- Jul 01, 2021
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
- Jun 30, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 30/06/2021: bugfix OCEAN move constants change in ini_modeln to ensure change in every sub-model n
RODIER Quentin authored
F.Couvreux 30/06/2021: add LRELAX_UVMEAN_FRC forcing. Instead of LRELAX_UV_FRC which applies the u,v relaxation read in namelist on each atmospheric column, LRELAX_UVMEAN_FRC applies the relaxation on the horizontal mean of u and v at each level. To be used in LES mode.
RODIER Quentin authored
P.Tulet 30/06/2021: bugfix diag with chemistry variables : no time splitted needed at DIAG so SVT must be computed with XSVT and GSPLIT=F
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 29, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
P.Tulet 29/06/2021: SURFEX bugfix, PK%NSIZE_P can be zero leading to missing initialization of dust variables + missing logical LCH_SURF_EMIS for chemical emission activation
RODIER Quentin authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
23/07/2018 Correction from Arsene Druel for maj average 23/07/2018 Correction to read the 10-days periods in the PGD file (Rafife Nheili) 23/07/2018 Correction for PGD and NAM_DATA (Arsene Druel) 22/08/2018 Bug for parallel PREP & snow (array sizes) (Q. Rodier) 23/08/2018 Correction for LSPLIT_PATCH and LRESET_BUDGET=F (P. Samuelsson) 23/08/2018 Correction to have the same diagnostic output fields names with LSPLIT_PATCH=F 05/09/2018 bug fix from Aaron for MEB - initialisation 14/09/2018 Bugfix ISBA MEB (Aaron Boone) 25/09/2018 Error of dimension in allocation 10/10/2018 Bugfix ISBA MEB (Aaron Boone) 23/10/2018 Correction for upward compatibility for snow albedo 14/05/2019 BugFix: correction of H_TREE calculation by patch (impact only if H_TREE given in namelist, and if NPATCH different of 1 or NVEGTYPE) 21/06/2019 BugFix: correction of ZMASK used to initialise TEB variables when GTEB=FALSE in the extern file read for initialisation 23/08/2019 Bugfix NVEGTYPE_ECOSG / NVEGTYPE in read_nam_pgd_isba_meb (CEN) 17/11/2020 Bugfix: wrong initialisation of LIGNIN_STRUC and SOILCARB (when CRESPSL=CNT) 17/11/2020 Bugfix: correction for the writing of the variable ROOTFRAC in PREP file 29/03/2021 BugFix: YPHFILETYPE initialized twice, and missing initialization for YFERTFILETYPE Updated to last commit (e826177a)
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 29/06/2021: bugfix SURFEX avoid abort for interpolation of a field which is fully XUNDEF at spawning with ECOCLIMAP-SG. With ECOSG, a field can be fully XUNDEF after PGD.
- Jun 28, 2021
CHABOUREAU Jean-Pierre authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 28/06/2021: small optimisation in the call to ice4_rainfr_vert (create arrays with zeros instead of multiplications by zero)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 28/06/2021: netCDF: use correct integer datatypes for netCDF integers + respect Doctor norm
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 28/06/2021: IO: better management of pre-5.5 files (default values for missing fields instead of crash)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 28/06/2021: allocate to zero-size arrays in ini_model_n to prevent use of unallocated arrays later + allocate some of them to non zero-size only if necessary
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
RODIER Quentin authored
M.Goret 28/06/2021:bugfix increase LNOWRITE table and add abort if writing surfex field needs more memory (for long simulations/large number of surf. field writes without restart)
RODIER Quentin authored
- LIMA sedimentation (activated as for ICE3/C2R2) - correction of surface flux reduction with respect to the resolution (LGZ) to activate only if needed (grey-zone resolutions)