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Commit 204a2f34 authored by DIANE's avatar DIANE
Browse files

switch case

parent 2cd400f0
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......@@ -24,26 +24,27 @@ dim_red_methods=['', 'PCA','UMAP', 'NMF'] # List of dimensionality reduction al
cluster_methods = ['', 'Kmeans','HDBSCAN', 'AP', 'KS', 'RDM'] # List of clustering algos
selec_strategy = ['center','random']
if st.session_state["interface"] == 'simple':
st.write(':red[Automated Simple Interface]')
# hide_pages("Predictions")
if 37 not in st.session_state:
default_reduction_option = 1
default_reduction_option = dim_red_methods.index(st.session_state.get(37))
if 38 not in st.session_state:
default_clustering_option = 1
default_clustering_option = cluster_methods.index(st.session_state.get(38))
if 102 not in st.session_state:
default_sample_selection_option = 1
default_sample_selection_option = selec_strategy.index(st.session_state.get(102))
if st.session_state["interface"] == 'advanced':
default_reduction_option = 0
default_clustering_option = 0
default_sample_selection_option = 0
match st.session_state["interface"]:
case 'simple':
st.write(':red[Automated Simple Interface]')
# hide_pages("Predictions")
if 37 not in st.session_state:
default_reduction_option = 1
default_reduction_option = dim_red_methods.index(st.session_state.get(37))
if 38 not in st.session_state:
default_clustering_option = 1
default_clustering_option = cluster_methods.index(st.session_state.get(38))
if 102 not in st.session_state:
default_sample_selection_option = 1
default_sample_selection_option = selec_strategy.index(st.session_state.get(102))
default_reduction_option = 0
default_clustering_option = 0
default_sample_selection_option = 0
################################### I - Data Loading and Visualization ########################################
st.title("Calibration Subset Selection")
......@@ -74,33 +75,34 @@ if not data_file:
# Retrieve the extension of the file
test =['.'):]
match test:
## Load .csv file
if test== '.csv':
with col1:
# Select list for CSV delimiter
psep ="Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/', options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/', key=9)
# Select list for CSV header True / False
phdr ="indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/', options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/', key=31)
if phdr == 'yes':
col = 0
col = False
imp = pd.read_csv(data_file, sep=psep, index_col=col)
# spectra = col_cat(imp)[0]
# meta_data = col_cat(imp)[1]
spectra, md_df_st_ = col_cat(imp)
meta_data = md_df_st_
st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="")
## Load .dx file
elif test == '.dx':
# Create a temporary file to save the uploaded file
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".dx") as tmp:
tmp_path =
case '.csv':
with col1:
_, spectra, meta_data, md_df_st_ = read_dx(file = tmp_path)
# Select list for CSV delimiter
psep ="Select csv separator - _detected_: " + str(find_delimiter('data/', options=[";", ","], index=[";", ","].index(str(find_delimiter('data/', key=9)
# Select list for CSV header True / False
phdr ="indexes column in csv? - _detected_: " + str(find_col_index('data/', options=["no", "yes"], index=["no", "yes"].index(str(find_col_index('data/', key=31)
if phdr == 'yes':
col = 0
col = False
imp = pd.read_csv(data_file, sep=psep, index_col=col)
# spectra = col_cat(imp)[0]
# meta_data = col_cat(imp)[1]
spectra, md_df_st_ = col_cat(imp)
meta_data = md_df_st_
st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="")
## Load .dx file
case '.dx':
# Create a temporary file to save the uploaded file
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".dx") as tmp:
tmp_path =
with col1:
_, spectra, meta_data, md_df_st_ = read_dx(file = tmp_path)
st.success("The data have been loaded successfully", icon="")
......@@ -163,28 +165,29 @@ if not spectra.empty:
dim_red_method = bb1.selectbox("Dimensionality reduction techniques: ", options = dim_red_methods, index = default_reduction_option, key = 37)
clus_method = bb2.selectbox("Clustering/sampling techniques: ", options = cluster_methods, index = default_clustering_option, key = 38)
xc = standardize(spectra, center=True, scale=False)
if dim_red_method == dim_red_methods[0]:
bb1.warning('⚠️ Please choose an algothithm !')
elif dim_red_method == dim_red_methods[1]:
dr_model = LinearPCA(xc, Ncomp=8)
elif dim_red_method == dim_red_methods[2]:
if not meta_data.empty:
filter = md_df_st_.columns
filter = filter.insert(0, 'Nothing')
col = bb1.selectbox('Supervised UMAP by:', options= filter, key=108)
if col == 'Nothing':
supervised = None
match dim_red_method:
case "":
bb1.warning('⚠️ Please choose an algorithm !')
