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Commit f74824a3 authored by thierrychambert's avatar thierrychambert
Browse files

Added Model M4 (DD & Demo Stoch).

Added piece "%>% sapply(min, 0.999)" in M3 and M4 to avoid survival parameter > 1.
Also added this in 'init_calib' function.

All models tested and work.
parent 86bbcde9
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......@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
......@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ init_calib <- function(s, f, lam0){
nac = length(s)
inits_vr <- c(s,f) + d
inits_vr <- c(tail(inits_vr, nac), head(inits_vr, nac))
inits_vr <- c(tail(inits_vr, nac), head(inits_vr, nac) %>% sapply(min, 0.999))
inits <- inits_vr[inits_vr != 0]
} # End function
#' Infer Densisty-dependence Parameters
#' infer_DD calculates the missing value of a parameter (either K or rMAX, whichever is NULL) in a density-dependence relationship.
#' @param lambda_MAX a strictly positive number. Maximum (theoretical) population growth rate.
#' @param K a strictly positive number. Carrying capacity (= maximum size that the population can ever reach)
#' @param theta a strictly positive number. Parameter defining the shape of the density-dependence relationship.
#' The relationship is defined as : lambda <- 1 + rMAX*(1-(N/K)^theta)
#' where rMAX = lambda_MAX - 1
#' @param pop_size_current a strictly positive number. Current population size.
#' @param pop_growth_current a strictly positive number. Current population growth rate.
#' @return a list of length 2, containing K and lambda_MAX.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'## Infer K
#'infer_DD(lambda_MAX = 1.15, K = NULL, theta = 1, pop_size_current = 200, pop_growth_current = 1.08)
#'## Infer lambda_MAX
#'infer_DD(lambda_MAX = NULL, K = 2000, theta = 1, pop_size_current = 200, pop_growth_current = 1.08)
infer_DD <- function(lambda_MAX = NULL, K = NULL, theta = 1, pop_size_current, pop_growth_current){
# Infer K
rMAX = lambda_MAX - 1
r_a = pop_growth_current - 1
N_a = pop_size_current
K <- (N_a/((1-(r_a/rMAX))^(1/theta))) %>% round
# Infer rMAX
N_a = pop_size_current
r_a = pop_growth_current - 1
rMAX <- r_a/((1-(N_a/K))^theta)
lambda_MAX = rMAX + 1
stop("Either lambda_MAX or K must be provided")
} # end if 2
} # end if 1
return(list(lambda_MAX = lambda_MAX, K = K))
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ M1_noDD_noDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = NULL){
M2_noDD_WithDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = NULL){
# Number of age classes
nac = length(s)
# Survivors (to "natural mortality" (s) and Wind Turbine Fatalities (1-h))
......@@ -90,9 +91,9 @@ M2_noDD_WithDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = NULL){
## Model 3: WITH Density-Dependence (noDD), No Demographic Stochasticity ~~
## Model 3: WITH Density-Dependence (DD), No Demographic Stochasticity ~~
#' Demographic model without Density-Dependence and without Demographic Stochasticity
#' Demographic model with Density-Dependence, but without Demographic Stochasticity
#' In addition to natural survivals and fecundities, this demographic model includes
#' a specific harvest / fatality parameter.
#' NOTE : This is a POST-BREEDING demographic model.
......@@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ M2_noDD_WithDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = NULL){
#' f <- c(0, 0, 0.05, 0.55)
#' N1 <- c(50, 60, 75, 100)
#' h <- 0.05
#' M1_noDD_noDemoStoch(N1, s, f, h)
#' DD_params <- list(rMAX = 0.15, K = 1200, theta = 1)
#' M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch(N1, s, f, h,DD_params = DD_params)
M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = NULL){
......@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = NULL){
d <- match_lam_delta(diff_rel_lam = diff_rel_lam, s=s, f=f)
vr_Nt <- c(s,f) + d
s_Nt <- head(vr_Nt, length(s))
s_Nt <- head(vr_Nt, length(s)) %>% sapply(min, 0.999)
f_Nt <- tail(vr_Nt, length(f))
# Build the LESLIE matrix
......@@ -145,3 +147,64 @@ M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = NULL){
## Model 4: With Density-Dependence (DD), WITH Demographic Stochasticity ~~
#' Demographic model with Density-Dependence and INCLUDING Demographic Stochasticity
#' In addition to natural survivals and fecundities, this demographic model includes
#' a specific harvest / fatality parameter.
