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# Puiseux expansion SageMath
# Puiseux expansions by dynamic evaluation
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Experimental SageMath code for computing Puiseux series expansions of solutions
of algebraic equations. This implementation is similar to gfun:-algeqtoseries in
Maple. Its highlight compared to other SageMath implementations of the
Newton-Puiseux algorithm is that it supports equations depending on rational
Puiseux series expansions by dynamic evaluation (experimental)
Authors: Ariane Carrance, Marc Mezzarobba, 2023--2024
Inspired in part by gfun:-algeqtoseries by Bruno Salvy
sage: from puiseux import puiseux
sage: P.<x> = QQ[]; Q.<y> = P[]
Duval 1989::
sage: F = (x^2+y^2)^3 - 4*x^2*y^2
sage: f = puiseux(F, 4)
sage: f[0]
-1/2*x^2 - 3/16*x^4 - 39/256*x^6 - 323/2048*x^8 + O(x^10)
sage: f[1]
1/2*x^2 + 3/16*x^4 + 39/256*x^6 + 323/2048*x^8 + O(x^10)
sage: F = y^16-4*y^12*x^6-4*y^11*x^8+y^10*x^10+6*y^8*x^12+8*y^7*x^14+14*y^6*x^16+4*y^5*x^18+y^4*(x^20-4*x^18)-4*y^3*x^20+y^2*x^22+x^24 # p. 140
sage: f = puiseux(F, 2); f
[-x^(3/2) + alg1*x^(7/4) + O(x^(9/4)),
alg01*x^(3/2) + alg2*x^(7/4) + O(x^(9/4))]
sage: f[0].base_ring()
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in alg1 over Rational Field with modulus 16*alg1^4 + 4*alg1^2 + 1
sage: f[1].base_ring()
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in alg2 over Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in alg01 over Rational Field with modulus alg01^3 - alg01^2 + alg01 - 1 with modulus 256*alg2^4 - 64*alg01*alg2^2 + 16*alg01^2
sage: G = y^16-2*y^13*x^5-4*y^12*x^6+y^10*x^10+2*y^9*x^11+y^8*(8*x^13+6*x^12)-2*y^6*x^16+y^5*(-4*x^18+2*x^17)+y^4*(-x^20+8*x^19-4*x^18)+y^2*x^22-2*y*x^23+x^2 # p. 144 (not checked)
sage: f = puiseux(G, 2)
sage: f[0]
alg0*x^(1/8) - 1/8*alg0^14*x^(19/4) + O(x^(45/8))
sage: f[0].base_ring()
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in alg0 over Rational Field with modulus alg0^16 + 1
Here one of the coefficients of the expansion vanishes for some of the possible
values of ``alg0``::
sage: from puiseux import puiseux
sage: P.<x> = QQ[]; Q.<y> = P[]
sage: p = ((y^2 - 2*x + 3*x^5)*(y^2 + 2*x + 3*x^3))
sage: f = puiseux(p, 0); f
[O(x^(1/2)), O(x^(1/2)), O(x^(1/2)), O(x^(1/2))]
sage: f[0].base_ring()
Rational Field
sage: f = puiseux(p, 1); f
[alg00*x^(1/2) + O(x^(9/2)), alg01*x^(1/2) + O(x^(5/2))]
sage: f[0].base_ring()
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in alg00 over Rational Field with modulus alg00^2 - 2
sage: f[1].base_ring()
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in alg01 over Rational Field with modulus alg01^2 + 2
sage: puiseux(p, 4)
[alg00*x^(1/2) - 3/4*alg00*x^(9/2) - 9/32*alg00*x^(17/2) - 27/128*alg00*x^(25/2) + O(x^(33/2)),
alg01*x^(1/2) + 3/4*alg01*x^(5/2) - 9/32*alg01*x^(9/2) + 27/128*alg01*x^(13/2) + O(x^(17/2))]
