diff --git a/src/MNH/write_budget.f90 b/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
index 16c8fa6caa5c77b786165567e7630f6ac2628226..2fc4e91faf017765c46a1b7eb1d0053b32540cc7 100644
--- a/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
+++ b/src/MNH/write_budget.f90
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ subroutine Write_budget( tpdiafile, tpdtcur, ptstep, ksv )
   use mode_datetime,       only: datetime_distance
   use mode_io_field_write, only: IO_Field_write
   use mode_menu_diachro,   only: Menu_diachro
+  use mode_msg
   use mode_time,           only: tdtexp
   implicit none
@@ -272,90 +273,90 @@ subroutine Write_budget( tpdiafile, tpdtcur, ptstep, ksv )
   !* XBURHODJU and RU budgets
-      call Store_one_budget_rho_new( tpdiafile, tzdates, tbudgets(NBUDGET_U),          NBUDGET_U, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
-      call Store_one_budget_new    ( tpdiafile, tzdates, tbudgets(NBUDGET_U), zrhodjn, NBUDGET_U, gnocompress, ptstep  )
+      call Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tzdates, tbudgets(NBUDGET_U),          NBUDGET_U, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
+      call Store_one_budget    ( tpdiafile, tzdates, tbudgets(NBUDGET_U), zrhodjn, NBUDGET_U, gnocompress, ptstep  )
     END IF
   !* XBURHODJV and RV budgets
-      call Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburhodjv, NBUDGET_V, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburv, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_V, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_rho_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburhodjv, NBUDGET_V, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburv, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_V, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* XBURHODJW and RW budgets
-      call Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburhodjw, NBUDGET_W, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburw, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_W, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_rho_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburhodjw, NBUDGET_W, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburw, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_W, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* XBURHODJ storage for Scalars
-      call Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburhodj, NBUDGET_RHO, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
+      call Store_one_budget_rho_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburhodj, NBUDGET_RHO, gnocompress, zrhodjn )
   !* RTH budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburth, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_TH, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburth, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_TH, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RTKE budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburtke, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_TKE, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburtke, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_TKE, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RRV budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrv, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RV, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrv, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RV, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RRC budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrc, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RC, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrc, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RC, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RRR budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrr, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RR, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrr, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RR, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RRI budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburri, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RI, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburri, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RI, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RRS budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrs, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RS, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrs, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RS, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RRG budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrg, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RG, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrg, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RG, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RRH budget
-      call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrh, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RH, gnocompress, ptstep )
+      call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xburrh, zrhodjn, NBUDGET_RH, gnocompress, ptstep )
     END IF
   !* RSV budgets
       DO JSV = 1,KSV
-        call Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tzdates, xbursv(:, :, :, :, jsv ), zrhodjn, &
+        call Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tzdates, xbursv(:, :, :, :, jsv ), zrhodjn, &
                                NBUDGET_SV1 + jsv - 1, gnocompress, ptstep )
       END DO
     END IF
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ subroutine Write_budget( tpdiafile, tpdtcur, ptstep, ksv )
 end subroutine Write_budget
-subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, pburhodj, kp, knocompress, prhodjn )
+subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_old( tpdiafile, tpdates, pburhodj, kp, knocompress, prhodjn )
   use modd_budget,            only: cbutype,                                                      &
                                     lbu_icp, lbu_jcp, lbu_kcp,                                    &
                                     nbuil, nbuih, nbujl, nbujh, nbukl, nbukh,                     &
@@ -376,6 +377,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, pburhodj, kp, knocompress,
   use modd_parameters,        only: XNEGUNDEF
   use modd_type_date,         only: date_time
+  use mode_msg
   use mode_write_diachro,     only: Write_diachro
   use modi_end_cart_compress, only: End_cart_compress
@@ -419,7 +421,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, pburhodj, kp, knocompress,
         end where
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho_old', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
   end select
   allocate( ybucomment(1) )
@@ -457,7 +459,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, pburhodj, kp, knocompress,
       write( ygroup_name, fmt = "('RJZ__',I4.4)" ) nbutshift
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho', 'unknown budget type' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho_old', 'unknown budget type' )
