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  • MNH-51X
  • MNH-52X
  • MNH-53-branch
  • MNH-54-branch
  • MNH-54X-dev-IO
  • MNH-54X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-54X-dev-SFX81
  • MNH-55-branch
  • MNH-55-branch-ecrad140
  • MNH-55X-dev-IO
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-55X-dev-SFX9
  • MNH-55X-dev-modern
  • MNH-56-branch
  • MNH-56-dev-PHYEX
  • MNH-561-dev
  • MNH-56X-SFX9
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-1
  • MESONH-v55-OpenACC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-2
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-02-ELEC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-1
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-01-PHYEX_v0.6.3
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-00-SURFEX_V9-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0-03_PHYEX-v0.3.0
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Feb18171615121110432129Jan28252120191514118765418Dec171615141110987426Nov241917131210954328Oct2726221615141312987652130Sep252221181614328Aug261918171413121175328Jul2421109876130Jun252423181211428May131276528Apr272423211716141086130Mar2726251918171312111096543228Feb272625241128Jan27232221201716918Dec95228Nov27252221158723Oct2118141110432127Sep24201917161310951Aug24Jul23181716109832Philippe 19/02/2021: budgets: TR source term correctly computedPhilippe 19/02/2021: bugfix: RIM and ACC terms for budgets are now correctly storedPhilippe 19/02/2021: bugfix: correct condition for NSEDIRRPhilippe 18/02/2021: budgets: add DISSH terms to NLES_DISS index (as in older MNH versions)Philippe 18/02/2021: budgets: add missing scalar variables switch (nothing to do with them for the moment)Philippe 18/02/2021: minor small improvementsPhilippe 17/02/2021: fix: remove #endif (added by mistake in commit efa327ed)Philippe 17/02/2021: budgets: several forgotten bugfixesPhilippe 17/02/2021: budgets: add missing terms for budgets in lima_nucleation_procs (are already in ini_budget)Philippe 17/02/2021: budgets: add missing terms for budgets in lima_nucleation_procsPhilippe 16/02/2021: bugfix: GMASK3D_RELAX was not computed if OHORELAX_UVWTH=F and needed by other variablesPhilippe 17/02/2021: budgets: add DRIFT and CORAY terms for electricityPhilippe 17/02/2021: budgets: add DRIFT and CORAY terms for electricityPhilippe 17/02/2021: budgets: bugfix for REL term for SV budgets (if electricity)Philippe 16/02/2021: budgets: improve conditions for electricity source termsPhilippe 16/02/2021: bugfix: GMASK3D_RELAX was not computed if OHORELAX_UVWTH=F and needed by other variablesPhilippe 16/02/2021: budgets: add terms for hail budget in electricity + add missing termsPhilippe 16/02/2021: budgets: add forgotten variables in namelistsPhilippe 16/02/2021: budgets: bugfixes in rain_ice_elecPhilippe 15/02/2021: budgets: correct electricity budgetsPhilippe 12/02/2021: budgets: bugfix: do not call budgets for all SV budgets if LRELAX2FW_ION=TPhilippe 12/02/2021: budgets: bugfix: do not call budgets for all SV budgets if LRELAX2FW_ION=TPhilippe 12/02/2021: bugfix: change STATUS for opening files containing flash information (NEW->UNKNOWN)Philippe 12/02/2021: bugfix: change STATUS for opening files containing flash information (NEW->UNKNOWN)Philippe 11/02/2021: budgets: bugfix: lbu_beg was modified at wrong placePhilippe 11/02/2021: budgets: add missing term SCAV for NSV_LIMA_SCAVMASS budgetPhilippe 11/02/2021: budgets: add missing term SCAV for NSV_LIMA_SCAVMASS budgetPhilippe 11/02/2021: bugfix: ZRTMIN was of wrong size (replaced by a scalar)Philippe 11/02/2021: bugfix: ZRTMIN was of wrong size (replaced by a scalar)Philippe 10/02/2021: bugfix: initialized PPART_DRY everywherePhilippe 10/02/2021: bugfix: initialized PPART_DRY everywherePhilippe 10/02/2021: budgets: bugfix: correct 2DREL source for RV budgetPhilippe 10/02/2021: budgets: add missing sources for NSV_C2R2BEG+3 budgetPhilippe 10/02/2021: budgets: add missing sources for NSV_C2R2BEG+3 budget if LSUPSAT=TPhilippe 04/02/2021: budgets: treat more cases in Write_diachroPhilippe 04/02/2021: budgets: bugfixes for LDRAGTREE if LIMA + small optimisations and verificationsPhilippe 04/02/2021: budgets: bugfixes for LDRAGTREE if LIMAPhilippe 04/02/2021: budgets: correct several conditions for LIMA in ini_budgetPhilippe 04/02/2021: budgets: add IMLT source for IFN_NUCL budgetsPhilippe 03/02/2021: budgets: add new source if LIMA splitting: CORR2