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\section{Conversion to NetCDF files}
\subsection{{\tt lfi2cdf} tool}
The \texttt{lfi2cdf} tool converts the binary part (or LFI file) of a
FM file (synchronous or diachronic) into a NetCDF file. All the fields
(or more precisely all the LFI articles) contained in the input LFI file
are copied to the NetCDF output file with their values unchanged. As
a LFI article does not hold any information on the variable, the tool
tries to describe the corresponding NetCDF variable by using~:
\item 3 LFI articles: \texttt{IMAX, JMAX,} and \texttt{KMAX}
if they are available in the LFI input file. These articles may
provide the NetCDF dimensions \texttt{DIMX, DIMY,} and \texttt{DIMZ}
of an array variable. If these variables are not available in the
input file, the tool treats each array variable as a 1D array.
\item a small database implemented as a structure array in the
\texttt{lfi2cdf} source file \texttt{fieldtype.f90}. This array
holds the type (\texttt{REAL, INTEGER, LOGICAL}\ldots) of every
common LFI article. When an article is not present in this database,
its name is displayed on \texttt{stdout} by the running tool, and
the corresponding values are always considered as \texttt{REAL}
values. A new LFI article type description can be easily added in
the \texttt{fieldtype.f90} source file and the tool must be then
The binary part of the FM file is required in the current directory.
The following commands convert a file \texttt{myfile.lfi} from LFI to NetCDF:
lfi2cdf myfile.lfi
lfi2cdf myfile
\noindent The output NetCDF file is named:
%myfile{\bf .cdf}.
It can easily be manipulated by NetCDF tools\footnote{see
freely available NetCDF software at} like
\texttt{ncdump}, \texttt{ncview}, or \texttt{NCO} operators.\\
\noindent In the same way, you will convert a NetCDF
file \texttt{myfile.cdf} back to LFI format by typing:
cdf2lfi myfile.cdf
cdf2lfi myfile
The output LFI file is then named: \texttt{myfile.lfi}
\subsection{{\tt extractdia} tool}
The \texttt{extractdia} tool converts a diachronic FM file into a NetCDF file after an extraction of a list of fields and an optional extraction of a sub-domain. See the section \ref{extractdia}.
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\section{Compression of FM files}
A specific compression tool has been developed for FM files. This
tool, called {\tt lfiz}, was first devoted for files that will be
explored by the graphic utility {\tt diaprog}. In fact, it is also
used for files used during a simulation (initial and coupling files)
to reduce the data storage. Some information of how the compression
works is given here, its execution is particularly easy.
\subsection{{\tt lfiz} tool}
The \texttt{lfiz} tool works on the binary part (LFI file) of a FM
file, synchronous or diachronic. It is a lossy compression tool.
The compressed articles are exclusively the 2-dimensional or
3-dimensional \texttt{REAL} fields. When dealing with 3D fields the tool works
with each 2D plane on every vertical level. The initial values stored
with 64-bit \texttt{REAL} precision are first converted into 32-bit
\texttt{REAL} precision and then compressed by mapping the 32-bit
real values upon 16-bit integer values (with a possible isolation of
extrema values). The better compression is
achieved for fields with small value range. For fields with missing
value (e.g. 2-dimensional fields with land-sea mask), the extremum
value is excluded and the compression is done on significant values of
the field. The minimum compression ratio is 4 for each 2D or 3D
\texttt{REAL} compressed field.
\subsection{{\tt unlfiz} tool}
The \texttt{unlfiz} tool will restore the 64-bit \texttt{REAL} value size to all
the compressed LFI articles. However, each previously compressed article
will gain no more than a 32-bit \texttt{REAL} precision because of the lossy
technique involved above.