#' NOTE : This is a POST-BREEDING demographic model.
#' @param N1 a vector of population sizes for each age class at time t1
#' @param s a vector of survival probabilities for each age class
#' @param f a vector of fecundity values for each age class
#' @param h a number. The harvest or fatality rate
#' @param DD_params density-dependence parameters. Not used in this model.
#' @return a vector of population sizes for each age class at time t2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' s <- c(0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.95)
#' f <- c(0, 0, 0.05, 0.55)
#' N1 <- c(50, 60, 75, 100)
#' h <- 0.05
#' DD_params <- list(rMAX = 0.15, K = 1200, theta = 1)
#' M4_WithDD_WithDemoStoch(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = DD_params)
M4_WithDD_WithDemoStoch <- function(N1, s, f, h, DD_params){
# Extract DD parameters from list
rMAX = DD_params$rMAX
K = DD_params$K
theta = DD_params$theta
# Apply density dependence effect
lam_Nt <- 1 + rMAX*(1-(sum(N1)/K)^theta)
# Calibrate vital rates to match lam_Nt
A <- build_Leslie(s = s, f = f)
diff_rel_lam <- (lam_Nt - lambda(A))/lambda(A)
d <- match_lam_delta(diff_rel_lam = diff_rel_lam, s=s, f=f)
vr_Nt <- c(s,f) + d
s_Nt <- head(vr_Nt, length(s)) %>% sapply(min, 0.999)
f_Nt <- tail(vr_Nt, length(f))
# Number of age classes
nac = length(s)
# Survivors (to "natural mortality" (s) and Wind Turbine Fatalities (1-h))
S <- rbinom(nac, N1, (1-h)*s_Nt)
N2 <- c(rep(0, nac-1), tail(S,1)) + c(0, head(S,-1))
# Births
N2[1] <- sum(rpois(nac, f_Nt*N2))
......@@ -41,3 +41,8 @@ usethis::use_build_ignore("run_shiny.R")
## Put it on Git
# Ignore file "run_shiny.R"
## Check lambda draws ==
draws_histog <- function(draws, mu, se){
# Plot histogram
h <- hist(draws, breaks = length(draws)/10, border = 0)
# Theoretical Normal Curve
curve(dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=se), add=FALSE, lwd=3, col="darkblue",
xlim = c(min(draws), max(draws)), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
} # End function
# draws_histog(draws = run0$lambdas, mu = pop_growth_mean, se = pop_growth_se)
......@@ -7,6 +7,53 @@ s <- c(0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.95)
f <- c(0, 0, 0.05, 0.55)
N1 <- pop_vector(pop_size = 200, pop_size_type = "Npair", s, f)
h <- 0.05
DD_params <- list(rMAX = 0.15, K = 1200, theta = 1)
# Infer K
infer_DD(lambda_MAX = 1.15, K = NULL, theta = 1, pop_size_current = 200, pop_growth_current = 1.08)
lambda_MAX = 1.15
theta = 1
pop_size_current = 200
pop_growth_current = 1.08
# Infer lambda_MAX
infer_DD(lambda_MAX = NULL, K = 2000, theta = 1, pop_size_current = 200, pop_growth_current = 1.08)
lambda_MAX = NULL
K = 429
theta = 1
pop_size_current = 200
pop_growth_current = 1.08
# Get an error
infer_DD(lambda_MAX = NULL, K = NULL, theta = 1, pop_size_current = 200, pop_growth_current = 1.08)
# Infer K
rMAX = 0.15
lam_a = 1.08
theta = 1
N_a = 200
r_a = lam_a - 1 ; r_a
K <- (N_a/((1-(r_a/rMAX))^(1/theta))) %>% round
# Infer rMAX
K = 2000
lam_a = 1.08
