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Commit 01cef6b4 authored by DIANE's avatar DIANE
Browse files

update app files

parent 8d8d165e
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Showing with 30 additions and 1244 deletions
from Packages import *
from utils import Plsr, LinearPCA, Umap, find_col_index, PinardPlsr, Nmf, AP
from utils import LWPLSR, list_files, metrics, TpeIpls, reg_plot, resid_plot, Sk_Kmeans, DxRead, Hdbscan, read_dx, PlsProcess
from utils.DATA_HANDLING import *
from utils.Miscellaneous import prediction, download_results, plot_spectra, local_css, desc_stats, hash_data,data_split, pred_hist
from utils.Hash import create_hash, check_hash
from report import report
css_file = Path("style/")
pages_folder = Path("pages/")
from style.header import add_header, add_sidebar
from config.config import pdflatex_path
local_css(css_file / "style.css")
from utils import KS, RDM
"""This package provides a complete workflow to users how want to proced to NIRS analysis without particular knowledge.
This is a webapp with Streamlit.
GUI shows whatever is needed for Samples Selection based on NIRS spectra and then, to compute a model to predict
chemical values on your samples.
streamlit run ./
\ No newline at end of file
from common import * from common import *
st.set_page_config(page_title="NIRS Utils", page_icon=":goat:", layout="wide")
# """This package provides a complete workflow to users how want to proced to NIRS analysis without particular knowledge.
# This is a webapp with Streamlit.
# GUI shows whatever is needed for Samples Selection based on NIRS spectra and then, to compute a model to predict
# chemical values on your samples.
# Examples:
# streamlit run ./
# """
# ##
import streamlit as st
from pathlib import Path
css_file = Path("style/")
pages_folder = Path("pages/")
from utils.data_parsing import JcampParser, CsvParser
from style.layout import BackgroundImg, add_header, add_sidebar, local_css
from utils.data_handling import *
from utils.data_parsing import *
from utils.hash import *
from utils.visualize import *
from utils.miscellaneous import ObjectHash
from utils.samsel import RDM, KS
from report import report
\ No newline at end of file
"""This package provides a complete workflow to users how want to proced to NIRS analysis without particular knowledge.
This is a webapp with Streamlit.
GUI shows whatever is needed for Samples Selection based on NIRS spectra and then, to compute a model to predict
chemical values on your samples.
streamlit run ./
from Packages import *
# from utils import read_dx, DxRead, Plsr, LinearPCA, Umap, find_col_index, PinardPlsr, Nmf, AP
# from utils import LWPLSR, list_files, metrics, TpeIpls, reg_plot, resid_plot, Sk_Kmeans, DxRead, Hdbscan, read_dx, PlsProcess, PinardPlsr, Plsr
from utils.DATA_HANDLING import *
from utils.Miscellaneous import prediction, download_results, plot_spectra, local_css, desc_stats, hash_data, hist,data_split, pred_hist,background_img
from utils.Hash import create_hash, check_hash
from report import report
css_file = Path("style/")
pages_folder = Path("pages/")
from style import add_header, add_sidebar
# from style.header import add_header, add_sidebar
from config.config import pdflatex_path
local_css(css_file / "style.css")
\ No newline at end of file
from common import * from common import *
st.set_page_config(page_title="NIRS Utils", page_icon=":goat:", layout="wide")
from Packages import *
st.set_page_config(page_title="NIRS Utils", page_icon=":goat:", layout="wide",)
st.session_state["interface"] = st.session_state.get('interface')
#""" if st.session_state["interface"] == 'simple':
# hide_pages("Predictions") """
# from Modules import *
from mod import *
from utils.DATA_HANDLING import *
#Import Header
pages_folder = Path("pages/")
# Initialize session state
if 'form_submitted' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['form_submitted'] = False
with st.container():
# Text input fields
st.subheader("Complete and save the following form with the data context:",divider="blue")
st.warning('Make sure that the form is well completed, because the reliability of the results depends mainly on it !', icon="⚠️")
with st.form(key = 'my_form'):
_,col1, col3,col2 = st.columns((0.1, 1.4,0.5,2))
with col1:
############## Project information ###########
st.subheader("Project information", divider="blue")
meta_project = st.text_input('Project name :')
meta_machine_ID = st.text_input('NIRS ID :',)
meta_scan_place_options = ["Pace", "Other"]
meta_scan_place ="Analysis Laboratory :", meta_scan_place_options)
meta_sample_species = st.text_input('Samples species (If relevant, provide the sample species; otherwise insert No):')
with col2:
clo3,_, col4,_ = st.columns([1,0.2,1,0.3])
with clo3:
############## The Nature of the Samples ###########
if '' in [meta_project, meta_machine_ID,meta_sample_species]: disabled1 = True
else: disabled1 = False
st.subheader("The Nature of the Samples",divider="blue")
meta_sample_category_options = ["Soil", "Plant", "Animal", "Other"]
meta_sample_category ="Samples category :", [""] + meta_sample_category_options)
meta_sample_sub_category_options = ["Green leaves", "Leaf litter", "Litter", "Humus", "Soil", "Animal part", "Animal Powder", "Fungal sample", "Other"]
meta_sample_sub_category ="Sample category description :", [""] + meta_sample_sub_category_options)
with col4:
st.subheader("The Physical State of the Samples",divider="blue")
meta_sample_humidity_options = ["Dry", "Fresh", "Wet"]
meta_sample_humidity ="Humidity state of the sample :", [""] + meta_sample_humidity_options)
meta_sample_pretreatment_options = ["Powder", "Pastile", "Liquid"]
meta_sample_pretreatment ="Type of sample pre-treatment :", [""] + meta_sample_pretreatment_options)
# Création du dictionnaire avec les données du formulaire
form_data = {
"meta_project": meta_project,
"meta_sample_species": meta_sample_species,
"meta_sample_category": meta_sample_category,
"meta_sample_pretreatment": meta_sample_pretreatment,
"meta_machine_ID": meta_machine_ID,
"meta_sample_sub_category": meta_sample_sub_category,
"meta_sample_humidity": meta_sample_humidity,
"meta_scan_place": meta_scan_place
submitted = st.form_submit_button(label='Save')
if submitted:
if '' not in form_data.values():
# Save the form data here
st.session_state['form_submitted'] = True
st.success('Form was saved successfully!', icon="")
# Enregistrement des données dans un fichier JSON
with open('form_data.json', 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(form_data, json_file)
if st.session_state['interface'] == 'simple':
header3, header4 = st.columns(2)
if header3.button("Samples Selection"):
st.switch_page(pages_folder / '')
if header4.button("Model Creation"):
st.switch_page(pages_folder / '')
elif st.session_state['interface'] == 'advanced':
header3, header4, header5 = st.columns(3)
if header3.button("Samples Selection"):
st.switch_page(pages_folder / '')
if header4.button("Model Creation"):
st.switch_page(pages_folder / '')
if header5.button("Prediction"):
st.switch_page(pages_folder / '')
st.error('Error: The form was not saved, please ensure the required fields are filled!')
from Packages import *
def add_header():
<div style="width: 100%;height: 130px;background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0);border: 4px solid rgb(122,176,199);padding: 1px;margin-bottom: 0px;border-radius: 20%; ">
<h2 style="font-family: 'Arial',d; text-align: center;color: #39bf55;">PACE - MEEB / CEFE</h1>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Arial';text-align: center; color: #2cb048;">NIRS Utils</h2>
.block-container {padding-top: 3rem;padding-bottom: 0rem;padding-left: 5rem;padding-right: 5rem;}
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
def add_sidebar(pages_folder):
if 'interface' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['interface'] = 'simple'
st.session_state["interface"] = st.session_state.get('interface')
# # TOC menu on the left
[Page("", "Home"),
Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Inputs"),
Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Samples Selection"),
Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Models Creation & Predictions"),
with st.sidebar:
interface ="Interface", options=['simple', 'advanced'], key='interface')
# st.page_link(str(pages_folder / ''))
if st.session_state['interface'] == 'simple':
# st.page_link(str(pages_folder / ''))
# if advanced interface, split Models Creation and Predictions
elif st.session_state['interface'] == 'advanced':
[Page("", "Home"),
Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Inputs"),
Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Samples Selection"),
Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Models Creation"),
Page(str(pages_folder / ""), "Predictions"),
# st.page_link(str(pages_folder / ''))
# st.page_link(str(pages_folder / ''))
from Packages import *
class AP:
def __init__(self, X):
## input matrix
self.__x = np.array(X)
# Fit PCA model
self.M = AffinityPropagation(damping=0.5, max_iter=200, convergence_iter=15, copy=True, preference=None,
affinity='euclidean', verbose=False, random_state=None)
self.yp = self.M.predict(self.__x)+1
def fit_optimal_(self):
clu = [f'cluster#{i}' for i in self.yp]
return self.__x, clu, self.M.cluster_centers_
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
import jcamp as jc
class DxRead:
'''This module is designed to help retrieve spectral data as well as metadata of smaples from jcamp file'''
def __init__(self, path):
#self.__path = path.replace('\\','/')
self.__path = path
self.__dxfile = jc.jcamp_readfile(self.__path)
# Access samples data
self.__nb = self.__dxfile['blocks'] # Get the total number of blocks = The total number of scanned samples
self.__list_of_blocks = self.__dxfile['children'] # Store all blocks within a a list
self.__wl = self.__list_of_blocks[0]["x"] # Wavelengths/frequencies/range
# Start retreiving the data
specs = np.zeros((self.__nb, len(self.__list_of_blocks[0]["y"])), dtype=float) # preallocate a np matrix for sotoring spectra
self.idx = np.arange(self.__nb) # This list is designed to store samples name
self.__met = {}
for i in range(self.__nb): # Loop over the blocks
specs[i] = self.__list_of_blocks[i]['y']
block = self.__list_of_blocks[i]
block_met = { 'name': block['title'],
'origin': block['origin'],
'date': block['date'],
#'time': block['time'],
'spectrometer': block['spectrometer/data system'].split('\n$$')[0],
'n_scans':block['spectrometer/data system'].split('\n$$')[6].split('=')[1],
'resolution': block['spectrometer/data system'].split('\n$$')[8].split('=')[1],
#'instrumental parameters': block['instrumental parameters'],
'xunits': block['xunits'],
'yunits': block['yunits'],
#'xfactor': block['xfactor'],
#'yfactor': block['yfactor'],
'firstx': block['firstx'],
'lastx': block['lastx'],
#'miny': block['miny'],
#'maxy': block['maxy'],
'npoints': block['npoints'],
self.__met[f'{i}'] = block_met
self.metadata_ = DataFrame(self.__met).T
self.spectra = DataFrame(np.fliplr(specs), columns= self.__wl[::-1], index = self.metadata_['name']) # Storing spectra in a dataframe
#### Concentrarions
self.pattern = r"\(([^,]+),(\d+(\.\d+)?),([^)]+)"
aa = self.__list_of_blocks[0]['concentrations']
a = '\n'.join(line for line in aa.split('\n') if "NCU" not in line and "<<undef>>" not in line)
n_elements = a.count('(')
## Get the name of analyzed chamical elements
elements_name = []
for match in re.findall(self.pattern, a):
## Retrieve concentrationds
df = self.metadata_['concentrations']
cc = {}
for i in range(self.metadata_.shape[0]):
cc[df.index[i]] = self.conc(df[str(i)])
### dataframe conntaining chemical data
self.chem_data = DataFrame(cc, index=elements_name).T.astype(float)
self.chem_data.index = self.metadata_['name']
### Method for retrieving the concentration of a single sample
def conc(self,sample):
prep = '\n'.join(line for line in sample.split('\n') if "NCU" not in line and "<<undef>>" not in line)
c = []
for match in re.findall(self.pattern, prep):
concentration = np.array(c)
return concentration
def specs_df_(self):
return self.spectra
def md_df_(self):
me = self.metadata_.drop("concentrations", axis = 1)
me = me.drop(me.columns[(me == '').all()], axis = 1)
return me
def md_df_st_(self):
rt = ['origin','date']
cl = self.metadata_.loc[:,rt]
return cl
def chem_data_(self):
return self.chem_data
def read_dx(file):
M = DxRead(file)
return M.chem_data, M.specs_df_, M.md_df_, M.md_df_st_
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
class metrics:
def __init__(self, c:Optional[float] = None, cv:Optional[List] = None, t:Optional[List] = None, method = 'regression')-> DataFrame:
phase = [c, cv, t]
index = np.array(["train", "cv", "test"])
notnone = [i for i in range(3) if phase[i] != None]
met_index = index[notnone]
methods = ['regression', 'classification']
perf = {}
for i in notnone:
if method == 'regression':
perf[index[i]] = metrics.reg_(phase[i][0], phase[i][1])
elif method == 'classification':
perf[index[i]] = metrics.class_(phase[i][0], phase[i][1])
if notnone == 1:
self.ret = perf.T
self.ret = DataFrame(perf).T
def reg_(meas, pred):
meas = np.array(meas)
pred = np.array(pred)
xbar = np.mean(meas) # the average of measured values
e = np.subtract(meas , pred)
e2 = e**2# the squared error
# Sum of squared:
sst = np.sum((meas - xbar)**2)
ssr = np.sum(e2)
ssm = np.sum(pred - xbar)
# Compute statistical metrics
metr = {}
metr['r'] = np.corrcoef(meas, pred)[0, 1]
metr['r2'] = 1-ssr/sst
metr['rmse'] = np.sqrt(np.mean(e2))
metr['mae'] = np.mean(np.abs(e2))
metr['rpd'] = np.std(meas)/np.sqrt(np.mean(e2))
metr['rpiq'] = (np.quantile(meas, .75) - np.quantile(meas, .25))/np.sqrt(np.mean(e2))
return metr
def class_(meas, pred):
def scores_(self):
return self.ret
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
class Hdbscan:
"""Runs an automatically optimized sklearn.HDBSCAN clustering on dimensionality reduced space.
The HDBSCAN_scores_ @Property returns the cluster number of each sample (_labels) and the DBCV best score.
_labels (DataFrame): DataFrame with the cluster belonging number for each sample
_hdbscan_score (float): a float with the best DBCV score after optimization
- clustering = HDBSCAN((data)
- scores = clustering.HDBSCAN_scores_
def __init__(self, data):
"""Initiate the HDBSCAN calculation
data (DataFrame): the Dimensionality reduced space, raw result of the
param_dist (dictionary): the HDBSCAN optimization parameters to test
_score (DataFrame): is a dataframe with the DBCV value for each combination of param_dist. We search for the higher value to then compute an HDBSCAN with the best parameters.
# Really fast
self._param_dist = {'min_samples': [8],
'metric' : ['euclidean'],#,'manhattan'],
# Medium
# self._param_dist = {'min_samples': [1,10],
# 'min_cluster_size':[5,50],
# 'metric' : ['euclidean','manhattan'],
# }
# Complete
# self._param_dist = {'min_samples': [1,5,10,],
# 'min_cluster_size':[5,25,50,],
# 'metric' : ['euclidean','manhattan'],
# }
self._clusterable_embedding = data
# RandomizedSearchCV not working...
# def scoring(model, clusterable_embedding):
# label = HDBSCAN().fit_predict(clusterable_embedding)
# hdbscan_score = DBCV(clusterable_embedding, label, dist_function=euclidean)
# return hdbscan_score
# tunning = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator=HDBSCAN(), param_distributions=param_dist, scoring=scoring)
# return tunning
# compute optimization. Test each combination of parameters and store DBCV score into _score.
# self._score = DataFrame()
# for i in self._param_dist.get('min_samples'):
# for j in self._param_dist.get('min_cluster_size'):
# self._ij_label = HDBSCAN(min_samples=i, min_cluster_size=j).fit_predict(self._clusterable_embedding)
# self._ij_hdbscan_score = self.DBCV(self._clusterable_embedding, self._ij_label,)# dist_function=euclidean)
#[i,j] = self._ij_hdbscan_score
# get the best DBCV score
# self._hdbscan_bscore = max(self._score.max())
# find the coordinates of the best clustering parameters and run HDBSCAN below
# self._bparams = np.where(self._score == self._hdbscan_bscore)
# run HDBSCAN with best params
# self.best_hdbscan = HDBSCAN(min_samples=self._param_dist['min_samples'][self._bparams[0][0]], min_cluster_size=self._param_dist['min_cluster_size'][self._bparams[1][0]], metric=self._param_dist['metric'][self._bparams[1][0]], store_centers="medoid", )
self.best_hdbscan = HDBSCAN(min_samples=self._param_dist['min_samples'][0], min_cluster_size=self._param_dist['min_cluster_size'][0], metric=self._param_dist['metric'][0], store_centers="medoid", )
self._labels = self.best_hdbscan.labels_
self._centers = self.best_hdbscan.medoids_
# def DBCV(self, X, labels, dist_function=euclidean):
# """
# Implimentation of Density-Based Clustering Validation "DBCV"
# Citation: Moulavi, Davoud, et al. "Density-based clustering validation."
# Proceedings of the 2014 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining.
# Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014.
