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from Packages import *
st.set_page_config(page_title="NIRS Utils", page_icon=":goat:", layout="wide")
from Modules import *
from Class_Mod.DATA_HANDLING import *
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from Class_Mod.Miscellaneous import desc_stats
repertoire_a_vider = Path('Report/figures')
if os.path.exists(repertoire_a_vider):
    for fichier in os.listdir(repertoire_a_vider):
        chemin_fichier = repertoire_a_vider / fichier
        if os.path.isfile(chemin_fichier) or os.path.islink(chemin_fichier):
        elif os.path.isdir(chemin_fichier):
local_css(css_file / "style_model.css")
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####################################### page preamble #######################################
st.title("Calibration Model Development") # page title
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st.markdown("Create a predictive model, then use it for predicting your target variable (chemical data) from NIRS spectra")
M0, M00 = st.columns([1, .4])
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M0.image("C:/Users/diane/Desktop/nirs_workflow/src/images/graphical_abstract.jpg", use_column_width=True) # graphical abstract

####################################### I- Data preparation
files_format = ['.csv', '.dx'] # Supported files format
file ='Select files format:', options = files_format) # Select a file format
spectra = pd.DataFrame() # preallocate the spectral data block
y = pd.DataFrame() # preallocate the target(s) data block
match file:
    ## load .csv file
    case '.csv':
        # Load X-block data
        xcal_csv = M00.file_uploader("Select NIRS Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns")
        if xcal_csv:
            sepx ="Select separator (X file) - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/',
                                    options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/', key=0)
            hdrx ="samples name (X file)? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/',
                                    options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/', key=1)
            match hdrx:
                case "yes":
                    col = 0
                case "no":
                    col = False
            M00.warning('Insert your spectral data file here!')
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        # Load Y-block data
        ycal_csv = M00.file_uploader("Select corresponding Chemical Data", type="csv", help=" :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and chemical values as a column")
        if ycal_csv:
            sepy ="Select separator (Y file) - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/',
                            options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/', key=2)
            hdry ="samples name (Y file)? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/',
                            options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/', key=3)
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            match hdry:
                case "yes":
                    col = 0
                case "no":
                    col = False
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            M00.warning('Insert your target data file here!')
        if xcal_csv and ycal_csv:
            file_name = str( +' and '+ str(
            xfile = pd.read_csv(xcal_csv, decimal='.', sep=sepx, index_col=col, header=0)
            yfile =  pd.read_csv(ycal_csv, decimal='.', sep=sepy, index_col=col)
            if yfile.shape[1]>0 and xfile.shape[1]>0 :
                spectra, meta_data = col_cat(xfile)
                chem_data, idx = col_cat(yfile)
                if chem_data.shape[1]>1:
                    yname = M00.selectbox('Select target', options=chem_data.columns)
                    y = chem_data.loc[:,yname]
                    y = chem_data.iloc[:,0]
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                spectra = pd.DataFrame(spectra).astype(float)
                # if not meta_data.empty :
                #     st.write(meta_data)

                if spectra.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
                    M00.warning('X and Y have different sample size')
                    y = pd.DataFrame
                    spectra = pd.DataFrame
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                M00.error('Error: The data has not been loaded successfully, please consider tuning the decimal and separator !')
    ## Load .dx file
    case '.dx':
        data_file = M00.file_uploader("Select Data", type=".dx", help=" :mushroom: select a dx file")
        if not data_file:
            M00.warning('Load your file here!')
        else :
            file_name = str(
            with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".dx") as tmp:
                tmp_path =
                chem_data, spectra, meta_data, meta_data_st = read_dx(file =  tmp_path)
                M00.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="")
                if chem_data.shape[1]>0:
                    yname = M00.selectbox('Select target', options=chem_data.columns)
                    measured = chem_data.loc[:,yname] > 0
                    y = chem_data.loc[:,yname].loc[measured]
                    spectra = spectra.loc[measured]
                    M00.warning('Warning: your file includes no target variables to model !', icon="⚠️")
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# visualize and split the data
st.header("I - Data visualization", divider='blue')
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if not spectra.empty and not y.empty:
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    if np.array(spectra.columns).dtype.kind in ['i','f']:
        colnames = spectra.columns
        colnames = np.arange(spectra.shape[1])
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    # Split data into training and test sets using the kennard_stone method and correlation metric, 25% of data is used for testing
    train_index, test_index = train_test_split_idx(spectra, y = y, method="kennard_stone", metric="correlation", test_size=0.25, random_state=42)

