!MNH_LIC Copyright 1994-2021 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ######spl SUBROUTINE TKE_EPS_SOURCES(KKA,KKU,KKL,KMI,PTKEM,PLM,PLEPS,PDP, & & PTRH,PRHODJ,PDZZ,PDXX,PDYY,PDZX,PDZY,PZZ, & & PTSTEP,PIMPL,PEXPL, & & HTURBLEN,HTURBDIM, & & TPFILE,OTURB_DIAG, & & PTP,PRTKES,PRTHLS,PCOEF_DISS,PTDIFF,PTDISS,& & TBUDGETS, KBUDGETS, & & PEDR, PTR,PDISS,PRTKESM ) ! ################################################################## ! ! !!**** *TKE_EPS_SOURCES* - routine to compute the sources of the turbulent !! evolutive variables: TKE and its dissipation when it is taken into !! account. The contribution to the heating of tke dissipation is computed. !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! The purpose of this routine is to compute the sources necessary for ! the evolution of the turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation ! if necessary. ! !!** METHOD !! ------ !! The vertical turbulent flux is computed in an off-centered !! implicit scheme (a Crank-Nicholson type with coefficients different !! than 0.5), which allows to vary the degree of implicitness of the !! formulation. !! In high resolution, the horizontal transport terms are also !! calculated, but explicitly. !! The evolution of the dissipation as a variable is made if !! the parameter HTURBLEN is set equal to KEPS. The same reasoning !! made for TKE applies. !! !! EXTERNAL !! -------- !! GX_U_M,GY_V_M,GZ_W_M !! GX_M_U,GY_M_V : Cartesian vertical gradient operators !! !! MXF,MXM.MYF,MYM,MZF,MZM: Shuman functions (mean operators) !! DZF : Shuman functions (difference operators) !! !! SUBROUTINE TRIDIAG : to solve an implicit temporal scheme !! !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! Module MODD_CST : contains physical constants !! !! XG : gravity constant !! !! Module MODD_CTURB: contains the set of constants for !! the turbulence scheme !! !! XCET,XCED : transport and dissipation cts. for the TKE !! XCDP,XCDD,XCDT: constants from the parameterization of !! the K-epsilon equation !! XTKEMIN,XEPSMIN : minimum values for the TKE and its !! dissipation !! !! Module MODD_PARAMETERS: !! !! JPVEXT_TURB !! Module MODD_BUDGET: !! NBUMOD : model in which budget is calculated !! CBUTYPE : type of desired budget !! 'CART' for cartesian box configuration !! 'MASK' for budget zone defined by a mask !! 'NONE' ' for no budget !! LBU_RTKE : logical for budget of RTKE (turbulent kinetic energy) !! .TRUE. = budget of RTKE !! .FALSE. = no budget of RTKE !! !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! Book 2 of documentation (routine TKE_EPS_SOURCES) !! Book 1 of documentation (Chapter: Turbulence) !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! Joan Cuxart * INM and Meteo-France * !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original August 23, 1994 !! Modifications: Feb 14, 1995 (J.Cuxart and J.Stein) !! Doctorization and Optimization !! June 29, 1995 (J.Stein) TKE budget !! June 28, 1995 (J.Cuxart) Add LES tools !! Modifications: February 29, 1996 (J. Stein) optimization !! Modifications: May 6, 1996 (N. Wood) Extend some loops over !! the outer points !! Modifications: August 30, 1996 (P. Jabouille) calcul ZFLX at the !! IKU level !! October 10, 1996 (J.Stein) set Keff at t-deltat !! Oct 8, 1996 (Cuxart,Sanchez) Var.LES: XETR_TF,XDISS_TF !! December 20, 1996 (J.