (max)
-       jpst   ,&     ! Max no. of surface types
-       jmwcldtop ,&     ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       rcnv   ,&     ! kg/kg--> ppmv ozone
-       rcnw   ,&     ! kg/kg--> ppmv water vapour
-       nulout ,&       ! unit for error messages
-       coef
-  Use MOD_CPARAM, Only : &
-       ! Imported Scalar Variables with intent (in):
-       njpnsat  ,&   ! Total max sats to be used
-       njplev   ,&   ! No. of pressure levels
-       njpnav   ,&   ! No. of profile variables
-       njpnsav  ,&   ! No. of surface air variables
-       njpnssv  ,&   ! No. of skin variables
-       njpncv   ,&   ! No. of cloud variables
-       njppf    ,&   ! Max no. profiles
-       njpch    ,&   ! Max. no. of tovs channels
-       njpchus  ,&   ! Max. no. of channels used tovs
-       njpchpf  ,&   ! Max no. of profs * chans used
-       njpcofm  ,&   ! Mixed gas coeffs (max)
-       njpcofw  ,&   ! Water vapour coeffs (max)
-       njpcofo  ,&   ! Ozone coeffs (max)
-       njpst    ,&   ! Max no. of surface types
-       nmwcldtop     ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       sensor_id_mw
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-  ! Subroutine arguments
-  ! scalar arguments with intent(in):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: nrttovid ! number of RTTOV ids  requested
-  ! RTTOV id is defined by 3 numbers:
-  ! platform = satellite serie (Noaa=1, Goes=4, DMSP=2...)
-  ! satellite = satellite number in the serie
-  !               Noaa14 = 14
-  ! instrument = instrument number (HIRS=0, AMSU-A=3)
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(in):
-  ! ............. for each RTTOVid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: platform(*)     ! number of platform. id's
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: satellite(*)    ! number of satellite. id's
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: instrument(*)   ! number of instrument. id's
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(inout):
-  ! ............. for each RTTOVid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: numchans(*)  ! Number of channels initialised
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: niu1(*)      ! optional unit number to read
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)  :: niu2(30)      ! optional unit number to read
-  ! rt_coef... files.
-  !
-  ! Scalar arguments with intent(out):
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kerr   ! error flag, returns kerr /= 0 if error
-  ! <0 is RTTVI error
-  ! >0 is RTTOVCF error
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kppf   ! max no. profiles processed in parallel
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnsat ! max no. of satellites
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kplev  ! no of rt levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpch   ! max no. of channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpchus ! max no. of channels used
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnav  ! max no of profile variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnsav ! max no of surface variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnssv ! max no of skin variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpncv  ! max no of cloud variables
-  ! Array  arguments with intent(out):
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    preslev(jplev)     ! 43 pressure levels  (Pa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    otmin(jplev)       ! min temp array (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    otmax(jplev)       ! max temp array (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oqmin(jplev)       ! min q array   (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oqmax(jplev)       ! max q array   (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oozmin(jplev)      ! min ozone array   (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oozmax(jplev)      ! max ozone array   (kg/kg)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: ivch(jpch,jpnsat)  ! array of valid channel numbers
-  !
-  ! Local scalars:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: msat                 ! indice for RTTOV ids
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ref_ind              ! reference index for min/max
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ig
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: in_inst(3)              ! instrument rttov id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ich
-  !- End of header ------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  !     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-  !*         1.   Set up profile constants.
-  !               --- -- ------- ---------
-  !
-  kerr   = 0
-  kppf   = jppf
-  kpnsat = jpnsat
-  kplev  = jplev
-  kpch   = jpch
-  kpchus = jpchus
-  kpnav  = jpnav
-  kpnsav = jpnsav
-  kpnssv = jpnssv
-  kpncv  = jpncv
-  !
-  njpnsat = jpnsat
-  njplev  = jplev
-  njpnav  = jpnav
-  njpnsav = jpnsav
-  njpnssv = jpnssv
-  njpncv  = jpncv
-  njppf   = jppf
-  njpch   = jpch
-  njpchus = jpchus
-  njpchpf = jpchpf
-  njpcofm = jpcofm
-  njpcofw = jpcofw
-  njpcofo = jpcofo
-  njpst   = jpst
-  nmwcldtop = jmwcldtop
-  !ivch(:,:) = 0
-  niu2(1:nrttovid)=niu1(1:nrttovid)
-  !
-  !*         1.   Set up data for all satellites.
-  !               --- -- ---- --- --- ----------
-  !
-  !     1.1 Set up Sat ids FOR TOVS/METEOSAT/GOES
-  !
-  If (nrttovid > jpnsat) Then
-     kerr=-1
-     Return
-  End If
-  !
-  !*    1.2  Set up satellite-specific data for tovs/meteosat/goes
-  !
-  ref_ind = 0
-  Do msat = 1, nrttovid
-     in_inst(1)  = platform(msat)
-     in_inst(2)  = satellite(msat)
-     in_inst(3)  = instrument(msat)
-!  airs aqua
-     if(instrument(msat) == 11)then
-        in_inst(2)  = 2
-        in_inst(1)  = 9
-     endif
-! amsua aqua
-     if(instrument(msat) == 3 .and. satellite(msat) == 20) then
-        in_inst(2)  = 2
-        in_inst(1)  = 9
-     endif
-     If(numchans(msat) > 0) Then
-        If( niu2(msat) >0 ) Then
-           Call rttov_readcoeffs  (kerr, coef(msat), &
-                &  channels = ivch(1:numchans(msat),msat), &
-                &  file_id = niu2(msat) )
-           Call rttov_initcoeffs  ( &
-                & kerr,        &! out
-                & coef(msat)  ) ! inout
-        Else
-           Call rttov_readcoeffs  (kerr, coef(msat), in_inst, &
-                &  channels = ivch(1:numchans(msat),msat) )
-           Call rttov_initcoeffs  ( &
-                & kerr,        &! out
-                & coef(msat)  ) ! inout
-        End If
-     Else
-        If( niu2(msat) >0 ) Then
-           Call rttov_readcoeffs  (kerr, coef(msat), &
-                & file_id = niu2(msat) )
-           Call rttov_initcoeffs  ( &
-                & kerr,        &! out
-                & coef(msat)  ) ! inout
-        Else
-           Call rttov_readcoeffs  (kerr, coef(msat), in_inst )
-           Call rttov_initcoeffs  ( &
-                & kerr,        &! out
-                & coef(msat)  ) ! inout
-        End If
-        numchans(msat) =  coef(msat) % fmv_chn
-        Do ich = 1, numchans(msat)
-           If(coef(msat) % ff_val_chn(ich) /= 0) Then
-              ivch(ich,msat) =  ich
-           Else
-              ivch(ich,msat) =  0
-           Endif
-        Enddo
-     Endif
-     If(kerr /= 0) Then
-        Return
-     Else
-        If (ref_ind == 0) ref_ind = msat
-     Endif
-     If( jplev /= coef(msat) % nlevels ) Then
-        kerr = -3
-        Return
-     Endif
-  End Do
-  !
-  !     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  !*         2.1  Set up pressure level constants and limits and output
-  !               array for ifs
-  !
-  If (ref_ind == 0) Then
-     kerr = -2
-     Write(nulout,*) 'rttvi: reference profiles index zero'
-     Return
-  Endif
-  !
-  preslev(1:jplev) = coef(ref_ind) % ref_prfl_p(1:jplev)*100._JPRB    ! (Pa)
-  otmin(1:jplev)   = coef(ref_ind) % lim_prfl_tmin(1:jplev)      ! (K)
-  otmax(1:jplev)   = coef(ref_ind) % lim_prfl_tmax(1:jplev)      ! (K)
-  ig = coef(ref_ind) % fmv_gas_pos( gas_id_watervapour )
-  oqmin(1:jplev)   = coef(ref_ind) % lim_prfl_gmin(1:jplev,ig)/rcnw    ! ppmv -> kg/kg
-  oqmax(1:jplev)   = coef(ref_ind) % lim_prfl_gmax(1:jplev,ig)/rcnw    ! ppmv -> kg/kg
-  !
-  Do msat = 1, nrttovid
-    If (coef(msat) % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw .and. in_inst(3) /= 2 ) Then   !If not MW or SSU
-      ig = coef(ref_ind) % fmv_gas_pos( gas_id_ozone )
-      oozmin(1:jplev)  = coef(ref_ind) % lim_prfl_gmin(1:jplev,ig)/rcnv   ! ppmv -> kg/kg
-      oozmax(1:jplev)  = coef(ref_ind) % lim_prfl_gmax(1:jplev,ig)/rcnv   ! ppmv -> kg/kg
-    endif
-  End do
-  !
-  !
-  !
-  !
-  !     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  Return
-End Subroutine RTTVI
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttvi.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttvi.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e9b85c7ba6b126144da082f8de72507cfb7a18..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/rttvi.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-!+ Initialize fast radiative transfer model.
-Subroutine RTTVI(                                          &
-     kerr, kppf, kpnsat, kplev, kpch, kpchus,              &
-     kpnav, kpnsav, kpnssv, kpncv,                         &
-     nrttovid, platform, satellite, instrument , numchans, &
-     preslev, otmin, otmax, oqmin, oqmax, oozmin, oozmax,  &
-     ivch, niu1)
-  Use MOD_CPARAM, Only : &
-       ! Imported Paramters:
-       jpnsat ,&     ! Total max sats to be used
-       jplev  ,&     ! No. of pressure levels
-       jpnav  ,&     ! No. of profile variables
-       jpnsav ,&     ! No. of surface air variables
-       jpnssv ,&     ! No. of skin variables
-       jpncv  ,&     ! No. of cloud variables
-       jppf   ,&     ! Max no. profiles
-       jpch   ,&     ! Max. no. of tovs channels
-       jpchus ,&     ! Max. no. of channels used tovs
-       jpchpf ,&     ! Max no. of profs * chans used
-       jpcofm ,&     ! Mixed gas coeffs (max)
-       jpcofw ,&     ! Water vapour coeffs (max)
-       jpcofo ,&     ! Ozone coeffs (max)
-       jpst   ,&     ! Max no. of surface types
-       jmwcldtop ,&     ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-       rcnv   ,&     ! kg/kg--> ppmv ozone
-       rcnw   ,&     ! kg/kg--> ppmv water vapour
-       nulout ,&       ! unit for error messages
-       coef
-  Use MOD_CPARAM, Only : &
-       ! Imported Scalar Variables with intent (in):
-       njpnsat  ,&   ! Total max sats to be used
-       njplev   ,&   ! No. of pressure levels
-       njpnav   ,&   ! No. of profile variables
-       njpnsav  ,&   ! No. of surface air variables
-       njpnssv  ,&   ! No. of skin variables
-       njpncv   ,&   ! No. of cloud variables
-       njppf    ,&   ! Max no. profiles
-       njpch    ,&   ! Max. no. of tovs channels
-       njpchus  ,&   ! Max. no. of channels used tovs
-       njpchpf  ,&   ! Max no. of profs * chans used
-       njpcofm  ,&   ! Mixed gas coeffs (max)
-       njpcofw  ,&   ! Water vapour coeffs (max)
-       njpcofo  ,&   ! Ozone coeffs (max)
-       njpst    ,&   ! Max no. of surface types
-       nmwcldtop     ! Upper level for lwp calcs
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: nrttovid ! number of RTTOV ids  requested
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: platform(*)     ! number of platform. id's
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: satellite(*)    ! number of satellite. id's
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(in) :: instrument(*)   ! number of instrument. id's
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: numchans(*)  ! Number of channels initialised
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: niu1(*)      ! optional unit number to read
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kerr   ! error flag, returns kerr /= 0 if error
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kppf   ! max no. profiles processed in parallel
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnsat ! max no. of satellites
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kplev  ! no of rt levels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpch   ! max no. of channels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpchus ! max no. of channels used
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnav  ! max no of profile variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnsav ! max no of surface variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpnssv ! max no of skin variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(out) :: kpncv  ! max no of cloud variables
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    preslev(jplev)     ! 43 pressure levels  (Pa)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    otmin(jplev)       ! min temp array (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    otmax(jplev)       ! max temp array (K)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oqmin(jplev)       ! min q array   (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oqmax(jplev)       ! max q array   (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oozmin(jplev)      ! min ozone array   (kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Intent(out) ::    oozmax(jplev)      ! max ozone array   (kg/kg)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Intent(inout) :: ivch(jpch,jpnsat)  ! array of valid channel numbers
-End Subroutine RTTVI
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_2_coef.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_2_coef.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 46443cb6e8222fd9e9d4cc6247d3bb6c66ed2870..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_2_coef.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-Program test_2_coef
-  ! Description:
-  ! Tests the reading of a coefficent file for all channels or
-  ! for a selection.
-  ! Input are:
-  !    the triplet for identification (platform, satellite, instrument)
-  !    flag for acees to binary or ASCII coefficent file
-  !    number of channels (0= all   -n for first n channels)
-  !    channels selection (if input number of channels is >0)
-  !
-  ! The program invites you to check the memory allocation and
-  ! to press return to exit
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Parameters:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_coeffname.interface"
-#include "rttov_opencoeff.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  ! Local variables
-  !-------------------
-  Type( rttov_coef ) :: coef         ! coefficients
-  ! Instrument triplet for "classical" creation of coefficient filename
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: instrument(3)
-  ! Logical units for input/output
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: file_id
-  ! error return code for subroutines
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  ! character string for file name
-  Character(len=128) :: coeffname
-  !ascii / binary option
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iascii
-  Logical :: lbinary
-  ! number of channels to prosess
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: channels(:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: i
-!- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Now open a new ASCII coefficient file with a selection of channels
-  Write(*,*) 'enter platform, satid, instrument  '
-  Read(*,*) instrument
-  Write(*,*) 'enter ascii or binary (0/1)  '
-  Read(*,*) iascii
-  Write(*,*) 'enter the number of channels (0 for all, -n for first n channels) '
-  Read(*,*) nchannels
-  If( nchannels > 0 ) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'enter a list of channels '
-     Allocate ( channels( nchannels ) )
-     Read(*,*) channels(:)
-  ElseIf( nchannels < 0 ) Then
-     nchannels = -nchannels
-     Allocate ( channels( nchannels ) )
-     Do i = 1, nchannels
-        channels(i) = i
-     End Do
-  Endif
-  If(iascii == 0) Then
-     lbinary = .False.
-  Else
-     lbinary = .True.
-  Endif
-  ! get the file name from instrument triplet
-  Call rttov_coeffname (errorstatus, instrument, coeffname, lbinary)
-  ! let the subroutine choose a logical unit for the file
-  file_id = 0
-  If( errorstatus == errorstatus_success ) Then
-     ! open the file in ASCII mode
-     Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, coeffname, file_id, lbinary=lbinary)
-     If( errorstatus == errorstatus_success ) Then
-        ! read the coefficients for the selection of channels
-        Call Rttov_errorreport( errorstatus_success, 'start reading', 'main')
-        If ( nchannels /= 0 ) Then
-           Call rttov_readcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef, file_id = file_id, channels = channels)
-           Call rttov_initcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef)
-        Else
-           Call rttov_readcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef, file_id = file_id)
-           Call rttov_initcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef)
-        Endif
-        Call Rttov_errorreport( errorstatus, 'end reading', 'main')
-     End If
-     If( errorstatus == errorstatus_success ) Then
-        Write(*,*) 'you can check the memory allocation, then press return '
-        Read(*,*)
-     End If
-  End If
-  Stop
-End Program test_2_coef
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_coef.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_coef.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 80d4a5714b8d44f91e8645b73c2af47911fed954..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_coef.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-Program test_coef
-  ! Description:
-  ! Main code to test functionalities for coefficients (open/read/write)
-  ! Read from standard input the identification triplet platform, satid, instrument
-  ! Open the ASCII coef file
-  ! Read the coeff file (rttov_readcoeffs without opening)
-  ! Writes to rtcoef_1_ascii.out file the same coeff structure in ASCII format
-  ! Writes to rtcoef_1_binary.out file the same coeff structure in binary format
-  ! Opens rtcoef_1_binary.out file, reads it and writes it in ASCII format
-  !   in file rtcoef_1_ascii_2.out
-  ! Read from standard input a new identification triplet platform, satid, instrument
-  ! Read from standard input a number of channels and a list of channels
-  ! Open the corresponding ASCII coef file for the list of channels
-  ! Read the coeff file (rttov_readcoeffs without opening and for a list of channels)
-  ! Writes to rtcoef_2_ascii.out file the coeff structure in ASCII format
-  !
-  ! The user can check by editor that the ascii output are correct.
-  ! rtcoef_1_ascii.out and rtcoef_1_ascii_2.out should be the same
-  !     They can be different from original file for comments
-  !     and units of reference profile and profile limits
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       01/12/2002  New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_coeffname.interface"
-#include "rttov_opencoeff.interface"
-#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_writecoef.interface"
-  ! Local variables
-  !-------------------
-  ! coeffiecnt structure for 2 instruments
-  Type( rttov_coef ), Allocatable :: coef(:)          ! coefficients
-  ! Instrument triplet for "classical" creation of coefficient filename
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: instrument(3)
-  ! Logical units for input/output
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: file_id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: file_out =20
-  ! coefficient index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: icoef
-  ! error return code for subroutines
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  ! if open file is for output
-  Logical :: for_output = .True.
-  ! character string for file name
-  Character(len=128) :: coeffname
-  ! number of channels to prosess
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)          :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Pointer :: channels(:)
-  ! reserve memory for 4 instruments
-  Allocate ( coef (4) )
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Instrument ONE
-  icoef = 1
-  Write(*,*) 'enter platform, satid, instrument for coef ',icoef
-  Read(*,*) instrument
-  !instrument = (/ 1, 15, 5 /)
-  ! get the file name from instrument triplet
-  Call rttov_coeffname (errorstatus, instrument, coeffname)
-  Write(*,*) 'coeffname ',coeffname
-  ! let the subroutine choose a logical unit for the file
-  file_id = 0
-  ! open the file in ASCII mode
-  Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, coeffname, file_id)
-  ! read the coefficients for all channels
-  Call rttov_readcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef(icoef), file_id = file_id)
-  Call rttov_initcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef(icoef))
-  ! Open an output file and store the coefficents in ASCII format
-  Open ( unit = file_out, file = 'rtcoef_1_ascii.out' )
-  Call Rttov_writecoef (errorstatus, coef(icoef), file_out)
-  Close ( unit = file_out )
-  ! Open another file and store the coefficents in BINARY format
-  file_out = file_out+1
-  Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, 'rtcoef_1_binary.out', file_out, for_output, lbinary=.True.)
-  Call Rttov_writecoef (errorstatus, coef(icoef), file_out, lbinary=.True.)
-  Close ( unit = file_out )
-  ! Open the previous binary file, read the coefficients and write in an ASCII
-  ! file. This allows us to compare the 2 ASCII files
-  ! rtcoef_1_ascii.out and rtcoef_1_ascii_2.out which should be the same
-  file_id = 0
-  icoef = 2
-  Call rttov_opencoeff  (errorstatus, 'rtcoef_1_binary.out', file_id, lbinary=.True.)
-  Call rttov_readcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef(icoef), file_id = file_id)
-  Call rttov_initcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef(icoef))
-  Open ( unit = file_out, file = 'rtcoef_1_ascii_2.out' )
-  Call Rttov_writecoef (errorstatus, coef(icoef), file_out)
-  Close ( unit = file_out )
-  ! Now open a new ASCII coefficient file with a selection of channels
-  Write(*,*) 'enter platform, satid, instrument  '
-  Read(*,*) instrument
-  Write(*,*) 'enter the number of channels '
-  Read(*,*) nchannels
-  Write(*,*) 'enter a list of channels '
-  Allocate ( channels( nchannels ) )
-  Read(*,*) channels(:)
-  icoef = 3
-  ! get the file name from instrument triplet
-  Call rttov_coeffname (errorstatus, instrument, coeffname)
-  ! let the subroutine choose a logical unit for the file
-  file_id = 0
-  ! open the file in ASCII mode
-  Call rttov_opencoeff (errorstatus, coeffname, file_id)
-  ! read the coefficients for the selection of channels
-  Call rttov_readcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef(icoef), file_id = file_id, channels = channels)
-  Call rttov_initcoeffs  (errorstatus, coef(icoef))
-  ! Open an output file and store the coefficents in ASCII format
-  Open ( unit = file_out, file = 'rtcoef_2_ascii.out' )
-  Call Rttov_writecoef (errorstatus, coef(icoef), file_out)
-  Close ( unit = file_out )
-  Stop
-End Program test_coef
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_errorhandling.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_errorhandling.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 66a8270cc31b4384148ea52afee3b3429c04f601..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_errorhandling.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-Program test_errorhandling
-  !
-  ! Description:
-  ! Main code to test functionalities of RTTOV error handling
-  ! Start with default values for error logical unit and verbosity
-  ! Send messages for all error levels
-  ! Change the verboisty level from Max to Min and always send the same
-  ! verbosity messages
-  ! The user should verify the correct effects of the calls
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0       10/01/03  Original (P Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  ! Imported Type Definitions:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_info    ,&
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-       & errorstatus_warning ,&
-       & default_err_unit
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-  !- Local variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ios
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: Err_Unit       ! Logical error unit
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: verbosity_level
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=18) :: NameOfRoutine = 'test_errorhandling'
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! 1 Default error unit
-  !---------------------
-  Write(*,*) 'Test with default error logical unit number ', default_err_unit
-  Write(*,*) ' control results on this unit (should be on screen) '
-  Write(*,*) 'If no message appears on screen then change the default_err_unit'
-  Write(*,*) ' in rttov_const.f90 according to your system'
-  Err_unit = -1
-  ! 1.1 default verbosity level
-  !----------------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with default verbosity level '
-  verbosity_level = -1
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 1.2 verbosity level 0
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 0 (no output)'
-  verbosity_level = 0
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see nothing '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 1.3 verbosity level 1
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 1 (Fatal only)'
-  verbosity_level = 1
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see Fatal message '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 1.4 verbosity level 2
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 2 (Warning)'
-  verbosity_level = 2
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see Warning and Fatal '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 1.5 verbosity level 3
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 3 (Information)'
-  verbosity_level = 3
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see all messages '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 2 error unit number 10
-  !-----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with error logical unit number 10'
-  Write(*,*) 'on file test_errorhandling.lst'
-  Write(*,*) 'control results on this unit '
-  Err_unit = 10
-  Open (unit=Err_unit, file='test_errorhandling.lst',iostat=ios)
-  If(ios /= 0 ) Then
-     Write(*,*) 'error opening output file test_errorhandling.lst'
-     Write(*,*) 'iostatus is ',ios
-     Stop
-  End If
-  ! 2.1 default verbosity level
-  !----------------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with default verbosity level '
-  Write(Err_unit,*) 'test with default verbosity level '
-  verbosity_level = -1
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 2.2 verbosity level 0
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 0 (no output)'
-  Write(Err_unit,*) 'test with verbosity level 0 (no output)'
-  verbosity_level = 0
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see nothing '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 2.3 verbosity level 1
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 1 (Fatal only)'
-  Write(Err_unit,*) 'test with verbosity level 1 (Fatal only)'
-  verbosity_level = 1
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see Fatal message '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 2.4 verbosity level 2
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 2 (Warning)'
-  Write(Err_unit,*) 'test with verbosity level 2 (Warning)'
-  verbosity_level = 2
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see Warning and Fatal '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  ! 2.5 verbosity level 3
-  !----------------------
-  Write(*,*) ' '
-  Write(*,*) 'test with verbosity level 3 (Information)'
-  Write(Err_unit,*) 'test with verbosity level 3 (Information)'
-  verbosity_level = 3
-  call rttov_errorhandling ( Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  Write(*,*) 'now the code will output messages for all error levels '
-  Write(*,*) 'you should see all messages '
-  errMessage="test"
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_info   , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_success, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_fatal  , errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus_warning, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-  Stop
-End Program Test_errorhandling
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_q2v.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_q2v.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index b396d6c6c6ca415db8753f20d66401a2c3d25206..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/test_q2v.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-Program test_q2v
-  ! Description:
-  ! Main code to test functionalities of RTTOV gaz unit conversions
-  ! The RTTOV6/7 reference profile is used to validate the tests
-  !
