module mode_options implicit none integer,parameter :: nbavailoptions = 10 integer,parameter :: TYPEUNDEF = -1, TYPEINT = 1, TYPELOG = 2, TYPEREAL = 3, TYPECHAR = 4 integer,parameter :: MODEUNDEF = -11, MODECDF2CDF = 11, MODELFI2CDF = 12, MODECDF2LFI = 13 integer,parameter :: OPTCDF3 = 1, OPTCDF4 = 2, OPTCOMPRESS = 3 integer,parameter :: OPTHELP = 4, OPTLIST = 5, OPTMERGE = 6 integer,parameter :: OPTOUTPUT = 7, OPTREDUCE = 8, OPTSPLIT = 9 integer,parameter :: OPTVAR = 10 type option logical :: set = .false. character(len=:),allocatable :: long_name character :: short_name logical :: has_argument integer :: type = TYPEUNDEF integer :: ivalue logical :: lvalue real :: rvalue character(len=:),allocatable :: cvalue end type option contains subroutine read_commandline(options,hinfile,houtfile,runmode) implicit none type(option),dimension(:),allocatable,intent(out) :: options character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: hinfile character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: houtfile integer,intent(out) :: runmode integer :: idx, nbargs, status, sz logical :: finished character(len=:),allocatable :: command, fullcommand call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(NUMBER=0,LENGTH=sz) allocate(character(len=sz)::fullcommand) call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(NUMBER=0,VALUE=fullcommand) idx = index(fullcommand,'/',back=.true.) allocate(character(len=sz-idx)::command) command=fullcommand(idx+1:) select case (command) case ('cdf2cdf') runmode = MODECDF2CDF case ('cdf2lfi') runmode = MODECDF2LFI case ('lfi2cdf') runmode = MODELFI2CDF case default runmode = MODEUNDEF print *,'Error: program started with unknown command: ',command call help() end select deallocate(command,fullcommand) call init_options(options) nbargs = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() if (nbargs==0) then print *,'Error: no input file given' call help() end if if (nbargs>1) then finished = .false. do while(.not.finished) call get_option(options,finished) end do end if call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(NUMBER=nbargs,LENGTH=sz) allocate(character(len=sz)::hinfile) call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(NUMBER=COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT(),VALUE=hinfile) call check_options(options,hinfile,runmode) houtfile = options(OPTOUTPUT)%cvalue !Remove level in the filename if merging LFI splitted files and output name not set by option if (.NOT.options(OPTOUTPUT)%set) then if (options(OPTMERGE)%set) then houtfile=hinfile(1:len(hinfile)-9) end if end if end subroutine read_commandline subroutine init_options(options) implicit none type(option),dimension(:),allocatable,intent(out) :: options allocate(options(nbavailoptions)) options(OPTCDF3)%long_name = "cdf3" options(OPTCDF3)%short_name = '3' options(OPTCDF3)%has_argument = .false. options(OPTCDF4)%long_name = "cdf4" options(OPTCDF4)%short_name = '4' options(OPTCDF4)%has_argument = .false. options(OPTCOMPRESS)%long_name = "compress" options(OPTCOMPRESS)%short_name = 'c' options(OPTCOMPRESS)%has_argument = .true. options(OPTCOMPRESS)%type = TYPEINT options(OPTHELP)%long_name = "help" options(OPTHELP)%short_name = 'h' options(OPTHELP)%has_argument = .false. options(OPTLIST)%long_name = "list" options(OPTLIST)%short_name = 'l' options(OPTLIST)%has_argument = .false. options(OPTMERGE)%long_name = "merge" options(OPTMERGE)%short_name = 'm' options(OPTMERGE)%has_argument = .true. options(OPTMERGE)%type = TYPEINT options(OPTOUTPUT)%long_name = "output" options(OPTOUTPUT)%short_name = 'o' options(OPTOUTPUT)%has_argument = .true. options(OPTOUTPUT)%type = TYPECHAR options(OPTREDUCE)%long_name = "reduce-precision" options(OPTREDUCE)%short_name = 'r' options(OPTREDUCE)%has_argument = .false. options(OPTSPLIT)%long_name = "split" options(OPTSPLIT)%short_name = 's' options(OPTSPLIT)%has_argument = .false. options(OPTVAR)%long_name = "var" options(OPTVAR)%short_name = 'v' options(OPTVAR)%has_argument = .true. options(OPTVAR)%type = TYPECHAR end subroutine init_options subroutine get_option(options,finished) implicit none integer,parameter :: MAXARGSIZE=512 logical,intent(out) :: finished type(option),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: options integer,save :: argnum = 1 integer :: i, sz logical :: found character(len=MAXARGSIZE) :: arg found = .false. call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(NUMBER=argnum,VALUE=arg,LENGTH=sz) if(sz>MAXARGSIZE) print *,'Error: argument bigger than ',MAXARGSIZE if ( INDEX(arg,'--')==1 .AND. sz>2) then do i=1,nbavailoptions if (options(i)%long_name == trim(arg(3:))) then found = .true. exit end if end do else if ( INDEX(arg,'-')==1 ) then do i=1,nbavailoptions if (options(i)%short_name == trim(arg(2:))) then found = .true. exit