From df45494b525e813d29fd8312d597aee239afedca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philippe WAUTELET <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 11:28:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] lfi2cdf: options are now stored in a structure, command line
 is read in Fortran          instead of C (=> removed newmain.c)

 tools/lfi2cdf/Makefile             |   2 +-
 tools/lfi2cdf/src/lfi2cdf.f90      | 105 ++++-----
 tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_options.f90 | 340 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_util.f90    |  66 +++---
 tools/lfi2cdf/src/newmain.c        | 238 --------------------
 5 files changed, 415 insertions(+), 336 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_options.f90
 delete mode 100644 tools/lfi2cdf/src/newmain.c

diff --git a/tools/lfi2cdf/Makefile b/tools/lfi2cdf/Makefile
index d37681ce5..1fd60ec33 100644
--- a/tools/lfi2cdf/Makefile
+++ b/tools/lfi2cdf/Makefile
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ DIR_COMP = $(DIR_LIB)/COMPRESS
 LIBCOMP  = $(DIR_COMP)/$(ARCH)/liblficomp.a
-OBJS = newmain.o lfi2cdf.o modd_ncparam.o mode_dimlist.o fieldtype.o mode_util.o
+OBJS = mode_options.o lfi2cdf.o modd_ncparam.o mode_dimlist.o fieldtype.o mode_util.o
 PROGS = lfi2cdf 
diff --git a/tools/lfi2cdf/src/lfi2cdf.f90 b/tools/lfi2cdf/src/lfi2cdf.f90
index ebe4f30b9..a66cc2cf4 100644
--- a/tools/lfi2cdf/src/lfi2cdf.f90
+++ b/tools/lfi2cdf/src/lfi2cdf.f90
@@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
-subroutine  LFI2CDFMAIN(hinfile,iiflen,ooutname,houtfile,ioflen,hvarlist,ivlen,ocdf2cdf,olfi2cdf,olfilist,ohdf5,omerge,&
-                        nb_levels,oreduceprecision,osplit,ocompress,compress_level)
+program LFI2CDF
+  USE mode_options
   USE mode_util
-  INTEGER :: iiflen, ioflen, ivlen
-  INTEGER :: nb_levels !Number of vertical levels to merge (for LFI splitted files)
-  CHARACTER(LEN=iiflen) :: hinfile
-  CHARACTER(LEN=ioflen) :: houtfile
-  CHARACTER(LEN=ivlen)  :: hvarlist
-  LOGICAL :: ooutname, ocdf2cdf, olfi2cdf, olfilist, ohdf5, omerge, oreduceprecision, osplit, ocompress
-  INTEGER :: compress_level
   INTEGER :: ibuflen
   INTEGER :: ji
@@ -17,45 +10,30 @@ subroutine  LFI2CDFMAIN(hinfile,iiflen,ooutname,houtfile,ioflen,hvarlist,ivlen,o
   INTEGER :: nbvar_calc ! number of variables to be computed from others
   INTEGER :: nbvar_tbw  ! number of variables to be written
   INTEGER :: nbvar      ! number of defined variables
-  INTEGER :: first_level, current_level, last_level
+  INTEGER :: first_level, current_level, last_level, nb_levels
+  CHARACTER(LEN=:),allocatable :: hvarlist
   TYPE(filelist_struct) :: infiles, outfiles
   TYPE(workfield), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tzreclist
+  type(option),dimension(:),allocatable :: options
+  character(len=:),allocatable :: hinfile, houtfile
+  integer                      :: runmode
-  !Remove level in the filename if merging LFI splitted files
-  if (.NOT.ooutname) then
-    if (omerge .AND. .NOT.osplit) then
-       houtfile=houtfile(1:len(houtfile)-9)//houtfile(len(houtfile)-3:)
-    end if
-    if (.NOT.omerge .AND. osplit) then
-       if (ohdf5) then
-         ji=4
-       else
-         ji=3
-       end if
-       houtfile=houtfile(1:len(houtfile)-ji)
-    end if
-    if (omerge .AND. osplit) then
-       if (ohdf5) then
-         ji=9
-       else
-         ji=8
-       end if
-       houtfile=houtfile(1:len(houtfile)-ji)
-    end if
-  end if
-  CALL OPEN_FILES(infiles, outfiles, hinfile, houtfile, ocdf2cdf, olfi2cdf, olfilist, ohdf5, nbvar_infile, osplit)
-  IF (olfilist) return
-  IF (olfi2cdf .OR. ocdf2cdf) THEN
-     IF (ivlen > 0) THEN
+  call read_commandline(options,hinfile,houtfile,runmode)
+  CALL OPEN_FILES(infiles, outfiles, hinfile, houtfile, nbvar_infile, options, runmode)
+  IF (options(OPTLIST)%set) return
+  IF (runmode == MODELFI2CDF .OR. runmode == MODECDF2CDF) THEN
+     IF (options(OPTVAR)%set) THEN
         ! nbvar_tbr is computed from number of requested variables
         ! by counting commas, = and +
         nbvar_tbr  = 0
         nbvar_calc = 0
         nbvar_tbw = 0
-        DO ji=1,ivlen
+        hvarlist = options(OPTVAR)%cvalue
+        DO ji=1,len(hvarlist)
            IF (hvarlist(ji:ji) == ',' .OR.hvarlist(ji:ji) == '+') THEN
               nbvar_tbr = nbvar_tbr+1
            END IF
@@ -72,64 +50,66 @@ subroutine  LFI2CDFMAIN(hinfile,iiflen,ooutname,houtfile,ioflen,hvarlist,ivlen,o
      END IF
-  IF (olfi2cdf) THEN
+  IF (runmode == MODELFI2CDF) THEN
      ! Conversion LFI -> NetCDF
      !Standard treatment (one LFI file only)
-     IF (.not.omerge) THEN
-       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,hvarlist,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen)
-       IF (osplit) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,ohdf5)
-       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,oreduceprecision,omerge,osplit,ocompress,compress_level)
-       CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,osplit)
+     IF (.not.options(OPTMERGE)%set) THEN
+       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,options)
+       IF (options(OPTSPLIT)%set) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,options)
+       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,options)
+       CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,options)
      !Treat several LFI files and merge into 1 NC file
        !Determine first level (eg needed to find suffix of the variable name)
