diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YBUR_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YBUR_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfcaf7ff2ecada6346d89231a840851ffa998bc8
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YBUR_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc differ
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YCOL_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YCOL_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b51cdc499d6352c8d79a690fce41bef49eb95706
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YCOL_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc differ
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YDRO_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YDRO_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6412d1704477f6d1fe5cfda9d8068ec59c7f394
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YDRO_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc differ
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YHBU_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YHBU_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..127f166ddd6073d17afeb31ec962628965571cd1
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YHBU_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc differ
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YHCO_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YHCO_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b3ad6fef7c98f08bc9d2811d298c2dc0bc1911b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YHCO_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc differ
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YPLA_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YPLA_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92baaf1e9b331dfc351a01b1841f2bd813bd07d3
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/data/YPLA_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc differ
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/ifs/radiation_setup.F90 b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/ifs/radiation_setup.F90
index 0677d3f94c66fd2ab89ac6efee68a4e993669f38..69d2d44fc5601fa4672b0192a98d00c428d52483 100644
--- a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/ifs/radiation_setup.F90
+++ b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/ifs/radiation_setup.F90
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ MODULE RADIATION_SETUP
   USE radiation_config, ONLY : config_type, &
        &                       ISolverMcICA, ISolverSpartacus, &
        &                       ILiquidModelSlingo, ILiquidModelSOCRATES, &
-       &                       IIceModelFu, IIceModelBaran, &
+       &                       IIceModelFu, IIceModelBaran, IIceModelShapes, &
        &                       IOverlapExponential
   USE MODD_PARAM_ECRAD_n , ONLY : rad_config
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ CONTAINS
       rad_config%i_ice_model = IIceModelFu
       rad_config%i_ice_model = IIceModelBaran
+      rad_config%i_ice_model = IIceModelShapes
       WRITE(NULERR,'(a,i0)') 'Unavailable ice optics model in modular radiation scheme: NICEOPT=', &
            &  NICEOPT
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_cloud_optics.F90 b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_cloud_optics.F90
index 0fa20eb824abb7c52908766d5829644651e31143..f636fd604bac0b890f3dbaa2916c6a88b56b7cd4 100644
--- a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_cloud_optics.F90
+++ b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_cloud_optics.F90
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 module radiation_cloud_optics
   implicit none
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ contains
     use radiation_io,     only : nulerr, radiation_abort
     use radiation_config, only : config_type, IIceModelFu, IIceModelBaran, &
          &                       IIceModelBaran2016, IIceModelBaran2017, &
-         &                       IIceModelYi, &
+         &                       IIceModelYi,IIceModelShapes, &
          &                       ILiquidModelSOCRATES, ILiquidModelSlingo
     use radiation_cloud_optics_data, only  : cloud_optics_type
     use radiation_ice_optics_fu, only    : NIceOpticsCoeffsFuSW, &
@@ -48,6 +49,8 @@ contains
          &                                 NIceOpticsGeneralCoeffsBaran2017
     use radiation_ice_optics_yi, only    : NIceOpticsCoeffsYiSW, &
          &                                 NIceOpticsCoeffsYiLW
+    use radiation_ice_optics_shapes, only    : NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesSW, &
