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  • MNH-51X
  • MNH-52X
  • MNH-53-branch
  • MNH-54-branch
  • MNH-54X-dev-IO
  • MNH-54X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-54X-dev-SFX81
  • MNH-55-branch
  • MNH-55-branch-ecrad140
  • MNH-55X-dev-IO
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-55X-dev-SFX9
  • MNH-55X-dev-modern
  • MNH-56-branch
  • MNH-56-dev-PHYEX
  • MNH-561-dev
  • MNH-56X-SFX9
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-1
  • MESONH-v55-OpenACC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-2
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-02-ELEC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-1
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-01-PHYEX_v0.6.3
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-00-SURFEX_V9-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0-03_PHYEX-v0.3.0
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Apr2522212019151413121187654131Mar30292825242322211817161514111098732128Feb2625242322171615141110987432131Jan28272625242120191817141312111054317Dec16876130Nov26252423221918171685Merge branch 'LIMA_NEW' of /home/vie/MNH/MNH-git_open_source-lfs into LIMA_NEWCompilation OKadd untracked filesInitial ICCARE_BASE branch from ICCARE_BASE user source - does not compile !Quentin 25/04/2022: bugfix Expand physical point vertical limits for AROME (use IKTB:IKTE instead of IKB:IKE)Quentin 25/04/2022: Expand in physical points : tke_eps_sourcesBugfix for compilation on Ubuntu PC.Add additional folders in .gitignore.Philippe 25/04/2022: NVHPC bug workaround: use present_cr in turb and tke_eps_sourcesPhilippe 22/04/2022: rename TSTATIONTIME to TSTATPROFTIMEPhilippe 22/04/2022: rename NSTATIONNAMELGTMAX to NSTATPROFNAMELGTMAXJuan 22/04/2022:Juan:ZSOLVER/turb.f90, Bit Reproductible for CRAY -> MNH_BITREP_OMPS. Riette 22/4/2022 Array declations in compute_entr_detrJuan 22/04/2022:Juan:ZSOLVER/tke_eps_sources.f90, remove now identical file from ZSOLVER versus MNHJuan 22/04/2022:Juan:ZSOLVER/tke_eps_sources.f90, Bit Reproductible for CRAY -> MNH_BITREP_OMPMerge branch 'GPU' into SR_GPU_PMMC09Merge branch 'main' into GPUS. Riette 22/4/2022 shuman_mf functions tranformed into subroutineJuan 21/04/2022:ZSOLVER/ , remove now identical file from ZSOLVER versus MNHModification of small_3D_alt7, addition of small_3D_alt8Philippe 21/04/2022: write_stationn: improve writing code (now similar to write_profilern)Juan 21/04/2022:Juan:ZSOLVER/ , Cray Bug/Opt Bypass , use do conccurrent + present_cr + acc_nv + dir concurrentJuan 21/04/2022:Juan:ZSOLVER/ , Cray Bug/Opt Bypass , use do conccurrent + present_cr + acc_nv + dir concurrentJuan 20/04/2022:Juan&Naima:MNH/ , Cray Bug/Opt Bypass , use do conccurrent + present_cr + acc_nv + dir concurrentPACK-MNH-V5-5--…PACK-MNH-V5-5--0-05_CINES_HPE_MASTER_OK_PARALLEL_BITREP_TURB_CLOUD_28ITJuan 20/04/2022:Juan&Naima:MNH/turb.f90/tke_eps_sources.f90, Bit Reproductible for CRAY -> MNH_BITREP_OMPPhilippe 20/04/2022: stations: transform modi->mode for write_station_nPhilippe 20/04/2022: stations: use parameters for character stringsS. Riette 20/4/2022 Bugfix to run STAT cloud scheme and LOSIGMAS=FTwo more cases for IALPhilippe 20/04/2022: stations: optimise stations (less communications, less memory...)S. Riette 20/4/2022 Structure and array declaration for mode_mf_turb*S. Riette 19/4/2022 Structure and array declaration for mode_compute_mf_cloud*S. Riette 19/4/2022 structure and array declaration for mode_compute_bl89_ml.F90S. Riette 19/4/2022 structure and array declaration for compute_updraft_*S. Riette 19/4/2022 Structure and array declaration for mode_th_r_from_thl_rt_1d.F90Merge branch 'GPU' into SR_GPU_PMMC09S .riette 19/4/2022 mesonh/rain_ice suppressionS. Riette 19/4/2022 Structures for compute_updraftS. Riette 19/4/2022 Structures in mode_thl_rt_from_th_r_mf.F90Juan 15/04/2022:MNH/tke_eps_sources.f90, Cray GPU Opt/Bug bypass, add !dir$ concurrent