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    # Assign data to training and test sets
    X_train, y_train = pd.DataFrame(spectra.iloc[train_index,:]), y.iloc[train_index]
    X_test, y_test = pd.DataFrame(spectra.iloc[test_index,:]), y.iloc[test_index]
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    #### insight on loaded data
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    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots( figsize = (12,3))
    spectra.T.plot(legend=False, ax = ax1, linestyle = '--')
    ax1.set_ylabel('Signal intensity')
    M0.pyplot(fig) ######## Loaded graph
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    fig, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,3))
    sns.histplot(y, color="deeppink", kde = True,label="y",ax = ax2, fill=True)
    sns.histplot(y_train, color="blue", kde = True,label="y (train)",ax = ax2, fill=True)
    sns.histplot(y_test, color="green", kde = True,label="y (test)",ax = ax2, fill=True)

    M000.write('Loaded data summary')
    M000.write(pd.DataFrame([desc_stats(y_train),desc_stats(y_test),desc_stats(y)], index =['train', 'test', 'total'] ).round(2))
    stats=pd.DataFrame([desc_stats(y_train),desc_stats(y_test),desc_stats(y)], index =['train', 'test', 'total'] ).round(2)
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    ####################################### Model creation ###################################################
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regression_algo = None # initialize the selected regression algorithm
Reg = None  # initialize the regression model object

st.header("II - Model creation", divider='blue')
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if not (spectra.empty and y.empty):
    M10, M20, M30, M40, M50 = st.columns([1,1,1,1,1])

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    # select type of supervised modelling problem
    modes = ['regression', 'classification']
    mode"Analysis Methods", options=modes)
    match mode:
        case "regression":
            reg_algo = ["","PLS", "LW-PLS", "TPE-iPLS"]
            regression_algo = M20.selectbox("Choose the regression algorithm", options= reg_algo, key = 12, format_func=lambda x: x if x else "<Select>")
        case 'classification':
            reg_algo = ["","PLS", "LW-PLS", "TPE-iPLS"]
            regression_algo = M20.selectbox("Choose the classification algorithm", options= reg_algo, key = 12, format_func=lambda x: x if x else "<Select>")
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    # Training set preparation for cross-validation(CV)
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    folds = KF_CV.CV(X_train, y_train, nb_folds)# split train data into nb_folds for cross_validation

    M1, M2 = st.columns([2 ,4])
    # Model creation
    match regression_algo:
        case "":
            M20.warning('Choose a modelling algorithm from the dropdown list !')
        case "PLS":
            Reg = Plsr(train = [X_train, y_train], test = [X_test, y_test], n_iter=1)
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            reg_model = Reg.model_
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        case 'LW-PLS':
            M20.write(f'K-Fold for Cross-Validation (K = {str(nb_folds)})')
            info ='Starting LWPLSR model creation... Please wait a few minutes.')
            # export data to csv for Julia train/test
            data_to_work_with = ['x_train_np', 'y_train_np', 'x_test_np', 'y_test_np']
            x_train_np, y_train_np, x_test_np, y_test_np = X_train.to_numpy(), y_train.to_numpy(), X_test.to_numpy(), y_test.to_numpy()
            # Cross-Validation calculation