+         &                                 NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesLW
     use radiation_liquid_optics_socrates, only : NLiqOpticsCoeffsSOCRATES
     use radiation_liquid_optics_slingo, only : NLiqOpticsCoeffsSlingoSW, &
          &                                     NLiqOpticsCoeffsLindnerLiLW
@@ -188,6 +191,23 @@ contains
              &  ') does not match number expected (', NIceOpticsCoeffsYiSW,')'
         call radiation_abort()
       end if
+    else if (config%i_ice_model == IIceModelShapes) then
+      if (size(config%cloud_optics%ice_coeff_lw, 2) &
+           &  /= NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesLW) then
+        write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a)') &
+             &  '*** Error: number of LW ice-particle optical coefficients (', &
+             &  size(config%cloud_optics%ice_coeff_lw, 2), &
+             &  ') does not match number expected (', NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesLW,')'
+        call radiation_abort()
+      end if
+      if (size(config%cloud_optics%ice_coeff_sw, 2) &
+           &  /= NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesSW) then
+        write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a)') &
+             &  '*** Error: number of SW ice-particle optical coefficients (', &
+             &  size(config%cloud_optics%ice_coeff_sw, 2), &
+             &  ') does not match number expected (', NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesSW,')'
+        call radiation_abort()
+      end if
     end if
     if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_cloud_optics:setup_cloud_optics',1,hook_handle)
@@ -208,7 +228,7 @@ contains
     use radiation_io,     only : nulout, nulerr, radiation_abort
     use radiation_config, only : config_type, IIceModelFu, IIceModelBaran, &
          &                       IIceModelBaran2016, IIceModelBaran2017, &
-         &                       IIceModelYi, &
+         &                       IIceModelYi,IIceModelShapes, &
          &                       ILiquidModelSOCRATES, ILiquidModelSlingo
     use radiation_thermodynamics, only    : thermodynamics_type
     use radiation_cloud, only             : cloud_type
@@ -221,6 +241,8 @@ contains
     use radiation_ice_optics_baran2017, only  : calc_ice_optics_baran2017
     use radiation_ice_optics_yi, only     : calc_ice_optics_yi_sw, &
          &                                  calc_ice_optics_yi_lw
+    use radiation_ice_optics_shapes, only     : calc_ice_optics_shapes_sw, &
+         &                                  calc_ice_optics_shapes_lw
     use radiation_liquid_optics_socrates, only:calc_liq_optics_socrates
     use radiation_liquid_optics_slingo, only:calc_liq_optics_slingo, &
          &                                   calc_liq_optics_lindner_li
@@ -344,10 +366,12 @@ contains
               call radiation_abort()
             end if
+            ! Delta-Eddington scaling in the shortwave only
             if (.not. config%do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases) then
-              ! Delta-Eddington scaling in the shortwave only
               call delta_eddington_scat_od(od_sw_liq, scat_od_sw_liq, g_sw_liq)
             end if
+            !call delta_eddington_scat_od(od_lw_liq, scat_od_lw_liq, g_lw_liq)
             ! Liquid not present: set properties to zero
             od_lw_liq = 0.0_jprb
@@ -427,6 +451,17 @@ contains
                    &  od_lw_ice, scat_od_lw_ice, g_lw_ice)
               ! Compute shortwave properties
               call calc_ice_optics_yi_sw(config%n_bands_sw, &
+                   &  config%cloud_optics%ice_coeff_sw, &
+                   &  iwp_in_cloud, cloud%re_ice(jcol,jlev), &
+                   &  od_sw_ice, scat_od_sw_ice, g_sw_ice)        
+            else if (config%i_ice_model == IIceModelShapes) then
+              ! Compute longwave properties
+              call calc_ice_optics_shapes_lw(config%n_bands_lw, &
+                   &  config%cloud_optics%ice_coeff_lw, &
+                   &  iwp_in_cloud, cloud%re_ice(jcol,jlev), &
+                   &  od_lw_ice, scat_od_lw_ice, g_lw_ice)
+              ! Compute shortwave properties
+              call calc_ice_optics_shapes_sw(config%n_bands_sw, &
                    &  config%cloud_optics%ice_coeff_sw, &
                    &  iwp_in_cloud, cloud%re_ice(jcol,jlev), &
                    &  od_sw_ice, scat_od_sw_ice, g_sw_ice)
@@ -436,14 +471,14 @@ contains
               call radiation_abort()
             end if
+            ! Delta-Eddington scaling in both longwave and shortwave
