diff --git a/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90
index 0b2179f5982711a9f720470973da0bae20eb90a1..ba2aabb5dbfa20c08514e72fe39aeb3e9f5651b3 100644
--- a/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/modd_budget.f90
@@ -59,8 +59,9 @@
 !  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: add nbusubwrite and nbutotwrite
 !  P. Wautelet 11/01/2021: remove nbuwrnb (replaced by nbusubwrite)
 !  P. Wautelet 14/01/2021: change xbusurf type to integer (+ rename it to nbusurf)
-!  P. Wautelet 03/02/2021: budgets: add new source if LIMA splitting: CORR2
-!  P. Wautelet 02/03/2021: budgets: add terms for blowing snow
+!  P. Wautelet 03/02/2021: add new source if LIMA splitting: CORR2
+!  P. Wautelet 02/03/2021: add terms for blowing snow
+!  P. Wautelet 03/03/2021: add tbudiachrometadata type (useful to pass more information to Write_diachro)
 !*       0.   DECLARATIONS
@@ -131,6 +132,21 @@ type, extends( tfield_metadata_base ) :: tburhodata
   real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xdata ! Array to store the budget data
 end type tburhodata
+type :: tbudiachrometadata
+  character(len=NBUNAMELGTMAX)  :: cgroupname  = 'not set'
+  character(len=NBUNAMELGTMAX)  :: cname       = 'not set'
+  character(len=NCOMMENTLGTMAX) :: ccomment    = 'not set'
+  character(len=NBUNAMELGTMAX)  :: ctype       = 'not set'
+  logical :: licompress = .false.
+  logical :: ljcompress = .false.
+  logical :: lkcompress = .false.
+  integer :: nil = -1
+  integer :: nih = -1
+  integer :: njl = -1
+  integer :: njh = -1
+  integer :: nkl = -1
+  integer :: nkh = -1
+end type tbudiachrometadata
 type(tbudgetdata), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: tbudgets
 type(tburhodata),                pointer,     save :: tburhodj => null() ! Budget array for rhodj used inside some tbudgets
diff --git a/src/MNH/mode_les_diachro.f90 b/src/MNH/mode_les_diachro.f90
index d694de82c82abd81225e7a653d934a3ee38c4773..23c41a7e9715a36fbad6c7b6b19bbff6cea58644 100644
--- a/src/MNH/mode_les_diachro.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/mode_les_diachro.f90
@@ -10,13 +10,15 @@
 !  P. Wautelet 20/09/2019: rewrite normalization of LES budgets
 !  P. Wautelet 14/08/2020: deduplicate LES_DIACHRO* subroutines
 !  P. Wautelet    10/2020: restructure subroutines to use tfield_metadata_base type
+!  P. Wautelet 03/03/2021: budgets: add tbudiachrometadata type (useful to pass more information to Write_diachro)
-use modd_les_n, only: tles_dates, xles_times
+use modd_budget, only: tbudiachrometadata
+use modd_les_n,  only: tles_dates, xles_times
+use modd_lunit
 use mode_msg
@@ -947,6 +949,7 @@ integer                                              :: jsv     ! Scalar loop co
 logical                                              :: gsv
 real,            dimension(:,:,:,:),     allocatable :: zfield  ! Normalized field
 real,            dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: zwork6  ! Contains physical field
+type(tbudiachrometadata)                             :: tzbudiachro
 type(date_time), dimension(:),           allocatable :: tzdates
 !Reallocate each time necessary because can be reallocated to an other size in Les_time_avg
@@ -1023,11 +1026,22 @@ if ( iresp == 0 .and. any( zfield /= XUNDEF ) ) then
   tzfields(:)%clongname = ytitle(:)
   tzfields(:)%ccomment  = ycomment(:)
-  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup, "SSOL", tzdates,                     &
-                      zwork6,                                                           &
-                      oicp = .false., ojcp = .false., okcp = .false.,                   &
-                      kil = iil, kih = iih, kjl = ijl, kjh = ijh, kkl = ikl, kkh = ikh, &
-                      ptrajx = ztrajx, ptrajy = ztrajy, ptrajz = ztrajz                 )
+  tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+  tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+  tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+  tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'SSOL'
+  tzbudiachro%licompress = .false.
+  tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .false.
+  tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+  tzbudiachro%nil        = iil
+  tzbudiachro%nih        = iih
+  tzbudiachro%njl        = ijl
+  tzbudiachro%njh        = ijh
+  tzbudiachro%nkl        = ikl
+  tzbudiachro%nkh        = ikh
+  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tzdates, zwork6, &
+                      ptrajx = ztrajx, ptrajy = ztrajy, ptrajz = ztrajz  )
 end if
@@ -1104,6 +1118,7 @@ integer                                              :: jt       ! time counter
 integer                                              :: jk       ! level counter
 real,            dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: zwork6 ! contains physical field
 type(date_time), dimension(:),           allocatable :: tzdates
+type(tbudiachrometadata)                             :: tzbudiachro
 type(tfield_metadata_base)                           :: tzfield
 !*      1.0  Initialization of diachro variables for LES (z,t) profiles
@@ -1186,14 +1201,23 @@ if ( yavg ) then
   end do
 end if
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'SPXY'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = iil
+tzbudiachro%nih        = iih
+tzbudiachro%njl        = ijl
+tzbudiachro%njh        = ijh
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = ikl
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = ikh
 !*      2.0  Writing of the profile
 !            ----------------------
-if ( iresp == 0 ) then
-    call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, [ tzfield ], ygroup, "SPXY", tzdates,                 &
-                        zwork6,                                                          &
-                        oicp = .false., ojcp = .false., okcp = .false.,                  &
-                        kil = iil, kih = iih, kjl = ijl, kjh = ijh, kkl = ikl, kkh = ikh )
-end if
+if ( iresp == 0 ) call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, [ tzfield ], tzdates, zwork6 )
 end subroutine Les_diachro_2pt_1d_intern
@@ -1255,6 +1279,7 @@ integer                                              :: jt       ! time counter
 integer                                              :: jk       ! level counter
 real,            dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: zwork6   ! physical field
 type(date_time), dimension(:),           allocatable :: tzdates
+type(tbudiachrometadata)                             :: tzbudiachro
 type(tfield_metadata_base)                           :: tzfield
 !*      1.0  Initialization of diachro variables for LES (z,t) profiles
@@ -1329,10 +1354,21 @@ tzfield%cmnhname  = ygroup
 tzfield%clongname = ygroup
 tzfield%ccomment  = ycomment(:)
-call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, [ tzfield ], ygroup, "SPXY", tzdates,                 &
-                    zwork6,                                                          &