An example from Bouttier & Carrance (EJC, 2021,
where the base ring contains a parameter::
sage: Pol.<z, t, B, V, W> = QQ[]
sage: sys = [V*(2*B*V^2*W - V^2*W^2 - B*V*W - V^2*W + 2*B*V - 2*V*W - B - 2*V + W + 1),
....: 2*V^2 - V + t,
....: V^2*W^2 + 2*V*W + W*z - W + z]
sage: Id = ideal(sys)
sage: El = Id.elimination_ideal([V,W])
sage: pol = El.gen(0)//(t*(1+t))
sage: trans = pol(t=(1-t)/8).numerator()
sage: trans = Frac(QQ['z'])['t']['B'](trans)
sage: trans
((-16*z^2 + 32*z - 16)*t^3 + (48*z^2 - 96*z + 48)*t^2 + (-48*z^2 +
96*z - 48)*t + 16*z^2 - 32*z + 16)*B^4 + ((32*z^2 - 64*z + 32)*t^3 +
(-256*z^3 + 416*z^2 - 64*z - 96)*t^2 + (512*z^3 - 928*z^2 + 320*z
+ 96)*t - 256*z^3 + 480*z^2 - 192*z - 32)*B^3 + ((-24*z^2 + 40*z -
16)*t^3 + (256*z^3 - 600*z^2 + 296*z + 48)*t^2 + (-1024*z^4 + 1536*z^3
+ 312*z^2 - 776*z - 48)*t + 1024*z^4 - 1792*z^3 + 312*z^2 + 440*z +
16)*B^2 + ((8*z^2 - 8*z)*t^3 + (-64*z^3 + 200*z^2 - 136*z)*t^2 +
(-1152*z^3 + 792*z^2 + 360*z)*t + 1728*z^3 - 1512*z^2 - 216*z)*B -
z^2*t^3 + 27*z^2*t^2 - 243*z^2*t + 729*z^2
sage: [f] = puiseux(trans, 4); f
alg0 + (((z^2 - 5/8*z)/(z^2 - 1/2*z + 1/16))*alg0 + 9/16*z/(z^2 - 1/2*z +
1/16))*t + alg1*t^(3/2) + (((z^4 - 9/8*z^3 + 47/128*z^2 - 7/128*z)/(z^4 -
z^3 + 3/8*z^2 - 1/16*z + 1/256))*alg0 + (19/32*z^3 - 55/256*z^2 +
11/256*z)/(z^4 - z^3 + 3/8*z^2 - 1/16*z + 1/256))*t^2 + O(t^(5/2))
sage: f.base_ring()
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in alg1 over Univariate Quotient
Polynomial Ring in alg0 over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial
Ring in z over Rational Field with modulus (z - 1)*alg0^2 + (-8*z^2 +
7*z + 1)*alg0 - 27/4*z with modulus (1024*z^4 - 1792*z^3 + 960*z^2 -
208*z + 16)*alg1^2 - 64*z^2
import itertools
from sage.arith.misc import gcd
from sage.categories.fields import Fields
from sage.geometry.newton_polygon import NewtonPolygon
from sage.rings.polynomial.laurent_polynomial_ring import LaurentPolynomialRing
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_quotient_ring import PolynomialQuotientRing_generic
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_quotient_ring_element import PolynomialQuotientRingElement
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
from sage.rings.puiseux_series_ring import PuiseuxSeriesRing
from sage.rings.quotient_ring import QuotientRing_generic
from sage.structure.richcmp import op_EQ, op_NE
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
class DynamicExtensionSplit(ZeroDivisionError):
def __init__(self, proj):
assert len(proj) >= 2
self.domain = proj[0].domain()
self.proj = proj
super().__init__(f"Reducible extension: {self.domain}")
assert all(mor.domain() is self.domain for mor in proj)
class DynamicExtensionElement(PolynomialQuotientRingElement):
# TODO: conversion to plain PolynomialQuotientRingElement's
def __invert__(self):
if self._polynomial.is_zero():
raise ZeroDivisionError()
if self._polynomial.is_one():
