% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot_traj.R
\title{Plot demographic trajectories}
onset_year = NULL,
xlab = "Year",
\item{N}{a 4-D array containing demographic projection outputs}
\item{onset_year}{a vector containing the years of each wind farm start being active
(thus, the year at whihc each fatality value starts kicking in)}
\item{xlab}{a character string. Label for the x axis.}
\item{ylab}{a character string. Label for the y axis.}
\item{Legend}{a vector of character strings. The legend to show on the side of the plot.}
\item{ylim}{a vector of 2 numbers. Limits of the y axis.}
\item{...}{any other graphical input similar to the R plot function}
a plot of the relative impact of each scenario.
Plot demographic trajectories