!----------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- special set of characters for RCS information !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Source$ $Revision$ ! masdev4_7 BUG1 2007/06/15 17:47:18 !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ############### SUBROUTINE INIT_MNH ! ############### ! !!**** *INIT_MNH * - monitor to initialize the variables of the model !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! The purpose of this routine is to initialize all the variables ! used in the model temporal loop or in the post-processings ! !!** METHOD !! ------ !! This initialization is separated in three parts : !! 1. A part common to all models where : !! - The output-listing file common to all models is opened. !! - The physical constants are initialized. !! - The other constants for all models are initialized. !! 2. The treatment of descriptor files model by model : !! The DESFM and EXSEG files are read and the EXSEG file is updated !! 3. The sequential initialization of nested models : !! The initial data fields are read in different files for each !! model and variables which are not in these initial files are !! deduced. !! !! !! EXTERNAL !! -------- !! INI_CST : to initialize physical constants !! INI_CTURB : to initialize for all models the constants used in the !! turbulence scheme !! INI_SEG_n : to read and update descriptor files !! INI_SIZE : to initialize the sizes of the different models !! INI_MODEL : to initialize each nested model !! INI_PARA_ll: to build the ll data structures !! GO_TOMODEL : displace the ll lists to the right nested model !! !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! Module MODD_PARAMETERS : JPMODELMAX !! !! Module MODD_CONF : NMODEL,NVERB !! !! Module MODD_LUNIT : CLUOUT0 !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! Book2 of documentation (routine INIT_MNH) !! !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! V. Ducrocq * Meteo France * !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 02/06/94 !! J.Stein 05/01/95 add ini_cturb !! J.P. Lafore 18/08/95 Time STEP change !! J.P. Lafore 22/07/96 ZTSTEP_ALL introduction for nesting !! V. Ducrocq 7/08/98 // !! P. Jabouille 7/07/99 split ini_modeln in 2 parts+ cleaning !! V. Masson 15/03/99 call to ini_data_cover !! P.Jabouille 15/07/99 special initialisation for spawning !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ USE MODD_PARAMETERS USE MODD_CONF USE MODD_LUNIT USE MODD_LBC_n, ONLY: CLBCX,CLBCY ! only for spawning purpose USE MODD_DYN_n, ONLY: CPRESOPT,NITR ! only for spawning purpose ! USE MODE_IO_ll USE MODE_ll USE MODE_FM ! USE MODI_INI_CST USE MODI_INI_CTURB USE MODI_INI_SEG_n USE MODI_INI_MODEL_n USE MODI_INI_SIZE_n USE MODI_INI_SIZE_SPAWN USE MODI_RESET_EXSEG USE MODE_MODELN_HANDLER USE MODI_READ_ALL_NAMELISTS USE MODI_ALLOC_SURFEX ! !JUAN USE MODE_SPLITTINGZ_ll !JUAN ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !* 0.1 Local variables ! INTEGER :: JMI ! Loop index CHARACTER (LEN=16), DIMENSION(JPMODELMAX) :: YLUOUT ! Name for output-listing ! of nested models CHARACTER (LEN=28), DIMENSION(JPMODELMAX) :: YINIFILE ! names of ! the initial files CHARACTER (LEN=28), DIMENSION(JPMODELMAX) :: YINIFILEPGD INTEGER :: ILUOUT0,IRESP ! Logical unit number for ! output-listing common ! to all models and return ! code of file management REAL, DIMENSION(JPMODELMAX) :: ZTSTEP_ALL ! Time STEP of ALL models INTEGER :: IINFO_ll ! return code of // routines ! ! Dummy pointers needed to correct an ifort Bug CHARACTER(LEN=4), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: DPTR_CLBCX,DPTR_CLBCY !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 1. INITIALIZATION COMMON TO ALL MODELS ! ------------------------------------ ! !* 1.1 initialize // E/S and open output-listing file ! ! IF (CPROGRAM/='REAL ') THEN CLUOUT0 = 'OUTPUT_LISTING0' CALL OPEN_ll(UNIT=ILUOUT0,FILE=CLUOUT0,IOSTAT=IRESP,FORM='FORMATTED', & ACTION='WRITE',MODE=GLOBAL) ELSE CALL FMLOOK_ll(CLUOUT0,CLUOUT0,ILUOUT0,IRESP) END IF ! WRITE(UNIT=ILUOUT0,FMT="(50('*'),/,'*',48X,'*',/, & & 7('*'),10X, ' MESO-NH MODEL ',10X,8('*'),/, & & '*',48X,'*',/, & & 7('*'),12X,' CNRM - LA ',12X,8('*'),/, & & '*',48X,'*',/, 50('*'))") ! ! !* 1.2 initialize physical constants ! CALL INI_CST ! ! !* 1.3 initialize constants for the turbulence scheme ! CALL INI_CTURB ! ! !* 1.4 initialize constants for nebulosity computation ! CALL INI_NEB ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. READ AND UPDATE DESCRIPTOR FILES ! -------------------------------- ! DO JMI=1,JPMODELMAX CALL GOTO_MODEL(JMI) CALL INI_SEG_n(JMI,YLUOUT(JMI),YINIFILE(JMI),YINIFILEPGD(JMI),ZTSTEP_ALL) IF (JMI.EQ.NMODEL) EXIT END DO ! IF (CPROGRAM=='DIAG') CALL RESET_EXSEG(YLUOUT(1)) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !* 3. INITIALIZE EACH MODEL SIZES AND DEPENDENCY ! ------------------------------------------ ! DO JMI=1,NMODEL CALL GOTO_MODEL(JMI) CALL INI_SIZE_n(JMI,YLUOUT(JMI),YINIFILE(JMI),YINIFILEPGD(JMI)) END DO ! IF (CPROGRAM=='SPAWN ') THEN DPTR_CLBCX=>CLBCX DPTR_CLBCY=>CLBCY CALL INI_SIZE_SPAWN(DPTR_CLBCX,DPTR_CLBCY,CPRESOPT,NITR,YINIFILE(1)) END IF ! ! INITIALIZE data structures of ComLib ! !JUAN CALL INI_PARA_ll(IINFO_ll) CALL INI_PARAZ_ll(IINFO_ll) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! CALL ALLOC_SURFEX(NMODEL) ! IF (CPROGRAM=='SPAWN ' .OR. CPROGRAM=='REAL ') THEN CALL READ_ALL_NAMELISTS('MESONH','PRE',.FALSE.) ELSE CALL READ_ALL_NAMELISTS('MESONH','ALL',.TRUE.) ENDIF ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 4. INITIALIZE EACH MODEL ! --------------------- ! DO JMI=1,NMODEL CALL GO_TOMODEL_ll(JMI,IINFO_ll) CALL GOTO_MODEL(JMI) CALL INI_MODEL_n(JMI,YLUOUT(JMI),YINIFILE(JMI),YINIFILEPGD(JMI)) END DO ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 5. WRITE MESSAGE ON OUTPUT-LISTING ! ------------------------------- ! IF (NVERB >= 5) THEN WRITE(UNIT=ILUOUT0,FMT="(50('*'),/,'*',48X,'*',/, & & '*',10X,' INITIALIZATION TERMINATED',10X,'*',/, & & '*',48X,'*',/,50('*'))") END IF ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! END SUBROUTINE INIT_MNH