-                    oicp = .false., ojcp = .false., okcp = .false.,                  &
-                    kil = iil, kih = iih, kjl = ijl, kjh = ijh, kkl = ikl, kkh = ikh )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'SPXY'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = iil
+tzbudiachro%nih        = iih
+tzbudiachro%njl        = ijl
+tzbudiachro%njh        = ijh
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = ikl
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = ikh
+call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, [ tzfield ], tzdates, zwork6 )
 !* time average
@@ -1343,12 +1379,21 @@ do ji = 1, NMNHMAXDIMS
   if ( tzfield%ndimlist(ji) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME ) tzfield%ndimlist(ji) = NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME
 end do
-if ( iresp == 0 ) then
-  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, [ tzfield ], ygroup, "SPXY", tzdates,                 &
-                      zwork6,                                                          &
-                      oicp = .false., ojcp = .false., okcp = .false.,                  &
-                      kil = iil, kih = iih, kjl = ijl, kjh = ijh, kkl = ikl, kkh = ikh )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'SPXY'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = iil
+tzbudiachro%nih        = iih
+tzbudiachro%njl        = ijl
+tzbudiachro%njh        = ijh
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = ikl
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = ikh
+if ( iresp == 0 ) call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, [ tzfield ], tzdates, zwork6 )
 end subroutine Les_diachro_spec_1D_intern
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_aircraft_balloon.f90 b/src/MNH/write_aircraft_balloon.f90
index c4036ee466d588a2e8076143d5c62d92eb6ad0eb..3bc2034a140236175891cd9e2b8bb3c5270f062c 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_aircraft_balloon.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_aircraft_balloon.f90
 !  P. Wautelet 02/10/2020: bugfix: YGROUP/YGROUPZ were too small
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: bugfix: correction on IPROCZ when not LIMA (condition was wrong)
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: Write_diachro: use new datatype tpfields
+!  P. Wautelet 03/03/2021: budgets: add tbudiachrometadata type (useful to pass more information to Write_diachro)
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 !*      0. DECLARATIONS
@@ -172,7 +173,8 @@ CONTAINS
+use modd_budget, only: tbudiachrometadata
                        tfield_metadata_base, TYPEREAL
 TYPE(FLYER),        INTENT(IN)       :: TPFLYER
@@ -212,6 +214,7 @@ INTEGER :: IKU, IK
 INTEGER           :: I
+type(tbudiachrometadata) :: tzbudiachro
 type(tfield_metadata_base), dimension(:), allocatable :: tzfields
@@ -861,10 +864,14 @@ tzfields(:)%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_FLYER_TIME
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_FLYER_PROC
-call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup, "RSPL", tpflyer%tpdates, &
-                      zw6,                                                &
-                      ptrajx = ztrajx, ptrajy = ztrajy, ptrajz = ztrajz,  &
-                      tpflyer = tpflyer                                   )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+tzbudiachro%cname        = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment     = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'RSPL'
+call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tpflyer%tpdates, zw6, &
+                    ptrajx = ztrajx, ptrajy = ztrajy, ptrajz = ztrajz,      &
+                    tpflyer = tpflyer                                       )
 deallocate( tzfields )
@@ -885,11 +892,22 @@ tzfields(:)%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_FLYER_TIME
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_FLYER_PROC
-call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroupz, "CART", tpflyer%tpdates,    &
-                      zwz6,                                                   &
-                      oicp = .true., ojcp = .true., okcp = .false.,           &
-                      kil = 1, kih = 1, kjl = 1, kjh = 1, kkl = 1, kkh = iku, &
-                      tpflyer = tpflyer                                       )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroupz
+tzbudiachro%cname        = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment     = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'CART'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nih        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njh        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = iku
+call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tpflyer%tpdates, zwz6, &
+                    tpflyer = tpflyer                                        )
 deallocate( tzfields )
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
index 263779e9f9d8033c33b202937931474ec31a5915..266d0125dfd489baf8bc06f632c631480d44995e 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, tprhodj, kp, knocompress, p
                                     nbuil, nbuih, nbujl, nbujh, nbukl, nbukh,                     &
                                     nbuimax, nbuimax_ll, nbujmax, nbujmax_ll, nbukmax, nbutshift, &
                                     nbumask, nbusubwrite,                                         &
-                                    tburhodata,                                                   &
+                                    tbudiachrometadata, tburhodata,                               &
                                     NBUDGET_RHO, NBUDGET_U, NBUDGET_V, NBUDGET_W
   use modd_field,             only: NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI,    NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ,   NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U, &
@@ -434,6 +434,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, tprhodj, kp, knocompress, p
   character(len=4)              :: ybutype
   character(len=:), allocatable :: ygroup_name
+  type(tbudiachrometadata)      :: tzbudiachro
   type(tburhodata)              :: tzfield
   call Print_msg( NVERB_DEBUG, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho', 'called for '//trim( tprhodj%cmnhname ) )
@@ -554,9 +555,21 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, tprhodj, kp, knocompress, p
     tzfield%ndimlist(:) = NMNHDIM_UNKNOWN
   end if
-  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, [ tzfield ], ygroup_name, ybutype, tpdates, prhodjn,              &
-                      oicp = lbu_icp, ojcp = lbu_jcp, okcp = lbu_kcp,                              &
-                      kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh, osplit = .true. )
+  tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup_name
+  tzbudiachro%cname      = tprhodj%cmnhname
+  tzbudiachro%ccomment   = tprhodj%ccomment
+  tzbudiachro%ctype      = ybutype
+  tzbudiachro%licompress = lbu_icp
+  tzbudiachro%ljcompress = lbu_jcp
+  tzbudiachro%lkcompress = lbu_kcp
+  tzbudiachro%nil        = nbuil
+  tzbudiachro%nih        = nbuih
+  tzbudiachro%njl        = nbujl
+  tzbudiachro%njh        = nbujh
+  tzbudiachro%nkl        = nbukl
+  tzbudiachro%nkh        = nbukh
+  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, [ tzfield ], tpdates, prhodjn, osplit = .true. )
 end subroutine Store_one_budget_rho
@@ -569,7 +582,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, knocompress,
                                     nbumask, nbusubwrite,                                                                         &
                                     NBUDGET_RI, NBUDGET_RS, NBUDGET_RG, NBUDGET_RH, NBUDGET_SV1,                                  &
-                                    tbudgetdata, tbugroupdata
+                                    tbudgetdata, tbudiachrometadata, tbugroupdata
   use modd_field,             only: NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI,    NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ,   NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U, &
                                     NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W,                        &
@@ -604,6 +617,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, knocompress,
   integer                                                 :: jsv
   real,               dimension(:),           allocatable :: zconvert   ! unit conversion coefficient
   real,               dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: zworkt
+  type(tbudiachrometadata)                                :: tzbudiachro
   type(tbugroupdata), dimension(:),           allocatable :: tzfields
   call Print_msg( NVERB_DEBUG, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget', 'called for '//trim( tpbudget%cname ) )
@@ -786,10 +800,21 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, knocompress,
     end if
   end do
-  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup_name, ybutype, tpdates, zworkt,                   &
-                      oicp = lbu_icp, ojcp = lbu_jcp, okcp = lbu_kcp,                               &
-                      kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh, &
-                      osplit = .true. )
+  tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup_name
+  tzbudiachro%cname      = tpbudget%cname
+  tzbudiachro%ccomment   = tpbudget%ccomment
+  tzbudiachro%ctype      = ybutype
+  tzbudiachro%licompress = lbu_icp
+  tzbudiachro%ljcompress = lbu_jcp
+  tzbudiachro%lkcompress = lbu_kcp
+  tzbudiachro%nil        = nbuil
+  tzbudiachro%nih        = nbuih
+  tzbudiachro%njl        = nbujl
+  tzbudiachro%njh        = nbujh
+  tzbudiachro%nkl        = nbukl
+  tzbudiachro%nkh        = nbukh
+  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tpdates, zworkt, osplit = .true. )
 end subroutine Store_one_budget
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90 b/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90
index 42697f4b798307a3beb99d78dbfab41e895575bf..3bc4f38cae97236fc63ba88efef0c9c28694aa22 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_diachro.f90
@@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ public :: Write_diachro
-! ###########################################################################
-  subroutine Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype,             &
-                            tpdates, pvar,                                  &
-                            oicp, ojcp, okcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh, &
-                            ptrajx, ptrajy, ptrajz, osplit, tpflyer         )
-! ###########################################################################
+! #################################################################
+subroutine Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tpbudiachro, tpfields,       &
+                          tpdates, pvar,                          &
+                          ptrajx, ptrajy, ptrajz, osplit, tpflyer )
+! #################################################################
 !!****  *WRITE_DIACHRO* - Ecriture d'un enregistrement dans un fichier
 !!                        diachronique (de nom de base HGROUP)
@@ -84,13 +83,15 @@ contains
 !  P. Wautelet 13/09/2019: remove never used PMASK optional dummy-argument
 !  P. Wautelet 28/08/2020: remove TPLUOUTDIA dummy argument
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: use new data type tpfields
-!  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: budgets: merge budgets terms with different nbutshift in same group variables
+!  P. Wautelet 08/12/2020: merge budgets terms with different nbutshift in same group variables
+!  P. Wautelet 03/03/2021: add tbudiachrometadata type (useful to pass more information to Write_diachro)
 !*       0.    DECLARATIONS
 !              ------------
 use modd_aircraft_balloon, only: flyer
+use modd_budget,           only: tbudiachrometadata
 use modd_conf,             only: lpack
 use modd_field,            only: tfield_metadata_base
 use modd_io,               only: tfiledata
@@ -101,14 +102,10 @@ IMPLICIT NONE
 !*       0.1   Dummy arguments
 !              ---------------
 TYPE(TFILEDATA),                                     INTENT(IN)           :: TPDIAFILE    ! file to write
+type(tbudiachrometadata),                            intent(in)           :: tpbudiachro
 class(tfield_metadata_base), dimension(:),           intent(in)           :: tpfields
-CHARACTER(LEN=*),                                    INTENT(IN)           :: HGROUP, HTYPE
 type(date_time),             dimension(:),           intent(in)           :: tpdates  !Used only for LFI files
 REAL,                        DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN)           :: PVAR
-LOGICAL,                                             INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: OICP, OJCP, OKCP
-INTEGER,                                             INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: KIL, KIH
-INTEGER,                                             INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: KJL, KJH
-INTEGER,                                             INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: KKL, KKH
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJX
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJY
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJZ
@@ -117,43 +114,22 @@ type(flyer),                                         intent(in), optional :: tpf
 !*       0.1   Local variables
 !              ---------------
-logical :: gicp, gjcp, gkcp
 logical :: gpack
 call Print_msg( NVERB_DEBUG, 'BUD', 'Write_diachro', 'called' )
-if ( present( oicp ) ) then
-  gicp = oicp
-  gicp = .false.
-end if
-if ( present( ojcp ) ) then
-  gjcp = ojcp
-  gjcp = .false.
-end if
-if ( present( okcp ) ) then
-  gkcp = okcp
-  gkcp = .false.
-end if
 gpack = lpack
 lpack = .false.