        read( hinfile(len(hinfile)-6:len(hinfile)-4) , "(I3)" ) first_level
+       nb_levels = options(OPTMERGE)%ivalue
        current_level = first_level
        last_level    = first_level + nb_levels - 1
        !Read 1st LFI file
-       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,hvarlist,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,current_level)
-       IF (osplit) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,ohdf5)
+       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,options,current_level)
+       IF (options(OPTSPLIT)%set) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,options)
        !Define NC variables
-       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,oreduceprecision,omerge,osplit,ocompress,compress_level)
+       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,options)
        DO current_level = first_level,last_level
          print *,'Treating level ',current_level
          IF (current_level/=first_level) THEN
            CALL open_split_lfifile_in(infiles,hinfile,current_level)
-           CALL read_data_lfi(infiles,hvarlist,nbvar,tzreclist,ibuflen,current_level)
+           CALL read_data_lfi(infiles,nbvar,tzreclist,ibuflen,current_level)
          END IF
-         CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,osplit,current_level)
+         CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,options,current_level)
          IF (current_level/=last_level) CALL close_files(infiles)
        END DO
      END IF
-  ELSE IF (ocdf2cdf) THEN
+  ELSE IF (runmode == MODECDF2CDF) THEN
      ! Conversion netCDF -> netCDF
      !Standard treatment (one netCDF file only)
-     IF (.not.omerge) THEN
-       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,hvarlist,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,current_level)
-       IF (osplit) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,ohdf5)
-       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,oreduceprecision,omerge,osplit,ocompress,compress_level)
-       CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,osplit)
+     IF (.not.options(OPTMERGE)%set) THEN
+       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,options,current_level)
+       IF (options(OPTSPLIT)%set) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,options)
+       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,options)
+       CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,options)
      !Treat several NC files and merge into 1 NC file
        !Determine first level (eg needed to find suffix of the variable name)
        read( hinfile(len(hinfile)-5:len(hinfile)-3) , "(I3)" ) first_level
+       nb_levels = options(OPTMERGE)%ivalue
        current_level = first_level
        last_level    = first_level + nb_levels - 1
        !Read 1st NC file
-       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,hvarlist,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,current_level)
-       IF (osplit) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,ohdf5)
+       CALL parse_infiles(infiles,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,options,current_level)
+       IF (options(OPTSPLIT)%set) call open_split_ncfiles_out(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tzreclist,options)
        !Define NC variables
-       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,oreduceprecision,omerge,osplit,ocompress,compress_level)
+       CALL def_ncdf(outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,options)
        DO current_level = first_level,last_level
          print *,'Treating level ',current_level
@@ -137,19 +117,18 @@ subroutine  LFI2CDFMAIN(hinfile,iiflen,ooutname,houtfile,ioflen,hvarlist,ivlen,o
            CALL open_split_ncfile_in(infiles,hinfile,current_level)
            CALL update_varid_in(infiles,hinfile,tzreclist,nbvar,current_level)
          END IF
-         CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,osplit,current_level)
+         CALL fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,nbvar,ibuflen,options,current_level)
          IF (current_level/=last_level) CALL close_files(infiles)
        END DO
      END IF
      ! Conversion NetCDF -> LFI
-     CALL parse_infiles(infiles,hvarlist,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,current_level)
+     CALL parse_infiles(infiles,nbvar_infile,nbvar_tbr,nbvar_calc,nbvar_tbw,tzreclist,ibuflen,options,current_level)
      CALL build_lfi(infiles,outfiles,tzreclist,ibuflen)
   CALL CLOSE_FILES(infiles)
   CALL CLOSE_FILES(outfiles)
-end subroutine LFI2CDFMAIN
+end program LFI2CDF
diff --git a/tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_options.f90 b/tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_options.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eeded3e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_options.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+module mode_options
+  implicit none
+  integer,parameter :: nbavailoptions = 10
+  integer,parameter :: TYPEUNDEF = -1, TYPEINT = 1, TYPELOG = 2, TYPEREAL = 3, TYPECHAR = 4
+  integer,parameter :: MODEUNDEF = -11, MODECDF2CDF = 11, MODELFI2CDF = 12, MODECDF2LFI = 13
+  integer,parameter :: OPTCDF3   = 1, OPTCDF4   = 2, OPTCOMPRESS = 3
+  integer,parameter :: OPTHELP   = 4, OPTLIST   = 5, OPTMERGE    = 6
+  integer,parameter :: OPTOUTPUT = 7, OPTREDUCE = 8, OPTSPLIT    = 9
+  integer,parameter :: OPTVAR    = 10
+  type option
+    logical :: set = .false.