   end select
   call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tluout, ygroup_name, ybutype, iworkgrid,                          &
@@ -467,10 +469,10 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, pburhodj, kp, knocompress,
                       kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh )
   deallocate( ybucomment, yworkunit, yworkcomment, iworkgrid )
-end subroutine Store_one_budget_rho
+end subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_old
-subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, kp, knocompress, prhodjn )
+subroutine Store_one_budget_rho( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, kp, knocompress, prhodjn )
   use modd_budget,            only: cbutype,                                                      &
                                     lbu_icp, lbu_jcp, lbu_kcp,                                    &
                                     nbuil, nbuih, nbujl, nbujh, nbukl, nbukh,                     &
@@ -483,6 +485,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, kp, knocompre
   use modd_parameters,        only: XNEGUNDEF
   use modd_type_date,         only: date_time
+  use mode_msg
   use mode_write_diachro,     only: Write_diachro
   use modi_end_cart_compress, only: End_cart_compress
@@ -526,7 +529,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, kp, knocompre
         end where
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho_old', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
   end select
   allocate( ybucomment(1) )
@@ -553,7 +556,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, kp, knocompre
       write( ygroup_name, fmt = "('RJZ__',I4.4)" ) nbutshift
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho', 'unknown budget type' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_rho_old', 'unknown budget type' )
   end select
   call Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tluout, ygroup_name, ybutype, iworkgrid,                          &
@@ -563,10 +566,10 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, kp, knocompre
                       kil = nbuil, kih = nbuih, kjl = nbujl, kjh = nbujh, kkl = nbukl, kkh = nbukh )
   deallocate( ybucomment, yworkunit, yworkcomment, iworkgrid )
-end subroutine Store_one_budget_rho_new
+end subroutine Store_one_budget_rho
-subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, pbudarray, prhodjn, kp, knocompress, ptstep )
+subroutine Store_one_budget_old( tpdiafile, tpdates, pbudarray, prhodjn, kp, knocompress, ptstep )
   use modd_budget,            only: cbucomment, cbutype,                                                                          &
                                     lbu_icp, lbu_jcp, lbu_kcp,                                                                    &
                                     nbuil, nbuih, nbujl, nbujh, nbukl, nbukh,                                                     &
@@ -578,6 +581,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, pbudarray, prhodjn, kp, knocomp
   use modd_lunit_n,           only: tluout
   use modd_type_date,         only: date_time
+  use mode_msg
   use mode_write_diachro,     only: Write_diachro
   use modi_end_cart_compress, only: End_cart_compress
@@ -604,8 +608,9 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, pbudarray, prhodjn, kp, knocomp
   real,               dimension(:),           allocatable :: zconvert   ! unit conversion coefficient
   real,               dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: zworkt
   if( .not. allocated( prhodjn ) ) then
-    call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget', 'prhodjn not allocated' )
+    call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_old', 'prhodjn not allocated' )
   end if
@@ -640,7 +645,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, pbudarray, prhodjn, kp, knocomp
         end do
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_old', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
   end select
@@ -733,7 +738,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, pbudarray, prhodjn, kp, knocomp
       write( ygroup_name, fmt = "('SV',I3.3,I4.4)") jsv, nbutshift
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget', 'unknown budget type' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_old', 'unknown budget type' )
   end select
   CALL Write_diachro( tpdiafile, tluout, ygroup_name, ybutype, iworkgrid,                              &
@@ -744,10 +749,10 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, pbudarray, prhodjn, kp, knocomp
   deallocate( zworkt, yworkunit, yworkcomment, iworkgrid )
-end subroutine Store_one_budget
+end subroutine Store_one_budget_old
-subroutine Store_one_budget_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, kp, knocompress, ptstep )
+subroutine Store_one_budget( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, kp, knocompress, ptstep )
   use modd_budget,            only: cbutype,                                                                                      &
                                     lbu_icp, lbu_jcp, lbu_kcp,                                                                    &
                                     nbuil, nbuih, nbujl, nbujh, nbukl, nbukh,                                                     &
@@ -761,6 +766,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, kp, knoc
   use modd_parameters,        only: NBUNAMELGTMAX
   use modd_type_date,         only: date_time
+  use mode_msg
   use mode_write_diachro,     only: Write_diachro
   use modi_end_cart_compress, only: End_cart_compress
@@ -789,8 +795,9 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, kp, knoc
   real,               dimension(:),           allocatable :: zconvert   ! unit conversion coefficient
   real,               dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: zworkt
   if( .not. allocated( prhodjn ) ) then
-    call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_new', 'prhodjn not allocated' )
+    call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget', 'prhodjn not allocated' )
   end if
@@ -834,7 +841,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, kp, knoc
         end do
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_new', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget', 'unknown CBUTYPE' )
   end select
@@ -894,7 +901,7 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, kp, knoc
       write( ygroup_name, fmt = "('SV',I3.3,I4.4)") jsv, nbutshift
     case default
-      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget_new', 'unknown budget type' )
+      call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Store_one_budget', 'unknown budget type' )
   end select
   do jproc = 1, igroups
@@ -909,6 +916,6 @@ subroutine Store_one_budget_new( tpdiafile, tpdates, tpbudget, prhodjn, kp, knoc
   deallocate( zworkt, yworkunit, yworkcomment, iworkgrid )
-end subroutine Store_one_budget_new
+end subroutine Store_one_budget
 end module mode_write_budget