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  • MNH-51X
  • MNH-52X
  • MNH-53-branch
  • MNH-54-branch
  • MNH-54X-dev-IO
  • MNH-54X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-54X-dev-SFX81
  • MNH-55-branch
  • MNH-55-branch-ecrad140
  • MNH-55X-dev-IO
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-55X-dev-SFX9
  • MNH-55X-dev-modern
  • MNH-56-branch
  • MNH-56-dev-PHYEX
  • MNH-561-dev
  • MNH-56X-SFX9
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-1
  • MESONH-v55-OpenACC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-2
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-02-ELEC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-1
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-01-PHYEX_v0.6.3
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-00-SURFEX_V9-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0-03_PHYEX-v0.3.0
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Jan2120191817141312111054317Dec16876130Nov262524232219181716854327Oct262522212019151412118430Sep242120171615141310976130Aug27262523201817161312119653228Jul27232221201916151312987652130Jun292825231816151410984328May262521201918117654330Apr29282726201916151292131Mar3026242322191817115432119Feb181716151211104Quentin 24/01/2022: Ignore files from last commit + add th_r_from_thl_rt* mesonh routinesQuentin 24/01/2022: Move routines to mode_ and clean prandtl.F90M. Mandement 24/01/2022:bugfix : init of theta_l in mixtures was too low (0.1K) ==> 300KQuentin 24/01/2022: bugfix last commit, module MODD_REF already existing in micro/modd_refaro for LCOUPLESQuentin 21/01/2022: bugfix last commit functions in tools.F90 not read by mode_ll.F90 (despite the USE ???) ==> Functions WEST/SOUTH/NORTH/EST migrated to mode_ll.F90Quentin 21/01/2022: bugfix last commit, mode_tools already exists in tools.F90 Quentin 21/01/2022: Merge MNH->COMMON turb.F90 only I/O and UPDATE_ROTATE_WINDSR 21/01/2022 compute_frac_ice as fortran includeQuentin 21/01/2022: mv routines to mode (tridiag* and tm06*)Sébastien 21/01/2022 MNH/AROME->COMMON compute_function_thermo_mf.F90Quentin 21/01/2022: Merge AROME-MNH->COMMON turb_ver_thermo_flux and _corrPhilippe 21/01/2022: bugfix: correct index for reading of ATC variablesMNH-54-branchMNH-54-branchQuentin 21/01/2022: Merge MNH-AROME -> COMMON turb_ver_sv_corr and _fluxQuentin 20/01/2022: Merge MNH-AROME->COMMON turb_ver_dyn_fluxQuentin 20/01/2022: bugfix of last commit modd_XXXn must not contain TYPE exchange of MNH gridnesting : modd_turbn iwas for now the only one used in the code (so OK for the other modd_XXXXn not used)Quentin 20/01/2022: rename .f90 -> .F90Quentin 20/01/2022: Merge turb_ver and below Interfaces and Modules onlyQuentin 19/01/2022: fix Budget names (respect the old names of AROME with the new budget procedureQuentin 19/01/2022: Budget added in tke_eps_sourcesPhilippe 19/01/2022: minor: remove wrongly duplicated linesPhilippe 19/01/2022: rename MNH_CRAY => MNH_COMPILER_CCEPhilippe 9/01/2022: a workaround for Cray CCE was not working with Nvidia NVHPC!Merge branch 'MNH-55-branch' into MNH-55X-dev-OPENACCMerge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC' into MNH-55X-dev-OPENACCSébastien Riette 18/01/2022 ICE3 adjustmentPhilippe 18/01/2022: OpenACC: Cray compiler does not support directives with kernels and loop in the same onePhilippe 18/01/2022: OpenACC: move more Print_msg calls outside of kernels regionsPhilippe 18/01/2022: OpenACC: store result of LNORTH_ll() and co in logicals to be used in kernels regions + do also this for HLBCX and cobugfix : USE MODI_LIMA_BERGERONInitial versionLSNOW=F fix & minor correctionLSNOW=F fix & minor correctionPhilippe 17/01/2022: OpenACC: minor (ZSOLVER): remove empty kernels regionPhilippe 17/01/2022: OpenACC: minor: remove empty kernels regionPhilippe 17/01/2022: OpenACC: Cray compiler does not like collapse directive before do concurrenPhilippe 17/01/2022: OpenACC: move Print_msg calls outside of kernels regionsPhilippe 17/01/2022: OpenACC: Cray compiler does not like collapse directive before do concurrentQuentin 14/01/2022: fix for last commit PEDR is now optionalQuentin 14/01/2022: tke_eps_sources merge with I/O and _ll sources :Philippe 14/01/2022: add CSV_CHEM_LIST(_A) to store the list of all chemical variables + NSV_CHEM_LIST(_A) the size of the list