!MNH_LIC Copyright 1995-2020 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ################## MODULE MODD_BUDGET ! ################## ! !!**** *MODD_BUDGET* - declaration of budget variables !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! The purpose of this declarative module is to specify the budget ! variables ! !! !!** IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! Book2 of documentation of Meso-NH (module MODD_BUDGET) !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! P. Hereil *Meteo France* !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 23/02/95 !! J.-P. Lafore 10/02/98 adding of rhodj declaration for budget !! V. Ducrocq 4/06/99 // !! J.-P. Pinty 25/09/00 additional budget terms for C2R2 scheme !! D. Gazen 22/01/01 add NCHEMSV !! V. Masson 06/11/02 new flags for budget calls and time counters !! V. Masson 27/11/02 add 2way nesting effect !! P. Jabouille 07/07/04 add budget terms for microphysics !! C. Barthe 19/11/09 add budget terms for electricity !! C.Lac 04/2016 negative contribution to the budget split between advection, turbulence and microphysics for KHKO/C2R2 !! C. Barthe /16 add budget terms for LIMA !! C. LAc 10/2016 add droplets deposition !! S. Riette 11/2016 New budgets for ICE3/ICE4 ! P. Wautelet 05/2016-04/2018: new data structures and calls for I/O ! P. Wautelet 19/07/2019: parameters to identify budget number ! P. Wautelet 15/11/2019: remove unused CBURECORD variable ! P. Wautelet 17/01/2020: add new budget data types ! P. Wautelet 27/01/2020: use the tfield_metadata_base abstract datatype ! P. Wautelet 28/01/2020: add missing budgets for viscosity ! P. Wautelet 28/01/2020: add trhodj in tbudgetdata datatype ! B. Vie 03/02/2020: LIMA negativity checks after turbulence, advection and microphysics budgets ! P. Wautelet 09/03/2020: add tburhodj variable ! P .Wautelet 09/03/2020: add missing budgets for electricity ! P. Wautelet 17/04/2020: set default values for budgets switch values ! P. Wautelet 23/04/2020: add nid in tbudgetdata datatype ! P. Wautelet 30/06/2020: add NNETURSV, NNEADVSV and NNECONSV variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ use modd_field, only: tfield_metadata_base use modd_parameters, only: NBUNAMELGTMAX, NCOMMENTLGTMAX implicit none public integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RHO = 0 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJ integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_U = 1 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJu and/or LES budgets with u integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_V = 2 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJv and/or LES budgets with u integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_W = 3 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJw and/or LES budgets with u integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_TH = 4 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJTh and/or LES budgets with th integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_TKE = 5 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJTke and/or LES budgets with Tke integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RV = 6 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJrv and/or LES budgets with rv integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RC = 7 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJrc and/or LES budgets with rc integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RR = 8 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJrr and/or LES budgets with rr integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RI = 9 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJri and/or LES budgets with ri integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RS = 10 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJrs and/or LES budgets with rs integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RG = 11 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJrg and/or LES budgets with rg integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_RH = 12 ! Reference number for budget of RhoJrh and/or LES budgets with rh integer, parameter :: NBUDGET_SV1 = 13 ! Reference number for 1st budget of RhoJsv and/or LES budgets with sv integer :: nbudgets ! Number of budget categories type tbudgetdata character(len=NBUNAMELGTMAX) :: cname = '' character(len=NCOMMENTLGTMAX) :: ccomment = '' integer :: nid = -1 !Identifier number (based on parameters NBUDGET_*) integer :: ngroups = 0 !Number of groups of source terms to store integer :: nsources = 0 !Number of source terms integer :: nsourcesmax = 0 !Maximum number of source terms integer :: ntmpstoresource = 0 !Reference of the source term using the xtmpstore array logical :: lenabled = .false. ! True if corresponding budget flag is set to true real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xtmpstore ! Array to store temporary data ! (to allow to store the difference between 2 places) type(tbusourcedata), dimension(:), allocatable :: tsources ! Full list of source terms (used or not) type(tbugroupdata), dimension(:), allocatable :: tgroups ! Full list of groups of source terms (to be written) type(tburhodata), pointer :: trhodj => null() ! Budget array for rhodj end type tbudgetdata type, extends( tfield_metadata_base ) :: tbusourcedata integer :: ngroup = 0 ! Number of the source term group in which storing the source term ! (0: no store, 1: individual store, >1: number of the group) logical :: lenabled = .false. logical :: ldonotinit = .false. ! if true, does not need a call to Budget_store_init ! It may be true only if the source term is in a group not containing other sources logical :: loverwrite = .false. ! if true, source term values will overwrite the previuos ones ! It may be true only if the source term is in a group not containing other sources end type tbusourcedata type, extends( tfield_metadata_base ) :: tbugroupdata integer :: nsources = 0 ! Number of source terms composing this group integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nsourcelist ! List of the source terms composing this group real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xdata ! Array to store the budget data end type tbugroupdata type, extends( tfield_metadata_base ) :: tburhodata real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xdata ! Array to store the budget data end type tburhodata type(tbudgetdata), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: tbudgets type(tburhodata), pointer, save :: tburhodj => null() ! Budget array for rhodj used inside some tbudgets ! General variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_ENABLE ! CHARACTER (LEN=4), SAVE :: CBUTYPE ! type of desired budget 'CART' ! (cartesian box) or 'MASK' (budget ! zone defined by a mask) or 'NONE' ! (no budget) INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUMOD ! model in which budget is ! calculated ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_BEG ! switch for budget beginning ! REAL, SAVE :: XBULEN ! length in seconds of the budget ! temporal average ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUSTEP ! number of model timesteps required ! for the budget