+    character(len=:),allocatable :: long_name
+    character :: short_name
+    logical :: has_argument
+    integer :: type = TYPEUNDEF
+    integer :: ivalue
+    logical :: lvalue
+    real    :: rvalue
+    character(len=:),allocatable :: cvalue
+  end type option
+subroutine read_commandline(options,hinfile,houtfile,runmode)
+  implicit none
+  type(option),dimension(:),allocatable,intent(out) :: options
+  character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out)          :: hinfile
+  character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out)          :: houtfile
+  integer,intent(out)                               :: runmode
+  integer :: idx, ji, nbargs, status, sz
+  logical :: finished
+  character(len=:),allocatable :: command, fullcommand
+  allocate(character(len=sz)::fullcommand)
+  idx = index(fullcommand,'/',back=.true.)
+  allocate(character(len=sz-idx)::command)
+  command=fullcommand(idx+1:)
+  select case (command)
+    case ('cdf2cdf')
+      runmode = MODECDF2CDF
+    case ('cdf2lfi')
+      runmode = MODECDF2LFI
+    case ('lfi2cdf')
+      runmode = MODELFI2CDF
+    case default
+      runmode = MODEUNDEF
+      print *,'Error: program started with unknown command: ',command
+      call help()
+  end select
+  deallocate(command,fullcommand)
+  call init_options(options)
+  if (nbargs==0) then
+    print *,'Error: no input file given'
+    call help()
+  end if
+  if (nbargs>1) then
+    finished = .false.
+    do while(.not.finished)
+      call get_option(options,finished)
+    end do
+  end if
+  allocate(character(len=sz)::hinfile)
+  call check_options(options,hinfile,runmode)
+  houtfile = options(OPTOUTPUT)%cvalue
+  !Remove level in the filename if merging LFI splitted files
+  if (.NOT.options(OPTOUTPUT)%set) then
+    if (options(OPTMERGE)%set .AND. .NOT.options(OPTSPLIT)%set) then
+       houtfile=houtfile(1:len(houtfile)-9)//houtfile(len(houtfile)-3:)
+    end if
+    if (.NOT.options(OPTMERGE)%set .AND. options(OPTSPLIT)%set) then
+       if (options(OPTCDF4)%set) then
+         ji=4
+       else
+         ji=3
+       end if
+       houtfile=houtfile(1:len(houtfile)-ji)
+    end if
+    if (options(OPTMERGE)%set .AND. options(OPTSPLIT)%set) then
+       if (options(OPTCDF4)%set) then
+         ji=9
+       else
+         ji=8
+       end if
+       houtfile=houtfile(1:len(houtfile)-ji)
+    end if
+  end if
+end subroutine read_commandline
+subroutine init_options(options)
+  implicit none
+  type(option),dimension(:),allocatable,intent(out) :: options
+  allocate(options(nbavailoptions))
+  options(OPTCDF3)%long_name    = "cdf3"
+  options(OPTCDF3)%short_name   = '3'
+  options(OPTCDF3)%has_argument = .false.
+  options(OPTCDF4)%long_name    = "cdf4"
+  options(OPTCDF4)%short_name   = '4'
+  options(OPTCDF4)%has_argument = .false.
+  options(OPTCOMPRESS)%long_name    = "compress"
+  options(OPTCOMPRESS)%short_name   = 'c'
+  options(OPTCOMPRESS)%has_argument = .true.
+  options(OPTCOMPRESS)%type         = TYPEINT
+  options(OPTHELP)%long_name    = "help"
+  options(OPTHELP)%short_name   = 'h'
+  options(OPTHELP)%has_argument = .false.
+  options(OPTLIST)%long_name    = "list"
+  options(OPTLIST)%short_name   = 'l'
+  options(OPTLIST)%has_argument = .false.
+  options(OPTMERGE)%long_name    = "merge"
+  options(OPTMERGE)%short_name   = 'm'
+  options(OPTMERGE)%has_argument = .true.
+  options(OPTMERGE)%type         = TYPEINT
+  options(OPTOUTPUT)%long_name    = "output"
+  options(OPTOUTPUT)%short_name   = 'o'
+  options(OPTOUTPUT)%has_argument = .true.
+  options(OPTOUTPUT)%type         = TYPECHAR
+  options(OPTREDUCE)%long_name    = "reduce-precision"
+  options(OPTREDUCE)%short_name   = 'r'
+  options(OPTREDUCE)%has_argument = .false.
+  options(OPTSPLIT)%long_name    = "split"
+  options(OPTSPLIT)%short_name   = 's'
+  options(OPTSPLIT)%has_argument = .false.
+  options(OPTVAR)%long_name    = "var"
+  options(OPTVAR)%short_name   = 'v'
+  options(OPTVAR)%has_argument = .true.
