- Apr 12, 2023
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Jan 31, 2023
RODIER Quentin authored
P/.Tulet 31/01/22023: bugfix, possibility to have emissions of aerosols in PGD but not activating chemistry in the time-simulation emission in PGD is written if LCH_EMIS=T / LCH_SURF_EMIS is a flag activating emission flux durint the run LCH_EMIS is kept T if emissions are found in PGD BUT the interpolation table in prep_nest_pgd is built only if LCH_SURF_EMIS=F or LUSECHEM=F (==> NEQ=0 in SURFEX) ==> testing LCH_SURF_EMIS and NEQ is moved in ch_init_emissionn.F90 and ch_init_snapn.F90
RODIER Quentin authored
- Oct 03, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- Sep 08, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 08/09/2022: fix: reapply lost fix from ICCARE_BASE branch (use of Print_msg; comments and set_mask.f90 user routine set as 5.5.1 version)
- May 11, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin : 11/05/2022: bugfix GRIB2 ARPEGE since Epygram 1.4.8 read the Land-sea mask wrongly (always =1) because a field with the same parameterNumber and level was read
- May 09, 2022
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit dc763719)
- Apr 28, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- Apr 26, 2022
VIE Benoît authored
VIE Benoît authored
- Feb 11, 2022
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit dc763719)
- Jan 05, 2022
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Jan 04, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- Dec 01, 2021
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 37ea99b9)
- Jul 07, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Revert "P.Tulet 29/06/2021: SURFEX bugfix, PK%NSIZE_P can be zero leading to missing initialization of dust variables + missing logical LCH_SURF_EMIS for chemical emission activation" This reverts commit 5c068483. Bugfix non resolu totalement, en cours de resolution par Marie Minvielle
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 29, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
P.Tulet 29/06/2021: SURFEX bugfix, PK%NSIZE_P can be zero leading to missing initialization of dust variables + missing logical LCH_SURF_EMIS for chemical emission activation
RODIER Quentin authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
RODIER Quentin authored
23/07/2018 Correction from Arsene Druel for maj average 23/07/2018 Correction to read the 10-days periods in the PGD file (Rafife Nheili) 23/07/2018 Correction for PGD and NAM_DATA (Arsene Druel) 22/08/2018 Bug for parallel PREP & snow (array sizes) (Q. Rodier) 23/08/2018 Correction for LSPLIT_PATCH and LRESET_BUDGET=F (P. Samuelsson) 23/08/2018 Correction to have the same diagnostic output fields names with LSPLIT_PATCH=F 05/09/2018 bug fix from Aaron for MEB - initialisation 14/09/2018 Bugfix ISBA MEB (Aaron Boone) 25/09/2018 Error of dimension in allocation 10/10/2018 Bugfix ISBA MEB (Aaron Boone) 23/10/2018 Correction for upward compatibility for snow albedo 14/05/2019 BugFix: correction of H_TREE calculation by patch (impact only if H_TREE given in namelist, and if NPATCH different of 1 or NVEGTYPE) 21/06/2019 BugFix: correction of ZMASK used to initialise TEB variables when GTEB=FALSE in the extern file read for initialisation 23/08/2019 Bugfix NVEGTYPE_ECOSG / NVEGTYPE in read_nam_pgd_isba_meb (CEN) 17/11/2020 Bugfix: wrong initialisation of LIGNIN_STRUC and SOILCARB (when CRESPSL=CNT) 17/11/2020 Bugfix: correction for the writing of the variable ROOTFRAC in PREP file 29/03/2021 BugFix: YPHFILETYPE initialized twice, and missing initialization for YFERTFILETYPE Updated to last commit (e826177a)
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 29/06/2021: bugfix SURFEX avoid abort for interpolation of a field which is fully XUNDEF at spawning with ECOCLIMAP-SG. With ECOSG, a field can be fully XUNDEF after PGD.
- Jun 28, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
M.Goret 28/06/2021:bugfix increase LNOWRITE table and add abort if writing surfex field needs more memory (for long simulations/large number of surf. field writes without restart)
- Mar 26, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 26/03/2021: diag ISOALtitudes correction for cloud and precipitation and add potential temperature + remove debug print
- Dec 11, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 11/12/2020: adapt and fix GRIB2 keys expected to read AROME and ARPEGE files converted with Epygram 1.4.8 on Belenos
- Oct 27, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 27/10/2020: SURFEX v9, mis-usage of YRECFM (of size = LEN_HREC) variable for a comment variable. In SURFEX offline, LEN_HREC=12 which is not compatible here.
- Sep 16, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 16/09/2020: TSWATER bugfix: major correction on reading the land mask for interpolation of inland temperature TSWATER from GRIB file for AROME, ARPEGE, IFS and MOCAGE. The bug is present since MNH541 July 2018 when GFS was introduced. For all models, the land mask is 1=land ; 0=sea/inland water. Then, the surface temperature of the lakes is XUNDEF for PMASK/=0. With PMASK/=1 the surface temperature of the lakes was equal to land surface temperature (T2 in the grib)
- Sep 03, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 03/09/2020: GFS bugfix: vertical interpolation (ver_inter_to_mixed_grid.f90) from the GFS isobaric pressure grid was wrong. Previously, the computation of the altitude of mass points XZMASS_LS (ver_prep_gribex.f90) was done from XZFLUX_LS computed from the orography PZS_LS (in change_gribex_var.f90) as for hybrid vertical coordinate. However, the vertical grid of GFS is isobaric pressure (no orography). Thus, previously the first level of GFS data (at 1000hPa) was interpolated at the first grid level of MNH (orography + ZHAT) leading to strong biais of temperature, wind and so on near high topography. The corrections include : - reading of all levels (31), - add tyeOfFirstFixedSurface argument for SEARCH_FIELD routine to read correctly the orography and geopotential height from the GRIB, - reading the geopotential height in read_all_data_grib_case.f90 for GFS and inject it in the case of vertical interpolation of an isobaric pressure grid in ver_prep_gribex_case.
- Jul 28, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Marie M. 28/07/2020: correction to read correctly ASCLLV files during PREP step when coupled to MesoNH (e.g. files to initialize HUG and TG)
- Jul 24, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Marie M. 24/07/2020: SURFEX bugfix : correction of IF condition impacting the interpolation of tiles fractions at PGD step (when fractions are prescribed in a file and when some points don't have data) from commit f70f6454 of SURFEX repository 29/04/2019
- Jun 12, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Feb 28, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Sylvie D. 28/02/2020: Ecoclimap SG add STREAM type of IO and compatibility check of number of 20 vegtypes possible (before, only 19 vegtypes was possible with ecoclimap 2)
- Feb 26, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
- Feb 11, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Jan 27, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 27/01/2020: fix version of EPYGRAM to 1.3.7 and switch of GRIB number ID for Orograpgy and hydrometeors in ARPEGE/AROME GRIB2
- Nov 27, 2019
RODIER Quentin authored
Christine 27/11/2019: correction in the drag formula and application to building in addition to tree
- Nov 21, 2019
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 0bd1d21d)
- Oct 11, 2019
RODIER Quentin authored
- Sep 19, 2019
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Jul 03, 2019
WAUTELET Philippe authored