-P. Pinty) update the CALL BUDGET !! November 24, 1997 (V. Masson) bug in <v'e> !! removes the DO loops !! Augu. 9, 1999 (J.Stein) TKE budget correction !! Mar 07 2001 (V. Masson and J. Stein) remove the horizontal !! turbulent transports of Tke computation !! Nov 06, 2002 (V. Masson) LES budgets !! July 20, 2003 (J.-P. Pinty P Jabouille) add the dissipative heating !! May 2006 Remove KEPS !! October 2009 (G. Tanguy) add ILENCH=LEN(YCOMMENT) after !! change of YCOMMENT !! 2012-02 Y. Seity, add possibility to run with reversed !! vertical levels !! 2014-11 Y. Seity, add output terms for TKE DDHs budgets !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 2015-01 (J. Escobar) missing get_halo(ZRES) for JPHEXT<> 1 !! J.Escobar : 15/09/2015 : WENO5 & JPHEXT <> 1 !! Philippe Wautelet: 05/2016-04/2018: new data structures and calls for I/O ! P. Wautelet 20/05/2019: add name argument to ADDnFIELD_ll + new ADD4DFIELD_ll subroutine ! P. Wautelet 02/2020: use the new data structures and subroutines for budgets ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! USE PARKIND1, ONLY : JPRB USE YOMHOOK , ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK ! USE MODD_ARGSLIST_ll, ONLY: LIST_ll USE MODD_BUDGET, ONLY: LBUDGET_TKE, LBUDGET_TH, NBUDGET_TKE, NBUDGET_TH, TBUDGETDATA USE MODD_CONF USE MODD_CST USE MODD_CTURB USE MODD_DIAG_IN_RUN, ONLY : LDIAG_IN_RUN, XCURRENT_TKE_DISS USE MODD_FIELD, ONLY: TFIELDDATA, TYPEREAL USE MODD_IO, ONLY: TFILEDATA USE MODD_LES USE MODD_PARAMETERS ! USE MODE_BUDGET, ONLY: BUDGET_STORE_ADD, BUDGET_STORE_END, BUDGET_STORE_INIT USE MODE_IO_FIELD_WRITE, ONLY: IO_FIELD_WRITE USE MODE_ll ! USE MODI_GET_HALO USE MODI_GRADIENT_M USE MODI_GRADIENT_U USE MODI_GRADIENT_V USE MODI_GRADIENT_W USE MODI_LES_MEAN_SUBGRID USE MODI_TRIDIAG_TKE USE MODI_SHUMAN , ONLY : DZM, DZF, MZM, MZF ! ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! !* 0.1 declarations of arguments ! ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKA !near ground array index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKU !uppest atmosphere array index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKL !vert. levels type 1=MNH -1=ARO INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KMI ! model index number REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTKEM ! TKE at t-deltat REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PLM ! mixing length REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PLEPS ! dissipative length REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODJ ! density * grid volume REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDZX,PDZY ! metric coefficients REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PZZ ! physical height w-pt REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PTSTEP ! Time step REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PEXPL, PIMPL ! Coef. temporal. disc. CHARACTER(LEN=4), INTENT(IN) :: HTURBDIM ! dimensionality of the ! turbulence scheme