-  ! Copyright:
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  ! Method:
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date     Comment
-  ! -------   ----     -------
-  !  1.0    27/01/03  Original (P Brunel)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:           Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  ! Declarations:
-  ! Modules used:
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       gas_id_watervapour  ,&
-       gas_id_ozone        ,&
-       gas_unit_specconc   ,&
-       gas_unit_ppmv
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_q2v.interface"
-#include "rttov_v2q.interface"
-  !- Local variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: luin
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ios
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: l,il
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nerr
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: n
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: List_of_gases(2)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: ref_h2o(43), ref_o3(43)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: v_h2o_old(43)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: v_o3_old(43)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: q_gas(2)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: v_gas(2,43)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: p,t,t1
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  luin = 10
-  open( unit=luin,             &
-       & file='refprof_43.dat',&
-       & status='old',         &
-       & action='read',        &
-       & iostat=ios)
-  if(ios /= 0 )then
-     write(*,*) 'error opening file refprof_43.dat   ios=', ios
-     stop
-  End if
-  read(luin,*)
-  read(luin,*)
-  Do l=1,43
-!     read(luin,"(19x,e12.6,10x,e12.6)")  ref_h2o(l), ref_o3(l)
-     read(luin,*) il,p,t, ref_h2o(l),t1, ref_o3(l)
-  End Do
-  ! Converion specific concentration to ppmv with "old" formula
-  !   specific concentration == mass mixing ratio
-  ! constants extracted from RTTOV6/7 code
-  Do l=1,43
-     v_h2o_old(l) = ref_h2o(l) * 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-     v_o3_old(l)  = ref_o3(l)  * 6.03504e+5_JPRB
-  End Do
-  ! Converion specific concentration to ppmv with exact formula
-  List_of_gases( 1 ) = gas_id_watervapour
-  List_of_gases( 2 ) = gas_id_ozone
-  ! calculate volume mixing ratio (ppmv) for the 2 gases
-  Do l=1,43
-     q_gas( 1 ) = ref_h2o(l)
-     q_gas( 2 ) = ref_o3(l)
-     Do n=1,2
-        call rttov_q2v( gas_unit_specconc, ref_h2o(l),&
-             & List_of_gases(n), q_gas(n), v_gas(n,l))
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  ! Print differences between old and new formula
-  write(*,*) ' Water Vapour '
-  write(*,"(a3,3a12,a8)") 'lev','kg/kg','old ppmv','new ppmv',' %'
-  Do l=1,43
-     write(*,"(i3,3E12.5,F8.4)") l,&
-          & ref_h2o(l), v_h2o_old(l), v_gas(1,l),&
-          & 100._JPRB*(v_h2o_old(l) - v_gas(1,l)) / v_h2o_old(l)
-  End Do
-  write(*,*)
-  write(*,*) ' Ozone '
-  write(*,"(a3,3a12,a8)") 'lev','kg/kg','old ppmv','new ppmv',' %'
-  Do l=1,43
-     write(*,"(i3,3E12.5,F8.4)") l,&
-          & ref_o3(l), v_o3_old(l), v_gas(2,l),&
-          & 100._JPRB*(v_o3_old(l) - v_gas(2,l)) / v_o3_old(l)
-  End Do
-  ! Verify reverse calculation with rttov_v2q subroutine
-  ! and compare to input value
-  nerr = 0
-  Do l=1,43
-     Do n=1,2
-        call rttov_v2q( gas_unit_specconc, ref_h2o(l),&
-          & List_of_gases(n), v_gas(n,l), q_gas(n))
-     End Do
-     If( abs( q_gas( 1 ) - ref_h2o(l) ) >  ref_h2o(l)*1.e-09_JPRB ) then
-        nerr = nerr + 1
-        write(*,*) 'H2O conversion error for level',l
-        write(*,"(3E20.9)")&
-             & ref_h2o(l) ,&
-             & v_gas(1,l),&
-             & q_gas( 1 )
-     End If
-     If( abs( q_gas( 2 ) - ref_o3(l) ) >  ref_o3(l)*1.e-09_JPRB ) then
-        nerr = nerr + 1
-        write(*,*) 'O3 conversion error for level',l
-        write(*,"(3E20.9)")&
-             & ref_o3(l) ,&
-             & v_gas(2,l),&
-             & q_gas( 2 )
-     End If
-  End Do
-  If( nerr == 0 ) then
-     write(*,*)
-     write(*,*) 'Reverse calculation test successfull (precision 1.e-09)'
-     write(*,*)
-  End If
-  Stop
-End Program test_q2v
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index bf7dac2d33c5c64c085eceba65ce227abf748db1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !     *************************************************************
-  !
-  !          RTTOV VERSION 8
-  !
-  ! Description: This program is the test harness for RTTOV-8. There
-  !               are 3 options:
-  !               option = 0 to test forward model only
-  !               option = 1 to test the full model ie TL/AD/K
-  !               option = 2 to test the cloudy radiance output
-  !
-  ! To run this program you must have the following files
-  ! either resident in the same directory or set up as a
-  ! symbolic link:
-  !   refprof.dat    --    reference profile
-  !   prof.dat       --    input profile
-  !   input.dat      --    file to select channels and surface emis
-  !   rtcoef_platform_id_sensor.dat --  coefficient file to match
-  !   the sensor you request in the input dialogue
-  ! There are unix scripts available to set up the files above and
-  ! run this program (e.g. tstrad_full.scr)
-  ! The output is generated in a file called print.dat.
-  ! This output can be compared with reference output generated
-  ! by the code developers and included with the export package.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !           25/01/2002     Initial version (R. Saunders)
-  !           01/05/2002     Updated for NOAA-17 (R. Saunders)
-  !           01/12/2002     New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !           02/01/2003     Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !           10/12/2003     Updated for polarimetric changes (S. English/R.Saunders)
-  !           01/04/2004     Updated for chan setup routines (R.Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-     nplatforms          ,&
-     ninst               ,&
-     pi                  ,&
-     errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-     errorstatus_warning ,&
-     errorstatus_success ,&
-     platform_name       ,&
-     sensor_id_mw        ,&
-     inst_name,           &
-     npolar_return,      &
-     npolar_compute
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-     rttov_coef     ,&
-     profile_type   ,&
-     transmission_Type   ,&
-     radiance_type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_setup.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupchan.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupindex.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-!!#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-!!#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_dealloc_coef.interface"
-#include "tstrad_tl.interface"
-#include "tstrad_ad.interface"
-#include "tstrad_k.interface"
-  !
-  ! Parameter for WV conversion used in all tstrad suite
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  !
-    type( rttov_coef ), allocatable :: coef(:)         ! coefficients
-    type(profile_type), allocatable :: profiles(:)
-    type(transmission_type)   :: transmission
-    type(radiance_type)  :: radiance
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: instrument(:,:) ! instrument id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nchan(:,:) ! number of channels per instrument and profile
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ifull(:)   ! full test (with TL,AD,K) per instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nprof(:)   ! number of profiles per instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nsurf(:)   ! surface id number per instrument
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: surfem(:,:)   ! surface input emissivity per channel , instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ichan(:,:)   ! channel list per instrument
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: surfem1(:)   ! surface input emissivity per channel for all profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ichan1(:)   ! channel list per instrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nbtout
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polarisations   (:,:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: frequencies   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: emissivity (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: input_emissivity (:)
-  logical,            Allocatable :: calcemis  (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: coef_errorstatus      ! read coeffs error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: rttov_errorstatus(:)  ! rttov error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: setup_errorstatus(:)  ! setup return code
-  ! min and max satellite id for each platform
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(nplatforms) :: max_satid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(nplatforms) :: min_satid
-  ! min and max channel numbers for each instrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel_old
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel_new
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel
-  integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: mxchn = 500    ! max number of channels per instruments allowed in one run
-  ! polarisations to be computed and returned
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: indexout(:)
-  ! printing arrays
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_radcld(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_emis(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans_lev(:,:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_upclr(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_dncld(:,:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_refclr(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_ovcst(:,:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(1:mxchn) :: pr_pol
-  data min_satid / 1, 8, 1, 8, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 /
-  data max_satid /18,16, 7,12, 5, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0/
-  data max_channel_old / 20,    4, 3, 15, 5, 3,    7, 8, 8, 9,&
-                   & 24, 2378, 4, 16, 3, 5, 8461,14, 4,22,&
-                   & 2,     8, 4, 18, 4, 3,    3,1000, 40, 22, &
-                   & 5,  3000, 0,  0, 0/
-  data max_channel_new / 20,    4, 3, 15, 5, 3,    4, 8, 8, 9,&
-                   & 21, 2378, 4, 16, 3, 5, 8461,14, 4,22,&
-                   & 2,     8, 4, 18, 4, 3,    3,1000, 40, 22, &
-                   & 5,  3000, 0,  0, 0/
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=6)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'tstrad'
-  Character (len=3)  :: coeff_version = 'old'
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nrttovid     ! maximum number of instruments
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: no_id        ! instrument loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ios
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,pol_id,ich2
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: ichannels, ibtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jjm, ira, jj
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: jch, jpol
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: jn, joff1, joff2, joff3
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nprint
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: np, ilev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: n
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nch ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ich ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ii ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: s
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zenang
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azang
-  logical :: lcloud
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iua
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iue
-  ! Unit numbers for input/output
-  DATA IUA/1/,IOOUT/2/,IUE/56/
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(40)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  !Initialise error management with default value for
-  ! the error unit number and
-  ! Fatal error message output
-  Err_unit = -1
-  verbosity_level = 1
-  ! All error message output
-  verbosity_level = 3
-  call rttov_errorhandling(Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  ! Beginning of Routine.
-  ! ---------------------
-  OPEN(IOOUT,file='print.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted')
-  ! For more than one satellite
-  ! comment out the next line and uncomment the following two.
-  NRTTOVID  = 1
-  !      PRINT *, 'How many satellites do you want?'
-  !      READ  *, NRTTOVID
-  allocate (coef(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate (instrument(3,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(2))
-  allocate (ifull(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate (nprof(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(5))
-  allocate (nsurf(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(6))
-  !maximum number of channels allowed for one instrument is mxchn
-  allocate (surfem(mxchn,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate (ichan (mxchn,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(8))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  surfem(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  ichan(:,:) = 0
-     write(*,*)  'Which satellite platform do you want?'
-     WRITE(*,'(4(2x,i3,2x,a8))') (i,platform_name(i), i = 1, nplatforms)
-     READ  *,  Instrument(1,no_id)
-     IF ( Instrument(1,no_id) <= 0  .OR. &
-          &    Instrument(1,no_id) > nplatforms)  STOP 'Platform number not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Which satellite id do you want for this platform?'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Noaaxx = xx  GOESyy = yy'
-     READ  *,  instrument(2,no_id)
-     if( instrument(2,no_id) < min_satid(Instrument(1,no_id)) .or. &
-          & instrument(2,no_id) > max_satid(Instrument(1,no_id))    ) &
-          & STOP 'Satellite id not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Which instrument type do you want for this satellite?'
-     write(*, '(4(2x,i3,2x,a8))') (i, inst_name(i),  i = 0, ninst-1)
-     READ  *,  instrument(3,no_id)
-     IF ( instrument(3,no_id) < 0 .OR. &
-          &    instrument(3,no_id) > ninst-1)&
-          &   STOP 'instrument number not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*) ' Forward model only (0) or full gradient test (1)',&
-          &  ' or full radiance output (2)?'
-     READ  *, IFULL(no_id)
-     PRINT  *, ' Number of profiles to test code? '
-     READ  *, NPROF(no_id)
-     PRINT  *, ' Surface type (0=land, 1=sea, 2=ice/snow)? '
-     READ  *, NSURF(no_id)
-     !
-     !
-     if (coeff_version == 'old') max_channel(:)=max_channel_old(:)
-     if (coeff_version == 'new') max_channel(:)=max_channel_new(:)
-     allocate (nchan(nprof(no_id),nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(3))
-     nchan(1:nprof(no_id),no_id) = max_channel(instrument(3,no_id))
-     !
-     ! Note that channels are the same for all instruments
-     ! and all profiles because the filename is the same
-     OPEN (IUE,FILE='input.dat',status='old')
-     READ(IUE,*)
-     NCH = 0
-     DO ICH = 1 , nchan(1,no_id)
-        READ(IUE,*,iostat=ios)I,II,S
-        if(ios /= 0 ) then
-           write (*,*) ' TOO FEW CHANNELS IN INPUT FILE '
-           write (*,*) ' nchan(1,no_id),no_id  ',nchan(1,no_id),no_id
-           stop
-        endif
-        IF(II.GT.0)THEN
-           NCH = NCH + 1
-           ICHAN(nch,no_id)  = I
-           SURFEM(nch,no_id) = s
-        ENDIF
-     ENDDO
-     !
-     CLOSE(IUE)
-     ! nchan(1,no_id) is now the real number of channels selected
-     do j = 1 , nprof(no_id)
-       nchan(j,no_id) = MIN(max_channel(instrument(3,no_id)),NCH)
-     enddo
-     write(6,*)' Number of channels selected = ',nchan(1,no_id)
-     allocate (ichan1(nchan(1,no_id)),stat= alloc_status(8))
-     ichan1(1:nchan(1,no_id)) = ichan(1:nchan(1,no_id),no_id)
-     !
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-     ! Beginning of rttov_readcoeffs test
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-!!$     call rttov_readcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef(no_id), instrument(:,no_id),&
-!!$     call rttov_initcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef(no_id))
-!!$          &  channels = ichan(1:nchan(1,no_id) ,no_id) )
-!!$     if(coef_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) then
-!!$        write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_readcoeffs fatal error'
-!!$        stop
-!!$     endif
-!!$     if( any(coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn( 1 : coef(no_id)%fmv_chn ) /= 1 )) then
-!!$        WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-!!$        do i = 1, nchan(1,no_id)
-!!$           write(*,*) i, coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn(i)
-!!$        end do
-!!$     endif
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-     ! End of rttov_readcoeffs test
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Beginning of rttov_setup test
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  allocate ( setup_errorstatus(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error for errorsetup")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  Call rttov_setup (&
-     & setup_errorstatus, & ! out
-     & Err_unit,          & ! in
-     & verbosity_level,   & ! in
-     & nrttovid,          & ! in
-     & coef,              & ! out
-     & instrument,        & ! in
-     & ichan              ) ! in Optional
-  if(any(setup_errorstatus(:) /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-     write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_setup fatal error'
-     stop
-  endif
-  deallocate( setup_errorstatus ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error for setup_errorstatus")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  DO no_id = 1, NRTTOVID
-     if( any(coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn( : ) /= 1 )) then
-      WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-        do i = 1, nchan(1,no_id)
-           write(*,*) i, coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn(i)
-        end do
-     endif
-  End Do
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  ! End of rttov_setup test
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  DO no_id = 1, NRTTOVID
-     ! Set up various channel numbers required by RTTOV-8
-     Call rttov_setupchan(nprof(no_id),nchan(1:nprof(no_id),no_id),coef(no_id),nfrequencies, &
-     & nchannels,nbtout)
-     ! total number of channels
-     nlevels =  coef(no_id) % nlevels
-     ! Memory allocation for RTTOV_Direct
-     !-----------------------------------
-     allocate( channels ( nfrequencies ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( rttov_errorstatus(nprof(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( profiles(nprof(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(2))
-     allocate (surfem1(nchannels),stat= alloc_status(7))
-     allocate( polarisations(nchannels,3),stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( frequencies(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(2))
-     allocate( indexout(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(3))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-     do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-        ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-        profiles(j) % nlevels =  coef(no_id) % nlevels
-        allocate( profiles(j) % p  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % t  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % q  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % o3 ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % clw( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-        profiles(j) % p(:) = coef(no_id) % ref_prfl_p(:)
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Stop
-        End If
-     end do
-     ! number of channels per RTTOV call is only nchannels
-     allocate( lprofiles  ( nfrequencies )    ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     allocate( emissivity ( nchannels )       ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     allocate( input_emissivity ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels )        ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-     ! allocate transmittance structure
-     allocate( transmission % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-     allocate( transmission % tau_layer     ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-     allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels  ),stat= alloc_status(15))
-     ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-     allocate( radiance % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     allocate( radiance % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     allocate( radiance % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-     allocate( radiance % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-     allocate( radiance % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-     allocate( radiance % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-     allocate( radiance % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat=alloc_status(25))
-     allocate( radiance % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(26))
-     allocate( radiance % overcast ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(27))
-     ! allocate the cloudy radiances with full size even if not used
-     ! Save input values of emissivities for all calculations.
-     allocate( radiance % downcld  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(28))
-     allocate( radiance % out       ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(29))
-     allocate( radiance % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(30))
-     allocate( radiance % total_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-     allocate( radiance % clear_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-     Allocate(pr_radcld(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-     Allocate(pr_trans(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-     Allocate(pr_emis(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(35))
-     Allocate(pr_trans_lev(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(36))
-     Allocate(pr_upclr(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(37))
-     Allocate(pr_dncld(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(38))
-     Allocate(pr_refclr(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(39))
-     Allocate(pr_ovcst(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(40))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-     WRITE(6,*)'Zenith angle (degrees)?'
-     READ(5,*)ZENANG
-     WRITE(6,*)'Azimuth angle (degrees)?'
-     READ(5,*)AZANG
-     WRITE(6,*)' Number of level =',NLEVELS
-     ! Read profile ONE and fill other profiles with profile one
-     OPEN (IUA,FILE='prof.dat',status='old')
-     !
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % t(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % q(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % o3(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     profiles(1) % ozone_data = .true.
-     profiles(1) % co2_data   = .false.
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % clw(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     ! check value of first level
-     profiles(1) % clw_data = profiles(1) % clw(1) >= 0.0_JPRB
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % s2m % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % q ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % p ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % u ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % v
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % skin % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % skin % fastem
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % ctp,&
-          & profiles(1) % cfraction
-     !
-     CLOSE(IUA)
-     !
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %   t(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %   q(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %  o3(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) % clw(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % s2m % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % q ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % p ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % u ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % v
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % skin % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % skin % fastem
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % ctp,&
-          & profiles(1) % cfraction
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     !  Convert lnq to q in ppmv for profile
-     !
-     profiles(1) %    q(:) = (exp(profiles(1) %     q(:)) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     profiles(1) % s2m % q = (exp(profiles(1) %  s2m % q) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     ! Keep Ozone in ppmv
-     ! viewing geometry
-     profiles(1)  % zenangle      = ZENANG
-     profiles(1)  % azangle       = AZANG
-     ! surface type
-     profiles(1)  % skin % surftype = nsurf(no_id)
-     !.. Fill profile arrays with the 1 profile NPROF times
-     DO  J = 1 , NPROF(no_id)
-        profiles(j) % p(:)   = profiles(1) % p(:)
-        profiles(j) % t(:)   = profiles(1) % t(:)
-        profiles(j) % q(:)   = profiles(1) % q(:)
-        profiles(j) % o3(:)  = profiles(1) % o3(:)
-        profiles(j) % clw(:) = profiles(1) % clw(:)
-        profiles(j) % s2m    = profiles(1) % s2m
-        profiles(j) % skin   = profiles(1) % skin
-        profiles(j) % ctp    = profiles(1) % ctp
-        profiles(j) % cfraction   = profiles(1) % cfraction
-        profiles(j) % ozone_data  = profiles(1) % ozone_data
-        profiles(j) % co2_data    = profiles(1) % co2_data
-        profiles(j) % clw_data    = profiles(1) % clw_data
-        profiles(j) % zenangle    = profiles(1) % zenangle
-        profiles(j) % azangle     = profiles(1) % azangle
-     end do
-     ! Build the list of channels/profiles indices
-     surfem1(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     nch = 1
-     do j = 1 , nprof(no_id)
-       surfem1(nch:nch+nchan(j,no_id)-1) = surfem(1:nchan(1,no_id),no_id)  !Assume emissivities same as first profile
-       nch = nch+nchan(j,no_id)
-     enddo
-     nch = 0
-     Call rttov_setupindex (nchan(1:nprof(no_id),no_id),nprof(no_id),nfrequencies,nchannels,nbtout,coef(no_id),&
-     & surfem1,lprofiles,channels,polarisations,emissivity)
-     !
-     nch = 0
-     ibtout=0
-     DO  J=1,NPROF(no_id)
-        DO  JCH=1,NCHAN(1,no_id)
-           nch = nch +1
-           If( coef(no_id) % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-              frequencies(ibtout+1) = nch
-              ibtout=ibtout+1
-           End If
-           If( coef(no_id) % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-              pol_id = coef(no_id) % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-              Do i=1, npolar_return(pol_id)
-                 frequencies(ibtout+i)=nch
-              End Do
-             ibtout=ibtout+npolar_return(pol_id)
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     write(6,*)' nfreq=',nfrequencies,' nchannels=',nchannels,' nbtout=',nbtout
-     !write(6,*)' Channels ',(channels(ich2),ich2=1,nfrequencies)
-     !write(6,*)(polarisations(ich2,1),ich2=1,nchannels)
-     !write(6,*)(polarisations(ich2,2),ich2=1,nchannels)
-     !write(6,*)(polarisations(ich2,3),ich2=1,nchannels)
-     ! save input values of emissivities for all calculations
-     ! calculate emissivity where the input emissivity value is less than 0.01
-     input_emissivity(:) = emissivity(:)
-     calcemis(:) = emissivity(:) < 0.01_JPRB
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     !
-     WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ichan(J,no_id), J = 1,NCHAN(1,no_id))
-     WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-          &      ,'SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-     JOFF1=0
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (emissivity(J+JOFF1),J=1,NCHAN(1,no_id))
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     IF(IFULL(no_id).EQ.2)THEN
-        LCLOUD =.TRUE.
-     ELSE
-        LCLOUD =.FALSE.
-        radiance % downcld(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     ENDIF
-     call rttov_direct(  &
-          rttov_errorstatus,  & ! out
-          nfrequencies, & ! in
-          nchannels,    & ! in
-          nbtout,       & ! in
-          nprof(no_id), & ! in
-          channels,     & ! in
-          polarisations,& ! in
-          lprofiles,    & ! in
-          profiles,     & ! in
-          coef(no_id),  & ! in
-          lcloud,       & ! in
-          calcemis,     & ! in
-          emissivity,   & ! inout
-          transmission, & ! out
-          radiance  )     ! inout
-     If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-        Do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-           If ( rttov_errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_warning ) Then
-              write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov warning for profile',j
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End If
-     If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-        Do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-           If ( rttov_errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-              write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov error for profile',j
-           End If
-        End Do
-        Stop
-     End If
-     ! transfer data to printing arrays
-     pr_pol(:) = 0
-     pr_radcld(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_trans(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_emis(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_trans_lev(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_upclr(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_dncld(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_refclr(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_ovcst(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     !
-     do j = 1 , nchannels
-       jpol = polarisations(j,2)
-       if (nbtout == nchannels) then
-          jpol = j
-       endif
-       pr_pol(jpol) = jpol
-       pr_radcld(jpol) = radiance % cloudy(j)
-       pr_trans(jpol) = Transmission % tau_surf(J)
-       pr_emis(jpol) = emissivity(j)
-       pr_upclr(jpol) = radiance % upclear(J)
-       pr_refclr(jpol) = radiance % reflclear(J)
-       do ilev = 1 , nlevels
-         pr_trans_lev(ilev,jpol) = Transmission % tau_layer(ilev,J)
-         pr_dncld(ilev,jpol) = radiance % downcld(ILEV,J)
-         pr_ovcst(ilev,jpol) = radiance % overcast(ILEV,J)
-       enddo
-     enddo
-     !     OUTPUT RESULTS
-     !
-     NPRINT = 1+ INT((nbtout-1)/(10*nprof(no_id)))
-     DO  JN=1,NPROF(no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' Profile number ',JN, 'Instrument ',&
-             &                    instrument(3,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-!        JOFF=NCHAN(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF1=nbtout/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF2=nbtout/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF3=nfrequencies/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,777)instrument(2,no_id), profiles(jn)%zenangle,profiles(jn)%azangle,profiles(jn)%skin%surftype
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (radiance % out(J+JOFF1),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED RADIANCES: SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (radiance % total_out(J+JOFF1),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED OVERCAST RADIANCES: SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (pr_radcld(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-             &      ,'AT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,4444) (pr_trans(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-             &      ,'SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,444) (pr_emis(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        !
-        !  Print  clear-sky radiance without reflection term and
-        !  reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance
-        !
-        IF(IFULL(no_id) == 2 .AND. nchan(1,no_id) <= 20 )THEN
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-           WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Clear-sky radiance without reflection term'&
-                &      ,' SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(pr_upclr(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance'&
-                &      ,' SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(pr_refclr(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CHANNELS '
-           WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ichan(j,no_id), J = 1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        ENDIF
-        !
-        IF(JN.EQ.1 .AND. nchan(1,no_id) .LE. 20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space transmittances for channels'
-!              WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(pr_pol(j),&
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4445)ILEV,(pr_trans_lev(ilev,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-        !
-        !  Print radiance upwelling arrays
-        IF(JN==1 .AND. IFULL(no_id)==2 .AND. nchan(1,no_id)<=20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space upwelling radiances for channels'
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(pr_ovcst(ILEV,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-        !  Print radiance downwelling arrays
-        IF(JN==1 .AND. IFULL(no_id)==2 .AND. nchan(1,no_id)<=20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space downwelling radiances for channels'
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(pr_dncld(ILEV,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-     end do
-     !