The binary part of the FM file is required in the current
directory. To compress the file \texttt{myfile.lfi}, you can type:
lfiz myfile.lfi
\noindent This will produce the compressed file \texttt{myfile.Z.lfi}\\
\noindent In the same way, to uncompress the file \texttt{myfile.Z.lfi}, you can
unlfiz myfile.Z.lfi
\noindent The output file \texttt{myfile.lfi} is a valid LFI file but the LFI
articles previously compressed are 64-bit \texttt{REAL} with no more than 32-bit
\texttt{REAL} precision.
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\title {Tools related to Meso-NH model}
\author{N. Asencio, J. Duron, J. Escobar, D. Gazen, P. Jabouille, I. Mallet}
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# Version PC de la routine compute_r00 utilisee dans le programme DIAG
#(voir la doc. "Lagrangian trajectory and air-mass tracking analyses with
#MesoNH by means of Eulerian passive tracers", Gheusi and Stein, 2003)
# On garde la structure F90 et la routine d'interpolation (interpxyz) mais on
#utilise les routines de lecture/ecriture de fichiers diachroniques
# il faut disposer
# 1)des fichiers diachroniques contenant les champs Lagrangiens LGXM,LGYM,LGZM
#(conversion par conv2dia de fichiers synchrones issus d une simulation avec LLG=T)
# 2)d'un fichier de namelist nommé compute_r00.nam, contenant le nom des
# fichiers diachroniques et eventuellement une liste de champs supplementaires
# devant etre concatenes, ex:
cat<<'eof' >compute_r00.nam
&NAM_STO_FILE CFILES(1)='AR40_mc2_19990921.00d.Z',
# initialiser
export DIRLFI=directory_fichier_diachro # facultatif si les fichiers sont dans le repertoire courant
# initialiser la variable ARCH (LXNAGf95 sur PC, HPf90 sur HP)
export ARCH=LXNAGf95
# executer
# Les champs (X000,Y000,Z000,THM00,RVM00) sont concatenes depuis l instant
#initial (celui du dernier fichier de NAM_STO_FILE, CFILES(5) dans l exemple)
#jusqu'a l'instant du fichier traite (tous sauf le dernier de NAM_STO_FILE).
#Dans l exemple ci-dessus, une deuxieme serie de champs
#(X001,Y001,Z001,THM01,RVM01) sont concatenes depuis l'instant du fichier
#repere par NSTART_SUP(1) (CFILES(3) dans l exemple).
#Ces champs supplementaires sont ajoutes a ceux du fichier traite.
#Les possibilites de trace sont elargies puisque champs Lagrangiens concatenes
#et champs synchrones sont dans le meme fichier.
#personnalisation :
# cf $MESONH/MAKE/tools/diachro/exrwdia.LISEZMOI
# Pour modifier le programme:
# *initialiser et exporter la variable MNH_LIBTOOLS
# *dans votre repertoire de travail:
# copier le fichier Makefile.exrwdia de $MNH_LIBTOOLS/tools/diachro
cp $MNH_LIBTOOLS/tools/diachro/Makefile.exrwdia Makefile
# *creer un repertoire qui contiendra les fichiers sources nommé src
# puis y copier exrwdia.f90, le modifier eventuellement
mkdir src
cp $MNH_LIBTOOLS/tools/diachro/src/EXTRACTDIA/compute_r00_pc.f90 src/.
# compiler par
gmake PROG=compute_r00_pc
# *completer le Makefile (liste des objets dans OBJS et dependances)
# si vous ajoutez des routines (exemple dans
# $MESONH/MAKE/tools/diachro/Makefile.extractdia)
# Mise à jour le 30/04/2004
&NAM_STO_FILE CFILES(1)='AR40_mc2_19990921.00d.Z',
CFILES(5)='AR40_mc2_19990919.00d.Z' /
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#! /bin/sh
export DIRLFI
rm ${FILE}*zc*
/mesonh/MAKE/tools/diachro/${ARCH}_${B}/extractdia << EOF
1500 3000 5000
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#! /bin/sh
export DIRLFI
/mesonh/MAKE/tools/diachro/${ARCH}_${B}/extractdia << EOF
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