+  options(OPTVAR)%type         = TYPECHAR
+end subroutine init_options
+subroutine get_option(options,finished)
+  implicit none
+  integer,parameter :: MAXARGSIZE=512
+  logical,intent(out) :: finished
+  type(option),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: options
+  integer,save              :: argnum = 1
+  integer                   :: i, sz
+  logical                   :: found
+  character(len=MAXARGSIZE) :: arg
+  found = .false.
+  if(sz>MAXARGSIZE) print *,'Error: argument bigger than ',MAXARGSIZE
+  if ( INDEX(arg,'--')==1 .AND. sz>2) then
+    do i=1,nbavailoptions
+      if (options(i)%long_name == trim(arg(3:))) then
+        found = .true.
+        exit
+      end if
+    end do
+  else if ( INDEX(arg,'-')==1 ) then
+    do i=1,nbavailoptions
+      if (options(i)%short_name == trim(arg(2:))) then
+        found = .true.
+        exit
+      end if
+    end do
+  else
+    print *,'Error: ',trim(arg),' is not an option'
+    call help()
+  end if
+  if ( .not.found ) then
+    print *,'Error: unknown option: ',trim(arg)
+    call help()
+  end if
+  if (options(i)%set) then
+    print *,'Error: at least 1 option is set several times!'
+    call help()
+  end if
+  options(i)%set = .true.
+  if (options(i)%has_argument) then
+    argnum = argnum + 1
+    if (argnum >= COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT()) then
+      print *,'Error: argument for option ',trim(arg),' not found'
+      call help()
+    end if
+    if(sz>MAXARGSIZE) print *,'Error: argument bigger than ',MAXARGSIZE
+    select case (options(i)%type)
+      case (TYPEINT)
+        read (arg,*) options(i)%ivalue
+      case (TYPELOG)
+        read (arg,*) options(i)%lvalue
+      case (TYPEREAL)
+        read (arg,*) options(i)%rvalue
+      case (TYPECHAR)
+        options(i)%cvalue = arg
+      case default
+        print *,'Error: unknown option type'
+        call help()
+    end select
+  end if
+  argnum = argnum + 1
+  if (argnum >= COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT()) finished = .true.
+end subroutine get_option
+subroutine check_options(options,infile,runmode)
+  implicit none
+  type(option),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: options
+  character(len=:),allocatable,intent(in) :: infile
+  integer,intent(in)                      :: runmode
+  integer :: idx1, idx2
+  !Check if help has been asked
+  if (options(OPTHELP)%set) then
+    call help()
+  end if
+  !Use NetCF-4 by default
+  if (.NOT.options(OPTCDF3)%set) then
+    options(OPTCDF4)%set = .true.
+  else
+    if (options(OPTCDF4)%set) then
+      print *,'Warning: NetCDF-3 and NetCDF-4 options are not compatible'
+      print *,'NetCDF-4 is forced'
+      options(OPTCDF3)%set = .false.
+    end if
+  end if
+  !Check compression level
+  if (options(OPTCOMPRESS)%set) then
+    if (options(OPTCOMPRESS)%ivalue < 1 .OR. options(OPTCOMPRESS)%ivalue > 9 ) then
+      print *,'Error: compression level should in the 1 to 9 interval'
+      call help()
+    end if
+  end if
+  !Check list option
+  if (options(OPTLIST)%set .AND. runmode/=MODELFI2CDF) then
+    print *,'Error: list option is only valid for lfi2cdf'
+    call help()
+  end if
+  !Merge flag only supported if -v is set
+  if (options(OPTMERGE)%set .AND. .NOT.options(OPTVAR)%set) then
+    print *,'Error: merge option must be used with var option'
+    call help()
+  end if
+  !Split flag only supported if -v is set
+  if (options(OPTSPLIT)%set .AND. .NOT.options(OPTVAR)%set) then
+      options(OPTSPLIT)%set = .false.
+      print *,"Warning: split option is forced to disable"
+  end if
+  !Determine outfile name if not given
+  if (.NOT.options(OPTOUTPUT)%set) then
+    idx1 = index(infile,'/',back=.true.)
+    idx2 = index(infile,'.',back=.true.)
+    options(OPTOUTPUT)%cvalue = infile(idx1+1:idx2-1)
+  end if
+end subroutine check_options
+subroutine help()
+  implicit none
+!TODO: -l option for cdf2cdf and cdf2lfi
+  print *,"Usage : lfi2cdf [-h --help] [--cdf4 -4] [-l] [-v --var var1[,...]] [-r --reduce-precision]"
+  print *,"                [-m --merge number_of_z_levels] [-s --split] [-o --output]"
+  print *,"                [-c --compress compression_level] input-file.lfi"
+  print *,"        cdf2cdf [-h --help] [--cdf4 -4] [-v --var var1[,...]] [-r --reduce-precision]"
+  print *,"                [-m --merge number_of_z_levels] [-s --split] [-o --output]"
+  print *,"                [-c --compress compression_level]"
+  print *,"        cdf2lfi [-o --output output-file.lfi]"
+  print *,""
+  print *,"Options:"
+  print *,"  --cdf3, -3"
+  print *,"     Write netCDF file in netCDF-3 format (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,"  --cdf4, -4 (by default)"
+  print *,"     Write netCDF file in netCDF-4 format (HDF5 compatible) (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,"  --compress, -c compression_level"
+  print *,"     Compress data. The compression level should be in the 1 to 9 interval."
