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Libtools sources may be retrieved with the following commands.
Choose a working directory to install the sources, then

- To get the latest stable revision :

         cvs co libtools

- To get the latest development release :

         cvs co -r LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-branch libtools

- To get the latest CNRM development release :

         cvs co -r LIBTOOLS-CNRM-branch libtools

- to get the LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-1-0-2 release :
         cvs co -r LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-1-0-2 libtools

Tags that may appear in this repository are explained below :

        |               LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-branch              LIBTOOLS-CNRM-branch
        |               =====================              ====================
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
 LIBTOOLS-1-0-0 ------------------+---------------------------------+
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                   DEV-SURC-7-4-1                          |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                  DEV-SURC-7-4-1-1                         |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                  DEV-SURC-7-4-1-2                         |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-1-0-1                       | 
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                         |                                 |
        |                LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-1-0-2     merge             | 
        |             merged_from_DEVEL_to_CNRM ---------> LIBTOOLS-CNRM-1-0-2
        |                         |                                 |
        .                         .                                 .
        .                         .                                 .
        .                         .                                 .

Branch TAGS

   MAIN : this branch contains official stable LibTools sources.
   LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-branch : this branch contains sources currently under 
                           development that sooner or later are merged to
                           main branch.

   LIBTOOLS-CNRM-branch : this branch is reserved to CNRM development/tests.
                          Sources may be merged to MAIN or LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-branch

Release TAGS

LIBTOOLS-x-y-z : this tag is applied to all sources of a stable LIBTOOLS release
                 on the MAIN branch.

LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-x-y-z : this tag is applied to all sources of a development LIBTOOLS 
                       release on the LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-branch development branch.

DEV-SURC-x-y... : this tag is only applied to the lib/SURCOUCHE sources on the
                  LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-branch development branch.

LIBTOOLS-CNRM-x-y... : this tag is applied to all sources of a development/test LIBTOOLS 
                       release on the LIBTOOLS-CNRM-branch development branch.

Note that all sources from LIBTOOLS-DEVEL-1-0-2 and LIBTOOLS-CNRM-1-0-2 release
are strictly identical (except maybe for the README.TXT file).