# Density Based clustering validation
# Args:
# X (np.ndarray): ndarray with dimensions [n_samples, n_features]
# data to check validity of clustering
# labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
# dist_dunction (func): function to determine distance between objects
# func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point
# Returns:
# cluster_validity (float): score in range[-1, 1] indicating validity of clustering assignments
# """
# graph = self._mutual_reach_dist_graph(X, labels, dist_function)
# mst = self._mutual_reach_dist_MST(graph)
# cluster_validity = self._clustering_validity_index(mst, labels)
# return cluster_validity
# def _core_dist(self, point, neighbors, dist_function):
# """
# Computes the core distance of a point.
# Core distance is the inverse density of an object.
# Args:
# point (np.array): array of dimensions (n_features,)
# point to compute core distance of
# neighbors (np.ndarray): array of dimensions (n_neighbors, n_features):
# array of all other points in object class
# dist_dunction (func): function to determine distance between objects
# func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point
# Returns: core_dist (float)
# inverse density of point
# """
# n_features = np.shape(point)[0]
# n_neighbors = np.shape(neighbors)[0]
# distance_vector = cdist(point.reshape(1, -1), neighbors)
# distance_vector = distance_vector[distance_vector != 0]
# numerator = ((1/distance_vector)**n_features).sum()
# core_dist = (numerator / (n_neighbors - 1)) ** (-1/n_features)
# return core_dist
# def _mutual_reachability_dist(self, point_i, point_j, neighbors_i,
# neighbors_j, dist_function):
# """.
# Computes the mutual reachability distance between points
# Args:
# point_i (np.array): array of dimensions (n_features,)
# point i to compare to point j
# point_j (np.array): array of dimensions (n_features,)
# point i to compare to point i
# neighbors_i (np.ndarray): array of dims (n_neighbors, n_features):
# array of all other points in object class of point i
# neighbors_j (np.ndarray): array of dims (n_neighbors, n_features):
# array of all other points in object class of point j
# dist_function (func): function to determine distance between objects
# func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point
# Returns:
# mutual_reachability (float)
# mutual reachability between points i and j
# """
# core_dist_i = self._core_dist(point_i, neighbors_i, dist_function)
# core_dist_j = self._core_dist(point_j, neighbors_j, dist_function)
# dist = dist_function(point_i, point_j)
# mutual_reachability = np.max([core_dist_i, core_dist_j, dist])
# return mutual_reachability
# def _mutual_reach_dist_graph(self, X, labels, dist_function):
# """
# Computes the mutual reach distance complete graph.
# Graph of all pair-wise mutual reachability distances between points
# Args:
# X (np.ndarray): ndarray with dimensions [n_samples, n_features]
# data to check validity of clustering
# labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
# dist_dunction (func): function to determine distance between objects
# func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point
# Returns: graph (np.ndarray)
# array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
# Graph of all pair-wise mutual reachability distances between points.
# """
# n_samples = np.shape(X)[0]
# graph = []
# counter = 0
# for row in range(n_samples):
# graph_row = []
# for col in range(n_samples):
# point_i = X[row]
# point_j = X[col]
# class_i = labels[row]
# class_j = labels[col]
# members_i = self._get_label_members(X, labels, class_i)
# members_j = self._get_label_members(X, labels, class_j)
# dist = self._mutual_reachability_dist(point_i, point_j,
# members_i, members_j,
# dist_function)
# graph_row.append(dist)
# counter += 1
# graph.append(graph_row)
# graph = np.array(graph)
# return graph
# def _mutual_reach_dist_MST(self, dist_tree):
# """
# Computes minimum spanning tree of the mutual reach distance complete graph
# Args:
# dist_tree (np.ndarray): array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
# Graph of all pair-wise mutual reachability distances
# between points.
# Returns: minimum_spanning_tree (np.ndarray)
# array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
# minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise mutual reachability
# distances between points.
# """
# mst = minimum_spanning_tree(dist_tree).toarray()
# return mst + np.transpose(mst)
# def _cluster_density_sparseness(self, MST, labels, cluster):
# """
# Computes the cluster density sparseness, the minimum density
# within a cluster
# Args:
# MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
# mutual reachability distances between points.
# labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
# cluster (int): cluster of interest
# Returns: cluster_density_sparseness (float)
# value corresponding to the minimum density within a cluster
# """
# indices = np.where(labels == cluster)[0]
# cluster_MST = MST[indices][:, indices]
# cluster_density_sparseness = np.max(cluster_MST)
# return cluster_density_sparseness
# def _cluster_density_separation(self, MST, labels, cluster_i, cluster_j):
# """
# Computes the density separation between two clusters, the maximum
# density between clusters.
# Args:
# MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
# mutual reachability distances between points.
# labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
# cluster_i (int): cluster i of interest
# cluster_j (int): cluster j of interest
# Returns: density_separation (float):
# value corresponding to the maximum density between clusters
# """
# indices_i = np.where(labels == cluster_i)[0]
# indices_j = np.where(labels == cluster_j)[0]
# shortest_paths = csgraph.dijkstra(MST, indices=indices_i)
# relevant_paths = shortest_paths[:, indices_j]
# density_separation = np.min(relevant_paths)
# return density_separation
# def _cluster_validity_index(self, MST, labels, cluster):
# """
# Computes the validity of a cluster (validity of assignmnets)
# Args:
# MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
# mutual reachability distances between points.
# labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
# cluster (int): cluster of interest
# Returns: cluster_validity (float)
# value corresponding to the validity of cluster assignments
# """
# min_density_separation = np.inf
# for cluster_j in np.unique(labels):
# if cluster_j != cluster:
# cluster_density_separation = self._cluster_density_separation(MST,
# labels,
# cluster,
# cluster_j)
# if cluster_density_separation < min_density_separation:
# min_density_separation = cluster_density_separation
# cluster_density_sparseness = self._cluster_density_sparseness(MST,
# labels,
# cluster)
# numerator = min_density_separation - cluster_density_sparseness
# denominator = np.max([min_density_separation, cluster_density_sparseness])
# cluster_validity = numerator / denominator
# return cluster_validity
# def _clustering_validity_index(self, MST, labels):
# """
# Computes the validity of all clustering assignments for a
# clustering algorithm
# Args:
# MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
# mutual reachability distances between points.
# labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
# Returns: validity_index (float):
# score in range[-1, 1] indicating validity of clustering assignments
# """
# n_samples = len(labels)
# validity_index = 0
# for label in np.unique(labels):
# fraction = np.sum(labels == label) / float(n_samples)
# cluster_validity = self._cluster_validity_index(MST, labels, label)
# validity_index += fraction * cluster_validity
# return validity_index
# def _get_label_members(self, X, labels, cluster):
# """
# Helper function to get samples of a specified cluster.
# Args:
# X (np.ndarray): ndarray with dimensions [n_samples, n_features]
# data to check validity of clustering
# labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
# cluster (int): cluster of interest
# Returns: members (np.ndarray)
# array of dimensions (n_samples, n_features) of samples of the
# specified cluster.
# """
# indices = np.where(labels == cluster)[0]
# members = X[indices]
# return members
def centers_(self):
# return self._labels, self._hdbscan_bscore, self._centers
return self._centers
def labels_(self):
labels = [f'cluster#{i+1}' if i !=-1 else 'Non clustered' for i in self._labels]
return labels
def non_clustered(self):
labels = [f'cluster#{i+1}' if i !=-1 else 'Non clustered' for i in self._labels]
non_clustered = np.where(np.array(labels) == 'Non clustered')[0]
return non_clustered
from Packages import *
class Sk_Kmeans:
"""K-Means clustering for Samples selection.
inertia_ (DataFrame): DataFrame with ...
x (DataFrame): Initial data
clu (DataFrame): Cluster name for each sample
model.cluster_centers_ (DataFrame): Coordinates of the center of each cluster
def __init__(self, x, max_clusters):
"""Initiate the KMeans class.
x (DataFrame): the original reduced data to cluster
max_cluster (Int): the max number of desired clusters.
