From 6aa18a235011e01638367bc1b58bf8c641b5c771 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philippe WAUTELET <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2021 10:44:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Philippe 07/07/2021: budgets: bugfix: Sources_neg_correct
 does not apply to SPRO (LIMA) variable

 src/MNH/sources_neg_correct.f90 | 23 +++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/MNH/sources_neg_correct.f90 b/src/MNH/sources_neg_correct.f90
index 0ceaf5a54..81d49856c 100644
--- a/src/MNH/sources_neg_correct.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/sources_neg_correct.f90
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ integer :: ji, jj, jk
 integer :: jr
 integer :: jrmax
 integer :: jsv
-integer :: jlimaend
+integer :: isv_lima_end
 real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: zt, zexn, zlv, zls, zcph, zcor
 if ( krr == 0 ) return
@@ -60,6 +60,15 @@ if ( krr == 0 ) return
 if ( hbudname /= 'NEADV' .and. hbudname /= 'NECON' .and. hbudname /= 'NEGA' .and. hbudname /= 'NETUR' ) &
   call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'GEN', 'Sources_neg_correct', 'budget '//hbudname//' not yet tested' )
+if ( hcloud == 'LIMA' ) then
+  ! The negativity correction does not apply to the SPRO (supersaturation) variable which may be naturally negative
+  if ( lspro_lima ) then
+    isv_lima_end = nsv_lima_end - 1
+  else
+    isv_lima_end = nsv_lima_end
+  end if
+end if
 if ( hbudname /= 'NECON' .and. hbudname /= 'NEGA' ) then
   if ( hcloud == 'KESS' .or. hcloud == 'ICE3' .or. hcloud == 'ICE4' .or. &
        hcloud == 'KHKO' .or. hcloud == 'C2R2' .or. hcloud == 'LIMA' ) then
@@ -85,7 +94,7 @@ if ( hbudname /= 'NECON' .and. hbudname /= 'NEGA' ) then
     end do
   end if
   if ( lbudget_sv .and. hcloud == 'LIMA' ) then
-    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, nsv_lima_end
+    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, isv_lima_end
       call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1 - 1 + ji), Trim( hbudname ), prsvs(:, :, :, ji) )
     end do
   end if
@@ -111,7 +120,7 @@ else !NECON + NEGA
     end do
   end if
   if ( lbudget_sv .and. hcloud == 'LIMA' ) then
-    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, nsv_lima_end
+    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, isv_lima_end
       call Budget_store_init( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1 - 1 + ji), Trim( hbudname ), prsvs(:, :, :, ji) * prhodj(:, :, :) )
     end do
   end if
@@ -286,9 +295,7 @@ CLOUD: select case ( hcloud )
       end if
     end if
-    jlimaend=nsv_lima_end
-    if ( lspro_lima ) jlimaend=jlimaend-1
-    prsvs(:, :, :, nsv_lima_beg : jlimaend) = Max( 0.0, prsvs(:, :, :, nsv_lima_beg : jlimaend) )
+    prsvs(:, :, :, nsv_lima_beg : isv_lima_end) = Max( 0.0, prsvs(:, :, :, nsv_lima_beg : isv_lima_end) )
 end select CLOUD
@@ -318,7 +325,7 @@ if ( hbudname /= 'NECON' .and. hbudname /= 'NEGA' ) then
     end do
   end if
   if ( lbudget_sv .and. hcloud == 'LIMA' ) then
-    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, nsv_lima_end
+    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, isv_lima_end
       call Budget_store_end( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1 - 1 + ji), Trim( hbudname ), prsvs(:, :, :, ji) )
     end do
   end if
@@ -341,7 +348,7 @@ else !NECON + NEGA
     end do
   end if
   if ( lbudget_sv .and. hcloud == 'LIMA' ) then
-    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, nsv_lima_end
+    do ji = nsv_lima_beg, isv_lima_end
       call Budget_store_end( tbudgets(NBUDGET_SV1 - 1 + ji), Trim( hbudname ), prsvs(:, :, :, ji) * prhodj(:, :, :) )
     end do
   end if