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  }, {
    number_age_class <- input$vr_mat_number_age_classes
    updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "mat_fill_vr",
                        value = matrix(data = NA,
                                       nrow = number_age_class,
                                       ncol = 2,
                                       dimnames = list(c(paste("Age", (1:number_age_class)-1)), c("Survie", "Fcondit"))))
  # Update the vital rate matrix (mat_fill_vr) when changing species in the list
  }, {

    if(input$species_choice == "Espce gnrique") {

      number_age_class <- input$vr_mat_number_age_classes
      updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "mat_fill_vr",
                        value = matrix(data = NA,
                                       nrow = number_age_class,
                                       ncol = 2,
                                       dimnames = list(c(paste("Age", (1:number_age_class)-1)), c("Survie", "Fcondit"))))

      tab_species <- make_mat_vr(data_sf = data_sf, species = input$species_choice)

      if(all( {
        number_age_class <- input$vr_mat_number_age_classes
        updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "mat_fill_vr",
                          value = matrix(data = NA,
                                         dimnames = list(c(paste("Age", (1:number_age_class)-1)), c("Survie", "Fcondit"))))

      } else {
        number_age_class <- nrow(tab_species)
        ages <- tab_species$classes_age
        survivals <- tab_species$survie
        fecundities <- tab_species$fecondite

        updateMatrixInput(session, inputId = "mat_fill_vr",
                          value = matrix(data = c(survivals, fecundities),
                                         nrow = number_age_class,
                                         ncol = 2,
                                         dimnames = list(ages, c("Survie", "Fcondit"))))
      } # end if 2
    } # end if 1
  }) # end observeEvent species_choice
  # Display vital rates output table
  delay(ms = 300,
        output$vital_rates_info <- renderTable({


          tab_species <- make_mat_vr(data_sf = data_sf, species = input$species_choice)
          ages <- tab_species$classes_age
          matrix(data = c(param$s_calib0, param$f_calib0),
                  nrow = length(param$s_calib0),
                  ncol = 2,
                  dimnames = list(ages, c("Survie", "Fcondit"))
        }, rownames = TRUE)
  # Display intrinsic lambda (based solely on Leslie matrix)
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        output$lambda0_info <- renderText({
          lam <- lambda(build_Leslie(s = param$s_calib0, f = param$f_calib0))
          taux <- round(lam-1,4)*100
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          if(taux < 0) Text <- "Dclin : " else Text <- "Croissance : "
          if(taux == 0) Text <- "Population stable : "
          paste0(Text, taux, "% par an")


  ## Dispersal
  }, {
    distAVG <- species_data %>%
      filter(NomEspece == input$species_choice) %>%

    rv$distAVG <- round(distAVG, 1)

    rv$dist <- c(round(-log(0.03)*distAVG, 1),
                 round(-log(0.05)*distAVG, 1),
                 round(-log(0.10)*distAVG, 1))

  output$dispersal_mean_info <- renderText({
    paste0("Distance moyenne de dispersion : ", rv$distAVG, " km")

  output$dispersal_d03p_info <- renderText({
    paste0("Seuil de distance quiv. 3% de dispersion : ", rv$dist[1], " km")

  output$dispersal_d05p_info <- renderText({
    paste0("Seuil de distance quiv. 5% de dispersion : ", rv$dist[2], " km")

  output$dispersal_d10p_info <- renderText({
    paste0("Seuil de distance quiv. 10% de dispersion : ", rv$dist[3], " km")
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  ## Select parameter values for simulations
  # Functions to calculate mean and SD from lower & upper values
  get_mu <- function(lower, upper) (lower + upper)/2
  get_sd <- function(lower, upper, coverage) ((abs(upper - lower)/2))/qnorm(1-((1-coverage)/2))

  ## Cumulated impacts or not ?
  }, {
    if(input$analysis_choice == "cumulated"){
    } else {
      param$cumulated_impacts = FALSE
    } # end if
  }) # end observeEvent

  ## Fatalities
    # Case 1 : Not cumulated effects (if1)
    if(input$analysis_choice == "single_farm"){

      # Case 1.1 : Values from expert elicitation (if2)
      if(input$fatalities_input_type == "eli_exp"){
          param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, round(param$fatalities_eli_result$mean, 2))
          param$fatalities_se <- c(0, round(param$fatalities_eli_result$SE, 3))
          ready$fatalities <- TRUE
        } else {
          ready$fatalities <- FALSE

      } else {

        if(input$fatalities_input_type == "val"){
          # Case 1.2 : Values directly provided as mean & SE
          param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, input$fatalities_mean)
          param$onset_time <- NULL
          param$fatalities_se <- c(0, input$fatalities_se)
          ready$fatalities <- TRUE
          # Case 1.3 : Values directly provided as lower/upper interval
          param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, round(get_mu(lower = input$fatalities_lower, upper = input$fatalities_upper), 2))
          param$onset_time <- NULL
          param$fatalities_se <- c(0, round(get_sd(lower = input$fatalities_lower, upper = input$fatalities_upper, coverage = CP), 3))
          ready$fatalities <- TRUE
      # Case 2 : Cumulated effects
      if(input$analysis_choice == "cumulated"){
        ready$fatalities <- TRUE
        param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,1])
        param$fatalities_se <- c(0, input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,2])
        param$onset_year <- c(min(input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,3]), input$fatalities_mat_cumulated[,3])
        param$onset_time <- param$onset_year - min(param$onset_year) + 1

        # Case 3 : Scenarios
        vec01 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(input$fatalities_vec_scenario, " ")))
        param$fatalities_mean <- c(0, vec01)
        param$fatalities_se <- rep(0, length(vec01)+1)
        param$onset_time <- NULL
        ready$fatalities <- TRUE


  ## Population size
    # Case 1 : Values from expert elicitation
    if(input$pop_size_input_type == "eli_exp"){
        param$pop_size_mean <- round(param$pop_size_eli_result$mean, 1)
        param$pop_size_se <- round(param$pop_size_eli_result$SE, 1)
        ready$pop_size <- TRUE
      } else {
        ready$pop_size <- FALSE

    } else {

      if(input$pop_size_input_type == "val"){
        # Case 2 : Values directly provided as mean & SE
        ready$pop_size <- TRUE
        param$pop_size_mean <- round(input$pop_size_mean, 1)
        param$pop_size_se <- round(input$pop_size_se, 1)

        # Case 3 : Values directly provided as lower/upper interval
        ready$pop_size <- TRUE
        param$pop_size_mean <- round(get_mu(lower = input$pop_size_lower, upper = input$pop_size_upper), 1)
        param$pop_size_se <- round(get_sd(lower = input$pop_size_lower, upper = input$pop_size_upper, coverage = CP), 1)
    param$pop_size_unit <- input$pop_size_unit

  ## Population growth
    # Case 1 : Values from expert elicitation
    if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "eli_exp"){
        param$pop_growth_mean <- round(param$pop_growth_eli_result$mean, 4)
        param$pop_growth_se <- round(param$pop_growth_eli_result$SE, 5)
        ready$pop_growth <- TRUE
      } else {
        ready$pop_growth <- FALSE

    } else {

      # Case 2 : Trend information
      if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "trend"){
        ready$pop_growth <- TRUE

        if(input$pop_trend == "growth") {
          if(input$pop_trend_strength == "weak") {
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            param$pop_growth_mean <- growth_weak
          } else if(input$pop_trend_strength == "average"){
thierrychambert's avatar
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            param$pop_growth_mean <- growth_average
thierrychambert's avatar
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            param$pop_growth_mean <- growth_strong
        } else if(input$pop_trend == "decline"){
          if(input$pop_trend_strength == "weak") {
thierrychambert's avatar
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            param$pop_growth_mean <- decline_weak
          } else if(input$pop_trend_strength == "average"){
thierrychambert's avatar
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            param$pop_growth_mean <- decline_average
thierrychambert's avatar
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            param$pop_growth_mean <- decline_strong
thierrychambert's avatar
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          param$pop_growth_mean <- pop_stable
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        param$pop_growth_se <- trend_se

        # Case 3 : Values directly provided (i.e., not from expert elicitation)
      } else {

        if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "val"){
          # Case 2 : Values directly provided as mean & SE
          ready$pop_growth <- TRUE
          param$pop_growth_mean <- round(make_lambda(input$pop_growth_mean), 4)
          param$pop_growth_se <- round(input$pop_growth_se/100, 5)