self.x = x
self.max_clusters = max_clusters
self.inertia = DataFrame()
for i in range(1, max_clusters+1):
model = KMeans(n_clusters = i, init = 'k-means++', random_state = 42)
self.inertia[f'{i}_clust']= [model.inertia_]
self.inertia.index = ['inertia']
def inertia_(self):
return self.inertia
def suggested_n_clusters_(self):
idxidx = []
values = []
s = self.inertia.to_numpy().ravel()
for i in range(self.max_clusters-1):
values.append((s[i] - s[i+1])*100 / s[i])
id = np.max(np.where(np.array(values) > 5))+2
return id
def fit_optimal_(self):
model = KMeans(n_clusters = self.suggested_n_clusters_, init = 'k-means++', random_state = 42)
yp = model.predict(self.x)+1
clu = [f'cluster#{i}' for i in yp]
return self.x, clu, model.cluster_centers_
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
from typing import Sequence, Dict, Optional, Union
class KS:
def __init__(self, x:Optional[Union[np.ndarray|DataFrame]], rset:Optional[Union[float|int]]):
self.x = x
self.ratio = rset
self._train, self._test = ks_train_test_split(self.x, train_size = self.ratio)
def calset(self):
clu = self._train.index.tolist()
return self.x, clu
class RDM:
def __init__(self, x:Optional[Union[np.ndarray|DataFrame]], rset:Optional[Union[float|int]]):
self.x = x
self.ratio = rset
self._train, self._test = train_test_split(self.x, train_size = self.ratio)
def calset(self):
clu = self._train.index.tolist()
return self.x, clu
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
class Nmf:
def __init__(self, X, Ncomp=3):
## input matrix
if np.min(X)<0:
self.__x = np.array(X-np.min(X))
self.__x = np.array(X)
## set the number of components to compute and fit the model
self.__ncp = Ncomp
# Fit PCA model
Mo = NMF(n_components=self.__ncp, init=None, solver='cd', beta_loss='frobenius',
tol=0.0001, max_iter=300, random_state=None, alpha_W=0.0, alpha_H='same',
l1_ratio=0.0, verbose=0, shuffle=False)
# Results
self._p = Mo.components_.T
self._t = Mo.transform(self.__x)
def scores_(self):
return DataFrame(self._t)
def loadings_(self):
return DataFrame(self._p)
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
class LinearPCA:
def __init__(self, X, Ncomp=10):
## input matrix
self.__x = np.array(X)
## set the number of components to compute and fit the model
self.__ncp = Ncomp
# Fit PCA model
M = PCA(n_components = self.__ncp)
######## results ########
# Results
self.__pcnames = [f'PC{i+1}({100 * M.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)]
self._Qexp_ratio = DataFrame(100 * M.explained_variance_ratio_, columns = ["Qexp"], index= [f'PC{i+1}' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
self._p = M.components_.T
self._t = M.transform(self.__x)
self.eigvals = M.singular_values_**2
self.Lambda = np.diag(self.eigvals)
# Matrix reconstruction or prediction making
self.T2 = {}
self._xp = {}
self._qres = {}
self.leverage = {}
for i in range(self.__ncp):
# Matrix reconstruction- prediction
self._xp[i] =[:,:i+1], self._p.T[:i+1,:])
#self.T2[i] = np.diag(self._t[:,:i+1] @ np.transpose(self._t[:,:i+1]))
def scores_(self):
return DataFrame(self._t, columns= self.__pcnames)
def loadings_(self):
return DataFrame(self._p, columns=self.__pcnames)
def residuals_(self):
res = DataFrame(self._qres)
return res
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
from utils.Miscellaneous import *
from utils.Evaluation_Metrics import metrics
class PinardPlsr:
def __init__(self, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test):
self.x_train = x_train
self.x_test = x_test
self.y_train = y_train
self.y_test = y_test
# create model module with PINARD
# Declare preprocessing pipeline
svgolay = [ ('_sg1',pp.SavitzkyGolay()),
('_sg2',pp.SavitzkyGolay()) # nested pipeline to perform the Savitzky-Golay method twice for 2nd order preprocessing
preprocessing = [ ('id', pp.IdentityTransformer()), # Identity transformer, no change to the data
('savgol', pp.SavitzkyGolay()), # Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter
('derivate', pp.Derivate()), # Calculate the first derivative of the data
('SVG', FeatureUnion(svgolay))
# Declare complete pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([
('scaler', MinMaxScaler()), # scaling the data
('preprocessing', FeatureUnion(preprocessing)), # preprocessing
('PLS', PLSRegression(n_components=14))])
# Estimator including y values scaling
estimator = TransformedTargetRegressor(regressor = pipeline, transformer = MinMaxScaler())
# Training
self.trained =, self.y_train)
# fit scores
# Predictions on test set
self.yc = DataFrame(self.trained.predict(self.x_train)) # make predictions on test data and assign to Y_preds variable
self.ycv = DataFrame(cross_val_predict(self.trained, self.x_train, self.y_train, cv = 3)) # make predictions on test data and assign to Y_preds variable = DataFrame(self.trained.predict(self.x_test)) # make predictions on test data and assign to Y_preds variable
def model_(self):
return self.trained
def pred_data_(self):
return self.yc, self.ycv,
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
from utils import metrics
from utils.DATA_HANDLING import *
class PlsProcess:
SCORE = 100000000
index_export = DataFrame()
