- May 19, 2016
C.LAC 26/04/2016 : negative contribution to the budget splitted between advection, turbulence and microphysics for KHKO/C2R2
Juan 19/04/2016 : bypass , For pb IOZ/NETCDF , pretende alway 2 ( > 1 ) I/O processors for homogenus PGD files
Philippe 14/04/2016: remove special treatment if nbproc in one direction is a prime number (was causing problems with PREP_NEST_PGD)
Philippe 04/04/2016: commented out PUBLIC line for netCDF subroutines (due to problems with ifort 10)
Philippe 25/03/2016: add kind=IDCDF_KIND for NetCDF integers (necessary to use NetCDF with 32-bit integers even when MNH_INT=8) + adaptation of the make rules
Juan 22/03/2016 :Suit Pb with writ_lfin JSA increment , modif in ini_nsv to have good order initialization
Juan 08/03/2016: add missing module contributed.ncl/WRFUserARW.ncl & switch to type=x11 direct visualisation