          # Case 3 : Values directly provided as lower/upper interval
          ready$pop_growth <- TRUE
          param$pop_growth_mean <- round(get_mu(lower = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_lower),
                                                          upper = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_upper)), 4)
          param$pop_growth_se <- round(get_sd(lower = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_lower),
                                              upper = make_lambda(input$pop_growth_upper), coverage = CP), 5)

  ## Carrying capacity
    if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "eli_exp"){
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        param$carrying_capacity_mean <- round(param$carrying_cap_eli_result$mean)
        param$carrying_capacity_se <- round(param$carrying_cap_eli_result$SE, 1)
        ready$carrying_capacity <- TRUE
      } else {
        ready$carrying_capacity <- FALSE
      if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "no_K"){
        ready$carrying_capacity <- TRUE
        param$carrying_capacity_mean <- max(param$pop_size_mean*100, 1e30) # use a very large K
        param$carrying_capacity_se <- 0

        # values: mean and se
        if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "val"){
          ready$carrying_capacity <- TRUE
          param$carrying_capacity_mean <- input$carrying_capacity_mean
          param$carrying_capacity_se <- input$carrying_capacity_se

          # lower/upper interval
          ready$carrying_capacity <- TRUE
          param$carrying_capacity_mean <- round(get_mu(lower = input$carrying_capacity_lower, upper = input$carrying_capacity_upper), 0)
          param$carrying_capacity_se <- round(get_sd(lower = input$carrying_capacity_lower, upper = input$carrying_capacity_upper, coverage = CP), 1)
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  ## Survivals, fecundities
    param$survivals <- input$mat_fill_vr[,1]
    param$fecundities <- input$mat_fill_vr[,2]

    # for now, until calibration is really done
    param$s_calib0 <- param$survivals
    param$f_calib0 <- param$fecundities
  }) # end observeEvent

  ## Calibration of survivals & fecundities
  ## Calibration 1 : just for information display
    vr_calib0 <- calibrate_params(
      inits = init_calib(s = param$survivals, f = param$fecundities, lam0 = param$pop_growth_mean),
      f = param$fecundities, s = param$survivals, lam0 = param$pop_growth_mean
    param$s_calib0 <- head(vr_calib0, length(param$survivals))
    param$f_calib0 <- tail(vr_calib0, length(param$fecundities))

  ## Calibration 2 : for simulation run

    # We also define rMAX and theta here
    rMAX_species <- rMAX_spp(surv = tail(param$survivals,1), afr = min(which(param$fecundities != 0)))
    param$rMAX_species <- rMAX_species
    param$pop_growth_mean_use <- round(min(1 + rMAX_species, param$pop_growth_mean), 4)

    param$theta <- fixed_theta
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    #param$theta <- theta_spp(rMAX_species)
    param$vr_calibrated <- calibrate_params(
      inits = init_calib(s = param$survivals, f = param$fecundities, lam0 = param$pop_growth_mean_use),
      f = param$fecundities, s = param$survivals, lam0 = param$pop_growth_mean_use
    param$s_calibrated <- head(param$vr_calibrated, length(param$survivals))
    param$f_calibrated <- tail(param$vr_calibrated, length(param$fecundities))

  ## Convert Fatalities as numbers (not rates)
  # Make sure fatalities are expressed as "number" (not rate) for the run_simul function
  se_prod2 <- function(mu1, se1, mu2, se2) sqrt((se1^2 * se2^2) + (se1^2 * mu2^2) + (mu1^2 * se2^2))

    if(input$fatalities_unit == "h"){
      pop_size_tot <- sum(pop_vector(pop_size = param$pop_size_mean, pop_size_type = param$pop_size_type, s = param$s_calibrated, f = param$f_calibrated)[-1])
      param$fatalities_mean_nb <- (param$fatalities_mean/100) * pop_size_tot
      param$fatalities_se_nb <- se_prod2(mu1 = param$fatalities_mean/100,
                                         se1 = param$fatalities_se/100,
                                         mu2 = pop_size_tot,
                                         se2 = (pop_size_tot/param$pop_size_mean) * param$pop_size_se)
      param$fatalities_mean_nb <- param$fatalities_mean
      param$fatalities_se_nb <- param$fatalities_se

