## Function to run simulations ==
#' Run multiple population projections (simulations)
#' @param nsim number of simulation
#' @param cumuated_impacts Logical. If TRUE, we used the projection model for cumulated impacts.
#' @param fatalities_mean a vector (numeric). Average number of fatalities, for each scenario.
#' @param fatalities_se a vector (numeric). Standard Error for the number of fatalities, for each scenario (= uncertainties around the values provided).
#' @param onset_time a vector (numeric). The times at which each wind farm fatality starts applying.
#' @param pop_size_mean a single number. Average population size (either total population or number of pairs - see Ntype below).
#' @param pop_size_se Standard Error for population size (= uncertainty around the value provided).
#' @param pop_size_type character value indicating if the provided value pop_size correpsonds to Total Population Size ("Ntotal")
#' or the Number of Pairs ("Npair"). A stable age distribution is used to infer the size of each age class.
#' @param pop_growth_mean a number. Average population growth rate (lambda).
#' @param pop_growth_se Standard Error for population growth rate (= uncertainty around the value provided).
#' @param survivals a vector. Average survival probabilities for each age class.
#' @param fecundities a vector of fecundity values for each age class.
#' @param model_demo an R object corresponding to the demographic model to be used. The 4 possible models currently are:
#' M1_noDD_noDemoStoch, M2_noDD_WithDemoStoch, M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch, M4_WithDD_WithDemoStoch,
#' @param time_horzion a number. The number of years (time horizon) over which to project the population dynamics.
#' @param coeff_var_environ a number. The coefficient of variation to model environment stochasticity.
#' @param fatal_constant text (character). Either "h" or "M". Using "h" sets the fatality RATE as the constant value across years.
#' Using "M" sets the NUMBER of fatalities as the constant value across years.
#' @return a 4D array containing the size of each age class (dim 1), for each year (dim 2), each scenario (dim 3), and
#' each simulation iteration (dim 4)
#' @export
#' @import magrittr
#' @import popbio
#' @examples
#' fatalities_mean = c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20)
#' fatalities_se = fatalities_mean*0.05
#' pop_size_mean = 200
#' pop_size_se = 30
#' pop_size_type = "Npair"
#' pop_growth_mean = 1
#' pop_growth_se = 0.03
#' model_demo = M2_noDD_WithDemoStoch
#' time_horzion = 30
#' coeff_var_environ = 0.10
#' fatal_constant = "h"
#' run_simul(nsim = 10, cumuated_impacts = FALSE,
#' fatalities_mean, fatalities_se, onset_time = NULL,
#' pop_size_mean, pop_size_se, pop_size_type,
#' pop_growth_mean, pop_growth_se,
#' model_demo, time_horzion, coeff_var_environ, fatal_constant)
run_simul <- function(nsim, cumuated_impacts,
fatalities_mean, fatalities_se, onset_time,
pop_size_mean, pop_size_se, pop_size_type,
pop_growth_mean, pop_growth_se,
model_demo, time_horzion, coeff_var_environ, fatal_constant){
# Coefficient of variation for environment stochasticity
cv_env <- coeff_var_environ
# Number of years
nyr <- time_horzion
# Number of age classes
# Number of fatalities scenario (+1 because we include a base scenario of NO fatality)
nsc <- length(fatalities_mean)
# Initiate Pop Size (output) Array
N <- array(NA, dim = c(nac, nyr, nsc, nsim), dimnames = list(paste0("age", 1:nac),
paste0("year", 1:nyr),
paste0("sc", (1:nsc)-1)
# object to store values of population growth drawn at each iteration
lam_it <- rep(NA, nsim)
time_run <- system.time(
for(sim in 1:nsim){
## PARAMETER UNCERTAINTY : draw values for each input
# 1. Nomber of fatalities
M <- NA
for(j in 1:nsc){
M[j] <- sample_gamma(1, mu = fatalities_mean[j], sd = fatalities_se[j])
# 2. Population size : draw and distribute by age class
N0 <- sample_gamma(1, mu = pop_size_mean, sd = pop_size_se) %>%
round %>%
pop_vector(pop_size_type = pop_size_type, s = survivals, f = fecundities)
if(pop_growth_se > 0){
# 3. Population Growth Rate
lam0 <- sample_gamma(1, mu = pop_growth_mean, sd = pop_growth_se)
# 4. Calibrate vital rates to match the the desired lambda
inits <- init_calib(s = survivals, f = fecundities, lam0 = lam0)
vr <- calibrate_params(inits = inits, f = fecundities, s = survivals, lam0 = lam0)
s <- head(vr, length(survivals))
f <- tail(vr, length(fecundities))
lam_it[sim] <- lambda(build_Leslie(s,f))
# No parameter uncertainty on population growth
lam_it[sim] <- lambda(build_Leslie(s,f))
} # End if/else
fun_project <- pop_project_cumulated_impacts
fun_project <- pop_project
onset_time = NULL
} # end if
N[,,,sim] <- fun_project(fatalities = M, onset_time = onset_time, intial_pop_vector = N0, s = s, f = f,
model_demo = model_demo, time_horzion = time_horzion,
coeff_var_environ = coeff_var_environ, fatal_constant = fatal_constant)
} # sim
) # system.time
return(list(time_run = time_run, N = N, lambdas = lam_it))
} # End of function