CHARACTER(LEN=4), INTENT(IN) :: HTURBLEN ! kind of mixing length TYPE(TFILEDATA), INTENT(IN) :: TPFILE ! Output file LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OTURB_DIAG ! switch to write some ! diagnostic fields in the syncronous FM-file REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PDP ! Dyn. prod. of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTRH REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTP ! Ther. prod. of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PRTKES ! RHOD * Jacobian * ! TKE at t+deltat REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PRTHLS ! Source of Theta_l REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PCOEF_DISS ! 1/(Cph*Exner) REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PTDIFF ! Diffusion TKE term REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PTDISS ! Dissipation TKE term TYPE(TBUDGETDATA), DIMENSION(KBUDGETS), INTENT(INOUT) :: TBUDGETS INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KBUDGETS REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: PTR ! Transport prod. of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: PDISS ! Dissipation of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: PEDR ! EDR REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: PRTKESM ! Advection source ! ! ! !* 0.2 declaration of local variables ! REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PTKEM,1),SIZE(PTKEM,2),SIZE(PTKEM,3)):: & ZA, & ! under diagonal elements of the tri-diagonal matrix involved ! in the temporal implicit scheme ZRES, & ! treated variable at t+ deltat when the turbu- ! lence is the only source of evolution added to the ones ! considered in ZSOURCE. This variable is also used to ! temporarily store some diagnostics stored in FM file ZFLX, & ! horizontal or vertical flux of the treated variable ZSOURCE, & ! source of evolution for the treated variable ZKEFF, & ! effectif diffusion coeff = LT * SQRT( TKE ) ZTR,ZRTKESM ! Transport term and Advective TKE source LOGICAL,DIMENSION(SIZE(PTKEM,1),SIZE(PTKEM,2),SIZE(PTKEM,3)) :: GTKENEG ! 3D mask .T. if TKE < XTKEMIN INTEGER :: IIB,IIE,IJB,IJE,IKB,IKE ! Index values for the Beginning and End ! mass points of the domain INTEGER :: IIU,IJU,IKU ! array size in the 3 dimensions ! TYPE(LIST_ll), POINTER :: TZFIELDDISS_ll ! list of fields to exchange INTEGER :: IINFO_ll ! return code of parallel routine TYPE(TFIELDDATA) :: TZFIELD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULLIFY(TZFIELDDISS_ll) ! !* 1. PRELIMINARY COMPUTATIONS ! ------------------------ ! IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('TKE_EPS_SOURCES',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! IIU=SIZE(PTKEM,1) IJU=SIZE(PTKEM,2) CALL GET_INDICE_ll (IIB,IJB,IIE,IJE,IIU,IJU) IKB=KKA+JPVEXT_TURB*KKL IKE=KKU-JPVEXT_TURB*KKL ! ! compute the effective diffusion coefficient at the mass point ZKEFF(:,:,:) = PLM(:,:,:) * SQRT(PTKEM(:,:,:)) ! #ifdef REPRO48 #else IF (LBUDGET_TH) CALL BUDGET_STORE_INIT( TBUDGETS(NBUDGET_TH), 'DISSH', PRTHLS(:, :, :) ) #endif ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. TKE EQUATION ! ------------ ! !