+  print *,"     Only supported with the netCDF-4 format (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,"  --help, -h"
+  print *,"     Print this text"
+  print *,"  --list, -l"
+  print *,"     List all the fields of the LFI file and returns (lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,"  --merge, -m number_of_z_levels"
+  print *,"     Merge LFI files which are split by vertical level (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,"  --output, -o"
+  print *,"     Name of file for the output"
+  print *,"  --reduce-precision, -r"
+  print *,"     Reduce the precision of the floating point variables to single precision (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,"  --split, -s"
+  print *,"     Split variables specified with the -v option (one per file) (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,"  --var, -v var1[,...]"
+  print *,"     List of the variable to write in the output file. Variables names have to be separated by commas (,)."
+  print *,"     A variable can be computed from the sum of existing variables (format: new_var=var1+var2[+...])"
+  print *,"     (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)"
+  print *,""
+  stop
+end subroutine help
+end module mode_options
diff --git a/tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_util.f90 b/tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_util.f90
index 31cab4c7e..78c1fc0ce 100644
--- a/tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_util.f90
+++ b/tools/lfi2cdf/src/mode_util.f90
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 MODULE mode_util
   USE mode_dimlist
+  USE mode_options
   USE netcdf
@@ -93,12 +94,12 @@ CONTAINS
-  SUBROUTINE parse_infiles(infiles, hvarlist, nbvar_infile, nbvar_tbr, nbvar_calc, nbvar_tbw, tpreclist, kbuflen, icurrent_level)
+  SUBROUTINE parse_infiles(infiles, nbvar_infile, nbvar_tbr, nbvar_calc, nbvar_tbw, tpreclist, kbuflen, options, icurrent_level)
     TYPE(filelist_struct),      INTENT(IN) :: infiles
     INTEGER,                    INTENT(IN) :: nbvar_infile, nbvar_tbr, nbvar_calc, nbvar_tbw
-    CHARACTER(LEN=*),           INTENT(IN) :: hvarlist
     TYPE(workfield), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tpreclist
     INTEGER,                   INTENT(OUT) :: kbuflen
+    TYPE(option),DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)  :: options
     INTEGER,          INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: icurrent_level
     INTEGER                                  :: ji,jj, kcdf_id, itype
@@ -119,7 +120,6 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER                        :: JPHEXT
     IF (infiles%files(1)%format == LFI_FORMAT) THEN
       ilu = infiles%files(1)%lun_id
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ CONTAINS
     !    compte un sous-ensemble d'article (liste definie par
     !    l'utilisateur par exemple)
-    IF (LEN_TRIM(hvarlist) > 0) THEN
+    IF (options(OPTVAR)%set) THEN
 #ifndef LOWMEM
       IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(lfiart) .AND. infiles%files(1)%format == LFI_FORMAT) ALLOCATE(lfiart(nbvar_tbr+nbvar_calc))
@@ -197,8 +197,9 @@ CONTAINS
        ndb  = 1
        idx_var = 1
        DO ji=1,nbvar_tbw
-          nde = INDEX(TRIM(hvarlist(ndb:)),',')
-          yrecfm = hvarlist(ndb:ndb+nde-2)
+          !crash compiler GCC 4.2.0: nde = INDEX(TRIM(options(OPTVAR)%cvalue(ndb:)),',')
+          nde = INDEX(TRIM(options(OPTVAR)%cvalue(ndb:len(trim(options(OPTVAR)%cvalue)))),',')
+          yrecfm = options(OPTVAR)%cvalue(ndb:ndb+nde-2)
           !Detect operations on variables (only + is supported now)
           ndey = INDEX(TRIM(yrecfm),'=')
@@ -470,10 +471,9 @@ END DO
   END SUBROUTINE parse_infiles
-  SUBROUTINE read_data_lfi(infiles, hvarlist, nbvar, tpreclist, kbuflen, current_level)
+  SUBROUTINE read_data_lfi(infiles, nbvar, tpreclist, kbuflen, current_level)
     TYPE(filelist_struct),      INTENT(IN) :: infiles
     INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT)                 :: nbvar
-    CHARACTER(LEN=*), intent(IN)           :: hvarlist
     TYPE(workfield), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tpreclist
     INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                    :: kbuflen
     INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL          :: current_level
@@ -532,17 +532,13 @@ END DO
     END IF
-  SUBROUTINE def_ncdf(outfiles,tpreclist,nbvar,oreduceprecision,omerge,osplit,ocompress,compress_level)
+  SUBROUTINE def_ncdf(outfiles,tpreclist,nbvar,options)
     TYPE(filelist_struct),       INTENT(IN) :: outfiles
     TYPE(workfield),DIMENSION(:),INTENT(INOUT) :: tpreclist
     INTEGER,                     INTENT(IN) :: nbvar