-     IF (IFULL(no_id).GE.1)THEN
-        !
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------
-        ! Test tangent linear
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------
-        write(*,*) 'Tangent linear'
-        call TSTRAD_TL(  &
-             nfrequencies,   & ! in
-             nchannels,      & ! in
-             nbtout,         & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),   & ! in
-             channels,       & ! in
-             polarisations,  & ! in
-             lprofiles,      & ! in
-             frequencies,    & ! in
-             profiles,       & ! in
-             coef(no_id),    & ! in
-             lcloud,         & ! in
-             calcemis,       & ! in
-             input_emissivity) ! in
-        write(*,*) 'Adjoint'
-        call TSTRAD_AD(  &
-             nfrequencies,   & ! in
-             nchannels,      & ! in
-             nbtout,         & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),   & ! in
-             channels,       & ! in
-             polarisations,  & ! in
-             frequencies,    & ! in
-             lprofiles,      & ! in
-             profiles,       & ! in
-             coef(no_id),    & ! in
-             lcloud,         & ! in
-             calcemis,       & ! in
-             input_emissivity) ! in
-        write(*,*) 'K'
-        call TSTRAD_K(  &
-             nfrequencies,   & ! in
-             nchannels,      & ! in
-             nbtout,         & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),   & ! in
-             channels,       & ! in
-             polarisations,  & ! in
-             frequencies,    & ! in
-             lprofiles,      & ! in
-             profiles,       & ! in
-             coef(no_id),    & ! in
-             lcloud,         & ! in
-             calcemis,       & ! in
-             input_emissivity) ! in
-     deallocate(xkbav   ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     deallocate(xkradovu,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     deallocate(xkradovd,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     deallocate(xkradov1,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     deallocate(xkradov2,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     deallocate(xkbsav  ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     deallocate(xkbem   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-         errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-         Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-         Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-         Stop
-     End If
-     ENDIF
-     do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-        ! deallocate model profiles atmospheric arrays
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % p   ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % t   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % q   ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % o3  ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % clw ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Stop
-        End If
-     end do
-     deallocate( profiles,stat=alloc_status(1))
-     ! number of channels per RTTOV call is only nchannels
-     deallocate( channels   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-     deallocate( lprofiles  ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-     deallocate( emissivity ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-     deallocate( calcemis   ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-     ! allocate transmittance structure
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-     deallocate( radiance % clear    ,stat=alloc_status(9))
-     deallocate( radiance % cloudy   ,stat=alloc_status(10))
-     deallocate( radiance % total    ,stat=alloc_status(11))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt       ,stat=alloc_status(12))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt_clear ,stat=alloc_status(13))
-     deallocate( radiance % upclear  ,stat=alloc_status(14))
-     deallocate( radiance % dnclear  ,stat=alloc_status(15))
-     deallocate( radiance % reflclear,stat=alloc_status(16))
-     deallocate( radiance % overcast ,stat=alloc_status(17))
-     deallocate( radiance % downcld  ,stat=alloc_status(18))
-     deallocate( radiance % out       ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     deallocate( radiance % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     deallocate( radiance % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-     deallocate( radiance % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-     deallocate(pr_radcld ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-     deallocate(pr_trans ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-     deallocate(pr_emis ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-     deallocate(pr_trans_lev ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-  Do no_id = 1, nrttovid
-     Call rttov_dealloc_coef (errorstatus, coef(no_id))
-     If(errorstatus /= errorstatus_success) Then
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Endif
-  End Do
-111 FORMAT(1X,10I8)
-1115 FORMAT(3X,10I8)
-2222 FORMAT(1X,10(1x,F8.6))
-222 FORMAT(1X,10F8.2)
-333 FORMAT(1X,I3,20I5)
-3333 FORMAT(1X,I3,2I5)
-444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.3)
-4444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.4)
-4445 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.4)
-4446 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.3)
-555 FORMAT(1X,10E8.2)
-       &' ZENITH ANGLE=',F6.2, &
-       &' AZIMUTH ANGLE=',F7.2,' SURFACE TYPE=',I2)
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_ad.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_ad.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index e974ff00c99d52e863ac9ec7cdb363f6daaead8d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_ad.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine tstrad_ad(   &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & frequencies,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & input_emissivity) ! in
-  !
-  ! only the first nchannels/nprofiles are output
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_Type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_tl.interface"
-#include "rttov_ad.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: frequencies(nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: input_emissivity(nchannels)
-  ! local
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnav  =  4       ! no. of profile variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnsav =  5       ! no. of surface air variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnssv =  6       ! no. of skin variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpncv  =  2       ! no. of cloud variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: sscvar = jpnsav+jpnssv+jpncv ! no of surface,skin,cloud vars
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)            :: errorstatus
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=10) :: NameOfRoutine = 'tstrad_ad '
-  ! forward model outputs
-  logical :: switchrad
-  Type(transmission_Type)   :: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type)   :: radiancedata
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  ! AD variables for rttov_ad calls
-  Type(profile_Type)  :: profiles_ad(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type)   :: transmission_ad
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiancedata_ad
-  Real(Kind=jprb)  :: emissivity_ad(nchannels)
-  ! TL variables
-  Type(profile_Type)  :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type)   :: transmission_tl
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiancedata_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)  :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  Logical    :: nocalcemis(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixksav(sscvar,nbtout)
-  ! Adjoint results
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkdav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xktav (coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkdsav(sscvar,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xktsav (sscvar,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixdem(nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xkaem(nbtout)
-  ! coefficients for printing
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facpav(coef%nlevels,jpnav)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facem = 1._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facsav(sscvar) =&
-        & (/10000._JPRB,0.1_JPRB,10000._JPRB,10000._JPRB,10000._JPRB,       &! 2m
-        & 10000._JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,  &! Skin
-        & 10000._JPRB,100._JPRB/)                           ! cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facdiff = 1.e+10_JPRB
-  !Real :: facdiff = 1.
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: o3_mixratio_to_ppmv = 6.03504e+5_JPRB
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout = 2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ich, jch, ipol
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j, i, ii, jp, joff, freq
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: prof
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchan_out
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: lev
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: z
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sump, sumr
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: eps
-  Character (len=30) :: title(4) = &
-        & (/' lev       temperature        ', &
-          & ' lev       water vapour       ',   &
-          & ' lev       ozone              ',   &
-          & ' lev       liquid water       '/)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(60)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: rttov_errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  rttov_errorstatus(:)    = 0
-  nchan_out = nbtout/nprofiles
-  nlev = coef % nlevels
-  ! coefficients for atmospheric variables
-  facpav(:,1) = 10000._JPRB
-  facpav(:,2) = 0.1_JPRB
-  facpav(:,3) = 0.001_JPRB
-  facpav(:,4) = 0.1_JPRB
-  ! coefficients compatibility with RTTOV7
-  facpav(:,2) = facpav(:,2) *  q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  facpav(:,3) = facpav(:,3) * o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  facsav(2)   = facsav(2)   *  q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  ! allocate and initialise the reference tl increments
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_ad(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate( profiles_ad(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Allocate( radiancedata % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % out      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % out_clear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % total_out( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % clear_out( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat=  alloc_status(10))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % total_out ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % clear_out ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % out      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % out_clear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(25))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_ad % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(26))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_surf              ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(27))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_layer             ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(28))
-  Allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer        ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(29))
-  Allocate( transmission_ad % tau_surf           ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(30))
-  Allocate( transmission_ad % tau_layer          ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-  Allocate( transmission_ad % od_singlelayer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !
-  !...do adjoint.....................
-  Do  ich =1,nbtout
-     freq = frequencies(ich)
-     prof = lprofiles(freq)
-     ! initialise AD output profile variables
-     Do i = 1, nprofiles
-        profiles_ad(i) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-        profiles_ad(i) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-        profiles_ad(i) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-        profiles_ad(i) % zenangle   = -1       ! no meaning
-        profiles_ad(i) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-        profiles_ad(i) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-        profiles_ad(i) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-        profiles_ad(i) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-        profiles_ad(i) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-        profiles_ad(i) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB! temperarure
-        profiles_ad(i) % s2m % q = 0      ! WV
-        profiles_ad(i) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB! pressure
-        profiles_ad(i) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB! wind components
-        profiles_ad(i) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB! wind components
-        profiles_ad(i) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-        profiles_ad(i) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-        profiles_ad(i) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB  ! Fastem
-        profiles_ad(i) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! cloud top pressure
-        profiles_ad(i) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-     End Do
-     ! initialise AD output emissivity
-     emissivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-     ! initialise all radiance increments to 0
-     radiancedata_ad % clear(:)      = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % clear_out(:)      = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % cloudy(:)     = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % total(:)      = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % total_out(:)      = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % bt(:)         = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % bt_clear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % out(:)         = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % out_clear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % upclear(:)    = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % reflclear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % overcast(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % downcld(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-     transmission_ad % tau_surf(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     transmission_ad % tau_layer(:,:)       = 0._JPRB
-     transmission_ad % od_singlelayer(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-     radiancedata_ad % out(ich)       = 1._JPRB ! increment channel br. temp by 1K
-     switchrad= .true.
-     ! use stored input emmisisvity
-     emissivity(:) = input_emissivity(:)
-     call rttov_ad( &
-          & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-          & nfrequencies,    &! in
-          & nchannels,       &! in
-          & nbtout,          &! in
-          & nprofiles,       &! in
-          & channels,        &! in
-          & polarisations,   &! in
-          & lprofiles,       &! in
-          & profiles,        &! in
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & addcloud,        &! in
-          & switchrad,       &! in
-          & calcemis,        &! in
-          & emissivity,      &! inout  direct model
-          & profiles_ad,     &! inout  adjoint
-          & emissivity_ad,   &! inout  adjoint
-          & transmission,    &! inout  direct model
-          & transmission_ad, &! inout  adjoint input
-          & radiancedata,    &! inout  direct model   (input due to pointers alloc)
-          & radiancedata_ad ) ! inout  adjoint input  (output if converstion Bt -> rad)
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_ad")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_ad")' )           
-        End If
-     Do  j =1,jpnav    ! yes clw too!
-        Do  ii=1,nlev
-           Select Case (j)
-           Case (1_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % t(ii)
-           Case (2_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % q(ii)
-           Case (3_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % o3(ii)
-           Case (4_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % clw(ii)
-           End Select
-           if(prof == 1) then
-              ixkav(ii,j,ich) = nint(xktav(ii,j,ich) * facpav(ii,j))
-              ixkdav(ii,j,ich) = nint((xkbav(ii,j,ich)-xktav(ii,j,ich)) *&
-                     & facpav(ii,j) * facdiff)
-           endif
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     !.......now do surface, skin and cloud variables
-     Do  j =1,sscvar
-        Select Case (j)
-        Case (1_jpim)
-           ! t 2m
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % t
-        Case (2_jpim)
-           ! wv 2m
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % q
-        Case (3_jpim)
-           ! surface pressure
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % p
-        Case (4_jpim)
-           ! wind speed u component
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % u
-        Case (5_jpim)
-           ! wind speed v component
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % v
-        Case (6_jpim)
-           ! skin temp
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % skin % t
-        Case (7_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 1
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % skin % fastem(1)
-        Case (8_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 2
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % skin % fastem(2)
-        Case (9_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 3
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % skin % fastem(3)
-        Case (10_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 4
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % skin % fastem(4)
-        Case (11_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 5
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % skin % fastem(5)
-        Case (12_jpim)
-           ! cloud top pressure
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % ctp
-        Case (13_jpim)
-           ! cloud fraction
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_ad(prof) % cfraction
-        End Select
-     End Do
-     if(prof == 1) then
-        ixksav(:,ich)  = nint(xktsav(:,ich) * facsav(:))
-        ixkdsav(:,ich) = nint((xkbsav(:,ich)-xktsav(:,ich)) *&
-               & facsav(:) * facdiff)
-     endif
-     xkaem(ich) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ipol=1, polarisations(frequencies(ich),3)
-        xkaem(ich) = xkaem(ich) + emissivity_ad(polarisations(frequencies(ich),1)+ipol-1)
-     End Do
-     ixdem(ich) = nint(( xkaem(ich) - xkbem(ich)) * facem *1000._JPRB)
-     If( coef % fastem_ver >= 1 .and. calcemis(ich) ) Then
-     !if(input_emissivity(ich) < 0.0 ) then
-        ixdem(ich) = 0._JPRB
-     endif
-  End Do
-  !          ... and print it.
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)'TL - Adjoint difference*10**10.'
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do j = 1 , jpnav
-     Write (ioout,'(a30)')title(j)
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkdav(i,j,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = 1 , jpnsav
-     Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' skin variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+1 , jpnsav+jpnssv
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' cloud variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+jpnssv+1 , sscvar
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav-jpnssv,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface emissivity '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-     joff = (jp-1) * nchan_out
-     Write (ioout,333)jp,(ixdem(jch+joff),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  ! following 3 lines are only for comparison with RTTOV7 reference results
-  ! due to adjoint code inside prfinad
-  xktav(:,2,:) = xktav(:,2,:) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  xktav(:,3,:) = xktav(:,3,:) * o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  xktsav(2,:)  = xktsav(2,:)  * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  do prof = 1, nprofiles
-     sump = 0._JPRB
-     Do jch=1, nbtout
-        freq = frequencies(jch)
-        If(lprofiles(freq) == prof) Then
-           sump = sump + SUM(xktav(:,:,jch))
-           sump = sump + SUM(xktsav(:,jch))
-           sump = sump + xkaem(jch)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     WRITE (IOOUT,1149)prof,SUMP
-1149 FORMAT (1X,'PROFILE NUMBER=',I2,'  AD=',E20.10)
-  end do
-  !
-  ! initialise AD output profile variables
-  Do i = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_ad(i) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(i) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(i) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(i) % zenangle   = -1       ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(i) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-     profiles_ad(i) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-     profiles_ad(i) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-     profiles_ad(i) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-     profiles_ad(i) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-     profiles_ad(i) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB! temperarure
-     profiles_ad(i) % s2m % q = 0      ! WV
-     profiles_ad(i) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB! pressure
-     profiles_ad(i) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB! wind components
-     profiles_ad(i) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB! wind components
-     profiles_ad(i) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     profiles_ad(i) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-     profiles_ad(i) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB  ! Fastem
-     profiles_ad(i) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! cloud top pressure
-     profiles_ad(i) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-  End Do
-  ! initialise AD output emissivity
-  emissivity_ad(:) = 0._JPRB
-  Do  ich =1,nbtout
-     radiancedata_ad % out(ich)       = z ! increment channel br. temp
-  End Do
-  radiancedata_ad % clear(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % cloudy(:)     = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % total(:)      = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % bt(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % bt_clear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % out_clear(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % upclear(:)    = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % reflclear(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % overcast(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-  radiancedata_ad % downcld(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_ad % tau_surf(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_ad % tau_layer(:,:)       = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_ad % od_singlelayer(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  switchrad= .true.
-  ! do not use stored input emmisisvity but fwd output
-  nocalcemis(:) = .false.
-  call rttov_ad( &
-       & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nbtout,          &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & profiles,        &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & addcloud,        &! in
-       & switchrad,       &! in
-       & nocalcemis,      &! in
-       & emissivity,      &! inout  direct model
-       & profiles_ad,     &! inout  adjoint
-       & emissivity_ad,   &! inout  adjoint
-       & transmission,    &! inout  direct model
-       & transmission_ad, &! inout  adjoint input
-       & radiancedata,    &! inout  direct model   (input due to pointers alloc)
-       & radiancedata_ad ) ! inout  adjoint input  (output if converstion Bt -> rad)
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_ad")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_ad")' )           
-        End If
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_tl(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % out      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % out_clear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % total_out ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % clear_out ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % tau_surf            ( nchannels )                    ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % tau_layer           ( coef % nlevels, nchannels )    ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % od_singlelayer      ( coef % nlevels, nchannels )    ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_tl(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_tl(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_tl(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_tl(j) % zenangle   = -1  ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     profiles_tl(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB    ! no tl on pressure levels
-     do lev = 1, profiles_tl(j) % nlevels
-        Call random_number( z )
-        profiles_tl(j) % t(lev)   = -1._JPRB * z  ! 1k on temperarure
-        Call random_number( z )
-        Call random_number( z )
-        profiles_tl(j) % o3(lev)  = -0.01_JPRB * z   !  0.01 ppmv
-        Call random_number( z )
-        profiles_tl(j) % clw(lev) = 0.001_JPRB* z   ! 1g/kg on clw
-        Call random_number( z )
-        profiles_tl(j) % q(lev) = -0.1_JPRB * profiles(j) % q(lev) * z   ! - 10% on wv
-    End Do
-    ! increments for air surface variables
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % s2m % t = -1._JPRB *z  ! 1k on temperarure
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % s2m % q = -1.6077_JPRB *z !  ppmv
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % s2m % p =  -10._JPRB *z ! -10 hpa on pressure
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % s2m % u = 0.1_JPRB  *z ! 0.1 m/s on wind components
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % s2m % v = 0.1_JPRB  *z ! 0.1 m/s on wind components
-    ! increments for skin variables
-    profiles_tl(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % skin % t        = -1._JPRB *z  ! 1k on temperarure
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % skin % fastem(1)   = -0.01_JPRB  *z
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % skin % fastem(2)   = -0.01_JPRB  *z
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % skin % fastem(3)   = -0.1_JPRB   *z
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % skin % fastem(4)   = -0.001_JPRB *z
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % skin % fastem(5)   = -0.001_JPRB *z
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % ctp       = -10._JPRB *z  ! -10 hpa on pressure
-    Call random_number( z )
-    profiles_tl(j) % cfraction = 0.1_JPRB  *z  ! 0.1_JPRB on cloud fraction
-  End Do
-  ! emissivity
-  emissivity_tl(:) = -0.01_JPRB
-  Do  ich =1,nchannels
-     emissivity_tl(ich) = -0.01_JPRB *z
-  End Do
-  ! do not use stored input emmisisvity but fwd output
-  nocalcemis(:) = .false.
-  Call rttov_tl( &
-       & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nbtout,          &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & profiles,        &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & addcloud,        &! in
-       & nocalcemis,      &! in
-       & emissivity,      &! inout
-       & profiles_tl,     &! in
-       & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-       & transmission,    &! inout
-       & transmission_tl, &! inout
-       & radiancedata,    &! out
-       & radiancedata_tl ) ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_ad")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_ad")' )           
-        End If
-  do prof = 1, nprofiles
-     sumr = 0._JPRB
-     sump = 0._JPRB
-     Do jch=1, nbtout
-        freq = frequencies(jch)
-        If(lprofiles(freq) == prof) Then
-           sumr = sumr + radiancedata_ad%out(jch) * radiancedata_tl%out(jch)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     sump = sump + SUM(profiles_ad(prof) %   t(:) * profiles_tl(prof) %   t(:))
-     sump = sump + SUM(profiles_ad(prof) %   q(:) * profiles_tl(prof) %   q(:))
-     sump = sump + SUM(profiles_ad(prof) %  o3(:) * profiles_tl(prof) %  o3(:))
-     sump = sump + SUM(profiles_ad(prof) % clw(:) * profiles_tl(prof) % clw(:))
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % skin % t * profiles_tl(prof) %  skin % t
-     sump = sump + SUM(profiles_ad(prof) % skin % fastem(:) * profiles_tl(prof) %  skin % fastem(:))
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % t * profiles_tl(prof) %  s2m % t
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % q * profiles_tl(prof) %  s2m % q
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % p * profiles_tl(prof) %  s2m % p
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % u * profiles_tl(prof) %  s2m % u
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % s2m % v * profiles_tl(prof) %  s2m % v
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % ctp * profiles_tl(prof) %  ctp
-     sump = sump + profiles_ad(prof) % cfraction * profiles_tl(prof) %  cfraction
-     Do jch=1, nchannels
-        freq = polarisations(jch,2)
-        If(lprofiles(freq) == prof) Then
-           sump = sump + emissivity_ad(jch) * emissivity_tl(jch)
-        End If
-     End Do
-  eps = 1._JPRB
-  do while ((1+eps) > 1._JPRB)
-    eps = eps /2._JPRB
-  enddo
-     Write (ioout, 555) prof, sumr, sump
-555  FORMAT (1X,'PROFILE=',I2,' SUMRAD=',E20.10,' SUMPROF=',E20.10)
-  End Do
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % p   ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % t   ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % q   ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Deallocate( profiles_ad(j) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % p   ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % t   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % q   ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! deallocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % total     ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % out       ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % dnclear   ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % total     ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % out       ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(25))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_ad % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(26))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(27))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(28))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % total     ,stat= alloc_status(29))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(30))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % out       ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(35))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(36))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(37))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(38))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(39))
-  DeAllocate( transmission % tau_surf               ,stat= alloc_status(40))
-  DeAllocate( transmission % tau_layer              ,stat= alloc_status(41))
-  DeAllocate( transmission % od_singlelayer         ,stat= alloc_status(42))
-  DeAllocate( transmission_tl % tau_surf            ,stat= alloc_status(43))
-  DeAllocate( transmission_tl % tau_layer           ,stat= alloc_status(44))
-  DeAllocate( transmission_tl % od_singlelayer      ,stat= alloc_status(45))
-  DeAllocate( transmission_ad % tau_surf            ,stat= alloc_status(46))
-  DeAllocate( transmission_ad % tau_layer           ,stat= alloc_status(47))
-  DeAllocate( transmission_ad % od_singlelayer      ,stat= alloc_status(48))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Print *, ' Adjoint model test finished'
-  Return
-222 Format(1x,10f8.2)
-333 Format(1x,i3,20i5)
-444 Format(1x,10e8.2)
-3333 Format(4x,20i5)
-4444 Format(1x,10f8.3)
-End Subroutine tstrad_ad
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_ad.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_ad.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 335b9e022c3c36c0e7f91507fc9bee0f541e2fba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_ad.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine tstrad_ad(  &
-     nfrequencies,     & ! in
-     nchannels,        & ! in
-     nbtout,           & ! in
-     nprofiles,        & ! in
-     channels,         & ! in
-     polarisations,    & ! in
-     frequencies,      & ! in
-     lprofiles,        & ! in
-     profiles,         & ! in
-     coef,             & ! in
-     addcloud,         & ! in
-     calcemis,         & ! in
-     input_emissivity)   ! in
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success, &
-       errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type   ,&
-       radiance_Type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: frequencies(nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),   Intent(in)   :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,              Intent(in)   :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),   Intent(in)   :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),     Intent(in)   :: coef
-  Logical,              Intent(in)   :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),      Intent(in)   :: input_emissivity(nchannels)
-End Subroutine tstrad_ad
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_chansubset.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_chansubset.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index d1ae1dee2ff828319dc031fcb5725902643f095b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_chansubset.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !     *************************************************************
-  !
-  !          RTTOV VERSION 8
-  !
-  ! Description: This program is the test harness for RTTOV-8. There
-  !               are 3 options:
-  !               option = 0 to test forward model only
-  !               option = 1 to test the full model ie TL/AD/K
-  !               option = 2 to test the cloudy radiance output
-  !
-  ! To run this program you must have the following files
-  ! either resident in the same directory or set up as a
-  ! symbolic link:
-  !   refprof.dat    --    reference profile
-  !   prof.dat       --    input profile
-  !   input.dat      --    file to select channels and surface emis
-  !   rtcoef_platform_id_sensor.dat --  coefficient file to match
-  !   the sensor you request in the input dialogue
-  ! There are unix scripts available to set up the files above and
-  ! run this program (e.g. tstrad_full.scr)
-  ! The output is generated in a file called print.dat.
-  ! This output can be compared with reference output generated
-  ! by the code developers and included with the export package.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !           25/01/2002     Initial version (R. Saunders)
-  !           01/05/2002     Updated for NOAA-17 (R. Saunders)
-  !           01/12/2002     New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !           02/01/2003     Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !           10/12/2003     Updated for polarimetric changes (S. English/R.Saunders)
-  !           01/04/2004     Updated for chan setup routines (R.Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-     nplatforms          ,&
-     ninst               ,&
-     pi                  ,&
-     errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-     errorstatus_warning ,&
-     errorstatus_success ,&
-     platform_name       ,&
-     sensor_id_mw        ,&
-     inst_name,           &
-     npolar_return,       &
-     npolar_compute
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-     rttov_coef     ,&
-     profile_type   ,&
-     transmission_Type   ,&
-     radiance_type
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_setup.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupchan.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupindex.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-!!#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_dealloc_coef.interface"
-#include "tstrad_tl.interface"
-#include "tstrad_ad.interface"
-#include "tstrad_k.interface"
-  !
-  ! Parameter for WV conversion used in all tstrad suite
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  !
