diff --git a/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 index 7f989cc1db4d6852c76f3e57aa14945ec1cb8943..dbb3c54795d13c64e667bc49500e6c6533272cbd 100644 --- a/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 +++ b/src/MNH/ini_budget.f90 @@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ if ( lbu_rth ) then tzsource%clongname = 'wet growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TH), tzsource, gcond, nwethth ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'DRYH' tzsource%clongname = 'dry growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TH), tzsource, gcond, ndryhth ) @@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ if ( lbu_rth ) then tzsource%clongname = 'melting of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TH), tzsource, gcond, nhmltth ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TH), tzsource, gcond, ncorrth ) @@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ if ( lbu_rth ) then tzsource%clongname = 'adjustment to saturation' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TH), tzsource, gcond, ncedsth ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'ADJU' tzsource%clongname = '' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_TH), tzsource, gcond, nadjuth ) @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RV)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'adjustment to saturation' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RV), tzsource, gcond, ncedsrv ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'ADJU' tzsource%clongname = 'adjustment before' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RV), tzsource, gcond, nadjurv ) @@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RV)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'vapor condensation or cloud water evaporation' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RV), tzsource, gcond, ncondrv ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RV), tzsource, gcond, ncorrrv ) @@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC)%lenabled ) then call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, nnegarc ) gcond = ( hcloud == 'LIMA' .and. lptsplit .and. lwarm_lima .and. lrain_lima ) & - .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred ) + .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' ) tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, ncorrrc ) @@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'heterogeneous nucleation by contact' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, nhincrc ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'ADJU' tzsource%clongname = 'adjustment to saturation' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, nadjurc ) @@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'riming of cloud water' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, nrimrc ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'CMEL' tzsource%clongname = 'collection by snow and conversion into rain with T>XTT on ice' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, ncmelrc ) @@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'wet growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, nwethrc ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'DRYH' tzsource%clongname = 'dry growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RC), tzsource, gcond, ndryhrc ) @@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR)%lenabled ) then call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR), tzsource, gcond, nnegarr ) gcond = ( hcloud == 'LIMA' .and. lptsplit .and. lwarm_lima .and. lrain_lima ) & - .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred ) + .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' ) tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR), tzsource, gcond, ncorrrr ) @@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'accretion of rain water on aggregates' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR), tzsource, gcond, naccrr ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'CMEL' tzsource%clongname = 'collection of droplets by snow and conversion into rain' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR), tzsource, gcond, ncmelrr ) @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'wet growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR), tzsource, gcond, nwethrr ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'DRYH' tzsource%clongname = 'dry growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RR), tzsource, gcond, ndryhrr ) @@ -2055,12 +2055,12 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RI)%lenabled ) then call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RI), tzsource, gcond, nnegari ) gcond = ( hcloud == 'LIMA' .and. lptsplit .and. lcold_lima .and. lsnow_lima ) & - .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred ) + .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' ) tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RI), tzsource, gcond, ncorrri ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. ladj_before .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'ADJU' tzsource%clongname = 'adjustment before on ice' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RI), tzsource, gcond, nadjuri ) @@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RI)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'wet growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RI), tzsource, gcond, nwethri ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'DRYH' tzsource%clongname = 'dry growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RI), tzsource, gcond, ndryhri ) @@ -2282,7 +2282,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RS)%lenabled ) then call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RS), tzsource, gcond, nnegars ) gcond = ( hcloud == 'LIMA' .and. lptsplit .and. lcold_lima .and. lsnow_lima ) & - .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred ) + .or. ( hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' ) tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RS), tzsource, gcond, ncorrrs ) @@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RS)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'wet growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RS), tzsource, gcond, nwethrs ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'DRYH' tzsource%clongname = 'dry growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RS), tzsource, gcond, ndryhrs ) @@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'negative correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG), tzsource, gcond, nnegarg ) - gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud(1:3) == 'ICE' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG), tzsource, gcond, ncorrrg ) @@ -2511,7 +2511,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'wet growth of graupel' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG), tzsource, gcond, nwetgrg ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'GHCV' tzsource%clongname = 'graupel to hail conversion' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG), tzsource, gcond, nghcvrg ) @@ -2542,12 +2542,12 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'conversion of hail to graupel' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG), tzsource, gcond, ncohgrg ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'HGCV' tzsource%clongname = 'hail to graupel conversion' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG), tzsource, gcond, nhgcvrg ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'DRYH' tzsource%clongname = 'dry growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RG), tzsource, gcond, ndryhrg ) @@ -2657,7 +2657,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'sedimentation' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH), tzsource, gcond, nsedirh ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'GHCV' tzsource%clongname = 'graupel to hail conversion' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH), tzsource, gcond, nghcvrh ) @@ -2679,12 +2679,12 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'conversion from hail to graupel' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH), tzsource, gcond, ncohgrh ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'HGCV' tzsource%clongname = 'hail to graupel conversion' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH), tzsource, gcond, nhgcvrh ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'DRYH' tzsource%clongname = 'dry growth of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH), tzsource, gcond, ndryhrh ) @@ -2695,7 +2695,7 @@ if ( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH)%lenabled ) then tzsource%clongname = 'melting of hail' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH), tzsource, gcond, nhmltrh ) - gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred + gcond = hcloud == 'ICE4' .and. lred .and. celec == 'NONE' tzsource%cmnhname = 'CORR' tzsource%clongname = 'correction' call Budget_source_add( tbudgets(NBUDGET_RH), tzsource, gcond, ncorrrh )