time average REAL, SAVE :: XBUWRI ! period in seconds of ! budget writing on FM-files INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUWRNB ! number of budget periods when storage ! arrays are written on FM-files INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUTSHIFT ! temporal shift for budgets writing ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUKL, NBUKH ! lowest and highest K indice values ! of the budget box LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_KCP ! switch for compression in K ! direction ! ! Variables used by the cartesian box case ('CART') only ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUIL, NBUIH ! lowest and highest I indice values ! of the cartesian box INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUJL, NBUJH ! lowest and highest J indice values ! of the cartesian box LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_ICP ! switch for compression in I ! direction LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_JCP ! switch for comppression in J ! direction ! ! Variables used by the mask case ('MASK') only ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUMASK ! number of MASK zones for which ! budgets are performed LOGICAL, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), & ! define the zone where the MASK ALLOCATABLE :: LBU_MASK ! is True ! REAL, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), & ! surface for each mask at each ALLOCATABLE :: XBUSURF ! budget step ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUTIME ! number of budget time periods ! ! Variables for budget storage ! ! General variables INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUSIL, NBUSIH ! lowest and highest I indices of the intersection ! of the cartesian box with the sub-domain INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUSJL, NBUSJH ! lowest and highest J indices of the intersection ! of the global cartesian box INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUIMAX_ll ! second dimension of the budget INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUJMAX_ll ! second dimension of the budget ! array in the global domain (in CART case) ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUIMAX ! first dimension of the budget ! tabular INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUJMAX ! second dimension of the budget ! tabular INTEGER, SAVE :: NBUKMAX ! dimension along K of the budget ! tabular ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of the x scalar variables ! (transport part only) ! ! For each budget, the switches values for budgets ! activation may be set by the user in a namelist. Their default value is 0. ! In the following declaration, the corresponding process names are given ! beside as comments. ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of RU (wind component along x) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURU ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RU = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RU is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSEU = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTU = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on U INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVU = 0 ! advection INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCU = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NNUDU = 0 ! nudging INTEGER, SAVE :: NCURVU = 0 ! curvature INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORU = 0 ! Coriolis terms INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFU = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELU = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBU = 0 ! horizontal TURBulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBU = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRAGU = 0 ! vegetation drag INTEGER, SAVE :: NMAFLU = 0 ! mass flux INTEGER, SAVE :: NPRESU = 0 ! pressure term INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCU = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of RV (wind component along y) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURV ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RV = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RV is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSEV = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTV = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on V INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVV = 0 ! advection INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCV = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NNUDV = 0 ! nudging INTEGER, SAVE :: NCURVV = 0 ! curvature INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORV = 0 ! Coriolis terms INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFV = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELV = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBV = 0 ! horizontal turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBV = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRAGV = 0 ! vegetation drag INTEGER, SAVE :: NMAFLV = 0 ! mass flux INTEGER, SAVE :: NPRESV = 0 ! pressure term INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCV = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of RW (wind vertical component) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURW ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RW = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RW is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSEW = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTW = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on W INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVW = 0 ! advection INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCW = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NNUDW = 0 ! nudging INTEGER, SAVE :: NCURVW = 0 ! curvature INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORW = 0 ! Coriolis terms INTEGER, SAVE :: NGRAVW = 0 ! gravity term INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFW = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELW = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBW = 0 ! horizontal turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBW = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NPRESW = 0 ! pressure term INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCW = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of RTH (potential temperature) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURTH ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RTH = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RTH is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSETH = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTTH = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Th INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVTH = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCTH = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: N2DADVTH = 0 ! 2d advecting forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: N2DRELTH = 0 ! 