-    type( rttov_coef ), allocatable :: coef(:)         ! coefficients
-    type(profile_type), allocatable :: profiles(:)
-    type(transmission_type)   :: transmission
-    type(radiance_type)  :: radiance
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: instrument(:,:) ! instrument id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nchan(:)   ! number of channels per instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ifull(:)   ! full test (with TL,AD,K) per instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nprof(:)   ! number of profiles per instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nsurf(:)   ! surface id number per instrument
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: surfem(:,:)   ! surface input emissivity per channel , instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ichan(:,:)   ! channel list per instrument
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: surfem1(:)   ! surface input emissivity per channel , instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ichan1(:)   ! channel list per instrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nbtout
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nbtouts
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nfreqs
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchans
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polarisations   (:,:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: frequencies   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles (:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polar_sub (:,:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: chan_sub  (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: prof_sub  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: emissivity (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: input_emissivity (:)
-  logical,            Allocatable :: calcemis  (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: coef_errorstatus      ! read coeffs error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: rttov_errorstatus(:)  ! rttov error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: setup_errorstatus(:)  ! setup return code
-  ! min and max satellite id for each platform
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(nplatforms) :: max_satid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(nplatforms) :: min_satid
-  ! min and max channel numbers for each instrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel_old
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel_new
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel
-  integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: mxchn = 500  ! max number of channels per instruments allowed in one run
-  ! polarisations to be computed and returned
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: indexout(:)
-  ! printing arrays
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_radcld(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_emis(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans_lev(:,:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_upclr(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_dncld(:,:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_refclr(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_ovcst(:,:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(1:mxchn) :: pr_pol
-  data min_satid / 1, 8, 1, 8, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 /
-  data max_satid /17,16, 7,12, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0/
-  data max_channel_old / 20,    4, 3, 15, 5, 3,    7, 8, 8, 9,&
-                   & 24, 2378, 4, 16, 3, 5, 8461,14, 4,22,&
-                   & 2,     8, 4, 18, 3, 2,    3,1000, 40, 22, &
-                   & 5,  3000, 0,  0, 0/
-  data max_channel_new / 20,    4, 3, 15, 5, 3,    4, 8, 8, 9,&
-                   & 24, 2378, 4, 16, 3, 5, 8461,14, 4,22,&
-                   & 2,     8, 4, 18, 3, 2,    3,1000, 40, 22, &
-                   & 5,  3000, 0,  0, 0/
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=6)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'tstrad'
-  Character (len=3)  :: coeff_version = 'old'
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nrttovid     ! maximum number of instruments
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: no_id        ! instrument loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ios
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,pol_id,ich2
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: ichannels, ibtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jjm, ira, jj
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: jch, jpol
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: jn, joff1, joff2, joff3
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nprint
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: np, ilev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: n
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nch ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ich ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ii ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: s
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zenang
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azang
-  logical :: lcloud
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iua
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iue
-  ! Unit numbers for input/output
-  DATA IUA/1/,IOOUT/2/,IUE/56/
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(40)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  !Initialise error management with default value for
-  ! the error unit number and
-  ! Fatal error message output
-  Err_unit = -1
-  verbosity_level = 1
-  ! All error message output
-  verbosity_level = 3
-  call rttov_errorhandling(Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  ! Beginning of Routine.
-  ! ---------------------
-  OPEN(IOOUT,file='print.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted')
-  ! For more than one satellite
-  ! comment out the next line and uncomment the following two.
-  NRTTOVID  = 1
-  !      PRINT *, 'How many satellites do you want?'
-  !      READ  *, NRTTOVID
-  allocate (coef(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate (instrument(3,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(2))
-  allocate (nchan(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(3))
-  allocate (ifull(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate (nprof(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(5))
-  allocate (nsurf(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(6))
-  !maximum number of channels allowed for one instrument is mxchn
-  allocate (surfem(mxchn,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate (ichan (mxchn,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(8))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  surfem(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  ichan(:,:) = 0
-     write(*,*)  'Which satellite platform do you want?'
-     WRITE(*,'(4(2x,i3,2x,a8))') (i,platform_name(i), i = 1, nplatforms)
-     READ  *,  Instrument(1,no_id)
-     IF ( Instrument(1,no_id) <= 0  .OR. &
-          &    Instrument(1,no_id) > nplatforms)  STOP 'Platform number not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Which satellite id do you want for this platform?'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Noaaxx = xx  GOESyy = yy'
-     READ  *,  instrument(2,no_id)
-     if( instrument(2,no_id) < min_satid(Instrument(1,no_id)) .or. &
-          & instrument(2,no_id) > max_satid(Instrument(1,no_id))    ) &
-          & STOP 'Satellite id not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Which instrument type do you want for this satellite?'
-     write(*, '(4(2x,i3,2x,a8))') (i, inst_name(i),  i = 0, ninst-1)
-     READ  *,  instrument(3,no_id)
-     IF ( instrument(3,no_id) < 0 .OR. &
-          &    instrument(3,no_id) > ninst-1)&
-          &   STOP 'instrument number not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*) ' Forward model only (0) or full gradient test (1)',&
-          &  ' or full radiance output (2)?'
-     READ  *, IFULL(no_id)
-     PRINT  *, ' Number of profiles to test code? '
-     READ  *, NPROF(no_id)
-     PRINT  *, ' Surface type (0=land, 1=sea, 2=ice/snow)? '
-     READ  *, NSURF(no_id)
-     !
-     !
-     if (coeff_version == 'old') max_channel(:)=max_channel_old(:)
-     if (coeff_version == 'new') max_channel(:)=max_channel_new(:)
-     nchan(no_id) = max_channel(instrument(3,no_id))
-     !
-     ! Note that channels are the same for all instruments
-     ! and all profiles because the filename is the same
-     OPEN (IUE,FILE='input.dat',status='old')
-     READ(IUE,*)
-     NCH = 0
-     DO ICH = 1 , nchan(no_id)
-        READ(IUE,*,iostat=ios)I,II,S
-        if(ios /= 0 ) then
-           write (*,*) ' TOO FEW CHANNELS IN INPUT FILE '
-           write (*,*) ' nchan(no_id),no_id  ',nchan(no_id),no_id
-           stop
-        endif
-        IF(II.GT.0)THEN
-           NCH = NCH + 1
-           ICHAN(nch,no_id)  = I
-           SURFEM(nch,no_id) = s
-        ENDIF
-     ENDDO
-     !
-     CLOSE(IUE)
-     ! nchan(no_id) is now the real number of channels selected
-     nchan(no_id) = MIN(max_channel(instrument(3,no_id)),NCH)
-     write(6,*)' Number of channels selected = ',nchan(no_id)
-    allocate (surfem1(nchan(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(7))
-    allocate (ichan1(nchan(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(8))
-    surfem1(1:nchan(no_id)) = surfem(1:nchan(no_id),no_id)
-    ichan1(1:nchan(no_id)) = ichan(1:nchan(no_id),no_id)
-     !
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-     ! Beginning of rttov_readcoeffs test
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-!!$     call rttov_readcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef(no_id), instrument(:,no_id),&
-!!$          &  channels = ichan(1:nchan(no_id) ,no_id) )
-!!$     if(coef_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) then
-!!$        write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_readcoeffs fatal error'
-!!$        stop
-!!$     endif
-!!$     if( any(coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn( 1 : coef(no_id)%fmv_chn ) /= 1 )) then
-!!$        WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-!!$        do i = 1, nchan(no_id)
-!!$           write(*,*) i, coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn(i)
-!!$        end do
-!!$     endif
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-     ! End of rttov_readcoeffs test
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Beginning of rttov_setup test
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  allocate ( setup_errorstatus(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error for errorsetup")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  Call rttov_setup (&
-     & setup_errorstatus, & ! out
-     & Err_unit,          & ! in
-     & verbosity_level,   & ! in
-     & nrttovid,          & ! in
-     & coef,              & ! out
-     & instrument,        & ! in
-     & ichan              ) ! in Optional
-  if(any(setup_errorstatus(:) /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-     write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_setup fatal error'
-     stop
-  endif
-  deallocate( setup_errorstatus ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error for setup_errorstatus")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  DO no_id = 1, NRTTOVID
-     if( any(coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn( : ) /= 1 )) then
-        WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-        do i = 1, nchan(no_id)
-           write(*,*) i, coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn(i)
-        end do
-     endif
-  End Do
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  ! End of rttov_setup test
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  !
-  DO no_id = 1, NRTTOVID
-     ! Set up various channel numbers required by RTTOV-8
-     Call rttov_setupchan(nprof(no_id),nchan(no_id),coef(no_id),nfrequencies, &
-     & nchannels,nbtout)
-     ! total number of channels
-     ! select channel subset by ignoring 1st 3 and last 2 channels
-     nfreqs = nfrequencies-5
-     nchans = nchannels-10
-     nbtouts = nbtout-5
-     nlevels =  coef(no_id) % nlevels
-     ! Memory allocation for RTTOV_Direct
-     !-----------------------------------
-     allocate( channels ( nfrequencies ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( rttov_errorstatus(nprof(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( profiles(nprof(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(2))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-     allocate( polarisations(nchannels,3),stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( frequencies(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(2))
-     allocate( indexout(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(3))
-     do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-        ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-        profiles(j) % nlevels =  coef(no_id) % nlevels
-        allocate( profiles(j) % p  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % t  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % q  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % o3 ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % clw( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-        profiles(j) % p(:) = coef(no_id) % ref_prfl_p(:)
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Stop
-        End If
-     end do
-     ! number of channels per RTTOV call is only nchannels
-     allocate( lprofiles  ( nfrequencies )    ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     allocate( emissivity ( nchannels )       ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     allocate( input_emissivity ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels )        ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-     ! allocate transmittance structure
-     allocate( transmission % tau_surf      ( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-     allocate( transmission % tau_layer     ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-     allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchans  ),stat= alloc_status(15))
-     ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-     allocate( radiance % clear    ( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     allocate( radiance % cloudy   ( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     allocate( radiance % total    ( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-     allocate( radiance % bt       ( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-     allocate( radiance % bt_clear ( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-     allocate( radiance % upclear  ( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-     allocate( radiance % dnclear  ( nchans ) ,stat=alloc_status(25))
-     allocate( radiance % reflclear( nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(26))
-     allocate( radiance % overcast ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(27))
-     ! allocate the cloudy radiances with full size even if not used
-     ! Save input values of emissivities for all calculations.
-     allocate( radiance % downcld  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchans ) ,stat= alloc_status(28))
-     allocate( radiance % out      ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(29))
-     allocate( radiance % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(30))
-     allocate( radiance % total_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-     allocate( radiance % clear_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-     Allocate(pr_radcld(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-     Allocate(pr_trans(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-     Allocate(pr_emis(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(35))
-     Allocate(pr_trans_lev(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(36))
-     Allocate(pr_upclr(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(37))
-     Allocate(pr_dncld(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(38))
-     Allocate(pr_refclr(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(39))
-     Allocate(pr_ovcst(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(40))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-     WRITE(6,*)'Zenith angle (degrees)?'
-     READ(5,*)ZENANG
-     WRITE(6,*)'Azimuth angle (degrees)?'
-     READ(5,*)AZANG
-     WRITE(6,*)' Number of level =',NLEVELS
-     ! Read profile ONE and fill other profiles with profile one
-     OPEN (IUA,FILE='prof.dat',status='old')
-     !
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % t(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % q(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % o3(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     profiles(1) % ozone_data = .true.
-     profiles(1) % co2_data   = .false.
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % clw(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     ! check value of first level
-     profiles(1) % clw_data = profiles(1) % clw(1) >= 0.0_JPRB
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % s2m % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % q ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % p ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % u ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % v
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % skin % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % skin % fastem
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % ctp,&
-          & profiles(1) % cfraction
-     !
-     CLOSE(IUA)
-     !
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %   t(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %   q(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %  o3(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) % clw(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % s2m % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % q ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % p ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % u ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % v
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % skin % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % skin % fastem
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % ctp,&
-          & profiles(1) % cfraction
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     !  Convert lnq to q in ppmv for profile
-     !
-     profiles(1) %    q(:) = (exp(profiles(1) %     q(:)) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     profiles(1) % s2m % q = (exp(profiles(1) %  s2m % q) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     ! Keep Ozone in ppmv
-     ! viewing geometry
-     profiles(1)  % zenangle      = ZENANG
-     profiles(1)  % azangle       = AZANG
-     ! surface type
-     profiles(1)  % skin % surftype = nsurf(no_id)
-     !.. Fill profile arrays with the 1 profile NPROF times
-     DO  J = 1 , NPROF(no_id)
-        profiles(j) % p(:)   = profiles(1) % p(:)
-        profiles(j) % t(:)   = profiles(1) % t(:)
-        profiles(j) % q(:)   = profiles(1) % q(:)
-        profiles(j) % o3(:)  = profiles(1) % o3(:)
-        profiles(j) % clw(:) = profiles(1) % clw(:)
-        profiles(j) % s2m    = profiles(1) % s2m
-        profiles(j) % skin   = profiles(1) % skin
-        profiles(j) % ctp    = profiles(1) % ctp
-        profiles(j) % cfraction   = profiles(1) % cfraction
-        profiles(j) % ozone_data  = profiles(1) % ozone_data
-        profiles(j) % co2_data    = profiles(1) % co2_data
-        profiles(j) % clw_data    = profiles(1) % clw_data
-        profiles(j) % zenangle    = profiles(1) % zenangle
-        profiles(j) % azangle     = profiles(1) % azangle
-     end do
-     ! Build the list of channels/profiles indices
-     Call rttov_setupindex (nchan(no_id),nprof(no_id),nfrequencies,nchannels,nbtout,coef(no_id),&
-     & surfem1,lprofiles,channels,polarisations,emissivity)
-     !
-     nch = 0
-     ibtout=0
-     DO  J=1,NPROF(no_id)
-        DO  JCH=1,NCHAN(no_id)
-           nch = nch +1
-           If( coef(no_id) % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-              frequencies(ibtout+1) = nch
-              ibtout=ibtout+1
-           End If
-           If( coef(no_id) % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-              pol_id = coef(no_id) % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-              Do i=1, npolar_return(pol_id)
-                frequencies(ibtout+i)=nch
-              End Do
-              ibtout=ibtout+npolar_return(pol_id)
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     ! select channel subset by ignoring 1st 3 and last 2 channels
-     nfreqs = nfrequencies-5
-     nchans = nchannels-10
-     nbtouts = nbtout-5
-     allocate( chan_sub( nfreqs ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( polar_sub( nchans,3 ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( prof_sub( nfreqs ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     chan_sub(:) = 0
-     prof_sub(:) = 0
-     polar_sub(:,:) = 0
-     chan_sub(1:nfreqs) = channels(4:nfrequencies-2)
-     prof_sub(1:nfreqs) = 1
-     polar_sub(1:nfreqs,1)= polarisations(4:nfrequencies-2,1)-6
-     polar_sub(1:nchans,2)= polarisations(7:nchannels-4,2)-3
-     polar_sub(1:nfreqs,3)= polarisations(4:nfrequencies-2,3)
-     write(6,*)' nfreq=',nfreqs,' nchans=',nchans,' nbtout=',nbtouts
-     write(6,*)' Channels ',(chan_sub(ich2),ich2=1,nfreqs)
-     write(6,*)(polar_sub(ich2,1),ich2=1,nchans)
-     write(6,*)(polar_sub(ich2,2),ich2=1,nchans)
-     write(6,*)(polar_sub(ich2,3),ich2=1,nchans)
-     ! save input values of emissivities for all calculations
-     ! calculate emissivity where the input emissivity value is less than 0.01
-     input_emissivity(:) = emissivity(:)
-     calcemis(:) = emissivity(:) < 0.01_JPRB
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     !
-     WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ichan(J,no_id), J = 1,NCHAN(no_id))
-     WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-          &      ,'SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-     JOFF1=0
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (emissivity(J+JOFF1),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     IF(IFULL(no_id).EQ.2)THEN
-        LCLOUD =.TRUE.
-     ELSE
-        LCLOUD =.FALSE.
-        radiance % downcld(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     ENDIF
-     call rttov_direct(  &
-          rttov_errorstatus,  & ! out
-          nfreqs,       & ! in
-          nchans,       & ! in
-          nbtouts,      & ! in
-          nprof(no_id), & ! in
-          chan_sub,     & ! in
-          polar_sub,    & ! in
-          prof_sub,     & ! in
-          profiles,     & ! in
-          coef(no_id),  & ! in
-          lcloud,       & ! in
-          calcemis,     & ! in
-          emissivity,   & ! inout
-          transmission, & ! out
-          radiance  )     ! inout
-     If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-        Do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-           If ( rttov_errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_warning ) Then
-              write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov warning for profile',j
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End If
-     If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-        Do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-           If ( rttov_errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-              write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov error for profile',j
-           End If
-        End Do
-        Stop
-     End If
-     ! transfer data to printing arrays
-     pr_pol(:) = 0
-     pr_radcld(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_trans(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_emis(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_trans_lev(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_upclr(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_dncld(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_refclr(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_ovcst(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     !
-     do j = 1 , nchans
-       jpol = polarisations(j,2)
-       pr_pol(jpol) = jpol
-       pr_radcld(jpol) = radiance % cloudy(j)
-       pr_trans(jpol) = Transmission % tau_surf(J)
-       pr_emis(jpol) = emissivity(j)
-       pr_upclr(jpol) = radiance % upclear(J)
-       pr_refclr(jpol) = radiance % reflclear(J)
-       do ilev = 1 , nlevels
-         pr_trans_lev(ilev,jpol) = Transmission % tau_layer(ilev,J)
-         pr_dncld(ilev,jpol) = radiance % downcld(ILEV,J)
-         pr_ovcst(ilev,jpol) = radiance % overcast(ILEV,J)
-       enddo
-     enddo
-     !     OUTPUT RESULTS
-     !
-     NPRINT = 1+ INT((nbtouts-1)/(10*nprof(no_id)))
-     DO  JN=1,NPROF(no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' Profile number ',JN, 'Instrument ',&
-             &                    instrument(3,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-!        JOFF=NCHAN(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF1=nbtouts/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF2=nbtouts/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF3=nfreqs/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,777)instrument(2,no_id), profiles(jn)%zenangle,profiles(jn)%azangle,profiles(jn)%skin%surftype
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (radiance % out(J+JOFF1),J=1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED RADIANCES: SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (radiance % total_out(J+JOFF1),J=1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED OVERCAST RADIANCES: SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (pr_radcld(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-             &      ,'AT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,4444) (pr_trans(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-             &      ,'SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,444) (pr_emis(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-        !
-        !  Print  clear-sky radiance without reflection term and
-        !  reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance
-        !
-        IF(IFULL(no_id) == 2 .AND. nchan(no_id) <= 20 )THEN
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-           WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Clear-sky radiance without reflection term'&
-                &      ,' SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(pr_upclr(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance'&
-                &      ,' SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(pr_refclr(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CHANNELS '
-           WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ichan(j,no_id), J = 1,nbtouts/nprof(no_id))
-        ENDIF
-        !
-        IF(JN.EQ.1 .AND. nchan(no_id) .LE. 20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space transmittances for channels'
-!              WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(pr_pol(j),&
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtouts/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4445)ILEV,(pr_trans_lev(ilev,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtouts/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtouts/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-        !
-        !  Print radiance upwelling arrays
-        IF(JN==1 .AND. IFULL(no_id)==2 .AND. nchan(no_id)<=20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space upwelling radiances for channels'
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(pr_ovcst(ILEV,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-        !  Print radiance downwelling arrays
-        IF(JN==1 .AND. IFULL(no_id)==2 .AND. nchan(no_id)<=20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space downwelling radiances for channels'
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(pr_dncld(ILEV,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-     end do
-     !
-     IF (IFULL(no_id).GE.1)THEN
-        !
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------
-        ! Test tangent linear
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------
-        write(*,*) 'Tangent linear'
-        call TSTRAD_TL( &
-             nfrequencies,    & ! in
-             nchannels,       & ! in
-             nbtout,          & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),    & ! in
-             channels,        & ! in
-             polarisations,   & ! in
-             lprofiles,       & ! in
-             frequencies,     & ! in
-             profiles,        & ! in
-             coef(no_id),     & ! in
-             lcloud,          & ! in
-             calcemis,        & ! in
-             input_emissivity)  ! in
-        write(*,*) 'Adjoint'
-        call TSTRAD_AD( &
-             nfrequencies,    & ! in
-             nchannels,       & ! in
-             nbtout,          & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),    & ! in
-             channels,        & ! in
-             polarisations,   & ! in
-             frequencies,     & ! in
-             lprofiles,       & ! in
-             profiles,        & ! in
-             coef(no_id),     & ! in
-             lcloud,          & ! in
-             calcemis,        & ! in
-             input_emissivity)  ! in
-        write(*,*) 'K'
-        call TSTRAD_K( &
-             nfrequencies,    & ! in
-             nchannels,       & ! in
-             nbtout,          & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),    & ! in
-             channels,        & ! in
-             polarisations,   & ! in
-             frequencies,     & ! in
-             lprofiles,       & ! in
-             profiles,        & ! in
-             coef(no_id),     & ! in
-             lcloud,          & ! in
-             calcemis,        & ! in
-             input_emissivity)  ! in
-     ENDIF
-     do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-        ! deallocate model profiles atmospheric arrays
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % p   ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % t   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % q   ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % o3  ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % clw ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Stop
-        End If
-     end do
-     deallocate( profiles,stat=alloc_status(1))
-     ! number of channels per RTTOV call is only nchannels
-     deallocate( channels   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-     deallocate( lprofiles  ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-     deallocate( emissivity ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-     deallocate( calcemis  ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-     ! allocate transmittance structure
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-     deallocate( radiance % clear    ,stat=alloc_status(9))
-     deallocate( radiance % cloudy   ,stat=alloc_status(10))
-     deallocate( radiance % total    ,stat=alloc_status(11))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt       ,stat=alloc_status(12))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt_clear ,stat=alloc_status(13))
-     deallocate( radiance % upclear  ,stat=alloc_status(14))
-     deallocate( radiance % dnclear  ,stat=alloc_status(15))
-     deallocate( radiance % reflclear,stat=alloc_status(16))
-     deallocate( radiance % overcast ,stat=alloc_status(17))
-     deallocate( radiance % downcld  ,stat=alloc_status(18))
-     deallocate( radiance % out       ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     deallocate( radiance % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     deallocate( radiance % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-     deallocate( radiance % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-     deallocate(pr_radcld ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-     deallocate(pr_trans ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-     deallocate(pr_emis ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-     deallocate(pr_trans_lev ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-  Do no_id = 1, nrttovid
-     Call rttov_dealloc_coef (errorstatus, coef(no_id))
-     If(errorstatus /= errorstatus_success) Then
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Endif
-  End Do
-111 FORMAT(1X,10I8)
-1115 FORMAT(3X,10I8)
-2222 FORMAT(1X,10(1x,F8.6))
-222 FORMAT(1X,10F8.2)
-333 FORMAT(1X,I3,20I5)
-3333 FORMAT(1X,I3,2I5)
-444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.3)
-4444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.4)
-4445 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.4)
-4446 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.3)
-555 FORMAT(1X,10E8.2)
-       &' ZENITH ANGLE=',F6.2, &
-       &' AZIMUTH ANGLE=',F7.2,' SURFACE TYPE=',I2)
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_k.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_k.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 532fab38fa0d0f62fa805ba64657d29e6fe08f64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_k.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine tstrad_k(    &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & frequencies,     &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & input_emissivity) ! in
-  !
-  ! only the first nchannels/nprofiles are output
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success ,&
-       & errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_Type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_k.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: frequencies(nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: input_emissivity(nchannels)
-  ! local
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnav  =  4       ! no. of profile variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnsav =  5       ! no. of surface air variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnssv =  6       ! no. of skin variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpncv  =  2       ! no. of cloud variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: sscvar = jpnsav+jpnssv+jpncv ! no of surface,skin,cloud vars
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)            :: errorstatus
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=10) :: NameOfRoutine = 'tstrad_k  '
-  ! forward model outputs
-  logical :: switchrad
-  Type(transmission_Type)   :: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type)   :: radiancedata
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  ! AD variables for rttov_k calls
-  Type(profile_Type)  :: profiles_k(nchannels)
-  Type(transmission_Type)   :: transmission_k
-  Real(Kind=jprb)  :: emissivity_k(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixksav(sscvar,nbtout)
-  ! Adjoint results
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkdav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xktav (coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkdsav(sscvar,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xktsav (sscvar,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixdem(nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xkaem(nbtout)
-  ! coefficients for printing
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facpav(coef%nlevels,jpnav)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facovu(coef%nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facovd(coef%nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facem = 1._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facsav(sscvar) =&
-        & (/10000._JPRB,0.1_JPRB,10000._JPRB,10000._JPRB,10000._JPRB,       &! 2m
-        & 10000._JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,  &! Skin
-        & 10000._JPRB,100._JPRB/)                           ! cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facdiff = 1.e+10_JPRB
-  ! Real :: facdiff = 1.