case "PCA":
dr_model = LinearPCA(xc, Ncomp=8)
case "UMAP":
if not meta_data.empty:
filter = md_df_st_.columns
filter = filter.insert(0, 'Nothing')
col = bb1.selectbox('Supervised UMAP by:', options= filter, key=108)
if col == 'Nothing':
supervised = None
supervised = md_df_st_[col]
supervised = md_df_st_[col]
supervised = None
dr_model = Umap(numerical_data = MinMaxScale(spectra), cat_data = supervised)
supervised = None
dr_model = Umap(numerical_data = MinMaxScale(spectra), cat_data = supervised)
elif dim_red_method == dim_red_methods[3]:
dr_model = Nmf(spectra, Ncomp= 3)
case 'NMF':
dr_model = Nmf(spectra, Ncomp= 3)
if dr_model:
axis1 = bb3.selectbox("x-axis", options = dr_model.scores_.columns, index=0)
......@@ -196,69 +199,56 @@ if not spectra.empty:
###### II - clustering #######
if not t.empty:
clustered = np.arange(n_samples)
non_clustered = None
if dim_red_method == 'UMAP':
scores = st.container()
scores, loadings= st.columns([3,3])
tcr = standardize(t)
# Clustering
# 1- K-MEANS Clustering
if clus_method == cluster_methods[0]:
bb2.warning('⚠️ Please choose an algothithm !')
if clus_method == cluster_methods[1]:
cl_model = Sk_Kmeans(tcr, max_clusters = 25)
ncluster = scores.number_input(min_value=2, max_value=25, value=cl_model.suggested_n_clusters_, label = 'Select the desired number of clusters')
# fig2 =, y = 'inertia')
# scores.write(f"Suggested n_clusters : {cl_model.suggested_n_clusters_}")
# scores.plotly_chart(fig2,use_container_width=True)
# img = pio.to_image(fig2, format="png")
# with open("./Report/figures/Elbow.png", "wb") as f:
# f.write(img)
data, labels, clu_centers = cl_model.fit_optimal(nclusters = ncluster)
# 2- HDBSCAN clustering
elif clus_method == cluster_methods[2]:
optimized_hdbscan = Hdbscan(np.array(tcr))
# all_labels, hdbscan_score, clu_centers = optimized_hdbscan.HDBSCAN_scores_
all_labels, clu_centers = optimized_hdbscan.HDBSCAN_scores_
labels = [f'cluster#{i+1}' if i !=-1 else 'Non clustered' for i in all_labels]
ncluster = len(clu_centers)
# 3- Affinity propagation
elif clus_method == cluster_methods[3]:
cl_model = AP(X = tcr)
data, labels, clu_centers = cl_model.fit_optimal_
ncluster = len(clu_centers)
elif clus_method == cluster_methods[4]:
rset = scores.number_input(min_value=0, max_value=100, value=20, label = 'The ratio of data to be sampled (%)')
cl_model = KS(x = tcr, rset = rset)
calset = cl_model.calset
labels = ["ind"]*n_samples
ncluster = "1"
selection_number = 'None'
elif clus_method == cluster_methods[5]:
rset = scores.number_input(min_value=0, max_value=100, value=20, label = 'The ratio of data to be sampled (%)')
cl_model = RDM(x = tcr, rset = rset)
calset = cl_model.calset
labels = ["ind"]*n_samples
ncluster = "1"
selection_number = 'None'
if clus_method == cluster_methods[2]:
#clustered = np.where(np.array(labels) != 'Non clustered')[0]
clustered = np.arange(n_samples)
non_clustered = np.where(np.array(labels) == 'Non clustered')[0]
# Clustering
match clus_method:
case '':
bb2.warning('⚠️ Please choose an algothithm !')