2d relaxation forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NNUDTH = 0 ! nudging INTEGER, SAVE :: NPREFTH = 0 ! theta source term due to the reference pressure ! (Dyn. Sources) only present if KRR>0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFTH = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELTH = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NRADTH = 0 ! RADiation INTEGER, SAVE :: NDCONVTH = 0 ! KAFR CONVection INTEGER, SAVE :: NMAFLTH = 0 ! Mass flux INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBTH = 0 ! horizontal turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBTH = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NDISSHTH = 0 ! dissipative heating INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGATH = 0 ! negative correction induced by hydrometeors INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURTH = 0 ! negative correction induced by hydrometeors INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVTH = 0 ! negative correction induced by hydrometeors INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONTH = 0 ! negative correction induced by hydrometeors INTEGER, SAVE :: NREVATH = 0 ! rain evaporation INTEGER, SAVE :: NCONDTH = 0 ! evaporation/condensation INTEGER, SAVE :: NHENUTH = 0 ! HEterogenous NUcleation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONTH = 0 ! HOmogeneous Nucleation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSFRTH = 0 ! Spontaneous FReezing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPSTH = 0 ! DEPosition on Snow ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPGTH = 0 ! DEPosition on Graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NRIMTH = 0 ! RIMing of cloudwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCTH = 0 ! ACCretion of rainwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCFRZTH = 0 ! Conversion FReeZing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGTH = 0 ! WET Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGTH = 0 ! DRY Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NGMLTTH = 0 ! Graupel MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NIMLTTH = 0 ! Ice MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBERFITH = 0 ! BERgeron-FIndeisen gth. ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPITH = 0 ! Cond./DEPosition on ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHTH = 0 ! wet growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYHTH = 0 ! dry growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMLTTH = 0 ! melting of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NADJUTH = 0 ! adjustement before rain_ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRTH = 0 ! tendencies correction after ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHINDTH = 0 ! Heterogeneous Nucleation by Deposition LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHINCTH = 0 ! Heterogeneous Nucleation by Contact LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONHTH = 0 ! Haze Homogeneous Nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONCTH = 0 ! droplet homogeneous nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONRTH = 0 ! drop homogeneous nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCEDSTH = 0 ! adjustment INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDITH = 0 ! Temperature transport by hydrometeors sedimentation INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCTH = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of RTKE (kinetic energy) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURTKE ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RTKE = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RTKE is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSETKE = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVTKE = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCTKE = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFTKE = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELTKE = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NDPTKE = 0 ! dynamic production of TKE INTEGER, SAVE :: NTPTKE = 0 ! thermal production of TKE INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRAGTKE = 0 ! vegetation drag INTEGER, SAVE :: NDISSTKE = 0 ! dissipation of TKE INTEGER, SAVE :: NTRTKE = 0 ! turbulent transport of TKE ! ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of moist variable RRV (water vapor) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURRV ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RRV = .FALSE. ! true when the budget of RRV is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSERV = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTRV = 0 ! Effect of 2way nesting on Rv INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVRV = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCRV = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: N2DADVRV = 0 ! 2d advecting forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: N2DRELRV = 0 ! 2d relaxation forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NNUDRV = 0 ! nudging INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFRV = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELRV = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NDCONVRV = 0 ! KAFR CONVection INTEGER, SAVE :: NMAFLRV = 0 ! Mass flux INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBRV = 0 ! horizontal turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBRV = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGARV = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURRV = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONRV = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVRV = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NREVARV = 0 ! rain evaporation INTEGER, SAVE :: NCONDRV = 0 ! evaporation/condensation INTEGER, SAVE :: NHENURV = 0 ! HEterogenous NUcleation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPSRV = 0 ! DEPosition on Snow ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPGRV = 0 ! DEPosition on Graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPIRV = 0 ! Cond./DEPosition on ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NADJURV = 0 ! adjustement before rain_ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRRV = 0 ! tendencies correction after ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHINDRV = 0 ! Heterogeneous Nucleation by Deposition LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONHRV = 0 ! Haze Homogeneous Nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCEDSRV = 0 ! adjustement INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCRV = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of moist variable RRC (cloud water) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURRC ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RRC = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RRC is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSERC = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTRC = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Rc INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVRC = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCRC = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFRC = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELRC = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NDCONVRC = 0 ! Deep CONVection INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBRC = 0 ! horizontal turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBRC = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGARC = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURRC = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONRC = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVRC = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCRRC = 0 ! accretion INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTORC = 0 ! autoconversion INTEGER, SAVE :: NCONDRC = 0 ! evaporation/condensation INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONRC = 0 ! HOmogeneous Nucleation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NRIMRC = 0 ! RIMing of cloudwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCMELRC = 0 ! collection by snow and conversion into rain with T>XTT ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGRC = 0 ! WET Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGRC = 0 ! DRY Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NIMLTRC = 0 ! Ice MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBERFIRC = 0 ! BERgeron-FIndeisen gth. ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPIRC = 0 ! Cond./DEPosition on ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHENURC = 0 ! CCN Activation C2R2 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIRC = 0 ! sedimentation C2R2 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPORC = 0 ! ground deposition INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPOTRRC = 0 ! deposition on tree INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHRC = 0 ! wet growth of hail INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYHRC = 0 ! dry growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NADJURC = 0 ! adjustement before rain_ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHINCRC = 0 ! Heterogeneous Nucleation by Contact LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONCRC = 0 ! droplet homogeneous nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCEDSRC = 0 ! adjustment LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NREVARC = 0 ! evaporation of rain drops INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRRC = 0 ! rain <-> cloud transfer at the beginning of LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NR2C1RC = 0 ! rain -> cloud change after sedimentation in LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCVRCRC = 0 ! rain -> cloud change after other microphysical processes in LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCRC = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of moist variable RRR (rain water) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURRR ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RRR = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RRR is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSERR = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTRR = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Rr INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVRR = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCRR = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFRR = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELRR = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGARR = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURRR = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVRR = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONRR = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCRRR = 0 ! accretion INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTORR = 0 ! autoconversion INTEGER, SAVE :: NREVARR = 0 ! rain evaporation INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIRR = 0 ! sedimentation INTEGER, SAVE :: NSFRRR = 0 ! Spontaneous FReezing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCRR = 0 ! ACCretion of rainwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCMELRR = 0 ! collection of droplets by snow and conversion into rain with T>XTT ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCFRZRR = 0 ! Conversion FReeZing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGRR = 0 ! WET Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGRR = 0 ! DRY Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NGMLTRR = 0 ! Graupel MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHRR = 0 ! wet growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYHRR = 0 ! dry growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMLTRR = 0 ! melting of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRRR = 0 ! tendencies correction after ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONRRR = 0 ! drop homogeneous nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NR2C1RR = 0 ! rain -> cloud change after sedimentation in LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCVRCRR = 0 ! rain -> cloud change after other microphysical processes in LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCRR = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of moist variable RRI (ice) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURRI ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RRI = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RRI is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSERI = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTRI = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Ri INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVRI = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCRI = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFRI = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELRI = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NDCONVRI = 0 ! Deep CONVection INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBRI = 0 ! horizontal turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBRI = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGARI = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURRI = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVRI = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONRI = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIRI = 0 ! SEDImentation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHENURI = 0 ! HEterogenous NUcleation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONRI = 0 ! HOmogeneous Nucleation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAGGSRI = 0 ! AGGregation of snow ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTSRI = 0 ! AUToconversion of ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCFRZRI = 0 ! Conversion FReeZing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGRI = 0 ! WET Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGRI = 0 ! DRY Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NIMLTRI = 0 ! Ice MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBERFIRI = 0 ! BERgeron-FIndeisen gth. ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPIRI = 0 ! Cond./DEPosition on ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHRI = 0 ! wet growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYHRI = 0 ! dry growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NADJURI = 0 ! adjustement before rain_ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHINDRI = 0 ! heterogeneous nucleation by deposition LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHINCRI = 0 ! heterogeneous nucleation by contact LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONHRI = 0 ! haze homogeneous nucleation source LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONCRI = 0 ! droplet homogeneous nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCNVIRI = 0 ! Conversion of snow to r_i LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCNVSRI = 0 ! Conversion of pristine ice to r_s LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMSRI = 0 ! Hallett-Mossop ice multiplication process due to snow riming LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMGRI = 0 ! Hallett-Mossop ice multiplication process due to graupel riming LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCEDSRI = 0 ! adjustement LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRRI = 0 ! ice <-> snow transfer at the beginning of LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCRI = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of moist variable RRS (snow) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURRS ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RRS = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RRS is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSERS = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTRS = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Rs INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVRS = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCRS = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFRS = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELRS = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGARS = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURRS = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVRS = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONRS = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIRS = 0 ! SEDImentation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPSRS = 0 ! DEPosition on Snow ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAGGSRS = 0 ! AGGregation of snow ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTSRS = 0 ! AUToconversion of ice ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NRIMRS = 0 ! RIMing of cloudwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCRS = 0 ! ACCretion of rainwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCMELRS = 0 ! Conversion MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGRS = 0 ! WET Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGRS = 0 ! DRY Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHRS = 0 ! wet growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYHRS = 0 ! dry growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCNVIRS = 0 ! Conversion of snow to r_i LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCNVSRS = 0 ! Conversion of pristine ice to r_s LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMSRS = 0 ! Hallett-Mossop ice multiplication process due to snow riming LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRRS = 0 ! ice <-> snow transfer at the beginning of LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCRS = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of moist variable RRG (graupel) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURRG ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RRG = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RRG is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSERG = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTRG = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Rg INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVRG = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCRG = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFRG = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELRG = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGARG = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURRG = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVRG = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONRG = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIRG = 0 ! SEDImentation ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSFRRG = 0 ! Spontaneous FReezing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPGRG = 0 ! DEPosition on Snow ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NRIMRG = 0 ! RIMing of cloudwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCRG = 0 ! ACCretion of rainwater ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCMELRG = 0 ! Conversion MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCFRZRG = 0 ! Conversion FReeZing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGRG = 0 ! WET Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGRG = 0 ! DRY Growth of graupel ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NGMLTRG = 0 ! Graupel MeLTing ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHRG = 0 ! wet growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYHRG = 0 ! dry growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRRG = 0 ! tendencies correction after ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHGCVRG = 0 ! Hail to Graupel ConVersion ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NGHCVRG = 0 ! Graupel to Hail ConVersion ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONRRG = 0 ! drop homogeneous nucleation LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMGRG = 0 ! Hallett-Mossop ice multiplication process due to graupel riming INTEGER, SAVE :: NCOHGRG = 0 ! conversion of hail to graupel INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCRG = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of moist variable RRH (hail) ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURRH ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RRH = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RRH is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSERH = 0 ! time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTRH = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Rh INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVRH = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCRH = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFRH = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELRH = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGARH = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURRH = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVRH = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONRH = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIRH = 0 ! sedimentation INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGRH = 0 ! wet growth of graupel INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHRH = 0 ! wet growth of hail INTEGER, SAVE :: NCOHGRH = 0 ! reconversion from hail to graupel LIMA INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYHRH = 0 ! dry