            d = {}
            for i in range(nb_folds):
                d["xtr_fold{0}".format(i+1)], d["ytr_fold{0}".format(i+1)], d["xte_fold{0}".format(i+1)], d["yte_fold{0}".format(i+1)] = np.delete(x_train_np, folds[list(folds)[i]], axis=0), np.delete(y_train_np, folds[list(folds)[i]], axis=0), x_train_np[folds[list(folds)[i]]], y_train_np[folds[list(folds)[i]]]
            # check best pre-treatment with a global PLSR model
            preReg = Plsr(train = [X_train, y_train], test = [X_test, y_test], n_iter=20)
            temp_path = Path('temp/')
            with open(temp_path / "lwplsr_preTreatments.json", "w+") as outfile:
                json.dump(preReg.best_hyperparams_, outfile)
            # export Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest and all CV folds to temp folder as csv files
            for i in data_to_work_with:
                if 'fold' in i:
                    j = d[i]
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                    j = globals()[i]
                np.savetxt(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"), j, delimiter=",")
            # run Julia Jchemo as subprocess
            import subprocess
            subprocess_path = Path("Class_Mod/")
  [f"{sys.executable}", subprocess_path / ""])
            # retrieve json results from Julia JChemo
                with open(temp_path / "lwplsr_outputs.json", "r") as outfile:
                    Reg_json = json.load(outfile)
                    # delete csv files
                    for i in data_to_work_with: os.unlink(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"))
                # # delete json file after import
                os.unlink(temp_path / "lwplsr_outputs.json")
                os.unlink(temp_path / "lwplsr_preTreatments.json")
                # format result data into Reg object
                pred = ['pred_data_train', 'pred_data_test']### keys of the dict
                for i in range(nb_folds):
                    pred.append("CV" + str(i+1)) ### add cv folds keys to pred

                Reg = type('obj', (object,), {'model_' : Reg_json['model'], 'best_hyperparams_' : Reg_json['best_lwplsr_params'],
                                            'pred_data_' : [pd.json_normalize(Reg_json[i]) for i in pred]})
                reg_model = Reg.model_
                Reg.CV_results_ = pd.DataFrame()
                Reg.cv_data_ = {'YpredCV' : {}, 'idxCV' : {}}
                # # set indexes to Reg.pred_data (train, test, folds idx)
                for i in range(len(pred)):
                    Reg.pred_data_[i] = Reg.pred_data_[i].T.reset_index().drop(columns = ['index'])
                    if i == 0: # data_train
                        # Reg.pred_data_[i] = np.array(Reg.pred_data_[i])
                        Reg.pred_data_[i].index = list(y_train.index)
                        Reg.pred_data_[i] = Reg.pred_data_[i].iloc[:,0]
                    elif i == 1: # data_test
                        # Reg.pred_data_[i] = np.array(Reg.pred_data_[i])
                        Reg.pred_data_[i].index = list(y_test.index)
                        Reg.pred_data_[i] = Reg.pred_data_[i].iloc[:,0]
                        # CVi
                        Reg.pred_data_[i].index = folds[list(folds)[i-2]]
                        # Reg.CV_results_ = pd.concat([Reg.CV_results_, Reg.pred_data_[i]])
                        Reg.cv_data_['YpredCV']['Fold' + str(i-1)] = np.array(Reg.pred_data_[i]).reshape(-1)
                        Reg.cv_data_['idxCV']['Fold' + str(i-1)] = np.array(folds[list(folds)[i-2]]).reshape(-1)

                Reg.CV_results_= KF_CV.metrics_cv(y = y_train, ypcv = Reg.cv_data_['YpredCV'], folds = folds)[1]
                #### cross validation results print
                Reg.best_hyperparams_print = Reg.best_hyperparams_
                ## plots
                Reg.cv_data_ = KF_CV().meas_pred_eq(y = np.array(y_train), ypcv= Reg.cv_data_['YpredCV'], folds=folds)
                Reg.pretreated_spectra_ = preReg.pretreated_spectra_
                Reg.best_hyperparams_print = {**preReg.best_hyperparams_, **Reg.best_hyperparams_}
                Reg.best_hyperparams_ = {**preReg.best_hyperparams_, **Reg.best_hyperparams_}
                M20.success('Model created!')
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                # Display error message on the interface if modeling is wrong
                M20.warning('- ERROR during model creation -')
                Reg = None
                for i in data_to_work_with: os.unlink(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"))
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        case 'TPE-iPLS':
            s = M20.number_input(label='Enter the maximum number of intervals', min_value=1, max_value=6, value=3)
            it = M20.number_input(label='Enter the number of iterations', min_value=1, max_value=3, value=2)
            progress_text = "The model is being created. Please wait."
            Reg = TpeIpls(train = [X_train, y_train], test=[X_test, y_test], n_intervall = s, n_iter=it)
            pro ="The model is being created. Please wait!")
  "The model has successfully been  created!")            
            reg_model = Reg.model_
            intervalls = Reg.selected_features_.T
            intervalls_with_cols = Reg.selected_features_.T
            for i in range(intervalls.shape[0]):
                for j in range(intervalls.shape[1]):
                    intervalls_with_cols.iloc[i,j] = spectra.columns[intervalls.iloc[i,j]]
            M2.write('-- Important Spectral regions used for model creation --')
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       ################# Model analysis ############
if not (spectra.empty and y.empty):
    if regression_algo in reg_algo[1:] and Reg:
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize = (12, 6))
        fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.02)
        st.header("Cross-Validation results")
        cv1, cv2 = st.columns([2,2])
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        cv2.write('-- Cross-Validation Summary--')
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        cv2.write('-- Out-of-Fold Predictions Visualization (All in one) --')

        fig1 = px.scatter(Reg.cv_data_[0], x ='Measured', y = 'Predicted' , trendline='ols', color='Folds', symbol="Folds", 
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        fig1.add_shape(type='line', x0 = .95 * min(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']), x1 = 1.05 * max(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']),
                        y0 = .95 * min(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']), y1 = 1.05 * max(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']), line = dict(color='black', dash = "dash"))
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        fig1.update_traces(marker_size=7, showlegend=False)
        cv2.plotly_chart(fig1, use_container_width=True)
        fig0 = px.scatter(Reg.cv_data_[0], x ='Measured', y = 'Predicted' , trendline='ols', color='Folds', symbol="Folds", facet_col = 'Folds',facet_col_wrap=1,
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                 color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.G10, text='index', width=800, height=1000)
        fig0.update_traces(marker_size=8, showlegend=False)
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        cv1.write('-- Out-of-Fold Predictions Visualization (Separate plots) --')
        cv1.plotly_chart(fig0, use_container_width=True)
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        yc = Reg.pred_data_[0]
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        yt = Reg.pred_data_[1]
        M1.write('-- Spectral preprocessing info --')
        with open("data/params/Preprocessing.json", "w") as outfile:
            json.dump(Reg.best_hyperparams_, outfile)
        M1.write("-- Model performance --")
            M1.dataframe(metrics(c = [y_train, yc], t = [y_test, yt], method='regression').scores_)
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            M1.dataframe(metrics(t = [y_test, yt], method='regression').scores_)
        model_per=pd.DataFrame(metrics(c = [y_train, yc], t = [y_test, yt], method='regression').scores_)
            a = reg_plot([y_train, y_test],[yc, yt], train_idx = train_index, test_idx = test_index)
            a = reg_plot([y_train, y_test],[yc, yt], train_idx = train_index, test_idx = test_index)
st.header("III - Model Diagnosis", divider='blue')
if not spectra.empty and not y.empty:
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    if regression_algo in reg_algo[1:] and Reg:
        M7, M8 = st.columns([2,2])
        M7.write('Predicted vs Measured values')
        M8.write('Residuals plot')

        prep_para = Reg.best_hyperparams_
            for i in ['deriv','polyorder']:
                if Reg.best_hyperparams_[i] == 0:
                    prep_para[i] = '0'
                elif Reg.best_hyperparams_[i] == 1:
                    prep_para[i] = '1st'
                elif Reg.best_hyperparams_[i] > 1:
                    prep_para[i] = f"{Reg.best_hyperparams_[i]}nd"
            residual_plot = resid_plot([y_train, y_test], [yc, yt], train_idx=train_index, test_idx=test_index)
            residual_plot = resid_plot([y_train, y_test], [yc, yt], train_idx=train_index, test_idx=test_index)

            rega = Reg.selected_features_  ##### ADD FEATURES IMPORTANCE PLOT
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        M9 = st.container()
        M9.write("-- Save the model --")
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        model_name = M9.text_input('Give it a name')
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        date_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '_%Y_%m_%d_')
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        if M9.button('Export Model'):
            path = 'data/models/model_'
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            match file:
                case '.csv':
                    #export_package = __import__(model_export)
                    with open(path + model_name + date_time + '_created_on_' +[".")] +""+
                            '_and_' +[".")] + '_data_' + '.pkl','wb') as f:
                        joblib.dump(reg_model, f)
                        if regression_algo == reg_algo[3]:
                            Reg.selected_features_.T.to_csv(path + model_name + date_time + '_on_' +[".")]
                                                        + '_and_' +[".")] + '_data_'+'Wavelengths_index.csv', sep = ';')

                case '.dx':
                    #export_package = __import__(model_export)
                    with open(path + model_name + '_on_'+[".")] + '_data_' + '.pkl','wb') as f:
                        joblib.dump(reg_model, f)
                        if regression_algo == reg_algo[3]:
                            Reg.selected_features_.T.to_csv(path[".")]+ model_name + date_time+ '_on_' + '_data_'+'Wavelengths_index.csv', sep = ';')
                            st.write('Model Exported ')
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        if st.session_state['interface'] == 'simple':
            pages_folder = Path("pages/")
                [Page("", "Home"),
                 Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Inputs"),
                 Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Samples Selection"),
                 Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Models Creation"),
                 Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Predictions"),
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            st.page_link('pages\\', label = 'Keep on keepin\' on to predict your values !')
if not spectra.empty and not y.empty and regression_algo:
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    if regression_algo in reg_algo[1:] and Reg:
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        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize = (12, 4), sharex=True)
        ax1.plot(colnames, np.mean(X_train, axis = 0), color = 'black', label = 'Average spectrum (Raw)')
        # if regression_algo != reg_algo[2]:
        ax2.plot(colnames, np.mean(Reg.pretreated_spectra_ , axis = 0), color = 'black', label = 'Average spectrum (Pretreated)')
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        for i in range(2):
            eval(f'ax{i+1}').grid(color='grey', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.2)
            eval(f'ax{i+1}').margins(x = 0)
            eval(f'ax{i+1}').legend(loc = 'upper right')
            if regression_algo == reg_algo[3]:
                for j in range(s):
                    if np.array(spectra.columns).dtype.kind in ['i','f']:
                        min, max = intervalls_with_cols['from'][j], intervalls_with_cols['to'][j]
                        min, max = intervalls['from'][j], intervalls['to'][j]
                    eval(f'ax{i+1}').axvspan(min, max, color='#00ff00', alpha=0.5, lw=0)

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        if regression_algo == reg_algo[1]:
                ax1.scatter(colnames[np.array(Reg.sel_ratio_.index)], np.mean(X_train, axis = 0)[np.array(Reg.sel_ratio_.index)],
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                             color = 'red', label = 'Important variables')
                ax2.scatter(colnames[Reg.sel_ratio_.index], np.mean(Reg.pretreated_spectra_, axis = 0)[np.array(Reg.sel_ratio_.index)],
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                             color = 'red', label = 'Important variables')

        M2.write('-- Visualization of the spectral regions used for model creation --')

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######################## Download report ###############################
if Reg:
    with st.container():
        if st.button("Download the report"):
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            match regression_algo:
                case 'PLS':
                        latex_report ='Predictive model development', file_name, stats, list(Reg.best_hyperparams_.values()), regression_algo, model_per, cv_results)

                case 'LW-PLS':
                        latex_report ='Predictive model development', file_name, stats,
                                                    list({key: Reg.best_hyperparams_[key] for key in ['deriv', 'normalization', 'polyorder', 'window_length'] if key in Reg.best_hyperparams_}.values()), regression_algo, model_per, cv_results)
                case 'TPE-iPLS':
                        latex_report ='Predictive model development', file_name, stats,
                                                    list({key: Reg.best_hyperparams_[key] for key in ['deriv', 'normalization', 'polyorder', 'window_length'] if key in Reg.best_hyperparams_}.values()), regression_algo, model_per, cv_results)
                case _:
                    st.warning('Data processing has not been performed or finished yet!', icon = "⚠️")