case 'Kmeans':
cl_model = Sk_Kmeans(tcr, max_clusters = 25)
ncluster = scores.number_input(min_value=2, max_value=25, value=cl_model.suggested_n_clusters_, label = 'Select the desired number of clusters')
data, labels, clu_centers = cl_model.fit_optimal(nclusters = ncluster)
# 2- HDBSCAN clustering
case 'HDBSCAN':
optimized_hdbscan = Hdbscan(np.array(tcr))
all_labels, clu_centers = optimized_hdbscan.HDBSCAN_scores_
labels = [f'cluster#{i+1}' if i !=-1 else 'Non clustered' for i in all_labels]
ncluster = len(clu_centers)
non_clustered = np.where(np.array(labels) == 'Non clustered')[0]
# 3- Affinity propagation
case 'AP':
cl_model = AP(X = tcr)
data, labels, clu_centers = cl_model.fit_optimal_
ncluster = len(clu_centers)
case 'KS':
rset = scores.number_input(min_value=0, max_value=100, value=20, label = 'The ratio of data to be sampled (%)')
cl_model = KS(x = tcr, rset = rset)
calset = cl_model.calset
labels = ["ind"]*n_samples
ncluster = "1"
selection_number = 'None'
case 'RDM':
rset = scores.number_input(min_value=0, max_value=100, value=20, label = 'The ratio of data to be sampled (%)')
cl_model = RDM(x = tcr, rset = rset)
calset = cl_model.calset
labels = ["ind"]*n_samples
ncluster = "1"
selection_number = 'None'
clustered = np.arange(n_samples)
non_clustered = None
new_tcr = tcr.iloc[clustered,:]
......@@ -273,35 +263,37 @@ elif labels:
num_clusters = len(np.unique(labels))
custom_color_palette = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly[:num_clusters]
if clus_method:
if clus_method == cluster_methods[4] or clus_method == cluster_methods[5]:
if clus_method in ['KS', 'RDM']:
selected_samples_idx = calset[1]
selection = 'None'
selection ='Select samples selection strategy:',
options = selec_strategy, index = default_sample_selection_option, key=102)
match selection:
# Strategy 0
if selection == selec_strategy[0]:
# list samples at clusters centers - Use sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances_argmin if you want more than 1 sample per cluster
closest, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(clu_centers, new_tcr)
selected_samples_idx = np.array(new_tcr.index)[list(closest)]
selected_samples_idx = selected_samples_idx.tolist()
#### Strategy 1
elif selection == selec_strategy[1]:
selection_number = scores.number_input('How many samples per cluster?',
min_value = 1, step=1, value = 3)
s = np.array(labels)[np.where(np.array(labels) !='Non clustered')[0]]
for i in np.unique(s):
C = np.where(np.array(labels) == i)[0]
if C.shape[0] >= selection_number:
# scores.write(list(tcr.index)[labels== i])
km2 = KMeans(n_clusters = selection_number)[C,:])
clos, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(km2.cluster_centers_, tcr.iloc[C,:])
# list indexes of selected samples for colored plot
case 'center':
# list samples at clusters centers - Use sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances_argmin if you want more than 1 sample per cluster
closest, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(clu_centers, new_tcr)
selected_samples_idx = np.array(new_tcr.index)[list(closest)]
selected_samples_idx = selected_samples_idx.tolist()
#### Strategy 1
case 'random':
selection_number = scores.number_input('How many samples per cluster?',
min_value = 1, step=1, value = 3)
s = np.array(labels)[np.where(np.array(labels) !='Non clustered')[0]]
for i in np.unique(s):
C = np.where(np.array(labels) == i)[0]
if C.shape[0] >= selection_number:
# scores.write(list(tcr.index)[labels== i])
km2 = KMeans(n_clusters = selection_number)[C,:])
clos, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(km2.cluster_centers_, tcr.iloc[C,:])
# list indexes of selected samples for colored plot
################################ Plots visualization ############################################
......@@ -385,7 +377,7 @@ if not t.empty:
if not spectra.empty:
if dim_red_method == dim_red_methods[1] or dim_red_method == dim_red_methods[3]:
if dim_red_method in ['PCA','NMF']:
with loadings:
st.write('Loadings plot')
p = dr_model.loadings_
......@@ -421,7 +413,7 @@ if not spectra.empty:
with open("./Report/figures/loadings_plot.png", "wb") as f:
if dim_red_method == dim_red_methods[1]:
if dim_red_method == 'PCA':
influence, hotelling = st.columns([3, 3])
with influence:
st.write('Influence plot')
......@@ -549,10 +541,12 @@ if labels:
sam1.index = np.arange(len(selected_samples_idx))+1'Information !\n - The total number of samples: {n_samples}.\n- The number of samples selected for reference analysis: {sam1.shape[0]}.\n - The proportion of samples selected for reference analysis: {round(sam1.shape[0]/n_samples*100)}%.')
sam = sam1
# if clus_method == cluster_methods[2]:
# unclus = sel.checkbox("Include non clustered samples (for HDBSCAN clustering)", value=True)
if clus_method == cluster_methods[2]:
unclus = sel.checkbox("Include non clustered samples (for HDBSCAN clustering)", value=True)
if clus_method == cluster_methods[2]:
if selected_samples_idx:
if unclus:
if meta_data.empty:
This diff is collapsed.
0% Loading or .
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