def __init__(self, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test, scale, Kfold):
PlsProcess.SCORE = 10000
self.xtrain = x_train
self.xtest = x_test
self.y_train = y_train
self.y_test = y_test
self.scale = scale
self.Kfold = Kfold
self.model = None
self.p = self.xtrain.shape[1]
self.PLS_params = {'polyorder': hp.choice('polyorder', [0, 1, 2]),
'deriv': hp.choice('deriv', [0, 1, 2]),
'window_length': hp.choice('window_length', [15, 19, 23, 27]),
'scatter': hp.choice('scatter', ['Snv', 'Non'])}
self.PLS_params['n_components'] = hp.randint("n_components", 2, 20)
def objective(self, params):
# Train the model
self.xtrain = eval(f'{params['scatter']}(self.xtrain)')
self.xtest = eval( f'{params['scatter']}(self.xtest)')
if params['deriv'] > params['polyorder'] or params['polyorder'] > params['window_length']:
params['deriv'] = 0
params['polyorder'] = 0
params['window_length'] = 1
self.x_train = self.xtrain
self.x_test = self.xtest
self.x_train = DataFrame(eval(f'savgol_filter(self.xtrain, polyorder={params['polyorder']}, deriv={params['deriv']}, window_length = {params['window_length']})'),
columns = self.xtrain.columns, index= self.xtrain.index)
self.x_test = DataFrame(eval(f'savgol_filter(self.xtest, polyorder={params['polyorder']}, deriv={params['deriv']}, window_length = {params['window_length']})'), columns = self.xtest.columns , index= self.xtest.index)
Model = PLSRegression(scale = self.scale, n_components = params['n_components']), self.y_train)
except ValueError as ve:
params["n_components"] = 1
Model = PLSRegression(scale = self.scale, n_components = params["n_components"]), self.y_train)
## make prediction
yc = Model.predict(self.x_train).reshape(-1)
ycv = cross_val_predict(Model, self.x_train, self.y_train, cv=self.Kfold, n_jobs=-1).reshape(-1)
yt = Model.predict(self.x_test).reshape(-1)
rmsecv = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(self.y_train, ycv))
rmsec = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(self.y_train, yc))
rmset = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(self.y_test, yt))
score = rmsecv/rmsec*np.round(rmset/rmsecv)*rmsecv*100/self.y_train.mean()*rmset*1000/self.y_test.mean()
if score < PlsProcess.SCORE-0.5 :
PlsProcess.SCORE = score
self.nlv = params['n_components'] = params
self.model = Model
self.yc = yc
self.ycv = ycv = yt
return score
def tune(self, n_iter):
trials = Trials()
best_params = fmin(fn=self.objective,
algo=tpe.suggest, # Tree of Parzen Estimators’ (tpe) which is a Bayesian approach
def best_hyperparams(self):
self.b = {'Scatter'['scatter'], 'Saitzky-Golay derivative parameters':{'polyorder'['polyorder'],
return self.b
def model_(self):
return self.model
def pred_data_(self):
return self.yc, self.ycv,
\ No newline at end of file
from Packages import *
from utils import metrics, Snv, No_transformation, KF_CV, sel_ratio
class Regmodel(object):
def __init__(self, train, test, n_iter, add_hyperparams = None, nfolds = 3, **kwargs):
self.SCORE = 100000000
self._xc, self._xt, self._ytrain, self._ytest = train[0], test[0], train[1], test[1]
self._nc, self._nt, self._p = train[0].shape[0], test[0].shape[0], train[0].shape[1]
self._model, self._best = None, None
self._yc, self._ycv, self._yt = None, None, None
self._cv_df = DataFrame()
self._sel_ratio = DataFrame()
self._nfolds = nfolds
self._selected_bands = DataFrame(index = ['from', 'to'])
self.important_features = None
self._hyper_params = {'polyorder': hp.choice('polyorder', [0, 1, 2]),
'deriv': hp.choice('deriv', [0, 1, 2]),
'window_length': hp.choice('window_length', [15, 21, 27, 33]),
'normalization': hp.choice('normalization', ['Snv', 'No_transformation'])}
if add_hyperparams is not None:
self._best = None
trials = Trials()
best_params = fmin(fn=self.objective,
algo=tpe.suggest, # Tree of Parzen Estimators’ (tpe) which is a Bayesian approach
def train_data_(self):
return [self._xc, self._ytrain]
def test_data_(self):
return [self._xt, self._ytest]
def pretreated_spectra_(self):
return self.pretreated
def get_params_(self):### This method return the search space where the optimization algorithm will search for optimal subset of hyperparameters
return self._hyper_params
def objective(self, params):
def best_hyperparams_(self): ### This method returns the subset of selected hyperparametes
return self._best
def best_hyperparams_print(self):### This method returns a sentence telling what signal preprocessing method was applied
if self._best['normalization'] == 'Snv':
a = 'Standard Normal Variate (SNV)'
elif self._best['normalization'] == 'No_transformation':
a = " No transformation was performed"
SG = f'- Savitzky-Golay derivative parameters \:(Window_length:{self._best['window_length']}; polynomial order: {self._best['polyorder']}; Derivative order : {self._best['deriv']})'
Norm = f'- Spectral Normalization \: {a}'
return SG+"\n"+Norm
def model_(self): # This method returns the developed model
return self._model
def pred_data_(self): ## this method returns the predicted data in training and testing steps
return self._yc, self._yt
def cv_data_(self): ## Cross validation data
return self._ycv
def CV_results_(self):
return self._cv_df
def important_features_(self):
return self.important_features