* 2.1 Horizontal turbulent explicit transport ! ! ! Complete the sources of TKE with the horizontal turbulent explicit transport ! IF (HTURBDIM=='3DIM') THEN ZTR=PTRH ELSE ZTR=0. END IF ! ! ! !* 2.2 Explicit TKE sources except horizontal turbulent transport ! ! Advection source (=0 in AROME) IF(PRESENT(PRTKESM)) THEN ZRTKESM=PRTKESM ELSE ZRTKESM=0. END IF ! ! extrapolate the dynamic production with a 1/Z law from its value at the ! W(IKB+1) value stored in PDP(IKB) to the mass localization tke(IKB) PDP(:,:,IKB) = PDP(:,:,IKB) * (1. + PDZZ(:,:,IKB+KKL)/PDZZ(:,:,IKB)) ! ! Compute the source terms for TKE: ( ADVECtion + NUMerical DIFFusion + ..) ! + (Dynamical Production) + (Thermal Production) - (dissipation) ZFLX(:,:,:) = XCED * SQRT(PTKEM(:,:,:)) / PLEPS(:,:,:) ZSOURCE(:,:,:) = ( PRTKES(:,:,:) + ZRTKESM(:,:,:) ) / PRHODJ(:,:,:) & - PTKEM(:,:,:) / PTSTEP & + PDP(:,:,:) + PTP(:,:,:) + ZTR(:,:,:) - PEXPL * ZFLX(:,:,:) * PTKEM(:,:,:) ! !* 2.2 implicit vertical TKE transport ! ! ! Compute the vector giving the elements just under the diagonal for the ! matrix inverted in TRIDIAG ! ZA(:,:,:) = - PTSTEP * XCET * & MZM(ZKEFF, KKA, KKU, KKL) * MZM(PRHODJ, KKA, KKU, KKL) / PDZZ**2 ! ! Compute TKE at time t+deltat: ( stored in ZRES ) ! CALL TRIDIAG_TKE(KKA,KKU,KKL,PTKEM,ZA,PTSTEP,PEXPL,PIMPL,PRHODJ,& & ZSOURCE,PTSTEP*ZFLX,ZRES) CALL GET_HALO(ZRES) ! !* diagnose the dissipation ! IF (LDIAG_IN_RUN) THEN XCURRENT_TKE_DISS = ZFLX(:,:,:) * PTKEM(:,:,:) & *(PEXPL*PTKEM(:,:,:) + PIMPL*ZRES(:,:,:)) CALL ADD3DFIELD_ll( TZFIELDDISS_ll, XCURRENT_TKE_DISS, 'TKE_EPS_SOURCES::XCURRENT_TKE_DISS' ) CALL UPDATE_HALO_ll(TZFIELDDISS_ll,IINFO_ll) CALL CLEANLIST_ll(TZFIELDDISS_ll) ENDIF ! ! TKE must be greater than its minimum value ! CL : Now done at the end of the time step in ADVECTION_METSV for MesoNH IF(CPROGRAM/='MESONH') THEN GTKENEG = ZRES <= XTKEMIN WHERE ( GTKENEG ) ZRES = XTKEMIN END WHERE END IF PTDISS(:,:,:) = - ZFLX(:,:,:)*(PEXPL*PTKEM(:,:,:) + PIMPL*ZRES(:,:,:)) ! IF ( LLES_CALL .OR. & (OTURB_DIAG .AND. TPFILE%LOPENED) ) THEN ! ! Compute the cartesian vertical flux of TKE in ZFLX ! ZFLX(:,:,:) = - XCET * MZM(ZKEFF, KKA, KKU, KKL) * & DZM(PIMPL * ZRES + PEXPL * PTKEM, KKA, KKU, KKL) / PDZZ ! ZFLX(:,:,IKB) = 0. ZFLX(:,:,KKA) = 0. ! ! Compute the whole turbulent TRansport of TKE: ! ZTR(:,:,:)= ZTR - DZF(MZM(PRHODJ, KKA, KKU, KKL) * ZFLX / PDZZ, KKA, KKU, KKL) /PRHODJ ! ! Storage in the LES configuration ! IF (LLES_CALL) THEN CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(MZF(ZFLX, KKA, KKU, KKL), X_LES_SUBGRID_WTke ) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(-ZTR, X_LES_SUBGRID_ddz_WTke ) END IF ! END IF ! !* 2.4 stores the explicit sources for budget purposes ! IF (LBUDGET_TKE) THEN ! Dynamical production CALL BUDGET_STORE_ADD( TBUDGETS(NBUDGET_TKE), 'DP', PDP(:, :, :) * PRHODJ(:, :, :) ) ! Thermal production CALL BUDGET_STORE_ADD( TBUDGETS(NBUDGET_TKE), 'TP', PTP(:, :, :) * PRHODJ(:, :, :) ) ! Dissipation CALL BUDGET_STORE_ADD( TBUDGETS(NBUDGET_TKE), 'DISS',- XCED * SQRT(PTKEM(:,:,:)) / PLEPS(:,:,:) * & (PEXPL*PTKEM(:,:,:) + PIMPL*ZRES(:,:,:)) * PRHODJ(:,:,:)) END IF ! !