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Commit 53510d15 authored by DIANE's avatar DIANE
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......@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from umap import UMAP
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
class LinearPCA:
A class for performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on a given data matrix X.
This class applies PCA for dimensionality reduction, providing the projections of the data onto the principal components
(scores), the contribution of each feature to the principal components (loadings),
and the residuals (reconstruction errors) after dimensionality reduction.
......@@ -38,88 +38,89 @@ class LinearPCA:
def __init__(self, X, Ncomp=10):
Initialize the LinearPCA class with the data matrix X and the number of principal components Ncomp.
X (pandas.DataFrame): The input data matrix where rows represent samples and columns represent features.
Ncomp (int): The number of principal components to compute (default is 10).
# Store input data matrix
self.__x = X
# Set the number of principal components
self.__ncp = Ncomp
# Initialize and fit the PCA model
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
self.model = PCA(n_components=self.__ncp)
def eig_val(self):
Returns the eigenvalues and the diagonal matrix (Lambda) of eigenvalues.
Eigenvalues are the square of the singular values obtained from the PCA model.
tuple: A tuple containing eigenvalues (eigvals) and the Lambda matrix (diagonal matrix of eigenvalues).
eigvals = self.model.singular_values_**2 /self.__x.shape[0]
labels= [f'PC{i+1}({100 * self.model.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)]
Lambda = DataFrame(np.diag(eigvals), index = labels, columns = labels)
eigvals = self.model.singular_values_**2 / self.__x.shape[0]
labels = [f'PC{
i+1}({100 * self.model.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)]
Lambda = DataFrame(np.diag(eigvals), index=labels, columns=labels)
return eigvals, Lambda
def qexp_ratio(self):
Returns the explained variance ratio for each principal component.
This shows the percentage of variance explained by each principal component.
pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the explained variance ratio for each principal component.
Qexp_ratio = pd.DataFrame(100 * self.model.explained_variance_ratio_,
index=[f'PC{i+1}' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
index=[f'PC{i+1}' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
return Qexp_ratio
def scores_(self):
Returns the scores matrix, which is the projection of the original data onto the principal components.
The scores are the transformed data in the lower-dimensional space after applying PCA.
pandas.DataFrame: The scores matrix (transformed data).
scores = pd.DataFrame(self.model.transform(self.__x), index= self.__x.index,
columns=[f'PC{i+1}({100 * self.model.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
scores = pd.DataFrame(self.model.transform(self.__x), index=self.__x.index,
columns=[f'PC{i+1}({100 * self.model.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
return scores
def loadings_(self):
Returns the loadings matrix, which contains the contribution of each feature to the principal components.
The loadings describe how much each original feature contributes to each principal component.
pandas.DataFrame: The loadings matrix.
p = pd.DataFrame(self.model.components_, columns=self.__x.columns,
index=[f'PC{i+1}({100 * self.model.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
index=[f'PC{i+1}({100 * self.model.explained_variance_ratio_[i].round(2)}%)' for i in range(self.__ncp)])
return p
def residuals_(self, components):
Returns the residuals (reconstruction errors) between the original data and its reconstruction
using a subset of principal components.
components (list): A list of principal component names (e.g., 'PC1', 'PC2') used to reconstruct the data.
pandas.DataFrame: The residuals matrix, showing the difference between the original data and its reconstruction.
......@@ -133,29 +134,32 @@ class LinearPCA:
# Reconstruct the data using the selected components
for i in range(self.__ncp):
# Reconstruct the data using the first i+1 principal components
xp =[:, axis], self.model.components_[axis, :])
xp =[
:, axis], self.model.components_[axis, :])
# Calculate residuals (difference between original and reconstructed data)
qres = self.__x - xp
return qres
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ umap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
class Umap:
The UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) algorithm for dimensionality reduction.
This class implements the UMAP algorithm to reduce the dimensionality of numerical data, with an option to include
categorical data (if provided) which will be encoded using `LabelEncoder`. The inclusion of categorical data helps in
improving clustering and visualization, especially when working with mixed data types.
numerical_data : pandas DataFrame
The numerical features (data) on which the dimensionality reduction will be performed.
categorical_data : list or None, optional
A list of categorical values that can be included for improved structure of the UMAP embedding. Default is None.
categorical_data_encoded : list or None
The encoded version of `categorical_data`, processed using `LabelEncoder` for model fitting. This is used only if
`categorical_data` is provided.