theta = 1
N_a = 500
r_a = lam_a - 1 ; r_a
rMAX <- r_a/((1-(N_a/K))^theta)
......@@ -41,12 +88,74 @@ lambda(A_Nt)
A <- build_Leslie(s = s, f = f)
diff_rel_lam <- (1.5 - lambda(A))/lambda(A)
d <- match_lam_delta(diff_rel_lam = diff_rel_lam, s=s, f=f)
c(s,f) + d
match_lam_delta(diff_rel_lam = 0.5, s=s, f=f)
M <- fatalities
N0 <- intial_pop_vector
cv_env <- coeff_var_environ
# Number of years
nyr <- time_horzion
# Number of age classes
nac <- length(s)
# Number of fatalities scenario
nsc <- length(fatalities)
# Initiate Pop Size (output) Array
N <- array(NA, dim = c(nac, nyr, nsc), dimnames = list(paste0("age", 1:nac),
paste0("year", 1:nyr),
paste0("scenario", 1:nsc)
N[,1,] <- N0
## Loops over time (years)
for(t in 2:nyr){
# Environmental Stochasticity
ss = 1 - rnorm(nac, mean = qlogis(1-s), sd = cv_env/(s)) %>% plogis ## sample thru the mortality rate : 1 - s
ff = rnorm(nac, mean = log(f), sd = cv_env) %>% exp
# Fatalities : constant number (M) or constant rate (h)
if(fatal_constant == "M"){
h <- M/apply(N[,t-1,], 2, sum)
} else {
h <- M/apply(N[,1,], 2, sum)
# Sample a seed for RNG
seed <- runif(1, 0, 1e6)
## Projection : apply the LESLIE matrix calculation forward
# Scenario 0
for(j in 1:nsc){
N[,t,j] <- model_demo(N1 = N[,t-1,j], s = ss, f = ff, h = h[j], DD_params = DD_params)
} # j
} # t
......@@ -74,6 +183,37 @@ coeff_var_environ = coeff_var_environ; fatal_constant = fatal_constant
# Environmental Stochasticity
ss = 1 - rnorm(nac, mean = qlogis(1-s), sd = cv_env/(s)) %>% plogis ## sample thru the mortality rate : 1 - s
ff = rnorm(nac, mean = log(f), sd = cv_env) %>% exp
ss ; ff
# Fatalities : constant number (M) or constant rate (h)
if(fatal_constant == "M"){
h <- M/apply(N[,t-1,], 2, sum)
} else {
h <- M/apply(N[,1,], 2, sum)
# Sample a seed for RNG
seed <- runif(1, 0, 1e6)
## Projection : apply the LESLIE matrix calculation forward
# Scenario 0
#for(j in 1:nsc){
j = 1
N[,t,j] <- model_demo(N1 = N[,t-1,j], s = ss, f = ff, h = h[j], DD_params = DD_params)
#} # j
model_demo(N1 = N[,t-1,j], s = ss, f = ff, h = h[j], DD_params = DD_params)
N1 = N[,t-1,j]
s = ss
f = ff
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/models.R
\title{Demographic model without Density-Dependence and without Demographic Stochasticity
\title{Demographic model with Density-Dependence, but without Demographic Stochasticity
In addition to natural survivals and fecundities, this demographic model includes
a specific harvest / fatality parameter.
NOTE : This is a POST-BREEDING demographic model.}
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ theta (shape of DD relationshp)}
a vector of population sizes for each age class at time t2
Demographic model without Density-Dependence and without Demographic Stochasticity
Demographic model with Density-Dependence, but without Demographic Stochasticity
In addition to natural survivals and fecundities, this demographic model includes
a specific harvest / fatality parameter.
NOTE : This is a POST-BREEDING demographic model.