+            ! (assume that particles are larger than wavelength even
+            ! in longwave)
             if (.not. config%do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases) then
-              ! Delta-Eddington scaling in both longwave and shortwave
-              ! (assume that particles are larger than wavelength even
-              ! in longwave)
               call delta_eddington_scat_od(od_sw_ice, scat_od_sw_ice, g_sw_ice)
             end if
             call delta_eddington_scat_od(od_lw_ice, scat_od_lw_ice, g_lw_ice)
             ! Ice not present: set properties to zero
             od_lw_ice = 0.0_jprb
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_config.F90 b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_config.F90
index 2a77f3a3ee06265dd224dac37cb6015cff0e2565..0f641bb4012cc8cf73955dd206e029fbc9632970 100644
--- a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_config.F90
+++ b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_config.F90
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 module radiation_config
   use parkind1,                      only : jprb
   use radiation_cloud_optics_data,   only : cloud_optics_type
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ module radiation_config
        & IEntrapmentExplicit, & ! Estimate horiz migration dist, account for fractal clouds
        & IEntrapmentExplicitNonFractal, & ! As above but ignore fractal nature of clouds
        & IEntrapmentMaximum ! Complete horizontal homogenization within regions (old SPARTACUS assumption)
   end enum
   ! Names available in the radiation namelist for variable
@@ -110,14 +109,15 @@ module radiation_config
   enum, bind(c) 
      enumerator IIceModelMonochromatic, IIceModelFu, &
           &  IIceModelBaran, IIceModelBaran2016, IIceModelBaran2017,   &
-          &  IIceModelYi
+          &  IIceModelYi, IIceModelShapes
   end enum
-  character(len=*), parameter :: IceModelName(0:5) = (/ 'Monochromatic', &
+  character(len=*), parameter :: IceModelName(0:6) = (/ 'Monochromatic', &
        &                                                'Fu-IFS       ', &
        &                                                'Baran        ', &
        &                                                'Baran2016    ', &
        &                                                'Baran2017    ', &
-       &                                                'Yi           ' /)
+       &                                                'Yi           ', &
+       &                                                'Shapes       ' /)
   ! Cloud PDF distribution shapes
   enum, bind(c)
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ module radiation_config
     ! Codes describing the gas and cloud scattering models to use, the
     ! latter of which is currently not used
     integer :: i_gas_model = IGasModelIFSRRTMG
-    !     integer :: i_cloud_model
+    !     integer :: i_cloud_model    
     ! Optics if i_gas_model==IGasModelMonochromatic.
     ! The wavelength to use for the Planck function in metres. If this
@@ -274,10 +274,10 @@ module radiation_config
     ! User-defined monotonically increasing wavelength bounds (m)
     ! between input surface albedo/emissivity intervals. Implicitly
-    ! the first interval starts at zero and the last ends at infinity.
+    ! the first interval starts at zero and the last ends at
+    ! infinity. 
     real(jprb) :: sw_albedo_wavelength_bound(NMaxAlbedoIntervals-1) = -1.0_jprb
     real(jprb) :: lw_emiss_wavelength_bound( NMaxAlbedoIntervals-1)  = -1.0_jprb
     ! The index to the surface albedo/emissivity intervals for each of
     ! the wavelength bounds specified in sw_albedo_wavelength_bound
     ! and lw_emiss_wavelength_bound
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ module radiation_config
     ! then that will be used instead. If the user assigns one and it
     ! doesn't start with a '/' character then it will be prepended by
     ! the contents of directory_name.
-    character(len=511) :: ice_optics_override_file_name = ''
-    character(len=511) :: liq_optics_override_file_name = ''
+    character(len=511) :: ice_optics_override_file_name     = ''
+    character(len=511) :: liq_optics_override_file_name     = ''
     character(len=511) :: aerosol_optics_override_file_name = ''
     ! Optionally override the look-up table file for the cloud-water
@@ -428,8 +428,7 @@ module radiation_config
     character(len=511) :: cloud_pdf_override_file_name = ''
     ! Has "consolidate" been called?  
-    logical :: is_consolidated = .false.
+    logical :: is_consolidated = .false.    