 #ifdef MNH_IOLFI
 if ( tpdiafile%cformat == 'LFI' .or. tpdiafile%cformat == 'LFICDF4' ) &
-  call Write_diachro_lfi( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, tpdates, pvar, gicp, gjcp, gkcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh, &
-                          ptrajx, ptrajy, ptrajz )
+  call Write_diachro_lfi( tpdiafile, tpbudiachro, tpfields, tpdates, pvar, ptrajx, ptrajy, ptrajz )
 #ifdef MNH_IOCDF4
 if ( tpdiafile%cformat == 'NETCDF4' .or. tpdiafile%cformat == 'LFICDF4' ) &
-  call Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, pvar, gicp, gjcp, gkcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh, &
-                          osplit, tpflyer )
+  call Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpbudiachro, tpfields, pvar, osplit, tpflyer )
 lpack = gpack
@@ -162,10 +138,10 @@ end subroutine Write_diachro
 #ifdef MNH_IOLFI
-subroutine Write_diachro_lfi( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, tpdates, pvar, oicp, ojcp, okcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh, &
+subroutine Write_diachro_lfi( tpdiafile, tpbudiachro, tpfields, tpdates, pvar, &
                               ptrajx, ptrajy, ptrajz )
-use modd_budget,         only: nbumask, nbutshift, nbusubwrite
+use modd_budget,         only: nbumask, nbutshift, nbusubwrite, tbudiachrometadata
                                TYPECHAR, TYPEINT, TYPEREAL,                                                         &
                                tfield_metadata_base, tfielddata
@@ -182,14 +158,10 @@ use mode_tools_ll,       only: Get_globaldims_ll
 type(tfiledata),                                     intent(in)           :: tpdiafile        ! File to write
+type(tbudiachrometadata),                            intent(in)           :: tpbudiachro
 class(tfield_metadata_base), dimension(:),           intent(in)           :: tpfields
-character(len=*),                                    intent(in)           :: hgroup, htype
 type(date_time),             dimension(:),           intent(in)           :: tpdates
 real,                        dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), intent(in)           :: pvar
-logical,                                             intent(in)           :: oicp, ojcp, okcp
-integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kil, kih
-integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kjl, kjh
-integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kkl, kkh
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJX
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJY
 REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),                               INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PTRAJZ
@@ -198,6 +170,7 @@ integer, parameter :: LFITITLELGT = 100
 integer, parameter :: LFIUNITLGT = 100
 integer, parameter :: LFICOMMENTLGT = 100
+character(len=:), allocatable :: ytype
 character(len=:),                           allocatable :: ygroup
@@ -205,12 +178,12 @@ character(len=LFITITLELGT),   dimension(:), allocatable :: ytitles   !Used to re
 character(len=LFIUNITLGT),    dimension(:), allocatable :: yunits    !Used to respect LFI fileformat
 character(len=LFICOMMENTLGT), dimension(:), allocatable :: ycomments !Used to respect LFI fileformat
+integer   :: iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh
 INTEGER   ::   II, IJ, IK, IT, IN, IP, J, JJ
 INTEGER   ::   IIMAX_ll, IJMAX_ll ! size of the physical global domain
 integer   ::   ji
@@ -223,30 +196,39 @@ call Print_msg( NVERB_DEBUG, 'BUD', 'Write_diachro_lfi', 'called' )
 tzfile = tpdiafile
+iil = tpbudiachro%nil
+iih = tpbudiachro%nih
+ijl = tpbudiachro%njl
+ijh = tpbudiachro%njh
+ikl = tpbudiachro%nkl
+ikh = tpbudiachro%nkh
 !Write only in LFI files
 tzfile%cformat = 'LFI'
-if (      Any( hgroup == [ 'RJS', 'RJX', 'RJY', 'RJZ'] )                                              &
-     .or. Any( hgroup == [ 'UU', 'VV', 'WW', 'TH', 'TK', 'RV', 'RC', 'RR', 'RI', 'RS', 'RG', 'RH' ] ) &
-     .or.  ( hgroup(1:2) == 'SV' .and. Len( hgroup ) == 5 )                                           ) then
+if (      Any( tpbudiachro%cgroupname == [ 'RJS', 'RJX', 'RJY', 'RJZ'] )                                              &
+     .or. Any( tpbudiachro%cgroupname == [ 'UU', 'VV', 'WW', 'TH', 'TK', 'RV', 'RC', 'RR', 'RI', 'RS', 'RG', 'RH' ] ) &
+     .or.    ( tpbudiachro%cgroupname(1:2) == 'SV' .and. Len_trim( tpbudiachro%cgroupname ) == 5 )                    ) then
   Allocate( character(len=9) :: ygroup )
-  ygroup(:) = hgroup
-  do ji = Len_trim( hgroup ) + 1, 5
+  ygroup(:) = Trim( tpbudiachro%cgroupname )
+  do ji = Len_trim( tpbudiachro%cgroupname ) + 1, 5
     ygroup(ji : ji) = '_'
   end do
   Write( ygroup(6:9), '( i4.4 )' ) nbutshift
-  ygroup = hgroup
+  ygroup = Trim( tpbudiachro%cgroupname )
 end if
+ytype = Trim( tpbudiachro%ctype )
+IF(YTYPE == 'CART' .AND. .NOT. tpbudiachro%licompress .AND. .NOT. tpbudiachro%ljcompress) THEN
                               !for parallel execution, PVAR is distributed on several proc
+  II=iih-iil+1
+  IJ=ijh-ijl+1
@@ -275,7 +257,7 @@ IF(PRESENT(PTRAJZ))THEN
 !     MASK is written outside this routine but the dimensions must be initialized
 !     the mask is defined on the extended domain
@@ -290,23 +272,6 @@ ENDIF
-  ICOMPX = 1
-  ICOMPX = 0
-  ICOMPY = 1
-  ICOMPY = 0
-  ICOMPZ = 0
 ! 1er enregistrement TYPE
@@ -320,7 +285,7 @@ TZFIELD%NGRID      = tpfields(1)%ngrid
-CALL IO_Field_write(tzfile,TZFIELD,HTYPE)
+CALL IO_Field_write(tzfile,TZFIELD,YTYPE)
@@ -334,12 +299,11 @@ TZFIELD%NGRID      = tpfields(1)%ngrid
-    if (      .not. Present( kil ) .or. .not. Present( kih ) .or. .not. Present( kjl ) .or. .not. Present( kjh )  &
-         .or. .not. Present( kkl ) .or. .not. Present( kkh ) ) then
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro', &