  ## Observe parameter values to be used in simulations run
  }, {
    param$fatal_constant <- input$fatalities_unit
    param$time_horizon <- input$time_horizon

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    # This condition is used to avoid wild population swings in fast-paced species
    if(max(param$fecundities) < 1.5){
      param$coeff_var_environ <- coeff_var_environ
      param$coeff_var_environ <- 0

  }) # Close observEvent

  observe ({
    param # to ensure up-to-date values are run
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  ## Function to translate time units in french
  units_time_french <- function(u){
    if(u == "secs")  u_fr <- "secondes"
    if(u == "mins")  u_fr <- "minutes"
    if(u == "hours") u_fr <- "heures"
    if(u == "days")  u_fr <- "jours"
    if(u == "weeks") u_fr <- "semaines"

  ##                                RUN SIMULATIONS
  }, {
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    if(ready$fatalities & ready$pop_size & ready$pop_growth & ready$carrying_capacity){
      out$analysis_choice <- input$analysis_choice
      out$species_choice <- input$species_choice
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      start_time <- Sys.time()

      withProgress(message = 'Simulation progress', value = 0, {

        out$run <- run_simul_shiny(nsim = param$nsim,
                                   cumulated_impacts = param$cumulated_impacts,
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                                   fatalities_mean = param$fatalities_mean_nb,
                                   fatalities_se = param$fatalities_se_nb,
                                   pop_size_mean = param$pop_size_mean,
                                   pop_size_se = param$pop_size_se,
                                   pop_size_type = param$pop_size_unit,
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                                   survivals = param$s_calibrated,
                                   fecundities = param$f_calibrated,
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                                   carrying_capacity_mean = param$carrying_capacity_mean,
                                   carrying_capacity_se = param$carrying_capacity_se,

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                                   time_horizon = param$time_horizon,
                                   coeff_var_environ = param$coeff_var_environ,
                                   fatal_constant = param$fatal_constant)
      }) # Close withProgress

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      end_time <- Sys.time()
      duration <- end_time - start_time
      out$run_time <- paste(round(as.numeric(duration), 2), units_time_french(units(duration)))

  }) # Close observEvent
  ##                                OUTPUTS
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  ### Run time
  output$run_time <- renderText({
    req(input$run > 0)
    paste("Temps de calcul (simulations) :", out$run_time)

  ## Impact : individual farms (for "cumulated impact" analysis only)
  print_indiv_impact <- function(){
    res <- get_metrics(N = out$run$N, cumulated_impacts = TRUE)
    n_farm <- (dim(res$indiv_farm$impact)[3]-1)
    fil <- paste0(round(t(res$indiv_farm$impact[param$time_horizon, -2, -1]),2)*100, "%")
           nrow = n_farm,
           dimnames = list(paste("Parc",1:n_farm), c("Impact", "IC (min)", "IC (max)"))
  } # end function print_impact

  # Display title
  output$title_indiv_impact_result <- renderText({
    req(input$run > 0, out$analysis_choice == "cumulated")
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    paste("Rsultat : Impact de chaque parc olien, estim au bout de" , param$time_horizon, "ans")

  # Display impact result (table)
  output$indiv_impact_table <- renderTable({
    req(input$run & out$analysis_choice == "cumulated")
  }, rownames = TRUE)

  ## Impact : GLOBAL (for all types of analysis)
  print_impact <- function(){
    res <- get_metrics(N = out$run$N, cumulated_impacts = FALSE)
    n_scen <- (dim(res$scenario$impact)[3]-1)

    RowNam <- NULL
    if(out$analysis_choice == "single_farm") RowNam <- c("Parc 1")
    if(out$analysis_choice == "cumulated") RowNam <- c("Parc 1", paste("... + Parc", (2:n_scen)))
    if(out$analysis_choice == "multi_scenario") RowNam <- paste("Scenario", (1:n_scen))

    fil <- paste0(round(t(res$scenario$impact[param$time_horizon, -2, -1]),2)*100, "%")
           nrow = n_scen,
           dimnames = list(RowNam, c("Impact", "IC (min)", "IC (max)"))
  } # end function print_impact
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  # Display title
  output$title_impact_result <- renderText({
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    paste("Rsultat : Impact global estim au bout de" , param$time_horizon, "ans")
  # Display impact result (table)
  output$impact_table <- renderTable({
  }, rownames = TRUE)