-    LOGICAL,                     INTENT(IN) :: oreduceprecision
-    LOGICAL,                     INTENT(IN) :: omerge
-    LOGICAl,                     INTENT(IN) :: osplit
-    LOGICAL,                     INTENT(IN) :: ocompress
-    INTEGER,                     INTENT(IN) :: compress_level
+    TYPE(option),DIMENSION(:),   INTENT(IN) :: options
-    INTEGER :: status
+    INTEGER :: compress_level, status
     INTEGER :: idx, ji, nbfiles
     INTEGER:: kcdf_id
     TYPE(dimCDF), POINTER :: tzdim
@@ -554,7 +550,7 @@ END DO
     nbfiles = outfiles%nbfiles
-    IF (oreduceprecision) THEN
+    IF (options(OPTREDUCE)%set) THEN
       type_float = NF90_REAL
       type_float = NF90_DOUBLE
@@ -591,7 +587,7 @@ END DO
            ivdims(1) = tpreclist(ji)%dim%id
            invdims = tpreclist(ji)%dim%ndims
-           IF(omerge) invdims=invdims+1 !when merging variables from LFI splitted files
+           IF(options(OPTMERGE)%set) invdims=invdims+1 !when merging variables from LFI splitted files
            SELECT CASE(invdims)
@@ -656,7 +652,8 @@ END DO
        END SELECT
        ! Compress data (costly operation for the CPU)
-       IF (ocompress .AND. invdims>0) THEN
+       IF (options(OPTCOMPRESS)%set .AND. invdims>0) THEN
+         compress_level = options(OPTCOMPRESS)%ivalue
          status = NF90_DEF_VAR_DEFLATE(kcdf_id,tpreclist(ji)%id_out,1,1,compress_level)
          IF (status /= NF90_NOERR) CALL HANDLE_ERR(status,__LINE__)
        END IF
@@ -669,7 +666,7 @@ END DO
        status = NF90_PUT_ATT(kcdf_id,tpreclist(ji)%id_out,'COMMENT',trim(tpreclist(ji)%comment))
        IF (status /= NF90_NOERR) CALL HANDLE_ERR(status,__LINE__)
-       IF (osplit) idx = idx + 1
+       IF (options(OPTSPLIT)%set) idx = idx + 1
     END DO
     DO ji = 1,nbfiles
@@ -680,12 +677,12 @@ END DO
   END SUBROUTINE def_ncdf
-  SUBROUTINE fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tpreclist,knaf,kbuflen,osplit,current_level)
+  SUBROUTINE fill_ncdf(infiles,outfiles,tpreclist,knaf,kbuflen,options,current_level)
     TYPE(filelist_struct),        INTENT(IN):: infiles, outfiles
     TYPE(workfield), DIMENSION(:),INTENT(IN):: tpreclist
     INTEGER,                      INTENT(IN):: knaf
     INTEGER,                      INTENT(IN):: kbuflen
-    LOGICAl,                      INTENT(IN):: osplit
+    TYPE(option),DIMENSION(:),    INTENT(IN):: options
     INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL           :: current_level
 #ifdef LOWMEM
@@ -994,7 +991,7 @@ END DO
        END SELECT
-       if (osplit) idx = idx + 1
+       if (options(OPTSPLIT)%set) idx = idx + 1
     END DO
@@ -1150,12 +1147,13 @@ END DO
     END DO
-  SUBROUTINE OPEN_FILES(infiles,outfiles,hinfile,houtfile,ocdf2cdf,olfi2cdf,olfilist,ohdf5,nbvar_infile,osplit)
+  SUBROUTINE OPEN_FILES(infiles,outfiles,hinfile,houtfile,nbvar_infile,options,runmode)
     TYPE(filelist_struct),INTENT(OUT) :: infiles, outfiles
-    LOGICAL,          INTENT(IN)  :: ocdf2cdf, olfi2cdf, olfilist, ohdf5, osplit
     CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)  :: hinfile
     CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)  :: houtfile
     INTEGER         , INTENT(OUT) :: nbvar_infile
+    TYPE(option),DIMENSION(:),INTENT(IN) :: options
+    INTEGER         , INTENT(IN)  :: runmode
     INTEGER                     :: extindex
     INTEGER(KIND=LFI_INT)       :: iresp,iverb,inap,inaf
@@ -1168,7 +1166,7 @@ END DO
     CALL init_sysfield()
-    IF (olfi2cdf) THEN 
+    IF (runmode == MODELFI2CDF) THEN
        ! Cas LFI -> NetCDF
        infiles%nbfiles = infiles%nbfiles + 1
        idx = infiles%nbfiles
@@ -1181,19 +1179,19 @@ END DO
        nbvar_infile = inaf
-       IF (olfilist) THEN
+       IF (options(OPTLIST)%set) THEN
           CALL LFILAF(iresp,infiles%files(idx)%lun_id,lfalse)
           CALL LFIFER(iresp,infiles%files(idx)%lun_id,'KEEP')
        END IF
-       IF (.NOT.osplit) THEN
+       IF (.NOT.options(OPTSPLIT)%set) THEN
          outfiles%nbfiles = outfiles%nbfiles + 1
          idx = outfiles%nbfiles
          outfiles%files(idx)%format = NETCDF_FORMAT
          outfiles%files(idx)%status = WRITING
-         IF (ohdf5) THEN
+         IF (options(OPTCDF4)%set) THEN
             status = NF90_CREATE(houtfile, IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_NETCDF4), outfiles%files(idx)%lun_id)
             status = NF90_CREATE(houtfile, IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET), outfiles%files(idx)%lun_id)
@@ -1214,7 +1212,7 @@ END DO
 !!$       END SELECT
          END IF ! .NOT.osplit
-    ELSE IF (ocdf2cdf) THEN
+    ELSE IF (runmode == MODECDF2CDF) THEN
        ! Cas netCDF -> netCDF
        infiles%nbfiles = infiles%nbfiles + 1
@@ -1229,11 +1227,11 @@ END DO