def selected_features_(self):
return self._selected_bands
def sel_ratio_(self):
return self._sel_ratio
########################################### PLSR #########################################
class Plsr(Regmodel):
def __init__(self, train, test, n_iter = 10, cv = 3):
super().__init__(train, test, n_iter, nfolds = cv, add_hyperparams = {'n_components': hp.randint('n_components', 1,20)})
### parameters in common
def objective(self, params):
params['n_components'] = int(params['n_components'])
x0 = [self._xc, self._xt]
x1 = [eval(str(params['normalization'])+"(x0[i])") for i in range(2)]
a, b, c = params['deriv'], params['polyorder'], params['window_length']
if a > b or b > c:
if self._best is not None:
a, b, c = self._best['deriv'], self._best['polyorder'], self._best['window_length']
a, b, c = 0, 0, 1
params['deriv'], params['polyorder'], params['window_length'] = a, b, c
x2 = [savgol_filter(x1[i], polyorder=params['polyorder'], deriv=params['deriv'], window_length = params['window_length']) for i in range(2)]
model = PLSRegression(scale = False, n_components = params['n_components'])
folds = KF_CV().CV(x = x2[0], y = np.array(self._ytrain), n_folds = self._nfolds)
yp = KF_CV().cross_val_predictor(model = model, folds = folds, x = x2[0], y = np.array(self._ytrain))
self._cv_df = KF_CV().metrics_cv(y = np.array(self._ytrain), ypcv = yp, folds =folds)[1]
score = self._cv_df.loc["cv",'rmse']
Model = PLSRegression(scale = False, n_components = params['n_components'])[0], self._ytrain)
if self.SCORE > score:
self.SCORE = score
self._ycv = KF_CV().meas_pred_eq(y = np.array(self._ytrain), ypcv=yp, folds=folds)
self._yc = Model.predict(x2[0])
self._yt = Model.predict(x2[1])
self._model = Model
for key,value in params.items():
try: params[key] = int(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError): params[key] = value
self._best = params
self.pretreated = DataFrame(x2[0])
self._sel_ratio = sel_ratio(Model, x2[0])
return score
############################################ iplsr #########################################
class TpeIpls(Regmodel):
def __init__(self, train, test, n_iter = 10, n_intervall = 5, cv = 3):
self.n_intervall = n_intervall
self.n_arrets = self.n_intervall*2
r = {'n_components': hp.randint('n_components', 1,20)}
r.update({f'v{i}': hp.randint(f'v{i}', 0, train[0].shape[1]) for i in range(1,self.n_arrets+1)})
super().__init__(train, test, n_iter, add_hyperparams = r, nfolds = cv)
### parameters in common
def objective(self, params):
### wevelengths index
self.idx = [params[f'v{i}'] for i in range(1,self.n_arrets+1)]
arrays = [np.arange(self.idx[2*i],self.idx[2*i+1]+1) for i in range(self.n_intervall)]
id = np.unique(np.concatenate(arrays, axis=0), axis=0)
### Preprocessing
x0 = [self._xc, self._xt]
x1 = [eval(str(params['normalization'])+"(x0[i])") for i in range(2)]
a, b, c = params['deriv'], params['polyorder'], params['window_length']
if a > b or b > c:
if self._best is not None:
a, b, c = self._best['deriv'], self._best['polyorder'], self._best['window_length']
a, b, c = 0, 0, 1
params['deriv'], params['polyorder'], params['window_length'] = a, b, c
x2 = [savgol_filter(x1[i], polyorder=params['polyorder'], deriv=params['deriv'], window_length = params['window_length']) for i in range(2)]
prepared_data = [x2[i][:,id] for i in range(2)]
### Modelling
folds = KF_CV().CV(x = prepared_data[0], y = np.array(self._ytrain), n_folds = self._nfolds)
model = PLSRegression(scale = False, n_components = params['n_components'])
yp = KF_CV().cross_val_predictor(model = model, folds = folds, x = prepared_data[0], y = np.array(self._ytrain))
self._cv_df = KF_CV().metrics_cv(y = np.array(self._ytrain), ypcv = yp, folds =folds)[1]
except ValueError as ve:
params["n_components"] = 1
model = PLSRegression(scale = False, n_components = params["n_components"])
yp = KF_CV().cross_val_predictor(model = model, folds = folds, x = prepared_data[0], y = np.array(self._ytrain))
self._cv_df = KF_CV().metrics_cv(y = np.array(self._ytrain), ypcv = yp, folds =folds)[1]
score = self._cv_df.loc['cv','rmse']
Model = PLSRegression(scale = False, n_components = model.n_components)[0], self._ytrain)
if self.SCORE > score:
self.SCORE = score
self._ycv = KF_CV().meas_pred_eq(y = np.array(self._ytrain), ypcv=yp, folds=folds)
self._yc = Model.predict(prepared_data[0])
self._yt = Model.predict(prepared_data[1])
self._model = Model
for key,value in params.items():
try: params[key] = int(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError): params[key] = value
self._best = params
self.pretreated = DataFrame(x2[0])
self.segments = arrays
for i in range(len(self.segments)):
self._selected_bands[f'band{i+1}'] = [self.segments[i][0], self.segments[i][self.segments[i].shape[0]-1]]
self._selected_bands.index = ['from','to']
return score
########################################### LWPLSR #########################################
############################################ Pcr #########################################
class Pcr(Regmodel):
def __init__(self, train, test, n_iter = 10, n_val = 5):
{f'pc{i}': hp.randint(f'pc{i+1}', 0, train[0].shape[1]) for i in range(self.n_val)}
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