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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Feb18171514111097231Jan25201410416Dec15131098730Nov29262524232285227Oct2625232221201812118765429Sep2827242321201913865117Aug161312111023Jul22212030Jun252423There is an issue with "cancel" when SE(pop_growth) > 0Added buttons show_distriCleaner show/hide resultsminor outlook changesAdded message to progress barAdded progress bar (library : ipc)Version multisession (avec bouton Stop/Status)Improvements on button stop/status/clear - workingmade N ---> result_Valclean version that works as multicoreReplaced out$run$N by out$NAdded buttons "cancel" and "status"Allowed rMAX_species*1.5 for linear rMAXcorrection in run_simul to avoid error (new DD stuff)run_simul : new version of DD (balancing theta and rMAX)Merge branch 'main' into thierryCleaning (removed "data" stuff)Updated gitignore (added: demo_proj.rda)This is now version 1.1made shorter path for ShinyApp run testCorrected tempdir in file.copy (report should now work on server - hopefully)minorset rMAX_species to 3x the theoretical value (instead of Inf)Added hyper-link to my websiteAdded v1.1 in App titleupdated contact email adress (AB)updated contact email adress (AB)manual updatemanual updatecorrected typo "return(a)"corrected typo "return(a)"run_analysis stuffAdded infer_theta ; for alternative DD modeling trialscorrected parentheses in infer_rMAXModified data_sf.csv table with true fecondities (= productivities/2)Added comments regarding rmax limitAllows UNLIMITED rmaxui : Added "mentions légales"Modified texte footnote ("opérateurs")change filename for report (remove "TEST001")