-                      'kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl or kkh not provided for variable ' // Trim( tpfields(1)%cmnhname ) )
+    if ( iil < 0 .or. iih < 0 .or. ijl < 0 .or. ijh < 0 .or. ikl < 0 .or. ikh < 0 ) then
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_lfi', &
+                      'nil, nih, njl, njh, nkl or nkh not set in tpbudiachro for variable ' // Trim( tpfields(1)%cmnhname ) )
     end if
     ILENG = 34
@@ -347,12 +311,14 @@ SELECT CASE(HTYPE)
+    ITABCHAR(9)=IP; ITABCHAR(10)=iil
+    ITABCHAR(11)=ijl; ITABCHAR(12)=ikl
+    ITABCHAR(13)=iih; ITABCHAR(14)=ijh
+    ITABCHAR(15)=ikh
+    ITABCHAR(16)=Merge( 1, 0, tpbudiachro%licompress )
+    ITABCHAR(17)=Merge( 1, 0, tpbudiachro%ljcompress )
+    ITABCHAR(18)=Merge( 1, 0, tpbudiachro%lkcompress )
 !     ITABCHAR(10)=1; ITABCHAR(11)=1
 !     ITABCHAR(13)=1; ITABCHAR(14)=1
       ITABCHAR(16)=1; ITABCHAR(17)=1
@@ -464,7 +430,7 @@ DO J = 1,IP
   ELSE IF(J >= 100 .AND. J < 1000) THEN
-  IF(HTYPE == 'CART' .AND. .NOT. oicp .AND. .NOT. ojcp) THEN
+  IF(YTYPE == 'CART' .AND. .NOT. tpbudiachro%licompress .AND. .NOT. tpbudiachro%ljcompress) THEN
     TZFIELD%CMNHNAME   = TRIM(ygroup)//'.PROC'//YJ
@@ -477,7 +443,7 @@ DO J = 1,IP
     CALL IO_Field_write_BOX(tzfile,TZFIELD,'BUDGET',PVAR(:,:,:,:,:,J), &
-                            KIL+JPHEXT,KIH+JPHEXT,KJL+JPHEXT,KJH+JPHEXT)
+                            iil+JPHEXT,iih+JPHEXT,ijl+JPHEXT,ijh+JPHEXT)
     TZFIELD%CMNHNAME   = TRIM(ygroup)//'.PROC'//YJ
@@ -625,14 +591,13 @@ end subroutine Write_diachro_lfi
 #ifdef MNH_IOCDF4
-subroutine Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpfields, hgroup, htype, pvar, oicp, ojcp, okcp, kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh, &
-                              osplit, tpflyer )
+subroutine Write_diachro_nc4( tpdiafile, tpbudiachro, tpfields, pvar, osplit, tpflyer )
-use NETCDF,            only: NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_DEF_GRP, NF90_DEF_VAR, NF90_INQ_NCID, NF90_PUT_ATT, NF90_PUT_VAR, &
-                             NF90_GLOBAL, NF90_NOERR, NF90_STRERROR
+use NETCDF,                only: NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_DEF_GRP, NF90_DEF_VAR, NF90_INQ_NCID, NF90_PUT_ATT, NF90_PUT_VAR, &
+                                 NF90_GLOBAL, NF90_NOERR, NF90_STRERROR
 use modd_aircraft_balloon, only: flyer
-use modd_budget,           only: nbutshift, nbusubwrite
+use modd_budget,           only: nbutshift, nbusubwrite, tbudiachrometadata
 use modd_conf,             only: lcartesian
 use modd_field
 use modd_io,               only: isp, tfiledata
@@ -645,18 +610,16 @@ use mode_io_field_write,   only: IO_Field_create, IO_Field_write, IO_Field_write
 use mode_io_tools_nc4,     only: IO_Err_handle_nc4
 type(tfiledata),                                     intent(in)           :: tpdiafile        ! File to write
+type(tbudiachrometadata),                            intent(in)           :: tpbudiachro
 class(tfield_metadata_base), dimension(:),           intent(in)           :: tpfields
-character(len=*),                                    intent(in)           :: hgroup, htype
 real,                        dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), intent(in)           :: pvar
-logical,                                             intent(in)           :: oicp, ojcp, okcp
-integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kil, kih
-integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kjl, kjh
-integer,                                             intent(in), optional :: kkl, kkh
 logical,                                             intent(in), optional :: osplit
 type(flyer),                                         intent(in), optional :: tpflyer
+character(len=:), allocatable :: ygroup
+character(len=:), allocatable :: ytype
 character(len=:), allocatable :: ystdnameprefix
-integer              :: icompx, icompy, icompz
+integer              :: iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh
 integer              :: idims
 integer              :: icount
 integer              :: icorr
@@ -672,13 +635,13 @@ logical              :: gsplit
 type(tfielddata)     :: tzfield
 type(tfiledata)      :: tzfile
-if ( trim ( htype ) == 'CART' .or. trim ( htype ) == 'MASK' .or. trim ( htype ) == 'SPXY') then
-  if (        .not. Present( kil ) .or. .not. Present( kih ) &
-         .or. .not. Present( kjl ) .or. .not. Present( kjh ) &
-         .or. .not. Present( kkl ) .or. .not. Present( kkh ) ) then
-    call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
-                      'kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl or kkh not provided for variable ' // Trim( tpfields(1)%cmnhname ) )
-  end if
+ytype = Trim( tpbudiachro%ctype )
+if ( trim ( ytype ) == 'CART' .or. trim ( ytype ) == 'MASK' .or. trim ( ytype ) == 'SPXY') then
+    if ( iil < 0 .or. iih < 0 .or. ijl < 0 .or. ijh < 0 .or. ikl < 0 .or. ikh < 0 ) then
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
+                      'nil, nih, njl, njh, nkl or nkh not set in tpbudiachro for variable ' // Trim( tpfields(1)%cmnhname ) )
+    end if
 end if
 tzfile = tpdiafile
@@ -686,23 +649,16 @@ tzfile = tpdiafile
 !Write only in netCDF files
 tzfile%cformat = 'NETCDF4'
-if ( oicp ) then
-  icompx = 1
-  icompx = 0
-if ( ojcp ) then
-  icompy = 1
-  icompy = 0
-if ( okcp ) then
-  icompz = 1
-  icompz = 0
+ygroup = tpbudiachro%cgroupname
+iil = tpbudiachro%nil
+iih = tpbudiachro%nih
+ijl = tpbudiachro%njl
+ijh = tpbudiachro%njh
+ikl = tpbudiachro%nkl
+ikh = tpbudiachro%nkh
-if ( Trim( htype ) == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
+if ( Trim( ytype ) == 'CART' .and. .not. tpbudiachro%licompress .and. .not. tpbudiachro%ljcompress ) then
   gdistributed = .true.
   !By default data is already collected on the write process for budgets
@@ -718,16 +674,16 @@ end if
 MASTER: if ( isp == tzfile%nmaster_rank) then
   ggroupdefined = .false.
