# PHYEX_tools

This package contains tools related to the PHYEX package (https://github.com/QuentinRodier/PHYEX).
Specifically, the prep_code.sh scripts prepare the source code for inclusion in the compilation machinery
of the different models.

And, the check_commit_ial.sh script compiles, executes IAL test cases and compares the results againts a reference simulation.

Moreover, the check_commit_mesonh.sh script compiles, executes a test case and compares the results againts a reference simulation.

## Installation

Instructions can be found in INSTALL file.

## Usage

Help on check_commit_ial.sh, check_commit_mesonh.sh and prep_code.sh can be printed with the '-h' option.

For check_commit_mesonh.sh, it is mandatory to source the env.sh file