  ## Probability of extinction
  print_PrExt <- function(){
    res <- get_metrics(N = out$run$N, cumulated_impacts = FALSE)
    n_scen <- dim(res$scenario$impact)[3]

    RowNam <- NULL
    if(out$analysis_choice == "single_farm") RowNam <- c("Sans parc", "Avec parc")
    if(out$analysis_choice == "cumulated") RowNam <- c("Sans parc", "+ Parc 1", paste("... + Parc", (3:n_scen)-1))
    if(out$analysis_choice == "multi_scenario") RowNam <- paste("Scenario", (1:n_scen)-1)

    fil <- paste0(round(t(res$scenario$Pext),2)*100, "%")
           nrow = n_scen,
           dimnames = list(RowNam, c("Probabilit d'extinction"))
  } # end function print_PrExt

  # Display title
  output$title_PrExt_result <- renderText({
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    paste("Rsultat : Probabilit d'extinction ", param$time_horizon, "ans")
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  # Display impact result (table)
  output$PrExt_table <- renderTable({
  ## Plot Impacts
  ## Function to plot the impact
  plot_out_impact <- function(){
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    if(is.null(out$run)) {} else {
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      n_scen <- dim(out$run$N)[3]
      Legend <- NULL
      if(out$analysis_choice == "single_farm") Legend <- c("Sans parc", "Avec parc")
      if(out$analysis_choice == "cumulated") Legend <- c("Sans parc", "+ Parc 1", paste("... + Parc", (3:n_scen)-1))
      if(out$analysis_choice == "multi_scenario") Legend <- paste("Scenario", (1:n_scen)-1)

thierrychambert's avatar
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      plot_impact(N = out$run$N, onset_year = param$onset_year, percent = TRUE,
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                  xlab = "\nAnne", ylab = "Impact relatif (%)\n", Legend = Legend)
  output$title_impact_plot <- renderText({
    if(input$run > 0){
      "Rsultat : Impact relatif au cours du temps"

  output$impact_plot <- renderPlot({
    out$impact_plot <- plot_out_impact()
  ## Plot Demographic Trajectories
  # Function to plot trajectories
  plot_out_traj <- function(){
    if(is.null(out$run)) {
    } else {
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      n_scen <- dim(out$run$N)[3]
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      Legend <- NULL
      if(out$analysis_choice == "single_farm") Legend <- c("Sans parc", "Avec parc")
      if(out$analysis_choice == "cumulated") Legend <- c("Sans parc", "+ Parc 1", paste("... + Parc", (3:n_scen)-1))
      if(out$analysis_choice == "multi_scenario") Legend <- paste("Scenario", (1:n_scen)-1)

      # Plot population trajectories
      plot_traj(N = out$run$N, age_class_use = input$age_class_show, fecundities = param$f_calibrated, onset_year = param$onset_year,
                xlab = "\nAnne", ylab = "Taille de population\n", Legend = Legend, ylim = c(0, NA))}
  output$title_traj_plot <- renderText({
    if(input$run > 0){
      "Graphique : Trajectoires dmographiques"

  output$warning_traj_plot <- renderText({
    if(input$run > 0){
      "Attention : Il s'agit de prdictions en l'tat actuel des connaissances.
      Personne ne peut prdire comment les facteurs d'influence dmographique (environnement, etc.)
      vont voluer dans le futur. Donc personne ne peut prdire de faon exacte ce que sera la taille
      de population dans plusieurs annes.\n
      Ce graphe est simplementfourni  titre informatif. Attention  ne pas le sur-interprter.\n
      L'impact des collisions doit tre valu  partir des valeurs et du graphe ci-dessus, qui fournissent
      une estimation plus robuste (c--d. moins sensibles aux postulats et incertitudes) de cet impact."

  output$traj_plot <- renderPlot({
    out$trajectory_plot <- plot_out_traj()

