- Nov 16, 2021
Juan Escobar authored
Juan Escobar authored
Juan Escobar authored
Juan Escobar authored
Juan 16/11/2021: mode_openacc_set_device.f90,tools.f90, add _FAKEOPENACC for compile in OPENACCDEFONLY with gfortran/ifort etc ...
Juan Escobar authored
Juan Escobar authored
Juan 16/11/2021: ZSOLVER/ new source from MNH only to change intent(IN) -> INOUT for PDZX/Y , for get_halo2_d
Juan Escobar authored
Juan 16/11/2021: add orig source from MNH , to change intent(IN) -> INOUT for PDZX/Y , for get_halo2_d
- Oct 21, 2021
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 21/10/2021:ZSOLVER/mode_exchange2_ll.f90 , For GPU=OPENACC , add orig for no managed memory init_halo2 allocation/adaptation
- Oct 15, 2021
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 15/10/2021:tensor,prepare for nomanaged compilation -> replace %{dimx/y/z} in loop to avoid copyin of derived type structure
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 15/10/2021:tensor,prepare for nomanaged compilation -> add enter/exit data , for allocate variables
- Oct 12, 2021
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 12/10/2021:communication.f90, for GPU use async N/S/E/W kernels for haloswap_mnh , but not sure better performance
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
- Sep 21, 2021
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 21/09/2021:advection_uvw.f90, use pointer contiguous + MNH_ALLOCATE , & move kernels outside IF to avoid copy/Out of memory allocating nvhpc BUG !!
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 21/09/2021:p_abs.f90, use pointer contiguous + MNH_ALLOCATE , and add loop seq to avoid collapse(4) no reproductible computation
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 21/09/2021:ZSOLVER/turb_hor_thermo_flux.f90 , remove some empty acc kernels/end kernels ,generating empty serial kernels
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 21/09/2021:ZSOLVER/tridiag_thermo.f90 , use acc ... gang, vector , or vectorisation in only 1 dim on GPU
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
Juan 21/09/2021:ZSOLVER/update_lm.f90 , use GET_HALO_DDC + kernels async + wait for boundaries opt on GPU
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
- Sep 17, 2021
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
- Sep 15, 2021
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored