This package aims to provide a workflow for users who want to perform chemical analyses and predict characteristics using the NIRS technique.
The process includes:
- sample selection - you can upload all your NIRS spectra and it'll help to select the samples to analyse chemically.
- model creation - the PINARD ( package creates a prediction model with spectra and related chemical analysis.-
- predictions - the PINARD package uses the model to predict chemical values for unknown samples.
This package is written in python. You can clone the repository: git clone
Then install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
To use Locally weighted PLS Regression for creation model, you will need to install Jchemo.jl (, a Julia package.
From the CLI: python
> '>>> import julia
'>>> julia.install()
'>>> from julia import Pkg
'>>> Pkg.add("Jchemo")
To check if Jchemo is installed without errors:
> '>>> Pkg.status()
You can then run: streamlit run ./ from the CLI.
The app will then open in your default browser.
## Usage
The web app allows you to process sample selection, model creation and predictions.
- Nicolas Barthes (CNRS)