end if end do else print *,'Error: ',trim(arg),' is not an option' call help() end if if ( .not.found ) then print *,'Error: unknown option: ',trim(arg) call help() end if if (options(i)%set) then print *,'Error: at least 1 option is set several times!' call help() end if options(i)%set = .true. if (options(i)%has_argument) then argnum = argnum + 1 if (argnum >= COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT()) then print *,'Error: argument for option ',trim(arg),' not found' call help() end if call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(NUMBER=argnum,VALUE=arg,LENGTH=sz) if(sz>MAXARGSIZE) print *,'Error: argument bigger than ',MAXARGSIZE select case (options(i)%type) case (TYPEINT) read (arg,*) options(i)%ivalue case (TYPELOG) read (arg,*) options(i)%lvalue case (TYPEREAL) read (arg,*) options(i)%rvalue case (TYPECHAR) options(i)%cvalue = arg case default print *,'Error: unknown option type' call help() end select end if argnum = argnum + 1 if (argnum >= COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT()) finished = .true. end subroutine get_option subroutine check_options(options,infile,runmode) implicit none type(option),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: options character(len=:),allocatable,intent(in) :: infile integer,intent(in) :: runmode integer :: idx1, idx2 !Check if help has been asked if (options(OPTHELP)%set) then call help() end if !Use NetCF-4 by default if (.NOT.options(OPTCDF3)%set) then options(OPTCDF4)%set = .true. else if (options(OPTCDF4)%set) then print *,'Warning: NetCDF-3 and NetCDF-4 options are not compatible' print *,'NetCDF-4 is forced' options(OPTCDF3)%set = .false. end if end if !Check compression level if (options(OPTCOMPRESS)%set) then if (options(OPTCOMPRESS)%ivalue < 1 .OR. options(OPTCOMPRESS)%ivalue > 9 ) then print *,'Error: compression level should in the 1 to 9 interval' call help() end if end if !Check list option if (options(OPTLIST)%set .AND. runmode/=MODELFI2CDF) then print *,'Error: list option is only valid for lfi2cdf' call help() end if !Merge flag only supported if -v is set if (options(OPTMERGE)%set .AND. .NOT.options(OPTVAR)%set) then print *,'Error: merge option must be used with var option' call help() end if !Split flag only supported if -v is set if (options(OPTSPLIT)%set .AND. .NOT.options(OPTVAR)%set) then options(OPTSPLIT)%set = .false. print *,"Warning: split option is forced to disable" end if !Determine outfile name if not given if (.NOT.options(OPTOUTPUT)%set) then idx1 = index(infile,'/',back=.true.) idx2 = index(infile,'.',back=.true.) options(OPTOUTPUT)%cvalue = infile(idx1+1:idx2-1) end if end subroutine check_options subroutine help() implicit none !TODO: -l option for cdf2cdf and cdf2lfi print *,"Usage : lfi2cdf [-h --help] [--cdf4 -4] [-l] [-v --var var1[,...]] [-r --reduce-precision]" print *," [-m --merge number_of_z_levels] [-s --split] [-o --output]" print *," [-c --compress compression_level] input-file.lfi" print *," cdf2cdf [-h --help] [--cdf4 -4] [-v --var var1[,...]] [-r --reduce-precision]" print *," [-m --merge number_of_z_levels] [-s --split] [-o --output]" print *," [-c --compress compression_level]" print *," cdf2lfi [-o --output output-file.lfi]" print *,"" print *,"Options:" print *," --cdf3, -3" print *," Write netCDF file in netCDF-3 format (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)" print *," --cdf4, -4 (by default)" print *," Write netCDF file in netCDF-4 format (HDF5 compatible) (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)" print *," --compress, -c compression_level" print *," Compress data. The compression level should be in the 1 to 9 interval." print *," Only supported with the netCDF-4 format (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)" print *," --help, -h" print *," Print this text" print *," --list, -l" print *," List all the fields of the LFI file and returns (lfi2cdf only)" print *," --merge, -m number_of_z_levels" print *," Merge LFI files which are split by vertical level (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)" print *," --output, -o" print *," Name of file for the output" print *," --reduce-precision, -r" print *," Reduce the precision of the floating point variables to single precision (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)" print *," --split, -s" print *," Split variables specified with the -v option (one per file) (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)" print *," --var, -v var1[,...]" print *," List of the variable to write in the output file. Variables names have to be separated by commas (,)." print *," A variable can be computed from the sum of existing variables (format: new_var=var1+var2[+...])" print *," (cdf2cdf and lfi2cdf only)" print *,"" stop end subroutine help end module mode_options