return self
parent = self.parent()
if self._polynomial.is_unit():
inv_pol = self._polynomial.inverse_of_unit()
return self.__class__(parent, inv_pol)
modulus = parent.modulus()
g, _, a = modulus.xgcd(self._polynomial)
if == 0:
return self.__class__(self.parent(), (~g[0])*a, check=False)
# We discovered a proper factor g of modulus
raise DynamicExtensionSplit(parent.split(g))
def is_zero(self):
if self._polynomial.is_zero():
return True
elif == 0:
return self._polynomial[0].is_zero()
g = self.parent().modulus().gcd(self._polynomial)
if == 0:
# if we are working over another dynamic extension, just computing
# the degree should have been enough to split it if needed
assert g[0].is_unit()
return False
raise DynamicExtensionSplit(self.parent().split(g))
def _richcmp_(self, other, op):
eq = (self - other).is_zero()
if op == op_EQ:
return eq
elif op == op_NE:
return not eq
raise ValueError("no order is defined on {self.parent()}")
def is_unit(self):
return self != 0
def __int__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class DynamicExtension(UniqueRepresentation, PolynomialQuotientRing_generic):
sage: from puiseux import DynamicExtension, DynamicExtensionSplit
sage: Pol.<x> = QQ[]
sage: E = DynamicExtension(Pol, (x^2-2)*(x^2-3), 'a')
sage: a = E.gen()
sage: a^2-2
a^2 - 2
sage: a^2 == 0
sage: a^2 != 0
sage: ~a*a
sage: a^2 == 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
DynamicExtensionSplit: Reducible extension: Univariate Quotient
Polynomial Ring in a over Rational Field with modulus x^4 - 5*x^2 + 6
sage: try:
....: (a^3 - 2*a).is_zero()
....: except DynamicExtensionSplit as exn:
....: tuple(mor(a^3 - 2*a) for mor in exn.proj)
(0, a1)
Element = DynamicExtensionElement
def __init__(self, ring, polynomial, name=None, category=None):
self._PolynomialQuotientRing_generic__ring = ring
self._PolynomialQuotientRing_generic__polynomial = polynomial
if not polynomial.leading_coefficient().is_unit():
raise ValueError("polynomial must have unit leading coefficient")
QuotientRing_generic.__init__(self, ring, ring.ideal(polynomial), names=name, category=Fields())
self._base = ring # backwards compatibility -- different from QuotientRing_generic
def is_field(self, proof=True):
return True
def split(self, fac0):
fac1, rem = self.modulus().quo_rem(fac0)
if not rem.is_zero():
raise ValueError(f"{fac0} is not a factor of {self.modulus()}")
def mor(i, fac):
if == 1:
rt = -fac[0]/fac[1]
name = self.variable_name() + str(i)
fac = fac.change_variable_name(name)
rt = self.__class__(fac.parent(), fac, name).gen()
return self.hom([rt], codomain=rt.parent())
return (mor(0, fac0), mor(1, fac1))
# would it be useful to accept a minimum valuation instead of the boolean flag
# "positive_valuation"?
def puiseux(pol, order, positive_valuation=False, *, used_names=None, depth=0,
Compute a complete set of Puiseux series expansions of solutions of pol at
the origin.