  ## Save outputs for report
  # Type d'analyse
  }, {
    if(out$analysis_choice == "single_farm") out$analysis_choice_report <- "Impacts non cumuls"
    if(out$analysis_choice == "cumulated") out$analysis_choice_report <- "Impacts cumuls"
    if(out$analysis_choice == "multi_scenario") out$analysis_choice_report <- "Multiple scnarios"

  # Fatalities
  }, {
    if(input$fatalities_unit == "M"){
      out$fatalities_unit <- paste0("Unit : nombre de mortalits annuelles")
      unit <- " mortalits"
    if(input$fatalities_unit == "h"){
      out$fatalities_unit <- paste0("Unit : taux de mortalit (%) annuel")
      unit <- " %"

    if(input$fatalities_input_type == "itvl"){
      out$fatalities_input_type <- "Saisie : intervalle"
      out$fatalities_val1 <- paste0("Min : ", input$fatalities_lower, unit, " ; ")
      out$fatalities_val2 <- paste0("Max : ", input$fatalities_upper, unit)
    if(input$fatalities_input_type == "val"){
      out$fatalities_input_type <- "Saisie : estimation et erreur-type"
      out$fatalities_val1 <- paste0("Valeur estime : ", input$fatalities_mean, unit, " ; ")
      out$fatalities_val2 <- paste0("Erreur-type : ", input$fatalities_se, unit)
    if(input$fatalities_input_type == "eli_exp"){
      out$fatalities_input_type <- "Saisie : licitation d'experts"
      out$fatalities_val1 <- paste0("Moyenne estime : ", round(param$fatalities_eli_result$mean, 2), unit, " ; ")
      out$fatalities_val2 <- paste0("Erreur_type : ", round(param$fatalities_eli_result$SE, 2), unit)
  # Population Size
  }, {
    if(input$pop_size_unit == "Npair"){
      out$pop_size_unit <- paste0("Unit : nombre de couples")
      unit <- " couples"
    if(input$pop_size_unit == "Ntotal"){
      out$pop_size_unit <- paste0("Unit : effectif total")
      unit <- " individus"

    if(input$pop_size_input_type == "itvl"){
      out$pop_size_input_type <- "Saisie : intervalle"
      out$pop_size_val1 <- paste0("Min : ", input$pop_size_lower, unit, " ; ")
      out$pop_size_val2 <- paste0("Max : ", input$pop_size_upper, unit)
    if(input$pop_size_input_type == "val"){
      out$pop_size_input_type <- "Saisie : estimation et erreur-type"
      out$pop_size_val1 <- paste0("Valeur estime : ", input$pop_size_mean, unit, " ; ")
      out$pop_size_val2 <- paste0("Erreur-type : ", input$pop_size_se, unit)
    if(input$pop_size_input_type == "eli_exp"){
      out$pop_size_input_type <- "Saisie : licitation d'experts"
      out$pop_size_val1 <- paste0("Moyenne estime : ", round(param$pop_size_eli_result$mean, 2), unit, " ; ")
      out$pop_size_val2 <- paste0("Erreur_type : ", round(param$pop_size_eli_result$SE, 2), unit)

  # Population Growth rate
  }, {
    unit <- "%"

    if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "itvl"){
      out$pop_growth_input_type <- "Saisie : intervalle"
      out$pop_growth_val1 <- paste0("Min : ", input$pop_growth_lower, unit, " ; ")
      out$pop_growth_val2 <- paste0("Max : ", input$pop_growth_upper, unit)
    if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "val"){
      out$pop_growth_input_type <- "Saisie : estimation et erreur-type"
      out$pop_growth_val1 <- paste0("Valeur estime : ", input$pop_growth_mean, unit, " ; ")
      out$pop_growth_val2 <- paste0("Erreur-type : ", input$pop_growth_se, unit)
    if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "eli_exp"){
      out$pop_growth_input_type <- "Saisie : licitation d'experts"
      out$pop_growth_val1 <- paste0("Moyenne estime : ", round(param$pop_growth_eli_result$mean, 2), unit, " ; ")
      out$pop_growth_val2 <- paste0("Erreur_type : ", round(param$pop_growth_eli_result$SE, 2), unit)