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ s <- c(0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.95)
f <- c(0, 0, 0.05, 0.55)
N1 <- c(50, 60, 75, 100)
h <- 0.05
M1_noDD_noDemoStoch(N1, s, f, h)
DD_params <- list(rMAX = 0.15, K = 1200, theta = 1)
M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch(N1, s, f, h,DD_params = DD_params)
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/models.R
\title{Demographic model with Density-Dependence and INCLUDING Demographic Stochasticity
In addition to natural survivals and fecundities, this demographic model includes
a specific harvest / fatality parameter.
NOTE : This is a POST-BREEDING demographic model.}
M4_WithDD_WithDemoStoch(N1, s, f, h, DD_params)
\item{N1}{a vector of population sizes for each age class at time t1}
\item{s}{a vector of survival probabilities for each age class}
\item{f}{a vector of fecundity values for each age class}
\item{h}{a number. The harvest or fatality rate}
\item{DD_params}{density-dependence parameters. Not used in this model.}
a vector of population sizes for each age class at time t2
Demographic model with Density-Dependence and INCLUDING Demographic Stochasticity
In addition to natural survivals and fecundities, this demographic model includes
a specific harvest / fatality parameter.
NOTE : This is a POST-BREEDING demographic model.
s <- c(0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.95)
f <- c(0, 0, 0.05, 0.55)
N1 <- c(50, 60, 75, 100)
h <- 0.05
DD_params <- list(rMAX = 0.15, K = 1200, theta = 1)
M4_WithDD_WithDemoStoch(N1, s, f, h, DD_params = DD_params)
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/infer_DD.R
\title{Infer Densisty-dependence Parameters}
lambda_MAX = NULL,
theta = 1,
\item{lambda_MAX}{a strictly positive number. Maximum (theoretical) population growth rate.}
\item{K}{a strictly positive number. Carrying capacity (= maximum size that the population can ever reach)}
\item{theta}{a strictly positive number. Parameter defining the shape of the density-dependence relationship.
The relationship is defined as : lambda <- 1 + rMAX*(1-(N/K)^theta)
where rMAX = lambda_MAX - 1}
\item{pop_size_current}{a strictly positive number. Current population size.}
\item{pop_growth_current}{a strictly positive number. Current population growth rate.}
a list of length 2, containing K and lambda_MAX.
infer_DD calculates the missing value of a parameter (either K or rMAX, whichever is NULL) in a density-dependence relationship.
## Infer K
infer_DD(lambda_MAX = 1.15, K = NULL, theta = 1, pop_size_current = 200, pop_growth_current = 1.08)
## Infer lambda_MAX
infer_DD(lambda_MAX = NULL, K = 2000, theta = 1, pop_size_current = 200, pop_growth_current = 1.08)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ pop_growth_se = 0.05
survivals <- c(0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.95)
fecundities <- c(0, 0, 0.05, 0.55)
model_demo = M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch #M2_noDD_WithDemoStoch #
model_demo = M4_WithDD_WithDemoStoch #M3_WithDD_noDemoStoch # M2_noDD_WithDemoStoch #M1_noDD_noDemoStoch #
time_horzion = 30
coeff_var_environ = 0.10
fatal_constant = "h"
......@@ -51,42 +51,19 @@ run0 <- run_simul(nsim, cumuated_impacts,
model_demo, time_horzion, coeff_var_environ, fatal_constant)
# saved time (ratio): 493/12
# save(run0, file = "./data/run0.rda")
# saved time (ratio): 493/12
N <- run0$N
out <- get_metrics(N)
# Impact par parc
# for(j in 2:length())
#out[time_horzion, -2, j] - out[time_horzion, -2, j-1]
plot_traj(N, xlab = "Annee", ylab = "Taille de population (totale)")
plot_impact(N, xlab = "Annee", ylab = "Taille de population (totale)")
## Check lambda draws ==
draws_histog <- function(draws, mu, se){
# Plot histogram
h <- hist(draws, breaks = length(draws)/10, border = 0)
# Theoretical Normal Curve
curve(dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=se), add=FALSE, lwd=3, col="darkblue",
xlim = c(min(draws), max(draws)), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
} # End function
draws_histog(draws = run0$lambdas, mu = pop_growth_mean, se = pop_growth_se)
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