......@@ -174,16 +178,16 @@ class Umap:
scores_ : property
Returns the transformed data (embedding) in the lower-dimensional space.
def __init__(self, numerical_data, cat_data=None):
Initializes and fits the UMAP model using the provided numerical data and optional categorical data.
numerical_data : pandas DataFrame
The numerical data (features) to be used for dimensionality reduction.
cat_data : list or None, optional
A list of categorical values associated with the data. If provided, this will be encoded and used during fitting.
Default is None.
......@@ -191,10 +195,10 @@ class Umap:
# Ensure that the numerical data is a pandas DataFrame
if not isinstance(numerical_data, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError("numerical_data must be a pandas DataFrame")
# Store numerical data
self.numerical_data = numerical_data
# Process categorical data if provided
if cat_data is None:
self.categorical_data_encoded = cat_data
......@@ -203,50 +207,52 @@ class Umap:
# Use LabelEncoder to encode categorical data
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
self.le = LabelEncoder()
self.categorical_data_encoded = self.le.fit_transform(self.categorical_data)
self.categorical_data_encoded = self.le.fit_transform(
self.categorical_data_encoded = None
# Initialize the UMAP model with hyperparameters
from umap import UMAP
self.model = UMAP(n_neighbors=20, n_components=3, min_dist=0.0)
# Fit the model using the numerical data, with optional categorical data encoding, y=self.categorical_data_encoded)
def scores_(self):
Returns the lower-dimensional representation (embedding) of the numerical data in the transformed space.
The transformed data is represented in the lower-dimensional UMAP embedding. The data is presented as a
pandas DataFrame with columns labeled 'UMAP_1', 'UMAP_2', ..., for each component in the embedding.
pandas DataFrame
The transformed data (embedding) in the lower-dimensional space, with the original rows as the index.
# Apply the UMAP transformation and store the transformed data in a DataFrame
scores = pd.DataFrame(self.model.transform(self.numerical_data),
scores = pd.DataFrame(self.model.transform(self.numerical_data),
columns=[f'UMAP_{i+1}' for i in range(self.model.n_components)])
return scores
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nmf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
class Nmf:
A class that performs Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) on an input matrix (pandas DataFrame) to extract
latent components and their associated scores. The NMF model is fitted using scikit-learn's NMF implementation,
and the results include the transformed data (scores) and the components (loadings).
X : pandas DataFrame
The input matrix (data) to be decomposed. All values in the matrix should be non-negative. Rows represent
samples, and columns represent features.
Ncomp : int, optional, default=3
The number of components to compute. This is the rank of the factorization.
......@@ -255,11 +261,11 @@ class Nmf:
scores_ : pandas DataFrame
A DataFrame containing the transformed data (scores) for each of the components. Rows correspond to the
samples, and columns represent the components (e.g., 'H1', 'H2', ...).
loadings_ : pandas DataFrame
A DataFrame containing the components (loadings). Rows represent the components (e.g., 'H1', 'H2', ...),
and columns correspond to the original features in the input matrix.
scores_ : pandas DataFrame
......@@ -279,13 +285,13 @@ class Nmf:
def __init__(self, X: pd.DataFrame, Ncomp: int = 3):
Initializes the NMF model and fits it to the input pandas DataFrame.
X : pandas DataFrame
The input matrix (data) to be decomposed. All values in the matrix should be non-negative.
Rows represent samples, and columns represent features.
Ncomp : int, optional, default=3
The number of components to compute. This is the rank of the factorization.
......@@ -309,9 +315,9 @@ class Nmf:
def scores_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Returns the transformed data (scores) from the NMF model as a pandas DataFrame.
The rows correspond to the samples, and the columns correspond to the latent components.
pandas DataFrame
......@@ -326,9 +332,9 @@ class Nmf:
def loadings_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Returns the loadings (components) from the NMF model as a pandas DataFrame.
The rows correspond to the components, and the columns correspond to the original features.
pandas DataFrame
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