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: o3_mixratio_to_ppmv = 6.03504e+5_JPRB
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout = 2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ich, jch
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j, i, ii, jp, joff, freq, ipol
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchan_out
-  Character (len=30) :: title(4) = &
-        & (/' lev       temperature        ', &
-          & ' lev       water vapour       ',   &
-          & ' lev       ozone              ',   &
-          & ' lev       liquid water       '/)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(30)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: rttov_errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  nchan_out = nbtout/nprofiles
-  nlev = coef % nlevels
-  ! coefficients for atmospheric variables
-  facpav(:,1) = 10000._JPRB
-  facpav(:,2) = 0.1_JPRB
-  facpav(:,3) = 0.001_JPRB
-  facpav(:,4) = 0.1_JPRB
-  facovu(:)   = 10000._JPRB
-  facovd(:)   = 100000._JPRB
-  ! coefficients compatibility with RTTOV7
-  facpav(:,2) = facpav(:,2) *  q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  facpav(:,3) = facpav(:,3) * o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  facsav(2)   = facsav(2)   *  q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  ! allocate and initialise the reference tl increments
-  Do j = 1, nbtout
-     profiles_k(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     Allocate( profiles_k(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( profiles_k(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( profiles_k(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate( profiles_k(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate( profiles_k(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Allocate( radiancedata % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % out      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % out_clear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % total_out ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % clear_out ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  ! allocate transmission structures
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_surf          ( nchannels )                  ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_layer         ( coef % nlevels, nchannels )  ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer    ( coef % nlevels, nchannels )  ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Allocate( transmission_k % tau_surf        ( nchannels )                  ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  Allocate( transmission_k % tau_layer       ( coef % nlevels, nchannels )  ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  Allocate( transmission_k % od_singlelayer  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels )  ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  !
-  !...do K.....................
-  ! use stored input emmisisvity
-  emissivity(:) = input_emissivity(:)
-  Do i = 1, nbtout
-     profiles_k(i) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_k(i) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_k(i) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     profiles_k(i) % zenangle   = -1       ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     profiles_k(i) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB ! no AD on pressure levels
-     profiles_k(i) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB ! temperarure
-     profiles_k(i) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB ! O3 ppmv
-     profiles_k(i) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB ! clw
-     profiles_k(i) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB ! WV
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     profiles_k(i) % s2m % t = 0._JPRB !  temperarure
-     profiles_k(i) % s2m % q = 0       !  WV
-     profiles_k(i) % s2m % p = 0._JPRB !  pressure
-     profiles_k(i) % s2m % u = 0._JPRB !  wind components
-     profiles_k(i) % s2m % v = 0._JPRB !  wind components
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     profiles_k(i) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     profiles_k(i) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB  ! on temperarure
-     profiles_k(i) % skin % fastem   = 0._JPRB
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     profiles_k(i) % ctp       = 0._JPRB  ! pressure
-     profiles_k(i) % cfraction = 0._JPRB  ! cloud fraction
-  End Do
-  emissivity_k(:) = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_k % tau_surf(:)   = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_k % tau_layer(:,:)       = 0._JPRB
-  transmission_k % od_singlelayer(:,:)  = 0._JPRB
-  switchrad= .true.
-  call rttov_k( &
-       & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-       & nfrequencies,       &! in
-       & nchannels,          &! in
-       & nbtout,             &! in
-       & nprofiles,          &! in
-       & channels,           &! in
-       & polarisations,      &! in
-       & lprofiles,          &! in
-       & profiles,           &! in
-       & coef,               &! in
-       & addcloud,           &! in
-       & switchrad,          &! in
-       & calcemis,           &! in
-       & emissivity,         &! inout  direct model
-       & profiles_k,         &! inout  adjoint
-       & emissivity_k,       &! inout  adjoint
-       & transmission,       &! inout  adjoint
-       & transmission_k,     &! inout  adjoint
-       & radiancedata)        ! inout  direct model
-                              !   (input due to pointers alloc)
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_k")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_k")' )           
-        End If
-  Do  ich =1, nbtout
-     freq = frequencies(Ich)
-     Do  j =1,jpnav    ! yes clw too!
-        !Write(0,*) 'adjoint de la variable atmosphere ',j
-        ii = 1
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % t(ii)
-        Do  ii=1,nlev
-           Select Case (j)
-           Case (1_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % t(ii)
-              !Write(0,*) 'T ',profiles_k(prof) % t(ii)
-           Case (2_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % q(ii)
-              !Write(0,*) 'Q ',profiles_k(prof) % q(ii)
-           Case (3_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % o3(ii)
-           Case (4_jpim)
-              xktav(ii,j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % clw(ii)
-           End Select
-           if(lprofiles(freq) == 1) then
-              !Write(0,*) 'level xkb, xkt ',ii,xkbav(ii,j,ich),xktav(ii,j,ich)
-              ixkav(ii,j,ich) = nint(xktav(ii,j,ich) * facpav(ii,j))
-              ixkdav(ii,j,ich) = nint((xkbav(ii,j,ich)-xktav(ii,j,ich)) *&
-                     & facpav(ii,j) * facdiff)
-           endif
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     !.......now do surface, skin and cloud variables
-     Do  j =1,sscvar
-        Select Case (j)
-        Case (1_jpim)
-           ! t 2m
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % s2m % t
-        Case (2_jpim)
-           ! wv 2m
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % s2m % q
-        Case (3_jpim)
-           ! surface pressure
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % s2m % p
-        Case (4_jpim)
-           ! wind speed u component
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % s2m % u
-        Case (5_jpim)
-           ! wind speed v component
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % s2m % v
-        Case (6_jpim)
-           ! skin temp
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % skin % t
-        Case (7_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 1
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % skin % fastem(1)
-        Case (8_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 2
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % skin % fastem(2)
-        Case (9_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 3
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % skin % fastem(3)
-        Case (10_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 4
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % skin % fastem(4)
-        Case (11_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 5
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % skin % fastem(5)
-        Case (12_jpim)
-           ! cloud top pressure
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % ctp
-        Case (13_jpim)
-           ! cloud fraction
-           xktsav(j,ich) = profiles_k(ich) % cfraction
-        End Select
-     End Do
-     if(lprofiles(freq) == 1) then
-       ixksav(:,ich)  = nint(xktsav(:,ich) * facsav(:))
-       ixkdsav(:,ich) = nint((xkbsav(:,ich)-xktsav(:,ich)) *&
-       &  facsav(:) * facdiff)
-     endif
-     xkaem(ich) = 0.0_JPRB
-     Do ipol=1, polarisations(frequencies(ich),3)
-        xkaem(ich) = xkaem(ich) + emissivity_k(polarisations(frequencies(ich),1)+ipol-1)
-     End Do
-     ixdem(ich) = nint(( xkaem(ich) - xkbem(ich)) * facem *1000._JPRB)
-     If( coef % fastem_ver >= 1 .and. calcemis(ich) ) Then
-     !if(input_emissivity(ich) < 0.0_JPRB ) then
-        ixdem(ich) = 0._JPRB
-     endif
-  end do
-  !          ... and print it.
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)'TL - K difference*10**10.'
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do j = 1 , jpnav
-     Write (ioout,'(a30)')title(j)
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkdav(i,j,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = 1 , jpnsav
-     Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' skin variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+1 , jpnsav+jpnssv
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' cloud variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+jpnssv+1 , sscvar
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav-jpnssv,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface emissivity '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-     joff = (jp-1) * nchan_out
-     Write (ioout,333)jp,(ixdem(jch+joff),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  write(ioout,*)' calculated br. temps in rttovk'
-  write(ioout,222) (radiancedata % out (1:nchan_out))
-  write(ioout,*)' '
-  write(ioout,*)' calculated radiances in rttovk'
-  write(ioout,222) (radiancedata % total_out (1:nchan_out))
-  write(ioout,*)' '
-  write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do j = 1, nbtout
-     Deallocate( profiles_k(j) % p   ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Deallocate( profiles_k(j) % t   ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Deallocate( profiles_k(j) % q   ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Deallocate( profiles_k(j) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Deallocate( profiles_k(j) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! deallocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % total     ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % out       ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % dnclear   ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  ! deallocate transmission structures
-  Deallocate( transmission   % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Deallocate( transmission   % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Deallocate( transmission   % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Deallocate( transmission_k % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  Deallocate( transmission_k % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  Deallocate( transmission_k % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Print *, ' K matrix test finished'
-  Return
-222 Format(1x,10f8.2)
-333 Format(1x,i3,20i5)
-444 Format(1x,10e8.2)
-3333 Format(4x,20i5)
-4444 Format(1x,10f8.3)
-End Subroutine tstrad_k
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_k.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_k.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index 7de3b8a4d641b498dce7031f80417cca651f6511..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_k.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine tstrad_k(  &
-     nfrequencies,    & ! in
-     nchannels,       & ! in
-     nbtout,          & ! in
-     nprofiles,       & ! in
-     channels,        & ! in
-     polarisations,   & ! in
-     frequencies,     & ! in
-     lprofiles,       & ! in
-     profiles,        & ! in
-     coef,            & ! in
-     addcloud,        & ! in
-     calcemis,        & ! in
-     input_emissivity)  ! in
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success ,&
-       errorstatus_fatal
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type   ,&
-       radiance_Type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: frequencies(nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: input_emissivity(nchannels)
-End Subroutine tstrad_k
-End Interface
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_rttov7.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_rttov7.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index df759b2fa8a31c2360bd782ce7c45a0596381614..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_rttov7.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !     *************************************************************
-  !
-  !          RTTOV VERSION 7
-  !
-  ! Description: This program is the test harness for RTTOV-7. There
-  !               are 3 options one to test only the forward model
-  !               (option = 0) one to test the full model ie TL/AD/K
-  !               (option=1) and one to test the cloudy radiance
-  !                output (option=2)
-  !
-  !
-  ! To run this program you must have the following files
-  ! either resident in the same directory or set up as a
-  ! symbolic link:
-  !   refprof.dat    --    reference profile
-  !   prof.dat       --    input profile
-  !   input.dat      --    file to select channels and surface emis
-  !   rtcoef_platform_id_sensor.dat --  coefficient file
-  !                                     (depends on which sensor)
-  ! There are unix scripts available to set up the files above and
-  ! run this program (e.g. tstrad_all.scr)
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !           25/01/2002     Initial version (R. Saunders)
-  !           01/05/2002     Updated for NOAA-17 (R. Saunders)
-  !           29/03/2005     Add end of header (J. Cameron)
-  !           29/03/2005     Add implicit none (J. Cameron)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-       ! Imported Paramters:
-       jpnsat ,&     ! Total max sats to be used
-       jplev  ,&     ! No. of pressure levels
-       jpnav  ,&     ! No. of profile variables
-       jpnsav ,&     ! No. of surface air variables
-       jpnssv ,&     ! No. of skin variables
-       jpncv  ,&     ! No. of cloud variables
-       jppf   ,&     ! Max no. profiles
-       jpch   ,&     ! Max. no. of tovs channels
-       jpchus ,&     ! Max. no. of channels used tovs
-       jpchpf ,&     ! Max no. of profs * chans used
-       rcnv          ! kg/kg--> ppmv
-#include "rttvi.interface"
-#include "rttov.interface"
-  !
-  integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: max_platform=13   ! max platform number
-  integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: max_instrument=26 ! max instrument number
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(jpnsat) :: platform   ! platform id
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(jpnsat) :: satellite  ! satellite id
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(jpnsat) :: instrument ! instrument id
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(jpnsat) :: numchans   ! No. of chans required for insrtrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(jpnsat) :: fileunit   ! Fileunit for coeffs. for insrtrument
-  ! min and max satellite id for each platform
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(max_platform) :: max_satid
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(max_platform) :: min_satid
-  ! min and max channel numbers for each instrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:max_instrument) :: max_channel
-  INTEGER(Kind=jpim) :: IUE, NCH, ICH, I, II, IERR
-  REAL(Kind=jprb) :: D, AZANG, ZENANG
-  data min_satid / 1, 8, 5, 8, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3/
-  data max_satid /17,16, 7,12, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4/
-  data max_channel / 20, 4, 3, 15, 5, 3, 7, 8, 8, 9, 24,&
-       &  2378, 4, 16, 3, 5, 8461,14, 0, 0, 2, 8, 4, 18, 3, 2, 3/
-  REAL(Kind=jprb) :: SURFEM(JPCH)
-  INTEGER(Kind=jpim) :: ICHAN(jpnsat,JPCH)  ! Max of six series so far
-  INTEGER(Kind=jpim) :: NCHAN(jpnsat)
-  !
-  REAL(Kind=jprb), ALLOCATABLE :: RADOV(:,:),RADO(:)
-  REAL(Kind=jprb), ALLOCATABLE :: TAU(:,:),TAUSFC(:)
-  !
-  !
-  DATA IUA/1/,IOOUT/2/,IREF/55/,IUE/56/
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Beginning of Routine.
-  ! ---------------------
-  PAV(:,:,:) = 0.
-  PSAV(:,:) = 0.
-  PSSV(:,:) = 0.
-  PCV(:,:) = 0.
-  PEMIS(:) = 0.
-  PEMIN(:) = 0.
-  numchans(:) = 0
-  Fileunit(:) = 0
-  IVCH(:,:) = 0
-  OPEN(IOOUT,file='print.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted')
-  ! For more than one satellite
-  ! comment out the next line and uncomment the following two.
-  NRTTOVID  = 1
-  !      PRINT *, 'How many satellites do you want?'
-  !      READ  *, NRTTOVID
-     PRINT *, 'Which satellite platform do you want?'
-     PRINT *, 'NOAA=1  DMSP=2    METEOSAT=3  GOES=4: '
-     PRINT *, 'GMS=5   FY-2=6    TRMM=7      ERS=8: '
-     PRINT *, 'EOS=9   METOP=10  ENVISAT=11  MSG=12   FY-1=13: '
-     READ  *,  Platform(no_id)
-     IF ( Platform(no_id) <= 0  .OR. &
-     &    Platform(no_id) > max_platform)  STOP 'Platform number not allowed'
-     PRINT *, 'Which satellite id do you want for this platform?'
-     PRINT *, 'Noaaxx = xx  GOESyy = yy'
-     READ  *,  satellite(no_id)
-     if( satellite(no_id) < min_satid(Platform(no_id)) .or. &
-          & satellite(no_id) > max_satid(Platform(no_id))    ) &
-          & STOP 'Satellite id not allowed'
-     PRINT *, 'Which instrument type do you want for this satellite?'
-     print *, 'HIRS=0,  MSU=1,   SSU=2,   AMSU-A=3, AMSU-B=4, AVHRR=5'
-     print *, 'SSMI=6,  VTPR1=7, VTPR2=8, TMI=9,    SSMIS=10, AIRS=11'
-     print *, 'HSB=12,  MODIS=13,ATSR=14, MHS=15,   IASI=16,  MVIRI=20'
-     print *, 'SEVIRI=21, GOES-imager=22  GOES-sounder=23 '
-     print *, 'GMS imager=24     FY2-VISSR=25        FY1-mvisr=26'
-     READ  *,  instrument(no_id)
-     IF ( instrument(no_id) < 0 .OR. &
-     &    instrument(no_id) > max_instrument)&
-     &   STOP 'instrument number not allowed'
-     PRINT *, ' Forward model only (0) or full gradient test (1)',&
-     &  ' or full radiance output (2)?'
-     READ  *, IFULL
-       LCLOUD =.TRUE.
-     ELSE
-       LCLOUD =.FALSE.
-     ENDIF
-     PRINT  *, ' Number of profiles to test code? '
-     READ  *, NPROF
-     PRINT  *, ' Surface type (0=land, 1=sea, 2=ice/snow)? '
-     READ  *, NSURF
-     !
-     !
-     nchan(no_id) = max_channel(instrument(no_id))
-     !
-     OPEN (IUE,FILE='input.dat',status='old')
-     READ(IUE,*)
-     NCH = 0
-     DO ICH = 1 , nchan(no_id)
-        READ(IUE,*,END=909)I,II,SURFEM(ICH)
-        IF(II.GT.0)THEN
-           NCH = NCH + 1
-           ICHAN(no_id,NCH) = I
-!           IVCH(NCH,no_id) = ICH   ! Normally comment out use to test AIRS
-        ENDIF                       ! channel selection option
-     ENDDO
-     !
-     CLOSE(IUE)
-     nchan(no_id) = MIN(max_channel(instrument(no_id)),NCH)
-     write(6,*)' Number of channels selected = ',nchan(no_id)
-     !
-  &  NRTTOVID, platform, satellite, instrument, numchans, &
-  &  UOMX,IVCH,FileUnit)
-  !
-     STOP
-     &   .OR. KPNCV.NE.JPNCV  ) THEN
-     WRITE (IOOUT,*) 'Mismatch in cparam.h and tstrad parameters'
-     STOP
-  !
-  !  Check Channel numbers are correct
-  !
-  DO ICH = 1 , nchan(1)
-     DO ICH1 = 1 , JPCH
-        IF (ICHAN(1,ICH) .EQ. IVCH(ICH1,1))GO TO 202
-        IF (ICH1 .EQ. JPCH)THEN
-           PRINT *,' EDIT input.dat'
-           STOP
-        ENDIF
-     ENDDO
-202 ENDDO
-  !
-  !
-  DO no_id = 1, NRTTOVID
-           !         Convert from position in required list to KSAT pointer used
-           !         in rttov coefficient arrays - for only one satellite KSAT = 1
-           !         This reflects the order in which coefficients are loaded in RTTVI
-           KSAT = no_id
-           KNPF=NPROF
-           KNCHPF=0
-           KNCHAN=NCHAN(no_id)
-           KLENPF=JPLEV
-           KNAV = 3
-           KNSAV = JPNSAV
-           KNSSV = JPNSSV
-           KNCV = JPNCV
-           WRITE(6,*)'Zenith angle (degrees)?'
-           READ(5,*)ZENANG
-           WRITE(6,*)'Azimuth angle (degrees)?'
-           READ(5,*)AZANG
-           DO  J=1,NPROF
-              PANGS(J)=0.
-              KSURF(J)=NSURF
-              PANGL(J) = ZENANG
-              DO  JCH=1,NCHAN(no_id)
-                 KNCHPF=KNCHPF+1
-                 KCHAN(KNCHPF)=ICHAN(no_id,JCH)
-                 KPROF(KNCHPF)=J
-              end do
-           end do
-           !
-           OPEN(unit=iref,file='refprof.dat',status='old')
-           !
-           ! Get 43 level pressures
-           !
-           READ(IREF,*)
-           READ(IREF,*)
-           DO  ILEV = 1 , jplev
-              READ(IREF,*)IL,PPRES(ILEV),D,D,D,D
-           end do
-           CLOSE(IREF)
-           !
-           OPEN (IUA,FILE='prof.dat',status='old')
-           !
-           JJM = 0
-           DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(JPLEV-1)/10
-              JJ = 1+JJM
-              JJM = MIN(JJ+9,JPLEV)
-              READ(IUA,*)(PAV(J,1,1),J=JJ,JJM)
-           end do
-           JJM = 0
-           DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(JPLEV-1)/10
-              JJ = 1+JJM
-              JJM = MIN(JJ+9,JPLEV)
-              READ(IUA,*)(PAV(J,2,1),J=JJ,JJM)
-           end do
-           JJM = 0
-           DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(JPLEV-1)/10
-              JJ = 1+JJM
-              JJM = MIN(JJ+9,JPLEV)
-              READ(IUA,*)(PAV(J,3,1),J=JJ,JJM)
-           end do
-           JJM = 0
-           DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(JPLEV-1)/10
-              JJ = 1+JJM
-              JJM = MIN(JJ+9,JPLEV)
-              READ(IUA,*)(PAV(J,4,1),J=JJ,JJM)
-           end do
-           READ(IUA,*)(PSAV(JJ,1),JJ=1,JPNSAV)
-           READ(IUA,*)(PSSV(JJ,1),JJ=1,JPNSSV)
-           READ(IUA,*)(PCV(JJ,1),JJ=1,JPNCV)
-           !
-           CLOSE(IUA)
-           !
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(PAV(JJ,1,1),JJ=1,JPLEV)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(PAV(JJ,2,1),JJ=1,JPLEV)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(PAV(JJ,3,1),JJ=1,JPLEV)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(PAV(JJ,4,1),JJ=1,JPLEV)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(PSAV(JJ,1),JJ=1,JPNSAV)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(PSSV(JJ,1),JJ=1,JPNSSV)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(PCV(JJ,1),JJ=1,JPNCV)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-           !
-           !  Convert lnq to q in kg/kg for profile
-           !
-           DO J = 1 , JPLEV
-              PAV(J,2,1) = EXP(PAV(J,2,1))/1000.
-           ENDDO
-           PSAV(2,1) = EXP(PSAV(2,1))/1000.
-           ! convert from ppmv to kg/kg
-           DO J = 1 , JPLEV
-              PAV(J,3,1) = PAV(J,3,1)/RCNV
-           ENDDO
-           !
-           !.. Fill profile arrays with the 1 profile NPROF times
-           DO  JP = 1 , NPROF
-              !      IF(PSSV(1,1).LT.271.5)KSURF(JP)=2
-              DO  JL = 1 , NLEV
-                 PAV(JL,1,JP) = PAV(JL,1,1)
-                 PAV(JL,2,JP) = PAV(JL,2,1)
-                 PAV(JL,3,JP) = PAV(JL,3,1)
-                 PAV(JL,4,JP) = PAV(JL,4,1)
-              end do
-              PSAV(1,JP) = PSAV(1,1)
-              PSAV(2,JP) = PSAV(2,1)
-              PSAV(3,JP) = PSAV(3,1)
-              PSAV(4,JP) = PSAV(4,1)
-              PSAV(5,JP) = PSAV(5,1)
-              PSSV(1,JP) = PSSV(1,1)
-              PSSV(2,JP) = PSSV(2,1)
-              PSSV(3,JP) = PSSV(3,1)
-              PSSV(4,JP) = PSSV(4,1)
-              PSSV(5,JP) = PSSV(5,1)
-              PSSV(6,JP) = PSSV(6,1)
-              PCV(1,JP) = PCV(1,1)
-              PCV(2,JP) = PCV(2,1)
-           end do
-           !
-           WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-           !
-           WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ICHAN(no_id,J), J = 1,NCHAN(no_id))
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-           &      ,'SAT =', satellite(no_id)
-           JOFF=0
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444) (PEMIS(J+JOFF),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-           WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-           !
-           !
-           &     TAUSFC,LCLOUD)
-           !
-           !     OUTPUT RESULTS
-           !
-           NPRINT = 1+ INT((NCHAN(no_id)-1)/10)
-           DO  JN=1,NPROF
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)' Profile number ',JN, 'Instrument ',&
-              &                    instrument(no_id)
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-              IF(JERR(JN,1).GE.20)STOP
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-              JOFF=NCHAN(no_id)*(JN-1)
-              WRITE(IOOUT,777)satellite(no_id),PANGL(JN),AZANG,KSURF(1)
-              WRITE(IOOUT,222) (PTB(J+JOFF),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED RADIANCES: SAT =', satellite(no_id)
-              WRITE(IOOUT,222) (PRAD(J+JOFF),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED OVERCAST RADIANCES: SAT =', satellite(no_id)
-              WRITE(IOOUT,222) (RADO(J+JOFF),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              &      ,'AT =',satellite(no_id)
-              WRITE(IOOUT,4444) (TAUSFC(J+JOFF),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              &      ,'SAT =',satellite(no_id)
-              WRITE(IOOUT,444) (PEMIS(J+JOFF),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-              !
-              !  Print  clear-sky radiance without reflection term and
-              !  reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance
-              !
-              IF(IFULL.EQ.2 .AND. nchan(no_id) .LE. 20 )THEN
-                WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-                WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Clear-sky radiance without reflection term'&
-              &      ,' SAT =',satellite(no_id)
-                WRITE(IOOUT,444)(RADOV(J+JOFF,JPLEV*2+1),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-                WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-                WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance'&
-              &      ,' SAT =',satellite(no_id)
-                WRITE(IOOUT,444)(RADOV(J+JOFF,JPLEV*2+2),J=1,NCHAN(no_id))
-                WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CHANNELS '
-                WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ICHAN(no_id,J), J = 1,NCHAN(no_id))
-              ENDIF
-              IF(JN.EQ.1 .AND. nchan(no_id) .LE. 20)THEN
-                 DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-                    WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-                    WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space transmittances for channels'
-                    WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(ICHAN(no_id,J),&
-                    &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                    DO  ILEV = 1 , JPLEV
-                       WRITE(IOOUT,4445)ILEV,(TAU(J+JOFF,ILEV),&
-                       &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                    end do
-                    WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(ICHAN(no_id,J),&
-                    &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                 end do
-              ENDIF
-              !