     ! Users of this library should not edit these parameters directly;
     ! they are set by the "consolidate" routine
@@ -441,6 +440,7 @@ module radiation_config
     real(jprb), allocatable, dimension(:) :: wavenumber1_lw
     real(jprb), allocatable, dimension(:) :: wavenumber2_lw
     ! If the nearest surface albedo/emissivity interval is to be used
     ! for each SW/LW band then the following arrays will be allocated
     ! to the length of the number of bands and contain the index to
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ module radiation_config
     character(len=511) :: ice_optics_file_name, &
          &                liq_optics_file_name, &
          &                aerosol_optics_file_name
     ! McICA PDF look-up table file name
     character(len=511) :: cloud_pdf_file_name
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ contains
     integer :: i_aerosol_type_map(NMaxAerosolTypes) ! More than 256 is an error
     logical :: do_nearest_spectral_sw_albedo = .true.
-    logical :: do_nearest_spectral_lw_emiss  = .true.
+    logical :: do_nearest_spectral_lw_emiss = .true.
     real(jprb) :: sw_albedo_wavelength_bound(NMaxAlbedoIntervals-1)
     real(jprb) :: lw_emiss_wavelength_bound( NMaxAlbedoIntervals-1)
     integer :: i_sw_albedo_index(NMaxAlbedoIntervals)
@@ -1006,6 +1006,9 @@ contains
     else if (this%i_ice_model == IIceModelYi) then
       this%ice_optics_file_name &
            &   = trim(this%directory_name) // "/yi_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc"
+    else if (this%i_ice_model == IIceModelShapes) then
+      this%ice_optics_file_name &
+           &   = trim(this%directory_name) // "/" // CPRISTINE_ICE_LIMA // "_ice_scattering_rrtm.nc"
     end if
     ! Set cloud-water PDF look-up table file name
@@ -1326,7 +1329,7 @@ contains
     if (this%n_bands_sw <= 0) then
       write(nulerr,'(a)') '*** Error: get_sw_weights called before number of shortwave bands set'
-      call radiation_abort()      
+      call radiation_abort()
     end if
     ! Convert wavelength range (m) to wavenumber (cm-1)
@@ -1976,5 +1979,5 @@ contains
   end function out_of_bounds_3d
 end module radiation_config
diff --git a/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_ice_optics_shapes.F90 b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_ice_optics_shapes.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..011f2666e762e97b6c081ef98f0b1710620277db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LIB/RAD/ecrad-1.4.0_mnh/radiation/radiation_ice_optics_shapes.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+! radiation_ice_optics_shapes.F90 - 
+! (C) Copyright 2017- ECMWF.
+! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
+! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
+! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation
+! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
+! Authors: Marie Taufour
+! Email:   marie.taufour@aero.obs-mip.fr
+! The reference for this ice optics parameterization is ....
+module radiation_ice_optics_shapes
+  implicit none
+  public
+  ! The number of ice coefficients depends on the parameterization
+  integer, parameter :: NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesSW  = 69
+  integer, parameter :: NIceOpticsCoeffsShapesLW  = 69
+  integer, parameter :: NSingleCoeffs = 23
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Compute shortwave ice-particle scattering properties using Yi et
+  ! al. (2013) parameterization
+  subroutine calc_ice_optics_shapes_sw(nb, coeff, ice_wp, &
+       &  re, od, scat_od, g)
+    use parkind1, only : jprb, jpim
+    !use yomhook,  only : lhook, dr_hook
+    ! Number of bands
+    integer, intent(in)  :: nb
+    ! Coefficients read from a data file
+    real(jprb), intent(in) :: coeff(:,:)
+    ! Ice water path (kg m-2)
+    real(jprb), intent(in) :: ice_wp
+    ! Effective radius (m)
+    real(jprb), intent(in) :: re
+    ! Total optical depth, scattering optical depth and asymmetry factor