    ## TREND

    if(input$pop_growth_input_type == "trend"){
      out$pop_growth_input_type <- "Saisie : tendance"

      if(input$pop_trend == "stable"){
        V1 <- "Stable"
        V2 <- NULL

      if(input$pop_trend == "growth"){
        V1 <- "En croissance"
        if(input$pop_trend_strength == "weak") V2 <- "faible"
        if(input$pop_trend_strength == "average") V2 <- "modre"
        if(input$pop_trend_strength == "strong") V2 <- "forte"

      if(input$pop_trend == "decline"){
        V1 <- "En dclin"
        if(input$pop_trend_strength == "weak") V2 <- "faible"
        if(input$pop_trend_strength == "average") V2 <- "modr"
        if(input$pop_trend_strength == "strong") V2 <- "fort"
        out$pop_growth_val1 <- V1
        out$pop_growth_val2 <- V2


  # Carrying capacity
  }, {
    if(input$pop_size_unit == "Npair"){
      out$carrying_cap_unit <- paste0("Unit : nombre de couples")
      unit <- " couples"
    if(input$pop_size_unit == "Ntotal"){
      out$carrying_cap_unit <- paste0("Unit : effectif total")
      unit <- " individus"

    if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "itvl"){
      out$carrying_cap_input_type <- "Saisie : intervalle"
      out$carrying_cap_val1 <- paste0("Min : ", input$carrying_capacity_lower, unit, " ; ")
      out$carrying_cap_val2 <- paste0("Max : ", input$carrying_capacity_upper, unit)
    if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "val"){
      out$carrying_cap_input_type <- "Saisie : estimation et erreur-type"
      out$carrying_cap_val1 <- paste0("Valeur estime : ", input$carrying_capacity_mean, unit, " ; ")
      out$carrying_cap_val2 <- paste0("Erreur-type : ", input$carrying_capacity_se, unit)
    if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "eli_exp"){
      out$carrying_cap_input_type <- "Saisie : licitation d'experts"
      out$carrying_cap_val1 <- paste0("Moyenne estime : ", round(param$carrying_cap_eli_result$mean, 2), unit, " ; ")
      out$carrying_cap_val2 <- paste0("Erreur_type : ", round(param$carrying_cap_eli_result$SE, 2), unit)

    if(input$carrying_cap_input_type == "no_K"){
      out$carrying_cap_input_type <- NULL
      out$carrying_cap_val1 <- paste0("Absence de capacit de charge")
      out$carrying_cap_val2 <- paste0("Justifi ou pas ??")


  ##                                REPORT
  output$report <- downloadHandler(

    filename = "RapportEolpopTEST001.pdf",

    content = function(file) {
      # Copy the report file to a temporary directory before processing it, in
      # case we don't have write permissions to the current working dir (which
      # can happen when deployed).
      tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), "report.Rmd")

      file.copy("./inst/ShinyApp/report.Rmd", tempReport, overwrite = TRUE)

      # Set up parameters to pass to Rmd document
      paramsRMD <- list(
        intro = input$intro_report,
        analysis = out$analysis_choice_report,
        species = out$species_choice,
        #def_pop_text = input$intro_report,
        #vital_rates = out$vital_rates,
        fatalities_unit = out$fatalities_unit,
        fatalities_input_type = out$fatalities_input_type,
        fatalities_val1 = out$fatalities_val1,
        fatalities_val2 = out$fatalities_val2,

        pop_size_unit = out$pop_size_unit,
        pop_size_input_type = out$pop_size_input_type,
        pop_size_val1 = out$pop_size_val1,
        pop_size_val2 = out$pop_size_val2,
        pop_growth_input_type = out$pop_growth_input_type,
        pop_growth_val1 = out$pop_growth_val1,
        pop_growth_val2 = out$pop_growth_val2,
        carrying_cap_unit = out$carrying_cap_unit,
        carrying_cap_input_type = out$carrying_cap_input_type,
        carrying_cap_val1 = out$carrying_cap_val1,
        carrying_cap_val2 = out$carrying_cap_val2,
        impact_plot = out$impact_plot,
        trajectory_plot = out$trajectory_plot

      # Knit the document, passing in the `params` list, and eval it in a
      # child of the global environment (this isolates the code in the document
      # from the code in this app).
      rmarkdown::render(tempReport, output_file = file,
                        params = paramsRMD,
                        envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())
  ) # close downloadHandler

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