-              !  Print radiance upwelling arrays
-              IF(JN.EQ.1.AND.IFULL.EQ.2 .AND. nchan(no_id) .LE. 20)THEN
-                 DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-                    WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-                    WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space upwelling radiances for channels'
-                    WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(ICHAN(no_id,J),&
-                    &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                    DO  ILEV = 1 , JPLEV
-                       WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(RADOV(J+JOFF,ILEV),&
-                       &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                    end do
-                    WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(ICHAN(no_id,J),&
-                    &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                 end do
-              ENDIF
-              !  Print radiance downwelling arrays
-              IF(JN.EQ.1.AND.IFULL.EQ.2 .AND. nchan(no_id) .LE. 20)THEN
-                 DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-                    WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-                    WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space downwelling radiances for channels'
-                    WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(ICHAN(no_id,J),&
-                    &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                    DO  ILEV = 1 , JPLEV
-                       WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(RADOV(J+JOFF,ILEV+JPLEV),&
-                       &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                    end do
-                    WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(ICHAN(no_id,J),&
-                    &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,NCHAN(no_id)))
-                 end do
-              ENDIF
-           end do
-           !
-  !
-111 FORMAT(1X,10I8)
-1115 FORMAT(3X,10I8)
-2222 FORMAT(1X,10(1x,F8.6))
-222 FORMAT(1X,10F8.2)
-333 FORMAT(1X,I3,20I5)
-3333 FORMAT(1X,I3,2I5)
-444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.3)
-4444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.4)
-4445 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.4)
-4446 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.3)
-555 FORMAT(1X,10E8.2)
-       &' ZENITH ANGLE=',F6.2, &
-       &' AZIMUTH ANGLE=',F7.2,' SURFACE TYPE=',I2)
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_sx6.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_sx6.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c47592c536f578f9b22e98f29368330e3f1d20..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_sx6.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
-  !
-  !    This software was developed within the context of
-  !    the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
-  !    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
-  !    Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
-  !    EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
-  !    within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
-  !    the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
-  !
-  !    Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
-  !
-  !     *************************************************************
-  !
-  !          RTTOV VERSION 8 TEST FOR SX6
-  !
-  ! Description: This program is the test harness for RTTOV-8. There
-  !               are 3 options:
-  !               option = 0 to test forward model only
-  !               option = 1 to test the full model ie TL/AD/K
-  !               option = 2 to test the cloudy radiance output
-  !
-  ! To run this program you must have the following files
-  ! either resident in the same directory or set up as a
-  ! symbolic link:
-  !   refprof.dat    --    reference profile
-  !   prof.dat       --    input profile
-  !   input.dat      --    file to select channels and surface emis
-  !   rtcoef_platform_id_sensor.dat --  coefficient file to match
-  !   the sensor you request in the input dialogue
-  ! There are unix scripts available to set up the files above and
-  ! run this program (e.g. tstrad_full.scr)
-  ! The output is generated in a file called print.dat.
-  ! This output can be compared with reference output generated
-  ! by the code developers and included with the export package.
-  !
-  ! Current Code Owner: SAF NWP
-  !
-  ! History:
-  ! Version   Date        Comment
-  ! -------   ----        -------
-  !           25/01/2002     Initial version (R. Saunders)
-  !           01/05/2002     Updated for NOAA-17 (R. Saunders)
-  !           01/12/2002     New F90 code with structures (P Brunel A Smith)
-  !           02/01/2003     Comments added (R Saunders)
-  !           10/12/2003     Updated for polarimetric changes (S. English/R.Saunders)
-  !           01/04/2004     Updated for chan setup routines (R.Saunders)
-  !
-  ! Code Description:
-  !   Language:          Fortran 90.
-  !   Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
-  !     Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, only :   &
-     nplatforms          ,&
-     ninst               ,&
-     pi                  ,&
-     errorstatus_fatal   ,&
-     errorstatus_warning ,&
-     errorstatus_success ,&
-     platform_name       ,&
-     sensor_id_mw        ,&
-     inst_name,           &
-     npolar_return,      &
-     npolar_compute
-  Use rttov_types, only : &
-     rttov_coef     ,&
-     profile_type   ,&
-     transmission_Type   ,&
-     radiance_type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  !
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  !
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_setup.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupchan.interface"
-#include "rttov_setupindex.interface"
-#include "rttov_errorhandling.interface"
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-!!#include "rttov_readcoeffs.interface"
-!!#include "rttov_initcoeffs.interface"
-#include "rttov_dealloc_coef.interface"
-#include "tstrad_tl.interface"
-#include "tstrad_ad.interface"
-#include "tstrad_k.interface"
-  !
-  ! Parameter for WV conversion used in all tstrad suite
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  !
-    type( rttov_coef ), allocatable :: coef(:)         ! coefficients
-    type(profile_type), allocatable :: profiles(:)
-    type(transmission_type)   :: transmission
-    type(radiance_type)  :: radiance
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: instrument(:,:) ! instrument id
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nchan(:,:) ! number of channels per instrument and profile
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ifull(:)   ! full test (with TL,AD,K) per instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nprof(:)   ! number of profiles per instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nsurf(:)   ! surface id number per instrument
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: surfem(:,:)   ! surface input emissivity per channel , instrument
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ichan(:,:)   ! channel list per instrument
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: surfem1(:)   ! surface input emissivity per channel for all profiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: ichan1(:)   ! channel list per instrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nbtout
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: polarisations   (:,:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: frequencies   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: channels   (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: lprofiles  (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: emissivity (:)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),    Allocatable :: input_emissivity (:)
-  logical,            Allocatable :: calcemis  (:)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim)              :: coef_errorstatus      ! read coeffs error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: rttov_errorstatus(:)  ! rttov error return code
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: setup_errorstatus(:)  ! setup return code
-  ! min and max satellite id for each platform
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(nplatforms) :: max_satid
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(nplatforms) :: min_satid
-  ! min and max channel numbers for each instrument
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel_old
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel_new
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(0:ninst-1) :: max_channel
-  integer(Kind=jpim), parameter :: mxchn = 6000    ! max number of channels per instruments allowed in one run
-  ! polarisations to be computed and returned
-  integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: indexout(:)
-  ! printing arrays
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_radcld(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_emis(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_trans_lev(:,:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_upclr(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_dncld(:,:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_refclr(:)
-  real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: pr_ovcst(:,:)
-  integer(Kind=jpim), dimension(1:mxchn) :: pr_pol
-  data min_satid / 1, 8, 1, 8, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 /
-  data max_satid /17,16, 7,12, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0/
-  data max_channel_old / 20,    4, 3, 15, 5, 3,    7, 8, 8, 9,&
-                   & 24, 2378, 4, 16, 3, 5, 8461,14, 4,22,&
-                   & 2,     8, 4, 18, 3, 2,    3,1000, 40, 22, &
-                   & 5,  3000, 0,  0, 0/
-  data max_channel_new / 20,    4, 3, 15, 5, 3,    4, 8, 8, 9,&
-                   & 24, 2378, 4, 16, 3, 5, 8461,14, 4,22,&
-                   & 2,     8, 4, 18, 3, 2,    3,1000, 40, 22, &
-                   & 5,  3000, 0,  0, 0/
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=6)  :: NameOfRoutine = 'tstrad'
-  Character (len=3)  :: coeff_version = 'old'
-  !
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: Err_Unit        ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nrttovid     ! maximum number of instruments
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: no_id        ! instrument loop index
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ios
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: i,pol_id,ich2
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: ichannels, ibtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jjm, ira, jj
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: jch, jpol
-  integer(Kind=jpim) :: jn, joff1, joff2, joff3
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nprint
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: np, ilev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: n
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nch ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ich ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ii ! intermediate variable
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: s
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: zenang
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: azang
-  logical :: lcloud
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iua
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iue
-  ! Unit numbers for input/output
-  DATA IUA/1/,IOOUT/2/,IUE/56/
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(40)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  !Initialise error management with default value for
-  ! the error unit number and
-  ! Fatal error message output
-  Err_unit = -1
-  verbosity_level = 1
-  ! All error message output
-  verbosity_level = 3
-  call rttov_errorhandling(Err_unit, verbosity_level)
-  ! Beginning of Routine.
-  ! ---------------------
-  OPEN(IOOUT,file='print.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted')
-  ! For more than one satellite
-  ! comment out the next line and uncomment the following two.
-  NRTTOVID  = 1
-  !      PRINT *, 'How many satellites do you want?'
-  !      READ  *, NRTTOVID
-  allocate (coef(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate (instrument(3,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(2))
-  allocate (ifull(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate (nprof(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(5))
-  allocate (nsurf(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(6))
-  !maximum number of channels allowed for one instrument is mxchn
-  allocate (surfem(mxchn,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(7))
-  allocate (ichan (mxchn,nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(8))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  surfem(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-  ichan(:,:) = 0
-     write(*,*)  'Which satellite platform do you want?'
-     WRITE(*,'(4(2x,i3,2x,a8))') (i,platform_name(i), i = 1, nplatforms)
-     READ  *,  Instrument(1,no_id)
-     IF ( Instrument(1,no_id) <= 0  .OR. &
-          &    Instrument(1,no_id) > nplatforms)  STOP 'Platform number not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Which satellite id do you want for this platform?'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Noaaxx = xx  GOESyy = yy'
-     READ  *,  instrument(2,no_id)
-     if( instrument(2,no_id) < min_satid(Instrument(1,no_id)) .or. &
-          & instrument(2,no_id) > max_satid(Instrument(1,no_id))    ) &
-          & STOP 'Satellite id not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*)  'Which instrument type do you want for this satellite?'
-     write(*, '(4(2x,i3,2x,a8))') (i, inst_name(i),  i = 0, ninst-1)
-     READ  *,  instrument(3,no_id)
-     IF ( instrument(3,no_id) < 0 .OR. &
-          &    instrument(3,no_id) > ninst-1)&
-          &   STOP 'instrument number not allowed'
-     WRITE(*,*) ' Forward model only (0) or full gradient test (1)',&
-          &  ' or full radiance output (2)?'
-     READ  *, IFULL(no_id)
-     PRINT  *, ' Number of profiles to test code? '
-     READ  *, NPROF(no_id)
-     PRINT  *, ' Surface type (0=land, 1=sea, 2=ice/snow)? '
-     READ  *, NSURF(no_id)
-     !
-     !
-     if (coeff_version == 'old') max_channel(:)=max_channel_old(:)
-     if (coeff_version == 'new') max_channel(:)=max_channel_new(:)
-     allocate (nchan(nprof(no_id),nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(3))
-     nchan(1:nprof(no_id),no_id) = max_channel(instrument(3,no_id))
-     !
-     ! Note that channels are the same for all instruments
-     ! and all profiles because the filename is the same
-     OPEN (IUE,FILE='input.dat',status='old')
-     READ(IUE,*)
-     NCH = 0
-     DO ICH = 1 , nchan(1,no_id)
-        READ(IUE,*,iostat=ios)I,II,S
-        if(ios /= 0 ) then
-           write (*,*) ' TOO FEW CHANNELS IN INPUT FILE '
-           write (*,*) ' nchan(1,no_id),no_id  ',nchan(1,no_id),no_id
-           stop
-        endif
-        IF(II.GT.0)THEN
-           NCH = NCH + 1
-           ICHAN(nch,no_id)  = I
-           SURFEM(nch,no_id) = s
-        ENDIF
-     ENDDO
-     !
-     CLOSE(IUE)
-     ! nchan(1,no_id) is now the real number of channels selected
-     do j = 1 , nprof(no_id)
-       nchan(j,no_id) = MIN(max_channel(instrument(3,no_id)),NCH)
-     enddo
-     write(6,*)' Number of channels selected = ',nchan(1,no_id)
-     allocate (ichan1(nchan(1,no_id)),stat= alloc_status(8))
-     ichan1(1:nchan(1,no_id)) = ichan(1:nchan(1,no_id),no_id)
-     !
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-     ! Beginning of rttov_readcoeffs test
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-!!$     call rttov_readcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef(no_id), instrument(:,no_id),&
-!!$     call rttov_initcoeffs  (coef_errorstatus, coef(no_id))
-!!$          &  channels = ichan(1:nchan(1,no_id) ,no_id) )
-!!$     if(coef_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) then
-!!$        write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_readcoeffs fatal error'
-!!$        stop
-!!$     endif
-!!$     if( any(coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn( 1 : coef(no_id)%fmv_chn ) /= 1 )) then
-!!$        WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-!!$        do i = 1, nchan(1,no_id)
-!!$           write(*,*) i, coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn(i)
-!!$        end do
-!!$     endif
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-     ! End of rttov_readcoeffs test
-     !---------------------------------------------------------
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  ! Beginning of rttov_setup test
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  allocate ( setup_errorstatus(nrttovid),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error for errorsetup")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  Call rttov_setup (&
-     & setup_errorstatus, & ! out
-     & Err_unit,          & ! in
-     & verbosity_level,   & ! in
-     & nrttovid,          & ! in
-     & coef,              & ! out
-     & instrument,        & ! in
-     & ichan              ) ! in Optional
-  if(any(setup_errorstatus(:) /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-     write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov_setup fatal error'
-     stop
-  endif
-  deallocate( setup_errorstatus ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error for setup_errorstatus")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Stop
-  End If
-  DO no_id = 1, NRTTOVID
-     if( any(coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn( : ) /= 1 )) then
-      WRITE(*,*) ' some requested channels have bad validity parameter'
-        do i = 1, nchan(1,no_id)
-           write(*,*) i, coef(no_id)%ff_val_chn(i)
-        end do
-     endif
-  End Do
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  ! End of rttov_setup test
-  !---------------------------------------------------------
-  !
-  DO no_id = 1, NRTTOVID
-     ! Set up various channel numbers required by RTTOV-8
-     Call rttov_setupchan(nprof(no_id),nchan(1:nprof(no_id),no_id),coef(no_id),nfrequencies, &
-     & nchannels,nbtout)
-     ! total number of channels
-     nlevels =  coef(no_id) % nlevels
-     ! Memory allocation for RTTOV_Direct
-     !-----------------------------------
-     allocate( channels ( nfrequencies ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( rttov_errorstatus(nprof(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( profiles(nprof(no_id)),stat= alloc_status(2))
-     allocate (surfem1(nchannels),stat= alloc_status(7))
-     allocate( polarisations(nchannels,3),stat= alloc_status(1))
-     allocate( frequencies(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(2))
-     allocate( indexout(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(3))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-     do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-        ! allocate model profiles atmospheric arrays with model levels dimension
-        profiles(j) % nlevels =  coef(no_id) % nlevels
-        allocate( profiles(j) % p  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % t  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % q  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % o3 ( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-        allocate( profiles(j) % clw( coef(no_id) % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-        profiles(j) % p(:) = coef(no_id) % ref_prfl_p(:)
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Stop
-        End If
-     end do
-     ! number of channels per RTTOV call is only nchannels
-     allocate( lprofiles  ( nfrequencies )    ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     allocate( emissivity ( nchannels )       ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     allocate( input_emissivity ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     allocate( calcemis  ( nchannels )        ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-     ! allocate transmittance structure
-     allocate( transmission % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-     allocate( transmission % tau_layer     ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-     allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels  ),stat= alloc_status(15))
-     ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-     allocate( radiance % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     allocate( radiance % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     allocate( radiance % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-     allocate( radiance % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-     allocate( radiance % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-     allocate( radiance % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-     allocate( radiance % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat=alloc_status(25))
-     allocate( radiance % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(26))
-     allocate( radiance % overcast ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(27))
-     ! allocate the cloudy radiances with full size even if not used
-     ! Save input values of emissivities for all calculations.
-     allocate( radiance % downcld  ( coef(no_id) % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(28))
-     allocate( radiance % out       ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(29))
-     allocate( radiance % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(30))
-     allocate( radiance % total_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-     allocate( radiance % clear_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-     Allocate(pr_radcld(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-     Allocate(pr_trans(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-     Allocate(pr_emis(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(35))
-     Allocate(pr_trans_lev(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(36))
-     Allocate(pr_upclr(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(37))
-     Allocate(pr_dncld(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(38))
-     Allocate(pr_refclr(nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(39))
-     Allocate(pr_ovcst(coef(no_id) % nlevels,nbtout) ,stat= alloc_status(40))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-     WRITE(6,*)'Zenith angle (degrees)?'
-     READ(5,*)ZENANG
-     WRITE(6,*)'Azimuth angle (degrees)?'
-     READ(5,*)AZANG
-     WRITE(6,*)' Number of level =',NLEVELS
-     ! Read profile ONE and fill other profiles with profile one
-     OPEN (IUA,FILE='prof.dat',status='old')
-     !
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % t(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % q(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % o3(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     profiles(1) % ozone_data = .true.
-     profiles(1) % co2_data   = .false.
-     JJM = 0
-     DO  IRA = 1 , 1+(NLEVELS-1)/10
-        JJ = 1+JJM
-        JJM = MIN(JJ+9,NLEVELS)
-        READ(IUA,*) (profiles(1) % clw(J),J=JJ,JJM)
-     end do
-     ! check value of first level
-     profiles(1) % clw_data = profiles(1) % clw(1) >= 0.0_JPRB
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % s2m % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % q ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % p ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % u ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % v
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % skin % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % skin % fastem
-     READ(IUA,*) profiles(1) % ctp,&
-          & profiles(1) % cfraction
-     !
-     CLOSE(IUA)
-     !
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %   t(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %   q(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) %  o3(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (profiles(1) % clw(JJ) ,JJ=1,NLEVELS)
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % s2m % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % q ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % p ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % u ,&
-          & profiles(1) % s2m % v
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % skin % t ,&
-          & profiles(1) % skin % fastem
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) profiles(1) % ctp,&
-          & profiles(1) % cfraction
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     !  Convert lnq to q in ppmv for profile
-     !
-     profiles(1) %    q(:) = (exp(profiles(1) %     q(:)) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     profiles(1) % s2m % q = (exp(profiles(1) %  s2m % q) / 1000._JPRB) * q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-     ! Keep Ozone in ppmv
-     ! viewing geometry
-     profiles(1)  % zenangle      = ZENANG
-     profiles(1)  % azangle       = AZANG
-     ! surface type
-     profiles(1)  % skin % surftype = nsurf(no_id)
-     !.. Fill profile arrays with the 1 profile NPROF times
-     DO  J = 1 , NPROF(no_id)
-        profiles(j) % p(:)   = profiles(1) % p(:)
-        profiles(j) % t(:)   = profiles(1) % t(:)
-        profiles(j) % q(:)   = profiles(1) % q(:)
-        profiles(j) % o3(:)  = profiles(1) % o3(:)
-        profiles(j) % clw(:) = profiles(1) % clw(:)
-        profiles(j) % s2m    = profiles(1) % s2m
-        profiles(j) % skin   = profiles(1) % skin
-        profiles(j) % ctp    = profiles(1) % ctp
-        profiles(j) % cfraction   = profiles(1) % cfraction
-        profiles(j) % ozone_data  = profiles(1) % ozone_data
-        profiles(j) % co2_data    = profiles(1) % co2_data
-        profiles(j) % clw_data    = profiles(1) % clw_data
-        profiles(j) % zenangle    = profiles(1) % zenangle
-        profiles(j) % azangle     = profiles(1) % azangle
-     end do
-     ! Build the list of channels/profiles indices
-     surfem1(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     nch = 1
-     do j = 1 , nprof(no_id)
-       surfem1(nch:nch+nchan(j,no_id)-1) = surfem(1:nchan(1,no_id),no_id)  !Assume emissivities same as first profile
-       nch = nch+nchan(j,no_id)
-     enddo
-     nch = 0
-     Call rttov_setupindex (nchan(1:nprof(no_id),no_id),nprof(no_id),nfrequencies,nchannels,nbtout,coef(no_id),&
-     & surfem1,lprofiles,channels,polarisations,emissivity)
-     !
-     nch = 0
-     ibtout=0
-     DO  J=1,NPROF(no_id)
-        DO  JCH=1,NCHAN(1,no_id)
-           nch = nch +1
-           If( coef(no_id) % id_sensor /= sensor_id_mw) then
-              frequencies(ibtout+1) = nch
-              ibtout=ibtout+1
-           End If
-           If( coef(no_id) % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw) then
-              pol_id = coef(no_id) % fastem_polar(jch) + 1
-              Do i=1, npolar_return(pol_id)
-                 frequencies(ibtout+i)=nch
-              End Do
-             ibtout=ibtout+npolar_return(pol_id)
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End Do
-     write(6,*)' nfreq=',nfrequencies,' nchannels=',nchannels,' nbtout=',nbtout
-     !write(6,*)' Channels ',(channels(ich2),ich2=1,nfrequencies)
-     !write(6,*)(polarisations(ich2,1),ich2=1,nchannels)
-     !write(6,*)(polarisations(ich2,2),ich2=1,nchannels)
-     !write(6,*)(polarisations(ich2,3),ich2=1,nchannels)
-     ! save input values of emissivities for all calculations
-     ! calculate emissivity where the input emissivity value is less than 0.01
-     input_emissivity(:) = emissivity(:)
-     calcemis(:) = emissivity(:) < 0.01_JPRB
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     !
-     WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ichan(J,no_id), J = 1,NCHAN(1,no_id))
-     WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-          &      ,'SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-     JOFF1=0
-     WRITE(IOOUT,444) (emissivity(J+JOFF1),J=1,NCHAN(1,no_id))
-     WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-     IF(IFULL(no_id).EQ.2)THEN
-        LCLOUD =.TRUE.
-     ELSE
-        LCLOUD =.FALSE.
-        radiance % downcld(:,:) = 0._JPRB
-     ENDIF
-     if(nprof(no_id).gt.1)THEN
-     call rttov_direct(  &
-          rttov_errorstatus,  & ! out
-          nfrequencies, & ! in
-          nchannels,    & ! in
-          nbtout,       & ! in
-          nprof(no_id), & ! in
-          channels,     & ! in
-          polarisations,& ! in
-          lprofiles,    & ! in
-          profiles,     & ! in
-          coef(no_id),  & ! in
-          lcloud,       & ! in
-          calcemis,     & ! in
-          emissivity,   & ! inout
-          transmission, & ! out
-          radiance  )     ! inout
-     ELSE
-! extra do loop to increase run time for SX-6 tests
-     do j = 1 , 1000
-     call rttov_direct(  &
-          rttov_errorstatus,  & ! out
-          nfrequencies, & ! in
-          nchannels,    & ! in
-          nbtout,       & ! in
-          nprof(no_id), & ! in
-          channels,     & ! in
-          polarisations,& ! in
-          lprofiles,    & ! in
-          profiles,     & ! in
-          coef(no_id),  & ! in
-          lcloud,       & ! in
-          calcemis,     & ! in
-          emissivity,   & ! inout
-          transmission, & ! out
-          radiance  )     ! inout
-     enddo
-     ENDIF
-     If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_warning ) ) Then
-        Do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-           If ( rttov_errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_warning ) Then
-              write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov warning for profile',j
-           End If
-        End Do
-     End If
-     If ( any( rttov_errorstatus(:) == errorstatus_fatal ) ) Then
-        Do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-           If ( rttov_errorstatus(j) == errorstatus_fatal ) Then
-              write ( ioout, * ) 'rttov error for profile',j
-           End If
-        End Do
-        Stop
-     End If
-     ! transfer data to printing arrays
-     pr_pol(:) = 0
-     pr_radcld(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_trans(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_emis(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_trans_lev(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_upclr(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_dncld(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_refclr(:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     pr_ovcst(:,:) = 0.0_JPRB
-     !
-     do j = 1 , nchannels
-       jpol = polarisations(j,2)
-       if (nbtout == nchannels) then
-          jpol = j
-       endif
-       pr_pol(jpol) = jpol
-       pr_radcld(jpol) = radiance % cloudy(j)
-       pr_trans(jpol) = Transmission % tau_surf(J)
-       pr_emis(jpol) = emissivity(j)
-       pr_upclr(jpol) = radiance % upclear(J)
-       pr_refclr(jpol) = radiance % reflclear(J)
-       do ilev = 1 , nlevels
-         pr_trans_lev(ilev,jpol) = Transmission % tau_layer(ilev,J)
-         pr_dncld(ilev,jpol) = radiance % downcld(ILEV,J)
-         pr_ovcst(ilev,jpol) = radiance % overcast(ILEV,J)
-       enddo
-     enddo
-     !     OUTPUT RESULTS
-     !
-     NPRINT = 1+ INT((nbtout-1)/(10*nprof(no_id)))
-     DO  JN=1,NPROF(no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' Profile number ',JN, 'Instrument ',&
-             &                    instrument(3,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' -----------------'
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-!        JOFF=NCHAN(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF1=nbtout/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF2=nbtout/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        JOFF3=nfrequencies/nprof(no_id)*(JN-1)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,777)instrument(2,no_id), profiles(jn)%zenangle,profiles(jn)%azangle,profiles(jn)%skin%surftype
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (radiance % out(J+JOFF1),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED RADIANCES: SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (radiance % total_out(J+JOFF1),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)' '
-        WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED OVERCAST RADIANCES: SAT =', instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,222) (pr_radcld(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-             &      ,'AT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,4444) (pr_trans(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-             &      ,'SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-        WRITE(IOOUT,444) (pr_emis(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        !
