From afb6bc27a425224f1364844bdf8c9464b3e80345 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Quentin Rodier <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2022 11:14:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Quentin 19/07/2022: add turb mesonh KTEST to test online LES
 diag and netCDF groups + change mesonh/aux/mode_budget to MNH/budget.f90

 tools/ | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 tools/             | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index ff13abe7b..dcd9ef33f 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ set -e
 # Repertoire où MNH-V5-5-0_PHYEX.tar.gz modifie pour accueillir PHYEX se trouve
-availTests="007_16janvier/008_run2, 007_16janvier/008_run2_turb3D, COLD_BUBBLE/002_mesonh"
+availTests="007_16janvier/008_run2, 007_16janvier/008_run2_turb3D, COLD_BUBBLE/002_mesonh, ARMLES/RUN, COLD_BUBBLE_3D/002_mesonh,"
 separator='_' #- be carrefull, gmkpack (at least on belenos) has multiple allergies (':', '.', '@')
               #- seprator must be in sync with separator
@@ -220,6 +220,10 @@ if [ $compilation -eq 1 ]; then
   # Supress some files if they are not used anymore
   ! grep -i MODI_COMPUTE_ENTR_DETR $(ls MNH/*compute_updraft* PHYEX/turb/*compute_updraft* 2>/dev/null) && rm -f MNH/compute_entr_detr.f90
   ! grep -i MODI_TH_R_FROM_THL_RT_ $(ls MNH/compute_entr_detr.f90 MNH/compute_entr_detr.f90 PHYEX/turb/mode_compute_updraft*.f90 MNH/ice_adjust_bis.f90 MNH/prep_ideal_case.f90 MNH/set_rsou.f90 2>/dev/null)  > /dev/null && rm -f MNH/th_r_from_thl_rt_1d.f90 MNH/th_r_from_thl_rt_2d.f90 MNH/th_r_from_thl_rt_3d.f90
+  # Routine that changed names (if mode_budget.f90 is present)
+  set +e
+  mv -f PHYEX/aux/mode_budget.f90 MNH/budget.f90
+  set -e
   #Configure and compilation
   command -v module && modulelist=$(module -t list 2>&1 | tail -n +2) #save loaded modules
@@ -284,6 +288,12 @@ if [ $check -eq 1 ]; then
     elif   [ $t == COLD_BUBBLE/002_mesonh ]; then
+    elif   [ $t == COLD_BUBBLE_3D/002_mesonh ]; then
+      path_user=$path_user_beg/MY_RUN/KTEST/COLD_BUBBLE_3D/002_mesonh$path_user_end
+      path_ref=$path_ref_beg/MY_RUN/KTEST/COLD_BUBBLE_3D/002_mesonh$path_ref_end
+    elif   [ $t == ARMLES/RUN ]; then
+      path_user=$path_user_beg/MY_RUN/KTEST/ARMLES/RUN$path_user_end
+      path_ref=$path_ref_beg/MY_RUN/KTEST/ARMLES/RUN$path_ref_end
       echo "cas $t non reconnu"
@@ -340,7 +350,63 @@ if [ $check -eq 1 ]; then
       echo "Compare with ncdump..."
       if [ -f $file1 -a -f $file2 ]; then
         set +e
-        diff <(ncdump $file1 | head -c 27350) <(ncdump $file2 | head -c 27350)
+        diff <(ncdump $file1 | head -c 27300) <(ncdump $file2 | head -c 27300)
+        t=$?
+        set -e
+        allt=$(($allt+$t))
+      else
+        [ ! -f $file1 ] && echo "  $file1 is missing"
+        [ ! -f $file2 ] && echo "  $file2 is missing"
+        allt=$(($allt+1))
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ $case == COLD_BUBBLE_3D ]; then
+      echo "Compare with python..."
+      # Compare variable of both Synchronous and Diachronic files with printing difference
+      file1=$path_user/
+      file2=$path_ref/
+      file3=$path_user/
+      file4=$path_ref/
+      set +e
+      $PHYEXTOOLSDIR/ --f1 $file1 --f2 $file2 --f3 $file3 --f4 $file4
+      t=$?
+      set -e
+      allt=$(($allt+$t))
+      #Check bit-repro before date of creation of Synchronous file from ncdump of all values (pb with direct .nc file checks)
+      echo "Compare with ncdump..."
+      if [ -f $file1 -a -f $file2 ]; then
+        set +e
+        diff <(ncdump $file1 | head -c 27300) <(ncdump $file2 | head -c 27300)
+        t=$?
+        set -e
+        allt=$(($allt+$t))
+      else
+        [ ! -f $file1 ] && echo "  $file1 is missing"
+        [ ! -f $file2 ] && echo "  $file2 is missing"
+        allt=$(($allt+1))
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ $case == ARMLES ]; then
+      echo "Compare with python..."
+      # Compare variable of both Synchronous and Diachronic files with printing difference
+      file1=$path_user/
+      file2=$path_ref/
+      file3=$path_user/
+      file4=$path_ref/
+      set +e
+      $PHYEXTOOLSDIR/ --f1 $file1 --f2 $file2 --f3 $file3 --f4 $file4
+      t=$?
+      set -e
+      allt=$(($allt+$t))
+      #Check bit-repro before date of creation of Synchronous file from ncdump of all values (pb with direct .nc file checks)
+      echo "Compare with ncdump..."
+      if [ -f $file1 -a -f $file2 ]; then
+        set +e
+        diff <(ncdump $file1 | head -c 62889) <(ncdump $file2 | head -c 62889)
         set -e
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 55176ed1e..7d335da95 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -2,6 +2,32 @@
 import xarray as xr
 def compareBACKUPFiles(file_user, file_ref):
   status = 0
   da = xr.open_dataset(file_user)
@@ -56,6 +82,26 @@ def compareTSERIESFiles(file_user, file_ref):
         print(var, ecart_min, ecart_moy, ecart_max)
+  # Groups comparison
+  for grp in avail_groups:
+    try:
+      nk=len(da['level_les'])
+      da = xr.open_dataset(file_user, group=grp)
+      da2 = xr.open_dataset(file_ref, group=grp)
+      variables = list(da.keys())
+      print(grp)
+      for var in variables:
+        try:
+          ecart_min = float(da2[var][:,:nk-JPVEXT].min())-float(da[var][:,:nk-JPVEXT].min())
+          ecart_moy = float(da2[var][:,:nk-JPVEXT].mean())-float(da[var][:,:nk-JPVEXT].mean())
+          ecart_max = float(da2[var][:,:nk-JPVEXT].max())-float(da[var][:,:nk-JPVEXT].max())
+          if (ecart_min !=0 or ecart_moy !=0 or ecart_max !=0):
+            status += 1
+            print(var, ecart_min, ecart_moy, ecart_max)
+        except:
+          pass
+    except:
+      pass
   return status
 if __name__ == "__main__":