        IF (status /= NF90_NOERR) CALL HANDLE_ERR(status,__LINE__)
-       IF (.NOT.osplit) THEN
+       IF (.NOT.options(OPTSPLIT)%set) THEN
          outfiles%nbfiles = outfiles%nbfiles + 1
          idx = outfiles%nbfiles
-         IF (ohdf5) THEN
+         IF (options(OPTCDF4)%set) THEN
             status = NF90_CREATE(houtfile, IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_NETCDF4), outfiles%files(idx)%lun_id)
             status = NF90_CREATE(houtfile, IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET), outfiles%files(idx)%lun_id)
@@ -1322,12 +1320,12 @@ END DO
-  SUBROUTINE OPEN_SPLIT_NCFILES_OUT(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tpreclist,ohdf5)
+  SUBROUTINE OPEN_SPLIT_NCFILES_OUT(outfiles,houtfile,nbvar,tpreclist,options)
     TYPE(filelist_struct),         INTENT(INOUT) :: outfiles
     CHARACTER(LEN=*),              INTENT(IN)    :: houtfile
     INTEGER,                       INTENT(IN)    :: nbvar
     TYPE(workfield), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)    :: tpreclist
-    LOGICAL,                       INTENT(IN)    :: ohdf5
+    TYPE(option),DIMENSION(:),     INTENT(IN)    :: options
     INTEGER :: ji, idx
     INTEGER :: status
@@ -1344,7 +1342,7 @@ END DO
       IF (.NOT.tpreclist(ji)%tbw) CYCLE
       outfiles%files(idx)%var_id = ji
-      IF (ohdf5) THEN
+      IF (options(OPTCDF4)%set) THEN
         filename = trim(houtfile)//'.'//trim(tpreclist(ji)%name)//'.nc4'
         status = NF90_CREATE(trim(filename), IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_NETCDF4), outfiles%files(idx)%lun_id)
diff --git a/tools/lfi2cdf/src/newmain.c b/tools/lfi2cdf/src/newmain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed4be3cf..000000000
--- a/tools/lfi2cdf/src/newmain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#define BUFSIZE 4096
-extern lfi2cdfmain_(char*, int*, int *, char*, int*, char*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*);
-char *cleancomma(char *varlist)
-  char *ip, *op;
-  op = varlist;
-  for (ip=varlist; *ip; ip++) {
-    if (*ip != ',' || *ip == ',' && *op != ',') 
-      *(++op) = *ip;
-  }
-  if (*op != ',') 
-    *(++op) = ',';
-  *(op+1) = '\0';
-  return varlist+1;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-  int ilen;
-  int list_flag;
-  int c2c_flag;
-  int l2c_flag;
-  int hdf5_flag;
-  int merge_flag, nb_levels;
-  int reduceprecision_flag;
-  int outname_flag;
-  int compress_flag, compress_level;
-  int split_flag;
-  int help_flag;
-  char *cmd, *infile;
-  int c;
-  char buff[BUFSIZE];
-  int varlistlen;
-  char *varlist;
-  char *p;
-  int lenopt;
-  char *outfile=NULL;
-  int olen=0;
-  cmd = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
-  if (cmd == NULL)
-    cmd = argv[0];
-  else
-    cmd++;
-  l2c_flag = strcmp(cmd, "lfi2cdf") == 0 ? 1 : 0;
-  c2c_flag = strcmp(cmd, "cdf2cdf") == 0 ? 1 : 0;
-  compress_flag = 0;
-  list_flag = 0;
-  hdf5_flag = 1;
-  help_flag = 0;
-  outname_flag = 0;
-  reduceprecision_flag = 0;
-  split_flag = 0;
-  p = buff;
-  *p = '\0';
-  /* Default values for merging of LFI splitted files */
-  merge_flag = 0;
-  nb_levels = 1;
-  while (1) {
-    int option_index = 0;
-    static struct option long_options[] = {
-      {"cdf3",             no_argument,       0, '3' },
-      {"cdf4",             no_argument,       0, '4' },
-      {"compress",         required_argument, 0, 'c' },
-      {"help",             no_argument,       0, 'h' },
-      {"list",             no_argument,       0, 'l' },
-      {"merge",            required_argument, 0, 'm' },
-      {"output",           required_argument, 0, 'o' },
-      {"reduce-precision", no_argument,       0, 'r' },
-      {"split",            no_argument,       0, 's' },
-      {"var",              required_argument, 0, 'v' },
-      {0,                  0,                 0,  0  }
-    };
-    c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "34c:hlm:o:rsv:",
-		    long_options, &option_index);
-    if (c == -1)
-      break;
-    switch (c) {
-    case 0:
-      printf("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
-      if (optarg)
-	printf(" with arg %s", optarg);
-      printf("\n");
-      break;
-    case 'c':
-      compress_flag = 1;
-      compress_level = atoi(optarg);
-      if(compress_level<1 || compress_level>9) {
-        printf("Error: compression level should in the 1 to 9 interval\n");
-        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-      }
-      break;
-    case '3':
-      hdf5_flag = 0;
-      break;
-    case '4':
-      hdf5_flag = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'h':
-      help_flag = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'l':
-      list_flag = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'm':
