#' Run multiple population projections (simulations)
#' @param nsim number of simulation
#' @param cumuated_impacts Logical. If TRUE, we used the projection model for cumulated impacts.
#' @param cumulated_impacts Logical. If TRUE, we used the projection model for cumulated impacts.
#' @param fatalities_mean a vector (numeric). Average number of fatalities, for each scenario.
#' @param fatalities_se a vector (numeric). Standard Error for the number of fatalities, for each scenario (= uncertainties around the values provided).
#' @param onset_time a vector (numeric). The times at which each wind farm fatality starts applying.
#' the simulation progress bar in Shiny (incProgress function)
#' @param nsim number of simulation
#' @param cumuated_impacts Logical. If TRUE, we used the projection model for cumulated impacts.
#' @param cumulated_impacts Logical. If TRUE, we used the projection model for cumulated impacts.
#' @param fatalities_mean a vector (numeric). Average number of fatalities, for each scenario.
#' @param fatalities_se a vector (numeric). Standard Error for the number of fatalities, for each scenario (= uncertainties around the values provided).
#' @param onset_time a vector (numeric). The times at which each wind farm fatality starts applying.