diff --git a/prep_code.sh b/prep_code.sh
index bdb1c102fca4d20abc52f71a089b50d07457544d..0a3372890d6733722c6d66ef40e0aafc9a0c47c1 100755
--- a/prep_code.sh
+++ b/prep_code.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 set -e
+#set -x
 #This script can:
 # - extract a tag or a commit from the PHYEX repository
diff --git a/verify_mnh_expand.py b/verify_mnh_expand.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6676023dc5f16da7cbe7b70fd21b823761a105ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verify_mnh_expand.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import glob
+import logging
+def verify_mnh_expand(path):
+    """
+    Verifies if source files are ready for expansion through mnh_expand
+    :param path: directory to recursively check or file name
+    Presently the folowing tests are performed:
+      - starting and closing directives are conform
+      - each instruction in the bloc is an effectation to an array with the right number of dimensions
+    Limitation:
+      - if the '=' sign is not on same line than the left hand side of the affectation instruction,
+        the instruction will no be checked
+      - one-line version of IF or WHERE statement are really on one line (no continuation line)
+    """
+    lhschar = b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890(:)%, \t'
+    if os.path.isdir(path):
+        logging.info("Enters directory: " + path)
+        for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*')):
+            verify_mnh_expand(filename)
+    else:
+        logging.debug("Checks filename: " + path)
+        with open(path, 'rb') as f: #read as byte because some files contain non UTF-8 characters
+            lines = f.readlines()
+        inside = False
+        for iline, line in enumerate(lines):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line[:13] == b'!$mnh_expand_':
+                #New mnh_expand bloc
+                logging.debug('Opening directive found. Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                if inside:
+                    logging.error('New mnh_expand bloc detected whereas we are already in a bloc. ' +
+                                  'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                inside = True
+                open_directive = line[13:].split(b'(')[0]
+                open_args = line[13:].split(b'(')[1].split(b')')[0].replace(b' ', b'')
+                dim = len(line.split(b'(')[1].split(b','))
+            elif line[:17] == b'!$mnh_end_expand_':
+                #End of a mnh_expand bloc
+                logging.debug('Closing directive found. Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                if not inside:
+                    logging.error('End of a mnh_expand bloc detected whereas we are not in a bloc. ' +
+                                  'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                else:
+                    inside = False
+                    end_directive = line[17:].split(b'(')[0]
+                    end_args = line[17:].split(b'(')[1].split(b')')[0].replace(b' ', b'')
+                    if end_directive != open_directive:
+                        logging.error('The end directive ({enddirect}) is not consistent with the opening directive ({opendirect}). '
+                                      'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(enddirect=end_directive.decode('UTF-8'),
+                                                                              opendirect=open_directive.decode('UTF-8'),
+                                                                              line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                    if end_args.upper() != open_args.upper():
+                        logging.error('The end args ({endargs}) are not consistent with the opening args ({openargs}). '
+                                      'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(endargs=end_args.decode('UTF-8'),
+                                                                              openargs=open_args.decode('UTF-8'),
+                                                                              line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+            elif inside:
+                #We do not want to implement a full fortran parser, we are only interested in the left hand side of
+                #affectation instructions. If left hand side is correct (an array element) the right hand side
+                #will be necessarily correct (otherwise a compilation error will be thrown).
+                #Suppresion of condition in 'IF' and 'WHERE' one-line instructions
+                if line[:3].upper() in(b'IF ', b'IF('):
+                    line = line[line.index(b'(') + 1:]
+                    nb = 1
+                    while nb >= 1 and(len(line) > 0):
+                        if line[:1] == b'(': nb += 1
+                        elif line[:1] == b')': nb -= 1
+                        line = line[1:].strip()
+                    if line.upper()[:5] in (b'THEN ', b'THEN!'): line = line[5:]
+                elif line[:6].upper() in(b'WHERE ', b'WHERE('):
+                    line = line[line.index(b'(') + 1:]
+                    nb = 1
+                    while nb >= 1 and(len(line)>0):
+                        if line[:1] == b'(': nb += 1
+                        elif line[:1] == b')': nb -= 1
+                        line = line[1:].strip()
+                #Check if it is the left hand side of an affectation
+                if line[:3].upper() == b'DO ':
+                    logging.warning('A DO loop is inside a mnh_expand bloc, is order correct?. ' +
+                                    'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                elif b'=' in line and all([c in lhschar for c in line.split(b'=')[0]]):
+                    lhs = line.split(b'=')[0]
+                    if not b'(' in lhs:
+                        logging.error('Array on the left hand side of an effectation instruction must be written ' +
+                                      'with opening and closing brackets. ' + 
+                                      'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                    if lhs.count(b':') != dim:
+                        logging.error('Array on the left hand side of an effectation instruction must have the same ' +
+                                      'number of :-dimensions as the number defined in the directive. ' +
+                                      'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+                    if line[line.index(b'(')-1] in b' \t':
+                        logging.error('There must be no space wetween the array name and the opening bracket in ' +
+                                      'the affectation instruction. ' +
+                                      'Line {line} of file {filename}'.format(line=iline + 1, filename=path))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='mnh_expand checker')
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", default=0,
+                        help="Show warning (-v), info (-v -v) or debug (-v -v -v) messages")
+    parser.add_argument('PATH', help="directory to recursively check, or filename")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    level = {0:'ERROR',
+             1:'WARNING',
+             2:'INFO',
+             3:'DEBUG'}[args.verbose]
+    logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, level, None))
+    verify_mnh_expand(args.PATH)