-      merge_flag = 1;
-      nb_levels = atoi(optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'o':
-      outname_flag = 1;
-      outfile = optarg;
-      olen = strlen(outfile);
-      break;
-    case 'r':
-      reduceprecision_flag = 1;
-      break;
-    case 's':
-      split_flag = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'v':
-      if (l2c_flag || c2c_flag) {
-	lenopt = strlen(optarg);
-	//	printf("option v with value '%s'\n", optarg);
-	if (p+lenopt > buff+BUFSIZE)
-	  printf("%s ignored in list\n", optarg);
-	else {
-	  *p++ = ',';
-	  strcpy(p, optarg);
-	  p += lenopt;
-	}
-      } else 
-	printf("option -v is ignored\n"); 
-      break;
-    default:
-      printf("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
-    }
-  }
-  if (optind == argc || help_flag) {
-//TODO: -l option for cdf2cdf and cdf2lfi
-    printf("usage : lfi2cdf [-h --help] [--cdf4 -4] [-l] [-v --var var1[,...]] [-r --reduce-precision] [-m --merge number_of_z_levels] [-s --split] [-o --output] [-c --compress compression_level] input-file.lfi\n");
-    printf("        cdf2cdf [-h --help] [--cdf4 -4] [-v --var var1[,...]] [-r --reduce-precision] [-m --merge number_of_z_levels] [-s --split] [-o --output] [-c --compress compression_level]\n");
-    printf("        cdf2lfi [-o --output output-file.lfi]\n");
-    printf("\nOptions:\n");
-    printf("  --cdf3, -3\n");
-    printf("     Write netCDF file in netCDF-3 format (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("  --cdf4, -4 (by default)\n");
-    printf("     Write netCDF file in netCDF-4 format (HDF5 compatible) (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("  --compress, -c compression_level\n");
-    printf("     Compress data. The compression level should be in the 1 to 9 interval.\n");
-    printf("     Only supported with the netCDF-4 format (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("  --help, -h\n");
-    printf("     Print this text\n");
-    printf("  --list, -l\n");
-    printf("     List all the fields of the LFI file and returns (lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("  --merge, -m number_of_z_levels\n");
-    printf("     Merge LFI files which are split by vertical level (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("  --output, -o\n");
-    printf("     Name of file for the output\n");
-    printf("  --reduce-precision, -r\n");
-    printf("     Reduce the precision of the floating point variables to single precision (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("  --split, -s\n");
-    printf("     Split variables specified with the -v option (one per file) (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("  --var, -v var1[,...]\n");
-    printf("     List of the variable to write in the output file. Variables names have to be separated by commas (,).\n");
-    printf("     A variable can be computed from the sum of existing variables (format: new_var=var1+var2[+...])\n");
-    printf("     (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)\n");
-    printf("\n");
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-  } 
-  ilen = strlen(argv[optind]);
-  infile = argv[optind];
-  varlist = cleancomma(buff);
-  varlistlen = strlen(buff);
-  if (outfile == NULL) {
-    /* determine outfile name from infile name */
-    char *cp, *sp;
-    cp = strrchr(infile, '/');
-    if (cp == 0)                /* no delimiter */
-      cp = infile;
-    else                        /* skip delimeter */
-      cp++;
-    outfile = (char*) malloc((unsigned)(strlen(cp)+5));
-    (void) strncpy(outfile, cp, strlen(cp) + 1);
-    if ((sp = strrchr(outfile, '.')) != NULL)
-      *sp = '\0';
-    if (l2c_flag || c2c_flag){
-      char *ncext;
-      ncext = hdf5_flag ? ".nc4" : ".nc"; 
-      strcat(outfile,ncext);
-    } else
-      strcat(outfile,".lfi");
-    olen = strlen(outfile);
-  }
-  /* Compression flag only supported if using netCDF4 */
-  if (hdf5_flag==0 && compress_flag==1) {
-	  compress_flag = 0;
-	  printf("Warning: compression is forced to disable (only supported from netCDF4).\n");
-  }
-  /*
-  printf("cmd=%s; inputfile=%s(%d); outputfile=%s(%d); varlistclean=%s with size : %d\n", cmd, 
-         infile, ilen, outfile, olen, varlist, varlistlen);
-  */
-  /* Split flag only supported if -v is set */
-  if (varlistlen==0 && split_flag!=0) {
-	  split_flag = 0;
-	  printf("Warning: split option is forced to disable.\n");
-  }
-  lfi2cdfmain_(infile, &ilen, &outname_flag, outfile, &olen, varlist, &varlistlen, &c2c_flag, &l2c_flag, &list_flag, &hdf5_flag, &merge_flag,
-		       &nb_levels, &reduceprecision_flag, &split_flag, &compress_flag, &compress_level);
-  exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);