* 2.5 computes the final RTKE and stores the whole turbulent transport ! with the removal of the advection part for MesoNH !Store the previous source terms in prtkes before initializing the next one !Should be in IF LBUDGET_TKE only. Was removed out for a correct comput. of PTDIFF in case of LBUDGET_TKE=F in AROME PRTKES(:,:,:) = PRTKES(:,:,:) + PRHODJ(:,:,:) * & ( PDP(:,:,:) + PTP(:,:,:) & - XCED * SQRT(PTKEM(:,:,:)) / PLEPS(:,:,:) * ( PEXPL*PTKEM(:,:,:) + PIMPL*ZRES(:,:,:) ) ) ! PTDIFF(:,:,:) = ZRES(:,:,:) / PTSTEP - PRTKES(:,:,:)/PRHODJ(:,:,:) & & - PDP(:,:,:)- PTP(:,:,:) - PTDISS(:,:,:) IF (LBUDGET_TKE) CALL BUDGET_STORE_INIT( TBUDGETS(NBUDGET_TKE), 'TR', PRTKES(:, :, :) ) ! PRTKES(:,:,:) = ZRES(:,:,:) * PRHODJ(:,:,:) / PTSTEP - ZRTKESM(:,:,:) ! ! stores the whole turbulent transport ! IF (LBUDGET_TKE) CALL BUDGET_STORE_END( TBUDGETS(NBUDGET_TKE), 'TR', PRTKES(:, :, :) ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 3. COMPUTE THE DISSIPATIVE HEATING ! ------------------------------- ! PRTHLS(:,:,:) = PRTHLS(:,:,:) + XCED * SQRT(PTKEM(:,:,:)) / PLEPS(:,:,:) * & (PEXPL*PTKEM(:,:,:) + PIMPL*ZRES(:,:,:)) * PRHODJ(:,:,:) * PCOEF_DISS(:,:,:) #ifdef REPRO48 #else IF (LBUDGET_TH) CALL BUDGET_STORE_END( TBUDGETS(NBUDGET_TH), 'DISSH', PRTHLS(:, :, :) ) #endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 4. STORES SOME DIAGNOSTICS ! ----------------------- ! IF(PRESENT(PDISS)) PDISS(:,:,:) = -XCED * (PTKEM(:,:,:)**1.5) / PLEPS(:,:,:) IF(PRESENT(PTR)) PTR=ZTR IF(PRESENT(PEDR)) PEDR = XCED * (PTKEM(:,:,:)**1.5) / PLEPS(:,:,:) ! IF ( OTURB_DIAG .AND. TPFILE%LOPENED ) THEN ! ! stores the dynamic production ! TZFIELD%CMNHNAME = 'DP' TZFIELD%CSTDNAME = '' TZFIELD%CLONGNAME = 'DP' TZFIELD%CUNITS = 'm2 s-3' TZFIELD%CDIR = 'XY' TZFIELD%CCOMMENT = 'X_Y_Z_DP' TZFIELD%NGRID = 1 TZFIELD%NTYPE = TYPEREAL TZFIELD%NDIMS = 3 TZFIELD%LTIMEDEP = .TRUE. CALL IO_FIELD_WRITE(TPFILE,TZFIELD,PDP) ! ! stores the thermal production ! TZFIELD%CMNHNAME = 'TP' TZFIELD%CSTDNAME = '' TZFIELD%CLONGNAME = 'TP' TZFIELD%CUNITS = 'm2 s-3' TZFIELD%CDIR = 'XY' TZFIELD%CCOMMENT = 'X_Y_Z_TP' TZFIELD%NGRID = 1 TZFIELD%NTYPE = TYPEREAL TZFIELD%NDIMS = 3 TZFIELD%LTIMEDEP = .TRUE. CALL IO_FIELD_WRITE(TPFILE,TZFIELD,PTP) ! ! stores the whole turbulent transport ! TZFIELD%CMNHNAME = 'TR' TZFIELD%CSTDNAME = '' TZFIELD%CLONGNAME = 'TR' TZFIELD%CUNITS = 'm2 s-3' TZFIELD%CDIR = 'XY' TZFIELD%CCOMMENT = 'X_Y_Z_TR' TZFIELD%NGRID = 1 TZFIELD%NTYPE = TYPEREAL TZFIELD%NDIMS = 3 TZFIELD%LTIMEDEP = .TRUE. CALL IO_FIELD_WRITE(TPFILE,TZFIELD,ZTR) ! ! stores the dissipation of TKE ! TZFIELD%CMNHNAME = 'DISS' TZFIELD%CSTDNAME = '' TZFIELD%CLONGNAME = 'DISS' TZFIELD%CUNITS = 'm2 s-3' TZFIELD%CDIR = 'XY' TZFIELD%CCOMMENT = 'X_Y_Z_DISS' TZFIELD%NGRID = 1 TZFIELD%NTYPE = TYPEREAL TZFIELD%NDIMS = 3 TZFIELD%LTIMEDEP = .TRUE. CALL IO_FIELD_WRITE(TPFILE,TZFIELD,PDISS) END IF ! ! Storage in the LES configuration of the Dynamic Production of TKE and ! the dissipation of TKE ! IF (LLES_CALL ) THEN CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID( PDISS, X_LES_SUBGRID_DISS_Tke ) END IF ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('TKE_EPS_SOURCES',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE TKE_EPS_SOURCES