growth of hail ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMLTRH = 0 ! melting INTEGER, SAVE :: NCORRRH = 0 ! tendencies correction after ICE3 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHGCVRH = 0 ! Hail to Graupel ConVersion ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NGHCVRH = 0 ! Graupel to Hail ConVersion ICE4 INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCRH = 0 ! viscosity ! ! Courant namelist: NAM_BURSV ! LOGICAL, SAVE :: LBU_RSV = .FALSE. ! True when the budget of RSVx is performed ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NASSESV = 0 ! Asselin-Robert time filter INTEGER, SAVE :: NNESTSV = 0 ! Efffect of 2way nesting on Sv INTEGER, SAVE :: NADVSV = 0 ! Total advection for PPM INTEGER, SAVE :: NFRCSV = 0 ! forcing INTEGER, SAVE :: NDIFSV = 0 ! numerical diffusion INTEGER, SAVE :: NRELSV = 0 ! relaxation INTEGER, SAVE :: NDCONVSV = 0 ! Deep CONVection INTEGER, SAVE :: NMAFLSV = 0 ! mass flux INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPOTRSV = 0 ! deposition on tree INTEGER, SAVE :: NHTURBSV = 0 ! horizontal turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NVTURBSV = 0 ! vertical turbulence INTEGER, SAVE :: NCHEMSV = 0 ! chemistry activity INTEGER, SAVE :: NVISCSV = 0 ! viscosity ! INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEGASV = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNETURSV = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEADVSV = 0 ! negative correction INTEGER, SAVE :: NNECONSV = 0 ! negative correction ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by water vapor INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPSQV = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPGQV = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NREVAQV = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPIQV = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTQV = 0 ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by cloud droplets INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTOQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCRQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NRIMQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NINCGQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NIMLTQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBERFIQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPIQC = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTQC = 0 ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by rain drops INTEGER, SAVE :: NSFRQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTOQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCRQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NREVAQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCFRZQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NGMLTQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMLTQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIQR = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTQR = 0 ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by ice crystals INTEGER, SAVE :: NHONQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAGGSQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTSQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCFRZQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NIMLTQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NBERFIQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNIISQI = 0 ! non-inductive I-S INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPIQI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTQI = 0 ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by snow INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPSQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAGGSQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NAUTSQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NRIMQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCMELQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNIISQS = 0 ! non-inductive I-S INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIQS = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTQS = 0 ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by graupel INTEGER, SAVE :: NSFRQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPGQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NRIMQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NACCQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCMELQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCFRZQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDRYGQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NINCGQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NGMLTQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIQG = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTQG = 0 ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by hail INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETGQH = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NWETHQH = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NHMLTQH = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NSEDIQH = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTQH = 0 ! ! Allowed processes for the budget of electric charge carried by negative ions INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPSNI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NDEPGNI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NREVANI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NCDEPINI = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: NNEUTNI = 0 ! ! REAL :: XTIME_BU ! budget time in this time-step REAL :: XTIME_BU_PROCESS ! budget time per process for this time-step ! LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_U ! flag to compute budget of RhoJu and/or LES budgets with u LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_V ! flag to compute budget of RhoJv and/or LES budgets with u LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_W ! flag to compute budget of RhoJw and/or LES budgets with u LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_TH ! flag to compute budget of RhoJTh and/or LES budgets with th LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_TKE! flag to compute budget of RhoJTke and/or LES budgets with Tke LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_RV ! flag to compute budget of RhoJrv and/or LES budgets with rv LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_RC ! flag to compute budget of RhoJrc and/or LES budgets with rc LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_RR ! flag to compute budget of RhoJrr and/or LES budgets with rr LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_RI ! flag to compute budget of RhoJri and/or LES budgets with ri LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_RS ! flag to compute budget of RhoJrs and/or LES budgets with rs LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_RG ! flag to compute budget of RhoJrg and/or LES budgets with rg LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_RH ! flag to compute budget of RhoJrh and/or LES budgets with rh LOGICAL :: LBUDGET_SV ! flag to compute budget of RhoJsv and/or LES budgets with sv ! END MODULE MODD_BUDGET