-  istatus = NF90_INQ_NCID( tzfile%nncid, trim( hgroup ), igrpid )
+  istatus = NF90_INQ_NCID( tzfile%nncid, trim( ygroup ), igrpid )
   if ( istatus == NF90_NOERR ) then
     ggroupdefined = .true.
     if ( .not. gsplit ) then
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', trim(tzfile%cname)//': group '//trim(hgroup)//' already defined' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', trim(tzfile%cname)//': group '//trim(ygroup)//' already defined' )
     end if
-    istatus = NF90_DEF_GRP( tzfile%nncid, trim( hgroup ), igrpid )
+    istatus = NF90_DEF_GRP( tzfile%nncid, trim( ygroup ), igrpid )
     if ( istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-      call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_DEF_GRP', 'for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+      call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_DEF_GRP', 'for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
   end if
   !Save id of the file root group ('/' group)
@@ -735,50 +691,50 @@ MASTER: if ( isp == tzfile%nmaster_rank) then
   tzfile%nncid = igrpid
   if ( .not. ggroupdefined ) then
-    istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'type', trim( htype ) )
+    istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'type', trim( ytype ) )
     if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-      call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'type for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+      call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'type for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
-    if ( trim ( htype ) == 'CART' .or. trim ( htype ) == 'MASK' .or. trim ( htype ) == 'SPXY') then
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'min x index', kil )
+    if ( trim ( ytype ) == 'CART' .or. trim ( ytype ) == 'MASK' .or. trim ( ytype ) == 'SPXY') then
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'min x index', iil )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'min x index for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'min x index for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'max x index', kih )
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'max x index', iih )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'max x index for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'max x index for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'min y index', kjl )
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'min y index', ijl )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'min y index for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'min y index for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'max y index', kjh )
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'max y index', ijh )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'max y index for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'max y index for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'min z index', kkl )
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'min z index', ikl )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'min z index for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'min z index for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'max z index', kkh )
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'max z index', ikh )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'max z index for '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'max z index for '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
     end if
-    if ( trim ( htype ) == 'CART' ) then
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'averaged on x dimension', icompx )
+    if ( trim ( ytype ) == 'CART' ) then
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'averaged on x dimension', Merge( 1, 0, tpbudiachro%licompress ) )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'averaged on x dimension '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'averaged on x dimension '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'averaged on y dimension', icompy )
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'averaged on y dimension', Merge( 1, 0, tpbudiachro%ljcompress ) )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'averaged on y dimension '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'averaged on y dimension '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
     end if
-    if ( trim ( htype ) == 'CART' .or. trim ( htype ) == 'MASK' .or. trim ( htype ) == 'SPXY') then
-      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'averaged on z dimension', icompz )
+    if ( trim ( ytype ) == 'CART' .or. trim ( ytype ) == 'MASK' .or. trim ( ytype ) == 'SPXY') then
+      istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT( igrpid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'averaged on z dimension', Merge( 1, 0, tpbudiachro%lkcompress ) )
       if (istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) &
-        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'averaged on z dimension '//trim(hgroup)//' group' )
+        call IO_Err_handle_nc4( istatus, 'Write_diachro_nc4', 'NF90_PUT_ATT', 'averaged on z dimension '//trim(ygroup)//' group' )
     end if
   end if
@@ -820,12 +776,8 @@ do jp = 2, Size( tpfields )
 end do
 !Check that if 'CART' and no horizontal compression, parameters are as expected
-if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
-  if ( okcp ) then
-    icorr = 1
-  else
-    icorr = 0
-  end if
+if ( ytype == 'CART' .and. .not. tpbudiachro%licompress .and. .not. tpbudiachro%ljcompress ) then
+  icorr = Merge( 1, 0, tpbudiachro%lkcompress )
   if ( ( idims + icorr ) /= 3 .and. ( idims + icorr ) /= 4 ) then
     call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4',                                                 &
                     'unexpected number of dimensions for CART without horizontal compression for variable ' &
@@ -838,7 +790,7 @@ if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
        .or. (       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) /= NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ              &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) /= NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U            &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) /= NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V          ) &
-       .or. (       .not. okcp                                                     &
+       .or. (       .not. tpbudiachro%lkcompress                                                     &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) /= NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL           &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) /= NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W       ) &
        .or. ( idims == 4 .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) /= NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS ) ) then
@@ -846,18 +798,13 @@ if ( htype == 'CART' .and. .not. oicp .and. .not. ojcp ) then
                     'unexpected dimensions for CART without horizontal compression for variable ' &
                     // Trim( tpfields(1)%cmnhname ) )
   end if
-  if ( .not. Present( kil ) .or. .not. Present( kih ) .or. .not. Present( kjl ) .or. .not. Present( kjh ) ) then
-    call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4',                                                &
-                    'kil or kih or kjl or kjh not provided for variable ' // Trim( tpfields(1)%cmnhname ) )
-  end if
 end if
 select case ( idims )
   case (0)
      !Remark: [ integer:: ] is a constructor for a zero-size array of integers, [] is not allowed (type can not be determined)
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ integer:: ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ integer:: ], gsplit, gdistributed )
   case (1)
@@ -865,28 +812,28 @@ select case ( idims )
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if ( Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == [ NMNHDIM_NI, NMNHDIM_NI_U, NMNHDIM_NI_V, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI,     &
                                                 NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V              ] ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 1 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 1 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if ( Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == [ NMNHDIM_NJ, NMNHDIM_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_NJ_V, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ,     &
                                                 NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V              ] ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if ( Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == [ NMNHDIM_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_LEVEL_W,                            &
                                                 NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ] ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS ) then
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
         !Remark: [ integer:: ] is a constructor for a zero-size array of integers, [] is not allowed (type can not be determined)
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ integer:: ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ integer:: ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
       call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
@@ -902,56 +849,56 @@ select case ( idims )
                                                  NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ] )          ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 1, 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                        kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 1, 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                        iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
     else if (       Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == [ NMNHDIM_NI, NMNHDIM_NI_U, NMNHDIM_NI_V, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI, &
                                                       NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V ] )          &
               .and. Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == [ NMNHDIM_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_LEVEL_W,                                 &
                                                       NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ] )      ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 1, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 1, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if (       Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == [ NMNHDIM_NJ, NMNHDIM_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_NJ_V, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ, &
                                                       NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ] )          &
               .and. Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == [ NMNHDIM_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_LEVEL_W,                                 &
                                                       NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ] )      ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if (  Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V ] ) &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (  Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ] ) &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL     &
        .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
                .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if ( Any( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ] ) &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (  tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_NBUMASK ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if (  (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
                  .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_SV       ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if (  tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to FLYER_DIACHRO
@@ -964,14 +911,14 @@ select case ( idims )
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (  tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC ) then
       !Correspond to WRITE_SERIES_n
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
       call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
@@ -989,15 +936,15 @@ select case ( idims )
                                                  NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_LEVEL_W ] )      ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 1, 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                        kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 1, 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                        iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