- ``pol`` - TODO
- ``order`` - number of terms
A list of Puiseux series, each with coefficients in a (potentially
different) extension of the base ring of ``pol``, with the property that
considering all embeddings of the coefficient rings in an algebraic closure
of the base ring yields a full set of solutions over that algebraic
def dbg(msg):
if verbose:
print(" "*depth + msg)
Pol_xy = pol.parent()
y = Pol_xy.gen()
Pol_x = Pol_xy.base_ring()
Csts = Pol_x.base_ring()
Puiseux = PuiseuxSeriesRing(Csts, Pol_x.variable_name())
Pol_y = PolynomialRing(Csts, y)
if used_names is None:
used_names = set(Pol_xy.variable_names_recursive())
# Exact solutions
valuation = pol.valuation() # in y
sol = []*valuation
pol >>= valuation
polygon = NewtonPolygon([(i, c.valuation()) for i, c in enumerate(pol)])
slopes = polygon.slopes(repetition=False)
# in recursive calls, nonpositive valuations correspond to known terms
if positive_valuation:
slopes = [slope for slope in slopes if slope < 0]
for slope in slopes:
pol1 = pol
p, q = -slope.numerator(), slope.denominator()
# Reduce to a horizontal edge:
# x[new] = x[old]^(1/q)
# (--> y[old] = cst·x[old]^(p/q) + ··· = x[new]^p + ···)
# y[new] = x[old]^(-p/q)·y[old] = x[new]^(-p)·y[old]
x = Pol_x.gen()
xx = LaurentPolynomialRing(Csts, Pol_x.variable_name()).gen()
pol1 = Pol_xy([c(x**q) for c in pol1])(xx**p*y)
minval = min(c.valuation() for c in pol1)
pol1 = Pol_xy(xx**(-minval)*pol1)
eq_cst_coeff = Pol_y([c[0] for c in pol1])
dbg(f"{slope=}")# {pol1=} {eq_cst_coeff=}")
# Ignore zero roots since we are looking for a solution of valuation
# exactly p/q. This yields a polynomial of degree equal to the length
# of the current edge of the Newton polygon.
eq_cst_coeff >>= eq_cst_coeff.valuation()
if order == 0:
# Return len(slope) O(·) terms defined over Csts. We could also
# continue a bit further and return O(·) terms defined over each
# Ext that stand for deg(Ext) different tails starting with a
# constant belonging to Ext, but this seems to make the code more
# complicated for little benefit.
# XXX Should come before the computation of eq_cst_coeff and use
# the length of the slope instead.
big_oh_term = big_oh(Puiseux, p, q)
decomp = eq_cst_coeff.squarefree_decomposition()
for sqf, mult in decomp:
sqf = _remove_content(sqf)
if == 1:
cst_terms = [-sqf[0]/sqf[1]]
# Force a split if possible
# cst_terms[0].is_zero()
alg = _choose_name(used_names, 'alg')
Pol_alg = Pol_y.change_var(alg)
cst_terms = [DynamicExtension(Pol_alg, Pol_alg(sqf), alg).gen()]
while cst_terms:
y0 = cst_terms.pop()
Ext = y0.parent()
pol1_Ext = change_constants(pol1, Ext)
y_Ext = change_constants(y, Ext)
tails = puiseux(pol1_Ext(y0 + y_Ext), order - 1,
depth=depth + 1,
except DynamicExtensionSplit as split:
if split.domain is Ext:
# XXX Instead of redoing the whole computation, we
# could maybe apply the morphisms to the terms computed
# up to this point... (But how exactly do we handle
# recursive splits and the like then?)
dbg("splitting Ext")
cst_terms.extend(proj(y0) for proj in reversed(split.proj))
# Note that this coerces y0 into PuiseuxSeries(Ext).
sol.extend(ramify((y0 + y1).shift(p), q) for y1 in tails)
return sol
def change_constants(pol, Csts):
Pol_xy = pol.parent()
Pol_x = pol.base_ring()
if Pol_x.base_ring() is Csts:
return pol
NewPol_x = Pol_x.change_ring(Csts)
NewPol_xy = Pol_xy.change_ring(NewPol_x)
new_pol = NewPol_xy([NewPol_x(c) for c in pol])
return new_pol
def _choose_name(names, stem):
for i in itertools.count():
candidate = stem + str(i)
if candidate in names:
return candidate
def ramify(f, index):
Puiseux = f.parent()
return Puiseux(f.laurent_part(), e=index*f.ramification_index())
def big_oh(Puiseux, p, q):
return Puiseux(Puiseux.laurent_series_ring().zero().add_bigoh(p), e=q)
def _remove_content(pol):
Base = pol.base_ring()
pol = pol.numerator()
# TODO: also remove integer content in 2 variables, etc.
if isinstance(Base, DynamicExtension):
g = gcd(c._polynomial for c in pol)
cst = Base.element_class(Base, g)
# over QQ, this works, while content() returns 1
cst = gcd(c for c in pol)
return ~cst*pol
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