+    real(jprb), intent(out) :: od(nb), scat_od(nb), g(nb)
+    ! Yi's effective diameter (microns)
+    real(jprb) :: de_um
+    ! Ice water path in g m-2
+    real (jprb) :: iwp_gm_2
+    ! LUT temp variables
+    real(jprb) :: wts_1, wts_2
+    integer(jpim) :: lu_idx
+    real(kind=jprb), parameter    :: lu_scale  = 0.2_jprb
+    real(kind=jprb), parameter    :: lu_offset = 1.0_jprb
+    !real(jprb)  :: hook_handle
+    !if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_ice_optics:calc_ice_optics_yi_sw',0,hook_handle)
+    ! Convert to effective diameter using the relationship in the IFS
+    !de_um     = re * (1.0e6_jprb / 0.64952_jprb)
+    de_um     = re * 2.0e6_jprb
+    ! limit de_um to validity of LUT
+    de_um = max(de_um,10.0_jprb)
+    de_um = min(de_um,119.99_jprb) !avoid greater than or equal to 120 um
+    iwp_gm_2  = ice_wp * 1000.0_jprb
+    lu_idx = floor(de_um * lu_scale - lu_offset)
+    wts_2  = (de_um * lu_scale - lu_offset) - lu_idx
+    wts_1  = 1.0_jprb - wts_2
+    od     = 0.001_jprb * iwp_gm_2 * & 
+             & ( wts_1 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx) + wts_2 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+1) )
+    scat_od = od * & 
+             & ( wts_1 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+NSingleCoeffs) + wts_2 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+NSingleCoeffs+1) )
+    g = wts_1 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+2*NSingleCoeffs) + wts_2 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+2*NSingleCoeffs+1)
+    !if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_ice_optics:calc_ice_optics_yi_sw',1,hook_handle)
+  end subroutine calc_ice_optics_shapes_sw
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Compute longwave ice-particle scattering properties using .....
+  subroutine calc_ice_optics_shapes_lw(nb, coeff, ice_wp, &
+       &  re, od, scat_od, g)
+    use parkind1, only : jprb, jpim
+    !use yomhook,  only : lhook, dr_hook
+    ! Number of bands
+    integer, intent(in)  :: nb
+    ! Coefficients read from a data file
+    real(jprb), intent(in) :: coeff(:,:)
+    ! Ice water path (kg m-2)
+    real(jprb), intent(in) :: ice_wp
+    ! Effective radius (m)
+    real(jprb), intent(in) :: re
+    ! Total optical depth, scattering optical depth and asymmetry factor
+    real(jprb), intent(out) :: od(nb), scat_od(nb), g(nb)
+    ! Yi's effective diameter (microns)
+    real(jprb) :: de_um
+    ! Ice water path in g m-2
+    real (jprb) :: iwp_gm_2
+    ! LUT temp variables
+    real(jprb) :: wts_1, wts_2
+    integer(jpim) :: lu_idx
+    real(kind=jprb), parameter    :: lu_scale  = 0.2_jprb
+    real(kind=jprb), parameter    :: lu_offset = 1.0_jprb
+    !real(jprb)  :: hook_handle
+    !if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_ice_optics:calc_ice_optics_yi_sw',0,hook_handle)
+    ! Convert to effective diameter using the relationship in the IFS
+    !de_um     = re * (1.0e6_jprb / 0.64952_jprb)
+    de_um     = re * 2.0e6_jprb
+    ! limit de_um to validity of LUT
+    de_um = max(de_um,10.0_jprb)
+    de_um = min(de_um,119.99_jprb) !avoid greater than or equal to 120 um
+    iwp_gm_2  = ice_wp * 1000.0_jprb
+    lu_idx = floor(de_um * lu_scale - lu_offset)
+    wts_2  = (de_um * lu_scale - lu_offset) - lu_idx
+    wts_1  = 1.0_jprb - wts_2
+    od     = 0.001_jprb * iwp_gm_2 * & 
+             & ( wts_1 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx) + wts_2 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+1) )
+    scat_od = od * & 
+             & ( wts_1 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+NSingleCoeffs) + wts_2 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+NSingleCoeffs+1) )
+    g = wts_1 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+2*NSingleCoeffs) + wts_2 * coeff(1:nb,lu_idx+2*NSingleCoeffs+1)
+     !if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_ice_optics:calc_ice_optics_yi_lw',1,hook_handle)
+  end subroutine calc_ice_optics_shapes_lw
+end module radiation_ice_optics_shapes