     else if (       Any(tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V ]) &
               .and. Any(tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ]) &
               .and.     tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) ==   NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS                                                   ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                          kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 2 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                          iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
       end do
     else if (       Any ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_U,          &
                                                        NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NI_V ] )                               &
@@ -1005,7 +952,7 @@ select case ( idims )
               .and.       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) ==   NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS                                     ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (       Any ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == [ NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ, NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_U,          &
                                                        NMNHDIM_BUDGET_CART_NJ_V ] )                               &
@@ -1013,7 +960,7 @@ select case ( idims )
               .and.       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) ==   NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS                                     ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (         (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL     &
                         .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL_W ) &
@@ -1022,8 +969,8 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to Store_one_budget_rho (MASK)
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                        kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                        iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
     else if (              tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL      &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
                       .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) &
@@ -1035,7 +982,7 @@ select case ( idims )
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL     &
        .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME &
@@ -1043,7 +990,7 @@ select case ( idims )
        .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TERM      ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (              tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL      &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
@@ -1051,24 +998,24 @@ select case ( idims )
               .and.        tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_SV         ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                        kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                        iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
     else if (              tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_2PTS_NI       &
               .and.        tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_LEVEL         &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
                       .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 1, 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                        kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 1, 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                        iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
     else if (       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_2PTS_NJ                   &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_LEVEL                &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
                       .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_AVG_TIME ) ) then
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 2, 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                        kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 2, 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                        iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
     else if ( ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL_W ) &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_FLYER_PROC ) then
@@ -1082,7 +1029,7 @@ select case ( idims )
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (  ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_LEVEL_W ) &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_PROFILER_TIME &
@@ -1090,7 +1037,7 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to PROFILER_DIACHRO_n
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (  ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_LEVEL .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_LEVEL_W ) &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME &
@@ -1098,7 +1045,7 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to PROFILER_DIACHRO_n
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (  ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_NI .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_NI_U )      &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME &
@@ -1106,21 +1053,21 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to PROFILER_DIACHRO_n
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (  ( tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_NJ .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_NJ_U )      &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME &
          .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 2, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 2, 4 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
     else if (       tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TIME         &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(5) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_NBUMASK &
               .and. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_NGROUPS      ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       end do
       call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
@@ -1136,8 +1083,8 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to Store_one_budget (CART)
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                          kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 2, 3 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                          iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
       end do
     elseif (  (        tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL     &
                   .or. tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_MASK_LEVEL_W ) &
@@ -1147,8 +1094,8 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to Store_one_budget (MASK)
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                          kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                          iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
       end do
     else if (              tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL      &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
@@ -1162,8 +1109,8 @@ select case ( idims )
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                          kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                          iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
       end do
     else if (              tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_LEVEL      &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
@@ -1172,8 +1119,8 @@ select case ( idims )
        .and.               tpfields(1)%ndimlist(6) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_TERM           ) then
       ! Loop on the processes
       do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
-                                          kil, kih, kjl, kjh, kkl, kkh )
+        call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed, &
+                                          iil, iih, ijl, ijh, ikl, ikh )
       end do
     else if (             tpfields(1)%ndimlist(1) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_SPEC_NI       &
              .and.        tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_LEVEL         &
@@ -1183,7 +1130,7 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to LES_DIACHRO_SPEC
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
     else if (              tpfields(1)%ndimlist(2) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_SPEC_NJ       &
               .and.        tpfields(1)%ndimlist(3) == NMNHDIM_SPECTRA_LEVEL         &
               .and. (      tpfields(1)%ndimlist(4) == NMNHDIM_BUDGET_LES_TIME       &
@@ -1192,7 +1139,7 @@ select case ( idims )
       !Correspond to LES_DIACHRO_SPEC
       if ( Size( tpfields ) /= 1 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                                                    'wrong size of tpfields (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), htype, pvar, [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(1), ytype, pvar, [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ], gsplit, gdistributed )
       call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'IO', 'Write_diachro_nc4', &
                       'case not yet implemented (variable '//trim(tpfields(1)%cmnhname)//')' )
@@ -1204,7 +1151,7 @@ select case ( idims )
   case default
     do ji = 1, Size( pvar, 6 )
-      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), htype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], &
+      call Diachro_one_field_write_nc4( tzfile, tpfields(ji), ytype, pvar(:,:,:,:,:,ji:ji), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], &
                                         gsplit, gdistributed )
     end do
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_profilern.f90 b/src/MNH/write_profilern.f90
index de4e25a89016d1e640308e6371b3f69aef8094e4..ec89311b391e75e25d7f438c8f989abff4dc2966 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_profilern.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_profilern.f90
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!MNH_LIC Copyright 2002-2020 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
+!MNH_LIC Copyright 2002-2021 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
 !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence
 !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt
 !MNH_LIC for details. version 1.
 !  J. Escobar  16/08/2018: From Pierre & Maud , correction use CNAMES(JSV-NSV_CHEMBEG+1)
 !  P. Wautelet 13/09/2019: budget: simplify and modernize date/time management
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: Write_diachro: use new datatype tpfields
+!  P. Wautelet 03/03/2021: budgets: add tbudiachrometadata type (useful to pass more information to Write_diachro)
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 !*      0. DECLARATIONS
@@ -125,7 +126,8 @@ CONTAINS
+use modd_budget, only: tbudiachrometadata
                        tfield_metadata_base, TYPEREAL
@@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ INTEGER :: JSV      ! loop counter
 INTEGER :: IKU, IK  ! loop counter
 INTEGER           :: I
+type(tbudiachrometadata)                              :: tzbudiachro
 type(tfield_metadata_base), dimension(:), allocatable :: tzfields
@@ -649,10 +652,21 @@ tzfields(:)%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_PROFILER_TIME
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_PROFILER_PROC
-call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup, "CART", tprofiler%tpdates,     &
-                      zw6,                                                           &
-                    oicp = .true., ojcp = .true., okcp = .false.,                &
-                    kil = 1, kih = 1, kjl = 1, kjh = 1, kkl = 1, kkh = iku       )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'CART'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nih        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njh        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = iku
+call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tprofiler%tpdates, zw6 )
 deallocate( tzfields )
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_seriesn.f90 b/src/MNH/write_seriesn.f90
index 84f4a2b4382a9d3c244dd332738e1e059ad4e830..50a2fdb14ca9c9228232e1786c4cb37e413feaf8 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_seriesn.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_seriesn.f90
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!MNH_LIC Copyright 2002-2020 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
+!MNH_LIC Copyright 2002-2021 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
 !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence
 !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt
 !MNH_LIC for details. version 1.
