# PHYEX PHYsique EXternalisée ## ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This document is a general presentation of the PHYEX package. More specific documentation can be found: - [Developer](./Developer.md): package organisation, how to contribute, coding norms - [Integrator](./Integrator.md): how to merge contributions - [Offline](./Offline.md): how to compile the library and the test programs, how to use the library with python, how to use the test programs - [Plugging](./Plugging.md) : how to plug the physics package in a model - [Tools](./Tools.md): description of the check\_commit\_\*.sh scripts (to check bit reproducibility between two commits) and of the prep\_code.sh script This document is written using the markdown language. With pandoc, it can be converted to HTML (pandoc -s \<filename\>.md -o \<filename\>.html) or PDF (pandoc -s \<filename\>.md -o \<filename\>.pdf). ## HISTORY The physics was first developed for the Meso-NH model (http://mesonh.aero.obs-mip.fr/). Then, a part of the physics have been used to build the AROME model ([Seity et al, 2011](http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2010MWR3425.1)). The last step was to extract the physics to build the independent PHYEX package. ## CONTENT The folowing paramerisations are included in the PHYEX package (see the MesoNH documentation for references): - turbulence scheme - shallow convection scheme - microphysics scheme In addition to the parametrisatin source code, test programs and a library for python binding are also provided.