- Jan 04, 2021
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Dec 17, 2020
Juan Escobar authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Dec 16, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
ESCOBAR MUNOZ Juan authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Juan Escobar authored
- Dec 11, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 11/12/2020: temporary force the possible uncorrected negative values to be > 0. This commit should be reverted soon and the missing right correction of negative values of rv must be found
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 11/12/2020: adapt and fix GRIB2 keys expected to read AROME and ARPEGE files converted with Epygram 1.4.8 on Belenos
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 11/12/2020: minor: remove totalview from run of 013_Iroise KTEST and add missing compilation of NCARG tools on Belenos
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Dec 07, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 07/12/2020: add CLEANLIST1D_ll subroutine + use it to correctly deallocate associated memory (cherry picked from commit 2646cee7)
- Nov 05, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Oct 28, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 28/10/2020: default value of LRED is now TRUE (LRES = reduction of time dependency of ICE3/ICE4 microphysics scheme)
- Oct 27, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 27/10/2020: SURFEX v9, mis-usage of YRECFM (of size = LEN_HREC) variable for a comment variable. In SURFEX offline, LEN_HREC=12 which is not compatible here.
- Oct 26, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
CHABOUREAU Jean-Pierre authored
- Oct 13, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 246ad00d)
- Oct 09, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 74b8dba9)
- Oct 02, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 531f1b8e)
- Oct 01, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit b584a9ed)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit a02a7488)
- Sep 22, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Sep 16, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 16/09/2020: TSWATER bugfix: major correction on reading the land mask for interpolation of inland temperature TSWATER from GRIB file for AROME, ARPEGE, IFS and MOCAGE. The bug is present since MNH541 July 2018 when GFS was introduced. For all models, the land mask is 1=land ; 0=sea/inland water. Then, the surface temperature of the lakes is XUNDEF for PMASK/=0. With PMASK/=1 the surface temperature of the lakes was equal to land surface temperature (T2 in the grib)
- Sep 03, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 03/09/2020: GFS bugfix: vertical interpolation (ver_inter_to_mixed_grid.f90) from the GFS isobaric pressure grid was wrong. Previously, the computation of the altitude of mass points XZMASS_LS (ver_prep_gribex.f90) was done from XZFLUX_LS computed from the orography PZS_LS (in change_gribex_var.f90) as for hybrid vertical coordinate. However, the vertical grid of GFS is isobaric pressure (no orography). Thus, previously the first level of GFS data (at 1000hPa) was interpolated at the first grid level of MNH (orography + ZHAT) leading to strong biais of temperature, wind and so on near high topography. The corrections include : - reading of all levels (31), - add tyeOfFirstFixedSurface argument for SEARCH_FIELD routine to read correctly the orography and geopotential height from the GRIB, - reading the geopotential height in read_all_data_grib_case.f90 for GFS and inject it in the case of vertical interpolation of an isobaric pressure grid in ver_prep_gribex_case.
- Aug 28, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Aug 18, 2020
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit f43840dd)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 47004fb1)
- Aug 03, 2020
Juan Escobar authored
Juan 03/08/2020:Oasis Toy,run_mesonh_xyz, move MESONH at the end of Mpirun to have line debug info in scratch case
Juan Escobar authored
Juan 03/08/2020:mode_scatter.f90, For reduction of MPI_BUFFER_SIZE , in SCATTERXY_X3 replace MPI_BSEND -> MPI_ISEND
Juan Escobar authored
Juan Escobar authored
- Jul 28, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Marie M. 28/07/2020: correction to read correctly ASCLLV files during PREP step when coupled to MesoNH (e.g. files to initialize HUG and TG)
- Jul 24, 2020
RODIER Quentin authored
Christine 24/07/2020: correction on Prandtl functions for subgrid condensation with 3D turbulence scheme