@@ -62,12 +62,14 @@ END MODULE MODI_WRITE_SERIES_n
 !  P. Wautelet 05/2016-04/2018: new data structures and calls for I/O
 !  P. Wautelet 13/09/2019: budget: simplify and modernize date/time management
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: Write_diachro: use new datatype tpfields
+!  P. Wautelet 03/03/2021: budgets: add tbudiachrometadata type (useful to pass more information to Write_diachro)
 !*    0. Declaration
 !     --------------
+use modd_budget,        only: tbudiachrometadata
 use modd_field,         only: NMNHDIM_NI, NMNHDIM_NI_U,                                                               &
                               NMNHDIM_UNUSED,                                                                         &
@@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ INTEGER  :: INFO_ll   ! Return code of FM-routines
+type(tbudiachrometadata)                              :: tzbudiachro
 type(tfield_metadata_base), dimension(:), allocatable :: tzfields
@@ -256,10 +259,22 @@ tzfields(:)%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC
-call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, 'TSERIES', 'CART', tpsdates(1:nsnbstept), &
-                    xsseries1(1:1,1:1,1:1,1:nsnbstept,1:1,:),                      &
-                    oicp = .true., ojcp = .true., okcp = .true.,                   &
-                    kil = 1, kih = 1, kjl = 1, kjh = 1, kkl = 1, kkh = 1           )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = 'TSERIES'
+tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'CART'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nih        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njh        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = 1
+call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tpsdates(1:nsnbstept), &
+                    xsseries1(1:1,1:1,1:1,1:nsnbstept,1:1,:)                 )
 deallocate( tzfields )
@@ -336,10 +351,22 @@ tzfields(:)%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_SERIES_TIME
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC
-call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, 'ZTSERIES', 'CART', tpsdates(1:nsnbstept), &
-                    xsseries2(1:1,1:1,1:ikmax,1:nsnbstept,1:1,:),                   &
-                    oicp = .true., ojcp = .true., okcp = .false.,                   &
-                    kil = 1, kih = 1, kjl = 1, kjh = 1, kkl = ikb, kkh = ike        )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = 'ZTSERIES'
+tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'CART'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nih        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njh        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = ikb
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = ike
+call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tpsdates(1:nsnbstept), &
+                    xsseries2(1:1,1:1,1:ikmax,1:nsnbstept,1:1,:)             )
 deallocate( tzfields )
@@ -420,10 +447,22 @@ DO JS=1,NBJSLICE
   tzfields(:)%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
   tzfields(:)%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_SERIES_PROC
-  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup, 'CART', tpsdates(1:nsnbstept),   &
-                      zseries3_ll(1:iiu_ll, 1:1, 1:1, 1:nsnbstept, 1:1, isb1:isb2), &
-                      oicp = .false., ojcp = .true., okcp = .true.,                 &
-                      kil = 1, kih = iiu_ll, kjl = 1, kjh = 1, kkl = 1, kkh = 1     )
+  tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+  tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+  tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+  tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'SSOL'
+  tzbudiachro%licompress = .false.
+  tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .true.
+  tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .true.
+  tzbudiachro%nil        = 1
+  tzbudiachro%nih        = iiu_ll
+  tzbudiachro%njl        = 1
+  tzbudiachro%njh        = 1
+  tzbudiachro%nkl        = 1
+  tzbudiachro%nkh        = 1
+  call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tpsdates(1:nsnbstept),     &
+                      zseries3_ll(1:iiu_ll, 1:1, 1:1, 1:nsnbstept, 1:1, isb1:isb2) )
   deallocate( tzfields )
diff --git a/src/MNH/write_stationn.f90 b/src/MNH/write_stationn.f90
index 23f3d72bcc6f9a993f0a4b3f588c29da28f61c7f..b9f23d7bb83654d175dd08bc2c5643ce50afdf9a 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_stationn.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_stationn.f90
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!MNH_LIC Copyright 2002-2020 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
+!MNH_LIC Copyright 2002-2021 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
 !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence
 !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt
 !MNH_LIC for details. version 1.
@@ -59,11 +59,13 @@ END MODULE MODI_WRITE_STATION_n
 !!  Philippe Wautelet: 05/2016-04/2018: new data structures and calls for I/O
 !  P. Wautelet 13/09/2019: budget: simplify and modernize date/time management
 !  P. Wautelet 09/10/2020: Write_diachro: use new datatype tpfields
+!  P. Wautelet 03/03/2021: budgets: add tbudiachrometadata type (useful to pass more information to Write_diachro)
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 !*      0. DECLARATIONS
 !          ------------
+use modd_budget,          only: tbudiachrometadata
@@ -147,6 +149,7 @@ INTEGER :: IPROC    ! number of variables records
 INTEGER :: JPROC    ! loop counter
 INTEGER :: JRR      ! loop counter
 INTEGER :: JSV      ! loop counter
+type(tbudiachrometadata)                              :: tzbudiachro
 type(tfield_metadata_base), dimension(:), allocatable :: tzfields
@@ -732,10 +735,21 @@ tzfields(:)%ndimlist(4) = NMNHDIM_STATION_TIME
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(5) = NMNHDIM_UNUSED
 tzfields(:)%ndimlist(6) = NMNHDIM_STATION_PROC
-call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzfields, ygroup, "CART", tstation%tpdates, &
-                    zw6,                                                   &
-                    oicp = .true., ojcp = .true., okcp = .false.,          &
-                    kil = 1, kih = 1, kjl = 1, kjh = 1, kkl = 1, kkh = 1   )
+tzbudiachro%cgroupname = ygroup
+tzbudiachro%cname      = ''
+tzbudiachro%ccomment   = ''
+tzbudiachro%ctype      = 'CART'
+tzbudiachro%licompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%ljcompress = .true.
+tzbudiachro%lkcompress = .false.
+tzbudiachro%nil        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nih        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%njh        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkl        = 1
+tzbudiachro%nkh        = 1
+call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tzbudiachro, tzfields, tstation%tpdates, zw6 )
 deallocate( tzfields )