-        !  Print  clear-sky radiance without reflection term and
-        !  reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance
-        !
-        IF(IFULL(no_id) == 2 .AND. nchan(1,no_id) <= 20 )THEN
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-           WRITE(IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Clear-sky radiance without reflection term'&
-                &      ,' SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(pr_upclr(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CALCULATED Reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance'&
-                &      ,' SAT =',instrument(2,no_id)
-           WRITE(IOOUT,444)(pr_refclr(J+JOFF2),J=1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-           WRITE (IOOUT,*)'CHANNELS '
-           WRITE(IOOUT,111) (ichan(j,no_id), J = 1,nbtout/nprof(no_id))
-        ENDIF
-        !
-        IF(JN.EQ.1 .AND. nchan(1,no_id) .LE. 20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space transmittances for channels'
-!              WRITE(IOOUT,1115)(pr_pol(j),&
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4445)ILEV,(pr_trans_lev(ilev,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-        !
-        !  Print radiance upwelling arrays
-        IF(JN==1 .AND. IFULL(no_id)==2 .AND. nchan(1,no_id)<=20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space upwelling radiances for channels'
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(pr_ovcst(ILEV,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-        !  Print radiance downwelling arrays
-        IF(JN==1 .AND. IFULL(no_id)==2 .AND. nchan(1,no_id)<=20)THEN
-           DO  NP = 1 , NPRINT
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)' '
-              WRITE (IOOUT,*)'Level to space downwelling radiances for channels'
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              DO  ILEV = 1 , NLEVELS
-                 WRITE(IOOUT,4446)ILEV,(pr_dncld(ILEV,J+JOFF2),&
-                      &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-              end do
-              WRITE(IOOUT,1115) (ICHAN(J,no_id),&
-                   &   J = 1+(NP-1)*10,MIN(10+(NP-1)*10,nbtout/nprof(no_id)))
-           end do
-        ENDIF
-     end do
-     !
-     IF (IFULL(no_id).GE.1)THEN
-        !
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------
-        ! Test tangent linear
-        !-----------------------------------------------------------
-        write(*,*) 'Tangent linear'
-        call TSTRAD_TL(  &
-             nfrequencies,   & ! in
-             nchannels,      & ! in
-             nbtout,         & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),   & ! in
-             channels,       & ! in
-             polarisations,  & ! in
-             lprofiles,      & ! in
-             frequencies,    & ! in
-             profiles,       & ! in
-             coef(no_id),    & ! in
-             lcloud,         & ! in
-             calcemis,       & ! in
-             input_emissivity) ! in
-        write(*,*) 'Adjoint'
-        call TSTRAD_AD(  &
-             nfrequencies,   & ! in
-             nchannels,      & ! in
-             nbtout,         & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),   & ! in
-             channels,       & ! in
-             polarisations,  & ! in
-             frequencies,    & ! in
-             lprofiles,      & ! in
-             profiles,       & ! in
-             coef(no_id),    & ! in
-             lcloud,         & ! in
-             calcemis,       & ! in
-             input_emissivity) ! in
-        write(*,*) 'K'
-        call TSTRAD_K(  &
-             nfrequencies,   & ! in
-             nchannels,      & ! in
-             nbtout,         & ! in
-             nprof(no_id),   & ! in
-             channels,       & ! in
-             polarisations,  & ! in
-             frequencies,    & ! in
-             lprofiles,      & ! in
-             profiles,       & ! in
-             coef(no_id),    & ! in
-             lcloud,         & ! in
-             calcemis,       & ! in
-             input_emissivity) ! in
-     deallocate(xkbav   ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     deallocate(xkradovu,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     deallocate(xkradovd,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     deallocate(xkradov1,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     deallocate(xkradov2,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     deallocate(xkbsav  ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     deallocate(xkbem   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-         errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-         Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-         Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-         Stop
-     End If
-     ENDIF
-     do j = 1, nprof(no_id)
-        ! deallocate model profiles atmospheric arrays
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % p   ,stat=alloc_status(1))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % t   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % q   ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % o3  ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-        deallocate( profiles(j) % clw ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-        If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-           errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-           Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-           Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-           Stop
-        End If
-     end do
-     deallocate( profiles,stat=alloc_status(1))
-     ! number of channels per RTTOV call is only nchannels
-     deallocate( channels   ,stat=alloc_status(2))
-     deallocate( lprofiles  ,stat=alloc_status(3))
-     deallocate( emissivity ,stat=alloc_status(4))
-     deallocate( calcemis   ,stat=alloc_status(5))
-     ! allocate transmittance structure
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-     deallocate( radiance % clear    ,stat=alloc_status(9))
-     deallocate( radiance % cloudy   ,stat=alloc_status(10))
-     deallocate( radiance % total    ,stat=alloc_status(11))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt       ,stat=alloc_status(12))
-     deallocate( radiance % bt_clear ,stat=alloc_status(13))
-     deallocate( radiance % upclear  ,stat=alloc_status(14))
-     deallocate( radiance % dnclear  ,stat=alloc_status(15))
-     deallocate( radiance % reflclear,stat=alloc_status(16))
-     deallocate( radiance % overcast ,stat=alloc_status(17))
-     deallocate( radiance % downcld  ,stat=alloc_status(18))
-     deallocate( radiance % out       ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     deallocate( radiance % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     deallocate( radiance % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-     deallocate( radiance % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-     deallocate(pr_radcld ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-     deallocate(pr_trans ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-     deallocate(pr_emis ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-     deallocate(pr_trans_lev ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Stop
-     End If
-  Do no_id = 1, nrttovid
-     Call rttov_dealloc_coef (errorstatus, coef(no_id))
-     If(errorstatus /= errorstatus_success) Then
-        Write( errMessage, '( "deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Endif
-  End Do
-111 FORMAT(1X,10I8)
-1115 FORMAT(3X,10I8)
-2222 FORMAT(1X,10(1x,F8.6))
-222 FORMAT(1X,10F8.2)
-333 FORMAT(1X,I3,20I5)
-3333 FORMAT(1X,I3,2I5)
-444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.3)
-4444 FORMAT(1X,10F8.4)
-4445 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.4)
-4446 FORMAT(1X,I2,10F8.3)
-555 FORMAT(1X,10E8.2)
-       &' ZENITH ANGLE=',F6.2, &
-       &' AZIMUTH ANGLE=',F7.2,' SURFACE TYPE=',I2)
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_tl.F90 b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_tl.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fb4cb0c12bcff32db80a7f38ad05545f5b5f40f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_tl.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1393 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine tstrad_tl(   &
-     & nfrequencies,    &! in
-     & nchannels,       &! in
-     & nbtout,          &! in
-     & nprofiles,       &! in
-     & channels,        &! in
-     & polarisations,   &! in
-     & lprofiles,       &! in
-     & frequencies,     &! in
-     & profiles,        &! in
-     & coef,            &! in
-     & addcloud,        &! in
-     & calcemis,        &! in
-     & input_emissivity) ! in
-  !
-  ! only the first nchannels/nprofiles are output
-  !
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       & errorstatus_success, &
-       & errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       & sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       & rttov_coef     ,&
-       & profile_Type   ,&
-       & transmission_Type   ,&
-       & radiance_Type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
-#include "rttov_direct.interface"
-#include "rttov_tl.interface"
-  !subroutine arguments:
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: input_emissivity(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: frequencies(nbtout)
-  ! local
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnav  =  4       ! no. of profile variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnsav =  5       ! no. of surface air variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpnssv =  6       ! no. of skin variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: jpncv  =  2       ! no. of cloud variables
-  Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: sscvar = jpnsav+jpnssv+jpncv ! no of surface,skin,cloud vars
-  Character (len=80) :: errMessage
-  Character (len=10) :: NameOfRoutine = 'tstrad_tl '
-  ! forward model outputs
-  Type(transmission_Type)   :: transmission
-  Type(radiance_Type)   :: radiancedata
-  Type(radiance_Type)   :: radiance_fwd
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   :: emissivity_fwd(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)   :: emissivity(nchannels)
-  ! tl increments
-  Type(profile_Type)  :: prof_inc(nprofiles)
-  Type(profile_Type)  :: null_inc(nprofiles) ! all increments set to 0
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: emissivity_inc(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: null_emissivity_inc(nchannels)
-  ! tl variables for rttov_tl calls
-  Type(profile_Type)  :: profiles_tl(nprofiles)
-  Type(transmission_Type)   :: transmission_tl
-  Type(radiance_Type) :: radiancedata_tl
-  Real(Kind=jprb)  :: emissivity_tl(nchannels)
-  ! Brute force
-  Type(profile_Type)    :: profiles_bf(nprofiles)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)     :: emissivity_bf(nchannels)
-  Logical  :: calcemis_bf(nchannels)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlev
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkov(coef%nlevels,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: pktav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkem(nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixksav(sscvar,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: pktsav(sscvar,nbtout)
-  ! Brute force results
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkdav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xktav (coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkdsav(sscvar,nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xktsav (sscvar,nbtout)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ixkdem(nbtout)
-  Real(Kind=jprb)    :: xktem (nbtout)
-  ! coefficients for printing
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facpav(coef%nlevels,jpnav)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facovu(coef%nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facovd(coef%nlevels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facem = 1._JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: facsav(sscvar) =&
-        & (/10000._JPRB,0.1_JPRB,10000._JPRB,10000._JPRB,10000._JPRB,       &! 2m
-        & 10000._JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,100.0_JPRB,  &! Skin
-        & 10000._JPRB,100._JPRB/)                           ! cloud
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: q_mixratio_to_ppmv  = 1.60771704e+6_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb), Parameter :: o3_mixratio_to_ppmv = 6.03504e+5_JPRB
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: inc_val   ! increment value
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: inc_val_p ! increment value for printing (ppmv -> kg/kg)
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: diffr
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sumr
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: sumrr
-  Real(Kind=jprb) :: fac
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ioout = 2
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: jch
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j, i, ii, jp, joff, ipol
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: prof
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchan_out
-  Character (len=30) :: title(4) = &
-        & (/' lev       temperature        ', &
-          & ' lev       water vapour       ',   &
-          & ' lev       ozone              ',   &
-          & ' lev       liquid water       '/)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: rttov_errorstatus(nprofiles)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(60)
-  !- End of header --------------------------------------------------------
-  errorstatus     = 0
-  alloc_status(:) = 0
-  rttov_errorstatus(:)    = 0
-  nchan_out = nbtout/nprofiles
-  nlev = coef % nlevels
-  ! coefficients for atmospheric variables
-  facpav(:,1) = 10000._JPRB
-  facpav(:,2) = 0.1_JPRB
-  facpav(:,3) = 0.001_JPRB
-  facpav(:,4) = 0.1_JPRB
-  facovu(:)   = 10000._JPRB
-  facovd(:)   = 100000._JPRB
-  allocate(xkbav(coef%nlevels,jpnav,nbtout),stat= alloc_status(1))
-  allocate(xkradovu(coef%nlevels,nchannels),stat= alloc_status(2))
-  allocate(xkradovd(coef%nlevels,nchannels),stat= alloc_status(3))
-  allocate(xkradov1(coef%nlevels,nchannels),stat= alloc_status(4))
-  allocate(xkradov2(coef%nlevels,nchannels),stat= alloc_status(5))
-  allocate(xkbsav(sscvar,nbtout),stat= alloc_status(6))
-  allocate(xkbem(nbtout),stat= alloc_status(7))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  xkbav(:,:,:)=0._JPRB
-  pktav(:,:,:)=0._JPRB
-  ! allocate and initialise the reference tl increments
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     prof_inc(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     null_inc(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     profiles_tl(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     profiles_bf(j) % nlevels =  coef % nlevels
-     Allocate( prof_inc(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Allocate( prof_inc(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Allocate( prof_inc(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Allocate( prof_inc(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Allocate( prof_inc(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Allocate( null_inc(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     Allocate( null_inc(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     Allocate( null_inc(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     Allocate( null_inc(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     Allocate( null_inc(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-     Allocate( profiles_tl(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-     Allocate( profiles_bf(j) % p  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-     Allocate( profiles_bf(j) % t  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-     Allocate( profiles_bf(j) % q  ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-     Allocate( profiles_bf(j) % o3 ( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     Allocate( profiles_bf(j) % clw( coef % nlevels ) ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! allocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Allocate( radiancedata % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % dnclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % out      ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % total_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Allocate( radiancedata % clear_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % out      ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % total_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(25))
-  Allocate( radiancedata_tl % clear_out( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(26))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % clear    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(27))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % cloudy   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(28))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % total    ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(29))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % bt       ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(30))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % bt_clear ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % upclear  ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % reflclear( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % overcast ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % downcld  ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(35))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % out      ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(36))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % out_clear( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(37))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % total_out ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(38))
-  Allocate( radiance_fwd % clear_out ( nbtout ) ,stat= alloc_status(39))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_surf   ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(40))
-  Allocate( transmission % tau_layer   ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(41))
-  Allocate( transmission % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(42))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % tau_surf      ( nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(46))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % tau_layer     ( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(47))
-  Allocate( transmission_tl % od_singlelayer( coef % nlevels, nchannels ) ,stat= alloc_status(48))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem allocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     prof_inc(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % zenangle   = -1  ! no meaning
-     ! increments for atmospheric variables
-     prof_inc(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB    ! no tl on pressure levels
-     prof_inc(j) % t(:)   = -1._JPRB   ! 1k on temperarure
-     prof_inc(j) % o3(:)  = -0.01_JPRB !  0.01_JPRB ppmv
-     prof_inc(j) % clw(:) = 0.001_JPRB ! 1g/kg on clw
-     prof_inc(j) % q(:) = -0.1_JPRB * profiles(j) % q(:)  ! - 10% on wv
-     ! increments for air surface variables
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % t = -1._JPRB   ! 1k on temperarure
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % q = -1.6077_JPRB !  ppmv
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % p = -10._JPRB  ! -10 hpa on pressure
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % u = 0.01_JPRB   ! 0.01_JPRB m/s on wind components
-     prof_inc(j) % s2m % v = 0.01_JPRB   ! 0.01_JPRB m/s on wind components
-     ! increments for skin variables
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % t        = -1._JPRB   ! 1k on temperarure
-     prof_inc(j) % skin % fastem   = (/-0.01_JPRB,-0.01_JPRB,-0.1_JPRB,-0.001_JPRB,-0.001_JPRB/)
-     ! increments for cloud variables
-     prof_inc(j) % ctp       = -10._JPRB  ! -10 hpa on pressure
-     prof_inc(j) % cfraction = 0.1_JPRB   ! 0.1_JPRB on cloud fraction
-  End Do
-  ! emissivity
-  emissivity_inc(:) = -0.01_JPRB
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     null_inc(j) % ozone_Data = .False.  ! no meaning
-     null_inc(j) % co2_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     null_inc(j) % clw_Data   = .False.  ! no meaning
-     null_inc(j) % zenangle   = -1  ! no meaning
-     null_inc(j) % p(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % t(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % q(:)   = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % o3(:)  = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % clw(:) = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % s2m % t  = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % s2m % q  = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % s2m % p  = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % s2m % u  = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % s2m % v  = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % skin % surftype = -1  ! no meaning
-     null_inc(j) % skin % t        = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % skin % fastem   = (/0._JPRB, 0._JPRB, 0._JPRB, 0._JPRB, 0._JPRB/)
-     null_inc(j) % ctp       = 0._JPRB
-     null_inc(j) % cfraction = 0._JPRB
-  End Do
-  null_emissivity_inc(:)  = 0._JPRB
-  !..print out increments
-  Write(ioout,*)' '
-  Write(ioout,*)' input profile increments for tl'
-  Write(ioout,444) prof_inc(1) % t(:)
-  Write(ioout,444) prof_inc(1) % q(:)  /q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  Write(ioout,444) prof_inc(1) % o3(:) /o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-  Write(ioout,444) prof_inc(1) % clw(:)
-  Write(ioout,444)&
-        & prof_inc(1) % s2m % t, &
-        & prof_inc(1) % s2m % q /q_mixratio_to_ppmv, &
-        & prof_inc(1) % s2m % p, &
-        & prof_inc(1) % s2m % u, &
-        & prof_inc(1) % s2m % v
-  Write(ioout,444)&
-        & prof_inc(1) % skin % t, &
-        & prof_inc(1) % skin % fastem
-  Write(ioout,444)&
-        & prof_inc(1) % ctp,&
-        & prof_inc(1) % cfraction
-  Write(ioout,*)' '
-  !
-  !...first do profile variables.....................
-  Do  j =1,jpnav    ! yes clw too!
-     Do  ii=1,nlev
-        ! initialise all increments to 0
-        Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-           profiles_tl(jp) % p(:)   = null_inc(jp) % p(:)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % t(:)   = null_inc(jp) % t(:)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % q(:)   = null_inc(jp) % q(:)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % o3(:)  = null_inc(jp) % o3(:)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % clw(:) = null_inc(jp) % clw(:)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m    = null_inc(jp) % s2m
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin   = null_inc(jp) % skin
-           profiles_tl(jp) % ctp    = null_inc(jp) % ctp
-           profiles_tl(jp) % cfraction   = null_inc(jp) % cfraction
-           profiles_tl(jp) % ozone_Data  = null_inc(jp) % ozone_Data
-           profiles_tl(jp) % co2_Data    = null_inc(jp) % co2_Data
-           profiles_tl(jp) % clw_Data    = null_inc(jp) % clw_Data
-           profiles_tl(jp) % zenangle    = null_inc(jp) % zenangle
-        End Do
-        emissivity_tl(:) = null_emissivity_inc(:)
-        Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-           ! except the considered level/variable
-           Select Case (j)
-           Case (1_jpim)
-              profiles_tl(jp) % t(ii)   = prof_inc(jp) % t(ii)
-              inc_val   = prof_inc(1) % t(ii)
-              inc_val_p = inc_val
-           Case (2_jpim)
-              profiles_tl(jp) % q(ii)   = prof_inc(jp) % q(ii)
-              inc_val   = prof_inc(1) % q(ii)
-              inc_val_p = inc_val / q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-           Case (3_jpim)
-              profiles_tl(jp) % o3(ii)  = prof_inc(jp) % o3(ii)
-              inc_val   = prof_inc(1) % o3(ii)
-              inc_val_p = inc_val / o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-           Case (4_jpim)
-              profiles_tl(jp) % clw(ii) = prof_inc(jp) % clw(ii)
-              inc_val   = prof_inc(1) % clw(ii)
-              inc_val_p = inc_val
-           End Select
-        End Do
-        ! use stored input emmisisvity
-        emissivity(:) = input_emissivity(:)
-        Call rttov_tl( &
-             & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-             & nfrequencies,    &! in
-             & nchannels,       &! in
-             & nbtout,          &! in
-             & nprofiles,       &! in
-             & channels,        &! in
-             & polarisations,   &! in
-             & lprofiles,       &! in
-             & profiles,        &! in
-             & coef,            &! in
-             & addcloud,        &! in
-             & calcemis,        &! in
-             & emissivity,      &! inout
-             & profiles_tl,     &! in
-             & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-             & transmission,    &! inout
-             & transmission_tl, &! inout
-             & radiancedata,    &! out
-             & radiancedata_tl ) ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-        If (inc_val == 0._JPRB) Then
-           xkbav(ii,j,:)=0._JPRB
-           pktav(ii,j,:)=0._JPRB
-        Else
-           pktav(ii,j,:)=radiancedata_tl%out(:)
-           xkbav(ii,j,:)=radiancedata_tl%out(:) / inc_val
-           If(addcloud .And. j==1)Then
-              xkradovu(ii,:)=radiancedata_tl%overcast(ii,:)/inc_val
-              xkradovd(ii,:)=radiancedata_tl%downcld (ii,:)/inc_val
-              xkradov1(ii,:)=radiancedata_tl%upclear(:)/inc_val
-              xkradov2(ii,:)=radiancedata_tl%reflclear(:)/inc_val
-           Endif
-        Endif
-        ixkav(ii,j,:)=Nint(radiancedata_tl%out(:)*facpav(ii,j)/ inc_val_p)
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  !          ... and print it.
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)'k-matrix: tangent linear.'
-!!$  Do  jch=1,nchannels
-!!$     ixkav(:,:,jch)=Nint(xkbav(:,:,jch)*facpav(:,:))
-!!$  End Do
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do j = 1 , jpnav                   ! lwp on
-     Write (ioout,'(a30)')title(j)
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkav(i,j,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Enddo
-  ! optionally print full radiance arrays
-  If(addcloud)Then
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-     Write (ioout,*)'k-matrix: upwelling radiance tl '
-     Do  jch=1,nbtout
-        ixkov(:,jch)=Nint(xkradovu(:,jch)*facovu(:))
-     End Do
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkov(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-     Write (ioout,*)'k-matrix: downwelling radiance tl '
-     Do  jch=1,nbtout
-        ixkov(:,jch)=Nint(xkradovd(:,jch)*facovd(:))
-     End Do
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkov(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-     Write (ioout,*)'k-matrix: clear-sky radiance without reflection term tl '
-     Do  jch=1,nbtout
-        ixkov(:,jch)=Nint(xkradov1(:,jch)*facovu(:))
-     End Do
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkov(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-     Write (ioout,*)'k-matrix: reflected clear-sky downwelling radiance tl '
-     Do  jch=1,nbtout
-        ixkov(:,jch)=Nint(xkradov2(:,jch)*facovd(:))*10._JPRB
-     End Do
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkov(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Endif
-  ! initialise all increments to 0
-  Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_tl(jp) % p(:)   = null_inc(jp) % p(:)
-     profiles_tl(jp) % t(:)   = null_inc(jp) % t(:)
-     profiles_tl(jp) % q(:)   = null_inc(jp) % q(:)
-     profiles_tl(jp) % o3(:)  = null_inc(jp) % o3(:)
-     profiles_tl(jp) % clw(:) = null_inc(jp) % clw(:)
-     profiles_tl(jp) % s2m    = null_inc(jp) % s2m
-     profiles_tl(jp) % skin   = null_inc(jp) % skin
-     profiles_tl(jp) % ctp    = null_inc(jp) % ctp
-     profiles_tl(jp) % cfraction   = null_inc(jp) % cfraction
-     profiles_tl(jp) % ozone_Data  = null_inc(jp) % ozone_Data
-     profiles_tl(jp) % co2_Data    = null_inc(jp) % co2_Data
-     profiles_tl(jp) % clw_Data    = null_inc(jp) % clw_Data
-     profiles_tl(jp) % zenangle    = null_inc(jp) % zenangle
-  End Do
-  emissivity_tl(:) = null_emissivity_inc(:)
-  !.......now do surface, skin and cloud variables
-  Do  j =1,sscvar
-     Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-        ! except the considered level/variable
-        Select Case (j)
-        Case (1_jpim)
-           ! t 2m
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % t
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % t   = inc_val
-        Case (2_jpim)
-           ! wv 2m
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % q
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % q   = inc_val
-        Case (3_jpim)
-           ! surface pressure
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % p
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % p   = inc_val
-        Case (4_jpim)
-           ! wind speed u component
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % u
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % u   = inc_val
-        Case (5_jpim)
-           ! wind speed v component
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % v
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % v   = inc_val
-        Case (6_jpim)
-           ! skin temp
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % t
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % t   = inc_val
-        Case (7_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 1
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(1)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(1)   = inc_val
-        Case (8_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 2
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(2)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(2)   = inc_val
-        Case (9_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 3
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(3)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(3)   = inc_val
-        Case (10_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 4
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(4)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(4)   = inc_val
-        Case (11_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 5
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(5)
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(5)   = inc_val
-        Case (12_jpim)
-           ! cloud top pressure
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % ctp
-           profiles_tl(jp) % ctp   = inc_val
-        Case (13_jpim)
-           ! cloud fraction
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % cfraction
-           profiles_tl(jp) % cfraction   = inc_val
-        End Select
-     End Do
-     ! use stored input emmisisvity
-     emissivity(:) = input_emissivity(:)
-     emissivity_tl(:) = null_emissivity_inc(:)
-     Call rttov_tl( &
-          & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-          & nfrequencies,    &! in
-          & nchannels,       &! in
-          & nbtout,          &! in
-          & nprofiles,       &! in
-          & channels,        &! in
-          & polarisations,   &! in
-          & lprofiles,       &! in
-          & profiles,        &! in
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & addcloud,        &! in
-          & calcemis,        &! in
-          & emissivity,      &! inout
-          & profiles_tl,     &! in
-          & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-          & transmission,    &! inout
-          & transmission_tl, &! inout
-          & radiancedata,    &! inout
-          & radiancedata_tl ) ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-     Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-        ! reset profile for next variable
-        Select Case (j)
-        Case (1_jpim)
-           ! t 2m
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % t   = null_inc(jp) % s2m % t
-        Case (2_jpim)
-           ! wv 2m
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % q   = null_inc(jp) % s2m % q
-        Case (3_jpim)
-           ! surface pressure
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % p   = null_inc(jp) % s2m % p
-        Case (4_jpim)
-           ! wind speed u component
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % u   = null_inc(jp) % s2m % u
-        Case (5_jpim)
-           ! wind speed v component
-           profiles_tl(jp) % s2m % v   = null_inc(jp) % s2m % v
-        Case (6_jpim)
-           ! skin temp
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % t   = null_inc(jp) % skin % t
-        Case (7_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 1
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(1)   = null_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(1)
-        Case (8_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 2
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(2)   = null_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(2)
-        Case (9_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 3
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(3)   = null_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(3)
-        Case (10_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 4
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(4)   = null_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(4)
-        Case (11_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 5
-           profiles_tl(jp) % skin % fastem(5)   = null_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(5)
-        Case (12_jpim)
-           ! cloud top pressure
-           profiles_tl(jp) % ctp   = null_inc(jp) % ctp
-        Case (13_jpim)
-           ! cloud fraction
-           profiles_tl(jp) % cfraction   = null_inc(jp) % cfraction
-        End Select
-     End Do
-     If( inc_val == 0._JPRB ) Then
-        pktsav(j,:) = 0._JPRB
-        xkbsav(j,:) = 0._JPRB
-     Else
-        pktsav(j,:) = radiancedata_tl%out(:)
-        xkbsav(j,:) = radiancedata_tl%out(:) / inc_val
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Do  jch=1,nbtout
-     ixksav(:,jch)=Nint(xkbsav(:,jch)*facsav(:))
-  End Do
-  !          ... and print it.
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = 1 , jpnsav
-     Write (ioout,333)i,(ixksav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' skin variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+1 , jpnsav+jpnssv
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav,(ixksav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' cloud variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+jpnssv+1 , sscvar
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav-jpnssv,(ixksav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  !.......now do surface emissivity
-  Do  j =1,nbtout
-     ! use stored input emmisisvity
-     emissivity(:)    = input_emissivity(:)
-     ! increment for only one channel
-     emissivity_tl(:) = null_emissivity_inc(:)
-     Do ipol=1, polarisations(frequencies(j),3)
-        inc_val          = emissivity_inc(polarisations(frequencies(j),1)+ipol-1)
-        emissivity_tl(polarisations(frequencies(j),1)+ipol-1) = inc_val
-     End Do
-     Call rttov_tl( &
-          & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-          & nfrequencies,    &! in
-          & nchannels,       &! in
-          & nbtout,          &! in
-          & nprofiles,       &! in
-          & channels,        &! in
-          & polarisations,   &! in
-          & lprofiles,       &! in
-          & profiles,        &! in
-          & coef,            &! in
-          & addcloud,        &! in
-          & calcemis,        &! in
-          & emissivity,      &! inout
-          & profiles_tl,     &! in
-          & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-          & transmission,    &! inout
-          & transmission_tl, &! inout
-          & radiancedata,    &! inout
-          & radiancedata_tl ) ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-     !.......Except for FASTEM-2 (input <0)
-     !If( emissivity_tl(j) == 0. .Or. input_emissivity(j)<0.) Then
-    If( emissivity_tl(polarisations(frequencies(j),1)) == 0._JPRB .Or. &
-     & ( coef % fastem_ver >= 2 .and. calcemis(j)) ) Then
-        xkbem(j) = 0._JPRB
-     Else
-        xkbem(j) = radiancedata_tl%out(j) / inc_val
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ixkem(:)=Nint(xkbem(:)*facem)
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface emissivity '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-     joff = (jp-1) * nchan_out
-     Write (ioout,333)jp,(ixkem(jch+joff),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  !
-  ! Now compute Brute force matrix
-  !
-  !save forward model radiances and emissivities
-  ! do not consider overcast radiances
-  radiance_fwd % clear(:)    = radiancedata % clear(:)
-  radiance_fwd % cloudy(:)   = radiancedata % cloudy(:)
-  radiance_fwd % total_out(:)    = radiancedata % total_out(:)
-  radiance_fwd % out(:)       = radiancedata % out(:)
-  radiance_fwd % out_clear(:) = radiancedata % out_clear(:)
-  emissivity_fwd(:)          = emissivity(:)
-  Do  j =1,jpnav    ! yes clw too!
-     Do  ii=1,nlev
-        ! initialise profile with input profile
-        Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-           profiles_bf(jp) % p(:)   = profiles(jp) % p(:)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % t(:)   = profiles(jp) % t(:)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % q(:)   = profiles(jp) % q(:)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % o3(:)  = profiles(jp) % o3(:)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % clw(:) = profiles(jp) % clw(:)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m    = profiles(jp) % s2m
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin   = profiles(jp) % skin
-           profiles_bf(jp) % ctp    = profiles(jp) % ctp
-           profiles_bf(jp) % cfraction   = profiles(jp) % cfraction
-           profiles_bf(jp) % ozone_Data  = profiles(jp) % ozone_Data
-           profiles_bf(jp) % co2_Data    = profiles(jp) % co2_Data
-           profiles_bf(jp) % clw_Data    = profiles(jp) % clw_Data
-           profiles_bf(jp) % zenangle    = profiles(jp) % zenangle
-           profiles_bf(jp) % azangle     = profiles(jp) % azangle
-        End Do
-        Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-           ! except the considered level/variable
-           Select Case (j)
-           Case (1_jpim)
-              inc_val = prof_inc(1) % t(ii)
-              profiles_bf(jp) % t(ii) = profiles_bf(jp) % t(ii) + inc_val
-           Case (2_jpim)
-              inc_val = prof_inc(1) % q(ii)
-              profiles_bf(jp) % q(ii)   = profiles_bf(jp) % q(ii) + inc_val
-              ! change increment for output compatibilty
-              inc_val = prof_inc(1) % q(ii)/q_mixratio_to_ppmv
-           Case (3_jpim)
-              inc_val = prof_inc(1) % o3(ii)
-              profiles_bf(jp) % o3(ii)  = profiles_bf(jp) % o3(ii) + inc_val
-              ! change increment for output compatibilty
-              inc_val = prof_inc(1) % o3(ii)/o3_mixratio_to_ppmv
-           Case (4_jpim)
-              inc_val = prof_inc(1) % clw(ii)
-              profiles_bf(jp) % clw(ii) = profiles_bf(jp) % clw(ii) + inc_val
-           End Select
-        End Do
-        ! use stored input emmisisvity
-        emissivity(:) = input_emissivity(:)
-        Call rttov_direct( &
-             & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-             & nfrequencies,  &! in
-             & nchannels,     &! in
-             & nbtout,        &! in
-             & nprofiles,     &! in
-             & channels,      &! in
-             & polarisations, &! in
-             & lprofiles,     &! in
-             & profiles_bf,   &! in
-             & coef,          &! in
-             & addcloud,      &! in
-             & calcemis,      &! in
-             & emissivity,    &! inout
-             & transmission,  &! out
-             & radiancedata)   ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-        If (inc_val == 0._JPRB) Then
-           xktav(ii,j,:)=0._JPRB
-        Else
-           xktav(ii,j,:)=( radiancedata%out(:) - radiance_fwd%out(:) )/ inc_val
-        Endif
-     End Do
-  End Do
-  Do  jch=1,nbtout
-     ixkdav(:,:,jch)=Nint(xktav(:,:,jch)*facpav(:,:))
-  End Do
-  ! initialise profile with input profile
-  Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-     profiles_bf(jp) % p(:)   = profiles(jp) % p(:)
-     profiles_bf(jp) % t(:)   = profiles(jp) % t(:)
-     profiles_bf(jp) % q(:)   = profiles(jp) % q(:)
-     profiles_bf(jp) % o3(:)  = profiles(jp) % o3(:)
-     profiles_bf(jp) % clw(:) = profiles(jp) % clw(:)
-     profiles_bf(jp) % s2m    = profiles(jp) % s2m
-     profiles_bf(jp) % skin   = profiles(jp) % skin
-     profiles_bf(jp) % ctp    = profiles(jp) % ctp
-     profiles_bf(jp) % cfraction   = profiles(jp) % cfraction
-     profiles_bf(jp) % ozone_Data  = profiles(jp) % ozone_Data
-     profiles_bf(jp) % co2_Data    = profiles(jp) % co2_Data
-     profiles_bf(jp) % clw_Data    = profiles(jp) % clw_Data
-     profiles_bf(jp) % zenangle    = profiles(jp) % zenangle
-  End Do
-  !.......now do surface, skin and cloud variables
-  Do  j =1,sscvar
-     Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-        ! except the considered level/variable
-        Select Case (j)
-        Case (1_jpim)
-           ! t 2m
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % t
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % t   = profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % t + inc_val
-        Case (2_jpim)
-           ! wv 2m
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % q
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % q   = profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % q + inc_val
-        Case (3_jpim)
-           ! surface pressure
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % p
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % p   = profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % p + inc_val
-        Case (4_jpim)
-           ! wind speed u component
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % u
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % u   = profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % u + inc_val
-        Case (5_jpim)
-           ! wind speed v component
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % s2m % v
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % v   = profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % v + inc_val
-        Case (6_jpim)
-           ! skin temp
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % t
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % t   = profiles_bf(jp) % skin % t + inc_val
-        Case (7_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 1
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(1)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(1)   = profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(1) + inc_val
-        Case (8_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 2
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(2)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(2)   = profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(2) + inc_val
-        Case (9_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 3
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(3)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(3)   = profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(3) + inc_val
-        Case (10_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 4
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(4)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(4)   = profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(4) + inc_val
-        Case (11_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 5
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem(5)
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(5)   = profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(5) + inc_val
-        Case (12_jpim)
-           ! cloud top pressure
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % ctp
-           profiles_bf(jp) % ctp   = profiles_bf(jp) % ctp + inc_val
-        Case (13_jpim)
-           ! cloud fraction
-           inc_val = prof_inc(jp) % cfraction
-           profiles_bf(jp) % cfraction   = profiles_bf(jp) % cfraction + inc_val
-        End Select
-     End Do
-     ! use stored input emmisisvity
-     emissivity(:) = input_emissivity(:)
-     Call rttov_direct( &
-          & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-          & nfrequencies,   &! in
-          & nchannels,      &! in
-          & nbtout,         &! in
-          & nprofiles,      &! in
-          & channels,       &! in
-          & polarisations,  &! in
-          & lprofiles,      &! in
-          & profiles_bf,    &! in
-          & coef,           &! in
-          & addcloud,       &! in
-          & calcemis,       &! in
-          & emissivity,     &! inout
-          & transmission,   &! out
-          & radiancedata)    ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-     Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-        ! reset profile for next variable
-        Select Case (j)
-        Case (1_jpim)
-           ! t 2m
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % t   = profiles(jp) % s2m % t
-        Case (2_jpim)
-           ! wv 2m
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % q   = profiles(jp) % s2m % q
-        Case (3_jpim)
-           ! surface pressure
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % p   = profiles(jp) % s2m % p
-        Case (4_jpim)
-           ! wind speed u component
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % u   = profiles(jp) % s2m % u
-        Case (5_jpim)
-           ! wind speed v component
-           profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % v   = profiles(jp) % s2m % v
-        Case (6_jpim)
-           ! skin temp
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % t   = profiles(jp) % skin % t
-        Case (7_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 1
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(1)   = profiles(jp) % skin % fastem(1)
-        Case (8_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 2
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(2)   = profiles(jp) % skin % fastem(2)
-        Case (9_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 3
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(3)   = profiles(jp) % skin % fastem(3)
-        Case (10_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 4
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(4)   = profiles(jp) % skin % fastem(4)
-        Case (11_jpim)
-           ! fastem land coef 5
-           profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem(5)   = profiles(jp) % skin % fastem(5)
-        Case (12_jpim)
-           ! cloud top pressure
-           profiles_bf(jp) % ctp   = profiles(jp) % ctp
-        Case (13_jpim)
-           ! cloud fraction
-           profiles_bf(jp) % cfraction   = profiles(jp) % cfraction
-        End Select
-     End Do
-     If( inc_val == 0._JPRB ) Then
-        xktsav(j,:) = 0._JPRB
-     Else
-        xktsav(j,:)=( radiancedata%out(:) - radiance_fwd%out(:) )/ inc_val
-     End If
-  End Do
-  Do  jch=1,nbtout
-     ixkdsav(:,jch)=Nint(xktsav(:,jch)*facsav(:))
-  End Do
-  !.......now do surface emissivity
-  Do  j =1,nbtout
-     ! increment for only one channel
-     ! use emissivity from FWD model output
-     emissivity_bf(:) = emissivity_fwd(:)
-     calcemis_bf(:)   = .False.
-     Do ipol=1, polarisations(frequencies(j),3)
-        inc_val       = emissivity_inc(polarisations(frequencies(j),1)+ipol-1)
-        emissivity_bf(polarisations(frequencies(j),1)+ipol-1) =  &
-         & emissivity_bf(polarisations(frequencies(j),1)+ipol-1) + inc_val
-     End Do
-     Call rttov_direct( &
-          & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-          & nfrequencies,   &! in
-          & nchannels,      &! in
-          & nbtout,         &! in
-          & nprofiles,      &! in
-          & channels,       &! in
-          & polarisations,  &! in
-          & lprofiles,      &! in
-          & profiles,       &! in
-          & coef,           &! in
-          & addcloud,       &! in
-          & calcemis_bf,    &! in
-          & emissivity_bf,  &! inout
-          & transmission,   &! out
-          & radiancedata)    ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-     If( emissivity_bf(j) == 0._JPRB ) Then
-        xktem(j) = 0._JPRB
-     Else
-        xktem(j)=( radiancedata%out(j) - radiance_fwd%out(j) )/ inc_val
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ixkdem(:)=Nint(xktem(:)*facem)
-  !          ... and print it.
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)'k-matrix: brute force '
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do j = 1 , jpnav                   ! lwp on
-     Write (ioout,'(a30)')title(j)
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Do i = 1 , nlev
-        Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkdav(i,j,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-     Enddo
-     Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-     Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = 1 , jpnsav
-     Write (ioout,333)i,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' skin variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+1 , jpnsav+jpnssv
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' cloud variables '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do i = jpnsav+jpnssv+1 , sscvar
-     Write (ioout,333)i-jpnsav-jpnssv,(ixkdsav(i,jch),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Write (ioout,*)' surface emissivity '
-  Write (ioout,3333)coef%ff_ori_chn(frequencies(1:nchan_out))
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-     joff = (jp-1) * nchan_out
-     Write (ioout,333)jp,(ixkdem(jch+joff),jch=1,nchan_out)
-  Enddo
-  Write (ioout,*)' '
-  ! run TL with increments on all variables
-  !
-  emissivity(:)    = input_emissivity(:)
-  emissivity_tl(:) = emissivity_inc(:)
-  !
-  ! if micro waves and  "calcemis" then mask out FASTEM2 (input <0)
-  If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw .And.&
-        & coef % fastem_ver >= 2 ) Then
-     !Where (input_emissivity(:) < 0.0)
-     Where ( calcemis )
-        emissivity_tl(:) = 0._JPRB
-     End Where
-  Endif
-  Call rttov_tl( &
-       & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-       & nfrequencies,    &! in
-       & nchannels,       &! in
-       & nbtout,          &! in
-       & nprofiles,       &! in
-       & channels,        &! in
-       & polarisations,   &! in
-       & lprofiles,       &! in
-       & profiles,        &! in
-       & coef,            &! in
-       & addcloud,        &! in
-       & calcemis,        &! in
-       & emissivity,      &! inout
-       & prof_inc,        &! in
-       & emissivity_tl,   &! inout
-       & transmission,    &! inout
-       & transmission_tl, &! inout
-       & radiancedata,    &! inout
-       & radiancedata_tl ) ! out
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-  Do prof = 1, nprofiles
-     sumrr = 0._JPRB
-     Do jch=1,nbtout
-        If(lprofiles(frequencies(jch)) == prof) Then
-           sumrr = sumrr + radiancedata_tl % out(jch)
-        Endif
-     End Do
-     Write (IOOUT,149)prof,SUMRR
-149  Format (1X,'PROFILE NUMBER=',I2,'  TL=',E20.10)
-  End Do
-  Do  ii =1,15
-     fac = 10.0_JPRB**(ii-1)
-     ! initialise profile with input profile
-     Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-        profiles_bf(jp) % p(:)   = profiles(jp) % p(:)
-        profiles_bf(jp) % t(:)   = profiles(jp) % t(:) + prof_inc(jp) % t(:) / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % q(:)   = profiles(jp) % q(:) + prof_inc(jp) %  q(:)  / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % o3(:)  = profiles(jp) % o3(:) + prof_inc(jp) % o3(:)  / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % clw(:) = profiles(jp) % clw(:) + prof_inc(jp) %  clw(:) / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % s2m    = profiles(jp) % s2m
-        profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % t    = profiles(jp) % s2m % t  + prof_inc(jp) % s2m % t / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % q   = profiles(jp) % s2m % q  + prof_inc(jp) % s2m % q / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % p   = profiles(jp) % s2m % p  + prof_inc(jp) % s2m % p / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % u   = profiles(jp) % s2m % u  + prof_inc(jp) % s2m % u / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % s2m % v   = profiles(jp) % s2m % v  + prof_inc(jp) % s2m % v / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % skin   = profiles(jp) % skin
-        profiles_bf(jp) % skin % t   = profiles(jp) % skin % t + prof_inc(jp) % skin % t / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % skin % fastem  = profiles(jp) % skin % fastem + prof_inc(jp) % skin % fastem / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % ctp    = profiles(jp) % ctp + prof_inc(jp) % ctp  / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % cfraction   = profiles(jp) % cfraction + prof_inc(jp) % cfraction / fac
-        profiles_bf(jp) % ozone_Data  = profiles(jp) % ozone_Data
-        profiles_bf(jp) % co2_Data    = profiles(jp) % co2_Data
-        profiles_bf(jp) % clw_Data    = profiles(jp) % clw_Data
-        profiles_bf(jp) % zenangle    = profiles(jp) % zenangle
-     End Do
-     ! use emissivity from FWD model output
-     emissivity_bf(:) = emissivity_fwd(:) + emissivity_inc(:) / fac
-     calcemis_bf(:)   = .False.
-     ! if micro waves then mask out FASTEM2
-     If (coef % id_sensor == sensor_id_mw .And.&
-           & coef % fastem_ver >= 2 ) Then
-        !Where (input_emissivity(:) < 0.0)
-        Where ( calcemis )
-           emissivity_bf(:) = input_emissivity(:)
-           calcemis_bf(:)   = calcemis(:)
-        End Where
-     Endif
-     Call rttov_direct( &
-          & rttov_errorstatus,  &! out
-          & nfrequencies,   &! in
-          & nchannels,      &! in
-          & nbtout,         &! in
-          & nprofiles,      &! in
-          & channels,       &! in
-          & polarisations,  &! in
-          & lprofiles,      &! in
-          & profiles_bf,    &! in
-          & coef,           &! in
-          & addcloud,       &! in
-          & calcemis_bf,    &! in
-          & emissivity_bf,  &! inout
-          & transmission,   &! out
-          & radiancedata)    ! inout
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus == errorstatus_fatal ) ) then
-           Do jp = 1, nprofiles
-              If( rttov_errorstatus(jp) == errorstatus_fatal ) then
-                 Write( errMessage, '( "fatal error in rttov_tl")' )
-                 Call Rttov_ErrorReport (rttov_errorstatus(jp), errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-              End If
-           End Do
-           Stop
-        End If
-        If( any( rttov_errorstatus /= errorstatus_success ) ) then
-          Write( errMessage, '( "warning in rttov_tl")' )           
-        End If
-     sumr = 0._JPRB
-     prof = 1  ! tests only first profile
-     Do jch=1, nbtout
-        If(lprofiles(frequencies(jch)) == prof) Then
-           sumr = sumr + radiancedata%out(jch) - radiance_fwd%out(jch)
-        End If
-     End Do
-     sumr = sumr*fac
-     Write (IOOUT,148) SUMR,DIFFR,II
-148  Format (1X,'BRUTE FORCE:   ',2E20.10,I10)
-  End Do
-  Do j = 1, nprofiles
-     Deallocate( prof_inc(j) % p   ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-     Deallocate( prof_inc(j) % t   ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-     Deallocate( prof_inc(j) % q   ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-     Deallocate( prof_inc(j) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-     Deallocate( prof_inc(j) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-     Deallocate( null_inc(j) % p   ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-     Deallocate( null_inc(j) % t   ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-     Deallocate( null_inc(j) % q   ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-     Deallocate( null_inc(j) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-     Deallocate( null_inc(j) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % p   ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % t   ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % q   ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-     Deallocate( profiles_tl(j) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-     Deallocate( profiles_bf(j) % p   ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-     Deallocate( profiles_bf(j) % t   ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-     Deallocate( profiles_bf(j) % q   ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-     Deallocate( profiles_bf(j) % o3  ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-     Deallocate( profiles_bf(j) % clw ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-     If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-        errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-        Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-        Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-        Return
-     End If
-  End Do
-  ! deallocate radiance results arrays with number of channels
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(1))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(2))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % total     ,stat= alloc_status(3))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(4))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(5))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(6))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % dnclear   ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(7))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(8))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(9))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % out       ,stat= alloc_status(10))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(11))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(12))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(13))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(14))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(15))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % total     ,stat= alloc_status(16))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(17))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(18))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(19))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(20))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(21))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(22))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % out    ,stat= alloc_status(23))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % out_clear    ,stat= alloc_status(24))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(25))
-  Deallocate( radiancedata_tl % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(26))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % clear     ,stat= alloc_status(27))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % cloudy    ,stat= alloc_status(28))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % total     ,stat= alloc_status(29))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % bt        ,stat= alloc_status(30))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % bt_clear  ,stat= alloc_status(31))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % upclear   ,stat= alloc_status(32))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % reflclear ,stat= alloc_status(33))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % overcast  ,stat= alloc_status(34))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % downcld   ,stat= alloc_status(35))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % out       ,stat= alloc_status(36))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % out_clear ,stat= alloc_status(37))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % total_out ,stat= alloc_status(38))
-  Deallocate( radiance_fwd % clear_out ,stat= alloc_status(39))
-  Deallocate( transmission % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(40))
-  Deallocate( transmission % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(41))
-  Deallocate( transmission % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(42))
-  Deallocate( transmission_tl % tau_surf      ,stat= alloc_status(43))
-  Deallocate( transmission_tl % tau_layer     ,stat= alloc_status(44))
-  Deallocate( transmission_tl % od_singlelayer,stat= alloc_status(45))
-  If( any(alloc_status /= 0) ) then
-     errorstatus = errorstatus_fatal
-     Write( errMessage, '( "mem deallocation error")' )
-     Call Rttov_ErrorReport (errorstatus, errMessage, NameOfRoutine)
-     Return
-  End If
-  Print *, ' tangent linear model test finished'
-222 Format(1x,10f8.2)
-333 Format(1x,i3,20i5)
-444 Format(1x,10e8.2)
-3333 Format(4x,20i5)
-4444 Format(1x,10f8.3)
-End Subroutine tstrad_tl
diff --git a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_tl.interface b/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_tl.interface
deleted file mode 100644
index a76811f9d2d6b33c1b2683f7d7cfc0fd41b15e79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/LIB/RTTOV/src/tstrad_tl.interface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Subroutine tstrad_tl(  &
-     nfrequencies,     & ! in
-     nchannels,        & ! in
-     nbtout,           & ! in
-     nprofiles,        & ! in
-     channels,         & ! in
-     polarisations,    & ! in
-     lprofiles,        & ! in
-     frequencies,      & ! in
-     profiles,         & ! in
-     coef,             & ! in
-     addcloud,         & ! in
-     calcemis,         & ! in
-     input_emissivity)   ! in
-  Use rttov_const, Only :   &
-       errorstatus_success, &
-       errorstatus_fatal,   &
-       sensor_id_mw
-  Use rttov_types, Only : &
-       rttov_coef     ,&
-       profile_Type   ,&
-       transmission_Type   ,&
-       radiance_Type
-  Use mod_tstrad
-  Use parkind1, Only : jpim     ,jprb
-  Implicit None
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nchannels
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nfrequencies
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nbtout
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: nprofiles
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: channels(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: polarisations(nchannels,3)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: lprofiles(nfrequencies)
-  Integer(Kind=jpim),  Intent(in)    :: frequencies(nbtout)
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: addcloud
-  Type(profile_Type),  Intent(in)    :: profiles(nprofiles)
-  Type(rttov_coef),    Intent(in)    :: coef
-  Logical,             Intent(in)    :: calcemis(nchannels)
-  Real(Kind=jprb),     Intent(in)    :: input_emissivity(nchannels)
-End Subroutine tstrad_tl
-End Interface